#i forget all my tags on this blog . until we meet again (turn’s into wolf) (turns away and runs)
slcepily · 8 months
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i’ve had a ponysona since like age 9 and this is the latest iteration of her
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hela-avenger · 3 years
To the Stars Who Listen- Part 14
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1480
Summary: When Loki desires to never fall in love, he casts a spell to prevent such a thing from happening. Except, well, in the matters of love and magic, you never know the result it may have in the end. Loki x Reader
A/N: Once again, apologies for the delay! And more apologies for what’s to come. 
Tags are open! (Send me an ask/message/response.)
TTSWL Masterlist
It’s only Natasha, Steve, and you in the lab. Everyone else was told to stay away for the meeting with Doctor Strange. He should be seeing you any minute now but you had yet to hear word from FRIDAY of his arrival to the tower. His incoming tardiness only served to amplify the tense silence in the room. 
Natasha and Steve were under the impression that you had no idea of the secret they were keeping when in reality you knew the real truth for Doctor Strange’s involvement. You had yet to tell them that you knew and you had already resolved not to confess that to them knowing their guilt would be too much to bear at the moment. 
Late or not, you just hoped that this doctor would be able to reverse the damage done and allow you to go back to the life you had. 
You were over the random confessions you pulled out of your friends and the constant fear of this power potentially killing you. You just wanted to return to your life as an Avenger who only had the power of your own human body to face the world. 
You were content in being normal. 
Yes, people lied to you and spoke half-truths. Yes, they kept secrets and withheld information. None of that was new, but being a lie detector… being able to sense all of that now was taking its toll. 
You longed for the days in which you were blissfully ignorant of all that. 
The clock strikes twelve and Natasha lets out a sigh.
“For a highly awarded surgeon, I would have sure hoped he knew the importance of being punctual…”
As the last words left her mouth, a gold ring starts to appear at the end of the room and a figure steps out. 
The man is donned in a red cape, blue robes, and a glowing amulet laid on his chest. 
“Agent Romanoff,” he greets. “I’m Doctor Strange. I believe we spoke on the phone.” 
Natasha smiles politely swallowing back her recent words, “Yes. Thank you for coming. We have a special case and we’re hoping you’ll be able to help us.” 
Doctor Strange glances at Steve who offers a nod in greeting before turning to look at you. He takes a step closer and you straighten up on your seat. He looks at you from head to toe with a calculating gaze.
“May I look at your hands?”
You offer them to him and he takes them into his own. You notice the array of scars and the slight tremble of his palms. 
The question burns in your mind of the story untold on his skin and he takes notice. 
“Car accident and multiple surgeries,” he answers as if he read your mind. “A lot of nerve damage. Not much could be done on the medical side.” 
“But the mythical had a solution?” you ask. 
Doctor Strange stops his inspection and looks into your eyes. For the first time since he’s appeared, he dons a small smile. 
“Yes,” he answers. 
You wish you could smile back. Doctor Strange seemed like a closed off character that held a hidden warmth. The makings of a good friend and future ally if need be. Except, you weren’t in the best of moods since Loki’s revelations the prior night. 
Doctor Strange releases your hands soon after. 
“When was the last time you used your siphons?” 
“Yesterday morning.” 
“And the stones haven’t been overcharged yet?” 
You look down at the palm of your hands and frown when you realize that the stones were sitting normally. Loki had warned you that you had to use your siphons daily to avoid overcharging and breaking them. 
With everything running in your mind, you hadn’t realized that alarming detail that laid so blatantly in your hands. 
“I- I didn’t notice,” you stammer out. “They should be lit up by this point…” 
Doctor Strange frowns. 
“What does that mean?” Steve asks. “Is her power fading away?” 
“Not at all. In fact, I would say it's the opposite,” Doctor Strange answers. “You were right, Agent Romanoff. It seems like her body has evolved to the point in which it is able to retain the power of Veritas. The siphons are still helpful but they will no longer become necessary for her.”
A silence accompanies his statement as Natasha and Steve turn to look at you. The secret they were keeping is out and it was obvious from your tired expression that you already knew about it. 
“That’s uh… That’s great,” you mumble. “Any way I can reverse what’s been done?” 
Steve and Natasha call out your name.
“We should talk about this…” 
You ignore them. You didn’t need to hear their explanation. You just wanted to hear a solution from the local expert.  
“Doctor Strange,” you speak again. “Is there any way I can go back to how I was?” 
He hesitates and you knew then that the answer would be no. 
“Had I been consulted earlier, perhaps something could have been done or at least the risks would be minimal, but as your body has been impacted and changed by this power any kind of reversal would wind up killing you. The power of Veritas is ingrained in your DNA now and if I were to remove it, I would remove your life essence too.” 
You block out the rest of his explanation. Not as if it was directed at you anymore seeing as Steve and Natasha were still asking questions and attempting to find a cure elsewhere. 
They’re all so focused on scrapping up a solution that you’re able to slip out of the lab without them noticing. 
You don’t know where you’re going. You blackout for a few minutes until your mind clears up enough to find yourself on Thor’s residential floor. Specifically, right in front of Loki’s room. 
You knock and Loki is quick to answer. 
“Little mortal,” he greets. “Meeting cut short?” 
You look up at him and a burning anger starts to burn deep inside you. 
“Tell me you didn’t know.” 
His amusement falters. His true feelings revealed now that the mask has fallen. Concern laced his features but you don’t care about the truth anymore.
“Didn’t know what?” 
“Tell me you didn’t know that this could have been reversed,” you tell him. “That I could have been back to normal had we consulted other sources. Tell me you didn’t know.” 
Loki remains silent and the mask rises again. You are quick to tear it down as you push him back. 
“Tell me the truth!” you yell. “Did you or did you not know?!” 
Loki glares down at you but you weren’t afraid of him. Your body was evolved to the same kind of strength and power that he had. You were equals now as much as you hated it. 
“So what if I did?” he asks in return. “You were presented a gift and look how blessed you are now. Your skills as a warrior are amplified by strength. You are immune to illnesses and mortal weakness. You are a truth-seeker and can pull out secrets and confessions from anyone.” 
Loki peers down at you.
“Thanks to me, you are a Goddess among men.” 
Your anger turns to rage. 
You don’t know if it’s because of the credit he’s handing to himself or that he admits to turning your life around for his own amusement.
No, it takes a second to realize that it’s because he’s lying to you.
He’s lying about everything. 
Loki knows that he is and you can’t comprehend why he would still do it when he knows you’ll sense it.
“You’re selfish,” you tell him. “And you’re cruel.” 
Loki feigns indifference but you can tell the damage you’re inflicting. You’re better than this but Loki has damaged you enough and you are done playing his game. 
“You used my situation to broker a deal, but the deal is done,” you tell him. “My body has evolved to the point that I will no longer die from this power. I will no longer need the siphons nor your guidance. From this day forward, you and I… we are no longer friends.”
You think you see fear in his eyes but it’s quickly gone and it intensifies your fury. 
As much as you hoped, Loki could not release himself from the role he’s chosen to play. 
You wanted him to fight. You wanted him to rip off that mask he’s always donning. 
Loki had never been a villain to you. Not until recently. 
He had always been honest with you but he’s stopped. You had no idea what changed and why he started to lie to your face so blatantly. 
It hurt and with this pain, you decided to wield it against him too. 
“Forget my name. Forget everything. We’re strangers again.”
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TTSWL Tag: @catsladen @manyfandoms-marvel @mejusttryintogetby @illogicalfangirl @islinglivesinshire @musicconversedance @missmadwoman @smaranshakthi @adaydreamingdragon @poetic-fiasco @like-a-wildfire @jasminecalia @ha-tep @charbokbok @setsuna-meiou31 @ms-blvck @country-cowgirl-101 @bepo-is-sorry @hufflautia @waitforthehurricanrose @fictionalhoomanofnowhere @sanniegirl1214 @telenari @anonymouscastiel12 @ddaeing @kanemilove @casualdreamerdreamer @dark-night-sky-99 @nickkie1129​ @mischiefmanaged71​ @help-i-need-a-social-life​ @moncheriemoony​ @citrineasguardian​​
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @thesilentbluesparrow-blog @oddly-drawn-muse @josiehosiedaninja @hp-hogwartsexpress @sadwaywardkid @wolf-lover74 @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @sigyn-nightshade @aoirohi @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @just-a-donut-who-reads @day-dreaming-fox @heykathchuu @is-it-madness​ @writingletterstothefire​ ​@nonsensicalobsessions​
All Works Tag: @jmb959 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff @hellocookiecutter @steve-rogers-personal-hell @buckybarnesyard @not-zari-tak @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie @moonlightprime @badhollandfluff @what-a-flammable-heart @fandoms-allovertheplace @polireader​ @hufflautia
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amispnrewatch · 3 years
SPN 1x06 “Skin”
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Okay, I’m gonna try to type while I watch this time instead of forgetting this blog exists until the episode is almost over.
You can tell the footage for the previously on segment was saved on a VHS copy instead of the original film that the show was shot with because even in the HD iTunes version I have it looks low quality as fuck. And jumpy in the way that brings me back to my teens watching the WB all the damn time.
I love this song. WTF is this song. Shazam says “Good Deal” by Mommy and Daddy. I… have no comment, except that it sounds like everything I was listening to in college at the time this shit was airing.
Aaaaand not!Dean turns around to face the SWAT team after obviously torturing some woman. THAT is a cold open.
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I wanna know what that car is in the background. It’s pretty. Maybe a convertible Impala? They have similar grills. This is not at all important.
Also, I love that with these higher definition versions of the episodes you can see that Sam’s email is lawboy and whatever dot com and that people in the fandom have started calling him Law Boy. It’s hilarious.
DEAN: Well, what exactly do you tell ‘em? You know, about where you’ve been, what you’ve been doin’?
SAM: I tell ‘em I’m on a road trip with my big brother. I tell ‘em I needed some time off after Jess.
DEAN: Oh, so you lie to ‘em.
SAM: No. I just don’t tell ‘em….everything.
DEAN: Yeah, that’s called lying. I mean, hey, man, I get it, tellin’ the truth is far worse.
SAM: So, what am I supposed to do, just cut everybody out of my life? (DEAN shrugs.) You’re serious?
DEAN: Look, it sucks, but in a job like this, you can’t get close to people, period.
Aaaaand now I have Dean and Cassie feelings again and we haven’t even gotten to her episode yet.
SAM: No, man, I know Zack. He’s no killer.
DEAN: Well, maybe you know Zack as well as he knows you.
Aaaaaand now I have Dean and Lee feelings and we’re nowhere near Lee’s episode in season 15.
Little Becky. Oi with the reusing of names.
Of course Sam made friends with a bunch of rich kids while he was at college in a desperate attempt to try to be normal.
SAM: You know, maybe we could see the crime scene. Zack’s house.
DEAN: We could.
REBECCA: Why? I mean, what could you do?
SAM: Well, me, not much. But Dean’s a cop. (DEAN laughs.)
DEAN: Detective, actually.
I love that Dean was like “how dare you call me that.”
Okay, after a bit of research, I totally want to take a day trip to Bisbee, Arizona, but it’s already in the 90s here in the desert and it’s not even May so that trip is going to have to wait until… winter or something. There is no way in hell I’m going deeper into the desert when the weather gets hotter.
It’s a historic mining town tourist trap looking place now which is exactly the kind of shit I love.
SAM: Bec, look, I know Zack didn’t do this. Now, we have to find a way to prove that he’s innocent.
I mean, not technically, technically you would 1) NOT FUCK WITH A MURDER INVESTIGATION YOU’RE NOT LEGALLY INVOLVED IN BECAUSE ANYTHING YOU FIND WOULD BE INADMISSABLE IN COURT 2) find evidence to provide a reasonable doubt for the jury that he did commit the crime. You know, like a lawyer would need to do, Law Boy.
DEAN: I just don’t think this is our kind of problem.
When I made my husband watch this show with me (he’s seen it all at least once now over the years) this is the recurring thing that drove him crazy.
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You guys can’t even go in through the back door? Or shut the front door behind you? Really?
REBECCA: (tearfully) Well, there’s no sign of a break-in. They say that Emily let her attacker in.
Yeah, that doesn’t even really mean that she knew her attacker. Just that it was someone she let her guard down around or got in some other way. See: The Son of Sam and Nightstalker, etc.
Love the pinup magnet on the fridge. I’d throw shade at that, but I have a pinup magnet on my fridge too so… pot kettle and all that.
Okay, both people in the next couple are gorgeous.
And oh wow those special effects changing eyes… wow.
This poor couple. I feel so bad for them in this episode.
How… how are the police gonna explain the way he was able to beat himself over the head with a bat??? I…
I love that 5:30 in the morning on TV is clearly like… 10 AM.
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Okay, this is a really unrelated point, but the graffiti on the dumpster here reminds me of the Teen Wolf fandoms use of the name Void!Stiles when Stiles Stilinski was possessed by a Nogitsune… I just spent way too long digging through YouTube and my Tumblr tags from back when those episodes were airing looking for a few specific videos and couldn’t find them. The TL;DR reason I bring it up here is goofball, bi-coded main character guy getting possessed by an entity set on destroying the people he loves. SOUNDS LIKE THIS EPISODE AND A WHOLE LOT OF SPN RIGHT. I love that all these monster hunting shows call out to each other.
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This scene haunts me years later and I don’t even WATCH Teen Wolf. I just watched the fandom on Tumblr collectively lose it’s shit then tripped down a Hale Pack fanfiction rabbit hole.
Back to Supernatural, a show that also treated its fan base, cast, and characters like garbage! Huzzah!
DEAN: Well, there’s another way to go—down. (They look down and notice a manhole.)
I’m gonna be mature and ignore the double entendre there…
But I love that Dean thinks of the world in 3D. Which sounds like a dumb statement to make, but this is honestly a good example of that in action.
SAM: I bet this runs right by Zack’s house, too.
Really Sam, sewers run by houses? SO WEIRD. I WOULD HAVE NEVER GUESSED.
DEAN: You know, I just had a sick thought. When the shapeshifter changes shape—maybe it sheds.
SAM: That is sick. (DEAN puts the bloody pile back on the ground.)
Guys, there is a WHOLE ASS EAR in that pile of yuck you’re looking at. I think it’s pretty safe to assume the shapeshifter indeed sheds its skin like a snake. A much… gooier snake.
Sam’s friend is rightfully pissed at him for fucking with the crime scene.
This is before the pearl gripped guns?! Wow. I never noticed that before.
Also, this whole episode gives me feelings.
Cool. Tumblr mobile ate a whole section of my notes on this when it crashed for NO APPARENT REASON. Love that.
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It always boggles my mind that actors can trust the people they’re working with enough to let people “tie” ropes around their neck or put them in actually dangerous positions in a scene.
SHAPESHIFTER: He’s sure got issues with you. You got to go to college. He had to stay home. I mean, I had to stay home. With Dad. You don’t think I had dreams of my own? But Dad needed me. Where the hell were you?
SAM: Where is my brother? (The shapeshifter leans in close to SAM.)
SHAPESHIFTER: I am your brother. See, deep down, I’m just jealous. You got friends. You could have a life. Me? I know I’m a freak. And sooner or later, everybody’s gonna leave me. (He backs away.)
SAM: What are you talkin’ about?
SHAPESHIFTER: You left. Hell, I did everything Dad asked me to, and he ditched me, too. No explanation, nothin’, just poof. Left me with your sorry ass. But, still, this life? It’s not without its perks. (He laughs.) I meet the nicest people. Like little Becky. You know, Dean would bang her if he had the chance. Let’s see what happens. (He smiles and covers SAM with a sheet.)
This exchange is just… so much. So many feelings. And I will forever (unless we magically get a fix-it fic mini season someday…) be SO MAD that none of this got resolved in that pointless, trash heap of a finale.
REBECCA: Okay, so, this thing—it can make itself look like anybody?
SHAPESHIFTER: That’s right. (She chuckles.)
REBECCA: Well, what is it, like a genetic freak? (The shapeshifter laughs.)
SHAPESHIFTER: Maybe. Evolution is about mutation, right? So, maybe this thing was born human but was different. Hideous and hated. Until he learned to become someone else. (REBECCA looks around, uncomfortable. The shapeshifter’s eyes glint silver, and he smiles.)
It always amazes me how much of this show is a pile of accidental queer allegories parading around in an ill-fitting toxic masculinity suit.
Vulcan mind meld! I love nerd!Dean. Also, I’m rewatching Star Trek: TOS with my husband, because that is what my life amounts to these days, rewatching comfort TV and flailing over the bits I love.
This post does a better job than I can do of pairing up screen caps with the dialogue of this next scene. SIX EPISODES IN. They’re dumping all of this character depth SIX EPISODES IN. FUCK THIS SHOW FOR NOT EMBRACING ITSELF.
Okay, I love that he screams back in her face after he threw the phone. It’s not something to laugh at because the situation is horrifying, but I can’t help laughing at it every time.
AND THE WAY THEY CUT THESE SCENES. Going from him winding his hand back to backslap her directly to him dropping the chains on the table to show how hard he must have hit her without actually making the actors hit each other. Good job editing department!
I… don’t understand the shifter’s motivation for killing people. If he can take over people’s identities without killing them, why kill them? Is it just because he’s a homicidal, rapist piece of shit? Cause that’s all it seems like.
How did the SWAT team even know she was being attacked? Why can the snipers aim no better than Storm Troopers?
Ugh, these kind of transformation body horror scenes are exactly why werewolf stories have never really appealed to me much. Like, I could do without watching your ribs move and teeth fall out, dude.
I looked up the song that’s playing over shapeshifter!Dean being caught by the SWAT team and then going through the grotesque transformation. (And as far as I know, the iTunes version has the original music from the episodes.)
It’s a song called “Mary” by The Death Riders
Who's your mother, who's your mother here boy // Who's your mother, whos your mommy dear // Who's your father, who's your father here boy // Who's your father, who's your daddy dear
Silently screaming // Where everyone knows // Daddy's always watchin' // Where everywhere - everywhere I go
I don't wanna be a freak show pretty boy anymore // I don't wanna be a full time slave // I don't wanna be your midnight cowboy anymore // I just want to be Mary
This is… a fascinating choice. Here are the rest of the lyrics. The song as a whole has a weird incesty kinda vibe to it? Kinda like when SPN tries to straight-wash itself and misses the mark wildly. (Like Dean’s male siren episode.)
The midnight cowboy line reminded me of 12x11 and the bull riding scene with “Broomstick Cowboy” by Bobby Goldsboro playing over it
Dream on, little Broomstick Cowboy, // Dream while you can; // Of big green frogs, // And puppy dogs, // And castles in the sand.
For, all too soon you'll awaken; // Your toys will all be gone. // Your broomstick horse will ride away, // To find another home. // And you'll have grown into a man, // With cowboys of your own. // And then you'll have to go to war, // To try and save your home.
And then you'll have to learn to hate; // You'll have to learn to kill. // It's always been that way, my son; // I guess it always will.
Because, you know, why not add tons of feelings into the lyrics, right?
Props to the people who can embrace their rewatches and reclamations of the show with ease. Because every episode seems to remind me of how hollow and tragic Dean’s ending was and I just… struggle all over again.
Anyway, back to the episode so I can move on with my day.
REPORTER: An anonymous tip led police to a home in the Central West End, where a S.W.A.T team discovered a local woman bound and gagged. Her attacker, a white male, approximately twenty-four to thirty years of age, was discovered hiding in her home. (A sketch of DEAN appears on the screen.)
DEAN: Man! That’s not even a good picture. (SAM looks around cautiously.)
SAM: It’s good enough. (He walks away.)
DEAN: Man! (He follows SAM.)
(CUT TO: Alley. DEAN and SAM are walking. DEAN steps into a puddle.)
DEAN: Ugh, come on.
I love that we get two tiny little back-to-back vanity moments for Dean here. One commenting on the sketch artist rendition of him being broadcasted on the news and the other tripping in the puddle. There is literally someone running around the city trying to kill people while wearing Dean’s face, but Dean is still concerned with how he looks appears to others. He’s still concerned with keeping up his own performance. The shifter left him with just a t-shirt, so he doesn’t even have his usual comfort layers on and at any moment someone could spot him and call the police or try to kill him for assaulting Sam’s friend. His life is wildly out of control in that moment and the only thing he can try to focus on is his appearance (something semi-controllable) and finding the shifter before any of that other shit can happen.
One day I want to put together a like top 10 episodes focusing on / explaining each TFW character from the series. Like the kind of list you could show someone who’s never seen the show, but has OPINIONS about the characters (or who hasn’t seen the whole show and seen the growth they went through… you know, like the people responsible for the travesty of 15x20). This episode would be on that list. I’m not sure how I could manage to make a list of only 10 episodes to understand Dean Winchester by, but eh.
SAM: What are you gonna do to me?
SHAPESHIFTER: Oh, I’m not gonna do anything. Dean will, though.
SAM: They’ll never catch him.
SHAPESHIFTER: Oh, doesn’t matter. Murder in the first of his own brother? He’ll be hunted the rest of his life. (He picks up a sharp knife and examines it.)
Speaking of season 15 in general, this right here. This was Chuck’s villain story arc thesis statement. AND THEY DROPPED THE GODDAMN BALL WITH IT. I think that’s the thing that honestly pisses me off the most these days (about 5 1/2 months from when the finale aired) is that they tried making the whole thing a tragedy but did such an awful job with it that it just ended up like a deflating condom balloon at a dive bar concert. Disappointing and gross. The finale for season 14 set them up SO FUCKING WELL and it just… didn’t get there.
Becky’s parents are gonna be pissed at how torn up their house is after all this shit…
And you’re not shooting him when you first see him strangling Sam because…?????
I like that he took the necklace back. Also, is this kinda Dean death number .5 of the show? Like it wasn’t him but it was also kinda him. Eh.
At least they left the windshield on Baby this time. Reflections are better than tearing her apart.
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nixie-deangel · 6 years
This may seem like a lot but I'm new to the Coldflash/Coldwestallen fandom and was wondering if you had any recs? (Also your aesthetics are so pretty and I love your blog theme wow)
Thank you so much! And it’s no trouble, I love gushing about my fave fics/writers. Just, uh, remember you asked for my babbling on this!
So damn, do we have some AMAZINGLY talented creators in this fandom. We are truly blessed! 
So pretty much anything written by @coldtomyflash, @crimsondomingo, @asexual-fandom-queen, @robininthelabyrinth, @katyakora, @lotusvalkyrie and @coldflashwave-baby. Some other mentions would definitely be @amuletgays, @sophiainspace, @meowitskatmofo, @sugar-haus, @stillnotginger10, @niennavalier and @pheuthe. 
I’m missing so many great creators (I know I am) but I think this is a pretty good list for a newbie for the Coldflash/Coldwestallen fandoms.
Some of them are multishippers (like myself) but Hades, all are worth checking out, even if its not Coldflash/ColdWestAllen. 
Below is a, uh, pretty good reading list to check out. 
Out Cold. - Captain Cold’s plan for a bit of fun with his nemesis results in more than he bargained for when a head wound from dashing to Flash’s rescue leaves him without any memories of who he or The Flash is. As Barry nurses Len back to health, both of them quickly start to hope that he never remembers being Captain Cold as the attraction they feel for each other turns into something more without the pitfalls of being enemies to stand in their way.
AU with everything having happened up to the Season 1 finale, except Eddie shot Eobard instead of himself, killing him, and the singularity didn’t happen.
Cover Up. - Lisa drags a disapproving Len down to The Flash Tattoo Studio to watch her get a tattoo, but during her session, Len becomes drawn to the artist, tattoo artist extraordinaire Barry Allen. After seeing the amazing job he does on Lisa’s one-of-a-kind tattoo, he decides to chance asking Barry for help covering up a secret he has, one that he wears on his back, underneath his clothes, and speaks of every foul thing his father ever did to him.
(AU with some nods to canon. Mention of Lisa dating Cisco. Barry has his speed force powers…maybe. Len’s story line is pretty much the only one that stays truest to form. Just for visualization purposes, Lisa’s about 25, Barry’s about 27, and Len’s about 32.)
Tumbling Together. - When Barry and Len discover that they’ve accidentally become neighbors, they learn to navigate their new living situation amongst misunderstandings and a surprising amount of common ground.
AKA the fun-as-it-comes Neighbors!AU which turns into a Pretend Relationship!AU filled with tropes, hijinks, and some vague notion of a plot.
Would You, Could You. - A High School AU Series. 
The Flower That Blooms In Adversity (Is The Most Rare And Beautiful Of All). - When someone falls in unrequited love, flowers begin growing inside their body, gradually killing them. The flowers go away if the love becomes returned or if a surgical operation removes the flowers. However, surgery removes not only the flowers but the feeling of love itself, and Barry has never been willing to give that up.
Bad Day? - A homicide involving a trans woman puts Barry in a painful place at work, and with himself. He doesn’t expect to find comfort from Leonard Snart, of all people, no matter what feelings Barry may harbor for the other man.
There’s a Menace In My Bed; Can You See His Silhouette. - When The Flash is put under the influence of a metahuman’s heinous lust power, Captain Cold ends up caught in the crossfire.  (Heed the Tags)
The Good in You (the Bad in Me). - Before Starling and before the particle accelerator, Barry meets Lisa and Leonard Snart.
In which Barry makes some unexpected friends, inadvertently launches a promising criminal career by accidentally starting a few (literal) fires, and maybe starts to fall for a certain overdramatic thief.  (WIP)
Shovel Talk. - Barry warned him that people might try to give Len the shovel talk, now that Barry had decided to bring his and Len’s year-old relationship into the light. Len never said he was going to be nice about letting them.
Love Me. - A meta-human with Cupid-like powers whammies Barry to fall in love with the first person he sees. Just his luck it happened to be Captain Cold.
(“He hasn’t let go of me for almost an hour,” says Len, focusing his steel on Cisco, who shrinks considerably.
“’Cause I love you,” says Barry beside him, his teeth gleaming as he grins. He tries to kiss Len again—god, the seventh time?)
Realm of Darkness. - Barry was a young god craving chaos and Leonard was the deadly king of the Underworld seeking peace.
A Hades/Persephone AU with powers/Greek Mythology
Maybe Somewhat Out Of The Ordinary. - “That’s not a wolf,” Barry told Cisco, pretty convinced except for the small voice in the back of his mind that had been screaming at him for the past four months that there was a predator very close by. “That’s my dog.”
Hokey Religions and Ancient Weapons. - May the Speed Force be with you.
A Week on Rogue’s Mountain. - Leonard Snart has organized a special Christmas-time retreat for all his closest pals. Unfortunately for Barry Allen… there’s a secret Santa auction, and he’s on the block.
What We Become (Depends on What Our Fathers Teach Us). - Family dinner at the West-Allen house, featuring Leonard Snart in the role of Not-A-Father.
What Brings Us Together. - After a brief encounter with a mysterious stranger while on vacation, Iris found herself with an unexpected souvenir. Luckily, she has Barry there to support her. She never expected to run into that stranger again. To be fair, Len never expected to find out he was a father while on a morning coffee run.
I’m Covered in the Colours (Pulled Apart at the Seams). - It’s a common misconception that people can only see in black and white until they meet their soulmate.
When Barry Allen is born, he’s only able to see the colour red. When he meets Iris West in Kindergarten, she gives him yellow. When he meets Leonard Snart thwarting an armoured car robbery, he gives him blue.
Should’ve Known Better. - Seven sexy roleplay ideas that Barry, Len, and Iris came up with together…that were not good ideas.
Really, their lives would be so much easier if they weren’t all such sticklers for accuracy.
I Don’t See an Easy Way to Get out of This. - Iris and Leonard go to unspeakable lengths to stay alive. Barry gets caught in the fallout, and it’s a beautiful disaster.  (Heed the tags)
Cold Truth. - Christmas may have been the first time they met, but Iris has known Leonard Snart a lot longer than she thought
All I See Are These Strange Tides. - Empathy causes more problems than you might think.
In which a struggling teenage metahuman meets her heroes and attempts to give them the best reward she can think of: happiness.
(Also, not to toot my own horn, but you can also check out my writing here.)
If you check them out, don’t forget to leave a comment, as well as some kudos!
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Grey Days( reuploadfrom dragon-shield-maiden account)
Grey Days
Vera's May Prompt Challenge 2018 Prompt(s)9when on dragon-shieldmaiden): "Don't leave me! (Sort of implied in an angsty sense of the word) Genres: Romance, Fantasy, Friendship/Family, Angst/Drama Hurt/Comfort, Tragedy(due to this being from Natsu's/E.N.D's Perspective), Gothic fiction, and Poetry
Characters: Natsu/E.N.D, Lucy , Gray, Diamara, Igneel and Zeref Pairing: Nalu/Endlu (Natsu x Lucy/ E.n.d Natsu x Lucy)
Rating: K+-T for some violence, references to death, mature and dark themes. Reader Discretion is advised for those younger than 12 or 13 years and/or anyone who may not at the level of development (maturity) to handle such heavy subject matter . Side note: Please use your own judgement and proceed with caution before deciding to read If uncertain as to whether you're comfortable with such themes.
Summary: Without his most precious star and father's light, the demon of hellfire is lost—all days perpetually gray. For the loss of his beloved really does drive the heart mad. A retelling of the events surrounding Natsu's/E.n.d's transformation (chapters 503-505) from his perspective in poem form. Title taken from the song of the same name by Chelsea Wolfe. Originally  For Vera's May Prompt Challenge and  Nalu angst week 2018 on previous accounts . Nalu/Endlu
A/N: Hey guys, it's your girl Millennial Stargazer (formerly known as twishadowhunter/ comsicdragonqizard/dragon-shield-maiden/star-crossed-dragon! I'm finally back under a new name (on fanfiction and tumblr as millennial-star-gazer) after months of forced hiatus due to personal extenuating circumstances (which can be explained via private message for those who already don't know why) This time it's an reupload of an installment in the wonderful universe of Fairytail—an angsty gothic little ditty retelling the events of chapters 503-505 and other related chapters mostly from Natsu/E.n.d's perspective which was originally as an entry for Vera's May Prompt Challenge and for Nalu angst week 2018 on my previous dragon-shield-maiden account (tumblr). As you may know, the title is taken from the evocative song of the same name by the lovely Chelsea Wolfe which has heavily inspired the poem.
Yes, I know there's been a lot of poems on my profiles, though I do also write other kinds of non-poetry works if my ongoing fics Tantric Flames and the Draconic Demon -soon to be reuploaded by the way- among others are anything to go by). Also partially by Within Temptation's The Heart of Everything plus the musical body of works from Peter Grundy (Bury My Heart) Brunuhville (River of Tears), Nights Amore (This Dreadful Emptiness , That Which is Called Void, Twisted Goa: Lone Deranger , and A Billion Stars Will Die Today) and Adrian Von Ziegler (Ashes, Twisted, Heaven's Touch, One, My Everything, Ethello-iel and Even in Death) who are all incredibly talented composers in their own right that you should check out! (The songs can be found by by clicking on the song titles or via google. Also see below for "Grey Days" if on Tumblr)
Anyway, I don't think y'all need me warning you that spoilers are present when it's already pretty apparent. Without further ado, here's the poem. Don't forget to let me know what you think by leaving a leaving comment/review. (Links to everything below, sidebar and bio if on tumblr plus Fanfiction profile). Enjoy!
Disclaimer: As you all know by now Fairytail does not belong to me, but the most honourable Hiro-sensei instead, for whom without this labour of love wouldn't be possible.
Read More Here:
1. Grey Days
A. Tumblr Version
B. Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13112482/1/Grey-Days-Reupload-from-dragon-shield-maiden)
2.  The Rest  Of My Writing 
A.  Master Fic Rec Post(Click Here:) (or herehttps://millennial-star-gazer.tumblr.com/post/179665258923/master-fic-rec-post:) 
B.  Fanfiction  Profile (Click Here): (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/11384058/)
More to follow.  Links can also be found in bio and  top blog parts (if on desktop)
"Grey and holy You said it was the first time Like the morphine You take it all away Pretend it's okay The grey days" (Chelsea Wolfe: Grey Days)
“A lifeless lover was the high mountains” Where we tried to reach the stars The moon, the ways beyond It was the purest love of all”
(Draconian: Pale Tortured Blue)
“If all else perished, 
and he remained, 
I should still continue to be;
 and if all else remained, 
and he were annihilated,
 the universe would turn to a mighty stranger
(Heathcliff: Wuthering Heights)
"Natsu!" The screams of his celestial maiden Oh how, they call to the dragon of fire through the darkness piercing the shadows of his subconscious Severing the ties that bind
His eyes open The Gods of Time themselves defied Damaria decimated in the blast Scorch and crimson stains through tattered remnants of fabric on skin All within the blink of an eye
Natsu's attempts to rouse the motionless angel in his arms fail when she does not stir Scarlet tears a ghastly sight No single heartbeat , nor breath of life he can hear Vital signs so pined for falls on deaf ears The perceived second loss of the brilliant star in his universe drives him over the edge enough to fully awaken the infernal power within
Flashes of the two's life together before the demon's very eyes River of tears flowing like cascading rain A grief-stricken kiss of on the zodiac wielder's forehead of farewell A piece of his soul here now dying right along with her Oh how the agony of her absence cuts right down to to the bone Soulmates , would-be lovers torn asunder The great divide all together just too much for the demon of black flames’ unholy, forlorn, heart to bear How could it not be when the iridescent light of a billion stars was blotted out from the midnight sky? Never to shine again
Oh, how the cursed fates are cruel
"Zeref, where is Zeref?" The name of the fire demon's accursed brother spilling from his lips over and like a non-nonsensical mantra as if he's a deranged mad man Onward the song of Igneel trudges Any with prying eyes from afar
may just see infernal darkness incarnate annihilate all
those who block his path fall at his feet in firey wake Driven by bloodthirsty instinct to obliterate the creator
Forward E.N.D marches on the hunt in search of his so-called dear brother Eye for an eye Tooth for tooth Raging thirst for the other's blood All in all vengeance apparent
The thought of meeting his inevitable demise just barely crosses the prince of hell's mind yet he cares not For without his the light of his father and  most dear  com he is lost, all days perpetually gray No tomorrow in sight Totality of his desolate existence an infinite void Devoid of meaning just the same
Reunited they all will at least be in the the golden fields of Avalon after his spirit departs
Just Lucy wait, Natsu tells himself in his arms she soon will be on the other side when he crosses the threshold Watching over those so precious together Instead of her buried along with his heart six feet underground Side by side at last Apart nevermore
A figure, there standing in the distance the son of Igneel finally catches a glimpse Is it the one he's been searching for? No, just the ice devil slayer himself Former brothers in arms , comrades in life Mortal foes now, team mates no longer Infernal hellfire and ice will clash A rift far too vast to mend Shattered remnants of a fraternal bond beyond repair All for naught Natsu's goal of sanguinary retribution clear Purging the world of the one who started it all Even it means cutting down almost any who stand in his way The loss of etherious's beloved really does drive the heart mad Delerium not overcome
Oh, but little does the demon know that his most
precious star lives
If only he could see how she still breathes Alive and well
Alas he does not
All is not lost
In the end, who alone will stop the volatile discord? Who alone will be brave enough to be up to the task? Oh, who alone will stop the clash?
Fic tag squad: @writer-appreciation  @nunnatheinsanegerbil @mautrino @rougescribe @goddesofimortality  @phoenix-before-the-flame  @nalufever  @petri808 @thecelestialchick  @nalu-natic
A/N: Hope you all enjoyed! Just a few housekeeping notes in terms of clarification and reminders.
1. "Scarlet Tears" is one of the literary metaphors used in poem alluding to the blood stains under Lucy's eyes after Diarma attempted to scratch them out-unsuccessfully I might add (Thank God lol). The whole bit about regarding the stars being blotted out overall symbolizes Natsu's/E.N'D grief who feels that the world—or his world at least— has become that much less brighter without one of his best friend's light. Not to mention his existence ceasing to have meaning in the wake of so much loss—especially just one year after Igneel's death. Yes, he loves and cares for his other friends a great deal—especially Happy-, but losing them (with a few exceptions like said cat ) isn't quite the same as losing Lucy to death— at least not to the point as being as soulcrushing. I am by no means trying to downplay how much he values others in life—just offering my take since naturally the loss of someone is only futher magnified based on the nature of the relationship and how close you were which is no different for our favourite dragonslayer. In the end, Natsu/e.n.d ultimately would much rather be with Lucy and Igneel in the afterlife watching over their other friends in the afterlife than be without the former in the realm of the living—once he's had a chance to destroy Zeref with his bare hands (most likely using fire and whatever else he has at his disposal—Natsu I mean.) Just so you know ?.
2. To anyone who were following my other works on previous accounts , The Draconic Demon Within is a semi-au Nalu/Endlu fic in which it follows the original timeline of events from the manga and anime up until chapter 478 or so where Natsu saves Lucy from certain death by intercepting Jacob's attack just in the nick of time. After his brutal defeat is where the plot of TDDW deviates. In this fic, the original Team Natsu(Natsu, Lucy, Happy) soon gets word that the Tartaros has remerged with resurrected members and forged an alliance with the Alvarez empire they've (save a few such as Brandish)— all while overthrowing Zeref in the process now that they've gained total independence.
Natsu and Lucy are then lured to Tartaro's new base of operations (in part because said dragonslayer wasn't about to let his girl go barging in alone what with her being one of the people he's most protective of for obvious reasons and all) where they subsequently learn from Tempester that his (Natsu's) life is no longer tied to his brothers —which comes as a shock to you know who that it was mind you—; all this before an incantation is recited from a particular tome to fully awaken the demonic aspect of Natsu's identity from within now that the seal is broken. Pretty sure you guys know the rest for which the rest of the plot unfold as more chapters are posted. Just thought you guys should know in case anyone had any questions about the original timeline of the Fairytail series fits in with TDDW. I'll be sure to post this within the bottom A/N notes in the one chapters in the process of revison of said fic. Side note: I hope to start reposting while also uploading new chapters for both this fic, Tantric Flames and others in the works ASAP.
All right y'all, that's it for now. Be sure to let me you know what you think by leaving a review/comment and don't forget to give the rest of my writing a read once posted/. (Corresponding links above in this post, in sidebar and bio if on tumblr. Also on my Fanfiction profile)! Many thanks once again to all who've been supporting me thus far (including my friends/mutuals, followers and readers)! Until next time—take care!
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lisinfleur · 6 years
Hey guys!!
My dear @dangerousvikings is celebrating the amazing mark of 3.5K followers! CONGRATULATIONS, HONEY!!
And to celebrate this magnificent achievement, she invited me to host a writing challenge for you guys!! LET'S HAVE FUN!!!
It’s very simple: everyone can join. You don’t have to be a reputed writer to do it, this is for fun.
Anything goes (Fluff, Angst, Smut… ) It has to be new content written by you. Let’s make it 200-2000 words, not too short or too long. Send us an ask with the prompt number and the character and we put you on the list. Please put warnings for content such as NSFW excessive violence, or other triggering materials. You can choose any character from Vikings (and cast), Sebastian Stan and his characters, Marvel and DC universe.
Others TV shows and movies that could be included: Star Wars, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Punisher, Teen Wolf, The Flash, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Supernatural, Stranger Things, The 100, Shadowhunters.  (DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT WRITING SMUT FOR KIDS AND TEENAGERS!!!).
Must be a reader insert (Character x Reader)
You don’t have to be following me or @dangerousvikings , everyone can participate.
Tag me and @dangerousvikings  and tag your entry(s) with #M&Nwritingchallenge  in the first five (5) tags   If we don’t respond,  don’t hesitate to contact us.
Deadline 01.09 2018
Reblog to spread the word!
“There was something about him. Something about the way he watched me.”
His eyes were cold and lifeless as he stared at me. “You have no idea who I am, do you?” @lol-haha-joke w/ Ivar
His voice brought back memories of dark rooms and broken bones. @minarawr w/ Ivar.
She wiped the blood from her cheek and picked up the sword. His eyes followed her blade as she pressed it against his neck “ Don’t move! ”  @bang-kim-bap w/ Dean Winchester
” Don’t you think you’ve done enough damage for one day?” “Ohh darling, but what’s life without a little drama?”
“ You know,  that is not what an apology sounds like” @laketaj24w/ Ubbe
“ Ohh you think I’m cute when I’m angry. Well get ready because I’m about to be GORGEOUS” @ivarsrideordie w/ Ivar
Their eyes met. Suddenly they were alone in the crowd. @bang-kim-bap w/ Loki
Dirt and leaves tangled in my hair as he pushed me to the ground. He pressed his hand over my mouth and whispered : “ Shhhh or they’ll hear you” @siren-kitten-his
“I’ve lost control again.” @minarawr w/ Ivar
“Come over here and make me.” @waywardkitten w/ Björn
“You know better babe than to smile at me like that.”
“You can run but you can’t hide from me.”  
“This mess is no longer mine to deal with. Have fun!”  @storiesitellmyself  w/ Ivar
“ We’re surrounded” “Excellent, we can attack in any direction!“
( Character name ) pulled a knife from his leg and smiled.”Was that supposed to hurt?“
“Speak three wishes. Of my choosing, one I will grant, one I will ignore, and one I will grant the opposite.“ @fuckinsteverogers w/ Bucky /Steve
“Wow, kinky.”
“One day, you will become a fine ruler of this land.”
“This is far from over. You’ll see. I’ll get you back for this.”
“Everyone needs a little chaotic good in their life.” @kaephei-grimoire w/ Ivar
“Come on, baby, up to bed.” @atequila w/ Ivar
“Stay absolutely still or I’ll tie you down.” @waywardkitten w/ Ivar
“It’s okay, I don’t have any feelings left for you to hurt.” @alicedopey  w/ Harald.
“Meeting you was a once in a lifetime chance. I couldn’t have been luckier.” @buckybarnesappreciationsociety w/ Bucky
“I could literally choke you right now.” “I might be into that.” @akamaiden w/ Bucky
“Scream for me, princess.”
“I’m going to teach you a lesson.”
“You’re such a dirty girl, of course this excites you.” @akamaidenw/ Bucky
“Not until I say you can.”
“Don’t you dare!” “Or what?”
“What kind of shitty thing do you want me to do now?”
(Reader or Character’s name) pays them both drinks at once. The other one smiles. “Feeling generous today?” “No. I just rather when you’re drunk”.
“Do yourself a favor and shut your mouth.” @wanderlustingandwandering w/ Ivar
“What the fuck are you doing on my bed?” “Oops, wrong room…” @ivarswickedqueen w/ Ivar
“Don’t you think you went a little bit too far with it?”
“You know, to have some fun is not gonna kill you.”
“Wait until (character’s name) hear you saying this.”
“This thing you just did? Do it again.”
“Thinking of how you can hide from me is still thinking of me, my dear”
“Are you naked?”
“Was it supposed to be a joke?”
“Is there something you want to tell me?” @lostinthoughtsandfeelings w/ Ivar
“I think we should try.” “Absolutely no!” @ivarswickedqueen w/ Hvitserk
“That’s a solid yes!”
“That’s what I’m talking about!”
“You always forget!” “Then stop asking me to remember!”  @honestsycretsx w/ Ivar
“Problem solved.” “Does it looks like a solved problem for you?”
“You’re a mess! Where have you been?”
“When did you stop counting your vodka shots?” “Fifteen, I guess…” @ivarsshieldmadien w/ Hvitserk ; @persephone-is-here-omg w/  Dick Grayson
“Is that all you have? Ok. My turn.”
“Behave!” “Why should I?” @persephone-is-here-omg w/ Bucky
“Give me one good reason to not to punch you right now.” @sebashtiansatan w/Bucky
(Character name) does something pretty dangerous or surprising “Do I have your attention now?”
“Should we tell them the truth?”
“If I want to forget and you want to forget so it never happened.” @mixedwiththemoon  w/ Ivar
(Character name) wins a bet “So I can get anything I want?” “Yeah, whatever, just choose it at once.”@mslothbrok w/  Roman Godfrey ; @ivarsrideordie w/ Ivar
“Come here and help me instead of chattering!”
“You didn’t kick me out. I walked out by myself!”
“It doesn’t matter what happened. All that matters is that you’re here now and I will take care of you.” @tephi101 w/ Hvitserk
@akamaiden @amandine0611 @ateliefloresdaprimavera @awishmyheartmakes @bang-kim-bap @bappo-take-a-nappo @bluearchersstuff @captstefanbrandt @come-with-me-and-imagine @dangerousvikings @funmadnessandbadassvikings @happylittlepuppydog   @hvitserksgirl @igetcarriedawaywithyou  @irenlaja2022001   @itssalvia @itsspecial-itsnotforeveryone  @ivarsshieldmadien   @ivarswickedqueen @kaepheii @kaephei-grimoire  @lokigoddess @lol-haha-joke  @lupy22  @magic-at-your-fingertips  @mblaqgi   @mcuimxgine @mslothbrok  @naaladareia  @natalie-rdr   @neeadinghugs @nejijjeoroo @nina2697 @nothingeverdies @readsalot73 @shutter-bug124  @sodanova   @taylor-douglas97  @tephi101 @tessa-grace-blog @wish-i-was-a-mermaid  @witchesandfairytails  @xoxo-sv  
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The Pack Survives (Roman Reigns): Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Writing Masterlist
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Warnings: No warnings?? Werewolves?
Andromeda Drakos (OFC) Face Claim: Naomi Scott
Word Count: 2713
A/N: We get Roman/Leati & Andromeda interacting in this chapter!!
Tag List: @savmontreal @vivalavonvon @hardykat @racingandreigns @inkedirishbbydoll-blog-blog @fivefootxo @lovetusk @captainrogersbucky @imamoxbrose24 @kamdog0014 @empress-with-the-crown @sabrina-rowling @littledeadrottinghood @vanity1385 @wweburnitdown @maahsrandom @glowrioustrash @roman-reigns-empire-1996 @imhiskryptoniterr @searchanddestroy @leteverythingexist
Roman = Leati Jimmy = Jon Jey = Josh
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The hairs on the back of her neck stood as she could feel herself being watched; her eyes instinctively went to the woods below the moon, and sure enough there was the giant black wolf standing there.
Andromeda's POV:
As she stood up she knew that he was the one who'd chased off the other wolves.
He was massive, almost twice the size of those other wolves, and as he approached her, she realized his head nearly came up to her neck; she may not have encountered many wolves before, and she may be short, but even she knew he was abnormally large. A part of her was terrified, wondering if he'd only fought off those other wolves because he wanted to feast on her himself, but she couldn't bring herself to run.
He stopped right in front of her, close enough that she could feel his hot breath on her. She stood there, a little stunned, wondering if she was still dreaming. As if in a trance, her hand stretched out to him, and just like it was in the dream his tongue flicked out to lick her hand and she jumped a little.
His head suddenly snapped downwards, and Meda looked to see Enyo licking his front left paw; he sniffed at the cat before giving her a head to tail lick that had her yowling indignantly at him.
She laughed a little before she realized that her cat was actually licking a wound on his leg. She dropped down on one knee, picking up his paw to stroke her thumb over the scrapes, suddenly feeling guilty.
"I'm sorry," she said to him, feeling a little foolish for doing so because this was a wild predator that couldn't understand her.
He cocked his head to the side, looking at her for a bit before shoving his snout into her hair, sniffing at her, his breath tickling her neck. She giggled, nearly falling over as he practically crawled on top of her. His tongue shot out to lick her cheek, making her scrunch up her face and laugh once again, her heart rate finally calming down.
He backed up a little only to drop down to the ground and roll around as if he was nothing but a little puppy, his tail wagging away and his tongue hanging out of his mouth. She chuckled as she sat next to him and rubbed his belly, making his tail wag so hard she thought he might create a mini hurricane. Her fingers reveled in the texture of his fur which was surprisingly soft and fluffy for a wild animal.
Enyo made a disgruntled noise as she jumped back onto the log and began to groom herself. Meda continued to play with the wolf until she remembered that she was supposed to go out that night. She looked down at her watch, squinting to see that it was 7, and she was meeting her friends at the local bar at 8. She considered skipping out on it but decided against that because she certainly needed more friends in this town, and she wasn't a naturally social person.
She stood up, grumbling to herself about how she'd let time get away while she played with the wolf. She looked around the clearing before realizing that she had no idea how to get back.
"I'm such a fuckin idiot," she groaned to herself. She looked down at the wolf who was now laying on his belly, staring up at her. "You wouldn't happen to know the way back would you?"
Much to her surprise the wolf got back to its feet and gently grabbed her shirt with his fangs, tugging as if he wanted her to follow him. As he walked towards one end of the clearing she scooped Enyo up again and followed. She was already lost, what's the worst that could happen?
They walked for about twenty minutes before the trees gave way to her backyard. She gaped incredulously at the wolf as he turned back to her. For a wild second she wondered if her grandmother had raised a pack of wolves or something. She shook her head, laughing at herself.
She stood on her toes to give the wolf a kiss on his head, and murmured her thanks before walking back into the house. She set Enyo down and went back to see if the wolf was still there, but he was no where to be found. She closed and locked the back door.
Ordering herself a Lyft,she rushed upstairs to clean up, fix her hair, and put some make up on; she knew she'd be drinking that night so there was no point in driving there. She decided to do a simple braid, green eyeliner, and a blood red lip. She'd finished just in time as her phone ping-ed to let her know that the ride was outside.
She grabbed her purse, rushing downstairs, made sure Enyo was in the house and that she had enough to eat and drink. Finally she pulled on her socks and boots before locking the door and jumping into the car. Thankfully the driver wasn't too chatty, and got there right around 8.
Andromeda walked into the cozy, dimly lit bar, her eyes scanning the room before settling on two heads of long, dark hair; she'd know that hair anywhere. As if he knew she'd arrived, Jon turned around to wave her over. Josh was there as well, along with a couple of others. They occupied the couches at the back of the bar while they watched a football game.
She reached them and sat down next to Josh as they introduced her to everyone in their group who's names she then promptly proceeded to forget except Jon's wife, Trinity. Andromeda got herself a whiskey and chatted for a bit with Trinity; she'd debated telling them about her unusual encounter, but decided against it.
Jon was starting to tell her about their life here, and how they all worked together at a family business kinda thing when he was interrupted by a tall, gorgeous, rather intimidating man clad in a black leather jacket, tight white shirt, black jeans, and a pair of large boots.
"Hey y'all, sorry I'm late," he said, his voice deep and rough, as he sat down next to Meda. She felt a shiver run down her spine as his dark brown eyes roamed over her. "You must be Andromeda, I'm Leati."
"I-uh, ahem yep I'm Andromeda, but you can call me Meda," she said, she couldn't help but think about how good her name sounded coming out of his mouth, he could call me whatever he wanted she thought to herself as she stared up at him.
He was three times her size, built like a brick wall, his dark hair pulled up into a loose bun; he had a neatly trimmed beard going which only helped pronounce his already strong jawline, but her eyes were instantly draw to his pouty lips that were currently smirking.
"How'd you know my name?" She asked as she forced herself to look back up into his captivating brown eyes, trying not to get distracted by how good he smelled, like baked cookies and the evening rain. Something about him looked really familiar, but she figured it was because he looked like the twins; she wondered if they were related, but she didn't say anything.
"Those two came back this afternoon all hyped up about how Sophia's granddaughter was back in town," he said, jerking his chin towards Jon and Josh, who fixed him with a look.
"You knew my grandmother?" She asked, a little surprised because she had never heard any mention of him, not that she was too close with her grandmother.
"Did I know her? I practically grew up in her house since our properties are next to each other," he chuckled, before he frowning a little. "How come I never saw you around?"
"My parents moved to the other side of the country when I was little, and we visited maybe once or twice a year," She replied with a shrug, a partial truth was good enough.
They slipped back into talking about the life there. Against her better judgment, Andromeda kept stealing glances at Leati, and he couldn't seem to keep his eyes off her. She had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from imagining what those lips and fingers could do to her.
Several hours, and drinks, later they decided to call it a night and head off. Meda exchanged numbers with the others before heading back. Wanting some air, she chose to walk back instead of get a ride; after all, she thought to herself, it was only about 30 minutes away, and the town was fairly dead at this time of the night so she'd be able to hear someone sneak up on her. She pulled out her phone to get directions back to her place.
About fifteen minutes later her ears pricked up as she heard heavy footsteps behind her. Not wanting to look around to acknowledge the person, she began to walk faster, only to hear the footsteps growing quicker and closer. She took random turns, winding her way through the streets, and she came to the conclusion that there was no way that person wasn't following her.
She subtly curled her fingers into a fist as the footsteps finally caught up with her. Stopping abruptly, she swung around, not wanting to give the person even a second to realize what she was about to do before she slammed her fist into their firm midsection. A moment later she gasped as she realized that the person she'd punched was Leati. He was hunched over, groaning.
"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed. "Are you alright? I'm sorry I thought you were a mugger or something, I didn't know it was you."
"At least I know I didn't have to worry about you walking back alone," he chuckled, straightening back, still rubbing the spot she'd punched. "Sorry, I should've said something to you instead of walking up like this. I just wanted to make sure you got home safe; it's never a good idea for a beautiful girl to be walking alone at this time of the night."
"Oh, I, um, thank you," Meda stuttered as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, willing herself not to blush. As the two started walking again a gust of cold wind blew by, making her shiver. Leati immediately shrugged off his jacket and wrapped it around her, revealing a full sleeve of beautiful, intricate tribal tattoos on his right arm. "Oh no, it's alright, you don't have to, we're almost there; I wouldn't want you getting cold."
"I'm warm enough without the jacket, baby girl, my blood runs hot. Besides, it looks better on you," he smirked, she silently cursed herself for blushing. "Where'd you learn to punch like that anyways?"
"I took up kickboxing in Germany," she explained, her attention still on his face rather than where they were headed. "I've been meaning to get back into it but that's hard to do when I'm traveling a lot. Hopefully I'll be able to start again now that I'm settling down here."
"Maybe you could show me a move or two," he suggested, licking his lower lip as he looked down at her. She momentarily lost her train of thought as her focus narrowed down to his lips; the scruff and beard framing them made them look even more pouty and kissable. "My eyes are up here, babygirl."
She felt her face heating up as she quickly looked away, ducking her head down, hoping his jacket would hide her face. God I want to disappear so badly right now, she thought. She tried to speed walk, not that her short legs could carry her further than his long legs could.
She heard him laugh next to her as he easily kept up. A few moments later he grabbed her arm to stop her from walking further. She looked up to see that they had arrived at her house while she was busy being distracted by his lips, and trying to power walk away.
He walked her up to the door; as she turned to thank him, he leaned in, trapping her between him and the door as he rested his hands on either side of her. The moonlight illuminated one side of his face, while casting a dark shadow on the other half, giving him an almost predatory look. She could've sworn that she saw a silver glint in his brown eyes.
"You don't gotta be shy, I've been thinkin' about your lips the whole damn time, babygirl," he said in a low voice, she bit her bottom lip, instantly drawing his attention to the motion. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was something else, but she grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him down so that their lips were nearly touching. It was her turn to smirk as his eyes widened.
"Now, which lips would you be talking about?" She countered, earning a soft growl from him. She had had something else in mind, but with her hand pressed against his chest she could feel his skin burning through his shirt; she looked down to where her hand was resting on his chest, frowning at it. "I think you might have a fever or something, you're really fuckin hot."
"Yeah I know I am, babe," he chuckled, straightening up a little as she gave him a look. "Like I said before, my blood runs hot. It's a, uh, genetic thing."
"If you say so, big guy," she replied, letting her hand drop to her side; she regretted getting distracted and interrupting, but the moment was gone. She turned around and unlocked her door before turning back. "Thank you for walking back with me."
"Any time, Andromeda," he said with a smile. He stepped back, rubbing the back of his neck, looking nervous all of a sudden. "I, uh, I was wondering if you'd maybe want to grab coffee sometime? Like together, alone?"
"You asking me on a date, hot stuff?" She said, trying to hide her amusement at how awkward he seemed.
"Is that a yes, Princess?" He retorted, his eyes slightly narrowed as he saw her trying not to giggle, which only made her want to giggle more.
"Well, you have my number, and it's not like I'm going to be busy any time soon," she said with a shrug, trying to be nonchalant about it to cover up the fact that the thought of being near him at any point made her feel like a giddy schoolgirl.
"Well, I'll leave you alone for now, babe," he said, leaning in one last time to brush his lips against her cheek, sending a wave through her body that had her dazed as he pulled away to walk down the driveway. "Good night, Andromeda."
"G'night," She mumbled, resisting the urge to touch her cheek until she was in the house with the door closed behind her. She shook her head, trying to snap herself out of the little daze. What the hell was happening to me, she wondered, I've never acted like this with anyone before, but then again I'd never felt like this about someone before either.
Undoing her braid, she groaned to herself as she walked upstairs. She was greeted by a purring Enyo wrapping herself around her legs. Meda picked her up and gave her an absentminded kiss before setting her down on the bed so that she could take off Leati's jacket. She rummaged through the box of clothes before pulling out a pair of Darth Vader boxers and a black tank top.
She changed, washed her face, and brushed her teeth, before climbing into bed, thankful that she had come by a week before moving in to set up the house, including making the bed so she didn't have to do it that night.
She tossed and turned for a bit, trying not to think too much about today's events, from the weird wolf experience, to whatever it was she felt for Leati. She finally had to stop moving because Enyo took it upon herself to curl up on her stomach. Andromeda slowly drifted off into a restless, nightmare riddled sleep.
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teenwolfpotential · 7 years
Season 3A Sterek: Scenes & Dialogue
Purpose: To identify and catalog all the direct and indirect Sterek interactions in season 3A of Teen Wolf.
“Stiles Talking” or “Derek Talking” indicate only one person is present in the scene while the other is talked about or referenced with an image
if not labeled that, a scene incudes Stiles and Derek directly interacting
names for each scene are how the scenes are tagged on my blog, if a scene has a “/” it’s because there are tags relating to different parts of the scene
“…” indicates a scene jump or unrelated dialogue that’s been cut out
() have been added to clarify unheard actions in a scene that affect the dialogue or to clarify the presence/awareness of Derek or Stiles throughout the scene
dialogue source is http://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewforum.php?f=137, episodes were watched to clarify in some cases
Ep 1: Tattoo
Stiles Talking: Hands a Little Full
Stiles: You wanna ask Derek for help? Why, why? 
Scott: He's got the triskele tattooed on his back. So there has to be a way to do it without healing, right? 
Stiles: Okay, yeah, but still, doesn't he have his hands a little full?
Stiles Talking: Meet at Derek’s
(Scott is with Derek and on the phone with Stiles who’s at school, Derek is doing something else and not paying attention to Scott) 
Scott: OK, then meet me at Derek's 
Stiles: Derek's house? What the hell are you doing at... 
Scott: just meet us here, okay?
Derek: Yeah, I see it. It's two bands, right? What does it mean? 
Scott: I don't know. It's just something I traced with my fingers. 
Derek: Why is this so important to you? Do you know what the word "tattoo" means? 
Stiles: To mark something. 
Scott: Well, that's in Tahitian. In Samoan, it means "open wound."I knew I wanted to get a tattoo when I turned 18. I always wanted one. I just decided to get it now, to make it kind of a reward. 
Derek: For what? 
Scott: For not calling or texting Allison all summer. Even when I really wanted to, even when it was so hard not to sometimes. I was trying to give her the space she wants. Goin' four months later, it still hurts. It still feels like a, uh... 
Stiles: Like an open wound. 
Scott: Yeah. 
Derek: The pain's gonna be worse than anything you've ever felt. 
Stiles: Ah, that's great. 
Scott: Do it. 
(Derek fires up a blowtorch)
Stiles: Oh, wow. That's a... that's a lot for me. So I'm gonna take that as my cue. I'm just gonna wait outside. 
Derek: Nope. You can help hold him down. 
Stiles: Oh, my God. 
Derek: Hold him. 
(Derek gives Scott a tattoo, Scott passes out and wakes up)
Scott: Aah! Aah! It worked. 
Stiles: Well, it looks pretty damn permanent now. 
Scott: Yeah. I kind of needed something permanent. Everything that's happened to us... everything just changes so fast. Everything's so, uh... ephemeral. 
Stiles: Studying for the PSATs? 
Scott: Yep. 
Stiles: Nice. 
Alpha Pack
Scott: You painted the door. Why'd you paint the door? 
Derek: Go home, Scott. 
Scott: And why only one side? 
Derek: Scott.
(Scott scratches the door until the Alpha pack’s symbol is revealed)
Scott: The birds at school and the deer last night... just like the night I got trampled by the deer when I got bit by the Alpha. How many are there? 
Derek: A pack of 'em. An Alpha pack. 
Stiles: All of them? How does that even work? 
Derek: I hear there's some kind of a leader. He's called Deucalion. We know they have Boyd and Erica. 
Derek: Peter, Isaac, and I have been looking for him for the last four months. 
Scott: Let's say you find them. How do you deal with an Alpha pack? 
Derek: With all the help I can get.
(Isaac wakes up, having been unconscious previously)
Isaac: Where is she? Where's the girl? 
Derek: What girl?
Ep 2: Chaos Rising
School Planning
(Lydia and Allison hold up their wrists)
Derek: I don't see anything. 
Scott: Look again. 
Derek: How is a bruise gonna tell me where Boyd and Erica are? 
Scott: It's the same on both sides. Exactly the same. 
Derek: It's nothing. 
Lydia: Pareidolia. Seeing patterns that aren't there. It's a subset of apophenia. 
Scott: They're trying to help. 
Derek: These two. This one, who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle. Thank you. And this one, who shot about 30 arrows into me and my pack. 
Stiles: Okay, all right, now, come on. No one died, all right? Look, there may have been a little maiming, okay, a little mangling, but no death. That's what I call an important distinction. 
Allison: My mother died. 
Derek: Your family's little honor code killed your mother. Not me. 
Allison: That girl was looking for Scott. I'm here to help him, not you. 
Derek: You wanna help? Find something real. 
Scott: Derek... Give her a chance. Okay, they're on our side now. 
Derek: Well then maybe you should tell her what her mother was actually trying to do that night.
Stiles Talking: Recruiting Alphas
Stiles: Okay, what would a pack of alphas want with Erica and Boyd?
Scott: I'm not sure it's them they want. 
Stiles: Okay, what, like Derek? Like they're recruiting? Hey, Scott. You coming?
Stiles Talking: Remembering Trick
Scott: So you think they kidnapped Heather to turn her? 
Stiles: Derek says it's easier to turn teenagers. 
Scott: But what would a pack of alphas need with a beta? 
Stiles: Scott, I don't know. I don't care. All right? This girl... Our moms were best friends before mine died, all right? We used to take frickin' bubble baths together when we were three. I gotta find her. 
Scott: Then we need Isaac to remember. 
Stiles: How? Peter and Derek couldn't do it. You know any other werewolves with a better trick? 
Scott: Maybe not a werewolf. But someone who knows a lot about 'em.
Latex Glove / Internet
(Stiles pulls on a latex glove, Derek gives him a look)
Stiles: What?
(Stiles takes off the glove grudgingly)
Stiles: You don't remember what you said right before you came out of it, do you? 
Isaac: No. 
Stiles: You said when they captured you that they dragged you into a room and that there was a body in it. 
Isaac: What body? 
Stiles: Erica. You said it was Erica. 
Derek: She's not dead. 
Stiles: Derek, he said, "There's a dead body. It's Erica." Doesn't exactly leave us much room for interpretation. 
Derek: Then who was in the vault with Boyd? 
Stiles: Someone else, obviously. 
Scott: And maybe it was the girl on the motorcycle. Okay, the one who saved you?
Isaac: No, she wasn't like us. And whoever was in the vault with Boyd was. 
Derek: What if that's how Erica died? 
Stiles: They, like, pit them against each other during the full moons and see which one survives. It's like werewolf Thunderdome. 
Derek: Then we get them out tonight. 
Deaton: Be smart about this, Derek. You can't just go storming in.
Derek: If Isaac got in, then so can we. 
Deaton: But he didn't get through a vault door, did he? 
Scott: We need a plan. 
Derek: How are we gonna come up with a plan to break into a bank vault in less than 24 hours? 
Stiles: Uh, I think someone already did. "Beacon Hills First National closes its doors three months after vault robbery." Doesn't say here how it was robbed, but it probably won't take long to find out. 
Derek: How long? 
Stiles: It's the Internet, Derek. Okay? Minutes.
Stiles Talking: Meet at 5
Scott: All right, so we meet at Derek's at 5:00 to go over the plan, and then we don't get started until dark. 
Stiles: 'Kay. What do we do till then? 
Scott: What, right now? We've got English.
Punching Through Wall
Scott: Can we fit in there? 
Stiles: Yes, we can, but very, very barely. And they also patched the wall, obviously, so we're gonna need a drill of some kind. I'm thinking maybe a diamond bit... 
Derek: Look, forget the drill. 
Stiles: Sorry? 
Derek: If I go in first, how much space do I have? 
Stiles: What do you... what do you think you're gonna do, Derek? You gonna punch through the wall? 
Derek: Yes, Stiles, I'm gonna punch through the wall. 
Stiles: Okay, okay, big guy. Let's see it. Let's see that fist. Big, old fist. Make it, come on. Get it out there. Don't be scared. Big, bad wolf.  Yeah, look at that. Okay, see this?  That's maybe 3 inches of room to gather enough force to punch through solid co... 
(Derek punches Stiles’ hand and sends him reeling)
Stiles: He could do it. 
Bank Rescue Plan
Derek: I'll get through the wall. Who's following me down? 
Peter: Don't look at me.  I'm not up to fighting speed yet, and honestly, with Isaac out of commission, you're not looking at very good odds for yourself. 
Derek: So I'm supposed to just let them die? 
Peter: One of them is already dead. 
Derek: We don't know that. 
Peter: Do I have to remind you what we're up against here? A pack of alphas. All of them, killers. And if that's not enough to scare your testicles back into your stomach, try to remember that two of them combine bodies to form one giant Alpha. I'm sure Erica and Boyd were sweet kids. They're gonna be missed. 
Stiles: Could someone kill him again, please? 
Peter: Derek, seriously? Not worth the risk. 
Derek: What about you? 
Stiles: Yeah, if you want me to come... 
Derek: Not you. 
Stiles: Got it. 
Scott: I don't know about Erica. But if Boyd's still alive, we have to do something. We have to try. 
Derek: But? 
Scott: Who's the other girl? The one locked in there with Boyd?
Stiles Talking: Vault Call
(Stiles and Peter are at the loft while Derek and Scott are headed to the bank)
Stiles: There, that's it. 
Peter: Hecatolite. 
Stiles: Is that awful? That sounds awful. 
Peter: Get 'em on the phone. Call them. Now! 
Stiles: Okay, why? 
Peter: 'Cause Boyd and that girl aren't gonna kill each other. They're gonna kill Derek and Scott.
(Stiles calls Scott, Derek is nearby but not on the line)
Scott: Stiles, now is not the best time. 
Stiles: Scott! Scott! No, listen to me, okay? Look, you gotta get outta there. Look, the walls of the vault are made with a mineral called hecatolite. It scatters the moonlight. 
Scott: What does that mean?
(Derek talks to the captured werewolves)
Derek: We're here to get you out, okay? 
Stiles: Look, it keeps the moonlight out, okay? They haven't felt the full moon in months. 
Peter: Okay, think of it like the gladiators in the Roman colosseum. They used to starve the lions for three days, making them more vicious, more out of control. Deucalion has kept them from shifting for three full moons, diminishing their tolerance to it. 
Stiles: Scott, they're gonna be stronger... 
Peter: More savage, more bloodthirsty, Scott, they're the lions. They're the starved lions, and you and Derek just stepped into the colosseum.
Ep 3: Fireflies
Stiles Talking: Derek’s Uncle
Lydia: Well, your interrogatory expression is getting on my nerves. The answer is, I have no clue how I ended up finding that body.  I didn't even know where I was until I got out of the car. 
Stiles: Yeah, but the last time something like this happened... 
Lydia: I know. Derek's Uncle. 
Stiles: Peter.
Ep 5: Frayed
Stiles Talking: Bus Vocab
Stiles: Yo, Scotty. Hey, yo, Scotty? Still with me? 
Scott: Yeah, sorry. Uh, what's the word? 
Stiles: "Anachronism." 
Scott: Something that exists out of its normal time. 
Stiles: Nice. Okay, next word... "incongruous." 
Scott: Um, can you use it in a sentence? 
Stiles: Yes. Yes, I can. It's completely incongruous that we're sitting on a bus right now, on our way to some stupid cross-country meet after what just happened... incongruous. 
Scott: Out of place, ridiculous, absurd. 
Stiles: Perfect. Okay, next word. Um, Darach. Darach, it's a noun. We have to talk about it sometime, okay? And we're gonna be stuck in this thing for, like, five hours, so why not? Next word... "Intransigent." 
Scott: Stubborn, obstinate. 
(Scott winces)
Stiles: Oh, buddy, you okay? We shouldn't have come. I knew it. We shouldn't have come. 
Scott: We had to. There's safety in numbers. 
Stiles: Yeah, well, there's also death in numbers, okay? It's called a massacre... or bloodbath, carnage, slaughter, butchery, wow, that's... all right, Scott, I'm telling coach that... 
Scott: No. No, no, no. I'm all right. 
Stiles: Well, you don't look all right. Would you just let me see it? 
Scott: I'm okay. 
Stiles: Just let me see it, okay? 
Scott: Okay. 
(Scott shows Stiles his wounds)
Stiles: Oh, dude... 
Scott: I know it's bad, but it's because they're from an Alpha. It'll take longer to heal. 
Stiles: How come Boyd and Isaac are fine then? 
Scott: I can't believe he's dead. I can't believe Derek's dead.
Stiles Talking: Not Letting Himself Heal
Lydia: You know, it could be psychological. 
Stiles: What do you mean, like, psychosomatic? 
Lydia: Somatoformic. 
Stiles: Som... 
Lydia: A physical illness from a psychogenic cause. Yes, it's all in his head. 
Stiles: All in his head? Because of Derek. He's not letting himself heal 'cause Derek died.
Ep 6: Motel California
Stiles Talking: Suspect List
Stiles: All right, so I have four. 
Scott: Four? You have four suspects? 
Stiles: Yeah, it was originally ten. Well, nine technically, I guess. I had Derek on there twice.
Scott: So who's number one? Harris? 
Stiles: Just because he's missing doesn't mean he's dead.
Scott: Who were the other three? 
Stiles: Derek's sister, Cora. No one knows anything about her, and she's Derek's sister. Next, your boss.
Scott: Who was the last one? 
Stiles: Lydia. She was totally controlled by Peter, and she had no idea, so...
Derek Talking: Think I’m Dead
Jennifer: Are you sure you want to do that? 
Derek: I have to find the others. They think I'm dead. 
Jennifer: Well, maybe that's a good thing. You know how many characters in literature use a false death to their advantage? You ever read Les Mis? Tale of Two Cities? Romeo and Juliet? 
Derek: They need to know. 
Jennifer: Do you have any idea how bad you look? You're like one giant open wound. I'm not entirely sure you aren't really dead.
Stiles Talking: Flare Talk
Allison: Scott... Scott. 
Scott: There's no hope. 
Allison: What do you mean, Scott? There's always hope. 
Scott: Not for me. Not for Derek. 
Allison: Derek wasn't your fault. You know Derek wasn't your fault. 
Scott: Every time I try to fight back, it just gets worse. People keep getting hurt. People keep getting killed. 
Stiles: Scott, listen to me, okay? This isn't you, all right? This is someone inside your head telling you to do this. Okay? Now...
Stiles Talking: Derek’s Alive
(Ethan talking to Scott)
Ethan: I don't know what happened last night, but I'm pretty sure you saved my life. 
Stiles: Actually, I saved your life, but not that it matters that much. It's just... it's a minor detail. 
Ethan: So I'm gonna give you something. We're pretty sure Derek's still alive. But he killed one of ours. That means one of two things can happen. Either he joins our pack... 
Scott: And kills his own. 
Ethan: Or Kali goes after him, and we kill him. That's the way it works. 
Stiles: You know, your little code of ethics there is sort of barbaric, just F.Y.I.
Ep 7: Currents
Stiles Talking: Power Cut
Cora: It's Boyd. The plan didn't work. They cut the power. 
Scott: It's just like he said. Go. I can save Deaton myself. 
Stiles: What? Scott, what about us? 
Scott: Cora can't get there fast enough without you. Go. We can save both of them. 
Stiles: All right, let's go.
Hand on Shoulder
Kali: Take him! I'm giving you till the next full moon, Derek. Make the smart choice. Join the pack... Or next time I'm killing all of you. 
Boyd: It's okay. 
Derek: No, no. No, it's not. It's not. 
Boyd: It's all okay, Derek. 
Derek: I'm... l'm sorry. 
Boyd: The full moon. That feeling... That was worth it. There's a lunar eclipse. I always wondered what... What that felt like for one of us. For one of us...
(Stiles puts his hand on Derek’s shoulder as Derek grieves for Boyd)
Ep 8: Visionary
Stiles Talking: Color of His Eyes
Cora: They were there for two days, waiting, hiding. That's what we're taught to do when the hunters find us... hide and heal. 
Stiles: Okay, so is two days standard, then, or are we thinking Derek's on, like, some extended getaway? 
Cora: Why do you care? 
Stiles: Why do I care? Let's see... because over the last few weeks, my best friend's tried to kill himself. His boss nearly got ritually sacrificed. A girl that I've known since I was three was ritually sacrificed. Boyd was killed by alphas. I... do you want me to keep going? 'Cause I can, all right? For, like, an hour. 
Cora: You think Derek can do anything about that? 
Stiles: Well, since he's the one everyone seems to be after, it's more like he should do something about it, yeah. 
Cora: I don't know. There's something different about him now. He wasn't like this when we knew him. 
Stiles: What was he like? 
(Peter arrives)
Peter: A lot like Scott, actually. A lot like most teenagers... unbearably romantic, profoundly narcissistic, tolerable really only to other teenagers. 
Stiles: And so what happened? What changed him? 
Peter: Well, the same thing that changes a lot of young men... a girl. 
Stiles: You're telling me some girl broke his little heart? That's why Derek is the way he is? 
Peter: Do you remember Derek before he was an Alpha had blue eyes? Do you know why some wolves have blue eyes? 
Stiles: I just always thought it was, like, a genetic thing. 
Peter: If you want to know what changed Derek, you need to know what changed the color of his eyes.
Stiles Talking: Werewolf Age
Stiles: Okay, so if Derek was a sophomore back then, how old was he? How old were you? How old are you now? 
Peter: Not as young as we could have been, but not as old as you might think. 
Stiles: Okay, that was frustratingly vague. How old are you? 
Cora: I'm 17. 
Stiles: See, that's an answer. That's how we answer people. 
Cora: Well, 17 how you'd measure in years. 
Stiles: All right, I'm just gonna drop it. What happened to Derek and the cello girl? 
Peter: What do you think happened? They were teenagers. One minute, it's, "I hate you, don't talk to me." The next, it's frantic groping in any dark corner they could manage to find themselves alone for five minutes. Their favorite dark corner was an abandoned distillery outside of Beacon Hills. 
Stiles: All right, hold up. How do you know all this? You just said that they were alone. 
Peter: Back then, I wasn't just Derek's Uncle. I was his best friend, his closest confidante. That's how I know.
Stiles Talking: Confluence
Cora: I don't get it. What does this have to do with Derek? 
Peter: Everything. It's never just a single moment. It's a confluence of events. Personally, I looked at Ennis' circumstances, I saw a profound loss. Derek saw something different. He saw opportunity. 
Stiles: Opportunity? To do what? 
Peter: To always be with her.
Stiles Talking: Unaware of Deaton
(Cora talking to Stiles)
Cora: They keep us connected to humanity. But they're a secret even in the pack. Sometimes only the Alpha knows who the emissary is. Derek and I had no idea about Deaton.
Stiles Talking: Choosing Ennis
Cora: Ennis? Why would he choose him? 
Peter: Why not? Ennis needed a new member for his pack. Paige was young and strong. Doing a favor for Derek meant Ennis would be in good with Talia. Back then, everybody wanted to be in good with her. 
Stiles: He doesn't remember it was Ennis, does he? 
Peter: If he does, he keeps it to himself. 
Stiles: So then what happened? Did he turn her? 
Peter: Almost. He came at Ennis. A 15-year-old boy against a giant. There was no reason for him to fight. She'd already been bitten.
Stiles Talking: If It Doesn’t Kill
Cora: So did she turn? 
Peter: She should have. Most of the time, the bite takes. Most of the time. 
Stiles: When you offered it to me, you said, "If it doesn't kill you." 
Peter: If. 
(start of brief flashback)
Young Derek: What's happening to her?
(end of brief flashback)
Peter: He knew the answer, though. It didn't matter that she was young and strong. Some people just aren't made for this. But she fought. She struggled desperately, trying to survive.
Stiles Talking: Going Blue
(Stiles is still in the scene, listening)
Peter: I remember taking her body from his arms, to the woods, to a place where I knew that it would be found... another in a long line of Beacon Hills animal attacks. 
Cora: And what about Derek? 
Peter: Taking an innocent life takes... something from you as well, a bit of your soul... darkening it, dimming the once brilliant, golden yellow to a cold, steel blue... like mine.
Stiles Talking: Asking About Paige
(Peter is gone)
Cora: What? What's this... what's this look on your face? 
Stiles: What look? 
Cora: The kind of look that makes me want to punch you. 
Stiles: Oh, my God. You are so Derek's sister. I forgot.
Cora: Well, what is with the look? 
Stiles: I just don't believe him. All right, in Ms. Blake's class, we're reading heart of darkness, and it's in first person, right? Narrated by Marlow. The thing is that he's... he's an unreliable narrator. You know the details of it have changed, you know, just because of his perspective. 
Cora: Well, then we heard the story from Peter's perspective. 
Stiles: Right, and I don't think we got the whole story. 
Cora: So, what, are... Are you just gonna ask Derek about the girl he fell in love with and then killed? 
Stiles: If I have to... Yeah.
Ep 9: The Girl Who Knew Too Much
Stiles Talking: Attacking Aiden
(Aiden and Cora are fighting, Aiden is winning, the others arrive)
Cora: Ah! Ah! Ah! 
Lydia: Aiden, stop! Stop! Stop! 
Ethan: You can't do this! 
Aiden: She came at me! 
Ethan: It doesn't matter! Kali gave Derek until the next full moon. You can't touch him or her.
Stiles: Hey, guys, I think she's pretty hurt.
Stiles Talking: Definitely a Hale
Stiles: Do you realize how suicidally crazy that was? What were you thinking going after them? 
Cora: I did it for Boyd. None of you were doing anything. 
Scott: We're trying.
Cora: And you're failing. You're just a bunch of stupid teenagers running around, thinking that you can stop people from getting killed. But all you do is show up late. All you really do is find the bodies. 
(Cora leaves)
Stiles: She's definitely a Hale. Mm. I'll make sure she gets home.
Stiles Talking: Chessboard Talk
Sheriff: Scott and Derek are werewolves? 
Stiles: Yes.
Sheriff: So who's the Kanima? 
Stiles: Jackson. 
Sheriff: No, Jackson's a werewolf. 
Stiles: Jackson was the Kanima first, and then Peter and Derek killed him and he came back to life as a werewolf. Now, he's in London.
Ep 10: The Overlooked
Believe Me
(Jennifer arrives at Derek’s and finds him there)
Jennifer: Thank God. Something happened at the recital. At the school. Okay, I need to tell you before you hear it, before you hear any of it from them. 
Derek: From who?
Jennifer: Scott, Stiles. They're gonna tell you things. Things you can't believe. You have to trust me, okay? You trust me. 
Derek: What is it? 
Jennifer: Promise you'll listen to me. 
Derek: I promise. 
Jennifer: They're already here, aren't they? 
(Stiles and Scott come out of hiding)
Jennifer: So... they told you it was me? That I'm the one taking people? 
Scott: We told him you're the one killing people. 
Jennifer: Oh, that's right. Committing human sacrifices? What, cutting their throats? Yeah, I probably do it on my lunch hour. That way, I can get back to teaching high school English the rest of the day. That makes perfect sense. 
Stiles: Where's my dad?
Jennifer: How should I know? Derek, tell me you don't believe this. 
Derek: Do you know what happened to Stiles's father? 
Jennifer: No. 
Scott: Ask her why she almost killed Lydia. 
Jennifer: Lydia Martin? I don't know anything about that. 
Derek: What do you know? 
Jennifer: I know that these boys, for whatever misguided reason, are filling your head with an absurd story. And one they can't prove, by the way.
Scott: What if we can?
(Scott pulls out a vial)
Jennifer: What is that? 
Scott: My boss told me it's a poison and a cure... which means you can use it... and it can be used against you. 
Jennifer: Mistletoe? 
(Scott throws the mistletoe at Jennifer and her real form is revealed)
Jennifer: Derek, wait, wait! You need me. 
Derek: What are you? 
Jennifer: The only person who can save your sister. Call Peter. Call him! ...
(Derek chokes Jennifer)
Scott: Derek. Derek, what are you doing? 
Jennifer: Her life... it's in my hands! 
Stiles: Stop. Derek, stop! 
Jennifer: Stilinski, you'll never find him. 
Scott: Derek. Derek! 
(Derek lets go of Jennifer)
Jennifer: That's right. You need me. All of you. You should know I'm not doing this because I have to. I want to. I could still run, and you wouldn't have an easy time stopping me. But I don't want your sister to die. I'm only doing what I had to do.
Stiles Talking: Something Feels Wrong
(Stiles talking to Scott)
Stiles: I don't know, something feels wrong about this. You know, we proved it to Derek, but she still had this look like it didn't matter. You know, like it was all still going according to plan. You saw it, didn't you?
Hospital Guard
(Derek, Jennifer, and Stiles watch on as Scott talks to his mom)
Melissa: Scott! Scott! What are you doing here? The hospital's evacuating. 
Scott: We're here for Cora. 
Melissa: What, all of you? Why does Stiles have my bat? 
Scott: Mom, just trust me on this. You need to get out of here. Right now. 
Melissa: The building is supposed to be clear in 30 minutes. We've got two ambulances that are coming back. One's 10 minutes out, the other's 20. Cora needs to be on one of those. They'll be picking up in the basement garage. 
Scott: Got it. 
Melissa: Okay. 
(they take the elevator)
Jennifer: You don't have to keep me on a leash, Derek. I'm going to help.
(they exit the elevator and find Cora’s room empty with black blood on the floor)
Scott: Derek. 
(Peter gets thrown through the hall doors)
Peter: We got a problem. Big problem. 
(Derek and Scott go to fight Alpha Aiden/Ethan)
Stiles: Help me. 
(Stiles and Peter pass the fight to get Cora and run away)
Scott: Ethan, Aiden, stop! You don't know what you're doing. 
Alpha Ethan/Aiden: All we want is her.
(Jennifer leaves on the elevator)
Reckless Batting
Derek: Don't stop, don't stop! 
Derek: Stiles!
(Stiles stops, Peter runs on ahead, Derek and Scott stay, Alpha Aiden/Ethan bursts in)
Stiles: Where's the big guy? 
Derek: He's close. 
Stiles: What about Ms. Blake? 
(Scott shakes his head)
Stiles: What do you mean? What does that mean? Like, she's gone? Scott, are you kidding me? 
Derek: Shh, quiet. 
Stiles: Me be quiet? Me, huh? Are you telling me what to do now? When your psychotic, mass murdering girlfriend... the second one you've dated, by the way... has got my dad somewhere, tied up, waiting to be ritually sacrificed? 
Scott: Stiles, they're still out there. 
Stiles: And... and they want her, right? Which means now we don't have her either, so my dad and Cora are both dead! 
Scott: Not yet. Is she really dying? 
Peter: She's definitely not getting any better. 
Scott: There has to be something that we can do. We have to help her. 
(Jennifer arrives)
Jennifer: You can't. Only I can. I can save her, and I can tell you where Sheriff Stilinski is. But there is a pack of alphas in this hospital who want me dead. So I'll help you... but only when I'm out of here and safe. Only then. 
(Derek charges at Jennifer)
Scott: Derek, wait! 
(Scott holds Derek back)
Derek: She was trying to get out. 
Jennifer: I was trying to keep from getting killed. You can't blame me for that.
Stiles: If you want to show you're one of the good guys, then heal her. 
Jennifer: Not until I'm safe. 
Peter: I'd like to volunteer a different method of persuasion. Let's torture her. 
Derek: Works for me. 
(Melissa comes on over the building’s loudspeaker)
Melissa: Um, can I have your attention? Mr. Deucalion... excuse me, just Deucalion... requests you bring the woman calling herself Jennifer Blake to the E.R. reception. Do this, and everyone else can leave. You have ten minutes. 
Jennifer: He's not gonna hurt her. 
Derek: Shut up. 
Jennifer: He won't! Scott, you know why. Tell them it's true. 
Derek: What does she mean? 
Jennifer: You're not the only one he wants in his pack.
Jennifer: Deucalion doesn't just want an Alpha pack. He wants perfection. That means adding the rarest of alphas to his ranks. 
Peter: A true Alpha. 
Stiles: What's that? 
Peter: The kind that doesn't have to steal his power from another. One that can rise by the force of his own will. Our little Scott. 
Scott: It doesn't matter. We still need to get her out of here. 
Stiles: Scott, your mom... 
Scott: My mom said there's one more ambulance coming in 20 minutes. And I don't think we've been here that long, so if we can get down to the garage, get to the last ambulance, we can get out of here. 
Derek: The twins aren't gonna let us just walk out. 
Scott: I'll distract them. 
Derek: You mean fight them. 
Scott: Whatever I have to do. 
Derek: I'll help you. 
Jennifer: Um, sorry, but I'm not going anywhere without you, Derek.
Peter: I'll do it. But I'd prefer to be out there with an advantage. 
Stiles: An advantage like what? You mean like a weapon?
Peter: Something better than a baseball bat. 
Electric Paddles
Peter: I'll do it. But I'd prefer to be out there with an advantage. 
Stiles: An advantage like what? You mean like a weapon?
Peter: Something better than a baseball bat.
Stiles: Hey, wait. What about these? 
(Stiles holds up electric paddles)
Derek: Do you know how to use those? 
Stiles: Well, no. 
Derek: Put 'em down.
Scott: Epinephrine? 
Derek: That's only gonna make him stronger. 
Peter: How strong? 
(Peter and Scott go to fight, Jennifer, Stiles, and Derek with Cora sneak away)
Stiles: It's still here! 
(Stiles gets in the ambulance, Derek puts Cora inside)
Jennifer: Derek, over here.
(Derek walks around the ambulance to meet up with Jennifer, Kali arrives)
Kali: Julia. It is you. 
Jennifer: You can't beat her on your own.
Derek: That's why we're gonna run. 
(Derek and Jennifer run away, Stiles and Cora stay in the ambulance)
Jennifer: Wait, wait! The elevator!
Stiles Talking: Leaving Hospital
Scott: Stiles! Stiles, open the door! 
Stiles: Sorry. 
Scott: Help me get him in.
(Peter climbs in the ambulance) 
Stiles: Where's Derek and Jennifer? 
Scott: I have to go back for them and my mom. 
Stiles: Okay, two problems. Kali's got the keys to this thing, and I just saw the twins, like, 30 seconds ago. 
Scott: Stay here.
Elevator Pause
Stiles: Scott! Scott, wait!
(Scott runs off, Stiles runs up and sees Derek unconscious in the elevator, Stiles pauses and then runs after Scott)
Ep 11: Alpha Pact
(Stiles slaps Derek to wake him up)
Stiles: Derek?
Stiles: Derek, come on!
(Derek wakes up)
Derek: Where is she? 
Stiles: Jennifer? Gone with Scott's mom. 
Derek: She took her? 
Stiles: Yeah, and if that's not enough of a kick to the balls, Scott left with Deucalion, okay? So we gotta get you out of here. The police are coming right now, and we gotta get you the hell out of here. Whoa. 
Derek: What about Cora?
Derek Talking: Holding Off Cops
Allison: Where's Scott and Stiles? 
Derek: Stiles is still at the hospital. He's gonna hold off the cops for us. We have to go right now.
Stiles Talking: Nemeton Location
Lydia: What is this? 
Stiles: I know where they are. it's the Nemeton. That's where she's keeping them. It has to be... 
(Agent McCall arrives down the hall)
Agent McCall: Stilinski. 
Stiles: Agh. All right, look, go to Derek, okay? He and Peter, they've been there before, so they'll know where it is. Tell them it's the root cellar, all right? They'll know.
Stiles Talking: Ice Bath Solution
Stiles: It has to be on a telluric current, or maybe even at the axis of two or where they all intersect. I just know it's where Derek took Paige to die. 
Allison: My dad and Gerard were there once. But Gerard said it was years ago, and he couldn't remember where it was. And my dad obviously isn't here to tell us now. 
Stiles: Yeah, mine either.
Isaac: Then how do we find this place? 
Deaton: There might be a way. But it's dangerous. We're gonna need Scott.
Ep 12: Lunar Ellipse
Derek Talking: Substitute Guardian
Derek: Stop talking to me like a politician. Stop trying to convince me of your cause! 
Jennifer: Fine, I'll convince you of someone else's. Scott. You can save his mother, Stiles's father. 
Derek: How? 
Jennifer: I need a guardian, And that's a role that can either be filled by the three parents I was forced to take or by you. 
Derek: I can't help you. I'm not even an alpha anymore. 
Jennifer: All I need is for you to help me get Deucalion in the right place at the right time. 
Derek: You just killed three of them on your own. What do you need me for? 
Jennifer: You haven't seen him at his strongest. I have. And If he's got Scott with him, I don't stand a chance unless I have you.
Cora: Derek, don't trust her. 
Jennifer: I have the eclipse in my favor, But the moon's only gonna be in the earth's umbral shadow for 15 minutes. That's the extent of my window. There's no decision to struggle with. Help me kill him, and the others live. Just help me.
After Darach
(Scott and Stiles are on the phone, Derek is in the background)
Stiles: Scott? 
Scott: Hey, are you okay? 
Stiles: Yeah, we're okay. We're all okay. How about you, you okay? 
(Derek and Scott exchange looks)
Scott: Sort of. 
Stiles: You think you can come get us? 
Scott: Yeah, of course. 
Stiles: Great, okay. Um, uh, bring a ladder.
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psalm51-6-blog · 6 years
Joy Equals Strengths - Week Twelve
Hi friends!!! Week 12 brought some of my favorite memories of 2019! While many of you just finished Spring Break, we decided to hold off a couple of weeks and take the girls on a mini-vacation once the crowds died down. Randy has been trying to plan a trip around the Texas pinball festival. Who knew there was such a thing? Well, I did! But only because my hunky honey has a nerdy side- don’t most husbands? So we took advantage of this event and created a great vacation! Check out the details below.
So instead of just heading straight up to Dallas, we took a few stops- sure the trip was longer, but we all got to do something fun and it makes for a great blog post!
Lord knows that traveling on the road with two kids can be exhausting- but we managed to have a great time and I’d love to share my tips, tricks and favorite spots.
First stop- Gruene, TX
It just so happened that my parents were celebrating my mom’s birthday in a cabin in Wimberly, TX. So we aligned our schedules to meet for lunch at the Famous Gristmill River Restaurant and then head on our way!
Taking mom to the Gristmill has been a tradition for a couple of years, and it continues to be one of our favorite spots. On a nice spring day, you can sit outside to enjoy a river view and a slight breeze! Menu favorites? We’ve never had anything bad at the Gristmill! But here were this weekend’s choices.
Mom: Chicken fried steak
Dad: prime rib sandwich (probably the BEST thing on the menu)
Randy and I: grilled chicken sandwich
Landry: kids chicken strips with fruit
And while we don’t usually do dessert, we were celebrating, so we ordered the German Chocolate cake AND the Jack Daniels Pecan Pie! Both are incredible- but for me, the pie took the cake!
Aside from the wonderful company and delicious food, the staff is always so nice, always accommodating our odd requests (like salad crackers for W), and the constant need for extra napkins
Second Stop- Waco, TX
On our long trip to North Texas, I just happened to need to stop for a bathroom break right as we were heading into Waco (maybe it wasn’t coincidence). Randy took a quick turn and we stopped at MY favorite spot to stretch our legs. Many people ask, what’s the big deal about Magnolia Market?! Well, in theory, it’s a simple idea- shopping, food, and fresh air. But I truly believe that place bring some peace! Seeing people from around the world (no joke) find a commonality in the simplicity of life, it’s just a beautiful thing. The girls love running around and getting to get out of their seats for a while. I didn’t even make it into the market- because I bee-lined it straight to my favorite food truck, Alabama Sweet Tea Company! Do I put for an $8 glass of tea? You betcha! And now that they serve their Holiday Tea all year round- oh my lanta, I should just buy stock!
Waco was just a quick stop, and we were on our way!
Third stop- Frisco, TX
Since the Texas pinball festival wasn’t until Sunday, we decided to stay the night in Frisco and get good sleep before a full day of fun! But first- Food!
In Beaird family tradition, we had to stop at The Star in Frisco- because well, the Cowboys! This is another fun place to let the kids run around and be kids. Ever see kids playing tag and football in the middle of the city just for fun? You will here! The star is surrounded by great restaurants and shopping.
We finished our day staying at the Westin Stonebriar Hotel and Golf club. We made a last minute decision to stay an extra day in the DFW area- I was worried that we were going to have to pay a lot for a last minute hotel that was just bleh. Well, thanks to priceline.com, we managed to stay at this 4-star hotel for $107 (minus tax and insurance, $140 total)
When booking on Priceline, you don’t get to see what hotel you’re staying at until you book- all you know is that it’s a 4-star hotel. So, how bad could it have been!
The cleanliness and size of the room, friendliness of the staff, excellent location- I could go on- we’d definitely looking at staying here again, and on purpose!
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Well, it was a bright and early Sunday- and we were ready for a fun day!
Growing up, Randy’s grandfather owned a Putt Putt golf and games. Randy’s love for arcade games came from working and spending hours at that place. So naturally, he shares his love with those he loves. And while, I never had any interest in the history, manufacturers, or technical side of these games, it’s been so fun taking an interest in his Hobbies. Not to mention, L wants to everything with her daddy.
Here, they feature hundreds of pinball machines- old and new- alongside arcade games. For $25, you can free play all the games you want- plus, Kids under 5 are free!!
As you can imagine, about an hour and a half of playing, we were done- so After a fun lunch at Rainforest Cafe at Grapevine Mills mall- mostly for the girls because the food is fine... the experience was a blast!
The final destination of our trip was Great Wolf Lodge in Grapevine, TX! I wasn’t quite sure how L would react. Much to our pleasure, she was thrilled! From the time we walked in to the time we left, she was in heaven! And well W, had the best time any 8 month old ever had.
Great Wolf not only provides a great weather friendly water park, but has tons of free (and paid) activities all times of the day. Between morning breakfast with their famous characters, story times, dance parties, scavenger hunts- you are sure to have a fun-filled stay!! We can’t wait to go back!
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Trip Tips:
Traveling with two littles can be tough, and while we usually drive straight through (as much as possible), we found it helpful to chart out our trip and take meaningful stops.
As mentioned above, if you are traveling to a new destination and need a great hotel for a great price, checkout Priceline’s 4-star hotel deals. You won’t know where you are staying until you book, but with it having to be a 4-star choice, the risk is worth it!
Great Wolf Lodge
This place is always busy, since there are no dates in which you can’t play. However, we definitely noticed that checking in on a Sunday got us a better deal and smaller crowds. Sign up for their emails to get great deals and last minute trip steals at greatwolflodge.com
Night Time
With all of the fun, you would have thought the girls would’ve just passed out! Not the case. And of course being away from home and your normal routines can always be a challenge. This little sound machine owl from target has saved us on trips (especially in hotels). It was gifted to us, but I would highly suggest purchasing one to help mask unfamiliar noises and provide an little night light.
Baby Carriers
Baby carrying is something I love to do when I know that we will be in big crowds. Strollers are great, but sometimes they are bulky and can inconvenience others when you are in the midst of lots of people. I personally have never tried a fabric sling, but my favorite carrier is a structured ErgoBaby. Not only do I wear it, but randy wears it too! EegoBaby provides thicker waist bands and shoulder straps, while being breathable.
What are your travel plans for this year? Any tips you wanna share?
Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @joy_equals_strength
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
About me
So, you wish to know about the face behind the muse, do you? Well, I’m not as edgy or ferocious, but I do all right! 
Thank you for the tag @noire-pandora! <3
1: Why did you choose your url?
The url that you see now was actually not my first url. I’m first one was lotus-dreamcatcher something something. (I forget what the numbers were lol). It was just a random thought since one: I love, love, looooove dreamcatchers, and two: I think lotus flowers are such pretty flowers! So, I combined best of both worlds and slapped two or three numbers on the end! XD
The reason I switched it was because I wanted to have a more personal connection with my blog. When I started writing my fic, I was like, ‘Let’s just go the whole nine yards! No one else has it!’ and voila! Will I change it if my hyperfixation vanishes? No. I’m stuck in hell, remember? *smiles*
2: Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I have no side blogs because I would be terrible trying to micromanage them. My obsessions tend to ebb and flow, and this blog is the first time I’ve latched onto something for so long. I’ve had fixations with Dragon Age before (I’ve had the game for years, of course), but it always fizzled out and I latched onto something else (Fire Emblem, Skyrim, etc.). So, whatever fandom takes me by the horns, ya’ll have to witness it here! *cackles*
3: How long have you been on tumblr?
Hmm..I think for about...2 years? I made this blog a while back, posted a fic I had written for the first time, and then disappeared. I didn’t come back until just under a year ago when I wrote my first version of Emerald Eyes Amidst Golden Vows. But truthfully, I’m not sure. I know I haven’t been here long, though! XD
4: Do you have a queue tag?
Nope! I just scan the tags I like, home page, and those I follow’s dashboard and reblog/like what I find interesting, funny, or what pertains to what I’m currently fixated on. I might go ham and post a lot, or I just slap one or two things on while I’m on break at work. It’s casual for me. :D
5: Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I was curious, to put it simply. I’ve always been into art/writing, and all the art I used to see elsewhere always looped back to here. I actually spent a lot of my time, once upon a time, on DeviantArt (The days when I had a tablet and had the time to draw~). Once I got into writing, however, I decided this might be a better place to share that. Not to mention, I saw the community for Dragon Age and I was like, ‘I want to be a part of this! I don’t have many people I can talk about Dragon Age with or simp mutually about characters! And they all seem so nice! Let’s try!’ And here I am. It’s paid off. All the waiting, slight dejectedness, and quiet posts have PAID OFF. 
So, if you’re a starting blog and you feel kind of put off, just keep at it. It’ll gain traction. Trust me. :3
6: Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Why not? It’s my BOY in his original, first play through form! (the play through I accidentally deleted, but you know *is still made about that*) 
I chose it mainly because it was my best screenshot of Fane, and I was like, “I am true Dragon Age blog now. :3″, but really, it’s just because it was pretty. I’m a simplistic creature with simplistic tastes. 
7: Why did you choose your header?
Again, it’s my BOY, and well, it was also pretty with the colors and his eyes and everything. I love my dragon son. What else can I say? *shrugs*
8: What’s your post with the most notes?
The post that issued by entrance in Solavellan Hell. 
It continuously spiraled for WEEKS until it finally went dormant, and I was like, ‘Well, damn. That was a wild ride.’ We all fall prey to the wolf at some point. Even I, who was so sure I adored Cullen. ‘Twas not to be. I like elves. Sorry, Commander. XD
9: How many mutuals do you have?
26! Which is about a quarter of who follows me, actually. Huh!
10: How many followers do you have?
You know, I just checked it the other day and my eyes went wide because I broke a 100 and I was like, ‘Am I really that relatable or likable!? Awwww! *cries*’ I’m currently at 107, but in all honesty, I don’t pay attention to the numbers. Some may be inactive, too, but it’s nice to see people enjoy and relate!
11: How many people do you follow?
85! I don’t like to clog up my dash too much because it’s easy to miss things I’m actually looking forward to seeing (art, fic updates, etc.) I could filter, obviously, but I is lazy. However, if I see a blog I really think is cool and enjoyable and is right up my alley, then of course I’ll follow! :3 I also try to follow back if someone follows me, but I forget to sometimes. I’m a bit scatterbrained if you haven’t noticed from my writing. XD
12: Have you ever made a shitpost?
I think I made like...two? They got a good bit of notes, but mainly because they were relatable more than funny, I think. If you want to know one thing about me it’s that if I adore a specific character, I either RAG on them until the cows come home, or I cry about them hysterically. With Solas, I am both, so I throw swings at him while in the next minute running over and saying I’m sorry. And I vocalize that with random memes. XD
13: How often do you use tumblr each day?
I get on in the morning after I wake up a bit to check around, stay on until I have to go to work at like 2, and I’ll pop on a few times throughout the day during my breaks or lunch, and once more before I call it quits for the day. I have a bad habit of keeping a tab up while I write and hopping back and forth. No wonder my writing flow gets lost in transit. XD 
I also tend to fall asleep with my computer on, soooo yeah. X’D
14: Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Nope. I’m twenty-five. I left the drama bullshit back in high school when I graduated. I’m here to enjoy things that mean something to me, interact with people who share those interests, and just witness how creative everyone is and learn from them. Will I debate with someone civilly? Of course, I love debating concepts and interpretations of characters as much as I love analyzing those ideas. However, the moment those debates turn into ‘I’m right. You’re wrong.’ arguments, I walk away and ignore. I’ve been a part of internet discourse before when I ran a RP chat, I don’t need that again. Feel free to chat with me, but the minute it becomes a belligerent free for all, either expect a quick block or utter silence. 
15: How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I try to reblog things from content creators because that’s how they get the exposure they need, and I wholeheartedly support those people because I want people to be able to pursue and live a life where they can do what they enjoy and make ends meet rather than be stuck at a 9-5 job where they’re talents are wasted and miserable because of berating circumstances. 
However, if someone explicitly says, ‘you need to reblog this because of some obscure reason’, I won’t do that. Be humble. That’s all. I understand the need for validation, painfully so, but there’s a line that needs to be drawn on some posts like that.
16: Do you like tag games?
You bet your ass I do! I love how interesting they are and that people are eager to involve me in them! Like this one! :D
17: Do you like ask games?
*looks at all the asks I’ve done for Fane* I adore them. Let me talk about my son until the end of time, even if I repeat things because he’s still GROWING.
18.Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Not romantically, but do I think everyone is worthy of love and hugs and yelling, complimenting words that make your insides all fuzzy and warm? YES. LET ME YELL AT YOU AND HUG YOU. <3
Tagging (if you want to of course!): @little-lightning-lavellan @oxygenforthewicked @aymayzing @dreadfutures @whataboutbugs and anyone else who’d like to! 
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