#i finished typing this up and my nose started bleeding like crazy make of that what you will
vvinirl · 3 months
satoru. g
warnings: smut, missionary, pet names (princess, baby, sweetheart) name calling from gojo and reader (crybaby,shorty,dumbass) oral (fem receiving), spitting, praising, slight crying during sex, love bombing (i got in my feels towards the end okay 😔) curses don’t exist
word count: 4.3k (tired smth new ;))
not proofread
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would you say that it was a blessing having your older brother’s best friend satoru gojo around, or a curse?
if it was a blessing, there would only be a few things you could list that would make it a blessing
-you’ve known him since you were practically in diapers
-he’s always around
-he’s the hottest guy you’ve ever seen
-he actually talks to you
-and he’s a older guy
those are what some would call a blessing
if it was a curse, there would only be one thing you could list that would make it a curse
-you can’t have him
and not only because he’s your older brother’s best friend and if you and satoru were to get together it would ruin their friendship, but because you just can’t
or you don’t think you could. you don’t think that satoru has ever thought about you in ways you’ve thought about him. you don’t think you’re his type, and you definitely definitely don’t think he would ever be interested in you
the only reason you think about those thoughts are because satoru always has girls lined up in front of him, willing to give up everything in their life just to spend a day with him. everyone adores him and worshiped him, who wouldn’t?
and he was crazy rich and was already the ceo of of his family company and the youngest rich bachelor in the country
but despite all satoru had and could have, he chose to stay single
why? nobody knows
and he also chose to stay around his best friend suguru and even you
you don’t know why he chose you guys, he could have any friends he wanted, hundreds if he chose but no
you don’t know when or how your little crush on satoru started but if you had to say, it would definitely be that summer, before the start of 6th grade
you were going to the 6th grade and suguru and satoru were going to the 8th
you were at the park playing and minding your business. in your cute little baby blue dress with daisies on them and a big white bow sewn into the back. you could say it was your favorite dress
these 3 older boys, probably grade 9, walked up to you and started throwing mean comments at you
“look at her hair, ew”
“her ugly dress too”
“does she think she’s cute?”
you didn’t cared what they said but one comment really stuck out to you
“why does she look like that”
some would say you were a crybaby, and they are definitely right. you were a sensitive child, still is
“leave me alone” you stood up, grabbing your babydoll and held it by your side
“or what?”
“you gonna cry to your big bro geto?”
one of the laughed and walked closer to you
“i-i said leave me alone” tears welling up in your eyes, looking down at your black sandals, the sandy beneath your feet
one of the boys pushed you back as you fell back onto your elbows and into the sand
“oh so you think you’re tuff now huh-“
the boy didn’t finish his sentence as satoru came out of nowhere and landed a punch on his jaw
“what the hell!” one of the boys yelled towards satoru, kneeling down to inspect his friend’s bleeding nose
“do you want a matching bloody nose too?” satoru stepped up to them
“n-no, let’s get out of here guys”
“he’s fricking crazy man”
the boys got their friend with the bloody nose off the ground and ran away
you were sitting there the whole time watching everything unfold before your eyes, still in the same position in the sand that the boy pushed you to
“are you okay?”
you looked up at satoru, his hand extended for you to take. you nodded, taking his hand as he brought you up
“are you hurt anywhere?”
“no, i’m okay” you sniffled, looking down at your dress to see it had gotten a little dirty
satoru reached a hand up to your face and wiped your tears stained cheek with his sleeve
you looked up at him, bright blue eyes staring into your dark and brown ones. the summer sunlight reflecting off his milky pale skin
“don’t let them treat you like that okay?”
“y-yeah” you nodded once more, still lost in those eyes
“if they ever come back again, i’ll leave them with more than a bloody nose”
“but you might get in trouble gojo”
“i don’t care. you shouldn’t have to deal with their bullshit, got that?”
“now come on crybaby, your brother and parents are waiting for you” satoru dusted your dress of and wrapped an arm around your shoulders
“and i said to call me satoru”
“right, yeah of course gojo-“
“i mean satoru!” you quickly corrected yourself, feeling slightly embarrassed. gojo laughed at you as he shook his head
“am not”
“are too”
the both of you bickered back and forth, as you walked back to your house, his arms still around your shoulders
but i guess you could that was the day you began to slowly fall in love with satoru more and more as the years went on
there was times when you fell harder for him, one including your 9th grade school dance
a guy in a older grade had asked you out to the dance so you decide to take on the opportunity to go with him
you got all dress up in this beautiful red dress your mom bought from you, she said she wore that very dress the night she met your father back in the same grade you were in right now
it fit you so nicely and your mom did your hair and you got all dolled up for that dance
at the dance you waited and waited for your date to show up but not surprisingly, he didn’t
you saw having a time with another girl on the dance floor as you stood by the punch bowl
you thought that maybe he hadn’t seen you and was looking for you and that girl was just one of his friends, but the universe must’ve have hated you that night because she definitely wasn’t a friend because he kissed her
so you wondered if he was really interested in you or if it was just some dumb prank
you left the dance early that night and walked home. you didn’t want your dad to pick you up or suguru, you didn’t want them to ask you a bunch of questions
when you got home you sat on the porch. there was a swinging chair on the front porch that you loved to sit and read on
swinging back and forth with your knee up to your chest, you hummed your favorite song, thinking about everything and anything, your mind racing
you didn’t even noticed someone had come out the house and sat by you
you flinched as looked beside you, “gosh satoru, you could’ve given me a heart attack”
he chuckled and shook his head, looking ahead
you both stared up at the dark sky, the moon illuminating your faces, the stars shining brightly in the cataclysmic sky
“why did you leave the dance” satoru spoke up
“i got bored and decided to leave”
“he stood you up didn’t he?”
you didn’t say anything, your eyes still glued to the stars
satoru took his eyes away from the sky and looked at you, “what’s his name”
“what, i’m just asking” he shrugged
you knew what he was trying to do and what he was going to do
“it doesn’t matter anymore. he doesn’t matter”
you got up and grabbed your heels, “good night satoru”
“wait, y/n-“
he stood up, towering over you
you hadn’t even notice that satoru has been growing so tall all these years, and definitely getting hotter
you brought your eyes up to meet his, waiting for what he said to say
“yes, satoru?”
“do you wanna dance?”
“i said to do you wanna dance.. with me?”
you both danced on your porch that night. one of his hands around your waist and the other holding your hand. with your head rest on his chest and a hand on his shoulder, the other one in his hands
the next week at school you saw the guy that stood you up at the dance with stitches and a black eye. that day satoru and suguru got called into the principal office and got suspended
that was when you knew you liked satoru, but you also knew you couldn’t be with him and you knew he wouldn’t choose you
the other time was when you were 18 finished with high school and suguru and satoru were second years in college, both 20
you moved in with your brother into an apartment off campus
satoru would come around a lot and sleepover, you didn’t know why but when you asked him, all he said was “let’s just say home isn’t very warm and welcoming right now”
one evening in the spring you had came home from work, the gentle breeze of the wind blowing through the window of the living that was slightly cracked opened
you were tired and wanting to shower and hop straight in bed
you didn’t think anyone was home because it was very quiet so you put your things away in your room and grabbed your towel and loofa
making your way over to the bathroom, humming whatever song that was stuck in your head, you opened the bathroom door, not thinking anyone was in there because you thought the house was empty
you opened the door and your eyes widened in shock
there was satoru, drying his wet hair with a towel, naked
you shut the door quickly, mentally cussing yourself as you ran back to your room
“oh my god oh my god oh my god”
you plopped down onto your bed as covered your face
you could feel your face getting warm as the image of satoru naked flashes your mind repeatedly
“hey, i’m done with the shower”
satoru’s deep voice broke you out of your state as you flinched
he stood there leaning against the door with the towel handing lowly around his waist. his happy trail and v-line on display, little water droplets running down from his neck to his toned abs and into the crevice of the towel
you nodded and got up, making your way over to your door but you stopped as satoru till stood in the way
he rested his head against the door way, looking down at you, smirking
you forgot that satoru had gotten so much smug over the years, his ego way bigger now and his attitude completely different
he can be nice if he wanted to but most of the time he was a kinda of a dick, not seeming to care about anyone but himself
but for you, he was different, he treated you differently. he would tease you here and there and call you names or make fun of you but of the end of the day, he was never really disrespectful to you or treated you like how he treated others
“my eyes are up here shorty”
you looked up at him, slightly avoiding eye contact with him. you were definitely not looking at his abs or what was under that towel, you almost found out anyways. if satoru would’ve turned around, you definitely would’ve seen but his back was turned to you when you accidentally walked in on him
“why are you being all shy now?”
he knew why, but he wanted to tease and push your buttons.
“i’m not”
“then look at me”
you averted your eyes to meet his, fully making eye contact with him now. a small smirk formed on his lips as he looked you up and down
he got off the door frame and moved closer to you.
“you know if you wanted to see my dick you could’ve just asked”
“you’re disgusting satoru and plus it was an accident” you rolled your eyes at him and his inappropriate behavior
“im just saying princess. i wouldn’t mind showing you”
“why are you so nasty” you shook your head at him as he laughed
“come on, you know i’m just pushing your buttons. suguru would murder me”
“hopefully he does, your annoying ass”
“wow”, satoru brought a hand up to his heart “that one hurt princess, how could you”, he faked sniffled
rolling your eyes, you said “satoru im too tired right now, i gotta shower”
“aw but i wanna have more fun with you” he fake pouted a little
“go have fun with some other girl”
“are you suggesting i do or implying”
“whichever one, i could careless”
“you jealous?”
you scoffed and looked away, “as if”
satoru moved closer to you, bringing a hand under your shirt slightly to grab your waist. his other hand reached up to your face and cupped your jaw
“you know you don’t need to be jealous”
“i’m not”
“it’s okay if you are, i’m not going anywhere”
what did he even mean by that, you thought to yourself
you felt satoru’s thumb caressing the flesh on your waist
“satoru i already said im not jealous, quit trying to make it sound like i am”
you moved his hand from your face and walked past him into the hallway, making your way to the bathroom
“whatever you say sweetheart” satoru said after you
a few years later you would sometimes think about that day, thinking about what he said “im not going anywhere”
you thought hard about what he was talking about or maybe trying to say but it didn’t matter anyways. not like it meant anything
you were now 21 and gojo and suguru were 23
you still lived with suguru, and still in school. you wanted to become a nurse so you were currently in nursing school. suguru owned a tattoo business of his own and even had a girlfriend. satoru had taken over his family company, becoming the new ceo
you were laying on the couch of your shared apartment with your brother watching tv as suguru walked in through the front door
“hey i’m home” he said, placing some grocery bags on the kitchen counter
“what did you buy”
“some bread, milk and other necessities”
you sat up from the couch and rest your head on the back of the chair, looking over at suguru into the kitchen
“oh and satoru invited me over at his place later tonight to hang out with some friends if you wanna come”
your ears perked up as you brought your head up from the couch
“mhmm, satoru” suguru gave you a knowing look as he wiggled his eyebrows at you
“ew don’t look at me like that”
suguru laughed, “are you gonna come?”
“does he want me to?”
“y/n, why wouldn’t he?”
“i dunno”
“you know you wanna come. you get to see your little crush”
“ewww stop sugu. i don’t like him”, you turned your back to him and looked back at the tv
“yeah sureeee”
“shut up”
you hadn’t seen satoru in about 3 months. i guess he’s been busy with work and all. he’s texted a few times to check up on you and stuff but it was like once every 2 weeks for the past 3 months
you did kinda wanted to see him. as a matter of fact you wanted to see him very badly. you missed him and his stupid face
“so are you gonna come with me?” suguru asked
“i guess i could”
later that night you wore a mini baby blue dress that hugged your figure just right. showing all your curves and such. you thought you looked nice and hopefully satoru thinks so too tonight
when you and suguru arrived to satoru’s penthouse, he opened the door for yall
“what’s up suguru”, satoru greeted his friend as they did their little handshake
suguru entered the house as you stood there, looking at satoru
“princess”, satoru give you a little smirk
“it’s been a while” he said, his eyes roaming over your body
“yeah it has, i’ve missed you”
your eyes widened slightly to what you said, not registering you that that you’ve missed satoru
“i mean like- not like missed missed but you know.. like not seeing you around and-“
“i missed you too y/n” satoru cut you off
“o-oh” you laughed nervously, your face getting warm
“you’re getting all shy on me again princess”
“shut up”
your rolled your eyes at him, “why don’t you make-“
“hey love birds, stop standing there and come in” you both heard suguru’s voice from inside
satoru smirked at you as he stepped aside to let you in
later on more of suguru’s and satoru’s friends showed up for their little hang out. there was 3 girls including you and a bunch of other guys, including suguru and satoru
you were talking with two of the girls, the 3 of you all becoming friends right then and there.
“you’re crazy”you giggled at something a girl named shoko said
“well he had it coming” she shrugged
the night went all as everyone played some board games. you and satoru were on a team when you guys played charades. you would’ve won if satoru would’ve guess the right answer but he swore the right answer was whatever he was thinking
“satoru we could’ve won” you groaned at him
“well it’s not my fault”
“what do you mean it’s not, it is”
later on the party ended and everyone left. it was just you, suguru, and satoru now, watching tv
suguru got a text and spoke up “sorry i gotta leave guys, my girl wants me”
“are you okay staying here y/n?” suguru asked you as he stood up from the couch
“yeah i’m fine, tell her i said hi”
suguru hugged you and dabbed up satoru
“stay safe. no monkey business”, suguru said as he left, you rolled your eyes and turn your eyes towards the movie
it was just you and satoru now. he sat, manspreading with a hand resting behind your head on the couch, both of your knees brushing against each other ever now and then
“do you have any water?” you asked, looking over to satoru
“yeah, you thirsty?”
he got up and made his way to his kitchen, you followed him. when the both of you got to the kitchen, he grabbed a water bottle and handed it to you
“thanks” you give him a smile smile
“i missed that” satoru said, leaning against the kitchen island
“missed what?”
“that little smile of yours you would do. i missed seeing it”
you smiled more and took a sip of the water, you face heating up. “really?”
“yes really. i remember the first time i saw that smile. the summer before you went to 6th grade”
“oh yeah, that was definitely a time”
“remember those boys who were bullying you?” satoru chuckled, looking over at you
“unfortunately, i do”
“that guy definitely deserved that bloody nose”
“oh yeah i remember that too. thanks for that”
“no need to thank me, they were teasing you and nobody teases my girl except for me”
you blushed at the comment satoru made about you being his girl
“you know your dress you’re wearing right now reminds me of the blue one you wore that day”
“eww don’t remind me, i really thought it was cute”
“but it was cute, blue is my favorite color”
“well of course it is” you playfully rolled your eyes
“and your dress right now looks perfect on you” satoru leaned in closer to you
you give him a small smile and thanked him, putting the water bottle on the counter
satoru’s hands reached out and moved to your thighs, his fingers brushing against your skin as he ran a hand along the hem of your dress
“very pretty”
“thanks, i got it from one of my favorite stores..”, you say looking down at your dress
“im not talking about the dress y/n”
you looked up at him to meet his gaze, he was so close to you now, you could feel his breath on your face
you, you’re..” he leans in more, “..pretty”
he finally closes the gap between you both, his lip grazing yours. “i’ve been wanting to kiss you so bad” he whispers against your lips
“what’s stopping you”
he smiles as his lips presses against yours, soft and warm lips taking yours in. both of his hands moves up to grab your waist, pulling you flush against him
your hands grab onto his biceps and hold him as your lips move against his. he opens his mouth slightly to taste more of you. the kiss starts to get more heated, satoru bites your lower lip and that earns a whimper from you, he takes that as a chance to push his tongue into your mouth. his tongue moving and sliding over yours, making wet sounds
his hands grip hips tightly, but firm enough to not hurt you
he tilts his head to the side to deepen the the kiss. his hands to the hem of your dress, his hand slides under dress, grabbing your ass and squeezing it
you moaned against his lips, your panties getting damped even more.
“you don’t know what you do to me” satoru says into the kiss, his fingers toying with your panties, teasing to take it off
he pulled his hands from under your dress and picks you up. you wrap legs around his waist as he walks to his room, lips still on yours, kissing you more sloppily now
he lays you down on the bed and pulls out of the kiss. when he stands up he wastes no time taking his clothes off, he’s now only in his boxers, his harden cock very visible now. you could practically see the veins outlining the outside of his boxers
your mouth hangs open slightly, taking in satoru as he stood there. he was truly built like a greek god
“are you done?”, satoru spoke up, breaking you out of your trance of your practically thirsting over him
“not really, i’m still enjoying it”
he chuckled and climbed back over you. he reached up behind you to unzip your dress, his finger tips grazing the exposed skin on your back. he finally unzips and gently slides it off you, leaving you in only panties
“no bra?” satoru eyes looks over your body, taking in you like hes been starving for days and you are the only one to full to him up
“why not” you shrugged
“fuck baby, you’re killing me” satoru groans dramatically, his lips finding yours again in a heated and sloppy kiss
as his lips worked on yours, one of his hands slides down to your clothed pussy as he pressed his thumb to your clit
whimpering into the kiss you buck your hips, searching for more friction from his finger
“relax, i’ll give you what you want princess” satoru says, pulling out of the kiss. he moved down to your heat, right where you needed him
“so wet for me and all for me” satoru whispers against your pussy. the feeling of his warm breath against you is enough to make you want to squeeze your thighs together
he uses his middle finger to pull your panties to one side and flicks his tongue against your clit
“fuck~” you threw your head back in pleasure. satoru rips your panties off without hesitation and threw them to the side, while looking at you the whole time
he waste no time in tasting you, his tongue gliding through your wet and puffy folds, tasting your juices
he lets out a deep hum in satisfaction, “been wanting to taste you for so long”
he goes all in, attaching his mouth to your clit and sucking on it harshly. it was like he’s been dying to taste you and now that he’s finally gotten a taste, he can’t get enough of it
when he moves from your clit, he start fucking your pussy with his tongue. his hands on your thighs holding you in place firmly as his tongue fucks you
“oh fuck toru~” you moaned his name, your hand moving to his hair to grip it for some sort of support
satoru got even harder from the nickname you just called him
“say it again princess” he muffled into your pussy
he stops tongue fucking you and spits on your pussy and then again, his spit and your juices mixing together. he watches it drip down between your folds, the sight being mesmerizing to him
he uses his middles finger and teased your entrance with it
“stop teasing toru-” your pleas was cut short as satoru slips his finger inside you, you let out a gasp but it quickly turns into a moan when satoru starts fingering you
he’s moving his fingers at a slow and steady pace, he wanted to take his own time with you. he liked the way your warm pussy clenched around his finger, he couldn’t wait to see how it’ll feel when your pussy was wrapped his dick, with your walls squeezing him and sucking him in
“do you like that?” satoru asked, his finger speeding up
“y-yeah, feels so good”
he adds another finger, his mouth moving back to your clit to suck on while his fingers worked fast inside you
“gonna cum toru~”
he hums in response to you, his mouth latched onto you, not wanting to let go until he tastes your sweet juices
a few strokes from his fingers later and you’re moaning and coming onto his finger, hands grabbing and pulling at his hairs as you bring his face flush against your pussy
satoru continues to finger you as you’re coming and when you’re done, he pulls out his fingers to lick up all your juices
“so fucking sweet”
then he’s kissing you, making you taste yourself on his lips, his tongue sliding into your mouth
you reach down and palm him through his boxers, feeling how hard he was, you felt him twitch underneath your touch
“mm baby~” he moaned into the kiss, his hand rubbing up and down your thighs
“wanna feel you toru~”
he pushes you down onto the bed gently and gets rids of his boxers. he grabs your thighs and pulls you towards him more. his dick resting against your lower stomach
“are you ready?” he asked, rubbing his tip against your entrance, covering his head in your juices
“use your words, tell me how badly you want it princess”
“satoru stop playing with me”
“well i guess i won’t give you what you want then”
“w-wait toru-“
you moan loudly when satoru pushes his dick inside of you, his tip already hitting your g-spot on impact
“you were saying?” he said with a smug expression on his face
your eyes roll to the back of your head as satoru begins moving his hips, thrusting into your pussy
“mm toru~”
“you don’t know.. fuck.. how long i’ve wanting you feel you wrapped around me. it’s like you were always teasing me in those short little things you would wear~”
“ngh toru, go faster~”
“beg me for it”
“huh? can’t hear you”
“fuck satoru, please. please fuck me”
that’s all satoru needed as his hands tightened on your thighs, pushing your legs forward, to gain more access to your pussy so he can push his dick deeper inside you
his thrust speed up, going deeper than ever. you could feel him in your womb. he watched the outline of his dick moving inside you, the sight making him want to cum right there on the spot
“it’s so d-deep toru~”
“i know baby. but you’re doing so well, taking me so good”
he lets go of your thighs and leans down to kiss you, swallowing your moans and whimpers
“s-so fucking good. just like that” he says between kisses
satoru pulls out of the kiss and looks down at you, you bring your hands up to his face to caress his face
“i love you y/n”
“d-do you mean it?”
“i’ve never been so sure. i love you so much y/n, you don’t know. since i meant you, my heart has only beat for one person, you”
you felt tears well up in your eyes, “i love you too satoru, im happy you feel the same, i love you so much”, you caressed his cheek
he leans down and kisses you, licking your bottom lip, asking for entrance into your mouth
he starts to thrust into you again, bullying his dick in into your pussy
“ngh, gonna come toru~”
“come for me baby, wanna feel you”
he’s whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he fucks his dick into you
a few thrusts later and you’re releasing all over his dick
“fuck baby”, his rhythm gets sloppier, hips stuttering into yours as he releases into you. spewing affirmations into your ear
he fucks his cum into you, kissing your jaw and your neck. you hold him tightly against your chest, legs wrapped around him
when he’s done shooting his load into you, he relaxes into your arms, nestling against you
“i love you y/n” satoru muffled into your chest
“i love you too toru”
you could hear soft snores coming satoru as you combed your finger through his hair, smiling to yourself
i guess it was a blessing after all to have satoru gojo around
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jessnotfoundd · 2 years
𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐥e𝐠𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬?
Pairing: cc!Karl Jacobs x reader.
Masterlist here!
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i was sitting in the library with my laptop in my lap trying to finish my essay but my eyes fell on the other side of the room dissociating while waiting for Karl, we needed to hand in a paper tomorrow and we didn't even start.
-Okay, what did i do?- i heard Karls's voice so I just turn my eyes a little up and see him standing there.-Am I late or something?- he sits beside me with his laptop.
-What do you mean?- i smile a little looking at how pretty he was.
-You look like you want to kill me right now.- he smirks.
-Yeah, no, nothing that´s just as my face works- I stop admiring him so I wouldn't look like a creep and started typing in my computer about the subject, an idea that popped out on my mind waiting for him.
-So you pretty face it's working like that with me for some reason?- I feel his lips on my cheek for a second.
-No, at least for now.-
-Great, i promise I'll behave tonight.- he laughs and I shus him.
-What is tonight?- now I'm facing him.
-Sapnap's- he gets closer to me.- you forgot?- he is now reading what is on my computer.
-No, i mean, yes, i forgot, but I won't go, so i don't care.- i smirk.
-Why? you told me you were going, so now, you have to go.-
-I don't feel like partying today.-
-Come on you little grumpy girl.- i act offended now.
-Excuse me.-
-Oh, don't be dramatic.- he tickles me and we are shushed by someone near.
A few hours later, i was in my dorm now looking at my clothes, I needed something that make me look good, but my self-esteem is so down lately that it feels impossible.
I finally decide on a red dress with some red look fancy shoes.
-I thought we were going to a party to have fun, but you look like you're gonna break hearts.- I heard his voice and my insecurities afloat.
-Why? am i too dressed? should i change for a more casual look?- I turn around and he is smiling.
-No, you are perfectly dressed, it was a joke, you look impossible.-
-Do you think i am?- i smile and he nods frantically.
When the party was at the perfect climax I try to find Karl so we could dance, but I couldn't find him anywhere. Until I look into one of the upstairs bathrooms.
-Hey, why are you bleeding?- i see his nose, he was sitting on the edge of the bath. I get down on my knees and change the piece of paper for a piece of cotton.
-It doesn't matter.- he holds my hand, I can see he was already drunk.
-Please?- my puppy eyes never failed.
-Someone said they would do to you if you were in the bed with them, so I just went crazy and told him he was being a dick, so we started fighting.- His face turns red when he remembers.
-thank you.- my free hand flies to his cheek that has a green and purple stain.-I don't deserve you.- his eyes are staring dead into mine.
-i need to tell you something.- his hands are now on the sides of my waist.- I don't want anything to change between us, to be honest.- he hides his face for a few seconds on my chest just to see me again.- I've liked you so bad, for so many years, but every time I see you with Sapnap I know how you two see each other, and I'm just your college friend.- I cut him with a kiss.
-Damn, you're so dumb- he looks stunned and I roll my eyes.-You should have told me, and the stares between sapnap and I, are just because he knows I like you- I explain trying to sound good and not on the verge of crying of joy.
-I guess if that's what you mean, and i got it right, we can try, maybe?-
-Yes you idiot, of course, we can try.- his grip softened and he leans again for another kiss.
-Can i kiss you whenever i want to?- I nod- even in front of sapnap- he smirks and I nod.
-Dickhead.- my face is now on the crock of his neck, forgetting completely that in the first place he was bleeding.
And after that night, everything got better, until it couldn't be better anymore. Hanging out, dates, kisses, meeting each other family's, it was all great. And all because of a fight.
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weepylucifer · 5 years
small excerpt of something i’m writing!!
The vines were thickest towards the back of the cave, a verdant green affair that didn’t look quite… real, almost stylized, like vines in a videogame rather than real life plants. They were almost as thick as a man’s forearm, and the shape of the last person trapped here was suggested rather than seen. I had trouble hacking them off without potentially injuring the sleeper, so Nightingale said, “Allow me,” and disintegrated them using some at-least-fifth-order spell. I had half an eye on the other sleepers who were slowly coming to, so I left him to it until he called my name.
“Peter,” he said, and there was a sudden tension to his voice that worried me, “I’m afraid we have another problem.”
He had unearthed the whole man - I have to assume - by now, and was looking at him with a hard-to-read expression. There was almost some disdain in it, certainly a load of dismay.
“Sir?” I asked.
“This is another sort of glamour here, some seducere variant,” he explained, “or another fae. It cannot possibly be what it looks like.”
This surprised me, seeing as I wasn’t feeling anything at all weird - no vestigia, nothing. By the looks of it, this was another ordinary bloke sleeping here, another result of a dodgy deal with the fae. But I decided to defer to Nightingale’s expertise. “How so?” I asked.
“For the sake of convenience,” Nightingale said, “Could you please describe to me what you are seeing here?” He gestured at the sleeping man and there was some undercurrent of something in his voice, something badly repressed there, and my concern and confusion mounted. Still, I obliged.
“I’m seeing a white male, early or mid-fourties by the looks of him,” I started my description. “Dark hair, sort of unkempt, sort of a gaunt look to him. He has a mole or birthmark on his neck, here.” I tapped my own thoat in the corresponding place. “He is wearing what appears to be hiking gear, pretty old, that is to say old-fashioned but well-maintained. He must’ve been laid up here for quite some time. Boots, like army boots, like the pair you have. Grey canvas jacket, or maybe it’s khaki.” Hard to tell in this light.
If anything, my description seemed to surprise Nightingale even more. “Yes, that is… that seems to correspond with what I’m seeing.” He shook his head. “I was expecting for you to be seeing… something else.”
“Like what?” I don’t get impatient with my governor often, but I have to admit I was starting to hate how tongue-tied he was being.
“Probably a woman,” he said cryptically. “Anyway, this cannot be what it appears to be, seeing as I know this person, and he’s been dead for quite awhile.”
Ah. Well, shit. And here I’d been so glad already that this situation had gone over without any fighting. I wanted to ask Nightingale who it was, but he beat me to it before I could so much as open my mouth.
“Right,” he said. “Let’s get it over with. Stand back, I’ll try to wake him.”
Before I could think to argue, or even make up my mind about what alternative action to argue for, Nightingale gripped his staff tightly, got down on one knee and used his free hand to shake the sleeper by the shoulder.
The man was slower to rouse than any of the others we’d found; he murmured something, a hand coming up to swat in the vague direction of Nightingale’s, but after a minute, his heavy eyelids fluttered open.
Voice thick with sleep, the stranger slurred, “Thomas?”
Nightingale straightened, took two steps back and huffed out through his nose. “Don’t even attempt it.”
The stranger blinked, evidently confused, and then, with surprising speed, he lunged to his feet. I admit I flinched.
The stranger’s legs were trembling, he was shaky with the effort of keeping himself upright after laying prone here for god knows how long. Hair fell into his eyes as he leveled a wild-eyed gaze at my governor.
“Get away!” he shouted, his voice hoarse. “You’re that fae again. You’re a shape-changer, aren’t you? How dare you appear to me like this?”
Nightingale raised an eyebrow. “I should be asking you these questions.”
“You’re not Thomas. Thomas fell at Ettersberg.”
“What?” Nightingale crossed his arms; it was almost funny how indignant he sounded. “No, it’s you who died.”
Jesus Christ, I thought, Ettersberg again. It’s always fucking Ettersberg, isn’t it? Unbelievable, really, how much my life was being affected by a place I’d never been to and had no desire to visit.
“Nonsense,” the stranger ground out harshly. “We… we had no word, there was, there was no way anyone on the ground got out.”
Nightingale was drumming his fingers against the tip of his cane, as much proof of his pique as I’d ever seen him exhibit. “And yet here I am.”
“That’s… no. You’re not Thomas.”
“It is you who isn’t what you profess to be.” I was seeing just how tired Nightingale was growing of this back and forth. Whoever, whatever this was pretending to be one of his old war buddies, it had him careening towards the end of his tether.
“I am exactly what I profess to be,” the stranger claimed. He took a deep breath. “In 1930, in November, I was visiting you while you were staying at the consulate in Lahore. We sat in the gardens, under the stars, and you said to me that you wouldn’t mind if–”
Nightingale cut him off with a sharp wave of his hand. “You could easily pluck that from my memories.”
I had been watching the exchange, I must admit, with my mouth slightly agape. Now I saw an opportune moment to cut in. “Sir,” I said. “He claims to be someone from the old Folly, right?”
“That’s right,” Nightingale replied at the same time as the stranger asked, “Who’s that?” like he was just now noticing me for the first time.
“My apprentice,” Nightingale introduced me. “Whatever you have to say to me can be said in front of him.”
I found that a little bit of an odd thing to say, but I was also flattered at the show of trust.
“An apprentice?” The stranger snorted. “Yeah, bullshit. My Thomas doesn’t have an apprentice, and no desire to take one either.”
I ignored him for the time being. “Sir, as for proving his identity, one way or the other,” I suggested, “could you recognize his signare? Is it possible to fake that?”
Nightingale looked at me in the way he does when I hit on something he hasn’t considered before. “Not that I know of.” He beckoned towards the stranger and demanded, in one of his rare militaristic tones, “Right. Werelight, please.”
“You too,” the stranger said through clenched teeth.
“While we’re at it,” Nightingale said with a nod and they both held their palms out, and conjured a werelight each.
Now, I’d like to say I’m familiar enough with Nightingale’s signare from all this time spent around him watching him work his magic. The stranger’s was entirely new: like a gust of fresh air through a recently opened window (I thought I could even feel a hint of the curtains blowing in the sudden breeze, white and starched), a hand skimming over cool tiles, the sound of something bubbling in a beaker, and a hint of pine that weirdly seemed to correspond with a component of Nightingale’s own signare, like two pieces of something coming together.
The stranger gaped. “It’s really you. You’re really here, you… you’ve found me.”
I glanced from him to Nightingale, who seemed to have frozen solid. His staff clattered loudly as it hit the ground. And I swear, I have never ever seen this purely indescribable look on my governor’s face.
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because-of-a-friend · 4 years
Boyfriend!Jun Fluff
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Coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino
I’m back!!!!The boyfriend series is finally finished!!! How exciting is that guys??? I had a lot of fun doing this series and I’m glad all of you enjoyed it so much! I’m always happy to share my writing with you guys! I have two more requests after this and after that I’ll probably go back to my series if no other requests come in! Again, sorry requests have been taking so long, but my new laptop is up and running so hopefully no more delays! Thanks guys! And thanks for the request anon, I hope this one is a good ending to the series!!!!
Warnings: Mentions blood very briefly (just a little nosebleed, nothing too serious)
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(I know I’ve used this gif before, mind your own business lol)
You had thought about how you were going to meet The One™
You had honestly thought about it a lot
Would it be by a chance run in at university where you both knocked each others’ books to the ground and brushed hands as you picked up your belongings?
Would it be at sunset by a lake where the world is glowing gold?
Would you meet as unsuspecting coworkers that have a cute office romance?
Would it be love at first sight with a stranger when you make eye contact as you walk in opposite directions across a bridge?
You had imagined it happening in every way possible
Any scenario that exists about meeting a romantic partner is one that you’ve spent an evening mulling over in your head
What you couldn’t have possibly predicted, though
Is how it actually happened
By accidentally smacking Jun in the face
On a street corner
On a cold and rainy day
“Oh my god are you ok?”
“Uh yeah, I’m fine,” he’s bent over and holding his nose so his voice is coming out all strange. “Sorry if my face was in the way of your hand”
You laugh a little at his joke before your face falls
“Oh my god, you’re bleeding!”
You pull him into a nearby shop and ask them for any sort of tissues
You sit across from him and help him hold the tissues up to his nose until it stops bleeding
You feel awful for smacking a stranger in the face so you’re nervously rambling on and on and trying to make him feel better
And he’s making jokes in hopes of easing you’re guilt 
“It’s really ok! I was honestly hoping to get a nosebleed today!”
He makes you laugh easily and soon your heart has stopped pounding from the guilt
It doesn’t take too long for the bleeding to stop, but by the time it has, a huge thunderstorm has rolled in
“You were on your way to the bus stop, right? I mean, it looked like you were heading that way. Do you mind if I walk you there?”
You can’t believe how nice he’s being to you and you try to decline
“Oh, I didn’t bring an umbrella with me today, I’m going to wait until the storm passes before I head out”
“Well you’re in luck, I brought my large umbrella today. We can share! I was on my way to the bus stop too anyways! And it’s the least I can do to thank you!”
“Thank me for what??? Smacking you in the face?!”
“No, of course not! I want to thank you for keeping me company afterwards!”
So you walk to the bus stop with Jun
And you’re starting to wonder if he’s flirting or just being overly polite like you had been
But you can’t not notice how his hand brushes over yours as you both insist on holding the umbrella for the other
Or the way his arm flies up around your shoulder to keep you under the safety of the umbrella when another pedestrian bumps into you
Or how nervous he looks when you ask for his number so you can buy him coffee to make up for... y’know... accidentally smacking him in the face
Jun jokes a lot on your first date
He’s always trying to make you laugh 
He makes dating him unbelievably easy
The beginning of your relationship is just cute dates with a Jun that makes you feel peaceful and content
But there’s a bit of a hitch at the beginning
Dating is easy
You both like each other
You can see yourself in a relationship with Jun for a long time
It feels like you lack a spark
And you’re wondering if Jun notices
And then you’re worried he’ll get bored of you without it 
So you try all this crazy romantic stuff to try and just make the spark happen
But you’re not sure it’s working
Jun notices
He sees that you’re doing all the stuff for him and wondering why on earth you think you have to try so hard
He attempts to assure you that you don’t have to do all this for him, he’s happy with the way things are 
But you’re just worried that it’s not enough
And then one day, Jun comes home from practice
And you already have dinner ready
You see that he looks stressed so you immediately start suggesting things you two can do to take his mind off of whatever is bothering him
Jun just grabs you and pulls you into him 
“Can we just sit here for awhile?”
You’re confused and more worried for a second since he’s never really reacted like this 
But then he just wraps his arms tightly around you
There’s a kiss pressed to your forehead before he buries his face in your neck
His arms pull you in even closer
You start to stroke the back of his head
“Do you need anything?”
Your voice is so quiet that for a moment you doubt he even heard you
Then after a pause he finally speaks 
Your heart gives one, big THUMP
“I just need to be with you right now”
That day you see a side of Jun you never had before
One that isn’t joking or energetic 
He’s just tender and soft and gentle 
You let him rant about what’s stressing him out
Then you cuddle on the couch in silence for a long time
His hands run mindlessly up and down different parts of your body
He whispers, one hand sliding up your shirt to trace circles on your stomach
“Yeah, Junnie?”
“I’m really lucky to have you, I just... I don’t even know what I’d do without you”
He shifts both of you over so he’s hovering above you
You look up at him silently, waiting for him to speak his mind
But instead he silently smiles, looking over the features of your face
You can feel his fingers ever so gently running over your cheeks, across your lips, down the bridge of your nose
Then there’s another kiss on your forehead
Then on your nose
Your cheeks 
Your chin 
Every single one makes your heart beat just a little bit harder
“You know that you’re more than enough for me, right?” 
You nod shyly 
A kiss to your left cheek
“Then do you wanna tell me why you feel like you’re not?”
A gentle kiss to your right cheek
You feel a wave of embarrassment and then your eyes begin to fill with tears
Jun takes silent note of it, wiping the ones that fall onto your face and waiting patiently for you to respond 
“I don’t know, I was just scared that you’d get bored of me”
To your surprise, Jun giggles a little
“Bored? Of you?”
He suddenly attacks your face with kisses
“Jun! What are you doing???”
You can’t help but laugh with him as you sit up and push him back playfully
“How could I get bored of the person that smacked me in the face the first time we met?”
You start laughing again
“I’ve gotta stay on my toes around you, you never know when your hand will go flying up again!”
Your laugh gets louder 
Once your laughter dies down, Jun takes your hands in his 
“But seriously, [Y/N]” he looks in your eyes “anything that’s happening with us, I want to figure out, I want to be with you, no matter what it takes”
Your heart bursts 
And after that day
Everything just sort of clicks into place
You never doubt your worth to Jun because he never lets you
Dating Jun is wonderful
He loves you so so much
And he always finds the sweetest ways to show it
Intimate, gentle affection
Like it’s crazy how gentle he is because his energy level is always so high and you can see it in the way he moves 
But with you he’s just so tender 
Stroking your hand when he holds it
Softest kisses down your skin
Tight hugs that feel like home
Matching jewelry that is actually super personalized to you both
Always wants to tell you about everything that happens in his day and wants to tell you first
Getting overly excited to share all of his interests with you
He constantly brags about you to the boys
“Hey [Y/N]! How are you? How’d that presentation go?”
“It went great, Cheol! Thanks for asking! But I don’t remember even telling you about it”
“Oh you didn’t have to”
Jun literally never shuts up about you
So all the boys just know like everything about you
Honestly they’re always relieved when you come to hang out because that means they get a break from Jun talking about how he loves to watch you watching your favorite tv shows because your reactions are just so cute
“Jihoon? Is everything ok? You never call me”
“[Y/N], please come see your boyfriend, he can’t stop talking about you... I might duct tape his mouth shut”
Obviously you come to save poor Jihoon
But only for a moment before inviting him to come with you and Jun to a café so he’ll be stuck with the two of you for a good while
And sure he gave you the silent treatment for awhile
But it was worth it after seeing his facial expression when Jun reached across the table to wipe your face with a napkin
But seriously Jun just loves you so much 
Is also the type to want to do cheesy cliché couples stuff
Dancing around your house at 3am is one of his favorite things
It’s a way to get out his endless energy 
And after you’re done, you get to slow dance as he pulls you closer and closer and speaks gently about how much he cares for you
Jun is definitely not scared or ashamed to share how he feels 
So actual speaking is his main love language
But he also occasionally enjoys other forms of showing love
Obviously tons of affection
Ready to drop everything at any time to come when you need him
He also writes you a lot of love letters
Especially when he leaves for tour
He’ll hide them all over your place so you find them randomly while he’s gone
And some of them are humorous to make you laugh
And others are so sweet that they make you cry 
Jun doesn’t care as much about what you think of his talents specifically
But he will want you to have a good time whenever you attend their concerts
Of course you do
If your relationship is public he might announce that you’re there just to dote on you
If it’s not, then he’ll create some sort of signal that he always sends your way when you’re there
He doesn’t always like when you come to watch him practice because he doesn’t want to feel like he’s just making you wait around for him to finish
But you honestly love coming in to his his face when he realizes you’re there
He usually forgets that he’s all sweaty and will run up to hug you and attack your face with little kisses 
Because he’s honestly just always so happy to see you!!!!!
You’re his whole world for crying out loud
Jun is super duper energetic so he’s always at 100%
He’s down for anything at any time
He manages to be respectful of the times when you just want to sit at home and not do anything 
Because he knows not everyone feels like running around all the time
Occasionally, though 
When you’re having a night in
He’ll lay his chin on your chest and just 
Stare at you 
With giant puppy dog eyes
“What Jun?”
“Let’s do something fun!”
“We were running around all day! How could you still have any energy left?”
“Please baby?”
If you think you can say no to him
Jokes on you
You’re definitely going out again lol
But it’s because you’d do anything to keep him happy 
And he’s going to do the same for you
No moment with Jun is boring 
Every moment is filled with love
So maybe your original fantasies of meeting your soulmate didn’t come true
 But you could not be happier than being with the boy you met by accidentally smacking his face 
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dazaisfavoritewife · 3 years
Bnha as siblings
They figure out your crush pt.2
Heyooo so uhm, same deal againnn homophobia is being blocked✨
Ochaco Uraraka sister
“Deku?” You whispered, causing him to jump out of his skin. “You scared me Uraraka-San..” he mumbled, trying to calm his racing heart. “Sorry.. I just need to talk to you.” You said, rubbing the back of your head. “What’s up?” He asked, coming completely around the corner. “I came to ask some questions about Todoroki-kun.” You said, crossing your arms and flushing slightly. “Okay.. What do you want to know?” He asked, as you leaned on the wall. “What’s his favorite place to go..? Y’know, for soba..? Cold..?” You asked, fidgeting slightly. “I don’t really think he cares, he just likes Soba in general.” He replied, then began rambling. “Midoriya, Iida is still waiting for us to meet him for- oh, hello Uraraka.” He said, smiling slightly at you. You blushed, hiding your face. “Hi Todoroki! Bye Todoroki!” You said, leaving quickly. Todoroki frowned. “Does she not like me..?” He muttered to Deku, looking quite disheartened. Deku looked like he just found out the meaning of life, nodding. “Oh..” Todoroki whispered, making Midoriya start to panic. “No! That’s not what I mean, I just- uh- no, she likes you!” He sputtered, waving his arms around.
“Jeez, I messed up..” you whispered to yourself, walking up to Ochaco. “Hey Y/n! What’s wrong..?” She asked, noticing how flustered you looked. “I’m just gonna tell it to ya straight.. I like Todoroki..” you said, crossing your arms. “I know.” She said, walking with you out of the gate. “You made it pretty obvious.” She said, causing you to nod. “You’re pretty obvious about liking Deku.” You said, uncrossing your arms. “I-I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about..” she stuttered, flushing. “Yeah, everyone knows, even Eri knows, Deku’s oblivious.” You said, smiling slightly.
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Mina Ashido brother
“Ice cream!” “Ice cream!” You and your sister chanted, following Bakugou around the dorm. “OH MY GOD SHUT UP!” Bakugou yelled, creating explosions in his hands and turning around to glare at you two. Glancing at each other, you both deadpanned. “No” You said at the same time. “NO!? THE HELL YOU MEAN NO!!” He yelled, before Jirou and Uraraka walked into the room. “The class wanted to know if you guys wanted to play truth or dare with us!” Uraraka excitedly cheered, causing Mina to gasp, clapping her hands and grabbing Jirou and Uraraka’s. “Why didn’t you tell me in the first place!” She whined, their voices fading as they walked away. “So uhm..” you mumbled, shuffling nervously. “You wanna play?” You asked, turning towards him. He shrugged, dragging you by your collar towards the common room. “I’ll take that as a yes-!” You got cut off by him jerking your collar, causing you to whine slightly.
After a few lame truths and dares, it was your turn. “Y/n! Truth or dare?” Mina asked, which made you smirk and sigh in relief. “Finally! Alright, dare!” You said, excitement beyond belief from the boring dares everyone else had to do. “I dare you to…” she started, pausing to think. “Kiss your crush!” She finished, pointing at you. “What are we in, kindergarten?!” Bakugou shouted, growing a tick mark. You shrugged. “Dare’s a dare” you said, tugging Bakugou into a kiss. Everyone gasped, as you felt Bakugou’s racing heart under your hand. You pulled away, panting slightly. “God damn!” Mina exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. “Who would’ve thot!!” She exclaimed again, the rest of the class looking just as shocked. You sat back down, as Bakugou looked awestruck. “Is it m-“ Bakugou snatched you into another kiss, looking slightly irritated. The kiss was hungry, like this wasn’t a ‘game’ anymore. “You can’t just slip that past me, dumbass..” he growled, as you chuckled nervously. “I’m in danger!” You said, Bakugou swinging you over his shoulder. “Get it bro! Use protection!” Your sister said, waving, as did everyone else while laughing hysterically.
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Tsuyu Asui sister
“Tsu!” You exclaimed, opening your bedroom door. She’d just come home from the training camp, and you, along with your brother and sister, were ecstatic. “C’mon Satsuki, you’re too slow..!” You complained, dragging both of them with you. She whined, going faster than before. You dragged them down the stairs and to the living room where your dad was prodding at her, mostly on why she was hurt. You all ambushed her with hugs, saying how much you missed her. “I missed you too! Kero” she snickered, smiling brightly. (She already knows your crush so have this🐥)
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Kyoka Jirou brother
You were taking a walk while listening to the after school E.P, currently on test me…
👀 anyways, you weren’t paying attention since you were too into humming the tune instead of what the goal at hand was, which was keeping your feet moving in a safe manner and avoiding obstacles. “So I beg to be tested by goddesses resting their heads upon pillows..” you quietly sang, bobbing your head slightly. “Of all they have learned ‘Cause I’m mortal..” you finished, a skip in your step. “I like that song..” you heard faintly, before jolting, turning around to deck them square in the face. “Oh! Shit- sorry Midoriya..!” You exclaimed, as he held his nose. “It’s okay..” he hissed, you taking his hand away, causing him to flinch. “Sorry.. Sorry..” you repeated, wiping his nose on your sleeve. He chuckled nervously. “It’s fine, I shouldn’t have spoken so randomly.” He said, grinning at you. “You’re right.. I should’ve went for the pepper spray.” You mumbled, nodding. “P-pepper spray..?” He stuttered, as you shrugged. “Dad wants me to be protected since he says there weirdos out here, also the attacks on 1-A.” You explained, opening your bag with all of your protective gear. “I see…” he mumbled, jumping when you abruptly slammed it shut. “Can I buy you some Katsudon? Courtesy for fuckin up your nose.” You offered, already beginning to walk again. “I-I can’t let you pay-“ He started, before you cut him off. “I said I would, so I am. You said, as he sighed, walking behind you.
“You owe me” Denki whispered. Jirou scoffed, handing him 2,213 Yen(basically 20 dollars). “Thank youuu..” he muttered, smirking triumphantly. “Just c’mon, we gotta keep up if we’re gonna spy” Kyoka said, sneaking behind you two.
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Momo Yaoyorozu brother
Katsuki Bakugou🕺 gotta love this man bro, he already knew your sexuality cause he’s gay asf, so, gay + gay = you’re dating bae😚 Mk , you aren’t necessarily dating.. But you love each other, and the girls know it so.. Yeah. That.
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Nemuri Kayama brother
“Hey! Kayama!” Akari called, grabbing your hand. “What’s up, Tsukumo-senpai?” You asked, turning around to greet him. “Meet my friend, Asui Samidare.” He introduced, gesturing to a shy boy with dark green hair. “Hi Asui-San! It’s nice to meet you, I’m Y/N Kayama.” You said, reaching your hand out for a handshake. He shook your hand. “Nice to meet you too.. Kero” he mumbled, causing you to smile at him reassuringly. “Are you the nice girl’s little brother?” You asked, beginning to walk. “Tsu?” He asked, glancing at you. “Yeah-huh. She’s my sisters student.” You replied, nodding. You guys began talking about kindergarten ‘drama’. After a few minutes, the bell rang, which startled you slightly. You giggled, getting up, and walking back to your classrooms to get ready to go home. “Hey, Kayama, my dad wanted me to ask if I can come over after school.” Akari said, walking over to you. You flushed, hiding your face in your backpack, grabbing your stuffy. “I-I don’t think Nemuri would m-mind..” you stuttered, as he smiled brightly at you. “Thanks, Y/n! I think I should still ask your sister though.” He said, grabbing his own backpack. “C’mon Asui-San, let’s go..” you muttered, walking out the door behind Akari. Once you got outside, Asui and his sisters immediately advanced towards their older sister who was waiting outside of the school. He waved at you two, before disappearing behind the corner. “Y/n!” Your sister called, and beckoned you over. You grabbed Akari’s hand, walking towards your sister. “Nemuri-nee, Akari’s dad was wondering if he could come home with me after school.” You said, grabbing her hand. “I don’t mind, ‘long as he doesn’t make a mess.” She said, shrugging. “I told you” you said, as he stuck his tongue out at you. You returned the gesture, your sister snickering, as you finally got to the car.
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Himiko Toga brother
“Himikooo~! Let’s go get you some more blood!” You cheered, as she popped from behind the wall. “God damn it.. Two crazies today of all days..?” Dabi groaned, gulping down his whiskey. “Sorry honey, you’re gonna have to sit this one out.” You said, sitting on the counter next to him. “Can I have a hug?” You asked, as he sighed. He opened his arms, you going in for the hug. You stuck your needle in his arm to take some blood. “God dammit!” He hissed, as you began laughing hysterically along with your sister. “I still love you!” You exclaimed, rushing out the door with your sister. (These are kinda shorter since they already know your crush soo..)
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Rumi Usagiyama brother
“Rumi-nee?” You called, creaking the door open slightly. “Hm?” She hummed, peaking out of her closet. “Wait what are you doing?” You asked, running towards her. “Hey! No running in the house, you know the rules..” she said, fading as she went back into her closet. “I’m taking the stuff I think my girlfriend would like.” She said, throwing a few shirts and dresses on the bed. “Can I help?” You asked, jumping onto her bed.. Quite literally. “Sure. What do you think would look better on me?” She asked, sitting next to you. “I don’t know, you’re always pretty.” “Awww~ cotton tail!” “Except for when you’re waking up in the morning. You’re scary” you mumbled, as she deadpanned. “Just.. Tell me what I should wear..” she grumbled, walking to the bathroom. You dug through the things she threw on the bed, and found a white dress. “I found it Rumi!” You exclaimed, running into the bathroom. “Ooo that’s nice, cotton tail!” She complimented, taking the dress and hanging it up on the door. “Full makeup or no?” She asked, obviously grabbing mascara. “Nuh uh, you’re already pretty.” You said, jumping onto the counter and swinging your legs. “Thanks buddy.. Alright, hair straight or curled?” She asked, grabbing a curling iron. You shook your head, and she nodded, taking a quick shower and doing her makeup. “Oki doki, hawks is gonna be here soon, so behave, Kay?” She said, finishing her lipstick. You nodded, hopping off the counter, and heading to your room. “Hey, fancy pants! Get all spruced up for me?” You heard hawks faintly down the hall. “AH SHIT- why didn’t you just knock on the door!” She asked, as you heard hawks hiss, whimpering slightly. “Owww ow ow..” he whined, as you heard them walking closer to your room. “Y/n is in there, sorry for punching you..” she muttered. “It’s okay, I should’ve knocked..” he mumbled, sounding slightly nasally. You assumed she was pinching his nose like when you got nose bleeds. You silently hopped off the bed, opening your door. “Are you okay?” You asked, hawks screeching slightly as some feathers flew off. “He’s okay, Y/n. He’s just got a nose bleed” she said, going into the bathroom to get some toilet paper. “Pinch your nose until it stops bleeding, now I gotta go, bye, love you!” She rushed, grabbing a jacket and her keys. “Bye, love you!” You yelled back, rushing down the stairs to give her a quick hug. “Bye Hawks!” She said, closing the door. You stared at it for a while, before hopping onto the couch. “Excuse me, do you want to watch My Little Pony with me? You asked, as hawks came down the stares. He nodded, you clicking on YouTube. He tilted his head since he knew you had Netflix, but shrugged, sitting down next to you. “Can you type in pinkie pie cupcakes?” You asked, smiling innocently at him. He nodded, grinning at you, before grabbing the remote and typing it in. You clicked the first video you saw, waiting for it to start. “Why does it sound so ominous..?” He asked, looking slightly unnerved. “Don’t worry, it’s funny.” You said, smiling reassuringly at him.
“Hey Cottontail! How was your day?” Rumi asked, walking through the door, to you playing with pinkie pie. “It was good! Hawks watched My Little Pony with me.” You said, as Hawks peaked from upstairs. “Thank GOD you’re home! This kid is terrifying..!” He cried, trying to avoid you in every way possible. “Uh- I didn’t pay you yet..?” “I don’t care! Bye!!” He yelled, slamming the door. “What happened?” She asked, turning to you. You shrugged, picking up your rainbow dash pony up the stairs. “Hawks got scared of the dragon I think.” You lied, throwing rainbow dash down the stairs. She shrugged, going to sit on the stairs with you. “I like Hawks, he’s cool.” You said, flushing slightly. “Gosh darn it.. Are you adding to your husband’s list..?” She whined, sighing soon after, and kicking off her heels. She groaned in relief. “Jesus those things are death traps..!” She complained, as you shrugged. “I like playing with heels.” You said, getting up to put your toys away. “Well, be careful next time you do, they’re slippery sometimes.” She said, getting up and grabbing her heels, taking them to her room and kicking the door closed.
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Nejire Hado brother
I mean.. You said who you liked when you came out so.. Don’t know what to do🤷🏾‍♀️
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Emi Fukukado brother
“I mean.. Why Erasure? He’s mine!” Emi whined, hanging upside down off the bed. “Because he has a fat ass.” You shrugged, flicking her feet off the bed. “That’s true.. But that hurt!” She whined, rubbing her head. “Get out of my room, Emi” you scoffed, as she shot up. “I don’t wannaaa! I’m not done ranting!” She whined, jumping back on your bed. “Go rant over text..” you mumbled. “But you’re my only brother! And aren’t you supposed to be doing homework anyways?” She accused, leaning on her hand. “Y’know, from a teacher’s standpoint, homework is honestly pointless.” She shrugged, as you nodded. “Right, we already did it at school, lay us some slack..” you mumbled, her finally standing up fully. “Alrighty, I’m off to rant over text as you told me. See ya!” She exclaimed, slamming your door. You shrugged, laying back down to text Shindo.
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hp-imagines-07 · 4 years
I can't believe I did it again
Sirius Black X Fem!Reader
Universe: Harry Potter; Marauders era
Type: fluffy, sad and angst
Summary: [y/n] is in love with Sirius and just her best friend, Remus, knows. Until, the day that they saw Sirius kissing another girl...
Request: YES|no - "Hi! Can i have an imagine with sirius black with 14,22,43,36? Thanks bb" @kerouacbridge
14- "Why are you awake ?" "I could ask you the same." 
22- "It's nothing, I swear." "Yeah. sure, you're just bleeding to death." 
36- "It's cold here..." "Come here, I'll keep you warm." 
Warnings: swearing
Song: xxx
Word Count: 1.8K
Posted: 22nd of April 2020
A/N: that's my first time doing a request with prompts, i really hope you like it - and [y/h] means 'your house' 
My Others Accounts: @imagines-07​ (Principal Account) | @stit-imagines-07​ (Stranger Things & IT) | @obx-imagines-07 (Outer Banks) | @cm-imagines-07​ (Criminal Minds) | @mcu-imagines-07 (Marvel Comics Universe)
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Sirius Black...
Well he's a hell of a guy.
The one that all the girls want, the only bad boy at Hogwarts that is really worthy and the best friend of my best friend.
My best friend is Remus Lupin, one of the Marauders, just as Sirius Black, the boy I fell over heals for.
It's not easy being around him so frequently and try to hide my feelings, but looks like I'm not good at this hole thing of hiding feelings.
Moony already knows that, right now and it's been getting harder, because he keeps saying that I should tell for Sirius about my real feelings.
But I always say that I can't, 'cause he's never going to like me back, that's obvious.
But Remus just saw that, when me, James and him saw Black almost fucking a girl in the middle of a corridor.
I could fell the hot tears starting to come, but I couldn't let anyone else know about my secret love for Sirius, so I tried my best to hold my tears back and gave an excuse to the boys, running to my dorm, where I could cry until I didn't had any more tears.
That was the plain, until Lily, Marlene and Alice saw me running, and there wasn't a worse moment to let one single tear to fall.
So they stoped me and, as the girls asked what was wrong and started walking with me to the common room, everything that I did to hold back my tears was totally on the past.
The first tear came and, before I even knew, we were at their dorm, me crying my ass off and the girls trying to understand what I was saying.
"Wait, so you are telling us that you are in love with Sirius and you found him almost fucking a girl at a corridor?" Marlene asked, finally understanding what I was trying to say for the past 20 minutes.
"Oh merlin..." Alice said and hugged me.
Lily sat at the other side of me and dried the tears from my cheeks with her thumbs.
"Girls, did you saw----" Remus said opening the door and seeing us four at Lily's bed, the girls hugging me and my face all red.
He came to us, toke Marlene out of his way and grabbed my hands, pulling me to my best friend's embrace.
He hugged me tight and my sobs come back.
He knew the reason that I was like that, and that's what broke his heart with mine.
Both of us knew that he couldn't do anything to change Sirius feelings about me.
Neither I could.
When I calmed down, I took a bath at the girls dorm and waited until there wasn't anyone - that would stop me and ask why I was crying earlier - at the common room so I could go to my dorm.
The girls were already sleeping when I went downstairs, seeing the Gryffindor common room without a single person.
Thank god.
I sat at the couch in front of the fireplace and tried to organize myself before I would go to my common room.
I know that will be a few people there, probably talking about the match against Gryffindor, they probably are players of the team and, for my lucky, they would be a few of my friends.
Yeah, I'm a lucky girl.
But then, all my thoughts stoped as I heard the last voice that I was expecting and the last that i wanted to hear right now.
"Why are you awake?" Sirius asked to me, coming to where I was.
"I could ask you the same." I had to answer it, I didn't wanted to actually tell him the reason.
"You caught me..." He chucked and sat next to me at the couch, while I kept looking at the fire without a single expression, so he couldn't try to read what I was feeling.
We both sat in silence. 
That wasn't weird, after a moment I could just hear his breath.
*Flashback - Sirius' POV*
I got to my dorm and saw just James and Peter, where is Moony ?
"If you are asking yourself where Moony is..." Wormtail said and caught my attention. Did he just read my mind????? "He heard that [y/n] was crying and went to the girls dorm, because she's probably there." 
"But why was she crying?" I asked and sat beside Prongs at his bed. 
"We don't know..." He answered me, but it was obvious that James was lying. He knew why [y/n] was crying but he didn't wanted to tell me.
Even before I could open my mouth and complain about my brother lying to me, Remus opened the door and everyone looked at him.
"Bro, you're good?" I asked and he looked at me, then I saw his wet shirt - probably by [y/n] tears - and his angry face at me.
Maybe I should run... 
"YOU! YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Moony screamed and pointed at me, coming in my direction.
Ok, I'm a dead man.
James and Peter held him to come any more closer to me, while I got out of the bed I was sat.
"Woah, I know that my mom is a bitch but, what did I did?" I asked confused.
"YOU REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU DID?" He asked/screamed and I was still confused about the situation. "SHE WAS CRYING BECAUSE OF YOU!"
*Back to common room - [y/n]'s POV*
I think that already passed 20 minutes, maybe?
That moment I thought that I wouldn't die if I just gave a little look at him, and before I could stop myself I was looking at Sirius.
But he was already looking at me, and I kinda got scared so I just looked away, my cheeks becoming the same color as my eyes were.
"Well, I don't know how to tell you that..." The boy beside me says and caught my attention. "But I think that you should know that, that the girl you saw with me, she was just a distraction. I was trying to forget you..." 
Wait... What is he talking about?
"Look, I know that it might sound kinda crazy, but I've been in love with you since last year." 
W H A T     T H E     F U C K ?????????????
"You should stop screaming, someone would think that I'm killing you!" 
Did I just said that out loud? 
"Yeah, you did." 
Sirius started laughing at my scared face but then stoped when he felt my breath hitting his face.
"When did we get so close?" I whispered, with our noses touching and my lips too closer to his.
"I don't know, but I'm liking it." He smirked at me and I just couldn't control myself anymore.
I pressed my lips against his and he took like 3 seconds to hold my waist and try to bring me the closest we could.
A few seconds after, he tried to deepen the kiss but I pulled away, still trying to process everything that happened on the last minutes.
"Just let me understand what happened." Sirius started and hugged my waist with both of his arms. "Does that kiss means that you fell the same about me or..." 
"Are you actually asking me this? Like, a few hours ago I was crying because I saw you kissing a girl that wasn't me. You know the answer." I said and he smiled, with his perfect teeth.
"Thank you." 
I can't believe I just did it again... 
"Don't worry, I wont tell anyone that you think about something but you accidentally say it out loud." I smiled as an answer to him. "Will be our little secret." 
The next day...
I was at the match, cheering for the team that made the points.
I wasn't really hopping that an exclusive team to won.
One of them is my own house and the other one is the house from my best friends.
I'm gonna win at both ways.
But I just stop caring about the team that would win when I saw, actually pretty close, one of the players from [y/h] pass next to Sirius, but I couldn't see what happened, all I saw was blood coming out of Black's body.
I ran down the stand to the pitch, founding Prongs helping Padfoot to get out of his broom. I went to where they were and helped Sirius too.
"Guys, chill." Black said to us, while me and James grabbed his arms around our shoulders and helped him to get out of the pitch. "It's nothing, I swear."
"Yeah, sure, you're just bleeding to death!" I answered him and he tried to laugh, but the pain stopped him.
I don't know if the game stoped or if they went on without Potter and Black, all I cared was about was Sirius.
We took him to the hospital wing and Madam Pomfrey took care of him.
James and Remus were talking - more arguing - about who would stay with him at night, while I looked at Sirius sleepy face.
He's so cute sleeping. 
"[y/n/n]." The boys called me together and I went to the bed they were talking, looking at them.
"You said you could stay with him, right ?" James asked and I nodded, remembering the moment they first started talking about it.
"So, the problem is that we all have the same classes as him tomorrow and we should note the stuff to him..." Moony started but before he could finish, I stoped him.
"Don't worry about it, I can sleep here with him." I said to them and the boys thanked me, already going to their dorms, but bringing a pillow and a blanked for me.
I adjusted myself at the armchair beside his bed and after a minute, I was already sleeping.
It was a long day.
At 3 AM...
"[y/n/n] ?" I woke up with Sirius voice.
"Yeah, Padfoot. Do you need something?" I asked getting up and going to his bed, looking at him.
"No, I just wanted to make sure you were here with me." Black said and I smiled at him.
"And now that you know that, I'll be back to my sleep." I got back at the uncomfortable armchair.
But that night was just so cold, just the blanket the boys gave me wasn't enough...
"It's cold here..." I whispered, thinking that he wouldn't listen to me, but he did.
"Come here, I'll keep you warm." Sirius suggested and I thanked god it was dark so he couldn't see my cheeks getting red as Lily's hair.
"No, your healing. I don't wanna hurt you." 
"But you will hurt me if you don't come here." He used that little voice of him, that I just couldn't say no.
And why am I trying to pretend that I don't want it?
So I just got out of the armchair and Sirius opened space for me at the bed.
As I lied at the bed, Sirius wrapped his arms at my waist and I, trying to not hurt him, putted my head at his chest.
And it actually worked, he's so warm.
"I know."
I can't believe I did it again.
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
"My name is Jessica Riggs...": New chapter for "Always for the greater cause..." is out!
Chapter Summary: Having managed to find her way back to the Perseus safehouse in East Berlin, Jess is searching for her answers through Bellamy, going to torture him as Park, Lucas & Wade are rushing to save her from the unthinkable...
To read it on AO3, click here!
Taglist: @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart
12th March 1981, 21h10
Jessica "Jess" Riggs, MI6
Perseus safehouse 'D8' in East-Berlin, East Germany
All of my strength now...all of my might...was to get my answers...the answers that I wanted to know...why me?... Why did they do this to me?... Brainwashing someone like me to...to do their fucking dirty work as terrorists, making me believe that I was "Fighting for a greater Russia" but all of this was complete bullshit with the result of getting my brain fucked up by them...now getting fixed...and the only way to fix it...is to kill them all...those who decided to manipulate me...Bellamy Petrov...Stitch...Wraith...they need to die...that voice is telling me this...and the former is starting my list...
I had to drag him all along that place on the ground, holding him by the collar, and even if he was looking strong...he wasn't trying to struggle with me and I was able to get him down in that basement, remembering what they did to that poor person back in what I could remember...torturing them for what?...pleasure? What I will do will not please him but I'm doing this to give a taste of his own medicine...and when I entered that basement, a big window was separating the little hallway I was from that room, a single chair in the middle of it with some tools on a table near it...the place he will be...
I entered that room, keeping to drag Bellamy with my hands until I installed him on the chair, grabbing quickly a piece of ropes that were on the table to start attaching on him, and to start, I made sure that the ropes were holding him enough to hurt him at any attempts of struggling with those, enough to maybe make him bleed if his attempts are getting strong & frequent...
"Come on...you're crazy...Bell!" He protested as I was finishing to get him comfy on that chair, attaching the ropes at his left knee.
"I'm not Bell, asshole!" I told him in a muffled voice, keeping my eyes on what I was doing as he was only starting to move his only remaining knee...too late as it was already attached to one of the pillars "I think you know that well, right?" I said, making the final knot of that rope.
"How else I can name you?" He asked me.
"I thought you fuckers from Perseus knew," I thought, going up back on my feet to take a quick look at what was on the table...a wrench...a knife...and on me, the gun I stoled from Sims...enough for me.
"As if Stitch wanted to share," He scoffed, sounding funny even in that type of situation. "So...Bell, what's your little name?" He demanded in a sarcastic voice, looking at me with his messy and half-bloodied face because of his nose...a smile at me that disappeared when I decided to grab the wrench, holding it in my hands.
"Jessica Riggs," I replied to him, my accent getting suddenly stronger in my voice as I was holding the wrench with my right hand, just next to his kneecaps...
"Oh... a damn Aussie, then," He mumbled before, with the wrench, I struck him right into his left kneecap, so hard that the sound of a bone got heard in the room...along with a scream from his mouth.
"You know what that damn Aussie can do?" I shouted at him.
"FUCK!" He yelled in pain, trying to catch back his breath as he looks over his kneecaps, seeing a forming pool of blood under his pants. "For fuck sake...you're fucking crazy!" He protested under the pain.
"And I'm just getting started!" I taunted him, showing to his face, the wrench I was having in my hand, to make him know that I wasn't done yet...it was only the beginning of the horror for him. "You'll give me my answers...everything." I declared to him, moving my left hand on his jaw, feeling his blood on that hand. "Understood?" He slightly nodded, removing my hand from his face.
"What...what do you want?" He demanded in a low voice, sounding to get calmer and no longer in a funny mood.
"First...why...why did I get brainwashed?" I started with it, hoping for me and for him to talk, not wanting to talk to a wreck...
"Well...you need...to....you need to that I wasn't for it at first," He exclaimed, looking down at his feet and hands in a sort of thinking. "Stitch said that...he found you in a shitty place in Turkey...brought you and...you didn't crack...yeah...you didn't crack..."
"How's that?" I asked.
"He realized...that you know a lot by what he was saying...wanted to make you talk but you never open your damn mouth...every interrogation method...failed," He revealed...giving more of what Perseus did to me...torture me enough until that fucked up decision..."It was then that...Wraith...Aldrich came up with that idea..."
"To brainwash an Australian?" I guessed and he nodded again, grudging a little because of the pain....that will surely continue...when I strike him again in the same kneecap, a part of that pants opening up to reveal the messed up wound on it. "Right?" I added, keeping for a few seconds, the wrench on the wound.
"Yes...yes..." He breathed loudly, trying to catch up his breath and forgetting his pain. "Aldrich...came up with stolen MK-Ultra files...Stitch agreed and then...they start to do this...giving you a new identity...a new life..." He continued, finally getting some courage to look at me in the eyes, full of fury in mine. "Listen...I told you...I wasn't in it!"
"You played along...you played the long-time best friend...made me believe that I was in Rebirth Island," I told him, remembering in my head...that day...a day I never lived...feeling real & unreal at the same time...
"They need to die!"
"I never went to Rebirth Island too," He declared in one instant after I shake my head for a bit. "Had to play that act too, Stitch's orders,"
"You're going to make me believe that?" I questioned him, moving the wrench right above the other kneecap, ready to be destroyed.
"I swear it," He assured, shaking his head at the sight of the wrench, looking in fear at it. "It wasn't me...but Sonya...Sonya Kuzmin...Stitch's sibling..." He revealed to me in fear again, sounding to plead that to not blow up his remaining kneecap.
"Tell me more or...." I warned him, reinforcing my hold around the wrench to go harder in case I want to explode his kneecap...I should do it...for everything he & the others did...
"They supervised your brainwashing with...Naga...those two damn assholes," He growled at saying this and under my rage...I went on and blow up his remaining kneecap in a fir of anger...for what he did and he screamed out again after the three strong strikes I did on him. "FUCK...YOU FUCKING FUCK!"
"YOU THOUGHT THAT I WAS GOING TO LET YOU LIKE THIS?" I shouted at him back, enraged at him...something that I should be now with him...brutal & with no mercy..."You tortured me with Perseus...your father...it's my turn to do it!" I told him straight.
"I didn't torture you!" He protested, starting his first struggles against those ropes, mainly his hands. "Stitch & Wraith did!"
"And you watched!" I said, adding another hit against him and another scream out of his mouth.
"Okay...I lied...I tortured you...and I liked it!" He told me proudly with a sudden smile...trying to be looking tough with me again...motherfucker..."Knight also did this...until you put a bullet in his head back in Ukraine," He added to me...lying because...I remember...Wraith did this...
"I didn't do it...Wraith did," I defended myself, keeping an angry voice.
"Whatever, he's dead now," He sighed, his nose continuing to bleed going down on his face. "All of this fucking mess for believing that fucker...Stitch..." He mumbled.
"Why...got seconds thoughts?" I asked him but he shook his head.
"I'm not going to let my father's ideals down...but I'll never go down for someone like Stitch," He declared, very sure of himself on it. "That one-eyed guy killed my father...put it like a heart attack..." He revealed and heard this...that day back in the US...learning of Perseus death...I remember now.
"He killed him?" I repeated in a low voice.
"Yeah...I was listening to a recording of that day...until you decided to show up..." He announced, making me look away from him, towards the door, visualizing Bellamy on his chair above us...headset on his head..."Stitch became the new Perseus, getting rid of the loose ends for his own goals," He said.
"Perseus isn't a person?" I demanded at this...hearing him pronounce that name like a title to give.
"Never was...an idea...too dumb to understand, right?" He chuckled as I went to look back at him, a grin forming on his lips and he made me put down the wrench...to grab that knife on the table.
"You want me to continue?" I asked him, the knife's blade looking sharp...and deadly to use...enough to make him bleed. "Why did Stitch kill your father?"
"He...my father...he was getting enough of spending resources of tracking down Russell Adler and...shit...my father was announcing that he was going to make me the new Perseus leader...Stitch didn't take it very well," He explained, taking sometimes a few seconds to take a breath, looking exhausted at first sight. "Stitch isn't finished yet...he arrested Knight girlfriend...Kitsune...and executed her in a gruesome way...cutting her head off and sending it to the CIA...killed Jackal by gassing him with Nova-6 along with some of his supporters...Wraith...fuck...that bitch will be spared, she's seeing him as a fucking hero..." He told me everything...showing me that Stitch was way worse than I thought. "Only me...Naga & Sonya are living now...not for long..."
"So...he's killing everyone not agreeing to his plans...that isn't changing my plans," I made myself clear as I moved the knife that I took in my left hand next to his face, showing him that even if he was talking...I wasn't going to let him go freely without having to feel what I felt under their watch...
"Continue to talk...I want my answers!"
12th March 1981, at the same time
Lucas Riggs, Vanguard, SOTF 003 "Barbarians"
In a car in West-Berlin near the wall.
My daughter was in danger, going alone after escaping that place to a Perseus safehouse...alone...she was going to get herself killed and that was something that me, Helen & Wade wasn't going to let happen...not on our watch. Directly after learning this from Sims, we quickly went into the first car outside of the place and drove off in a faster mood, Helen driving the car in the streets very fast as I was sit on the passenger seat next to her, Wade installed behind me...
"How long until we got at this place?" Wade asked behind us, holding himself to the door because of the speed of the car.
"10 minutes...more if the guards at the wall are dumbasses," I replied to him, giving a estimated time we could get here...randomly, I just want to get to that place before Jess could do...or killing those who harmed her.
"It will be short...I don't intend to stop myself and wait to pass!" Helen assured us, keeping her eyes on the road as she was getting our car to zigzag in the streets to avoid the other cars.
"Will it not create a international incident?" Wade demanded.
"Wade, that's not the time to think about that, my daughter is in danger!" I told him straight, impossible for me think about something else but to save Jessica very fast. "That's not something I want to happen but in that case, I'm willing to do anything to save Jessica," I added at him, giving him a quick look.
"Yeah, you're right, bud, sorry," He apologized quickly, still keeping his hands on the door to stay steady. "What was...shit...what was written in that file, miss?" He questioned at his best at Helen, focused on driving us in the east part of Berlin without getting us killed.
"Bad things!" She responded to him instantly, making a steer turn to our left to avoid a bus, almost making our car drift before she manage to get our car well back. "Perseus brainwashed Jess a month ago, she didn't talk through every means of interrogation...what they did...was their only way to get something," She revealed at the best she can.
"Anything else?" I spoke up, wondering what was in that file we never got to check.
"Yes...it was told about those having done this to her...Stitch...Wraith...Aldrich...Bellamy Petrov," She recited as she gave a quick look at the rear mirror at the sounds of sirens behind us. "Shit...we will lose them soon," She told us at the sight of the two police cars that were tailing us. "They used Jess for their dirty work...and if she went at this safehouse....that means that she knows..."*
"That she knows?" I repeated.
"Maybe that...maybe that she regained her memories today and went on a personal vendetta but...bloody hell...she's going to get herself killed," She theorized and to me, it was close to be a good thoery...Jessica couldn't go to a Perseus safehouse if her memories weren't back but now...why would she go over there. "Okay, hang on...the wall is at 200 meters now!" She announced as from afar, I could see a checkpoint with a pile of car at our side of the road, going to enter East-Berlin.
I went to put my hands on the door too like Wade, knowing that Helen wasn't going to stop with the police cars behind us...and the fact that Jessica was in danger. At 100 meters from the checkpoint, she moved to get on the empty other side of the road, letting us a space to drive towards the wall and then, I took a deep breath when the car got close of the checkpoint, almost hitting the barrier that were closing down, quickly seeing between the two walls...the No Man's Land before Helen hit the barrier on the east side with the car, engaging ourselves into East-Berlin as I could hear some gunshots at us...nothing hitting us.
"That's one thing less now," Helen breathed, keeping to drive fast as she could away from the Wall, now knowing that the hard part has to be done...
"Let's hope we will not arrive too late!"
10 minutes later
Jessica "Jess" Riggs, MI6
"AAAAHHHH!" Bellamy's screams became something I was liking to hear since I started that torture against him...actually making another cut on his face with the knife...he did speak a lot about Perseus motives around the world but that doesn't mean that he was going to stay unharmed. "You fucking bitch!" He shouted, seeing him taking a step back, looking over the bloodied knife. "I'm telling you what you want, why are fucking torturing me?"
"Because I want you to feel what I felt!" I replied directly without any shame at his words, seeing him with his bruised face, multiples cuts on it too as his kneecaps wounds were in bad shape, more blood going out of them. "You tortured me and you liked it...I torture you...and I'm liking it!"
"You maniac," He proclaimed, trying to struggle again with his links, hurting himself as blood was getting on the ropes too. "You're damn worse than us,"
"To the point that brainwashing me isn't something human as you think?" I asked him, putting my boths hands on his arms, holding them firmly. "What you & your friends did will never got out of my head...but you're seeing that I can be very...dangerous," I declared.
"Was it...something you did?" He demanded at me.
"I don't know...you stole memories from me," I responded, knowing what they did to me but...what I lived before all of this...was still unknow to me...All because of Perseus.
"Bellamy Petrov...Stitch...Wraith..."
"They need to die!"
"Damn it, you bitch, you're fucking heartless!" He insulted me, another of his remarks that were making me wound him but this time, I didn't fall into it, wanting to have him talk more. "You're torturing me even if I'm telling you everything,"
"What you did," I muttered in a low voice.
"What?" He asked, not having heard me.
"You don't remember?" I said, moving my knife again on his face and starting to create a knife cut below his left eye. "You killed your own sister!" I almost shouted at this while I was making that cut, getting myself heard against his yelling because of me. "In cold blood...you shot her like this!"
"I didn't do it!" He protested between a scream before he yelled again after his words made me continue to cut him. "I swear I didn't do it, I'll never hurt my Liliya!" He defended himself as I stop what I did...however still unconvinced.
"I saw you...a gun in hand...looking at her and her friend's corpse...like nothing!" I reminded him, seeing in my head that scene again...remembering it well now...two bodies on the ground...two pools of blood...Liliya...Katinka if I remember...dead...him, doing nothing to save his sister.
"They need to die!"
"It was Wraith who did this, I swear!" He continued in his lies, denying to have shot those bullets and to this, I went to give him a punch on his face, the first one...the only one.
"I don't believe you!" I told him, putting down the knife on the table.
"They need to die!"
"Aaah..." I suddenly growled on my side, starting to hear that voice again...in my head...putting my left hand on the side of it after I got the knife down...
"What do you have, Bell? Something's wrong?" Bellamy asked with sarcasm.
"Shut up!" I mumbled, this voice...and this order echoing in my head...they need to die...they need to die...they ALL need to die... "Where's Stitch?" I tried to ask him, keeping my hand on my head.
"As I'll tell you this," He scoffed before I could feel my right hand tremble a bit, Bellamy's eyes having saw it. "What? No longer liking it, don't you, Bell?" He continued.
"I'm not...Bell!" I told him again...making another growl that made me put my both hands on the table, trying to concentrate myself on me...to get back control...to...they need to die...
"JESS!" Suddenly, I could hear multiples knocks at the window that was on the wall next to us...impossible for me to see who was behind it...am I dreaming...maybe..."JESS, OPEN THIS DOOR!" I heard this...the door was locked...but no...
"Looks like your friends are here," Bellamy joked, seeing him briefly looking over the window. "Your fun is ending here, Bell....maybe that they will make walk away for answers!" He said to himself and at this moment, I could feel all the rage & anger inside of me growing up...my eyes filled of it at looking at Bellamy...he needs to die...they will die...for me...to what they did...
"Your evil has claimed me!" I started, moving my hands of the table and taking a deep voice...full of darkness as they were going inside of the blue jacket I wore.
"Killing me won't stop Stitch!" Bellamy thought in a mixed face.
"I DON'T CARE ABOUT STITCH!" I started to yell as my hands were reaching the gun inside my jacket...as the window on the wall was still getting knocked at...multiples times. "MY NAME...IS JESSICA...RIGGS!" I then took the pistol in my hand, aiming it at Bellamy's head...right between his eyes.
"AND I...WILL HAVE...MY...REVENGE!" I shouted again...and at this moment...the window got broken down...a gunshot was heard...and then...I found myself on the ground...two men and a woman above me...holding me...I couldn't do anything but to look at these persons were looking worried...scared at me...my friends...
My name...is Jessica...Riggs and I...will have...my revenge...
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itstittycitybaby · 4 years
Flirty (Lin Beifong x Reader) Part 3
a/n: im pumping these out so fast. after i finish an episode i have to immediately start typing or i’ll go crazy.
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“This is Azure and this is Ruby!” The two of them hopped in your palm as you held them out. “They’re prettier up close,” Opal said, grinning. Her eyes were bright today. She looked happier than last night after she ran from Lin’s room crying. You chuckled, “For the most part, until Azure pecks my face for food because he’s a dick.” Opal looked taken aback but didn’t comment on your choice of words. It was weird considering Suyin had a mouth on her when she was younger. Her and her daughter were different.
“Would you like to hold them?” She nodded. “Ruby is very shy,” you said, moving slowly with the hand Azure was on. “So she has the tendency to be more skittish and peckish. She’s sweet though, don’t worry,” you reassured Opal once you saw the nervous look on her face. “Okay,” she said softly, watching Azure stand on her palm. “He’s beautiful.” 
You chuckled, “Oh he knows. The more you feed his ego, the more he thinks he’s in charge.” Opal giggled, stroking his feathers gently. An idea popped in your head. “Hey Opal?” She perked up, “Yes?” “Could you look after Azure today? I have some work to do and he can be a real pain.” Opal smiled brightly and her eyes lit up with joy. “Are... are you sure?” “Mhm,” you replied, grinning. “Just give him back after dinner.” “Okay!” With that you bid Opal and Azure a goodbye. “Whore,” you murmured to Azure as you left, ignoring your leave because of some new attention.
Suyin was excited about your plans. Her husband looked over them and praised your new pitch for the tram station. “Hey Suyin,” you said, after her husband left. Suyin hummed while pouring the two of you wine in a couple glasses. “Mind if I ask you something?” She nodded, handing you a glass before sitting down. You sat across from her, legs clamped together nervously. You fiddled with the glass in your hand. “I’m not sure how to ask this..since I haven’t seen you in well, forever.” “Nonsense (Y/N),” Suyin waved you off, “We’re family! I’ll answer any question you have.” “Thanks,” you responded, genuinely. She’d always been so welcoming and kind. The Beifongs were the only family you had. You regretted not staying in contact with at least Su. 
“Whenever I was in the village..there was some gossip.” Suyin’s brow quirked  as she took a sip of her wine. You sighed, brows pulling together and a soft frown on your face. “I don’t really listen to shitty rumors but it’s been so long I couldn’t help but think.. was there something that happened? Between you and Lin..?”
Suyin looked surprised. She tapped her finger on the wineglass as she pondered. The ring on her finger  “Sister drama, you know how it is. Nothing happened. Lin is just so bitter and won’t let go of the past. You know that better than anyone.” You frowned at her words. Suyin wasn’t wrong but..she made Lin sound totally heartless. “I just wanted to make sure. She’s been so...angry since I’ve gotten here. I know I probably have a part in that but..I’m just..worried.”
Suyin leaned over and squeezed your hand. Her smile didn’t seem to reach her eyes. “It’s alright (Y/N). Just give her some time. I can see she cares about you. Not that she’ll admit it.” You chuckled, a grin splitting your face. “Really?” Suyin looked amused at your enthusiasm. You really were a child even from how much time passed. “I promise. Now, why don’t we catch up. I haven’t seen you in what, thirty years?” You nodded, taking a gulp of your wine. As Suyin filled you in about her life you couldn’t help but feel, that she was lying. Your instincts screamed at you that there was more going on than she led you to believe. She wasn’t telling you everything. But she had been so kind and comforting to you since you’ve got here. Surely Suyin wouldn’t lie to you. She was your friend, the one who listened to your ranting after a fight with Lin. Su let you cry on her shoulder once your parents kicked you out and offered for you to share her room. Yet, as much as you tried reassuring yourself, your gut kept screaming.
Lin touched her scar gently. The memories and the emotions she had tried so hard to repress and forget, were now bubbling back onto the surface. Toph had allowed Suyin to walk all over her. She gotta away with anything while Lin busted her ass trying to impress her mother. The price gave Lin a scar that mocked her everyday. It was disgusting to know that Suyin had been let go scotch free and still hadn’t given an apology. 
The needles had done its damn job alright. Lin was reminded of her failure of being the perfect daughter. No matter how hard she tried, Top didn’t seem to care. Was she really that unloveable? Could she even have someone want her? Lin huffed as she limped from the acupuncturist’s office to find Suyin. Her hand trembled from anger and the rocks shifted underneath her feet. It was getting bad again. Except this time she didn’t have her work or whiskey to drown herself in. Beads of sweat rolled off of her face and back. Lin ignored the acupuncturist’s qualms of resting and hurried to find Suyin. She was going to end this once and for all.
Lin dodged the metal sculpture thrown her way. It missed her, barely. Lin raised some rocks from the ground and unleashed them onto Suyin. She couldn’t help but smirk when one of them hit her. Her sister retaliated by hurling metal plates towards her. Lin dodged all of them except for the last one. The impact made her tumble. Another boulder was thrown in Lin’s direction, but she rolled fast enough. She was getting slower and more sluggish. Her head felt hazy but she brushed it off. ‘Now’s not the time.’
Getting into a fighting stance she anticipated her sister’s next move. Lin lifted another boulder. It wobbled in the air but she still flung it toward Suyin. “Getting tired,” Suyin taunted. “Barely,” Lin barked. Suyin flung her fingers and bended the metal wall around her as a shield. The boulder broke from hitting the metal as soon as her sister warped it. “I wonder Lin,” Suyin yelled, face tugging into an ugly smirk. “If this was the reason Tenzin left you. No wonder (Y/N) left to travel the world. They couldn’t handle a bitter woman like you.”
Lin’s jaw clenched in anger. Her teeth ground together and her hands trembled.  She felt hot in her chest and the blood inside of her veins prickled. Lin raised a leftover metal plane on the ground.  “That’s enough!” Lin snapped her head over to the new voice.  The metal plate clattered onto the ground. (Y/N). There was a wooden staff in your hands. You twirled it in front of you, fighting off the tiny sharp rocks Suyin hurled over. Your arms trembled, eyes hushed with angry tears. You shook with rage from the mess in front of you. Lin stiffened; for once in her life she was afraid. Afraid of what you might say or do. Lin finally had you within her fingertips. Were you going to slip away again?
“I left on my own terms,” you growled. “How dare you use that against Lin.” The staff twirled effortlessly in your fingers. Lin was frozen in her spot. All she could do was watch you and your bird flit around you. “You’re a coward Suyin,” you gritted out, “A fucking weasel. What did you do Suyin? Don’t you think you’ve done enough?! ” Korra and Bolin gawked from the sidelines, witnessing unfolding between the two of them.
Suyin’s eyes narrowed. She didn’t say anything. Su’s eyes calculated the situation. Using her sister’s fear to her advantage, she flung the metal wall hard enough that Lin was sent sprawling. “Lin,” you cried out. She flew towards the courtyard and her back hit the fountain’s stairs. Lin growled, rising up again. Her stance wobbled from the force. Little black spots formed in her vision. Shaking out of it, Lin raised her fists, preparing for the next hit. Suyin walked calmy, crossing the bridge. “Are you done,” she asked, sounding bored. “Not yet,” Lin snarled. 
You glided into the air. Your paraglider soared you towards the two of them. A group of Suyin’s people spectated the fight. The tips of your feet touched the ground beneath you. Rolling, you folded your paraglider away. You jumped on your feet and facing Lin. “Move out of the way,” she snapped at you. “No,” you replied stubbornly. Lin created metal shards with her fingers. You grabbed your staff from your back, preparing for the onslaught to come. The shards sliced the air and they raced towards you. The staff moved in a tan blur as you twirled it with rapid speed, flinging some of the sharp metal away from you. They made a thunk, as it pierced into the wood. Once the metal stopped racing towards you that’s when the adrenaline died down. Your temple seared with pain and felt warm and sticky. You hissed, fingertips touching the wound. It stung like hell. You were bleeding. Your hand flung up to your nose. It throbbed from the blood coming out of your nostrils. Lin felt her heart shatter. You looked up to her with disbelief. She didn’t mean to hurt you, she didn’t mean to-
“Look what you’ve done Lin,” Suyin taunted, raising a boulder. “All you’re good for is hurting people. Especially the ones you care about.”
Suyin flung the boulder. Ruby started fluttering her wings, her cries piercing your ears. The pain in your temple worsened more thanks to her screeching. Ruby flew away from your shoulder to safety. Turning around, you shifted yourself in front of Lin. “Move,” she shouted. You ignored her, pressing your fingers into your palm. An orange shield burst out from your palms and surrounded the two of you. Lin gasped softly. Son of a bitch actually did it. You stood in front of her determined. The orange bubble was see through like an orange stained glass window. Your stretched your hands and fingers out in front of you. As soon as the shield popped up, Suyin’s boulder hit with a sickening crack. You cried out, straining to hold it up. A searing pain erupted through you. It felt like your soul was splitting in two. “It’s hurting you,” Lin cried.
Suddenly, a flash of green jumped on the bridge between you and Suyin. Opal. Air pushed out of her hands. “Fuck,” you shouted, shield starting to crack.  “You’re both sisters,” Opal cried, “Why are you hurting each other?!” Her words fell on deaf ears. Lin was focused on how your body swayed, struggling to keep itself up. Lin yelled, “(Y/N), stop. This isn’t about you! Save yourself!” The shield shattered. Orange shards flew into the air and dissolved into nothing. You whimpered, tumbling to the ground. Lin’s heart tugged at your soft cries. Ruby flew to you immediately, shrieking. Lin hobbled over and panted. The red parakeet’s high shrieks made her ears hurt. Her vision started to fade. She felt weak. She was hopeless to do anything. Lin’s feet fell under her. She stretched her hand out, trying to reach you. You were too far. The last thing she saw was your unmoving form, curled in on itself.
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angelthebedsheet · 4 years
Can we please get a scenario where black reader is having a horrible day and she’s walking pass Karasuno volleyball team and Tsukishima say some half slick shit so black reader just turns around and starts beating his ass?
leTs Get IT YALL
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now your day was absolute SHIT
your hair wasn’t cooperating and the hairstyle you wanted to try wasnt doing right
so you just did the same slickback bun
then you lost your earrings twice so you had to wear those ones that were your least favorite
it took you five minutes to find your socks
you felt like shit
you couldnt even find your lashes so you went lashless on a FRIDAY
you didnt even walk to school with yachi this morning so she KNEW something was up
you were in a bad mood all day and tsukishima of all people kept poking fun at you which usually didnt bother you
“wow for once you dont look like snuffalufocous”
“tsukishima shut the fuck up”
he’s LIVING for that
usually you can clapback
clapback game STRONG
“you had that hairstyle for the past couple of weeks.”
“swear to god tsukishima stop.”
yamaguchi is already betting your gonna pop off today
“tsukki i think you should stop”
yachi’s praying for him
now time skip
ya day got even worse
tsukishima was MILKING it and you were tired of it
you were FINISHED
you were about to leave when you walked past the gym
“look there’s a mole rat crawling back to the sewer drains.”
you turned your ass back tf around and walked into that gym
now yamaguchi and yachi feel the irritation coming off of you
you threw your bookbag on the ground and you took off your blazer
“on my fucking mama you keep talking SHIT tsukishima but thats alright imma beat ya ass for that then. since you wanna talk like a bitch you can get dragged like one, hoe”
“OOOHHHHHHH” -tanaka
“GET INTO IT Y/N!!!” noya
sugawara been EXCITED for some drama
“yeah okay sure go back to the pound”
the team is INVESTED NOW
kiyoko and asahi went 👀 too
now you just run up on ya boy and WITH THE POWER OF
“DAMNNNNN” - the whole team
now that bitch caught off guard and stumbling
and he LIVID
i hc that if tsukki can talk allat shit his hands can also make up for it
i know his brother was play fighting with him too when they were younger
“put em up bitch”
“alright lets fucking go then”
now yall SCRAPING
nun of the playing shit
yall getting solid hits on each other
aint nobody stepping in
yall hitting like mf BOXERS up in that bitch
you even got him in the bleachers
you KNOW damn WELL someone’s recording aka tanaka
nishinoya is HYPING YOU UP bc i KNOW he been WANTING to swing on him but he cant bc he’s his senpai
both of yall hits are connecting
tsukishima got a GOOD hit in and busted ya lip
now you mad
idk about yall but if i got my lip busted it would be over im going ham let out the beast
havent had a fight where im bleeding yet irl
back to our scheduled program
if you’re worrying about your skirt dont worry you wear biker shorts under that bitch aint nobody getting flashed
yall finally move from the bleachers
you are even more pissed
yall both are leaking by now
the team finally starting to intervene
yamaguchi, asahi and ennoshita holding tsukishima back
suga, daichi and tanaka holding you back
hinata and yachi standing inbetween yall
kageyama just standing there like “bitches started fighting and i was deadass rootin for her but um... ion know now wtf do i do.”
cap’n daichi speak up like GO GET COACH UKAI AND TAKEDA TF???
he like alr bet and call that nigga freeces BECAUSE HE’S GON
more words are being said
tsuki says some REALLY slick shit
when tanaka went in nishinoya took a hold of the phone to record
that man is becoming a professional cameraman with the angles he getting
he getting on the floor
his hands are mad fucking steady even tho he’s screaming DUMMY LOUD
tsuki bounces back and yall are back at it
them hits baby...
everybody getting loud
nishinoya doing straight LAPS around yall SCREAMING
asahi is like the only once trying to like pull yall away but you accidentally swang on him
“damn aight im out”
he dropped that idea and went to sit down bc this getting too much for him
when he went to school today he definitely didnt think you would almost rock his shit
kageyama bust in that bitch like
que for everyone look innocent
you kicked tsukishima down there and grabbed ya shit then DIPPED
yall both looking rough but tsuki..... you got him
coach ukai and takeda get there just as you book it out there
tsukishima was deadass about to chase you tf down bc that was PLAYING DIRTY
not yo fault this bitch a 6’0 tall bean pole with muskle
takeda got glasses so he was like nishinoya GET HER NEOW
nishinoya’s a fast mf so he was like alr BET
tanaka’s phone was RETRIVED AND IN HIS BAG
he def sending that to the group chat that you, coach and takeda and tsuki arent apart of bc snitches get stitches
nishinoya BOOKING IT after you
you sitting on the sidewalk with some tissues wiping your nose
nishinoya pulled up like “WASSUP MY LIL CHAMPION”
“okay so takeda sent my ass after you but imma just let you go home and imma just pretend you fought me on this then went all flash gordon on us and dipped. aight?”
“lets take a picture bc i’ll be damned if i dont memorialize this shit. how you feel now?”
“tired and my face hurts a lil”
“who knew yall both could pack a punch like a lunchable.”
yall took a pic
you KNOW the type of pic
“my homegirl just whooped some ASS lets GOOOO”
caption filter posted on his private instagram
then he let you go dummy fast
went back to takeda like nah she was gone
tsukishima got ice packs on his face, clothes ruffled, hair crazy, sports glasses crooked
that bitch is PISSED
deadass wants a round two
you on the other hand fixed yourself up and got a snack
you told ya mom that you got into a fight
even asahi cheek sting a lil
i think the whole team fw the fact you beat his ASS
walking home yamaguchi tried to talk about it to him asking if he was okay
tsukishima damn near beheaded him and yamaguchi said fuck that i wanna live past 20
on monday....
whew you were in a good ass mood
i mean lashes on hair popping lip gloss shinin like chicken grease
shit was a good day bc you WANTED to see how he looked after it
you knew you got good hits in
you on the other hand covered up your bruises with foundation (fenty)
popped on some cute ass fake (or real) glasses to hide anything else
tsukishima was PISSED lookin at you
at the end of the month yall became cool again so alls good
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Who’s in Charge Pt2 || Maze Runner X Reader
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Summary: Y/N does her best to make Teresa feel welcome in a glade full of boys, but one particular greenie ruins her plans and makes her question her insanity. 
Word Count: 2.4k
Author’s note: This is somewhat a continuation off of Who’s in charge and If i continue this mini series, I really want to explore the idea of being a girl in a leadership role. Not only that but the somewhat glamorization of how awesome it would be to be the only girl in a glade cause unless they all look like Minho, that would be TERRIFYING. I love attention but goddamn Y/N in any fanfic fandom is an attention WHORE! 
Warning: LOTS OF CUSSING, incel type shit ew, blood and wounds  
Part one || Part two 
A lot has changed in the glade in the past couple of months and as the first in command, it didn’t make your job any easier. After the greenie that disrespected you, the glade got two more people, a boy named Thomas and to your surprise, another girl. Her name was Teresa and although the two of you weren’t close, it was nice to have someone you felt like you could automatically trust.
The greenie you didn’t like very much was named Theodore and while everyone else called him Teddy, you always just called him greenie because he still acted like an immature shank. You haven’t had any interactions with him since but word from the other guys was that he would not stop gawking at Teresa.
“ Has anyone seen Teddy? Fry said he hasn’t been back since lunch,” Newt asked as you continued to write down the medical inventory to help out Jeff.
“ Yeah I saw him go down to the huts about 10 minutes ago. He looked like he was in a hurry,” Jeff said as he pointed over towards the window with his pencil.
This wasn’t the first time Teddy had flaked on his duties but after your altercation with him, Newt was usually the one to reprimand him.
You rolled your eyes as you looked down at your clipboard,” I’ll go find him. I have to stop by Teresa’s room anyway since she’s gonna help me rebuild the fence with John and Gavin.”
Newt leaned against the doorway and picked up a small bandage to wrap his finger with,” How’s she liking the glade so far?”
“ I mean, as much as she can like it. I think she’s after Thomas yeah?” You said, raising your eyebrows at him, as you walked out the door with Newt following close behind,” I swear those lovebirds are hiding something. Something tells me that it isn’t all just love at first sight.”
“ Well you’re never wrong so I’ll keep an eye out,” Newt laughed softly as the two of you parted ways.
You continued to walk across the Glade at a normal pace, not so much enjoying the glade itself but the quietness of today. You knew Minho and Thomas were gonna be back any minute and those two were always responsible for the rambunctious crowd of boys every night so you savored the trip.
Given that Teresa was a bit nervous with all of the boys around, you gave up your hut so that way she would have some privacy. Although Teresa seemed to be really familiar with Thomas, you knew that sleeping outside surrounded by boys wasn’t the safest feeling. You did miss how your hut was tucked a bit away from everyone else and that the big tree near your window gave you cool shade during the harsh sun. But it was just for the time being, whenever that was.
You knocked on the door and heard Teresa’s voice on the other side,” One second! I’m changing!”
You gave a quick response and waited outside her door, tapping your fingers against your clipboard in an unknown beat. Once you stopped tapping, you heard something rustle in the leaves on the other side of the hut that was covered by a small part of the forest. You scrunched your eyebrows together as you walked over, thinking that maybe it was just another rabbit.
When you turned the corner, you saw Teddy watching through the corner of Teresa’s window. You looked through the window to find Teresa already stripping off her top which made Teddy hold his breath.
Without thinking, you stomped over and grabbed the back of Teddy’s shirt before dragging him away from the window. I knew I should’ve listened to Alby to make those stupid ugly curtains. Teddy let out a loud yelp as you dragged him farther away and closer to the center of the glade where some of the boys were building another shelter.
“ You stupid fucking pervert!” You shouted as you practically launched him onto the dirt,” you’re disgusting! After everything, this place has done for you and you think you can spy on women like some kind of ...stalker!”
You were well past mad, you had never felt anything like this before. Your whole body felt like it was building up with pure steam, almost ready to explode like hot dynamite. You were nothing short but disgusted, out of your whole time living in the glade, none of the boys had ever done something so terrible.
“ R-Relax! I wasn’t even doing anything wrong-”
You didn’t know what came over you, maybe it was because you hadn’t slept all day or because you hadn’t gotten mad in so long so you were practically itching to get into a fight.  You felt your legs pump more blood than ever and in an instant, you pounced on him and started slamming your fists into his face without mercy.
You felt like a well-oiled machine, every time you smashed your fist against his body, you felt your other arm recoil and do the same thing over and over again. You couldn’t even pay attention to anything that was happening around you, all you could do was throw punches. With every punch, you still managed to yell through your gritted teeth,” Ungrateful! Little! Pig!”
Even with his limp, Newt was the fastest to make it over to where you were and tried to rip you away from Teddy, yelling at you to stop. Gally, who was nearby building the shelter, practically picked you up off of Teddy but you still struggled against him.
“ Y/N! You need to calm down-”
“ I am tired of people telling me that to calm down! I am calm!” You shouted as you breathed heavy against Gally, who was using all of his strength to hold you back,” he’s a disgusting pig!”
“ What the hell is going on?” you craned your neck to see Thomas and Minho jogging over to where everyone seemed to circle. You laughed out loud, knowing that once Minho found out what Teddy had done, he would be toast.
Gally let you go and dropped you to the floor not so gently,” There’s been a slight problem. Y/N and Teddy-”
“ Slight problem?” You exclaimed as Minho came to your side, helping you up all while looking at your bloody and bruised knuckles,” Teddy was watching Teresa through her window while she was changing. That isn’t a slight problem Gally! How would you like it if he peeked through your window!”
While some boys laughed at your comment, Minho and Thomas’s head snapped towards Teddy, who was still lying on the ground but sat up on his elbows. His nose was bleeding and by the looks of it, you were sure you gave him two black eyes.
“ She’s lying! She just started attacking me out of nowhere cause she’s fucking crazy!” Teddy spat out blood as you tried to lunge at him again but Thomas pulled you back.
“ What did you just say?” Minho said through gritted teeth as he started walking towards Teddy but Newt and Gally both stepped in between Minho,” say that again, I dare you.”
“ Everyone just stop!” Newt snapped as he turned to look up at Minho,” take Y/N somewhere to cool off while Thomas and I will take Teddy to Clint. Don’t do anything stupid.”
Minho nodded all while keeping his eyes locked on Teddy’s bloody face. Minho was stubborn and as much as he wanted to bash Teddy’s head in, he knew when it was right to follow the chain of command. You shook Thomas’s grip off of your shoulders as your eyes caught Teresa’s, her face flushed in embarrassment.
Before you could muster out a word, Teresa took off back towards your hut, pushing past a group of gladers who were crowding around. You took one sweeping glare towards all the loitering glader’s which made them all spread out back to their posts.
“ Let me patch you up back real quick. You look badass but your knuckles look gross,” Minho hesitated as he attempted to ease the tension in the air and his own blood pressure.
You looked between Minho and where you last saw Teresa, wondering where she could be. You couldn’t imagine how terrified she must have been, especially since she probably saw you beat the hell out of Teddy like there was no tomorrow.
“ Just give me a few minutes, I’m going to go find Teresa,” You said as you rubbed your fingers over your battered fists,” I think she just needs someone to talk to after all of that.”
You and Minho said your goodbyes and before you knew it, you found Teresa on the edge of the deadheads picking at the grass laid before her. You awkwardly sat down next to her and from the looks of it, she had just finished crying.
“ I want to say sorry for what you might have seen. The last thing I wanted to do was scare you or to make you think I’m such a violent person,” You apologized as you watched her expression carefully,” but I’m even more sorry that your privacy was invaded on. I promise you, I will do everything in my power to fix this.”
Instead of giving a sad look, Teresa smiled and let out a dry laugh,” No offense, but there isn’t anything you can do to fix this. It’s literally in their DNA to be so stupid.”
You were completely taken aback. Yes, nothing could ever take back what happened to Teresa but she couldn’t be talking about all of the guys in the glade, could she?
“ I don’t think that’s true and neither do you. Teddy is a sexist pervert for sure but plenty of the glader’s are nice guys. One bad seed doesn’t make the whole tree go rotten,” You said thoughtfully, not wanting to undermine Teresa’s experience.
Teresa turned to you and thought for a moment,” So when you first came up in the box, you weren’t terrified of being the only girl?”  
“ Well, I was just terrified because I was alone for the longest time until Newt came up,” You admitted but then you really tried to give your honest opinion,” but yeah, I guess I felt different when more boys would get sent up. It’s not that I was scared at first but I just didn’t know what to expect with all those...hormones.”
You realized that you had never said that out loud before; revealing your feelings for being the only girl in the glade before Teresa and once you actually said it, you felt something wash over you. You weren’t sure if it was sadness or guilt or shame, but you didn’t feel good about your emotions right then and there.
Teresa noticed this too and didn’t say anything else, allowing you to speak more.
You cleared your throat, not even thinking of the right words to say because all you wanted to do was spill everything you had bottled up for years,” The more boys the box sent up, the more stares I would get, even if I was just bending over to pick something up. It felt gross knowing that they were eyeing me up and down like I was just some piece of meat but all of a sudden when it came to me being in a leadership position, they all acted as if I suddenly didn’t matter.”
“I completely understand how you feel. It’s like a cruel joke; they want you around to help engage their sexual fantasies but once you make an executive decision, you’re not fun to be around,” Teresa said, thinking about her past memories of being one of the few female researchers at WCKD,” are they still like that with you now?”
“ I hardly catch any eyes thanks to Minho being as protective as he is but I wonder if he’s just doing that out of the kindness of his heart or because he is trying to get in my pants,” you laughed honestly, knowing that in your heart he was genuinely a sweet guy,” but I don’t know. I can tell sometimes they don’t take me seriously. Remember that last meeting we had and when I gave my proposal, no one really cared but when Newt said it two minutes later, everyone thought he was a genius. I don’t think they mean to do it but it still hurts.”
That was something you were always insecure about; not being taken seriously. You were reminded of that every month when a new glader would show up and they assumed you weren’t the first in command. How was it that you all had no past memories yet in the glade, they already had some form of prejudice against you? You didn’t understand that in a world filled with hardly any societal norms that you were still treated unfairly.
“ But I love everyone here with the exception of a few. At the end of the day, we’re pretty much family. As much as Minho annoys me or how much Newt pesters me, they’re the greatest friends in the world,” You said as you thought back to all of the times they had your back,” but shuck I wish I had a day of peace without the boys tearing down the glade. I just want to get out of this goddamn place already.”
Teresa nodded sympathetically, but knowing that she was one of the reasons you were here trapped, she said nothing.
After a moment of silence, Teresa wanted to clear her head of WCKD’s old thoughts,” What are you going to do about Teddy?”
After this whole discussion, you had completely forgotten why you had come over in the first place.
“ Honestly, I don’t know yet. We’ll keep him in the slammer until we figure something out. Whatever it is though, I know it won’t be enough for how you were violated. I really am sorry that happened to you Teresa, is there anything I can do to make you feel better?” You asked as Teresa smiled and gave your hand a small squeeze.
“ I’m just glad I have someone to talk to.”
You nodded as you sat there, not being able to hold in your smile.
Me too.
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pastelastronomy24 · 5 years
College!Chris Evans x POC! Plus Size!Reader
(College!CEvans x POC!Plus Size!Reader)
A/N: ah yes! My first CEvans fic. I just love the idea of Chris being a goof in college. He’s so cute lmao. Anyways this started off as a joke. My best friend Aliana found the picture below from an insta post about Chris in “The Perfect Score” and then when I said the prompt she gave was like actually pretty good she said I had no choice but to write it 🤷🏾‍♀️ I took some liberties with the prompt but I think y’all will still like it.
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‘A common misconception is that JFK was the civil rights president, when in fact it was LBJ. JFK only brought up civil rights because his brother Robert pushed for more civil rights issues to.....’
Furious was the hand that held the pen, and you were that hand. History was a pretty standard subject, you had your opinions but didn’t want to risk upsetting the less... melanin-ated people of your class. Honestly you weren’t really focused on the subject, it was all about your notes.
You may have not been an academic scholar but god damn could you write the hell out of some notes. The way your various colored gel pens came together to create an easy to follow and organized masterpiece was the essential key to you passing this class. Honestly if you weren’t such an amazing note taker you would have been fucked.
‘Alright, don’t forget to read pages 165 to 210 by Friday. Tomorrow we’ll talk about the Kennedy Assassinations. Yes, Assassinations PLURAL’
With a deep sigh you closed your notebook and threw your gel pens into your pencil bag. You were about to put your (godly) notes into your bag when you felt a tap on your shoulder.
When you looked up, you were met with a smile and “hey” from a boy who screamed ‘boy next door who pretends to be a pool boy to fuck the cougar from next door’
“Uh hey? You’re Chris right?” His eyes lit up in shock. You assumed it was probably because 1). He’s never talked to you a day in his life 2). He’s never been awake a day in this class.
“Oh...yeah I’m Chris. Listen can I ask you somethin” the second thing you noticed about Chris besides his charming aura, was his thick accent. You wanted to say it was maybe a New York or Bostonian one, but you couldn’t quite place it. You quirked your eyebrows at the sound of his request. He’d walked up to you all confident but he seemed unsure all of a sudden.
“Sure, whats up??” Chris scratched the back of his neck and a boyish grin appeared on his face.
“So.. I uh, I heard you were like the master at taking notes. And well, our Professor says if I don’t start paying attention she’s gonna fail me. So I was wondering if you would ya know, let me see your notes. That way, I can compromise. I could still pass, and do my thing ya know?”
I mean, you had to laugh. You couldn’t hold in your chuckle, looking up at Chris whose grin went from boyish to confused. He laughed out of awkwardness and confusion while you put your notes in your backpack and stood up. You had to look up at him as his stature dwarfed you.
“No.” You stated simply before attempting to walk away. Chris quickly grabbed your arm before you could get too far.
“Awe come on!! Look, I really need your help to pass and I don’t have any other options. I’m too far behind for tutoring and everyone else even says you have the best notes. I’ll even pay you! Name your price.” You looked up at him, and I mean really looked up at him, analyzing his pale blue eyes and pink lips drowning in panic before you sighed.
“Alright fine. But I don’t trust people with my notes, so if we do this I’m gonna be there and I’ll help you organize and copy them by hand. You can pay me 10$, I’m not gonna bleed you dry just because you’re struggling.” The load of stress had been lifted off of Chris’s shoulders as he thanked you profusely and began to walk away. You shook your head, slapping the palm of your hand on your face before yelling out his name. You laughed as he stopped abruptly and turned around jogging back to you.
“Oh uh, whats up? Did I forget something?” You nodded a slight smile on your face. It seemed hard not to smile at the bumbling dummy.
“You don’t know my name, how to contact me, or when and where we’re gonna do this Chris”
He looked genuinely dumbfounded, but before you could speak you began filling in the missing information
“ I’m Y/N, here’s my phone so you can give me your number, and we should start tomorrow after class. I guess the Starbucks or Library could work.” Chris paused while typing in his number to look at you.
“Well see, I was wondering if we could do it at my dorm because well, I’m really hyper and public places make it hard for me to concentrate. I’m afraid we won’t be able to get anything done I have the attention span of a peanut, and I don’t want you to get mad at me.” For the millionth time that day you sighed.
“Okay I guess. Your dorm tomorrow after class. Buy a big notebook. You have a lot of work to do. “
And thus a routine had started. Everyday for the past month you and Chris would saunter off to his dorm and spend hours copying notes and helping him make sense of them before guest hours were over. The first week and a half really tested your patience as Chris really did have the attention span of a peanut if not worse. You helped him concentrate (mostly by threatening to leave if he didn’t stop “going to the bathroom” and “getting something to drink”.) and he mellowed out after awhile. You couldn’t quite place when it happened, but you and Chris had become sort of like close friends. Chris had some crazy magnetic energy that made you always want to be around him but never be able to stand him. It was a friendship forged in fire (well, gel pens).
“Hey y/n, we’re gonna have to adjust our study location today” Chris jogged up to your table where you had just finished zipping up your backpack. He grabbed your bag and slung it over his shoulder like he’d gotten used to doing for the last few weeks (he may have been a big oaf, but he was a sweetheart. He would deny it every time, telling you not to call him a sweetheart for being a decent human being but you digress.) You paused and looked at Chris confused.
“Yeah my roommate just got this girl and they’ve been going at it like cats in heat. I mean they’ve really been fuc-“
“Okay Chris I get it. “ You choked on your laughter. “I was thinking we could start studying at your dorm instead since I’m not sure when they’re gonna let up”. You shrugged “I mean I guess, but you sure you don’t want to do it a Starbucks? We have a shit ton of notes today and I know how sleepy and restless you can get.” He shook his head vigorously. “Nah Y/N it should be fine, plus you know how I am in public spaces, we’ll never finish even with all the coffee in the world.” You sighed and nodded. He was right, the poor baby couldn’t concentrate in public to save his life. It’s probably why he slept so much and zoned out during class.
“Yeah love, you’re probably right. Lemme text my roommate and tell her. Make sure she knows we’ll try to be out of her way.”
You texted Valeria, you best friend and roommate about the situation.
Of course the first thing her little messy ass had to say was ‘oh the hot one who looks at you like you’re the moon to his stars?? I’m cool with that.’ You groaned in irritation which prompted Chris to try and sneak a peek at your text. You snatched the phone away from his view before he could see it.
“Heyyy!” He tried again and you shoved his shoulder.
“ ‘Heeyyy’ nothin! Get your nosey ass away from my phone!” You giggled, and Chris couldn’t help but do the same. It seemed like nowadays your laughs and smiles were infectious to each other. “What?! I’m just trying to see what Val said! That’s my -what do you call it?- oh yeah that’s my dawg!” He was grinning like the shit eater he was as you looked at him dumbfounded.
“Absolutely not. I don’t ever want to hear you say that shit again.” He threw his head back in fake annoyance as you continued walking towards your dorm.
“Awe come onnnn! You say it all the time. Maybe it’s only cool when you say it. “ you chuckled and reached over to pinch his cheek. He whined and swatted your hand away.
“Awe! Little Evans wants to sound like me. That’s so cuteee!” It was Chris’s turn to shove your shoulder. He almost made you tumble over, but he caught you by the waist and steadied your balance. “Ugh Y/N don’t do that you know that’s not what I meant! Sometimes you just say stuff and it’s kinda... it’s kinda cool ya know? Like the way you talk.” As you continued your trek towards your dorm, he kept his hand on the side of your waist very lightly. “All I’m hearing right now, is that you wanna be like me, and that’s all I’m acknowledging.” Chris threw his head down in defeat knowing that if he kept going you’d keep embarrassing you. You were on him like white on rice with the comebacks at all times.
“Yeah whatever. You continue to have selective hearing if you want to, but it’ll get you nowhere.“ He shrugged as you used your key card to get into the lobby of your dorm. You both flashed the front desk your key cards before signing in and approaching the elevator.
“After you, my favorite note taker” Chris ushered you into the elevator while you rolled your eyes. “I’m your only note taker. You don’t even take notes dingus. That’s why we’ve been doing this for two and a half months.” You told Chris to press the button to the 5th floor then he leaned back against the corner of the elevator while you stood beside him.
“That doesn’t mean you’re not my favorite note taker.” He reached over to boop your nose, and you scrunched it up in response. “You know what? I don’t like you” You poked his chest and all he did was smile while leaning closer to you. “That’s cool. You don’t have to like the people you love anyways.” You stood wide mouthed and shocked, but before you could retort the elevator doors opened and Chris began walking away.
“Come on Y/N it’s hot as shit and you said we have a lot of work to do.” You reluctantly stepped out of the elevator and found Chris, stepping ahead to lead him to your room. “Welcome, to the most comfortable place on earth.” You very dramatically threw your arms in the air to get him to marvel at your room. It was a good thing you’d cleaned it up earlier in the week (it was a disaster before). Chris walked around looking at the various nerdy posters you had on your wall and the pictures of friends on your desk while you went to turn on your fairy lights for better lighting. When you finished, you turned around to see Chris splayed across your bed and you scoffed. “At least you’re considerate enough to keep your dirty ass shoes off my white marble comforter. It would have been a shame if I had to end you today.” He sat up and reached for your arm, pulling you with him to sit down on your bed.
“It’s because I’m nice like that. You’re welcome.” You ignored the cheesey smile on his face while he passed you your backpack so you could get your galaxy spiral note book. Chris reached into his bag and did the same pulling out the notebook he bought to match yours (more receipts to prove that he wanted to be like you). “Shush. Your mouth wastes time and I don’t wanna hear you complaining to me when it’s twelve years later and we’re still organizing and going over these notes.” You pulled out your gel pens and the work began.
Three hours. Three whole hours. That’s how long you and Chris had been organizing his notes before he tapped out. “Good god I’m fucking wiped OUT!” Chris exclaimed. He threw his pencil down and plopped his head down on your thick thigh. “Y/NNN, can we please take a break?? I’m dyin over here. My hand has never cramped harder in my life!” He looked up at you with pleading eyes and a pout. He was a human puppy dog. You couldn’t deny that the action had caused a heat to rise in your cheeks and your heart to flutter, but you played it off, amused at his exasperation. “Fine! Your whining has won me over. And you’re also right we need a break. But I get to pick the show!” Chris did a little victory fist pump in the air and you patted his head. He jumped up and sauntered over to the pantry, looking through it before pulling out two bags of Extra Butter Movie Theater Popcorn and a bowl. While he put the first bag in the microwave, you got up and looked in the fridge, pulling out two bottles of Mountain Dew.
You walked over to your TV and turned it on grabbing your Roku remote. “Hey Chris, since you think the way I talk is so ‘cool’ I’m making you watch The Boondocks.” You yelled over to him while he poured the popcorn into the bowl and walked over to you. Your TV was placed purposely in front of your bed, so you both popped up on it, with Chris getting comfortable on the corner of the wall that the bed touched and you sitting crisscross besides him. “Here” you handed him his drink and he said thank you before placing the popcorn bowl in your lap. “Okay so The Boondocks is probably the best cartoon made in television history. And I know that sounds dramatic but it’s true.” You looked over to see Chris laughing quietly. “I trust your opinion. You’ve never been wrong before. “ he shrugged and you shook your head in agreement. “You’re damn right. I’m glad we’re on the same page.” You hovered the remote over to the first episode titled “The Garden Party” and clicked play. “We’re only gonna watch THREE episodes before we get back to work okay??” Chris smacked his teeth and tossed his head on your shoulder. “That’s lame. What if I really like it?!” You pushed his heavy head off of you playfully. “What’s lame is you failing class when I’m supposed to be helping you do the opposite. We can finish it another time fool.” You vaguely heard him say ‘alright alright’ before the familiar theme song came on, you silently rapping along.
When you got to episode 2 “The Trial of Robert Kelly” Chris was dying laughing. When Huey got to his speech he was aggressively clapping, while you were aggressively pointing at the screen hollering “THATS WTF IM TALKIN ABOUT!! LET EM’ KNOW HUEY”. By episode 3, you and Chris were fighting to stay awake. Somehow, your head had drifted onto his chest, and his arm had shifted to around your waist. Your legs had been comfortably strewn on top of each other as you listened to Granddads crazy girlfriend drone on. You didn’t make it to episode 4.
You woke up before he did, groggy and confused. Your eyes were still closed as you tried to shift around only to be met with resistance. You felt a tightening around your waist as a still sleeping Chris pulled you closer into his body, nuzzling is face into your neck. “Oh shit...” you whispered, your eyes no longer closed and in fact, wide ass open. “Chris. Chrissss. CHRIS!!” Chris shot up involuntarily tightening his hold on you before looking down into your concerned face.
“Shiiiit. Y/N what time is it.” You searched the side of the bed for your phone before turning it on and checking the time. It was 7:46 A. M. “Oh fuck! We didn’t finish the notes!! Oh fuck Chris we slept past guest visitor time! How imma sneak you out?! Oh god I don’t wanna be the reason why you fail and get kicked out! I’m gonna lose my closest friend because I-”
“Hey wait...” Chris placed his hand under your chin and pulled you into him, looking up and down your face with hooded lids. All you could focus on, was him. The way his lashes brushed his freckle dusted cheek. The way is eyes peered at you mixed with a haze of sleepiness and something else more intense. “ Y/N look at me... everything is gonna be okay, I promise...” The room, the air, the god damn particles around you stilled. It was like all of time froze except for you and Chris.
You didn’t remember you had the ability to breathe until he licked his lips and leaned towards you, pulling you closer, completely halting your ability to breathe. Your lips intertwined in a soft battle of heat and passion. It was slow and intimate, you didn’t know you could muster up so much passion in a kiss. Before you knew it, Chris gripped your left thigh and swung it over the other side of him making you straddle his waist. The pillows of his lips never stopped their assault and only got more aggressive as he palmed your ass. Your body felt hot, and you NEEDED more. You rutted your core against Chris’s lap causing him to pull on your bottom lip with his teeth and smack your large thigh.
“Don’t play with the fire if you can’t put it out.” He groaned out, his voice strained as you both breathed heavily. You moved your lips down to his neck and began to nip and suck softly before smiling into his neck. “When have you ever known me to be afraid of the fire?” You heard the sharp intake of his breath before he flipped you over, slamming your back into your bed. Chris placed soft kisses all over your face making you giggle before he continued his tirade on your mouth. Maybe Chris was a good kisser. Actually, a phenomenal kisser. You gripped the back of his neck, your hands tangled in the nape of his hair. Chris’s hands were inside of your shirt feeling on your soft stomach before you both heard the snap of a camera. You both jumped up at the intrusion and sat up, banging your foreheads together on accident.
“Ahh shit!! Fuck!!” “God damn it! Fuck!” You and Chris both exclaimed as you heard the culprit, your roommate Valeria, laughing hysterically. You groaned rubbing your head and shot her the dirtiest look you could muster.
“HA! You got mad at me for saying he looked at you like you were the moon and stars in the sky, but you’re borderline fucking AND he stayed past guest hours!” You threw your head back on your pillow while closing your eyes and sighing. You could feel the pressure and warmth of Chris’s body leave you as he got up to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Val!! How’s it going big dawg?!” Valeria cringed and shook her head. She approached Chris and pat his head. “Hey Chris I think you’re great, but I don’t ever want to hear you say that again okay?” Chris grumbled an ‘okay’ and despite everything you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Anyways you guys can continue doing the do. I actually came in here to ask how note taking was last night, but I see it was pretty good.” Valeria winked before shuffling to the door and closing it, cackling after she closed it. Before you could even process what had just happened Chris took your chubby cheeks into your hand and rubbed his thumb along your bottom lip.
“Hey Y/N... you know how Val said I look at you like the moon and the stars?” He trailed off and his eyes darted down to your lips. All you could do was nod, too entranced in the way his lips moved and the shine in his eyes.
“Well, she’s not wrong. I don’t know exactly when, but for awhile you’ve been the sun and moon and the stars and everything in between. And god, every time you smile I wanna kiss you until my smile becomes as bright. Every time you laugh I can’t help but join in, because even when it sounds like a Windex spray bottle it’s the only sound I wanna hear.” You softly smacked his chest and buried your head in his neck running your hand down his chest.
“I love the way your cheeks puff up when you get irritated at me, and the way you look at me when you have no idea what the fuck I’m trying to say.” some how, you moved impossibly closer into his neck.
“You gonna let me take you out some time doll?” Chris sounded so soft and unsure of himself. It reminded you of the first time you’d ever talked to him. When he didn’t know you knew his name. You rose up from his neck and placed a long soft kiss on his pink lips.
“Of course Chris. I can’t say no to my favorite note copier.” Your foreheads pressed against each other and you both stayed completely still, trying to make the moment last. Chris moved first, taking his forehead off of you to place a kiss on top of your head and pull you into his embrace.
“I’m your only note copier.” He couldn’t help himself. You both started to giggle into each other.
“And it’s gonna stay like that. Just like I’m gonna be your only note taker.” Chris squeezed you tighter and pulled you into his lap, placing one last kiss on your curls.
Bloop! I’m finished. This took all day man yeesh. Anyways y’all know I’m a slut for comments so please for your favorite comment starved plus size POC writter, leave a comment.
@thequeerishere555 @willowtree42095 @tessathedragon @nina-sj @noire-griot @canumoveurseatup-no @thememoireeofme @overlordred @l-auteuse @bugngiz @mejustme06 @nonsensicalmetwhimsical @issa-blak @steveslulbaby
(Sorry some of the tags dont work)
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chocolatetakoyakis · 4 years
Ugh ALERT ! SINCE I GOT MY Nintendo switch yesterday, I got myself a new addiction aha
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Well, let’s start with basics : Raihan has a HUUUUUUUGE crush on you and doesn’t even hide it. He is pretty flirty and always asks you on dates. He didn’t confess yet and it was driving him crazy. Since you know he is a playboy, you decided to let him confess first. So everyday you’re trying to not fall for his beautiful blue eyes and pick up lines also aha ( which was pretty hard sometimes )
This time he wanted to go camping with you and your Pokémons in the wild area because the weather was quite too good to stay in a big city like Hammerlocke
It was absolutely not a training session, more like a lazy chill beach day ( well in the wild area of course aha )
Before you two go, he wanted to know what your bikini will look like to match his with yours
You knowing him very well, you teased him by only sending your ( f/c ) bikini on your bed and not on you to make him pout
He was extremely disappointed when he received it but still had a nose bleed while imagining you with it. His flygon freaked out by seeing him bleeding that much
Your swimsuits will match for sure because he got a looooooot
Before leaving his appartement, he will snap a picture of himself on this beach outfit which was a terrible idea because now everyone know where this idiot is going. So expect many fangirls and fans In général asking him pictures when you’ll arrive
He bought thug and Minecraft sunglasses for all of your Pokémon including his
He is 10 min late because he also bought a lot of berries for your Pokémon and the picnic
When he saw you, he got so exited, he can’t help but take your hand and rush to the wild area to find a cute place next to a lake.
Once you arrived expect him to IMMEDIATELY show his magnificent abs to the world including Pokegram before letting his Pokémon out of their balls
Is always eyeing you to see your beautiful bikini
Expect a LOT of compliments when you’ll show it
«  ugh Y/n you’re so pretty, I have to look away » «  Look our outfit Y/n it match perfectly ! Don’t you think we should stick on each other »
Will play with your Pokémon when you’ll cook a delicious curry because he is NOT ALLOWED NEXT TO FIRE AND NEXT TO THE KITCHEN ANYMORE
His Pokémon are so grateful you are the one cooking
Eating next to you of course even if ( your fav Pokémon ) is always stuck to you aha
Since it’s hot, you’re only on your bikini so he WILL give you small and sensual touch in your shoulders / thighs and spine
Will Snap your food
If you have a ponytail, he may even kiss your neck as a joke, just to see a little blush from you for once
The beginning of the afternoon is probably a HUGE WATERGUN FIGHT
Everything started because of him doing this to you :
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Or I mean your Pokémon vs Raihan alone aha ( yep he got a focus aha )
Him pouting because it’s not fair and want a kiss from you as an apology ans WILL have it
You knew he was good at doing sexy smirk but you has no clue of his puppy dragon eyes
Finally got a kiss on his cheek and tweeted it
The rest of the day was quite calm, your Pokémons were playing together in the water peacefully while you two went exploring a little bit
Hand in hand
Like a lovely couple
Until he decided to become more physical and put one of his arm on your shoulders
You didn’t mind at all but you knew that under his cool bubby attitude he was freaking out inside and you were so fucking right aha
Let you ride on his back to help you getting berries on trees
Take that opportunity to give a cute kiss on your sexy legs
You’re glad he didn’t saw your blush because it was priceless
When you came back your Pokémon were so happy about the berries ans you two spending time together because they love each other and would love to become a Huge family ❤️
Seeing you playing with his Pokémon is a beautiful memory Raihan would never forget
When evening came, after dinner Raihan decided to take you to an unknown place
«  Do you trust me Love ? » with a big innocent smile on his face
The place was a big lake, next to where you two were camping, it was surrounded by berries trees and Pokémons anyways super cute place
He invited you to go with him in the water for a midnight bath
«  Raihan I swear if we are attacked by a Gyarados...I’ll.. »
«  Dont worry Sweetheart. Come swim with me it’s fine love. »
You two were enjoying your little moment alone just by swimming together
He was much less exited and more sensual about spending this special time with you
The sky was full of stars, it was a pretty romantic place heheh
Still in the water he took your hands to take you to the shore of the lake, he was waiting for something to happened with a big smirk on his lips and his hands on your waist
«  Shhhhhh it’s starting love. Look how beautiful it is »
You turned your head and saw a herd of Galarian ponyta and Rapidash running freely in front of you. Being fairy type, they were letting a cute magical dust behind them. It was absolutely amazing and you were completely spellbind by it
You didn’t noticed Raihan was getting closer aha
«  Do you like it Love ? »
«  It’s amazing Raihan thank you for today »
He pulled your hair away from your face to have a look at your cute blushing cheeks and your tempting lips. His hands were on each side of your face while he was smiling waiting for your approval.
You two stayed like this for one minute before kissing each other under the beautiful sky of the wild area
When you finished, he pulled you into a hug ( yup you’re stuck to his abs )
«  Do you have any idea of How long I’ve waited for this to happen Babygirl ? »
«  As long as I waited for you to kiss me like that Raihan »
After a veeeeeeeery long and hot kissing session in the water you decided to go back to your campement where your Pokémon where ALL sleeping in one tent because they wanted to force you sleeping together hehe
So you finally slept in the same bed haha and thanks Arceus your Pokémons were next to you two because who know what would have happened if not 😏
Him saying : “Enjoy this peaceful night in my arms sweetheart, once we are back to Hammerlocke I’ll make sure you’ll be mine love”
“ Well good night to you too Raihan”
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annemiek19 · 4 years
Kissing - Rudy Pankow/Drew Starkey
A/N I'm in love with this one! Also, this video above is from Rudy. It's on Madelyn her Instagram and I love it. It's so good and fits the song very well if you asked me! BUT I hope you like this one just as much as I do. If you want to read anything, please tell me so I can write it!
Request an imagine here.
You’re best friends with the cast from outer banks and you all go out to party. Rudy likes to make videos, so that what he does in the club. He catches you with another guy and gets jealous. 
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Rudy Pankow has been your best friends ever since the two of you have been little. You two were a package deal. If Rudy got in trouble, you were beside him. If they were inviting you to a party, Rudy would come with you. So when he got a job in Charleston, you moved with him. He moved in with Chase Stokes who plays, Madison Bailey who played Kiara and Jonathan Davis who played Pope. The other part of the cast moved in a few houses down from you. It was always fun being around them. There was always something going on in the house. 
One night you all decided to go out, with the whole cast. You got ready as Rudy walked into your bedroom. 
“Should I bring the camera? I know Drew and Cline are brining theirs,” he asked you and let himself fall on the bed. 
“Yeah, you should! You still need to edit the video from set,” you reminded him. 
“Crap. I almost forgot.” You laughed. One thing almost nobody knew is that Rudy likes to create videos and he’s pretty good at it. It usually looks like it has been shot on a very old camera. Madelyn Cline and Drew Starkey have the same sort of camera. It gives a vintage look and you’re in love with it. Rudy gave you a camera like that for your birthday, but you rarely take it out. You’re too scared that it will get broken. 
“You need to film something tonight! Create an awesome going out video.”
“Rudy! Y/N! You almost down?” Madison yells from downstairs. You quickly finish the last things of your hair and the two of you walk out. 
“Coming!” You yelled and walked down the stairs. Everybody was already waiting in the hallway. 
“Look at you all dressed up,” Madison said with a big smile on her face. 
“It’s not everyday that you go out in Charleston,” you laughed. The two of you walked out of the door. The boys followed. 
You walked through the streets and met up with Madelyn, Drew and Austin. That was the crew you were going out with. 
“There is a club down town that is supposed to be really good,” Austin said when you guys arrived. 
“Let’s go then!” Chase said. You all walked the way to the club. It wasn’t that far. Along the way, Madelyn, Drew and Rudy were filming the group of friends. Rudy and Jonathan were also doing some stupid things which made you laugh. Rudy almost tripped over a rock and bumped into you. 
“Sorry, I fell for you,” Rudy joked. 
“Haven’t heard that one before,” you said sarcastically. Rudy always had the same comment when he bumped into you. 
“It’s hard to be original these days.” You nudged him on his side. “That’s also not very nice.”
“I am not nice,” you said and smiled at him. 
“That is very true.”
“What have you filmed so far?” You tried to change the subject. 
“Nothing much. I think I have a great idea for the in the club so we’ll see how that’s going to turn out.”
You arrived at the club. It was packed with people, but it was exactly how you liked it. It was not to crowded, but not to quiet either. You had room to dance, but you didn’t felt like being alone on the dance floor and then there was the music. It was exactly your type of music. You could sing along with it and dance to it all night long. Austin was the first one to buy a round of shots. 
“To the Outerbanks!” He yelled and raised a shot. 
“Tot he Outerbanks!” You all yelled and took your shot. You took another one and then you took the girls to the dance floor. You felt the beat going through your body like it was your heartbeat. You threw your hands up in the air and let them swing, feeling like you were on top of the world. Chase and Drew joined pretty quickly. You started to dance with them. Drew made crazy faces and you laughed your ass off. Chase was the gentleman he always was and dance with you on the slow songs. You mostly were around Drew. Since the moment you first saw him, there was something between you two. Somehow it felt more then friendship, but you didn’t want to think more of then it was. You barley knew the guy at first. You know him a little bit better, but still not enough. Right now, you were dancing with him and everything felt complete. You hips were shaking on the beat of the music, your eyes locked in his. You danced around each other, did another shot and laughed at a silly face Drew did. You totally let yourself go tonight and you loved it. You didn’t had a care in the world. 
The music slowed down a bit and you took the time to take a breath. 
“Having fun?” Drew asked. You two were still standing on the dance floor. The rest of the group was somewhere standing on the side. 
“Very much!” You smiled. Drew smiled back. You felt something in your body. The music started to speed up again, but it felt like the world was slowing down. Drew didn’t take his eyes off you. You felt your heart race when he leaned in. His hands found a way to your hips. You wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled him closer to you. He pressed his lips against your and the sparks were flying through your body. You pulled him closer to you, if that was even possible. You felt like he was meant to be kissing you. It was like the pieces fit perfectly together. That was until he pulled away. When you opened your eyes, he was nowhere in sight. You scanned the room and saw him lying on the floor, with Rudy on top of him beating the shit out of him. 
“What the hell!” You yelled at Rudy. “Stop it! Right now.” He was never the type of person to fight so this came as a surprise to you. The other boys came pretty quick to drag him of Drew. You helped him up. His nose was bleeding and he had a cut on his lip. Never have you ever seen Rudy do this to someone. Even know when his friends were holding him, he was trying to get back to Drew. 
“What the hell, Rudy!” You yelled at him. “What was that good for? You ass!” He looked at you, suddenly calmed down. 
“No. What the hell is wrong with you, Rudy? You think it’s cool to fight? Are you like that now?”
“What? No!”
“Then why in the world did you fight Drew? What did he do to you?”
“He kissed you!”
“And that has something to do with you? I didn’t think so. You’re an ass,” you said. You turned around back to Drew. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“I’m fine.”
“I don’t care,” you said and dragged him to the bathroom with you. 
It was quiet in the bathroom. The music sounded far away. You grabbed a paper towel, got it wet and started to clean Drew his face. 
“Honestly, it’s no big deal,” he said. 
“Have you seen yourself? Your nose is still bleeding.”
“I got what I deserved, I guess,” Drew mumbled. 
You looked up at him. “What? Why?” 
He sighed, but didn’t say anything for a moment. “Because I know he likes you, more than just a friend Y/N. You’re the only blind person and I guess he snapped when he saw me kissing you.” 
You started to laugh. Maybe it was the alcohol, but this was just to funny. “I’m sorry, but you think that Rudy likes me as in he wants to be my boyfriend? Are you insane?” You couldn’t help but laugh even more. 
“I know because one, he has talked about how he feels towards you and two, I see the look in his face. I’ve seen guys looking at girls like that and they only do that with the people they truly love.” You stopped cleaning Drew his face. He was serious about this. You suddenly started to get really hot. Your best friend loved you. Your best friend was in love with you. “Oh my god,” you mumbled. Your mind started to race. You were afraid you were going to lose your best friend. Could you be friends with someone who was in love with you? One thing you knew for sure after the kiss with Drew is that you didn’t loved Rudy that way. Oh my god, how are you even going to tell him that? This is fucked up. You didn’t want to lose Rudy. He was your best friend, your family. 
“I get it if you feel-.”
“I don’t like him like that,” you cut Drew off. “He is my family, my best friend. God he’s almost like a brother to me! We grew up together. I don’t love him like that. Oh my god.” 
Drew grabbed the paper towel from your hands. “Just calm down. He knows that. That’s why he didn’t say anything about it.” 
“So this has been going on for a while then?”
“You should really talk about that with him.”
“How? How am I even going to face him? I’m going to have to turn him down, because I don’t love him like that. Jezus, this is fucked up.” 
Drew cupped your face in his hands. “It’s going to be okay. He’ll get it.” 
“How do you know? He just beat the shit ou-.” Drew pressed his lips against yours again. You relaxed in an instant. You got deeper into the kiss when you felt Drew wince in pain. You pulled back. His lip. Shit. How could you forget about that. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled. 
“It’s fine. I just really like you,” he said. 
“I like you too,” you smiled at him. He smiled back and his eyes sparkled with happiness. The door opened. You both looked, Drew stepping away from you. Madelyn appeared in the doorway. 
“I was wondering how everything was going here,” she said with a slight smile on her face. 
“Pretty good,” you answered. You tried to hide your smile, but you knew that Madelyn noticed it. 
“Good. Chase, Jonathan, Rudy and Madison went home. We get it if you don’t want to go home, so you could stay with us for the night if you want.” You really wanted to go in on that offer, but if you didn’t talk to Rudy now, you would never do it. 
“That would be great, but I have to talk to Rudy first,” you said. 
“Sure. We’ll walk with you,” Madelyn said. 
“We’ll be up in a minute.” She nodded and disappeared. You went on with cleaning Drew his face. 
“You sure you want to talk to him right now?”
“Yup. If I don’t do it now, I don’t think I will ever talk to him again,” you sighed. You cleaned the last of the blood and threw the paper towel away. 
“Alright. I’ll be waiting outside for you, just so you know.”
“That would be great.” You placed a kiss on his cheek and you both walked upstairs. 
You walked home, holding hands with Drew. It was almost like it has always been this way, like it was meant to be. You hated the fact that Rudy got so jealous he started a fight. Were you really that blind? Would he ever talk to you again? How in the world are you going to turn him down? He’s your best friend. You can’t do that to him. 
Before you know it, you arrived at the house. 
“I’ll be waiting right here,” Drew said. He slowly squeezed your hand. 
“Alright. I’ll be out soon.”
“Take your time.” You nodded and let go of his hand. You walked into the house and saw Chase and Jonathan sitting on the couch. 
“Where is he?” you asked. 
“Upstairs with Maddie. She’s trying to calm him down, but he will probably be more annoyed,” Chase said. 
“Thanks,” you mumbled. You walked upstairs and first went to your bedroom. You quickly packed a backpack with some things you needed for a sleepover. You put the bag outside Rudy’s room and knocked before you walked in. Rudy was standing by the window with the vape in his hand. He hasn’t smoked for a few weeks, so you knew it was bad. Madison was sitting on the bed. She gave you a look, stood up and walked out of the room. 
“Why did you fight him? Why not use words?” You asked Rudy. He didn’t turn around to you. 
“Because I was never planning on telling you. I know you don’t feel the same way. But something snapped.”
“Yeah, you.” Rudy sighed. “Look, I can’t say that it’s fine, because it’s not and you probably know how I feel about you, but you can’t just start beat people up, Rudy.”
“I know. I just got jealous.”
“Well, try to control it next time.”
“Next time?” Now he turned around to face you. 
“Yeah, because I think there’s going to be a lot more of me kissing Drew.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me. Do you even know the guy?”
“I do. There is no need to be all jealous again.”
“I’m not jealous. It’s just all of a sudden. You have never even mentioned him to me, about how you feel.”
“Because I didn’t know what to feel, but that kiss, god it was like magic. Like it was meant to be.” 
Rudy rolled his eyes. “It’s just the alcohol. You’ll regret it in the morning.”
“And crawl to you? I don’t love you like that, Rudy. You’re my best friend. You’re almost like a brother to me. I love him, Rudy. Not you.” You saw how Rudy his hand balled into his fist. 
“You serious right now?” He took a step towards you. “After one kiss you think you love him? You’re insane if you feel that way!’ He yelled at you.
“I don’t care. But all I can say is that you better get used to it, or are you going to beat him up every time I kiss him? Or are you going to beat me up to?” It was out of your mouth before you knew it. Rudy parted his lips together. “I’ll just see around,” you said and you walked out of the door. You quickly grabbed your back and hurried down the stairs. Three pair of eyes were looking at you. 
“You’re leaving?” Madison asked.
“Just for the night. For now,” you said. 
“That bad?” Chase asked. 
“Yup. I’m sorry that you have to deal with him tonight. I really am, but I just can’t be around him right now,” you explained. 
“Okay. Just come back, okay?” Chase said. You nodded your head. 
“Bye guys.” You walked out of the house. Drew was the only one waiting for you. 
“How did it go?” He asked. 
“Not good. I asked I’m if I was next and that was the last thing I said before I left,” you sighed. “I get that he is jealous and that’s fine. But you don’t start a fight. Is he going to do that every time I kiss you? Because then I’m leaving. I don’t want that shit.” You both started to make your way to the house. 
“What else happened?”
“Nothing much. Rudy is just being an ass right now. It will probably be a little bit better once he is sober and thought about what he did.” 
Drew grabbed your hand. “Just know that you can stay for as long as you want.” 
“Thank you,” you smiled. 
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nightsysdoesart · 4 years
yeah so
so i had a mental health crisis last night and didn’t go to bed until after 5:30 and i wrote this sort of as a coping thing. it was really cathartic, but as you might guess, it’s really depressing. tws in the tags
The first 1k words are some fluff and the last 1k are all depressing. I pulled most of this from my real life, with some changes (obviously. i mean, i am sitting here typing this) yes the people in this are based off people i know/knew irl
reader discretion advised, this is really sad and upsetting. i just wanted to post it to get it out of my saved writings that never see the light of day. plus i spent all night on this.
2241 words
She’s talking, hands flapping excitedly as she infodumps about butterflies and moths, lepidopterans, she calls them. She’s loud and expressive and bubbly, the opposite of me. Maybe that’s why I love her so much. Love. What a crazy thing, the chemicals in your brain firing in such a way when you meet the right person that you’re willing to do anything for them. People pass on the sidewalk in front of us, and kids play on the playground behind us. Leaves crunch under their feet, and our breaths are visible in the cool autumn air. Laughter and chatter echo through the park.
Her curly hair shines in the dying afternoon light. It seems to be getting dark earlier and earlier. Her eyes are bright, though. They shine with excitement as she tells me about the coloring patterns of poisonous butterflies, how they warn animals away, and how some non-poisonous species mimic the poisonous ones to survive. I feel my lips curve into a smile, her enthusiasm infectious. My eyes snag on her mouth, moving quickly as she speaks so fast I can barely keep up. Her lips, always so quick to tilt into a smile, make everything out to be the best it possibly can be. Always so quick to offer reassurance and a positive comment. The best part of this world I’ve been condemned to.
Police sirens startle both of us, her hand flaps turning nervous as she goes silent. They fade into the distance, and I quickly sign to her, trying my best to reassure her. It takes a few minutes, but her breathing goes back to normal. I sign and question, and she nods. I put my hand on her shoulder, hoping to reassure her with touch. She turns to me, looking at my shoulder as I watch her chin. It starts to wobble after a second, and I gently pull her into my arms as she collapses into my chest. I play with the ends of her hair as she sobs, coming down from the adrenaline shock of fear.
I press my eyes closed as a breeze comes through, threatening to make my eyes water. She shivers, and I wrap my arms more fully around her, dipping my chin to lean my head on her. Her hair smells like her hair products. I don’t know how to describe it, but it’s inexplicably her. Through both of us adjusting to get more comfortable, she ends up in my lap. Her shaking slows down, and she looks up at me. I offer her a small smile and cup her cheek with my hand. She leans into it and closes her eyes, being absolutely adorable. I clench my gut at the onslaught of emotion I feel when her lips curve into a small smile. She looks happy and content. With me. Because of me.
But I can’t keep this up. I can’t keep her safe. Not from everything that’s going on. Not from the world that will keep hurting her, for no fault of her own. I can’t protect her, keep her smile on her face. I will inevitably fail. This is a situation I can’t succeed in. I’m bound to disappoint her. I don’t want to fail her; she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. If only I could do better, be better, then I could make sure she was never sad or in pain. If I could do more, I could make sure she didn’t have to deal with racists, misogynists, queerphobes… I could make her happy, always. I could make sure the smile never left her face and make sure she had everything she ever wanted.
Her eyes flutter open, catching on my ear. She asks a question I don’t fully process. She noticed me tensing up, drifting away in my mind. I shrug my shoulders, wanting to savor this moment with her rather than dive into it right now. She seems to understand, falling silent again. This time, it’s a comfortable, companionable silence. She leans her head against my shoulder, and I rub her cheek with my finger. Sometimes the world gets so fast I forget to stop and appreciate what I have. What I don’t deserve. What I won’t always have.
I press a kiss to the crown of her head and feel one of her arms disentangling from around me to happy stim. I suppress a smile and press another to her forehead, another to her nose. She lifts her head a bit, guessing my next question. I still ask, though. I tap the corner of her mouth with my pointer finger, and she nods, smiling and happy stimming a bit more. I grin, feeling my mouth go lopsided as I close my eyes and press my lips to her.
Every time feels like the first time.
Nevermind the facts that it’s only been a handful of times. I will treasure every kiss I get from her. They are gifts, and I can’t be more grateful. Kisses from her feel like how looking at outer space feels when you’re in an area with low light pollution. I feel simultaneously small and in awe and wonder of how something, someone, so amazing could exist. And I have the honor of being here, at this moment, to experience it.
It doesn’t feel like the fireworks and explosions I’ve read; it feels like a quiet night where you might see a shooting star, but even more importantly, you’re sitting on a blanket with the one you love as the sky blazes purple and blue with twinkly lights here and there. I learned all about the constellations when I was younger, but I can’t sign to her while she looks up. I wish I could infodump to her the same way she does to me. I wish I was verbal like her; I wish I could take the words in my brain and put them in other people’s ears.
Her phone goes off, buzzing against my thigh as we separate. Her face dims as she reads the text. She lets me know she has to go as she stands and collects her bag. I stand up too, opening my arms as an invitation for one last hug. She takes me up, wrapping her arms around my midsection. I lean down a little to rest my head on hers, closing my eyes as I savor the moment. She pulls back, and I mirror, expecting her to leave, but she surprises me with another kiss. I happy stim as well, thumbing the spinner ring on my finger as I kiss her back. I try to memorize the feel of her lips on mine, her hands on my back, her curly hair in my fingers, our bodies pressed together- nevermind the fact I won’t have the memories for too much longer.
I do my best to make her last memory of me a good one. We break apart and I sign to her how much I love her, no matter what. She smiles and signs back, still learning. She waves goodbye and heads down the street to her apartment. I picked this park for our last meeting place so I wouldn’t have to worry about her getting home safely. This city isn’t as bad as others, but there are always bad people. I watch as she strides confidently down the sidewalk, a look I’ve seen more and more on her as we’ve been together longer. She’s grown so much, gotten so much happier- which is why I need to do this before I ruin it. Before I hurt her like I always do with those I love. Once she’s out of sight, I head back towards my apartment. It’s several blocks away, and I use that time to run over my plan in my head, to ensure that there will be no hiccups. I switch my music to instrumental and try to relax.
It doesn’t work, though, as I fumble with my keys and nearly drop them trying to get my door open. My hands are shaking so badly it takes me four tries to get the key in the lock. What am I, scared? No, I’m ready for this. I’ve come close many times, but this is the time. I’m going to do it tonight.
I swallow a handful of ibuprofen and down another glass of water. I’ve been drinking a lot more water than I usually do the past few days. Sparkling water, of course, I have sensory issues with plain water. I turn on the spout in the bathtub, getting it warm but not too hot. I grab some candles, lighting them to help me feel more relaxed. I put a bath bomb in the slowly filling tub for the same reason. Switching my music to the speakers placed strategically around the small space, I wander into the kitchen for a knife and sharpener. I change into a swimsuit because fully clothed would feel weird, but my dysphoria is bad enough to unsettle me right now.
Moving to the bathroom, I sit on the edge of the bathtub with my feet in the water as it slowly rises. I work on sharpening the blade as my hands shake uncontrollably. I sigh, setting down the knife and sharpener to move to the kitchen. It takes a minute of digging, but I find the bottle of vodka I had put back there in case I needed it. I squirt a ton of water flavoring in; I’ve never loved the flavor of alcohol. I take a sip and put in some more flavoring.
Making my way back to the tub, I find that it’s mostly full. I set the blade on the ledge of the tub and slide in, sighing at the warmth. Picking up the vodka bottle that’s now filled with green liquid, I take a big gulp, the liquid burning as it goes down. I keep sipping as I think. I let my mind fill with thoughts of her as the tub finishes filling with water. I push the remains of the bath bomb around with my finger, watching the colors trail out of it. Rainbow colors, like the colors of all the dresses she wears. Rainbow colors, like all the colors she’s dyed her hair. Bright and wonderful, like her. 
She’ll be happier with me gone. She’ll be able to find someone new, someone who can say “I love you” out loud. Someone who can infodump verbally, someone who can do all the things I can’t. She deserves someone more, someone who is better. She’s better off without me; the whole world is. With that in mind, I pick up the knife and start cutting. Right arm first. I dig in, barely feeling the pain. It’s bleeding a lot, which is good. But I can’t really see if I’m cutting in the right place or not, so I just keep pressing the knife in deeper until it hurts too badly to continue. I don’t know if I hit the artery or not, but it’s bleeding pretty heavily, so I’ll leave it at that. I dunk my hand in the water, watching as blood swirls and dissipates in the water. More blood comes out of my wrist immediately, which is a good sign.
I switch my knife to the other hand and immediately drop it into the water, my hand wet and slippery. I fish it out and dry my hands off with the bath towel hanging on the wall. I sip some more alcohol, hoping to get deeper on my other wrist. I take a deep breath and check the time on my phone. Good, I have plenty of time before my roommate will be home. I pick up the blade again and start on the other wrist, the shaking worse than before. Now, I feel every little movement in my right wrist, and it’s not responding normally; I think I nicked the tendons in there. My usual coordination is gone, and I’m glad I did my non dominant hand first.
I’m getting kind of lightheaded, and I’m not entirely sure why, but I just keep going. I’m not going to let some dizziness stop me. I’m doing this, and I’m doing it now. 
Spots swim in front of my eyes as I start breathing faster, almost like I’m hyperventilating. I try to remember my breathing exercises, but I can’t remember what counts they were. Was it four in or seven in? Why can’t I remember? I’ve literally used this same exercise for most of my life. Am I? What am I… ? Something slips from my hand, there’s noise in the background. A splash and noise, radiating pain and- what’s going on? I just wanted to hit quit. Why do I have to put so much work into it?
My head drops, and I can’t keep my eyes open. Am I? Why am I in the bathtub with my swimsuit? There’s a noise that won’t stop. I know it from somewhere. Over the throbbing of my head and the sound of my breath, I hear the front door unlocking. Why is my roommate home so early?? Oh well, they’ll leave me alone for a little bit. I can’t see anything; the pain is gone, there’s nothing to sense. The sound bounces in my head. The video chat ringtone I set for her, echoing off into the void.
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
This is a request for a SonAmy prompt! The gang have been attacked by Eggman, but it’s a really brutal attack as it leaves Amy seriously injured, and Sonic has to save her through the wreckage and it comes to light just how deeply devoted he is to her. Sorry if that’s weird or doesn’t make sense 😅
It was impossible to see anything beyond his nose. He coughs desperately as he felt dust entering his lungs. He moves his hands drastically around his eyes so he could try to see better but it wasn't doing any good. The Resistance's alarm resonated across the hall and it pained his sensitive ears.
His senses were all blocked but he just knew that Eggman had attacked the Resistance HQ.
He heard the agents trying to exit the building as fast and as calm as they could but it wasn't to find safety, it was to fight the robots that were coming their way.
"Sonic, your assistance is required outside."  
Sonic focused his attention on the wrist communicator and responded accordingly.
"I'm on my way, Tails."
Sonic tried to ignore the pain that was on his knee. He got injured when the first bomb landed and sent him flying across the next room. However, right now, it wasn't time to think about the pain. His friends needed him.
He tried to ignore the pain as he went outside the Resistance HQ. In fact, there was more than just one type of robot. All of the different abilities, like throwing fire or electric shocks.
It was going to be a difficult battle.
Sonic felt anxious enough, watching the Resistance's agents fight. Some of them were already down on the mud, others were bleeding terribly and some just try their best to keep fighting.
On the mist of the battle, all agents and soldiers of the Resistance heard Tails speak through their wrist communicator.
"The Resistance has been infiltrated by Eggman's forces. We request the assistance of agents class C inside the building now."
"I'll be going in too," Sonic said to Tails through the communicator as he dodged a punch from a robot.
"Sonic, no. You are needed outside."
Sonic finished the robot in front of him by a spin-dash, he tried his best to get his breath back.
He placed his communicator close to his mouth.
"Where are you and Amy?"
"I am heading outside, Amy insisted on staying a few more minutes inside. She said she will meet us later."
Sonic didn't answer after that. He got busy as he helped a soldier escape from a robot. His right knee was hurting too much at this point, but he just couldn't stop.
For now, Sonic couldn't do anything but to trust that Tails and Amy would make it out alright.
But if in 10 minutes they weren't out, he was going back inside the building.
Five minutes later, the robots retracted. Just like they came, they went away. It wasn't normal for this kind of thing to happen since Eggman never was known to go down without a fight.
Especially a fight that he was winning.
The agents and soldiers looked at each other, wondering what was happening or what had caused the sudden retreat.
Sonic knew that something wasn't right. He looked everywhere and he found Tails heading to his Tornado.
He kept looking but he didn't the one he was looking for.
He promised to himself that he was going to wait at least 10 minutes.
But that wasn't happening anymore.
He began to hop towards the building as fast as his broken ankle let him.
Then, everyone saw it coming.
And in a second, another bomb struck the Resistance HQ. It landed exactly in the Main Room...where Amy was.
Some agents and soldiers, including Sonic, were sent flying towards trees and bushes or just the muddy ground.
Sonic could feel that some of the tree branches he landed at were piercing his body. More blood was coming out of him, his vision was blurry and pain just covered his whole body.
He could hear a lot of steps coming towards him and whispering and screaming began.
"We need to take him to the hospital soon!"
"The nearest one is four miles away! I'll use the Tornado to take him." Tails said as Sonic felt being picked up by his arms and legs.
"Amy...", Sonic whispered softly as he tried to get free from their grasp.
"Some agents went to check for her inside the HQ." Tails reassured him as he started the Tornado. Sonic felt his body being placed on the place but he tried to stand up, looking for a safe exit.
Sonic may be a stubborn one, but he had his reasons. Lately, he felt like Amy and he was becoming apart. He felt like he wasn't with her as much as he should be. He was failing her but if there was one thing he could do was to stay committed to save her and to be with her whenever she needed him.
And right now, she needed him.
"I need to go." He said. "To her."
"You can't. You are very injured! I'll take you to the hospital right this instant."
"She will be fine! She's very strong! And class S agents went to look for her! Don't worry!"
Tails tried to comfort his blue friend as he put to fly his plane.
Already on the air, Tails gave one last look to Sonic, who seemed to be drifting into sleep, which wasn't any good.
Tails kept his eyes on the air as he asked questions,
"You know, maybe after this, it would be good if tell Amy about how you feel."
"...Yes, maybe." Sonic answers almost like a whisper.
"It's been a long time since you told me you wanted to take her to the beach...she likes it but it terrifies you, right?" Tails asked again as he kept his eyes on the path.
"I wasn't going to tell you this but seeing you need a push, I think you need to hurry up and open up to her because well..." Tails added, "Shadow is...very interested in her as well."
Tails waited for an answer but as he didn't receive one, he turned his face to look at the back of his seat just to see that Sonic wasn't there anymore.
He had jumped as everyone watched in awe.
Tails sighed as he saw Sonic's wrist communicator transform into a parachute, good thing he had installed many accessories to the wrist communicator.
Agents and soldiers watched with admiration.
"I don't know if he is amazing..." One of the soldiers added as he watched the blue one softly land on the Resistance rooftop. "Or he is just crazy."
"He is crazy...crazy in love with Ms.Rose." said an agent as she smiled to herself, hoping that one day she would find someone who will things like that for her.
There were rumors around the Resistance that the blue world-renowned hero was in love with the Resistance's captain.
And this just proved how devoted Sonic was to her.
Sonic landed right on the Resistance's rooftop and he hoped downstairs to look for the Resistance's Main Room.
He really wasn't expecting himself to react the way he did it. He remembers talking to Tails about Amy and the next second, he was on the air.
He coughs desperately and saw stains of blood on his gloves.
He continued.
"Mr. Sonic!" One of the agents of the Resistance approached him. "Please exit the building, we will find Amy and bring her to you!"
"No..." Sonic said almost in a whispered. He looked at the S squad, the top agents of the Resistance and added. "All of you, leave...I'll look for Amy by myself."
The cat agent looked at him in desperation, Sonic could barely stand and he still wouldn't let anyone help him.
"Please, trust us!"
"Stop being stubborn! You can end up dead!"
"It's not that..." Sonic breathed heavily, "It has to be me...I have to be the one to save her...I am her hero."
The agents looked at each other and nodded at Sonic and before leaving they added, "If you and Ms.Rose are not out in 15 minutes, we will come back for both of you."
Sonic nodded and saw them leave. He then continued his path once again and was glad to see that he was close to the Resistance's Main Room.
He finally reached the Main Room's door and he could clearly see that it was going to be hard to open. It would usually open with the fingerprint recognition, but seeing that that machine was destroyed, he thought the next best option was a spin-dash.
But would his body withstand it?
If Amy was there and she needed to be carried, he wouldn't do any good if his body gave up on him with the spin-dash.
But suddenly his problem was solved he saw Amy take down the door with her hammer. More dust came as and it softly subsided and Amy came into the picture.
"Sonic?!" Amy approached him. "You look terrible! What are you doing here?"
"I would say the same about you." Sonic looked at Amy, up and down just to make sure she was good. She was holding her arm and was standing for resistance on her right foot. Bleeding on her head.
"Broken arm?" Sonic asked.
"Affirmative...broken ankle?"
"More like broken everything."
Amy gave him a soft look. Sonic was a lot of things and being reckless was one of them.
"You know..." Sonic began, "You could have said you were ok, you have your wrist communicator, you know?"
"It's broken," Amy said as she showed him a destroyed communicator. "But looking at yours, it seems like it's working. We should tell everyone we are on our way."
"No need."
Both hedgehogs turned around as they heard a familiar voice approaching them.
"I'll take you both out of this building right now," Shadow said as he took out his red Chaos Emerald.
"Well, what took you so long? I called you like 15 minutes ago!" Amy said and Sonic looked at her surprised.
"You called him...and not me?"
"Yes, I needed him to help me protect the Chaos Emerald we have here," Amy added.
"Sorry," Shadow apologized as he got close to both hedgehogs. "I needed to do other things...Why do you think the robots retreated?"
"It was you?" Sonic decided to put his arm around Amy's shoulder. Amy took it as if he needed assistance to stand still but Sonic had something else in mind.
"Yes, I went to Eggman's base." Shadow was quick to break the two. He held Amy around her waist while he placed s hand os Sonic's shoulder.
"We don't need your help...I was fine saving Amy until you arrived." Sonic gave him green eyes and Shadow only responded teasingly.
"Must be sad to know that you are not Amy's only hero."
"Can he leave already? The building is about to collapse!" Amy asked angrily. Shadow smirked at both of them and Chaos Controlled the three of them out the Resistance HQ.
The agents quickly approached the three hedgehogs. They separated Sonic from Shadow and Amy as they took him again towards Tails' Tornado.
"Wait, but..." Sonic said as he looked behind the black and pink one. Smiling and teasing each other way to comfortably.
"No 'buts' Sonic, we are taking you to the hospital right now!" Tails said as he began to start the plane.
Sonic sighed, as the agents and soldiers placed him on the back seat. Shadow was right, Amy had a new hero and that was Shadow. He was the one who saved both of them today and there was no doubt about that.
He failed her.
He then saw Amy approaching him, and from the bottom of the plane, she smiled at him.
"Thank you, Sonic." She said.
"Why?" He asked, "I didn't do anything."
"What are you talking about? You saved me!" Amy blushed a little, a bit shy for what she was about to say.
"You are my hero."
That came out almost like a whisper but Sonic heard her perfectly. He smiled at her, he knew she had grown a lot and it has been a long time since she called him 'her hero' but hearing it again, reassured him.
"I'll always save you, Amy," Sonic added. "Always."
And he meant it.
A.N: Thank you for the prompt, I hope you enjoyed reading this! I love writing SonAmy once in a while and your prompt was very refreshing! Sorry it took so long, if you have any more requests let me know! Thank you again:)
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watchmegetobsessed · 5 years
Señorita - Shawn Mendes (pt 3)
cant believe we are at part 3 already! i love you all, thank you for the support, it means the world to me!
part 1 - part 2
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You feel like a total creep as you sit in front of your computer, the screen lighting up your face and it’s the only source of light in the house. Gordon gave up on you long ago, after you fed him he just casually disappeared in your bedroom, leaving you and your craziness alone.
At first you had no clue how to start it, aimlessly typing Connor and some other related stuff into the search bar, but nothing really came up. After an hour of endless failures you find the working path. Diving into public police reports you start reading back about previous fights and scuffles in town, meeting Shawn’s name too many times, but you try to slide over that. One back from last October mentions Brian as Brian C. so you eagerly get into the details. You are close to giving up when you succeed and find the name Connor B. at the end and your investigation takes a turn. In about ten minutes you have the address you believe is Connor’s so you call a taxi not wanting to waste any more time.
The pepper spray lies in your bag and you keep thinking about that to somehow calm your nerves, not that you’d have a chance if there is a whole gang against you. The car drops you off at the front of the street and you start walking down unsurely. The Sun has gone down, only the street lamps are giving you a sight of the houses along the pavement. The neighborhood is definitely not the best, you’d never come near here normally. Your eyes read the numbers on the houses until you find what you were looking for, only it’s ten times scarier than the other houses in the street.
It’s not even a normal house with a backyard, it’s the last one on the street and the yard is huge, the house is standing in the middle, with a bunch of cars parked here and there, some of them are just wrecks with no windows and tires. It’s dark in the front and only one window is lit up in the house, but you see light coming from the back. As you walk closer you hear voices, but you’re still too far to make out anything. Reaching into your bag you grip the pepper spray and hold it to your chest as you approach the house.
As you get closer you can make out more and more from the talking and one thing is for sure, it’s not friendly at all. You immediately freeze when you hear Shawn’s voice, you would recognize it from a million.
“You stand no chance here, Salazar. My boys would never lie to me. So get the fuck out of here before you regret even coming here.”
You’ve never heard him talk like this. Not even when those dudes cornered you that night on your run. He was scary as fuck back then, but this is a whole different level now. A shiver runs down your spine hearing it and you don’t even see his face, but you know it’s not the one you are used to lately.
In the meantime you reach the corner of the house and you tiptoe in the shadow to get a view of what’s really going on.
You see two groups. One is definitely Shawn and his friends, but he is standing at the front, Brian is right behind him with a threatening look. You see a guy in the back who is sitting on the ground, half of his face is covered in blood and you’re pretty sure it came from his nose which looks painfully crooked. If someone broke it that must have been one hell of a punch. Some other dudes are standing around him looking like guards. The other group is slightly smaller which makes you a tiny bit relieved knowing Shawn and his friends outnumber those bastards.
And there he is, Wade Salazar, standing tall right in front of Shawn. He is a few years older and seems bulkier than Shawn, but you’re not sure if he would beat him in a fight. Both his arms are covered in tattoos and his shirt is tight around his body. You suck on your breath when you see a gun peeking out from his pants on his back.
“It’s a warning, Mendes. If you can’t control your boys I’ll teach them the lesson next time,” Wade sneers back, his voice is calm and rigid, no sign of fear, but you wouldn’t be too scared either if you had a gun on you.
Shawn’s face twitches, it’s obvious he wants to punch him, but he holds himself back, taking a deep breath.
“Leave. You are already done with what you came here for,” he hisses, his eyes dark as the night.
“That kid?” Wade asks nodding in the direction of the bleeding guy. “He was just disrespectful with me. I came here as a guest and he didn’t welcome me warmly. What I came here for is to finally beat your ass, since you couldn’t be found in the past weeks too much. Now you are finally here, why would I leave without my satisfaction?” He sounds so full of himself, even you want to punch him. The guy is the definition of a scumbag.
“Don’t be crazy, we are definitely outnumbering you now, you might get a few punches in but you wouldn’t leave without at least a broken leg.”
I see Wade’s jaw clench as he realizes that he is right. So instead he takes a few steps backwards flipping his finger at Shawn.
“Next time, Mendes. Keep a tighter leash on your kiddos,” he growls turning around and starting to walk… right in your direction.
Panic rushes through your body as you start backing, trying to find a hiding spot, but there is none. You are screwed.
Wade appears in front of you, his people following him right behind and it takes a few seconds for him to get used to the shade, but his eyes terrifyingly light up when he makes your figure out while you stand there, your whole body frozen from fear as he looks you up and down so hungrily it’s almost a sexual assault alone.
“Hey there, gorgeous,” he sneers at you, slowly approaching you as you keep backing from him, trying to keep the distance between you and him. “Who are you?”
No word can form in your dried out mouth so you just gasp in terror. The back of your legs hits a car and you need to stop as he is getting closer and closer, like a predator slowly approaching its prey. That’s quite how you feel, like a scared doe, waiting for its death.
Just when he is about to get dangerously close Shawn bolts into your vision, his arms locking around Wade’s figure, dragging him back, his people immediately moving to get Shawn and you shriek in horror seeing four guys jumping at him at the same time. In no time, Shawn’s friends appear and slowly but surely everyone gets fought, pushed back to place, left with deathly stares at each other.
The next thing you know is that Shawn grabs your wrist and pulls you behind him, standing between you and the smirking Wade. You feel a hand on your shoulder, glancing to the side you see that it’s Brian, pulling you even farther from the danger zone.
“Don’t you dare touch her,” Shawn growls at Wade, the veins on his neck are popping out like never before, his fists hanging threateningly by his sides.
“What, little Mendes has a girlfriend? That’s why you disappeared lately? How cute is that!” Wade mocks him as if he was talking about a little child. The guys behind him starts laughing like they just heard the best joke of all times.
Shawn doesn’t move, doesn’t speak. Just stands there, staring at him deadly.
“Watch out, Mendes. It’d be a shame if she found out what it’s like to be with a real man and not with a little boy.”
Wade smirks at you and you quickly move so Shawn’s figure is covering you from his greedy eyes. There’s no reply from Shawn, he just keeps staring intensely at him as he finally turns around and leaves.
Relief washes over you once he disappears from your vision, but when Shawn turns around, eyes burning from anger your stomach drops again.
You are so fucked.
 You are early to your shift. It barely happens, you are the kind of person who arrives just on time, but you couldn’t sleep all night, your mind and thoughts going on and on and on relentlessly about one particular person and you start to feel ridiculous.
You are definitely not going to stand in line with all the other women in town who are part of the Shawn Mendes fanclub. There is no way you are that easily manipulated by just one dance and the hottest and steamiest make out session of your life. Your knees go weak even just by thinking about how it felt to be pinned against the wall by him, his tattooed hands roaming your body and the feeling of his touch on your bare skin just throws you off the edge over and over again.
You sit on the bench by the wall, a freshly made coffee in your hands as you stare off into the distance. You definitely don’t have any feelings for Shawn Mendes, everything that happened in that club was just because of the alcohol, he doesn’t even remember your name probably by now, you keep telling yourself as you finish the coffee and head back inside.
Work helps you get him off of your mind, the new and old faces make his face blurry in your memories as you focus on the orders. It’s right until a tall, muscular figure walks in, his leather jacket perfectly hugging his body, making every female take a turn seeing him.
You can’t believe your eyes as you watch him look around, luckily he can’t see you as you are hiding in the kitchen, peeking out, watching him walk to an empty booth and sitting down. You wish Rosie was working today, she would be running off to take his order probably, she was head over heels for him at the club as well. You haven’t even told her what happened between you and Shawn, her mind would have exploded if she knew that you kissed.
Out of all the tables he had to sit at one of yours and you know that Dolly and Monica will not move a finger, they are just not the types to do more than required. If you don’t want Rob up in your ass you have to go and talk to him.
“You got this,” you tell yourself, fixing your hair and straightening out your dress before finally building up the courage to walk out. He is sitting rather comfortable in the booth, one arm stretched out on the back, the other lazily holding the menu as he is reading it, one leg shaking under the table.
His eyes move up to you just when you step to his table, a smug smirk plasters across the lips that were kissing you not so long ago and you have to take a deep breath to get rid of the thought, because it’s making you feel things you definitely should not feel at work.
“Hello, what can I get ya?” you ask with the fakest smile ever.
“Señorita, what a pleasure to see you again,” he coos lazily, his eyes traveling up and down your body in a way that’s making you blush. You don’t answer, just click your pen, holding it to your little notepad, waiting for his order. You are not too big on retorts, so it’s better to keep your mouth shut before you say something stupid.
“I was hoping to find you here,” he continues.
“How did you know I work here?” you ask furrowing your eyebrows. You know for a fact you didn’t tell him you work here.
“I have my sources, don’t worry.”
You can only imagine about that. Licking your lips you decide to get back to his order.
“So, what can I get you?”
“When do you have your break?” he asks, totally ignoring your second attempt to get his order.
“I recommend the waffles, they are awesome,” you say deciding to play his game. If he is going to ignore your question, you’ll just turn it around.
His grin grows wider, amused by your respond and you can tell he probably never experienced anyone ditch his question before.
“We can play like this, Señorita. I can sit here all day and wait until you are off the clock.”
That’s something you definitely don’t want. There is no way you can focus on anything if he is sitting here, watching every step of yours. Letting out a frustrated sigh you look away, checking if anyone is near to hear anything you are talking about. Luckily, no one is close enough.
“Why do you care when I’m having my break?”
“Just want to have a talk. Something we didn’t have too much of the last time we met.”
The cocky grin is grinding your gears knowing well that he is talking about the fact that you were using your mouth for something entirely different at the club. If he keeps making these dirty comments you’ll definitely turn into a tomato in no time.
“I’m off in an hour,” you unwillingly tell him, earning a satisfied smile from him.
“Great. I’ll have those waffles in the meantime.”
Your nerves are wrecking by the time the hour passes. Shawn stays in his booth, following your every move, making sure to catch your eyes every time you dare to glance in his way. He is enjoying making you feel uncomfortable too much and it’s making you want to punch him, but also, you’ve never felt more sexually frustrated in your life. The way he eats waffles could easily be considered as porn, maybe he just did it to torture you, maybe he really is just that sexy. Either way, you had to go back to the kitchen to have a glass of cold water.
Like clockwork, he stands up when the hour is up and walks out without even checking if you are going as well. But of course you do. You find him outside at the bench, leaning against the wall in such an effortlessly attractive way you find it almost offensive. His bike is parked near the back door.
“So… what did you want to talk about?” you ask, crossing your arms on your chest, kind of to create a barrier between you and him.
“Straight to the point, huh?” he smirks at you.
“I have thirty minutes and I don’t want to spend it all on you.” The sass in your voice surprises you, but you don’t regret saying it.
“Alright then,” he nods, his eyes still mesmerizing you. “How about I pick you up after your shift?”
You give him a puzzled look.
“And what? You take me home?”
“To your place, my place, doesn’t matter to me. I just want to continue from where we left off at the club.”
Your mouth almost hangs open at his candid words, not really believing he just came here to ask you to go home with him and spend the night with him. He is one cocky son of a bitch.
“I’m sorry? Are you serious?” you question, but he just keeps smirking at you, so full of himself and sure that you are going to fall into his arms that easily.
“Never been more serious.”
“Okay, listen,” you start with a deep breath. “I’m sorry if you got the idea that this is heading somewhere, but it’s not. You and I are not really the same category.” You hope he doesn’t get offended at your words. “It’s just not gonna work. But… we can be friends if you want.”
The last part makes you feel so dumb, you don’t even know why you said that. Why would Shawn Mendes want to be friends with you? You should have just keept your mouth shut.
An amused smile spreads across his face as he pushes himself off from the wall, walking closer to you until he is standing dangerously close to you. Your heart is pounding in your chest, you fear that he can hear it because it’s so loud in your ears.
“Friends?” he echoes your word, making it sound like it’s a curse word. You just nervously nod your head. He leans down to your ear, his hot breath tickling your skin and you don’t dare to move.
“Baby, friends don’t know the way you taste.”
Your lips part as a shiver runs down your spine, a fire starts between your legs and you just hate how your body is reacting to him.
In the most serenely way he walks over to his bike, swings his leg over, but doesn’t start it just yet, looking back at you while you are standing in the same spot, frozen.
“I’ll be back tomorrow, Señorita. We’ll see how you feel about being friends then.”
The engine rumbles up as he gets a firm hold of the handles and he winks at you before rolling out of the parking lot, disappearing down the road.
 The memory is clear in your head about his first visit at the diner as it plays in your mind right before Shawn goes off at you.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?!”
His voice rumbles through the room as he is furiously pacing the floor back and forth while you just sit there, eyes fixed on the floor not daring to speak a word. This scenes gives you the vibes of your teenage years when your mom used to scold you after sneaking out to your friends’ house in the night, giving you a talk how you could have been easily killed out there on your own. You never felt like you were in danger back then, the longest distance you walked was two streets down from your home. However now you can definitely sense the seriousness of the situation this time.
Once Wade and his dudes were done Shawn grabbed your hand and rushed inside with you, all his friends following right behind. No one said anything when he pulled you into one of the rooms and shut the door closed, ready to rip you apart for coming here and getting yourself into this shitstorm.
“What were you thinking? Were you even thinking? Coming here all alone, not even knowing what’s here!” He is speaking so loud you’re pretty sure everyone else can hear him in the house, not that it matters. It was obvious for everyone he was raging when he pulled you into the room.
“How did you even find out the address?” he asks, totally outraged by you. Deep down you are somehow proud you could make The Shawn Mendes lose his shit but you wish it was for other reasons.
“Public police reports are very detailed sometimes,” you mumble under your breath, fingers digging into the cushion as you sit with your legs tightly pressed together.
“I can’t believe you.”
A not too happy chuckle leaves his lips as he finally stops and stares down at you with his hands on his hips. You blink up at him, nervously biting into your bottom lip as you wait for his next round of scolding, but he just stands there in silence.
“Do you know how much danger you were in out there?” he then asks and you’re not sure if you should answer.
“I saw the gun he had,” you say, your voice barely more than just a whisper.
“Do you realize how close I was to jump at his throat when I saw him talking to you? This is not a game, Y/N. If I don’t go to check if he left for real I don’t get there in time and you could have gotten hurt. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you.”
Though his words are making your heart beat faster, you feel like it’s time to defend yourself.
“Well, you said you’d be at my place when I get home, but you weren’t there. Again. You can’t expect me to just sit at home and wait to see if you ever show up or not.”
You see the guilt flash in his eyes and you regret dragging him for it. Letting out a frustrated sigh he steps closer to you kneeling down in front of you. Gently placing his hands on your knees his face changes from mad to regretful pretty quick, making your stomach churn.
“I know. I’m sorry, I messed up again. But I couldn’t let my friends alone.”
You let out a tired sigh, placing your hands on his as you lace your fingers together with his. The whole thing just crashes down on you now that you are facing him. Thinking about it you really were stupid to come here without knowing anything about what’s happening here. You were never the reckless kind of person, looking for trouble, more like the total opposite, avoiding anything problematic from far away and yet you still came here. It’s official, Shawn Mendes is making you lose your rationality.
“I know and I’m sorry for being so dumb, I just…” The damn tears are dwelling in your eyes again, you feel so small, so fragile suddenly, wanting nothing else than just go home and fall asleep in his arms. “I was just worried.” The words come out as a whisper as you quickly wipe the tears away before they could escape your eyes.
His right hand reaches up to your face cupping your cheek and you lean into his touch, his thumb gently brushing across your cheek.
“I should have texted you. I wanted to go over the moment he was gone, but I got distracted. I’m sorry, baby. I really am.”
His forehead rests against yours, you close your eyes as his fingers move into your hair, gently massaging your scalp.
“I was just… So scared that he would hurt you.”
“But he didn’t. You were there,” you tell him.
Your hands slide to the base of his neck as you can’t stop yourself from kissing him anymore. He returns the kiss just as hungrily as you attack his lips, tongues melting together, fingers pushing into his skin as you hold onto him desperately. He starts moving, he pushes himself up from the ground and you slowly lie back on the couch while he gets on top of you, never breaking the kiss.
Your feelings change so fast, going from scared to ashamed and now terribly lustful, longing to release all the tension that has been building up in you. As you pull your legs up his hips fall into place between your thighs, perfectly fitting there. A moan escapes your lips when you feel how hard he got so fast, but you can’t blame him, you’re burning inside just as much. Grabbing a fistful of his shirt you start pulling it up while he is kissing down on your neck, sometimes softly sucking on your skin.
You grind your hips against his, earning a deep, guttural growl from him when his lips reach your breasts, kissing the skin wherever it’s showing from under your shirt. You both kind of forgot about the fact that you have a bunch of other people outside in the house and you almost scream when there is a knock on the door.
“If you guys are done fucking come out, dinner is ready.”
The female voice makes you freeze, confusing you big time. You didn’t see any women out there, who could she be?
“Thanks, Aaliyah! Nice timing!” Shawn shouts back, clearly frustrated and dissatisfied.
“As always!” the voice chuckles back from the other side of the door.
“Who is she?” you question as he climbs off of you, fixing his shirt while you sit up and run your fingers through your hair, trying to control the mess his fingers just made.
Shawn lets out a sigh as he pecks your lips one more time before standing up and holding out his hand for you, pulling you up.
“That was my sister.”
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