#i feel like poems aren't the way to tell a longer story
mythos05reviews · 2 years
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2/5 stars
The reason why the rating is so low is that it was very different from what people were expecting. I was expecting a detailed story about a teenager having to deal with the effects on her hometown due to climate change. I was wrong. Instead, it focused on a group of teenagers who hate tourists (the people who visit during the summer) as well as on love. I believe that the main character was crushing on one of the tourists. I was completely unaware that it was written as poetry. I wouldn't typically have a problem with this writing style except that I felt that I was missing parts of the story. Either because of a lack of detail or because it was placing too much emphasis on something that wasn't even going to be relevant in the story later on. I wouldn't recommend this book. I'm sure there are people who enjoy both the writing style and the plot of the story, but I am not one of them.
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oikasugayama · 10 months
what about a bsd chart for falling in love?
i can't help falling in love with you
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Dazai is prone to falling in love at first sight. He sees a pretty girl, or a handsome guy, and does everything in his power to get their attention. It's different when you come along, though. You fly under his radar for a while; it's not that you're not his type, it's that he doesn't realize it at first. As he gets to know you he realizes more and more how much he likes talking to you; how attractive he thinks you are; how much he relishes in your attention. You know his reputation and try to steer clear of his charms, but you're not entirely successful. You vow not to tell him, though, because you don't want to get your heart broken. That makes the surprise of his confession all the more potent. It's proper, it's sincere, and it's real.
Akutagawa is more surprised than you are when he confesses. Love isn't something he thought he'd have the pleasure of experiencing. His life has been difficult, its been deadly, and its been dark, but meeting Atsushi made him more thoughtful and less violent, and then when he met you he felt like he was experiencing something brand new. It was exciting. It was confusing. It was beautiful. You liked him as well, of course, but you vowed not to tell him because you didn't think he had romantic interests and you didn't want to make him pull away from the little friendship you had developed. His confession is a pleasant surprise.
Poe falls in love easily. All it takes is someone being nice to him and showing interest in his writing, and he's done for. For you to regularly read his stories and genuinely praise and critique them, and for you to enjoy spending time with him even if it's spent doing nothing--it means the world to him. He confesses to you via poetry. He writes you a lovely dramatic poem about a lonely man who meets a person who brightens his world. It's obvious it's about you--his nervousness and shaking hands gives it away. You're so excited. You liked him too, a lot, but weren't sure if you should tell him yet. You're glad he took the decision out of your hands.
Nikolai and Fyodor are similar when it comes to love. They are best friends, after all (according to Nikolai anyway). They have a philosophy that some think is... wrong or outdated, but it works for them when they want to get you. It goes like this: they see you, they want you, they get you. Literally. Either of them would lure you in and capture you. He'll explain his grand love for you, and even if you escape, he'll find you again and again. He'll wear you down until you love him or it kills you. Whichever comes first.
Sigma, having only recently become a person, doesn't know what extreme emotions feel like. When he starts to fall in love with you, he thinks he's sick or dying because of the way his heart rate increases, and the way he gets shaky and nervous when you come around. He thinks you may be using an ability on him. He doesn't confront you right away, because he really doesn't want to think you'd hurt him--he really, really likes you otherwise. You're so kind and thoughtful and helpful. You don't use him and leave him like others in his life. Once he finally realizes that he's in love with you, it weighs heavily on his mind and stays there. Should he tell you? Do you feel the same? He needs to think on it a while longer...
Oda falls in love with someone very sweet and gentle. The world is a disturbing place with awful things happening every day, and you aren't nearly as aware of that as he is, and he wants to keep it that way. He wants to protect you. To take care of you. To provide for you. He knows he wont be able to do these things without connecting you to the dark part of the world that he works in, so he refrains from confessing. It's the best way to keep you safe. When you confess to him, though, he doesn't have the self-restraint to deny you. He warns you of the dangers, but tells you he wants out, and he'll get out for you. He makes a plan and you're part of it.
Atsushi having had such a dark and violent childhood is a late bloomer when it comes to love. All the other kids in the orphanage were basically his siblings, and he went straight to the ADA after leaving there, so until you come along he's never really had a crush on any real life person. He's thought people were pretty, sure, but that feeling was nothing compared to how his heart races and his knees wobble and his mouth wont cooperate with his brain any time you're around. It becomes extremely obvious to everyone that he has feelings for you, including you after a certain point, and you just think he's so damn sweet. You ask him out finally when you realize he likely wont ever be brave enough to ask you first. He nearly faints he's so excited, and nervous, when you bring it up.
Junichiro falls for someone soft and sweet and nervous after his previous relationship ends. He liked dating people bolder than him, but after a certain point it became too exhausting keeping up with that type of person please for the love of god don't tell everyone you're his sister like Naomi did. When he starts to fall for you, he's very upfront. He tells you he thinks he's falling, and you tell him back. He says he'll keep you updated after he has more time to think about it, and you say the same. You end up spending more and more time together, slowly creating an orbit around the two of you, making a space in your lives for each other. It happens so gradually and so on-pace with one another that it feels completely natural being with him.
Bram may not be the first to fall in love, but he does tell you he intends to court you before you ever reveal your feelings to him. He thinks you're pretty, and he likes when you're around, and you seem to like coming around since you're with him a lot, so he very casually tells you he would like to court you and you very happily accept his offer. He very, very quickly realizes you're something precious and special when he starts thinking about you romantically, and not long after beginning to date he tells you his feelings are very deep. It's a shock but a definite win for you.
Tachihara definitely thinks you're hot and he can tell that you like him--those Hunting Dog instincts and modifications are pretty handy--but he doesn't consider his own feelings for a long time. He leads you on, in fact, giving you attention to make you fawn over him, and then he acts cool like nothing happened, brushing you off and not making plans with you. When you try to move on, stop giving him attention, try to find someone else who's interested in you, he notices, and he hates it. It occurs to him then that he's jealous and he realizes aw fuck, I've gotta tell them how I feel.
Mushitaro is so prim and proper and charismatic--it's hard not to fall for him. You're friends for a long time without thinking much of him, but eventually one day you just realize and it starts bugging you. You may try to distance yourself to see if the feelings will go away, but they wont. While you're distant he misses you desperately and starts to puzzle together his own feelings. Eventually he comes to your house and confesses on your doorstep, saying he misses you and he cares about you so much and he at least needs to know why you're ignoring him. It feels dramatic and straight out of a rom-com.
Ranpo, as I've said before, knows as soon as you do, maybe even sooner, that you have feelings for him. Yours definitely develop before his, but he picks up on it quickly and decides that he wants to date you to see where it goes, and he makes the decision to stay with you long-term after only a couple of dates. There's no confession on your part given that he just knows, but from him the confession is sweet while still being matter-of-fact. "I've fallen for you, as I knew I would. Let's keep dating until we're sick of each other, 'kay?"
Mori lives a double life and you have no idea. If you knew he was the head of the Port Mafia there's no fucking way in hell you ever would have talked to him or gotten to know him or fallen for him or confessed to him, but you didn't know that. To you, Mori was the handsome man in a doctor's coat who came into your store every week. He chatted with you more and more each time he came in, and finally you were brave enough to give him your number, to text him, to ask him out to coffee. He say yes every time, going along with it, and only after you'd been casually dating for some time did he tell you who he really is and well, fuck, you were just about to tell him you were in love with him, so you've both got bombs to drop tonight.
Chuuya plays it so cool that you don't assume he has any sort of romantic feeling for you, but your mind is completely hung up on him to the point of you thinking that you need to be rejected already so you can move on. You tell him as much when you confess, trying to play it off as a joke when you say "dude, I think you're really hot, can you reject me so I'll stop wondering if I have a chance?" He laughs, smirks, and says "I don't think I will, actually. I'll take you to dinner tonight instead." You're flustered, unsure if he means it or not, but oh boy does he. The date goes really well, actually, and he asks to see you again, and scolds you for thinking he was out of your league. "I'm just a guy, I'm not that special."
Kunikida may seem high-strung, and yeah, he is, but there's something about him that just does it for you. Maybe it's that he's so responsible, maybe it's that he's incredibly kind and thoughtful, or maybe it's everything. You don't know, it's hard to explain, and explain you must because when you try to confess to him he asks you why and what did he do to deserve your attention? He ponders your confession for a few hours in private before he reaches out to you. You expect to be rejected, but he accepts your offer, saying you were a shock and he's trying to have a few more unexpected experiences.
Fukuzawa likes you as a person but refuses to acknowledge you romantically given your age gap. You have to confess before he'll think about you in that way. It doesn't go smoothly--you're very quickly but politely turned down. It doesn't make your crush go away, though, and you notice that Fukuzawa seems a bit skiddish around you. When you finally get fed up and ask him why he's been acting weird ever since you asked him out, he admits that he's been thinking about you a lot and thinks that maybe he made a hasty, incorrect choice the last time you spoke about this...
Ango may not be the first to fall in love in your relationship, but once he's in love he's obsessed with you. It all starts like any office romance with a new transfer from another department. He's told you're talented and promising, but he doesn't believe it until you start actually lightening his work load and making his job easier. When you start casually calling him cute and flirting with him, he doesn't know what to think. It's unprofessional, but it's also exciting and he doesn't exactly dislike the attention. When you're off the clock and ask him out on a proper date, he says yes with only minimal hesitation. It's the best decision he's ever made.
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rroseselavyyy · 3 months
lavender moon - ksj
pairing: seokjin x female reader
warnings: angst with a touch of smut, shitty ending (the ending is kind of rushed :( sorry about that)
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He nestled your head on his shoulder like he was helping a kitten finding a comfortable position in his embrace as you sat between his legs in the steaming bath. He nuzzled his nose to your exposed neck, planting soft kisses that made you mewl contentedly under his touch.
"Why were you crying all alone, baby?" He stroked your wet hair as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing your back against his firm chest as if you were the only thing keeping him safe in the middle of a thunderstorm.
You pressed your lips together in a thin line as you shook your head to make it clear that you weren't going to give him the answer he wanted to hear, his lips eliciting a chuckle just behind your ear at your childish manner.
"I think I have an idea of what's going on." You let yourself sink further into his embrace, feeling all the stress you carried on your shoulders melt away with the scent of lavender, his thumb tracing a path across your skin to dry the drops of water that adorned all the way your arm like freshwater pearls. "You're protecting my mother again, aren't you?"
You twitched in his arms, turned in his embrace to see his expression and the moment you looked into his eyes you found yourself lost in them as they bored into yours, the love he had for you was there like concrete evidence. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."
"She told me you should have left me a long time ago." You attempted to cover your mouth when you realized you had said more than was necessary. Even you were amazed at how easily the words slipped out of your mouth, you blamed it on the fact that you were completely relaxed in his arms, he had that special power that made your worries go away. "I don't think she's wrong, Jinnie. I've been nothing but trouble since the first day we met."
"How on earth can she be right?-" He kissed the bridge of your nose, the gesture making you blink innocently as the touch of his plump lips sent blood rushing to your cheeks. "I love you, that's all that matters."
"Do you want to know why she hates you so much?" A thousand stars had burst open in your swelling chest as he gave you a quick kiss on the lips. "Because I married the love of my life and not some other girl she wanted me to marry."
"Maybe it's because my brother beat you up so badly? Not the best first impression, obviously." You chuckled nervously as you breathed the same air as him, his fingers now intertwined with yours. "Isn't it funny that you happened to be there? Maybe we might never have met if you hadn't been there to help your brother with his wounds. Did you know that I fell in love with you the moment I laid my eyes on you?"
You rolled your eyes as he looked at you with a sense of adoration, ready to tell you for the thousandth time how beautiful you were that day like a poem he recited by heart.
"I think I have lost the count of how many times you have told me this story."
His mother's never-ending insults no longer saddened you, instead Jin and your shared giggles replaced your muffled sobs in one of the sacred places blessed by your marriage, where you would make happy memories with him until the end of time.
"You looked so pretty that day that I offered to pay your brother to beat me so I could see you again. Understandably, he didn't accept the money-" Your eyes widened in shock as you turned to face him. He giggled sweetly in your ears like a song, his hands making soothing circles on your thighs. "However, still, he beat me to death anyway. He said he did it just because he thought I was a jerk. God, you should have seen his face when I told him I wanted to marry you."
"I don't want to believe you. It doesn't even make sense." You cringed at the thought, but since nothing was impossible when it came to your husband, you could easily imagine the scenario, even with details.
"Oh love, I still have the scars on my chest to prove it." He wiggled his eyebrows teasingly, causing you to slap his chest lightly in return as you smiled with your eyes closed. "Maybe you'd like to kiss them better, hmm? Mrs. Kim?"
He was just an example of how maturity was not about age. Sometimes he was so sweet that he didn't even have to try to get what he wanted.
Including getting kisses from his baby.
"Only because you asked me nicely." Your lips curled into a smirk as you wasted no time in placing your hands on his abdomen, kissing a path down his neck to his chest. "I can't see anything-" You were halfway to his collarbone when he grabbed you by the hair, and even though his hands were some of the roughest you'd ever known, knowing he wouldn't put any pressure on his grip, you let him take control.
He guided you with his hands on your waist as you shifted in his embrace to find a better position on his lap. He tasted the drops of water on your lips like a man finding water in the middle of a dessert, your foreheads touching as you enjoyed the comforting silence.
"You're the only good thing in my life-" He whispered in your ear as you allowed him to help you straddle him with his expert hands. He watched your expression intently as you grabbed his hair at the back of his neck, using it as leverage to your face. "I'm not willing to give up on you ever."
"You are mine." Feeling your hips roughly lifted by the same hands that gently stroked your hair, you let out a soft whimper against his lips, feeling your pussy clench around his cock as he guided it into your welcoming walls. "I'll make sure no one ever hurts you again. She has no right to make you sad."
"Jinnie- don't you ever get mad at your mother-" You brushed his wet hair from his forehead as you finally settled into his lap. You were both still, clinging to each other as if you wanted to be moulded into one. "You know that I can take care of myself. Your mother's just being protective, there is no harm in that."
It was Jin who broke the silence as he couldn't help but thrust his hips into you, his breath catching in his throat.
"We'll get through this." You reassured him with a kiss on his lips. "Nothing scares me when you're by my side."
He tried to hide a giggle as he bit down on his lips with ultimate force, his fingers digging into the curve of your ass as he took control of you, moving you to his liking. He was too consumed with pleasure to even form words, but he promised you in a velvety voice.
"Good thing, angel. Because even when the sky falls down, even when the earth crumbles around our feet, I'll always be here by your side."
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miiilowo · 1 year
i feel like theres not a lot of great resources out there so i figured id just ask -- how would you recommend ways of living with/helping out someone else with npd? :)
youre right! most of the time when u look up NPD stuff its "THE ABUSER DISORDER: KNOW HOW TO RECOGNIZE IT AND DISABLE NARC DEFENSES SO THEY CANT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOU" which isnt. Great
all it really comes down to is listening to them n addressing their needs if they've communicated them to you. ill try to simplify it so i dont get too into details, though i will likely fail, and most of this advice will be based off my experiences, so idk how much itll apply to whoever ur talking about BUT:
generally (and w me especially) you can safely say that NPD mostly has to do with ego dysregulation. Our [as in myself and people w npd] mental health and general happiness tends to rely on how people perceive us, and if that perception is anything but positive, we feel like poopy doo doo dogshit. we kinda need to be paid attention to in a way that feels meaningful, yknow? compliment them, make sure theyre included in conversations (esp group ones), and try not to ignore em in any way. if youre talking to them and youre busy, for example, make sure you include that detail so they don't feel like youre brushing them aside. stuff like that. if they make art, and you genuinely like it, try going into detail as to why, whether its the colors or linework or what have you. if they write, tell them what you liked about the story or poem, etcetera. Tag them in stuff that reminds you of them if you have their socials, or send them things, show it to them, whatever.
lots of us tend to actually be very insecure, even if it doesn't seem that way, which might be important to keep in mind. sometimes we can get whats referred to as "narc crashes" (im not particularly a fan of the term narc, though theres nothing actually wrong with it, so ill just call it an NPD crash) where for whatever reason, we go from feeling great and secure in our egos and our stability and happiness and security to falling 600 feet down directly into hell no recovery absolutely awful 0% joy 0% light 100% agony. dogs with human teeth screaming at you and shit its really just no good. calling you a dunderhead
they usually (though not always!) come after a high where we feel fantastic, and most commonly the cause of a crash is we get hurt by someone, humiliated, or made to feel lesser in some significant way. for me, they're the worst when i no longer feel confident that people like me, and i become incredibly worried everybody secretly hates me. which is a very very very awful train of thought to be experiencing when you have the "EVERYBODY NEEDS TO LIKE ME NOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW" disorder. so if ur friend seems depressed or upset make sure to ask whats going on and bump up the praise and stuff up a notch. its the best way to recover for Me, at least. crashes dont have a consistent like. timeframe? i think it highly depends on the severity of what happened and whats being done to fix it, though im certainly no psychologist lmao
i feel like when folks w npd Are mean or unfair its because their needs arent being met, theyre doing awful, and they need support so they dont desperately lash out for it. god knows thats the case for me. thats another thing thats important to keep in mind i think
a lot of traits of NPD aren't pretty, and thats just a fact of the matter. its a disorder for a reason and all. even if we dont express the almost inherently negative traits all the time (usually because we are aware they are unfair to other people), its very likely that we are feeling them, and it does erode your brain after a while. The DSM-5 list of traits is probably the best way to go for this, as per this government website:
"A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and with lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood, as indicated by at least five of the following:
Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements, expects to be recognized as superior without actually completing the achievements)
Is preoccupied with fantasies of success, power, brilliance, beauty, or perfect love.
Believes that they are "special" and can only be understood by or should only associate with other special people (or institutions).[milo note: its hard for me to find something specific to make bold in this definition, but generally, i do not express that i think that i am better than other people even if i think it]
Requires excessive admiration.
Has a sense of entitlement, such as an unreasonable expectation of favorable treatment or compliance with his or her expectations.
Is exploitative and takes advantage of others to achieve their own ends.
Lacks empathy and is unwilling to identify with the needs of others.
Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of them.
Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors and attitudes."
Ive bolded the ones that would negatively affect people that, I, at least, try not to express but still feel, or feel the desire to do, near constantly.
As you can see, thats a pretty hefty chunk of them! I'm sure some people could take problem with every trait listed here, in which case they can suck my whole dick, but those are the ones I've noticed upset people the most, or make relationships the most difficult. I bring these up because if someone does express these, you need to keep in mind it is because of a personality disorder. That doesn't always make them acceptable, and if they are really upsetting, you should talk to them about it, but thats just like. basic relationship shit lmao. just try to be an eensy bit forgiving
Though the MAIN reason I wanted to bring up the traits is due to the 'entitlement/unreasonable expectation of favorable treatment/compliance' one. This can manifest in a whole lot of ways, but it is genuinely infuriating when someone ignores what i want them to do/what ive asked them to do/etc, especially if its for a reason that doesnt 'feel' solid enough, like them just not wanting to do it. it can be incredibly frustrating if someone with npd says they need something from you or want you to do xyz and it doesnt happen, so try your best to listen to them. if you cant do what they desire for whatever reason, make sure thats clear, and why. Most of us will recognize we're being unfair, but will still be mad; Just know its not because of you, its because of the disorder, and most people will not hold it against you because they're aware its unreasonable in some fashion.
i think thats like. the main things when it comes to meeting the needs of someone w NPD. to summarize and dumb it down:
make sure to compliment them in meaningful ways, especially when you really mean it
pay attention to them; try to prioritize them in conversation and such. it feels very nice. dont ignore them for the love of god
keep the crashes in mind, and try to uplift your friend as much as you can. reassure them you care about them, maybe not directly by saying "i care about you" but with your actions in general
listen to them and adapt to their needs as best as you can
remember that if they are being unpleasant its probably because of The Disorder and they are not doing well. dont let anyone be a prick to you but try to be kind. everybody goes through shit
if anyone has anything to add, or if you have any followup questions, feel free to ask ^_^ i very much didn't cover everything here, and again, this is mostly based off of my experience as someone w NPD, and everyone is different to some degree. The most important thing to do is ask about their needs, and try to adapt to them the best you can.
i think thats all i have to say for now tho so. sayanora. if i come up w anything else ill add it in an edit
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thehusbandoden · 1 year
Can you do todoroki x f!reader when reader is self conscious
Sorry this was so short + took so long!! I hope these are what you wanted, and if not then don't be afraid to reach out to me! Have a good day love, and stay safe out there! <33
Todoroki Shoto x F!Self conscious! Reader
General info:
Genre: fluff/comfort (seems to be all I've been writing recently 😅) \\ wc: 600 \\ female reader
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It is going to take a lot of time and patience to teach Shoto that you're not joking when you tell him you're self concious.
He just cannot understand that such a perfect, and gorgeous angel like yourself can feel that way.
After multiple conversations with you, Midoriya, his mom, Fuyumi, and Ururaka, he finally understood and knew how to help you.
He comforted, validated, reasured, complimented, and held you whenever you needed him to.
No matter where or when, if you told him that you needed him, he's running to get to you.
Very very sweet, and won't interupt your rambles, even if some of the things you thought were absoulutely not true, or made him tear up.
Will not tollerate any teasing or bullying towards you.
He's quiet but deadly. He'll start with sending cold glares, and when the idiot still doesn't take the hint he'll lower the tempature, still glaring at the person as he slightly steps in front of you. If they push him too far he will growl at them- and it is terrifying. The farthest he's gotten is freezing some idiotic third year in his spot before pulling you away for some cold soba.
Very protective over you- if you can't tell ^^
Daily compliments, especially targetting your insecurties/the things you're most concious about.
If you ever need space away from him he'll give it to you, but if it's any longer than three days he's going to come into your dorm room and figure out what's wrong.
Always sending you gifts with adorable hand written love letters, poems, and sometimes a long list of everything he loves about you.
If he ever accidently hurts your feelings he'll feel terrible :(
Will not stop apologizing weeks after you've forgiven him.
Puts special effort into calling you by a few of his favorite petnames: beautiful, gorgeous, pretty, and princess.
Reminds you daily how much he loves you + how gorgeous you are.
He'll spend hours telling you how much he loves and appreciates you, and will go over every single thing.
If you don't want to go somewhere, do something, talk to someone, or even see someone- he'll make it happen.
On mental health days when you just really need to take a break he'll call Aizawa to explain why he's not in class- and he actually understands; and lets it happen as long as you two aren't abusing it.
When/if you feel like doing absolutely nothing, he'll take care of you. He'll cook, clean, feed, and comfort you until you feel better.
After spoon feeding you yes, he spoon feeds you he'll pull you into his side/chest and smother you in soft, loving kisses.
If you want to hear his voice he'll softly tell you a story, talk about how much he loves you, or tell you about his day.
If you want silence, he's good with that too.
In general, he is super loving and supportive, caring and supporting you every single step you take.
He's always there when you need him, and he refuses to let someone talk bad about you, let alone let you listen to them.
He loves you a whole lot, and he honestly thinks that you are litteraly the best person in this universe.
He loves you to no end, and he refuses to ever give you up.
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azapofinspiration · 23 days
Writer Interview Game
Tagged by @grassbreads
When did you start writing?
Uh, I started attempting to write my own stuff around 5th/6th Grade (though not much came of that; most of my own stories and characters just turn in the microwave of my brain rather than on the page).
Writing fanfic though (which is most of my writing) is a bit different. I had a friend who wrote fanfic in middle school (though I didn't know that it had a name and community online) that I would read over and proofread/edit for. So I was also inspired to write a couple fanfics and lines for my fave series at the time, Inuyasha and Chrono Crusade.
But I didn't know what fanfic was and actually start writing regularly until I was in college. I was looking for official art, stumbled into fan art, which then lead to fanfiction on FF.Net and the rest was history.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I do read smut when the mood takes me and I don't write that at all. Though admittedly, depending on the context, sometimes I kinda zoom through the sex stuff to get to whatever catharsis or crisis the characters are going through in that setting. The closest I've gotten to writing that is just fading out and implying sex happened.
Other than that, I read and write hurt/comfort, fluff, angst. Fantasy, adventure, slice of life. I mostly stick to what I know and only occasionally dip my toes in elsewhere.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
As a kid, I wanted to emulate the author of HP. I no longer wish to do that for obvious reasons, though part of me still admires how back in the day her works spurred practically a whole generation to read.
I know once someone told me that a poem I wrote was a similar style to Robert Frost's but that's the only time I really remember someone comparing my work to another author (and I don't think I was even a teenager yet). I don't usually write much poetry anyway so it's kinda a moot point. Usually when people talk about my work, comparisons aren't much of a factor.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
My writing space is mostly my apartment, usually either my bed or my couch/love seat. I use a laptop to do most of my writing, though I have on occasions used my phone if I'm compelled to write elsewhere or need to be sneaky about it.
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
It's just a hobby for me, so I write as I can when I can. The coming up with ideas is usually the easy part. The actual getting them written down and comprehensible to others (and motivating myself to do so) is the hard part.
I've got tons of ideas rotating in my brain, mostly for fanfic but also for my OCs in the way back.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
I mean, I do write a lot of hurt/comfort. While I do write angst, I don't like completely hopeless endings. I like something that allows at least a smidge of hope to linger.
I guess if there's anything close to a theme, it's about people being there to support each other. I've written this as family, friends, and romantic partners. Actually, a lot of my shipping fics are in an amibiguous, is it romantic or platonic zone, because I don't necessarily care about the specifics as long as they're together and supporting each other.
What is your reason for writing?
I think it's fun even though it can be a lot of hard work. And I like to get these ideas out of my brain and share them with others.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
I've often been told that my characterization is really strong and feels true even when I do AU settings completely different from canon. I also think my dialogue has gotten a lot more natural sounding over the years.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I like it. Sure, when I've just posted a fic, I may be fed up with it due to all the writing and editing and proofreading I've been doing, but I'll eat it up the same as any other fic or story I read within just a couple of weeks. I write the stuff that I wish I could read and want to put my own spin on, so of course, I do usually like my writing - even if upon reading it I suddenly notice grammar, spelling, or word errors that weren't caught in all the proofreading and spellchecks I did.
Still, overall, I do like my writing and I'm proud of how far it's come.
Now, perhaps if I could just get some stuff written about my OCs...
For whoever wants to do this, feel free to try this game yourself. I'll tag @theroadtosomewhere and @xlillyle to play if they want to (no pressure).
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ellie-mae11 · 2 years
Hi! My name is Ellie Mae-okay, it's not really Ellie Mae. But I'm totally uncomfortable with putting my name out there with my story. I decided a long time ago that if I was going to become famous one day, my pseudonym would be Ellie Mae. I'm not famous. But my pseudonym is still Ellie Mae. My friend suggested that I start this blog sort of as a creative outlet that can be geared to a more specific audience than using Facebook-again, totally uncomfortable! I have never written a blog before and I have no idea what I'm doing! I decided to title my blog "April's Showers Bring May's Flowers" because I have another friend who I often like to talk garden analogies with. We like to remind each other that the stormy, overcast, hard days bring the needed moisture for beautiful things to grow. And so it is in life. Even though it really doesn't feel like it sometimes-like, a LOT of the time!
Life has been pretty rough for me the last several years. But whose hasn't!? So that's not really anything unique. I have found myself at a place where I am need of serious healing. I have amazing friends and family. I am so incredible lucky in that way. But it still hurts. I feel like throughout life, I have genuinely tried to be a good person. But I'm not perfect. I found myself married to somebody who, over time, began to control every aspect of my life. The details aren't important. The important part is that I escaped. Very recently. As I was sitting in church on Sunday-sort of agonizing over some of the hurtful things that have been said and done to me, I had a feeling of peace come over me. I know my own truth. I know who I am and who I am not. I can stand at peace with myself and God knowing that I am a good person and did everything that I could. So I wrote this poem. I call it "My Time.”
My time to rise.
My time to shine.
Now I've escaped you.
Tell your lies.
But my story's mine.
You can't change what is true.
Build your ego.
Scapegoat me.
Whatever pulls you through.
But people know
Who want to see
The truth of me and you.
So tell your lies.
You fool yourself.
No longer can fool me.
It's my time to rise.
To love myself.
You can't take my dignity.
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Poem Details
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Connie Marcum Wong
A Divine Cascade
Glist'ing drops Splashing into fine mist— I become one with the waterfall. Feeling joy As droplets kiss my face And enter my soul’s most sacred place. Crystalline, Anointing me with love, Sustaining all life forms on the Earth. Gratitude For each divine droplet; A cascading veil of purity. © Connie Marcum Wong Contest: Some Form of Crystalline sponsored by Nette Onclaud November 3, 2014
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Kristopher Higgs
While You Sleep
While you sleep I tell you all of the things I keep inside throughout day. Now that you can hear but not listen I find them much easier to say. My hopes, my dreams, my fears, and everything in between Your subconscious hears so keen, or so it seems. My tongue is soft; I speak so sweetly Knowing your reaction will never greet me. Tonight will be different in what I want you to know. It has everything to do with what I can’t help but show. I hold no claim to any religion but you’ve given me a place for my faith. Somewhere it will never stale or lose its lavish taste. You’ve shown me something I can see, touch, and feel, And so before it I choose to kneel. I know I don’t say it but I miss you every day. Sitting, thinking of the perfect words to be my choice, Yet when you call I can’t find any of the right words to say. I’m just happy to finally hear your voice. Even just a moment is enough to sooth my heavy heart; Fearing the ends of conversations knowing we’ll have to part. I’ll never be too far from you, always within arm’s reach, And in your days of darkness I’ll be the light that you will seek. I’ll never let you leave too far from me, I’ll stay close behind you in this world; Secretly protecting what is mine, you will always be my girl. I only want the best for you so the best of me I will employ. Faithfully yours, I will always be your boy. I close my eyes and kiss your soft sweet lips And see the very best of you in loving bliss. I see past the physical which makes you attractive And focus on the things I can’t see in which I’m attracted. Your thoughts I’d love to hear them all. Of the things you speak disinterest never makes its call. My day will come, I know someday I’ll be the only one. And you I will pursue viciously, Because I’ve given you the greatest gift I can give, to love unconditionally. Yes our day will come, I know someday we’ll be as one. And you I will pursue viciously, Because I’ve given you the greatest gift I can give… to love unconditionally.
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humble b
LOVE God is always love Forever seek the kingdom; Praise the creator Keep giving what you can give Please endure until the end ANGELS Beautiful Heavens Protecting the meek ones earth Watching over us Helping us to cope with life Comforted with hope and trust MUSIC When you find rhythm You find your hearts inner core Celebrate the times Make them better than before Reminisce and dance all night
Poem Details
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Connie Gildersleeve
Intoxicating wordless Sound
Seeking the solace in its voice As it sings and serenades. Intoxicating wordless sound Carried along on air currents, Transforms wind to song. Mellow notes with breathless voice Plays like a lovers embrace. Deep earthy sounds perceived by ear. Romancing my heart through song, An alluring sound from the flute.
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Jeremy Street
Cut By The Knife
I am young I am old I am soft I am bold I can laugh I can cry I can quit Still, I can try Days they pass Turn to night Then come dreams Lost in flight Can't change the world Can't stop the rain But if I could I would end all of the pain For I am one In all that exist Throughout the years Throughout the mist Yet here comes my chance Or so goes my life Caught by the windmill.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ....Cut by the knife ~
Poem Details
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liam mcdaid
Princess Philomena 1
She who is the light and hope in love complete I kneel in your grace A story that really gripped me deeply as my mother told me with such pride in her voice Protectress of the most Holy living rosary she has preformed countless miracles A young virgin who was martyred at the age of 13 She willingly gave her life to the heavenly sacrifice daughter of light you shine heroic Blessed with the virtues of purity,obedience and humility the anchor of hope in deep dark despair I promised someone really dear to me precious in my heart with love to write this story She was the daughter of a prince stunning beautiful coming from a small state in Greece who her family became Christians in baptism she became the daughter off, light One day while in the city the family went for an audience with the great emperor, when he saw her he appeared possessed in his mannerism during the whole time within conversations Now her father was dazzled with his honor he willingly accepted his proposal of marriage her father and mother tried everything to induce her to yield to their demands she turned to them and said I never break a promise once made in the one she had made to Jesus saying her virginity belongs to him No longer can I dispose of it They tried everything in their power her father began attacking her in his own shame in violent rage and anger and her mother tried to induce her to yield they tried everything with her that was possibly know to them Until both her parents fell on their knees begging with tears that were overwhelming their eyes pleading with her to please take pity on them No was her answer final on the subject she had vowed herself to God and her kingdom is in Heaven She was brought before the emperor at the time he flew into a mad violent fit of anger mixed with rage influenced by the devil himself He flung her into the palace prison thinking to himself with pain and suffering and with great shame in her courage he constantly attacked her some which were almost fatal to her purity of blessing had it not been for the hand and grace of God Her prayers supported her those she made to the love of Jesus and to her most holy mother with her only son now being held in captivity 37 days in total always in a heavenly mist of light Our Blessed most Holy Mother supreme through the eyes of all women bride of our Lord the Father God the creator our Blessed Mother appeared in a vision this story continues on next write 3 chapters this all held me captive
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Ingrid Showalter Swift
The Most beautiful Place
O Most beautiful of places like a whisper read me..if you read me...in hushed tones "Lace and fineness" not for me Sweet salty sea and a sand colored shore the lines are long..slender.smooth..an ever horizon upon which I rise the hills and valleys are silken paleness sheened by light a channel runs down the middle to a small perfect fount into which I dip my spirit and am purified baptized...cleansed of all earthly things I rest..but for a moment for there is a mysterious forest beyond plush..warm and verdant and beyond that..lies the source of all evil..and good I am Eve I am the garden... and you are my soul's seed..the forbidden apple that awakens I am the ocean ...come to rock me you turn me from stone to ice...from ice to rain...from rain to river...from river to sea...from sea to light...from light to dark...from dark to illuminati that I may forever rise and rise again upon your perfect pale shore and come to understand...the true value of all things
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Al Parry
Teenage Girls clad in the latest fashions, Do it whenever they meet, Grown men aren't afraid to show some passion, When their team's comeback is complete, They can say hello, they can say goodbye, And anything inbetween, If you open your arms and crack a smile, There is nothing that a hug cannot mean.
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Timothy Jacks
I ain't like nothing you ever heard before I tell you what when I get done we'll see if you still feel the same know im known, you know i spread all my love around and what you looking for drugs sorry i dont sell them U know where im from we do it all different kind of ways got some good friends still, then i got some old friends that aint worth a shit even though they say old friends are gold Well maybe if your an old friend of mine you could show me then sliver is refined new friends come and shine their lights on my dark path and they love me even though im a smart ass so stick around hell it ain't hell its a pretty nice town  Hillsboro, Tx Oh hold those doubts and false thoughts about me down in the valley in the shadow of darkness i walk with men, i talk with them some fathers  some a couple hardheads but they all good men or they would'nt walk with me we got a team boy we talking serious we furious, you feel our spirits when we put your ass in mental check
Poem Details
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liam mcdaid
Precious Gem
My rock that sparkles on arrival emotions swell inside warm dewdrops Leaving the gates open from my mind drawing from out of this dream golden a beautiful runway opens sparkling Sweetly flying to you my heart pure lights up within breathing deep loving Warmly sighs feelings so good loving somebody so special very hot beautiful who smiles dazzling lights up wrote in 9 syllable count a beautiful cloud that hangs 10 lines to represent something perfect
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liam mcdaid
Flying with the wind
Over the sea galloping upon waves in the swift uplifting rush of the tide Chariots of fire blush red the rose swept up by the whirlwind holding a breathless whisper Upon these foundations the rock stands sings out one bird of valuable beauty sweet music echoing deeply through the voice of a Heavenly choir Oh gracious gemstone you are the fruit of loves light who pierces the deepest crevices of one's mind In a castle of dreams fringed with gold bring me a bow of burning incense Fragrantly it blossoms in the mind Consuming divine fire I come and bow down to your Heavenly being (Unrhymed Quatrain) Co written by Maria Mc Laughlin and Liam Mc Daid
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liam mcdaid
Baptism Of Faith
A symbol of our creation is the birth of love One heavenly gesture complete encompassing one's heart In divine purity embraces the darkness with warm light within our spiritual being Unrhymed tercets
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Nina Mindova
Sea impression
                                Wave a sea softened                  and a pain and a tenderness                   throw dreams in fascination                   of the blue.                   And let shave the waves of                   Your eternity , oh, weigh                    above me,                    oh,weigh a  coast of years.                    Carry far in azure, spiral                    ships,                    with bulging little abdomens,                    flutter with mahagony pinions                    and already in vain  expect you                    to stop the scales harbours                    with hot flames for You are                    open.                    Far away, far away ,far away,                    stretched string,                    heart and frank await the                    hymn of June.                    All sea sisters are dressed in                    mother-of-pearl garment                    embroidered of kiss of                    eternity                    In the morning hunts them                    fishermen and revive with                    breath of their man’s hands.                    In the evening girls wash
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Poem Details
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Connie Marcum Wong
A Divine Cascade
Glist'ing drops Splashing into fine mist— I become one with the waterfall. Feeling joy As droplets kiss my face And enter my soul’s most sacred place. Crystalline, Anointing me with love, Sustaining all life forms on the Earth. Gratitude For each divine droplet; A cascading veil of purity. © Connie Marcum Wong Contest: Some Form of Crystalline sponsored by Nette Onclaud November 3, 2014
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Kristopher Higgs
While You Sleep
While you sleep I tell you all of the things I keep inside throughout day. Now that you can hear but not listen I find them much easier to say. My hopes, my dreams, my fears, and everything in between Your subconscious hears so keen, or so it seems. My tongue is soft; I speak so sweetly Knowing your reaction will never greet me. Tonight will be different in what I want you to know. It has everything to do with what I can’t help but show. I hold no claim to any religion but you’ve given me a place for my faith. Somewhere it will never stale or lose its lavish taste. You’ve shown me something I can see, touch, and feel, And so before it I choose to kneel. I know I don’t say it but I miss you every day. Sitting, thinking of the perfect words to be my choice, Yet when you call I can’t find any of the right words to say. I’m just happy to finally hear your voice. Even just a moment is enough to sooth my heavy heart; Fearing the ends of conversations knowing we’ll have to part. I’ll never be too far from you, always within arm’s reach, And in your days of darkness I’ll be the light that you will seek. I’ll never let you leave too far from me, I’ll stay close behind you in this world; Secretly protecting what is mine, you will always be my girl. I only want the best for you so the best of me I will employ. Faithfully yours, I will always be your boy. I close my eyes and kiss your soft sweet lips And see the very best of you in loving bliss. I see past the physical which makes you attractive And focus on the things I can’t see in which I’m attracted. Your thoughts I’d love to hear them all. Of the things you speak disinterest never makes its call. My day will come, I know someday I’ll be the only one. And you I will pursue viciously, Because I’ve given you the greatest gift I can give, to love unconditionally. Yes our day will come, I know someday we’ll be as one. And you I will pursue viciously, Because I’ve given you the greatest gift I can give… to love unconditionally.
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humble b
LOVE God is always love Forever seek the kingdom; Praise the creator Keep giving what you can give Please endure until the end ANGELS Beautiful Heavens Protecting the meek ones earth Watching over us Helping us to cope with life Comforted with hope and trust MUSIC When you find rhythm You find your hearts inner core Celebrate the times Make them better than before Reminisce and dance all night
Poem Details
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Connie Gildersleeve
Intoxicating wordless Sound
Seeking the solace in its voice As it sings and serenades. Intoxicating wordless sound Carried along on air currents, Transforms wind to song. Mellow notes with breathless voice Plays like a lovers embrace. Deep earthy sounds perceived by ear. Romancing my heart through song, An alluring sound from the flute.
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Jeremy Street
Cut By The Knife
I am young I am old I am soft I am bold I can laugh I can cry I can quit Still, I can try Days they pass Turn to night Then come dreams Lost in flight Can't change the world Can't stop the rain But if I could I would end all of the pain For I am one In all that exist Throughout the years Throughout the mist Yet here comes my chance Or so goes my life Caught by the windmill.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ....Cut by the knife ~
Poem Details
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liam mcdaid
Princess Philomena 1
She who is the light and hope in love complete I kneel in your grace A story that really gripped me deeply as my mother told me with such pride in her voice Protectress of the most Holy living rosary she has preformed countless miracles A young virgin who was martyred at the age of 13 She willingly gave her life to the heavenly sacrifice daughter of light you shine heroic Blessed with the virtues of purity,obedience and humility the anchor of hope in deep dark despair I promised someone really dear to me precious in my heart with love to write this story She was the daughter of a prince stunning beautiful coming from a small state in Greece who her family became Christians in baptism she became the daughter off, light One day while in the city the family went for an audience with the great emperor, when he saw her he appeared possessed in his mannerism during the whole time within conversations Now her father was dazzled with his honor he willingly accepted his proposal of marriage her father and mother tried everything to induce her to yield to their demands she turned to them and said I never break a promise once made in the one she had made to Jesus saying her virginity belongs to him No longer can I dispose of it They tried everything in their power her father began attacking her in his own shame in violent rage and anger and her mother tried to induce her to yield they tried everything with her that was possibly know to them Until both her parents fell on their knees begging with tears that were overwhelming their eyes pleading with her to please take pity on them No was her answer final on the subject she had vowed herself to God and her kingdom is in Heaven She was brought before the emperor at the time he flew into a mad violent fit of anger mixed with rage influenced by the devil himself He flung her into the palace prison thinking to himself with pain and suffering and with great shame in her courage he constantly attacked her some which were almost fatal to her purity of blessing had it not been for the hand and grace of God Her prayers supported her those she made to the love of Jesus and to her most holy mother with her only son now being held in captivity 37 days in total always in a heavenly mist of light Our Blessed most Holy Mother supreme through the eyes of all women bride of our Lord the Father God the creator our Blessed Mother appeared in a vision this story continues on next write 3 chapters this all held me captive
Poem Details
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Ingrid Showalter Swift
The Most beautiful Place
O Most beautiful of places like a whisper read me..if you read me...in hushed tones "Lace and fineness" not for me Sweet salty sea and a sand colored shore the lines are long..slender.smooth..an ever horizon upon which I rise the hills and valleys are silken paleness sheened by light a channel runs down the middle to a small perfect fount into which I dip my spirit and am purified baptized...cleansed of all earthly things I rest..but for a moment for there is a mysterious forest beyond plush..warm and verdant and beyond that..lies the source of all evil..and good I am Eve I am the garden... and you are my soul's seed..the forbidden apple that awakens I am the ocean ...come to rock me you turn me from stone to ice...from ice to rain...from rain to river...from river to sea...from sea to light...from light to dark...from dark to illuminati that I may forever rise and rise again upon your perfect pale shore and come to understand...the true value of all things
Poem Details
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Al Parry
Teenage Girls clad in the latest fashions, Do it whenever they meet, Grown men aren't afraid to show some passion, When their team's comeback is complete, They can say hello, they can say goodbye, And anything inbetween, If you open your arms and crack a smile, There is nothing that a hug cannot mean.
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Timothy Jacks
I ain't like nothing you ever heard before I tell you what when I get done we'll see if you still feel the same know im known, you know i spread all my love around and what you looking for drugs sorry i dont sell them U know where im from we do it all different kind of ways got some good friends still, then i got some old friends that aint worth a shit even though they say old friends are gold Well maybe if your an old friend of mine you could show me then sliver is refined new friends come and shine their lights on my dark path and they love me even though im a smart ass so stick around hell it ain't hell its a pretty nice town  Hillsboro, Tx Oh hold those doubts and false thoughts about me down in the valley in the shadow of darkness i walk with men, i talk with them some fathers  some a couple hardheads but they all good men or they would'nt walk with me we got a team boy we talking serious we furious, you feel our spirits when we put your ass in mental check
Poem Details
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liam mcdaid
Precious Gem
My rock that sparkles on arrival emotions swell inside warm dewdrops Leaving the gates open from my mind drawing from out of this dream golden a beautiful runway opens sparkling Sweetly flying to you my heart pure lights up within breathing deep loving Warmly sighs feelings so good loving somebody so special very hot beautiful who smiles dazzling lights up wrote in 9 syllable count a beautiful cloud that hangs 10 lines to represent something perfect
Poem Details
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liam mcdaid
Flying with the wind
Over the sea galloping upon waves in the swift uplifting rush of the tide Chariots of fire blush red the rose swept up by the whirlwind holding a breathless whisper Upon these foundations the rock stands sings out one bird of valuable beauty sweet music echoing deeply through the voice of a Heavenly choir Oh gracious gemstone you are the fruit of loves light who pierces the deepest crevices of one's mind In a castle of dreams fringed with gold bring me a bow of burning incense Fragrantly it blossoms in the mind Consuming divine fire I come and bow down to your Heavenly being (Unrhymed Quatrain) Co written by Maria Mc Laughlin and Liam Mc Daid
Poem Details
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liam mcdaid
Baptism Of Faith
A symbol of our creation is the birth of love One heavenly gesture complete encompassing one's heart In divine purity embraces the darkness with warm light within our spiritual being Unrhymed tercets
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Nina Mindova
Sea impression
                                Wave a sea softened                  and a pain and a tenderness                   throw dreams in fascination                   of the blue.                   And let shave the waves of                   Your eternity , oh, weigh                    above me,                    oh,weigh a  coast of years.                    Carry far in azure, spiral                    ships,                    with bulging little abdomens,                    flutter with mahagony pinions                    and already in vain  expect you                    to stop the scales harbours                    with hot flames for You are                    open.                    Far away, far away ,far away,                    stretched string,                    heart and frank await the
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