#i forgot the app games name. and also her name. so uh. main tag it is!
dragonmickie · 5 years
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havent played the nnt app game (and prob wont bc im not a fan of app games lmao) but im a big fan of this orb lesbian they made
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yeosangs-horizon · 7 years
Game On! Jungkook x Reader (Fluff) Part 1
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Words: 2,316 Genre: Fluff A/N: Part 1 of probably 2! it’s something I had in mind when I was in the car and daydreaming about Jungkookie since he’s my bias wrecker ^-^ Hope you beans enjoy! 
You were ecstatic, you finally got your copy of Overwatch after months of trying to save up. You quickly turned on your PS4 and inserted the disc in it’s rightful slot. You heard the blaring theme song of the game welcoming you in. You’ve seen tutorials and so much gameplay of it, you didn’t need to practice in the practice range. You let out a sigh of relief as you grabbed the controller and queued for a quick 3v3 game. In the back of your mind, you wondered if you were ever going to meet any famous celebrities in game, perhaps a YouTuber or, a couple of Kpop idols who spent their free time playing the game as well. You smiled at the thought of it as the screen took you to the character menu. Before you even got the game, you already knew who you were set on maining, D.VA! You quickly snatched her before anybody else on your team could take her from you. After a couple minutes of the round, you felt the corner of your lips perk up in a smile as you smirked at the losing team. First game and you had won! “Now let’s test my skills in Quick Play, shall we?” you thought to yourself as you clicked on the ‘Quick Play’ tag to queue you in another game.
You decided that you were going to use your mic to communicate with your fellow teammates. You plugged your expensive headphones in and joined your team chat after skirmish was complete. You pressed a button and saw that there were a team of three with Korean characters in their names as well as yourself and another team of two with English names that you didn’t recognize. Just as you pressed off of the roster, you heard a bunch of voices starting to utilize the team chat.  “Oi, you’re not going to go Mcree again are you?” “Aigo, you know I main Mcree don’t worry I’ll make sure our team wins!” You froze up at the sound of their voices, could it be? “Taehyung no! Don’t be Torbjorn!” It was… you completely forgot to choose your main until you snapped back out of it. You did run into the trio of BTS that played Overwatch in their spare time. You had just heard the voices of Taehyung, Jungkook and Yoongi. You held back an excited squeal knowing that your mic was auto and your entire team could hear what you say or any bursts of excitement you have.
As the game started, you found yourself concentrating and enticed with the fighting. “Ah Jungkook stay with the team!” one of the voices had exclaimed through the other end. “That’s kind of impossible when you’re the one dying because your team left you, Tae...!” Jungkook battled back while respawning. You finally decided to speak up using the contents of the game. “Yah guys, we need to stick together if we want to win! We only have two minutes left before we lose and we still haven’t captured the damn point much less move the payload!” you exclaim.  “See, somebody cares about winning,” mocked Taehyung. You let out a small gasp as he actually paid attention to your warning. “I’ve never heard that voice, you’re on our team right?” Yoongi mumbled as he controlled Roadhog because you took his main who was also D.VA. “Uh yes! I’m (Y/N), I’m playing as D.VA--” you continued, trying not to stutter or make a fool out of yourself. “Listen to her Jungkook, you said you’d lead us to victory,” Taehyung mocked. “I’m sure I’m the one who will be doing that,” you bragged but regretting your words afterwords, you didn’t mean to make things so competitive. You raised your matrix shield as the rest of your team tried to push forward and finally capture the point. Right as the last ten seconds were approaching, the opposing team was nowhere to be found and your team captured the point quickly. “Nice job guys, now we just gotta push till the end!” you exclaimed while respawning and quickly flying over to where your team was. “(Y/N), you’re a pretty good D.VA” Yoongi offered a genuine compliment as the two hyungs snickered. “Yoongi actually complimenting someone, what a pleasant surprise,” Jungkook called out. You heard a friendly slap in the background and chuckled at their silly disputes.
As you used your in game mech to push the payload to the target as the timer flashed in orange “overtime”, you let out a yelp of relief as the screen flashed. ‘Round complete, winner!’ “Told you I carried the team,” bragged Jungkook. “Yah, it was (Y/N) what are you talking about?!” Yoongi exclaimed, trying to shove the credit towards you. You let out a small giggle and shrugged. “It was nothing, I’m glad I got a chance to play with you guys.” You felt a pang in your heart that you were about to part ways with three of your most favourite Kpop idols but you were lucky in the fact that you got to play with them in game and even talk to them as a normal human being without revealing that you were an ARMY. “(Y/N), um-- would you like to join our team for as long as you play?” you heard Jungkook’s voice break you from your daze. You felt your cheeks heat up as you were offered the request of your life. You were speechless for the first couple seconds but replied with a firm, “Yes of course!” You quickly accepted the invite and saw the three friend requests waiting for you on the app itself. You smiled to yourself as you accepted the three boys and continued to play.
Awhile after you and the boys started playing as a team, you decided that you were thirsty and stood up to grab water. “Guys, do you think it’s a good idea to add (Y/N) on Skype?” Jungkook asked, wanting to get closer to you but not ask while you were directly in the call because that would be somewhat rude. “Pfft, if you want to go for it Kook,” Yoongi smirked as he glanced at Taehyung who was also nodding. Oblivious, you went back to your gaming room and picked up your controller and donned on your headset once again. “What did I miss guys?” you asked, curious about if they had talked or not. “Jungkook wants to add you on Skype, if you have it,” Taehyung blurted out. “H-hey!” Jungkook stuttered as he was supposed to say it himself. You giggled to yourself, how adorable can your ultimate bias be? And wait, was he really asking for your Skype? This was a dream… that you never want to end. “Ah sure! My name on there is (Y/S/N), we can talk there if you’d like, instead of using team chat every time!” You saw from the corner on your eye on your phone that a notification from the app had appeared. You pushed your thumb print onto the ‘home button’ and quickly accepted.
After an hour or two of calling with the three boys, you heard another voice in the background who you can only assume to be Namjoon complaining that they’ve been too loud and need to go to bed. You checked the time and surely yeah, it was very late in South Korea. You laughed to yourself and hung up the call before they could protest and keep you there more. You tilted your head back and smiled, you couldn't fathom at the fact that you had just became friends with Jeon Jungkook, your ultimate bias, and of course Taehyung and Yoongi of course. You stood up, and gave your arms a good stretch before you felt your lips into a smile again.
You suddenly saw your phone lighting up again and a call from none other then Jungkook again. You froze and thought, ‘Did he call me by accident? He probably did, why would he want to talk to me?’ Nevertheless you quickly tapped the answer button swiftly. You were surprised and fell back on your couch when a video turned on. “(Y/N)!!!” Jungkook’s voice rung in your ears. You thought, ‘What’s the harm in spending more time if he wants to talk to me?’ “Hey Jungkook, what’s up?” you question. You swore your heart dropped when you saw his flawless face over the screen. You wanted at that moment to be in his arms but, that wasn’t how you should think. You shook your thoughts off as you smiled and proceeded to turn on your own video. You saw Jungkook’s eyes widen just as your screen had gone on. “(Y/N), wow, I didn’t expect you to be that-- gorgeous” he smiled as he looked away, trying to hide his small tint of blush. “Ah well, thank you!” you replied, your heart beating faster as you looked down in a smile.
“Oh uh-- why did you decide to call me again?” you asked, wondering about his motive. “Ah-- can’t I talk to you some more before I go to sleep? Today was so fun and you’re a great D.VA” he teased while showing off his cute smile. “You might wake up your hyungs though,” you giggled as you smiled up at him while laying on your couch. “Yeah well, it’s worth it,” he shrugged as he looked around the empty gaming room. “So (Y/N), you’re an ARMY too?” he asked while glancing up at the screen. You felt your cheeks heat up as you stared at his screen. “U-um yeah, how did you know?” you questioned, wondering if you had any outbursts you were unsure of. “Your poster--” he started off while pointing at the wall behind you. You slightly shifted your body down until the wall was out of sight. “Aha-- what are you talking about!” you joked around while trying to hide your embarrassment. “Awe (Y/N), I think it’s cute that you’re such an avid fan of us.” He cheekily smiled as you slid down your couch more.
“It’s not like you’re my bias or anything--” you mumbled hoping he wouldn’t hear your remarks. “What was that?” he leaned in closer, to try and hear your voice. “Nothing!” you exclaimed as you laughed it off, as you normally would with anything else. You swore in that moment he gave you a wink but you weren’t looking at the screen as you tried to recoil yourself back up. You heard a voice in the background yelling for the flustered boy. “You should probably go Kookie,” you remarked as he looked around frantically. He nodded and called back asking for a minute. “See you later today, (Y/N)?” he asked with the small smile that your heart skipped a beat for. You nodded, “See you later Kookie,”. You swore you saw him smile at the nickname you gave him. You put your phone down as you laid your head down on your couch.
Had you really just talked to Jeon Jungkook? Was that really him, and how did you capture his attention and have him want to talk to you? The thoughts were flustered around in your head as you remembered that you had an entire day to devote yourself to and you had other things that had to be accomplished other than playing Overwatch, now with your new group of friends.
You let time fly by as you did your daily routine, trying not to have Jungkook in your mind as often, but you still couldn't fathom the fact that you’re not practically friends with him. Later that night, you were just laying on your bed, hoping to eventually catch some good sleep until suddenly you heard a familiar ringing noise from your phone that you set on your nightstand. You grabbed the vibrating device and groggily pressed answer. Without reading the name, you answered how you normally would when a close friend calls you out of the blue. “Yo I was just going to catch some sleep, what do you need?” “Uh (Y/N)? Sorry if this is a bad time but--” Jungkook had started as you jolted your eyes open and shook your entire bed. “Oh Kookie hey! It’s fine, really! I’d be more than glad to talk to you!”
“Are you sure, I wouldn’t want to -- disturb your sleep,” he asked with concern, while trying to find the correct words. “Of course not,” you giggled while switching on your video as he turned his on as well. He was in one of the dance practice rooms, and he was sweating. You assumed he just finished his daily dance practice with the rest of Bangtan and had a break. You were just laying there in bed with your comfortable hoodie and a mess of hair everywhere. “(Y/N), you’re so cute like that,” he teased while smiling. You hid your face within your hair and hoodie even more. “Kookie please!” you exclaimed while giggling under your covers.
You set your phone on the side of your nightstand so your arms wouldn’t get tired. You felt your eyelids slowly drifting downwards but you didn’t think you’d fall asleep so fast. “Do you want to play Overwatch again once you’re well rested?” he asked while cocking his head to the side. “Yeah sure, that sounds fun,” you mumbled while fading in and out of consciousness. “Dance practice was harsh today, we finally did choreography to one of our newest songs and it was so graceful and challenging as well--” he continued on about his day. You found his voice very soothing as you saw your surroundings black out and your lips curve into a smile as you fell out of consciousness with Jungkook still on the other line.
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