#tony stark is ticklish
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valiantphantomangel · 9 months ago
Hello there! ^^ I have a small request if you’ve got the time and opportunity, but I’ve been thinking about Lee!reader being really giddy with legs kicking, giggles and a bit of whining bc of the teasing, with maybe ler!loki? Maybe he found smth out or reader is just easily flustered the second one breaks through to her and he finds it amusing?
Just if ya got time and want to ✌️
Have a great weekend! :)
A/n: hiya!! I hope you enjoy!!
"Now now darling, no need to be so aggressive" Loki tutted as he wrestled you down onto the couch and took a seat on your legs.
He grinned down at you before slowly spidering his finger tips over your tummy which was exposed since you wore a tank top.
"Lokes don't you dare" you giggled as you peeled his hands from your tummy which only resulted in having your hands pinned down above your head by one of his hands while the other ghosted over your waist and tummy.
Now you might be wondering how you ended up in this situation. Well the stupidly easy answer is, the God of Mischief happened to walk by when you were being tickled to tears by Steve and Tony for insulting their age and hadn't let you live it down since.
"Loki Laufeyson, don't you god Damm darEHAHHAHHAH" you couldn't even finish your sentence before 5 fingers squeezed around your ribs.
Eventually he decided that 5 fingers weren't enough to torture you so he let go of your arms to full on attack your hips and sides while blowing raspberries in your neck.
Your feet kicked out widely as you squirmed around underneath him, head tossed back as you screamed in laughter.
"By the nines! You're one sensitive little love" Lokes chuckled as he clawed at your bottom ribs.
"STOPHIHIHI ITHIHIHIHI"!! you screamed as your cheeks turned red from being teased.
"No can do darling, your laugh is simply just too adorable to ignore" He said with a smirk before turning himself around so he was sitting on your thighs with his back to you and squeezed your knees.
"AGHAHAHAHHAHA" you absolutely lost it tossing and turning around to escape his ticklish fingers which followed you everywhere.
"My my, your ticklish everywhere aren't you little Dove? I understand why the man of iron and the captain like to do this" Loki laughed before deciding to let up so you can breath. Lifting himself off of your legs to sit next to you.
You gasped for air in between the remaining giggles as you curled up in a ball "You. Jerk" you managed to get out but the giant smile on your face betrays you.
He just chuckled before running his fingers through your hair "There, does make it up?" He said knowing much you loved it when he played with your hair.
You just hummed in response, relaxing now that you weren't being tortured anymore.
And no matter how much you tried to deny it, you had loved every single second of his merciless tickling.
And Loki knew that all too well.
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humansheild · 2 years ago
You and peter were just sitting on the couch with silence .you two couldnt dare to look each other because both of you are thinking tony will going to kick you out of here. And then you started the conversation .
-What do you think?
_ the thing you are thinking
Both of you said "we will be kicked out of the stark internship "at the same time.
"Maybe İt won't be bad as we think "you said.
And just because you are so lucky at that time tony walked in. And you could see the avengers yelling at tony
_tony you promised us that you won't be hard on them .remember that.natasha said.
_live me alone with my kids.
And from that moment Friday shut the door to avengers face.
_yeah it is not that bad as you are thinking it is worse .and there is something that never happened to me before.i don't even know how to fix that .
Tony took a deep breath and at that time you and peter were too busy with memorizing the pattern of the carpet.
İ can't believe you two .İ said million times to not go to dangerous places but school and just do your thing .it can't be that hard can it? Your mission is being helpful to the neighbors but it seems like it is not enough for you I'm even afraid when I'm saying it ohhhh gossshh
You two tried to fight with aliens who came from a million universe .
And peter just took a chance to talk
We almost made it
Shut up ..tony shouted with the voice that you don't even know that he has .and it broke your courage to talk and you just accepted your faith with m emorizing every detail on the carpet.and tony made you jump on the couch when he said "the adult talk here."
And you didn't even tried to hide your face .and the world was about to know who you are if we couldn't come there at the time .i don't even want to think about what could have been ? Why you are just so obbessed with being independent and can have the confidence like that .
How i can even expect him to understand us he never had to deal with anxiety, bullying . He just think that we have to be perfect like he don't know that it is impossible.the rest of the avengers weren on a mission and the city was falling apart . And he is just saying that we could have waited but it is not that easy especially when you are a teenager . Yeah all of you can say this is not the same thing i can understand you but just look at the wiew from our window
We are teenagers and like we are trying to live every day do you know how hard is that because everyone has a lot of things to say about how we should live our life like improve yourself don't be loser make a lot of money or be a good person or don't be a good person because then every one will walk over you .and after all that stuff we still trying to do the right thing just like we did today you just cant expect us to watching our city fall apart can you tony?
Everyone was looking at you . You talked with yourself while tony and peter were having argument and you thought that they weren't give attention to you peter just looked straight to your face like saying maybe there was a little hope about not being kicked out by tony but there is none now thanks to you and both of you decided to run to your room and you reached to the door finally you realized it was closed and then you heard that tony said let them go but lock other doors i am not still done with them .
2 hours later
İ still can't believe that you said it honestly it was .... Kind of nice
Yeah it was but i still can't stop thinking about what am i gonna do ? Like i feel guilty .you know.. because tony was the one who saved me when I hit the bottom he helped my education my mentally stuff vs.
Yeah ı can understand you it seems like tony had a soft spot for the children who doesn't have a family .
You let go of one of your highest laughter.
And that's what I am calling "dark humor "
But seriously w hat do you think which one it would be more comfortable? Like sleeping on the bank or floor
-The floor
Tony how did you get in there?
Y\N i thought that you are smart kid. it is my building .
Yeah but do you know the thing they call privacy.
No i don't know that
Tony sat on the couch
Come here (silence) .. i still sense of an attitude what can I do to break that
Just because peter was the only one who knows the answer of it he pulled you with himself to come near of tony
Look kid ı couldnt think clearly but you know why. I can't control my mind when i hear something bad happens to you and i don't even know that you are seeing me like that but ... You are my kids and i care about you a lot
And you started talking
We are sorry too we should have listened to you
Peter agreed .and you hugged each other .
And everyone in this room broke a promise soo .. don't you think that they should be grounded? Tony said while you and peter were trying to understand what is going on and then everything was clear when tony reached your ribs
Tony Nooooooo Ahhhhhh
And tony pulled both of you to the bed and started to tickling your torso and you let go one of your belly laughter while peter was screaming loudly .
Wait does it tickle? Tony said while his finger were dancing on your belly .wait if you aren't answering that it is not doing its job well enough can ı have an answer now
Yeeeeeesss it dooes tickleees
And you, what do you think spidey ?
You caughted a chance to look at peter and you couldn't believe how sensitive he is he already felt into silent laughter .
Pleaaasee leeeeet us goOoo
Yeah but i think i need to do one more thing
Guys don't ever think that i don't see you lose a lot of weight do you eat well kiddos maybe you should eat some fruits
Like what
Like this .....and he blew raspberries on your belly
And now you couldn't blame peter you felt into the silent laughter
Oh okay don't die on me now now get up we have some aliens to take care of when tony reached out the door
İ love you three thousand kiddos
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berrys-hide-out · 2 days ago
What the heck guys? 😭😂 what am i gonna do now? The totally most logical thing and..
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angelltheninth · 2 months ago
You know how guys have the happy trail? What do you think the MCU men's is like?
Gonna tell you something Anon, I love it when guys have that. It's cute and attractive.
Pairing: Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Thor, Loki, James “Logan" Howlett, Remy Lebeau, Kurt Wagner, Tony Stark, Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Tags: fluff, suggestive, body worship, teasing, muscles, established relationship
Ko-Fi | Rules | Fandoms and Characters | Commissions
A/N: Probably one of the most attractive things on guys. At least to me. Other than strong hands.
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Steve keeps himself very neat, not really because of you, not at first, it's just a habit that he still has from his army days. That being said he didn't miss the way you look at him when he does it. He knows you're looking so he takes his time.
Bucky is a bit more clumsy with it since losing his arm. His new one is good but it's cold on his skin when he needs to groom himself and be nice. But... maybe you can give him a hand when he needs it.
Clint doesn't bother with it much because he doesn't have much of a visible happy trail. It is there when you really look or run your hand down his abs. That being said he doesn't quite see why you like it so much, it's just body hair.
Thor never quite cared to keep himself overly well groomed or to cut down on any body hair. When he tried his hair grew back rougher, which you can feel as you touch his stomach. To him it was never something he had to think about, besides you like it.
Loki brags about how good he looks. Every part of him, even the happy trail which he always keeps well maintained. As he gets ready for bed he might take it slower, to give you time to look.
Logan has always been covered in a lot of rough, bushy hair and his happy trail is no different. For him it's like a path that you can follow as you kiss his body. In fact he has referred to it as that numerous time, making you blush at the implications.
Remy often gets asked if his hair is red everywhere, and yes it is. He chuckles when he tells you that you should check for yourself. Despite how he may seem he does keep himself well trimmed, from his belly all the way down.
Kurt does have a bit more hair there and it's quite soft and fluffy. It's one of the rare parts on his body that's not as cold as the rest of him. But it is quite dark, almost black in contrast with his blue skin.
Tony wants you to look at him as he gets changed. He wears his pants a bit lower when he knows he can work from home. Seeing you ready to kiss every inch of him won't make work easier.
Peter has a happy trail but it's a bit sparse. He doesn't have much body hair on his belly and is a bit ticklish when you touch him there. It's one of his weaknesses so he always blushes when you do it.
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inneedofsupervision · 2 months ago
This is so cute! The playful banter of this is so wholesome, I love sassy Peter. This is everything I have hoped for, thank you so much (and it's so long omg, it's like a whole book just for me haha)
The Light of Laughter
Words: 7.7 k
Pairings: none, this is a platonic/familial fic
Characters: Lee!Peter, Ler!Tony, Ler!Bucky, Lee!Wanda, Ler!Steve,
Warnings: a lot of tickling and some older brother/mentor tickling so if that’s not your thing please feel free to sit this one out
Author’s note: This is a squealing Santa fic for the lovely @inneedofsupervision I’m so sorry your gift is late but I hope I make up for the wait. I also wanted to give a massive thanks to @squealing-santa for running this event and for graciously helping me with the deadline.
The bell rang, sending chairs scuffing across the floor as students pushed their way out of the classroom. Kids pushed past him, knocking shoulders with him in the chaos as Peter waded to the back of the room.
“You don’t have to wait for me, ya know?” Ned said, roughly shoving his stuff in his folders.
Peter’s brows furrowed. He took one look at the mess on Ned’s desk and started helping him pack his things up. “Yes, I do. I’m the reason we got separated in this class, and we always walk out together.”
Ned brushed off his help, but continued shoving things away. “Aww thanks Peter.” He picked up a notebook paper that had floated down to the floor somehow. “You'd make such a good girlfriend,” he said, then frozen with the paper still between his fingers.
Peter gently pried it from his hands, sliding it into his backpack, sensing that all of the tests were starting to get to him. “Was that what you meant to say?”
Ned finally dethawed, going back to the task at hand. “We’re not acknowledging it.”
Peter chortled, fighting back a comment about the blush on his face. “Yes we are.”
Ned pointed a finger at him. “Not if you still want your christmas present.”
Peter mimicked zipping his lips, not wanting to risk losing his gift. He didn’t have to use his spidey senses to guess what it was. Ned had been dropping quote unquote hints to him about his present all week, and Peter had figured out it was legos by Wednesday.
He filed the last of Ned’s papers away, which was less of putting papers in folders, and mostly a lot of shoving. Peter didn’t even know how he managed to collect this many papers in the first place.
“You aren’t going to be able to find any of your papers when we come back from break,” Peter remarked, picking up a broken folder that was nearly split in half with all the papers inside of it.
Ned shrugged. “I’ll just throw out anything I don’t need when January comes.”
“Then get a new folder for the semester so you can break it by summer?” Peter asked, fighting back a grin. He knew he was pushing his luck with his christmas gift on the line, but Peter had a gift for him as well, and he wasn’t afraid to bargain his way back into Ned’s good graces.
“Exactly,” Ned nodded. “See, I’m glad you get it.”
Peter rolled his eyes.
“By Mr. Smith!” Peter called, waving to his teacher as they walked out the door.
“Bye boys, stay safe over break. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” He said, closing the door on them on their way out.
The hallways were a mess of hustle and bustle, everyone eager to escape the building as fast as possible. With the thought of finals erased from their minds, and their warm beds waiting for them at home to catch up on some overdue sleep, no one was wasting another minute in that dreadful building.
Peter tapped the top of the frame as Ned and him pushed through the doors, letting the cold New York winter air blow into the hallways, sending Christmas lights fluttering in the breeze.
“My gift?” Peter asked, once they were outside and away from the entrance.
“I want mine first,” Ned said.
Peter cocked his head at him, a coy smile playing at his lips. “How’d you know I bought you one?”
Ned deadpanned. “Oh come on Peter, we do the same thing every year. We give each other gifts on the last day of school before break.”
Peter dropped the act. “Fine.”
He reached into his backpack and pulled out a small box covered messily in red candy cane wrapping. As he handed it to Ned he realized he’d missed a spot, and he hoped he didn’t notice.
Luckily, Ned tore it open as fast as he always did, barely noticing the wrapping before he immediately threw it away.
“Do you know what it is?” Peter asked, as Ned continued staring at it without saying anything.
Ned’s brows furrowed. “I don’t think so.”
Peter tapped on the clear box. “It’s a Palladium core I encased in resin.”
Ned’s eyes went wide. “No, it’s not-” he trailed off, but Peter nodded.
“Look at the front of it.”
Ned flipped it around and gasped, holding a hand to his mouth. “You got it signed by him?”
Peter smiled. “Yup. This is one of the ones that was inside him,” Peter stopped, holding up a finger. “Wait, not like that.”
Ned grabbed him by the shoulders. “Who cares! Peter! This is the best gift ever!”
Peter grinned even wider as his friend shook him rather aggressively, the zippers on his backpack clanging with the movement. It really hadn’t been that difficult to come by, Tony had just had to replace his, and when Peter asked about it, Tony had happily complied.
He thought it was a little weird at first, but he had just said, “kids these days” then scoffed and walked off, leaving Peter with the core.
Ned stopped shaking him, a frown overtaking his face. “Aww, but all I got you was legos.”
Peter’s face lit up at the mention. “No, are you kidding me? I’m about to get a bunch of sciency stuff from the avengers, all I want are some legos.”
“Alright, fine,” Ned groaned, handing him a bright gift bag.
Peter took it and ripped all of the tissue paper out of the bag. “Yes!” he cheered. “All I needed was the hulk to complete my set.”
Ned raised a brow. “Do the avengers ever find it weird that you collect lego figurines of them?”
Peter felt his cheeks warm. “I wouldn’t know, I’ve never told them.”
“Heard,” Ned nodded.
“Alright, see you in a few days?” Ned asked, bumping his fist against his.
Peter finished the handshake. “Yep, I’ll see you then.”
Usually the two would walk home on the last day, but this year was different. As the snow began to lightly fall over the city, Peter was headed towards the avengers tower for a few days.
Aunt May had won some sort of radio contest back in November to go on a Christmas cruise for five days. She was overjoyed, until she found out she had only been given a ticket for one person. The last thing she wanted to do was leave him alone for Christmas, stating that she would rather work double shifts at the community center for two weeks than ever even think about leaving him by himself in New York. Peter was grateful she didn’t know about his nightly patrols, fearful that she might very well have a heart attack, but he needed to come up with some way to convince her to go anyway. Peter knew she needed a break, but after almost a month of trying to reassure her he’d be fine, even he was starting to run out of ways to convince her.
Peter was ranting about it to Tony one day in the lab, and he’d offered him up a solution on a silver platter.
Apparently, as long as he was staying with the Earth’s mightiest heroes, May was willing to let him stay in New York without her. He’d still had to assure her a dozen times that he would be fine with her leaving him on christmas, but they’d managed to pull it off. Just before school that day, she’d left for the airport with her bags. She’d placed a kiss on his cheek, told him to have fun, and to text lots of pictures. She added on as she stood in the doorframe, that she wanted him to be good for Tony. Peter fought the urge to laugh, considering it would be more fitting if she told Tony to behave himself.
He’d heard rumors of Tony Stark’s infamous Christmas parties, and had been fighting the urge to ask him if he’d be invited for the last week.
The walk passed by faster than it usually did, his mind buzzing with thoughts of what he could get up to for the next five days. As he approached the tower, he looked up at the full height of it. The A was already accumulating a fair amount of snow on top of it as the gray skies above it seemed to swirl around the building.
Peter heaved in a breath before he rang the doorbell. There would be more heroes in the tower than he was used to for the next few days. Tony was inviting all kinds of people from all corners of the universe for the week. He’d already met so many of his heroes, and now he had the potential to interact with even more.He’d tried to tease it out of Tony, but he’d only held a finger to his lips and told him he’d find out eventually. However, here Peter was, and the day was finally here.
At last, he gathered up the courage to actually ring the bell, and he listened intently to the sound echoing through the first few levels of the tower.
It was always a mystery who would open the door for him at the Avengers tower. More often than not, it was Happy or Pepper, but occasionally he would get one of the other’s.
Today, he was surprised to be met with no one. The door unlocked on its own, and it just swung open, seemingly on a stray breeze. Peter walked in cautiously, his footsteps light, but nothing seemed glaringly wrong except for the mysterious door. He quietly hung his bag on the hanger Tony had drilled into the wall, and began tip toeing into the living room.
He turned the corner, peeking out from behind the door frame when he spotted Wanda, and another woman he didn’t recognize.
“Oh, hi Peter!” Wanda called. “The other’s are upstairs in various places.”
“Oh, thanks for letting me in,” he said, staying a distance away from them. They seemed to be in the middle of something before he walked in, the other person on the couch blushing furiously.
Wanda stood, placing her glass of wine on the table beside her. “Oh, I almost forgot, Spider-man this is Tele, Tele this Spider-man.” Wanda turned back to Tele. “Or I guess I should specify, this is our world's Spider-man. God, that’s going to get difficult when everyone gets here.”
At Wanda’s words, Peter’s memory came flooding back to him. “Ohhh, your Peter three’s friend.”
They nodded. “Well it’s nice to officially meet you, but Tony said I should meet him up in the lab when I get here, so I should probably go.”
“Go,” Wanda waved. “We’ll have plenty of time to catch up in the next couple days.”
Peter hoped she was right, he’d been wondering if she’d be in the tower just yet. He had heard she’d been sent on a mission with Tele, Peter three, and Natasha, and he had a lot of questions for her. The occupants of the tower didn’t always notice it, but they had a tendency of telling him things he shouldn’t necessarily know. Not that Peter was complaining, but it was funny how all of their spy training and stoic personalities all softened when they were comfortable around each other.
Peter stepped into one of the elevators and pressed the twelfth floor. It smoothly rode up the line to his floor and when the doors opened, his eyes widened at the winter wonderland in front of him.
It was like he was stepping into santa’s workshop. The billionaire had strung up garland anywhere he could without making it a fire hazard, and there were so many fairy lights strung from the ceiling that the brightness replaced the glow of the regular lab lights.
Peter walked around, taking it all in.
Stockings hung from each large piece of equipment, their names listed on each of them in glitter glue that looked like Morgan had helped. The green and red iron man suit was on display in the middle of the lab, and each of the center poles in the room were wrapped to look like candy canes.
“You like it?” Tony called from the back, his voice echoing a little with all the metal in the room.
Peter spun around, trying to observe all of it in as big of a quantity as he could. “LIke it? I think Santa Claus threw up in here.”
“That better be a compliment Parker, you know I’m not afraid to flip you to the naughty list and take away your presents.” Peter laughed, hearing the teasing in his tone. It was always a challenge when he arrived in the lab to find Tony. Some days he thought the man was purposely making a game of it, but today he found him behind a few monitors with ease.
Peter looked at the screen, leaning over Tony’s desk to look at what he’d been working on. “Funny, you’re not the first person to tell me that today.”
“Well, maybe that means you deserve it,” Tony said, tweaking his ribs.
“Hey!” Peter squeaked, puberty immediately leaving his voice.
“Hey is for horses, what’s it doing in your mouth?” Tony remarked without taking his eyes off of the monitor. Peter backed up, making sure to keep his arms close to his sides.
“What’d you call me up for? What are we working on today?” he asked eagerly.
Tony spun around towards him, looking up at him. “You, my sticky friend, are not working on anything for the next five days.”
“Mr. Stark,” Peter groaned. He could work on so many upgrades with all the time he was going to have in the tower. With no school, and no Aunt May, he had nothing stopping him.
Tony held his hands up. “No, I don’t want to hear a whining. I signed on to house a sixteen year old for a few days, not a five year old.”
Peter wanted to say that he was not acting like a five year old, but he feared that would only prove Tony’s point. However, he had never had such an ideal time to work, and he couldn’t give up on the idea that easily. “But I have so many new ideas for my suit.”
“Nope,” Tony said, dramatically popping the ‘p’. “You, my friend, are going to take a few days off, and so am I. There are people being put in place to keep an eye here on earth, and none of those people are you and me.”
“What was the point in decorating the lab then?” Peter asked.
Tony looked at him like the answer to his question was quite obvious, and Peter was reminded of how truly dramatic his mentor was.
Tony patted his back, getting to his feet. “Consider it me paying you back for that time I let you go to space.”
Peter furrowed his brows. “But you didn’t let me? I went without asking.”
Tony slowly turned to him. He stared at Peter for a moment before he started rapidly jabbing his hands into Peter’s midsection wherever he could manage. “Is this really a point you’d like to be arguing five days before Christmas, Parker?”
Peter boyishly giggled as he jumped out of the way. He should’ve known better than to nitpick Tony when he was telling a story. “Noho!”
Tony only followed the teenager, wrapping an arm around him and fluttering his fingers on his neck. “Are you sure?” he teased.
“Yes,” Peter laughed. He lightly pushed him away, taking care to not use too much of his strength considering Tony didn’t even have a suit on.
“Alright, spiderling, I believe you for now. So, are we clear about the rules with lab time?”
Peter couldn’t hide his disappointment, but he shook his head in agreement. “Yes, Mr. Stark.”
“Okay, just a couple other ground rules, and then I’ll let you go.” He clapped his hands together. “We just discussed number one, so you already know no lab time for the next five days, I want you to have some time off. Rule number two, no patrols either, it goes under the time off clause.” Peter groaned, but Tony continued on.
“Rule number three, you have to help Morgan, Pepper, and I wrap gifts because I bought too many gifts for everyone. Rule number four, you need to send your Aunt May an update at least once a day-” Peter started to protest, but Tony held a hand up.
“Ah-ah those are the rules I agreed to for taking you on. If you don’t follow them your Aunt will have my head and yours.”
Peter held his hands up. “I was gonna say that it shouldn’t be a problem because I've already texted her twice today, but okay.”
“Sure you were,” Tony chortled.
“I was!” Peter scoffed.
Tony pushed his reading glasses up on his head. “Well aren’t you nyc’s little golden boy.”
Peter paused, uncertain what to do with the comment. Luckily, Tony moved on from most things pretty quickly.
“Okay, rule number 5, no more calling me Mr. Stark. You are quite literally spending Christmas with me, don’t make it weird. Number six, no shenanigans?”
Peter cocked a brow, and Tony shrugged. “What qualifies as a shenanigan?”
He pointed a finger at him. “Don’t play dumb with me kid.”
Peter gawked at him. “I’m not, what does that mean?”
“Well I don’t want to give you an example, that’ll just give you ideas.”
Peter threw his hands up, and Tony’s facade cracked a little, no longer able to bite down on his smile. “I’m messing with you web slinger, you know I support mischief.”
He pointed a finger at Peter. “Just don’t tell Loki I said that.”
“You have my word, Mr. Stark.”
Tony glared at him and Peter took a preemptive step back. “Sorry, Tony. It’ll take a little getting used to.”
Tony began walking out of the lab, and Peter followed. When Tony came to a sudden stop, so did Peter. “Oh, also, you can come to the Christmas party, but you can’t drink.”
“Oh, come on,” Peter protested.
Tony sighed. “Alright, fine, you can have a singular drink.” Peter began uttering his thanks, and telling him about how responsible he will be, but Tony shushed him. “We’ll pretend we’re in Europe to ease my conscience. You have to promise me you won’t tell your aunt though.”
“I promise,” he agreed, eyes shining. He honestly hadn’t expected to be invited to the christmas party, let alone allowed to drink, and he wouldn’t do anything to make Tony regret it.
“Alright, good,” Tony patted him on the back. “Now be a proper teenager and go bother people or hide in your room, your pick.”
Peter laughed good naturedly, knowing Tony didn’t truly mean it. Or at least, he was fairly sure.
Tony snapped his fingers. “Oh, also if you could bother resident broody and the star spangled banner, that would be the best present you could give me. Truly priceless.”
Peter smiled, heading up the stairs, his footsteps echoing in the empty hallway. “I think I can manage that.”
Tony gave him a thumbs up and they went their separate ways. Peter was surprised he hadn’t received a lecture on gift giving, specifically, on how he should have a lack of it. Last year he had gotten Tony a singular gift for the holidays, just a simple frame of the photo of the two of them, and Tony had given him a gift for ten weeks straight to prove a point. Apparently, billionaires didn’t appreciate teenagers with limited funds using their money on them.
Peter unlocked the door to his room, and jumped on top of his soft duvet. His body went limp, the mattress soaking up every bit of his exhaustion. He sighed contentedly, his eyes fluttering shut. He would just lay here for a little bit, and then he would wander around the tower and visit with everyone else.
Peter woke up bleary eyed and still in his clothes from the day before. He rolled, trying to find where his clock was, and realized there was no more bed underneath him. His stomach lurched as his hands scrambled for purchase. He grabbed his sheets, which slowed his fall. He sighed in relief, still half delirious. He stayed there for a second, still trying to figure out what had happened when the sheets lost their hold.
He landed with a thunk and groaned in pain. Apparently, his spidey senses weren’t awake either. He wiped at his eyes, trying to make sense of everything.
He looked up at the clock on his nightstand and had to rub his eyes and read it again to make sure he was seeing correctly. Peter had woken up at nine am the next day.
He wrestled himself out of his sheets and threw them back on the bed. He cursed his teenage body mixed with a spider bite for needing so much sleep. He had probably already missed so many new arrivals while he was sleeping.
As he pulled out some clothes from his dresser, he realized there were decorations all over his room too. He must not have noticed it when he’d walked in yesterday, but someone had done up his room as well. Garland hung from each of his furniture pieces like icicles from the edge of a house, his rug had been changed out to a fluffy red and green one, and he even had some festive attire that someone had thrown in with the rest of his regular clothes.
He opted to forgo the red and green in terms of clothing for the time being. He was already likely going to be the youngest in every room, and he didn’t need everyone looking at him like a child because he was wearing an elf onesie. Besides, that would only bring more attention to him while he was trying to learn about all of the new people.
He quickly showered and threw on his clothes, absentmindedly pushed his hair back and headed out the door.
He ran down the steps at full speed towards the kitchen as his stomach growled. He couldn’t believe he’d slept so late, he’d make sure to set an alarm tomorrow. It was so stupid of him to sleep for so long.
A door clicked open in front of him, and he stopped just a few inches from where his nose would’ve collided with it.
“Little spider,” Natasha laughed, seeing him as the door shut. “Why are you in such a hurry?”
She continued walking, so Peter followed. “I accidentally fell asleep yesterday afternoon when I got home from school, and I just woke up.”
“Oh trust me, you didn’t miss much.” Natasha waved a hand. “The only person in the tower who doesn’t live here went to bed early, Steve and Bucky went on our last grocery trip till after the holidays, and Wanda made a few pie crusts.”
“I know, but-” Peter started, then stopped himself. Natasha had said he didn’t miss much, but she had been a part of this family for longer than he had. He had never spent a Christmas with the Avengers before, and it all felt so new and exciting to him. This was all old business to Natasha, she’d probably find him quite silly.
“What?” she asked, slowing down.
Peter stopped at the next landing to face her. “No, it’s probably dumb. Nevermind.”
“I’m sure it’s not dumb, come on, tell me. Or if it is dumb, then I will forget I heard anything.”
Peter’s lips twitched. “It’s just.” He sighed, but then decided he’d go for it anyway. “I’ve never been here during the holidays, and I just don’t want to miss any of it. I want to soak it all up, ya know?”
He scratched at the top of his head, but then abruptly put his hand back down, thinking the movement looked weird.
Natasha leaned against the stair railing. “Peter,” she smiled. “I was once new to this team too. I know the feeling of wanting to soak up every moment with this family. But trust me, they aren’t going anywhere, and neither are you.”
Peter smacked himself in the forehead. It had only occurred to him till after Natasha said it but it seemed obvious now. He should’ve known that she would understand. It was so silly of him to think he was the only one who had ever felt like this. Still, he knew Natasha wouldn’t take well to him opening the holiday with apologizing to her, so he moved on. “I know that, it just doesn’t feel like it.”
She placed a hand on his shoulder. “And that’s okay too. It took me a long time to get used to it.” She laughed. “Sometimes I think I’m still getting used to it. But remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. You’re here for five whole days, don’t run yourself ragged trying to do everything.”
Peter blew a breath out, feeling a little less high strung. “Thanks Natasha.”
She squeezed his arm. “Anytime little spider.”
“Does that mean I can call you big spider?” Peter asked, now following her down the stairs.
She shook her head, chuckling. “I guess so. Just don’t ever say it in front of Clint, or I may have to kill you.”
“Noted.” Peter nodded even though she wasn’t looking at him. He wasn’t certain he would ever be brave enough to call her that to her face, but he saved it away just in case he needed it.
He entered the kitchen, counting four bodies occupying the space, and all sorts of delicious smells wafting around the area.
Natasha leaned in beside him, whispering. “Like I said, pace yourself.”
She walked off, continuing down the steps, and leaving Peter in the chaos. He stood completely still for a moment, unsure of what to do. It almost seemed like they were doing some sort of dance. Pots and pans flew above heads, spoons were passed back and forth, footsteps were carefully made around each other like they had choreographed it all in advance. Peter was worried that if he stepped in, he might throw them off rhythm.
His stomach growled angrily, reminding him that while his bite also made him able to sleep longer, it also meant he needed to eat much more.
“Guys, can I cut into the kitchen to get breakfast?” Peter yelled over simmering liquids and frying meats.
Wanda was the first to turn towards him. “Oh, morning Peter. Can I grab something for you?” She looked at the chaos surrounding her with wide eyes. “I think that would be easier at this point.”
“Yes please, if you could hand me the poptarts, I’ll get out of your hair.”
“Oh, do try the new chocolate flavored ones we got spiderling,” Thor said, turning around, whisk in hand. “They are quite delicious.”
“Yeah, I’ll have those if we’ve got ‘em.” Peter nodded. “Please,” he added on quickly.
Wanda flicked her fingers, and the pop tart box flew out of the cabinet. Peter was about to ask how she managed to direct her power so casually without hitting anyone, but then he realized the box was already in his hand.
“Hey, wait, we don’t just hand out food for free,” Bucky scoffed. “I thought we agreed the kitchen was a no touch zone when there were chefs in it.”
“Bucky, you’re making brownies. Calm down, you aren’t cooking up world peace,” Sam called out from the other side of the kitchen.
Bucky pointed a dirty spatula at him with such aggression that Peter let out a laugh. “That’s what you think, but for all you know, the moment you taste these all your problems could be cured.”
“Not unless your attitude disappears,” Sam guffawed.
Bucky rolled his eyes. “Seriously, Wanda, are you going to let this happen?”
Wanda looked about near her breaking point. “If by this you mean letting the boy eat his breakfast, then yes I do.”
Bucky groaned, and Peter couldn’t help but wonder who the teenager in the room was. “Can we at least make him help us?”
Wanda leaned against the counter, her hands on her hips. “Peter, I am currently dealing with actual children, so would you mind helping Bucky with the brownies when you’re done eating your breakfast? Steve was supposed to help him, but now none of us know where he’s got to.”
Peter nodded, shoving a poptart in his mouth. “Of course, I don’t mind helping.”
Wanda smiled fondly at him. “Thank you.” She covered the side of her mouth like it would prevent the others from hearing her as she fake whispered. “This is why you’re my favorite.”
The others protested, but she paid them no mind as she went back to her food. Peter took a few more minutes eating his fill in pop tarts until he joined Bucky in the kitchen. The sounds of automatic whisks, squeezing bottles, and bowls clanking against one another filled his ears.
“Alright, have you ever made brownies before?” Bucky asked, quite seriously.
Peter narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, who hasn’t? They come in a box.”
Bucky rolled his eyes for the second time in five minutes. “Homemade brownies Peter. Come on, who do you think I am?”
Peter held his hands up innocently. “Wasn’t trying to take away your brownie points.”
Bucky raised a brow. “Was that a pun?”
Peter tensed. “Maybe?”
He could tell Bucky was desperately trying to bite back a smile, and Peter snickered. “Alright, well, homemade brownies are a much more highly involved process.”
“Okay, so what do we need?” Peter asked, pushing his sleeves up to wash his hands.
Bucky listed off the ingredients and Peter rummaged around the kitchen to find them. However, even after five minutes of looking in the fridge, Peter couldn’t find the eggs.
He poked his head out of the fridge. “Guys, I think we’re out of eggs.”
He looked over to see Thor grimacing. “My apologies, between my breakfast this morning, and clarifying the mead, I think I used the last of them.”
Peter brushed him off, now opening the freezer. “That’s fine, we can just use applesauce.”
“No, we cannot!” Bucky protested. “It calls for eggs.”
Sam leaned around Wanda to look at them. “Barnes, have you never heard of a substitute?”
“No, you have to do the recipe exactly as it says, otherwise it won’t turn out.”
Wanda made cuckoo signs around his head, and Bucky whipped around. “What was that?”
“Nothing,” Wanda chirped, going back to whisking. She shot a wink at Peter and it took nearly all of his laughter to not burst out laughing.
Bucky threw his hands up. “What? I’m serious, you should never substitute things. It won’t turn out the same.”
Peter cocked a brow. “Didn’t you grow up during the depression?”
“Are you calling me old?” Bucky asked, his voice lilting.
Peter’s eyes went wide. “No! I mean, wouldn’t it have been common for you to have to substitute things?”
“Yes, which is why it’s not good!” Bucky nearly yelled.
Wanda stirred her soup. “My family had to substitute things all the time, and we were fine.”
Bucky crossed his arms. “And you’re telling me all of them tasted the same?”
Wanda nodded patiently. “Yes, you just have to know what you’re doing.”
Bucky crossed his arms. “Are you saying I don’t know what I’m doing?”
Wanda shrugged. “I mean, you didn’t even know that you should substitute applesauce for eggs. That’s pretty obvious, wouldn’t you agree Peter?”
Peter nodded, knowing better than to be on the opposing team of Wanda, and Tony’s earlier words playing in his mind. Bucky flicked him in the arm. “Ow,” Peter winced.
Wanda continued adding things to her soup as she spoke to Bucky. “It seems to me that this is more of a skill issue.”
Bucky sighed. “Wanda,” he said, his tone warning. Peter kept his eyes on both of them, sensing the rising tension and wondering where it would go.
“What?” she asked innocently, her eyes widened. “I think you might just be bad at baking, it’s alright, not everyone can be good at it.”
“Maximoff, I swear,” he started.
“Barnes, don’t swear in front of the kid!” she gasped, her eyes lighting up with mischief.
“Yeah!” Peter agreed indignantly.
Bucky narrowed his eyes. “He’s sixteen, he curses all the time.”
Wanda propped a hand up on her hip. “Peter, cover your ears, don’t listen to the man with the potty mouth.”
Peter followed her lead, putting his hands up on his head. “Yeah, Bucky, how dare you accuse me of such things!”
Bucky looked done with both of them. “Peter, you say shit about seventy times every time you’re in the lab.”
“How dare you! Peter would never do that!” Wanda said, looking like she was about to burst with how much laughter she was holding back.
“You know what Maximoff?” he said, his lip twitching.
She took a step closer. “What?” she asked, raising her brows. Peter backed up, having the innate sensation that one of them was going to snap and it wasn’t going to go well.
They were both perfectly still for a moment, and then Bucky struck. He grabbed her by the stomach with his metal arm, too quick for her to use her magic against him, and began scratching at her sides.
“Bucky,” she squealed, her legs kicking out at him and continually missing.
Peter did his best to fade into the shadows, suddenly forgetting his alliance. He knew how quickly the tables could turn, and how ruthless Bucky could be. Wanda hit out at his metal arm, her magic getting lost in between her laughter. “Are you going to stop giving me a hard time?” he asked.
“Nohoho,” she giggled, twitching all over the place as his fingers darted across her skin.
“Peter!” Wanda yelped. “Help me!”
Peter hesitated for a moment, but decided it would be in his best interest to keep the scarlet witch on his side.
With a quiet, “thwip!”, he webbed Bucky’s metal arm, pulling it behind his back to give Wanda an escape.
She fell to the floor in a heap of laughter, and Bucky let her go, not bothering to continue torturing her.
Peter was surprised he didn’t put up more of a fight, until he realized Bucky was slowly turning towards him.
“Wait,” Peter said, holding his hands in front of him. He had just poked a sleeping bear.
“Did you just web me?” Bucky asked, watching Peter out of the corner of his eye.
Peter could feel Thor behind him, and Sam watching the whole thing in interest now. All of his senses were suddenly alert, like he was about to go into battle. What all of his systems were currently telling him was that he needed to run, and quickly.
Without answering Bucky’s question, he leapt over the kitchen counter, sprinting towards the steps.
“Oh no you don’t, you pest,” he heard Bucky call after him.
Peter ran full force through the living room, thinking that if he could just make it to the steps and get the door shut behind him, then maybe he could make his escape.
He was a few steps away, just only a few more seconds and he would be free. His hand reached for the door, and he pushed it open. He got a foot in the door when a familiar cold arm wrapped around his middle.
“No!” Peter yelled, grabbing a hold of the door frame. He attempted to pull himself forward, but Bucky merely spidered his fingers in Peter’s armpits and he immediately lost his grip, his arms shooting down to protect himself.
Bucky threw him over his shoulder with an ease that Peter wasn’t used to.
“That’s not fair,” he protested. He tried to wiggle out of Bucky’s arms, but there was no give.
“No, what’s not fair is that you all get to act like little shits, and annoy me without any repercussions,” Bucky said, walking towards the couch.
Peter began to panic, squirming around like a bug caught in a web. He knew the moment that Bucky had him pinned he was done for.
“Bucky! Wait! We promise we won’t bother you anymore!” Peter said as a last ditch effort.
“You promise?” Bucky asked, standing directly over the couch.
“Promise.” Peter said, earnestly.
Bucky paused, beginning to set Peter down. Peter blew out a sigh of relief, then, Bucky reversed his direction and threw Peter forward onto the couch. “Too bad, I want my fun now.”
He jumped on top of him, pinning his arms above his head, and sitting on his thighs.
“Bucky, Bucky, wait!”” Peter called, nervous giggles already leaking out of him.
“Wait for what?” Bucky asked, his metal arm hovering over Peter’s stomach.
“Wanda, hELP!” Peter squealed, but was cut off as Bucky’s hand began fluttering everywhere he could reach.
“Just because you can’t bake, doesn’t mean you need to take it out on the rest of us!” Peter giggled.
“You know, I was going to take it easy on you since you just finished finals, but nevermind,” Bucky huffed. He began squeezing Peter’s ribs, softly brushing his thumb into each one.
“I take it back!” Peter wheezed, descending into frenzied cackles. It was a cruel move, targeting his ribs like that. It always sent Peter reeling, his body not knowing what to do with all of the sensations his skin was taking in, and Bucky was especially good at making him shriek.
“Oh, do you now?” Bucky teased, a terrifying smirk on his face.
“Yes!” Peter tugged at his arms in vain. It was no use, with Bucky at his full strength, and Peter weakened by his laughter, he couldn’t overpower him very easily. Still, that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try.
“Wanda save me!” he yelled, deciding it was in his best interest to rely on someone else’s power.
Peter faintly heard the sound of a door clicking open and prayed it was Tony. He also had a tendency of tickling him, but at least maybe he would accidentally distract Bucky long enough that he could escape.
To his horror though, the worst possible person had shown up. “What’d he do this time, Buck?” Steve asked, sounding unsurprised.
“Be a little shit like usual,” Bucky shrugged.
Steve came out of his peripheral vision, and walked in front of him, briefly wiggling his fingers over his socked feet. “STEVE!” Peter yelled, kicking out as much as he could with Bucky’s weight on his legs.
“Wow, I always forget how ticklish you are,” Steve tutted, removing his hand.
“Not helping!”
Bucky tasered his sides with his fingers. “He’s not trying to, he’s on my side unlike you other assholes.”
“Wanda!” Peter tried again, sensing the team up that was about to happen.
Bucky looked up at Steve, not stopping his attack on Peter while he did. “Oh yeah, Steve, would you mind going to deal with the red head over there?”
“What did she do?” Steve asked as if there wasn’t a teenager dying of laughter right beside them.
Bucky gestured down towards him, and Peter’s face lit up red. Something about being destroyed by laughter while they held a casual conversation made the sensations so much worse. “Same as Peter.”
Steve nodded. “Ah, I see.” He began walking towards her, and though Peter knew it would only further nail his coffin shut, he yelled over at her.
“Wanda save yourself!”
Bucky cocked his head, momentarily pausing. “You really don’t give up do you?”
Peter shook his head. “Friendly neighborhood spiderman.” He smiled sheepishly.
Bucky positioned his hands atop Peter’s ribs. “Well spiderman, you are far too ticklish to be this risky.”
Peter shrugged, his eyes alight with mirth. “At least I can bake.”
Bucky deadpanned, his fingers wrapping around the backs of Peter’s ribcage. “Okay, now you’re just asking for it.”
Bucky attacked, and Peter immediately fell back into his laughter. Loud cackles burst from his mouth as Bucky squeezed higher up on his ribs.
“Peter, oh my god, stay still, I’m trying to count all of your ribs.”
“Nohoh!” Peter squealed, having played this game with Tony too many times.
“Well now we’re going to have to start all over again,” Bucky huffed, squeezing each rib from the bottom to the top. Peter was going berserk, having one of his worst spots targeted for so long. He briefly opened his eyes and saw Wanda being thrown on the couch next to him. Steve didn’t give her a chance to escape and went straight for her neck.
He screeched as Bucky reached the tops of his ribs again, praying he wouldn’t start the process all over again. However, it was only when he felt Bucky’s fingers climbing higher still that he began to panic.
“Bucky, don’t you dare!”
Bucky paused for a moment, and Peter heaved in deep breaths while he was still able to. “Oh.” Bucky leaned in, smirking in a way that Peter knew that no amount of pleading would convince him to move anywhere else.
“I dare,” he hissed, then jammed his fingers into Peter’s armpits. Peter didn’t make any noise for a moment. He dug his heels into the couch, trying to find the leverage to throw Bucky off of him, he twisted around from side to side, trying to dislodge Bucky’s fingers. He would almost get adjusted to one side, then Bucky would start tickling his other armpit. However, his body was only able to contain the noise so long, and he burst into a scream.
“Shit, shit, shit!” Peter panickedly squeaked.
Bucky turned towards the other couch. “See, Wanda? I told you he curses.”
Peter could just barely hear her screams of laughter above his own, but he could’ve sworn she told him to shut up.
“Now,” Bucky said, turning his attention back to him. “If we can just manage to convince you I can bake.”
Peter was writhing on the couch, his laughter beginning to make his abdomen hurt. Though, he was admittedly not fighting as hard as he could. “You can’t though!” he yelled out.
“Okay, seriously, does anything tire you out?” Bucky said, momentarily pausing his hands.
Peter shook his head, his hair sticking to his forehead with sweat. “You’re maybe the only person I know who’s as stubborn as that guy back there,” Bucky teased, pointing to Steve, who was currently making light work of Wanda’s giggles.
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Peter smiled, heaving in air.
“It is one,” he smiled. He ruffled Peter’s hair gently, which Peter doubted he’d attempt if he wasn’t currently pinned underneath him. “However,” Bucky started, sitting upright. “Just like him, it’ll get you tickled a lot.”
Bucky released his arms, and Peter’s brows furrowed. He started to sit up, but Bucky had yet to get off of him. Without taking his weight off of him, he adjusted himself so he was still sitting on Peter’s legs, except he was facing the other way.
Suddenly, Peter’s face went white. “Wait, Bucky please no.”
“Can I bake, Parker?” he asked, without looking at him.
Peter sighed, laying back down so he could save some of his energy. “No,” he answered plainly.
“That’s what I thought,” Bucky sighed.
Bucky didn’t make Peter wait any longer for his payback and all ten of his fingers began dusting across his socked soles. Peter was sent into immediate hysterics. He gave up trying to plead with him, but he couldn’t stop his body from rolling around the couch as continual giggles poured from his mouth. Every so often he would snort if Bucky got him with a particularly good method, or if he would stray upwards to his toes, but Bucky continued until Peter got all of the laughter out of him.
However, once the tears started to prick at the corners of his eyes, he let up. “Have you learned anything today?” he asked, getting up and sitting next to him. Peter stayed laying down, catching his breath. He noticed that someone must have lit the fire because he could hear something crackling.
“Not much,” he breathed out.
“I figured.” Bucky patted his knee. “But I’m always happy to teach you again.”
Peter jumped up from the couch, nearly taking his shin out on the coffee table, and Bucky laughed. “Not now, I’m not cruel.”
Peter raised his brows. “Okay, I’m not that cruel,” Bucky deadpanned. Peter glared at him, though he knew he didn’t really mean it.
He sat back down next to him. “You deserve payback for that.”
Bucky bumped his shoulder against him. “I don’t think so, I didn’t start it.”
A red light flashed through the living room. “I would beg to disagree.”
Peter and Bucky turned to see Steve on the ground. “Peter, care to join me?” Wanda asked, grinning.
Bucky attempted to run, but all it took was one flick from Wanda’s wrist and he was on the ground.
“Sam help!” Bucky yelled. Sam started running towards him, but abruptly came to a stop.
Wanda held an orb of dark red power in her hand, eyeing him carefully.
He held his hands up, walking backwards towards the kitchen. “No, thank you.” He grabbed a hold of a bowl. “Someone’s gotta keep stirring your soup.”
Wanda smiled, her nose scrunching up.
“Care to humble some super soldiers for the holidays?” Wanda asked. She twisted her magic and Steve burst into bright giggles.
Peter always knew it was best to keep the scarlet witch on his side. “Absolutely,” he agreed.
The tower was filled with laughter for quite some time, and lots of threats were said with no real violence behind them. When all was said and done, Peter was absolutely certain he was in for a very interesting winter break with his family.
Second author’s note: Hello my lovelies!! I know it’s been awhile since I uploaded on here, three years to be exact, but I had to come back for squealing Santa. Hopefully the fact that I’ve been working on my book has kept my fanfic skills in shape. While I can’t say I’m fully back to posting, I hope you enjoyed this, and I do have some other fics in the works. (Also if you read closely I put in an Easter egg for a future fic)
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samdeancass · 2 years ago
Morning Sex
Requested by Anonymous
Prompt: #13 and #28 from my Smut Prompt List - “Keep your eyes open, look at me, baby.” and “You’re so tight.”
Pairing: Tony Stark x fem!reader
Genre: Smut
Characters: Tony, Y/N
Description: Tony and Y/N have been very busy lately and haven’t had any time with each other. They make the most of having the morning off together.
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It was rare that you and Tony had a day off together, given that you were the CEO of Stark Industries and he was always off fighting other worldly threats so you relished in the moments that you had together, including this morning.
You were awake but you hadn’t opened your eyes yet, not ready to be intruded by the bright morning light. However, your mouth turned upwards into a smile when you sensed someone was watching you. “I know your watching me, Tony, and it’s creepy. You should get another hobby.” 
You opened your eyes to Tony smirking at you, letting out a little chuckle. “Why is it creepy for me to watch my beautiful girlfriend sleep, eh? I think it’s romantic.” You raised one eyebrow at him. “It just is, creep.” Then, without any warning, Tony rolled on top of you and began to tickle you in all the spots he knew you were ticklish. You struggled to get away under his weight but you weren’t moving. “You can’t get away from me, Y/N. You’re stuck with me.”
He leaned down and gave you a long kiss on your lips, one that left you wanting more. You groaned when he moved away, your bottom lip jutting out. “Aww, baby. Do you want me to kiss you again?” You nodded silently as he smiled, leaning down to kiss your lips again. He moved from your lips down to your neck then traveled down your naked torso and stopped just below your navel, earning a huff from you.
“You really know how to tease a girl, don’t you?” He flashed you a cheeky smile before crawling back up your body to meet your eyes. “You know you love it. Makes you want me more.” You rolled your eyes. “You’re so cocky.” “Yeah, but you love me for it.” His hands slid underneath you and splayed out across your back as he pulled you with him to sit up. You both leaned in and kissed, soft and loving at first, but they soon turned sloppy and lustful. You both fought for dominance but Tony won, as he always does. 
One of his hands travelled from your back to your breast where he tweeked your nipple, earning a breathy moan from you. In return your fingers found the hairs at the nape of his neck and tugged, earning a low moan from him. You could feel his erection growing as it hit your knee. Much to your dismay Tony moved away and lay down on the other side of the bed, motioning for you to follow.
You straddled Tony, leaning down slowly to kiss him, pulling at his lower lip. Your hands travelled down his torso until they met his erection, a smile tugging at the edges of your mouth. You shuffled down his body until you were facing his dick, licking the pre-cum off the top. 
You hollowed your cheeks out before taking him in, the tip reaching the back of your throat. You put your hand at the base of his cock and began to pump, swiftly moving your hand up and down. He moaned as you began to suck him off, his dick twitching in your mouth. You knew he was close which was why you stopped, an evil smirk on your face. 
He sat up straight away, clearly frustrated. “You can’t just do that to a man then stop just as he’s about to blow, that’s not fair.” You pushed him back down before shuffling back up, leaning on his chest. “That’s what you get for being a creep.” Tony pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and smiled. “I really have met my match with you, haven’t I?” You were about to lean down to kiss him when he flipped you over, holding your arms at the side of your head with a tight grip.
With no warning, Tony entered you and moved at an inhuman pace, hissing as you adjusted to him. “You’re so tight, princess.” You were struggling in his grip as he rammed into you, desperate to touch him. You could feel your orgasm building in the pit of your stomach and you moaned, closing your eyes. 
One of Tony’s hands moved to your cheek, his thumb travelling along your cheekbone. “Keep your eyes open, look at me, baby.” Your eyes fluttered open and met his chocolate ones as he leaned down to kiss you, thrusting harder than before. You let out a loud moan as your orgasm crashed through you, your body shaking with the force. 
Tony didn’t let up though, determined to get another orgasm out of you. He moved his other hand from your wrist down to your pussy, rubbing circles on your clit. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes as the overstimulation became too much. “Tony, I can’t”. He leaned down and kissed you again, rubbing comforting circles on your cheek. “Yes you can, sweetheart. Just one more.” 
Tony’s breathing became rapid as his orgasm built up. He thrusted hard into you before you both came together, both of your moans sounding angelic in the air. White, hot cum spurted inside you as he came, your body still shaking from the over-stimulation. He lay down on top of you, kissing your sweaty forehead.
“That’s my girl.” You smiled up at him, running your fingers through his brown locks. “We really should make more time for each other if this is what’s going to happen.” 
“Well, I am the owner of the company you work for. I could say that you’ve come down with a really bad illness and will be off for a week or two.” You cocked an eyebrow. “Oh yeah, and what about the Avengers? I’m sure the threats won’t hold off so you can have a quick bunk up.” “They are completely capable of coping without me.”
“Are you sure about that? Last time you took time off, they nearly blew the planet up.” He chuckled at that. “I tweaked Jarvis to notify me if those knuckleheads screw anything up, so we’re all good.” He pulled out of you slowly and lay down in the empty space next to you, pulling you to his chest.
“You really have thought of everything, haven’t you?” He kissed the top of your head. “Always for my girl.”
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toddlrboy · 2 months ago
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⎊ Iron dad ! concepts ` 💥 ︵ ❗️
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︿︿ “ I love you 3OOO ”
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Tony Stark ( Iron man ) : Headcanons .ᐟ
🔧 — Acts indifferent, but really is just a big softie for his kiddo.
🔧 — Spares no expense. You want a plushie? Sure. Want the newest iPhone? Why? Have a stark tech improved one! Want new clothes? Only the best.
🔧 — protective of his kid ! Reckless n clumsy kiddos would definitely make him have mini heart attacks every now and then — even if his little one isn’t, he still is ensuring “baby monitor” protocols. If his kid wanted to be a hero…. Good luck with that, bud!
🔧 — mostly is lenient on rules and such, but things like eating full meals and strict bedtimes are probably more enforced than anything else. Screen time, maybe, especially for more smaller kiddos, but otherwise he is the “cool dad” for that.
🔧 — let’s his kid be independent, but is always there with just one call or press of a button. After some pretty scary (traumatic) missions he would go on to “save the world” or some sort, he would probably not leave his kid’s side for a good while.
🔧 — lets you try out his suit, only for the more bigger kiddos that aren’t too tiny that the blasts and metal noises of the helmet would scare them. He lets you try on his glove and helmet, maybe the boots too.
🔧 — always lets you be involved in his inventions ! Maybe even sets up your own little work desk and teaches you personally. Maybe you can even have him help you make your own helmet and “suit”. Teach you how to fly (safety protocols always on!). He definitely would give you cool inventions of toys you would fidget with for hours :]
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━━━ 🚗 . - : “ hey there kid, oof—! Oh, you okay? Yeah, thought so. Whatcha got there? Ooh, bubba’s mask? Yeah, you wanna be like him, huh? Well what about your dad, hm? Isn’t iron man cool? What?? You guess? Tsk tsk. I’m disowning you. Oh oh—bud hey hey nonono it was — I was just kidding! It was a joke shhh shhh .. c’mere, up we go — oomph. Yep. It’s okay, bubbas. It’s okay..I’d never do that, okay? Mwah, mwah—oh? Is a little boy ticklish? Huhhh .. well I just happen to be a bit of a tickle monster!! Mwah mwah mwahhhh! Hahah, yeah I thought so. No more tears, ‘Kay? It’s all okay, bud.. ”
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ᗢ ⊹₊ watching avenger movies n Spider-Man lately has been rlly comforting for me, getting back into it again. :] definitely will be reading the fanfics of iron dad n spider son and seein myself as peter .. >_< wanted to make a post about it, as well as to try and change up my style — wanna do something new, something better !! Yet still somewhat the same feel that I can still call it mine. >_> .. I hope everyone likes this post :> if anyone has tips for new styles or layouts I can try playing around with (that I would like and not drastically different) lmk !!
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valiantphantomangel · 5 months ago
A V's scareoween special.
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"Y/N come on get up!" Peter shouts excited as he jumped onto your bed.
"What is it" you mumbled sleepy with a groan as he landed on your stomach.
"It snowed overnight! Must be like 3 meters in one night!"
Your eyes snap open as you quickly walk to your window overlooking the city, the entire skyline of New York was covered in snow and it was still snowing.
"Come on Pete we got to get outside"! You said with a wide grin as you quickly dressed in your winter clothes and rain downstairs with Spiderman hot on your tail.
"How are we even getting outside?" He asked.
"We got to jump from a window or something" You smiled before running into the living room where the team was.
"I heard that Y/N Stark! You are not jumping out of a window!", your adoptive dad Tony Stark yelled at you from the kitchen.
"As if you don't do it all the time!"
"Yeah well I'm an adult!"
"You don't act like it" you muttered softly.
"I heard that!"
You roll your eyes with a grin before stalking towards the kitchen to steal some of Steve's pancakes.
It was late afternoon when you stared out the window again, you wanted to jump out so badly and land in the heaps of snow down below. And you knew just how to do it.
"Steve! Tony said a bad language word again!" You yelled out and in came the soldier.
"Stark I told you to stop cursing so much in front of N/N!"
You grin as they fell into an argument and quickly put on your jacket, creek open a window and look down.
It was quite a long way down from the second floor but God did you wanna jump.
And you did, sailing through the air before landing in the snow below with a 'oof'. Peter jumping out behind you.
"Y/N! Peter!" Tony yelled as he looked over the window seal "Your grounded!"
You just grin up in response, but that grin fell really quick when you were suddenly tackled by Steve into the cold snow.
"How did you-?!" You asked bewildered as Steve wrestled you to the ground, you heard a oof behind you and could only guess that Bucky had tackled Peter.
"How did we get down here so fast? We jumped after you" he grinned down at you and lightly traced his ice cold fingers over your ribs.
"AH! Don't you dare Rogers" you warned.
"Oh if he won't then I will" You heard Tony's voice and a pair of ice cold hands on your knees and squeeze them.
A giggle slipped past your lips before you could stop it and Steve grinned down at you.
"You know? I think a good tickle session might make you rethink your choices" he mused before his hands dived under your sweater to attack your ribs.
"THIS IS NOT FAIRHAHHAHHHA" you squealed in laughter as Tony also attacked your knees and hips.
"Should have thought about that before you jumped out of a window" Tony said with a smirk and continued his attack.
Steve's ice cold fingers scribbled across your tummy which forced your sweet giggles to escape.
"Your laugh is so adorable" Steve said with a smile and blew a raspberry on your neck.
"HAHHAHHAHHHA" you screamed in laughter as your feet kicked out to Tony as well which clearly didn't bother him.
After a full 10 minutes of laying in the snow, being tickled to tears they finally let up. Although you could still hear Peter letting out bursts of laughter, seemed like Bucky found his death spot.
"Come on, let's get you inside young lady" Steve chuckles and scooped you up in his arms, Tony walked beside you and ruffling your hair.
Just as Steve carried you inside since you were colder then you thought you heard Tony call out to Bucky "Don't kill my other kid!".
You had a crazy family, but god's was it the best you could have wished for.
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jay-m3 · 8 months ago
Scenario: You get them to role-play as your favorite characters in the bedroom
Male reader! Warning* Language, NSFW themes (Heavily implied), Implied cross dressing Characters: Alastor, Adam, Lucifer, and Vox
It was a hard feature to get Alastor to agree to do role-playing. Even worst as you suggested for him to dress up. But with a lot of obeying orders like a good boy and batting your eyelashes, he finally caves in.
"If I do this...role-playing, you will owe me a favor." Alastor states, taking the clothing that you bought just for him. He looks at the suit, making sure not to wrinkle it even though, it will soon be tossed away as the role-playing progress.
"Uh huh, yeah. Go put it on!" You say dismissively, wanting to see how he looks. You spent a lot of money for this.
Giving a silent sigh, he makes his way behind the screen room divider to change.
"And who am I dressing as?" Alastor asks, stepping around the divider to show you the outfit.
"Sebastian Michaelis!" You squeal out, rushing in front of him to look how the outfit fits. Which was perfect! Of course, going to the tailor that Alastor usually goes to was a smart plan since they already know of his measurements.
"The one in your comics, yes?" He asks, basking in your attention. He won't admit it though the outfit may be for a lesser person of power, it was comfortable and formal. The only thing he was not appreciative is the gloves. Instead of his black gloves that reaches his mid forearm was white wrist gloves. White was not his color.
"It's called Manga and yes. Sebastian is a very powerful butler demon. He's very cunning, manipulative, and charming. So I don't think you'll have any trouble fitting that role." You hummed out, adjusting his tie that was perfectly in place but you just wanted to touch already.
"Well then," Alastor pulls you in by the waist, "as a butler I should start doing the task that is wanted of me." He takes your chin in his hands, lifting your face to make you're eyes make contact with his own. His natural red eye color a perfect match for Sebastian.
"I feel stupid." Adam whines out behind the closed door. He's hiding in the bathroom after taking the costume with him to change.
"Oh, I'm sure you look amazing. Just come out!" You encouraged, sitting down infront of the bed where it was facing the door that Adam was behind.
"I don't look nothing like the guy." He complains before a thud is heard and the door shakes a little.
You sighed, knowing that he must have tapped the door with his head, a little bit too aggressively.
"So? I didn't look anything like Misa Misa but I still wore it last time." Last time was his choice of what you guys do in the bedroom. He picked out Misa Amane from Death Note. Apparently, he has a thing for goth chicks, also stating that your dick in panties was a bonus for him.
"Ugh! Fine. Just don't luagh. I swear, the things I fucking do for you." You were in mid eye roll when Adam opens the door. The sight of him makes you hold in your breath. There he was, in a Iron Man costume that you and him worked hard in finding. It wasn't amazing like those cos players but way better than the Halloween version.
"Go ahead. Luagh-" Adam didn't get to finish as you start to kiss him. Immediately, he holds your waist, pulling you close as you both make out. Your hands cupping his face, feeling the freshly styled facial hair that he formed to a goatee for this day. This man let it all grow just for you.
"Fuck." Adam gasps, pulling back to take a breath. Looking down at your flushed state, a smirk forms on his face.
"I'm Tony Stark and I've saved my best weapon for you."
You and Lucifer are in the beginning of love making. Kissing each other passionately, clothes already thrown to who knows where. His hands running up and down your sides, sending thrill of arousal mixed with tingles that supposed to make you luagh from the ticklish sensation. As it progress, you pull away, looking down at him from your place straddling his lap.
He quirks a brow at you, wondering why you pulled away, leaning back with a shy look instead of attacking his neck with love bites.
"Is something wrong?" He asks, running his hands down your thighs to soothe you and himself.
"I just...I want to try something new." You mumble out, looking away from him. The heat that's spread on your form rises. Making your skin fill in goosebumps from the thought in your mind.
"Oh? Tell me baby. I'm all up for it." Lucifer states, feeling warmth flood his system at the idea of you asking him many things that he can provide. This whole sex thing is nothing new, nor kinks. He has done many things in the past, some questionable but when you have centuries of free time, one gets bored.
"You know how you can shape shift...right?" You ask like it was something new to him even though it's one of his powers that he usually uses just cuase he can.
He nods staying silent, letting you keep the pace with your thoughts. As he sees you struggle, you lean over to the bedside table and grab your phone. You type in Voogle and show the image to Lucifer.
"...You want me to shape shift to Lucifer Morningstar in that TV show?" You groan, throwing the phone to the side and cover your face in embarrassment.
"I know, I know...but at least it's still basically you." You mumble out, more to yourself before you feel a slight shift under you. Uncovering your eyes, you come face to face with the Lucifer that the TV series betrays him as.
"Now then..." Lucifer purrs, getting into character before he flips you both over so he was now on top.
"Tell me, what do you desire?"
Role-playing wasn't something that was talked or thought about in your relationship. Until Vox noticed your obsession with a character that you'll bring up time to time. Even collected figurines and posters.
He hasn't payed much attention to it but the more you obsessed over this fictional character, the more thought of just figuring out what gift he can give you about this character for your birthday. You basically have almost all the merchandise. A room dedicated for your obsession, filled and nicely decorated.
As he enters the room, he takes a picture and image search this bitch. Immediately, he gets taken to many sites and other images about this character. Which leads to a deep dive of cosplays.
"Vox?" You call out, walking in the bedroom to find your boyfriend. You already searched the whole penthouse except here.
"Hey." A familiar voice that wasn't Vox makes you perk up. Turning around, there leaning on the door frame acting cool and nonchalant, arms crossed is your boyfriend dressed as the one and only Kakashi Hatake.
"How did you do that!" You rush toward him, a big smile plastered on. You don't know if to luagh or fan boy.
Vox takes in your reaction, feeling out of his comfort zone but the stars in your eyes makes him relax. He's sure you're referring to his screen. Instead of his usual face, he digitalized his screen to form Kakashi's face or half of it since the mask was in the way.
"A whole team of animators and lots of replacements." Vox even changed his voice filter to sound like the ninja.
While you admire him, he takes a step forward to lean close to your face, seeing how you hold your breath.
"Would you like to act out a scene from my book, Icha Icha Paradise?" He asks seductively, pulling out a replica of the book from his back pocket and taps your head with it.
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sk1bidi-n1k0-e4ts-people · 1 year ago
Nightmares morgan stark x stark!reader x Dad!Tony stark
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Summary: morgan has a nightmare and comes to you about it, and you both talk about her troubles
EXTREME WARNING: morgan crying 😢😭😤
Morgan screamed as she woke up from her nightmare, sitting up. The only light in the room being her small arc reactor nightlight plugged into the wall. She whimpered as she slid down the side of her bed, running down the hallway to your room.
"Y/nNn?" She whimpered, you, being the only light sleeper in the house, was the only one who woke up from her scream, you were standing up walking towards the door. You were about to go see what happened but before you could even reach the doorknob, she was there in front of you. With tear stains on her cheeks.
You kneeled down to touch her face before pulling her close, she sobbed into your chest.
You couldn't help but let a few tears loose yourself as you watched your beloved little sister, be so fragile. Rubbing her back with one hand, playing with the ends of her long hair with the other, you held her close.
She continued sobbing for what felt like hours, but in reality was only ten minutes.
When she eventually calmed down, you asked her what happened. "Mo, baby what happened? What made you so upset?"
"I hAd a NiGhTmArE" she whimpered out. "You wanna talk about it?" You asked her, cupping her cheek.
"They-the bad guys hurt daddy, and you and me, and then they took you and then they took me away too and-" you stopped her ranting by placing the tip of your finger over her mouth as she started crying again.
You helped her calm down, and then you had a plan. "You know, if anyone ever tried to hurt you or to take you away from me. You know what I'd do?" She shook her head sadly at you
"I'd use my superpowers to protect you" you said in a raspy voice "but...you dont have superpowers"
"Yes i certainly do! I have tickle powers and i can tickle anyone to death if i wanted to" she flinched as you pinched her side, creating a small tickle.
"And luckily, you're just as ticklish as me." You said with an evil smirk on your face. You pushed the door closed with your hand, not taking your eyes off of hers (they're probably so beautiful)
She screamed as you began tickling her, your fingers digging into her ribs, moving up >:)
She tried to squirm out of your grip, unsuccessfully given that you, being 18 at the time, and her only being 4.
You moved up to her armpits and she squealed so loud, you dug your knees into the carpet in order to stay still. You put her hands over your shoulders and held her to your chest as you started working on her hips.
She arched her back and screamed as loud as she could.
You grabbed her back and picked her up holding her stomach to your mouth, you blew the biggest raspberry you could.
Her laughter turned silent for a moment. Before returning to deep belly laughter. You blew another raspberry in her neck and she screeched in your ear (ow)
"Hey mo, where does it tickle the most? Here" you asked as you blew a quick raspberry in her neck "or here" you said blowing a quick one on her belly.
You gave her a moment to answer "my tummy"
"Okay good now i know where to focus." You barly gave her time to process this before you blew a giant raspberry on her stomach.
After a few more minutes of this torture, you let her go. You both snuck through the hall and brought her mattress into your room so she could sleep in there.
Even though you definitely just sat in her bed cuddling with her. "Mo...baby, why didn't you go to mommy or daddy? Their room is right next to yours."
"Because i dont think daddy likes me anymore..." you looked at her, shocked "why would you think that darling"
"Because he hasn't been spending time with me, and he'd rather just hang out with you, and he hasn't been giving me any attention lately" you felt pretty bad for her given that you had been through the same feeling (iron man 2)
"Sweetheart, just because daddy isn't paying attention to you doesn't mean he doesn't care, he loves you more then anything. and plus, he hasn't seen me in five whole years. He hasn't seen me in a long time and he missed me."
"But how do you know that"
"Because i felt that way once too. More then once actually (peter) we'll talk about it tomorrow, but for now...you need to go to sleep" you said turning off your light.
The next morning you confronted tony about morgan. "Hey dad.." you greeted, he was making pancakes but he was still on making the batter.
"Morgan had a nightmare last night and i helped her through it. But then, she said that she thought you didn't care about her."
"What? Why would she think that?" He said as he stopped mixing the batter.
"She thinks you dont care about her because you haven't been spending time with her. I'll go get her." Tony sighed, feeling he had failed. He continued to mix the pancake batter.
You went to your room and gently woke her up. You walked back downstairs with her hand in yours. The second tony saw her he took her in his arms.
"Oh Maguna, i am so sorry baby" you felt proud that he had become a better father, especially with Morgan. When he first had you he was young and stupid, he had no experience, but now he did. And all you wanted was for morgan to know her family loved her.
"I will always love you baby. Sometimes im just buzy, know what. After breakfast why dont we all go catch a movie, or go to the beach. Anything you ask" you loved he was pampering her like he did you.
"Yeah, dad has a hard job, and now, hes old and burned out. Heheh" tony chuckled at this, you both always made jokes about tonys age, you couldn't remember a time when you didn't make fun of him for being "old"
"But dad will always make time for us. But sometimes hes buzy, but you always have me and mamuh." She nodded, and turned to tony.
"Yes baby girl"
"Can we go to the park?" You and tony laughed at this, he did say anything she wanted. "Sure sweetheart, now come help daddy make some pancakes" he said picking her up, setting her down on the counter. "Yaay"
A/N: i miss morgan so fucking much bro. And some of my tags are not working so...sorry 😕
@animealways // @white-wolf-buckaroo // @tonystark-au // @zebralover
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silver-inked-quill · 7 months ago
The Falcon and the Owl
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Pairing: Sam Wilson x Reader!Stark Word count: 2377 Summary: reader and Sam meet at the party during age of Ultron and flirt when there’s a fight Sam saves reader’s life.
I was never an official avenger thanks to my brother, Tony, I didn’t care that much after a point. I had taken an noticeable part in the SHIELD as a manager of the Stark Industries and the main graphist designer for my brother’s crazy ideas. I was a doctor in reality with love of experimenting in genetics, Nick Fury was particularly interested in my love for that subject and had me in the helicarrier many times…
Tonight though, it was a day off. It had been a hard mission for the avengers and they needed a small soiree so I contacted Maria Hill and James Rhodes and had it arranged immediately, calling  the closest of the fellow heroes that saved the world last year. I was fixing the cava carefully as the guests began to arrive.
I was sitting at the top of the stairs leaned on a pillar with a glass of rum staring down at the party, I liked that everyone was having fun. I saw my brother with Thor they were speaking and giggling as Nat was serving them, there was Helen with Rhodey speaking as Banner approached Nat in the bar. Clint was with Maria and Happy laughing and drinking beers.
“How come you hosted a party Steve, didn’t know Avengers were a social club.” Sam joked, I didn’t flinch it wasn’t polite to listen to conversations you weren’t included.
“We had a tough week, so Dr. Stark made this surprise for us.” Steve approached me and turned down to me. “Why are you sitting here…?” he asked me and smiled down at me.
“I am spectating the children Steve, making sure they are having fun.” I smiled back at him. “So children… are you having fun?” I asked and turned at the two.
“Are you sure avengers ain’t a social club?” he asked and turned at me confused.
“Steve… look down there…” I pointed to the floor he looked confused and did stare at where I was showing him. “You dropped your manners, because you didn’t  introduce us…” I joked and Sam laughed while Steve rolled his eyes and nudged my side. I laughed and slapped his hand, he knew I was ticklish.
“I assumed you knew him since you invited him…” Steve spoke and looked between us. Sam turned at me to see what I would reply.
“To be honest he doesn’t ring a bell.” I spoke up and looked at him. I tried to be as indifferent as I could, I do not know why…
“That’s a first, people usually remember me, especially women.” Sam responded with a smile, it was a funny smile.
“I like your confidence… but I still do not recall your name.” I reminded him, I just  had the need to get over confident and self aware people a bit off their little cute castle of confidence… that’s what childhood trauma smells like, with a brilliant minded brother like Tony.
“Sam Wilson, Trauma counselor and pararescue Jumper U.S. air force… and very charmed” Sam spoke bowing lightly and looked at me with a playful gaze. I held back a chuckle, it was a natural response when people were matching my sass and weren’t awkward or scared of how I responded. Steve had left us alone and I didn’t realize when it happened.
“Nice to meet you Samuel, I am Y/N, Y/N Stark. Co- Owner Graphic Manger in Stark Industries, Neurosurgeon, Shield agent in the science department… PhD in Metropolitan college at Pathology.” I introduced myself and smiled at him cocky, he was taller than me even though I was wearing heels, for a moment I saw Tony’s gaze over at me but I turned my back.
“Ah, is that all?” Sam asked and looked at me, taking a sip from his drink.
“No there are more. I just don’t want you to feel bad.” I spoke up coldly my gaze looked at him trying to not look at him, with a polite and slightly amused smirk, he seemed to enjoy it. I was enjoying it…
“Oh do tell, Perhaps I will  visit a Trauma Counselor afterwards” Sam joked back and I raised my eyebrows at his responses.
“I happen to be a Forensic Genetist from the SHIELD academy and a teacher for Russian… I also speak Italian Greek and French… and I paint in my free time.” I added and sipping my glass of wine elegantly. “I’ll cover the expenses if you are feeling overshadowed I smiled but I got serious clutching my head as I heart a high pitched frequency as if electrified cables were on contact.
“Are you alright…?” Sam asked me his hand gently touching my forearm, I turned down stairs at my brother, he looked buzzed as well but he kept talking with the people at the small lounge.
“Yes, i am but-Oh…” I spoke and looked at my original design working. “Ultron…” I murmured as the robot stumbled, Sam was dragging me slowly closer to the rest as I was staring at it, it’s a bad habit I had… it was a magical feeling see my designs alive and walking every time Tony created something I designed I was swallowed by this feeling of satisfaction, he looked good and he would look even better with the final designs and the color it would look even better than before.
“Mhm- Some dreams, gotta kill the other one-.” The robot mumbled in low volume, he grabbed his head, Sam had me moving backwards slowly. “He was a good guy…” he said and turned at us.
“You killed someone…” Steve asked, I hadn’t realized how close to the rest we were;
“How did you activate yourself- You weren’t even half built.” I asked and looked at it.
“The other guy helped me… He was a good guy.” He responded again, it was as if we had an actual conversation
“Who sent you?” Thor asked, staring at it like death, the tension in all of them was giving me the chills, even Tony seemed anxious on the matter.
“What do you plan on doing?” my voice was heard, it was a recording the robot was playing it. “I see armors all over the world” then it was my brother’s voice.
“Yltron…” Bruce realized and stared at my brother…
“In the flesh…” the robot spoke and excuse me was that sarcasm I heard in his tone, other than coldness and reality. “Well not yet… Not like that, I have some updates to perform and a new body, the one mother designed for me… Its under construction, the other guy gave me the blueprints.” He said and turned to me.
I heard clicking, agents preparing their guns… “Jarvis…” I whispered, it was the man that raised me when my parents passed away Tony was 21 and I was 14, Jarvis was our butler, he was named after him since AI Jarvis was our baby sitter.
“I am on a mission, Peace at our time.” He said and the walls of the lab behind him broke by my brother’s flying suits that started shooting at us. Sam got my waist and pulled me behind the table Steve flipped as he was swiped away.
“Stay here- you’ll be-“ Sam was to say looking down at me as I raised my dress and took out the small knife I hid to my thigh.
“I’ll be safe- I know, I didn’t mention gymnastics before huh?” I asked and raised my head from the side, he pushed me down by my shoulder as there was a shot towards me.
“You look like you don’t know it thoughj. It’s a knife Y/N how will you fight robots with that. scratch the tin cans?” he asked me infuriated by what he translated as ignorance and recklessness.
“Well, I am a scientist Wilson I know how to disable them… I only need something sharp, other than your jaw.” I said, hopefully the flirting would manipulate him into letting me do what I want.  Rhodes slid down the stairs to get to us, as I waved at him. But before he could reach us a suit blasted him, “James” I exclaimed and looked at that way.
Sam turned to help him but a suit snatched him, he was trying to make it to let him be but as he mentioned this was not human, he seemed to struggle. “Y/N don’t do it” he spoke as I was already climbing up stairs to get on to higher ground and tossed my heels aside.
“Tony cable color.” I exclaimed jumping over the railings. My hands and legs hugged the back of the robot as I shoved the knife between the neck and the clavicle, it was one of the two vulnerable spots I left.
“Damn you Y/N what are you doing! Ugh… Black and white…” Tony spoke his eyes pinned on me as Maria Hill pushed him aside…
“Get off of it, I got this!” Sam groaned, still held firmly by the evil robots.
“You really don’t look like you are enjoying yourself Wilson and I intend to alter that.” I spoke, my voice heavy as  was trying to find the cable my brother said, once I shoved the knife in the thin opening the armor allowed Sam to fall and smashed me to the wall- I felt the air move out of my lungs as we the hand it grasped my neck and brought me to the front. I was squirming- couldn’t breath- I saw Sam jump over it and finish my job.
I fell to the ground, as Sam landed on top of the robot, I turned over and saw Helen, hiding behind the piano and I ran towards her when a robot was right above us, I got in front of Helen- then I thought… I am unarmed, I cover her with myself when Steve came right in front of me to do the same- When the robot was to shoot Clint got the shield and tossed it to him protecting us... and then throwing it to Thor who smashed it.
“That was dramatic, I know you mean well. You just didn’t think it through…You want to protect the world but you do not want it to change…” Ultron said and I slowly stood up, I wanted to take a closer look at him, at the design at the way he was standing and functioning, he wasn’t even ready. I walked passed Steve, he didn’t seem to pay much attention to me but Sam did and held my forearm so I would stay in place. “How can you expect a world to be safe if It is not allowed to evolve.” He added and turned, his shiny blue eyes evolving around us. “There’s only one path to peace. Tony was next to me as Sam was holding me back… “The avengers extinction.” The robot growled and turned his shooters at me, I gasped and Tony dragged me behind him before, a second later, Mjonir, was smashing him into the wall…
Sam and Tony turned at me at the same time “Are you okay?” they asked all at once and looked at me concerned before turning to each other, Sam raised his brows while Tony was frowning at him. “Are you okay?” Sam ignored him looking at me. “As I mentioned I know how to take care of myself… you on the other hand need stitches.” I noticed, my throat was sore but I didn’t like looking weak. Only Tony would ever meet this side of me…
“Oh- you noticed… I knew you couldn’t take your eyes off of me.” Sam spoke and winked as he raised his sleeve gently. I iodine and took the needle on the small pair of scissors as I sat down. I was gently stitching him up.
“I can take my eyes of off you now if you want.” I smiled, my gaze was looking at him, to his wound to be precise, I felt my hands shake gently but I ignored it.
“No please.” Sam chuckled and looked at me. I didn’t avert my gaze from my motions though… “You don’t seem as confident as before… I shall remind you my trauma counselor expertise…” Sam spoke and looked at me he held my wrist as I was finishing with his stitches.
“Do not worry about my mental health… Worry about your general health in case you don’t take me out on a date…” I spoke and swallowed.
“Oh- I may be curious on what you’ll do if I don’t do so…” Sam said and approached his face towards me, we were only a breath away but I didn’t flinch. I only stared at him.
“Trust me dearest, you do not desire to witness the ruthless side of me.” I smiled and patted his cheek with my hand and turned my back to leave, but he held my wrist. I paused and didn’t look at him.
“I could call you if you give me your number” Sam spoke, his voice wasn’t funny like before.
“Look for it I do not know it.” I responded and removed my hand from his grip…
I walked further inside the lab, Dr. Banner was coming out as I walked in to see my brother looking there straight faced. His gaze blank. “Jarvis…” I whispered, it was our cute little invasion, he was making all the algorithms while I was trying to give him an appearance, I was 19 and Tony was 26…
Tony’s gaze was raised upon me, he surveyed me for two full moments before he came and pulled me in a hug. “What were you thinking jumping to that armor?” he asked me and cupped my face, he raised my chin up wards to take a look at my neck. “They left a mark…” he sighed and looked into my eyes.
I couldn’t hide from my brother no matter how hard I tried… he was always able to read me. My eyes shone as I looked up at him. I simply sobbed a bit before he pulled me in a hug. “Does it hurt?” he asked me and I nodded looking at him... He kissed my forehead…
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star-stuckwithgay · 1 year ago
This is my first fic so please dont judge.
𝖲𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗋𝗒:𝖯𝖾𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝖼𝗋𝖺𝗏𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 𝗌𝗈 𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝗇𝗈𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈𝗇𝗒.𝖳𝗈𝗇𝗒 𝖽𝗂𝗌𝖼𝗈𝗏𝖾𝗋𝗌 𝗌𝗈𝗆𝖾𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺𝖿𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗋𝗒𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝗀𝖾𝗍 𝗁𝗂𝗆 𝗍𝗈 𝗍𝖺𝗅𝗄.
Tony is trying to upgrade one of his suits when he hears a certain someone hop in the lab.
“Hey Mr. Stark!“
“Hey kid,what do ya need“ He asked,still trying to work.
“Nothing.“ He said,being obvious that he wants something.
“I know you want something,you can tell me its not like I’ll lash out at you.“ Peter was embarassed because he never usually comes to Tony when he wants attention.
“Really, it’s nothing. I just came to see what you were doing. “
“I’m just working on a suit upgrade.” He said,trying to get Peter to tell him what he wants by not talking about it. Peter usually doesn’t tell Tony what he wants right away because he doesn’t wanna bother him or anything,but he eventually tells him if they’re just standing/sitting there.
“Why don’t you go hang out with Harley?” He asked,thinking that would get him to talk.
“I’m good.” He said seriously. Tony turned around to look at him.
“Okay seriously kid,I know you want something. Just tell me,it hurts that you don’t feel comfortable telling me.”
“It’s not that I don’t feel comfortable,it’s just… 𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖺𝗋𝖺𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀...“ He whispered the last part.
“What was that last part?“ He asked,while Peters face was turning red as a tomato.
“It’s embarrassing!“ He raised his voice a little. Tony laughed a little,
“Juhust tell me.“ Tony patted his head but accidentally touched his neck while pulling his hand back.
“EEP!“ Peter jumped back like 1 foot away. Tony thought for a moment and then it hit him.
“Peter,are you tihicklish?“
“No!“ He said defensingly. Peters ears and neck have now turned red along with his face.
“Then whyhy are you so rehed?” He laughed,knowing he’s lying.
“It’s just hohot!” Peter said,his face burning with embarrassment. Tony snickers,
“Sure sure,then you wouldn’t mind if I tested it out right?” He said teasingly. If it were possible,Peters face would’ve turned even more red.
“Uh,I think I gotta go,I’ve already over-stayed my visit!” Peter blurts out,already sprinting away from Tony. Before he could even get a foot away from him,he feels a hand wrap around his arm,yanking him backwards.
“Oh no you don’t you little twerp!” He knocked him down to the floor and pinned his arms above his head.
“You wouldn’t lie to me right Peter?~” He teases with a poke to his side.
“EEK!” He squealed with a rather unmanly voice. Tony then squeezed his side.
“StoHOhop!” He hoped this stopped as soon as possible,or did he?
“I thought you said you weren’t ticklish Pete~” Tony was now lightly scribbling his hip.
“I’m noHOOO-“ Tony drilled his finger into Peter’s middle rib.
“You wanna finish that sentence?” He teased,making Peter squeal. As he started to get to his top rib, Peter’s laugh was getting higher.
“TohoHO clohOse!” Tony stopped and Peter was just lying there with heavy breathing and light giggles.
“Does someone have a tickle spot there?~” He teased like he was teasing a toddler. Peter’s bright blush rushed to his ears and neck, looking anywhere but Tony’s eyes.
“I think they doooo~” Peter’s blush got darker,
“And that someone is, you~” He started digging into Peter’s underarms, making him laugh like crazy, his eyes squeezed shut.
“NAHAHAHAHAHAAAA” He screamed, Bucky was a little near where they were, so he was alerted and rushed to the lab.
“What happened?!-“ He was surprised to what he saw. Tony looked up, noticing him,
“Oh hey Buck! Just trying to get this little bug to talk.” He says, now scribbling lightly. Bucky immediately pulls out his phone and starts recording.
“Just tell me what you want so bad~” He’s enjoying this just as much as Peter, and so is Bucky.
“EHEHEHEHEEEEE” He squirms, knowing he couldn’t get away. Even if he was trying.
“I am SO showing this to the whole tower later!” Bucky says making Peter try to look up at him.
“NOHOHOHO” Bucky smiles down at him sinisterly. He squeals when Tony starts poking and prodding at his sides.
“StOhOhOhOp!” He laughs, hoping this wouldn’t end as soon as he thought he would. But then Tony starts digging at Peter’s hips.
“AHahAh! 𝘴𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘵” He stops, his jaw hanging wide open while also smiling. And Bucky is just laughing his ass off in the back.
“Thahahat is a nehehew souhond.” Peter lies there with his face as red as a tomato. Giggles still spilling out of his mouth.
“Sh-shuhut uhup man!” He says while pushing his face. Bucky stops recording and runs away still laughing,
“Saham! Hey Samhm!”
“Noho! Mr.Stahark get ohoff so I can get hihim!” Peter laughs, trying to get up.
“Sorry, no can do.” He says, then starts digging into his sides.
“NoHoHo! Mr.StAHahark!” Tony ignores him and keeps going.
“You stihill haven’t told me whyhy you can into my lahab!” He laughs, making Peter cover his blushy face.
“Dohont cover your cuhute little fahace!” He says, then tickling his underarms.
“NOHOHOHOHOHO!!” He really didn’t want to tell him why since he was so embarrassed, plus he didn’t really want this to end either.
“You gonna tell me why now?” But then again, he couldn’t STAND the teasing.
“OKAYAY OKAYAY ILL TAHAHAHALK!” Tony stops, looking at him with a teasing questioning look. Peter lays there giggling trying to catch his breath.
“Ihi just.. wahanted attention…” He whispered the last part.
“What was that?”
“I wanted attention!” He yells, with bright blush on his face. Tony chuckles with an adored look on him.
“You could’ve juhust asked bahambino.” He lets up, with Peter covering his face in a tiny ball.
“You have nohothing to be embarrassed about Pete.” He smiles at him. Peter slowly uncovers his VERY blushy face.
“I didn’t wanna bug you..” He says quietly, making Tony’s heart break from adorable-ness.
“Yohou could never bug mehe bud. That’s vehery adorable.” Peter’s blush darkens.
After that, they come upstairs to find Bucky and Sam laughing at Bucky’s phone and hearing Peter’s loud laugh coming from it. God, they were gonna tease him so bad for this.
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ilguna · 1 year ago
Hi how about expired medicine number 83 with doctor strange? pls 💛
☼ when the dead rise pt1 (Stephen Strange) ☼
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warnings; swearing, a lot of mention of death, actual death, ehh gore, injuries, use of weapons.
wc; 14.8k
prompt; 83. "Did you really have to be that honest?"
notes; the entire imagine is an infinity war spoiler. all of it. with some stephen sprinkled in, some angst, and very little tony slander (blink and you'll miss it). sorry not sorry.
“Seriously, you don’t have any money?” Stephen asks Wong, beginning to go down the steps.
“Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual.” Wong replies, following behind the two of you.
“I’ll tell the guys at the deli. Maybe they’ll make you a metaphysical ham on rye.” Stephen muses, you let out a light laugh.
“Oh, wait, wait wait. I think I have two-hundred.”
“Dollars?” You ask, as you stop on the step to look at him.
“Rupees.” He smiles.
“Which is?” Stephen asks, not bothering to turn around.
“Uh, buck and a half.” 
Stephen sighs, “What do you want?”
Wong claps his hands together, you let him pass you on the steps, before starting down them again. “I wouldn’t say no to a tuna melt.”
A blinding light comes from the sunroof, shaking the whole building, and slamming straight through the ceiling. A flurry of wooden splinters and marble go flying through the air, as you’re taken with the mass. The debris creates a hazy smog, which coats your throat in a few breaths.
“(Y/n)?” Stephen’s tone is alarmed.
“I’m alive.” You cough, wiping the dusty film from your face.
When you turn your head to see what came crashing through the ceiling, you’re met with a green leg. It makes you jump slightly, as you jerk away from the person. It isn’t until you’ve made it to his face, do you realize there’s nothing to worry about.
It’s Bruce.
His skin is returning back to its regular pigment. He pants beside you, hand reaching out to grab your forearm. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Stephen and Wong peeking over the hole in the stairs, both on high alert. 
“Thanos is coming.” Bruce’s voice is still mixed with Hulks. On his next breath, it sounds more like him. “He’s coming.”
Stephen and Wong share a look, “Who?”
You pull your arm from Bruce, pushing to get to your feet. There’s a few aches that sprout, caused from you landing so aggressively. Wong creates an opening for you to walk through so they don’t have to pull you out of the hole in the staircase. On the other side, standing in the middle of the foyer, you begin to brush the dust off. It seems to be never ending.
“I need clothes.” Bruce says, “Or pants, at the very least.”
You rake your fingers through your hair, watching the dirt rain down around your head like a thin curtain. Wong walks away briefly, coming back with a change of clothes. He drops it into the hole, backing away to allow him to change in privacy.
“The whole planet is in danger.” Bruce says, “Thanos—he’s collecting these crystals that allow him to manipulate different things.” He pauses, you can barely see him pull the shirt over his head. “We’re next, he’s coming here to get more. And when he’s done, he’ll wipe out half of the population.”
Your eyes snap to Stephen, and find that his eyes are already on you, watching. A ticklish feeling crosses over your palms, as a different creeping feeling crawls up your spine and to the base of your neck, goosebumps covering your arms. As if your body is excited by the idea of it.
You aren’t. The thought of billions on your planet dying sends a pain through your heart. With a closed fist, you rub your chest, shaking your head at your boyfriend. This is not the time to be gauging your reaction. You can’t control it, as much as you wish you could.
“We need Tony.” Bruce says, “Tony Stark?”
Stephen raises his eyebrows. “Can we trust him?”
You tilt your head at him. “It’s Bruce, of course we can.”
While Wong begins the process of locating where Tony is at the moment, you and Stephen leave to change. Coincidentally, the suit you have was made for you by Tony, back when you had initially agreed to be an Avenger.
At the time, it was funny, because all these stipulations came with having it. To him, you were still a stranger, but he knew you were trustworthy. As much as he didn’t want to admit it at the time, it was hard for him not to think that. Especially since you were just a bystander the day Loki came to earth to wreak havoc.
You’d spent your entire life running away from problems that you couldn’t overcome or get away from, no matter how hard you tried. But as you watched those ships come through the portal, for the first time, your body had the opposite reaction of what it was used to doing. 
In street clothes, with barely any practice with the ability you’d recently discovered—you helped the heroes that were risking their lives to save yours. You threw yourself into that fight, despite knowing full well there was a chance you’d get killed for it. 
When Tony finally noticed what you were doing, and got over the initial panic of thinking you were Loki’s accomplice, he gave you an area to protect. Which doubled in size when he saw the impact you were causing. And when it was all said and done, he offered to help you.
You turned him down, out of fear of what the public would actually think when they saw you in action. Of course, you and your ability to bring people back from the dead was smeared across national television, painting you in a good light. That was in connection with the Avengers, though. You couldn’t stand the idea of what they’d say when you were on your own.
You got over it a few months later. You thought Tony would hold your first choice over your head, but he hasn’t mentioned it after all these years. Even though Tony can be an ass at times, you appreciate what he’s done for you.
The suit fits like a glove, despite not wearing it as frequently as you used to. You stopped right around the time Steve and Tony had their fight. The Avengers team crumbled after that, and you didn’t see a need to wear it anymore. Not with how peaceful it is.
Or rather, was.
You join the others back in the foyer, where you find Tony sitting on a couch with his hand over his mouth. At the sound of your approach, he looks over, eyes locking on the suit for a long moment, seemingly surprised that you’re wearing it, before giving you a half-smile.
“Hey, Tony.” You cross your arms. “How’s Pepper?”
“She’s good.”
Stephen clears his throat, you turn to see him standing with Wong and Bruce a few feet away. You tilt your head, wandering to stand next to the staircase railing. “Go ahead.”
“At the dawn of the universe, there was nothing.” Wong begins. “Then…” An explosion of stars appears in the air, creating a galaxy that surrounds you. “Boom. The Big Bang sent six elemental crystals hurtling across the virgin universe. These Infinity Stones each control an essential aspect of existence.”
“Space.” Stephen says, as the floating blue crystal begins to glow, moving off to the side. “Reality.” This stone is a bright red “Power.” A purple stone shines. “Soul.” The orange one sizzles. “Mind.” As the yellow one reflects the light. “And Time.” Stephen finishes, adjusting the necklace that rests against his chest.
He touches it, bending his fingers as he pulls his hands away from each other. This unlocks the restrictions briefly, letting the shimmering green stone breathe.
“Tell me his name again.” Tony says.
“Thanos.” Bruce begins to walk toward him. “He’s a plague, Tony. He invades planets. He takes what he wants.” Tony has gotten to his feet, meeting Bruce in the middle. “He wipes out half the population. He sent Loki. The attack on New York, that’s him.”
The same creeping feeling comes back, something bubbling beneath your skin. Your face twists, “What?”
“This is it.” Tony takes a step back to walk around the room. “What’s our timeline?”
“No telling. He has the Power and Space Stones.” Bruce is following him. “That already makes him the strongest creature in the whole universe. If he gets his hands on all six stones, Tony…”
“He could destroy life on a scale hitherto undreamt of.” Stephen says.
You walk to join the circle that’s formed on the other side of the staircase.
“Did you seriously just say ‘hitherto undreamt of’?” Tony asks.
“Are you seriously leaning on the Cauldron of the Cosmos?” Stephen shoots back. 
“Is that what it is?” Tony asks, bending his leg back to stretch it, Stephen’s cloak slaps him. You cringe, because you know that wasn’t a move most people would make. “I’m going to allow that.” He stares at Stephen wordlessly, and then takes a breath. “If Thanos needs all six, why don’t we just stick this one down a garbage disposal?”
“No can do.” Stephen shakes his head.
“We swore an oath to protect the Time Stone with our lives.” Wong tells him.
“And I swore off dairy but then Ben & Jerry’s named a flavor after me, so—”
“Stark Raving Hazelnuts.” You laugh, playing with a piece of wood with your shoe.
“It’s not bad.” Tony looks in your direction.
“A bit chalky.” Stephen says.
“A Hunk of Hulk of Burning Fudge is our favorite.” Wong says.
“That’s a thing?” Bruce’s face is twisted, looking between you.
“Whatever.” Tony says. “Point is, things change.”
“Our oath to protect the Time Stone cannot change. And this stone may be the best chance we have against Thanos.” Stephen tells him.
“Yeah, so conversely, it may also be his best chance against us.”
“Well, if we don’t do our jobs.” Stephen doesn’t budge, and he’s not going to.
Tony turns to face him fully. “What is your job exactly? Besides making balloon animals.”
“Protecting your reality, douchebag.” 
You press your lips together, rubbing your forehead. Bruce interjects. “Okay, guys. Could we table this discussion right now? The fact is we have this stone.” he holds his hand out in Stephen’s direction. “We know where it is. Vision is out there somewhere with the Mind Stone and we have to find him now.”
“Yeah, that’s the thing.” Tony mutters, looking away.
“What do you mean?” 
“Two weeks ago, Vision turned off his transponder. He’s offline.” Tony shrugs.
“Yeah.” He begins to walk away again, you share a look with Stephen.
“These used to be your people?” He asks, “You followed him?”
You wave him off. “We work better in the moment.”
“Tony, you lost another super-bot?” Bruce asks.
“I didn’t lose him. He’s more than that. He’s evolving.” Tony glances over his shoulder.
“Who could find Vision then?” Stephen asks.
Tony’s silent, you let out a sigh. “Probably Steve Rogers. Right, Tony?”
“Oh, great.” Stephen turns away.
“Maybe.” Tony agrees, sighing. “But…”
“Call him.” Bruce says. 
“It’s not that easy.” Tony faces Bruce. “God, we haven’t caught up in a spell, have we? The Avengers broke up, we’re toast.”
“Broke up?” Bruce repeats. “Like a band. Like—like the Beatles?” 
“Cap and I fell out hard.” Tony shakes his head. “We’re not on speaking terms.”
“Tony, listen to me.” Bruce says, stepping closer. “Thor’s gone. Thanos is coming. It doesn’t matter who you’re talking to or not.”
Tony looks away, sighing. He walks a few feet away, reaching into his pocket to pull out his phone. After he flips it open, he scrolls through to find Steve’s number, staring at it.
He then lifts his head, staring at the wall in front of him. At the same time, you can feel the ground rumbling through your shoes. You reach to grab Stephen, hand closing around the sleeve of his suit. The vases and lamps begin to shake, clinking against the surface they’re resting on.
The five of you stand quietly, listening to the distant noise, until Tony turns around. “Say, Doc, you wouldn’t happen to be moving your hair, would you?”
You look at Stephen to see what Tony means, finding one of the strands that refuses to stay put, wiggling against his forehead. As if a breeze is constantly moving through his hair.
“Not at the moment, no.” 
The sound is getting louder, Tony looks up through the hole in the ceiling where Bruce had come from. Your attention is turned to the door, where one person runs by, then two. And they don’t look like they’re jogging.
A dreadful feeling washes over your body as you follow Tony to the door. The closer you get, the louder the screaming is. He swings it open, stepping out onto the sidewalk. You follow him with crossed arms, looking in the direction of where everyone is running away from. 
There’s traffic down the street, people are getting out of cars to abandon their vehicles to run away from the danger. A strong gust of air blows through, pulling abandoned papers and leaves with them. You dodge several people to keep up with Tony’s speed.
The police sirens are getting louder, but they’re likely not coming in this direction. You watch as a silver car drives straight into a light pole. Tony points at it, “Help him!”
“Banner!” Wong calls.
“Wong, look alive!” 
“Go, go! We got it!” Bruce waves you on.
Tony reaches into his shirt to pull out his tech glasses. “Friday, what am I looking at?”
You stop for a second, allowing Stephen to catch up. He reaches to touch your back, guiding you forward with him. 
“I don’t want you to worry about me out here.” You tell him. 
“I’ll keep you safe.” He says.
“No, I can do that myself.” You press your finger into his chest. “You worry about you.”
Tony turns around. “Hey! You might wanna put that Time Stone in your back pocket, Doc!”
“Might wanna use it.” He says, magic surrounding his forearm. 
Tony peeks around the corner, pulling his head back when a red blanket whips through the air, being blown away. He begins to walk out into the open, and when it’s your turn to see what’s causing the chaos, you swallow. 
A giant spaceship in the shape of a ring is down the street to the left. It’s hovering in the air, giving off an electrical buzz. From what you can see, there’s no alien life near it, meaning they must be inside, or they’ve left it behind.
“Friday, evac anyone south of 43rd Street. Notify first responders.”
Stephen moves his hands, working up the magic before he shoves his palms out, sending a blast of air back at the ship. In the silence that settles, you can hear the sirens in the distance. It’s much easier to walk through the street without the wind resistance.
As you grow closer to the ship, a beam of blue light shines down onto the street, two alien beings appearing at the bottom. The one on the left being about the same size as Hulk, dressed in armor with a giant scythe, you believe. While the creature on the right is half the others’ size, fingers pressed together.
Tony’s pace slows the closer you get, leaving four car distances between you and the aliens.
“Hear me and rejoice.” The one on the right begins. Tony crosses his arms. “You are about to die at the hands of the Children of Thanos.”
The giant one says something, lifting his weapon to hold with both hands, revealing that it’s a pickaxe.
“Be thankful that your meaningless lives are now contributing—”
“I’m sorry, Earth is closed today.” Tony cuts him off. “You better pack it up and get outta here.”
“Stonekeeper.” The creature says, eyes on Stephen. “Does this chattering animal speak for you?”
“Certainly not. I speak for myself.” He says, walking forward, moving his hands to show off his magic. “You’re trespassing in this city and on this planet.” Wong does the same behind you.
“He means get lost, Squidward.” Tony says.
“He exhausts me.” The noseless creature says. The tall one responds in the same foreign language. “Bring me the stone.”
“Banner, you want a piece?” Tony asks.
Bruce hums, “No, not really. But when do I ever get what I want?” He claps his hands together, rubbing.
“That’s right.”
“Okay. Push!” He grunts, his skin turning green up until his neck.
“It’s been a while.” Tony says. “It’s gonna be good to have you, buddy.”
“Okay, shh.” He hushes him. “Let me just… I need to concentrate here for a second. Come on, come on, man.”
The tall alien slams its weapon into one of the cars that’re parked on the side of the street.
“Where’s your guy?” Tony asks.
Bruce sighs, “I don’t know. We’ve sorta been having a thing.”
“It’s no time for a thing.” Tony touches his shoulder.
“I know.”
Tony points to the creature. “That’s the thing right there. Let’s go.”
It’s drawing closer with each step. Bruce begins to grunt, his voice changing, green spreading up to his lips. Stephen turns to look between you and Tony, you close your eyes.
“Dude, you’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards.”
“Tony, I’m sorry.” Bruce whispers. “Either I can’t or he won’t.”
“It’s okay.” He pushes Bruce away to stand with Wong. “Hey, stand down.” He looks at Wong. “Keep an eye on him. Thank you.”
“I have him.”
“Damn it.” Bruce mutters.
The creature jogs toward you, letting out a deep roar. Tony pulls on the strings of his track jacket, tapping the arc reactor in his chest twice. Almost out of thin air, his suit begins to crawl over his body efficiently. By the time the creature and him are face to face, he’s in his suit completely.
Tony uses a shield, falling into a kneeling position when he takes the hit. He then stands, swinging at the creature’s face, landing the punch.
As the alien recovers, you watch as the nanotech springs out of his back when he holds his arms out straight, creating four extra blasters that aid him in sending the alien down the street. The shorter one waves his hand, directing his friend to slam into several cars, instead of hitting him.
The blasters merge back into the suit.
“Where’d that come from?” Bruce asks.
“It’s nanotech. You like it? It’s a little something I—”
Tony skyrockets, leaving a trail of dirt behind him as he flies into the air. The alien raises his other hand, uprooting two trees on either side of the street, flicking his hand forward. Wong jumps in front of you, Stephen and Bruce to create a shield. 
“Doctor Banner, if the rest of your green friend won’t be joining us—” He creates a portal, Bruce falls through it. The alien throws half of a taxi in your direction, which makes it through the portal before it’s sealed.
Stephen and Wong move in sync, preparing another cast to stop the car that’s coming in your direction. Tony flies through the middle, forcing it back in the direction of the alien. He simply lifts his hand, unbothered, and it’s sliced in half, narrowly missing him, crashing onto the street behind.
“Gotta get that stone outta here, now.” Tony says.
“It stays with me.” Stephen emphasizes.
“Exactly. Bye.” Tony says, before turning to the alien and beginning to fly at him. At first, it’s slow, as he dodges several pillars that the alien knocks down to squish him. 
He then picks up speed, but the large alien has recovered, throwing a new weapon, a hammer. The handle extends like a chain, plowing Tony down the street, through a building, and into the park where Stephen had gotten him from.
The alien retracts the chain, and begins to chase after where Tony had gone, running straight into the building without slowing down. You press your lips together, eyes landing on the shorter creature. He raises his hands, palms up, pulling out a dozen bricks that line the streets.
When he twists his hands, the bricks crumble into spikes, which he sends flying in your direction. Stephen creates another portal, allowing the brick to go in. While Wong creates another, sending it out, back in the alien’s direction. He lifts a car to block his own creation, but he’s still nicked.
He breaks a fire hydrant, knocking Wong away. Stephen uses a lasso, getting it around the alien, and pulling him in your guys’ direction. You twist out of the way, right as they slam into each other, flying into a building.
You stumble over to Wong, kneeling next to him. He’s breathing, there’s blood trickling from his temple, where he hit his head. When you look up at Stephen, you can see that the alien has him trapped against the wall using bricks to hold him still.
The alien reaches to grab the Time Stone, but jerks away suddenly. He then throws Stephen onto the street, several feet away from you. You jump to your feet to help him when you see rope sprout from the ground to restrict his hands.
“(Y/n), don’t—!” He shouts.
A car sideswipes you, hard. It slams into the left of your body, knocking you into the car on your right. You can feel the pain blossoming in your ribs from the impact, as you shakily press a hand over the area.
The rope is constricting around Stephen, growing tighter by the second as it wraps around his legs, his torso, and around his neck. The alien makes a fist, the rope stiffens, Stephen lets out a grunt.
“Stop!” You shout.
“You’ll find removing a dead man’s spell troublesome.” Stephen manages to get out.
“You’ll only wish you were dead.”
The coil around Stephen’s neck tightens for the final time, you watch as his eyes roll back. He falls, unconscious, bouncing off the cop car and landing on the asphalt. You jerk forward, but the alien flattens you against the car.
He takes a small chunk of the road out using one hand, turning his back to float away with your boyfriend. It doesn’t work longer for a second, the Cloak of Levitation wraps around Stephen’s body, rocketing off and down the street. 
“No!” The alien shouts, and then his eyes land on you. 
You adjust to sit on your knees, lacing your fingers, and then slamming your hands into the asphalt, refusing to break eye contact with the alien. A tremor goes through the ground, a blast of hot air following. Car alarms begin to go off in response.
“Rise!” You demand.
The ground begins to shake, rocking you back and forth. You have to place your palms on the ground to keep from getting knocked over. One by one, a collection of species of the dead begin to rise out of the ground, breaking the street into pieces. Usually, you try not to do this in cities because of the construction it takes to repair the damage you made.
Right now, you have no choice.
Humans and aliens alike get to their feet, in varying stages of decay. Some are missing limbs, others have jaws barely holding on, with skin sagging so bad that you can see the muscle underneath. It starts with a simple dozen, but the numbers multiply, until every last dead person in the area is out of the ground.
You get to your feet, leaning against the car. “Kill him.”
At once, they rush forward to attack. You turn around, running in the opposite direction, where the cloak is taking Stephen. You can hear the undead army roaring behind you, as they work together to reach the alien that’s hovering over the ground. 
You take a shortcut through the thin, white building that Tony and the larger alien had gone through. From what you can see, Tony is still in the park, fighting him. There’s a blur of red and a hint of blue swinging away.
“You brought the kid into this?” You shout, crossing the street.
“I didn’t call him here!” Tony defends.
Already, you can feel your army growing weaker, meaning that the dead you’d conjured aren’t the strongest. You suck in a breath, and release, feeling the dark energy leave you to allow the bodies to fall. They were more of a distraction to allow you to leave without getting hurt.
You watch as Tony shoots at the alien haphazardly, flying away to dodge his attacks with the hammer. Tony disappears behind the statue in the park, causing the alien to swing at the concrete, destroying it. When Tony gets in too close, the alien secures an electric robotic hand around Tony, throwing him to the ground.
He leaves a path in the grass, trapped and unable to move.
“Are you going to help or not?” Tony’s voice is strained.
“I’m no help, here!” You tell him.
The alien charges in Tony’s direction, a large blade flinging out from his armor. As he jumps, going to stab Tony through the chest, a portal appears. The alien lands on the other side, you jog up behind Wong and Bruce to see that it’s the arctic, lots of snow. He turns around suddenly, jumping in your direction to come back through.
Only his hand makes it out, as Wong closes the portal. The severed hand rolls to a stop at Bruce’s feet, skin sizzling. Bruce kicks it, “Ugh.”
“Wong, you’re invited to my wedding.” Tony says, prying the bars off of his suit. “(Y/n), do you have your mask?”
You nod, reaching through the front of your suit, where the mask is tucked into a pocket on the inside. You pull it out, yanking it over your face. Tony bends his knees, allowing you to line up behind him, wrapping your arm around his neck. The stickiness of your gloves comes into contact with his suit, securing you there. 
“Ready?” He asks.
“Let’s go.” You tell him.
He places his hands at his sides, and the two of you shoot off, up into the sky. You can feel the tough wind through your suit, but it’s not bad enough to complain about. You tilt your head back slightly to see the alien ship, presumably where Peter and Stephen had been sucked in to. 
“I think it’s time for you to get a new suit.” Tony says, you can hear him in your ear.
“It’s a shame I didn’t keep in contact.” 
“That doesn’t matter.” He says. “Friday, unlock 19-C. And give me a little juice.”
You press your face against the back of his neck, and you fly through the air faster to get to the spaceship. If it weren’t for your gloves, you’d be falling to the ground right now, thinking about how you’d be dead in a few seconds.
“Unlock 17-A.” Tony says.
The ship is flying out of the atmosphere, straight into space. 
“Pete, you gotta let go. I’m gonna catch you.” Tony says, talking to Peter. You suck in short breaths through your nose, “We’re too high up. You’re running out of air.” He then turns his head slightly. “(Y/n), let go.”
“I want to get on that ship.” You gasp.
“You’ll be right behind me.” Tony says.
You pull your hand off of his chest, anxiety rising in your stomach. You have to tell yourself that Tony would never kill you. He wouldn’t send a suit up here if he knew there was a chance it’d malfunction and get you killed.
You take another breath, and let go, watching as Tony flies away. A scream rises in your throat as you begin to kick your legs and wave your arms, desperate for something to hold on to.
There’s a sudden impact in the middle of your back, as you feel a cool sensation begin to cover your body. The moment the nanotech covers your face, you take a breath, finally able to breathe real air. 
“Are you with me?” Tony asks.
The new suit covers the last spot on your thigh. “I’m in.”
“Friday, keep Gloom with me!”
You fly forward, the suit following after Tony on its own. Just by looking around on the inside, there’s a lot of technology that was put into the suit. He must’ve really evolved his engineering, because this is impressive.
“Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!” You can hear Peter.
“Happy trails, kid.” Tony says. “Friday, send him home.”
A parachute springs out of Peter’s back, pulling him back. A little bit of relief goes through you, because there’s no reason why he should be up here. Your suit whizzes past him, coming to idle by Tony as he cuts a hole through the metal of the ship. When he gets it open, he allows you to crawl in first before following.
You take a few steps in, the nanotech disappearing from your face, stopping at your neck. You watch as the ship's machines extend and flex, blue electricity moving off a giant disk above you.
Tony sighs. “Yeah.”
You glance over to see his head is turned away.
“Honey, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I don’t know what to say.” He says, glancing at you. “Pep?” The connection must be lost, because he shakes his head.
“So, what’s the plan?” You ask, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Let’s find your boyfriend then we’ll work from there.” Tony says, walking away. “Speaking of which—an interesting choice. How did the two of you meet?”
You smile, and then laugh slightly. “He almost hit me with his car, twice in the same day.”
“And you thought dating him was a good idea?” Tony looks back at you.
You shrug. “He made it up to me. And since, all he ever does is protect me. I owe him my life.”
He stops briefly, “What happened to the kickass (Y/n)?” 
You place a hand on his shoulder. “She’s been hibernating, but with all this talk about death…” You trail off. “Trust me, Tony, she’s still here.”
“You’re sick.”
“And so are you.” You tell him.
The two of you go through the long hallway and through a door. With the ship being shaped like a large donut, it’s a confusing walk that Tony has to lead. He manages to bring you to a platform, four stories above where the alien is holding Stephen captive.
You lean over the side, hands drawing into fists when you hear Stephen grunt in pain. The alien seems to be manipulating clear shards to press into his skin, to force him to give up the Time Stone.
The Cloak suddenly appears, tapping Tony’s arm. He jerks, hand ready to blast the fabric. “Wow, you’re a seriously loyal piece of outerwear, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, uh, speaking of loyalty…”
You jump at the sound of Peter’s voice, turning in time to see him land on the platform.
“What the—”
“I know what you’re gonna say.” He puts his hands out.
“You should not be here.” Tony says.
“I was gonna go home.” Peter tries.
“I don’t wanna hear it.”
“But it was such a long way down and I just thought about you on the way.”
“And now I gotta hear it.” Tony sighs, shaking his head.
Peter raises his shoulders, “And I kinda stuck to the side of the ship. And this suit is ridiculously intuitive, by the way.”
Tony looks at you. “God damn it.”
You make a face at him. “You were the one that told him to chase after Stephen.”
“So, if anything, it’s kinda your fault that I’m here.” Peter says with a smile. 
Tony glares at him. “What did you just say?”
Peter realizes his mistake, stuttering, “I-I take that back. And now, I’m here in space.”
Tony steps forward. “Yeah, right where I didn’t want you to be.” He stops in front of Peter. “This isn’t Coney Island. This isn’t a field trip. This is a one-way ticket. You hear me? Don’t pretend you thought this through.”
“No, I did think this through.”
“You could not have possibly thought this through.”
Peter motions, “You can’t be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there is no neighborhood.” Peter tells him, Tony stares blankly. “Okay, that didn’t really make sense, but you know what I’m trying to say.”
Tony takes in a breath, letting it out shakily. “Come on. We got a situation.”
Peter nods, glancing at you, “Hi, Miss (L/n).”
“Hey, Peter.” You smile, following Tony to stand on the edge of the platform.
“See him down there?” Tony asks, Peter peers over the side. “He’s trouble. What’s your plan? Go.”
Peter crouches, “Um…” there’s a brief pause. “Okay, okay, uh…” He stands up. “Okay. Did you ever see this really old movie, Aliens?”
You let out a snort, but when Tony looks at you, you cover your mouth. You try to swallow the laughter that wants to escape you, it doesn’t work. “So what does that make you, Tony, a dinosaur?”
He glares at you. “Not funny.”
“What’s the matter?” Peter asks, glancing between you two.
“Nothing, kid. Good work.” Tony tells him. “I’ll go down there and blast a hole in the ship. (Y/n), the suit will keep you from flying out, Peter I want you to grab the wizard. Assume position.”
You crouch on the platform, hand locking around the pillar to act as support. Peter crawls away to get on the ceiling, while the Cloak stays near you, waiting for Tony. It’s a shame you’re not able to do more, your abilities limit you in situations like these. Even if people have died on this spaceship, you wouldn’t be able to resurrect them the same way. And even if you could, there’s no dark pull. You have to have a connection, first.
Stephen lets out a scream, as the shards press further into his skin when the alien moves his hand. You grit your teeth.
Tony jumps down a second later, landing behind the alien on the strip, powering up his suit.
“Could end your friend’s life in an instant.” The alien says, loud enough for you to hear.
“I gotta tell you, he’s not really my friend. Saving his life is more of a professional courtesy.”
The alien lifts a hand, a chunk of metal sliding out of the spaceship, as he walks in Tony’s direction. “You’ve saved nothing.” He lifts his other hand, beckoning another piece of metal. “Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine.”
“Yeah, but the kid’s seen more movies.” Tony says.
You watch as Tony blasts a hole open on the far side of the ship. Immediately, the metal and the alien is sucked out into space, creating a blackhole for everything else that’s free-standing in the ship, including Stephen.
“No!” You shout.
The Cloak secures around one of his hands, but the pull is too strong. Stephen slips out, getting closer. Peter jumps from where he’s been sitting, a web shooting at Stephen to grab him. It secures, and when he tries to grab a metal pole inside of the ship, it snaps off.
You watch in horror as Stephen leaves the inside of the ship. Peter’s about to fly out behind him, when mechanical legs pop out from his back, stretching the length of the hole. The legs dip momentarily, before jumping back, pulling Peter and Stephen inside.
Tony works fast to block up the hole with metal, you jump from the top of the platform, landing harshly next to Stephen. He’s on his side, letting out a groan.
“Stephen,” You murmur, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Hey.”
He looks up at you, letting out a breath of relief. He grabs your hand, squeezing tightly. “You’re okay?”
Your eyebrows draw in, “I’m fine.”
He nods, twisting to sit up. You turn his head so that you can get a better look at his face, fingertips brushing against where the shards had touched his skin. You can’t even tell they were inside. The blood that is on his face is from being thrown away a few seconds ago.
“You have to be more careful, especially since they’re after you.”
Tony walks by, his suit disappearing.
“That’s why we gotta turn this ship around.” Stephen agrees, pushing to stand. You help him up.
“Yeah, now he wants to run. Great plan.” Tony says.
The Cloak of Levitation drapes itself over Stephen’s shoulders. You straighten it, walking behind him to follow after Tony. “No, I want to protect the stone.”
“And I want you to thank me.” Tony stops at the front of the ship, presumably. Except, there is no control panel, just a giant warped mess that allows you to see into the stars. And two giant mechanical arms with a singular place on both sides where you can stick your arm inside of to navigate it. “No, go ahead. I’m listening.”
“For what? Nearly blasting me into space?”
“Stephen.” You warn, “We can’t really fight in here.”
“Who just saved your magical ass? Me.” Tony turns around. 
“I seriously don’t know how you fit your head into that helmet.”
“Admit it, you should’ve ducked out when I told you to. I tried to bench you. You refused.” Tony says.
Stephen’s face twists. “Unlike everyone else in your life, I don’t work for you.” He glances at you, you turn your head to look at him, eyebrows raised.
“And due to that fact, we’re now in a flying doughnut, billions of miles from Earth with no backup.” 
“I’m backup.” Peter says from behind you, raising his hand.
“No, you’re a stowaway. The adults are talking.” He motions between the three of you.
“I’m sorry, I’m confused as to the relationship here.” He motions at Peter. “What is he, your ward?”
“No.” Peter says, offering his hand. “I’m Peter, by the way.”
“Doctor Strange.” Stephen says.
Peter drops his hand. “Oh, you’re using our made-up names. Um… I’m Spider-Man, then.” 
Stephen looks at you, completely unamused. “(Y/n), we should go back to Earth.”
“I’m not arguing with you.” You tell him. “In fact, if Thanos is going to go to Earth to kill half of our population, I say our best bet is to be down there.”
Tony scoffs. “You mean your best bet?” Stephen’s head snaps in his direction, your eyes narrow. “So you’ll be able to use the dead for your own personal army? By then it’ll be too late.”
“I don’t want billions of people to die, Tony.” You hiss. “For you to suggest that is a little offensive, don’t you think? I gain nothing from that.”
Tony tilts his head. 
That’s enough for you, jaw tightening, body feeling as if it’s been submerged in hot, bubbling oil. You start toward him, hands in fists at your sides. You could take deep breaths to calm down, but you think hitting him might make you feel better instead.
He doesn’t have to say anything, you know exactly what he’s thinking. While Tony has never questioned your sudden decision to switch from being a civilian to an Avenger, he has never let you forget that your abilities are far from heroic. He thinks they’re downright villainy. 
In times like these, you wonder whether or not he thinks you’re actually trustworthy, or if he’s just keeping you close, waiting for the day you finally turn on them. He’ll be the first one in line to take you down.
“I really hate it when you suggest otherwise.” You tell him lowly.
“(Y/n).” Stephen says behind you, trying to call you back.
Tony doesn’t move from where he stands. “(Y/n), we both know that you get tingly when it’s mentioned that people are dying.” He says, not caring that Stephen and Peter are standing feet away. You press your lips together. “Half of the population could die by Thanos’s hands today. You’re telling me you’re not the least bit excited by that?”
The creeping feeling begins. You grit your teeth, hard, trying to resist it. “No, because I’m human.” You tell him, unsure if you’re trying to convince yourself or him. It’s tickling the back of your neck, goosebumps starting to form. You won’t let him be right. “And even if my body reacts, my mind knows better. I’ll never stand by when I know I can help.”
“That’s where I don’t believe you.” 
You stop in front of him. “What’s your brilliant plan, then?”
Tony crosses his arms. “This ship is self-correcting its course. Thing’s on autopilot.”
Stephen comes to join you two at the front of the ship. He stops behind you, hand appearing on your lower back, rubbing slightly. You grind your teeth, tilting your head to the side to subtly let the shiver run through your body.
“Can we control it?” Stephen asks. “Fly us home?” There’s a pause where Tony doesn’t respond. “Stark.”
“Can you get us home?” He repeats.
“Yeah, I heard you. I’m thinking I’m not so sure we should.” 
“Tony.” You snap.
“It has nothing to do with you.” He says.
Stephen’s hand falls, moving to get closer to Tony. “Under no circumstances can we bring the Time Stone to Thanos. I don’t think you quite understand what’s at stake here.”
“What? No. It’s you who doesn’t understand,” Tony moves to stop less than a foot away from Stephen. “That Thanos has been inside my head for six years. Since he sent an army to New York and now he’s back. And I don’t know what to do. So I’m not so sure if it’s a better plan to fight him on our turf or his, but you saw what they did, what they can do. At least on his turf he’s not expecting it. So I say we take the fight to him. Doctor
“Do you concur?” Tony finishes. 
“All right, Stark. We go to him.” Stephen says. You throw your hands up, shaking your head. “But you have to understand if it comes to saving you or the kid or the Time Stone. I will not hesitate to let either of you die.” He pauses. “I can’t, because the universe depends on it.”
“Nice.” Tony pats Stephen’s arm. “Good, moral compass. We’re straight.” He turns to walk away, in Peter’s direction. He lets out a sigh. “All right, kid.” He knights Peter. “You’re an Avenger now.”
A smile slowly spreads over Peter’s face, he nods.
You lace your fingers together in front of you, walking closer to the warp to see the stars better. You’re not entirely sure if you’ll have the element of surprise on Thanos’s home planet, or if it’ll even matter. Either way, the team you have gathered on this spaceship is far from the one you’re used to.
You can’t believe that Tony pulled that argument on you again, especially in front of Stephen. He’s already suspicious that you’re not the only entity in your body, because the reactions you have at the mention of death are unnatural. You seem uncomfortable, but the involuntary shivers say otherwise—but they’re exactly that, involuntary.
The last thing you want is to confirm that you’re unstable, because you’re not.
“(Y/n).” Stephen murmurs, coming up beside you. You close your eyes, tilting your head back, taking in a breath. He wraps his arm around your body, hand pulling you into him. “You know I don’t mean to upset you.”
“You didn’t.” You tell him, opening your eyes. “I’m tired of having that conversation with Tony. And I do think it would be a better fight on Earth, where the rest of the Avengers are. Our crew doesn’t mean much.” 
“Well, I would say we could hijack the system, but we don’t know how to steer it, or get back to our planet.” Stephen says, looking down at you.
You meet his eyes, before resting your head on his shoulder. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” He presses a kiss against your temple. 
“Hey, what’s going on?” Peter asks, coming up behind you three.
“I think we’re here.” Stephen says.
You watch through the warp as the alien planet gets closer. From what you can tell, it’s a desolate place, not a single living being seems to be inhabiting it. Your eyebrows draw in, thinking that this could make the fight against Thanos easier, if he’s got no other people to help him.
That’s assuming he’ll come alone.
“I don’t think this rig has a self-park function.” Tony says, walking away from the warp. He stops in front of one of the mechanical arms, pulling it open to stick his hand inside. “Get your hand inside the steering gimbal.” He pulls the clasp down. “Close those around it.”
Peter follows Tony’s directions. “Okay.”
“You understand?” Tony asks, glancing over.
“Yes, got it.” 
“This was meant for one big guy, so we gotta move at the same time.”
“Okay, okay.” Peter says, readjusting his stance. “Ready.”
You watch as the planet gets closer, the spaceship beginning to rumble. You share an unsure look with Stephen, before moving to find a pillar to hang on to. 
“We might wanna turn.” Peter says, and then his eyes widen. “Turn! Turn! Turn!” 
Tony has to change into his suit to be able to properly steer. From the force of them turning, you’re thrown a step off to the side. The brand new suit begins to cover your body, possibly reacting to your heart rate when you realize this thing could explode on impact if they’re not careful.
The ship comes into contact with one of the structures on the planet, jerking you from side to side. The rest of the suit covers your body, allowing you to lock your hand in place. You watch as Peter goes from his street clothes to the Spider-Man outfit.
Stephen quickly casts a shield to encase the four of you, the spaceship breaking into pieces. A second later, it slams into the planet, throwing you forward. You shouldn’t have moved more than a foot because of your grip, but your fingers unlock. You slam into the metal flooring, landing on your knees next to Stephen.
He glances down at you. The ship proceeds to slide until it hits a dip, forcing it to stop. As soon as you’re no longer in motion, Stephen drops the cast, turning to help you to your feet. The mask falls away from your face as you shake your head.
“You all right?” Stephen touches your face, moving your hair back.
“Fine.” You breathe.
Tony pushes to his feet. “That was close.” Electricity from severed wires crackles above you. “I owe you one.”
Peter hangs upside down from the ceiling using his web. “Let me just say, if aliens wind up implanting eggs in my chest or something and I eat one of you, I’m sorry.”
Your face twists, “Peter—”
“I do not want another single pop culture reference out of you for the rest of the trip.” Tony says, pointing at him. “You understand?”
Peter holds his hand out. “I’m trying to say that something is coming.”
A small, metallic ball rolls into the middle of your group, and before any of you can react, it explodes. You’re thrown several feet into the air, slamming into the wall, and landing harshly on an uneven surface. You take quick breaths to keep from triggering the pain that’s taking over your ribs.
You close your eyes, feeling the nanotech spread from beneath your chin and over your face to conceal your identity from the intruders. When you prod your fingers into sensitive skin, you let out a hiss. You really hope nothing is broken.
“Thanos!” You can hear a man yell.
The sound of Stephen’s magic makes you turn your head to see where he is. He’s got a shield up, two knives sticking out of it. The man who’s just thrown the knives begins to yell, but he’s silenced when the Cloak wraps around his head.
Another man rockets into the air, Tony jumping to fight him. You push yourself into a sitting position, wincing at the smallest movements. You use the wall as support, watching Tony and the enemy send beams back and forth, until Tony launches a rocket that explodes at the perfect time, sending him back.
Tony grabs a hold of the man, throwing back onto the ground. He lets out a laugh though, pressing a button. Blue lightning appears out of a triangular disc, which magnetizes Tony to the steering gimbal that Peter had used.
Peter lets out a scream, backing away from a woman with antennas that glow at the sight of him. As he scoots back, he shoots his web at her, trapping her where she is. The man that Tony had been fighting comes over, kicking Peter across the room.
“Stay down, clown.” He says, trying to shoot Peter.
Peter’s fast, the spider legs shoot out from his back, carrying him into the scaffolding above. Every time the man fires, he misses, but when Peter comes down to attack him, the man throws a gadget that opens like a net, securing around Peter, electrocuting him. 
“Die, blanket of death!” The first man shouts, trying to pull the Cloak from his face.
Tony finally pushes himself off of the steering gimbal, immediately flying over the man fighting with the Cloak. He hovers his hand over his head, powering it up. The Cloak of Levitation then disappears, going back to Stephen.
You take a step down from where you’re standing, making your way toward Stephen. The man that’d taken down Peter, pulls him into his arms, holding a futuristic gun against his head. “Everybody stay where you are. Chill the eff out.” 
He reaches to touch a button on the metal mask he’s wearing, making it disappear. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he’s human. He’s got the complexion, nothing out of the ordinary. Unlike Tony, who’s got the man with grey skin and red accents.
“I’m gonna ask you this one time.” He points the gun out in Tony’s direction. “Where is Gamora?”
Tony holds his other hand out to the man in retaliation. “Yeah. I’ll do you one better. Who’s Gamora?” The helmet falls away from his face.
“I’ll do you one better.” The grey man on the floor says. “Why is Gamora?”
You stop next to Stephen, hand wrapped around your ribs. He notices this immediately, eyebrows drawing in.
“Tell me where the girl is or I swear to you I’m gonna french fry this little freak.” He presses the gun to Peter’s head. 
Peter’s eyes narrow, and then return back to normal. Tony doesn’t like this. “Let’s do it. You shoot my guy and I’ll blast him. Let’s go!” His hand turns into a large blaster, mere inches away from the grey man’s face.
“Do it, Quill! I can take it.” He says, staring into the barrel.
“No, he can’t take it!” The alien girl says.
“She’s right. You can’t.” Stephen says.
“Oh, yeah? You don’t wanna tell me where she is? That’s fine. I’ll kill all three of you and I’ll beat it out of Thanos myself.” Quill says, pressing the gun further against Peter’s head. “Starting with you.”
Your face twists, Stephen squints. “Wait, what, Thanos? All right, let me ask you this one time. What master do you serve?”
“What master do I serve?” Quill repeats. “What am I supposed to say, ‘Jesus’?”
Tony deadpans, looking over at you and Stephen. He then looks at Quill again. “You’re from Earth.”
“I’m not from Earth, I’m from Missouri.” Quill says.
“Yeah, that’s on Earth, dipshit.” Tony shoots back. “What are you hassling us for?”
“So you’re not with Thanos?” Peter asks.
“With Thanos?” Quill’s face is twisted. “No, I’m here to kill Thanos. He took my girl. Wait, who are you?” He pulls the gun away from Peter’s head.
Peter’s mask falls away. “We’re the Avengers, man.”
“Oh.” Quill takes his arm off of Peter.
You allow the mask to fall from your face, too. 
“You’re the ones Thor told us about.” The girl says.
Tony looks over. “You know Thor?”
“Yeah.” Quill says. “Tall guy, not that good-looking, needed saving.”
“Where is he now?” Stephen asks.
“He’s going to Nidavellir to get some weapon.” Quill says.
Tony removes his hand from the grey man’s face, allowing him to get up. “What kind of weapon?”
“He said it would be able to kill Thanos.” Quill shrugs, “That’s all.”
“Maybe another hammer.” You suggest, the suit begins to fade away, taking the original with it too. It leaves you in the clothes you’d been in before Bruce fell through the ceiling. “I’m (Y/n).”
“Star Lord, but my real name is Peter Quill.” Quill says.
“Oh, hey. I’m Peter too.” Peter backs away, “But I’m Peter Parker.”
“Enough, kid.” Tony points at him. “Tony Stark.”
“Doctor Strange.” Stephen says from beside you.
The alien girl wrapped in web hops forward. “I am Mantis.”
“That’s Drax.” Quill says, motioning to the grey man.
Tony nods, starting for the door, “We should step out, get a feel for the planet.”
“There’s not much out there.” Quill says, but he doesn’t argue.
Peter walks over to Mantis to free her from the webbing. Stephen goes to follow, but you place a hand on his chest to stop him, he looks down at you. You give him a pained smile, waiting for the others to leave the ship first.
“Are you coming?” Peter asks, stopping at the exit, looking back at you and Stephen.
“We’ll be out there in a minute.” You tell him.
He nods, going to join the group. Your hand falls from Stephen’s chest, going to take a deep breath, and wincing when a sharp pain stabs through your ribs. He doesn’t miss this, grabbing your elbow to keep it up.
“What happened?”
“It’s my ribs.” You tell him.
His fingers reach for the hem of your shirt, he meets your eyes. “Can I?”
“Put your hand on my shoulder.” He tells you. You follow his direction, looking down to watch what he does.
He pulls your shirt all the way up to your chest, where you bunch it up to make it easier to see. He tilts his head, face smoothing briefly, before his eyebrows draw in. Stephen’s fingers brush against the skin over your right side.
You press your lips together, letting out a noise. 
“When did this happen?” He asks, applying more pressure.
You suck in a shaky breath. “When the alien had sideswiped me, I hit the car that was parked on the side of the street.” You tell him. “And when Quill threw that bomb—”
“You landed on the same side.” Stephen says. He pulls away, you let go of your shirt. It falls back into place, wrinkled. “I think they’re just bruised, but you’ve got to take it easy.”
“I figured as much.” You tell him, turning to start at the door.
He walks by your side. “I thought you said you could take care of yourself.”
“I can.” You say, “I know when to ask for help.”
“That’s not what I had in mind.” 
“Well, that’s a shame.” You glance at him, going down the ramp.
He doesn’t look very amused. “(Y/n), if you think you’re unable to fight Thanos—”
“I’ll let you know.” You say, stepping onto the dirt.
A shock goes through your body, as you freeze where you stand. 
Death. The word echoes in your mind loudly. You can’t help the way your body reacts, goosebumps covering every inch of your body, until you’re shivering as if you’re freezing.
“(Y/n)?” Stephen grabs your shoulder.
“I’m fine.” You chatter out, hugging yourself. “We’re just walking on a graveyard, is all.”
You force your legs to work, moving forward. The coldness leaves your body the further you travel, warmth returning. No matter where you step, the dark feeling clings on.
“The hell happened to this planet?” You hear Quill ask, he’s holding up a glowing yellow pod. “It’s eight degrees off its axis. Gravitational pull is all over the place.”
“Must’ve been a massacre.” You say, Tony turns to see you and Stephen joining. “I can feel it.”
He makes a face. “Feeling dark?”
“It’s hard not to.” You come to a stop, crossing your arms.
“We’ve got one advantage. He’s coming to us.” He says, moving around. “We’ll use it. All right, I have a plan. Or at least the beginnings of one.” You gather in with Quill. “It’s pretty simple. We draw him in, pin him down, get what we need. Definitely don’t wanna dance with this guy. We just want the gauntlet.”
Drax yawns loudly.
“Are you yawning?”
You glance away, eyes landing on Stephen, floating in the air in a sitting position. He must be using the Time Stone, because there’s a ring of green around his forearms.
“In the middle of this, while I’m breaking it down? Huh?” Tony says, Drax and Mantis look over. “Did you hear what I said?”
Drax briefly looks at Mantis before he looks back at Tony. “I stopped listening after you said, ‘We need a plan’.”
“Okay, Mr. Clean is on his own page.”
“See, ‘not winging it’ isn’t really what they do.” Quill says back.
Peter raises his hand. “Uh, what exactly is it that they do?” 
“Kick names, take ass.” Mantis says proudly.
Drax nods. “Yeah, that’s right.”
Your face twists, you let out a loud sigh. “There goes my hope that we had a working team.”
Tony stares at them blankly. “All right, just get over here, please.” When they don’t move, he addresses Quill. “Mr. Lord, can you get your folks to circle up?”
Quill nods. “‘Mr. Lord’,” he lets out a laugh. “Star-Lord is fine.” He cocks his head to the side, Drax and Mantis come closer.
“We gotta coalesce. Cause if all we come at him with is a plucky attitude—”
“Dude, don’t call us plucky. We don’t know what that means. All right, we’re optimistic, yes. I like your plan.” Quill says, Tony and you make eye contact. “Except it sucks, so let me do the plan and that way it might be really good.”
Tony closes his eyes.
“Tell him about the dance-off to save the universe.” Drax says.
“What dance-off?” Tony asks.
Quill makes a face, stuttering, “It’s not a—it’s nothing.”
“Like in Footloose, the movie?” Peter asks.
“Exactly like Footloose.” Quill leans forward. “Is it still the greatest movie in history?”
“It never was.” Peter says.
Quill squints at him, smile dropping.
“Don’t encourage this, all right?” Tony says, placing a hand on Peter’s shoulder. “We’re getting no help from Flash Gordon here.”
“Flash Gordon?” Quill takes a step after him. “By the way, that’s a compliment. Don’t forget, I’m half human.”
Your attention has diverted back to Stephen, who’s snapping his neck from side to side, still floating. “Honey?”
“So that fifty-perfect of me that’s stupid,” He pauses, “That’s one hundred percent you.”
“Your math is blowing my mind.” Tony says back.
You step up to Stephen, “Hey, Tony!”
You glance over your shoulder to see Tony coming in your direction, seeing the problem. “Strange, we all right?”
You want to touch him, but you’re afraid of what’ll happen if you do. His head is still moving from side to side, eyes closed, as if he’s seeking something. “Stephen.” The Time Stone is glowing, a green haze is encircling his upper torso.
His head begins to move faster, letting out a grunt. A shout then leaves him, gasping as he falls to the rock below, eyes open and looking around. You crouch in front of Stephen, hands on his knees. He grabs one of them immediately, squeezing.
“You’re back.” You murmur. 
“Hi.” he breathes.
“Hey, what was that?” Peter asks.
“I went forward in time to view alternate futures.” He says, looking between you and Tony, who stands behind you now. He’s breathing heavily as he talks. The Time Stone glows brightly against his chest. “To see all the possible outcomes of the coming conflict.”
“How many did you see?” Quill asks.
“Fourteen million, six hundred and five.”
“How many did we win?” Tony asks.
Stephen presses his lips together for a second. “One.”
You push to get to your feet, “How soon will he be here?”
He shakes his head, “Thirty minutes.”
You look at Tony, “We need to flesh that plan out.”
Tony nods, “Will my initial one work?”
Stephen takes in a breath. “Yes, actually.”
A storm cloud of grey and blue appears in the rubble, a boot being the first thing to come out of it. You adjust your footing, keeping your eyes on the giant, purple man that comes through it. The cloud is gone, and the air returns to normal. 
Your eyes find the gauntlet, which takes up the entirety of Thanos’s forearm, stopping at the elbow. When he turns his wrist the right way, you can see the stones he has, glint in the setting sun. He stops to look at the spaceship you’d come out of.
“Oh, yeah.” Stephen says, he’s sitting at the top of the steps on a rock. He’d volunteered to be the distraction, so the rest of you could prepare to fight. Thanos looks over at him, not worried. “You’re much more of a Thanos.”
Thanos looks away. “I take it the Maw is dead.” Stephen leans forward on his knees, nodding. “This day extracts a heavy toll.” He begins to walk. “Still, he accomplished his mission.”
“You may regret that.” Stephen tells him. “He brought you face-to-face with the Master of the Mystic Arts.”
“And where do you think he brought you?” 
“Let me guess. Your home?” Stephen asks.
Thanos stops, foot resting on top of a rock, gauntlet on his thigh. The Space, Reality and Power Stones displayed. You can’t tell if he has the Soul Stone or not.
“It was.” Thanos says. He lifts the gauntlet, and the Reality Stone begins to glow brightly when he closes his fist. “It was beautiful.”
The world around you begins to change, as he manipulates the area around you to make it look like it had before. A bright blue sky, green grass, a fountain in the middle of the plaza. There are people just like him, conversing around the park. And the giant building that’s falling apart, stands sturdy and clean.
“Titan was like most planets. Too many mouths, not enough to go around. And when we faced extinction, I offered a solution.” 
“Genocide.” Stephen says.
You duck behind the spacecraft, slapping a hand over your mouth, eyes squeezed shut as your body shakes. 
“But random, dispassionate, fair to rich and poor alike.” Thanos continues. “They called me a madman.” You sigh, not bothering to move from where you are. “And what I predicted came to pass.”
The scene fades away, bringing you back to reality. No wonder you can’t stay in control, here. You are literally on top of a graveyard, with so many undead beneath you that haven't risen since the day they died. They must be eager to get out, breathe the air above again.
What they don’t know is that it won’t taste the same as it did before.
“Congratulations, you’re a prophet.” Stephen says.
The good news is that if the dead haven’t been brought back before, there’ll be more power to it. They’re going to be decayed, sure. But they’re going to be stronger than the ones in New York, because these are new toys to play with. Besides, you can’t wait to see the look on Thanos’s face when he realizes that his own people are fighting against him.
“I’m a survivor.” Thanos says.
“Who wants to murder trillions.”
“With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers.” He says, the noise filling the air. “They would all cease to exist. I call that mercy.”
You lift your head to see Stephen, finding him on his feet. “And then what?” He takes a step down.
Thanos looks away. “I’d finally rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills.”
Your lip twitches.
“I think you’ll find our will equal to yours.” Stephen says, clapping his hands together, and pulling them apart to show his magic.
“Our?” Thanos asks, lifting his head, tilting it all the way back.
Tony’s coming down with a piece of the spaceship, aimed directly over Thanos. As the purple stone begins to glow, he’s crushed by the mass, sending out a cloud of dirt and dust on impact. 
The mask crawls up your face, blocking it just in time to swarm you. 
“Piece of cake, Quill.” Tony says, doing a lap through a structure.
Quill begins to run, pressing the button on his mask again, which covers his face. “Yeah, if your goal was to piss him off.” He jumps, flying to where Thanos is.
An explosion of purple sets off, chunks of metal flying out, revealing Thanos underneath. He lets out a war cry, the Reality Stone glowing as he swings his gauntlet arm, creating a mass of alien birds that swarm Tony, carrying him away.
Peter takes the opportunity to shoot his web, covering Thanos’s eyes, flying by to kick him in the face. Drax slices across the back of his knee. Stephen comes through a portal, Drax swings at Thanos, only to be blocked. Stephen pulls out his own weapon, a sword made from the orange magic.
They take turns, going back and forth swinging at Thanos. He’ll dodge, switch sides, taking another hit from the back. He then punches Drax’s chest, throwing him into a rock that crumbles.
Stephen swings, Thanos catches the sword. Quill jumps through the air, using the rocks as stepping stones. Thanos finally pulls the webbing from his face, Stephen makes the sword disappear, opting for a shield, which Thanos kicks in to. 
Quill shoots at Thanos’s back, Stephen casts a spell to create more platforms for Quill to use, hopping from one to the next. He flips over Thanos, planting a bomb on his back, which beeps loudly. He backs away, middle finger raised. “Boom!” And then he falls through a portal.
The bomb explodes, Thanos stumbles forward, landing on his hands. Just as he’s straightening, the Cloak wraps itself around his hand tightly. Stephen casts another portal, one which Peter jumps out. 
He slams his fist across Thanos’s face. “Magic.” Disappears through the portal on the other side, which spits him out a foot above. Peter swings down on Thanos’s head. “More magic.” And pops out on the other side, Thanos turns at the wrong moment, “Magic with a kick.” He says, foot right across his face. The next portal opens up, “Magic with a—!”
Thanos grabs Peter by the throat, slamming him down into the dirt, choking him. “Insect!” He shouts, before lifting the teenager and throwing him into Stephen.
The two of them disappear in the rubble, you rise from where you’re hiding, beginning to creep around to find a better place to be when you raise this army. Thanos rips off the Cloak, which flies away to get back to Stephen.
Another explosion is set off, a wave of heat hits you like a truck, warming you up on the inside and out. This is Tony’s doing, as he repeatedly sends his rockets down where Thanos is standing. 
It doesn’t work. Thanos sucks the fire up through the Power Stone, shooting it back at Tony, which blasts him into one of the structures up in the air. He hits the floating middle piece, causing a different explosion. 
“(Y/n), now's a good time!” Tony shouts through static.
You come out into the open, Thanos’s attention turning to you. You fall to your knees in front of him, intertwining your fingers, staring directly at him. “Ready to see your people?” You laugh coldly, raising your locked hands up in the air, before slamming them into the dirt. “Rise!”
The ground begins to tremble, a shiver runs through your body, feeling the cold, dark energy building in your body. The dirt breaks apart, purple hands sprouting out in claw positions. You watch in amazement as the bodies pull themselves out of the planet, in almost perfect condition.
You push to get on your feet, watching as Thanos takes several steps back, as his own people come to stand around you. All of them stand around the same height, taking away his advantage. 
“You…” He trails off, voice accusatory.
With a finger pointed out in his direction, you tilt your head to the side. “Pin the survivor down.”
The undead move at him, coming in every direction. They’re strong, energy coursing through your body. You retreat the best you can while keeping your eyes on him. The confliction in his face is everything you were hoping for, as he looks between the people that he once knew.
When he realizes that they’re not going to stop for him, he lets out a scream, swinging at them. They take the hits, springing back to life mere seconds later. You watch from the top of the stairs in amazement. You’ve never had an army act like this before, with such violence.
Maybe it’s their will to come back. Or maybe, some of their spirits are still here, unable to move on. His face brings bad memories, from when they were starving and beginning to fall from the inside out. Maybe they know about his slaughtering activities on other planets, carrying out his ideas on poor, unsuspecting people that can’t defend themselves against his power.
Maybe this is their way of getting revenge for you.
You let out a laugh.
Thanos throws his hand out, a sharp and warm pain explodes across your left shoulder, twisting you to the ground. You land on your hands and knees, coming face to face with the chunk of flesh that Thanos has just taken from your body. The blood spurts out of the wound.
Your breaths pick up at the sight of the amount of blood leaving your body, stars coming to the corners of your vision. You let out a scream through gritted teeth as the feeling hits you full-force, tears appearing in your eyes.
“(Y/n)!” Stephen shouts.
When you look over your shoulder, you see that Peter has webbed Thanos’s hand with the gauntlet, pulling it away from him. Thanos still fights with his open hand, knocking away the dead effortlessly. He pulls Peter toward him when there’s an opening, punching him across the face, and ripping the webbing from the gauntlet.
Suddenly, a spaceship comes out of the brown haze, belonging to none of you. It hits the planet, as well as Thanos, and the entire army of the dead. You struggle to your feet, stumbling down the steps. 
Stephen is floating through the air, toward Thanos, when he sees that you’re alive. You follow after him the best you can, a burning sensation spreading over your missing shoulder when you see the nanotech forms over it. At least then, it’ll be covered.
A girl springs out of the rock to fight Thanos, one that you don’t recognize. Stephen uses his magic to lasso Thanos’s gauntlet, trying to pull it off of him. Drax comes up behind him, kicking the back of his knee to force him down. Quill shoots a triangular disc—the same one he’d used against Tony—underneath Thanos’s free hand to keep him from pulling at the gauntlet. 
Peter uses his web, swinging around to pull Thanos with Quill. While Tony comes around, grabbing at the gauntlet. Thanos is strong, though, pulling at Peter’s web. The spider legs come out, digging into the rock to keep him from moving. Stephen retracts his spell, casting a new one for a portal, where Mantis falls onto Thanos’s shoulders.
She places her hands on both sides of his head, leaning over him. Stephen works with Quill and Peter to pull on the other hand. Thanos is screaming, eyes a milky white as he turns his head to the side.
You come to a stop a few feet away, the sound of dragging footsteps behind you. It’s a few of the dead that hadn’t died with the ship. “Get the gauntlet off of him.” You demand.
They move to help Tony, fingers digging underneath it to get better leverage. Thanos stops resisting so hard, as Mantis’s antennas begin to glow white.
“Is he under? Don’t let up.” Tony says, pulling.
“Be quick. He is very strong.” She says.
“Parker, help! Get over here.” Tony orders. “She can’t hold him much longer. Let’s go.”
They all pull at the gauntlet, seemingly making no progress. Quill flies over, landing a few feet away, tucking his gun back onto the hollister. 
“We gotta open his fingers to get it off.” Peter says.
You move closer, “Do as he says.” The dead begin to work on his fingers, struggling against his strength.
“I thought you’d be hard to catch.” Quill taunts. “For the record, this was my plan.” Thanos doesn’t respond, mouth hanging open. “You’re not so strong now, huh?” He stops in front of him. “Where is Gamora?”
Thanos groans, “My Gamora.”
“No, bullshit!” Quill says, “Where is she?”
“He is in anguish.” Mantis says, Thanos’s face twists.
“He… he mourns.” Mantis pants, eyebrows drawn in, tears in her eyes.
You look over to see the same girl as earlier has now joined you. She doesn’t seem to be human, though. She’s robotic, and blue. 
“What does this monster have to mourn?” Drax manages to get out.
“Gamora.” The girl says.
Quill turns to look at her. “What?”
“He took her to Vormir.” She says. “He came back with the Soul Stone. But she didn’t.”
The helmet disappears from Tony’s head. “Okay, Quill, you gotta cool it right now. You understand?” Quill is turning to look at Thanos. “Don’t, don’t—don’t engage. We almost got this off!” He shouts.
“Tell me she’s lying.” Quill begins to shout. “Asshole, tell me you didn’t do it!”
“I had to.” Thanos hisses out.
“No, you didn’t.” Quill shakes his head, Thanos groans. “No, you didn’t.” 
Quill draws back, gun in hand. You reach with your good arm to catch him before he ruins this, but it’s too late. He hits Thanos with the side of the gun, Mantis loses her grip on him. She tries to regain her grip, but he hits Thanos again.
“No, you didn’t!”
“Quill!” Tony shouts, abandoning the gauntlet to grab Quill. “Hey, stop! Hey, stop! Stop!”
Peter pulls, it begins to slip. You jump over, grabbing the bottom. The suit explodes over your body, heels digging into the ground. “Pull!” You shout.
“Hey, stop! Stop!” 
“It’s coming, it’s coming.” Peter adjusts to get a better grip on it. “We got it, we got it!”
Thanos comes back at this moment, headbutting Mantis. The gauntlet is just slipping off his last finger, when he throws you, Peter and the few undead you have left. You land harshly, rolling once or twice before forcing yourself to get back on your feet. He then reaches up, grabbing Mantis by her foot, and flinging her off.
“Oh, god.” Peter says, jumping in the air to grab her. The spider legs come out, creating a case for them to roll in without touching the ground. 
Thanos kicks Drax off his leg, straight into Quill and the blue robot. He grabs the lasso that Stephen has been holding onto him, whipping it forward and letting go. You watch your boyfriend come closer to you, and continue to fly over your head.
Tony tries to blast Thanos, but he’s pissed now. All he does is swing his arm, batting Tony away. Drax, Quill and the robot get to their feet to run at him, then Thanos uses the Power Stone to stop them where they are, forcing them back on the cement.
Tony comes back, swinging at him with a nanotech blade. Thanos grabs his arm, headbutting him too. Thanos hits the staircase on the other side, doing backwards somersaults until he lands on his knees.
Thanos reaches up in the direction of a nearby planet that you can see. His gauntlet glowing purple as he presumably breaks off parts of the surface. With a closed fist, he throws it down, bringing the pieces to you. You duck against a rock, covering your head as brown fiery smoke leaves a path.
Tony tries to fly away, but he’s caught by one of the giant pieces of rock, crushing him beneath. The impact fucks up the gravity, as Drax, the robot and Quill take off into the air.
“Peter!” You shout, “Grab them!”
“Got it, Miss (L/n)!” He calls back, slinging to his feet.
The ground quakes each time a chunk lands on the surface. You throw your head back, searching to find Stephen, on a floating rock, not too far from Thanos. He moves his arms, bands of orange appearing, hitting his hands against the ground. The orange electricity jumps from each rock, until it reaches Thanos, exploding the surface.
Thanos jumps off, using the Power stone to send purple lightning back at Stephen. He’s prepared for this, it hits a shield, flying back at Thanos. Who shatters it into pieces with one punch from the gauntlet. He sucks it all up with the Space Stone, creating a vortex, spiraling in Stephen’s direction.
Stephen casts another shield, the vortex becoming a flurry of green butterflies, which is merely a distraction, as the next trick comes. Multiple arms come from him, spreading out, until they move in sync to become one, bursting apart as replicas of him take over the air, surrounding Thanos.
They move together, hundreds of lassos wrapping around Thanos’s arms, which he quickly breaks with the Power Stone. Static electricity takes over the air, until it’s just your boyfriend. 
Thanos reaches forward, beckoning Stephen to him. His gauntlet hand secures around his throat. “You’re full of tricks, wizard.” He reaches to grab the necklace, Stephen struggles to pull away. “Yet you never once used your greatest weapon.” He crushes the necklace in his hand. “A fake.”
He throws Stephen, and he rolls a few feet before stopping. When he doesn’t get up, you begin to move through the rock to get to him.
Tony sends nanotech to the gauntlet, keeping it from closing. He lands, breathing hard. “You throw another moon at me, and I’m gonna lose it.”
“Stark.” Thanos says. 
“You know me?”
“I do. Just like how I know that necromancer is (Y/n).” He says, you stop in your tracks, head snapping in his direction. “You’re not the only one cursed with knowledge.”
“My only curse is you.” Tony says, more explosives coming out of his back.
“Come on!” Thanos growls, letting the gauntlet take the hit. 
You begin to move faster, making it to Stephen. You land on your knees, ignoring the blossoming pain from doing it so many times today. You reach for his face with your only hand, moving his hair back.
“Stephen, babe.” You murmur, wincing when you use your other arm to rest on his chest. The technology in your ear tells you that he’s still breathing. You let out a breath.
You brush some of the debris from his face, forcing him on his back. 
Tony’s feet slam into Thanos, he does a backflip, landing on his feet, arms turning into giant hammers with blasters on the bottom. He hits Thanos into a rock, and when Thanos gets back on his feet, he tears the helmet right from Tony’s head. 
Another one forms in an instant, as he tries to block Thanos’s punch. It doesn’t work, Tony flattens on the rock.
“Stephen.” You whisper, “Come on.”
Thanos breaks the nanotech off of the gauntlet, using the Power stone to hit Tony with a powerful force, which Tony blocks in time with a shield. It comes around, like flames licking at a closed door. It forces Tony back, despite the pressure he’s putting to stay in place.
He throws the shield back when Thanos stops, nanotech transferring from a small space on his back, to his foot, which locks down Thanos’s gauntlet hand. Tony throws a powerful punch, landing it right across his face.
Thanos reaches up, brushing a part on his upper cheek, looking at his fingertips. “All that for a drop of blood.”
“(Y/n).” Stephen mutters. 
You look back down at him, finding his eyes open, on you. You nod, cupping his face with both hands. “I’m here. Are you okay?”
“Your shoulder…” He trails off, reaching to touch it, but he knows better than to make contact.
“I know.”
Thanos gets out of the trap, throwing Tony onto the ground, and laying in with the punches, slowly destroying the nanotech with each one landed. He picks him up, throwing him away.
Tony focuses the tech to his hands, taking away from a part on his thigh and hip, but Thanos blocks the rays with the purple glowing gauntlet. He swings at Tony’s face, taking the rest of the helmet off. Tony tries to throw a punch, it’s grabbed. With his only free arm, the nanotech forms a blade, Tony tries to stab, but Thanos breaks it off.
You watch in horror as he stabs it through the missing armor in Tony’s abdomen.
“No!” You let out, Stephen moves to sit up, you don’t stop him.
You clasp your hands together, raising them above your head, going to hit the ground, when a hand grabs them before they do. You make eye contact with Stephen, who shakes his head at you.
“It won’t help.”
“We should kill him.” You tell him. “We need to kill him.”
Tony lets out a grunt, Thanos walks him back until he sits on a rock. 
Stephen’s grip tightens. “This is how we win. This is the plan.”
“You have my respect, Stark.” Thanos says. “When I’m done, half of humanity will still be alive.”
You grit your teeth, “This isn’t right.”
“I hope they remember you.” Thanos holds his hand out, each stone glowing on his knuckles.
Stephen lets go of you, eyes on Thanos, “Stop.” He pants. “Spare his life and I will give you the stone.”
“Stephen.” You snap, “No!”
“No tricks.” Thanos says.
Stephen shakes his head, Thanos points the gauntlet at you two, instead.
“Don’t.” Tony groans, blood dripping out the corner of his mouth. 
Stephen slowly lifts his hand, a green haze showing before the Time Stone appears out of thin air, between his forefinger and thumb. Thanos hold out his other hand, palm up.
“Don’t do this.” You tell him, pressure behind your eyes. “Don’t, Stephen, I don’t want those people to die.”
He looks at you for a long second, before releasing the stone. It floats through the air, straight to Thanos. He lowers the gauntlet, taking the green gem in his hand. Your head falls, you let out a sob between gritted teeth.
When you look, Thanos is dropping the Time Stone into the slot on the knuckle of his thumb. “One to go.”
A beam hits the gauntlet, as Quill comes out of the rock and rubble, flying straight at Thanos, repeatedly firing. The same storm cloud that brought Thanos here has now materialized to take him back. He takes one step backwards, and it swallows him whole.
Quill flies right through where he should have made contact with Thanos. He gets to his feet, waving his gun. “Where is he?”
Tony uses the nanotech to heal where he’d been stabbed, letting out a sigh.
“Did we just lose?” Quill asks.
You let out a sob, hand covering your mouth. Stephen reaches to touch you, but you jerk away, “Don’t, don’t do that.”
You stumble down the rock, putting a few feet between you two.
Tony looks over at him. “Why would you do that?” 
“We’re in the endgame now.” He says.
You lace your fingers, resting your hands on the top of your head, ignoring the pain that stabs through your shoulder and ribs. You take several deep breaths in through your nose, letting it out through your mouth. Your throat is tightening, making it harder to breathe.
“Miss (L/n), I’ve got them!” Peter shouts, you glance over to see Mantis, Drax and the robot coming your way. “Oh no, Mr. Stark?” 
“(Y/n), come here, please.” Stephen says, “I don’t want you to regret this moment.” Your bottom lip juts out as you turn around to face him, finding him on his feet. He’s got a hand out in your direction. “I’m sorry, honey.”
The suit falls away from your body at the same time Tony dismisses his. You shake your head at him, refusing to go toward him. “All those people…” You lower your arms to wipe the tears. “I can’t.”
“We haven’t lost yet.” He tells you.
Peter pulls Tony to his feet. Mantis stops walking with Quill, looking up. “Something’s happening.”
Mantis’s feet begin to disintegrate, eating up the rest of her legs, turning into flakes of dust that get blown away in the wind. Your face drops. At once, the rest of her is gone.
Drax’s left half of his body begins to follow suit, he looks up, “Quill?”
He’s gone too, Tony starts forward, “Steady, Quill.”
It works faster this time, “Oh, man.”
You turn with an open mouth to look at Stephen, “No, no, no!”
His legs are turning into dust, you rush through the rocks to get to him in time. Maybe if you touch him, he’ll stay. Maybe your abilities will work in reverse.
“There was no other way, my love.” He whispers, breathing shallow.
“No!” You scream, arms swiping through the dust where he had been a second ago. “Stephen, no!”
“Mr. Stark?” Peter’s voice is trembling.
“God damn it!” You cry, face pressing into the rock. “Bring him back!”
“I don’t feel so good.” Peter says.
“You’re all right.” Tony says.
“I don’t—I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t know…” He falls into Tony’s arms. “I don’t want to go. I don’t want to go, sir. Please. Please, I don’t want to go. I don’t want to go.” Tony carefully lowers him to the ground. “I’m sorry.”
You bury your face in your hands, silently sobbing as you struggle to breathe. “Stephen…” You whisper. “Come back to me.”
It dawns on you.
You scoot away from the rock, sitting up on your knees. You blink through blurry eyes, fingers laced, hands above your head. “Please, work.” You whisper, and then slam your hands into concrete, pressing hard. “Stephen, rise!” 
The ground is still, not reacting to your words.
“I said,” You raise your hands, bringing them down again. “Rise! Bring me Stephen Strange!”
Finally, the rock begins to shake violently, you sit impatiently, waiting for him to sprout out of the ground where he’d turned to dust over. Instead, the planet settles, and you’re left with nothing.
“He did it.” The robot says.
Your labored breaths quickly turn into deep breaths that begin to even out, the more you think about her. You push to your feet, attentioning turning to her. This wouldn’t have happened if she didn’t come here. 
“You.” You snarl out, Tony looks up at you. “This is your fault.”
She looks at you, eyes widening slightly, “Me?”
“Did you really have to be that honest?” You snap, going down the dirt. “You had to tell Quill that she was dead?”
Her face twists. “He was going to beat it out of Thanos whether or not I—”
“You don’t know that!” You shout, “Now they’re dead, and it’s your fault!” You stop a foot away from her. “This wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t here. We had him pinned down, we were right there! Peter had just gotten the gauntlet off of his arm!”
“(Y/n), this was always going to happen.” Tony interjects, “Stephen said it himself, this was the only way.”
“I don’t believe that.” You look down at him. “Stephen would never leave me on purpose. He’d never do that.”
“He would if it meant you’d be safe.”
this was part of my 3k celebration!! i am no longer accepting requests.
once again, i'm sorry it's long. i got carried away hehe. and i was determined to write the entire movie so i did.
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bellarkeselection · 2 years ago
Heyy, I have a request for tony stark 😊 a lots of fluff with his wife telling him that she's pregnant and he's all happy ❤️
My Incredible Wife
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Tags @mcugeekposts @underoostarks @rosie-posie08 @makeshift-prime
Holding the pregnancy test in my hands I was almost jumping up and down around the bathroom like I was a child hyped up on tons of sugar. Tony and I had been trying for a few years to get pregnant after we got married but I wound keep having miscarriages that I hated and Tony did even more so. Since he was a genius he thought he could solve most problems except for why we couldn’t have a baby. Flinging open the bathroom door I rushed downstairs shoving the pregnancy test in my back pocket going into his lab knowing he wouldn’t rather be anywhere else. “Tony, are you busy?”
“Never for you, babe. What’s going on in that heads of yours ?” He asked, sitting down the screwdriver he had in his hands. He patted his lap gesturing for me to sit down which I did without further instruction wrapping my arms around his neck.
Running one hand through his hair I couldn’t hide the huge grin on my face picturing a mini Tony or a mini running around the lab. “I have the biggest news ever. There’s gonna be another Stark in the family….ah Tony!” I squealed when he moved his hand to start ticking my hip knowing I was ticklish there leaving his other hand to rest on my upper thigh.
“Are you being serious or are you just wanting to go upstairs because you’re on your monthly thing. Not that I am complaining or anything.” He questioned me where his deep brown eyes met mine, raising his eyebrows at me. “Do you feel like cheeseburgers, I feel like we should have burgers.”
Pushing his face away playfully I blushed not believing he would say that. “Tony, I am not joking around with you. I never have. Because I am not like you. I’m serious and if you need proof here’s your proof.” Reaching into my back pocket I hand him the small test.
“Son of a bitch. This is incredible. You’re incredible.” He blurted out sitting the test on his messy metal table. He then cups my face in his warm hands cradling my face leaning forward kissing me deeply.
I giggled when he buried his face into the crook of my neck, kissing me slowly down until he found my sweet spot, making me moan. “Tony….I don’t want to get your hopes up. Oh….Ton..” My fingers threaded themselves into his black hair tugging it where he pulled back crashing his lips onto mine.
“Hey, hey, look at me honey. I know not to get my hopes up. I know that this is amazing and also scary for you because you don’t think that you can do it. But even if we lose this next one we can always adopt.” He moved his hands down onto my shoulders squeezing them gentle feeling me slump them down in relief.
Shaking my head I didn’t want to feel insecure about it but it wasn’t exactly easy for me after I lost the last baby. There’s a part of me that thinks he might leave me one day. “Yeah you're right I shouldn’t still be insecure about us and the fact that I might not be able to have kids…”
“Sssh darling. How many times do we have to have this conversation huh.” He asked giving me those puppy dog eyes that I was a sucker for. “Do I have to keep continuously telling you how smoking hot and amazing you are.”
Covering my face with my hands I bent my head down against his chest ignoring the fact that my head was on the piece of bright blue chest reactor that kept him alive. “Tony I’m sorry okay it’s just the hormones or something else girly related.”
“Y/n stop it. Alright my feelings for you the day I married you haven’t changed. You are still the woman made for me always and forever.” He declares tucking hair behind my ear turning my chin in his thumb and index finger so I was forced to look him in the eye.
“And I feel the same way about you but I want to have a baby of our own. That will look like you and me. If I can’t do that then what am I supposed to do?” I blurted out feeling some tears that he wiped away with his thumb.
He rested his forehead against mine running his fingers through my long hair that was falling down my shoulders. “Then you get to live with the fact that even if we can’t have kids you still get to be loved and married to the genius, billionaire, playboy superhero known as Iron Man.”
“You’re ridiculous, Stark.” I joked pushing his chest where I almost fell off his lap.
He booped his nose with mine quickly rising to his feet. “Only for you, Y/n. Now I think we have some business to intend to. Ensuring we have a little us inside your belly.”
“Tony!” I squealed, wrapping my legs around his waist along with my arms thinking he might drop me. He carried me through the house and into the bedroom gently sitting me down on the bed shrugging my tea shirt over my head letting it pool to the floor.
He smiled, yanking his own shirt over his head leaning down capturing my lips with his own pushing me onto my back. "You have no reason to be insecure if we can't have another baby. You are my incredible…beautiful…loving…wife…who will make a great mother…to any child we have…adopted or not." He responded by kissing me down my neck holding himself up by his hands on either side of me.
"I can already picture a little you running around the lab if I being honest…oh gosh!" I moaned when he kissed me suddenly until I rolled him onto his back with my hair falling in front of my eyes grinning ear to ear.
Tony groaned looking at me in lust and want, he placed his hand on my hips stroking it gently with his thumb. "You're so beautiful."
"I can't be the only one of us who has imagined this." I hummed at him where he quickly flipped us over, beginning to remove my shorts in the process.
I began to eye him up and down in awe at my husband's body shape. He was like a beautiful strong god. "Like what you see, Mrs. Stark." Tony asked with a smirk looking at me, kissing my nose.
"Yes, I do " I smirked and began to run my hands down his chest, still feeling my cheeks burning red.
"I'm going to make love to you all night, baby" Tony smirked before lifting me up in his arms causing me to squeal out loudly. His hands tickling me before I put my hands on his shoulders bringing him down for a heated kiss. Imagining the thought of us finally having our own little baby.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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waking up with you
tony stark x f!reader
prompt: morning
theme: fluff, smut
(tags beneath the cut)
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You stirred slowly, a slow smile growing on your lips even before you opened your eyes. The familiar weight of Tony’s arm was wrapped around waist, and you sighed softly at the blissful warmth of his body against your back. His hand spread possessively over your belly, his breath tickling the back of your neck as you leaned back against him.
“Mmm… morning.”
“Is that what that bright light is?” Tony’s voice came hoarsely, his joking tone coloured by sleep. “Thank God, I thought I was dying.”
You groaned, rolling over to face him. “You are not allowed to make jokes like that, Tone.”
He smiled, leaning forward to kiss the tip of your nose. “It’s kind of nice waking up to the sun instead of falling asleep to it for a change.”
“It does have its perks.”
Tony groaned lightly as you reached between you to wrap your fingers around his cock, his eyes closing for a moment. His hand skimmed up your arm before cupping the side of your throat, bringing your lips to his.
It was soft and sweet, but Tony deepened it quickly as you stroked the length of his erection, his tongue sliding into your mouth. His hands moved to your waist, and your breath caught in a hum of surprise as he rolled onto his back, pulling you on top of him without breaking away from your mouth.
His arms banded around your waist, one hand clutching at the flesh of your ass. You ground down against him, and Tony laughed against your lips as your fingers ghosted over the ticklish spot on his ribs.
He rolled you onto your back, and you moaned aloud as he pressed himself into you. His cock filled you, and you wrapped your arms around his neck, running your fingers through his hair. He cursed as you sucked a mark into the side of his neck, your nails scoring his shoulder.
Tony fucked you deeply, each thrust of his hips sending sparks up your spine. He palmed your breast, pinching your nipple briefly before his hand glided down over your stomach. Your breath caught as his fingers found your clit.
“God, Tony…”
He kissed you again, smirking against your lips. “Tell me what you want, baby.”
You clutched at his biceps, pushing your hips up into his.
tags: @ccbsrms@startrekkingaroundasgard@lina-mar@lovely-dreamer19@wittyforachange@wefracturedmotivation@january-echoes@glossyloner@capitalnineteen@youclickedthislink@s0ftness@castieltrash1@drakelover78@queenoftheunderdark@fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13@lol-you-thought@sebbystanlover-vk@mikariell95@csigeoblue@abrunettefangirlnerd@babyblues915@aar-journey@moistpotatobear @capsironunderoos @bellamyblakemorley@diesinspanishbcimhispanic@sentimentalalien@agustdowney@akumune@xxboesefrauxx@patheticallysentimental@loki-is-loved
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cantwritethetword · 1 year ago
(originally posted April 20th 2019)
~A/N - This was meant to be my squealing santa gift for rosegold-cuddles BUT I got locked out of my old account. Sorry. 
Anyways, the prompt was: Steve, Tony and Bucky together with Bucky as a ler, Steve a switch and tony a lee. 
Enoy! ~
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Two pairs of pounding footsteps approached the couch where Tony Stark lay sleeping, quickly followed by a thud as a certain captain was tackled to the ground. Giggles filled the air as Bucky straddled the war hero, and proceeded to conduct a thorough, hands-on examination of Steve’s ribs and tummy. 
“NOHOHO BUHUHUCK PLEHEHEASE!” He managed to squeal out as the winter soldier drew a breath, and raspberried it into Steve’s bellybutton.
Tony rubbed his eyes, opening his mouth to begin complaining about the noise, when he realised what he two were doing. A light blush rose to his cheeks as he watched Steve beg under Bucky’s careful fingertips, a fate he wouldn’t exactly oppose being subjected to (though he would never admit it).
Bucky, who had been grinning at Steve’s humongous smile during the predicament, noticed the attention the pair were receiving, and gave Tony a wink. Steve twisted and squirmed beneath his friend, feebly fighting against the two hands running up and down his sides, before taking in a deep breath of air as the tickling subsided.
“What’s with the red face, huh Tony?” The winter soldier smirked, while Steve recovered, muttering something about Bucky’s arm being an unfair advantage.
The billionaire stumbled over his words, responded much too quickly with “Nothing!”, before composing himself.
“You two woke me up with your… uh… shenanigans…”
Steve, who by this point had gotten his breath back, grinned up at him. 
“I think someone’s in need of an attitude adjustment, eh Buck?”
“Couldn’t agree more.” Bucky smirked, grabbing Tony before he had a chance to escape.
“No no no no come on guys I-”
“You what? Huh? You… ’re way too ticklish?” The winter soldier teased, wriggling his fingers in the air above the helpless man.
Tony stuttered, giving a few nervous laughs. 
“Or were you waiting for this to happen huh? Itching for some tickles Stark?” Steve brushed his hand against the genius’s neck, drawing out a yelp.
At this point, Tony’s face was a deep crimson, and he couldn’t bear to look at either man in the eyes. He slammed his eyelids shut, awaiting the fate he was doomed to endure for as long as the tormentors desired.
Then the fingers hit.
Tony let out a shriek, then broke down into giggles as Steve attacked his ribs, while Bucky repeatedly squeezed the spot just above his kneecaps, before sprawling his fingers over them.
The normally suave, composed philanthropist, was now squirming and begging at the mercy of two of his closest friends. His entire nervous system was overloaded, he couldn’t think straight, never mind form coherent words. All he could do was scrunch his face up and laugh hysterically, and that’s what he did.
“Really? This is what it takes to take down Earth’s greatest defender?” Steve chuckled as he drilled his thumbs into Tony’s armpits.
After a yelp, Tony managed to giggle out a “Shuhuut up Rogers!”, before descending into mirthful madness.
What felt like both forever and a split second passed, before the two torturers receded their fingers and allowed Tony some breathing room.
“You guys *pant*… such jerks…” He forced his mouth into a hybrid of frowning and pouting.
Steve and Bucky looked at each other, before simultaneously giving Tony a shit-eating grin.
“You need to laugh more Tone.” Steve patted the man on the back, chuckling when the billionaire flinched away.
Once the pair had left the room, Tony relaxed. Allowing his smile to reflect his enjoyment of the events which had just taken place. The tickling had been absolutely torturous, and on one hand Tony couldn’t stand even the thought of going through that again. 
But on the other, he had loved every second.
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