#i feel like. there's a sort of Dissonance there. i cant explain-
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what do you MEAN they mentioned Iblis in the knuckles show???????
#im using words#i don't care about the live action movies but?????????#sonic 06 lore???? there???#is it really or am i just misinterpreting the bits of information i care to consume#i feel like. there's a sort of Dissonance there. i cant explain-
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hey everyone, so ive had a lot of time at this point to ruminate and have had conversation after conversation about everything going on and i truly and genuinely mean this when i say i think so much of my thinking and immediate reactions were entirely based in fear, anxiety and grief that i didn't give myself the ability to view the situation as it is.
ill say from the beginning ive always chosen to view this in a worst case scenario perspective. not just for myself, but also i think dismissing the victim ESPECIALLY those using anything to dismiss her literally instantly is really icky and so ive always looked at this with the perspective of everything (more or less) being true. now with that in mind--i dont think this entire thing was nearly as black and white as i initially thought it was. im saying it straight to save everyone the time to try and figure out my perspective, but after talking with people and thinking about real life, how people irl would view this and DO view it and other instances of this exact scenario happening both online and in real life: this is truly just not the horrible morally bankrupt incident i thought it was.
i thought a lot about how i wanted to go about explaining my perspective or if i even wanted to bc i really didnt want this to he seen as "dream defense" or align myself with the people who have had that stance since the absolute beginning bc they are srsly insane, but this is more for myself and for anyone who felt like they didnt have a perspective they resonated with throughout all of this. this is one of the first instances where i felt a genuine dissonance between my thoughts and feelings and my friends in the community whose thoughts i have always always valued above anything else, often even my own, especially when i was struggling with feeling conflicted out of fear and grief. i always clung to the people whose opinions i trusted (and still do trust dont get me wrong) because it felt easier than having to sort my guilty and scared conscience into rationality that could possibly oppose the people ive always looked to for guidance in discourse. just that fear on being on the wrong side of history and such. but like i said, this long winded and horribly overserious essay is for me more than anyone else--if not for people who have struggled with the exact same shitty time.
ill say the absolute first thing: it was not grooming. i held this opinion literally the entire time and people calling it grooming are not only using the term wrong but genuinely causing harm to such a serious topic. we are talking about two adults in a relationship with an age difference of four years like holy shit. when the first girl dropped her story, almost everyone came to the conclusion that it just wasnt that serious because he thought she was 18. with the second girl, she was one month from 18 and the dms from before turning such were genuinely the driest conversations in the world that he never initiated or made any notion of pursuing. this isnt to say you cant be icked out--the point of me talking about this isnt to make you suddenly change your views on anything but to try and claim that it was grooming or a crime took place is just wrong and dishonest of everyone. this is such a large part of where my personal dissonance with everyone's takes came from bc the way people were trying to claim that liking an 18 year old as a 22 year old was something akin to literal pedophilia (<- bc people WERE genuinely saying this) made me feel confused but also deeply guilty because i really just did not understand. and now that im less miserable, i can recognize that that confusion wasnt just linked to parasocialism or whatever deep twisted thing i thought was in my soul, it was literally just not the big insane evil everyone made it out to be. again, this isnt to try and say you individually cant be like "i dont like this" or "this is icky to me" or "this was bad judgement on his part" (<- which is my personal view btw) but to pretend it is some strange insane act of an active predator genuinely boggles my mind. i dont want to chalk everything up to being covidbrained but i think its a huge part of where this dissonance to real life comes from because i really do think if most of you sit down with genuinely and utterly normal people, they will not give a fuck about this. ive SEEN people have conversations about this with noemal people irl and have them literally laugh in their face bc of how deeply unserious it is. and again, i want to reenforce that doesnt mean YOU dont have to care, but to act as if this isnt an objectively undeep incident between two people is odd, especially to the degree ive seen.
now i cant just say this and be done so lets talk about the next part that people had an issue with: fan and creator power dynamic. ill also say this very straight: when the stuff came out with both girls i had a much larger issue with the "age gaps" than i did this for so many reasons. ive always, even before all of this, had my own opinions and such about ccs and fans ever having relationships and it usually along the basis of "as long as there is consent and mutuality, i have no real issue." its not strange to me that people want to be with people they like and idealize and vice versa. to keep this as objective as i can with this perspective, i wont get into thoughts that for dream specifically it especially doesnt surprise me in the sense that his past relationship + facing vitriol from every corner of the internet but fans + overall paranoia could have absolutely reenforced the normalcy and reasoning in this judgement call but i digress. i mean just obvious examples of people wanting to get with celebrities, or groupies or even in platonic ways where fans become genuine and actual friends of creators--ccs having relationships with fans was never a big deal to me personally. and since its relevant to mention in this case, ESPECIALLY online ones. im not saying there cant be power imbalances among a fan and a cc/celebrity, but to get like theyre all inherently like that again just makes zero sense to me and never has even before dream. this applies especially online where power dynamics are significantly dampened from what they can be and just i mean logically, dream has been a full blown cc for like a little less than 3 years and only at this level for maybe 1 or 2 without experiencing it in real life too. the idea that he himself would not see an issue with this, especially because it was a mutual exchange of company, is so completely unsurprising. and at its core, there really is no real issue in it of itself. a bad judgement call from dream? yes and ill stand by that since he shouldve been better safe than sorry. morally bankrupt and manipulative? 😭 no, not after really assessing shit rationally. i also want to add that it was a mutual thing. i know people are really trying to tear everything amanda says apart (<- which is incredibly strange btw, especially if that was your instant reaction and you were doing it publicly too), but taking everything shes saying as true, we know that there was a MUTUAL exchange of things of a sexual nature and this wasnt some manipulative one-sided exchange where dream controlled everything and gave nothing in return. this isnt to say that amandas feelings are entirely invalid or anything along those lines, but those feelings stem from miscommunication and not morally bankrupt predatory behaviours. like seeing all of the info and looking at the situation as it is, its very clear dream saw and believed this to be a mutual relationship. i was so confused and scared and panicked seeing words like "groomer", "innocent", "guilty", "predator" and others being thrown around i didnt even want to try viewing it for myself. but now that i have and now that ive talked to others, this entire situation reads as a bad break up more than anything else, not a strange manipulative abuse of power where mutuality is nonexistent.
overall this entire situation was framed so horrifically and i was tearing myself apart so much about feeling confused, it genuinely did not hit me the extent of just how deeply unserious it was until a friend of mine told me how they went out with their normal, most unchronically online friend, told the situation in the most objective way possible, and they literally laughed in their fucking face 😭 i also started thinking about real life instances of this happening like if it was another cc, a random tiktoker, an actor and realizing i literally would not care--and significantly less people who are as up in arms as they are would care too. and that ignores the fact that it was ONLINE, compared to in-person where whatever power dynamic could exist would be amplified by a thousand.
this entire thing is just so entirely subjective and if your personal opinions and values find this all shitty, absolutely no one is going to try and say to feel otherwise, at least not me. but to completely ignore that its just that--personal--values and opinions that determine how you view this, and act as though it is objectively some morally bankrupt, impossible to understand, predatory situation just feels reactionary and disconnected from real life at best and just shitty and even virtue signalling at worst. and also dont get me started on what some of you twisted that charity event in technos memory into because fucking shame on you, but ill make a separate post on that later maybe.
this really isnt meant to be a form of "dream defense" because if i was taught anything this past week it was that the way i connected so much of my own conscience to my ability to defend dream and his pr was and is entirely unhealthy, and it was all a wake up call--just not towards dream. the level of miserable agony i experienced, not even mostly because of what dream did, but because i felt like i couldnt DEFEND it, was dangerously all consuming and i dont want that anymore. its just not a healthy way to engage with any media, the need to constantly justify it in every single instance, and especially not with a cc. i want to be able to just see drama and controversy ride out and not have it feel so utterly all consuming, even if i do choose to comment on it. im making this statement bc like i said, it really sucked to feel like there was no public voice i completely agreed with and i realized that i could do that role if i wanted. and honestly, its just been very cathartic for me to write all of this out after feeling like an echo chamber of other peoples thoughts and my own grief the last week.
this community disappointed me in many ways, both the freaks who jumped on any baseless thread disproving amandas claims, dissected her behaviour, was very strangely dream defensive and chose to do all that shit PUBLICLY too. but also the people who chose to use this as an opportunity to act in the most reactionary strange ways that felt so virtue signal-y it was nauseating. i know the people who held/hold the views i did also dealt with the guilt and fear i did too, and thus no one was willing to so deal with the mortifying ordeal of a) sorting through these thoughts and b) saying them in any kind of public space even with just close friends, but ESP on a public blog. i mean, that was literally me. but it really fucking sucked to have just these two extremely polarizing and extremely isolating opinions be the only available voices 😭 my thoughts are getting very rambley now and i apologize, but i hope my points are getting across.
this is already insanely long, but ill start wrapping up. if you disagree with me, obviously thats fine. like i said, this was never made with the objective to change peoples minds which arguably was what my usual dream discourse essays was meant for sometimes. this was made for me and for this specific perspective to have light for anyone who wants or needs it. all i hope is that if you do come out of this with anything, is some form of awareness. of either real life, your opinions or even just yourself i dont know.
i really did love my time on tumblr so so fucking much. and i loved the people here even more so. i think i owe it all to you guys and just my blog itself to say my thoughts on shit, no matter if any of you agree or not. plus i mean if this flops i surely never have to face the consequences if im leaving anyways so peepoClap. thank you all so much for everything, and if you made it this far, thank you so much for taking the time to read my bullshit. i dont know if after this ill still leave, but regardless, it feels wrong to not make some homage to such an impactful place in my life. impactful people too :)
thank u all for reading again, and good fucking night !
#this is maybe the longest tumblr post ive ever made but i think it needed to be#i bet lots of you are sick of reading about this too but this still felt important to post#i already said so much in the essay itself so i wont keep going in the tags too#just love u all very much. stay safe everyone ❤️#hope this brings some perspective to anyone if they want it :)#dream situation#discourse
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hm.... i finally finished crystal kingdom n i got some Thots
#mostly that i can like sense this more serious/aware tonal shift approaching and its like#explaining that rift between what i feel like ive been listening to and what ive seen people talking about#and like obviously the way this story came about this sort of criticism as an actual indictment of them#is totally unfair so its not that per se#its just like the dissonance has been bugging me and the shift is bugging me now too but im sure ill get used to it#like not that things cant be both serious and funny like im sure itll still be funny#its just jarring in a way?#but again like not blaming anyone at all because obviously this is good and what’s like... the best and what anyone would do yknow#its just weird to listen to i guess fkdjdlshaks#granted im like barely into it but its still a weird adjustment#mclb: taz
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so for another original topic i havent done to death already i’m going to talk about how xenoblade 2 isnt as good as the original. big shocker i know but stay with me here. alright so now all the anime losers with shit taste have left that means only people who’ve played xc1 and have taste remain, with that out of the way i think its safe to say that no one is spoiled massively by knowing fiora dies in the like the first hour of the game not too long after joining the party. now this scene is one of many great ones in the game, and one of the best at that, the song “engage the enemy” is practically made for this scene and honestly this game’s soundtrack dwarfs its’ sequel pretty handily there too. the execution of this scene is what sets it up so well though, fiora isn’t expected to die initially since she’s a playable character and fits nicely into your earlygame party trio, with shulk as the break setup and support, reyn as the tank and toppler, and fiora with the quick arts that play off of that topple. so losing her permanently as that particular party member and playstyle is already a blow you feel as the player, but also isn’t expected from the typical rpg. not only this but the story up to this point and even the gameplay has been building up the monado and its’ ability to defeat the mechon, as you never play any situation where you lose holding it, it eventually damages dunban due to its’ power, but that just sells you more on how incredible the monado must be, and then shulk gets it and can use it perfectly and gets visions to avoid lethal situations. the monado is now yours as a player, and it’s getting even stronger and revealing new powers to you. the first boss appears and rather than being a demonstration of the monado’s power by asking you to use what you’ve learned so far with it in conjunction with your arts, instead the game does something you don’t expect (again) by making the first boss a forced loss scenario, where metal face cannoy be damaged by the monado, and wrecks your shit for a minute or two. you are made to feel as powerless and helpless about the situation as shulk, reyn and dunban do, and you are forced to watch in the same state as they are when fiora’s brave stance is ultimately quashed and she is brutally killed. you see the vision of her defeat, but to add insult to injury, you see her being killed, the blood on metal face’s claws, and the mechon going like scavengers to her corpse, while the party is unable to do anything about it. it’s heartwrenching as a scene and leaves an impact like no other on the player and the characters.
now to sort of emphasise what this scene does so well in shock value and using gameplay and story together to immerse you in the events unfolding, lets look at a similar scene with a somewhat similar outcome from xenoblade 2, the true forced loss scenario of that game, jin’s awakening and the subsequent capturing of pyra/mythra. this scene takes place later on in the game, and is the main goal of the antagonists anyway, so seeing it as a possibility was always in the player’s mind, but also that the game itself has complete dissonance in its story and gameplay. boss fights like akhos’ first encounter play out in the gameplay that you win, then you seemingly lose in the cutscene, all that effort being meaningless. you drain a boss’ health to zero, but the resulting story acts like the gameplay just didn’t happen. what should’ve been a forced loss scenario doesnt play out properly and doesn’t catch you off guard properly like with fiora dying, but just seems like the game doesn’t know what it wants you to feel. an earlier example is defeating morag in gormott, then the party flees her rather than beating her like they did in gameplay. the game does a poor job of setting up a proper outcome based on gameplay, if you lose in these fights you have to do them over, even if the outcome in cutscene is the same as if you hadn’t beaten them. so when jin presents a forced loss scenario, its not built up properly, doesn’t subvert expectations as much, on account of you expecting that regardless of how well you do in a fight, there’s a good chance the gang loses anyway, so when jin just transforms out of nowhere and overpowers the gang and expositions his abilities to you in real time, rather than leaving it a mystery like metal face does, you don’t feel as helpless since you know his powers are just anime bullshit and that the game keeps defeating you all the time in cutscenes anyway. the aegis’ strength doesn’t get as built up as the monado since the game keeps tearing it down in every cutscene and downplays it, only using mythra’s awakening in uraya to really show it off. there’s also the lack of an impact in regards to the fact that losing pyra and mythra is more of an inconvenience than anything, and you know that you’ll get them back since that becomes an established goal, and that you don’t lose the main character’s weapon, or the heroine(s) of the story.
fiora returning as a mechon hybrid is a genuine surprise since you see her die outright early on and the story is about avenging her death. again, the player is less involved in the scene where fiora dies, rather than with the scene where the aegis is taken from rex, since the game has built dissonance rather than harmony between gameplay and story, and its presentation of its antagonist is harder to take as seriously when he’s expositing his fucking powers to you as he uses them to effortlessly win, when previously akhos did the same thing with obrona throughout his encounters in uraya and explaining specifically why You Can’t Beat me, as opposed to xord and metal face who, once they speak, allude to the fact that You Can’t Beat Me, but leave it as a mystery for the player and party to unravel instead, making learning their weakness and defeating them feel more satisfying than getting a sudden power upgrade to match the anime bullshit. i mean, what sounds more possible to overcome with the right knowledge of said ability, having the blood of homs to prevent the monado from damaging the face units, or Literally Being Able To Manipulate All Elementary Particles AND Move Past The Speed Of Light. xenoblade 2 just becomes more absurd than the original, and as a result its story really has less of an overall impact on the player experiencing it, and doesn’t truly immerse them in that experience.
also vandham dying has like zero impact on the player compared to fiora. fiora had a genuine spot in the team up to that point, whereas vandham not only gets his blade taken by rex later on, but he cant resonate other blades anyway, so he has only one option, so he’s already outclassed by rex as your attacker, since anchor shot is just that valuable earlygame. and by this point you already had a full team good to go. so his death is not a good counter to this post either, since it barely has any impact and outside of roc and the garfont mercenaries side content, it is never acknowledged in the story ever again and has barely any bearing on the rest of the plot, as well as being followed up by a fucking Mythra Being A Weird Tsundere scene that gives some strong fucking whiplash
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“World Enough and time” quicktakes:
fuck dudes what if the Xmas special is a “Caves of Androzani” thing where the Dr is basically dying the whole time. that'd explain the dramatic 'noooooo', bc this Dr Who i feel isn't a 10 Dr sort of, fuck you i need THIS ME to live, but in the context of 'i can't do the regeneration tango rn i have work to do' it makes sense
god i love generational ships. this ep doesn't quite nail it but i love that SF trope
MISSY. who is Doctor Who, with her plucky assistants/expendables. i am in love. "Think of the age gap" fuckin
"Nardole, do something non-irritating," says Dr Who, eating snacks. all my Twelvedole headcanons are basically canon now
"Time Lords are friends, everything else is cradle-snatching." you could do a meta on the Time Lord take on intimacy using that line alone.
Friends above all else. And the Dr and Missy are very, very old friends
"You're probably handsome, aren't you. Well congratulations on your relative symmetry." I love Missy ok
"And if I'm in the shower, just bring me some beans on toast. That's....that's roughly human flirting, right?" MISSY.
her accent ramping up on "this ridiculous exercise" right i just really love Missy
Dr Who's real name is Dr Who. the meta nods, i'm livin. "I'm cutting to the chase baby, I'm streamlining, I'm saving us ac-tu-al minutes." *dab* M I S S Y
"Are you eating?" yes, yes they are. luv this hungry boy
Nardole was Blue, once. what the fuck is Nardole
"Is this the emotion you call...spanking" holy shit Missy please i cant
i love how the Dr's speech is just cut off, it reminds me of - i think it's an Indiana Jones? where the one dude is like *dramatic sword flourishing* and the other dude just straight-up shoots him
like i know it'll end up ok but BILL NO. this moment doesn't quite feel earned - like maybe if more of the writers had really used her? but it kind of just feels shitty and cheap. horrifying, but it woulda landed better if she'd been more present beforehand. see also: how "Heaven Sent" woulda worked better if Clara hadn't been fridged or off away wherever i really wish we'd had more 12&Bill moments. i love what we get here, just that shoulda happened all season
nice kitchen. looks like an Aalto-Shaam and a salamander, plus fryer and misc. decent set-up for a college cafeteria.
"What's so special about her?" "I don't know." "Yes you do." "Are you having an emotion?" See THIS is what i want this Team TARDIS to be and i'm so mad we're only getting it now
Twelvedole is canon tho look @ these 2 obnoxious boys
and fuck that scene w/ 12 and Bill just chatting about crushes i wish we'd had more of that
i feel like 12 has eaten more on camera than any other dr who, i am here for this hungry boy who drops chips on their lap
"she was my man-crush - I think she was a man back then" all the gender-misc sexuality-misc stuff yes YEs like sure it's clumsy but it's CANON
"but you still call yourselves Time...Lords." "Yeah shut up." seriously why did we not get more of 12 and Bill hanging out
the PACT to see ALL OF THE STARS anyway Best Enemies is real
i love Bill admitting that she's scared, and doing the thing anyway. Bill in a nutshell right there
oh GOD the body-horror of the Cybermen and the VOICES uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhghghgwaghfgejf nope
"Wait for me" oh way to use hope to fuck someone up again. why, why dude
on first watch i did not at all suspect that this dude is the Master in disguise, i’m a dum-dum
so this hurts more on re-watch
and after input from smarter people - the disguise the Master uses is sort of...like it edges into a hinky area. dunno if it's anti-semetic as such (im not an expert, just it feels fucky on second viewing) but it does flirt with those tropes a lot and w h y would you go there
ffffffuck the converted people just screaming out best they can that they're in pain, and then being silenced. this is for me probs the most directly horrifying thing DW has done since, idk, "Midnight"? been a while, anyway. fuck, dudes
so i know it's the Master now but i do really love the relationship Bill has with Master-In-Disguise. it's a trick, a trap, but it also feels almost...genuine. they have a dynamic, Bill believes in it and i'd be almost be willing to believe the Master does too, despite themselves
Nurse Ratched continues to terrify audiences. the self-assured evil-nurse trope, like. is it cheap? yes. is it fucking me up? also yes. (my favorite aunt is a nurse, i’ve had a lot of - like not good experiences, but experiences where the nurses saved the day best they could; i love nurses but ALSO this trope ok ok ok aw geez)
the body-horror in this episode continues to be OFF THE CHARTS like this is as if someone asked me 'what deeply upsets you' and then they made an episode about it holy fuck
why's Dr Who fucking around for so long if they already know the bottom is much faster and Bill's down there for years like fuck off, be succinct, cough it up. 12 is every waiter i've ever dealt with as expo like - just FUCKING SAY WHAT YOU NEED don't dick around
i do really love Bill here. that mix of needing to leave and wanting to stay, or vice versa
V E N U S I A N A K I D O. they've got hidden talents and hidden arms
the graphics in this episode are nice that black hole is nice somebody put some work in there
speaking of the assets - Murray Gold nearly on a Phillip Glass tip here. that sort of dissonant orchestral thing. you could rescore this with the soundtrack to Koyaanisqatsi, easily
god that Cyberman voice is...so upsetting. again, always. fuck that shit. this does have a big Spare Parts vibe, with the dying world trying to save itself and the semi-volunteers. it's not quite as emotionally crushing as Spare Parts but it does angle towards that whole...yknow
"aw, sorry mate, guess what I'm about to do" like even knowing what he is, what this situation is, this is such a pure Bill moment and i love it
but fuck dudes this is ultra horrifying this is so bad and i like it bc i'm confident it'll end up ok but god oh god oh no Bill i wish that hadn’t happened
Missy/Master sure is a thing. i'm really hoping Missy is stronger than that now, better than that now
fuck my emotions are all over the place
that Master reveal was straight out of Classic Who
"You've met the ex" / "I waited for you" oh shit oh no
NEXT TIME: my soul dies, everything is bad, aw fuck
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Prompt: Obi and Shirayuki stumble across a village where the people speak in riddles and shed their clothing from dark until dawn in a trance-like state. Shirayuki has to figure out what is going on because now Obi is running around naked with them
Lyrias has not brought tribute for months.
“Is that odd?” Shirayuki asks when they stop at mid-day, lettingEpona rest. She wanders some steps off before she speaks, splashing her facewith the cool water from the pool. Although her stout-hearted mare has come totolerate Zen and much of his entourage, she has never quite warmed to Obi. Evennow she shies in the clearing, feeling his presence.
Obi, tucked firmly into a willow’s shade, replies, “What doyou think?”
She ducks her head, flushing. His tone is as conversationalas it usually is, but it is hard not to imagine impatience coloring his words,to hear clipped edges in his accent. She thinks to apologize, to explain howeasy it is to forget, but she knowsthat he would like that even less.
“I doubt Izana would suffer disrespect from his tenants,”she says instead. “He is fair, but not merciful.”
He turns one of his wicked blades in his hand, long fingersdeftly moving in a way that had she tried, would have resulted in significantlyfewer digits. “Few of his kind are.”
“Even fewer I would call fair,” she says with some measureof censure, “save of face.”
He grins at that. “True enough, Miss.”
The days grow shorter and colder as they wind their waynorth. They follow good practice at Shirayuki’s insistence and keep the riverto the west of them. Obi doesn’t protest so much a whine, mouth set in a petulant pout, calling it a useless human superstition. It’sserved her well all these years and she sees no reason to abandon it. Itclearly makes him restless, edgy, but since Tanbarun that has been the rulerather than the exception. She doesn’t precisely disregard him, but she’slearned often enough to take a sidhe’s word with a grain of salt.
One noon she comes to rest by the river’s side, and when shedraws Epona to drink, it is frozen.
“Is that –?” She stops herself, takes a moment to rephrase.“This isn’t normal.”
“No, Miss,” he says, closer than she expects and worryinglyserious. “It isn’t.”
They come to the village late in the evening, the sunalready setting behind the trees. Frost sets the brown grass white, and as theywalk toward the light, it’s as if Shirayuki is walking on glass for the way ittinkles beneath her. She might as well have bells on.
Obi, of course, makes no sound.
He’s tense, his shoulders a hard, forbidding line besidehers. His muddled magic buzzes in her ear, rattling with agitation like teeth in a skull. Folk take one look at the both of them – two hooded figures, onedark, one light – and close their doors. A mother catches the gold glint of Obi’sgaze and hurries her children inside, mouth a worried line.
They act as if heis the threat, but Shirayuki feels something deeper, something darker press against her skin here. Thedanger here does not come from without, but within.
“Mistress!” calls out a sandy-haired boy, breaking throughthe thinning crowd. “Your cloak is Cunning green, is it not?”
She’s surprised he can pick out the hue in the dying light. “Yes.I am kept by the court of Clarines.”
His eyes grow wide. “Come with me then, lady. There’s othersyou should talk to.”
The boy’s name is Kirito, and his uncle is the Cunning Manof this village.
“One of them, at least,” he explains eagerly. “He has a fewstudents under him here.”
A few turns out tobe an understatement; there’s no less than ten students that make up hispractice. Shirayuki’s never seen such a thing, not even when she lived closerto the city.
“He’s gone missing,” says his most senior apprentice, Suzu.He’s a handful of years older than her, with hooded eyes that give him analmost laconic air even as he imparts this dire news. “A month ago, I’d reckon.We’ve been trying to hold things together since then.”
“It’s like trying to build a house with balsa and bootlace,”one of the others volunteers, a girl Obi’s age that calls herself Yuzuri. “It’sjust not enough, not to keep up with as much as it’s spreading.”
“And there’s no physical reason for it?” Shirayuki asks,gaze sweeping around the sickroom. Three dozen able-bodied men and women lay onits floor, packed side-to-side, making no sound save for the harsh noise oftheir breath. “No grain left to wet, or rot in the well?”
Suzu shakes his head. “No, they just drop right in thefields like this, and only rise when the sun sets. If we get one to talk, it’sall in riddle and questions.”
“Riddles and questions?” Shirayuki stares at the endlessfield of patients. She does not need to turn to know how Obi is looking at her. “Do you mind if I try something?”
Shirayuki kneels at a patient’s side, trying hard not totouch. She doubts its communicable, but there’s no need to risk exposure.
“Tell me,” she says, voice level and stern, “what happenedto you.”
The man merely stares at the beams of the ceiling, unseeing.She notes that his pupils are blown; it is almost certainly a trance of somemeasure.
“Sir,” she begins again, “what has happened?”
“What is it you wish you could divine, cunning-child?” heasks, voice sing-song and cruel. “Do you wish to dance the mummer’s steps? Can you keep up, cunning-child?”
Her gaze flicks to Obi; seeing the way the muscle in his jawjumps. So it is as she thought.
Ah, how cursed it can be to be right.
“Do you –” Shirayuki hesitates, mulling the words around inher mouth. “You know what this is.”
Obi leans back against the sill of the window. Yuzuri foundthem a room to sleep in for the night, though it only had one proper bed. Whenhe’d balked at sharing, she’d found Obi a straw-stuffed mat to roll out on thefloor. Even now he eyed it warily; she doubted he’d do much but pretend tosleep until he could sneak out to the roof.
“I think we both do,” His gaze slants toward her. His eyesglow oddly in the moonlight, and his magic feels different tonight, thicker.The thousand layers jitter against each other, like dissonant chimes in thewind.
“Geasa.” It sits heavily between them. He must have knownshe suspected, even if they had never spoken of it. “Like yours.”
His mouth splits in a knife slash of a smile. “No, Miss,” hesays, amused, “not like mine. But a geas nonetheless.”
“Do you know what it is?”
His eyebrows lift in a mild sort of surprise. “Besides tolay abed all day and dance naked in the moon’s light?”
She flushes. Of course he would latch onto that part. “I mean its purpose. Or it’smaker?”
He shook his head. “I’m sorry, Miss, but I’m no help withsuch things.” His mouth cocks at a corner. “I’m not like you, Miss. I’m afraid I’m just cursed.”
Shirayuki wakes when the moon is high, light spilling through the windows as if it’s day. Something sits wrong in her belly, makes her wake nervous and full of dread, her hands shaking where they fist in the coverlet. She wants to tell herself it’s merely her imagination, merely the remnants of a dream, but she knows better now, now that she’s been beneath the mounds and felt the kiss of eternal summer –
She rolls over to see that Obi’s mat is bare.
That should not set her heart pounding in her chest. There are a thousand reasons he may not be in bed – namely because she does not believe he sleeps unless it might cause her some small inconvenience – but his absence makes the pit in her belly clench. Something is wrong, she can feel it; more than just the wrongness the geas has laid over the village. Something is wrong with him.
The scent of his magic still lingers in the room, metallic and heavy. She doesn’t know how he bears so many geasa; whenever she brushes against them it is as if she is being weighed down with a hundred heavy chains, all hungry to squeeze the life from her. Even still they are layered delicately, like a house of cards, all purposeful, and if another were to be added on by a less deft hand –
She needs to find him.
She does not have to go far.
For a man who is usually so stealthy, his trail is easy to follow. She finds a glove just outside their door, and then another, a boot at the door…
It keeps going until she finds his belt in a bed of pansies, a few steps further his shirt –
“Obi!” she shrieks, rushing to him. His hands are already at the waist of his trousers. She’s too late to stop him, but just in time to see him pull just so at the closures so that the buttons spring free at once.
He was not joking all those months ago when he said small clothes ruined the line of his trouser.
“O-oh,” she gasps, desperate to look anywhere else. She had not – oh my –
He slides his hands under the material, working it down over his hips, and –
“Obi!” She grasps at his wrists, tries to pull his hands away, but his arms are steel. So is the rest of him, she notices, pressed so close to him. How had she never noticed this all the times she had stitched him back together?
“Obi, please, stop!” she begs, breathless. The movements of his arms drag her against him, and she feels it press into her belly – “What are you doing?”
Well, that was foolish.
“My lady,” he growls, his hands closing on her own wrists, holding them behind his back. One eyebrow arches, and his mouth cants in such a familiar way. “What would you like me to be doing?”
She tries to make words, but they fail her with him so close, with the scent of him – not his geasa, but him – filling her nose. “I –”
He bends, and she has no time to react before his mouth seals over hers, before heat thunders through her veins to throb between her legs. This is not – she does not – she has never –
Her hands curl against the muscles of his back; he is so strong, so much stronger than her, and she is helpless when his tongue swipes over the inside of her mouth, when it slides so tauntingly over her own. She can taste his magic on her tongue; copper and pine for before, the honeyed taste of Izana’s bonds, and – and –
A bitter bite of cold.
She pulls back. He lets her.
“Obi?” she says against his lips, her eyes only just open, meeting the dark sliver of his own gaze.
“Miss,” he rumbles, and she feels it through her palms, feels it where his hands rest on either side of her hips.
And then she feels cold all down her front and –
His pants drop into the grass. She valiantly refrains from looking at – at what is now so very hard to miss.
With one last grin, he lurches past her, going to join the other revelers, and she – she watches him leave. She’s only human.
The chill still lingers on her tongue. Time to fix this.
#anonymous#fae au#obiyuki#100 days of obiyuki (and more)#my fic#ans#this is pretty in media res#but the set up is that izana is a fey king#clarines is his realm#raj is a human prince#and shirayuki fled into the mound to escape him#obi is a changeling child#but the human part of the exchange#raised by fae#and he's got a thousand geasa on him#which are basically vows that give you powers?#it's complicated#and shirayuki is cunning folk#which is a human that practices herbalism/witch craft#i'll probably do more#one day
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Bridget Bites : You Can Never Go Home Again
Hi, Bridget! I've been reading your blog for quite a while now, and am really fascinated by how wise and understanding you are (not talking about your lifestyle, view on life and many other things that inspire me all the time!) Knowing how your job involves a lot of travelling and adapting to new cultures, I wanted to tell you my story, since I'm struggling with understanding, what the place I should be able to call "home" is. My name is Aya and I originally come from Kazakhstan. It is now my 3rd year of doing my bachelor's degree abroad, and lately I've been having a lot of thoughts about who I really am and who I should be, which can sometimes be depressing. The thing is, trying to immerse myself into the new culture I am a part of at the moment, made me distant from my own home country. Not only physically, but also mentally. So I feel like I am somewhere in between. I still can't get along with the people that surround me now and fail to fit in, but at the same time, when I go back home during holidays, I can see that I changed a lot, and that I no longer have a lot in common with my Kazakh friends from the past. Knowing that you had to leave you home country and settle in different parts of the world, I was wondering if you ever felt that way. And if you did, how did you deal with that? I hope the way I explained is not too confusing, and I would really appreciate getting a reply from you! Love, Aya
Hi there! Thank you for your kind words 😀 means a lot to me. And boy can I relate to your situation.
When I first moved away from Perth I had just turned 17. I had graduated high school, and went to NYC to try out modeling. I did not anticipate just how much changes in you when you leave home for the first time, and how much of a dissonance that brings up inside of you when you return home. Thomas Wolfe had it right, you can never go home again.
I spent many years feeling homesick for a home that doesn’t exist anymore, and that only existed for a very short period of time. I was living in a country that was so foreign to me, (still is, but that’s ok) and traveling so much with complete strangers. I found it extremely hard to forge a connection with other humans, due to language and lifestyle barriers. And boy was I homesick. Whenever I would come home for a bit though, I was shocked at how much nothing and yet everything had changed. My friends were still the amazing people they are today, but there was something in me that had shifted. And I still cant really put my finger on what that was; but it caused me a lot of pain. The fact is that you can never go home again, but learning this and accepting this stops a lot of anguish and self-doubt.
You are in the painful process of developing your sense of self. Those first few years of independence are years of discovery and development of character, and I found that this process gets sped up when you are far away from your home culture. Especially when you are at odds with what society around you is saying. This can really hurt, but I believe that getting away from where you grew up, at least for a few years is integral for self-development. So hang in there.
What really helped me was letting go of any attempt to become my new culture. I set out to learn as much as I could, to make new friends from the USA, and to see and learn as much as I could; but at the end of the day, I will never be from the USA and subsequently will never feel 100 percent at home. I will always be Bridget, who grew up in Australia and is now living far away.
In reading your question, the idea of “who I should be” came up. In my experience, should is a nasty word. It bestows this idea that you are lacking, and that you shouldn’t trust your instincts. This isn’t great. Learning to throw away should’s is extremely freeing. By all accounts I should be more social, should be more mindful, should train harder, and should dress more stylishly. But the fact is that I am introverted and need my alone time, sometimes sleep wins out over meditation, when I train harder I get injured and lose all my energy, and I just don’t care enough about clothes to pay close attention to them. Society has all these ideas it throws onto you about who you should be, but I say fuck that. Listen to your intuition and do what feels right to you. Because you will never, ever live up to whatever the hell it is that society wants you to be.
Maybe to help with homesickness you could try to find a network of expat’s in your college. I’m sure that you aren’t the only person going through this – try finding other people from your part of the world. If there isn’t some sort of organization, create one. Just having a reminder of your traditional customs can help. Maybe you can all meet once a month, cook food from home and talk about life. When I discovered Tuckshop in NYC the sound of Aussie accents was so nice. I then met a group of Australians who really helped with the homesickness. It came at a time when I really needed it.
Finally, remember at the core of it all, you are still the person who grew up in Kazakhstan. And all your friends are still the good people you loved at that point in time. You will all develop very different interests and become very different people, but at the essence of it, you are all the same. There was something that connected you with them, and that is still there. Just let the natural rhythm of your friendship find its new level.
Also this whole experience gets so much easier with age. So hang in there. Everything will settle in you, and life becomes a lot easier to understand and rationalize.
You got this 😀
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technically the logical extension o Rhia’s arc is for her to actually become the Champion in between the ‘first’ game and the ‘second’ but i also feel like that only makes sense if she took the e4 job willingly. which she ONLY does if you reconcile her and Elliot. if they dont reconcile, she takes the job out of a sense of duty, not because she explicitly wants it. she DOES, like she does want the job, because even if she hates authority on some level she still really wants to be a powerful trainer and protect people. but she didnt go into it with the right mindset. but if Rhia and Elliot sort out their problems, Rhia is able to deal with her issues with authority and take the e4 job with glee. she revels in it! she loves it! its the culmination of her childhood dreams! and this would allow her to become the champion in future, should Gwendolen allow it (bearing in mind Gwen is a fucking beast). but if Rhia still has that slight block, if she and Elliot didnt really deal with their problems ‘correctly’ (constructively?) then Rhia wouldnt have the drive. so even if Gwendolen said ‘hey Rhia you’re really strong. would you consider trying to become the Champion?’ she’d probably say no! even though, in her heart, she really wants to. but being unable to deal with Elliot properly is a block on that, for her.
its like. the thing with the split ending is that, even though Rhia becomes the e4 member no matter WHAT route you put her down (due to postgame content), Rhia doesn’t get to feel correctly about Elliot. with Reconcile, your actions prove to her that Elliot has changed, and she opens up to the possibility of sorting out their problems, which ultimately allows both of them to grow. not to move past, because Rhia’s life has been intimately shaped by his actions, but to grow with it instead of remaining stunted. but Split, your actions prove he HASNT changed, so she is closed to the idea. so when Elliot basically forces her to consider that he’s changed (by intervening in the confrontation with Felicity and nearly getting himself actually killed like straight up human murdered) its not right. she still ends up acknowledging that he has changed, but the context for that revelation changes EVERYTHING for her. because in reconcile, its mutal. in split, its one sided, and its elliots side, forcing what he wants onto her AGAIN. and even if Rhia doesn’t consciously acknowledge this (if she did she’d probably fucking shatter so its for the best), she’s aware of this dissonance on some level and it continues to hold her back.
the only way to properly reconcile these differences (in routes, not elliot/rhia, fuck) is for that hypothetical second game to recognise those choices you made, and change the formation of the whole elite 4 around it. like, in the ‘first’ game, the only change that is made is whether Elliot is in the e4 at all. Rhia will be in the e4 by the end regardless, but Elliot can be there for a while (at least once - you can take on the league during te postgame story though thats a weird choice for you to make as a player but i mean fuck it power to the player?). but in the second game, as an extension OF that choice, it changes whether Rhia is just an e4 member or if shes the champion, WHICH then extends to affecting Gwendolen, who would now just be a regular elite. and that seems like a lot of effort to make? though it would be kind of fun. the ‘default’ would be Rhia Champion because i make the rules.
though if i was going to allow the E/R routes to have that much of a consequence, then id have to make the same allowance for Sam, since the asumption is if you ended up with team!Sam (who then disappears after the tower because /they got arrested/) they would return in the second game as a Villain. or could they be reformed? thats the issue. once Sam is arrested i imagined that the player would get one last chance to talk to them, maybe apologise or wish them good luck, or say shit like ‘good riddance’ or laugh. and if thats the case, would THAT dialogue feed in? would a Sam who received an apology act the same as a Sam who did not? i dont think so! id hope that the apology would help Sam be a better person, while an insult would make Sam more bitter and more likely to commit more crimes in their future! so THAT alone is like, a SPLIT in the route, meaning theres actually 4 permutations of Sam. apology!sam, insult!sam, neutral!sam, and friend!sam. which is a shit to fuck. my god. thats so much. admittedly neutral!sam does fuck all, but friend!sam would have a place, absolutely. they’d be working with Mattie and Rhia and all the other org loyalists to continue running the region but properly this time. insult!sam is off being a big part of whatever new villain appears. and apooology!sam issss..... maybe double crossing? their past as a Team member allows them power in the new villains group but theyre good intentions allow them to work with the ‘new org’ and they can double agent. which would lead to some significant differences. then theres Zeke, who i STILL havent figured out what the fuck is doing. and THEN theres the other characters who would exist in that game who would have their own routes. itd be a clusterfuck, is my point.
idek what this is useful for. psychoanalysing Rhia? about right. if she doesnt get closure the way she wants it - with mutual understanding - then she never truly grows. on the surface she may end up in a similar place, doing similar things, but its where she goes from there. with closure, shes free to move forward onto other things, other problems. it will always be there, but it can be managed. if the closure doesnt come or it comes wrong, it will be harder to manage and she cant move past it as much. yay! she can only unlock her potential if she closes that door to that which holds her back and confronts it. and while forcing her to confront it is ONE way to do that, allowing her to make that choice to close it herself at her own speed is more meaningful to me and lets her feel satisfied with the outcome.
in the hypothetical far future, a split!Rhia, even though she has technically reconciled with Elliot, will probably never truly come to terms with it until he dies. and he will, probably 10-20 years after the end of the postgame. thats when a split!Rhia will open herself proper, but its too little, too late. the ability to have proper closure is lost and im fucking projecting arent i. god fucking dammit. im projecting. nooopppeee zip that shit we arent do that again.
idk maybe if i got closure id be able to give Rhia the closure she deserves but i imagine she’d end up in the same boat as me, where she’s never able to properly close the door on that chapter of her life and it hangs open at all times, flapping in the wind. she can never truly right it off. and maybe if he’s not there she’ll be free on some level, and able to move forward in a different way, but it definitely isnt the same, and its not the ending she wants. Rhia wants to confront Elliot and have him be genuine with her and explain himself, and for him to accept what he’s done. if he dies before she thinks he’s done that (or before SHE has properly explained herself in a way that feels satisfying) then its a failure.
this is just some fuck shit.
#story blogging#codename seren#'fuck shit' means literally anything#also im thinking about my pa again and i wish i wouldnt do this. at least it means i can properly convey Rhia's feelings about Elliot????#that wasnt the intention and it wasnt a deliberate insert but i think my experiences would match well to Rhias on some level#so even ignoring the death aspect. the 'lack of closure' is a big part of her motivation and i think i can relate to that deeply#which hypothetically means shed be written really well and deeply on that topic. in practice im a Hack but its all about dreams
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