#i forgive them because of castiel tho
xocdddd · 2 months
supernatural stop being disrespectful to every religion to ever exist challenge (LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE)
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eisforeidolon · 2 months
Hellers on reddit
I never thought I had to write this but I feel this topic hasn't been properly discussed. Every time I watch supernatural, especially these last seasons, I get so frustrated by this issue and I don't know how people feel about this. Because, how I see it, there is a Cas that's trying to do anything in his hand to protect the Winchesters, making mistakes or not, but I don't feel that it's reciprocated by them, at least not always. And especially Dean.
Dean's behaviour towards Cas is an issue itself. He has a very complicated and deep relationship with Cas, or at least he is supposed to have. I feel like Dean can sometimes be such a jerk towards the angel for no reason, even though what he might have done is not a big deal. The problem is, every time Cas dies, Dean is absolutely devastated and feels like he has lost the love of his life (which is more than reasonable), but when he somehow comes back to life, Dean goes back to "normal" and his tough guy attitude towards Cas resumes. Look, I really like Dean, and I get that he has been through a lot throughout his life, but Sam has also been through hell (lol) and he happens to be much nicer and empathetic. What I'm trying to say is that Dean cannot be a jerk to Cas and then cry over his dead body, because, honestly, that's just toxic.
Take the example of Mary's death. Dean blamed Cas for that even though the three of them knew how dangerous Jack could become. And then basically he became passive aggressive with him because he couldn't forgive him for something he didn't do (why is Dean so grumpy in the last seasons tho?). Cas is one of my favourite characters, and I love his innocence and his unconditional love for Dean (and Sam), but I also love an angel who knows their worth and who can smite the hell out of everything. Badass Cas is amazing but I feel we gradually started losing that aspect as the seasons went by. And that's why I loved 15x03 because Cas finally confronted Dean and decided to "move on". And even though I liked what they did in 15x09, I sometimes felt that Dean didn't deserve Cas. He was always there for the brothers but it looks like they took him for granted, or that he was just being used, and it's really frustrating to watch.
This is one of the reasons why I believe there should be a reboot. There has to be an actual conclusion to these characters' relationship, be it platonic or romantic. I need Cas to be properly loved, not some bullshit subtle "we care about you, pal" kind of thing.
Yeesh. That's A Lot.
Like, Sam and Dean also have fans who are convinced their poor helpless blorbo has never done anything wrong ever and is just So Wronged by everyone and the narrative at every single turn? But I swear it's harder to find Castiel fans that aren't like that. Then again, it's hard to find Castiel fans anymore that aren't hellers, which I think is definitely linked.
We could talk yet again about what a load of utter fanon horseshit it is to describe Dean's affect when Castiel dies as "absolutely devastated like he lost the love of his life". For the pure absurd exaggeration of how they take one single canon shot of Dean looking sad and then write thousands upon thousands of words "interpreting" it and thereafter consider their fanfic of Dean sobbing in devastation for hours over Jimmy's empty corpse actual canon. For how sometimes it's just plain obviously not true (pie festival lol). For the fact when he is genuinely upset there's ALWAYS other more devastating shit going on they pretend to be blind to so they can pretend it's ALL about Cass (the Leviathan/Bobby's death, Mary being sucked into Apocaworld/dealing with Jack, Chuck going full evil, etc.). But instead, this time, let's stick with the theme of poor wronged Castiel, Dean is so MEEN *sob*.
It's not just that the angel is "making mistakes or not" it's that he is consistently time after time after time? Making the exact same fundamental mistake: going behind the Winchesters' backs to "protect them" by keeping vital information from them or outright fucking things up worse by trying to handle shit on his own. After which he generally either tries to run away or share out the responsibility of fixing it to them. Gee, I wonder why they aren't oozing with gratitude?
Let's take the example of Mary's death, to start with. Yeah, they all know that Jack's gradually becoming dangerous. But only one of them knows that he is already at the point of killing a pet dangerous. It's stupid to pretend that's not an obvious, major escalation. But Castiel decides not to tell anybody it. That's a choice he makes, something he very much DID do. You know, kinda like how he wasn't really honest about how bad things were all through season 6 and his plans with Crowley. Kinda like how he decided instead of trying to go back and fix the mess he'd made of heaven, he decided to stay behind in Purgatory but lie to Dean about it. Nothing at all terrible came of those stupid-ass "protective" decisions, nope! No reason at all to be pissed off at his terminal inability to learn from his mistakes!
Which doesn't even get into how he was the one that let Sam out of the panic room, but berated the Winchesters for their part in setting Lucifer free without ever mentioning his own. Or how his first impulse after getting his memories back wasn't actually to heal Sam, whose wall/sanity he intentionally tore down in the first place as a distraction, but to run away. (There's a reason Cass stans/hellers frequently seem to be entirely amnesiac about just how Sam's wall broke.) Then there's how he decided he couldn't trust the Winchesters with the angel tablet. Don't forget that he could hear Claire constantly praying for help for years and did nothing. Or my personal favorite, how he went behind the Winchesters' backs to let Lucifer possess him and escape the Cage after all they went through to put the archangel there without a fucking single word of warning to his supposed friends that he's sooooo concerned with protecting! Then there's stealing the Colt and leaving them unprotected and unconscious outside the portal to Heaven. I'm not even going to touch all the whining he did in the final seasons about wanting to be a hero. I know there's more, but the point is, gee, what a faultless, helpful guy!
My overall point is not even that Castiel is The Worst. He's not the only character who makes stupid-ass decisions. I think there are, in some cases, understandable mitigating factors (YMMV)! However, given the amount of times he ran off on some whim of his own and went totally incommunicado or the Winchesters had to clean up a mess he made (or just made worse)? Framing his role in the show as if he was "always there for the brothers" (remember how when he said that the point was he was lying?) and was soooo uniquely underappreciated? Frankly, they showed plenty of appreciation for him by continuing to count him as family/a friend and ultimately forgiving him over and over. Rather than, you know, stabbing him through the neck like they would have literally anyone else who fucked them over so routinely as he did while supposedly trying to "help" and "protect" them.
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lucywrites02 · 3 years
For the headcanons thing, maybe how would Loki be with a s/o that wakes up waaay too early? (Like 5am). I hc him as a night owl
Headcanons | Main Masterlist
A/N: I thought it would be better if I posted this today :) I'm sorry it's so short tho
Pairing: Loki x reader
Loki's pronouns: he/they
Word count: 421
Warnings: none
Tag list:@twhiddlestonsstuff @dreamingyouth @xladyxfatex @castiels-majestic-wings @lokistan @amwolowicz  @cozy-the-overlord ​ @whatafuckingdumbass   @electroma89 ​ @dpaccione @gaitwae @poetic-fiasco @lokitrashfan @weirdfangirl2416 @rorybutnotgilmore @the-emo-asgardian @wolfish-trickster @serpentargo @darkacademicfrom2021 @imnotrevealingmyname @nyx2021 @theaudacitytowrite @high-functioning-lokipath @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson @funsized-mimi
(If you want to be added let me know in the comments or send me an ask <3)
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He would be so confused at first.
How can someone be up so early?!?!
It was no surprise that Loki liked to stay in bed longer.
Sometimes they need more sleep because they spent the previous night reading for hours.
Which is understandable.
Often when you wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom or get a drink you see the light in the living room of your shared apartment.
And find your lover, sitting on the couch with another book in his hands.
“Loki, it’s 3 AM, what are you doing here?”
“Oh, forgive me, my darling. I couldn’t help myself and started another story… I didn’t want to risk waking you up so I thought I would stay here.”
It’s no surprise that after all they went through Loki still has nightmares.
They are the main source of his anxiety and insomnia.
You try your best to stay awake as long as you can for Loki but fail miserably every time.
When that happens the two of you usually sit on the couch in the living room.
Loki reads out loud to you or you play a board game.
You fall asleep on his lap every time and your lover has to pick you up and take you to bed.
Loki still can’t get his head around the fact you willingly wake up at such ungodly hours.
The amount of times Loki tried to wake up before you to surprise you with breakfast to bed, only to find you already in the kitchen waiting for them is astronomical.
One time they got so desperate to do it for you the god stayed up all night to make you pancakes.
He brought them to you on a tray with some juice and flowers in a vase.
You were so happy and couldn’t thank him enough.
You took the tray with food from them and put it in the middle of your bed so Loki had easier access to the breakfast, too.
But as soon as you turned around to give your lover a kiss he was fast asleep.
He snores.
You told him that on multiple occasions but Loki refuses to believe you.
“How could you know I snore?!”
“I woke up at 5 yesterday and I confused my alarm with your snores!”
“You drool all over your pillow, too.”
Loki often tries to convince you to stay in bed with them longer.
The god promises you cuddles and extra good morning kisses if you agree.
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heavenknowsffs · 3 years
alright folks here's my eurovision song ratings
Germany - wtf? so random 0/10
Lithuania - perfect for the original theme of eurovision which was "make fun of other countries" but the song is catchy 2/10
Russia - language points! awesome lyrics feminist bop 10/10
Australia - powerpuff girls in 2021 gay vibes but also child vibes cool visuals 4/10
Ireland - bland pop song 0/10
Cyprus - miley cyrus but in another country speaking spanish and english (WARNING for a lot of flashes in the official video) 5/10
Norway - bit sad, also on theme with previous eurovision vibes 2/10
Slovenia - this song is about castiel supernatural 6/10
North Macedonia - the gay man that saved us all 7/10
Croatia - 1/3 language points. bland because it's not entirely in croatian, the chorus is cool. visuals... pretty cool 7/10 (should be in croatian)
Belgium - weird af what y'all on? but also men ain't shit so 5/10
Isr*el - free palestine. the irony of the name of this song..... won't even comment on this one
Romania - billie eilish vibes but only visually? nice message in the lyrics 6/10
Azerbaijan - immaculate vibes, language points!! and yeah let's gooo 9/10
Ukraine - DUDE! YES. language points! the lyrics are so cool and the concept too 10/10
Malta - hot girl shit LET'S GOOOO lizzo vibes 8/10
San Marino - *beyonce gif* Flo Rida??? ana malhoa vibes (WARNING for flashes at the beginning, official music video) 7/10
Estonia - too straight and not even in their language. tony carreira of estonia 1/10
Czech Republic - 1/10 of language points, the video has a lot of movie references but i personally didn't like it that much 2/10
Greece - dude don't ride a horse like that (i fell off a horse yesterday this triggered me) i was too distracted by this flying horse to pay attention but it seemed it was going to be political and then wasn't so :/ 1/10
Austria - "amen i guess" ?? i'm not catholic sorry 2/10
Poland??? i don't know bitch - horrible song, looks like one of the brit entries 0/10
Moldova - it's about sex, weird af visuals, perfect for the old eurovision theme i miss making fun of other countries. they had the psy dance move as well. idk tik tok dance vibes. my friend says it gave him meghan trainor vibes (song) 3/10
Iceland (?) - also perfect for the old eurovision theme. power rangers who? little big vibes (if you don't know little big they had that weird song for russia last year). the lyrics are about love but the video is power ranger themed 4/10
Serbia - also about sex, pretty cool tho. language points! pretty girls (but that's a theme in every song ;) ) i think it's fun because it's not in english (WARNING for flashes in the official video) 7/10
Bulgaria - pretty song and has a sweet message at the end 6/10
Georgia - i though it was gonna be a cover of dream a little dream of me. needless to say i was disappointed. the guy looks portuguese af 2/10
Albania - powerful voice. language points! also religious but very pretty even though i didn't understand the lyrics all that well 8/10
Portugal - listen. i have a lot of opinions because this is my country but LISTEN. i will never forgive them for not bringing a song in portuguese (and there were good ones) BUT after hearing every song and deliberating i do believe we have one of the top 5 songs 10/10 (also thanks spanish hermanitos for the love in the comments i see you <3)
Finland - finland you have my love. this song is too good for eurovision, sadly i don't think it will go far but it's on my top 3. i do hope it wins or is at least in the running for winning! (i also thought this about our salvador sobral and we won so ;) we never know do we?) 11/10
Latvia - great voice but the background voice is super annoying. there's a lot of diversity in the video and it was a nice message 6/10
Switzerland - (WARNING for car accidents in the official video) depressing af, the video doesn't fit the song lyrics imo. language points! the video is beautiful 5/10
Denmark - super weird and i think it's about sex, there's no video so yeah it's a normal dance song for me. language points! 5/10
France - cute lyrics i loved the way they relate to the video, it's pretty. language points! 6/10
The Netherlands - it's cool but not my fave. the video is pretty too and i loved the dances 6/10
Italy - ITALYYYYY OH MY FUCKING GODDDDDDD. this is my favourite the bissexuals stay winning <3 the song, the lyrics, the video, language points!, all perfect, even heard it twice 20/10 (minor warning for the end of the video it has some stuff involving eyes and bugs)
Spain - so sweet and language points! fernando daniel vibes 8/10
UK - didn't even get through half of the song and went back to finland's song, don't talk to me 0/10
overall my faves are italy, finland and portugal followed closely by russia and malta. overall in the videos lesbians stay winning it's all pretty girls 😭😭
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muqiing · 4 years
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tagged by @leonzhng​ thanks for making me dig through my most embarrassing crushes 😭✋
i’ll tag @highwarlockkareena​ @yibobibo​ @lan-xichens​ @purplexedhuman​ @aheartfullofjolllly​ @lanzhansmiles​ @nyx4​ i feel like i tag you guys in everything i am so sorry please ignore this if u don’t wanna do it !!
putting this under a read more for reasons
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MEN 2010 – 2016
literally nothing more embarrassing than falling on the same type of white man over and over again (with the exception of minho from shinee bless his heart)
tommy joe ratliff → he was the bass player for adam lambert during his glamnation era (think of songs like for your entertainment and if i had you) idk why exactly i liked him so much but i just did.... however i searched him up again quite recently and found out he’s one of those republicans that says the dumbest shit on twitter so Big Yikes
harry styles → “baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, and when you smile at the ground it ain’t hard to tell...” and BOOM 13-year-old me was sold for well over two years
louis tomlinson → basically i liked harry most until around 2013 when for some reason i started to like him a little less, and i got more focused on louis tomlinson, and although i didn’t like one direction anymore louis tomlinson always had a special place in my heart
ashton irwin → so ashton is 5sos’ drummer, i discovered 5sos through one direction & i stanned them until late 2014
harries twins → the harries twins (jack & finn) are basically the reason i started spending a lot of time on youtube, they were funny and pretty and they just had good videos in general, so for almost two years i’d watch their content regularly
choi minho → my first steps into kpop happened bc i was watching videos on youtube (most probably the harries twins) and suddenly i saw the sherlock mv in my recommended videos so i clicked on it and then 14-year-old me proceeded to fall for minho like an idiot
brooks twins → still youtubers, the brooks twins were 3/5 of the janoskians (jai & luke brooks, beau brooks, daniel sahyounie, & james yammouni), an australian youtube comedy group that was active from 2011-2018 though i was only around from 2012-2014 (when jai brooks was dating ariana grande)
jc caylen → surprise! another youtuber! jc caylen was part of o2l (our2ndlife) a youtube collaboration channel on which each of the 6 members posted videos on a certain day in the week (mondays with connor, tuesdays with ricky, wednesdays with sam, thursdays with jc, fridays with trevi (my 2nd favorite member bc she participated on the x factor), saturdays with ricardo, and then they had surprise sundays every week) and i remember how much joy jc & the others always brought me with their silly videos
misha collins → up next, you might know him as the gay angel that was sent to superhell after confessing his love to the homophobic hunter on supernatural, it’s misha collins! basically misha was a huge source of comfort for me, and i even went around calling myself emmisha for almost two full years (cringe)
henrik holm → he played even bech naesheim in skam and my crush on him reached that level of ridiculousness where i actually tried my hand at learning norwegian (i can only remember how to introduce myself and some curse words i would make a great first impression on him)
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MEN 2016 – 2021
min yoongi → okay so my baby steps into kpop happened through shinee’s sherlock, but i only got really invested when yoongi dropped agust d 1 because Holy Fuck y’know??
kim namjoon → oh man i remember thinking namjoon was cute and a very good leader and then BAM he dressed like THAT at the 2016 mma’s and i fell in love. hard
park seojoon → i started liking park seojoon whilst i was watching hwarang (you guessed it, i watched it bc of taehyung), although he wasn’t my favorite character by far, but he was very silly off camera & i liked that (i’m not that into him anymore tho </3)
kim seokjin → OH BOY LET ME TELL U i liked seokjin from the very beginning (i got to know bts in late 2014) and i always liked seeing him perform and be himself and god once i realized i had a crush on him it just hit me like a mf truck, and he’s still one of my favorite people to this day
jung hoseok → god fake love era hoseok really hits different.... also yes i know i have all of bts’ hyung line on my list BUT bts was a really big part of my life for almost 6 years soooo honestly they deserve it i still think they’re great guys
choi san → when ateez made their debut in 2018 i immediately fell in love with san, he was such an amazing dancer and he captivated me right from the very beginning, to this day he’s still my bias in ateez uwu
xiao zhan → AND THEN, OCTOBER OF 2019 HAPPENS AND I WATCH CQL AND... i fall in love with xiao zhan, something i’d never expected would happen bc when i watched cql for the first time i wasn’t as invested in the story, but i really really really liked xiao zhan and one thing led to another and now here i am as a xfx
wang yibo → the thing is, i’ve known yibo since eoeo except i didn’t know cql yibo was uniq yibo (bc i’d forgotten his name) and when i looked it up i can tell you my jaw dropped to the floor bc holy shit????? also he is very silly and i love him loads ok
lee minho → ah, the man who has been my skz bias since 2018, not only is minho my bias i also kin him (there’s a lot of aspects of myself that i see in minho and vice versa) and he’s very comforting to me
bang chan → honestly, it was only a matter of time before i’d fall for bang chan, i knew the moment i got into skz again that i’d start biasing him and, well, here i am, double biasing chan & minho
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this list is shorter bc i’ve in general always had less crushes on women than on men??? blame society forcing me into thinking i was straight for a LONG time
ariana grande → remember the 2011 layout of twitter?? where u could not only have an icon and a header, but also a background and ur twitter page was smack in the center of ur screen with the big ugly menu bar at the top??? yeah ariana grande was always my background for my l*rr* st*l*n*s*n layouts
perrie edwards → this was right around the time she was dating zayn & little mix was breaking out into the spotlight, yeah i just really loved her
andrea russett → okay so remember o2l?? andrea russett was kian’s girlfriend for a pretty long time and they always did videos together and i always thought she was super pretty
lily collins → maybe i don’t like clary in tmi all that much but i sure liked the way lily collins looked
alona tal → MY BISEXUAL AWAKENING, it’s only when i saw alona tal in spn that i realized, fuck i might be gay
park jihyo → i discovered twice (my 2nd jype group after day6) through the like ooh-ahh mv and red-haired jihyo really did something to my heart (i just rewatched it and god zombie bang chan is so mf cute)
kim jisoo → when bp made their square two comeback i was immediately smitten for red-haired jisoo in playing with fire, it’s also when i realized she was my bias out of the four members
shin ryujin → the reason that i have blue hair is partially bc of ryujin and her amazing intro in wannabe :D
xuan lu → her portrayal of jiang yanli was SO ON POINT and she’s just such a kindhearted wonderful person wow i want her hand in marriage
lee yoobin → god i’ve known dreamcatcher from back when they were still called minx and ever since i’ve always looked at dami that bit more than the rest, i was also able to see dreamcatcher live in october of 2019 and the whole experience was just so amazing !!
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there’s a whole lot more than just these 10 but i wanted to fit the evolution into one (1) slide as best as i could lmao
peter pan → this movie came out in 2003 (?) and he’s honestly the first fictional character i remember ever having a crush on
legolas → i was really doubting between placing haldir or legolas here but i only really got a vague haldir obsession when i was like 14
will turner → man was annoying sometimes but i really liked him and his relationship with elizabeth was cute
jo harvelle → gosh i can’t believe she’s the only female character in here???? yeah she was one of my two spn faves and i’ll never forgive the screenwriters for the way they killed her off
castiel → does your fave ever get sent to super hell for being gay? no? well. mine did
kili → fili and kili’s storyline tore my heart out, spit on it, and then laughed straight in my face, KILI WAS LITERALLY MY FAVORITE DWARF
howl → i only watched this movie for the first time in 2020 so i kinda fucked up the tl cause i watched cql in 2019 but shh, anyways howl with his blonde hair was good looking but howl with his black hair just hits differently. i want a howl
lan jingyi → MY BABY BOY, TINIE LITTLE BABIE WHOMST I MUST PROTECT ok no but seriously this kid. i love him a lot
mu qing → BARK BARK. that’s all (that’s not all i love him a whole lot and it hurts me to see so many people misunderstand his character and only see the bad parts of him when they can forgive others for fucking up (eg. xie lian himself & feng xin) but bc mu qing doesn’t deal well with emotions suddenly he’s the bad guy??? i s2g if ppl are gonna do to him what they did to jiang cheng in the tgcf la i will RIOT)
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I told you not to get me started LOL
So, I was talking about Raphael with my good friend (shout out to @cutecookielove33) okay I told her not to get be started, but she did lol.
Okay, Raphael is my favorite Archangel, hands down. Gabriel is a coward, Michael is a tyrant, and Lucifer is an asshole. But, Raphael doesnt seem like an asshole to me, he’s the Healer.
I’ve done a lot of research on him to make sure I get his personality right in my own canon. Raphael is supposed to be kind and compassionate, and have a good sense of humor. So after reading about him and researching him, I think he would be kind and compassionate, and I know what you’re going to say, “But he was such a dick to Castiel” (first off, don’t get me started on that bitch, we’ll be here all year). Well, if the Archangels were created to lead Heaven in God’s absence, the task of leading the Host is Raphael’s by ‘birthright’, wouldn’t you be pissed off if someone was trying to take what’s rightfully yours?
We only ever saw Raphael interacting with Castiel, we never saw him interacting with the other members of the Host. In my opinion, he would have been a good leader, he seems level headed, orderly, and peaceful. Once again, I know what you’re going to say, “Well he wanted the angels to bow down to him” well, we never actually learned what he meant by that, he could have very well meant that he wants the Host to recognize him as their new leader, we never got to learn what he meant, it was just automatically eluded to as though it was a bad thing because Castiel thought it was a bad thing, just as we were led to believe Raphael was a bad guy, because the Winchesters and their pet angel thought he was a bad guy, but we don’t honestly know how he is, personality wise, because they never bothered to go into detail about him, there was so much potential that was lost when it came to him, he was treated unfairly. 
Here’s a few things that won me over for him:
1. His choosing of vessels. I like that he’s not sexist, and by that I mean that he uses both female and male vessels, tho he clearly prefers male pronouns, as he referred to himself as ‘brother’ when he was using a female vessel.
2. His power. In my opinion, he’s the only Archangel who truly lived up to the moniker of Heaven’s Most Terrifying Weapon, he’s powerful and it shows. They were all just a bit afraid of him when Castiel and Dean summoned him, which also leads me to how threatening and truly dangerous he can be. Like when he told Dean that Zachariah’s imagination has nothing on his, which gives the impression that Stomach Cancer is the least he can do, and as the Healer and the fact that he’s been around for so long, he has access to a multitude of deadly diseases, he practically has Biochemical Warfare at his finger tips. 
3. That fact that he doesn’t take Castiel’s bullshit, which is something in its self, because there’s just so much of it. I absolutely love that about him. 
4. I LOVE the fast that he’s a person of color, which not only gives a sense of diversity among the angels, and he clearly had a preference for that race, as both of his vessels were persons of color and he chose both of them that way when he had the opportunity to choose a white person to be his vessel, and he didn’t, and I highly respect that. 
And, just briefly, I want to touch up on that last one, that the show always kills off persons of color, which definitely eludes to the show being completely white washed, which is very shitty. Now, some might not like this sentiment, and to those people, you can kindly fuck off because I don’t have time for your denial type of bullshit. 
In my canon, I mix the supernatural version with the lore version. Raphael is kind hearted, compassionate, loving, and protective. But at the same time, he’s a no nonsense kind of person, he expects to be treated with respect and will not accept anything less, he can be your best friend, until you cross him, and then he can be your worst enemy. His temper is volatile and can be very violent and destructive, and though he rarely loses his temper, everyone, the other Archangels included, steer away from him until he calms down. He’s got a wicked sense of humor and can give just out just as good as he gets. He’s very protective of his younger siblings and will stand against God Himself if it was needed. When he sentences people to be incarcerated, he’s factually based, he wants to know what happened, he wants to hear the story from both sides, he wants to know the details, he wants to see and talk to witnesses if there are any to be had, he imposes his judgement on the facts and nothing more. He objects when Michael goes to sentence Gadreel and Abner, tho his objections is ultimately overturned by Michael, something of which pulls him away from the older Archangel, and calls a fool and a tyrant, he’s not afraid to call ANYONE out on their bullshit. Raphael can be particularly strict, and has a certain set of rules and expectations that are to be followed and met to the best of ones ability. He’s not a hardass though, all he wants is for you to be and try your best. He’s a strict disciplinarian, a spare the rod kind of guy, and firmly believe in corporal punishment, and as soon as it’s over you’re forgiven, the transgression is in the past and will be spoken of no more. He’s forgiving and understanding and believes in second chances, that’s it’s possible for nearly everyone to be rehabilitated, and will do his best to help you help yourself. 
Okay, sorry, I’ll stop gushing. 
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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sgt-celestial · 3 years
helloooo it is i the supernatural anon from a day or two ago :)
may or may not be binge watching it slightly so I've already finished season one and one episode of season 2. what can i say, not only am i enjoying the show but I'm very excited and impatient for castiel to show up so i will probably keep this binge watching up until season 4.
as for season 1 tho,, man,, ok imma roast it a bit before i get into the stuff i loved because most of the time the first few episodes, or even first season, of a show can be pretty bad while they are still figuring out what works and what doesn't.
ngl episodes 2-9 were a little boring. i think it's because they set up that whole 'their mother and jess died to a demon' thing and didn't mention it much for quite a few episodes after? apart from the 'we gotta find dad' stuff of course. i think those episodes were important though because it allows us to get a feel of the main characters and the types of creatures that live in the same world as them, but after so many episodes it gets a bit boring.
the structure of those episodes was a bit common as well. like you can see the same type of 'audience watches thing happen, then watches the main characters deal with it' in many other shows, and it becomes a bit predictable after a while (Johnathan Creek is a show that uses this structure, it's basically the same thing except it's mysteries without supernatural elements, each mystery and solution per episode is really clever)
after episode 9 the stories became far more interesting, which makes the predictable structure far more forgivable.
allowing the main characters to create relationships with other characters also played a huge part in it's improvement. like the woman with the brain tumor, the ending to that episode became far more difficult to predict because on one hand dean and the viewer has now bonded with this woman and feels pity for her, but on the other hand someone innocent will die. i mean they did it before in eps 2-9, but with this plus the more interesting stories it became easier to feel for these characters.
speaking of that faith episode, as well as the demon truck one, i see what you mean about the homophobia and racism. i think it's meant to be there because of historical stuff as well as outdated religious stereotypes. of course this doesn't excuse it, but that's the reason i think it's there.
i absolutely loved the episodes with their father and the demon they're trying to kill. i think the show is far more suited to an ongoing story rather than a different issue popping up each episode. that's not to say it should be all ongoing story, spicing it up with one offs is important too.
i think it was a great choice to introduce characters like bob or meg (i think? I'm bad at remembering names oops) because it gives a sense of the characters world being far larger than what we see on screen, which is important to make it convincing.
it also gives us an opportunity to see how the characters interact with characters that exist for longer than a single episode, which adds more depth to their character and makes them far more interesting and real.
and the whole car crash thing?? and the episode after with the reaper and making a deal with the demon?? and the dad's death?? clearly what I've watched so far is only just scratching the surface of what this show has planned and it's potential. very very excited to watch season 2 :)
and again, no pressure to write a whole 5 paragraphs back in response, or even respond fast, i don't wanna burn you out lol
Anon, I can wholeheartedly tell you that your asks could not possibly burn me out! They're a highlight to my day :) and, me too, anon. I managed to binge all 15 seasons within 29 days (which I guess says alot about my priorities).
I'm going to confess, I actually enjoy the Monster Of The Week™ episodes inbetween the storyline; then again, really plot-heavy shows tend to tire me out, so I'm definitely a biased opinion when it comes to MoTW eps.
And yes! Faith has always stood out to me as one of my favourites in Season 1. One quote that stuck with me was "if you're going to have faith, you can't just have it when the miracles happen; You have to have it when they don't." Like. Holy shit.
As for Meg and Bobby? THEE side characters. I love them so so much (especially because they aren't afraid to criticise the Winchesters <3). Sometimes the show tries to force in a brothers-only sort of plot, which is fine, but cuts off so many fantastic allies that could make it a great deal more interesting! So (without mentioning names as to keep this spoiler-free) that's why I absolutely adore some of the late-season side-characters.
I think I've covered everything in your ask - again, thank you so so much for sending it in, they're really fun to answer!!! :) I hope I didn't ramble too much!!!
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i, a fan of superwholock, dissect and give my opinion on the individual shows
idk i thought this would be fun and i currently have 4-5 hours to kill soooo
let’s start with
doctor who
(only new who. i have not seen the older stuff :( )
k. so. i have been a fan of this since i was pretty young. honestly i think i was a little too young to be watching it when my mom first showed me it but that’s beside the point. basically: i really like dr who
this is probably the best show out of superwholock, both in my opinion and in general. however... i am going to be nitpicky bc why not
1. the canon. 
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(yes the example is abt a dr who episode)
in short, the canon is comprised of a) retcons and b) contradictions. im not an avid follower of canon with any media but good god nobody can keep up with dr who canon
(i am blaming moffat bc i hate him and i think a lot of it is his fault anyway)
2. representation
honestly, the representation isn’t bad. however, i would describe it less as “good” and more as “a good starting point.”
for example, there is quite a bit of queer rep, POC rep, and a lot of characters are women. however, while this is nice, the show could still use a lot more rep, and the rep it has currently should probably be improved upon (for example: jack harkness is NOT straight, but he falls under the “multi-spec person wants to screw everyone” stereotype (i have not seen torchwood so this may be amended in that i just needed an example off the top of my head)).
3. story
some people yearn for romance. i yearn for the days when the doc would take their companion to some party, flirt with a tree, the companion almost dies while britney spears is playing in the background, etc. etc.
basically, the story starts out nice. just a bunch of goofing off, maybe a “big deal” thing here and there. life was fun.
then, the story changes. (this happened specifically from eleven onward, so yeah you can bet your ass im blaming moffat ‘cuz it’s his fault) things gradually became less fun. conspiracies ran amok; just when you thought it was over, turns out there’s an even bigger part of this plan that what you just defeated. the doc actually started caring about the timeline (what happened to time being wibbly wobbly?) sure, there are still fun episodes where the doc and the companion(s) go out for funsies but it’s just not the same as it was. 
4. morals
morals are good. basically:
you can have a dark past but still have a bright future, and
be kind
bonus 5. cowardice
at least one of the doctors played by one of the male actors should have worn a dress. there were plenty of opportunities but noooooo there’s a gender binary or something (like,,, they’re an alien????? if gender on gallifrey is the same as gender on earth i am going to fly to britain and drop kick some writers)
needs work, but p good and enjoyable.
now it’s time for 
just. um. ohhh boy. basically
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but i am going to do my best
1. representation
eugh. representation was baaaad in this. like, i think the only POC in the entire show that had any significance were the Chinese gang members and that is like,,, incredibly poor rep. i think the innkeepers in thob were gay but that’s as far as queer rep goes. there were a few women, i would die for all of them, we need more women. also the “im a high functioning sociopath” line makes me cringe everytime
basically this show had shit representation
2. john
okee he’s a great character right??? the common sense of the operation right??? wrong
he cheated on mary??? and we don’t address it like,,, at all??? it made me so fucking mad. 
(again fuck you moffat and gatiss probably had something to do with it too so im mad at him as well)
3. sherlock
classic “let’s make him a bitch” mistake. needs the stick surgically removed from his ass
4. story
story’s actually not that bad. it’s not like, great or anything but i enjoy it
bonus 5. ending
i just want to address it. i think the ending was p good and yall tjlc-ers are just upset that they didn’t bang or anything. they’re literally living in the same [two-room] flat??? and they’re raising rosie???? TOGETHER???? like what more do you want
anyway sherlock’s ace soooo
eh. needs LOTS of work. i love mrs hudson tho, she’s beautiful
and finally
ohohoh. boooyyyy.
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(plz forgive me this is so shitty but i threw it together in like,,, a minute)
1. story
aight so the first five seasons? p good. not much to say there
the other ten? the skill level of the writing went wayyyyyy down but i still enjoyed it
2. representation
this show is notorious for bad rep and for good reason. kevin, our beloved prophet and the only recurring asian-american character? dead. charlie, so nerdy and fun and also a lesbian? dead. castiel, the angel who was totally gay? dead. basically: if you find yourself in spn and you are not a straight white man, etc etc, you are going to a) die or b) die but in a worse way
3. mythology/treatment of religions
okay so. a while back i had a wicca/witchcraft hyperfixation which was closely followed by a general pagan religions hyperfixation, so i know some stuff here and there abt religions.
and good golly does this show make me MAD
why is christianity the central and most powerful religion? (i know why, it’s a rhetorical question) why do you demonize the other religions?? (again it’s rhetorical)
one thing that really annoys me is when they say something is a “pagan god.” like,,, do you know how many gods that contains??? if you didn’t know, a religion is considered pagan if it isn’t under the abrahamic religions umbrella. what are the abrahamic religions, you ask? well, they are christianity, judaism, and islam. literally every other religion ever is a pagan religion. so, when they say “it’s a pagan god,” i cry.
back to demonizing... they literally made a greek muse eat someone. my greek mythology phase ended a long time ago and i didn’t really get into the muses but i am p sure they didn’t eat people. also the fact that it makes hoodoo look dark and stuff when it’s actually more abt peace and healing... i bet ten dollars it’s because hoodoo was created by enslaved african americans
there are so many examples of this show disrespecting religions... i just can’t
4. general notes
(for you himym fans: *saluting* general notes) (sorry i couldn’t resist)
-the filler episodes/episodes where random shit happened were the best
-the finale memes are *chef’s kiss*
-god there’s so much abt this show that i can’t even choose bc my brain is overloading
-am i glad amara wasn’t ganked at the end of s11? yes. am i happy about the dean/amara kiss? gods no
-john winchester 🤝 steven moffat: getting a spot on my “fuck you” list
there is just. so much improvement needed. however if there is an absolute shit show with likeable characters i tend to gravitate to it
and for funsies let’s talk abt superwholock as a whole
-honestly im a sucker for crossover fandoms. if you scroll far enough on my blog you may find my rotbtd fanart. 
-it’s honestly just a fun idea
-there’s a lot of ways you could make it happen and all of them are fun
-great opportunities for rarepairs so rare no crackshipper has thought of it
aight that’s it. thank you for reading! if you have any questions abt my opinions abt other aspects of the shows just ask, i like talking abt this
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tragicies · 4 years
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♡ ˙      ben  barnes ,  he / him ,  thirty - seven      /       𝐒𝐀𝐌  𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑  has  been  displaced !      originally  from  𝚂𝚄𝙿𝙴𝚁𝙽𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙰𝙻 ,  he / they  has  found  themselves  in  new  york  city ,  without  their  memories .    they’re  currently  working  as  a  lawyer   &   tend  to  come  across  as  EMPATHETIC,  SELFLESS ,  but  also  STUBBORN   &   UNORTHODOX .     we’ll  see  if  their   𝒔𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅  𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒔  𝒇𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒅  𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉  𝒅𝒆𝒂𝒅  𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒈𝒆𝒔   &   𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒅  𝒕𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓  𝒃𝒚  𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒏  𝒔𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔 ,  𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏  𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅  𝒏𝒐𝒘  𝒅𝒓𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈  𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓  𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒆𝒅  𝒍𝒊𝒑𝒔 ,   &   𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒏  𝒇𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒍  𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈  𝒕𝒉𝒆  𝒔𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔  𝒐𝒇  𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒖𝒎𝒏  𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒔   personality  will  be  their  downfall  or  their  saving  grace  in  these  streets .      /       link ,  24 ,  they / them ,  est . 
full name :     samuel   william  “sam”  winchester . aliases :   sammy .  lucifer’s  perfect  vessel .   the  boy  with  the  demon  blood .   the  boy  king  of  hell .   abomination .   moose . age :  thirty  seven . gender & pronouns :   demi  guy ,  he / they . sexual & romantic orientation :    bisexual / biromantic . species :   human  ( demon  blood  induced  physic ) . star  sign :   taurus . identifying  marks :    a  long  scar  over  his  left  palm .   fantastic  hair .
i  am  just .   linking  his  wiki .
the  gist  of  it  all  is :    sam’s  father  trained  both  him   &   his  older  brother  dean  to  hunt  the  supernatural  because  of  his  revenge  fueled  obsession  to  find  the  demon  that  killed  their  mother .    though  they  do  eventually  kill  the  demon ,  that’s  hardly  the  end  for  their  story  as  the  brothers  find  that  themselves  as  pawns  in  the  grand  scheme  of  things  as  the  apocalypse  begins  to  set  into  place .   by  refusing  to  play  the  roles  fate  seemed  desperate  to  give  them  they  managed  to  stop  the  end  of  the  world ,  only  to  have  another  worldly  threat  looming  after  it .    &  another .    &   another .    the  two  of  them  stop  apocalypse  after  apocalypse  with  the  help  of  their  angel  best  friend , castiel ,  until  they  realize  they’ve  been  simply  characters  in  a  story  written  by  the  creator  of  all  things :   god .    wanting  to  control  their  own  lives ,  the  two  take  down  god  himself  so  they  can ,  finally ,  have  full  free  will  over  their  lives .
son  of  john   &   mary  winchester .   grew  up  a  native  new  yorker  with  his  older  brother  dean  winchester .
has  since  childhood  suffered  from  chronic  nightmares  which  causes  him  to  be  quite  the  insomniac .    he  was  taken  to  a  specialist  as  a  child   &   has  been  seeing  one  since .    though  he  has  medication ,  he’s  not  always  the  best  at  keeping  up  with  it .
sam  hates  his  dad !    the  man  was  obsessive  &  unkind  to  he   &   dean  but  where  dean  always  vouched  for  the  man   &   silently  obeyed   ( if  only  to  keep  the  peace )  sam  couldn’t  stand  his  father   &   the  dictator  control  he  seemed  to  want  on  their  lives .   sam  would  lash  out   &   got  into  many  fights  with  him .
sam  saw  dean  as  a  primary  caretaker  of  himself  over  their  father .
he  tried  to  run  away  on  more  than  one  occasion  while  growing  up ,  staying  away  from  his  home  for  a  day  up  to  a  full  two  weeks .   however ,  guilt  for  leaving  dean  would  always  bring  him  back .
at  age  17 ,  sam  was  accepted  to  college  in  california  &  he  finally  ran  away  for  good .   while  his  father  &  dean  were  gone ,  sam  hurried  to  pack  away  anything  he  deemed  necessary  into  his  car   &   he  took  off  across  country  without  so  much  as  a  goodbye  note .
the  first  year  or  two  at  college  sam  kept  no  connection  with  his  family ,  having  no  want  to  talk  to  his  father   &   terrified  that  his  brother  hated  him  for  what  he’d  done ,  but  eventually  he  managed  to  call  dean .    though  it  was  a  rocky  reconnection  at  first ,  sam  eventually  made  an  effort  to  call  dean  a  handful  of  times  in  a  year .   in  the  meantime ,  he  would  also  send  post  cards  from  california .
sam  got  a  full  ride  to  standford   &   graduated  as  one  of  the  top  students  of  his  class .
after  his  graduation ,  nine  years  after  his  big  run  away ,  sam  returned  to  new  york  in  hopes  to  start  a  practice  where  he  intended  to  specalize  in  family  law  in  hopes  of  helping  kids  like  himself  get  out  of  bad  situations .
nearly  ten  years  later ,  winchester  family  law  is  a  fairly  respected  practice  in  the  city .    he’s  no  big  name  lawyer ,  but  he’s  doing  fairly  well  for  himself .
though  he  has  reconnected  with  dean ,  sam  hasn’t  even  bothered  to  visit  his  father  in  the  near  ten  years  he’s  returned .   the  only  reason  he’s  possibly  seen  the  man  at  all  is  because  of  the  fact  dean  lives  with  him .
is  aware  his  father  is  sick  but  also  simply  is  trying  to  ignore  any  complicated  feelings  on  the  matter  by  drowning  it  out  in  the  hate  he  has  for  his  father .    even  if  he’s  on  his  death  bed ,  sam  refuses  to  forgive  the  man .
and  his  refusal  to  forgive  him  is  only  going  to  worsen  if / when  his  memories  come  back .
uh  he / they  sam  rights .   bi  sam  rights .    i  think  sam  had  a  girlfriend  at  the  start  of  college  but  a  boyfriend  sometime  at  the  end .   we  stan .
i  think  spn  stopped  caring  about  sam  much  after  season  like .   8 .    and  stopped  giving  him  personality  so .    late  series  canon  things  i’m  going  to  include  into  how  i  play  sam  will  be  with  a  grain  of  salt .     some  of  it  i’ll  be  honest  i’m  just  going  to  flat  out  ignore .    like  forgiving  his  dad ?    let  sam  be  bitter ,  cowards .    let  him  hate  more  than  one  thing .    because  he  does  also  hate  lucifer .
i  do  think  it’s  hilarious  that  he’s  a  health  nut  bc  this  man  has  exactly  none  of  his  priorities  in  order .   will  draw  demonic  sigils  in  his  own  blood  then  turn  around  to  get  a  quinoa  smoothie  bowl  to  “stay  healthy :)”   
first  worst  thing  spn  deiced  to  do  with  sam’s  character  is  get  rid  of  his  sick  as  fuck  demonic  physic  powers .    and  with  really  no  reason  too ?     so  that’s  a  big  thing  i’m  ignoring .
sam  is  most  relaxed ,  in  my  opinion ,  when  he’s  being  off  the  charts  weird .    like  when  sam  is  being  a  freak  i  think  it’s  good  for  him .
i’ll  add  more  to  this  later  i  really  gotta  go  to  bed  tho .
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tellthemhowihope · 4 years
i was tagged by @peanutbutterandgrapejelly. thank you drew! 💜 these questions were fun to think about 😊
1. Name 4 fictional characters who showcase your personality the best, with explanations if you want. (Drew - I also see a bit of myself in all of TFW and Charlie but for different reasons lmao)
sam winchester: sarcastic, empathetic, forgiving, patient with others, niche interests, introverted;
castiel: weird and specific sense of humor, supremely awkward and shy, but compassionate and ready to help others, introverted;
dean winchester: older sibling (younger sibling is the most important person in my life), feel things too strongly, bad temper, jokes to cover up emotions, repression queen!, hella bi, loves pie
charlie bradbury: nerdiness/geekiness (tho I lowkey hate compsci), fiction/fantasy to avoid the real world and problems, will fight existing power structures that prey on those who are struggling,
2. Aesthetic
i didn’t know what to say for this so i crowdsourced an answer and the gist seems to be “late 2000s cute nerd” so hopefully that means something to someone
3. Favorite musical/play? (If you’ve never seen a musical or play, one you’d be interested in seeing?)
basic but but I would love to see hamilton some day... I did see phantom in February though and it was beautiful!
4. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?
I wish I knew where my elementary/middle school yearbooks were because some people wrote some surprisingly nice things that I can’t remember well enough to recount... but one of my friends said I was funny the other day and I’ve always thought I was funny for an audience of one (me) so I really appreciated that :)
5. How many times have you been in love?
a grand total of zero 😂
6. Embarrassing story or fact about yourself that makes you laugh now?
I’m pretty sure I’ve blocked out most of my most embarrassing memories because I can’t really think of anything good but I am a general disaster so I know that it must exist... but i still get teased for The Great Typo Incident of 2016 when I texted my friend “sex” instead of “sec” so there’s that
7. Favorite Disney/Pixar movie?
up and inside out (if you ask me to choose between the two I will show you a scene from one to distract you and make you cry)
8. Favorite flower or plant?
american chestnut tree and coconut tree cuz they hold a lot of memories and are very symbolic for me
9. What’s your favorite holiday?
thanksgiving for the pie, the people, the fall aesthetic, and my annual chance at a motorcycle ride with my uncle (though we always host so I don’t love the stress part)
10. Name three things that made you laugh or smile this past week.
last episode of legends of tomorrow: “my daughter told me to go hell. anyway, where are we going now?” “Hell” (I’m paraphrasing but it was very funny)
my sister post-anaesthesia for the first time, after she just got a tooth pulled
old convention videos w/ j2m as always
11. What song would you play to introduce yourself to someone?
honestly I’m too mercurial for something like this but at this precise moment, be still by the fray
12. Name something that truly makes you feel peaceful even at your most stressed moments.
really sad but calm music, thunderstorms, old videos of my sister
13. What do you, did you, or would you study at college?
I’m pre-med, choosing between the molecular, cellular, and developmental bio or cellular/molecular neuroscience majors, w/ chem and spanish minors
14. This is kind of a weird one, but which outfit of yours makes you feel most like yourself?
I have two cuz I’m indecisive: jeans with either knit sweater & combat boots OR t-shirt & cardigan, and sneakers
15. What is a quote you live by?
my senior quote, by misha: “be kind to yourself so you can be happy enough to be kind to the world”
16. Name the funniest playlist name you have.
I don’t think I have anything that’s particularly funny but my biggest playlist is called “when you can’t read” cuz that’s when I usually listen to it and my friends usually make fun of me for it lol
17. Make a reference to an inside joke you have with someone you love with zero context.
“could be something else”
18. What is a message you would give your younger self if given the chance?
once you finish how I met your mother, put the phone down and go do your homework. no more Netflix for you.
19. Who is your favorite family member? (If you have no good blood family members, feel free to mention someone in your found family)
immediate family - my sister
extended family would be my grandparents or my favorite cousin but I won’t name names in case one of them sees this 😉 (though I think we both know who everyone’s favorite cousin is)
20. What’s a secret dream of yours?
to feel at peace. idk my secret dreams are not very tangible lol
if anyone would like to play this, these are very thoughtful questions! @dishasterzone (just for 19 😘) @wanderingcas @demondeals @beefcakemish @fierydeans @mrrmiracle @lovedsammy @good-things-do-happen-dean @jaredpalalecki
no pressure, I know these are a little personal 💜
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seenashwrite · 5 years
Notes From Nash: Season 15 Episode 2
We're back! And by that, I don't mean back for episode #2, I mean we're back in the little town, same little town we were in for the majority of episode #1. And as far as how ep #2 compares with ep #1.... um.....  
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The writers ain't in no damn rush to advance the plot or further character development, are they? So this is basically ep #1 all over again with some guest star overload as a substitute for those two very important aspects of storytelling I just mentioned.
[stares at date]
They've got *how* many eps to wrap up the show? 
Spoilers below the cut.
Changing it up from last time (see link at bottom), I thought I'd go in order of the ep this post. All right. Let's roll.
From the mom who gets 86'd in the opening------
And, PS: That's not disemboweled. Don't use the word if you (a) don't know what it means and/or (b) won't let make-up/effects do their job.
-----to the rest of the people, I care nothing. There was no point giving all these extras lines and whatever little backstories, I give no fucks. Mainly because, gee, I don't know, I signed up for a show about two brothers goin' out there and gettin' after it, and thus far we've gone about two inches and gotten nothing.
Are we still in this little town?
More questions, borrowing from the dialogue some here:
"Remember when we did the thing with Amara?"
"God's sister?"
"And the soul bomb? And here's how it worked? Remember? Because you participated? REMEMBER?! I'm not just saying this for the benefit of, oh wait, no one, because the chances of brand new viewers coming into the game this late is virtually nil, so everyone - including us, here, in this scene, our characters - already know this backstory, ergo the only reason for exposition anvils is to benefit those viewers, who - as we've already established - likely don't exist. So let's run through this for the benefit of, I have to assume, the writers who don’t actually, you know, watch the show as evidenced by--- well, we’d be here all day."
Nope. No, no. Those aren't questions I had. Because I've been watching the show for a good while now. This exchange should’ve been something to the effect of - “I was thinking - remember how we did the soul bomb, with Amara? Do you think you could pull off something like that? To trap them?” and then Rowena responds with uncertainty but will give it a try, etc. I mean, the writing in this ep is thus far pedestrian.
There's still no explanation for why these ghosts - especially these super notorious ghosts like Ripper and Lizzie and who-fuck-ever - were lingering so close together that they were able to be trapped by the stupidest ex machina spell in the writing world. And what of the others? The entirety of hell escaped. We've seen, what, maybe 20? Could there maybe have been a throw-a-way line to Belphagor something like “Did you corral the worst douchebags together”, or “Is there a bar in hell where the worst douchebags hang out or something”, or “this is just our luck that the worst douchebags landed here” or WHATEVER, just SOMETHING to acknowledge they (the writers) recognize that Convenient Super Bad Ghosts Are Convenient.
I love this character. What a breath of fresh air that snarky piece of ass has been. I hope he doesn't get killed. He will. Because we can't have anything good. But there is some good, which is the Ketch-Rowena flirting. Honestly, I'm fine with Rowena getting action from anyone. She's awesome and she's earned it. Ketch is primo catch, though. (I'm not sorry for that sentence. I am, but I'm not.)
The repeated use of Belphagor's name pleases myself and my podcast co-host. Should you wish to know more about that demon, please do check out our podcast. Don't look him up first, trust us. That they have chosen this particular demon's name is just *chef's kiss*, though I do hope it's not a foreshadowing for how the rest of the season is going to go. Okay fine, I'll spoil it: he's a shit demon. He deals in poo. Literally. I'm not lying. Go forth to the podcast @youtotallymadethatup​ - just about every post links you to where you can listen. /shameless self-promo
Let's hope that wardrobe does her better than that ill-fitting black dress this go 'round, she deserves better.
"You're the darkness, I'm the light."
Are we still in this little town?
Blah blah blah Castiel Dean angst repeating essentially what's already been said at the end of 14 and last week blah. "You know what's real? We are." Not if it's an alternate timeline, my love. 
I keep forgetting just how many spaced-out chains you need to have strewn about your standard meat packing plant and/or factory, well played, set dec and props. That.... that was sarcasm.. (Look, I got no beef with the crew, they're just playing the cards they've been dealt, and their hands are garbage, just a pile of same ol' same ol' stereotypical, unimaginative stuff, so bless them. I hope every single one of them has a job lined up next year, truly. They have more than paid their dues and earned it. Lord knows especially since certain parties took the reins, good night nurse. I've digressed. )
This is dumb. This is actually dumb. In case you didn't see my half-time post, and I quote:
That is *three* in under twenty minutes. Like, it’s episode 2. You’re blowing your wad. Pace yourselves. AND MAYBE SOME STORY ADVANCING, THAT WOULD BE AWESOME
This bullet thing could be hella interesting. It *could* be. I wonder if it will be. 
These ghosts are painfully uninteresting. The guy playing the Ripper is horribly miscast. This needed to be someone who... who.... I dunno, is a good actor. He's not. Sorry, Pops. I mean, even Osric (who is an excellent actor) couldn't elevate that scene.
This episode is painful.
Are we still in this little town?
Ketch got knocked out, left alone with ghost, deffo gonna get possessed. 
Are we still talking to these ghosts? Why? Why is Kevin thinking he can go up against them alone? I'm not exactly sure what threat they are to him, can't he just disappear and whoosh somewhere else? I missed something, I must've missed something. It doesn't matter, none of this matters.
Okay, Belphagor says there's at least a hundred. Still, what would that be, like 1/2500000000th of hell? Why are the Winchesters, of all people, and now Rowena concentrating on this stupid little town----
Are. We. Still. In. This. Little. Town.
---why in the fuck aren't the most renowned hunters of modern time and their angel friend and the powerful witch friend and the friend with immense tactical knowledge regarding weaponry for supernatural shit not at the bunker strategizing and planning and... and... and.... I just.... 
Lookit, I've said this before: especially in fantasy/sci-fi stuff, if you are logical in every possible place you can be, if you nail the simple shit, then the audience is exponentially more likely to buy into the fantastical stuff, and also to be more forgiving (or not notice altogether) when you inevitably whiff, because nobody's perfect, of course. But this show in later years has notoriously screwed the pooch on the easy stuff, and here we are, in some needlessly convoluted mess right out of the gate in the last season ever.
Oh, look. Because of course he's possessed. You left him alone with a ghost. I'm neither a professional writer nor a psychic, I'm just thinking "What is predictable as possible?" and saying that. You try it. It's worked for me so far.
"I tried to heal him it didn't work" - well maybe he's still residually possessed. Or maybe you suck. Sorry Cas, you don't deserve that. It's not you. It's not me, either. It's them. It's the writers. I don't know what this line is about unless they're teeing up Cas to be even more neutered than he already is. I legit don't know, I can't think, I'm so irritated right now. 
"Nothing to hold you anywhere" - what? Really? Seriously? So what are you and Dean? Y'all ain't his family? Let that little badass haunt the bunker. He'd be the most awesome research assistant ever. Now THAT is a good plot point, have ol' Kev be home base, helping coordinate whatever's coming. Oh here we go, swishy swishy hand, magic hole, nobody knows why this demon can do all this shit, and Kevin's gone. Why? WHY. My idea is better. No way Osric would blow your guest star budget, it appears to be shaping up to be immense, especially with all the money you've saved so far on location(s). 
Shoulda kept him rest of season, let him assist, then his final reward is getting into heaven for reals when Cas (they'll probs kill him, tho) or Amara (maybe, seems too obvi a choice tho, and she doesn't give a shit about beng a ruler, we knew that back in whatever season that was) or Jack (because why not, it's the most ridiculous idea, since he's got the mind of a toddler, meaning it's something the writers would think is a great idea) or Billie (wild card guess) is the new God. Or have him brought back to life, fuck, I don't care.
So is the bullet trapping Chuckster on earth, is the question, and if so what kind of all-knowing deity puts a weapon in the hand of a potential enemy that could render him even a *touch* weaker? Where's the long game, there? What could any possible reasoning be? 
Okay, well, the scenes between Emily and Rob have been the best part of the episode, as well as the interaction with Ruthie and DHJ. Everything else fell flat. J2M seemed to be bored and phoning it in, and it's not often that can be said about any of those three.
I swear, if the preview shows that we're still in this little town for episode #3.... wait, is that the crypt from ep #1?.... are.... are we..... 
What have we learned? Other than Chuck, no character development. The plot remains that some ghosts-interchangeably-used-with-souls from hell are trapped in a confined area, and it was via a tenuous spell provided by a demon whose motivations are unknown, and there's something up with that bullet wound. We knew those already.
(There's possibly something wrong with either Cas or Ketch -- or else that's something that will be completely forgotten was ever mentioned -- but we don't know either way and we don't know what it is, therefore we didn't learn anything; if this does ultimately turn out to be something, then we'll count it as a learned item for that episode.) 
So, minus learning that Chuck is weakened somehow and that at least for right now Amara’s not exactly in his corner, we're in the exact same place story-wise that we were in last week. 
And looks like we'll be back there again next week. 
See you next week, I guess.
Past posts, from newest to oldest (and I sometimes do addendums if a response warrants)
Episode 1
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Growing- Chapter Four
This is turning out to be a lot more involved than I thought lol originally I figured 2-3 chapters but I just have so many ideas for this fic and I’m a sucker for slow burns and pining, sooo have some! *throws angst your way*
P.S., I list a few songs in this chapter and I HIGHLY recommend you listen to them while you’re reading those parts.
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Dean woke up to the sound of rain pelting off his roof.
“Great,” he mumbled sleepily. Rain means no work. No work means no money. And today, no Cas.
He rolled over and patted the bed beside him. It was cold and empty.
“Lis?” he called, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He rubbed his eyes and stood up, padding down the hallway towards the sound of Lisa’s voice.
“....can’t today. Because it’s rain--- I know, but I can’t control the fucking weather! I’ll see if I can get--- Oh, hey honey!” Lisa whipped around and slipped her phone in her pocket. “I made pancakes. You hungry?”
“Who were you talking to?” Dean asked raising an eyebrow while grabbing a coffee mug.
“My sister,” Lisa quickly replied. “She wanted to go shopping in town today, but with the weather being crappy I told her we’d do it some other time.” She piled pancakes and bacon on a plate and slid it in front of Dean. “Plus, you’ll be home all day, right?”
“Yeah,” Dean mumbled around a bite of bacon.
“See? We can spend the day together. I’m gonna go shower. Wanna join me when you’re done?” She winked and walked briskly down the hallway.
Most of Dean’s clients knew, if it was raining, Dean didn’t work. That is, except for Cas. He pulled out his phone and pulled up their conversation from earlier.
DEAN: Hey, Cas. Just wanted to let you know that since it’s raining today I won’t be over. I don’t usually work when the weather’s bad unless it’s urgent
He set his phone down, disappointment sinking into his stomach. He shoved a huge forkful of pancakes in his mouth as his phone chimed.
CAS: No problem. I wouldn’t want to make you work out in this rain anyway. You’d be soaked in ten minutes. CAS: What exactly constitutes “urgent” in lawn care anyway?
Dean snorted.
DEAN: People need things trimmed up before they throw parties, Japanese beetles eating through roses. Ya know, real important shit
CAS: I see. Well, unfortunately I don’t have a party or beetles to tempt you with. All I have is a boring office filled with books and vinyl records
Dean swallowed hard.
DEAN: What albums ya got?
Castiel sent an image of a bookshelf stuffed full of records and even a few 8 tracks.
DEAN: Dude, that’s like my dream room. I officially hate you
CAS: Would you like to see it sometime?
Dean’s heart thudded in his chest.
DEAN: Hell yeah. Won’t Abbey be annoyed with us listening to loud music tho? She doesn’t seem like type
CAS: She’s rarely here. Would you like to come over? I’m sort of going through a writers block right now and I’m getting nothing done anyway.
Dean hopped off his bar stool and jogged to the bathroom.
“Hey, Lis?” He opened the bathroom door and was bombarded with a fog of steam. “C’mon, hon. You gotta turn the fan on,” he mumbled while flipping the switch.
“Sorry, babe. You comin’ in or what?” She poked her head out of the shower and wagged her eyebrows at him.
Dean scrubbed the back of his neck with a hand and stepped forward.
“Actually, I was uh--- thinkin’ about goin’ over to a friends house. He’s got a whole room full of records and asked if I wanted to come check it out.”
Lisa’s phone chimed.
“What friend?”
“Uh, new client actually. His name’s Cas. Castiel Novak.
She rolled her eyes and closed the curtain. “Go on, then. I guess I’ll call my sister back and see if she’s still up for shopping.”
Her phone chimed again.
“Want me check that? You’re phone’s kinda blowin’ up.”
Dean reached for Lisa’s phone just as she shut the water off.
“No! Uh--no, it’s alright. Probably just my mom. She was supposed to go with us and---and she really wanted--” Lisa snatched the phone off the counter and held it close to her chest with her towel, “to go to this new yarn place. She was really excited about it.” She waved her hand in the air dismissively and smiled. “I’ll let her know we’re still on.” She kissed Dean on the cheek and breezed past him down the hall.
Dean pulled out his phone.
DEAN: I’ll be there in an hour :)
Dean knocked on Cas’ door a little over an hour later. He wiped his hands on his jeans and cleared his throat. Dean wasn’t usually nervous, but something about Cas made his heart go crazy.
The door swung open and Dean’s heart pounded in his chest.
“Dean.” Castiel breathed Dean’s name like it was something holy. He smiled brightly and gestured behind him. “Come in.”
Dean scuffed his boots on the welcome mat and walked past Castiel, barely brushing their shoulders together.
“Thanks for inviting me over. I haven’t listened to anything on vinyl for a long time.” Dean followed Castiel into his office and stopped in his tracks. “Holy shit, man.” The far wall was lined with music and glass cases holding ticket stubs and wrist bands. Dean walked over and inspected the shelf, pointing to one of the cases. “This--this is from Live Aid. Where did you get this?”
Castiel smiled and walked behind his desk, grabbing a bottle of brown liquid. “I was there, believe it or not.”
Dean whipped around with his eyebrows raised. “Bullshit. There’s no way.”
Castiel huffed a laugh as he filled two glasses. “I was twelve, I don’t remember all of it. Sting, Queen, and Bowie, of course. But what I remember the most,” Castiel handed Dean a glass and mouthed ‘whiskey’, “was how happy my dad was. He sat me on his shoulders so I could see better and we swayed back and forth to the music.”
Dean took a sip and stared at Castiel. The look in his eyes and the small smile on his face made him weak in the knees. “So, uh,” he cleared his throat, “you two liked music alot then?”
“Very much,” Castiel smiled wide and motioned to his collection. “Most of these were his.” He ran his hand across the records and plucked one out. “Let me guess, Zeppelin?”
Dean snorted and leaned against Castiels desk. “Is it that obvious?”
Castiel chuckled and put the record on the player. “You play music loud in your truck, it wasn’t hard to guess.” Traveling Riverside Blues started playing as Castiel walked over to join Dean. “I love this song. Although the lyrics are a bit indelicate.”
“’Indelicate’?” Dean laughed, closing his eyes and tipping his head back. “A dude’s singing about getting a hand job and you call that ‘indelicate’?” 
Castiel choked on his drink and sputtered into his glass. “Yes, I suppose that’s not the right word,” he chuckled. “It is quite the visual, though.” Castiel smirked and looked over to Dean.
“Y-yeah. It is.” Dean cleared his throat and shook his head, trying to think of something to steer the conversation away from hand jobs. “My uh, Lisa, my girlfriend. She hates this kind of music. My ex did too. He said it was too old and sounded like shit.” His eyes bulged when he realized he’d let it slip.
Castiel refilled their drinks and without missing a beat said “Well, then he’s an ex for good reason. I have a few of those, myself.” They clinked their glasses together and basked in the music for a few comfortable minutes. Their hands rested on the solid wood table, pinkies almost touching, shoulders barely an inch apart.
“So--” Dean started.
“Dean, I--” Castiel smiled and chuckled.
“You first,” Dean motioned with his drink.
“Forgive me if I’m being forward, but I really enjoy spending time with you. And it might be the whiskey talking, but I have to say this.” Castiel moved himself in front of Dean and reached over to set his glass on the table behind him. “Since I’ve Been Loving You” poured out from the record player, changing the atmosphere of the room.
“S-say what?” Dean asked, watching Castiel’s arm reach behind him, his muscles rippling under the shirt.
Castiel’s fingers brushed Dean’s waist as he pulled his hand back. “I find you incredibly attractive.” He reached up and ran his thumb across Dean’s lower lip.
Dean’s breath caught in his throat as he closed his eyes. “Cas,” he whispered.
“Tell me you feel it, too,” Castiel purred.
Sighing, Dean reached up and let his fingers lightly caress Castiel’s waist. Castiel groaned slightly and ran his hand through Dean’s hair, tugging gently.
“You’re married. And I’m--Lisa,” Dean said breathlessly.
Castiel pulled Deans lip down with his thumb, licking his own lips in anticipation.
“Fuck,” Dean sighed deeply. “Cas, we can’t.”
Frowning, Castiel took a step back and nodded slowly. “I apologize, Dean. I don’t know what came over me.”
Dean waved a hand in the air and sighed. “S’alright. Not gonna lie, you’re like, the hottest guy I’ve ever laid eyes on. But we’re--”
“I understand,” Castiel wiped his hand over his mouth. “I am truly sorry.”
“I should get going. Um, thanks for the music, and the drink. I’ll see you ‘round, k?” Dean pushed himself off the desk and walked towards the front door, hesitating for a moment before opening it and heading for his truck.
Castiel slumped over his desk as listened to the Dean’s truck roar to life and drive away blaring Kashmir.
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agusvedder · 6 years
Season 14 and Parallels
I’ve read a lot of metas about “Mint Condition” (14x04)  and about how some of you paralleled “David Yaeger” with John Winchester. And I agree 100%.
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(You know who also is paralleled along the seasons with John? Yeah. Dean Freaking Winchester)
Not only because of the subtext. (The mechanic who died by a prank, and comes back for Revenge)
All Saints Day: The Reckoning
Supernatural used footage from previous episodes to arrange a trailer for the movie Dean was obsessing over. And they used MATT COHEN’S John Winchester in The Song Remains the Same (5x13) episode where Dean and Sam travel in time to let John and Mary know that there’s an angel hunting them, to kill them.
This is no coincidence, cause they also used footage from season eight’s episode “Southern Comfort” Where Dean and Sam investigates a cursed object that made possessed persons kill people who did something that they cannot forgive.
There are so many parallels between these seasons that I don’t know where to start, so I just better start with something simple. Season 14 is a direct parallel with Season 5 and season 8. The essence is the same but there’s always something different. How? Well:
-”Southern Comfort” Is about an avenging ghost that possess a coin. That coin finds the way to keep moving, and it turns into a violent way for people to get revenge. In “Mint Condition” This avenging ghost  possesses toys and action figures. Finally it possesses David Yaëger.
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-Garth appears and try to take Bobby’s place, and end up having an argument with Dean about it. Garth and also Bobby appears in s14, and it’s Bobby who has an argument, but with Sam instead.
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-In Season 8 Charlie plays a big part. She takes interest in hunting and develops her relationship with the guys. We have our own Charlie in s14 and it looks to be bonding with Sam instead too. And she wanna retire from hunting, contrary to s8 Charlie.
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-Naomi appears in s8, controlling Castiel, and now, in s14, we have a different Naomi, trying to play ally with Cas.
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- Angels fell down to earth in the last episode of s8, “Sacrifice”, in s14 we have Heaven in a angel emergency. All the angels are dead and Heaven is at risk to be destroyed.
-In “The Song Remains The Same”, John is possessed by Michael. He said yes to save Mary, his family, and tells Dean that Eventually he’ll say YES too. In s14 Dean is paralleled with John through Michael, and Cas is paralleled with Mary through aesthetic choices. (I don’t wanna say Destiel, but, yeah, Destiel). Also, Dean says YES for LOVE. (Family love and… maybe something else?)
-In Season 5 Cas is cut out of heaven powers, that’s why he almost died when he transported Sam and Dean back to 1978. In season 14, Heaven is in a lot of trouble, ‘cause it is not the one powering down the angels. Simply, there’s no angels to power up heaven this time. How the mighty have fall, and the tables have turned!
-Season 5 is the “Lucifer is coming” Season. He tried by all means to possess Sam, and finally he achieves it, “killing” him in the process. Lucifer died at the end of season 13. But we have evidence enough to think he’ll be back on season 14 too. (Let him die for good tho :D)
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- In s5 Castiel’s search for God is a big big part of the season, ‘cause they’re trying to get his help to stop apocalypse. Now, we can hear Michael inside Dean’s body saying “Even God can die” and trying to bring a new apocalypse into our Supernatural world.
Now that we have stated all of this similar things between seasons 5, 8 and 14… it’s spec time:
- In both seasons Sam makes sacrifices to save humanity and his family. Season 5 he says YES to Lucifer and then jumps into the pit, then in Season 8, he starts with the trials to close the gates of Hell, leaving him almost dead. In episode 11 from season 14 we’ll see Sam Winchester “left to make an unimaginable choice”. What could it be? Will he sacrifice himself in order to save Dean (And humanity) once again?
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- In the last episode before the mini hiatus, we watched as Michael possessing Dean again, saying that he left the door opened “just a crack”. Why Lucifer didn’t do this with Sam is a mistery, but... will Lucifer possess Sam Winchester once again? We will finally get to see Michael vs Lucifer with Dean and Sam as vessels?
- About Destiel…. Season 5 and season 8 were turning points in Cas and Dean’s relationship, they grow as partners, hunt together, Dean even met an alternative version of Cas in 5x04 “The End” (Don’t ever change) and In Season 8 Dean found out that he NEEDS CAS in Purgatory (I’m relying explicitly on canon), and later in Lucifer crypts too (We’re family, We need you… I need you). So, Season 14, episode 12 supposedly has a “turning point” between our loved characters. What could that possibly mean? Dean is about to raise the bet and finally say out loud that he loves Cas? We can only hope.
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- Episode 300 and John Winchester: In 5x13 we see Sam facing young John about what his issues with his future self. Sam comfronts him and tells him that he gets what his dad did, the way he raised them, and that he loves him. We’ll get to see something like that in episode 13. (also 5x13 is the last episode where Mary and John were together onscreen).
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- Castiel and Heaven: Naomi is back and Heaven is in danger. There are barely a few angels left, Naomi, Dumah, Anael, and a few more I think. If Heaven falls not only out guys will be faced with a ghost apocalypse, but also with a very HUMAN Castiel, and this time without a posibility of powering up. This will be IT. No more angel Castiel. Also, in episode 14x13 we get to see an earlier itineration of Castiel. Season 4 Castiel. And we’ll be able to notice how far he’s reached and how much he has changed. (Yes, yes, Zachariah is there too but nobody cares).
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How much of the second part of the season 14 will the writers parallel with Season 5 and 8? We can only wait to see...
Feel free to add your own thoughts.
Tagging @verobatto-angelxhunter and @metafest
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spn 14.20
it certainly seems like getting an end-date has galvanised supernatural--this finale is the best season finale that i’ve seen since s8 (not that it’s a very high bar to clear; imo, the finales from s9 to s13 were increasingly limp, broadening the scope of future enemies but feeling shallow and dreary and inconsequential). don’t get me wrong--there were the usual distressing-if-fascinating character dynamics, but the finale also did unusual distressing-if-fascinating things, so. there’s that.
1. jack searching for external validation now that sam and dean (and as far as he knew in the beginning of the episode, castiel) have effectively rejected him was heartbreaking, even if sam and dean didn’t face any real consequences for manipulating and tricking jack. (i guess you could say that jack (potentially) going nuclear on the world in taking out his frustration at samndean is a consequence, but that doesn’t even come close to happening, and samndean are never directly confronted with their deception from the previous episode. i guess s15 could still deal with it, but i doubt it.)
1.5. jack continues to express remorse and signs of (understandable) naivete and an ongoing struggle to control his instincts rather than the cold deliberation of facts and a cheerful lack of empathy that we were told characterises the soulless. robo!sam was willing to work with dean to retrieve his soul--right up until the point where not one, but two opposing entities told him the process of resouling would endanger his very existence. that doesn’t square with the jack who, understanding that dean would never forgive him, drops to his knees to be executed without saying a word. burning off his soul hasn’t really changed the way jack organises his moral universe, or his instincts to be validated by sam and dean, even after they’ve been unimaginably cruel to him. 
2. what is actually horrifying to watch is dean (and sam, but he does at least resist towards the end) bracing himself to kill yet another ‘family’ member who’s crossed a line. there’s a creaky familiarity to it (”at least he dies human!” from s4, going ahead with resouling even if it killed sam in s6, plotting to kill sam after gadreel kills kevin and makes away with sam in s9, the times he decided castiel wasn’t deserving of life, like in the beginning of s7) that’s more chilling than any overt expression of murderous intent. sprawled on a chair in a dark room knocking back whiskey, contemplating murder to both avenge the world and save it. again. 
2.5. every moment felt pregnant with the possibility that now would be the moment sam would finally stand up to dean’s nonsense and go out and appeal to jack to try and save him, much like he did with godstiel in the beginning of s7. when it finally happened, it was too little and too late. not thrilled with the idea that sam has once again failed to stand up for jack in any meaningful way, but i do understand where it’s coming from. still don’t like it tho.
2.8. i giggled at the “equaliser” inflicting the wounds it causes back on its wielder: to kill somebody with it, you’d have to die too. what a perfect weapon for dean, who’s only all too willing to see his murder of jack a brutal but noble act that he must martyr himself to perform. 
3. chuck. oh, chuck. first of all, i feel absolutely vindicated for having this as my official chuck tag. secondly, chuck as a self-absorbed writer-dude who just upends the whole goddamn table when he’s Called Out for his bullshit and walking off in a huff is just hilarious. thirdly, while i find some of what Show is doing with chuck clever, i also think that they’re trying to have their cake and eat it too?
3.25. the idea that chuck’s the one that’s been throwing obstacle after tragedy after obstacle the winchesters’ way because he wanted to prolong his “favourite show” and things coming to a head between him and his characters now that we know s15 is going to be the last season is actually kinda clever. chuck has always been how the Show spoke to its audience, and while i usually side-eye Show’s meta shenanigans, i quite liked it here.
3.5. HOWEVER. this distracts from the actual choices these characters have made, and the consequence of those choices. the show cannot fundamentally live with itself: its premise and its characters have been at odds with each other right from the beginning. in several seasons, the ideological divide between the brothers have teased both resolution and revolution, but the show chickens out by providing yet another ~evil entity for the brothers to unite against and put their differences aside for another season. s7 honestly felt like it was revamping the very look of spn before s8+ went on to pretend like it never happened. s8 built and built the tension between samndean before deciding that the trials/closing hell was more important. most egregiously, s9 and early s10 really had me fooled into thinking sam and dean were going to seriously reconsider their relationship and bring in changes, but all of that was thrown to the wayside for the mark of cain storyline and culminating in a s10 finale where a bloodied and beaten sam offered himself up for execution by his brother. 
3.6. chuck as a personification of this maintenance of the status quo by throwing foe after external foe at the winchesters then is just... the Show kicking the extremely large and unwieldy ball of Issues To Be Addressed further down the road. in fact, the show now has an excuse to not address them at all and pretend that the show’s true culmination, its natural conclusion, is Team Free Will doing some hardcore Free-Willing against the manipulative machinations of god himself. 
4. on a lighter note, i really liked the ending, sam’s jacket is fantastic, and i look forward to billie reaping the fuck out of chuck next season. 
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ltleflrt · 5 years
I'll take any scenes from Satin and Sawdust!!!
There was going to be a scene where Castiel takes Dean to a family get together as a friend.  When Castiel’s family give him shit for not bringing a date, Dean throws his arm around Castiel’s shoulder and tells them all that he’s the date.  When Cas goes stiff he internally freaks out that his joke wasn’t a good idea.  He feels guilty, but he just couldn’t stand to let people treat Castiel like crap for being single.  Before he can point out he’s joking, Castiel goes with it and introduces Dean to everyone as his new boyfriend.  Later Dean apologizes, but Castiel forgives him immediately and they laugh together over everyone’s horrified reactions.
I cut this because it didn’t fit anywhere.  Especially when I decided to have Jimmy as Castiel’s twin (Jimmy wasn’t originally part of the plan), and I didn’t want anyone Cas knows to discourage him from exploring his sexuality, so no homophobes allowed.
I might write this little premise into a standalone ficlet someday tho :)
(Put one of my fics in an ask and I’ll tell you something I wanted to include but had to cut.)
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shirtlesssammy · 6 years
14x07: Unhuman Business
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LaLaLa, this is not happening, LaLaLa
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Uh, something seems to be wrong with my TV. Just Lucifer Nick blabbering on about his family and his regret for killing people that won’t help him find who killed his family.
At the bunker, Jack is not doing great, guys. Cas is attempting to heal him, but whatever is wrong with Jack is beyond his angel powers.
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As the boys discuss their impossible situation, Jack falls to the floor, coughing blood and foaming at the mouth. They rush him to the hospital ASAP. 
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Worried Dad Dean is HIGH MAINTENANCE, but I’ll forgive his overbearing ways. Jack is in deep trouble. First, the hospital just needs some basic data, like name and date of birth, both of which the Winchesters fumble on. Jack’s a Winchester you doofs! And I guess Jack is 18. And his dad exploded. Jack then collapses and the medical staff rush him to a room, Sam, Dean, and Cas by his side. 
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(That framing tho)
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God, my TV buzzed out again. Please stand by while I figure out WHY WE SHOULD CARE ABOUT NICK. He talks to a reporter and learns there was a cop, Frank Kellogg, who was patrolling Nick’s neighborhood the night his family died.
At the hospital, Jack’s tests results all came back negative. They’re going to have to run more tests. (Lol, I love how all of this is put in the vaguest way possible. Like not all tests are positive or negative, and what are they testing for?) The one thing they do know: His body is in complete systemic shutdown. (I read on Twitter the friendly reminder that you’re not a real hunter until you’ve died and come back again. Coolcoolcoolcoolcool.)
The brothers decide it’s time to explore other options: Rowena. Dean suggests calling her. Sam already did. (Samwitch! --my Saileen heart hates me every time I goof about this) (Natasha: SAME) The doctor walks in on the boys dressing Jack to leave. AND LET ME JUST FALL INTO A PIT OF EMOTION watching Cas put his coat on Jack.
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ROWENA arrives as fast as she can (like, oof, there isn’t anything in this for her. She just showed up to help the Winchesters? Guh.) She thinks Dean is in trouble, but Sam reveals it’s really Jack, Lucifer’s son. Rowena’s out. Before she bolts though, Jack works his magic nougat ways.
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Rowena breaks the bad news that without Jack’s grace, his nephilim body can’t sustain itself. Cas offers up his own grace to save him. I’M NOT CRYING, YOU’RE CRYING! As Ro is nixing that idea, Dean’s vision starts to blur and his hearing warbles in and out. 
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Not sure what was happening in this next Nick scene. He’s weird around a woman in an alley. She invites him back into the bar (WHY?) (Natasha: WHYYYYYYYY?) and then he secretly pulls a knife. In a brief moment of clarity, he yells at her to get away and she runs. And for the record: the giant neon S stands for Satan.
At the bunker, Overprotective Dean brings Jack a sandwich and milk. PURE. Jack is packing up and ready to hit the road, live a little before he dies. I’M NOT DYING, YOU’RE DYING.
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Dean gets some serious dimples of discontent after listening to Jack but he’s not disagreeing with the boy.
Sam and Cas AND Rowena are on the research train. Cas presides over a mountain of books while Rowena and Sam call everyone they think might be able to help the poor young wee nephilim.
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Dean gets the updates. The books are a bust, but Sam talked to Ketch, who has tipped them off about a shaman who might help. Dean takes all this in...maybe? In actuality, Dean wavers in and out of focus again. Oh, Dean Bean. Cas offers to tackle the shaman lead and the Winchesters can stay behind to look out for Jack. Enter Jack, with backpack, ready for adventure! Dean and Jack are heading out, to Castiel’s disapproval.
A little while later, Dean and Jack pick up some burgers and Dean tosses Baby’s keys to wee Jack. It’s driving lesson time! There’s so much wrapped up in this scene: Dean’s stunted childhood, his incredible capacity to nurture, Jack’s hero worship. MY HEART is wrapped up in this scene. They ease out on the road and Jack gains confidence quickly.
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Dean turns on some tunes and BTO’s “Let it ride” sets the mood. Classic rock is such an important aspect of this show, and we didn’t realize how much we missed it as a set piece until this scene of open road driving.
(I’ll confess that I spent the first viewing of this scene ready for Jack to pass out and the car to careen dramatically off the road. I’m glad it didn’t.)
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Cas heads out to find Sergei the shaman but before he goes, he talks with Sam about Dean’s reaction to Jack’s illness. “He seems to be taking this particularly hard,” Castiel observes. Sam tells him that Dean feels bad for the time he spent wishing Jack a swift and painful death at the beginning of last season.
Heartbreaking dialogue alert:
Sam: He’s lost people. We’ve all lost people but…
Cas: This feels different. Losing a son feels different.
But stow away those emotions, friends, because it’s time to go back to fun!Dad Dean. They’re eating more fast food, pulled over on the side of the road. “I’m a driver!” Jack announces gleefully. Yes, bby. Dean suggests a bar with promising hook-up potential. (Me: flashes back to Dean’s “Last night on Earth” speech with Cas back in season 4...and like, all of season 3.) Jack’s got other plans.
Nick finds Frank Kellogg, brings up the bare facts of his case, and then pushes Frank inside and holds him by the throat. Time to chat.
By a tumbling, small river, Jack gets into Dean’s deepest emotions like he’s ordering an ice cream shake at a diner. While they fish, Jack casually brings up that Dean and his father went fishing and that it was one of Dean’s happiest memories of him. Dean tries to dissemble, but Jack’s sure as a rock. (Now, there’s been some discussion about whether this was meant to refer to John or Bobby. My vote’s heavily on John. Dean loved his father, was disappointed by him, and longed for many things he could never have at the same time. Fishing with John Winchester was probably a shocking circle of calm - a pool of stillness and peace.)
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Jack tells Dean that he wouldn’t miss the big, showy things in the world. Instead, he’d miss more time with Dean and the other people in his life.
Dean BARELY holds it together, a quaver in his voice as he returns, “Who’d’ve thought time with me would make you sentimental?” Dean. Bean.
Meanwhile, Cas drives his adorable blue car to meet Sergei the shaman. He’s immediately enveloped in a circle of holy fire. Thanks, buddy.
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Sergei lives in a pimped out trailer, with flowers painted on the exterior and lushly colored and patterned textiles draped all over the interior. He proposes a “recharging agent” for Jack - something to shock his system and derail the degeneration. He offers Cas archangel grace (purportedly from Gabriel) and a spell to activate it. And the cost is simply that the Winchesters will owe him a favor. Sounds like a hell of a price to me.
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Meanwhile Nick beats the shit out of Frank Kellogg. We learn that Nick’s neighbor saw Frank leave his house the night of the murders and the cops made him cover it up. Frank confesses that he met a man named Abraxis outside of Nick’s house and the next thing he knew, he was covered in blood. Frank was possessed by a demon which is some crazy ass shit, right? Sigh. Nick kills Frank horribly anyway, in a scene that goes on for WAY too long.
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WAY the fuck too long.
In a giant breath of fresh air, we get back to the bunker, once again full of TFW 2.0 and Rowena Our Queen. They hand Jack the grace and it enters his body as Rowena chants the spell. Lights flicker. Jack’s eyes glow golden again. It’s worked!
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Jack stumbles and falls again, worse than before.
Cas chews out Sergei via phone call and Sergei defends himself by saying that “science is sometimes trial and error.” It’s...awfully reminiscent of Michael’s experimentation, yes? It also reminds me of real world experimental parallels - now and throughout history. In a word: yikes.
Side note: Having once had a loved one’s body try to shut down in the ICU with no discernible cause...this episode really did hit home for me. It’s so easy in fiction to have a magical healing ability, and so much harder when there’s no explanation, no quick cure, and treatments that have your doctors crossing their fingers. I feel for all these dudes, and the doctors as well, is what I’m saying.
Anyway, Cas is pissed, and vows to smite Sergei’s ass if Jack dies.
For Vengeful Science
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At Frank’s house, Nick prays to Lucifer and begs him to come back. In the blackness of the Empty, what looks like the Empty entity morphs into being and its eyes glow Lucifer-red. Well, fuck. (I’m actually excited to see the Empty again, but I am quite displeased about Lucifer.)
In the bunker, TFW mourns Jack’s rapidly failing condition. Rowena counsels them to stay by his side, for death approaches on swift wings.
Root Beer Quotes:
He’s sick, his name is Jack Kline, his father exploded.
Samuel, I thought we were beyond this.
Well, if it’s grace he needs, he can have mine.
Eyes on the road.
This is the best day ever!!!
Born with a wheel in your hand, huh?
Life isn’t all these big, amazing moments. It’s time together that matters.
Life - all of it - is a risk.
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