#i forgot to add those. maybe thatll help make this feel fair
bismuthburnsblue · 4 months
Who saw that one coming, huh? certainly not me! a big surprise, but you know what? i will NOT be complaining about not sewing sleeves (though its less about putting them in and more about making a nice pattern, for me) its too early to say, but there might be some fun facing shenanigans coming with this choice!
Onto the collars! Once again, these are generalised a little, ill decide the exact shaping as im doing the patterning (there wont be a lot of variation, just widths and precise angles)
To split this up in a way that gives each option a fair vote, i decided to do this as a mini bracket! this post will contain the first poll, and there will be links to the other two for this round right below it. as usual there will be explanations of what exactly im meaning with each option under the cut- it might really be worth reading for this round, because some of the differences between options kind of only exist as long as i cut them differently (its hard to explain- i did a LOT of research and didnt come to any actual separations on some fronts)
There may also be an additional round for decorative features- piping, contrast accents, fun little shapes! itll depend what option is picked, i think :)
Lapel/Revere Collar vs Peter Pan Collar
Shawl Collar vs Convertible Collar (no stand)
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Shirt Collar (with stand): i really struggled to define the difference between this and the convertible collar- theres not one solid answer, honestly. for the purposes of this poll im separating it based on whether its constructed with one piece, or two! if you look at all these images, you'll see that at the neckline, theres a band of fabric sewn in to bridge the divide between the shirt and the collar. the main thing this does is make the collar sit more upright on the neck, versus without which tends to sit flatter along the shoulders. it has a very traditional shirt look, but tends to only look really good when fully buttoned, in my eyes.
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You could also have shirt collars that look something like this!! fun shapes and layers, the world is your oyster :)
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Wing Collar: Based on my research, these can really be any shape you can imagine, at any angle and any rise. The main unifying factor is how they come to a much stronger point than a regular collar. in general, the ones i like sit pretty flat to the body at the front, folding over softly instead of having a noticeable rise (like a shirt collar does) for me, the point also has to be visible (though it can sit pretty high up round the shoulder) as otherwise it starts to look too much like a shawl collar.
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isaacathom · 7 years
so im googling the towns the gyms are in so i can add a little more to them and their leaders and uh warrnambools coming up dust. dairy?? the fuck am i going to use with dairy for fuckin jimin??? what am i gonna do with that???? hes a flying boy! whats he got with milktank. like that doesnt actually help me
what ill probably do for him specifically is play up the port angle - warrnambool used to be a big port town, hence that kickass maritime museum (admittedly i was like 10 so maybe its not as kickass as i remember). so you play up that, that has a tie to the wind, so Jimin has relevance. give him a pelipper and hes all good. not sure i ever pictured him for a sailor type but he DID live in the big port city in EC so actually that does track. him and william are both good swimmers. explains why they live in port cities, ya? nicely done. can Mattie swim? probably not.
so actually him being in delivery makes total sense. but i gotta play up the seaward angle because sky delivery was Skyla’s thing, with the planes. he doesnt have planes, per se, but still! boats n shit. trains? oes.... does a train actually run to warrnambool from melbourne? i doubt it. oh, it does, but its one of those booked trains. wild. ok not trains, then. boats dooo seem kinda useless when its on the mainland, BUT if we make the route between it and WIlliam’s joint really long and arduous (which, to be fair, gettin to warrnambool from geelong is goddamn arduous even if great ocean road is a+). actually yea, make the route between those two towns great ocean. that way, it makes SENSE for people to use boats between the two towns/cities/yahea, because its just that little bit more convenient, especially if the winds are on your side. which, if youve got ol Jimin, you’ve got em! its his speciality. nice. plus, if the seas ever bad, and a delivery needs to be made, ya boy is here
this doesnt reallt change anything story wise, since i plan for Jimins city to be a fairly painless affair, to contrast the absolute fuck show Henry is going to force you through PLUS any other mess.
though. i do need to play Small Fry’s a-R FUCK I FORGOT TO GIVE SMALL FRY A NAME. /DAMMIT/. ok listen whatever. ol small fry has to get arrested at some point, BEFORE the player encounters Felicity in the base (but after the player has encountered Felicity in general). s, before the mountain trip. uh..... hmmm..... between sonya and lucienne? beechworths in the middle and it and luciennes town are all about the past, and ol ghosties (though sonyas town also has a nice ghost chunk due to, yknow, The Fires). would be fun for Elliot. thooouuuggggh would elliot be there??? i feel like he needs to be. for his character arc, i mean. hes gotta succeed some time? though he is present for the tower thing, which id argue to more the completion of his arc anyway? or a big point, since he either runs or he stays and that heavily impact his potential reconciliation with Rhia. so i guess he doesnt need to be present during? afterwards absolutely! itd be the build up - hes not present for any of the other Team shit up to that point, and now he finally arrives, late - but its him building up to actually being there. same when he rescues you from the base on the east.
so, the base is in.... beechworth??? well, i say Base. its a throwaway base. itd be really easy. in terms of trainer count, anyway. it SHOULD tip the player off that this isnt the end. its too early, too easy. theres something more. thatll be fun. maybe its on the route between them? somewhere between 6-7, sonya and lucienne. maybe its like.... west of beechworth? an area off of it. just a nice house, like what people live in. idk how youd get involved. maybe through Zeke? or [Sam]? Sam might be a good choice, since this is basically the last time theyll show up before you’ve basically locked in their route (insofar as that route impacts the Tower shit). mb the idea is that Sam meets you there and takes you to buy some of those Fucking Good pastries (no seriously beechworth pastries are really good i strongly recommend it. dunno about like veggie options but the snag roll was heavenly) and while youre outside chatting (getting those sweet convo points to set the route) you notice some grunts running off down the road with a pokemon. and sam, being a goodie, runs after them, and you follow, because its natural to do so (also mandatory because an npc who watched will force you to go if you try to leave lol). so you get to fight through the grunts with sam, and then theyll leave to call the Org/League/Etc. 
and, of course, this completely disrupts the plan for the Org. when they arrive and find you with a beaten Small Fry, who was completely caught off guard by you and soundly whooped, youve thrown a spanner in the works. Small Fry was the initial, easy option for a fall guy re: the legendary thing. youve just gotten them arrested, and the only way to have him still be the fall guy is to have him escape, which would damage the org reputation. so, youve fucked them. hence the escalation from that point to doing shady shit, trying to force Jun’s hand, or Rhia’s hand, or ANYONE’S hand. they could have succeeded at forcing Rhia’s hand if Elliot hadn’t shown up and ultimately given her what she wanted.idk. ooh, Rhia could show up the base, with the idea from the Org being that, of COURSE, you’ll fail to defeat Small Fry and Rhia, being disabled, will be unable to make it in time. of course, she’s more mobile than they think, and you’re a tough cookie, and Rhia makes the arrest. Rhia’s the one who fucks them. OOF, and aybe this is the point where you start getting Team vibes from Rhia. she walks in very calmly, calls Small Fry by his name (WHATEVER THAT NAME IS, god DAMMIT), and when he attempts to use that snark to escape, she stops him very calmly. the relationship is too casual to be coincidence. they’ve got history. but what IS that history? Rhia doesn’t tell you, but she’s got a sly smile. you assume its because shes sided with SF and she’s gonna free him, but shes actually smiling because she’s sabotaging T/O. nicely done. love you, rhia. blows kiss
hmm. yea. then Sam will congratulate you, you get your last mandatory dialogue with Sam prior to the Tower, and off you go, up the road, to Luciennes town and her Ghost gym. i think i like that set up. nice.
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