#i finished this last night but still couldn’t think of a witty caption
luna-spacedoodles · 3 months
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brookecuzyes · 3 years
three years of you. — tear myself apart
Damiano David x GN!Musician!Reader
Main Masterlist — 3yrs Masterlist
Summary: it’s only been a couple of days, which were full of tears and regret. however, that regret wasn’t on their part until a simple comment was made. (Part 3 of a series)
Word Count: ≈3.4k
Warnings: cursing, alcohol intake, angst (Anyone drinking alcohol in this chapter is of the legal drinking age in the United States, which is 21.)
A/N: thank y’all for reading! this has already gained a lot of readers and so i am happy about that. love you guys sm 💕 songs included in this fic are not mine. any characters mentioned are not mine, and belong to their respected owners. and ofc, i don’t own the celebrities either. i do check comments/reblogs, so please be respectful!!
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You’ve got this, you can do it.
You tried consoling yourself. Normally, he would be here to help calm you down— or at least call if he could physically be there. He’d be there if you were about to have a panic attack, he’d be there to make sure that you were OK.
But you aren’t.
An entire audience full of strangers who listened to the songs, who listened to your heartbreak. Now, they get to watch your heart break live.
He wouldn’t— no, couldn’t— be there to comfort you. He couldn’t be there to tell you that everything will be fine. He fucked up, he’s the one who messed up that relationship…
“…then why did you show up?”
Glasses clinked. Chatter was taking place all around. Honestly, it was a little overwhelming.
You sat down at the booth with the whole band. Saturday had rolled around, which you hadn’t noticed since you were lost in an almost depressive state where time was non-existent. However, the karaoke bar definitely woke you up.
“Alright, guys,” Luke, the lead guitarist, said, holding a couple of drinks in his hands. “Tonight is the night! The tradition kicks in once again, and Monday we start recording. Let’s celebrate and relax.” Julie, the lead singer and the girlfriend of Luke, followed behind him, setting more drinks down on the table. Flynn, the unofficial manager of the band, let out a loud, “woo!”, making everyone laugh. All of you grabbed a glass and clinked them together, all taking a sip at the same time. Your face crunched when you processed the drink.
“Jesus, Luke, what is this?” you questioned.
“Alcohol,” he said blatantly.
“Yeah, no shit,” you shot back, shaking off the effects.
“I just said that we’re relaxing— that’s exactly what alcohol does!”
“Or maybe you're just an alcoholic?” Alex joked, taking a sip of his drink.
“I don’t drink that much.” Luke defended.
“That’s what an alcoholic would say.” The whole band started laughing at the ongoing banter. It isn’t often when Alex made witty remarks like that, and everyone always enjoyed it when he did.
On another note, you felt as if you absolutely needed this drink. Given what’s been going on this last week, you felt like you deserved it. Though, you knew you’d regret this tomorrow. You knew Alex was keeping an eye out for you. The rest of the band didn’t know yet, they just knew that something happened, which is why you left Italy so early. They were all confused, but didn’t ask upon it when Alex glared daggers at them when they tried. So, thankfully, they did back off. But, it doesn’t mean that they weren’t concerned.
You had been talking, making it seem as if everything was fine, but Alex’s heart broke when he picked up on it. However, with the alcohol about to course through your veins, it would be harder from him to be able to pick up on whether you were drunk or going through it. Regardless, he was going to make sure that you were having fun and not thinking about your ex.
“Hey,” Flynn said, “why don’t we start the karaoke? I think we all have enough alcohol in our systems to do this.”
“I vote for Alex to go first!” You said, raising your hand. “Do Micheal Bublé.”
“Woah, hold up, I never even said-“
“It doesn’t matter. What I say goes. Now go.” He sighed, laughing as he stood up from the booth. He went over to the guy and told him what song he wanted to do. They got everything set up, and Alex got on stage.
“Let’s go, Alex!” You cheered on, making him smile and blush just a bit— though that wasn’t entirely visible from where you guys decided to sit.
The song started playing, and Alex started singing. It took you a few seconds to recognize the song but you figured it out.
“Oh, he’s singing Feeling Good. I love that song,” you whispered to Reginald, the bassist, who was sitting next to you. He looked to you over his shoulder, smiling. He hadn’t seen you so “out there” since you got back. It was nice to see you getting back to normal. Though, he didn’t actually know why you weren’t normal to begin with.
And I’m feeling… good.
You cheered Alex on again, dancing along to the beat with the whole band. Alex didn’t sing much, but when he did you cherished those moments. That’s why he songs Now or Never and Stand Tall on the band’s very first album are your favorite.
“God, I love his voice,” Reggie said, as if he read your mind.
“Yeah, and look at him,” you pointed out the way his body is moving with the music. The way he was just lost in a musical haze. It was enchanting. “That’s what his anxiety covers up.”
Alex soon finished, hopping off of the stage with an embarrassed smile on his face.
“Oh, don’t be embarrassed, babe,” you said, noticing his expression. “That was the best performance tonight by far. Not even Julie could compare to how amazing that was.”
“Thanks, Y/N,” she said, drawing out the ‘thanks’ in a sarcastic way. You raised your glass to her.
“Anytime, Jules,” you replied, raising your eyebrow and taking a sip. She laughed, letting the comment you made slip— for now at least.
“Hey, I have an idea!” Flynn exclaimed. “How about we take a couple photos and post them to our accounts? Y’know, to celebrate this very special moment.” Everyone collectively agreed. Pictures were taken left and right— and others were taken throughout the night, too— and each person had a different photo that they were each going to post. You had decided that you were going to post yours now, not wanting to forget later on tonight or tomorrow.
You captioned it:
Just continuing a small tradition tonight with music and alcohol. maybe if he lets me, i’ll post Alex singing Feeling Good 😏🤍
It was perfect and you posted it, after letting everyone see it to make sure it was OK. Within minutes people already saw it and were liking and commenting. You made sure to turn your phone off before it started going crazy. Julie and Luke decided to go up and do a duet with each other. They choose Little Do You Know. Their voices were beautiful singing the song. They mashed just so perfectly. You recorded them, knowing that you would 100% show them this at their wedding. (They aren’t engaged, but it’s bound to happen sooner or later.)
You weren’t paying attention to the notifications spamming the top of your screen, though you did look back once to see if the camera was aligned with their bodies. That’s when you saw a specific notification. One thing that you absolutely forgot when you posted that photo was that Måneskin could still see your posts. The only reason you remembered was because Victoria responded to your post.
Ahhh you look amazing!!!😘
The second you saw it, you put your head in your hands, mentally slapping yourself. If Victoria saw it, then the rest of the band is going to see, meaning Damiano would see it. Fuck, you thought to yourself.
“Hey, Y/N, are you alright?” Alex asked, placing a hand on your arm. You looked up at him showing him the comment. “I don’t understand.”
“Victoria commented. Meaning Damiano’s probably gonna see it.”
“Not if he’s blocked.”
“I didn’t block him, we’re still mutuals.”
“I don’t know, Alex. Maybe I just haven’t gotten to it yet.” You realized the angered tone in your voice, not meaning to be rude to Alex. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap.”
“No, it’s okay. Hey, maybe if he does end up seeing it, he’ll just be jealous. Damiano will see everything he’s missing out on.”
“What is Damiano missing out on?” Julie asked, sitting back down with Luke.
“Oh, it’s nothing-“ Alex started, but you cut him off.
“I left Italy because Damiano was talking to another girl. It caused too many problems, so I left.” Everyone went silent. Everyone’s eyes softened at you, unsure of what to say.
“It’s fine. I’m here now. It doesn’t matter.” Silence fell once again, especially on Alex’s behalf. He knew you weren’t fine, he knew it mattered— whether you said it or not. “Sorry if I kinda killed tonight’s vibe.”
“N-No, you’re fine,” Reggie said. “You did nothing wrong.”
“Yeah, you didn’t ruin anything. I am glad that you told us, though. We’ve been worried.” Luke said, putting his arms on the table and leaning forward just a bit. You felt your phone vibrate but didn’t think anything of it— probably just another person on Instagram.
“Sorry that I made you guys worry. I just wasn’t sure how to bring it up. It’s just been a hard couple of days. This shit isn’t easy,” you explained, mumbling the last part. Everyone stayed silent, none wanting to make something worse.
“Luke, why don’t you and the guys go grab some food?” Julie suggested, placing a hand on Luke’s back, turning her attention back to you.
“Oh, yeah. Guys, let’s go,” Luke said, getting the hint. The boys got up and left, each giving you a sympathetic look. The girls, on the other hand, all stayed behind.
“Alright, listen up,” Flynn started. “Tonight is not the night to mope around. You can do that tomorrow when you’re hungover.”
“Right now,” Julie jumped in, “you’re gonna forget about that asshole, get your ass out there, and sing your heart out, dammit!” Your eyes widened at the girls’ sternness. A smile started creeping from your lips, Julie and Flynn following behind you. Soon enough, the three of you started laughing your asses off.
“Ok, ok, I’m convinced. I’ll have fun tonight. Thanks,” you said, trying to shake off the laughter so you can speak. You grabbed your drink, taking a sip of it. It was the same drink Luke got you earlier. Damn it, Luke. You shook your head to shake off the kick the drink had. Flynn chuckled at your antics, taking a sip of her, not as strong, drink. The guys soon came back with some snack-type items in their hands.
“Are we all good now?” Alex asked, setting down the plate on the table and looking your way.
“Yep, we’re all good now,” Julie answered, taking a sip of her drink. You chuckle at her, reaching for some of the food on the table. “But, Y/N’s about to sing for us.”
“Woah, wait, now?”
“What did I say? You’re gonna sing your heart out.”
You groaned, slumping back in your set in a joking— yet, not entirely joking— way. “Julie, I didn’t realize that you meant right now.”
“Ok, so? Get up there, Y/N! C’mon it’ll be fun.” You contemplated. I should go, you thought, it could be fun.
“Fine, I’ll go,” you announced, getting up from your seat. Reggie and Flynn got up from theirs so you could get out. When you got up, you turned to Reginald.
“C’mon, you’re doing this with me,” you said, grabbing his arm and dragging him over to the guy supervising the karaoke.
“I didn’t really wanna sing right now. Nerves, y’know?” Reggie explained.
“So? Reggie, I get that nerves are real, but there’s no way in hell I’m doing this alone.” You opened up a book full of songs, and was going through the selection.
“Why couldn’t you just get someone else?”
“Because I think our voices clash very well together.” You turned your head to him and gave him a smile. He shyly smiled back. You looked back at the book and held it up to Reggie. “What about this one?” you asked, pointing to a song. Reggie read it and smiled.
“Yeah, let’s do it,” he said, grabbing the pen and marking off the song and writing your names. You stood back, waiting for him to finish. When he did, he turned around.
“Alright, I’ve got us down. Wanna head up?” He asked, holding his hand out with a playful smile.
“Let’s do it,” you said, grabbing a hold of his hand, him taking you up the stairs and into the stage.
When you walked up, you saw the screen in front of you turn on, switching to the lyrics of the song. The lights were bright, but it wasn’t anything you weren’t used to. You saw some people stare at you, but it was mainly the rest of the band. Reginald walked to the microphone set up on the far left, you took the other. The song started playing, immediately relaxing you. Maybe this isn’t as bad as I thought. The song you chose was a favorite of you and Reggie— Meet Me At Our Spot. Of course, the band loved it too, but they got bored with it after a while since you two were always blasting it wherever you went. You actually had some inspiration from this song and wrote a little tune, but you had no lyrics at the moment.
When I wake up
I cant even stay up
I slept through the day, fuck
I’m not getting younger
“Victoria, you don’t understand-“
“No, you don’t understand, Damiano!” Victoria raised her voice at him. They never argued. They’ve known each other since childhood and nothing had ever caused an issue, except for this.
“I did nothing wrong.”
“Really? ‘Cause it looks to me that you broke your lovers heart.”
“Y/N left me,” he said, trying to reason.
“They might have physically left, but, Damiano, you were gone a long time ago.” She started towards the front door of his house, grabbing her keys.
“Where are you going?” Damiano asked.
“Home. But, let me tell you something first, Dami.” She put her hand on the doorknob. “It doesn’t matter how you try to defend yourself, you fucked up. You broke Y/N’s heart. You were talking to someone else. The damage is done. If you’re gonna try and get them back, you’re gonna have to try really damn hard. You want to get Y/N back, right?”
Silence followed. Victoria gave him a second to compose himself, but ultimately feared the worst. “Dami…”
“I mean, yeah, but-“
“No buts. You shouldn’t be saying ‘but’, you have no reason to.” Damiano just looked at her. “Wow… unbelievable.” Victoria opened the door and walked out, slamming the door behind her. Damiano walked up to the door and locked it. He headed back to the living room and heard his phone ding. He picked it up and saw that you had posted a photo.
Just continuing a small tradition tonight with music and alcohol. maybe if he lets me, i’ll post Alex singing Feeling Good 😏🤍
He sighed. He unlocked his phone, and went to go see the photo you posted. You looked nice. Happy. What was the tradition again?
Right, karaoke. The weekend before the band records an album, everyone goes to a karaoke bar. He scrolled down a bit and saw a comment. He saw Victoria’s comment.
Ahhh you look amazing!!!😘
He figured that she saw the post before she pulled out of his driveway. He debated on what he should do.
Yeah, he fucked up. But, it really wasn’t that bad. It’s not like he cheated. It was just talking. He wanted to tell you that you look great, but wasn’t sure how you would feel about it. Like Y/N would care what I think, he thought to himself. You never broke up, though. Plus, he needs to know what’s going on, how you’re doing. He’s concerned. Couldn’t be the worst thing— it’s not like the internet knows yet.
Ok, I’ll just just comment.
Caught a vibe
Baby, are you coming for the ride
I just wanna look into your eyes
I just wanna stay for the night, night, night
You and Reginald were jamming out to the song, as per usual. Everyone was loving it, even the rest of the band. It was the most fun you’ve had in a hot second.
When we take a drive
Maybe we can take the 405
Hypnotized by the light
Man, this must be the life
As the song ended, everyone cheered you two on. You went over and hugged Reggie on his side, him giving a small hug back. You guys walked back to your booth, the whole band full of excitement. Alex got up from his seat and let the two of you in, you sitting in the corner of the booth.
“That was amazing!” Luke exclaimed.
“Thanks, we had fun,” Reggie said, practically reading your mind.
“Your voices go so well together,” Flynn remarked.
“That’s exactly what I said!” you said, hitting Reginald’s shoulder so he knows your point is proven.
“Ok, we don’t have to be violent about it,” he joked, smirking just a bit.
“Yeah, whatever. I’m gonna go to the restroom real quick. I’ll be back,” you said, waiting for Alex and Reggie to stand up so you can go. You grabbed your phone, stood up, and made your way to the restroom. When you got to the restroom, you went to one of the stalls but checked your phone before you did anything else. However, you almost immediately regretted it because you saw that Damiano had commented on your photo.
What the hell does he want?
You read what he had commented, and, honestly, you wanted to laugh.
You look great tonight, as you do every night, amore
You couldn’t believe it. Amore, really? you thought to yourself. You looked up from your phone, looking at the stall door. You contemplated what to do next:
For starters, keeping the comment wouldn’t be out of the norm for your followers. They knew about you and Damiano. However, if you deleted (which you really wanted to do), everyone would notice. People would speculate. Or, you could just go off on Damiano privately. That would be too harsh. But, this is your account— your decision. Do you want to have your cheater boyfriend compliment you the way he did?
You know what, do it later, you thought, turning off your phone and finally, actually, using the restroom.
Once you finished, you exited the stall and walked over to the sinks. You washed your hands, not able to get that damn comment off of your mind.
You walked out of the restroom and back over to the booth, but you didn’t sit down.
“Alex,” you said, standing next to him. “Can I talk to you?” He looked up at you, unsure of what you wanted to talk about, but got up anyway. You grabbed his hand and pulled him outside.
When you two got out there, you sat down on a bench, Alex following your move.
“Is everything alright?” You opened your phone and went to Instagram, showing Alex to comment Damiano left. “Oh.”
“Yeah. I just don’t know what to do, and it is tearing me apart. Do I delete it? Do I keep it? Do I argue with him?”
“Delete the comment, and, Y/N, please, block him on social media. You don’t have to block his number, but you should block him everywhere else.”
“Why not his number,” you asked.
“Because you need closure. At some point, you’re gonna want to text him or call him and try to get some understanding as to why he did what he did. You haven’t actually broken up yet. Maybe that’s how you finish off?”
After a moment of contemplation (again), you nodded your head slowly.
“Ok. Yeah, ok, I’ll do that.” You lowered your head and searched through your following to find Damiano’s account. You clicked the three dots at the top, and looked for the block button.
“You sure this is the right thing to do?”
“Yes. Want me to do it?”
“No, no, it’s fine. I can do it.”
You looked at the button for a second. You’ve never even thought of blocking him before. I’m your mind, he was the one. Now? Well, you’re blocking him because he cheated on you, so obviously your idea of him completely shifted.
I can do this.
Your hands started shaking slightly, your heart was beating like crazy.
I can do this.
Slowly, you moved your finger over the button.
Click it, it’ll be fine.
And, so, you did. You clicked the button.
You felt free.
Taglist for 3yrs — i’m so sorry if i couldn’t tag you!*
@mywritingonlyfans @nientedaridere @pingpongchamps @fairysums @kkjk @blackbluerose666 @thatmeganthing @teenyweenynightghost @ccweasley @lilchickie @katyldamusic @fanfictioncafe @tiaamberxx @butkutee @aboredassho @story-scribbler
*(for those who want to be tagged, please have stuff posted onto your blog and make sure that your blog isn’t censored <3)
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ikingsley · 3 years
Ina x MC: My Star
Ina x MC: My Star
Summary: Ina and Luna take their relationship to the next level.
Warnings: Fluff! So much fluff.
Tag: @samanthadalton @domakir @kulaykape @hellyeah90sbaby @dopeyouth @kwaj05 @thedaft1​ @swimmingshoebakerydreamer @kaitlynliaofanxx (Let me know if you’d like to be added or removed)​
Author’s Notes: Events after the gala in QB Ch 16. Unfortunately, I have been busy with school and work, but I’ve still been writing. I’ve been working on a new series, one that tells about Ina and Luna’s future together. Here’s the start to their future relationship.
May 3 @5:42 PM
Ina: Hey. I have a little something for you. Do you want to swing by my place and pick it up? Maybe stay for dinner too?
Luna picked up her phone, reading the message. They had been together officially for a few months now, but the gala had in a way halted their progress. It’d been a few weeks since Ina and Luna had truly been together for a date. Conversations through texts and FaceTime calls that lasted well into the night did occur frequently, but nothing of the romance the two had grown used to. Neither one knew how to approach the delicate situation they found themselves in. 
Luna: I’ll be there.
Luna walked quickly to her dorm, grabbing a hoodie. She trudged over to Ina’s apartment and waited patiently on the other side of the door. Ina opened it and gave her that million-dollar smile. 
“Hey,” Luna breathed out, her breath hitching after seeing Ina physically after weeks.
“Luna. You’re looking as radiant as ever. Come inside.”
Ina’s glance to the outside world did not go unnoticed. It was if she was searching for someone watching her. Not finding anyone who caught her attention, Ina closed the door and bolted it as she welcomed Luna inside.
“You know, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“You finished your first year at Belvoire. I think that deserves some celebration.”
Luna looked around, taking in Ina’s apartment once more. Then she smelled it.  She looked around the kitchen and saw the oven light on.
“Is Ina ‘I-Burned-Pasta’ Kingsley cooking?”
“Well, attempting to. I have some chicken in there.”
“Color me impressed. Does that chicken happen to be for me?”
“No,” Ina chimed in, turning around to attend to her food. “It’s for a twin sister you never knew you had that I also happen to be going out with.”
Luna only rolled her eyes at Ina in reaction, but reached forwards to hug her from behind.
“I missed you,” Luna whispered into Ina’s ear.
Ina spun Luna around and stared intensely into her eyes. “And I, you. Our FaceTimes weren’t enough for me. I don’t know what happens next with my future at Belvoire, but I know I want my future with you.”
Ina pressed a kiss against Luna’s temple. The timer went off and Ina pulled the chicken out of the oven.
“Me too. I-” Luna stopped.
Ina stopped and swiveled around waiting to hear those three words. “I…what?” Ina questioned. And how she longed to hear those words uttered from Luna’s mouth. Ina heard them frequently from Lilian and Charlotte, but she couldn’t even remember the last time she’d heard it from a partner. Excluding Luna, it’d been so long since she’d felt that kind of intimacy.
“I…I wonder what we have to accompany this chicken!” Luna diverted.
“Oh. I forgot to tell you. I have some broccoli in there too. Maybe I have some…wait- this went bad.” Ina dumped the rotten spinach in the trash. “Yeah, only broccoli.”
“That’s perfect.”
Soon, Ina placed a full plate in front of Luna and settled beside her. They took their first bite and surprised was only one way to describe the taste.
“This is uh…interes-” Luna remarked as she politely forced herself to swallow a portion of the food.
“You don’t need to-”
“Thanks.” Luna ejected what was left of the chicken from her mouth like it were a toxin.
“So, pizza?” Ina said and sputtered out the chicken. It was bone dry and there was too much seasoning of all sorts. Too many things had been combined.
“Please. No offense.”
“None taken. It’s the thought that counts, no?”
“You’re improving every time I see you cook, so let’s call it progress,” Luna smiled as she patted Ina’s shoulder. She stood up to grab her phone and order pizza.
Ina sighed and flopped on the couch. She so desperately wanted this night to go well. She herself was nervous. Ina had spent the previous nights tossing and turning. It finally had dawned on her that she was in love with Luna. Ever since she met her she’d slowly been falling more and more under Luna’s spell. Now she was completely enraptured by her. The simple facial features that morphed into an infectious smile. The way her nose crinkled when she laughed at Ina’s horrible jokes and witty banter. The way Luna caressed her face as she swept her into a kiss. Everything had been coming together.
“A penny for your thoughts?” Luna asked while she sat down next to Ina indicating she had just gotten off the phone for pizza delivery.
“Just...contemplating everything surrounding us. I’ve come to understand what’s truly important to me, which ultimately boils down to Lil, Charlotte and you of course. I don’t dislike my job, but maybe this is an opportunity for me to try and search for a more research-based career rather than actively teaching.”
Ina stood up, grabbing a small, elegantly wrapped rectangular box.
“I care for you too, Ina,” Luna smiled. “You so did not wrap this by the way.”
“Hey! I’ve gotten better at gift wrapping.”
“Not this good-”
“Oh hush, you. Open it.”
Luna meticulously pulled off the wrapping. Inside was a small framed poster. The poster had a big circle right in its center with some stars in it.
“Ina, this is beautiful. Is this-?”
“The stars on the day we met.”
“I don’t know what to say, babe. It’s...it’s perfect. I love you. I mean, I love it! Yeah! I love it.”
The silence that followed was highly drawn out. Both - who could talk a mile a minute when they were excited or passionately ranting - were dead silent. Ina replayed the moment in her head over and over. Had she heard right?
Luna was more bewildered with herself. She’d been too used to toxic, quickly-ending high school relationships. But as more time passed since she’d let the cat out of the bag, the more she realized that this somewhat spur-of-the-moment confession had more truth in it than anything she’d ever said before. She did love Ina. She loved the way Ina would tell her about her day, getting particularly loud during both the best and worst parts of the day. She loved the way Ina made her laugh or actually kept up with her nerdy discussions. She loved the way Ina would leave anything she was doing if Luna needed something. She loved the way Ina cared for Luna during her stressful finals and tended to her every need. She loved the way Ina balanced her so well. 
But deep down, Luna was scared. Scared of being hurt again. Scared of loving someone who only loved her if she acted in a certain way. But that someone wasn’t Ina. She’d found more of herself through Ina. And she’d found something she deserved in a relationship - a mutual respect.
“Can I crash here? I’m pretty tired.”
“Yes, but Luna...”
“Good night!”
Ina’s urgency made Luna swivel around and she finally met Ina’s eyes. They were full of admiration, love, happiness.
“Did you mean it, Luna?”
“You know.”
“Well, words are a tricky thing. After all, there’s a whole branch of anthropology that focuses on linguistics. It’s very complex!”
Ina hummed softly. “Yes, well...good night.” Ina pressed a chaste kiss on Luna’s forehead and Luna began to turn around to the bedroom. “I love you, Lu.”
Again, Luna stopped in her tracks. “What?”
“I love you, Garcia,” she grinned. “Come here.”
Luna ran towards Ina as she swept her in her arms. Luna jumped into Ina pressing her lips against Ina’s. Ina carried Luna’s small frame and paraded her around the apartment, often breaking their kiss with more admissions of love.
“I love you, Ina. With all my heart. You know pieces of my past and so I was scared to say it. I know we haven’t officially been together for long, but what I feel for you, it’s beyond anything I’ve ever felt before. I am...deeply in love with you, however scary it may seem.”
“Read the caption under the stars, my love.”
Quietly, Luna descended from Ina’s arms and picked up the poster she’d just been gifted. Under the stars was a small quote. 
I love you, what star do you live on? - Conrad Aiken 
Ina Kingsley and Luna Garcia
The Day the Stars Aligned. September 6, 2020 | 4 AM | Dreams Diner, New York 
“I love you so much you big nerd,” Luna beamed and wiped away the tears that began forming at the corner of her eyes. “I love you, Ina Kingsley.”
“Sun? My name, Luna, means moon in Spanish. But I guess I’m your sun too.”
“You are. By the way, I know that, Lu.” Luna gave her a ‘really? are you sure about that’ look. “I am fluent in Spanish thank you very much! I learned it before English!”
“As did I,” Luna retorted.
“Right, well. My middle name. It’s Sol.”
A few months later...
“I can’t believe I’m here,” Ina laughed.
“Honestly, same.”
“What? You basically coerced me into coming!” Ina exclaimed. “I thought we were going to the museum.”
“We will after if you’re up to it. And you would’ve come regardless. You love me too much.”
“Such a little simp.”
“No, nothing,” Luna said quickly. She proceeded to whisper simp once again under her breath.
A strong, tatted man opened the dark curtains, letting the establishment soak in the sunlight.
“How can I help you?” he asked.
“We’re here for tattoos!” Luna said happily.
“Yes, well, we are at a tattoo parlor,” Ina retorted.
“Sorry. Don’t mind her. She’s just grumpy all the time.”
Ina made a face at Luna, her brows furrowed in frustration. Just through that look, Luna knew not to pester Ina once more. She gave her a ‘you’re in trouble when we get home’ look.
“You both are willingly getting tattoos?” the man asked. It was definitely more directed towards Ina.
Bashfully, Ina nodded. Never in a million years did she think she’d do this. A tattoo. Jesus Christ. Luna was right. If she pulled out a Merriam-Webster dictionary, she knew she’d find a full page photo of herself next to the word simp - a word they’d specifically added just for her.
“What are you guys looking for? Something small, something big? Something plain, something colorful?”
Who was this man? Dr. Seuss’s son? Ina thought to herself.
“Just something small. Maybe on my hip or something,” Luna answered for the both of them as Ina nodded in agreement.
As fun as this little bonding activity was, both women were professionals. Nothing could be too blatantly obvious. Potentially hypothetically, Ina couldn’t have her students ask her about her new tattoo rather than anthropology.
“Do you guys have any designs you want me to copy?” the man asked as he put on gloves.
“Umm...I didn’t have anything in specific in mind. Maybe her name or something that reminds me of her? A rose maybe?” Luna began rambling as her thoughts took over.
The two women stood aside in silence, pondering what they would get. It was unlike them - they were always prepared for everything.
“Hey, Luna,” Ina turned to face her partner. “Why don’t we get a sun and moon?”
“Aww, Ina,” she smiled.
Goddamn those heart eyes, Ina thought.
“Okay, why don’t you get a moon and I’ll get a sun,” Luna said. “That way I’ll always be reminded of you, and you me.”
“I’d like nothing more, my love.”
And after being called a baby multiple times by Luna and a few blaring yelps - mostly on Ina’s part - they were permanently linked by ink. 
“I love you but I am never ever doing that again, Luna.”
52 notes · View notes
In the Name of Love
Harry regrets ending things when he sees the girl he once loved has moved on with none other than Timothee Chalamet [2.2K Words] [some angst]
Another night alone meant another night of American chat shows, Harry found himself slumped on his large L shaped sofa, a bottle of wine sat on the coffee table as he munched on a bowl of lentil chips. “Mr Chalamet it’s great to have you here on the late late show again, can I just say I think Little Women is an impeccable piece of work.” the audience clapped in agreement, Harry had always appreciated Timothee’s work and regarded him highly.
“Thank you so much James, I wish I could take all the credit for it, but Greta has created an exquisite piece of work, and I am eternally grateful she wanted me to be a part of it.” As the interview continued Harry shuffled into the kitchen, serving up the bowl of pasta that had finished boiling, adding what can only be described is a truly necessary large portion of pesto. “And as we know, you aren’t here alone in LA are you? You’ve bought back more than just a postcard from your trips to London haven’t you?” James continued, holding a picture close to his chest that he was sure to reveal to the audience.
“I guess you could say that James.” Timothee replied, an endearing grin plastered over his face.
“For those that don’t know, a good friend of the show shared this adorable tribute to you on the night on the golden globes with caption, ‘forever proud of you my beautiful boy’, that his truly a beautiful picture of you with the incredibly talented YN.”
“You’re right, she’s insanely talented,” Timothee grinned, his smile stretching from cheek to cheek. It was probably just as well Harry had put his bowl down on the table before James revealed the picture, there she was, his girl, except she wasn’t his girl anymore. The hands she once ran through his hair were running through Timothee’s, the daybed she once shared with him she now shared with Timothee, the same smile he had fallen in love with when she was the only one to laugh at his terrible jokes was now probably laughing at something witty and charming Timothee had told her. The sunglasses that she had worn on countless occasions when they were together, in many ways she was the same girl she was when she was Harry’s but as a whole that couldn’t be further from the truth. “She makes me really happy and I’m really lucky to have her you know...she’s going to tease me so bad for being like this on TV.” Harry thought about that, about how she was the same with him, as much as she loved when he got all soppy she never always used to tease him for it too. “We’re not here long if I’m honest with you James, a friend of ours is getting married next week, so we’ll be here for that.” Harry glanced atthe envelope that was sat on his coffee table, inside it was an invitation to a wedding that two weeks ago he hadn’t even thought about going to. But now he couldn’t think of anything he’d rather do.
“What’s up Haz, you alright?” Ben asked as he answered his phone from the control room at Late Late.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked, bluntly and to the point, biting his lilac and yellow nails as he did.
“Tell you what? Mate what are you on about?” Ben asked, clearly taken aback.
“About YN, that she’s with Timothee.” He muttered.
“We all just assumed you knew, you still follow her on instagram I thought you knew.” 
“I muted her, knowing where she was and what she was doing wouldn’t have done me any good. Was she there? With him?”
“Do you really want the answer to that question?”
“Would I be asking if I didn’t?”
“Well yes, she is, but Haz I don’t think it's a good idea for you to come down here, I don’t want anything kicking off.” Ben sighed.
“I got an invite to that wedding, the one Timothee was talking about, I think I’m gonna go, for closure,” Harry explained.
“Just don’t get your hopes up H, they seem pretty loved up, don’t do anything daft.”
Harry hadn't really been bothered when he saw the wedding invite,but somehow knowing that she would be there, dancing the same way she always did, singing out of tune to every eighties song they played, it changed everything. It was one of those high profile weddings that gained a lot of media attention, it was typical of LA, something Harry had recently got used to. Intent on making a good impression he riffled through his wardrobe, looking for just one suit that he hadn’t worn before, and would make it seem like he had his shit together, which frankly he didn’t. He hadn’t shaved in weeks, his hair was a chaotic mess, so in some way he saw this wedding as a turning point, to prove he was alright.
It was the day of the wedding and Harry stared himself up and down in the mirror, he had spent the last week working out profusely in the gym, hoping that would make some sort of difference, he had recently had his hair trimmed, and had made the conscious effort to remove any trace of stubble from his chin. He’d managed to find a suit that was understated, yet still allowed his personality to shine through, a bottle green suit, paired with a white shirt and white shoes. He had no clue what he was going to do or what he would say if he saw her, he didn’t have a plus one, so he would most likely end up standing awkwardly talking to people he had worked with once or twice.
Harry loves love, and usually a wedding would be the appropriate place for him to express that love, but he couldn’t help but feel a fraud, as he arrived at the venue walking up the path that was littered with photographers he thought about his ulterior motive. The desperation he had to see the girl he once called his, the girl he stayed up until the early hours putting the world to rights with, the girl who would make the most delicious smoothies every morning, the girl who would run him a warm bath with his favourite bubbles and bath bomb when he’d had a long day at the studio. As he turned a corner towards the venue he saw them, in each other's arms, if you could define love with just a picture it would be that. She was looking up at him, her hands interlocked with his as they giggled about something mundane that would probably have them in stitches all day. Harry could tell that she adored Timothee, she seemed so content, and was still the beautiful girl he had once loved. Her hair fell in gorgeous curls, resting neatly on her shoulders, the colour of her baby pink dress matched the colour of his tie perfectly. Harry knew he had to bite the bullet at some point, he’d have to walk past them to enter the venue he couldn’t just stand there awkwardly. 
The ceremony was beautiful, a true celebration of the love the two people shared. Once the ceremony had finished everyone made their way to the venue where the reception was being held. Everyone found their respective tables, Harry found his name on the list realising he was going to be sat with two people he probably didn’t want to be sat with. He sauntered awkwardly through the venue to the table, YN was sitting by herself, he assumed Timothee was getting drinks or something. “Hi.” he whispered softly.
“Hi,” she responded, “You’re sitting there I believe, '' she gestured to the seat across from where her and Timothee had been positioned. 
“How’ve you been?” He asked, taking the seat across from her.
“Good, I’m better than I was.” She assumed he knew what she meant, and he did, he had hurt her badly, and now she was healed, he had only begun to realise he was hurt too.
“You look wonderful by the way.”
“Don’t. Don’t do that.” She told him sternly, 
“Do what?” 
“Play with me like that, you hurt me bad Harry, really badly, and for the first time in years I’m truly happy.” 
“Hey dude it’s so good to see you,” Timothée placed his hand on Harry’s back in a way of greeting him, Harry couldn’t help but find his kind smile annoying.
“You too.” He shook his hand and returned to his seat.
“You alright angel?” Timothée asked her as he sat beside her, placing his hand on the small of her back, Harry couldn’t help but wince as he did, remembering when he used to do that and how much he had hurt her.
“I just don’t get it Harry, six years has never stopped anyone before.” She whimpered, sat on the sofa opposite him, he was doing everything he could to avoid eye contact with her, knowing it would only make what he intended to do even more painful.
“I can’t love you YN, we can’t work, you’re barely eighteen, I’m twenty four, the press have already got wind of it and it won’t take them long to work it all out.” He explained, the sincerity in his voice broke her heart, it baffled her that he could be so blunt about it, she had loved everything about the four months they had been together and she felt herself loving him more and more each day. 
“Camille was eight years older than you Harry, what’s the difference?” He looked up at her, noticing the red puffiness of her eyes, the pinkness of her cheeks where her makeup had rubbed off from wiping away her tears. “Don’t tell me, it’s because she knew what she was doing, she didn’t have to tell you to go slow, you didn’t have to show her what to do the first time you were together. Harry. Fuck. Fuck you Harry. Fuck you. So is this it? Is this the end of us?” 
“Yeah, I think it’s for the best.” he replied, combing his hand through his knotted hair.
“The best for you or the best for your fucking career?” She stood up, taking the few things she had left in his house and left, slamming the large door behind her.
YN loved a wedding, she also loved having a date at a wedding, she sat on Timothée’s lap, running her hand through his messy curls as he stroked her back soothingly. The reception was dragging on into the night and the two lovers had found themselves in the garden on one of the many benches, “You happy bubs?” She asked, cupping his cheek as she peppered him with a flurry of kisses.
“I’m happy cause I got you, my girl,” He assures her, reciprocating the kiss, pulling her close to his chest, “Are you alright? I get that it must be uncomfortable for you, with Harry being here.”
“I couldn’t be happier, I’ve got you, and that's all that matters to me, right imma go get another drink, you want anything?” He shook his head in reply as she stood up from his lap and made her way into the venue.
“You two look good together,” The voice startled her as she poured a glass of wine, she looked up at Harry, despite the fresh haircut he looked worse for wear. “How long have you two been together?” 
“ten months, we met on the set of a film we were both working on.” She explained.
“Four months after we broke up?” 
“With all due respect Harry, you were the one who did the breaking up. Congrats on the album by the way.” She said before turning to head back to her other half.
“Most of it is about you ya know.”
She looked at him blankly, not knowing what sort of reaction he was expecting from her, “That doesn’t make me special Harry, I’m just one of a long list of women, Kendall, Camille, Taylor and Me. And that’s just the ones you told me about.” She continued to head outside before turning on her heel, “You know what’s ironic? You might. e six years older than me, supposedly making you more mature than you, but Timmy is a mere two years younger than you and I have no qualms with trusting him, I don’t have to hover over my laptop waiting for the next picture of him to pop up with another woman, I don’t have to pry when he comes home late from a night out. I don’t feel the need to seek his validation, I don’t have to ask if an outfit looks okay or if I look too bloated, because the four months we were together I constantly compared myself to the girls you’d been with before, thinking I wasn’t good enough for you, and I was right, because I wasn’t good enough for you.” Harry was left speechless, once she had finished she slipped out of the door, returning to her man, she was right, she was happier, and more loved than when she was with him, he knew he was going to have to accept that she had learnt to love someone else, and that someone could never be him.
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eventschimp · 3 years
115 Fantastic Happy Birthday Funny Messages. best wishes
Best Funny happy birthday wishes
Looking for the perfect Happy birthday funny messages & pictures to brighten someone's day? Whether it's someone you know, or someone you're friends with, or even someone who's lost their birthday wish, we have all the humorous birthday wishes you'll need and absolutely enjoy.
Fun should be an integral part of our life and must be on the occasions of Good days of life. The funny wishes and fun notes are sure to make their day brighter and make them laugh! Send them in greeting cards, by SMS, or via Facebook and Twitter!
Here you will find quick-links to specific sections and the complete list of funny birthday quotes and wishes.
funny birthday message to my best friend
You have many friends, but some of them have a special badge of a best friend, so they need special attention, more time to spend with them and priority over others in your life. If you want to wish them well on their special day, here are some great happy birthday funny messages to make them smile.
1.Wish you a happy birthday, sweetheart, and keep smiling until I have enough evidence to send you to the mental asylum.
2.Use these funny happy birthday quotes to wish someone a very happy birthday and poke fun at their age. You can use them in a card message, a Facebook caption, or even a t-shirt.
3.Statistics tell us you will live longer if you have the most birthdays (but it has also been proven that too many birthdays will kill you.
4. I know you are celebrating your birthday, but you can't stop your favorite food items from being right in front of you.
5.Happy birthday! After all those years and yet another year, you still haven't become wiser.
6.On your birthday, you can always depend on me to let loose with a night to remember in the morning.
7. Do not let age catch you down... it is too hard to bounce back!
8.On your birthday, I have something gluten-free, completely calorie-free, and absolutely delightful gift. Guess, what I have for you? Yes, you are right... It's a text message!
9. The kind of friend I am, I forgot your age.
10. I can't believe how fast time flies when you're having fun! When did we get so old?
11. The fact that we managed to keep this friendship going despite generational differences is wonderful.
Funny messages and wishes for girlfriend.
Having a girlfriend is a privilege no one must forget to wish on special occasions, and everyone would like to do something out of the ordinary to strengthen the bond of friendship and love.
It seems that funny happy birthday messages do the job perfectly. A good and funny note can put your lover's smile on her face and this is the ultimate goal of greeting them. Here is a compilation of some fine wishes messages for your girlfriend.
12. The one and only time I lied to you was when I said I'd love you forever, but realized that i couldn't live that long..
13. Last night, I dreamed of you while hugging my pillow. I wish one day I could dream about my pillow and be hugging you.
14. Regardless of what economists may say, you are the only one for me. There is no one else I can replace you with.
15. If my eyes are bothering me, I can't remove them from you.
16. Falling from the sky or a tree is fine, but the finest way to fall in love is with you! Happy Birthday my sweetheart.
17. The proverb goes wrong that a picture is worth a thousand words, but after looking at yours, I have no words to describe!
18. I'm no gambler, but I guess I'm just betting with my heart and mind that I will never stop loving you.
19. Too much smiling has caused me to develop wrinkles. Stop being so lovely! It drives me crazy..
20. It's evident that I adore you, from the sparkle in your eyes.
21. I hope your birthday is as awesome as your hair in high school.
You may check out: 71 Birthday Wishes in Unique Style- Best Bday messages
Best humorous wishes for boyfriend
22. We will lock up our hearts together and toss away the key; I give my heart to you; do give yours to me.
23. Because monopoly is always harmful and competition is always beneficial, it makes sense to have many crushes and flirts instead of just one true love! An economic theory on love.
24.  Whenever we're together, you make me feel so young. Thank you for being the first.
25. It's a pleasure to celebrate the birthday of someone I hope will be my friend, even when we're too senile to remember each other's birthdays.
26. Happy birthday to a person who is charming and talented, as well as witty, and is much like myself.
27. It is your birthday, so we will eat fired up baked goods and sing at you while you sit there awkwardly.
28. Happy birthday. Thanks for being older than me all your life.
29. Wishing you a unique birthday wish every year would be difficult. Choosing a special wish for next year would be even more challenging, so I'll just say happy birthday.
30. Despite the truth that today would be a perfect time to write sweet words about my best friend in the world, I already finished my autobiography a month ago.
Happy birthday funny messages for brother
Depending on your brother's personality and what type of relationship you have with him, these next funny birthday wishes for brothers could be just the thing for you to give him a laugh on his birthday too!
Hoping that these happy birthday funny messages will amaze your dear brother on his birthday, so keep scrolling to choose the perfect one.
31.That's all you really need for a gift. Just saying. Happy birthday!
32. Although it's hard to understand why we're celebrating your day since only mom did all the efforts. Happy birthday!
33. I am amazed at how long we have tolerated each other. Happy Birthday.
34. Your birthday falls at just the right age. You are old enough to see your mistakes, but still young enough to make more. Happy Birthday!
35. Wishing you a happy birthday! Hope you have a day as beautiful as a unicorn farting rainbows!
36. Hey big bro! They say that as you get older your intellect grows, but since we keep doing the same stupid thing we did as kids, we must be the exception to that rule.
37. It's my brother's birthday and he's smart, funny, witty, charming… and a lot like me!
38. I'm glad you're finally 21 and can finally do all those things you've been doing since you were 16! Happy birthday!
39. There's only one person you can be completely idiotic with through thick and thin. So glad I have you, bro! Have a great birthday!
40. After searching the web for 3 hours, I gave up trying to find the perfect birthday message for you. Happy Birthday.
41. When I thought about what I would get you for your birthday, I realized you already have me. Thank you very much. Happy birthday!
You may check out the amazing article
Funny happy birthday wishes for a lil sister
Finding funny happy birthday wishes for your younger sister has never been easier, with a wide selection of funny greetings, funny jokes, and wishes. We have all the best, cute, beautiful, and sweet words to bring a smile to your little angel's face.
42. I wish you a very happy birthday to the sassiest, coolest, and funniest little sister in the world!
43. Congratulations on your birthday, little sister, you may have always been smarter than me, but you have always been my best friend.
44. I will always love you for being my little monkey, but you've grown up, happy birthday Lil sister
45. My parents never gave me a pet before you were born, but after you were born I finally got a pet. Happy birthday, Sister I hope you never grow up.
46. You are not only funny but also crazy, just like your sister. No one else has a sister like you. Happy Birthday.
47. Thank you for being the most competitive person I have ever encountered in my life. Why couldn't you accept my win against you? I didn't understand. Happy Birthday my little sister
48. Happy Birthday, sis. I will always think of you as my silly little sister, no matter how tall or wise you get.
49. I love you, dear one, and I will love you until the very end. Despite your age, it doesn't mean you are any better or worse off than I am. I love you.
50. You have indeed given me nerves of steel, Happy Birthday little sister.
Happy birthday funny wishes for father
Regardless of your age, dad always celebrates your birthday well. Now, it's his turn to celebrate and have a great party! Use the best Funny Birthday Wishes for Father to show how much you respect the humor and zest for life your dad possesses. Your father is the best man you know, so give him a happy birthday celebration with Funny Birthday Wishes for Father he'll remember and love!
51. I know it's not an easy job being a dad, but it's done with class and style. Happy birthday to the father who does it all.
 52. Your schedule is just like that of a student with a lot of classes. Happy birthday, Dad!
53. Happy birthday dad, I'm sorry I can't be there to wish you a happy birthday in person, but please know that I think of you on your special day. Thanks for everything you do! Can't wait to see you again!
54. Here's a fun fact-you're not getting older, but you take great pleasure in making bad jokes. Enjoy more of those, Dad, and happy birthday!
55. Having said that, I know that today is your birthday, but that does not make it a holiday, so I'm not too excited about it. Just kidding. Happy birthday to an important man!
56. It's been a week since I thought of what to write in a funny birthday message for you. But I couldn't think of anything funny. Happy birthday!
57. Your mother told me that, even though you're getting older, you're not becoming any wiser. You should be grateful for the information she shared with you. Just kidding.
Happy birthday funny messages for husband
It makes sense, then, that, at least once every three hundred and sixty-five days, we owe ourselves something special. And on those days, consciously or subconsciously, we all crave to be celebrated by others. It is especially important to celebrate our spouse's birthday every year. After all, our spouse is our better half. Who else will do it?
58. You transformed everything about companionship when we met. It still amazes me how amazing you remain throughout our marriage. Happy birthday, dear husband.
 59. I count my blessings twofold, honey because you brought light and fragrance into my life on the hardest of days. Happy birthday to you, love.
60. I wish you the most beautiful days of your life because you are the most amazing human ever. Have a great day, my prince charming.
61. Even if I were reincarnated as a woman multiple times and found you every time, I would never marry anyone else. Happy birthday to you.
62. Thank you for being devoted, supportive, enthusiastic, compassionate, creative, strong and resourceful. You are an amazing human being and I love you more than anything.
63. I feel safe and prepared for any obstacle with you by my side. You are a fantastic teammate, and I love you for that. Happy birthday, dear.
64. I celebrate you every day, so there is no need to limit my celebration to one day. But let me take this opportunity to remind you how deeply I love you. Happy birthday, dear!
Best birthday messages and wishes for Mother
Whether you agree or disagree with me, mothers are the best! If the mother you have is not your best, that's huge! Mothers are truly God's gift to us. Mothers know how to shed tears and smile when necessary. They give so freely for you when no one else will. They sacrifice a lot to make you happy. Mothers are gold! They deserve the best! 65. Despite being the best mom in the world, I can't express how much I love you enough to wish you an amazing birthday.
66. I appreciate how patient and loving you have been with me. Thank you for letting me wish you a wonderful birthday.
67. It is the greatest honor of my life to celebrate my mother's birthday. She is the most wonderful mother a person could ask for.
68. Cheers to a terrific birthday and a successful year to come for the best mom in the world.
69. In return, I wish you all the happiness on your birthday. I am extremely lucky to have a mother like you who is caring, kind, and giving.
70. Mom is a great mother who brought me into this world and has loved me ever since. And to your mom for bringing you into this world, which gave us the opportunity to celebrate your birthday today.
71. Having been born to you makes me feel more blessed than I could not imagine. Happy birthday to my great Mom
72. Your love and guidance led me to where I am today, and I would like to express my gratitude for your birthday.
73. My mom, you always put in a lot of effort to make this day special, but now it's my turn to make it memorable.
Happy birthday funny note for wife
After spending a long time married to one's sweetheart, you might want to express your gratitude, show your love and give her additional attention whenever there is another reason to celebrate. On her birthday, you will obviously want to look for a unique present, yet it is important that you also share your thoughts.
If your wife doesn't want a physical gift, or if you don't have one, here are dozens of birthday wishes for her that you can use as inspiration or use as is. It's the acknowledgment or attention she gets from you that really makes her birthday magical.
74. It is the one day out of the year I put my wife's mother-in-law in my prayers. Happy birthday, sweetheart!
75. PI is like how much I love you, darling wife: endless and never-ending.
76. Unless I use Nutella on my toast or ice cream on my apple pie, I wouldn't eat my honeybun without you. Happy Birthday, my beautiful wife.
77. The only thing better than bacon… and that's a lot… is my love for you.
78. Thank you for being the only copilot I'd ever want. Happy Birthday
79. Happy Birthday to my beautiful, thoughtful, intelligent wife! I am lucky enough to be your husband…but you only surpassed my luck by being mine!
Funny wishes for daughter's birthday
Here you will find an impressive range of heartwarming happy birthday funny messages for daughters to inspire you. Whether you're looking for a short message to send or a thoughtful card, you'll find something here to suit your needs.
80. Our beautiful daughter celebrated her birthday today! We love you so much, Mom and Dad!
81. Getting you the best present possible makes my day complete. Wish you a day filled with sunshine, rainbows, laughter, and fun!
82. Happy birthday to our daughter, we wish you all the best.
83. We are so happy to have you in our lives, Sweetie! We're so glad you're kind, fun, and crazy!
84. My dear daughter, I hope your day is as wonderful as you are, as shiny as your doll’s grin. Thanks for everything.
85. Having you in it makes the world a better place! Although we need to be smarter in handling you and our dishes has been a challenge. Happy birthday, lovely daughter!
86. Thank you for being such an amazing friend and we wish you a wonderful birthday. Love from Mom and Dad 
87. I love having you as a daughter. Thank you for being mine. Happy birthday darling, love from Mom.
Birthday funny wishes for daughter-in-law
You can find so many amazing funny happy birthday wishes and messages for your daughter-in-law right here on our website. Make sure you take advantage of them and send them to her!
You can pick from our extensive collection of original birthday wishes to transform your beloved daughter-in-law’s birthday into an unforgettable experience she will cherish for years to come.
88. It's a wonderful birthday wish to a daughter-in-law blessed to have such a great mother and father-in-law.
89. Thank you so much for not being a malicious daughter-in-law towards me on your birthday, dearest. I can't thank you enough.
90. Thank you so much for putting my son on the map. Without you, he would certainly be nothing - just as teens would be nothing without smartphones and social media accounts. Happy birthday!
91. The idea that daughter-in-laws are wicked and difficult is wrong. May the good Lord bless you abundantly for not being a witchy in-law. Have a great birthday.
92. Have a wonderful birthday! Did you know that science-backed studies have proven over and over again that too many birthdays lead to premature death?
93. While we celebrate your birthday, dear daughter-in-law, I find my mind wondering about the rumors that you were so old your first car was a covered wagon. I hope you will take this opportunity to clarify that issue once and for all!
humorous birthday messages for Mother-in-law
Birthdays are the most glorious days on earth and so, without doubt, they are always special to the individual who celebrates them. So, a funny message of happy birthday and a lovely wish to your MIL on her birthday would really make her happy and tell her that you love her, too.
94. In honor of your birthday, I am sending you a belated birthday message. I hope you accept it ma.
95. Enjoy your birthday, no matter how noisy we are. May you find the energy and patience to put up with our annoying habits. Happy birthday.
96. How wonderful my mother-in-law is, she is just terrific, and I'm sure she will serve me a bottle of Fanta today.
97. Mother-in-law, I couldn't have given you a better birthday gift than the precious daughter you gave me. I can only strive to be the son you never had. Happy birthday, mom!
98. You seem to be defying the laws of aging; you seem to be turning back the clock. If there is some secret to this, please share it with me. Happy birthday.
99. Lastly, I want you to know I really appreciate you not executing me while I slept for taking your precious daughter and I am so thankful I still have a wonderful mother-in-law.
How to wish your boss in a funny tone?
A leader's job can be challenging, but it can also be rewarding. Keeping clients satisfied and having respect from employees is important for success on the job. You should let your boss know he/she is appreciated and that you are happy to work together, especially on his/her birthday. You will not only make your boss's day more exciting by sending happy birthday funny messages, but you may even brighten your own, as well.
100. During this intensive year, your support has been vital to many people and the company. Thank you for everything you do.
101. You are an example of all that is good in this company, and I see you making smart decisions all the time that benefit both the company and our clients. You truly are a great role model for us all.
102. We are so grateful to you for being such a blessing in our lives! You are a treat and a blessing.
103. Congratulations on your birthday to someone who makes every day go by without any bumps and plenty of laughter!
104. Let's take this day to honor you and your excellent leadership!
105. Your leadership stands out! Happy birthday and here's to many more years of fabulous leadership!
106. What does it matter if we don't visit you anymore? It's true! You're the best boss around.
107. What does it matter if we don't visit you anymore? It's true! You're the best boss around.
Funny happy birthday to co-worker
If you work together with unity and uniformity for 8+ hours daily, then you have spent one-third of your life together with your colleague. Your colleague also needs to be congratulated on their birthday with funny happy birthday messages.
108. Throughout your life, I wish you many adventures, heartfelt moments, and many more milestones. Happy Birthday.
109. You make this place tolerable - and that is hard to do! Happy Birthday! Come grab some lunch or drinks soon!
110. A birthday is a reminder that the world is waiting for you to dream, to move forward, to fulfill your dreams. Happy birthday!
111. Congratulations, we're not sure how old you are yet. Only you, God, and Human Resources know your true age.
112. I am honored to work with you, thank you so much for all of your help and guidance, and I wish you a happy birthday.
113. Progress is a matter of faith, unity, and patience. I wish you great success as long as you hold onto these principles. Happy Birthday.
114. Congratulations to my wonderful coworker who celebrates his or her bi-annual birthday today! Good luck and happiness in the years to come!
115. Congratulations to our very special colleague. Wishing you and your family the most abundant blessings and may your life always be filled with joy.
funny happy birthday thank you message
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Three Dark Christmas’ ~ Day 6
This one doesn’t have a witty or informative caption. I couldn’t think of one
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Day 6 - Arsinoe x Billy
Universe: Everyone’s from the Mainland AU
Setting: New Estra, the Mainland
“Why her?” William Chatworth Sr. had asked his son at their Christmas party after Billy’s new girlfriend Arsinoe had gone with his wife to help with the finishing elements of dinner. Billy had scowled at the question automatically, even if he wasn’t surprised. Still, he tried to be placating.
“Why not her?” He sips his whiskey. He could hear her from the kitchen, obviously trying to talk with her mother. But he knew that it wasn’t going to end well. His mother had turned her nose up at Arsinoe the second she introduced herself instead of letting him introduce her.
“Have you actually looked and listened to her. God, she’s grating. And those scars are hideous. You could do so much better than that. Doesn’t she have a sister, your friend. The pretty one. You and her would be a rather attractive couple, don’t you think? Or even Christine Hollen. She seems interested in you,” Billy nearly snorted at that. He had caught Christine Hollen sneaking out of Jane’s bedroom window just two mornings ago. He was pretty sure he wasn’t the Chatworth child she was interested in. “I mean, really, William, what does Arsinoe have to offer?”
“She doesn’t have to offer anything to me to make me love her as I do. Why her you ask? Because I love her and I want to be with her because she makes me feel like I’ve never felt about anyone before. And I don’t care if she’s pretty or if I could be with someone who would be an attractive marriage because that isn’t what a marriage should be about... now, if you could excuse me, I’m going to spend my Christmas day with someone I actually want to be around,” he didn’t yell, didn’t need to. The look on his father’s face said enough. He stood and made his way into the kitchen where his mother was watching the oven and Arsinoe was washing something in the sink, neither speaking.
He ignored his mother and hugged his girlfriend from behind, kissing her cheek in greeting.
“Hi,” he whispered in her ear. She smiled and turned her head so he could kiss her lips. “Can I steal you away?”
“Please do,” she whispered, beginning to take her pink rubber gloves off.
“Mother, I’m borrowing Arsinoe,” he took Arsinoe’s hand and led her out the back door, pulling her to sit with him on the porch swing. She curled up beside him, the sleeves of her pine green dress not doing a whole lot to protect her from the chill. He pulled her closer into his side and rubbed hers to try and warm her up.
“Have I ever told you that I love you?” He rested his lips on her brow as he said it and smiled when it made her smile.
“You hadn’t yet, no,” she whispers, curling further into him.
“Well, I do. A lot. And it’s probably too early into us to be telling you any of this, but I love you and I think you’re just about the most perfect person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and if you ever wanted that, I would marry you in a heartbeat just so I could spend the rest of my life loving you and it’s too much so I’m gonna shut up,” he rambled through the confession awkwardly and with a red face that not even the cold winter night air could fight back. He couldn’t even look at her face with how scared he was that she would laugh in his or run from him. She was headstrong and independent and he didn’t want to put all of that on her so soon, but how he felt was the truth and it was the season for these things. “A?”
She stood up at his prompting and he took her hand, ready to beg her to stay with him. But she didn’t, instead sitting herself across his lap. On instinct, he wrapped one arm around her waist and the other over her knees so she didn’t slip. She wrapped her slightly cold hands around his neck and leaned her forehead against his.
“I love you much the same. I am not quite sure I want to get married yet but if I was going to marry anyone, I would like it to be you because I love you too. A lot,” and then she kissed him, gentle at first, willing to let him lead the way. And he led her to lie on the porch swing as he hovered over her, kissing her as passionately as he could, one hand supporting him so he didn’t crush her, the other gently stroking the curve of her silk-clad waist. Her hands ran over his shoulders and into his hair, seeming to hold on to something new each second, soft little hm’s coming from the back of her throat when he held her just right.
“William, Arsinoe! Dinner is ready!” They pulled apart at his mother called them through the screen door. They shared a smile and one last kiss before he stood and pulled her with him as he did. He helped her push back her slightly dishevelled hair and they went to dinner, hands clasped tightly against whatever else his parents would throw at them.
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The Magical Night
fandom: Stony (Steve x Tony), mentions of Bruclintasha (Bruce x Clint x Natasha) and Thor x Jane
universe: unspecified high school AU
summary: Tony and Steve had dated all the way through high school and the rest of their classmates have certain expectations towards them. 
length: 1 741
warnings: just teenagers at the prom + spiked punch + mentions of first-time sex but not explicit
a/n: inspired by this prompt! I found it suitable for a prom night!AU. hope you like it! comments, likes, reblogs are needed and appreciated!
The Magical Night
"So, tonight is the magical night?"
Steve's hand froze in mid air, holding a glass ladle, with some pink, alcohol-free punch in it. He looked Natasha, all pretty and unusually dolled up, in a tight black dress going down to her ankles and a red boa around her, matching her ruby red lips and red locks. She was sending Steve an intense look framed in a perfect cat eye.
"Can I offer you any punch?" he danced around the topic, getting a clean glass and pouring it for the girl.
"Don't change the topic, Cap," Natasha chided, using the nickname that stuck to Steve through whole high school. Ah, the curse of being a captain in the football team. "Are you and your little nerd planning anything special today?"
Seeing that Natasha rejected his offer, he took a sip of the punch, tasting something fruity and sweet, and of course, a little bit of alcohol, someone had to pour in when no one from the teachers was looking. His bet was on Loki.
"I don't think Tony would appreciate you calling him like that," Steve smiled, thinking about his 'little nerd'. Tony was witty and smart and sarcastic, and did sometimes geek out about things Steve had no clue, like that old movie in space with the little green dude, that got a remake or a new part or something, Steve didn't know, but went to see it anyway with him, because his boyfriend had been really excited. Tony was on the top of his class, easily passing each subject with highest scores, but was also athletic, not Steve kind of athletic that is, and was funny and sweet and thoughtful. He was a whole package.
"Stop it, you're freaking me out," Natasha hissed, cringing at the dreamy look Steve's eye got whenever he thought about his boyfriend.
"Sorry," Steve quickly apologized with a laugh, not meaning it. Was it a crime to be in love?
Natasha shook her head dramatically. "No wonder you both got signed as 'the first couple to get married' in the yearbook."
Steve laughed again, remembering his and Tony's photo, altered in a graphics program, where Steve had a giant top hat and bow tie, while Tony was holding a bouquet of wildflowers and had a veil in his hair. Both had a good laugh because of it, well, maybe Steve a bit more than Tony.
"Stop laughing," Natasha crossed her arms and sent the blond a critical look. "You know that what is written in a yearbook, most likely will come true. It is like a prophecy."
"Oh, really?" Steve smiled, teasing his friend. "I don't see Thor becoming a president, or Clint joining the circus."
Natasha raised her eyebrow. That wasn't exactly true. Thor's caption was 'the next world leader' while Clint's said 'class clown'. With a calm face, she pointed into the crowd of student, where Clint was twirling between people, tie off and around his head like a bandana, and to the middle of the dance floor, where Thor and Jane were swaying with each other, crowns on their head, easily winning the title of the Queen and King of the ball.
"I rest my case," Natasha concluded, all those things close enough to year book's prophecy in her opinion.
Steve blew a raspberry with his mouth. "That doesn't prove anything."
"Maybe not, but that reservation you made in the Asgard Royal does."
Steve spluttered punch everywhere. He ignored Natasha's angry look as she has to step back to avoid drops of the pink falling on her. "How do you know that?" he asked, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. He didn't tell anyone. Except Tony.
Natasha smiled mysteriously. "I have my sources."
Steve sighed. Tony and his big mouth… Of course, he had to brag to Natasha.
"Your lady is coming."
"My what--" Steve didn't finish, as Natasha turned around and walked away gracefully, her black dress sweeping gently behind her, while a hand slid under his arm and rested on the shoulder.
"Hi, handsome. What is taking you so long with the punch?" someone asked, pressing close to his back.
Steve smiled, noticing the corsage with white roses and blue ribbons, matching his tie, he had bought for Tony and Tony had absolutely no problems with wearing it, because he was adorably quirky like that.
"Sorry. Got in a talk with Nat," Steve explained, turning his face to place a delicate kiss on the top of the hand resting on his shoulder.
"And she kept her boys waiting?" Tony asked, looking into the crowd, where Natasha was dancing together with Tony's lab partner, Bruce, and Clint. In contrary to the rest, Natasha was wearing two corsages, indicating her special bond with both men.
"You're gonna pour me that punch or not?" Tony reminded in a whisper. After all, it was a reason, Steve had left him earlier.
"Ah," Steve gasped softly, "maybe not. Better drink some water, someone spiked the punch."
Tony grinned, slipping away from Steve. "Gimme," he demanded greedily, pouring himself a cup and drinking it whole, even without blinking.
Steve took his cup away, "no more, Tony," he asked. He needed Tony sober for what they had planned later today.
"Then keep me busy, handsome," he whispered, eyes sparkling teasingly.
Steve pressed Tony close to himself, looking him deep in the eyes. He had a perfect way to keep him busy. They both walked back to the dance floor and enjoyed their last moments as high school teenagers.
The prom was ending, and Steve could swear that he kept a close eye on Tony and strayed him off the spiked punch. Yet, when the prom was coming to an end, he still ended with a tipsy, giggling brunet hung on his shoulder.
"You are irritatingly annoying," Steve commented, walking with Tony out of the taxi, that had parked just in front of their hotel. The whole ride, Tony was blabbing and giggling and trying to smooch Steve's neck. "I told you to stay sober."
"Don't be a wet blanket," Tony continued to giggle, letting Steve guide him to the room. One elevator ride up, he and Tony walked into their shared room. Tony straight away walked to the small table where a bottle of sparkling water and two glasses was left for them and poured himself a glass and gulped it down, ignoring the bowl with fresh fruits, ripe and perfect. Steve looked around the room. White furniture, gold drapes, a carpet so soft and fluffy he could sleep on it. So this is how luxury looked. Steve opted for the Wakanda Palace, a hotel equally luxurious but without the splendor, full of dark, warm, sturdy wood and leather couches and woven chairs. Just seemed that their current location matched his boyfriend more.
"Ah, so tired," Tony yawned, falling back first on the bed and spreading himself on the, of course, silk sheets. He smiled dreamily and caressed the cool material with his palms. "Come here," he said, beckoning Steve over. With a twitchy smile, Steve came closer and straddled his boyfriend, moving his hips invitingly during the slow movement. Tony was looking back at him, single strands of hair escaping from the meticulously combed to the back hairstyle. Flushed lips, eyes wide open and sparkling, seeing only Steve. Needing only Steve.
A kiss, tasting fruity and sweet, just like the spiked punch. Steve couldn't get enough of those soft lips.
"You know, everyone is expecting that we will do it tonight," Steve said, leaning more on his boyfriend and pressing kisses to the jawline.
"Oh? They don't want us to wait for our wedding?" Tony giggled, remembering their photo in the yearbook.
Steve shrugged, kissing and nipping at Tony's neck, making him giggle and twitch. "Think they would be disappointed with knowing that we already did it?" Steve asked. They started dating during freshman year and kept steady during whole high school, quickly being announced as high school sweethearts. They loved each other and both were ready, and prom wasn't as magical as everyone thought, so why wait until then?
"Let's not tell them," Tony kept smiling, letting Steve unbutton his shirt and tug it away, leaving him bare-chested. "They can think that today is our first time."
"I am really grateful this isn't our first time," Steve chuckled. He was fond of that memory, but the way to get there was long and complicated. "Wherever I had touched you, you burst into laughter."
"Heeey," Tony whined slightly, not needing to be reminded of that. He giggled and slapped Steve's hand away, when blond's touch lingered on his waist, fingers wriggling on the skin above the belt.
"See? It was like this," Steve smiled at his boyfriend. Steve had fairly quickly discovered his boyfriend's ticklishness but didn't expect it to get in way of their intimate moments. From being irritated at first, Steve learned to enjoy his discovery, finding some pluses in it.
"Just this time," Steve said in a low voice, holding Tony's hands crossed on his chest, "I know to not stop no matter how much you scream and beg," he said, untying the delicate ribbon on Tony's wrist and taking off the corsage. He took the small bouquet in his free hand and touched Tony's nose with it, guiding the petals all the way down, touching the dark lips, down the neck, tracing the chest and stopping at the belly. He moved the flowers delicately, letting the petals brush his boyfriend's tummy, doing some small circles around the belly button and caressing the protruding outie Steve would later kiss until his and Tony's breath would be gone. Tony was already giggling and squirming, right away asking for a break, not really meaning it, knowing he won't be given a one. Steve already knew which spots to avoid on his boyfriend's body to not cause him to collapse into a ticklish heap. He also as quickly discovered which spots to touch and how to make Tony giggle and cause his head to spin in delight. This was their plan for the evening. Touching and kissing and laughing going hand in hand with love and arousal and teasing.
There was no rush, just a whole night ahead of them, then a shared college, and shared rest of their lives. Steve and Tony already had a good plan how they wanted to spend all of it.
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Viral (Pidge x Reader) 2/4 YouTube AU
Warnings: None, I think
Word Count: 2,251
Prompt/Request: None
Summary: Continuation of Livestream Mishaps. After a messy meeting, Pidge and the reader become friends. After a visit from Lance, the reader realizes that their feelings may be more than platonic. Misunderstandings and hilarity ensue.
Author: Mod Alex
Chpt. 1
As promised you led Pidge to a quaint little coffee shop you frequented. The cafe wasn’t particularly well-known and had bookshelves lining several walls on both of the floors. Since the last time you’d been there, they seem to have added a few more plush antique armchairs and couches, all adorned with eclectic throw pillows. You turned to an awestruck Pidge with a smug grin. “You like?” “How have I never been here?” You laughed softly. “Not many people know about this place since it doesn’t look like much from the street. That’s part of the reason I like it so much.” While you loved your fans, sometimes you just wanted to go somewhere where there wasn’t many people and the people who did go there had no idea who you were. “I get what you mean.” “Besides that, they’ve got great coffee. What were you wanting?” She glanced up at the board displaying the menu. “Vienna roast?” Surprise spread across your features, you hadn’t taken her for a dark roast drinker. That surprise was quickly replaced with a smile, somehow it was endearing. “Great!” “Thanks, I’ll go get us a table.” “Sounds good!” When you got to the register, you order both your drinks along with a slice of tiramisu to share with Pidge. You hoped she liked it. “Your total is $8.82. By the way, you and your girlfriend look absolutely adorable together.” You handed the barista your credit card, blushing brightly. “She isn’t- I mean we aren't-” “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I just figured.” “Don’t worry about it.” You smiled sheepishly, glancing back to see where Pidge had sat. Did you two really make a cute couple? Your fans and now the barista seemed to think so. No. You shouldn’t even be thinking that you had just met her after all. “Name?” For a second you were wondering why the barista wanted to know Pidge’s name, then you realized, with a fair deal of embarrassment, that she was asking for your name for the order. “(Y/N).” “Thanks! We’ll call your name so you can pick up your order.”
You walked back to the table, strategically balancing both coffees and the tiramisu on your arms. Taking her coffee, Pidge offered her thanks. “I wasn’t sure if you'd eaten or not. Either way, they have really good tiramisu; I thought you might want to split it?” She nods. “Sure that sounds good.” You make idle chat over coffee, swapping editing tips and talking about how you started making videos and what you did besides videos. Eventually, the conversation shifted to your personal lives. “Yeah, Lance and I are actually friends, we met back in high school. A lot of people think we’ve dated, but he just came from a really affectionate household, besides he’s like my brother.” You laugh, remembering the weekends spent with Lance’s large family. “That’s the same way it is with Hunk and me. It’s crazy to think our friends have been friends and never bothered to introduce us.” “I know right? Although I won’t lie, it does feel like I’ve known you forever.” “I was thinking the same thing actually.” A baby grandfather clock rang from within the cafe interrupting your conversation. “Is it already that late?! I am so sorry, I have to go.” “Oh, yeah. I’m sorry too, I must’ve lost track of time. Let me walk you to your car?” “Scooter actually, but sure.”
When you got home that night, you crawled into bed, the events of the day going through your mind like a slideshow. Had the most dramatic series of events really taken place within the past 48 hours? It felt hard to believe. You felt restless and giddy. Despite how terrible this morning had been, you were happy to have met Pidge. Curiosity and restlessness spurred you to grab your phone and see what exactly the content of PidgeonPlays was. The large 6:00 flashed in fluorescent blue as your alarm went off. You barely heard it over your uncontained laugh. Oh no. You really hadn’t meant to binge watch. You tried to rationalize it. Her videos were lengthy and you obviously had to finish the series once you started it. You couldn’t just watch as she began playing Papo & Yo and not watch to see the conclusion. She was witty, clever, and had a knack for incorporating dry humor into her videos. You couldn’t wait to see her newest upload. The very one that she had left your coffee date- er coffee hangout for. You sighed, you couldn’t go back to sleep now, you had promised you’d help Lance with a video today. Might as well get ready. You put on a pot of coffee before hopping in the shower with hopes of it waking you up a little. The no sleep was really starting to creep in. By the time you were out of the shower, dressed, and on your second cup of coffee, the doorbell rang. And rang. And rang. Only one ridiculous friend of yours was known to do this. Lance. “It’s open!” Lance strode into your kitchen, pouring himself a cup of coffee. “I figured you were sleeping still.” “Hey! That happened one time and it was only because you had me go to a con with you and then an after-party afterward. It’s your fault if you think about it.” You stuck your tongue out childishly making Lance laugh. “Fine, I guess not all of us are blessed with the grace to be an early riser like me.” You nearly spit out your coffee from laughing. “Grace? You? Sure Lancy-pants. Whatever you gotta tell yourself.” He threw a piece of his toast (stolen from your pantry might you add) at you before pulling your laptop up. He clicked open the internet, your laptop directing him to YouTube: your homepage. “Oh-ho-ho. What do we have here?” “What are you going on about?” “Maybe the fans knew more than you wanted to let on.” “Lance, seriously, stop being cryptic, what are you talking about?” He turned the computer so the screen was facing you. Much to your embarrassment, PidgeonPlays filled up more than half of your recommended videos. “It’s not like that, it’s just um. Well, you see, she um, I mean we- She’s just a really good youtuber and since we met I just wanted to see what her channel was about. Hah, yeah.” Lance gave you an ‘I-don't-believe-you’ look. “You wouldn’t have this recommends if you were just checking her channel out.” He did finger quotations for emphasis. You went red with chagrin. “She’s funny, okay? We just met anyway.” He laughed again, though, he thankfully decided to drop the topic in favor of starting to record.
“Okay, so you have to play the catty instructor. She was super mean, so do your best Lotor impression.” “You got it, boss.” You flipped your hair and did your best sneer making Lance burst into a fit of giggles. “Perfect! Just like that.” Two hours later, you had finally filmed all the material needed for Lance’s ‘How I Became an Aerial Silk Performer’ skit video. There was plenty of editing to be done still, and you figured he would likely post the bloopers in a separate video in a few days. “Alright, so now you can get out of my house right?” You both knew you were joking. “I thought you enjoyed having me over, I’m hurt, (Y/N).” “Oh shush, I guess you can stay.” Your phone pinged. It was a text from an unknown number. Hesitantly you opened up the message.
Unknown Number Hey, this is Pidge. I got your number from Lance. I hear you watched my videos. [emoji of Pidge laughing smugly]
You What? Nope, never seen your videos before. Never. Not one
Pidge If you say so. [emoji of Pidge winking]
That’s it, Lance was a deadman. “Lance! You told Pidge I binged her videos?!” The guilty party lifted his hands in surrender. “She thought it was sweet. Here look.” He passed his phone to you. The messages in question were all there, as he had said.
Lance hey! #5
Pidge What do you want Lance?
Lance you know (y/n), right? she likes your videos she says it’s for research but i don’t buy it
Pidge Really?
Lance have i ever lied to you before?
Pidge Yes. I just messaged her. You were telling the truth?
Lance i told you [exaggerated frown emoji]
Pidge That’s kind of sweet. Did they like the videos?
Lance [smug emoji x3]
Pidge Nevermind!
You handed the phone back to Lance, a slight blush dusting over your features. “You suck.” “Aww, you’re blushing.” “Shush or I’ll tell Allura that you’re basically in love with her.” “You wouldn’t dare.” You gave him a pointed look and he frowned. “Fine. Blackmailing is not a good look on you just so you know.” You shrugged. “Just giving you a taste of your own medicine.” “If you two do get together, I will be expecting a thank you.” “I said shush!” Your blush had worsened considerably.
A week had gone by since then and while you still didn’t appreciate Lance interfering like that, you were thankful to have Pidge’s number. You two had been talking every day since then. Mostly about nothing too particularly important.
Pidge Hey!
You Oh hey
Pidge I have some bad news
You Oh no! What happened? Are you okay?
Pidge Just take a look for yourself [link to tumblr page]
Worried, you clicked on the link. At first, you felt relieved, it wasn’t a picture of Pidge’s leg in a cast or any other horrible scenario your brain had conjured up. Instead, it was a picture of you and Pidge at the coffee shop from the other day. You weren’t sure why the image had distressed Pidge until you saw the caption. ‘Looks like PidgeonPlays and OneUpGames are closer than they want us to think ;)’ Oh no, indeed. Why couldn’t you just live in peace? Clicking back to your messages, you typed a hasty response.
You Oh no
Pidge I know! They just don’t quit, do they?
You I’m sorry This is all my fault
Pidge No. You didn't’ set this up. I just don’t know what to do.
You I don’t know
Pidge’s text bubble popped up and went away a handful of times, effectively putting you on the brink of an anxiety attack. Finally, her message popped up.
Pidge What if we did a collab?
You You think that would help? Wouldn’t it just make them assume worse than they are now???
Pidge Well yes. But not if we do this right. It should be a four player game. And the commentary would explain everything better.
You Can’t get worse than it already is, I guess
You and Pidge got Lance and Hunk to join you. While their channel’s had nothing to do with gaming, they did enjoy playing games and were more than willing to help you both out. You sent out a tweet letting people know that you were doing a collab and would be going live on YouNow in a couple of minutes. The four of you were getting hooked up to the streaming platform while waiting for the time you posted to roll around. You really hoped this would work.
“What’s up multiplayers?! (Y/N) here with some special guests.” “Hey! Hey! LanceALot here!” “Hi, guys. I’m here too!” “It’s me again, rovers.” “Now that the guests have introduced themselves, let’s play.” Between scrambling through a digital kitchen, the four of you banted. “Pidge, you’re burning the burger!” “It’s not my fault, we were supposed to trade stations like two minutes ago, Lance.” “Uh, hey guys. The kitchen is on fire…” “Hold on, I have the fire extinguisher. Move, move, move!” You ended the round with two stars. “Before we keep going, let’s check out the audience’s messages.
FirstMultiplayer: asdfghjfddusb this is the collab of my dreams!!! roundtableknight: can you guys turn the music down we can’t hear you talking SinnamonRoll: I didn’t know you played games, Hunk :O Katie Kate: did you guys see the picture on tumblr? shhhh753: Yes. :( My poor OneUpLanceALot shipper heart is broken. PidgeonGamesfangirl: I SAW IT!! i’M THRIVING!!
You turned down the volume of the music as requested and read the messages out loud. “Wow, guys. We aren’t dating, (y/n) just bought me coffee to apologize for the misunderstanding.” “Haha yeah. Because some of you can’t seem to drop it. Pidge is a great person, but we are just friends. I promise. And to answer some of you, no Lance and I am not dating either. I am a single pringle for the time being, okay.” Hunk laughed at your expression. “We have time for one more round before we have to go. Let’s do a super difficult one,” Lance interjected before you could read any more comments. “SOunds good! Let’s do this!” You failed miserably and had a few good laughs before finally ending the stream.
That night after the stream, you looked through the comments. Several fans were disappointed while others held onto the hopes of you secretly dating Pidge. You sighed. Their persistence was not making your growing feelings for Pidge any easier to bury away. She wanted to be friends. That's it. You should want the same, right? But no, your stupid heart had to go and fall for the damn mystery girl.
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mordor-valley · 7 years
So I realised I tend to post on here every time I start seeing someone new; moreso when something’s going exceedingly well or disastrously bad for me. I think I actually just really like writing but I hate the idea of someone I actually know reading my words and forming some sort of judgment over them, especially since everything I write tends to be in the moment, incredibly raw and exactly how I’m feeling at that point in time.
Anyway, not to distract from the whole point of making this post; I have, in fact, met someone new. And it’s like parts of myself that have slowly been falling apart over the past few years are coming back together piece by piece. I’m reading poetry again, but not to give myself a reason for feeling pensive - I’m simply reading to enjoy. I’m actively seeking out love poems. I find myself no longer thinking about the boys of my past and wondering if they’re thinking about me. Not even in a ‘I don’t give a fuck what they’re doing with their lives because they hurt me’ sort of way, but actually just in a ‘they just don’t even occur to me anymore’ sort of way. They actually just don’t matter. The other night I was out with a lot of friends, my brothers and Charlie and I saw my ex. I instantly froze up because of the worry that whatever I do may cause him to think I either still had feelings for him or wasn’t over things or something ridiculous. Because let’s face it, it’s always going to be awkward when there’s an ex present. But the absolutely fantastic thing about the whole situation is that it honestly made no difference to my life whether my ex was there or not. It was the first time I’d seen him since we broke up, and considering that had ended over text it had been a while. But all i cared about was how it may make Charlie feel. And of course he noticed something was up and I wasn’t going to lie to him (I’ve not lied to him once and I intend to keep it that way), amazingly he pointed out exactly who it was straight away. I have absolutely no idea how he knew but somehow he did. I think it bothered him a little but I also have faith that he trusted it shouldn’t matter to either of us. He is irrelevant to my life now.
So. Charlie. I’ll start right from the beginning. I got a new job at a coffee shop in town. I remember my trial shift, and being shown around by one of the guys who work there, who was perfectly charming and quite funny - the trial gave me a very good impression of the place and when I was offered a job I accepted. Charlie was there that day, but very quiet and kept to himself. He seemed so moody and mysterious, which of course, only made me more intrigued. I think it must be this saviour complex I have, but there’s something about a moody guy. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like a guy to be down all of the time, but when I first meet them it’s almost like this craving to be that one person who can make them happy. Then once I’m with them, I want nothing more than their happiness. I don’t want them to be dependant on me to make them happy, but I like knowing I play a major part. I love when they have other friends and I’m not their only (that’s incredibly important, especially after certain experiences). Anyway, after that day I worked a few more shifts and just kept on noticing him laughing and joking with the guys, but always quite solemn at times. He always seemed so thoughtful. I wanted so badly to know what he was thinking about. At times i made effort to push myself into conversation, but got quite intimidated after a while and withdrew myself. 
I’d been chatting to the guy who took me round on my trial shift. He was quite flirty, very chatty but so far - no spark. One day we were talking and he made one remark that was ever so subtly hinting towards sex or something of the sort. Now, after my experiences and things I’ve gone through this past year (i.e. being somewhat used by an absolute fuckwit), that was a pretty big alarm bell for me that he wasn’t right and it instantly turned me off of the idea of him (helpful since I never felt attracted to him anyway). And that was the end of that. I’ve never been happier for something to fizzle out because of what came next. 
One day, after a particularly good shift at work I got home to see Charlie had commented on one of my pictures on instagram from a while back of my left thigh tattoo. I had captioned it ‘my love for tattoos will forever outweigh any boy’ and he replied ‘what about boys with tattoos?’ my heart swooned. I must have taken 20 minutes staring at my phone trying to figure out a witty reply. After this we got to chatting over instagram messenger, and eventually he asked for my number. I was dumbfounded. I hadn’t a clue he was even interested, but I’d been hoping he would ask all the same. Eventually he asked me on a date and of course I said yes.
All day before the date i was absolutely terrified. A few weeks prior to starting this new job I’d been on a date with someone who I’d met over tinder, I’d gotten drunk and slept with him. I fucking hate drunk sex. I felt like dirt the next day. I have a few ideas as to why I may hate drunk sex as much as I do; biologically it’s not often agreed with me, it makes me far louder and i end up feeling stupid the next day etc etc. But I think the main reason is what happened in first year with the guy I dated for a month. He fucked me about, and ultimately just took what he wanted from me - one day quite literally. Anyway, all day I’d been obsessing over whether I should sleep with him or not. I knew we’d be drinking on the date, but I also knew I liked him and that I shouldn’t not sleep with him just for the sake of not doing it. I decided if I was in the moment and I wanted to, then I would. But if at any point in time I felt like I was going to do it just because of ‘social etiquette’ (stupid, i know) then I wouldn’t. The date went fantastically despite being nervous beforehand. We couldn’t stop talking, everywhere we went was too loud because we just wanted to get to know each other. Eventually he asked if I wanted to go back to his (nothing seedy, we’d been talking for a while about a room in his house he’d been decorating and I said I’d like to see it sometime), I obliged and was still insistent in my head that no sex was going to happen. When we got to his, once again we couldn’t stop talking. I thought how wonderful it was that he wanted to know so much about me. I couldn’t believe he hadn’t made any sort of move yet, not one single thing to give me concern for his motives. We were sat on his bed for what felt like hours just talking. Eventually, I decided to make the first move, and quietly uttered “sorry” before basically lunging on the poor boy. But it just felt so right, and it turned out to be the sort of kissing where you literally can’t get enough of the other person. You just have to have them right there, right then and you never want to stop touching them, feeling their weight on top of you and their breath on your neck. The sex was fucking fantastic. Surprising, too, considering I was tipsy and he was a little too. The only problem; as soon as the sex had finished, and I’m talking maybe 3 seconds after while he’s still physically inside me I blurt out “you’re not going to fuck and chuck me are you?” Shit. What a fucking idiot. I really like this guy. He looked so confused, almost hurt. I proceeded to ask if he wanted me to leave, quietly hoping he’d ask me to stay. He did. The next morning was wonderful, we laid in bed and talked and kissed and cuddled for hours.
Our next date he cooked for me. Actually fucking put effort in and cooked a decent meal. I crumbled so hard. I told him all about my weird aversion for wooden spoons which he of course made fun of me for but he also promised not to tell anyone and then let me take his spot on the sofa. We had such a wonderful evening talking and cuddling. We also had sober sex. The first time I’d had sober sex in a good few months and it was fucking incredible, I can’t even describe. He makes me feel like I’m the sexiest woman alive and there’s no reason he would ever want anyone else. I haven’t felt like that with a guy in some time. The next morning he made me a cafetière and avocado and eggs on toast. The guy is a fucking dream. I told him all about my family and in all honesty; I told my family all about him.
I decided I’d cook for him, and I made him a pie that had gone down well in the past with others. I forgot to mention he’s veggie too (absolute fucking result) I prepped so much for that damn pie but it paid off because he loved it. There’s been quite a few dates now i think about it. I’ll write about one of my favourites in particular, now.
We decided to stop being lazy and staying in all the time and go to the pub to have a few pints and play pool. Or rather, watch him thrash me at pool, but I tried all the same. We played a couple games, then went outside and sat on the benches and chatted through the humidity. This is where I found out he was serious about me, and I told him I was serious about him, but that I wanted to take things slow because I’ve been so quick to rush into things before and of course they ended badly. He said he’d be more than happy to call me his girlfriend if that’s what I wanted too. I said it is, but not yet. There’s so much he needs to find out about me before he can make that sort of decision. I got a little more tipsy and told him I’d been sexually assaulted by an ex, but that I’d explain the details at another time. He was amazing upon hearing this news. I remember telling the last guy, and he just got angry and left and it felt like he was angry at me. Not Charlie, he’s so different from anyone I’ve ever met and it’s amazing. I decided I wanted to go for a walk because I wasn’t ready for the date to end just then. It started raining but if anything that made me want to go more. There’s something about rain that’s just so pacifying. I don’t know what it is about Charlie, but he makes me want to do things that may seem out of character, but in reality are unadulteratedly and impenitently myself. We had sex right in the middle of Hyde Park that night, right there in the rain and the dirt and the freshly cut grass. It was fucking glorious.
Another night we spent together we thought it would be fun to take MD and play music crazy loud and tell each other how much we adored the other. I told him the details of what happened those years ago and I took all my make up off and completely stripped myself of everything I usually hide behind. No eyeliner wings, no guarded wall, no acting like i’m not a hopeless romantic or some hard faced ice queen like i have in the past. I felt as if I bared my soul to him that night, and he did nothing but love me for it.
The night of my graduation from University he met my brothers and one of my closest friends. I think that evening was the happiest I’d been in months. This guy, who’s barely been in my life for five minutes so genuinely cares about me and wants to make a real effort with the people I care about, too. Charlie made more effort to get to know my brothers than Mike did in the entire year I was with him. It made my heart so happy to see my three guys getting along so well. Beth adores him. I adore him. I can’t wait for him to meet my mum and watch the horrific puns get thrown around.
Update - we’re living together. I’m so happy and more in love than ever.
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prettyboy-jimin · 7 years
Cherry Red; i
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x Park Jimin
Genre: Fluff, mild smut implication
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: Based on this prompt I got somewhere, I don’t remember but I’m pretty sure it’s from otpprompts
Imagine Person A saying to Person B, “If real life was a fandom, people would ship us.” Bonus: Person A, never one to quit while they’re ahead, continues to say “There would be porn of us.”
Weeehh, I’ve been into a lot of angst lately and frankly #JUSTICEFORANGST because the beautiful thing is so underappreciated y’all like how dare, but my friend’s been hurting a lot with me and she deserves some Yoonmin fluff heh + Also, I only realised after I finished everything that the prompt would be best portrayed if it were a Non-Idol AU but.. you know… I finished it and… yeah…
Hawaii was beautiful, Jimin had absolutely no words for it. Only yesterday had he and the others boarded a boat to sail around for the day, his hyungs fishing like the old men he knew them to be, Jungkook and Taehyung pushing each other off the boat, into the saltwater. The day before that, he and Namjoon went hiking up the mountains in the early morning, early enough to catch the warm sun freeing itself from the night’s cold embrace. They took a few pictures for the fans, knowing their girls from all over the globe would be curious of what they were up to. Jimin especially liked the photo Namjoon took of him wherein the sun’s glare competed against the camera, resulting in a large halo of sorts around Jimin’s body. This morning, Jimin had gone down to the beach with Jin, Namjoon tagging along as the adventurer he was. They walked with their heads down, careful not to let a stray fan catch them and scream. They found a sea turtle making its way onto the shore, Jin immediately hopping about telling his friends to take a picture. Jimin snapped a photo of his hyung, Jin thereafter forcing him and Namjoon to do the same. They sat on the sand with curious smiling faces directed to the reptile, Jin especially pleased with himself once he had tweeted their photos, along with the sea turtle’s solo shot, with a caption that said they tried turtle watching. Jimin laughed, scoffed more so, since all they really did was sit and smile rather than actually watch the aged animal crawl further onto land.
And though Hawaii was beautiful and Jimin couldn’t get enough of the beautiful beaches, he found himself here, in their hotel suite lounging around; exhausted. Jungkook was napping on the bed across from him, Taehyung tucking the maknae securely under his arm as he scrolled through his phone. Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok were out for the afternoon for more adventure, using the most of their time exploring than actually resting, wherein the three youngest as well as Yoongi were just too tired to move.
Jimin was lying on his back, arms splayed out on his shared bed with Hoseok, feet on the ground and eyes on the ceiling. The suite was quiet save for Yoongi’s constant typing on his laptop and the music that Jimin could faintly hear blasting from the elder’s headphones. It surprised Jimin how Yoongi wasn’t deaf yet, or relatively close to it.
Jimin was just about to drift off to sleep when Yoongi’s voice broke through his daze.
“Yes, hyung?” he answered groggily.
“Let’s go out”
Jimin laughed, a witty remark on the tip of his tongue. Is this how you ask me on a date? But he knew that his hyung would have something better up his sleeve so it was best to behave.
“And where would we go?” Jimin asked, eyes still closed, half hoping Yoongi would change his mind.
“The hotel has a pool on the roof, a café and whatever.” Yoongi said “We could look over the city if you don’t wanna go for a swim.”
Jimin pulled himself up, resting his elbows on his knees as he tried to recover from the sudden movement. He muttered something Yoongi thought was I’m in board shorts anyway so we’ll see, and they both made their way out the door without much conversation; leaving Taehyung and Jungkook to sleep the afternoon away.
Jimin and Yoongi stepped into the elevator in silence, allowing the horrible music to envelope the small space they created between them. There were other people already aboard, either also on their way to the roof deck or up a floor higher than Jimin and Yoongi’s.
The dancer cast a glance to his hyung, usually they’d engage in some sort of conversation, the elder always having something interesting to share but at the moment he seemed to be in deep thought. Was something bothering him? Jimin would ask but now wasn’t the time and place so he figured to save it for later.
They stepped out of the lift after everyone else on board, basking in the warmth the afternoon sun down casted on them. The view was amazing, Jimin’s eyes immediately finding the edge of the building. He ran across the deck, passing the rooftop café and restaurant as well as the pool, leaving behind an amused Yoongi to chuckle and follow after him.
Jimin’s hands gripped the cold metal railing, his eyes wide and smile huge. The wind brushed his hair back, saltwater fusing with the air he enjoyably inhaled for the past few days as Yoongi stood by his side, enjoying the ocean breeze.
“This is amazing” Jimin said, breathless and in awe.
“Right?” Yoongi stole a glance at the dancer before turning his gaze back to the view. “A fan tweeted about how she was in the same hotel as us a few months back”
Yoongi nodded his head with a pursed smile, Jimin only just noticing the slight tinge of pink on his hyung’s cheeks. When Yoongi shifted to look at him, Jimin ducked is head as if his distorted reflection in the metallic railing had suddenly become too interesting to ignore. A small smirk was displayed on Yoongi’s face that Jimin hadn’t noticed. He decided he liked making Jimin adorably uncomfortable.
“Do you ever wonder what our girls are up to on a daily basis?” Yoongi rolled around to set the undersides of his elbows on the railing that separated them from the edge, eyeing the other hotel guests as they enjoyed their vacation. “What they do with their normal lives?”
Jimin’s eyes were wide, observing Yoongi as if he had just sprouted a pair of goat horns, but Jimin knew that Yoongi just liked to think a lot. He gave a soft smile as he realised that Yoongi referred to the fans as ‘their girls’ just like how Bangtan were their boys. It made Jimin’s heart warm. It had been years since they first debuted, gradually building a fanbase in and out of Korea, but only in the recent years had Jimin seen their group of friends really skyrocket off the charts. It had been an amazing series of events, but it had also been really restless for the seven of them. Though the endless support they got from their ARMYs was more than enough motivation.
Jimin mirrored Yoongi’s position, observing the strangers of different backgrounds as well, a sense of fondness catching in his voice as he said, “Apart from loving us unconditionally, constantly making sure we’re happy and healthy, making fanfiction and screaming when we post new photos… I have to say Yoongi-hyung, I have no idea.”
Yoongi was eyeing a little girl no more than three years old on the pool’s edge, it was the kiddie pool with a built in ramp of sorts, made to look like the sand as the clear water kept lapping at it. She had floaters on her little arms, and her black curls were glistening with water droplets Yoongi saw an older boy playfully splash her with. He smiled as she let out a little giggle and attacked what Yoongi assumed to be her brother.
“Do you ever think of how amazing it is that people are all divided into different fandoms?” Yoongi wondered aloud, still watching the wonderful display of family affection before him. “They’re like organisations that you can just come in and leave and while you’re there you have a family.”
Jimin raised a curious eyebrow at Yoongi. That was one way to put it, a really complicated way at that.
“Hyung, you think too much.” He says playfully, chuckling as he admires the scenery Hawaii had to offer.
But the idea continues to amaze the rapper, how people who had never even met each other in person or even know each other’s name can become the best of friends over their mutual interest in Bangtan, how a single night spanning from two to four hours could bring total strangers together and form friendships, relationships that normally take days, weeks to build. It amazes Yoongi. He thinks of their fans’ creativity, how artists can remake their photos using various types of paint, pencils, how they use their talents and incorporate their support for Bangtan and as he looks over at Jimin who was still admiring the view, he thinks of how their fans can see Yoongi’s feelings for him as if he was an open book. Damn were they dedicated.
He looks at Jimin, unafraid despite their public location; no one knew who they were here. He notices how Jimin had developed a nice tan over the last few days, hinting his skin just the slightest. Jimin’s cheeks were painted a light pink from hours under the sun and in the seawater, Yoongi thought if this was what it looked like to be sunkissed.
Jimin looks over at him, his weight still leaning on his elbows on the railing as he smiles at Yoongi.
“If real life was a fandom people would ship us.” Yoongi says coolly, almost indifferent towards Jimin’s widened eyes and shocked expression. It’s evidently clear to Yoongi that Jimin wasn’t expecting that. “People do ship us.”
Jimin straightens, his pink cheeks darkening to a pale red as his smile forms a straight line. He shifts on one foot to the other as he then finds himself struggling to find a decent position to stay in, settling on just standing straight with his hands clasped together in front of him as Yoongi chuckles.
“Yoongi hyung that’s pretty—“
“There would probably be porn of us.” Yoongi says, not bothering to lower his volume as passers-by shoot him looks ranging from confused to downright disgusted, yet Yoongi only shrugs and laughs as Jimin is the one who bows apologetically out of habit.
Yoongi tilts his head at Jimin, the younger’s cheeks now aflame and his eyes darting everywhere except Yoongi. Yoongi enjoys seeing Jimin flustered like this, gulping down air, fiddling with his shirt, rubbing his forearms in attempts at calming himself down; it’s entertaining as it is absolutely adorable. The world knows Jimin to be shy with these types of things, but the world doesn’t get to witness it up close and personal like Yoongi does and he decides that it sort of labels him as one of the lucky ones.
Jimin chokes and coughs on the air he sharply inhales as he says, “Hyung, that’s pretty intense” Yoongi smiling as he looks down at his feet. Jimin takes the opportunity to stare for as long as he could before he says something more.
“You’d like that though, wouldn’t you?” he muses, trying to supress a smile as Yoongi’s head jolts upwards, his smile wavering. When the older boy doesn’t seem to understand where Jimin is coming from, Jimin speaks again. “You’d like that—porn of us?”
Yoongi knows Jimin is joking, that he’s just trying to get at Yoongi by his own game but it doesn’t stop his eyebrows from shooting upwards in surprise as Jimin steps closer, hands still laced together in front of him and a smug smile plastered on his face.
“You’d look really pretty writhing under me, hyung” Jimin whispers, fingers playing at the collar of Yoongi’s black shirt. Yoongi is more relaxed now, he’s played this game a thousand times before and is well aware of Jimin’s feigning confidence, the dancer trying to make him as flustered as he was mere minutes ago as a sort of revenge. But Jimin doesn’t know that Yoongi’s won this game just as many times as he’s played it.
“I don’t know about writhing, but I’d definitely be under you.” Yoongi mutters, looking into Jimin’s eyes with a dark playfulness staining his irises. “I could see you falling apart over me, Jiminie. Bouncing desperately and screaming my name as I make you feel good.”
Jimin gulps, body gone stiff and his board shorts unbelievably uncomfortable as his eyes flicker between Yoongi’s eyes lips. Yoongi’s tongue makes an appearance and wets his lips as he grits back a chuckle when he sees Jimin’s eyes follow. Oh how he loved seeing Jimin lose.
“I’m right, aren’t I?” he asks, his voice dangerously low as he leans towards the younger boy uncaring to whoever was with them and wherever they were. Yoongi leaned in, closer and closer until their noses were touching and Jimin’s lips were only a breath away, until a fabricated, unrealistic cough makes Jimin dance backwards; creating a large space between him and Yoongi.
Yoongi doesn’t move, shutting his eyes tightly to hold down his frustrations and biting down on his lip to muffle the protests. He exhales before turning forward, Jimin now a foot away from him nibbling on his lip as he toed the cement at his feet. Yoongi spares a glare at Jin, clearly the one who faked the cough and verbally drew Jimin away from him, who was standing between Namjoon and Hoseok, all three looking smug and proud of themselves when Yoongi just really wanted to hurt them.
“Jungkook told us where to find you.” Jin disclosed, a playful glint in his eye as a haughty smile played at his lips. “We’re here to call you so you can get ready for dinner.”
With that Jin turned away, Namjoon following suit like a little puppy. Hoseok winked at Jimin, making him redden even more than Yoongi thought possible, his blush reaching the tips of his ears and a part of his neck.
Jimin spared Yoongi a glance, burning a cherry when Yoongi winks at him, trailing behind beside Hoseok as Jimin speed walks to catch up to his other hyungs.
“What was that about?” Hoseok asks as soon as Jimin was out of earshot.
“That was…” Yoongi didn’t know what that was, he didn’t want to assume that Jimin like him too even if it was pretty clear; it was best if Jimin said it aloud and Yoongi could rest properly. He also didn’t want to give Hoseok a witty remark, he knew the younger was genuinely curious despite his playful demeanour but truth be told Yoongi was curious as well. “That was… something else.”
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