#i feel to my bones cersei would have such deep and unselfaware convictions about this
visenyaism · 1 year
what are ur cersei rhaenyra thoughts? personally i think cersei is both a rhaenyra hater bc of her unparalleled internalized misogyny (she's like 'i had to suffer this so you have to as well'—a bit like alicent except cersei is less resentful and more malicious) but also a rhaenyra defender bc she's sooo fed up with younger brothers always getting what they want
at her core cersei lannister thinks she is better and smarter than everyone as well as fundamentally different from all women to the extent that she thinks all women both want and deserve their oppression and she’s just different. But i think she has a lot in common with fire and blood rhaenyra in that they both desperately want power because they think it’s their right and then once they get it rule in an incredibly self-destructive way because they were both denied political education and/or full of targaryen/lannister exceptionality brainpoison.
I think Cersei would think Rhaenyra was an idiot for not straight-up murdering Aegon II as a baby, and also have this huge “why would you let anything bad happen to you if you have a dragon. you must have deserved it” mentality. She’s terrified of ending up in a situation like Rhaenyra was in at the end of the Dance, so she just chooses to believe it can’t happen to her because she’s smarter. Huge believer that Rhaenyra’s failure as a queen was letting the smallfolk storm the dragonpit, but that she should have prevented it from happening by just indiscriminately murdering them. None of these things would have helped Rhaenyra’s reign obviously. also think she’d be a Mushroom truther on account of her own violent upbringing and marriage making her view damn near everything through the lens of sexual violence and humiliation. Also a huge hater of the bastard thing despite being in an identical situation because it’s different when it’s her.
Ultimately i think Cersei’s might-makes-right brain would come down on the side that Rhaenyra didn’t deserve to be king for “letting” the smallfolk or her brother steal all her power from her despite doing all of the exact same things as Tommen’s regent. Also that rhaenyra is dumb for getting severely outsmarted by a Lannister because lions never lose💥🦁💥🦁💥
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