#i forgot how much i LOVE gardening i LOVE yard work its so satisfying and fulfilling
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cerbreus · 2 years ago
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In the process of making the terrible horrible literal trash heap section of our back yard into an actual nice hangout spot for this summer
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spatiallydynamic · 5 years ago
Object Memory - Ivery
The object I chose is my great-grandmother’s diary/autobiography. It has great value because she has lived through Modern China, from the end of imperialism, the civil wars, the 1912 Chinese Communist revolution, the May Fourth, Mao’s rise to power, Cultural Revolution etc. Despite its great value, we have been unable to get our hands onto this piece of document. 
My mother has read it as a child, and I asked her to write down what she remembers from the autobiography, on the day of the Tomb-sweeping Festival, where people visit their ancestral tombs and remember those who have passed away. I translated her text below:
April 4th, 2020
前院的腊梅花开了, 粉红的梅花一簇簇非常艳丽夺目, 让我想起我的祖母李绮梅, 名字中带着梅字, 我拍了两组梅花的照片, 思念她。 
The plum blossom in the front yard is blooming. The clusters are very beautiful and dazzling. It reminds me of my grandmother Li Qimei, whose name has the word plum (“mei”) in it. I took two photographs with plum blossoms to commemorate her.
特别凑巧的是, 昨晚在罗德岛的女儿来电说想问问我有关太祖母自传的事, 我答应女儿把我记忆中的有关她自传的点点滴滴串起来, 然而因为久远还是有些模糊。 
It was particularly coincidental that my daughter in Rhode Island called last night and asked me about my grandmother ’s autobiography. I promised my daughter to string up all the memories of her autobiography, but last time I read it I was so young, and my memory has faded since. 
当时我是12岁左右吧,或者更小, 因为记忆中我站在凳子上,翻看在父母衣柜抽屉里的一本自传, 这是我祖母的, 她交给了自己的长子保留。 因为是手写的, 有些字当时我并不认得。
At that time, I was about 12 years old, or younger, because I remember standing on a stool, looking at an autobiography in the drawer of my parents' wardrobe. This is my grandmother's, and she gave it to her eldest son to keep. Because it was handwritten, and I didn't recognize some words at the time.
祖母出生于1906年(清光绪32年),是自幼童养在一个大户人家的, 她并不知道自己的亲生父母, ��户人家是广东四邑人(南海开平都属于四邑)做珠宝的。 大户人家有几个儿子, 每个儿子有一个领养的聪明女孩陪伴长大甚至一起读书。 祖母因为出奇地聪明伶俐, 主人家、养父母便让她从小和自己的儿子一起读私塾, 也并没有裹脚, 后来竟然因为聪颖过人, 祖母上了洋学堂直至到女子妇产科学校(不知是否就是中国最著名的妇产科医生林巧稚同属一个年代?) 
The grandmother was born in 1906 (32 years in Qingxu, Qing Dynasty). She was raised in a large household as an adopted child. She does not know who her biological parents are. The large household was a jewelry manufacturer in Guangdong Siyi (both belong to Siyi in Nanhai Kaiping). There are several sons in the household, and each son is accompanied by an adopted smart girl who grows up and studies with him. Because grandmother was surprisingly clever and smart, her adoptive parents sent her to private schools with their sons, and did not have her feet bounded either. And as she was so smart, she went to a Girls' Obstetrics and Gynecology School (Isn’t that Lin Qiaozhi, the most famous obstetrician and gynecologist in China, from the same era?)
书中提到她的初恋, 她第一次遇到我的祖父一见钟情 ,她描写他的美貌和帅气, 具体的场景描写我不记得了。 祖母说她回到家中之后没多久收到了祖父给她的情书, 那是她人生收到的第一封情书, 祖母拿着信到花园里读, 一边读情书一边剧烈地呕吐。 这段描写很深地震撼我, 以至于在我35岁的时候还在想这个问题为什么会呕吐, 难道不是恶心才呕吐吗? 
The autobiography talks about her first love. It was love at first sight with my grandfather. She describes his beauty and handsomeness, but I don’t remember the details anymore. Grandmother said she received a love letter from him shortly after returning home. It was the first love letter in her life. She took the letter to the garden, and was vomiting violently while reading the love letter. This shocked me so deeply that even at the age of 35, I still wonder - Isn't it nausea to vomit?
祖父的情书中表达了他对祖母的一见钟情, 情书在自传中应该有记录,但因我年幼不懂, 便几乎全略过了。 祖父祖籍是广东台山, 他是家中的三少爷, 家族在上海经营纽扣厂, 在家乡和香港也有一些生意, 祖父的父亲在清朝洋务运动时期从美国回来去了山东开金矿赚了第一桶金。 自传中提到初恋很顺利, 两个家庭父母见面之后就订婚了。
Grandfather's love letter expresses his love for her at first sight. The details of the love letter should be recorded in the autobiography, but because I didn't understand it much at a young age, I almost skipped it all. Grandfather ’s ancestral home is Taishan, Guangdong, East of China. He is the third youngest son in his family. His family operates a button factory in Shanghai and has some businesses in Taishan and in Hong Kong. Grandfather’s father returned from the United States during the Qing Dynasty Westernization Movement and went to Shandong to open a gold mine to earn his first barrel of gold. The autobiography mentions that their relationship was going well, and that they got engaged soon after the two families met.
祖母洋学堂之后坚持继续妇产科学习, 两个相爱之人决定毕业之后再结婚。 记得祖母和女同学们的照片, 她们身着民国时期的白色长袍裙,在当时的中国应该是新女性的代��了。 毕业后祖父祖母结婚了, 印象中祖母给我看过她的结婚照, 有拖地的洁白婚纱还有男女小傧相, 美丽无比。 
After grandmother graduated from college, she insisted on continuing her studies in obstetrics and gynecology. The couple decided to marry after graduation. I remember the photos of my grandmother with her female classmates. They were dressed in white robe skirts during the Republic of China and were probably representatives of New Women in China at that time. After graduating, they got married. My grandmother showed me her wedding photo. She was wearing a long white wedding dress that draped all the way on the floor with the bridesmaids. It was very beautiful.
祖父祖母结婚了,上海滩上的新女性, 一个妇产科医生和初恋的爱人结婚真是幸福, 况且他是那样的好看,比当时的老上海男明星还要美貌。 婚礼细节可惜我忘了, 小女生战战兢兢偷看大人的自传, 被父母发现会招来责骂和挨打。 
My grandfather and grandmother got married. The love between an obstetrician and her first date is so idealistic, moreover he was so beautiful and even more beautiful than the most popular Shanghai star at the time. Unfortunately, I forgot the details about the wedding, as I was only a little girl peeking out at the autobiography in the dark when the adults are not looking, and would be scolded or beaten if I was to be seen.
书中描写的这样一段, 印象太深刻了。婚后不久祖父的母亲(祖母的家婆)从台山带来一个小女孩, 小女孩10岁, 长相美丽。 婆婆说这是一个孤儿,交给祖母抚养, 祖母拉过小女孩的手, 其指甲盖的形状和祖父的形状一模一样, 祖母在书中写到她知道这个小女孩必是祖父的私生女, 后来果然祖父承认了(这是另外一段很长的故事), 记得我看了这段文字之后, 马上偷偷查看我自己的手脚, 原来没错我的指甲盖形状和我父亲的完全一样,纤长而顶部呈圆型, 基因真的强大。(这个小女孩以后长大出落得美丽动人, 星探发现想让她做演员, 遭到祖父反对,后嫁给年长自己15岁的自己的老师, 虽然颇有才华, 但相貌实在不敢恭维, 婚后安家在北京。 这些是后话了)
A passage in the book left a lasting impression on me. Soon after their marriage, my grandfather's mother (grandmother's mother-in-law) brought in a little girl from Taishan. The little girl is 10 years old and is very pretty. The woman said she was an orphan, but grandmother took a look at the little girl’s hands, and noticed that the shape of her fingernails is exactly the same as the fingernails of my grandfather. She noted in the autobiography that she is certain this little girl is his illegitimate daughter. Later, my grandfather admitted (this is another very long story). I remember that after reading this text, I quickly looked at my own nails. It turned out that the shape of my fingernails are exactly the same as my father’s. The top is round. How strong the genes are! (This little girl grew up incredibly beautiful. A star scout asked her to audition for an actor role, but her father opposed. Later she married her own teacher who was 15 years older than her. Although he is quite talented indeed, he didn’t necessarily have the best looks. They settled in Beijing after their marriage, but these are later words.)
新婚是甜蜜的, 自由恋爱, 双方家长满意, 西式的婚礼,婚礼按西方仪式举行, 祖母穿着洁白的婚纱,祖父白色西服。 婚后祖母选择继续在妇产科诊所工作, 第一个孩子是女孩生于1938年,生活如此美好。  
The newlyweds are so sweet, free in love, the parents of both parties were satisfied. The wedding style is Western and is held in accordance with Western ceremonies. Grandmother wearing a white wedding dress, grandfather wearing a white suit. After marriage, my grandmother continued working in her own Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic. The first child was a girl born in 1938, and life was so beautiful.
自传中提到一个吴姓女同学, 其家中原是富有的, 但由于父亲的缘故( 抽鸦片赌博等) 家道中落, 无力偿还债务, 吴姓女同学罹患重病,  弥留之久将自己的亲妹妹交托给她的最好的闺蜜我的祖母照顾, 吴姓妹妹大约比我祖母小最少十多岁吧,祖母因为已婚便将她带回家中, 整个自传自此弥漫着一种说不上来的感觉,颜色现在回忆起来是淡灰色的或者淡淡蓝色的, 我当时只能读懂一个个的字而已, 而且因为是偷窥所以一目十行,没读仔细。 现在想起来那个时刻这个人物的出现某种意义上改写了祖母的命运, 祖母的人生序幕此时好像才正式开启。 
The autobiography also mentions a female classname, Wu, whose family was rich at first, but because of some mistakes (opium gambling, etc.), her family fell apart and was unable to repay their debts. She fell ill and on her death bed entrusted her younger sister with her best girlfriend, my grandmother. My grandmother took care of Wu’s sister. Sister Wu was at least ten years younger than my grandmother. My grandmother took her home because she was married and had a stable home. The atmosphere of the autobiography becomes inexplicable from this point onwards. The color I now recall is light gray or light blue. I was only able to read some words, and because it was a peep, I read ten lines at a glance and did not read it carefully. Now remembering it, the appearance of this character, sister Wu, perhaps has rewritten grandmother's fate. I think grandmother's life only became more turbulent from now on.
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tranquildr3ams · 7 years ago
2 weeks or so has past since the first Gardening 2018 post!
Time sure does fly by. I’ve been working hard on weeding and setting up the garden with what I have so far. There is still a ton of stuff to do but Victoria Day long weekend is the staple weekend where I go to the garden centre and pick up at least my first big haul! This year, I went back to Les Serres Jean-Francois Dauphinais.
This place is still one of my more favorite places to go to. I actually also made a quick stop over at Pepiniere Auclair.
Here’s a lovely mosaic of what I did pick up at the center as a starter and after, we’ll take a look at what I’ve planted and other garden updates as a follow-up from the last post.
Lettuce, Bok Choi, Zucchini, Marketmore Cucumber, English Cucumber
Clematis (3rd try)
Basil, Curled Parsley, Lavender, Lemongrass
Geranium Citronella, Kale, Marigold
Water Lilies
Its the first year that my husband was fully awake to go to the garden centre with me and ended up leaving feeling like he enjoyed it. That is the difference of being on graveyard shift and normal shift (at least for him). It was a very different experience and he was a real champ and kept me company and helped me out a few times with the whole gardening thing. A different experience in some ways. This is definitely just the first batch and the two flowers are the only ones currently not planted in ground yet. We have a few little gardening clean-up areas left but my husband has been working on a few little things helping me open up some more of the garden this weekend as well.
Let’s take a look at how everything looks now!
First Part: Front Yard
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The flower patch in the front yard definitely has grown a lot more since the last update. Amazing what two weeks could do. Crimson Star still doesn’t have any buds so I’m wondering if it will since its already much later than usual. The tulips are all blooming now and giving some beautiful colorful life to my front yard. Once these end, the yellow flowers in the back should bloom if things go well. Aside from that, it seems that my middle area is not coming back so I’m going to be moving something over that has been cramped up in a corner of the garden forever but I just never found a home for it. Update on that next time for sure!
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Moving along, the Bleeding Hearts are looking spectacular. I’ll be posting some cool pictures of it over on Avenue of Daydreams over the next week or two. Its scheduled but I can’t remember when.
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Honestly, this sad patch along the front facade of my house did get a nice trimming and yet again, I forgot to take a picture of it since the last time but the Dianthus seems to be coming back. This patch seems like its not having much perennials come back, however, as I walked around this week, I saw, what I believe is, the cone flowers coming back. Its the little leaves in the top right area. I remembered i had moved one there and it was shadowed by the hydrangeas but this year I trimmed the hydrageans so hopefully it’ll successfully come back.
Part 2: Strawberries & Raspberries
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Enough said about this area. Its just growing out of control as usual. The strawberries are getting perkier and stronger every year. There are a lot of blossoms. Hopefully the bees are dropping by to pollinate it. As for the Raspberries, I’m trying to keep it under control but it sure looks like, its not exactly making much of a difference. I waited two weeks and already my lily is hidden in these raspberry shrubs already.
Part 3: Container Gardening
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On with the container gardening! We are actually have quite a few of these this year despite saying that we’d have less. As usual, the planter for the ledge of the patio full of marigolds. Marigolds naturally repels mosquitoes so that is the purpose of them being at the edge. Talking about mosquito repellent, here is my mosquito repellent container.
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Geranium Citronella, Lemongrass and Marigold makes up for my mosquito repellent container. I read somewhere that if you walk by the plant and brush your hands over it, it will help keep the bugs away. I did it on one arm and it didn’t get me but the other arm caught a mosquito bite. Even if its not effective, it still looks pretty nice. One of my prouder planting moments 🙂
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A little change here as well. Usually I get a few herbs and plant them in a container garden. This year, we got the lavender that went into the ground right away (at least I chose to do that), leaving these two so I put them into a smaller pot. I’m hoping there’s enough space but the strong one will survive, right? It’ll make it out! *positive thoughts*
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Others may hang flowers in their hanging pots but since 2 years ago, we’ve been planting lettuce in hanging pots and let me tell you, they are quite successful usually. This year, we are changing it up and putting 2 lettuces instead of three. Three always ends up one being scrawny and sad so hopefully two will work out for the better. With that said, the lettuce this year was slightly weak and when I was taking them out, two broke off from their roots. I’m currently trying to revive them in water to hopefully sprout back some roots but don’t know if it will work.
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As you can see, lettuce and cucumbers are dominant in the garden this year. With limited garden space as the expansion is still in progress, we are doing two cucumbers in containers this year and I did some companion planting research and paired them up with lettuce. Kale makes no difference so I just put it in since they don’t take a lot of space and we harvest them fairly quickly as we like to make kale chips and cook it.
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The final two are just individual kale and my variety of lettuce containers. The highlight here is that I’ve rigged the top one with a watering system. To be honest, I don’t think the system works as well. The water goes down a little too fast for it to be useful. The wine bottle method in the bottom is definitely still doing the trick. I’m going to compare the two and see at the end of the season, which works better. Who knows before we observe for a little while longer.
Part 4: Vegetable Garden
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The echinacea is back! I’m really happy about that. I did lose one of them but at least one came back so I’m already fairly satisfied with it.
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We put up the same fence as we had last year. Its to prevent bunny attacks on my lettuce. This part is the general informal entrance of my patch since you pretty much need to straddle the front trellis to get in. Its not tall but can still be hard to do. As you can see, my blueberries are growing well enough. The green onions are bursting with harvest and there in the middle is a cucumber plant. We needed to keep them near the mesh side and I’ll be getting a trellis to link it to the side.
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Continuing to the other side and the full extension. The far left is all herbs. Lemon Mint and Oregano came back and in the center, I planted the Lavender. As for the rows, The first row is Marketmore cucumbers and Kale. The reason for this is to swap things around. I’ve planted zucchini in the front for a few years and its normal to change things around to help the soil replenish nutrients. Second row is all the Bok Choy. And the final row is English Cucumbers and Zucchini.
Part 5: Water Lily/Water Garden Debut
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Water Lilies
What can I say? I grew up with a pond in my backyard. Water gardens remind me of my dad. A part of me has always wanted a water garden so I made the effort to get a water lily and try to make it grow especially after my mom gave us these giant clay pots last year which was my dad’s. The water lilies was pretty pricey but I believe if you put them under soil over winter, its supposed to make it through every year. My mom is the expert on that so I’ll get more info from her soon.
And that’s it for the garden! We have an idea of opening up a few more patches so my husband has been helping me a ton with that! He makes the progress go a lot faster especially when opposite from my scattered mind of wanting to do everything at the same time, he actually focuses on one task.
Still some research! I’ll update with the flowers being planted in ground. I just want to make sure that I open a big enough plot so that I can see the Clematis and it will give it the best chance of survival and blossom. And a few moving plants about the garden coming up and pruning of a few trees.
Seems that this Gardening thing will be a biweekly deal as it currently stands. I’m just a beginner gardener so its a journey all on its own.
#Gardening 2018 2nd update: Garden Center #Haul & #Update. #Herbs #Flower #ContainerGardening #VegetableGarden 2 weeks or so has past since the first Gardening 2018 post! Time sure does fly by.
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withhandsandfeet-blog · 8 years ago
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The Good Samaritan
What is this story?  The story of the “all we want” and the “nothing we have”.  The emptiness that can come.
Stepping out of my car and closing the door it makes a horrible crunch.  The sound of something not aligned properly and being forced back into its origin.  A scrapping and popping.  Terrible.  A noise I have heard now a thousand times.  “I really need to fix that.”  A statement I have made a thousand times.  Why do I do that?  Why do I avoid the things which by avoiding will only cause more work for me overtime?  But I’m not here to self actualize, this is work.  
I look around, entering into observation mode.  The grounds remarkably unremarkable.  All the other yards have something that stands out, some plant or tree or carefully designed garden.  This yard lacks nothing in design or expense but misses the mark in some other way.  It seems curated by some algorithm.  The house was in complete agreement.  Beautiful, yes.  A mansion, yes.  But any passersby would quickly glance by it onto the other homes in the neighborhood.  A finished masterpiece but simultaneously a blank canvas.  Before I could stir up some cogitation the front door opened.  
The Reverend’s wife met me with a smile.  I startled when I saw her face, the very example of contradiction.  Her smile said “the Lord is good and so is my life”.  Her eyes were not so disciplined.  They seemed tired and empty.  Not containing nothing emptiness but more like if you were deep underground on one side of a giant cavern and on the opposite side there was a lit match barely visible as it neared the end of its fuse.  Empty because there was more of nothing than there was something.  It made me sad and I caught my hand moving toward my chest as if my heart hurt.  There was no reason to greet her with anything more than a common salutations.  She was a hollow structure.  
She Led me into the living room.  It had all the appearances of such a named place.  Many pictures on the walls of family and friends in occasions of joy, all telling a tale of afternoons spent in love.  Most of them looked like they had been unmoved since the genesis of Reverend John Doe’s empire.  The occasional phrase that has been regurgitated in some form or another in every living room in the world like: ‘Bless this House’ or ‘Family is All’.  The couch sat in the middle of the room, surrounded by accompanied chairs.  There was an uneasiness about the room, It was clean and neat and silent but felt much more like sterility than comfort.
The Reverend soon walked in and introduced himself with a warm hug.  A uncomfortable greeting if performed by anyone but him.  The uneasiness that seconds before surrounded me hid itself.  I liked him right away.  Later I was shocked to find my fondness had turned to love.  I had followed his career closely and was well aware of people’s adoration toward him but still found his charisma to be disarming.  This must be how he had come to such power.  In just fifteen years of pastoring his church had moved to three services, opened ten satellite locations, planted fifteen new churches, grown to 1000 members, was visited by more than 15000 people weekly, started thirty new ministries, and  had been credited with countless converts.  All under the leadership and shepherding of Reverend John Doe.  Still only in his forties he was as much a pop-culture icon as a religious cornerstone.  His realm of influence ranged from presidents to movie stars to the average Dick and Jane.  He has been on the front cover of TIME, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, and The Wall Street Journal to name a couple publications.  He is able to cross all political and religious divides.  Already a legend but completely present with me a mere mortal.
He demanded respect but not in a authoritative way.  When he listened you could tell he was all there, right there in complete attention to what you were saying, focused and undistracted.  He balanced the line of edgy and conflict.  He was dynamic, personable, satisfying.
Suddenly I saw his family on a couch behind him  I never noticed them come in.  They sat straight, perfect, quiet, almost fading in with the rest of the decorations.  They all sat smiling in silence.  And there was something else, they all seemed to be waiting as one.  A stale waiting, a vain waiting but a unanimous waiting. I forgot they were there as the Reverend told stories about the early years; revivals, miraculous healings, stories of salvation, redemption, freedom, marriages saved, families united.  The hungry fed, the sick given medical attention, the forgotten brought into visibility.  The country was changing.  Politics, legislation, morality, it was all changing and it was because of this man.  In between stories his family would catch my eye.  Still sitting, smiling, and waiting.  That terrible waiting.
At the end of the interview I thanked him and headed out the door.  I turned to say my final goodbye.  His family was still sat on the couch, heads crooked toward me, eyes on the Reverend.  Still sitting as one, still smiling as one, still waiting as one, and waiting and waiting.  A horrible, deafening, blinding, waiting.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years ago
20+ Times People Tried Cleaning Things And The Results Were Too Satisfying Not To Share
Decided To Have Some Fun While Powerwashing My Dirty Driveway
They’re Power Washing The Fountain Stones At Work
Told The Wife The Floor Was Gross And Needed Cleaning. She Said We Don’t Need To. Clean Half She Said And Let’s See The Difference. Mission Accomplished (We Don’t Have Tiled Floors)
The Power Washers Realised They Got The Wrong House, But At Least We Got A Free Sample
This Church In Detroit Hasn’t Been Cleaned Since It Was Built 134 Years Ago. I Always Thought The Stone Was Black
Got Transferred To A New McDonald’s Store. First Thing I Did Was Scrub Their Vats
New York Used To Be A Much Dirtier City Back When The Northeast Ran On Coal Plants
2 Stages Of Hoarder House. You Would Have No Idea
I’m Ashamed To Admit That I Didn’t Realize How Dirty This Swing Was Until My Wife Asked Me To Clean It. It’s Not Painted Green, That’s Just Years Of Gunk
200 Years Of Varnish Removed From A Painting
Algae – Algone
Trinity Abbey In My Hometown, Mid-Cleaning
Before And After Of A Playground Cleaned At Wirral School. The Difference Is Amazing
My Wife Cleaned The Knobs Off Of The Old Cabinets In Our Basement
Today I Power Washed A Running Track
Nottingham City Looking A Little Brighter
Our Cabin At The Lake
I Cleaned A Jetty Yesterday With A Power Washer. Hadn’t Been Touched In Over 15 Years. Can’t Believe The Difference It Made. Bonus Dog Pictures
My Cousin Does Powerwashing For A Living. He Recently Posted This
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Power Washing A Dirty Truck
I’m Falling In Love With My Power Washer
Power Washed My Driveway After 5 Years Of Buildup
My Shoes Before And After A Cleaning
I Never Knew That The Building Was Nearly White
I Power Washed A Garden Bench The Wife Gave Me 16 Years Ago
Cleaning A Dirty Griddle
My First Go At Power Washing. I Think I’m Hooked
Built By Her Grandfather. I Thought It Was Just A Bad Stain. Had No Idea
Cleaned For The First Time In 5 Years
Walked By At Just The Right Time
Odessa Stairs In The Middle Of Cleaning Process
This Was Last Summer. My Pops Was So Impressed, He Went In Socks On And All
I Forgot What It Used To Look Like
My Brother Recently Bought His First House. This Was The Very First Thing I Did When I Saw His Back Yard
Power Washing At The Mall
Chicago’s National Building In The Middle Of A Facelift
Probably My Favorite Thing To Use A Power Washer For
Cleaning A Platinum Ring That Hasn’t Been Cleaned For 20+ Years
Triangles From Carpet Cleaning. Hypnotic Before/After Picture
So After My Previous Washer Broke I Went Out And Bought A New One, Managed To Complete The Whole Backyard
I Thought Our Roof Was Supposed To Be Black. Apparently Not
I Believe This Came Out Rather Nicely
St. Patrick’s Unveils Its Immaculate Facelift
My Favorite Building In Uppsala Is Going Through A Power Washing Makeover
Just A Roof Being Cleaned
Cleaning Rock Climbing Holds
Before And After Of A Lion An Alumni Donated To My Fraternity. Pretty Happy With How It Turned Out
This Was Anywhere Between 35-60 Years Worth Of Gnar
Like New Lion Fountain
Washing A Choux De Créteil Tower In France
On My Way Into Work
I Cleaned Up This Snes, Inside And Out. Took About 4 Hours
I Can’t Tell If I Am Mildly Infuriated That It This Tombstone Has Been Like This For 8 Months, Or If The Contrast Is Mildly Interesting
Some Concrete Cleaning
Before And After Bathroom Cleaning. The Power Washer Was My Arm
Cleaned My Buddy’s Old Guitar
Deep Cleaned Bathroom
Cleaned Chucks
Perfection Of My Back Porch Steps
Brick Pressure Cleaning
from Viral News HQ https://ift.tt/2Jr06vT via Viral News HQ
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