#i forgot to add a message when i sent this in
casualhedonists · 9 months
✩ it don’t need your loving, it just needs attention ✩ (chapter three)
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pairing: Coriolanus Snow x reader
chapter: 3/? (MASTERLIST)
warnings: NSFW (18+), snow being snow, themes of sex work (not the reader), cuckolding, eventual smut, fake relationship, unprotected sex, themes of voyeurism & mild exhibitionism, murder mention (but no actual murder) (not yet at least?), MAJOR manipulation/gross power dynamics + generally darkish themes, power play, oral sex, thigh riding, degradation, dirty talk, eventual piv, i’m new to full on smut bear with me here (and pls tell me if i forgot anything!)
i do not give permission for my work to be reposted/translated anywhere, under any circumstances.
taglist: if you’d like to be tagged, leave a comment on the masterlist post and i’ll add you! 💌
a/n: thank you for your patience and condolences / kind messages over the past week i’ve been awol. i’m very happy to be back. very long, filthy and much awaited chapter ahead, so strap in and hope you enjoy the ride.
in the words of miss zegler herself: oh we are so back.
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You weren’t sure how long he stared at you, smiling with a fire in his eyes that rivalled yours until it was eclipsed. A third and final time, you found yourself speechless, dumbstruck, and one final time, much like the others, you took a few shaky steps backwards, before turning and fleeing.
He knew. He’d known this whole time. How long had he been planning this? Exactly how much of this had been an act, with Snow puppeteering you as you slowly lost your mind?
You almost felt pity for the girl, because she was played just like you were. She was a mere pawn in his game of chess, where he’d toyed with you until you were backed into a corner, unable to make a move.
Well, not this time. Now you knew what he was playing, you were ready to up your game. This wouldn’t be another stalemate; you wanted to win, and you had a few ideas of where to start.
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You were already up and dressed when you heard a knock at your door the next morning.
Dreading the worst – despite the fact that Snow had never actually been in your room before, but the rules had changed now and you weren’t sure quite how much – you paused for a second to prepare yourself, praying that he wouldn’t be there, ready to put a stop to your plans before they’d even started.
You fell lucky. It was one of Snow’s footmen, George.
“Good morning, ma’am. I, um.” He swallowed, not meeting your eye. “I have a message from Master Snow. He’d like for you to meet him for breakfast in a half hour, if you will. He says you have something… quite important to discuss.”
Typical Snow. Never liked to get his hands dirty. Too proud to knock at your door himself.
You considered.
“George, could you please tell Coriolanus that if I’ve already eaten, and that I’ll come to him when I see fit. If he isn’t satisfied,” you added, for his sake, as you knew Snow wasn’t above killing the messenger, “Say I have an urgent matter to tend to, and I’m not sure when I’ll be back.”
You grew a lump in your throat from your refusal, fearing the consequences. But you’d set your plan into motion now and there was no going back. Once George had been sent on his way, you snuck down the stairs on the far end of the building and slipped out the door through the servants’ quarters, where you knew Snow wouldn’t see you leave. The one upside to the last few weeks was that you’d learned how to sneak around the manor unnoticed. You were certain there were at least three hallways he’d had never even set foot in.
You had Lucille call Henry – Snow’s driver – in advance so you could leave right away.
“Where are we going, ma’am?” He glanced at you over his shoulder as you slid into the black town car.
“Head into the city. I’ll explain on the way.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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Henry took some convincing – and some light bribing – to finally cave and tell you what and where this gentleman’s club was. Of course, it was a risk, a roll of the dice to go there without concrete proof, but you knew Snow. You knew his little neuroses and hang-ups, and he was paranoid; in all senses, it would seem, except when it came to you. If he’d been frequenting this club for some time – some years, according to Henry – and trusted their discretion, then you highly doubted he’d play Russian roulette and pick somewhere else.
You were dropped off outside, and sent Henry to the tailor to pick up some of Snow’s things; an excuse for the outing, but a part of your plan too. He was hesitant to leave you alone in such a place, but you insisted you knew exactly how to handle yourself, and so he gave in.
You’d deliberately dressed down for what you were about to do, worn your old coat and let your hair down with a hood pulled over it. It being daytime, the place was closed for business, but you knocked on the front door expectantly.
You waited. Went over the plan, and knocked again.
This time, the door opened and a burly man now stood between you and the inside of the brothel. Your curiosity made peek over his shoulder before he cleared his throat.
“Can I help you, miss?”
“Yes. My name is Margaret, sir, I’m a maid at the, uh,” You dropped your voice to a low whisper, “Snow household. I have a message for the owner of this establishment, from my master. Is he here?”
The man cleared his throat and glanced around the nearly empty street, then beckoned you in quickly.
“Anything for Mr Snow, miss. Right this way.”
There was your proof.
The empty club was a classy one, you had to give Snow that. The bar caught your eye, silver panels lining the wall behind it in an otherwise jet-black glossy room, with dark red couches and shiny tables, booths, single chairs, a stage with shiny metal poles, and a few cordoned-off alcoves.
You took it all in, certain you’d be able to appreciate the aesthetics of it more if it wasn’t for the seething rage inside you. You were stopped at a closed door near the back, and the burly man knocked.
“Yeah.” Came a voice from inside.
“All yours. He’ll take care of you.” Your guide stepped away. You pushed at the door.
A dark-haired man sat facing a desk, poring over paperwork. He didn’t look up.
“If you’re here for a job, sweetie, it’s Tuesday after 11.”
This incensed you.
“I’m not here for work. This is official business. I was told you take care of… special clients.”
He spun around, frowning.
“I’m listening.”
“I have a message from President Snow. He has a series of requests to be carried out with no delay.”
“Ah, yes. Mr Snow. I see. And you are to him?” He prompted.
“Just a maid from the household. He sent me as a messenger.”
“Excellent. Well in that case, of course, miss. How can I be of service?”
You took a breath, hoping desperately that he didn’t see right through you.
“Firstly, the shoes your girl wore.”
“What would he like with them?” He asked.
“He’d like to keep them. He’s willing to pay, and he’s not up for a price negotiation. This should cover them.” You slipped a bill across the table, and he nodded. You learned long ago that money causes loose lips, and this man was no exception.
“Of course,” he obliged, “They’re in the lockers through that door there. I’ll bring them to you. We ordered them in specially for Veronica, he made a point for her to wear them on the first floor. Usually our girls get instructions to sneak through clients’ houses quietly, but we handle every request as thoroughly as possible.” He chuckled.
That fucker. He really had planned it all out to get in your head.
“Was there anything else I can do for you, miss?”
You swallowed thickly.
Here goes.  
“Yes, actually. As of today, he’ll no longer be needing your services, or her services. He’d like to terminate your contract, and he doesn’t wish to see her again. Ever.”
The owner blinked. His mouth moved, as if he was about to say something, but then it closed again.
“But, um,” he stammered, “It’s only been three weeks. Veronica is our best girl, and he’s her top client. She carried out his orders to the absolute best of her ability, I can assure you. Are you sure those were his words?”
You sighed.
“She’s getting off lucky with a dismissal. Take it as a warning, sir. President Snow doesn’t show mercy to thieves. If she shows her face again, I can guarantee you, he’ll have her head.”
His face turned plum-red with horror.
“She was… stealing?”
In a way, yes.
“She was caught by a maid last night.” You nodded, and the owner swallowed thickly.
“I – I understand, Miss. I am terribly sorry for this. I apologise that our services weren’t up to your master’s expectations, truly. Please, if there’s anything I can do- and I can assure you, I’ll be having some very stern words-”
You cut him off.
“There is one more thing, as a matter of fact."
"Anything." He pleaded.
"You can send word that… Veronica, is it? She’ll be paying him a visit this evening. But you are not, under any circumstances, to send her. Am I understood?”
He furrowed his brows, puzzled. But you stared back challengingly and held your ground.
A small, sheepish smile formed on his face.
“Much obliged. I can assure you your requests will be carried out with the utmost discretion.”
“Thank you.”
He brought you the heels in a shiny box, and you turned and left.
Henry was waiting outside, and you slid back into the car.
“Get what you needed, ma’am?”
“I certainly did.”
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The drive home was your chance to pick up lunch, finetune your plan, and go through the suits you’d had Henry pick up from the tailor.
They looked impeccable – crisp and creaseless, the white shirts brighter than the stars, and the maroon red jackets and waistcoats deeper than blood itself. It was one of these jackets that you chose to take upstairs with you, leaving the rest to be taken up to Snow’s room later, hoping the missing item would go unnoticed.
You retraced your way up the winding stairs of the manor. Luckily, Lucille had informed you Snow had left not long after you that morning, and was expected to be gone until evening. Nonetheless, your paranoia made you glance left, right and left again before every turn. Finally, after an exhaustingly long morning, you were back in the safety of your own room.
But the work was far from finished. You ate quickly, then began getting ready for your discussion with Snow. He hadn’t sent for you again; he was too proud. You took pride in knowing he’d be positively seething at your turning him down that morning. You kept going, showering, teasing your hair, adding a little more makeup than usual – not excessive, but enough to make a difference – then finally wandered the room as you picked your wardrobe for later.
You lay out the heels – which were a little big on you, but would serve their purpose – as well as the jacket you’d stolen, taking the time to run your fingers over the smooth maroon velvet you’d felt only briefly before, when brushing against Snow at public events. You then dug through your underwear drawer, debating between a red lingerie set and a white. You picked the latter; the tones of red would blend in with the jacket and white made more of a statement.
Innocence. If only.
You checked the time. Three hours or so until Coriolanus would be expecting Veronica. You hoped that he would be back by then, and more so, that your performance with the brothel owner had been enough to hold him to his promise of sending word. But if you’d learnt anything from Snow, it was that fear commanded respect, and better yet, obedience. So your doubts were few and far between.
In all honesty, that’s what had drawn you to Snow in the first place. It wasn’t about money; your family had money, more than they knew what to do with. It was the power, the fear. Even the richest man in the world would crumble to the ground with a gun to his head. Power trumps wealth every time, and the enigmatic, newly elected President was by far the most powerful man in Panem.
It was its own kind of thrill, pursuing a man like that. The temptation to get him wrapped around your fingers, ravenous, hungry for power, hungry for him. It all blurred together at this point, the man was like a magnet. You wondered if this thirst for more, always more, was an affliction the two of you shared. Or perhaps, an affliction you’d developed a taste for because of him. And the longer you spent at his side, the louder it began to beat in your chest like a second heart. You wanted to consume it, and let it consume you.
It thrummed in your chest now, adrenaline coursing in your veins. You fidgeted as you waited for the hours to pass, your craving growing with each second. You flicked through a few books; you drafted a letter to your mother. Each tick of the clock bringing you closer to finally taking the one thing you’d wanted since the day you met Coriolanus Snow. It was almost time for your big move.
As enough darkness crept into your room and you stood to light some candles, you heard soft footsteps pass your door.
For a change, you recognised them as Snow’s, even and deliberate. He was home. With half an hour to spare until he’d be expecting his whore.
You jumped at the opportunity to change. Slowly and carefully, you slipped out of your clothes and into the underwear set, until you were clad in crisp white lace, with a matching garter belt as a finishing touch. You slid on Snow’s jacket – which smelled like him, of his cologne – the usual fitted shape it would give Snow now hanging loose and slack around your body, falling to the tops of your thighs. You did up the first button, tracing the neckline that plunged down your chest, leaving very little to the imagination. You slipped into the heels, checked the time, and after scanning yourself over in the mirror, made for the door.
The few worries you had about being seen by the staff were short-lived; the hallway lights were dim as you wobbled in the heels, focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. You weren’t sure if Snow had fallen for your plan, but what mattered was that as you turned the corner, there were lights shining from under his bedroom door. He was in there, waiting. By now, it was odd seeing it closed. You tried your best to emulate the sound of the footsteps you’d drilled into your brain, the clicks giving you a sense of power knowing Snow – apprehensive or not – would be in for at least one surprise.
Click. Click. Click.
You considered pausing before barging in, but you didn’t. When you reached the end of the hallway, seconds away from your fate, you reached out a hand, pushed Snow’s door open, and walked right inside.
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Snow was there; of course he was. Facing his dresser and away from you, he didn’t flinch at the sound of your arrival. You closed the door behind you, and took a step towards him. Stared at his back, scanning his black dress pants and the white shirt he’d rolled up to his elbows, cufflinks on the table, blonde curls a little unruly as he smoothly poured himself a drink.
This, right here, was where the solid part of your plan ended. It was caution to the wind from here on out, and you could practically taste it, high off the adrenaline; off his presence. And he hadn’t even looked at you yet.
This was the moment of truth.
“Well,” he said, taking a sip of his drink. “Look who finally figured it out.”
“Not who you were expecting?”
“She’d never reschedule.” he said simply, turning on his heels, eyes glinting at you. “Figured you were up to something. Drink?”
“Think I’ll pass.”
He approached you, eyes scanning your body, deliberately clad in the skimpiest underwear you owned. You figured this was as good a time as any to unbutton the jacket and let it fall open. It brushed your sides, and you watched him lower his glance, hungrily taking you in for what could quite possibly be the very first time. He wet his lips, took another sip.
There it is.
There was that power you craved, that look that you’d been aching to see in his eyes while he stared at you, and although it was fucked up, you let the pride fill your head with confidence, and stepped forward.
“Now, just where did you get that?” A slight narrowing of his eyes gave him away. At least something you’d done had made an impression.
“Borrowed it. In case I get cold.” You smiled.
“Cute. Didn’t your daddy ever tell you not to take things that aren’t yours?”
“Oh, I take whatever I want, Snow.”
You raised your head in defiance. Proud of your voice for not faltering once.
“Clearly. Nice shoes. Borrow those, too?”
“Why, do they look familiar?” you quipped.
“I think we both know the answer to that, doll. Now why don’t you tell me why you’re here?”
You sighed, feigning exasperation. A chill crept up your legs but you barely noticed.
“You wanted to talk to me, Coriolanus. Talk.”
“Is that really what you came here for, sweetheart? Dressed like that?” He put his drink down on the dresser, not once looking away from you.
“If this is what it takes to get your attention, Snow, then yes.”
You took another step closer, and the jacket fell further to your sides, more skin slipping out from underneath for him to feast his eyes on.
“I think you know plenty about trying to get my attention. I watched you struggle for weeks.”
“Didn’t think you cared.” You muttered.
He laughed, low, more like a scoff.
“What, your childish attempts at seduction? They were pitiful at best. I’d expect that kind of behaviour from a common whore, not a lady of your standing.”
“Thought you liked whores.” You retorted.
“They’re no fun to live with. And there you were, proving my point.”
Your eyes narrowed, and when you spoke, it was through gritted teeth.
“So what, you had to go and fuck one to prove a point? Mature.”
“Mature?” he glowered, then before you could think, he stormed towards you, grabbing both of your wrists with a hard squeeze. You gasped.
“Mature like you, with your short skirts and your fuck-me eyes, sucking your fingers off at the breakfast table?”
You squirmed. Tried to jolt yourself away but it was no use.
“I didn’t think you-”
“Oh, I noticed.” He said, moving in to corner you, grip tightening until he was walking you backwards across the room as he spoke, never once taking his eyes off you. “And it’s a real shame this couldn’t have been easier for us both, but you just had to start it. So I watched your pathetic little displays, day after day, knowing if you’d behaved better, I would’ve given you exactly what you wanted.”
You fought not to trip over yourself until your legs bumped against the ottoman at the foot of his bed and you caught your breath. His eyes bored into yours and you blinked helplessly. His grip loosened on your wrists. You tried to speak, but your mouth had gone dry.
“If you’d been good,” he continued, voice lowering, “you wouldn’t have played around like that. Good girls don’t whore themselves out to respectable men.”
Your eyes narrowed in defiance as you felt heat start to brew in your stomach.
“Respectable?” You spat, and his grip tightened again, bringing one hand up to trace your jaw, almost pitifully.
“See what I mean? You dig yourself deeper at every turn. Good girls ask nicely, and say please. It didn’t take me long to figure out you had issues with authority. It could’ve been so easy for you, sweetheart. You had plenty of chances. You could’ve asked me very nicely to fuck you, but instead you behaved like a desperate slut for weeks on end. Eventually, I knew there was only one way to shut you up.”
Your ears started to ring and you fought harder to gain composure. He’d never talked to you like this before. And now, all this, all at once, it was almost too much. Goosebumps had long covered your arms and legs, despite the heat inside you burning you up. You were vaguely aware of heat pooling uncomfortably between your legs.
Your breathing was heavy as you stared into him, his hand gripping your chin, and you couldn’t hide it if you tried. He finally backed away, letting you peel yourself from the ottoman. His hungry eyes scanned over you, suit jacket now crumpled at the wrists. You swallowed as you tried to pull yourself together.
“You knew I was watching you. The whole time. Every time. It was… for me.”
He watched you knowingly, raised his eyebrows a little. His lips grew into that smirk, that fucking smirk you knew all too well.
“We were playing the same game, sweetheart. I was just… Better.”
“A little excessive, don’t you think?” Your voice faltered and you cursed how breathy it sounded.
“Oh, on the contrary. It was very entertaining to see you struggle, but I could’ve gone further.” He mused. “I even considered fucking her on your bed.”
A thought popped into your head, and a strange smile made its way to your face.
“Aren’t you going to ask me where I got these?” You asked, glancing down.
He frowned for a second; good. You’d thrown him off guard. But he caught up fast.
“The heels? You know, I had her walk right past your door in those so you’d follow her and see just what you were missing?”
If you weren’t so wired with adrenaline, you were pretty sure you’d be tearing up with how desperate you felt. But his words channelled it all into pure anger.
“Fuck you.” You seethed, and he smiled.
“We'll get to that. But go on, I’ll bite. What did you do to her?”
“Let’s just say she deserved much worse than what she got. Maybe you should’ve fucked her on my bed. Would’ve given me a reason to choke the life out of her.”
“You think I’d care?”
“Course not. Knowing you, it’d probably get you off.”
“Which brings us right back to now.” He stared at you, challenging. You laughed again.
“Is this you talking? You’re not very good at it.”
“No, this is me giving you a second chance. The way I see it, you made your move, I made mine. Now, if you’re a good girl, and ask me very nicely to fuck you until that pretty little head of yours gets filled with nothing but empty space, I might consider putting an end to this and giving you what you want. Maybe.” If you thought you’d survive smacking that smug look off his face, you would.
“You want me to ask nicely, Coriolanus?” You closed the gap between the two of you and glanced up at him through your lashes. He looked back at you, and no chill in the world could cool you down from the fire in his eyes.
He stepped away, paced towards the desk chair – the one he’d watched you from last night – then dragged it across the floor, spun it around, and took a seat. Once again, last night felt worlds away now. A lifetime sat between that moment and this one as he made himself comfortable, unbuttoned his collar. As if the room was now a stage, and he was the sole spectator.
“Go on. I’m waiting.”
Cocky bastard.
Another airy laugh escaped you. But you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t exactly where you wanted him. So you played into it.
“You want me to beg you? Say pretty please?” Your voice softened as you slowly stepped towards him, holding his gaze. A passing thought reminded you of your childhood, asking your mother what you’d feel when you first truly fell for someone.
Fireworks. Thousands of them, crackling, hissing, charging the air between the two of you into something heavy. Thick clouds of smoke you could almost taste as you stared into darkened eyes. You paused in front of him, fingers playing with the hem of his suit jacket that brushed against your thighs. Caught your bottom lip between your teeth.
“Take it off.” He ordered.
You slipped the jacket off your shoulders, and it fell smoothly into a pile on the floor. You kicked off the heels next, landing haphazardly to the side with a thump. His eyes never leaving you, consuming you.
“Like what you see, Snow?”
He took you in, long and hungry and shameless. Like you were simply there for his entertainment, nothing else. You wondered where along the line he’d lost all his inhibitions, at what moment in his very young life he’d decided to simply stop caring. It should scare you, but it just made you burn warmer. Maybe your wires were a little crossed, too, because it didn’t make you feel cheap.
It made you feel powerful.
You knew you looked good, too; you’d made sure of it. But he was looking at you like you were carved out of solid gold. He didn’t answer, because he didn’t need to.
“Think I like you better when you’re not acting like a dumb slut.”
You hummed, determined and unphased, moving in closer until your legs touched his knees. His words shouldn’t turn you on - nor should not knowing exactly how much he meant them – but they did.
“You like me better when I’m begging, then?” You placed your legs either side of his, straddling him, but still standing, and took his hands in yours. You ran one of them across your lips, brazenly taking a digit in your mouth, releasing it with a wet pop, then dropping your head down.
“You want me to be straightforward, Snow? Tell you exactly what I want?” you breathed, your foreheads almost touching, looking down at him from a thrilling vantage point, your hair falling either side of his face. “To beg you to rip this off me?” You guided his hands to your hips, letting them slide over the lacy fabric. “You want me to beg you to kiss every inch of skin you see and make it yours? Beg you to fuck me until I can’t think, and forget my own name?”
You ran his hands down the sides of your legs, then, inch by inch, letting him take a good long look on the way, you finally lowered yourself onto his lap. Your blown-out eyes met again, at the same level this time. You shifted your hips once, feigning getting comfortable, and hid a smile as he let out a strained sound.
You were close enough to feel his breath against yours, fast but steady, controlled. You moved closer, your head dipping cautiously under his chin to kiss his neck. He smelt clean, like fresh laundry and his cologne, and his skin tasted like salt as your tongue traced a line across it. It felt like power, having him like this. Slowly starting to grind your hips as your mouth pressed against his pulse, every shaky breath you elicited from him awakening something new in you.
“Say it, Snow.” You murmured, breath catching. “Tell me you want me to beg you, and be good for you.” Another trail of messy kisses across his jaw, and you finally heard it, ragged and coarse, words shooting through you like knives softened by the heat of his breath on your hair.
“Be a good girl, and fucking beg me.”
You hummed with satisfaction. Moved your lips to his ear, hand cupping the back of his neck, and leaned in close.
“If you wanted me to be good,” you whispered, “then you’ve picked the wrong girl.”
You felt it, his whole body tensing beneath you. But you had it now, the upper hand, and you weren’t giving it away. Your other hand came up to close over his mouth with a warning shake of the head, and you gripped the back of his neck harder with the first. Craned it backwards so he could look at you, a different kind of fire in his eyes. A fire that could burn you far worse than any other. You leaned your weight into him until you were flush, skin pressing into fabric. Tightening your legs around his so he couldn’t kick out. You felt dangerous. You felt alive.
When you spoke, your voice was a vial of vitriol.
“You thought I’d just give into you? Three weeks of torture and you call it even? No fucking way, Snow. You wanted to play? Let’s play.”
You were closer to him now than you’d ever been before, infinitely closer than when you’d held hands in front of an audience, or danced in the middle of a ballroom, or when he’d draw you in for a lingering kiss at the head of a busy table.
You were closer still because of the common denominator: you were alone, your bodies pressed together, soft and firm colliding. And your stomach ached with want, but your rage burned brighter.
When you were sure he wouldn’t move, you readjusted your position on his lap so you were sat on one thigh, your right knee pressed firmly against the chair between his legs. Slowly, you dragged your hips against it, firm muscle between your legs, shameless as you stared him down.
“I’d like to modify the terms of our agreement, as of tonight. Starting with this: I’ve made sure your little whore won’t come running back here. If I so much as hear a whisper of a rumor that you’re fucking someone else, I’m leaving. Don’t think I don’t know how to disappear. I can, and I will.”
He scowled at you, and you’d never felt power like the rush you got from seeing your hand clamped over his mouth. His own hands, now easily able to overpower you and push yours away, instead sat at your hips, digging in so hard you knew there’d be bruises for weeks. As you moved, he started to follow suit, rocking your hips on his thigh faster.
He’s allowing this.
The realisation made you pull your hand from his mouth, and yet he didn’t speak. There was a tightness in his jaw, locked down so hard it must’ve hurt as he watched you move, helped you move. It sent a shock through your core, and you ground down harder.
Who’s on top now?
This was getting to your head.
“President Snow,” you mocked. “What a title. Thinks he can take whatever’s in his sight. Thinks he has the right. Did you think I’d come crawling back to you?” Your voice lowered.
“Did you think I’d get on my knees, like she did?” You glanced down, running your now-free hand over the front of his pants, gentle at first, then pressing in firm, and he hissed.
“Did you really think, after all your little shows, that I’d just submit? Not a chance.” You spat, and his breath turned a little shaky as your hand slid up, then down.
As it evened out, and he reached for composure again, he pulled a countermove. Got in close, with words so sharp, they nearly cut through you.
“Which one was your favorite?”
You pulled your hand away. Your hold on the back of his neck tightened, and in turn, so did his grip on your hips, pulling you down harder as you got closer, panties bunching up as you became desperate.
You shook your head.
He smirked.
“I gave you plenty to go off. Tell me, was it when I sat right here while she rode me? Or when I was fucking her mouth and calling your name?”
He pulled your hips in rougher, and you gasped, barely able to think. You were sure if he kept this up, your thighs would chafe. You just couldn’t find it in you to care.
“No, I don’t think so.” He hummed. “I know which one it was. It was the second time, wasn’t it? When I was making her cum all over my tongue, wondering what you tasted like.”
You couldn’t help it – a moan slipped out of your lips. He kept up the pace, rolling your hips faster, flexing his thigh as you started losing your bearings. He laughed at the state of you.
“I knew that one would get to you. Tell me something, princess, how many times did you touch yourself after that night wishing it was me? Or did you lose count?”
You gritted your teeth, fighting the spinning room.
“Cocky much?”
He let out a breathy laugh again, as if he was losing himself as much as you were. Pulling you in harder in response.
“Look at you,” he mused, “riding my thigh like the needy slut you are. Bet you’re close, too, and I haven’t even touched you yet.”
“Fuck.” you panted. “Stop fucking talking, oh my god.”
“You sure about that, sweetheart? You know I can feel how wet it’s making you, right?”
Your head dropped down and you whined. Sure enough, you’d soaked through your panties and dripped an embarrassing wet patch on his dress pants. You cursed under your breath as you slowed down.
“Beg me.” He ordered.
“No.” You gasped as he pulled you back again, faster, hips bucking as your legs started to shake around his.
“Beg me,” he repeated, "or I’ll stop.”
“Fuck, no, don’t fucking stop, I can’t-”
It was so much friction it hurt, but you kept chasing it.
“Yes, you can. You want to cum? Ask nicely, sweetheart. Just ask me.”
The seam of your panties got wetter as you moved, just enough to let the pain melt into pleasure instead as it caught on your clit, and you started to ride out your high. You were right at the edge, he was keeping you there, hair stuck to your face in a hot sweat as you writhed on his lap. So fucking close.
“Fine, shit. Please. Please help me cum, oh my god. Right there, please. Fuck.”
And maybe you were more like him than you thought, because you weren’t ashamed. You rode his thigh like you’d ride him, unabashedly, while he watched you starting to fall apart. He moved faster, pulled your hips hard in as if you were riding him, as if he could feel it, breath running ragged, desperate. It only brought you closer knowing this would be sending him over the edge, holding you so near and yet so awfully far away. The look in his eyes screaming danger, and you let it swallow you whole, squeezing his shoulders like you were scared you’d float away.
"That's it. Knew you'd sound incredible, asking me all pretty like that."
His lips met your neck, teeth grazing your skin and that’s what did it, your legs squeezing his as you shook through your orgasm, crying out, falling to pieces, hearing going fuzzy. The words good girl echoing through your head so distantly, you couldn’t tell if he’d really said them or not.
You sighed, glazed eyes rolling open, coming back to yourself. Your right hand was pressed against his chest, fingers curled into the creased fabric of his shirt. As you looked closer, you noticed it had opened wider, and he was missing a button. Had you done that?
When your eyes finally met Snow’s, you couldn’t look away from them. Beautiful and blue, like an ocean frozen over, staring into yours like you were all he’d ever wanted. You could get high off this feeling, live off it.
“Get on the bed.” He breathed. “Right fucking now.”
But too much of any feeling isn’t good for you.
He glowered, face flushing even further, and as he leaned in to make another demand, you quickly stood, trying your hardest not to let your wobbling legs give you away.
“You should understand, Snow. We’re doing things my way now. And I’m going to be doing them as I please, when I please.”
You picked his jacket up from the floor, and slipped back into it, the soft fabric cooling down your burning skin.
“You think you’re funny, sweetheart? Nobody likes a fucking tease.”
You chuckled, doing up a button and brushing your hair out of your face, damp with sweat. You walked to the dresser and took a swig from Snow’s half-empty glass, then turned. He sat there, and it took everything in you not to smirk at the mess you’d made of him. You handed him the glass when you were done drinking and turned away. You felt him stand, but you didn’t acknowledge it, still fiddling with your hair, smoothing it out.
“You said it yourself, Snow. I’m no common whore. If you want me to beg you to fuck me, you’re gonna have to work for it.” You turned, pulling him in for a chaste kiss. His face was unreadable.
“But be a doll, leave your door unlocked.” You added, stepping back. “You never know when I might change my mind.”
“You’re not going to leave. You wouldn’t dare.” He seethed, the rage in his voice only propelling you on.
“Wouldn’t I?” You smiled, giving him a once over. Dropped your eyes down pointedly, first at the ruined leg you’d ridden, then at the uncomfortable-looking tent in his pants. You met his eye again and bit your lip, really laying it on thick. “Good luck with that, sweetheart. I’ll see you at breakfast.”
He huffed, incredulous, disbelief painted across his face as you made for the door, swinging it open. You glanced over your shoulder.
“Buckle up, Snow. I’m just getting started.”
You missed the way his shocked face turned almost admiring as he watched you leave, walking barefoot down the hallway, leaving the door wide open.
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a/n: hope it was worth the wait 😌
taglist: @superchatnoir07 @itsrainingreid @nycweb-slinger @lookclosernow @etfrin @resibunn @serving-targaryen-realness @harmfulb1tch @demonsnangels @superb-icarus @julesandro @gracieroxzy @slyhersophia @shadowsepiphany @ben-has-arrived @unclecrunkle @zerotwo-sciencequeen @itsleniiilosers @thesiriusmap @ooooglymoooogly @darkqweenn @going-through-shit @loverw1tch @stinkii-boii @tqmqkii @not-avery @natsgf @sleepysongbirdsings @hopebaker @darknight3904 @pemberlystateofmind @bxtchopolis @real-lana-del-rey @24kmar @louweasleymalfoy @m1ndbrand @coconut-dreamz @cosmicgyral @urfavevirgoo @mk15x @theamuz @ashy-kit @violante777 @snowlandstop @badbleep88 (more tags in the comments!)
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tojisun · 11 months
oki but this is sooo biker!simon after that first hookup you two had!! (this is a silly ramble based on the vid teehee)
biker!simon (ghost) riley x fem reader
!! smut - minors dni; D/s; sexting :’> // biker!simon mlist
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you left with your number saved in his phone and his number saved in yours – simon having been the one to type it in. he named himself in your contacts as ‘simon 🏍️’ then got too shy at its obnoxiousness so he renamed it to ‘simon’ only.
(you later changed it to ‘si <3’ anyway).
simon sends the first message, unable to wait.
“hope you got home safe.” <
he would’ve dropped you home if he could, but simon understands why you preferred to keep your location a secret from him.
he waits for your reply, which arrives thirty minutes later.
> “thank you!! and i just got home, safe and sound <3”
simon almost chokes at the giddiness that lodged in his throat, his fingers trembling as he sends his reply.
the conversation picks up after that, mutual awkwardness breaking as friendship begins to bloom. you two try to make up plans, but your schedules never synced up and it left simon starving. aching with a heavy desire because he wants to see you again. wants to be with you again.
he wonders if you felt the same way. if you ache for his touch. for his body. if you lay on your bed at night, tracing at your skin, reminiscing the way simon pressed kisses into your soft corners and tender flesh.
simon wonders if you do. hopes that you do.
because even though he knows how much you’ve whispered how you love him, he had chucked it to your delirium; had told himself that it was a spur of the moment thought in fear that you would actually reject him.
so it came to him as a surprise when you sent him a… sensual message. nothing too conspicuous, but something that set him ablaze.
> “i miss the way you held me.”
simon stares at the message, going breathless as the memories return to him full force. it’s not like simon forgot – he knows he can never – but he’s been trying to push it in the back of his mind to pursue a more innocent relationship with you.
because you deserve more than a series of messages full of the ways he’d promise to fuck you – positions, places, and the amount of times he’d make you cum just with his mouth. because you deserve more than just words. words that aren’t even spoken, just typed.
and yet, he couldn’t help himself. he types in his reply, his mind overtaken by a fog that settles within his blood, mingling with reason.
“i miss you too, sweet girl.” <
simon breathes in, his mind shackled by the memory of your heat wrapped around him, and adds:
“miss the way you moaned for me.” <
he doesn’t hesitate when he sends this but simon does feel a twinge of guilt when he finally sees it in the message thread, something that snaps him outside of the fog just long enough to feel the way he’s been tightly gripping on his phone.
because what if this was too much? was he supposed to just hint at what happened? to dance around the tension until you two finally get to meet? to-
> “i miss how you filled me up.”
“fuck,” simon whispers to himself as he stares at your message, his voice a ragged timbre of his devastation. he almost drops his phone on the floor, seized by the greatness of his desires that is pumping blood to his ears and into his cock.
he swipes his eyes along your message once again, unearthing the sound of your voice from his memories as he envisions the way you would’ve said this – breathy, whimper-y, broken. your throat having been thoroughly used by simon.
“fuck,” he repeats, adjusting himself underneath his sweats before sending his reply.
“i filled you good, didn’t i, princess? kissed somewhere deep in you. deeper than anyone has ever reached.” <
simon feels like a fucking depraved teenager at the way his cock jumped just at the mere sight of the speech bubble appearing on your end, showing him that you’re typing up a response. he stares at his screen intently as though willing it to finally reveal the earth-shattering reply he knows you’re going to send, only to see the speech bubble disappear completely.
he blinks, confused, and restarts his messaging app at the thought that it’s glitching. when it finally reloads, simon tries not to drown in his disappointment when he sees no new received replies from you.
his fingers twitch, apology already forming from the back of his mind, ready to be typed out. he bounces his legs, worrying over the appropriate words to use because he truly is sorry. he-
a notification ping shakes him from his thoughts and simon realizes that his phone had turned off amidst his spiral. he breathes in shakily, gulping when he sees your contact name flashing on the screen – ‘princess’ – and taps at your icon.
“oh,” simon repeats out loud, his voice a warbled croak.
because who wouldn’t be breathless at this?
this being an image of you in nothing but simon’s zip-up jacket, the one that he lent you from that one fateful night when you two met up. it falls just past your pelvis, giving him a good glimpse of your thighs only to cut just above your knees, a grave loss that resonated with simon as he honest to god whimpers. it’s not zipped up all the way, stopping like a low v-cut on your chest which shows enough of your cleavage and your pretty tits that simon’s throat constrict in his thirst.
simon’s greedy eyes almost bypass your other message:
> “i wish you can tear my clothes off me again.”
he groans, feeling his cock leak from your message; from seeing you love his rough side.
he has to grip his phone as his unrelenting mind wanders, imagining the way he’d rip that jacket off your beautiful body. the way he wouldn’t even fully shrug it off you because simon wants to take you that way – surrounded with everything of him. his cock buried in your cunt, his hands braced on either side of your face, and his clothes grazing the skin with which his hands can’t caress. simon wants to envelope you with all that he is. with all that you will allow him to give.
fuck. he wants you. he needs you.
simon has to breathe through his mouth as he sends you a reply, choosing careful words to express his intention.
(but not to express the twinge of his darkness. of his possessiveness. not yet, anyway.)
“i’d do that and more, sweetheart.” <
he licks his lips, fingers hovering above his screen. thinking. hesitating. making up his mind. then, sending:
“wanna see what you do to me? how you make me so fucking hard?” <
simon absolutely moans at your beautiful, submissive reply:
> “yes, please.”
(what a good girl. and simon doesn’t even need to teach you how to be one. god, aren’t you just too perfect for him?)
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kurophiliac · 12 days
Hello, It's Plato. I am making this post to provide additional context on the accusations for those who do not use Twitter. As you saw from @bezierballad 's apology, the screenshots were all faked. But there's more proof I wanted to add that they did not include. I'm sure many of you have already heard this on Twitter, so my apologies for the repetition. These are just the main points I want to get out.
Zex, the creator of the screenshots, has been caught in several lies.
According to the time stamps in the fake screenshots, it would have been impossible for the messages to have come from the server where they claimed the conversation took place. Charlie left in 2023, Zex joined in 2024, and the screenshots were all marked "today." They also can't be old screenshots because Zex and Charlie were not on the server at the same time.
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When asked to provide message IDs, Zex said that they had already left the server (where they claimed to have obtained the screenshots from). However, as of right now, they are still on the server. They will be promptly removed once a moderator wakes up.
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Charlie and I's nicknames from the screenshots are not nicknames or pfps we ever had in the server they supposedly came from. These nicknames were exclusive to a 7-person group chat. The only reason Zex knew of them was because of a screenshot I posted a month or two ago. It would have been much more believable if they had used our actual usernames.
(Edit) Something I forgot to add- when Zex was questioned about how they got onto the server, they said they pretended to be a proshipper and DMd me for the link to the server where they took the screenshots. However, I haven't been active in that server lately, and I never sent anyone any server links within the past 6 months.
How were the screenshots faked?
There are two likely scenarios. One being that they were generated by a bot. There are *many* services out there that will generate fake discord texts. OR they used an alt account or friend to "roleplay" Charlie and I thirsting over Charlie's non-existent 5yo cousin. Which is infinitely worse.
So, who really is Zex, and what was their motive?
The easiest explanation regarding motive is just that they wanted to make proshippers look bad. This is pretty typical anti behavior. Charlie and I could have been selected at "random" as we are two bigger sebaciel accounts. But there might actually be more to it.
Now, from this point forward, we are stepping outside the realm of fact and inside the realm of educated guesses. There exists a person who has serious grudges against me, Charlie, and Bezier. Only one person who we are aware of. This individual is a proshipper with a history of going undercover as an anti to stir up trouble and a history of faking screenshots to make antis look bad.
This person was also in the server where the original confession/accusation was made.
They had deleted their account prior to the confession. Zex is actually a new account that only joined the anti server (where the confession was made) yesterday. They basically came into the server just to make this accusation. Pretty suspicious. It's likely that Zex, in an attempt to ruin Charlie and I's reputation as revenge for us ruining theirs, created these screenshots. As seen in the posts by Bezier, Zex asked them to make a post because they didn't want to deal with the repercussions. Zex knows these screenshots are fake, and they also know that people will eventually figure it out. So, if their attempt to frame us didn't work, at least they'd be able to ruin Beziers reputation. Or perhaps even all three, if people were more divided and hadn't come to a consensus. Please keep in mind that there is no evidence that the individual with the grudge and history of faked screenshots and causing drama is actually Zex. However, it is seeming more and more likely.
Anyway. This has been a very tiring day. I am grateful to Bezier for taking down the OP and writing an apology. And as for Zex- I will likely be taking legal action against them.
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doki-doki-imagines · 7 months
author note: Idk how to use fake sms app so I went for an ol' classic gif reaction.
Michael Kaiser:
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-What is he looking at? At his reflex on the mirror obviously. -A laughter starts to blossom from his chest, already pushed out like a proud rooster. -He slicks his hair back, blue eyes shining with joy. Michael licks his teeth, perfect as he is. Damn, anybody would like to sit on his face; he is so fucking handsome. -He picks his phone up ready to message you something along the lines of "C'mere. I'll give you the ride of your life." Michael smirks, proud of coming up with such a hot line(it isn't). -But the message you sent got deleted. -His eyes bulge out almost cartoon style. Did he dream about it? Was the message from someone else? Michael checks the other chats, but nobody messaged him. -He doesn't want to message you about that, he isn't desperate! But a voice in the back of Michael's mind screams at him. -"?" He sends back. "Did you need something?" "No, Michael. Thanks for worrying." You reply immediately. -His heart picks a worryingly fast beat. You replied way too fast. A lightbulb turn on in his head, but the idea he comes up with is pretty risky. Michael feels blood running to his ears when he finally presses send. -"If you are free wanna come over? I need help choosing the new bed covers."
Alexis Ness:
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-He is mind-numbing happy. After all, it is a pretty nice compliment to read from his crush. -If Alexis had a tail it would be wagging left and right now. A dumb smile is plastered on his face while he keeps looking at his phone. -"What are you looking at, Ness?" It's Michael's voice calling him back to work, mildly annoyed that the other boy's attention wasn't fully on him. "Oh- It's nothing, Kaiser! Let's go back to training." Alexis hides his cell phone under the last layer of his gym bag. Michael doesn't dig further for once. -When Alexis opens his phone back the sun already left his place for the moon. He obviously forgot about your message 'till he reads the new ones. "Have I crossed any boundary, Alexis? I'm sorry if it happened." "Please I don't want our friendship to be ruined by this." His heart sunk to his ass and climbed back into his throat in a matter of seconds. -Alexis calls you, clearly worried. You pick up fast for Alexis' heart health. "I'm so sorry I didn't reply sooner! I had practice and I had to go then-" he keeps blabbering "I'll do anything for your forgiveness." "…Anything Alexis?" "Yes." "I wasn't joking when I sent you that message…my or your place?" "Yours. It will be my pleasure." He says, voice finally calm. -He wasn't joking.
Sae Itoshi:
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-"I must have forgotten the part where I asked your opinion." -HE IS RUDE. -Sae knows it is a joke. A stupid one to try to tease him. He may not be the brightest mind, but he understands what you are trying to do. -He goes back to training like nothing happened. Then he showers and all of sudden Sae has the urge to add another line to the previous message he sent. -Meanwhile, you replied with a ton of sad emojis and other dumb blabbering Sae's mind doesn't even register. -"Anyway I prefer to eat it from the back." Sae smiles thinking he has just sent the king of the comebacks, an earth-shattering line. Soon he gets a reply, that makes his smile drop. "I must have forgotten the part where I asked about your opinion." -Maybe you are really made for each other.
Seishiro Nagi:
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-What a nice message to receive. Not. -You are hundreds of kilometres of distance what is supposed to happen? Honestly thinking is tiring him out. -Seishiri sends you the thumb-up emoji and throws his phone somewhere on his bed, pc already turned on to play the newest game. -But now a worm dug a hole in his head, making Seishiro thinks about the message and not at his ranking flopping; such a noob behavior. -He thinks about your soft thighs pressing his ears, your warmth enveloping his face… -Seishiro facepalms, fingers messaging his temples before brushing away some of his snow white hair strands away from his forehead. -He doesn't even notice he already dialed your number. -"Talk dirty." "What? Muddy pants? Sweaty shirts?" "Don't play dumb. It's all your fault if I can't concentrate now. And don't let me explain, it's bothersome." You chuckle at the other end. He can feel the mirth in your voice. "Sorry angel. You'll have to work if you want the prize." -He groans in annoyance, head thrown back. -It seems like Seishiro will have to break his "5 days doing nothing useful" streak.
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poohsources · 1 year
[ 📲 message sent: ]  do you smoke pot? cause weed be cute together. [ 📲 message sent: ]  do you believe in love at first swipe or should i match with you again? [ 📲 message sent: ]  i see me in your future 🔮 [ 📲 message sent: ]  i can't see you right now but i bet you look great [ 📲 message sent: ]  can you send me a selfie? i just want to show my mom what my future partner looks like. [ 📲 message sent: ]  are you http? because without you i'm only :// [ 📲 message sent: ]  i believe in following my dreams ... so you lead the way. [ 📲 message sent: ]  should we get coffee? cause i like you a latte. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i see you like tequila ... does that mean you'll give me a shot? [ 📲 message sent: ]  you know what's beautiful? read the first word. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i bet you smiled when you saw my name pop up on your phone just now. [ 📲 message sent: ]  take a guess. which emoji did i place next to your name on my phone? [ 📲 message sent: ]  i'm sending you hugs and kisses 😘 [ 📲 message sent: ]  i just accidentally walked into a pole because i was thoughtlessly staring and smiling at your text messages. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i never believed in love at first sight until i saw your profile picture. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i do not think much. i do not think often. but when i do, i think of you. [ 📲 message sent: ]  just so you know, i'm not flirting with you. i'm just being extra nice to you since you're extra attractive. [ 📲 message sent: ]  you're so beautiful that i actually forgot that i was supposed to send you a pick-up line. [ 📲 message sent: ]  you see, i really suck at starting conversations. do you want to try? [ 📲 message sent: ]  are you free for the rest of your life? [ 📲 message sent: ]  ugh, i have to go to some boring event. will you come with me to make it fun? [ 📲 message sent: ]  hi, my name is trouble, and i'm looking for my soulmate. mind if i ask you if you have room for a little trouble in your life? [ 📲 message sent: ]  i can't figure out if i should start this conversation with a compliment, a pick-up line, or a simple hello. you choose. [ 📲 message sent: ]  they say nothing lasts forever, so will you be my nothing? [ 📲 message sent: ]  well, here i am! what are your other two wishes? 🧞 [ 📲 message sent: ]  hey, you're pretty and i'm cute. together we'd be pretty cute. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i would flirt with you, but i'd rather seduce you with my awkwardness. [ 📲 message sent: ]  when our friends ask us how we met, what are we going to tell them? funny answers only. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i had the best pickup line on the way, but i saw you and now i'm speechless. [ 📲 message sent: ]  if you were a fruit, you'd be a fineapple 🍍 [ 📲 message sent: ]  hi, i know your name is [name] but can i call you mine? [ 📲 message sent: ]  are you a bank loan? cause you have my interest. [ 📲 message sent: ]  are you religious? cause you're the answer to all my prayers. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i'm researching important dates in history. would you like to be mine? [ 📲 message sent: ]  you look like you know how to have a good time! i like it. [ 📲 message sent: ]  i know you're busy but please add me to your list of things to do. [ 📲 message sent: ]  if i told you that you had a great body would you hold it against me? [ 📲 message sent: ]  complete this sentence: you, me, and ___ [ 📲 message sent: ]  dinner first or can we go straight for dessert? [ 📲 message sent: ]  do you like sleeping? me too. we should do it together some time.
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fatkish · 16 days
Demon Child Pt. 6
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As Tengen walked you and Hinatsuru back he looked down at you with a question on his mind. “Hey kid, you know those pictures you were drawing?” He asked you. You looked up at him and nodded. “I’ve got a question, I saw that you drew someone with six eyes, who was that? You know them?” He had a bad feeling about that picture as well as the drawing of a man with red eyes and black hair, and he trusted his instincts. You thought for a minute before shaking your head. “I meet people in dreams” you replied. Hinatsuru was a bit lost. “Lord Tengen, forgive me but who is this child?” She politely asked. “I’ll tell you more once we get to the inn.” He replied.
Once you guys got to the inn, Tengen had you sit down in front of him and his wife. “Hinatsuru, this is y/n, a half demon child who has the ability to heal, y/n, this is one of my wives, Hinatsuru.” He introduced the two of you. You looked at her and smiled as she gently smiled at you. “Now y/n, can you tell me who these guys are?” Tengen asked as he held up the drawings of Muzan and Kokushibo. You looked at the drawing of Kokushibo and realized you forgot to add something. You then wrote the kanji for ‘upper moon 1’ inside the eyes of a close up of Kokushibo’s face. Tengen looked over your shoulder and his gut fell, he knew to trust his instincts.
“Y/n, who is that” he asked trying to mask his worry. “Kokushibo” you replied with a smile. “Y/n, where did you see this man?” Tengen asked. You then pointed at your head. “I see man when sleep” you replied. “Do you see these guys all the time.” Tengen asked you. You shook your head and he breathed a sigh of relief. “Y/n, do you think you could try and see one of them again for me?” Tengen asked. You nodded since you thought you would give it a try. Hinatsuru got a futon ready for you and got you all tucked in. After a bit you started to fall asleep. While you were unconscious, Tengen sent a message to Kagaya warning him of his fear that your able to somehow see and talk to demons when unconscious.
When you opened your eyes, you were again in that dark place. You got up and started to walk around before finding the fancy yet scary man again. You were scared but you didn’t think he could hurt you so you slowly walked over to him until you were right next to him. You placed your hand carefully on his thigh before he looked around and then down at you. “You again” he said. You were kinda scared and he sensed that so he decided to put on a kind face. “Well hello little one, what’s your name?” He kindly asked with a soft smile. “Y/n” you nervously replied. “What yours?” You asked him. “My name is Muzan Kibutsuji, how is it that you’re capable of telepathic communication?” He asked. You had no idea what that meant so you shrugged. “Don’t know” you replied.
“Very well, y/n, do you know what a demon is?” He asked. You were getting a bad feeling from him. “Demon bad, demon hurt people, hurt people is bad.” You replied. “What about humans, humans hurt each other. Are they not bad?” He asked. You thought for a moment. “Bad people bad.” You said. “But how do you know if a person is bad or not” he asked. You took a moment to think it over. You always seemed to sense when someone had bad intentions or intentions to hurt others. But what did you know, you’re just a child. You looked up at Muzan, “bad people feel bad, you feel bad” you said before letting go of his leg, overwhelmed by the bad intentions you felt from him.
You immediately woke up crying from fear. You saw Hinatsuru and jumped into her arms, crying. “Hey what’s wrong, what did you see?” She asked. “Bad man, I see bad man.” You said and pointed at the drawing of Muzan. “Do you know who this man is?” Tengen asked. You looked up at him through your tears and nodded. “Muzan” you said. Tengen nearly choked on the tea he was drinking. Hinatsuru gave you a meat bun to eat from the plate of them that they ordered to cheer you up. You ate while Tengen realized his fears were confirmed. Not only did you now know Kibutsuji, but somehow you were able to see or communicate with demons through your mind when you were unconscious. “Y/n, are you able to talk to these people when you see them?” Tengen asked. You nodded as you ate the meat bun.
Tengen was stumped. He decided to write a letter to Ubuyashiki confirming his theory about you and letting Kagaya know that you are able to communicate with demons and that you communicated with Kibutsuji. While he wrote the letter, you sat in Hinatsuru’s lap and ate meat buns while she comforted you. Eventually you got sleepy and fell asleep, this time not ending up in the dark telepathic void. Hinatsuru looked at Tengen with a worried look. As you slept with your head against her chest, she and Tengen exchanged worried looks, they both worried about your abilities and what they could mean for your future.
Drained from your telepathic abilities, you fell asleep for awhile and didn’t wake up until there were loud noises and screams. You followed the sounds out of the inn and found that many of the buildings were on fire and saw injured people and bodies everywhere. You followed the path of destruction to find Tengen and the other’s fighting a pair of demons. You ran up to Uzui and licked your hand before jumping and slapping his arm. Uzui could feel the poison’s effects leave his body and his body heal, you healed Tanjiro’s injuries as well by licking your other hand and slapping his. When you healed them, you also replenished their stamina. However by doing this, Gyutaro noticed you.
“And who might this little one be hmm?” He said as he looked at you. You looked at him, unafraid and unbothered by his appearance. You pointed at him, “mantis, mantis” you smiled, seeing as he reminded you of a praying mantis. “Huh, I guess he does kinda resemble a praying mantis. But anywho, y/n! You need to get out of here!” Tanjiro yelled at you. You understood and began to run away. “Oh no you don’t kid, you’re not going anywhere!” Gyutaro shouted. Gyutaro aimed for you and Tengen immediately got in the way of Gyutaro, giving you a chance to escape. You got out of the way and ran to hide but saw that Daki’s belts were causing a lot of damage.
While you were running away you tried to dodge Daki’s belts but were unsuccessful a few times resulting in a few deep cuts. You managed to get out of the way of the belts and took cover to avoid them. You looked down at your left shoulder which had the deepest cut. It was a large gash running from your left clavicle, over your shoulder and down to your shoulder blade. Looking over yourself, you counted 5 deep cuts in total and a bunch of smaller ones. You tried licking your wounds to heal them but realized that you can’t heal your own wounds. Hinatsuru found you and tore off parts of your clothes to make makeshift bandages. You cried as it hurt so much. Hinatsuru told you to stay put and not move from that spot before she left to help in the battle.
You wanted to help, you really did, but you knew that if you tried, you’d get hurt and that would make the others worry. So you ran and hid. The fight continued and lots of buildings were destroyed in the battle. You closed your eyes and wished that Gyomei was here. Him or Kagaya, they were always able to calm you down and you felt comfort in their presence. You deeply wished that Gyomei was here, or that you had his strength and were able to help in the fight. You didn’t want your friend to die, you didn’t want them to get hurt. What you didn’t know, was that your intense desire to help Tengen and the others, created a healing bubble.
This bubble swallowed up the battlefield where Tengen was fighting. It healed him and Tanjiro as well as Zenitsu and Inosuke. Every injury they got was healed in seconds, allowing them to fight at their full potential. As you cried for your friends, you wanted the evil demons to go away. You wanted Daki and Gyutaro to go away. That’s when your blood demon art activated again. The bubble began to create swirling invisible slashes that cut into only Daki and Gyutaro. The slashes didn’t hurt anyone except for the two demon siblings. As Tanjiro and Tengen fought Gyutaro, Gyutaro was slowed down by the invisible slashes. Daki’s belts were quickly destroyed and torn before they could do any damage to anyone.
Hinatsuru had climbed up onto a roof with a large weapon holding hundreds of kunai. As she got in range, she pulled the trigger releasing a bunch of Kunai that shot at Gyutaro. The kunai paired with the slashes ended up debilitating Gyutaro and slowing him down enough for Tanjiro to cut his head off. At the same time, Zenitsu and Inosuke were able to decapitate Daki. “You bastards!” Gyutaro shouted. Suddenly Gyutaro realesed his blood demon art, it tore up the entire area. “Tanjiro get out of here!” Uzui shouted as he sensed the attack. Tengen tried to deflect the attack but was unsuccessful somewhat.
You had blacked out and when you awoke, you found that the entire area had been destroyed. Zenitsu had been trapped under some rubble, Inosuke was injured, Tanjiro was with Nezuko and Uzui was poisoned. You decided to help Inosuke first. You licked your hand and slapped him, watching as his abdomen knit itself back together. You left and went over to Tanjiro and licked your hand before touching his face. His wounds began to heal and you started to feel very dizzy and tired. You tried to go to help Uzui but you fell over. “Y/n, oh my goodness, you got hurt, are you alright ?” He asked worriedly. You nodded, not really wanting to talk from the pain. “Do you want to go see Mr Uzui? I’ll help you.” Tanjiro said as he lifted you up into his arms being careful of your wounds.
Tanjiro carried you over to Tengen with Nezuko following him. Tengen was laid up against some rubble, he had cuts all over him and parts of him were purple with poison from Gyutaro’s last attack. You crawled out of Tanjiro’s arms and fell to the ground before crawling over to rest your head on Tengen’s knee. “Hey there squirt, think ya could fix me up?” He asked. You licked your hand and slapped his arm. His wives watched as his wounds stitched themselves together and the purple faded from him. “Well all right, I’ll be damned, it was a good idea to bring you along, if I didn’t, I’d be missing a hand.” Tengen laughed. “Whaaa, you lost a hand!” Suma cried.
As Tengen and his wives talked, Tanjiro left to go find the demons. You laid your head on Tengen’s knee, too tired to move or do anything. “Heya squirt, you doing okay?” Tengen asked. “They look really tired” Makio said. They all looked at you and saw that you were knocked out, sleeping with your head resting on Tengen’s thigh. Tengen smiled and pet your head. “Ya know, it might not be so bad to maybe have some kids, at least, if they turn out like this kid” Tengen said as he softly smiled as he looked at you. His wives all smiled as Hinatsuru picked you up. “Hm? I see. Really now? Upper six, eh? Unfortunately that would be the lowest of the upper ranks. Well, six or not, you still defeated an upper rank, so I believe congratulations are in order. Though it was six…” Obanai said as he walked up to Tengen and his wives.
“I guess you’ve earned some praise.” Obanai said. “I don’t know if that was a compliment or not, but thanks.” Tengen said. “What he said” Suma cried. “You took your sweet time getting here.” Makio commented. “Yeah, you showed up after all the fighting! How convenient!” Suma yelled at Obanai only to be scared off by Kaburamaru hissing at her. She jumped back and clung onto Tengen. “It’s good that you’ve managed to receive few injuries, I guess the demon child has some use, how long until you return to duty?” Obanai asked Tengen. “Actually, I plan on retiring, I’m sure the master will understand. Besides, you shouldn’t be so harsh about the kid, the only reason Rengoku is alive and I’m in one piece is thanks to them.” Tengen said.
As they talked, meanwhile, far away, Ubuyashiki received the news of upper six’s defeat. “You’re positive? They defeated them, two upper rank demons? You have my thanks, Tengen, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, y/n! One hundred years, it took one hundred years for something to finally change, and it actually happened. Amane…” Kagaya asked his wife. “Yes?” She spoke as she held him. “Don’t you see? This must be an omen. Fate is about to take a dramatic turn for us. The effects will be widespread. Everything will be shaken to its core. And eventually he will feel it as well. Muzan Kibutsuji… we will defeat you.” Kagaya said. “Our generation will put an end to you without fail, and then you, the sole blemish of my family, will be gone.” Kagaya stated happily.
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duhnova · 2 years
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a witches apothecary: for all your desires and needs
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pairing: witch!seungcheol x fem!reader
word count: ~4.8k
synopsis: when your boyfriend told you to read the labels on the bottles carefully you should’ve listened, because what was supposed to be a relaxing night of you messaging all the tension away turned to him being in even more pain that only you could fix.
warning(s): smut under the cut (mdni!!), established relationship, supernatural / witch au, light fluff, hint of angst? mentions of food, mentions of blood, petnames (love, babe, baby, ect.) are used for both reader and cheol, whore is used / slight degradation, marking, praise, aphrodisiac oil is used, unprotected sex, creampie, slight breeding kink, dick riding, multiple orgasms (m), squirting, oral (m receiving), throat / face fucking, deep throating, cum eating, let me know if i forgot anything! - don’t mind grammatical errors/typos (i tried) // thank you @onlyhuis & @multi-kpop-fanfics for proofreading!
the story of pink eros collab masterlist
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“here you go cheol,” you plop the last basket full of herbs down on the counter top. “i finished harvesting all your herbs.” you give him a bright smile despite all the dirt on your face and hands. 
“thank you baby.” he smiles back, laughing quietly at the state of your being. “when you get cleaned up, could you put these away for me please? i need to start prepping the herbs to dry so they’ll be ready for next week.” he moves the herbs to set baskets full of premade potions and potion ingredients on the counter for you. 
“okay!” you chirp out before rushing to the bathroom to clean up. after scrubbing all the dirt from your fingernails you make your way back to the kitchen to start putting stuff away. 
you mumbles the ingredients to yourself as you read the labels carefully, making sure you put them in the right spot. seungcheol was in one of the back rooms hanging up all the herbs to dry, giving you the whole kitchen to yourself. the longer you did things like this the more he trusted you to figure things out on your own - not being born into the same life as him. it was new adapting to all the magic he used in everyday life, but he made sure to take his time introducing you to everything. 
while in the middle of rearranging some of the potions so you could add the new ones you heard quite scratches coming from the back door followed by whimpers. sighing quietly you set the small glass bottles down on the counter to go open the door, a shaggy black dog comes waltzing in with a backpack on its back. 
“hi mingyu,” you smile as you watch the dog shift into a person who stands taller than your boyfriend. “i see jihoon let you out of your cage.”
“he did, and he sent me with offerings.” mingyu takes the backpack off and sets it gently on the table so he could pull out bundles of belladonna and a couple glass bottles full of a red liquid. 
“is that blood?”
“from a vampire! so it stinks, be careful.” his nose crinkles in a cute way. 
“do i even wanna know how he got it?” mingyu shrugs before it looks like a lightbulb went off in his head. 
“oh!” he reaches back in the bag to pull out something covered in cloth. “this is very special so be extremely careful with it… ji might kill me if it breaks.”
“what is it?”  you take it gently and unwrap the bottle, the handwriting was hard to read so the only thing you could read was ‘oil’. 
“he wouldn't tell me but he said cheol would know what it was.” mingyu closes the backpack and throws it back over his shoulders. “speaking of, where is he?” 
“the herb room, be careful going back there, the house is swamped with orders so there's boxes and ingredients everywhere.” mingyu nods his head and bids you a farewell, going to seek out his friend while being cautious of everything that's haphazardly stacked up in piles that reach the ceiling. 
carefully you put the belladonna in a basket for seungcheol to deal with later, making sure to wash your hands extremely well you go back to putting everything where it belongs.
the vampire blood was almost powdery, but it moved like a liquid so it mesmerized you for a little bit, mingyu leaving out the back door snapping you out of your trance as you went back to your task. 
“hey love,” you poke your head into the herb room, smiling as you watch seungcheol use his magic to levitate the herbs all around the room while also expanding the walls to make more room for everything. “where does this go?” you show him the bottle that had the mystery oil in it. 
“is it from jihoon?” you hum in acknowledgment. “um, just put it with the other oils for now. i’ll deal with it later.” he tilts his head back to offer you a tired smile, his eyes flinching a little when his neck cracks. 
“okay.” your voice is soft with worry but you still manage to smile back at him. “i’ll start dinner soon… how does soup sound?” 
“sounds amazing.” he hums while he looks down at his herb book that’s floating off to his left before he sighs, rearranging some of the herbs after he read that they shouldn’t be mixed. quietly you back out of the doorway and close the door, leaving cheol to work in peace. 
“put it with the oils?” you frown a little. “which oils though?” you sigh quietly  figuring you wouldn't bother seungcheol anymore as you go to the bathroom where all the nonedible oils are kept. after mingyu consumed the oil from a non edible plant a while back seungcheol made the decision to put all nonedible oils in the bathroom where no one could eat them accidentally. 
once you were back in the kitchen you hurriedly got back to putting everything away, wanting to get started on dinner early so you could get seungcheol to sit and relax for a little bit before he had to go out and set up all the water that needed to sit during the crescent moon. 
there were some bottles you weren't able to put away because of the lack of space but that's something seungcheol could fix later with his magic. washing your hands again you got to work on lighting the stove, which still used fire but seungcheol needed it to be that way for him to properly cook some of his ingredients and potions. mumbling the ingredients of the soup to yourself you get everything ready and prepared while the fire gets roaring. 
“we’re almost out of garlic.. i need to ask ji for some more later.” you make a mental note to text the garden witch later, even if he rarely touches his phone you hope he’ll send mingyu with some next time he makes a delivery. 
“hey baby, do you know where the string is? i ran out and i have a couple more bundles to wrap and hang.” seungcheol comes up behind you while you stir the pot to hug you. he takes a big sniff of the air and groans quietly. “it smells good and i’m starving, when did you start?”
“it’ll be done by the time you are.” you giggled quietly as he kissed gently at your exposed neck. “i think we should have some more in the first drawer in the storage room.” he mumbles a quiet ‘thank you’ as he kisses your cheek before pulling himself away from your body. he also grabs the basket full of belladonna so he can dry it as well. 
just like you predicted you finished dinner a couple minutes after seungcheol finished hanging everything and getting cleaned up. while you took your time to wash up, getting all the food and grime off from the day, seungcheol was setting the table - the bowls and cups floating in the air as he poured soup and drinks into them before setting them at their respective chairs. 
“i was thinking,” you started talking when you entered the room. “after we finish eating I can give you a little message.” you smile at your boyfriend who looks at you with wide and curious eyes. 
“oh?” his eyes follow you to your seat, his food untouched because he wanted to wait for you before he started eating. 
“yeah, i noticed that you were flinching earlier when you were moving your head.” you pick up your spoon so you could take a sip of the broth that was still hot. “maybe i could help loosen up some of the muscles so its more comfortable for you to move.” seungcheol smiles wide, his dimples on full display as he watches the way you frown after burning your mouth on the broth. 
“i’d love that.” he hums quietly before he eats a spoon full of the soup, the heat not really bothering him as much as he starts to scarf down his food. 
“oh!” you jump out of your chair and rush back into the kitchen, the smell of the soup overpowered the bread you had baking in the oven and you almost forgot about it. “there's bread.” you bring the freshly baked bread out into the dining room, your boyfriend is quick to use his magic to levitate it out of your mitten clad hands. 
“thank you baby.” he uses his magic to cut a couple slices for the both of you, levitating the knife to spread butter on them before setting them on your plates. while you both ate your dinner you talked about your days, most of which was spent preparing things for orders people had been putting in for potions and spells.
“i’ll clean up while you go get comfortable on the bed.” you give seungcheol a smile when you both finish eating. 
“let me help you.” he stands up and uses his magic to pick up all the dishes, sending them to the sink where they land a little harshly - his excitement getting the best of him as he grabs your hand to drag you towards the bedroom. his magic was still doing work in the kitchen as he put all the food in the fridge. 
“you're excited.” you giggle quietly as you watch him crawl onto the bed to lay on his stomach. 
“of course i am, you're going to put your pretty little hands on my back.” he hums quietly. you couldn’t help the way your face heated up as you shake your head. 
“take your shirt off for me, i'm gonna go get one of the message oils.” you’ve never seen your boyfriend move so quickly before as you watch his back muscles flex as he lays back down on his stomach, the tattoos on his back prominent under the dull light of the bedroom. you didn’t waste too much time going into the bathroom and grabbing one of the oil bottles, holding it under your shirt to help warm it up a little using your body heat. 
“i know you want me to relax baby but i do have to be outside in the next two hours to make sure the water is in the moonlight for the longest time possible.” seungcheols voice is soft as you crawl onto the bed, sitting on top of your boyfriends ass as you hum quietly. 
“i know love,” you smile gently, even though he couldn’t see it. you pull the bottle out from under your shirt and open it, a sweet but tangy scent hits your nose - it was pleasant but new, you don’t remember the scent but you shrug it off as it has been awhile since you’ve done this. “now relax.” you pour some of the red liquid onto your hands and rub them together, the color looked familiar but you couldn’t put your finger on it as you began to rub the shimmery oil into seungcheols skin. groaning quietly, seungcheol relaxed into the bed, his muscles screaming a little as you knead at his skin. 
“feels good baby.” he mumbles as his eyes flutter closed, the tension beginning to leave his body the higher up his back you got. your hands would linger a little longer on the areas where his tattoos were, loving the way the specs of gold in the oil looked against the black ink. 
“i’m glad it feels good.” you purr quietly as you put some more oil on your hands so you could rub at his shoulders. your hands began to tingle a little but you paid no attention to it as you messaged his shoulders, drawing louder groans from your boyfriend as you felt the knots in his muscles melt away under your fingers. 
“what oil is this?” he mumbles after a couple minutes of silence. “the scent is new.. but familiar.” you shrug your shoulders before realizing he couldn’t see you. 
“i don't know, but i think it's floral?” you bring one of your hands up to your nose to sniff at the oil, your head becoming a little light all of a sudden. “woah..” you whisper.
“where did the oil come from?” seungcheol groans quietly, this time in pain as he shifts under you. 
“the cabinet?” you question quietly as you rub at his back again. “are you still in pain?” 
“this is a different kind of pain.” he shifts under you again, his skin starting to heat up under your hands. “where did the oil come from before the cabinet baby?” you could tell his jaw was clenched as he held back another pained groan. 
“um…” you fumble picking the bottle back up as you go to check the label, which is something you forgot to do before using it. you freeze as you stare at the label, jihoons horrible scribbling stared back as you as it finally dawned on you that you potentially just used something dangerous on your boyfriend. “jihoon..” you whisper. 
“what?” your boyfriend's head tilts to the side as he tries to look at you behind him. 
“it came from jihoon..” you gulp quietly, your hands starting to shake. “i’m so sorry cheol! i didn’t think about checking the label, the colors looked similar and i thought i grabbed the right one and now i just rubbed something into your back that could potentially ki-”
“hey,” he groans as he tries to roll over without knocking you off of him. “It's ok, it's not deadly.” he watches you through his hooded eyes as you shift around to sit on top of his lap where his cock was growing hard. 
“what is it then?” your face heats up at the feeling of his bulge under your ass. you try to read the label again but give up as you lean over to set the glass bottle on the bedside table. seungcheol was quick in grabbing your hips to sit you back down on his lap after you set the bottle down. groaning quietly at the contact he closes his eyes, his jaw clenching again as he tries to focus on anything other than the pain in his body. 
“it’s…” he takes in a deep breath, “its pure concentrated aphrodisiac oil.” he lets out the breath. 
“what..” your eyes widen a little, you remember reading about aphrodisiacs in the book jihoon let you borrow. 
“it’s for sex potions and spells..” his fingers dig into your hips. “and it's super strong.. even just the smell of it can make you horny when it's in this form.” he mumbles quietly. 
“oh..” you gently set your hands on his bare chest, your fingers ghosting over his nipples that are rock hard causing him to groan loudly, his head falling back into the pillow deeper. 
“please.. y/n..” he whimpers a little, his hips bucking up into yours causing you to jump forward a little, a quiet moan leaving you as you bite your lip. 
“are you in pain right now because you're horny?” you mumble as you push your hips down into his as you grind against him, his own hips grinding with yours as he groans lowly. 
“yes..” he was becoming breathless, his body already worked up enough to cum in his pants right then and there. there was enough aphrodisiac in seungcheols system to give him the sex drive of a bunny. 
“do.. do you need something to help with it?” you try to keep a straight mind while you both helplessly grind against each other. “like an antidote or something..” you breathe out quietly.
“i don’t have any remedies made right now..” he groans as he bucks his hips up into yours hard. “i need to get off.” he almost whispers as his eyebrows furrowed together. 
“can i help you get off?” you lean down to kiss gently at his jaw, nosing his cheek as he whines. 
“only if you want to..” he stops his movements, his legs shaking as he tries so hard to open his eyes to look at you. 
“i do want to help you,” you smile softly, moving your hands from his chest so you can fully lay on top of him, allowing you to grab his face. “besides, it would be a lot quicker with me here right?” he nods before he's rolling you two over so he's laying on top. he groans quietly in pleasure and pain, his hips instinctively rutting into yours. 
“tell me when to stop.” he whispers against your lips before he kisses you deeply, his body rocking as he deeply rolls his hips into yours, his pants getting tighter than before. you both were desperately moaning into the others mouth as you sloppily made out with one another, the sexual tension becoming thicker the longer you two took to get naked. 
‘cheol..” you manage to breathe out in between kisses, a needy whine escaping your lips when he nips at your tongue. 
“what's wrong?” he mumbles as he trails his lips down your cheek and neck, sucking dark marks into his favorite places. 
“it’s getting really hot..” you whisper while wiggling under his flaming hot body. one major side effect of the aphrodisiac is it makes the consumer really hot, almost like it mimics the body temperature that wolves and other animals experience during their heats. 
“can i take your clothes off?” 
“god yes.” you sit up along with him so he can pull your shirt off while using his magic to unclip and pull your bra off while he shimmies out of his own pants. you don't even get the drawstring of your pants undone before he’s pulling them off of you along with your panties. the cold air hitting your soaking hot cunt makes a shiver run down your spine and goosebumps rise up on your skin that seungcheol soothes away with his hands. 
“i am going to devour you.” he groans as his warm hands trail down your legs, pushing them wide open so he can comfortably sit between them. he takes one of his hands to jerk his cock a couple times, his precum coating every inch of him. when you whimper quietly seungcheol doesn’t waste a second before he's lining up at your glistening hole. “are you sure you want this?”
“yes, please.” you were starting to sound like the desperate one here despite your boyfriend's pupils being blown with lust and his cock throbbing from all the aphrodisiac in his system. “give it all to me.” with that seungcheol pushes into your tight cunt inch by inch, his hands resting on the back of your thighs to keep them pushed wide open. 
“fuck..” he groans lowly, your pussy clenching at the sound caused his hips to buck forward - his cock fully bottoming out. his fingers dig into your flesh and his jaw clenches while he waits for you to finish adjusting. when you give him the green light to start moving he doesn’t waste a breath before he's thrusting his hips. 
he wanted to start slow, his muscles tense with restraint as he watches the way your head tilts back and your bottom lip disappears between your teeth. letting go of your thighs seungcheol leans his whole body over yours so he can rest his forearms on the bed on either side of your head, caging you against the bed. instinctively, your legs wrap tightly around his waist while your arms snake around his neck, your nails digging into his back as he starts to thrust harder and faster - his slow pace long forgotten as his only thought was to make you moan as loudly as possible while also getting you to cum before him. 
“you feel so fucking good,” he grunts quietly as his hands grip onto the sheets tightly, his hips jackhammering into yours creating a loud squelching sound to echo throughout the room. “doing so fucking good for me, taking my cock like a good little whore.” your pussy clenches at his words causing him to fuck into you faster, the amount of slick you were creating made him slide in and out with ease. 
your nails drag down his shoulders, dark red lines forming in their wake as seungcheol fucks you like theres no tomorrow. a shiver runs up your boyfriend's spine when you rake your nails over his tattoos, the skin puffing up a little but no blood spills out as you continue to mark him up. 
‘keep doing that baby and i’ll cum.” he groans into your neck as he tries to will his fast approaching orgasm away. 
“cum for me my love,” you purr quietly before whining when he hits your g-spot. seungcheol didn’t think twice before he was spilling his thick load into your cunt. despite being sensitive he continues to thrust into you. his cock is still painfully hard, all the aphrodisiac hadn’t been fucked out of his system yet. “let.. let me ride you.” you pant quietly, yelping when he rolls you two over so he was laying on his back again. 
“ride me.” his voice dripped with dominance despite him letting you take over. once you were comfortable, your hands find purchase on seungcheols abdomen before you start to slowly bounce your hips. he groans lowly, his hips bucking up to jostle you around a little bit - the pace becoming too slow for him. biting your lip and digging your nails into his abs that flexed under your hands you pick up your pace, your hips slapping down against his harder as his cum leaked out onto his balls. 
“so big,” you coo quietly, your moans turning into whines as your eyes roll and flutter a little. his cock twitched inside you as you clenched harder than before - your orgasm approaching quickly. “so full.”
“gonna fuck you even more full,” seungcheol groans as his hands find their way to your hips so he can help you bounce on his cock harder, the need to be as deep inside of you as possible becoming bigger by the second. “fill you with my cum till you're dripping with it for days.”  
“please!” you moan loudly, your body jumping forward everytime his hips come up to meet yours. 
“please what baby? fuck.” he almost growls when you clench around him, his cock twitching and his balls tightening as his orgasm threatens to wash over him. 
“cum.. cum please, please!” you babble as you let your body collapse on top of his while he takes over in fucking into you again, his arms wrapping around your waist as he groans into your hair. 
“you can cum baby,” he mumbles as he plants his feet on the bed to get a better and more stable angle. “cum all over my cock.” and just like that the coil in your stomach snaps and your orgasm washes over you as you squirt a little all over his cock. 
“cheol!” you gasp and whine as he helped you ride out your orgasm, his second one washing over him as he unloaded his cum deep inside you. 
the two of you lay there for a couple minutes, panting while you both come down from your highs. your lower half began to ache a little as you slowly sat up, whimpering at how sensitive you were as you gently pulled yourself from seungcheols semi hard cock. 
“how do you feel?” you mumble as your hands rub at his chest, his quiet hums vibrating through your fingertips. 
“less horny that's for sure.” he laughs quietly, his dimples popping out as he lazily looks at you through his lashes. “how do you feel? i wasn’t too rough with you, was i?” you shake your head.
“not at all, besides i love it when you get rough.” you shrug your shoulders as your hands gently message their way down his stomach, his muscles flexing before relaxing - a content sigh leaving him. “is all the aphrodisiac out of your system?” the lower your hands got on his body the harder his cock got again. 
“i would say it is…” he watches you with dark eyes. “but it's hard to tell with your hands on me like that still.” he smirks at the sweet smile you give him.
“well you were still a little hard when i got up.” you crawl backwards slowly till your head is positioned right above his cock. “so maybe you still need my help.”
“i’ll never turn down your help baby.” he breathes out, gasping when your fingers wrap around the base, your fingertips almost touching. you jerk him off a couple times before you stick your tongue out to kitten lick at the head, the tip of your tongue swirling around his slit causing him to hiss and buck his hips up. giggling quietly you decide that teasing him could wait another night as you slowly lower your head, taking inch by inch until you couldn’t take anymore. 
“fuck,” your chest swells with pride at being able to make him sound so fucked out. slowly you start to bob your head, your hand wrapped around the part you didn’t get shoved down your throat yet. “mouth feels so good.” his groans were like music to your ears as you picked up the pace. 
considering he was already sensitive and overstimulated from the oil and his first two orgasms, his third climax wasn't far off. his legs began to tense up a little the closer it got causing you to use both your hands to soothe at his legs while you worked on deep throating him. after a little bit of effort you were able to nestle him nicely down your throat as he began to buck his hips up, fucking your throat as he chased after his next orgasm. 
“y/n!” he moans, his orgasm washing over him like a tidal wave as he cums down your throat and all over your mouth. swallowing every last bit of cum you make sure to kiss your way back up his body, giggling when he laughs quietly. “you’re amazing, you know that?” he whispers right before you kiss him on the lips, his tongue instantly exploring every inch of your mouth as he tastes himself on your tongue. 
“you’re amazing too.” you whisper before kissing him again, this time softer. after pulling away from one another, seungcheol slowly sits up carefully so he doesn’t head butt you. 
“lets go get cleaned up.” he stands up and stretches, groaning as the bones in his back pop. you can't help but drool a little at the muscles in his back, they flex so deliciously as he stretches his arms out and the black ink mixed with the deep red scratch marks was making your head dizzy. when he was done seungcheol picked you up gently to carry you to the bathroom where he ran you two a hot bath - making sure to put the correct soap and oils into the water so you can get the maximum relaxation effect. 
“not to alarm you or anything but its almost ten thirty.” you hum quietly as you relax deeper into the water while using seungcheols chest as your backrest. 
“seven hours minimum is needed for the crescent moon water.” he mumbles against your neck as he relaxes with you. “as long as i'm out and setting up the water by eleven it’ll be fine.” 
“you better not be out there all night.” you mumble already knowing he won't be joining you in bed later until sunrise. 
“i'll try baby.” he laughs quietly when you grumble out a quiet ‘bullshit’ before sitting up to grab your shampoo wanting to hurry up and get out so that seungcheol can attend to his water and you can go to bed (where you’ll one hundred percent pout until your boyfriend comes to join you). “i love you.” he coos, smiling when he notices how hard you're trying not to smile as you lather shampoo into yours then his hair. 
“i love you too..” you mumble, finally giving in and offering him a smile as you helped rinse his hair out. “but you better come to bed tonight, or i’ll strap you to it tomorrow.” he laughs quietly as he grabs your hips so he can pull you close enough for him to kiss the tip of your nose. 
“i’ll come to bed tonight baby, i promise.” and he did keep his promise, after spending two hours setting everything up and making sure it was all protected properly he crawled into your guys bed where he proceeded to lay on top of you like a cat (and even if he was up a couple hours later putting the water away before the sun came out you couldn’t complain too much about his lack of sleep since he did keep his promise, and he took a nap later that day per your request while you took care of some of the potion making that didn’t require magic).
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feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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just-jordie-things · 5 months
indulge me for a second here (at ur own time ofc)
megumi breaks up w reader for reasons (wants to focus on training or sum) but reader starts acting a lill crazy especially when she thinks he might be seeing other women. She's txting him, sending suggestive pics, flirting, cockblocking other women- just the usual, you know?
Then she stops.
Leaving megumi with a whole crisis. Didn't he want this? Why is he missing all her attention? Why is she giving *his* attention to other guys?
I just want that toji and gojo side of him to flare up and chase the reader all over again 😇😇😇😇
AAAHHH YES i need to add more toxicity to my fics bc lets be real we'd all behave like this to get him back :3
kinda feel like this could be a prequel to the blurb i wrote about ex bf!megumi cockblocking you n trying to win you back
suggestive content under the cut but no smut ___
you're a good girl, definitely better than this, but to be honest he left you no choice, didn't he?
how else were you supposed to get his attention? it's not like those other girls had anything to offer him, so you just had to... give him a reminder of what he had, and that he could have it again if he stopped being a man slut and crawled right back to you where he belonged.
(was he really being a man slut? you couldn't actually know... all you knew was what you heard from rumors. but that was enough to warrant all of this... wasn't it?)
you didn't care how much money you spent on pretty lacey sets, or how much time you spent draping yourself in the most inviting poses you could come up until your my eyes only album was overflowing with tasteful nudes. and every single one of them was sent to him.
there wasn't an ounce of humiliation in your body, sending nudes and other suggestive photos/videos to your ex-boyfriend. you were sure that eventually he would be swayed... if it wasn't by baby pink then maybe an angelic white... or classic red.... to you, this was just a means to an end. eventually he'd understand what he was missing and he'd come back begging to get back together.
when he doesn't realize his mistake after a month of spamming his phone... you lose interest. naturally, of course. if he could look at all those photos, watch all those videos to completion, and still not want you back? well, that was his loss.
truthfully, you got bored. and at some point you came to the realization that there were other hot, single, desperate guys out there who would love a glimpse of what was wasted on megumi. so you steered your attention in another direction and almost forgot about your ex completely.
well, you forgot about him until he started showing up around you all the time.
at first it was the bars, anywhere you spent your time with nightlife, he was bound to show up there. whether you were drinking or dancing, or just sitting in a booth wrapped up in the company of someone else, megumi was there to see it.
you might've moved on, but you weren't oblivious. you saw him. you just didn't seem to care. never giving him more than a passing glance before your attention was returned to whoever was lucky enough to get it tonight. megumi's not sure he ever saw you with the same guy twice
even when he moved on to stalking your other hangouts. like the coffee shop you frequented most days of the week. once he started seeing your distraction of the night coming in with you on their arm in the mornings, too, megumi started to lose his mind.
what was the point of all those messages you sent? all the photos with your body on display for him attached with 'thinking of you' or a little kiss emoji- those were all just for him, weren't they? and now you're parading around with every willing guy you find?
megumi's in denial. this wasn't like you, you didn't play games, you weren't a slut, so what was your goal here?
if it was to drive him crazy, you most definitely had the upper hand. but he was determined that it wouldn't last for long.
you wanted to play shitty games? fine, megumi could play shitty games. he'll make sure you come to regret getting over him so easily.
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ur-dad-satan · 7 months
Hello do you take requests? If you do may you plz do where the Obey Me brothers receive a erotic picture from their s/o, who's showing off their neck. Like their neck is arched and the caption might say something along the lines of maybe "my neck feels lonely" or "mark me" and they rush over to their s/o.
Hi I do take requests! And you're so polite I'll see what I can do!! 😭 I'm also going to add my own silly little spin to it but keep your idea as the main thing <3
MC loved to tease the brothers. Their favorite way of bothering their precious little (tall asf) brothers? Sending them... spicy... racy... erotic pictures at the worst of times. Whether they were busy, not home, or even at the dinner table, they just love to see them squirm. MC cannot get enough of this, so they won't stop.
!! suggestive but not explicit !! !! okay for everyone !!
He was in a meeting with Diavolo and Barbatos when his DDD went off.
As the meeting ended, Lucifer finally checked the message.
A picture? From MC? Oh Diavolo...
He clicked to open the picture and he almost audibly gasped.
On his screen was a picture of MC's hand around their throat along with their bare chest along with a caption
"I wish this was your hand and my neck was covered in marks 🤭"
A wave of desire washed over him as he left the prince's office.
Oh, if he could teleport...
He'd send a text simply saying, "Be in my room when I get back."
That day he walked a little faster than usual.
It was getting late, and he was still at the casino.
It took a while for him to notice the notification reading "My Human 💛" but when he did, he immediately opened it
He wasn't prepared to see a picture let alone the one he got
The picture was of MC topless on his bed with a pretty necklace around their neck along with a caption
"I wish your bites decorated my neck instead of this necklace 😔"
His face burned. From his neck to his ears, and something deep within his stomach fluttered
Fast as lightning, he cashed out and took everything he had earned sending a text as he got into his car
"Baby, you better be right there when I get there."
He would need a minute to calm down both his aching heart and his aching... something else before heading into the House of Lamentation.
He and MC were hanging out in his room, but alas; the two ran out of snacks!
MC looked so comfy in their little spot that Levi went to get them
He was only gone for two minutes when his DDD went off in his pocket.
He checked and saw "Player Two"
He had just left, why did they text him? Maybe they forgot to ask for something specific.
He wasn't expecting a picture let alone... MC, shirtless in his bathtub bed with their neck as the center focus with a caption
"My neck feels so lonely, Levia-chan💜"
Levi.exe_ has stopped working. As well as his body seemingly, his face burned bright and his knees went weak
He quicky and I mean quickly grabbed the rest of their snacks and went back to his room
He was fine. MC made sure of it :)
He had made a run to a nearby bookstore to pick up a new book or two for MC to share over a cup of tea
He expected a text from MC asking about good books or which ones he was getting
What he didn't expect was a picture
Maybe it was a cat they saw! (How optimistic)
He excitedly opened it, and his breath caught in his throat.
There was MC scantily clad with freshly painted nails almost tantalizingly placed on their throat
"Hurry back and mark me" read a caption on the picture
This human was going to be the death of him
Hiding how it affected him, he sent back a text and hurriedly finished his shopping before going home
His text? "MC, you don't know what you've gotten yourself into. I'll be home soon."
He was out at the local mall with a few friends and MC hadn't seen him since breakfast
As he and the others took selfies, a notification from "Mi Flor🌷🩷" popped up at the top of his screen
He quickly made sure to move away from his friends before checking it (the man values his privacy)
He opened the picture not sure what to expect, then a grin spread across his face
There was his precious little MC sitting in bubble bath in his bathroom with soap just covering their chest and their neck
A caption at the bottom of the screen read "Can't wait for you to get back and mark my throat"
Hearts formed in his eyes and he quickly wrapped up shopping
(it's my headcanon that Asmo's pupils can become hearts when he's feeling really loving/loved or lustful)
He shot back a text saying "I'm on my way. Get out until I get there so your skin doesn't wrinkle 🩷"
He was in the middle of Fangol practice when the coach decided to give the players a break.
He checked his phone not really expecting anything but there was a text! Yay!
The contact's name read "Apple Pie 😜" and his face lit up!
Excitedly, he opened the message and his face fell into one of surprise.
Painting his screen was a picture of MC in his bed wearing one of his lowcut shirts with whipped cream dotting their neck and lips.
a caption read "I have a sweet treat for you if you do well at practice today <3"
Beel's mouth watered a bit and a new sense of determination and motivation overcame him
He practiced -arguably- the hardest he's practices in a while to ensure he earned his "sweet treat"
He decided to go out to the store with Beel because ApArEnTlY he needed more sunlight or something
Not really wanting to be out, his sleepy eyes were lazily glued to his phone.
A text from "Cuddle Buddy" flashed across his screen.
Maybe this won't be such a horrible outing after all!
He clicked on the picture thinking it was a meme and his eyes became wide
MC was up in the attic with a few of his favorite pillows and a blanket suggestively draped over them and their neck accentuated.
Belphie's jaw almost dropped when he saw the caption attached
"Maybe you can draw your favorite constellation on my neck with bitemarks 🌟"
Belphie shot back a quick "We're coming back soon." text and told Beel that he's extremely tired
The two hurried back and Belphie snuck away from his twin and up to the attic
Okay anon, I hope you and everyone else who read this likes it. Sorry it took so long!!
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AITA for getting upset that someone "system-claimed" me?
I have a friend, let's call them Cory, and Cory is a system. I don't care about that. We don't talk a lot, but we play the same games and end up playing together every now and again. This is important because this is the majority of my interaction with Cory, and as deep as our relationship gets. We also share a discord server (made by a mutual Friend) and in that server there is a vent channel. I don't usually use those because I don't wanna air out my business to everyone, but the other day I sent in a message talking about how I had been feeling off for a week or so, and the words I used were that I "felt like my body wasn't my own". That was that, when I was done crying and feeling bad for myself I actually deleted the message because I got embarrassed. Next morning I get a dm from Cory with a screenshot of the message. Cory says this sounds like osdd and that I'm a system. Not "could" or "might" be, they say with certainty that I am.
I obviously get a little weirded out, ask them why they would say something like that and tell them I'm definitely not a system. They insist. I get ticked off and tell them to leave me alone.
Apparently they ran off to tell the others in the server, and now everyone's calling me ableist and saying I'm awful and that I made their trauma-holder (? is that what it's called) front.
Now obviously I don't know a lot about system stuff, and I feel bad if I caused them distress, but in my mind it's not right to just start diagnosing people with life-changing disorders that stem from trauma? Especially people you don't know?
Also my "symptom" was just depression. That's it. Plain old depression that I go to therapy for.
The people on the server put me in time-out until "Cory feels safe with me in there" but I want to hear an outside opinion. Am I the asshole?
I'm the Cory/System Claiming-aita anon, I forgot to add: I'm 16 and Cory is 14!
What are these acronyms?
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maream2636 · 3 months
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My teeth have become better. I still cannot eat solid things, but at least there is no severe pain. A situation happened yesterday that made me very angry. I was supposed to be in a group to do a report. It turned out that they did not add me, so I am without a group, and the report they are giving is done . One of the members of the group whom I had previously messaged to confirm my presence, but she forgot, and now I am without a report or grades. she apologized profusely and sent everything to make a report. I just had to collect them, but I was very angry at their negligence. However, I am fine now, especially when she apologized.
1.doing a report
2.Study of pharmaceutical principles
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rallentando1011 · 8 months
Somnambulant Soulmates (rise Donnie x gn reader)
rise Donnie x gn reader
Prologue, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Word Count: 4873
Content: movie night, fight scene, brief text messages (it was a doozy to write but still really fun!)
Chapter Artwork: Here
Waking up before noon was a chore. 
Not necessarily because you stayed up late, also not because you forgot to set an alarm, but the combination of the two made last night’s sleep enticingly prisonlike. 
You only awoke when your bedroom seemed suspiciously bright, your rest suspiciously long. Having work at noon and not wanting to miss it, you shot up in bed, frantically padding for your phone in its place beside you.
Checking the time revealed that it was a comfortable while away from when you had to be at work, not even eleven yet.
Checking your telephone also revealed numerous notifications filling up the screen.
Not that it was odd for you to wake up to a bunch of text messages, but yeah, it was.
When you opened your phone, you saw that the group chat that had been made at April’s birthday party was the culprit.
Shoot. You’d almost forgotten that it even existed. Outside of the pictures from April’s party and a few memes, not much had been sent.
That was, until last night, apparently.
You scrolled to the top of the new messages, getting to work on reading through the slew of them awaiting you.
Today 1:58 AM
Leo: so I recognize that we’re all busy people/yōkai/mutants/unspecified, but we’ve got some free time tonight if you guys would be game for a movie night?
Mikey: Yeah baby! I’m SO down!
Leo: …
Leo: we’re the ones inviting people over so this was more for everyone else, you know?
Mikey: oh. right. knew that.
Today 3:17 AM
April: I’m game! After like seven because your girl has work :))
Donnie: Aren’t you on your fifth job this week?
April: Isn’t your forehead on its fifth inch?
Raph: f
Leo: f
Mikey: f
Today 4:23 AM
Casey: *SNAKCN.
Sunita: You can do it Cass
Casey: **SNACKS!!!
Sunita: It’s a yes from me btw
Casey: Your sarcasm is not appreciated, goopy one.
Casey: Junior is with me right now. I hope you find it suitable that I have invited him along.
Leo: wait, Jr’s not in here? lemme add him rq
Leo added an Unknown number
Maybe Junior: A movie night sounds great! I’m assuming we already have plans to get pizza? If not, I’ll gladly pick some up.
Mikey: You /know/ we’ve got pizza covered, baby! All you need to do is show up
Maybe Junior: Sounds great!
As you caught up on the conversation, you thought about your schedule for the day. Sure, you had work, but only until six, and you didn’t have anything the next day. Some social interaction sounded nice, even if all of the people you were hanging out with all seemed to stay up until ungodly hours.
Today 10:48 AM
You: gosh dang are all of you nocturnal?
You: also yes, I’m absolutely down for a movie night! where at?
April: Remember that one patisserie we ate at in SoHo? Just meet me outside of there and I’ll lead you the rest of the way ;)
You: bet
With that, you rolled yourself off your mattress, slapped on some jeans, a shirt, beanie, fanny pack, boots, snagged some breakfast for the road, and started off on your way to work.
The day at work proved drudgerous.
Thankfully, nothing terrible happened, and you didn’t have many bad interactions with customers, but it was so painfully dull. It had been insipid, realistically, since April had left, but it provided a steady pay and got you by. Such is the life of a retail worker.
The boredom you experienced at work was quickly warped into excitement as your shift ended and your walk to meet with your best pal began.
After a brisk journey, you landed in front of the patisserie that you and April had visited only a few weeks prior. You scanned the area, grinning as your eyes landed on her leaning against the brick wall by the building’s entrance. No sooner than you noticed her, she did the same with you.
“Hey!” April waved you over.
“Hey!” you responded as you walked over to her, taking in the familiar area around you. Coffee shops, hot pot stops, standard commercial buildings and advertisements galore, but not many residences.
“Hey April, where do these pals of yours live anyways?” you asked, still surveilling the nearby edifices.
“Oh. About that…” she started, and you looked at her. 
She seemed nervous, almost.
“It’s fine if they live a while away. I could use the exercise.” 
She clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth anxiously. So it wasn’t that.
“What is it?” you asked, the smile you had slowly draining from your face.
“It’s nothing bad, just- let me show you.”
April slipped around the corner and into a dim, adjacent alley while you trailed her like a confused sheep. When she stopped abruptly and looked at the ground, you came up beside her and followed her gaze.
You started rethinking everything that had brought you to this point as you both stared down a slightly ajar manhole.
“The sewers.”
“The sewers,” she confirmed grimly.
“No, you’ve got to be kidding right now. Wherever the hidden cameras-slash-film crew are, they can come out now…”  You paused. You didn’t truly expect anyone or anything to happen, but it sure would’ve made you feel better if it did. However, after a moment filled with the distant sounds of cars and people, you met her eyes again. “We’re really going in there?”
“Does it not smell like, I don’t know, sewage?”
April snorted. “Oh, no. There are measures put in place to spruce the lair up. We’re talking industrial-grade air fresheners. I helped Donnie put ‘em up years ago.”
“... So it did smell?”
“Man, just get in the sewers!”
With that impetus, you cautiously helped her kick the cover askew, then open, and tentatively placed yourself on the first rung of a ladder built in a wall. Before you continued your descent, you narrowed your eyes at your companion.
“If this is some kind of trick, I swear-”
This time April didn’t indulge you with words. One sight of her deadpan sent you carefully yet swiftly working your way down into the sewers.
Despite being underneath the ground, it was still bright enough to see in front of you, see the rungs methodically moving up as you went down. You attributed your ability to see to the light creeping in through the entrance above, so when April followed you down and worked the cover back in place, you were immediately plunged into darkness.
“Woah, it’s, uh, a bit dark down here,” you called, definitely not clinging desperately to the ladder.
“Oh, right! You’re not really used to this,” April laughed lightly.
“You could say that.”
“Here.” After a moment, a bright light shone from above you. April’s flashlight. In the now illuminated cement structure, you looked up to see her flash you a smile. You mustered up an uneasy one back at her and crept the rest of the way down.
You almost collapsed in relief at being back on solid, albeit sewer-water-dampened, ground. At least it didn’t smell like sewage, just like she had said.
April landed beside you swiftly, giving you a nudge before bounding down a tunnel. “Come on. It’s this way!”
You sighed before coming up beside her.
“Once again, I feel I just need to ask for legal purposes, this isn’t an elaborate hoax or scheme for my demise, right?”
“I promise! Look, just relax.This’ll be fun!”
You two meandered through the tunnels in a comfortable silence, the only sound coming from the echoes of your steps and the constant drips of faraway water. With how many chambers you had moved through, you contemplated confirming that she knew the way, but the confidence with which she walked convinced you well enough.
Eventually, a light came into view at the end of the passageway, and you could faintly discern the sound of indistinguishable chatter.
“Right here,” April exulted, jogging up to the exit and stepping out into the light. 
You tailed her. As you drank in the scene around you, it was drastically contrary to what you would expect of a sewer dwelling.
The room had the spaciousness and height of a gothic church, though the decor was certainly less ornate. In lieu of flying buttresses or stained glass, the architecture in the lair consisted of graffitied walls, string lights and drainage pipes, which presumably led to more rooms. For an underground home, it was very bright and comely. The most notable feature of the room, however, was the huge skate ramp in the center of the room, the deck almost reaching the ceiling.
“See? Not a slaughterhouse.” April grinned.
You playfully raised a brow. “The night’s still young.”
You took to surveying the ground floor for anyone else.
Off to the side of the grand atrium stood Raph, Casey, and some kid who you’d never seen before. You could only presume him to be that ‘Junior’ character from the group chat.
Well, maybe you weren’t giving him enough credit. He wasn’t a kid, per say, as his built physique and the stubble on his chin made evident, but his bright eyes and how exuberantly he spoke to Casey accentuated his youthful appearance.
“Hey y’all!” April called as you walked over to the three.
Raph and Casey both greeted you with enthusiastic grins, Casey additionally giving you a light slug on the arm.
The new one, however, had a much more interesting reaction. His eyes widened upon seeing you, but maybe he just wasn’t expecting to see a new person. Reasonable, you supposed.
You decided to put your best foot forward, offering a hand shake and your name.
After a moment of just staring at you blankly, he blinked himself back into the present and shook your hand firmly.
“Casey Jones. Nice to see- or, meet, you,” he smiled widely.
“So you’re Casey?” you looked Cassandra mischievously. “And you’re Casey? Are you two related or is that just a coincidence?”
All ongoing conversation stopped for all of them to exchange a look.
April cleared her throat. “Well, about that-”
They proceeded to tell you the craziest story you’d heard in your life. They detailed how when, a couple years back, the Krang invaded and ransacked the city, the kid before you had been portaled from the future by older versions of your current turtle friends. The icing on top of the cake? Casey, the new one, is Cassandra’s son.
“What in the back to the future- you’re from the future?! Dude, you are from the future. That’s the most- I don’t want to say ridiculous but- it’s the wildest thing I’ve ever heard. Did you know me? Ooh, am I cool? I hope I’m cool. Also, no pressure to answer anything, just know that this is literally the most excited I’ve been all day.”
“Yeah, I knew you,” he nodded exuberantly with a bittersweet gleam in his eye. “The coolest commander I ever knew, aside from Commander O’Neil.”
“Commander?! Man, that’s wicked! Sorry if bringing this stuff up is weird or sad.”
“It’s fine,” he reassured. “It is odd seeing you, but I’ve gotten used to it. And it’s sort of nice.”
You smiled warmly at him just as the others’ conversation caught your attention. Casey mentioned something about everyone already being in the projector room, then April brought something up about getting this movie night on the road. You couldn’t agree more.
“So, should we head over there?” you proposed.
“We’ll grab the snacks and meet up with you!” Raph flashed you a toothy grin before smirking at Casey. Original Casey, not Jr. “Race you to the kitchen!”
“You’re going down, reptile!”
The two bounded off. You, April, and other Casey stood stupefied.
“Us too, future boy!” April challenged before breaking into a sprint after Raph and Casey. Casey Jr. shook his head lightheartedly before racing after them.
Just as you thought you’d be left standing like a deer in headlights until they returned, two giggling figures emerged from the sewer tunnel you’d come through, one blue, one orange.
“Hey Mikey, Leo!” you waved
“What’s up?” Leo smiled.
“Not much- woah!” you exclaimed. Mikey had already ran up to you and was currently squeezing your ribs in a tight hug.
“Hi,” he said, grinning widely.
“Hello.” You patted his back once, twice, awkwardly. “I think everyone’s either grabbing snacks or already went to the projector room, wherever that is.”
“We’ll show you the way!” Mikey was practically bouncing. “We’re gonna watch that new JJ movie! It’s a sequel to Pluto Vacation Part 77, but a prequel to Part 4,” Mikey explained exuberantly as he all but dragged you toward the projector room.
“Arguably the worst JJ movie, but let’s not delve into that right now,” Leo muttered.
“JJ?” you slanted your head.
“Jupiter Jim!” Mikey clarified. He let out an audible gasp and stopped walking when he saw you were still confused. “You don’t know Jupiter Jim! Omigosh! Wha- How? I thought I knew you!” The box turtle shook your shoulders.
“Easy, Miguel,” Leo moved Mikey’s hands off of your arms. “It’s not their fault they’re uneducated.”
Your stupefied expression soured. “I was about to thank you for coming to my defense, but I think you just made it worse.”
“Shhh, it’s alright. Don’t you fret, we’ll get you fixed up in about 800 films, reboots, and comics. Onward!” The two brothers started back up on their way to the movie.
“What? How many?” you asked, exasperated. You did not have the time nor attention span for that.
Leo and Mikey continued walking with you tagging along. The red eared slider just shrugged. “Chill, we’re not getting through all of them tonight. We’ll marathon as many as we can, though. I think the one we’re starting on works well enough chronologically.”
“I’ll take your word on it.”
You entered the projector room. The only person who was currently there was Sunita, though you almost didn’t recognize her in her yōkai form at first. You’d only seen it one other time at April’s, and you had lost your mind when she turned into a sludgy green puddle of googlyschmootz. You’d thought that she’d spontaneously combusted, but nope. That was just her insanely cool true form.
She was seated on the ground, eagerly staring at the projection of the menu screen of the Jupiter Jim movie on the wall. Behind her sat an orange, worn out sofa, and to the right of it was a gray bean bag chair.
“Sunita!” Mikey exclaimed, ran up to her, and took a seat beside her while Leo covered himself with a blanket on the couch and scrolled on his phone. “How long have you been watching the menu screen?”
“An hour,” she said nonchalantly, still not daring to take her eye off of it. “The score is just so good! I physically cannot look away.”
You squinted. “But you don’t need to look to hear the- nevermind.” You settled down in front of the bean bag, using the chair as support for your back.
Once you were seated, the sound of footsteps fastly approaching signaled the arrival of more people. 
Casey ran in first, bags of popcorn tucked under her arms, followed by April, with chips, Casey Jr., soda that certainly wouldn’t explode once it was opened, and finally Raph, arms full of candy. All of them were out of breath; you inferred they raced here like they had earlier. Casey boasting about her superior skills proved your hypothesis.
Raph muttered something about having the most to carry as he sulkily plopped down on the couch. Casey landed between him and Leo, still smiling victoriously. 
Casey Jr. set down the ticking time bomb that was the carbonated beverages he had sprinted through the lair with on the ground beside him as he took a seat by Mikey.
April clicked a couple of finger guns your way and sat beside you. She also decided to use the bean bag chair to rest against.
You were about to propose starting the movie before you realized someone was missing.
“Wait, where’s Donnie?” you whispered to April.
“Probably in his lab. Push comes to shove, we send Mikey to sucker him out of his room.”
“Is the lab here?”
“Yep. Just on the other side of the lair.”
“I might be reconsidering my whole stance on the whole ‘living in the sewers’ thing.”
April laughed lightly.
Suddenly, you felt the bean bag you two were resting against gain another commuter, the action bouncing you both.
You tipped your head back, meeting eyes with a nonchalant Donatello resting behind you.
“Personally, I recommend it. Technically not tax evasion if the government can’t find you,” he shrugged.
“It also helps that they don’t know you exist,” April jabbed lightheartedly.
“For legal reasons, I’m gonna pretend I heard none of that,” you averted your gaze jokingly, slowly tipping your head back down.
You heard your companions snicker, then joined them in their laughter. 
Soon, once Raph saw that everyone was present, he hit the buttons on the projector until the movie started playing.
While the movie opened up on, you guessed it, Pluto, snacks and drinks began to proliferate throughout the room and even eventually made their way to you three on the bean bag.
The movie was fairly obviously made on a low budget, as the shoddy camera direction and presence of a boom microphone for five minutes showed, but it was self aware about its campiness. Sure, the lore and character relationships were an absolute cluster, but it was still entertaining. Plus, the prosthetics used for the aliens looked phenomenal, and some scenes were genuinely eerie.
All in all, it was an enjoyable watch, made even more so by April’s occasional humorous comment and Donnie researching behind the scenes facts when something seemed intriguing to him.
As the credits rolled, you took a big stretch.
“That was a bit creepier than I thought a Jupiter Jim movie would be. Consider my timbers, shivered,” you admitted.
“I thought we reserved ‘shivering timbers’ for nautical excursions, same as ‘ahoy,’” Donnie commented. Man, he could really work sarcasm into any conversation. It was impressive, really.
“Hey, you can just drop it now, Don-Tron… That ship’s sailed.” Leo smirked.
“Wow. Boat puns. Stooping low today.” Donnie crossed his arms.
“Please, if we were stooping low, we’d bring up your internet history,” Mikey jumped in on the shenanigans. “But I’d much rudder keep this civil.”
“Continuing on,” Raph changed the subject. “I guess Pluto Vacation IV makes the most logical sense?”
Donnie and April cheered. Mikey and Leo groaned. 
“Hey!” April exclaimed. “We agreed not to trash on each other’s favorites.” She then gestured to you. “Plus, they’ve never seen it, so we’re doing this. Got it?”
“Fine,” Leo and Mikey spoke unison, the former rolling his eyes as Raph placed in the DVD and started the film.
The film started, once again, with a killer score, just as Sunita had said. Maybe she had a point about not being able to peel your vision from the screen-
Suddenly, a horrendous beeping noise shrieked from right behind your head, causing you to snap your head around immediately. 
“What is that horrible- oh wait that’s me.” Donnie tapped on the tech gauntlet on his forearm and made the alarm cease. At the same time, someone paused the movie.
“What was that?” you exclaimed, cautiously uncovering your ears.
“Hmm,” the turtle hummed. “Seems like we’ve got a 2100-47 in progress.”
Somewhere in the distance, you could hear crickets chirp.
“Oh, right, no one reads the manual. Art heist, going on right now, Hudson Street.” 
You looked around the room, wondering what the heck any of that meant, but everyone else seemed determined, ready, like superheroes.
“Wait wait wait, what just happened? What was that look?” Silence met you. “Wait, you guys are trying to fight crime? Right now? Seriously?”
You looked to April, who only smirked in response.
“Dang you guys are not slash j right now,” you remarked, gaining a small laugh from the soft shell behind you. “Do I have to stay here or..?”
“I don’t think so,” April spoke up.
“There are plenty of us. What could happen?” Leo pitched in.
“Besides, in the future, you were always able to hold your own,” Casey Jr. beamed. Okay, if you had him backing you up, the guy who knew a future version of you, you couldn’t let him down.
“Alright. I’m ready. At the very least, I’ll be moral support,” you shrugged.
“That’s the spirit!” Casey shouted. “Now let’s go!”
Just like that, your peaceful movie night turned into all of you rushing through the main room of the lair, those with weapons and masks grabbing their respective tools, and climbing up to the surface.
Immediately, Raph, Casey, and Sunita began scaling the rooftops in the direction of Hudson. Leo used his blades to form an electric blue portal, leaving a tingling sensation in the air after he leapt through. Mikey took out a chained instrument and, after latching it to lampposts, swung through the night. The mechanical shell on Donnie’s back converted into a jet pack-adjacent piece of technology with a seat, allowing for him and April to whirl off in the direction of the fighting.
You stood still. You had nary a clue what to do or where to go or- just about anything, really.
You looked over at the only person still beside you and wondered how Casey Jr. planned to get over there.
He looked back at you brightly and stepped beside you.
“Hold on!” Before you could question why, the youth revealed a grappling hook-esque contraption on his wrist, tucked the other arm around you, aimed at a lamppost, and sent you two soaring through the air.
You instinctively clung to the poor lad, who was somehow managing his own and your weight. The wind lashed at your face harshly as you dipped and soared, swinging off of every suitable lamppost or rooftop you passed.
As soon as you started to feel ill, you two landed on solid ground in an alleyway. However, the dread from that was quickly replaced by what you saw there.
Numerous goons were there, some loading crates of presumably stolen items into a large vehicle. The others were already engaged in fighting off your friends.
Their faces seemed unnatural, borderline demonic, and the fact that all of the creatures  had the same exact face did not make it any less uncanny.
The Caseys and April were steadily beating them down with hockey sticks and a baseball bat respectively. Raph and Sunita had seemed to head straight for the truck to salvage the stolen art. Donnie, Leo, and Mikey appeared to be pure agents of chaos, distracting and fighting goons with any means necessary.
“Standard goons. We’ve so got this.” Leo confidently utilized his blades, trapping one of the enemy in particular in a loop of falling infinitely to dizzy them. You weren’t so sure. There were a lot of them, and you were almost getting taken out by your own side.
“Heads up!”
You barely had time to duck out of the way of Mikey’s weapon, a ball attached to chains that were literally on fire, as it whipped just over your head.
“Heads down would be more appropriate!” you called.
You stumbled forward in an attempt to catch your balance. You were barely able to prevent yourself from falling, but you managed to stay upright. No sooner than you steadied yourself, a low hum emitted from the space right in front of you. The air vibrated tensely; it reminded you of how Leo’s portal felt earlier, but that turtle in particular was already busy behind you.
Just as everything clicked in your brain, another portal tore through the air in front of you. This one was colossal, filling up the entire alleyway in its amber glow.
Your breath quickened as you cumbersomely took one step back, then another. Your wide eyes remained transfixed on the gateway in front of you.
Out of the otherworldly portal emerged a ginormous spider, about as tall as the portal itself, four legs acting as legs, the others similar to arms. Well, as similar as spindly spider limbs can be to arms. The arachnid’s six glowing red eyes bore deeply into yours, her jagged teeth curled delightfully into a wicked grin.
Perspiration permeated every pore of your being. Every limb went stiff, each muscle rendered taut. You probably would have screamed if not for fear of bile rising up your throat instead.
“Big Mama…”
“Oh, what a delectable surprise!” Big Mama delighted, her uppity, whimsical tone in such stark contrast with her imposing demeanor. “So many turtle-y boos, and- oh, this is pos-a-bubbly splendiferous!”
Her eyes narrowed in on you, but she didn’t take any action. She simply surveyed you, then the damage her lackeys had taken so far, then what all had been recovered, before they fell back on you.
“Come now, my minions!” The spider ordered coolly, almost excitedly. “We have far more pertinent prerogatives.”
Obediently, immediately, the identical servants ceased their fighting with everyone and filed through the portal behind Big Mama.
With one last nefarious smirk, she disappeared just as she had emerged: in a flash of auburn light.
All of you stood tensely. No one so much as breathed as if an action as insignificant as that would somehow summon the gargantuan spider and her lackeys again.
“So…” Leo’s lighthearted timbre cut through the atmosphere, “who’s up for Part 79?”
“Leo, not the time!” Raph corrected, and the two started to squabble.
“I think I’m gonna call it a night,” you said shakily.
“You okay?” April placed a hand on your shoulder
“Yeah. I’m all good! Just had enough excitement,” you shrugged coolly out of her touch, hoping that you were concealing your panic better than you thought you were. “I’m right around the corner so I can just walk over-”
“I could walk with you.”
You paused, looked at who had said that. Donnie. You tilted your head at him, fairly certain that everyone else was just as perplexed.
He retracted about as much as he could into his shell at the attention. “For safety, of course. Because, you know, that was a really oddly timed exit and they could be waiting nearby and-”
“I get it, I get it,” you reassured, sparing him from digging a deeper grave. “I’ll gladly take the escort.” You turned to address the rest of the bunch. “Thank you very much for having me over, guys, it’s been real. A-A little too real, maybe, but fun either way. Goodnight, gang!”
You waved goodbyes and exited the alleyway, a purple-clad turtle in tow. You walked silently, still hardly processing what you had just witnessed. His presence was still pleasant, even if no words were exchanged.
Only when you were about a block away from your home did you speak. “So, do you guys experience stuff like that all the time or is the physical embodiment of arachnophobia a special occurrence?”
“Yeah, that was pretty much the usual, but Big Mama’s just about the worst of them. It used to be Baron Draxum, the warrior-alchemist-sheep man who made us, but he’s been rehabilitated.”
“Pardon? Your dad’s a sheep man?”
“No, my dad’s actually a rat. Draxum’s just my creator, father at best.”
“Oh, okay.” You nodded along as if you grasped any of that. But if he was a turtle, then how would a rat or a sheep- oh, you were reading into it too much. It didn’t matter though, as you had already arrived in front of your complex. You walked up to the porch and turned toward him.
“Thanks for walking me back. I appreciate it.”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t mention it.”
You two paused. Were you supposed to walk away? Have more conversation?
After a moment of just looking at him, you gave him a small salute. “I’ll see you around, ‘Tello-”
“Wait!” he said before speaking more quietly. “I made a prototype of the technology I told you about at the library, if you want to come over and check it out sometime?”
“Oh, would I?” you beamed. “That sounds wonderful. I’m free tomorrow morning, if that works for you?”
“Y-Yeah, tomorrow’s great.” He smiled brightly back. “Great!”
“Does eleven sound good?”
“Eleven works.”
“Cool.” He clicked his tongue, rocked back and forth on his heels.
“I’ll see you then.” You did finger guns, internally cursing yourself for it.
“I bid you adieu.”
“Right back at you. Goodnight!”
“Goodnight.” He finally made his way off the porch before shooting off into the sky with his battle shell, and you could finally head up to your place.
That was quite possibly the most awkward farewell you’d ever had. Very sweet, yes, but awkward nonetheless.
At the very least, you’d made it home in one piece. You couldn’t wait to see him- you meant, see his invention tomorrow.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 6 months
03/13/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Cast & Crew; Leslie Jones; Erroll Shand; Ruibo Qian; Dominic Burgess; Adam Wheatley; Kristian Nairn; Queerties; Fanspotlight: Cast Cards/Our Flag Means Fanfiction; SaveOFMDCrew /Billboards/trucks; Still Fighting; Max Madness; SchadenFreude; Articles; Watch Party Reminders; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
== Leslie Jones ==
Congrats to Leslie for her NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Performance in a Short Form Series!!!! SRC: Leslie's Twitter
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== Erroll Shand ==
It's Erroll Shand's birthday! please pop over anywhere you can find him and wish him a Happy Birthday!!! Thank you to @youvebeenricked on Instagram for sending him so much love!
Erroll Shand's Instagram
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= Dominic Burgess! =
Our dear crew-mate @iamadequate1 got a Cameo from our very own Jeffrey Fettering (Dominic Burgess!) It's absolutely ADORABLE. You get to meet his cats and fish, and he's just the sweetest man alive-- please give it a watch!
Wanna send your cat pics to Dominic since he shared his cats with us? If you have twitter please add them to the thread below. Thank you to @ouibek for this lovely idea!!!
Ouibek's Twitter post
Speaking of Dominic, he also recently posted an interview he did, please read it when you get a chance!
= Ruibo Qian =
Our pirate queen Ruibo posted some very lovely pictures today, and the message of: 🎼🎶♾️ SRC: Ruibo's Instagram
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== Kristian Nairn ==
New music comes out Mar 22, you can pre save it here!
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== Adam Wheatley ==
Production Designer and Supervising Art Director Adam Wheatley has dropped some seriously awesome set designs! OFMD Twitter has been having a blast. Check out the full catalog here. Thank you to @adoptourcrew for bringing it to our attention!
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== Queerties Results ==
Our Flag Means Death and Vico Ortiz both received Runner Up for the Queerties! Thanks so much for everyone who voted!
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== Fan Spotlight ==
Thank you to @melvisik for yet another cast card! This time it's Bronson Pinchot, our very own Ned Low! I totally forgot he was in the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, I really need to go rewatch that! Thank you dear for another great card!
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== Our Flag Means Fanfiction ==
Our darling crew-mates over at @ourflagmeansfanfiction have a new episode out, this time featuring Stede! On top of that, the #RhysDarbyFaction got a shout out 😭! Please check them out on Spotify or their Instagram!
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== Save OFMD Crew / Billboards / Trucks ==
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The AppleTV trucks were parked outside Apple today! On top of that, the SaveOFMD Crew sent some love out to David and the rest of the Cast & Crew for all the things they've done for us!
== Still Fighting ==
A lot of fans are still fighting the good fight. Even if we aren't getting OFMD s3, they're sticking it to the man, David Zaslav for stealing our Love, OUR JOY!
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#FireDavidZaslav has trended two days in a row, and he's certainly getting some nasty press.
@screenjunkies made a call out to what a horrific job David Zaslav has been doing! Visit Honest Trailers | The Year 2023:
= Dont Stream On Max =
Are you still interested in causing Max some grief? There's a discord server where several fans are getting together to notify each other and make plans on how to polite menace max. Please reach out if you'd like a link!
= MaxMadness =
So today, Max thought it would be fun to post a really shitty bracket for shows and movies on their platform. They were pitching things like Citizen Kane to eventually be up against Shark Week. If you'd like to see the dumpster fire, feel free to visit their Twitter or Instagram.
Our crew-mate @iamadequate1 decided to make a Max Fan Favorites of our own! This time with cancelled shows! You can vote on this thread below on Twitter!
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== SchadenFreude ==
WB is still having a rough time.
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== Articles ==
Why is Wall Street Unimpressed with WBD Streaming Profits? Password-Sharing Crackdown Next in Zaslav’s Plans
== Watch Party Reminders ==
= Wrecked =
Times will be 10pm GMT / 5pm EST / 4pm CST / 2pm PST. Watch two episodes per day. Episodes are 21-22 minutes each. Use the following Saturday for the tags/watch if interested but not able to make this time.
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= Mar 15: Lube As A Crew =
Our dear friends over at @astroglideofficial are hosting one last Lube As A Crew, with all of Season 2 in one go! Starts Friday March 15th 12 pm Noon PST ( 4pm EST, 8 pm GMT)
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Mar 17: Pirate Radio/The Boat That Rocked Watch Party! 
Sunday the 17th of March at 7:30pm GMT / 3:30 pm EST / 1:30 pm CST  Hosted & Graphics by @Tillychmo
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Watch Party Hashtags:
== Calendar Reminder ==
Tomorrow is #TheoryThursday! Our crew deserve a happy ending. Let’s give them one! Post and tag us with your favorite fics or art that have happy/feel good endings. They can be your own!
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== Love Notes ==
Hey lovelies! How are you holding up today? Are things any easier this week? If not, that's okay. It's okay to still not be ok.
It's already hump day, and here we are, still kicking. I feel like I've been having lots of ups and downs. Distracting myself with silly things that make me laugh help a lot. Talking with you all on the crew really helps too.
What makes you laugh? Is it puns? Or goofy pictures? Is it unhinged comments, or maybe schadenfreude?
Whatever it is that makes you laugh-- please laugh today. Turn on a special (there's plenty of Rhys Darby specials on youtube or prime video). If that's not your speed, and you want to reach a goofy fic, look up something on ao3 with the weirdest tag you can think of.
Laughter can make us feel so much more alive when we're feeling down, and I hope you get some today.
Remember that you deserve to laugh, and enjoy life. Life will continue to get better, and even when it has ups and downs, you can always laugh, and there will always be bits of joy in the world. You all are my joy. Every day I get by with witnessing all the wonders this crew accomplishes.
You're awesome, and you're kicking ass <3, and you deserve the best. Night Crew. Sending hugs and love.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Tonight's lovely gifs feature... more hand action! Darby is courtesy of @jodegg! Taika is courtesy of @ofmd-ann!
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joshslater · 2 years
Manhood Exchange
The premise is based on a story I read a while back and forgot to bookmark. Similar stories and bonus material on my Patreon.
I was in a shopping mall when I got the notification on my phone. Out of habit I just tapped the icon and suddenly I got a large, erect cock filling the phone screen. I immediately became aware of where I was and had a few seconds of panic before reassuring myself that no one else saw it. I moved a few steps to somewhere less open, where no one could walk behind me, and had a look again.
It was beautiful. Massive and uncut, with the skin pulled back to expose the pink, gleaming head. Actually the entire cock glistened like he had made a few strokes with precum on his hand and then positioned himself with just the right lighting to make the veins pop a little extra. The truly remarkable part was however the overlay at the bottom of the screen. "$400, quick trade"
I'd been on the Manhood Exchange app long enough to know a cock like this is usually hundred times that price, if not more. Whatever impression you've got from watching porn, people are on a bell curve with cock sizes, and the ones on the higher end of the scale aren't selling. All the people who used to compensate with a big truck suddenly ended up in the same market, competing for the same cocks, and they make a hell of a lot more big trucks than big cocks. Oddly enough there was a market for really small cocks as well, not quite as high prices, but just as small supply. Normal people like me in the middle of the bell curve with no cash to buy and no cock to sell just had to make do.
It's not enough for a cock to just enter the market either, which itself is a thread to needle with the 18-35 eligible age span and clean health declaration. For you to find one it has to be bio-compatible for science reasons and roughly the same race for ethics reasons, though the latter is just a matter of money. Obviously I tapped the "Deal!" button in the app before I even checked out his profile. With that kind of cock everyone would know you either had a shit ton of money, or you could get it by selling. The profile didn't add much though. Just more good-looking images of him and his cock. A text message function as well, but was there really anything to talk about?
You'd think I'd be a bit more careful swapping cock with another man, especially since you can't swap again until all the cells have been replaced because of some quantum spin entanglement bullshit. Ten years with bad meat is a long wait, but I already knew he was a bio-match and healthy, so it was more Fear Of Missing Out. I had some shit I hope I could fence, so I took an instant online loan and had the whole deal closed before I'd passed Baskin Robbins on the way out. Both I and my normal size cock were excited.
Just ten minutes later the phone chimed again with a proposed time for the swap at 7:20 pm, almost three hours away. Though I didn't know anything about this less than an hour ago, any delay felt too long, like I hadn't realized how much I wanted this. What it would mean for my position in the crew. Every minute of waiting was a minute where something could derail everything. My phone could be stolen. The exchange could cancel it for some reason. I tapped "Accept" and headed home with the phone in a secure grip in my pocket.
The instructions after I had accepted were straightforward. Be seated with a naked crotch and open the app ten minutes before the scheduled time for exchange. I decided to be pantsless until then just to be safe, and I set three alarms on the phone. One at 6:50 to sit down, if I wasn't already sitting, one at 7:05 to be ready, and one at 7:09 to open the app. I sent a text to Shawn and told him I wouldn't be joining the crew until later, if at all. No details of why.
Then I just sat down in the comfy chair. Three hours to go. I was only wearing my hat, socks, and T-shirt. And my bling of course. The sweatpants and my trunks were in a pile on the floor, and the phone was charging next to me. My cock was pointing almost straight up.
I realized that it would only be my cock for another few hours or so, and I should say goodbye properly. Normally I would jerk off in the shower or in front of the computer, but since I was already perfectly seated and with an erect cock in front of me I just grabbed it and started to remember all the highlights we'd had. When my neighbor Jamar excited came over and wanted to show me something. He was a few years older, but still occasionally spent some time with me. He showed me into the bathroom, lowered his pants, and told me to do the same. Then he showed me that by pulling on his cock he could get it to "bend" in his words. I remembered waking up one early morning with my boxers wet and worried I'd peed my bed. To my surprise they were filled with slime, but just to be safe I put them under the bed to dry so my mother wouldn't know. I remembered that time I got an erection during a movie screening, and slowly wanked but desperately trying to avoid cumming or anyone else noticing what I did.
I remembered the first time I had sex, the first porn I jerked off to, the first time a date ended in sex, the first time I had sex in a car, the first time I jerked off to a porn video on my mobile. All while doing this I tried to go as slow as I could, like at the movie. Flashing before me were dates, partners, and porn stars, while the top of my cock had some frothy pre-cum. I was shocked when the alarm went off. How the fuck could time have moved that fast. I scrambled to get hold of an old T-shirt within reach, and pretty quickly came into it with a few pumps of cum. Not really the satisfying climax I had envisioned.
Suddenly time was moving slowly again, and I was stuck watching dried off, limp cock in front of me. I became self-conscious about how it looked, worried about if the seller would cancel the trade last minute seeing what a lousy deal it was for him. He'd seen my photos already though, but they were taken erect and with good lighting. What was the cancellation policy anyway? The next alarm went off. Why did I even set that one? I was getting nervous. What if it hurt? There was a lot of news about misteleportations some years ago, and this was way more complicated. I didn't even understand how it worked. I knew the basics of standard teleportation from school. Every particle is a probability wave that exists everywhere, but the probability of it actually being at a specific point is overwhelming. By manipulating the quantum state you can poke the probability so that it is more likely to be somewhere else. Just a change in probability, so it can move instantaneously anywhere in the universe, given enough math. Swapping body parts between people was way harder, so it was bound to have lots of issues that could happen.
The last alarm interrupted my train of thought. I kind of felt not ready. Rich people did this, so it should be safe to do I reasoned, and tapped the activation button on the phone.
"This will start a legally binding contract with Manhood Exchange Incorporated adjudicated in the state of Delaware. Please identify yourself." the phone voice said. I pressed the white circle on the screen with my identification finger, the middle one of course.
"Please sign that you are aware that concluding this transaction will replace your penis, testicles, prostate, and relevant connecting tissue, glands, and other structures with a third party as preliminary agreed." I pressed the circle again, wondering what would happen if I didn't. The $400 would certainly be gone.
"Please sign that you are aware that this is a one-time transfer option with Manhood Exchange Incorporated that cannot be reversed through quantum transplantation." I pressed the circle a third time.
"Please sign that you are aware that both set of testicles will be made infertile through this swap." I pressed the circle a fourth time, not so nervous I barely registered what I had signed. The screen of the phone changed to showing a live video from my selfie camera, showing me half-naked in my lounge chair. "Tap to connect" it said on the screen. I did.
The image quickly changed to show the man from the photos lying down in a white, far more upscale couch than I was sitting in. "Yo, man. You ready to do this?" he asked. His erect cock was just as big as it had looked on the photos, almost looking bigger as it was swaying with his breathing. The instructions on the screen said "Verify the other party is the selected exchange party and that he is seated with exposed crotch."
"Yeah, let's do it." I said, and tapped the Verified button on the screen. I could see from his motions that he did the same, and a timer started on the screen, counting down to 7:20. "So, will it fit in speedos?" I blurted out, still feeling nervous and with several minutes to kill. He chuckled. "Shorts are better for swimming, but you want some tight trunks to keep it in place when you're wearing normal clothes. I use compression shorts a lot."
"Well, you can use whatever with mine."
The last 40 seconds we just stared at the countdown in silence. The actual swap was instant, almost silent, though I wouldn't be able to describe the sound, and without any shimmers of light as you can sometimes see when teleporting. It felt like someone spilled warm water over my crotch, though that quickly went away, but it was replaced with the most amazing, intense horny hardon I've ever felt. It was like the cock was buzzing, craving attention. "Enjoy the wank" the other guy said. "What? Oh. Thanks!" I said and the video was closed from his side.
I grabbed the cock with my hand and instantly felt the difference in size. It was almost the size of my wrist. I just moved my hand up and a trickle of precum oozed out and trickled down over my fingers. I leaned back, closed my eyes, and continued where I had left off, thinking about the most recent porn videos, and in not too long I could feel the buildup of a climax, only this time I was unable to force it back. It just kept building and building, and I think I actually moaned out loud as the first rope of cum erupted. Then another one, and another one. Then I had to open my eyes to look at the mess, and it wasn't any small squirts of cum either. It looked almost comical how my T-shirt was completely soaked in cum, and I was still pumping out a few more ropes.
To my amazement the cock was still semi-erect. I got up and hurried to the bathroom and threw the cum-wet T-shirt. After a quick look at my sticky chest I decided to have a shower. I stripped out of the few remaining items I had on and proceeded to have another wank in the shower. This one lasted a bit longer and produced slightly less cum, but it was still a shocking amount.
I had barely dried and put on my underwear before the new cock started to firm up again. I grabbed the phone and sent a text to the seller in the app. "What the hell is happening with my cock? Were you always hard?"
The app sat silent for a few minutes until a response chimed. "It's called hyperspermia. It's a genetic condition, so not a disease in Manhood Exchange's definition. You'll learn to cope several hours between wanks. It was the precum that bothered me the most. Just drink a lot of water, always wear a condom, and compression shorts really help, as I said. Good luck!"
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the-other-art-blog · 1 month
I really hope the show keeps the Cinderella part of the story as it's in the books. I know the fairy tale retelling may sound boring to some people, but I think it's important. Sadly, there are a lot of Cinderellas in the world and they don't have the HEA.
When a child becomes an orphan, they're in one of the most vulnerable positions they could be. A lot of them are not lucky to have loving family members to take care of them and give them the love they need. I've heard my family talk of at least 2 times when something like that happened.
Two girls lost both parents, their aunt and uncle had to be their tutors. Not only did they spend their inheritance, but they forced them to be servants at the house to pay for their expenses.
Another girl was sent to a couple of old aunts who made her their nurse and servant, while her father forgot about her.
On both occasions, these girls were made to feel like burdens and they were manipulated and abused. These things happen!
Most of them never receive help.
And we all know of the children in foster care who only get adopted because they're seen as free labor and they have nowhere else to go (exactly why Araminta keeps her and why Sophie bears it). The system doesn't protect them. Some couples have 8-10 kids under their "care" and they are all servants.
Julia also added another dimension to the problem by making her an illegitimate child. That's not part of Cinderella's story and I appreciate that Julia made this story even more complex (and sad).
I wonder what would have happened to her if Richard had given her his name. Maybe she'd be more confident, hopeful to restore her rightful place in society, but being an illegitimate daughter she knows there's no place for her in society.
Cinderella also knew her parents loved her. I don't remember the animated version, but in the live-action, her mother lived enough to love her and her father was a good man. Sophie might not even know her mother's name! And Richard didn't show her one once of love.
Julia really wrote Cinderella retelling and went beyond!
Like I said in this other post (x)
When you take all the Bridgerton paraphernalia, you have a very current issue at the core, a very relatable woman (probably the most relatable one for the 99%) who just wants to stay true to herself. She's a woman refusing to be mistreated because she knows her worth and protects her dignity. She's not in the streets carrying cardboard with feminist messages, but she's fighting for herself and that's enough because it keeps an overprivileged man from ruining her. In the end, Benedict understands this fully and loves her all the more for it.
I would now add that,
Sophie is a young woman who lost the people who loved her, while her caretakers abandoned and abused her. She paid the consequences for other people's mistakes, those who made her feel unlovable, forgettable, and shameful. She had the resilience to keep going and the luck to find people to help her.
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caramelstarlight · 1 year
So like this isn't specific but what about certain stoic genshin men with a reader whoa incredibly bubbly and happy all the time.
"Someone is going to die."
"Of fun!"
sorry for not doing anything the past week and two (haha two.)
(FUTURE ME BY LIKE 2 MINS I FORGOT THE ✅/⭐️ Your prayer is accepted friendo) (other two in progresss.)
I was going to animate the “Hey Two!” Video bc I am a fan of bfdi. (Have been ever since I was little!)
But don’t worry everything will be out today and tomorrow! (Most likely.)
if you follow me on wattpad you would’ve saw the post I put 3 days ago most likely. There’s also 6 options for me to animate on there! Feel free to look at my acc and vote. (You can also vote for one by sending a message.)
Also holy so many frames 😭
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I forgot Diluc existed sorry :d
cough cough Two worlds one heart next part tomorrow cough cough (aka part 4)
*cough cough ignore that it’s coming Friday bc I forgot about picture taking cough cough*
Stoic x Bubbly
(Alhaitham, Xiao, Wanderer, Cyno (in work mode) Tighnari (He’s stoic when he’s working like Cyno) I forgot Diluc existed mb.
And my limit for requests is 4 and I decided to add Tighnari bc I realized it. (No more than 4) (No part two. Sorry for those who thought Diluc would be here :d)
under cut r the stories. : D
“Alhaitham” you said as he read his book forgetting about the noise canceling stuff he had. You continued to call out his name as kaveh watched. Softly laughing at you.
Alhaitham sent a glare towards kaveh and his gaze went back towards his book. “Alhaitham isn’t fun.” He pouted as you nodded. Eventually leaving his side to go outside with kaveh. Trying to bait him into becoming more fun.
“Kaveh I don’t think this will work.” “It might but prob not.” He replied as you both waited. He didn’t come out soon and you both came up with another idea. “We should make him mad about something…”
“Like Tighnari at cynos jokes?” “Exactly. I know you make him mad but maybe it should be something about knowledge?” “Wh-hey!” He bonked you on the head as you hit him lightly. “You do have a point though.” Kaveh said afterwards.
“Where would we find a dummy in all of sumeru?” You asked knowing majority of sumeru are smart fellows.
“We just need to get lucky.” “Maybe you should try make him mad again.” “Whyyy?!” “Because you make him mad numbskull!” Hitting him again lightly as he thought about it.
“I heard you two were trying to make me mad?” You both jumped slightly as both of you turned your head to see Alhaitham. Both of you becoming nervous by the second.
“I uhhmm.” You said trying to come up with an answer that wouldn’t sound stupid to him. His gaze turned to kaveh shortly after.
“Well I accept your challenge.” “Wait what?!”
“Someone is going to die.” Both of you panicked becoming more confused.
“Of fun?” You thought out loud as he nodded. Both of you partying slightly. Finally doing something other than work and reading.
Xiao (During lantern rite)
“Xiao!” You called as he appeared by your side. Sitting at a table with Zhongli and a few adepti. His eyes widened in surprise as he quickly composed himself and sat next to Zhongli.
Playing a few games to pass the time after having lunch with everyone. Xiao managed to smile and become more happier.
When it was time to play tag (yes tag.) he was not like his usual self but still tried. “Someone is going to die.” He said as a joke. Watching people be tagged from a distance. He though someone might fall and trip.
“Of fun!” You said afterwards. Tagging yaoyao as you ran away. Watching her touch xiao as she ran. He was caught off guard and teleported to someone randomly touching cloud retainer.
“Why must one be touched for a silly game?” She said as she used her beak to touch mountain shaper. He stayed silent and ran after Moon carver.
Xiao returned to yours and Zhongli s side as you started to lose the adrenaline in your heart. Drinking water as you watched them all finish.
(HAHHAHAHAHHAHA MY SISTER LOST HER 50/50 TO MONAAA) (I have won none of my 50/50s *crying* (I’m serious all 5 that I had I LOST, 3 to qiqi once to Mona and once to jean. Keqing was on standard)
He watched you come inside not expecting you to be crying. He rushed to your side and asked why and who (or what) caused it.
“Someone almost poisoned me…” You told him. “And do you know who? I’ll gladly make them cry louder than you and regret their life.” (Get it?????? I’m not funny :D) “what-?” “Nothing.”
“Someone is going to die today Y/N. Just tell me their name.” “Of fun right wanderer…?” It stayed silent for a few moments as you became more nervous then sad.
“Of fun right?” You asked again clasping your hands together worrying for the person who did it to you. “Let’s put it that way…” he said as he asked you. Looking for that individual after he spent some time with you.
He was always so interested in how you were always trying to see positive sides of anything. He has witnessed cruel and unjust acts and behavior.
“Do you wanna pull a prank on them?” Someone asked gesturing to you. “Dude are you crazy?? Almost anyone and you choose them??!” They said calming down as they drank their water after the spat it out.
“What’s wrong with them?” They asked kind of nervous of them freaking out. “That’s the General Mahamatras Partner! AKA Cyno.” Cyno listened closely as he strained his ears. Behind a wall as you talked to a friend. Unknowingly cyno was going to pull a prank on them in return.
“Pssht! He’s prob on a mission it’s not like he’s hearing us right now.” “I guess you’re right but be careful.” They replied as they began to talk. Cynos prank wasn’t going to be good but it would jump them. That’s how pranks are.
They pulled the prank and scare you from behind. Telling how they got you good. Before you smirked and stocked your tongue out. Cyno was right behind them with his usual cold gaze and activated spirit. (Basically his idol animation, the one with the polearm)
“Someone will perish for their actions against Y/N.” They both froze up and turned slightly scared and worried. “Of fun!” You perked in. They both got caught off guard as cyno laughed off the joke before giving both of them a slight cut on their bodies.
“Run.” You suggested as cyno chased them away. Coming back toward you after he had his fun. “That’s fun to you? Chasing innocent beings cyno?” You asked jokingly. “Yes. Think of it as tag but it doesn’t end as quickly as tag does.”
“Fair enough.”
“I swear I am going insane if one more person consumes a fungi that’s poisonous or has dangerous side effects.” Tighnari stated as you tried to calm the agitated fennec down.
“Nari it will be okay. On the bright side it teaches not too and can help you improve on your methods of healing them.” You watched as his ears and tail perked up slightly motivated him. His tail wagged slowly as he stopped his rant.
“Someone will die.” He said and caught you off guard. “What-?! Of fun I hope!” You said as he nodded. “I’m going insane I need some days offff.” He told you as he buried his face into the pillow on the couch.
“Don’t worry the others can take at least 2 or 3 days off I’m sure of it!” You played with his ears as he felt calmer. “Thank you…” He got up and sat next to you. Waiting for your hand. You placed it on his head as he melted into your touch. His tail swishing ecstatically. Finally getting a well deserved break.
You scratched behind his ears as he spoke. “I really needed this.” Beginning to become sleepy due to the amount of comfort. Soon after you heard light snores.
Laughing to yourself as you got up and gave him a blanket. Going to go help the others with their tasks and to tell them what would be planned.
(I need a two plush. Omg it looks amazing. My birthday is in November tho 😭)
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