#i forgot to put alisa in nekomas post....
hanamakkiss · 4 years
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Haikyuu boys cooking
Shiratorizawa | Nekoma | Karasuno
time for krows kakao~
Sawamura Daichi ↠ a responsible cook! uses (in everyone else opinion) too little seasoning BUT HE MEANS WELL 😭😭 so u just eat it but when he turns his back while cooking add some more salt in there!!! it needs it 😂😂😂 loves cooking with you sososoo much cus its one of the times where u actively spend time together. does sappy things like dance with u while waiting for the water to boil 🥰 and buys matching aprons
Sugawara Koushi ↠ ask him if he can cook and he'll give u the most beautiful smile and say "😇no😇" i mean, look at that face, makes u want to cook for him!!! 😒😠🥺🥰 all the neighbourhood aunties love him and bring him food all. the. time.😋 he doesnt know how to cus he nevers needs to! even when yall start living together he just keeps bringing home food from the neighbours!!!
Azumane Asahi ↠ can but rather bakes. and hes really good at it!! like baking cause the motions are calming and it helps with his anxiety. likes to listen to podcast whilst doin so. a panic baker too when hes stressed he instinctively bakes so you always have sweets at home LMAO. bakes ur fave desserts when ur down 🍮🧁😘
Tanaka Ryunnosuke ↠ knows the basics but isnt very good at it but if you're too tired to cook he will definitely whip up a meal for u!!! practices really hard to at least be able to cook ur fave dish well!!🥰🥰🥰 a fantastic person to cook for LMAO cus hes used to saeko and will give anything a try at least one cus sometimes they turn out ✨amazing✨
Nishinoya Yuu ↠ king of reaheating leftovers!!! no patience for cooking but somehow manages to make day old food taste fresh again. share your secrets young man 🔪🔪 dont lose sight of ur food while reheating cus he WILL snatch it up. doesnt matter how much he loves u cus he thinks with his stomach 🤤🤤🤤 makes up to u w ice cream (bitch!!! my lagsana!!!) absolute joy to cook for tho he eats everything
Hinata Shouyou ↠ king of prep!! cuts veggies🥒 and fruits🍑 so finely and beautifully u ask him for help all the time. he learnt from his mum when he was younger, but didnt actually do the cooking part. really good at making garnishes like apple bunnies and tomato roses. when he makes one he shows it to u excitedly and makes u go 🥰🥰🥰
Kageyama Tobio ↠ LMAO u think he can work a stove??? banned from the kitchen after he made an egg explode once. u tried asking what happened but he looked so traumatised u just let it go. will stay around the doorway just in case. (in case of WHAT? but he doesnt answer🥴)
Tsukishima Kei ↠ can do it but hates cooking😒 he thinks the clean up is too much of a hassle. if u ask him to help u he pretends he didnt hear u and puts on his headphones LMAO 🙄 in a pinch he just throws ingredients into a pot and hopes for the best
Yamaguchi Tadashi ↠ he can't! but only cause it... never crossed his mind to try? so when u ask him if he cooks he blanks out 😶 but after that he's super enthusiatic about learning and watches cooking videas all. the. time LOL he always sending u vids of mouth-watering food at night and making u hungry 🤤😠😠 lots of cooking dates where you guys try your best HAHAHAH
Bonus (because i love them 🥺)
Shimizu Kiyoko ↠ can do simple meals! shes an independant woman 😗💪🏻💪🏻 so she makes healthy balanced meals (they taste so good tho 🤤🤤🤤🤤), but make sure to take turns with her otherwise in 2 weeks she has exhausted her repertoire and u might sick of the same dishes😔
Yachi Hitoka ↠ shes really really good at it!! cooking together was one of the ways her mum and her spent time together when she was younger. it helps calm her cause she associates happy memories with it!🥰🥰 and also she loves seeing people happily eat her food she is the sweetest!!! if u ever have craving let her know she'll give it a shot. also makes the cutest bentos ever 🍱🍱🍱
Tanaka Saeko ↠ she's an experimentalist! once in a while she gets ✨inspired✨ and makes some... questionable changes to a recipe and its a hit or miss LMAO the bads are really bad but the good experiments taste so heavenly 🤤 u wonder if she should open a resturant but she forgets the recipe immediately so u probably wont taste it again 😭😭
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mooksmookin · 7 years
If you have time, can you talk about the Mage AU? I really wanna draw Mage Shoyo but I wanna also make sure I don't do something outlandish when I do
as for character designs we dont have very many BUT ive doodled hinata’ outfit a lot and you can view them in my mages au tag!!
as for what its about, here’s the current summary i have up on my au list page:
Over a thousand years ago, a dark mage wrecked havoc upon the world. The world was thrown into chaos due to the dark mage’s curses and conjurings of different terrible, dreadful monsters. It isn’t until a white mage rose up and fought against the dark mage that the people had a glimpse of hope. In the final confrontation between the white mage and the dark mage, the dark mage used the last of all of their life energy and magic power to cast one final curse: Every 300 years, the dark mage would be reborn, as would the white mage. They would always perish together, and there would be no hope for the people.
After 4 iterations of these rebirths, Hinata and Oikawa are born.
kj and i are working on a big character list, but in the meantime heres the rundown:
Hinata lives in Torino Village and is the White Mage
Oikawa i cant get much into bcuz spoiler reasons but he’s the Dark Mage
Daishou is king and a curse was placed on him that causes anyone he looks at to turn to stone so he wears an enchanted mask to hide his eyes and make sure this curse doesnt effect anyone
Iwaizumi is the best royal knight in the castle and is appointed by Daishou to aid Hinata on his journey
Kiyoko is a witch that lives in Hinata’s village, Yachi her helper (and gf)
Tendou is also a royal knight originally from Shiratori Village (which is basically all and a bit more of shiratorizawa)
Kageyama is also a royal knight
Alisa is also royal knight
Saeko is a blacksmith that works in the royal city and Tanaka lives with her and they’re originally from Torino Village
Kuroo is a werecat from (insert name here cuz i forgot it) Village ((the whole village are werecats its a curse put onto them)) (((basically almost all of nekoma are here)))
Mattsun and Makki are vampires that run a tavern and are gay and in love
Bokuto is the uhhhh lord? ruler? Appointed Person of a city i cant remember the term and Akaashi is his right hand man
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i cant think of any others atm but yeah!!
we also have a bunch of monsters we came up with (my favorite being the 5 leviathans) that will come up during the fic and also how magic works in the fic im proud of planning that out (it’ll be explained) and basically im just so very excited for this fic i cant wait to start posting it we have chapter 1 done and are part of the way into chapter 2 but we wanna have quite a few chapters done before we start posting it i dont wanna get too much into it bcuz spoilers but we have SO MUCH GOOD STUFF planned im SO HYPED FOR IT
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