#i find the ceo!sec au amusing in general
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itslilacokay Ā· 5 months ago
meeting between two seconds
(ceo!sec au belongs to @hazardsk8r)
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baeklooming-day Ā· 6 years ago
Fleeting | Baekhyun
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Summary: You lead a double life. For everyone else, you are the pretty girl with a great sense of fashion who works at Sephora. But it isn't your only job. For the other one you require only two things: the collection of weapons you keep in your closet - and zero emotions.
ft. Luhan
Genre: assassin!au, mafia!au, street racer!au, fluff, angst
Word count: 4.5k
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"Really, Y/N? You know I love you, but lately I feel like the only reason you call me is for you to ask for favors."
"That's not true! Pretty please Sujin! I will be just a few minutes late."
"Hahaha! Good one."
"Sujin. I really need to take care of something right now. Will you help me out one more time?"
"Okay, okay. I'll cover for you. But, whatever it is, hurry up and come here right after, understood?"
"Of course. See you in a bit!"
You hung up.
Sujin was your coworker and friend. She totally adored you, and maybe that's the only reason why in the end she always let slide you being late for work. Well, you weren't always late. Sometimes it just happened for the problem to have to be solved during your usual work hours at Sephora.
Like today.
Your grip on your rifle tightened.
Easy. Focus.
After all, you've done it many times.
In this long time you've worked for Zhang Yixing you've never seen him as nervous as that evening.
"Listen Y/N, you do know the CEO of Kang Corporation, is that right?"
"Yeah, I mean, not personally but I know who he is. Kang-something...?"
"Yes, him. Listen. You also happen to know who Jackson Wang is, right? The CEO of Wang Enterprises?
"Alright, here is your task."
He quickly slid a piece of paper in your direction.
You picked it and started to read.
You snorted.
"Why could I see something like this coming? It was so obvious. I assume our big CEO Mr. Wang wants all the power and glory to himself. Is he actually aware what might happen if suddenly the second big CEO disappears from the scene? Everyone knows those two don't particularly love each other."
"This is none of our concern, Y/N. Make sure you take care of this."
You paused for a brief moment.
"How much?"
Yixing hesitated. Woah there, you thought. So it is the highest price I've ever got.
"10 Million American dollars." He said, not breaking eye contact with you.
It always amused you, how desperate some people could be only to take down somebody who wasn't doing in their favor.
"'Woah' is a good word to describe it. Anyway, Y/N, I trust you to solve it without any complications as always."
"Will do, boss!"
With that being said, you directed yourself to the exit where you paused, only to quickly turn around and send Yixing a childish 'bang!' with a finger gun.
So now, you found yourself sitting on the roof of the Plaza Hotel - it would be quite romantic to say the least, if it wasn't for the purpose you were there.
You were a paid murderer. You killed people in an exchange for money.
Your current target was a certain Kang Seojun - the CEO of one of the biggest corporations in the city.
It wasn't your first time that you had to eliminate some important persona. You already had a minister, a few influential politicians and even a famous actress on your account.
It was always the same process. Find the target, observe them for a while, get some more information and finally, attack.
You adjusted your rifle.
To be quite honest, you've never been a fan of making a 'task' look like an accident. This regards arranging a car accident or literally setting the target's house on fire.
No, it was too much work than it already was.
So you just sticked to the classic solution.
Right now you were waiting for Kang Seojun to arrive at the Corporation's building right next to Plaza where their company meeting took place.
"Where on earth is this man", you mumbled to yourself. "If I don't kill you today, Sujin will kill me for being late again."
While you still waited, you looked at your own reflection in the small pocket mirror you always carried with you.
Your dark red lipstick and eyebrows were perfect as always. At least you looked good doing bad stuff.
Then you heard a vehicle pulling to stop and muffled voices in the distance that was separating you from the street beneath you.
You immediately straightened.
You could see the car's door open and a blonde head peeking out.
There he is.
He surely took his sweet time. Ironically, he didn't have much of it left.
Don't move a muscle. Concentrate.
He was now slowly heading to the entrance of the building. You had to act quickly and effectively.
Breath in. Breath out. It's a piece of cake.
Your fingers carefully clasped around the trigger.
You shoot.
It didn't take long for the hell to break loose. But by now, you were accustomed to it. After all, that part of your job was always the same as well - after having eliminated the target, you had to escape as fast as you could. Without being seen by anyone.
You had to have your eyes wide open. And you had to be careful.
Very, very careful.
You knew exactly what happened to people like you who were being careless about the whole thing. So already in your early training days you decided to never put your guard down.
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The moment you entered Sephora you were met with Sujin putting a new delivery of Nars foundation onto the perfectly cleaned shelf.
To be honest, you actually really enjoyed working there. In your free time - time, when with a gun hidden in your boot you didn't run down the stairs of hotels, skyscrapers, apartment buildings, you name it - you liked playing with makeup and going shopping.
You could say it was a little benefit for you. You had to seem innocent, powerless. You had to be like a normal girl.
Well, at least pretend to be one.
"Hey, Sujin!"
"Finally! I would say 'right on time', but..."
"I'm sorry?"
She looked at you with an unreadable expression on her pretty face.
"Come on, help me sort it all." She pointed to the big box that rested beside her leg.
"Oh my." Your eyes scanned the new arrivals. "These are all so nice."
"Y/N, I know what you are thinking right now, come on. You basically have half of this store at home, you do not need another bottle of foundation."
You chuckled. "I didn't say anything!"
There was silence for a moment before Sujin spoke again.
"Actually, Y/N, are you seeing anyone at the moment?"
There it was. The question. You knew that one day she will completely see through you and get it that you were lying all along the way.
You always told her poor excuses for how come you never go out on any dates and aren't particularly interested in boys in general.
Because what else could you tell her?
You couldn't get too attached. Being who you were, didn't include love. You couldn't show anything that could be easily used against you.
"No, why? And on top of that, I already told you I'm too busy for a boyfriend." She looked unconvinced.
"What about Baekhyun?"
"What about him?"
You could expect her to ask about Baekhyun. Except for Sujin, he was your only friend. As if it wasn't obvious by now that you didn't have many friends. The less, the better, you always told yourself. In the end you were risking their safety as well. If you ever got discoveredā€¦
No. It won't happen.
Not again.
"Oh, don't be like that Y/N. Even a blind person could tell he likes you. He's liked you since you moved here! Why don't you just give it a chance? You two would be so cute together-"
"Sujin." You paused her. "Please, just leave it already, will you? Me and Baekhyun are good friends, but nothing more. Besides, Baekhyun is-"
"I'm what?"
You froze. Speaking of the devil. How did he even manage to sneak up on you like that everytime you least expected it?
"Baekhyun!" Sujin stood up to give him a quick hug. "Good to see you, how are things going?"
"I'm not complaining." He chuckled at her enthusiasm. "I see you two have some work to do."
"Just the usual. What brings you here?"
"Actually, I'm here for Y/N. Can I borrow her for a sec?"
You looked up at him from the foundation box you were sitting by.
His black hair was all messy, yet still managed to looked presentable. He was dressed in his standard outfit - plain white tee, black leather jacket and black ripped jeans, which, to be honest, were a little more than worn out.
Any other guy would look ridiculous, so why did he look so good?
Damn you, Baekhyun.
You stood up to properly face him.
"Sure, let's go."
He flashed you a wide smile before turning around and heading for the exit with you following behind him.
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"So, what is it you wanted to talk about Baek?", you asked once you were in the main venue of the mall.
"To tell the truth, I just wanted to see you."
Is this guy being serious right now?
Every other girl like Sujin, would probably think it was the cutest thing for a boy to do. But you weren't like the other girls.
"Aww, could it possibly be that you missed me?"
"You literally just saw me yesterday, Baekhyun."
Well, that was very true, you two used to quickly meet at the crossing in the morning before work quite often.
"Oh c'mon, you know what I'm trying to say." He lightly poked your arm. "We aren't spending so much time together anymore. And you always tell me you're busy. If I was somebody else I would even think you are avoiding me or something."
He didn't say it in an accusing tone but you knew he was partly right. Baekhyun just happened to be around almost always. It would be a lie if you said you didn't enjoy his company, because you did. But in your opinion, that alone was already one step too far. You preferred to turn him down and have him upset with you for a couple of hours than to risk being seen by someone who could use that information for certain purposes, or turn him down just because you had to take care of something at that time. Of course you told him you were busy, which also was true. But it seemed like it looked like a one big lie to him.
"Look, I know, but it's really not like that. If I say I'm busy, I really am. You know I wouldn't lie to you like that.
"So..." Baekhyun looked at you with puppy eyes. "Are you free this afternoon?" Another feature about him that honestly annoyed you, because you just couldn't help it but melt, was when he used that puppy look on you.
"Yeah, sure." Those words left your mouth before you could even think about it.
Dammit. You really needed to do some practising in resisting that boy's requests.
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You found yourself sitting on the rooftop of an apartment building sipping on a big cup of Starbucks coffee. The spot was lovely - actually, it was your favourite spot in the city back then when you first moved in into your apartment. It was also the spot where Baekhyun brought you when you hung out for the first time. Of course it wasn't a date - none of the times you two hung out was. At least you wouldn't call it in that manner. Maybe Sujin would, but in her eyes everything had a different meaning.
Baekhyun was sitting right beside you and sipping on his own cotton candy frappuccino while gazing onto some unindentified point in the space.
Funny, you thought. He usually was the one to talk, he rarely got so quiet when you two were together.
You turned to him and sipped as loud as you could to get his attention.
"Something happened?" You brought your attention back to your cup. "It's strange to see you shut up like that."
"Nah, it's nothing." He hesitated for a brief moment but then spoke again. "Actually, Y/N. There is something I've been meaning to ask you, but..."
Oh no. Sujin couldn't be possibly right, could she? Shit.
"I mean, for the past two years that we've been best friends I don't really know much about you when I think of it, and it just kind of bothers me."
Oh my god. You let the breath you didn't realise you were holding. So he wasn't about to ask you out. Good.
But what were you going to tell him now anyway?
"Uhm, what do you exactly mean?"
Baekhyun shrugged.
"Besides that you are eyebrows-obsessed, speak more languages than any other person I know and can't get through the day without coffee or chocolate I don't know nothing about the times before I met you and where you came from, who your parents are..." He glanced at you.
You gulped. Why did he suddenly want to know all of this?
"I don't know who your parents are either. And before moving here my life was just a little, hm, complicated to say the least." You carelessly run your hand through your locks hoping that he won't dig any deeper.
"Fine, let's leave the parents thing out." Now he was directly looking you in the eyes. "But what do you exactly mean by complica-"
Buzzzzzzz, buzzzzzzz.
He didn't get to finish the sentence when both your phones started vibrating in your pockets.
Baekhyun took his phone and looked and the bright screen.
"Aish, sorry I have to take this." He gave you an apologetic look.
"No worries, I have to take mine as well. Might be something important at work."
 You smiled before quickly staying up and taking a little distance to finally slide your finger across the screen to accept the call.
"What the actual hell Yixing? I told you not to call me during the day!" You were careful to not be too loud, just in case.
But still, you completed your task just as he wanted, so what could it possibly be now?
"What-" His voice on the other line sounded a little bit irritated. "Would you quit shouting like that? Geez, my poor earā€¦"
"Look, I'm with a friend right now, so hurry up and tell me why you're calling before he hears everything."
"I'm calling you because I need you to show up at my office, like, right now." He paused before quickly adding "very urgent."
Sometimes you really just wanted to throw a shoe in his face.
"Yeah, fine. Already on my way."
You hung up.
When you were about to go back to where you and Baekhyun were sitting just a few moments ago, you saw him approaching you first.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry, but I have to go." He started to nervously scratch his neck.
"I have to go too. Something came up and they need me at... uhm, work." You wanted to sound confident but your voice sounded like anything else but that to you.
"The universe just wants to keep us apart for some reason, huh?" Baekhyun smiled ironically before quickly hugging you and making himself on his way.
Keep us apart, you thought to yourself. Maybe this is just the way things should be.
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You arrived at Yixing's office not more than 15 minutes after you said goodbye to Baekhyun. You entered without knocking and immediately sat on the chair in front of his desk.
"So, what is this all about? Everything went smoothly in the morning, the guy is still very dead."
Yixing looked up from his laptop.
"I know, but this is not about that."
You raised your eyebrows.
"I just got a phone call. I don't know how to explain this, this is the first time a client requests something like that, though." He furrowed his eyebrows.
"What exactly is this request?"
"The client asked to meet you before you complete what they want you to do. Tomorrow, Cloud 9 at 11 o'clock."
"Cloud 9? That fancy cafƩ on the 22nd floor? Pardon me, but what for?"
Yixing raised his palms. "I seriously don't know Y/N. They only said they wanted to reveal to you some particular information on the target. Other than that, they didn't name any price, so I suppose that's what they want to discuss with you personally."
"Well. Well, alright. How will I recognise them? Is it a man or a woman?"
"It was a woman's voice on the phone, and she didn't say anything about her appearance except for short blonde hair. She said she will recognise you."
"Fine, so be it." You nodded. "Can I go now?"
Yixing waved his hand in the yeah-go-away manner. "Yes, dismissed."
A client wanting to meet up with you? Well that was new.
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The next day, you were preparing yourself for the "meeting". That woman said she would recognise you, right? But wait. How was she going to recognise you? And how did she even know how you look like?
Hold on, calm down.
After all you were pretty popular among the more significant people from dark businesses. There's no need to invent things.
You didn't really have a plan what to wear, so you decided you will keep it simple but with style. You went for black ripped jeans, white off-shoulder top and your casual white sneakers.
Perfect. None would even think of who you actually were, which was always your kind of a motto.
When you arrived at Cloud 9 it was 10:45. The client should appear soon as well. You walked in and took a seat at a table possibly far from unsuspecting ears.
The Cloud 9 cafƩ was a really nice place. It was on the 22nd floor, so it had a wonderful view at the entire city. The floor was a white marble while the walls where in warm shade of deep chocolate brown. The cafƩ alone was in shape of a circle, so it basically had glass all around, through which you could admire the beautiful view.
You took a look on your phone. 11:10. The client is not here yet. But they said 11 o'clock, right? Do they really think they can just keep you waiting like this? Instead, your screen lit up once again with an incoming call from Baekhyun.
That boy.
"Hey, Y/N! Where are you right now?"
"I'm supposed to meet up with someone but they're already 10 minutes late." You stopped. You shouldn't be just spilling everything so carelessly to Baekhyun.
"What? With who?"
"Uhm, none in particular. Work, you know. She's a... she's the boss of Sephora on the other side of the town, you know. We wanted to discuss which new brands our both stores could take to... to widen the whole thing. Or something." You weren't convincing even yourself, but scratch that right now.
"Oh." If he didn't believe you he didn't show it. "Uhm, so, did you say they were late? Where are you?" His voice sounded as if he had been running.
"I'm at Cloud 9. Why?"
"I, well, I just happen to be nearby so I can keep you a little company while you wait?"
"Yeah, alright. I'm hanging up now."
You looked at your screen once again. 11:20. Was ist some kind of a joke? Why is this woman, or whoever that client is, already 20 minutes late?
You decided to wait another 15 minutes, and if they won't show up, you will go straight up to Yixing and tell him to stop playing some stupid tricks on you, or whichever ridiculousness that was, which was just taking place.
You couldn't get more annoyed because just then you noticed Baekhyun's black fringe peeking inside. You waved him over.
When he approached your table, you also noticed that he was breathing heavily, just as if he really had been running.
"Woah, there. Are you running away from someone?"
His eyes immediately widened. "What? No, no."
"You look like you just ran in a marathon."
"Well, thanks Y/N." He glanced at you with a pout. He always looked like a little boy when he did that. "Anyway, how long are you planning to wait? When were they supposed to be here?"
You frowned. "They were supposed to be here at 11, but looks like I have been forgotten." You looked over to your phone for the 10th time. 11:28. Really?
You glanced at Baekhyun. His cheeks were red and he was licking his lips nervously. Something clearly was going on, and you wanted to know what.
You put your arms on the table.
"Baekhyun, come on, tell me what-"
You didn't get the chance to finish your sentence when there was a loud BANG! just a few meters away from you.
You both snapped your heads in the direction where the noise came from.
There was a man wearing a long black coat along with the rest of his clothes as well as his hair which also were all black.
He was holding a gun in his right Hand.
But then he turned around and you saw his face.
You knew that face.
And apparently, he recognised you. But also, his gaze seemed to waver on Baekhyun as well with a spark of recognition too.
You quickly glanced at Baekhyun.
His eyes were wide and his expression blank.
Then the man spoke.
"Well, well, well. What do we got here?" He looked around himself and at the frightened people who were probably praying for their life. "To tell the truth, this doesn't concern any of you here, so will you gather your asses and fuck off before I change my mind and kill y'all?"
The people started rushing out of the cafƩ making as little noise as possible, probably terrified of the thought that that crazy man in all black could start shooting anytime.
"And don't even think of going to the police! If you still want your brains in your heads, just saying!" The man called behind them, waving with his gun.
Shit. This was all so confusing that all you could do was to look back and forth at the man and at Baekhyun, who, still motionless, sat beside you.
The man took a few steps forward before speaking again.
"No, this is just too good to be true. Honestly, I would never, ever think that our two delinquents know each other." He was now grinning maniacally, which to be completely honest, creeped you out like nothing before.
But wait, did he just say "our two delinquents"?
"What do you want Tao?" You and Baekhyun spoke at the exact same time.
You both looked at each other. "You know him?!" Baekhyun pointed at the man called Tao.
"Yes, but how do you know him?!" Now you also raised your finger to point at Tao.
Then you heard a very loud laugh.
"Seriously, stop!" Tao was rubbing his wet eyes. "Ah, this is so good. You have no idea who he is - and you, you have no fucking idea who she is!"
Okay, now it was getting really sick.
"Care to explain what's going on?" You glared at Tao.
"But of course. I'm here because of two reasons. First" He looked at Baekhyun. "I really was hoping to find you here, to be honest. Like we made it clear the last time we saw each other - you won't get away with what you pulled on that race. And also, we want that car back."
"Are fucking kidding me?" Now it was Baekhyun who snapped. "Where are your eyes? Everyone saw and can confirm that it was all fair! I won. And that car was never yours, so quit talking nonsense."
You felt your head spinning. Race? Car? Was Baekhyun also hiding Secrets?
"Wait." You turned to Baekhyun. "You are racing?"
"Y/N, I..." He run a hand through his hair.
Tao began to laugh again. "Right, let me make this clear to you. This idiot over here, is doing illegal street races for about, let me think, 2 years now? He somehow managed to drive off with our car from the last race in Shanghai, so that's why I'm here for his sorry ass."
"I told you that car is NOT yours!"
"Yeah, whatever. I will deal with you later." Tao turned to look at you. "And you darling, tell me, isn't it too much for you to live with the awareness of all the lives you have taken?"
You swallowed. Shit. That bastard just exposed you in front of Baekhyun, and nothing can take it back.
"Don't talk to me as if you're better, Tao."
"Oh, besides I heard the news. Kang Seojun is dead? Good job, Y/N. Were you playing hunter on the roof again? But fuck, you really must be a millionaire by now, with all these little paid crimes."
"What..." Baekhyun opened and closed his mouth repeatedly, imitating a goldfish. "Wait, no. You... you kill for money...?" He looked as confused as a human being can look. "Hold on a sec, you mean... like seriously doing that stuff assassins in the movies do?"
You felt like you were about to cry. You never wanted him to find out. Now he probably will hate you. Probably will be disgusted and disappointed in you.
"This is so funny" Tao chuckled. "And guess what I'm about to do with you, little princess? Remember Kris, right? Well, long story short he wants you dead."
Tao pointed his gun at you.
You saw your life fleeting before your eyes.
Shit. Shit, that wasn't how it was supposed to end.
"It was nice knowing you, Y/N. For the good old tim-" Shatter. He didn't finish the sentence, when a glass bottle shattered on his head.
Tao fell on the floor, unconscious.
You stared in complete shock at the person who just knocked him down. A scream of surprise left your lips.
You were met with a petite figure of brown-haired boy with sweet eyes which looked at you.
No, this can't be. After these years, you thought he might have ended up dead. But he was standing right in front of you, very alive.
The first most important person in your life. You grew up together and went through good and bad times together, arm in arm.
He was the reason why you promised yourself that you won't get attached to people, ever again.
You saw everything in a blur. What has just happened?
You placed your palm on your cheek, still looking at the petite boy in front of you, who still was holding the half-broken glass bottle.
You slowly stood up.
The boy threw the glass on the side and smiled.
"Long time no see, honey."
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A/N: End of the first chapter! This is my first ever fanfiction, so Iā€™m really excited (and hella scared, lol) to finally post it! If this piece gets positive feedback, I will be more than happy and motivated to continue and make it a mini-series! I put lots of my time and heart into this first ever fanfic and I would love to properly start writing and improve my skills. So please please please leave me your thoughts, I would very appreciate it! Also donā€™t forget to leave a heart if you liked it, and feel free to reblog if you want to! <3
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