#i focused on the hairdresser but if you want me to add some baber words just tell me
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Dal parrucchiere - vocab
To the hairdresser
Parrucchiere = hairdresser man Parrucchiera = hairdresser woman (Barbiere = barber) Taglio di capelli = Haircut Spuntare / accorciare = Shorten a little Vorrei una spuntatina = I’d like a trim Tagliare = Cut (usually is a considered big one) Rasare = To shave Colorare / tingere i capelli (fare il colore) = to dye / to colour your hair Capelli tinti = dyed hair Colpi di sole = highlights (lit.: sun hits) Frangia / frangetta = fringe, bangs Permanente = perm Un taglio nuovo = a new style Il solito taglio / lo stesso taglio = the same style Gel = gel Lacca = hairspray Asciugare col phon = to blow dry Phon = hairdryer Messa in piega = hairdo / set / perm Sciacquare i capelli = to rinse your hair Pettinare = to comb Shampo = shampoo Balsamo = conditioner Spazzola = brush Forbici = scissors Chinion = bun Riga = parting Riga in mezzo / centrale = your hair part in the middle of your head /central parting Riga a destra = right side parting Riga a sinistra = left side parting Treccia = braid Rasoio = razor Coda (di cavallo) = ponytail Piastra = flat iron Fermaglio = clip, pin Bigodino = curler Cerchietto = hair band Elastico = hair tie / hair bobble Mantellina = gown Lisciare i capelli = to straighten your hair Parrucca = wig Capelli lunghi = long hair Capelli corti = short hair Capelli neri = black hair Capelli biondi = blond hair Capelli castani = brown hair Capelli rossi = red hair Capelli lisci = straight hair Capelli mossi = wavy hair Capelli ricci = curly hair Rasta = dreadlocks Rasati = completely shaven Extension per capelli = hair extensions Capelli secchi = dry hair Capelli unti = oily hair Capelli normali = normal hair Quanto li vuoi tagliare? = How short would you like it? / How much do you want to cut them? Non troppo corti = not too short Abbastanza corti = quite short Molto corti = very short Caschetto = bob Solo una spuntatina = just a trim Taglio asimmetrico = asymmetical cut Taglio dritto, in pari = blunt cut Dritti sulla schiena / sul collo = square/blunt cut at the back / at the neck Arrotondati sulla schiena = tapered at the back Scalati davanti = layered on the front Spuntare appena sopra le orecchie = to cut/trim just above the ears
Vorrei tagliare i capelli = I’d like an haircut Devo prenotare? = Should I book? Può tagliarmeli ora? = Can you cut my hair now / Can you see me now? Vuoi prendere un appuntamento? = Do you want to make an appointment? Come li vuoi tagliare? = How do you want me to cut/style your hair? Quale colore ti piace / vuoi? = What colour do you like / want? Vuoi che ti lavi i capelli? = Would you like me to wash your hair? Vieni / accomodati al lavatesta = Come / sit at the wash stand/basin Vorrei tingere i capelli di rosso = I’d like to dye my hair red Come vuoi che ti pettini? = How do you want me to style/comb your hair? Li vuoi lisci? = Do you want them straightened? Li vorrei mossi = I’d like my hair wavy Dove hai la riga? = Where do your hair part? Vorrei una treccia = I’d like my hair braided Basta così = that’s enough (useful if the hairdresser is cutting too much) Va bene = that’s fine
#parole words#i focused on the hairdresser but if you want me to add some baber words just tell me#italian vocabulary#vocabs
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