#i feel like the way i characterize (and draw) him helps alot
I don't know how to properly word this, but. Peppino stole my heart and the way you draw him gives the impression of "If he hugged or held me I would feel so so safe and happy past the fact he would be very clammy". Thank you.
This is so CUTE thank YOU
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lacontroller1991 · 2 years
Hiii, could i get a match up for Wednesday and harry Potter please?(if you do those ofc!)
My name is Layla/leyla and im 5'4
Appearance: my height is pretty average, hourglass figure sort of. Im quite pale and i have brown curly hair to a little lower then my collarbone. I have brown eyes, i have chubby cheeks which i love, my cheeka are usually slightly blushed necause i get cold alot. I wear mostly neutral colors such as black, grey, white and brown/beigh. I'm half swedish and half algerian. I have long eyelashes :)
Hobbies: my biggest interested/hobby is definetly art. I absolutely love drawing and creating stuff. I usually draw stuff that ive seen irl or in my dreams because i have quite vivid dreams. I love music aswell, I've been singing my whole life and writing songs is something i love, the art is my main hobby though. I also like going for walks, i live in a small village so going out and sitting somewhere quiet whole drawing is amazing. I listen alot to arctic monkeys, David bowie, david kushner, The Neighbourhood, the cramps, the Smiths, one direction. I also love reading, i read about 2-3 books a month, after ive finished a book i write about it to remember it later, i often reread boos multiple times
Personality: i am an INTP-T, i like being alone. I have very few friends, i only ever hang out with one of them, ahes my best friend and i love her more then life. Im verg, very protective over my family. I dont let anyone say shit about them. I have anxiety and daddy issue(not trying to be quirky or sum shit i just have a shitty relationship w my dad) I'm usually very quiet. I'm a leo.
Other informationsss:
My favorite colors are pink, beigh, grey and black. I've been told that im hard to approach? My love language is quality time and physical touch. I like holding hands, it's rhe best form of physicall contact for me because i have sensroy issues so too much touching makes me feel cramped up, i do love getting hugged if its from someone im comfortble with, i love sitting in silence while drawing with my friend ani(my bsf). I love analyzing different things, everything from art pieces to human behavior. I have an intrest for psychology.
Soo, this is me, oh also im bi but with a strong male lean!
So yea, thank you byee!
Hey love!!! thanks for sending in a matchup!!!! I don't really know much about Harry Potter and I am only half way through Wednesday, so I can probably do Wednesday!!!
I can personally see you with either Xavier or Enid
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Based on what I know and have seen about Xavier, I think the two of you would get along in the sense that both of you are really into art. I can honestly see you and him sitting alone together in silence and just drawing random things (he also probably loves making little doodles for you). I can also see the two of you going for walks and doing little study sessions (whether that be for psychology or another class) he would definitely be down to help you out or just keep you company!! Personally, I definitely think his love language is quality time and gifts. I honestly can't see him being super into touch like Enid would be (I will get into her in a second), but I think he would be super supportive.
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As for Enid, she would definitely be the more outgoing of the two of you. I can honestly see her relationship with you being exactly like her relationship with Wednesday (from what I've seen of course). She would definitely drag you around town to different outings, she would definitely be into physical touch (that girl's hands would always be on you in some way or another), but I also think she would be down to just listen to you play your music and will be super supportive from the sidelines.
In either case, you could just form a polyamorous relationship with them because I think both would work really well with you!!! I'm sorry if I got any characterizations wrong but I hope you enjoyed!!!
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marinette-sky · 8 years
Cigarettes and Leather Chapter 2
(A/N: Okay, so this one took ALOT longer to write than I thought, but here it is finally! In this chapter, I really tried to focus on establishing a base plot and deepening the characterization of Marinette and Adrien as to give some insight on how their relationship right now works out. Like I said, this will be a slow-ish burn so its not like I’ll have them all over each other in the span of a chapter but that don’t mean stuff can’t happen inbetween. Anywaaaays enjoy!)
Marinette bounced uncomfortably in the Victorian styled arm-chair she currently occupied, refusing to acknowledge the almost languid male sitting diagonal of the desk in front of them. Although they had been called into Mr. Damocles office at the exact same time via intercom, Adrien had shuffled into the room a few minutes after her; the strong fragrance of cigarettes still clung to his person as he settled heavily into the twin chair beside her.
She could still feel the ghost of her pinched face when he had first walked in smelling like a cigarette factory (although the scent had died down considerably since then).
Marinette sighed for what had to be the billionth time in her young life.
She could tell he was watching her from the corner of his eye, every so often sliding his gaze over her figure in hopes of catching her attention. Instead of humoring him and his little game, she instead focused all her energy in studying the countless re-scaled drawings of owls decorating the walls of their room, attempting to look extremely interested in the symbolic gesture of knowledge that each framed piece of art represented.
Wisdom and Common Sense…something I failed to maintain yesterday before my anger got the best of me.
They had been in there for an estimate of ten minutes, yet M. Damocles had been watching them in complete silence the entire time, occasionally typing something into his tablet. In fact, the only reaction they received from him was an occasional sigh when Adrien no doubt had made some kind of gesture in his direction (the dumbass, he was going to get them in deeper trouble). She nearly jumped out her skin when she felt Adrien bump his foot with hers, chuckling when she turned beet red at the strange look they gained from the principle.
But, it wasn’t like she could help her reaction; Mr. Damocles was just naturally the type of person one could not help but feel anxious to be around.
No matter how badly Marinette wanted to approach the subject of their misconduct, she was terrified of what would flood from her mouth if she dared to speak directly to such a reproachful adult. Their principle just exuded the aura that he knew all, and once you got talking to him, it was incredibly difficult to stop until all your secrets were laid on the desk up front for him to inspect and sort out.
With all the pictures of owls on his walls, he reminded her of one most of all just because he acted so wise. Even the most enduring person in their school could not resist his heavily pressured silence and aged, but cold stare.
Out of nowhere, Mr. Damocles gave them both a scare as he laid his tablet on the desk with a little of a too forceful thump, now staring straight ahead at both of them with his infamous no-nonsense glare.
He suddenly didn’t look so old and worn anymore, his orange eyes hardening with the resolution of a young admirable. Stiffening, Marinette chanced a side glance in her classmate’s general direction only to find that even Adrien started a bit at the change in hid demeanor, shifting in his chair uncomfortably and coughing to hide his expression of trepidation.
Marinette has never seen Mr. Damocles give Adrien that glare, or at least a look of such authoritative intensity.
Her disquiet only intensified when he fixated that same glare on her, worse than the one he had given to Adrien.
“U-Uh sir, I can explain…if you-…or not?” Marinette began out of pure panic, feeling heat travel up the back of her neck from anxiety. This only caught the attention of their principle even more, raising his bushy, grey eyebrows that indicated a silent dare to continue. I fucked up. I shouldn’t have done that.
After a few moments of deliberation, she clamped down on her bottom lip to keep from making any other sound.
Satisfied that he had both of their undivided attention, Mr. Damocles delved into his lecture.
“Mme. Dupain-Cheng and M. Agreste…do you know why you’re both here with when you’re supposed to be in class, getting an education?” Mr. Damocles stroked his beard thoughtfully, or so she thought. Maybe it was just him demonstrating who was in charge here.
“Yes, sir-”
“Was it because of yesterday?” Adrien quickly interjected her response, sounding begrudgingly respectful despite not using an honorific after the question. The principle gave him a pointed look, narrowing his eyes in careful calculation.
Marinette could have smacked Adrien on the mouth for that one, filing the thought on her mental checklist for later.
Mr. Damocles, with eyes still narrowed, nodded as an answer before continuing.
“What happened yesterday between you two was unacceptable behavior, but even more so because it was on school property. I am very disappointed in you both, and you especially Mme. Dupain-Cheng.” The heroine felt her stomach plummet in shame, and stared down at the patterned carpet to avoid seeing her own disgrace reflected in his gaze. As Ladybug, she couldn’t help but feel like she failed France in some way for being on the receiving end of a punishment.
I’m supposed to be a role model for all the people who look to Ladybug for inspiration, but here I am now, getting scolded by an adult.
“From what I saw on the cameras, I understand M. Agreste was the one who instigated the incident but you, Mme. Dupain-Cheng, escalated it to an act of violence. Violence against another student is prohibited here, as expressed in your Dupont Policy Student-Handbook.” She knotted her hands in her lap, feeling even worse as he said it out loud.
Maybe I can balance out the bad deed with a good deed? Like make night patrols longer…
“I am not permitted to question where you learned such an offensive technique, but I am legally required to ask this of M. Agreste-” Marinette was only half-listening by then, lost in thought.
I could do that, but how would I explain why I want to make them longer to Chat Noir without telling him what happened?
“…would you like your parent or guardian to press charges against Mme. Dupain-Cheng for her actions?�� He said it so nonchalantly, like it was just an everyday query, that she almost missed the weight of the words.
What did he just say?
“…?” For once, she was speechless.
She whipped quickly around in her seat to stare at Adrien, dread clawing at the back of her throat. He, too, looked surprised at the offer, but his sculpted features smoothed over into a look of cogitation. His jade eyes met her pleading gaze, the mischievous glimmer in them dimming a marginal amount.
Honestly, Marinette would not put it beneath the pampered brat to sue her parents for all they were worth, just to have something entertaining to do when he wasn’t off terrorizing the city with his posse or spending his father’s money. What transpired between them yesterday may have put them on a more personable level with each other, but not to where they were ‘buddies’.
The entirety of the situation hit her like a freight train, and not the good kind of impactful feeling.
Marinette was on her feet so fast that the room went out of focus for a few moments, and she had to squeeze her eyes shut to keep her surroundings from swirling.
How could he really just ask Adrien ‘No Fucks Given’ Agreste that question?
“M. Damocles, you can’t be serious! He laid his hands on me first, so I had a good reason for my ‘actions’!” The principle flinched at her unanticipated outburst, tensing his shoulders in a way that made it look like he was warning off an attack.
Or, in his case, an angry teenage girl.
“Mme. Dupain-Cheng, I understand where your anger comes from, but what you did was unjustified. He merely grabbed your wrist, whereas you-” Mr. Damocles began calmly, lacing his fingers together to rest on surface of the tablet he had been using up until then. But, before he could, Marinette slammed the palms of her hands on his desk with the unintentional force of Ladybug; her eyes blazed with blue fire, burning holes into the man in front of her.
“I was defending myself! I didn’t know if he would stop at grabbing my wrist, or if he would have done something worse!” Vibrations rattled across the wooden frame of the table, and even Marinette could feel the force of the tremors in the floor beneath their feet. Realizing her mistake, the look of spite on her face quickly dissipated into one akin of disbelief and regret.
Mr. Damocles almost appeared fearful for a few moments, before an expression of stone grated into his facial features. She felt herself flinch under such a harsh gaze, simultaneously aware of the emerald stare drilling into her back with surprise and curiosity.
“Damn Marinette.” She heard Adrien mutter under his breath, as she was provoked into a staring contest with their principle.
“I suggest you take a seat again, Marinette, before I issue a punishment worse than the one I planned on giving you two.” The adult commanded in a quiet tone, closing his eyes and relaxing his shoulders. Ouch, she thought to herself, embarrassed. He used my first name…
Marinette bowed her head apologetically, and complied with his request without another word.
Tikki is going to kill me for this one.
Silence ensued for a full minute before Adrien decided he had the balls to speak up.
“Uh, yeah, hey? Just wanted ta’ let you guys know I don’t have any interest in pressin’ charges against the pretty lady beside me.” Adrien spoke informally to their principle, earning a sharp glare in return for his lazy dialect but also a look of poorly concealed relief at his concession. Marinette didn’t have it in her to feel offended at the rather, ahem, flattering nickname.
Oh no, she had bigger issues now…
“Well, isn’t that good news, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng? No need to panic after all.” He smiled complacently, nodding to the both of them.
Oh my god, I’m an idiot.
Marinette felt like slinging herself into the sun at her over exaggerated reaction. Well, partially over exaggerated; hitting the desk could have been avoided.
She just nodded robotically, staring nervously into her hands. Their principle would never see her as the ‘good student’ again.
“Monsieur, if you don’t mind me asking…what is our punishment?” She asked without looking up, instead peeking at Adrien through the curtain of her bangs. Of course, he had already been looking at her for quite some time, so their eyes ended up meeting in mutual expectation of…well, something.
“Excellent question, mon cher! Since Mr. Agreste has so graciously decided not to press charges against you, or even the school for that matter, I contend the both of you to attend a special unit after school for the rest of the week from the time that class ends to 6:30. Mme. Bustier will surely find something to keep you two busy.” His words pressed down on Marinette like a dumbbell in comparison to the airy feather tone of voice he suddenly took on.
Petty man, he did that on purpose , She couldn’t help but think angrily to herself, glad that the principle missed the scathing look that crossed her face meant solely for him.
Just then the afternoon bell chimed over the intercom, filling the small room with a sound that indicated it was lunch break (finally).
Not even a few seconds had passed before she felt someone gently grip her forearm, pull her up from her seat, and made to stand on shaky knees. Marinette’s hands went instinctively to her purse before she realized it was Adrien who had put them both on their feet, obviously ready to leave.
“Well, if we’re done here, M. Damocles, we would love to be excused to lunch.” Adrien offered a polite, but dazzling smile at the adult, showing off the entire top row of his pearly whites. He almost seemed friendly, but Marinette knew better; it was just a rouse to get them the hell out of there before the principle could assign a worse punishment then a special unit discipline class.
“Yes, yes, you may now leave. I trust you will both attend the after school classes without fail.” Mr. Damocles was already typing away at his tablet once again, as if he had never ceased the action in the first place.
“Yes, monsieur.” They both said in unison, and Marinette felt herself backing away before fully turning to face the door to leave, hyper aware of a firm hand guiding them both towards their exit.
Once they were both outside the office, Adrien took his hand off her arm and turned on his heel to stare her square in the eyes.
She didn’t like the dangerous smile spreading on his lips.
“Well, that was probably the damn funniest meeting I’ve had with the old man in a fuck while.” Adrien let out a chuckle, amusement dancing in his forest eyes as he looked at her like she was some type of open book to flip through and indulge every word written down on her pages. A shiver ran down her spine at that thought, a little intimidated by the fact that he might be doing just that.
“Maybe for you, Adrien. I was so disrespectful to him, more so then you. I’m surprised he didn’t call my parents then and there.” Marinette was sure that’s who he was emailing as they left, and she was sure as the grass was green there would a punishment waiting for her at home as soon as she walked through their bakery entrance.  
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone else besides myself slam his desk like that. It was pretty damn cool of you.” Adrien gave her an almost appraising look, causing all previous thoughts of her impending punishment to vanish. She felt a blush settle on her cheeks at the strange compliment, an almost giddy sensation tugging at her stomach.
“I-If you say so.” She tried to summon her past feelings of anger towards him for getting them into this entire mess, but it was to no avail. If there was one thing Marinette couldn’t do (especially with her other persona being Ladybug), it was holding a grudge. Chloe being the exception.
They had both began their almost awkward trudge back to class, the tension in the air somewhat tangible as memories of yesterday played over freshly in their thoughts. Their footsteps were drowned out by the sound of noisy third years and second years flying past them to either crowd on the lunch benches outside the entrance or race home to eat. One of the poor premières turned the corner on the stairs a little ways ahead and ran smack into Adrien, who in return loudly cursed at the poor sap before he told them “get the hell out of his sight”. Marinette hadn’t realized she stopped to wait for him until he glanced up from smoothing out his leather jacket, smirking slightly.
“You know, ya never did finish tellin’ me what you were thinking yesterday darlin’.” Adrien began walking again, theatrically propelling himself around the handrail on the bottom of the first floor staircase till he was a good five steps above her. Marinette felt herself visibly bristle at his sudden inclination, dark eyebrows knitting together in disbelief. How could he even remember?
A little voice in the back of her head was telling her to remain indifferent with this oncoming conversation, and Marinette was never one to disregard her instincts.
“Why are you so interested?” He would definitely laugh out loud if she told him she didn’t think he was that bad of a person. Maybe it was fate that Alya interrupted them so she wouldn’t have to bear the embarrassment of telling Paris’s most renown delinquent that “he was a pretty swell guy, you know, if you ignored his criminal record”.
Yeah, right.
“I like to know what cute girls with pig-tails think of me.” More students rushed by them, but this time they were people their age who knew Adrien’s face all too well. A wide girth of space was quickly created with the flow of terminales speeding down the steps as to avoid the un-fortuity of bumping into them.
“Then go ask Lila if you want a nice opinion.” She replied hotly, face pinking at his obvious reference to her appearance. It was a half lie-half truth, because her opinion wasn’t exactly tactful, but Lila’s was sure to be flattering. She was going to say something else to him, but a few familiar faces from her advanced art class passed by them on their way so she waved to them instead.
By the time they reached the top of the stairs to the second floor—dedicated only to terminales—the warning bell had rung to indicate lunch time had officially begun.
“Lila flirts with me all the damn time, so what she has t’say is irrelevant.” Adrien made a point of walking directly besides her as they came into view of their homeroom, attention focused solely on their continued conversation. “I want to know yours.”
“Ask me later, and maybe I’ll tell you.” Marinette could feel the left side of her pig-tail catching on the static material of his jacket, which meant he was far closer to her than anticipated. This was not to mention that the scent of cigarettes and leather were overpowering her nostrils to the point where she felt like she was suffocating.
Is the air warmer now or is it just me?
“Or you can tell me now, darling’.” Those nicknames of his were really starting to rub her the wrong way. Whether it was the good kind of wrong or the right kind of wrong, she couldn’t tell.
“Stop bothering me about it already, or I won’t tell you at all.” They were a few paces away from the door, so hopefully their little discussion that mostly brought her annoyance with the world up a few notches would end as soon as she opened it.
Marinette had been reaching for the door handle when Adrien leaned over and whispered to her in a way that caused her to freeze up on the spot.
“Fine, then I’ll just assume its somethin’ dirty for now.” He said this almost huskily, but that could have also been all the cigarettes he’d smoked until then catching up to his voice. Marinette, with a defensive protest already spry on her lips, did a three-sixty on her heels only to meet two vibrant green eyes filled with sly contempt.
She scrunched her nose in distaste, the freckled skin on the bridge of her nose pinching together.
Tricky bastard.
If anyone passing by noticed how Adrien leaned down to level with Marinette’s irritated scowl, or saw the way his the corners of his mouth pulled into an easy smirk while his hands went to rest in his jacket pocket, no one dared to breath a word of it.
“It’s the opposite of what you’re thinking, so don’t flatter yourself.” Marinette rushed to say, hands fiddling with the strap of her satchel purse in a nervous tick. Stop fidgeting, Marinette.
“Then just tell me already, and I’ll stop pesterin’ you.” His expression said ‘asshole’ but his tone of voice gave away his own curiosity. The lilt in his voice almost reminded her of the different side of Adrien Agreste she had witnessed yesterday, .
Her thoughts immediately softened as she briefly recalled how bashful that Adrien was. She wished he would act like that all the time so he would at least form better relationships with the people in their class (and maybe even her).
Marinette really did like that side of him much better than the front he put up.
Maybe if I tell him now, he’ll—
Loud, harsh laughter that came from within the classroom bombarded her eardrums, disrupting her train of thought. Following the sharp noise was a series of indecipherable conversations that sounded like words of disproval.
Albeit it was muffled, the heroine knew just who the laugh belonged to, and what the sounds of refute meant.
“If I tell you, than you have to promise not to speak to me in class about it. I think Chloe would have a fit if she saw me talking to you like this.” Upon hearing the voices of her classmates resonate from inside the room, Marinette decided it would be best to just tell him now so she wouldn’t catch more hell for it later.
God knows I’m already in enough trouble, I don’t need more from a certain someone.
“You shouldn’t give two shits about what she thinks, but I’ll take the deal.” Adrien nodded, straightening up again. There was a small look of boyish triumph relaying across his face, and Marinette couldn’t help but think he looked scruffily cute.
His scowl may make him look handsome, but when he is not trying to scare everyone he almost looks normal.
“Since you want to know so bad, I’ll just say it outright.” Marinette breathed in a little, banishing the thoughts from her head all the while steeling herself from the laugh that was granted to follow the confession.
“I was just going to tell you that after what happened yesterday, I don’t think you’re such a bad person.” She quirked her mouth into a wry smile. “Quite the opposite, actually. It’s nice to know you have a sweet side.”
There. I said it.
Marinette peered earnestly at him with baited breath, waiting for him to let out an incredulous chuckle and maybe even scoff at her interpretation.
Instead, she was greeted with a completely deadpan expression.
Or rather, a face that attached to a male who didn’t know how to react.
Adrien absentmindedly took out his lighter and started fiddling with the cap, fingers ghosting over the ignition spring. It seemed like it was a nervous tick of his, or at least an action that indicated he was feeling unrestful. His green eyes, which were now partially shaded by his mess of gold hair, shifted away from her face and to something in the distance behind her, but Marinette didn’t sense anyone approaching them.
“You didn’t think I was capable of being nice up until then, huh?” Adrien said after a good long moment of deliberation. “Interesting.” He almost appeared upset by the revelation.
Was he upset with her over that? Really??
“What do you mean? I meant it as a compliment, sense you always seem so…you know, you do have a reputation of upsetting anyone who talks to you besides your clique.” In her defense, his people skills were not the best in world, or at least from what she has seen so far. On top of that, the bad choices he makes does not really help the kind of impression people get when they see him and know about what he has done through rumors spread around.
Adrien merely shrugged, grunting with what she surmised to be a half-assed noise of agreement.
“I guess you’re right.”
“I was trying to compliment you, Adrien, I swear.”
“I get it, dammit. You don’t have to keep saying that.
“I just don’t want you to misunderstand.”
“Hm, Gotcha toots.” He wasn’t even looking at her by then, but instead began to turn away even though their classroom was right there.
Oh no, he’s pissed.
Marinette bit her lip, perplexed but also slightly annoyed at how he took her intended compliment. Yeah, she guessed it was a little rude for someone of is personality, but he couldn’t really deny it either. Plus, he got offended a bit too easily for someone of his background (seriously, what is his deal?).
As Adrien started to walk away, a package of cigarettes already in his hand, Marinette called out to him.
“Where are you going?” She asked, despite the obvious.
“To smoke.” He didn’t even pause, or look at her.
“But class is right here. You need to check in with Mrs. Bustier.” Even Marinette felt silly for her flimsy excuse to continue their previous conversation as she said it, and Adrien wasn’t going to hear it.
“Oh fuckin’ well, she can wait. See yah later, darlin’.” His voice carried over the sound of a door behind her opening, but the female didn’t even flinch when she felt the door bump her in the hip. Everything happened so fast, Marinette didn’t even know what to think.
“Oooh~ Adrikins! I knew I heard your voice out here! Wait up!” Chloe cooed in a honey-sweet voice, blatantly pushing Marinette aside to chase after his receding figure. She watched the very short skirt Chloe had on wave in the breeze she created as she caught up to him, latching onto his arm like some parasite.
How fitting. Marinette thought gloomily. For Chloe to show up and make me feel worse with just her presence.
She continued to feel strangely disappointed even as she entered the classroom and was greeted warmly by her friends, the interaction she had with Adrien replaying over and over in her head for the rest of the lunch hour.
I never said they would get along like old pals immediately. They’re still young and dumb, and Adrien won’t be like an under-sensitive greaser. He has feelings too, and Marinette is known to say the wrong things to people *cough*like all the time in the show*cough*. Anyways, expect stuff and pining in the next chapter. Thanks for reading!
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