#i feel like my emails should be longer but i cant really think of anything to add
love that I've reached a point in my life where I'm inquiring about jobs by sending emails that are like 5 sentences long. I no longer feel the need to grovel. I'm interested in the job, I have relevant experience. read my resume. fuck you.
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burntblueberrywaffles · 11 months
Fic tag game
got tagged by @fangeek-girl ❤️❤️
How many works do you have on Ao3?
I have 7 works but 3 of them are fanfic lol
2. What's your Ao3 word count?
1896 words total. Your girl is definitely one for brevity LOL
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Wednesday, that one drabble I made for The Man Who Killed Don Quixote, and I've been writing for Star Wars (though I haven't posted anything yet) and Mrs maisel (i wrote a whole short fic for that almost a year ago but I forgot about it completely until I found it in my notes apps, I should get around to posting it)  
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I don't have 5 fics total but here's my current count in order:
2-The world's a little blurry
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes always! the fact that people are READING my stuff and taking time to comment has me 🥺🥺🥺
My writing ao3 isnt linked to my main email adress though so sometimes it takes me a while to respond because I wont see it until I periodically check my fic stats
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
.....Probably The world's a little blurry let's be real (I'm going to fix it it in the next one in the series, I promise!!!)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
akdadhjgsjgd hard to say all my shit is angsty, I guess Pretend?? kind of, it's less of a downer than the other ones. The final part of Come a little closer will have a happy ending though I promise! (already finished writing the end, I just need to write the beginning lol)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No ❤️ I don't think any of my stuff has gotten enough attention for that lol
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
NO my ace ass has no experience with that so I wouldn't know how 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️(I might need to in some future project, fortunately a lot of my friends are perverts (affectionate) so I could probably ask for some guidance if it comes to that LOL)
10. Do you write cross-overs?
No, I'm not a big fans of crossovers in general so certainly have never felt compelled to write one.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
13. What WIP you would like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
So many ugh I cant even choose, it's more rare for me to actually finish something than the opposite, that's why I'll never post anything unless the whole thing is finished (only exception is my current series, but that's because I felt like each fic making up the series were self-contained enough that they didn't need to follow up immediatly to work? if that makes sense - plus the first one was a one shot and only thought of how to follow it up after posting it)
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
15. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm really good at imagery and emotion (being a poetry writer goes brrrrr)
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
DESCRIPTIONS oh god I'm so bad at it. My fic are vibes only lmao, what are they wearing? where are they? what movements are they doing? NOT IMPORTANT how about I offer you 12 metaphors on how this character is feeling instead. (though I'm forcing myself to work on it haha)
I also struggle with any longer story arc... there's a reason all my stuff is so short lol
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If it's in french it would be pretty fun since it's my ✨first language✨ hehe. For other languages I'd see if one of my friends speak it but otherwise idk if I'd include it bc I don't want to butcher another language, I've seen too many english authors put french through the ringer it's painful 😭
18. First fandom you wrote for?
I guess Julie and the Phantoms? I never posted it but I had a pretty advanced fic for that. unless you count the 13 reasons why fic I posted on wattpas when i was early teen but we dont talk about that
19. Favourite fic you've ever written?
right now it has to be The world's a little blurry, I just love how it came out hehe
20. What fic would you want to rewrite one day?
none right now.
Anyway tagging @nonamemanga @beri-allen @unlifeira @realmermaid333 @suchaladyy @witchysith @king-crimson-works @theycallme-thejackal and anyone else who might want to do it!
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ruvatia · 3 years
Sorry if this is a bit much with everything going on, but could I request a scenario where the Paladins + Matt & Lotor have a black s/o and they’re scared abt everything that’s happening in their country and are sad that racial injustice is happening? I’ve been rlly worried the past few days, but if this is smth too uncomfy I understand ;w; Thank you 💖💖💖
This got really long, I apologize but I turned it into half-headcanons with just the main paladins-- i apologize for not doing all the characters you’ve mentioned, but I don’t think they would fit all in a single post anyways www
On another note I hope you and every other reader take good care of their mental health; it’s important to be aware of what’s going on but it’s also important to be in the right mindspace to be able to tackle everything that’s being shared. It’s pain that’s been boiling for a very long time and there is absolutely no shame in taking some downtime to recover before heading back into current issues.
If you were saddened, Shiro would suggest that maybe you switch to something else; if there was something that he knows will distract you and temporarily have you be a little more at ease, he’d do that!
But also maybe add a little twist-- extra soft blankets (fresh out of the oven! Screw the bills you’re worth it), extra cheese on your favorite dish, whatever it is that can make your smile a little wider, bigger or brighter just let him know!
Would give you hugs if you asked, but usually Shiro pets your head and brushes your cheek for comfort
He also does this when he wants to ask something of you, but thats another story
Why the TV was still on was a mystery to you, you’d stopped listening a long time ago. Your partner besides you noticed, and you felt the hand around your shoulder tighten his grip a little, bringing you out of your thoughts.
“Hey, maybe we should watch something else?” he asked softly, brushing your cheek with his hand. “I can’t really listen to this anymore.”
“Yeah… Sure.” you replied, though it felt like an automated response more than your actual opinion.
“Okay, I’ll switch to that weird show Pidge recorded the other day, we agreed to watch it, right?” he replied, quickly grabbing the remote to change the program.
The first episode started playing, but the moment that it did, you felt cold as Shiro left your side.
“Where are you going?” you asked, your interlaced fingers the only thing keeping him close.
“Ah, I thought I’d make us something. We both kinda skipped dinner….”
He’d thought about putting something together that you’d like, maybe order dessert to surprise you but seeing the look on your face, leaving your side was the hardest thing to do right now.
So he gave in, and your both fell asleep until the doorbell rang with your delivery.
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I have this headcanon that Keith isn’t very good with physical touch but after the end of voltron and after enough time of humanitarian relief, he learns how important it is for someone that’s in a specific state of mind
So the best he has to offer when his words fail is physical touch
Over your time together he’s learned what you need depending on your mood, and it helped him out lots when you were more vocal about it-- if anything he liked it when you asked for things that he could easily deliver, he’d do anything to see you smile
A hand came over your phone screen, Keith’s fingers lacing into yours and making you drop the device onto the crevices of the sofa.
“Why did you--”
“You’ve been staring at that thing for the past hour, biting at your nails.” he said in a worried tone. “That’s enough. We’re going to bed.”
“But it’s just--”
“We’re going to bed.” he repeated in a harsher tone, lifting you off your seat.
Keith sat down onto the bed first, pulling you into him. You both fell onto the bed, Keith quickly pulling the covers over your shoulders before his arms came around you.
“My alarm is my phone.”
“That’s nice, but we both know we have nothing to do tomorrow.” he replied right away, making you chuckle.
“Keith…” you called, your hands sneaking up to his face.
You brushed away some of his hair from his face as he gave you a complicated expression, unable to reflect the small smile you wore. He knew things were shit outside, that being apart from your family and other loved ones was a toll on both you and that lately negative thoughts have plagued you more often than not but Keith, despite his good intention was still somewhat of an awkward man.
“Thank you.”
He kissed you in reply and you both left it at that, glad that he had someone like you to meet him halfway.
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Lots of hugs the moment he feels something is off with you
Will be a brat™ for the sole purpose of distracting you, bET
I feel like post-series Lance tries his best to be as observant as Allura and tries to understand others better-- but it didn't take a genius or incredible empath to know why your eyes looked like they were about to overflow at the sight of the news.
I’d like to think that Lance, with a big connected family is one of the paladins that very easily gets what you’re going through, wouldn’t be surprised he’s been called one or two things in his past either
That being said it doesn’t mean that he completely understands your personalized struggles with racial injustices that you encounter everyday; as another minority himself + coming from a culture and upbringing that might be different than yours, its a very different experience.
Memories flooded as the news anchor spoke about “lootings” and as you scrolled down your feed to see feeble attempts at sympathy from local peacekeepers. You sigh and retweet another thread, only to find something equally as shocking right after. You stopped commenting in quote retweets a while ago, you felt like you were constantly repeating that none of this was okay and that a reform was desperately needed. Rather than typing out your thoughts you typed out your name, address and email over and over again, signing one petition after the other.
Hearing sigh after sigh, Lance eventually put an arm around your shoulder. He startled you, but his soft voice made both your shoulders and your guard lower.
“Hey, do you want to make a midnight snack with me? I’m getting kinda hungry.”
“What about that new rule we were talking about? Not eating 4 hours before we went to bed?”
“Every diet has one or two cheat days, don’t they?” he replied, kissing one of your eyelids. “Come on, I’m sure your neck is sore from being like that for so long.”
In the end you both made some soul-food until a food-coma knocked you out until tomorrow. In the morning, you realized that Lance must’ve woken up in the middle of the night because you remember cuddling on the couch, and yet you’re waking up on the bed. Of course, still in his arms.
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Having a sensible heart, I feel like both you and hunk would struggle a little about maintaining a healthy distance with current events.
Though overtime he would understand that keeping in touch with everything that’s going on is important, but not at the sake of burning out
His best bet, to him, to pull you out of a such a dark space is with comfort food
“Ok ppl feel like they want to eat a horse but they actually cant when they’re in that mind space Hunk, let’s make something sweet and small; something direct and straight to the point! Let’s add smiley faces on it!”
Your turned down the volume from the news, let your head fall backwards and brought up your forearm over your closed eyes. It felt warm and made it you realize that you had probably been staring very intensely at the screen as a wave of comfort hit your eyes the moment they were drowned in darkness. Letting out a deep breath, you stilled and let yourself bask in your thoughts until a familiar voice brought you back.
“Maybe a little bit more sugar? No, then it would be disbalanced. The base is already so sweet-- Ah, I have to take the cupcakes out or else they might get burned!”
You felt a smile grow on your lips, making you ignore the horrid news being broadcasted to turn to your partner that as usual, seemed to juggle ten thousand things to create a whole meal.
“What’s going on over here?” you asked, leaning over the counter to note that one of your favorite dishes was made and machines that were mostly used for baking had been brought out.
“Oh you know, just a little pick me up for my most favorite person ever.” he shrugged, but a smile soon came to his face. His hands were full but he leaned over, his lips meeting your cheek. “Things outside are a little dark, so I thought we could both use a little something nice.”
He turned on the machine after dropping a drop of dye to make it your favorite color and within a few minutes the icing was finished. Hunk scooped up a small amount on his finger and brought it to his lips and nod.
“Wanna taste?” he asked you, his finger dipping into the icing.
A mischievous grin spread on your features as you took his wrist and let his finger fall on your tongue, the sweetness quickly spreading through your mouth. The yellow paladin shivered as you let his digit hang in your mouth for longer than necessary, letting out a satisfied hum when you returned it to him.
“Tastes perfect.”
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She knew what could be fixed, she knew how to fix it but this meant she was also aware of how long such a transition would take
I think Pidge would be similar to Shiro: whatever she remembers that helps you be at ease, she would defect to that in hopes to maybe distract you for a while.
I don’t think Pidge is a very touchy person either, so if she reaches out to you _physically_ in worry, it’s a very clear sign she’s serious/anxious
I feel like she would reach out in other ways and then if she knew you were in a specific state of mind where touch was not useful, or if she just also wanted to try things out lol
As you watched the twisted information that was being shared on screen, another message caught your attention. Rather than a small red icon in the corner, a small window appeared in the middle of your computer screen.
<I found a way to modify notifications sent to another device.>
The video had stopped, every horrible gif about police brutality was paused and there was nothing else but the small window pidge had thrown onto your screen. You chuckled, and felt a pressure behind your working chair.
Another message popped up.
<You’ve been catching up with twitter for the past two hours. Surely you’re done now?>
A soft laugh came from you, making Pidge release a breath she didn’t know she was holding. You typed out an answer:
<Is it possible to be completely caught up with twitter? I follow like 500 accounts.>
<Okay, but half of them are just cat videos and the other half are just retweets of said videos.>
<Oh here I was thinking that this was an intervention to brighten my mood. We’re dragging each other’s follows now?>
<Oh please like you don’t want to be dragged, with that kind of follow list.>
<I can’t believe you’ve done this.>
You both laughed, before Pidge turned around and tapped your shoulder. She let her hand float in the air, yours coming to join it as a soon as your turned her way.
“Wanna take a nap?” she asked, letting her head fall onto your shoulder. “I had Chip make some hot chocolate, Hunk style.”
You squeezed her hand, putting your computer on sleep mode.
“Yeah, that sounds nice.”
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chuuulip · 4 years
The First Kiss of Love
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Pairing: Hannibal Lecter x Female Reader
Warning:  Fluff with a smidges of angst
Words: 3262
Prompt: hey i was wondering id you could do a hannibal lecter one where the reader doesnt realize that hannibal likes her and she gets jealous when hes talking to another woman. when she calls him out on it he cant help but laugh. the reader is basically a oblivious dummy type and way too much of a klutz .
Summary: “Dr. Bloom is really beautiful.” your small, joyless voice continues its sentence. “Ah...yes indeed.” Hannibal replies casually.
A.N: This is for an anon that request some Hannibal fanfic. I’m sorry that it takes me so long xD I hope you like it! whoever you are ❤️ Thank you for @jewels2876​​ for helping me with this piece, love you ❤️ Also tagging fellow Hannibal fans 😉 @venusdemonroe​​​ and @detectivehannibal​​​ thanks for feeding me Hannibal content and discuss him with me ❤️
It’s been a couple of months since you’ve worked with Dr. Lecter. You were once a librarian; due to an accident, you lost your job as a consequence of a long time recovery.  Hannibal Lecter literally was an angel or your angel to be precise. Vividly, you remember the time you met him. By chance, Hannibal is in the clinic when you do your physiotherapy. He catches a small stack of books that you buy that day. He manages to balance the books in his left hand while his right-hand catches you before your face kisses the floor.
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Long story short, both of you have some sort of conversation that leads to you applying for a job to be Hannibal��s secretary. You are excited but also nervous when you do your interview. You have no idea that Hannibal is a well-known psychiatrist not only just in Baltimore but also in Maryland. There is a fear that Hannibal will not choose you because of your clumsy tendencies. You are naturally what people will call a klutz. Physical activity somewhat hinders your ability to shine among others. You are either too slow or too weak. Not to mention lucky stars seem to distance themself from you. But not that day, the day when you get an email of your employment. Hannibal is pretty impressed with your CV and how good your skills on scheduling and data management, 
“Good morning.” the soft, accented voice of Hannibal greets you. Today, he wears a dark blue windowpane pattern jacket suit. He chooses a somewhat dark metallic floral pattern adorning the red-brown tie. His white buttoned-up shirt makes the color of his suit and ties pop. Hannibal always dresses elegantly, something that you always look forward to seeing.  
“Good morning, Dr. Lecter.” You stand up and follow Hannibal inside his office. He takes a seat on his brown leather chair. Everything looks immaculate as always.
“Schedule for today?” he unbuttons his suit jacket and you quickly help him hang the suit. “Thank you, my dear, you didn’t need to do that.”
“It’s alright Dr. Lecter.”
Sometimes when it’s only you and Hannibal in the office, he accidentally calls you my dear. You aren’t sure if it's because that’s the way he usually addresses someone he is in contact on a daily basis, or it means something more? Oh, you wish.
“Dr. Lecter…, for this morning you will have two appointments. Mrs. Potter and Ms. Randall. Also-- Mr. Franklin said he might need to reschedule.” Your slightly breathy voice points out other appointments Hannibal has outside the office. Your work had become kind of a blend between his secretary and personal assistant, to be honest. It was actually Hannibal's idea to engage you more into work that’s not strictly his office related. Not that you are complaining because it let you take a peek on Hannibal’s other persona. Not to mention that the payment is pretty generous. 
Not once does Hannibal ask your input on what type of thing should be added in his office, and by that, you are pretty proud of yourself. Not a lot of people give any thought about your opinion. Although Hannibal, like when his office has this sleek look and somewhat minimalist style, he always mixes something that you could say was classic inside his office. You have been inside his office quite a lot, but sometimes you help him tidy up his books and document. He’s somewhat more of a hard copy type of person than a soft copy one. Like you. You like the smells of an old book although some of Hannibal’s books smell too clinical for you. Like the smells of a hospital or a place with a lot of disinfectants.  
Pretty proud of your experience as a librarian in the past, and knowing Hannibal is a perfectionist himself, you practically turned the side of his office into a perfect mini library. The medical record shorts are alphabetically arranged while his other books are listed by genre, then in an alphabetical manner as well. When Hannibal stays longer in the office, sometimes you catch him drawing. A hobby that he said he has since childhood. One day he told you, “Growing up, I found my hobby really useful when I decided to be a medical doctor.” and you can’t help but agree. After he finishes with what he sketches at that time, he specifically calls you into his office and shows you the final product. That action simply makes your heart flutter in excitement.
“Thank you, you can leave for now.” He gives you his subtle yet beautiful smile. Those eyes of his when he smiles always send some sort of quick rush to your brain.
Giving Hannibal a short nod, you quickly excuse yourself. You stumble upon your own shoe and almost fall, face first. Luckily you can prevent that from happening, hoping Hannibal doesn’t notice, although you think he did. Scurrying from his office, you station yourself on your spot. Continue typing and archiving what Hannibal asks you. 
Sipping your now cold latte, your eyes shift to the books next to your PC. It’s a book called Les Fleurs du mal renaissance, a volume about French poetry that Hannibal had lent you after you finish some short of psychology 101. You have read a few pages of it, and since it’s in French, it takes you some time to understand it. 
Sometimes Hannibal invites you to his office to let you read his book while he draws things. Trying not to get caught red-handed, you glance at him from the corner of your eyes, savoring the scene in front of you. Wondering what Hannibal actually does on his day off, is there anything he can’t do? Your brain likes to take a detour on what Hannibal does at home when he’s not seeing other people’s minds.
A soft clink of steps on the mahogany floor wood, momentary pauses your fingers on the keyboard. 
“Good morning Mrs. Potter.” you stand up immediately. Greet her with a polite, shy smile. One of the things you are still learning from working with Hannibal is being confident. Since the secretary is usually portrayed as bold and beautiful, while you on the other hand are quite the opposite, Hannibal makes sure you take your time to adapt from ‘less contact with people at work’ to ‘in contact with different people almost every day.’
“I’m here for my appointment.” her British accent tickles your ear. It’s rare for you to meet a Brit, especially as posh as Mrs. Potter. Although you never glance at a patient’s medical record, you do actually google them. When you find out Hannibal’s reputation, you know that most of his patients are a somewhat well-known person. Mrs. Potter is an owner of exquisite but limited jewelry store on the east coast. From several articles that you read, she has had quite a lot of scandal. Despite that, you will not deny her beauty. She may be quite older than you, but the way her cheekbones stay supple and very few wrinkles decorating her face sometimes makes you jealous. 
“Yes, sure. Please wait a moment,” immediately, you walk to Hannibal's office door that's just a foot away from your desk. Giving a soft knock, you open the door and inform Hannibal that Mrs. Potter is already here. He gives you a quick nod, and you open the door wider, to let Mrs. Potter start her session. 
Hannibal isn’t a strict boss. Or that’s actually what you thought about him. Of course, you are a professional employee as you can be, but sometimes you spend time reading the book you borrow from Hannibal between your desk job. Mostly because you already do whatever Hannibal tasks you with. On some occasions, you join Hannibal when he attends some appointments, such as when he needs to be a keynote speaker in a well-known conference around Maryland and DC. An experience that you guess is his way to widen your social ability. 
“Thank you Mrs. Potter. I’ll see you in the next session.” Hannibal’s accent cues you to stand up and bid your goodbye to Mrs. Potter. The rest of the day comes out like it usually is. Typing and arranging schedules for Hannibal while also scrolling on another book to read. Even though you were a librarian before, there’s just so many books and so little time to read. 
When it’s time for you to go home, you knock on Hannibal’s office door and open it slightly when he answers you with a soft, “come on in”. You excuse yourself while also giving Hannibal’s friend a smile. Although Hannibal doesn’t have a lot of appointments today, his friend, Jack Crawford visits the office and you know that means Hannibal will stay late until dinner time.   
The next day your work finished earlier than you thought so you spend some time at work to continue reading the poetry book. Some people may find it weird that you like to stay a little bit longer at work than going back home. There’s always this thought of knowing there is someone close to you, without the need to do conversations in every millisecond, calming. When your eyes shift to your gold bronze table clock, you haven’t realized that you are pretty late, as the sky already turns dark. 
You know Hannibal is still in the office and you plan to excuse yourself before it’s getting really late. You don’t want Hannibal to drive you back home since you feel embarrassed about it. He always makes sure you arrive at home safely when you spend more time at the office or going home pretty late since Baltimore isn’t the safest place on earth. However, there is always a thought in your head that Hannibal being a little bit protective towards you, his employee because you are just a much of a klutz and he feels responsible. 
You aren’t sure what possessed you to move too quickly and it just messes up your footing. The point of your left oxford shoes hit the castor office chair. Ungracefully you trip to the floor and bring the chair with you. The falling chair let out a loud bang while you landed on your hands and knees, grimacing in pain. 
You aren’t sure when but your brain kind of mid freeze for a second. When you look up, you see Hannibal crouching down and calling your name, worried, “-- are you ok? Can you stand up?”
“I--I’m ok Dr. Lecter,” you try to stand up but you hold up your right hand in a sign of I need a minute. 
Hannibal takes care of the office chair first, putting it back in its original position. He carefully lifts you up, supporting you and letting you sit back on your office chair. “I’m sorry my dear, but I need to check?” He asks you for your permission and you quickly give him your approval. With an expert examination of his hands, Hannibal checks your knees for any swelling or visual deformity. Since your past accident, you are prone to any joint and soreness on the knees. Delicately, he gives a little pat on both your knees. “I think everything is ok, you may need to have some pain killers.”
“Thank you Hannibal.” you blurt it out. Sometimes you call him by his first name when you aren’t in office hours, although rarely.
He graces you with that smile of his, subtle yet it always makes your heart quiver, the kind of smile you infrequently see. You notice that sometimes he has his professional smile, it is short and kind of cold. The smile you always notice when he meets his colleague. You don’t know a lot of Hannibal’s friends, but when he has some impromptu meeting with Jack, you slightly witness more smirk and sometimes there’s this naughty element like he is planning something evil, although humorously.
“Wait a minute, I will drive you home.” Hannibal left you to go inside his office. 
There’s a guilt in your stomach that you feel you are being a burden to your boss. When your concentration dispersed like vivid smoke, the corner of your eyes caught the beautiful woman you have seen a couple of times visiting the office. Unlike other women who mostly visit Hannibal for a session, this woman is indeed different. 
“Ms. Bloom.” You greet her. Your smile may look blankly courteous even, but you definitely are not in the mood to give her your big smile this evening.
“You look unwell, are you ok?” 
“I-- I’m ok.” you try to answer her, less tense.
“Alana?” your eyes shift to Hannibal as he opens his door.
“Hey, Hannibal. I try to call you but I thought I might as well just drop by.”
Hannibal’s eyes divert from you to Alana, and he gives Alana a quick nod, letting her quickly enter the office. “It will be quick. Can you wait for a while?” you give him a nod and smile at him nervously.
At first you aren’t sure why you are nervous but something finally clear on your head. Maybe you are jealous. You know a lot of women near Hannibal are not only beautiful, or rich, they are also acutely intelligent. Although you aren’t rich, you aren’t that bad looking and you will not say you aren’t intelligent but when you compare yourself to someone like Alana, there will always be inferiority engraved in your mind. Not to mention that she has known Hannibal longer and better than you.
Hannibal's office door opens and Alana exits the door with Hannibal following her. “I heard what happened to you from Hannibal.” Alana stops in front of your desk and gives you her sympathetic smile. “Get well soon.” She gives you a pat on your shoulder and says her goodbye to you and Hannibal.
“Shall we?” Hannibal changes his focus towards you and you nod in agreement. Let him help you out of the office. 
“So?” Hannibal glances at you momentarily while driving, asking you to continue what you have in mind.
“Dr. Bloom is really beautiful.” your small, joyless voice continues its sentence.
“Ah...yes indeed,” Hannibal replies casually. 
Your eyes glance at the dark street. Hannibal’s office is located in a quite busy place and it’s nice to see less traffic when you get out of the area. 
“Did both of you date?” you blurt it out. Your eyes widen in horrors as you blatantly just spill out something unprofessional. “Hanni-- Dr. Lecter, I-- I-- didn’t mean to pry on your personal life.” 
Hannibal looks at you and lets out a laugh. Something really rare, something that you even have witnessed. The crinkle on his eyes when he laughs lets his somewhat cool and calm demeanor melted. It takes you sometimes to register on what just happens. 
“I’m sorry my dear, that’s just quite funny.” Hannibal stops laughing and sends you a quick smile.
“Also that might not answer your question but the answer is no, Alana and I, we aren’t dating. I’m her mentor and our relationship is more of colleagues and friends.”    
You aren’t sure why you hold your breath, but after listening to Hannibal's answer, you let out a long exhale, feeling that something heavy has been lifted up from your shoulders. 
Hannibal’s Bentley stops in front of your apartment complex. Ever the gentleman that he is, Hannibal asks you if you need help. You decline his help as if you can’t embarrass yourself enough in one day. 
“Before you go, I have something to tell you.” Like a deer caught in a headlight, you look at Hannibal. He switches on the light inside the car and pulls his bag from the backseat. He handed you several papers that looked likely to be a job application. Your eyes widen, vision blurry as a sudden tears drop from your eyes. This is it, maybe Hannibal has enough of your clumsiness. He doesn’t find you worthy as he sometimes needs to ‘babysit you’ when you do something you don’t intend to do. 
Feeling that he may be approaching this the wrong way, Hannibal tries to comfort you. You put both of your hands in front of your chest, like a shield in a defensive manner. Try to accommodate his tall frame, awkwardly Hannibal turns his body to the passenger seat and embraces you. He shushing you and pat your heads 
When your silent cry turns into a hiccup but more calmer, Hannibal pulls away from you. With a stutter, you explain to Hannibal that you understand if he doesn’t want you to work with him again and you are thankful that he’s been a very great employer to you. 
“Hey,” Hannibal swipes the tears that rolls down on your cheeks with his thumbs, “--it’s not that. Look, my dear, the reason I handed this paper to you is not that I want to fire you, but I have been pretty impatient lately.”
You look at him, eyes full of question on what the fuck he means by that? Although you don’t let it out loud because you don’t want to make any rude comment. Because Hannibal doesn’t like that.
“I’m one of those people who do not agree with office romance.” 
Office? Romance? What the hell? No one has any romance in the office, you thought. 
“I have been pretty much intent to court you,” his eyes flicker to your lips and back to your reddish eyes. “Alana came today because she wants to give me the application personally, there’s a librarian vacancy in her University and I pretty much just want to hand it to you.” Your brain wiring, try to connect the words as if you forgot how to speak English.  
“Apologize if I’m being rude my dear, but I have observed you for some time and I encourage myself to just lay it all here so I didn’t make you upset. Of course, if I am proven wrong, you can stay and still work as my secretary. No harm, the position will always be yours.” 
“Hanni-- Hannibal, does this mean that you like ‘like’ me?” 
He answers you with a quick nod and the smile that always makes your heart flutter. You try to reach Hannibal but your knee prevents you from doing such a thing. Hannibal let out a small chuckle as he finds your difficulty quite amusing. 
You eye him in disbelief but your anger melts right away as his face gets closer to yours. His right hand's cup at the side of your face as his lips inches closer towards you. With eyes close, you feel the brushes of Hannibal’s lips. The kiss is soft and delicate as if he is just testing the water. 
You let your hands sneak at the back of his collar as you seek more contact. Both of your lips slide and glide against each other. Letting out a whimper, you grant Hannibal’s tongue to slip past your lips. Teasing and flicking languidly, exploring something that makes you shudders in want. 
After some time, Hannibal withdraws his lips from yours. Eyes fluttering open, you can see Hannibal’s pupils expand. He let his foreheads rest at yours while his hand still cups on your face. “So...I believe it is a 'yes''?” There's humor in his voice. 
With a broad smile and less reddish eyes, you answer Hannibal with a confident nod and grant him another kiss on the lips.
As always, like, comment and reblog are really appreciated ❤️. Let me know what you think about this xo
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jimlingss · 4 years
Sugar and Coffee [2]
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3
➜ Words: 2.2k
➜ Genres: 99.5% Fluff, 0.5% Angst, Pâtisserie school!AU
➜ Summary: It isn't hard to be a pâtisserie chef, but it's not a piece of cake either. It seems like for you in particular, life keeps throwing in one wrench after another. It always finds ways to make your sweets bitter. The cherry on top is Jeon Jungkook — a rival with a sensitive sweet tooth who always finds ways to complain about you.
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“In this recipe, we’re using baking soda instead of baking powder. Why? Does anyone remember the reason when we talked about our recipe of mille-feuille?”   You’re twirling your pen in your hand, bored out of your mind while someone answers that baking soda doesn’t have the acid that baking powder would normally add and how baking soda has much stronger leavening power than baking powder.   Theory has never been your area of expertise. You’ve always preferred to do the actual baking and go through trial and error than learning through the textbook. So with your mind wandering and from fear of falling asleep, you pull out your phone to text Seokjin. He’s been answering your texts slower these days.   “Alright, next class we’ll put our hands to work in the kitchen. Don’t pack up yet! I got some emails asking about the midterm so I just wanted to answer those questions here! Yes, it will be a collaborative exam and you can re-make anything that we’ve learned thus far in the semester. Baking is all about working together, so before I leave, I’ll post who everyone’s partners are. Come down and take a look before you go.”   With the lecture finished, you pack up your belongings, shoving it all into your bag and swinging the strap over your shoulder to walk down the steps. It’s crowded already, but as people filter out, you’re able to get ahead to look at the paper.   And as luck would have — you’re partnered with Jeon Jungkook.   It’s outrageous. As if having the same internship for three months wasn’t enough, now he’s your midterm partner.   You spin around to the teacher, beelining straight to him. But Jeon Jungkook beats you to it.   “Is there a possible way I can switch my partner?”   “I second that.” For once, you back him up. It’s probably the only thing you can agree on.   Jungkook looks to you before redirecting his attention back at the man who has his brow quirked. “Is there a legitimate reason?”   “Umm….”   “Our schedules don’t align,” Jungkook lies without batting a lash.   “Yeah.” You nod. “He has classes when I don’t and uh, he’s working on different projects when I have work….”   “It would be more convenient if we had different partners.”   “Wow, you two figured out you have incompatible schedules a minute into finding out you’re partners? Well, I’m sure you two can work something out.” Mr. Chu smiles, overly positive in a way that irks you. “Things have a way of working themselves out.”   In these circumstances, you’re not too sure about that.   Jungkook swallows hard, finding whatever excuse he can. “I’m afraid Y/N won’t pull her weight.”   “Excuse me?!” You can’t believe he blatantly threw you under the bus in front of your face. “That’s completely untrue! He won’t be able to pull his weight.”   “We’re just incompatible partners.” Jungkook outright ignores you. “I am happy to work with anyone, Mr. Chu. Just not her. Park Jimin said he would be fine to switch his partner and work with me.” He hitches a thumb over his shoulder to his timid friend standing near the door who realizes he’s being talked about and gives a polite wave.   Yet, the teacher gives a long sigh. “Look, you two. I know there’s bad blood between you both but wouldn’t this be a great opportunity to overcome that like the adults that you are?”   “I—”   “Mr. Chu—”   “I’m sorry, but there won’t be any switching.” He shakes his head. “Often times, you can’t choose who you work with in the real world. You just have to get over it and be professional. Learn a two or thing from that. That’s the point of this midterm. If there are concerns about the project, then you can visit my office hours. Otherwise, you’ll be working together and that’s final.”   It’s official. You hate your fine pastries class — and it used to be your favourite too.   “Fuck. Fuck,” he’s muttering, kicking the gravel from underneath his feet. You approach him with crossed arms.   “You don’t have to keep saying it.”   “What? That this fucking sucks?”   “Look, I don’t like you anymore than you like me. You don’t have to make it harder than it needs to be.”   “Oh yeah? You want to make it less hard? How about you stop existing then.”   “Okay, fuck you, Johnson. Stop pouting like you’re fucking four years old. Are we going to talk about the project or do you want to flunk?”   “Stop calling me Johnson.”   “Or else what?”   Jungkook rolls his eyes. “You’re so childish.”   “I’m the childish one?” you scoff in disbelief. “I’m not the one practically throwing a tantrum.”   “Whatever. But what’s there to talk about? We’ll make carrot cake.”   “What the hell?” You’re appalled. He’s not even going to ask you? “No, we’ll make the charlotte royale.”   “No, you idiot.” He pinches the bridge of his nose.   You scoff again. This was absolutely unbelievable. It’s a shame that no one’s listening into this conversation — there’s no way you would be able to retell just how absurd this was. “Did you just call me an idiot?”   “Yes, carrot’s the easiest. We’ll get it done and over with.”   “I don’t want to get it done and over with.” You point right at him. “Unlike you, I care about my grades, okay? So what if it’s easy? It won’t get us the marks we need.”   “Since when did you care about your grades?”   “Okay, fuck off, Jeon.”   Having enough of him, you decide to walk away but Jungkook soon calls out after you. “Are you going to give me your phone number?”   You’re horrified enough to spin around and regard him with a disgusted expression. “What? No!”   “For the project, you dumbass. You think I’m asking because I want to know?”   You roll your eyes to the back of your skull and close the distance with three strides again. Surprisingly, the both of you civilly exchange contact information without ripping each other’s heads off but you don’t want to be with him longer than you need to. “When are we going to meet up? We should decide so I don’t have to text you.”   “I’m fine with whenever.”   “Tomorrow then.”   “Sure.”   You leave already texting Jin your grievances. He doesn’t answer since he’s so busy, but you’re ready to unload.   //   The next day comes too quickly.   The first person you see in the morning is the last person you ever want to see — and Jungkook isn’t amused either. He regards you with a lazy gaze, dark circles, oversized black hoodie and jeans that he probably picked up off his floor and put on after giving a good sniff.   Other partners are already in the kitchen figuring out their recipes, but you have yet to decide what to make. You swear the asshat is just disagreeing with you to make it harder and more miserable.   “What don’t you understand? What you’re asking for is too unreasonable.”   “Really? You think whipping meringue by hand is too difficult? Maybe you shouldn’t be baking then, Jeon.”   “It’s time consuming,” he groans and rubs his temple. “And it’s not worth it. If you want to spend your time doing something impressive than we should make something like fucking I don’t know, Napoleon cake and call it a day.”   “Okay, sounds good to me.”   “What? Actually?”   “I don’t see why not. You can make the puff pastry while I make the custard. We assemble together.”   “You make it sound easier than it’ll be, but fine. We can meet up tonight. What, don’t give me that look. It’s not like you’re busy. And spending time with your boyfriend doesn’t constitute as being busy. The sooner we get this done, the sooner it’s over.”   “Fine. How about eight?”   “Seven thirty. See you then.”   You’re exasperated. He’s a jerk. And you go on your way while shaking your head.   8:21 am. Y/N: still cant believe my luck   5:43 pm. Seokjin: Hey where are you?  5:44 pm. Seokjin: We should meet
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Jungkook lives his life precariously. He is flexible and follows his instincts. That’s not to say he’s irresponsible, reckless or that he’s fickle. He’s adaptable and it’s the reason why he started baking anyways — a whim that he fell in love with. 
  Jungkook prefers to go with his gut feeling than plan every step of the way. And it’s his gut feeling that tells him you’re nothing but an absolute headache.   “Let me suck on your muffin.”   Yoongi’s expression dies, washing over into an impassive state. “Say that again, Kim, and I’ll never bring my extra muffins again.” Taehyung whines on the couch while Jimin laughs. Yoongi looks over at Jungkook. “Hey, want one, Kook?”   He tosses him a blueberry muffin anyhow but Jungkook chucks it at Hoseok who catches it in both hands, almost missing. “Nah. What time is it? I gotta go.”   “Where are you going on a Friday night at seven?”   “Ooh, it’s a date, isn’t it?” Taehyung grins. “What kind of girl?”   “Who is it?” Hoseok clarifies the question, cheek full of muffin. “I haven’t heard you talk about anyone ever.”   “He wishes.” Jimin giggles, have an inkling of where it was he was going.   “it’s not a date, dumbass. I have a meeting with my midterm project partner.”   “Damn,” Yoongi comments, biting into the muffin he baked earlier in class. “That’s rough.”   “His partner’s Y/N,” Jimin says with a sparkle in his eye, watching Jungkook get up from the couch.   Taehyung’s eyes bulge. They nearly fall out of their sockets and he wheezes, pounding his chest as part of the muffin stuck in his gullet. “You’re partners with that psycho bitch?”   “Yeah.” The youngest of all of them sighs. “I couldn’t change.”   Jungkook walks past, but Yoongi stops him, plopping a hand on his shoulder. The usually cold man seems sympathetic for once and holds up his muffin. “Are you sure you don’t want one?”   He dreads it — having to ditch his friends on a Friday night and the warmth of his dorm room. All in exchange for the chilly wind outside and the empty kitchens that’re eerie without souls inside them, just metal bowls and silver appliances. But Jungkook drags himself there anyway.    He’s ten minutes early since he’s not one to leave people waiting.    But when seven thirty eventually rolls around, you’re nowhere in sight.   7:34 pm. Jungkook: Are you coming or not   He waits for an additional twenty minutes, sitting on the stool, playing games on his phone. Then he realizes the time and gets started anyhow. The puff pastry always takes longer to make anyways. But that doesn’t mean he isn’t frustrated — Jungkook’s frankly pissed off and if you decided to ditch him, you’ll have one or two things coming, that’s for sure.   Jungkook beats two ounces of butter with a tablespoon of sugar. Then he folds in two beaten eggs, one tablespoon vinegar, cold water, three tablespoons of vodka, and salt. He folds in the two and a half cups of flour and forms a dough in his hands until it’s soft and pliable.    Right when he wraps the bowl in plastic and slides it into the fridge to chill for an hour, the door to the kitchen opens.   “You’re late.”   You’re not even dressed in an apron nor is your hair tied back like it’s supposed to be but he doesn’t comment.   “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you? It’s been an hour and I’m done my part.”   Silence.   You don’t respond. Jungkook scoffs.   It was a new low for you to give him the silent treatment when you’re the late one. Your head is downcasted, facing away from him, giving him the cold shoulder. You don’t spare him one glance as you go over to the fridge, pulling out eggs, sugar, flour, milk, vanilla beans, and butter.   You pour milk into the saucepan haphazardly and it splashes everywhere on the counter.   “Hey, watch it!”    Jungkook rips the carton away from your hands. He didn’t know you were this much of an amateur.   He watches you in mortification as you move to the flour bag, scooping out a whole cup instead of six tablespoons. He wonders if you had a stroke. “Y/N, you’re supposed to do the eggs next. What the hell is wrong with—”   You burst into tears.    Jungkook’s heart stutters. He pales. He freezes in place. He feels his entire body go rigid.    And his brain breaks.   …..   What.   Tears. Full on tears are streaming down your face. You’re wailing, covering your face with your floured hands and crying into them. Your entire frame shakes as devastation wrecks through your entire body. He’s never seen you look so small before. He’s never seen you cry.   Jungkook puts milk down, swallowing hard. He watches you with eyes as big as saucers. “I...I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”   You sob. “J-Jin brok..e up w-with m...e.”
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whatdyk · 4 years
Saviour (Pero Tovar x Fem!Reader) | Modern AU.
Part Two.
Warnings: Swearing, flash-backs.
Word-count: 1.9k
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Chapter 2:
To your delight, the next week passes without fault. Though, it could be argued that your recent spell of good luck was a direct result of you not leaving your home.
At all.
For a week.
Since the incident, you had called your boss to inform her that you'd be working from home for a while, and thankfully, after explaining your circumstances, she couldn't have been more understanding. It wasn't that you were afraid of going back outside, it was just that you needed some time to regain your confidence. In the aftermath, you found that you'd had been sleeping poorly and were often forgetting to take care of yourself. However, as the days passed by, you could feel your old self begin to return.
Slowly, you resume your old routine of waking up early and getting in a good breakfast; taking pleasure in cooking once more. You also find that you can now relax enough to read and draw, and you soon realize that you're more than eager to get back outside and enjoy the changing seasons. To your relief, the city is on the precipice of Autumn and you're desperate to see the changing colours for yourself.
So here you are, standing in front of your apartment door, willing it to open. You may have only been away for a short period of time, but you find that you've actually missed the city. The cold weather, the sounds of traffic and your favorite cafe. However, as you ready yourself to leave, you hadn't expected this level of anxiety to come biting at your heels.
Taking a deep breath, your heart thumps against your chest and your knees feel weak as you step forward to unlock the door. Unlatching the chain and screwing your eyes shut, you twist the knob with an almost white-knuckle grip.
You jump back slightly as the first thing you're met with is big, brown eyes. So familiar and yet so foreign at the same time. The man that you have come to recognise is stood just a foot away from your door as it opens, his fist raised as if he was about to knock. As you look at him, your eyes must have been wide with shock as he begins to apologize. You watch on as his mouth opens and closes, but you struggle to take in any of the words as the room begins to spin around you.
All you can remember is that night. You can feel the phantom hands on your body, the cold against your skin as your clothes are torn from you-
"Are you alright?" He calls out to you again, "you look-"
You can't help it as a small whimper escapes your lips, tears beginning to line your eyes. Your grip loosens on your door and you take a step back, trying to shake your head of the haunting memories. What had you been thinking? You aren't ready for this.
"I'm- I'm sorry" you eventually rasp out, your throat suddenly dry, "I just, - I wasn't expecting anyone"
He remains quiet as he observes you, obviously unsure as to what to do in this situation. Though after a moment, you are able to look at him again despite the burning feeling of your embarrassment.
You clear your throat as you begin to speak, "Is there something I can help you with?" You ask hesitantly, unsure as to how you should continue. After a brief pause, he looks down towards his hands. You notice that he's holding a bag, and he's raising his arms to hold it out to you.
"I wanted to return this." He states rather plainly. It takes a few moments for you to recognise it, but he's holding out the bag that had been lost on the night of your attack. The black leather is sodden from spending a few nights in the rain and the handles have been snapped, but it's yours nonetheless.
"How did-" you begin, your mind lost in the memories, "where did you...find it?" you eventually question, taking the item from his hands.
As you reach out, you find that your fingers meet his; the feeling of his skin against yours bringing a warmth that causes your eyes to instantly snap up. For the first time, you can see his features in the broad light of day, no shadows or dim lighting disguising his face. He has dark, curled hair peeking around his ears and covering his forehead in organized chaos. In the light of your apartment, you can just about make out the fine grey hairs that are beginning to mix in with his chocolate-colored locks. Though, his eyes are exactly as you remember them, dark and deep; soulful as if they've seen far too much.
"I went back" he suddenly interrupts your musings, "I found it the night that it happened- I just, wanted to give you some time before I returned it." As he speaks to you, you notice that he isn't meeting your gaze and that his brows are furrowed in a deep frown.
"Thank you" You mumble as you place the bag down next to your feet, "For everything, you really didn't have to do this."
"It's the least I could do" He replies almost too quickly, "if there's anything else I can do, just-" His hands move to his back pocket, fishing around until he reveals a small white card, "call me"
You take the paper from his hands and turn it over, reading the name and number that has been printed accross it - Pero Tovar.
"Pero?" You question with a small smile ghosting your lips, "I can't believe I never asked for your name before now. Spanish, yes?"
At that, the frown set across his features softens slightly, "Sí" he hums back, "Although with what happened- I couldn't blame you for not asking." At the mention of it, you cant help it as your smile begins to fade. Though thankfully, Pero is quick to change the subject.
"However, I could not say a word to you since I still don't know your name?" He questions with a hint of apprehension, a slight blush beginning to caress his cheeks.
You smirk as you tell him and enjoy how he repeats it back to you. His soothing accent and deep tone causing the syllables to effortlessly roll of his tongue, seemingly experimenting with how your name feels coming from his mouth. Surely your own blush is rising as you listen in, feeling the heat meet the tip of your ears.
"So," he clears his throat, catching your gaze, "I should get-"
"Would you like to grab a coffee with me?" You interrupt before he can even finish his sentence.
As you look at him, your heart is now thumping against your chest for an entirely new reason. You weren't quite sure where the invitation came from, but all you do know is that you aren't ready to say goodbye to him again just yet. Though, as the seconds pass by and you watch him hesitate, you curse your impulsive nature.
"It's just that.." you start to ramble on, "I want to repay you- I know it's not much,"
"I can't" he eventually responds, "I have work, and-"
"It's alright," You interrupt as he continues, "You don't need to explain yourself to me. Thank you for coming back and returning my bag though." You watch on as his gaze lowers to the ruined item at your feet, lines appearing at his brow as his frown returns. You shouldn't feel this disappointed that he turned you down, should you?
An awkward silence passes between the two of you before he finally speaks again, "Another time, perhaps?" He suggests almost hopefully.
You smile at that, but it doesnt quite reach your eyes. You offer a small nod as he begins to take a step back.
"Perhaps" You almost whisper back.
As the word leaves your mouth, you feel a sharp pang in your gut as he turns away once more, reminiscing about the first night that he had left you at your door. Taking a deep breath, you eventually close out the outside world and return to the comfort of your home. You were no longer in the mood to venture into the city.
The night played out in front of you as all the others had done so already. You're in your baggiest top and cosiet socks by the time the sun begins to set, and you're sat by the open window of your living room. The flowers that sit in the vase here are almost dead now, but you can't bring yourself to throw them away just yet. They're a mixture of your favourites, including orange roses, white hydrangeas and eucalytpus populus. Their fading colours mirror that of the dying leaves outside, their smell reminiscent of the impending winter. You should have replaced them today. Yet, it seems as if your courage had left in the form of tall man, grumpy; with deep brown eyes.
Reluctantly, you had found that your mind had been with him since he left. Your memory seemingly retracing the finer details of face, ingraining them into your mind as if you would forget. You smile to yourself as you re-call the half-hearted scowl that so often graces his features. Though, if you continue on this way, you're almost certain that you'll even begin to dream about him. Unfortunately for you, it was a complete mystery as to why he was plaguing your mind so much. But after today, you doubted that you'd get the opportunity to find out.
After another long moment, you turn from your seated position and reach out for your phone. You hadn't recieved any emails or calls from work today, but you almost gasp out loud as you realise the time. You had been left to your thoughts for far too long, and if you wanted to try adventuring again tomorrow, you'd need some rest.
You found that your night-time routine never deviated too much. As you had been called so often in your life, you found that you were most certainly a creature of habit. It not that you don't like change, or are afraid of it, it's more so that you appreciate the simplicity behind order. An order that you had been previously denied. It's not a subject that you enjoy to dwell on, but thoughts of your past often bubble up during this time of the day. You do your best to push them back down again.
And so, you wash your face and clean your teeth, brushing through the length of your hair soon after. The plush softness of your bedsheet welcome you like an old friend at the end of the day, and you relax into them with a warm smile on your face. For some odd reason, you already know that you'll feel well rested tomorrow, with no need to worry about nightmares or haunting memories. For the first time in days, you're able to drift off into a peaceful sleep, because you already know who will be awaiting you when you get there.
Tag List: 
@computeringturtle @lackofhonor​ 
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coeurdastronaute · 4 years
Essays in Existentialism: Kiwi 12
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Previously on Kiwi
For three days the world was rampant with news of Lexa and Costia. It was a hot topic for speculation and Lexa realized she hadn’t missed that aspect of dating, nor did she truly crave that kind of pressure or notice any longer. It was pure distraction, and it could not end soon enough. 
The reunion had its desired effect on the world. There were pictures that rolled all over the universe, or so it seemed, with headlines proclaiming all sorts of wild stories and theories as to the reason the bad girl model turned actress was seen paling around, post-show, with reformed and enjoying a successful third album world tour rock star. They hypothesized about the lost love and the rekindling, the cheating that might have happened, the whole entire thing. Two very distinct sections of the internet went bonkers for the pictures and news and fourth-hand accounts of their five minutes together in public since the break up. 
Lexa hated all of it, but bore it because she was now someone who did good things or at least tried to do good things, even if she didn’t like those things. Costia needed it, Indra asked her, and so Lexa stuck to the line that they were just friends and didn’t answer any other questions. It was easier that way. 
None of it mattered Lexa was too happy, feeling too good despite the normal trials and tribulations of the tour, and counting down the days until she would get unrestricted access to her girlfriend, her real girlfriend, her true and honest girlfriend who was currently squatting in her apartment back home. 
So she ignored the tabloids and tried to focus, ticking off the days and existing as far away from Costia as she humanly could. 
Even though there was a lot to get done for the show, even though there was a lot to run through and she should have hung around and helped her sister, Lexa was basically useless and dismissed relatively early in the day. She’d warned Clarke that she would have to send a car to get her, but there was suddenly free time. 
Practically vibrating, Lexa tugged her baseball cap lower and adjusted her glasses. Nervously, she looked around and tried to blend in as much as possible as she anxiously awaited her girlfriend’s arrival. As far as she was concerned, she was absolutely being an amazing girlfriend. The best perhaps. And everything was falling into place in a way that she hadn’t expected or ever truly experienced. 
Lexa saw Clarke before Clarke saw her, and she felt her heart sip a little. It wasn’t supposed to do things like that, and for an instant she was slightly annoyed that she was falling. It was a rare thing to have a moment to look at the girl with pretty lips without her knowing, but Lexa gave herself a few moments. And Clarke looked at her phone and smiled before Lexa felt her own vibrate. 
I made it! I’m going to see you soon! Prepare yourself.
From a reasonable distance, Lexa followed along as Clarke moved to pick up her luggage, carefully apologizing for pumping into someone, smiling warmly at someone else. 
And what should I prepare for?
It might have been slightly voyeuristic, but Lexa didn’t care. She was so used to being the one who was watched, that this felt rewarding in many ways. She would have never gotten to see the view of her girlfriend grinning at her phone and debating what to write, the casual glance around, as if someone was going to know or read it over her shoulder. 
Me, your exceptionally horny and understanding and downright magical girlfriend. 
When she got her bag and moved toward the exit, looking around for the ride that was promised, Lexa finally gave up her watching. 
Bring it on, Griffin. Look at the car rental place behind you.
It took a few seconds for it to register, but Clarke turned around and searched before meeting Lexa’s eyes, hidden as they were behind glasses and beneath a ball cap. And though she felt her, the pull and the need to close the gap as quickly as possible, Clarke stared at her girlfriend and smiled, relieved and surprised and happy. 
“I missed you,” Lexa whispered. 
“Did you?” 
There wasn’t a wasted moment or movement. Lexa pushed forward until Clarke was pressed against the wall in the hotel room. She smiled, hovering near her lips, hesitating, teasing, waiting until she couldn’t wait again. Hands moved up from hips and Clarke moaned at the contact of lips on neck. 
It was the closeness that did it-- the unwavering feeling of another body and hands gripping into muscles despite already being closer than close. Lexa liked that Clarke clung, that she grabbed and dug her nails into skin and her legs wrapped around hips. She was unable to lie with her movements. She liked the feeling of being needed so innately. 
“You just popped into my life with a swipe and now I think about you a lot,” Lexa explained. “You made me someone who misses someone.” 
“I’m a terrible influence.” 
“You really are,” she agreed eagerly, kissing the girl in her arms once again before stumbling them toward the bed. 
With a flop, they landed and Lexa made quick work of pressing into Clarke’s hips, spreading her legs even more. 
“Can we do the slow and intimate after. I just--”
Hips canted and Lexa smiled down at the girl wiggling beneath her, cheeks flushed and hands gripping and pulling and tugging. 
“What do you need?” she murmured, dipping her head to kiss her jaw and neck again. 
“Lexa... “ It was somewhere between a whine and a command. 
“Tell me.” 
“Since you asked so nicely.” 
Spent and sweaty, sprawled across the bed with arms wide and sheets tangled, Lexa sighed and ran her hand along her stomach. Clarke was in love with her knees and the point of her ankles. She was in love with the way her gangly limbs seemed to stretch and tangle themselves everywhere. And sometimes, without even meaning to, Clarke fell in love with all of those parts at one time and it was simultaneously soothing and overwhelming, leaving her startled and warm. 
All within one body, she saw so many contradictions and in that, an overwhelming kind of affection that Clarke hadn’t experienced before with anyone. From her spot between Lexa’s legs, her ear pressed against her thigh, Clarke thought about it more than she ever had before, because she was across the world and it’d been nearly a year, and there was nothing more terrifying than realizing you were in love with something like the wind. With a sigh, Clarke kissed Lexa’s thigh before lifting her head and slouching her way toward her hip. Lexa took a deep breath and held it as she shifted, stretching and adjusting, compensating for Clarke’s movement. The ink on her ribs moved and shifted on the skin there. Clarke kissed her stomach, kissed the giggle that came at the base of her rib cage an instant later. 
With a tiny smile, Clarke pressed her face into Lexa’s stomach and blanketed her hip. She ran her fingertips along the soft skin of her breast, over her nipple. Clarke fell in love with the sound of her lungs when she breathed and she fell in love with the piano keys of her ribs and she was surely in love with the slant of her wrist and elbow and shoulders. 
Not one thing existed-- the world was not at all composed at all of anything other than the bed and the night and the two bodies. Lexa’s fingers slowly tapped a rhythm on her own chest while her other hand swirled through Clarke’s messy hair. 
Sometimes it was too much; all of the feelings and such, and Clarke didn’t know how to explain or feel them or say anything. Words didn’t seem needed in the moment. And so she lifted herself once again and slithered lower until she could taste Lexa again, because she desperately needed to communicate and she needed to express, and she had no way to do it other than to make Lexa arch and grip the sheets and swear. It only made it worse, that Lexa gave all of herself over. But Clarke was in love with a live wire, and she knew that sometimes. 
When all tension that had been worked into her muscles left in an instant despite Clarke’s desire to prolong it, and the body in the sheets was once again pliant and spent, Clarke laid once more on her thigh and kissed her there before closing her eyes and listening to Lexa catch her breath. 
It was possible to fall in love with a moment, and it was possible to fall in love with a dream-- what Clarke wasn’t sure of, was if it was possible to fall in love with a person who navigated through those moments and those dreams. She wanted to reason her way out of whatever it was that was plaguing her, but deep down she knew that it wasn’t something she could do, and she was presently stuck with it. The only choices left were to nurture it and let it grow or ignore it and let it strangle her. 
“I missed you, too,” Clarke whispered. 
“Wake up please. I want to go look at castles.” 
Clarke groaned in complaint before yawning into the pillow. A body settled near her, sitting on the edge of the bed as it rustled this way and that. The sleeping girl pushed the hair out of her face and watched as the rockstar typed on her phone before tossing it on the desk and pulling her shirt over her head. 
There was a tray of fruit, coffee, and scones on the table, and lit in the morning sun from the window, a shirtless girl ate a strawberry and surveyed the land outside before turning back toward the bed. 
Clarke just smiled and grabbed her phone before groaning once again at the time, enjoying the smile it garnered from her girlfriend. It was still early. Too early. 
“Did you already work out?” 
“Sure did. Ordered us breakfast, too. Already checked in with Anya and Indra for the day, and returned a few emails.” 
“Are you always like this?” 
“What?” Lexa asked, flexing slightly in the mirror before taking a sip of her coffee. 
“So perky in the morning?” 
“Honestly, just when you’re here. You’re a good reason to want to get stuff done. I want to waste a whole day with you.” 
“You left me alone in bed though.” 
“Yeah, or else I wouldn’t have gotten anything done. Can we go see some castles now? I’m very excited. I’ve been waiting til you got here.” 
“Can we shower first?” 
“I guess. If we must.” But Lexa didn’t move. She sat and began her breakfast. “I got your coffee ready, darling.”
Only then did Clarke find it incentive enough to heave herself out of bed. She wrapped the sheet around herself and moved toward the table, careful to lean down to kiss her girlfriend’s cheek then neck then shoulder as she did. 
“Are we going to grab dinner before your show tonight?” 
“Definitely. Anya has already picked out a spot. I thought tomorrow we could grab something just us. I mean… the weather is going to be nice. I found a place-- It’s already set. You’re fed for the next two days at least.” 
“Good. Because I broke down and bought very unhealthy food to contaminate your kitchen and I need proper sustenance.”
“You’re a growing girl.” 
“You really like castles.” 
“They’re so cool. I feel a bit like I’m in a Jane Austen book or something.” 
There was always a surprise with Lexa, and Clarke wished she could predict it, or at least figure out a way to be less blown over when Lexa said things like enjoying Jane Austen books and still, as a full adult, dreaming about owning a castle.
“I can barely fathom squatting in your loft let alone, so please don’t go buying a castle anytime soon.” 
Goofy and happy, Lexa smiled and shook her head, carefully slinging her arm over Clarke’s shoulder as they perused. 
“I try to read a book by an author from every country I visit. I made myself read Emma, and I’ve been a bit of a castle fan ever since. It was genuinely the funniest thing I’ve read in a long time.” 
“And what are you reading now?” Clarke asked as they walked along a rather drizzly path along the grounds with the other tourists. 
“I went with something called The Guts, about rock music and junk. I’m a cliché.” 
“You never told me you were a big reader.” 
“I don’t like to advertise it too much.” 
“God forbid people think you’re clever,” Clarke rolled her eyes and teased, earning a kiss on her temple. 
“I don’t know if you know this or not,” Lexa chuckled. “But I’m a high school drop out.” 
Aimlessly walking and enjoying the mildly warm day despite the spitting rain, the pair was interrupted by the growing murmurs of people noticing. Clarke felt Lexa’s arm tighten slightly on her shoulders, guiding her away from someone else. 
“This is going to happen, huh?” Clarke sighed. “And we were having such a good time.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“If you weren’t so damn good looking and you know, sang those songs, and gyrated your hips a little less…” 
Lexa burst out into a laugh, unable to contain it. The cameras caught it, snapping pictures and documenting every move. For most of it, Clarke forgot to be too nervous. She couldn’t be completely distracted from the people following and stealing their moment, but Lexa did her best and it worked in its own way. 
On the way back to the hotel to get ready for dinner, Clarke scrolled through her phone while Lexa chatted with some friends on a scheduled call. She paused when she recognized herself and Lexa from just a few hours ago, paired with the picture Lexa posted of the two of them on her account. There were a lot of comments about them, speculation about who she was, linking to the previous pictures. 
For the moment, Clarke felt her heart race and her cheeks blush. She wasn’t sure what to say, or what to do or what to feel about it all. Suddenly, the privacy of a castle didn’t seem like a terrible life. 
There was something fantastic about a concert behind the scenes. There was something absolutely magical about watching Lexa onstage that simultaneously made the incident with the cameras seem better and worse. 
But for a while, it was gone and Clarke was infatuated with the girl on stage who had twenty thousand people hanging on her every word and song. During a song, Lexa looked over and winked and Clarke was certain that there was nothing better. 
Fingers moving up and down the guitar frets, Lexa leaned into the microphone and sang to her heart's content. She turned and looked at Anya and smiled. She moved and danced with the rest of the band. She chatted up the crowd, holding them in the palm of her hand, keeping them hooked. An entire stadium sang back her own words to her, and Clarke was in awe of the whole display. She wondered if the amazement would ever go away, or if she was doomed to be bowled over by Lexa every other night. 
Slightly sweaty and still high from her show, the lights went black and Lexa appeared close to Clarke, earning a hug. 
“You looked good out there, Woods.” 
“She never does this well,” Anya teased. “We should bring you along more often.” 
“I didn’t do anything special,” Lexa disagreed, enjoying the kisses she received. 
The crowd chanted and begged for more and Clarke knew what was going to happen. She saw Lexa soak it up a little bit more. She enjoyed the mood and the contagious feeling of it all. 
“I have to go back out there for a bit longer. You good?” 
Earnest and eager, Lexa waited for Clarke’s answer and nod. If Clarke would have said no, she knew that Lexa wouldn’t have gone back out, and that was something. So Clarke hugged her once more. 
“I guess I’ll chant your name later,” she whispered. 
She expected a smile or maybe a moan, or something inherently Lexa as a reaction to a comment like that-- something cocky and interested all at once. Instad, Clarke earned Lexa’s eyes and a very set jaw. 
“I need you to understand what I mean when I say this,” Lexa insisted, her forehead pressed against Clarke’s, the rest of the band already taking the stage for the encore. “I've come here to profess, now that I am at liberty to do so, that my heart is, and always will be, yours.”
She hadn’t meant to hear the words, and she certainly hadn’t expected such brutal honesty in such a sweaty and loud and public moment. Still pressed together tightly, Clarke felt a tear roll down her cheek because she was completely blindsided by such a confession. 
“I understand,” Clarke nodded. 
Lexa smiled and Clarke knew only because her cheeks crinkled near her eyes. The music started, but Lexa wouldn’t move. Clarke tapped her thumbs against her girlfriend’s chest. 
“You should go finish work.” 
“I should. Chanting my name, huh?” 
Lexa kissed Clarke quickly and disappeared back on stage before she could answer. 
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cowplantberry · 4 years
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Chapter 1
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Its been almost ten years since I had that final magical dream. Now when I wake, I no longer have that sense of fulfillment like I once had. You know that split second between asleep and awake? Now it seems so empty. *Sigh* Well I am almost 30, I can’t wallow in lost childhood fantasies forever. I have to admit life is nothing like expected it would be.
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After college I got a big corporate job and even met a man. Turq is a really great guy. I mean what more could a girl ask for. He is understanding and kind and I know he would always be there for me. Stable and true. Its not the burning firey passionate romance like the movies portray, but I guess we cant really take life lessons from movies and novels can we?
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I wish my father had mentioned how cut throat this industry was… No instead he spouted only the great benefits. If he had I may have decided on something a little less…stressful, but since he failed to do so, it was not until my Junior year in college that I became very aware of the evils of the corporate world. Sadly for me it was too late by then.
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The only person in my life at that time to help me keep my sanity was my best friend and confidant Vanilla-Mango. We met sophomore year and became room mates not to long after. Even after graduation we decided who better to room with than with each other. I have to say it was probably one of the best decisions I ever made. I have a tendency to be a bit of a fuddy-duddy. In fact she use to tease me by calling me Miss Stick…short for Stick in the mud? Well anyways Nilla was my fun-dometer. If I spent too many hours studying, she would swoop in and save me with a little R&R.
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But not even one of her fun excursions could save me from this…
“What is that?”“Huh? Oh its an email from the evil one herself”“Oh boy what does she have to say this time?”“Ummm…”“Dear Miss Fairy Floss, I regret to inform you that your last file report was never received. The file was due no later than Wednesday. Seeing this is now Friday and I still have no report. I am afraid disciplinary actions must be taken. Please drop by my office. We need to have a little chat.”Sincerely,
Victoria Bitters
“Oh Man that does not sound good! Did you forget to hand it in again?”
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“Ughhh no way!I made sure to send it to her Tuesday night before I left the office. She just hates me.”“I don’t think she hates you…”“Oh no, she really does. Gah!! She always does this. Why didn’t she mention this to me on Wednesday ,when i could have done something about it?”“Ya, seems kinda suspicious to me. Maybe you should ask her that at your meeting today.”“You know as well as I do no one asks The Bitters Questions. Well I better get going, I wouldn’t want to be late for my oh so constructive tongue lashing.”“Good Luck!”
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I never thought it would be possible to hate a building…an inanimate object. Well it is. Every time I walk up to the front door of my office, I just wanna run the opposite direction. I have used up almost all of my sick time and I am starting to get to the point where I just don’t care anymore. This job truly sucks. If I got fired, I think it would be a blessing.
I don’t think that will ever happen though. I get the feeling The Bitters get a thrill out of making my life miserable. Oh crap! My meeting! I am gonna be late.
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Miss Bitters. Probably the most evil and unhappy woman who has ever walked this planet. Rumor has it she was once married, no one knows exactly what happened to Mr. Bitters, but I think she probably chopped him up into a million pieces and ate him and then washed him down with the tears of one of her former drones. Yup she is that evil.
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“You’re Late”“I’m s-s-s-orry”“I was expecting to see that report Wednesday. Where is it? hmmmm?”“I put it on your desk Tuesday night before I left.”“Well thats funny I don’t see it in my inbox. You know what i think? I think you forgot.”“No Ma’am. I made sure it was sent out well before it was due.”
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“Don’t you no ma’am me!I am your superior and you WILL NOT argue back to me!”
God is this woman for real?
“I want to see that report on my desk in one hour! One hour! Now, GET OUT!”
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I seriously wanted to do leave that office and never return. When I got to back to my desk. I don’t think I had even gotten seated back in my chair when the in office phone rang.
“Hello?”“Yes, Miss Floss it seems I have found your report. That is all.”
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Ahhhh. Finally the only part of my work day I look forward too. My nice long and hot serenity inducing bubble bath. It seems to be just the trick to melt away that evil evil place from my being. Maybe I will just quit. I can tell Turq I wanna be a stay at home wife. The wedding is soon. I’m sure he would understand. After the day I had I don’t think anything I say could make things possibly any worse.
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backtobackbakubabe · 5 years
I’m Gonna Make This Place Your Home (Part 6)
Bakugo X Reader 
Words : 3036
Warnings: SMUT! THERE IS SMUT IN THIS CHAPTER (finally) also there’s some violence and mention of abuse. 
Runaway reader finds a home with Bakugo. But will trouble follow?
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You were packed in record time. It helped that you didnt have much to pack.
Bakugo was now pulling you into a car you didnt know he had while yelling at someone on the phone. “No you cant come!”.... “Because we’re trying to hide her and blend in and your hair is literally a bride red fucking target!”... “Yes! I will tell you once we’re settled... Thanks Man..”
He threw his phone out the widow of the moving car and sped up. “Alright so they found you, and they know you’re with me. We just need to get somewhere safe and lay low for a bit. I’ve filled Kirishima in on everything and he’s going to see what he can find out through our hero database.” His grip was tight on the steering wheel and shoulders were stiff as boards. He was stressed out.
You reached over and placed your hand in his lap. You could feel him relax only slightly, but enough for him to release some tension. “Where are we going?”
I’m going to drive us out of town then stop at a random hotel. We’ll check in under a fake name and use cash. I have enough to last us a while.” He took the  hand that you had put in his lap and intertwined your fingers, “They’re not going to lay a finger on you. Not if I can help it.”
Later that night you laid next to him while he clicked away on his laptop. “You threw your phone out the window but kept your laptop? Wouldn't they be able to track that as well?”
He scoffed, “I wish they’d try. This is government issued from work. As soon as they even tried it would alert my agency of their location and who they are.” He continued to click through. He started off by asking who I ordered the pizza from. From there he hacked into the cameras of all the locations near our apartment and was now busy watching through hours of footage trying to find whoever wrote the message on the box. You tried to stay awake to keep him company but your eyes were so heavy. His fingers threaded through your hair, “Go to sleep babe. They’ll be plenty of time to talk tomorrow.”
So you snuggled into him and let sleep take over. You kept waiting for him to join you. In fact every so often you'd reach out to join his dream, but he wasn’t there. You hoped he wasnt driving himself mad with all of this investigative work. Wasn’t that was Kirishima was supposed to be doing?
Hours later you heard a loud “Mother Fucker!”
You shot up strait and grabbed onto Bakugo’s arm. “What is it? What’s going on?”
“That fucking asshole from the coffee shop was the one who rated you out... Your boss.” He turned the laptop towards you and sure enough there was a video of him sneaking into the pizza shop and writing his lovely little note on the pizza box before turning to the camera and flipping it off. “He’s one of eight brothers. All of them bad news. The oldest brother is the head of some secret society that they’re all members of. They call him the puppeteer. Riku’s the youngest and his job is to find girls and trick them into going to a ‘party’ after which they're never seen again. Police have been trying to take them down for years but there’s never been enough evidence. I had Kirishima email me over every file he could find on this secret society.”
He opened up a new tab that was full of pictures, mugshots, and reports. “They call themselves the Pure. They believe in arranged relations and breeding for maximum quirk efficiency. There’s allegedly a lot of really important people involved which is why a case has never been made against them. Drugs, arms dealing, racketeering, kidnapping, slavery... this.... this is crazy. How can they be involved in so much but no one even know about them. I’m a fucking hero and I had never heard about it.” He turned to you, his red eyes burning with intensity. “How do you run from something that doesn't exist?”
You scrolled through the file before your heart stopped. “Bakugo.. I recognize that man...”
He looked over your shoulder and you could hear him gasp. He recognized him as well. He had seen him in your dreams. This man had been your prison guard for years. He had hit you, starved you, drugged you, stripped away your clothing and left you to freeze. He was an animal, he was evil, and Bakugo wanted to kill him.
According to the file his name was Bruce. He was from Slovakia, and as far as anyone knew he died in a train accident fifteen years ago. You wish he has though.
“I’m going back to sleep...”
Bakugo held you to him, “You sure? You don’t want to talk about it?”
“I know his name now... I know his face. I think it’s time I pay Bruce a little visit... You coming?”
It clicked with him what you meant. You were about to visit him in a dream. And there was no way he was going to let you do that alone.
He gripped your hand and spooned up behind you. “You sure about this?”
Your only response was, “If it gets to be too much for you , you can leave at any time.”
Then you were falling asleep and taking Bakugo with you. You had done this plenty of times when you were held captive. Taking people with you into dreams was easy enough. They usually couldn’t affect anything the way you could though.
The bright light flashed behind your eyelids signaling that you were connecting with your intended target.
Eh. Even his dreams were gross. You looked around and saw he was dreaming of an orgy. Naked women and drugs everywhere. You strolled right up to him as he sucked at some poor girls neck. You had to touch him to control the dream. That was the rules. And usually you waited for them to make that decision. But not Bruce. He didnt get that privilege. You slapped him across the face.
He shoved the girl off of his lap, “What the fuck-” his eyes met yours and his angry scowl turned into a disgusting smirk.
“Hello Bruce..”
“Well if it isnt my little slut? I was wondering when you would show up. I was careful to never tell you my name but I knew it would only be a matter of time.”
“My name is Y/n..”
He chuckled, “Shit I didn’t even know you had a name. Thought you were just another one of the boss man’s pets.”
Your fist shook with rage and all of the girls disappeared and you were back in that cold room that had been your cell.
His eyes shifted back and forth, “What are you doing? This is my dream. You cant...”
“Oh but I can. I am capable of much more than you ever knew.” All of the sudden his face started to sink in as if he was starving. His skin became littered with bruises. His ears and nose began to bleed just like yours would when they made you overuse your quirk.
He started to panic and tried to run away but his foot was shackled to the floor like the animal he was. “Fucking bitch! Stop it!”
But you didn’t. You continued to make him suffer, he deserved it after all. All the sudden a hand came down on your shoulder. You grabbed it and threw the person to the ground. Your eyes glowing purple with rage. But they softened when you realized it was just Bakugo. Looking worried with his hands held up in surrender, “It’s just me. It’s alright. It’s okay. Just breath. Calm down. This isn't you!” 
You ran your fingers through your hair and began to pace. You really wanted to hurt the asshole in front of you but you couldnt allow yourself to stoop that low. You couldn’t break down like this. Especially not in front of Bakugo. “I’m sorry. I’m just a little on edge right now. I hope I didnt hurt you.”
He shook his head as he regained his footing, “I’m fine, you're the one I’m worried about. You sure you can handle this. We’ve been here for only a few minutes and it looks like you're already losing it a little bit. I’ve never seen you so... angry before.” 
Bruce started laughing that sickening laugh that made your stomach turn. “Your little boyfriend thinks so highly of you. I wonder if he would stick around if he knew some of the twisted shit you pulled to get out of here.”  
You walked over and gave him a swift kick to the ribs, “I did what I did to stay alive. I will never apologize for that.” You knelt down to look him in the eyes. “Now tell me where you are.” 
He spit blood onto your feet, “This is just a dream. You can do what you want and it’ll never actually hurt me. I’m not telling you shit!”
You narrowed your eyes at him but a cool smile came over your face, “That’s true... Assuming you ever actually wake up. I can make sure you don’t. Keep you here forever, in a coma. Have you ever wondered what happens when you die in a dream? No one really knows right? Because our brain wakes us up because it wants to avoid the trauma. Well I know what happens... Would you like me to show you?”
Bruce gulped as his eyes shifted from Bakugo to you. He spit one more time before he groaned, “FINE!...We’re in the mountains. We're at the main campus for the Pure. There’s a big meeting coming up and everyones coming.” He went on to ramble in great detail about how to get there. He made it very clear that you wouldn't make it past the front gate. That they had some strong quirks up their sleeve.  
He was still spilling his guts when Bakugo grabbed your hand. “What if he’s lying? What if he’s setting a trap?”
You sighed and rubbed your temples, “I don’t think he’s that smart.” 
You looked over when you no longer heard Bruce’s labored breathing. “Shit... he woke up” You reached for Bakugo’s hand, “Come on we should wake up too.I have a feeling we have a lot to talk about..”
“You’re fucking right we do.”
You woke up and you felt that your face was soaked in tears. You may have put on a brave face in Bruce’s dream but it didnt change the fact that you had been terrified to be face to face with him again. You wiped furiously, trying to dry your cheeks before Bakugo could see. He probably already thinks you’re unhinged. No need to fuel the crazy fire. 
You took a few deep breaths before turning around and facing Bakugo. To your surprise his eyes were wet as well. “I’m sorry. I know you’re the one who just had to confront the monster from your past. But... That shit was hard to watch. What did he mean when he said you did twisted shit to get out? You told me you jumped out of a moving car?”
You bit your lip and played with the hem of your hoodie. You couldn’t look him in the eye when you told him this. “I lied.... I was scared if I told you the truth you would be scared of me.” 
He cupped your damp cheek and kissed your forehead, “You say scary.. I say badass.”
You would have laughed if the moment hadn't been so tense. “I uh.. If I really focus I can make people see things... when they're awake. Like daydreaming.” You leaned into him and he instinctively wrapped his arms around your waist. “I made them see intruders when in reality no one was there. They all ended up shooting each other and when backup came I made them think that I was also dead. They threw me into the back of a van, didn’t even bother tying me up. When we got close to town I made the drivers vision go blank so he would crash and I could get away.” 
Bakugo pushed your hair out of your face, “Why would you be scared to tell me that? Like you said in Bruce’s dream, you did what you had to. After everything they put you through? I know it has to weigh heavy on your conscious, but it shouldn't. Those people were bad people who did bad things. Who knows how many people you saved by taking them out.”
You nodded, “I guess... But heros aren't supposed to kill people.”
Bakugo smiled, “Well not to be a dick but I’m pretty sure I’m the only one here with a hero license. You’re a survivor. There’s a difference.”
You took a deep breath, trying to expel all of your anxiety. “I also didn’t want you to be constantly trying to guess if what you were seeing was real or if I was manipulating you.” 
“Well I guess it’s a good thing I trust you then...” 
You leaned forward and gently pressed your lips to his. 
You should have known better though because there was rarely anything gentle about Bakugo. He returned you kiss with a burning passion that had you dizzy. 
He rolled on top of you and your legs wrapped around him pulling you to you. You wanted him, all of him. You reached down to waistband of his pants and pushed your hand past it to palm him through his underwear. He groaned and bucked his hips towards you before pulling back. “Y/n. I love you. But are you sure you want this?”
You arched your back so you could peel your shirt off. You hadn't worn a bra to bed and naturally you weren't wearing pants so now the only article of clothing you did have on was underwear. “I’ve never been more sure of anything.” 
He leaned forward and attached his lips to your shoulder while he rubbed one of your nipples between his fingers. You arched your back to lean into his touch a soft moaning falling from your lips. He smiled as his kissed trailed south over the swell of your breeds before sucking your other nipple into his mouth. Licking it and sucking util it grew hard. “Looks like someone has sensitive nipples...” 
Your eyes blinked open, “What are you doing? Dont stop!”
He chuckled, “Yes ma’am.” He tore off his shirt followed by his pants. Now you were both in your underwear. He grinned into you and its made you throb. You bucked your hips up to meet his, desperately needing friction to ease the desire building inside you. 
His lips returned to your neck as he tapped your hip signaling for you to lift them off the bed. Without any hesitation he ripped them off leaving you bare before him. His fingers teased around the sport you wanted him most. But he was trying to give you time to make sure you hadn't changed your mind. And as sweet as that was... You needed him. “Bakugo... I need you. Please.”
With a feral groan his slipped his middle finger into you and slowly pumped in and out. “God Y/n you’re so tight.” He added a second finger and you had to suck in a breath, shit that felt good. He had you whining beneath him. Squirming around his fingers wanting more. 
He kissed up your neck until he got to you ear, where he stopped with a breathy whisper, “You ready?”
You wrapped your legs around him, “Yes! Please!” 
His slid his underwear off and you heard the sound of him opening a condom then his weight returned to you. His forehead already sweaty pressed against yours. “You let me know if I need to stop. If it hurts, if you change your mind. I dont care just let me know...” 
You nodded and he slowly pushed into you bit by bit. Letting you adjust as he went. It definitely stung but in the sweetest way possible. Your fingers gripped his shoulders as he began to thrust into you. It started out as slightly painful but all the sudden he snapped his hips at a completely different angle and you were seeing stars. You couldn’t help your moan of pleasure, “Oh shit! Right there!”
Bakugo picked up the pace looping his arm around the back of your knee and lifting it up so it sat on his shoulder. Heat began to burn within you as you pleasure climbed. You understood why in books they always called it that climax. Legs shaking, fingers digging into his back, “I’m gonna - I’m gonna-”
Bakugo growled as he thrust at an erratic pace, “Let go. I’m right behind you. COME ON Y/N!”
Just like that you you peaked and clamped around him as he stuttered into his own finish. 
You both laid there breathing heavy as he rolled over and pulled you into his chest. His fingers carding through your hair with occasional kisses to the crown of your head. “Hey not to alarm you or anything but I literally saw fireworks...”
You laughed and gave him a funny look, “Yeah me too. That was amazing!”
He gave you a serious look, “No I totally agree.. best night of my life... but Y/n I dont mean metaphorically.. like I literally saw fireworks at the end there. I think you may have subconsciously used your quirk...”
You blushed, “Oh my god I’m so sorry! I didn’t even realize...” You covered your face with your hands out of embarrassment.
But Bakugo wasn’t having any of that. He took your hands and pulled them from your face, “Are you kidding me? That was hot. That was awesome! It was like you got to show me exactly how you felt.” He snuggled closer to you, “Makes me want to do it again.” 
Tags: @1000fandoms​ @carolinawindsay​ @targaryens-blog​ @fukyouthink​ @malibusurfer56​ @theoneforallkiddeku​ @emmyljo​ @water-melone98​ @opentheskeletonkey​ @ilikeanimeandbands​ @dexterous-deku @joonishantics​ @-hiddlesdweeb-​ @crimson846​ @emotions-and-potions @tokoyamis-luv​ @itsmetsuki​ @awkwardlife202 @tinymatwrote​ 
Hey guys quick thing about the tags, I really am trying to remember to tag everyone who asked. If you aren't here I apologize I have the memory of a goldfish lol. Just shoot me a message and remind me. Or if you want to be added thats totally cool as well!  Also it looks like some of the tags aren't working as they should. So if looks like you’re there but you didnt get a notification let me know. Maybe I spelled something wrong lol. I tend to do that a lot! Thanks! 
- Molly 
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Rose Coloured Glasses - Part 2
Summary: Starting a 'friends with benefits' relationship with Frank is something new and exciting.... even if your boss Andy has warned you against getting involved with the towns bad boy. But has your boss got other reasons for the warning.... either way you cant seem to stay away from Frank.
When Andy's son is suddenly prime suspect in a murder and his marriage is struggling he turns to you for comfort... or at least his trying to.
A/N- Warning! Poorly written smut happens! 🙈 💕
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After calling the tow company and arranging for them to collect my car and take it to their repair shop, i finally got stuck into work. Around lunch time the phone rang interrupting my archiving of Andy's last case.
"Good Afternoon, Andrew Barbers office" i answered as Andy had instructed me on the first day.
"Hey, is this Y/N?"
"It is, who's this?"
"Its Frank" he replied with a chuckle that was way sexier than it should've been!
"Oh... hi, why are you calling Frank? Do you need some legal advise?" I asked in a teasing tone.
"Ha! No actually im good"
"Then why are you calling the assistant DA's office in the middle of the afternoon?"
"Well it occurred to me that i didn't get your number this morning"
"No you didn't"
"Well im gonna need it so we can arrange that drink you owe me"
"Oh i see" i smiled shaking my head "nice play"
"Thank you! So can i have your number?"
I looked up and saw Andy collecting his jacket and heading my way.
"How about you give me yours real quick and i'll text you. My boss is on his way out"
Frank gave me his number and we said a quick goodbye, i ended the call by the time Andy reached my desk.
"Im just going to grab some lunch, can i get you something?" He offered.
"Oh, shouldn't i be the one getting your lunch?"
"You don't have your car remember" he smiled
"Right! In that case i would love to take you up on your offer"
The day had flown by and before i realised it was nearly 5pm, i usually finished at 5pm but i thought id stick around a little longer to make up my time from this morning.
Frank: So what time do u get off?
Y/N: Usually 5, but i guess i'll stay a while longer to make up my hours.
Frank: Meet me for that drink?
Y/N: Sure. Where abouts?
Frank: There's a bar not far from ur office, i can swing by and pick u up....
Y/N: Sounds good, say 6pm?
Frank: c u then 😉
I put my phone face down on my desk and dropped my head into my hands.
"Hey, you okay?" Andy asked looking concerned as he came out his office holding his coffee mug, he was obviously on his way for a refill. I looked up and smiled before nodding my head.
"yeah i'm fine, just been one of those days"
"Why are you still here? You were meant to finish a while ago"
"Thought id make up my time, don't want you thinking i'm not pulling my weight"
"Don't be silly, your car broke down that can't be helped. You want a coffee?"
"Actually i'm good, i'm just gonna finish this up and i'll head out"
"You need a ride home or anything?"
"No its fine, i'll just get a taxi home and hopefully my car will be ready tomorrow"
"Okay..... the offer stands if you need it though"
"Thank you" i smiled before carrying on with the email i was writing.
Around 5:30 i was done with work and decided to quickly go freshen up a bit before meeting Frank. After checking my hair wasn't a mess and putting on some fresh makeup i headed back out saying a quick goodbye to Andy as i passed his office, and went outside to wait for Frank. I was surprised to find him already parked outside waiting, he was stood leaning against his car smoking. When he saw me he smiled instantly making me blush, i still couldn't believe he was interested in me!
"Hey, did your day get better?" He asked smirking.
"Well it didn't get worse, maybe its about to get better now?" I found myself saying, it was so unlike me but Frank seemed to bring it out of me.
"I think i can help with that" he nodded opening up the car door for me to get in.
Little did i know my boss was watching me leave with Frank and he was not happy!
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Frank led me into a bar he was obviously a regular at, he greeted so many different people on the way in, introducing me along the way.
"Do you know everyone?" I asked as we took a seat at the bar.
"Small town remember" he gave me that smirk again as he looked me up and down.
"Right" i chuckled as the barman came over to take our order. Frank ordered a Whisky and a Vodka tonic for me, then he was looking at me again with a hunger in his eyes.
"What?" I asked feeling the nerves overtake me "do i have something on my face...."
"No, i just.... your so fucking pretty"
"You say that to all the girls Frank?" I asked in a teasing tone.
"Only when i mean it....." Frank looked up at the barman and nodded as the drinks were placed in front of us "I'm gonna be honest with you Y/N, i haven't been able to stop thinking about you all day its been driving me crazy" he carried on saying once we were alone again. I picked up my drink taking a large mouthful as i processed what he was saying.
"I've been thinking about you too Frank but....." i shook my head as i remembered Andy's warning.
"Ive been warned to stay away from you" i admitted just so i could see his reaction "apparently your the towns 'bad boy' who sleeps his way around all the women in town" i finished saying and raised my eyebrows at him. I watched as Franks eyebrows shot up at this news, he nodded before locking his eyes on me again "wow, let me guess... Andy?"
"The guy really doesn't like me" Frank chuckled "i don't know what his problem is to be honest...."
"So his lying?"
"No" he shook his head laughing "i enjoy sex, i didn't know that was a crime. Im a single guy why shouldn't i have some fun?" he shrugged casually.
"Im not a bad guy though i promise you"
"So why does he think you are?
"Maybe his jealous, Ive heard his marriage isn't great..... maybe his jealous that I've taken a liking to you?"
I couldnt help the laugh that escaped me at that idea "You think thats funny? Ive seen the way he looks at you, and hey, i cant blame him"
"Frank stop, Andy doesn't look at me like that at all. His my boss"
"Doesn't mean his blind though does it" Frank asked leaning toward me.
"You didn't try to seduce his wife did you?" I asked trying to steer the conversation away from me.
"No! I promise" he laughed as i downed the rest of my drink "You want another?" He asked looking at my now empty glass, i nodded quickly.
"One more then i have to go, i still need to work out how I'm getting home"
"I could take you....."
The way he was looking at me right now made me clench my thighs together. The man just radiated sex! There was no way i was going to listen to Andy's warning, if i went into this knowing Frank was only interested in sex it should be fine.... right???
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When Frank parked up outside my house i turned to him and invited him in for a drink to which he accepted. Now he was sat on my sofa waiting for me to get the drinks, i was stood in the kitchen filling two glasses with ice and whisky feeling my hands shaking slightly with nerves.
I wasn't the type of girl to casually hook up! What was i doing?? I only met Frank this morning...... but shit, the thought of him was driving me wild.
As i turned to head into the living room Frank was stood there watching me.
"Here you go" i smiled and handed him the glass of whisky, he thanked me and took a mouthful before placing it on the side and walking over to me, backing me up against the kitchen table. His hand came up and caressed my face, his thumb tracing my bottom lip as he looked into my eyes, his gaze then lowered to my mouth before he kissed me. His hands cupping my face as he deepened the kiss and my god.... this man knew what he was doing! I couldnt help but kiss him back with everything i had. Frank lifted me onto the table and stood between my thighs as he made quick work of removing my shirt, he slipped down my bra straps before discarding it completely. His hands pushing up my skirt.... i reached down and grabbed his hand pushing it between my legs where i needed him the most. His hand slipped inside my panties and i let out a moan as he started rubbing my clit, his fingers sliding through my folds easily from how wet i was already. Frank pushed two fingers inside me, his mouth never leaving mine  as he worked me over.
"Fuck...." i moaned gasping for air and throwing my head back. Frank smirked as he knelt down infront of me.... he pulled off my panties leaving my skirt bunched around my waist, he pressed kisses to the inside of ankle trailing up my leg before burying his face in my cunt. I was soon a writhing mess laying back on the kitchen table as he licked and sucked at me like his life depended on it. I cried out when my first orgasm hit, my hands buried in his hair. I pulled him back up and kissed him hard tasting myself on his tongue.
"I need you inside me now...." i said breathlessly between heated kisses. Frank just reached down and quickly released his cock from his jeans and then he was pushing inside me.
"Ah fuck your tight" he groaned as he started working himself in and out of me gradually picking up speed. Before i knew it i was coming again, Frank reaching his end and emptying himself inside me.
I was laying back on the table trying to catch my breath after the best sex of my life, Frank was resting over me looking up at me.
"Are you okay?" He asked reaching his hand up to rest against my neck.
"Yeah i'm great" i nodded quickly smiling down at him as my hands run through his hair "how about you?"
"Im amazing" he chuckled.
"Yes you are!" I agreed and laughed with him "i don't think i can feel my legs".
Frank dropped his head face down into my chest and let out a groan.
"I wanna know why im the only one naked here though" i added when i noticed he was still wearing his shirt, his jeans only low enough to free his cock.
"Im sorry...." he lifted his head to look at me "there wasn't time for that, i needed you too bad" he smiled.
I had expected Frank to get up and leave but when i came out the bathroom he was stood in the kitchen looking through takeout menu's.
"You wanna order some takeout? i don't know about you but i'm starving"
"You read my mind!" I smiled walking over to grab my phone from my bag to call in the order. When i looked i had a missed call and a message from an unknown number, i unlocked my phone and opened the message.
Unknown: Hey Y/N, its Andy. I got your number from your file hope you dont mind. Just wanted to ask if you needed a ride into the office tomorrow? I pass you on my way so i can pick you up if your still without a car. Let me know.
Y/N: Hi Andy, that would be great actually.
Andy: I'll be by around 8am :)
Y/N: Great! See you tomorrow.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit
Rose Coloured Glasses taglist: @readermia @princess-evans-addict
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wolferals · 4 years
🇪🇸ella es linda🇪🇸
finally fallin' chapter 2
<arón piper x reader>
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(The spanish is all google translate, i wont take responsibility for mistakes)
chapter 2
„Hola" a tall, very handsome man with a silver hoop dangling from his ear and short brown hair spoke and got closer to the both of you.
His eyes were brown, light brown with a hint of green maybe. Plump, nice lips and a mole under his left eye.
He was wearing a loose blue polo shirt and some black jeans. Under the shirt you could see a silver necklace sparkling towards you.
You were startled by his appearance. He was really attractive to you and you had to do a lot not to start stuttering. „We talked before I think."
You shook his hand.
„Y/n, nice to meet you too."
He smiled brightly and gave you a long gaze before looking over to his friend.
It was quiet between you guys for a second until you broke the silence by saying:"Alright I wont bother you guys any longer, have a nice day you too."
Your „classmate" nodded and then asked:"Am I gonna see you in photography tomorrow?"
You nodded at him.
„Wait can I get your number so we can text each other if one of us is lost on campus or anything."
He laughed.
Excited you agreed and afterwards you put your number in his phone.
„Y/n ya?“ He asked as he read through it again.
„Yeah, and you?“
His friend Arón chuckled quietly and then replied for him:“His name is Itzan.“
Well at least now you knew his name.
„Alright.“ you laughed and pushed some hair out of your face.
„Okay see you tomorrow then." You put your phone back in your purse and said goodbye. „Hasta luego." He spoke as you slowly walked away, giving the tall handsome another glance, smiling.
He was really good looking, you'd already figured that and he seemed to be nice. He helped out his friend after all.
Since you had nothing else to do than get back to your place and unpack some last things that you hadnt gotten the chance to in the past week. Especially your clothes had to be sorted into your white wooden closet before they all got wrinkly and started to smell from your suitcases.
So you went on with it. After grabbing an apple you turned on some music and finally finished unpacking and decorating your place.
As you were about to turn on the tv and sat down on the bed you heard your laptop making a „ring" noise.
Who would send you an email nowadays?
You carefully grabbed your laptop, opened the mail service and started reading.
„Dear class,
I've had a good time today getting to know some of you and bringing you the fine arts of photography closer.
Due to the loose schedule we need to start soon with the practical work.
What I'd like you to do is, find yourself a group of other students in this course (2-4) and work on a photography series that expresses a certain feeling. The series should include 5 individual photographies that all somehow work together either in color moments, editing or background.
Find a nice location, take some shots and be creative with either photoshop or other photo editor programs.
You can be free in the choice of materials, if you'd like to use a professional camera, we can sort that out in our next class.
But using you phone would be enough for now.
I hope you're all having a wonderful day, see you in the next course.
Sandra Rodriguez"
Alright, you figured. No problem at all, you could ask Itzan if he wanted to work with you since he's the only person you've talked to so far. And it should be fun.
He was really handsome, maybe he'd be willing to be the model for this series.
He mustve gotten the email as well, so you decided to ask him the next day if he wanted to work on it with you.
So first things first, you wrote down some ideas you'd like to shoot and made some sketches on your iPad.
Afterwards you watched some shows for a while and then had a long phone call with one of your friends from back home.
You went to bed rather early this day just to feel good tomorrow for a rather long day. You had 4 different classes the next day. First course would be fine arts, starting at 9, then photography again and after that a class of media‘s. Then a 2 hour break and as a last class of the day you‘d have typography.
The class you were most excited about was media, you‘ve always wanted to design ads and stuff on medias.
And you were definitely going to talk to Itzan about the photography series project, but you were confident he‘ll say yes since he doesnt seem to be friends with anyone else yet.
*time skip to 2:45 next day*
„Hey.“ you greeted the dark haired boy who was sitting at a table in the middle of campus.
Itzan smiled at you. „Buenos dias.“
You smiled back and sat down next to him.
„How was your last class?“ You asked and took out the sandwich you had just bought.
Itzan leaned back and started telling you about his last informatics class that he already regretted taking.
„Aw man, i hope you can get out of it.“ you said with half your mouth full.
He nodded and replied:“Yeah i hope so too, how was yours?“
-„It was great! Media is fun, we were drawing some fruits on photoshop as a first practice.“
You guys kept on talking about your different classes until you decided it was time to brainstorm a bit for the photography project. Itzan actually had been the one to ask you if you wanted to work as a team which made you glad because that meant you didnt have to be awkward.
So first you showed him the ideas you had written down the previous night and he added some things he‘d like to do.
„Do you want to model this though?“ you laughed and looked up to him.
He gave you a disgusted look.
„No... Do I have to?“ he asked confused.
You started laughing from his reaction. „No you dont HAVE to, but i dont want to do it either.“
Just as he wanted to complain his phone rang.
„Its your boy.“ he grinned and picked up.
„Hola...“ he spoke into the phone and kept on speaking in Spanish so you didnt really understand.
„Maybe we could ask him!“ you suddenly exclaimed after thinking about it.
Itzan looked up to you and put the phone away from his ear for a second. „Arón?“ he asked.
You nodded.
He then laughed and seemed to actually ask Arón about it.
„He said no.“
You pouted and put your hand out to gesture you wanted the phone.
„Let me ask.“
Itzan grinned, said something to Arón and handed you the phone.
„Hey Arón.“ you spoke in your sweetest tone.
„I‘m not modeling for you.“ you heard his deep voice laugh.
„Come on, please, we need to do it and none of us wants to do it.“ you spoke and looked at Itzan who had just bitten into an apple.
„Y/n..“ you heard him sigh.
„Por favor.“
He started laughing. You immediately got concerned that he was laughing at your terrible Spanish pronunciation.
After a little bit of silence he answered:“Alright, when?“
You started cheering inside but just replied with a „ohh thank you, perfect!“
he paused.
„You have to help me with something too.“
You waited for him to tell you what it was.
„Yeah what is it?“ you then asked since he didnt reply.
„Tell Itzan to give me your number, I‘ll text you tonight.“
You started smiling. A cute guy wanted something from you and said he‘d text you tonight.
„Will do! Thank you so much! Gracias.“
He laughed again and you symbolized Arón‘s approval by showing Itzan a thumbs up.
He grinned back at you.
„You‘re welcome, but i‘ll only do it if you help me with my project.“
-„Of course.“ you smiled and nodded. „Cant wait. Thanks, bye, ill give you back to Itzan.“
You heard him chuckle.
„Goodbye y/n.“
Smiling you handed the phone back and went back to eating your sandwich.
Itzan continued talking to Arón until looking at you for a second. He grinned and replied to Arón:“Lo se, ella es linda.“
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The Red Name pt 4
part one || part two || part three
The bed was cold when Michael woke up. The sun was high in the sky and Alex was long gone. All that was left in the whole cabin were the sheets on the bed and Michael’s phone on Alex’s pillow. The notification light was blinking and Michael already didn’t care about what anyone had to say to him right now. 
He unlocked it anyway when he saw the new email icon. He never got emails. 
It was from Alex.
We should’ve talked. That was always our problem, if we’re honest. Too much sex and not enough talking.
I’m glad we didn’t though. You were right, we’d just make each other sad and angry and that’s not how I wanted to spend my last night with you. Because that’s what it was. Regardless of what happens on my deployment, we both know this thing between us is in the past and it’s time I gave up and moved on like you’ve managed to do. 
Over the last two years I wrote you a lot of emails. Basically whenever I wanted to talk to you but couldn’t I’d write an email. I’m not sure why I’m doing this now but I just sent all of them to you. You can read them or delete them, it’s up to you, I guess. 
I love you. That hasn’t changed and it never will. 
Goodbye Michael.
Michael blinked away the sudden tears that sprung to his eyes. For all that he’d shoved Alex away over the last few years and flaunted the fact that he could move on, Alex telling him goodbye broke his heart. Michael wasn’t sure how they’d gotten to this point. It felt like one thing after another just piled on until there was no hope left. He wanted to fix it, even when he’d been with Maria part of him had wanted to fix it, he just didn’t know how. And now it was too late.
Rereading the email, he spotted the part about new emails and quickly exited out of that one. And there they were. Michael scrolled down to find the oldest one but it was impossible to tell. They didn’t seem to be in any particular order so he just clicked one and then another and then another.
I saw you at the Pony today. You looked like shit. Have you been sleeping? Eating? Or are you just existing on alcohol and acetone?
I hope it’s making you feel better because it’s not helping anyone. Not your sister, who really needs you right now by the way, not me, not Maria, and certainly not Max. 
I wish you’d let me help you.
You drive me crazy sometimes you know that? First, you want nothing to do with me or Project Shepherd. And now it’s all you care about. Well, Project Shepherd at least. You still don’t seem to want anything to do with me.
Am I suddenly that repulsive to you? Because of my father? Fuck him. Seriously, Guerin, fuck. him. Don’t let him do this to us.
You could’ve at least done me the courtesy of telling me you were dating Maria instead of letting me find out by walking in on you two.
Fuck you Michael
You need to pull yourself together. Your sister is drowning and she needs you and you don’t even notice. Liz and I should not be the ones keeping her afloat. She needs her brother, dammit. 
If only I could get you to stay in the same room as me for longer than 2 seconds
I can’t decide if you’re oblivious or stupid or just plain cruel
I get it, okay. You moved on. You’re happy. I’m happy you’re happy but I really don’t need a front row seat to you sticking your tongue down someone else’s throat okay? Would it kill you to cool it on the pda?
Max is back. You weren’t there.
I’m drunk. I shouldn’t bother with this it’s not like you’re going to read it anyway but I’m drunk and I’m lonely and it’s my birthday
Ten years apart and you never missed my birthday but now that I’m back you can’t be bothered? I want to be mad at you but I’m too sad to be mad
What did I do wrong Michael? Why are you doing this?
You ever throw something anywhere near the vicinity of Maria again and I swear to god I will knock you on your ass
Don’t touch her. Don’t even get close. I don’t give a shit how drunk you are
It’s the anniversary of Caulfield and I don’t want you to be alone but you won’t let me near you
I hope you told Maria what day it is or Isobel or someone. I hope you’re not alone.
I’m sorry
I’m so sorry Michael
You look happy
I miss you
I never thought of us as having an anniversary, not really, but if we had one it would be today
I was ready, Michael. I was fucking ready dammit. Why’d you have to pick then to finally be the one to walk away? I mean I know I deserved it after all the times I left you but your timing sucks.
I got my new posting. Also got new orders to deploy. I’m leaving Roswell and I don’t think I’m coming back this time
You came by today. I’m pretty sure it's the first time you’ve been out here since you told me in no uncertain terms that we were done. You wanted more info on Project Shepherd, on the Alighting that Noah mentioned. You could barely look me in the eyes. It was like I was just a colleague and not even one you particularly liked that much and it hurt. 
I get that we’re never going to be together but why can’t we be friends? Is it really that impossible? We’re either fucking or not looking each other in the eye? No in between? That’s bullshit
Why do you get to decide everything? When do I get a say in this? What if I want more? Do you even care what I want?
Don’t answer that. It’s pretty fucking obvious you don’t.
I had lunch with Liz and Rosa and Maria today. It was awkward and painful. I’ve never hated you before but I think I hate you for fucking up my friendship with Maria. She was all I had for years and now it’s ruined because of you
Be happy with her. Make it worth it
It’s not your fault. Me and Maria I mean. We fucked that up all on our own and neither one of us have really tried to fix it. You played a part, yeah, but don’t blame yourself for this too. You put too much on yourself already, you shouldn’t add this to it
You make a beautiful couple
Better than we ever did. Not that we were ever a couple. Not like you and Maria
We wouldn’t have worked right? That’s why you left? Because we would’ve crashed and burned?
Merry Christmas Michael
For someone who got angry every time I  mentioned the Air Force you really didn’t seem to care that I re-upped. I don’t know what to make of that. 
I’m going to protect you Michael, I promise. My father will never get his hands on you or your family ever again.
Why can’t I get over you? I’ve tried fucking other guys, dating other guys, it doesn’t matter. 
I’ve never been able to get over you. I don’t know why I thought now would be any different.
All I want is you. All I’ve ever wanted is you.
Full disclosure - I’ve had a lot to drink. Liek a lot 
Did you know that your people essentially mate for life? Yep. Turn 30 and the true essence of your heart will reveal itself on your skin and name the person you love most. It will stay there forever. Cant be cut off or inked over. Cant change neither. Once its there its there
Your turning 30 in a few months
I wont survive seeing her name on you i wont
I filed papers for a transfer today. Project Shepherd is basically dead and by the time the transfer comes through it will be really dead and i cant stay here anymore im not strong enough. I need to be not here when her name comes
Its my name. Fucking hell Michael its MY name?? 
What the fuck have the last two years been if its mY FUCKING NAME?
It hurt before when i thought you’d truly moved on but this? Oh this takes the cake
You love me. More than LITERALLY anything. And you still dont care enough to be with me
This is…
You should’ve left me in Caulfield and just saved yourself
You left a birthday present in my car. Why?
Thank you
I love it
Her name is Mara. 
She used to sing to the other prisoners when they were scared. She had such a beautiful voice. 
You won’t let me tell you about her but I think you should know. This was your mother, you should know who she was.
I’m sorry you didn’t get the chance to find out the right way. I really am.
I saw you on the street today. You were outside the jewelry store.
I wish you both a long happy life together. You both deserve it.
There were more. So many more. Michael had to stop and pace himself or he’d start breaking things.
It took him weeks to get through all of them. Some made him cry, some made him smash every fragile thing in Max’s house (he owed him new windows), but some made him smile.
I got a dog. Her name is Buffy. If anything happens to her I will kill everyone involved and then myself
Pics attached since I don’t know when I’ll see you.
Wilson’s getting married, can you believe it? I would’ve bet good money he’d die a happy bachelor. It’ll be so good to see the squad again. He invited everyone, even O’Brien.
He’s making me wear a tux, though, no uniforms :(
I think you’ve cursed me. I used to very happily not give a shit about football fuck you very much
(Eagles made the playoffs fuck yeah)
There’s this new prosthetic prototype the military wants to try out and somehow I landed on the shortlist of candidates to get it
It’s supposed to be so amazing you don’t even know. It’ll be waterproof! I can stand in the shower!
(its the little things sometimes)
I’ve really fucking missed Rosa. I know you miss your brother and I’m sorry but I never really let myself process how much I missed her
I promise to do everything I can to bring Max back. I owe him one
Rosa doesn’t like the jacket. She’s gotta go
I’m going to LA Pride next week. I’d ask you to come with me but you seem a little busy passing out on the floor of the Pony every night
I’m taking Isobel instead
I’ve got this new project at work that’s actually really interesting. I keep staying late to work on it and so Project Shepherd is falling behind but fuck Michael I love it
There was a crazy meteor shower last night. You would’ve loved it
The sunsets out here are unreal. I’ve been in a few deserts and seen a few coasts but nothing, NOTHING, beats this view
Its beautiful
It’s cheating on the Wild Pony, I know, but if you go over to Dexter there’s a great little bar that does open mic night on Thursdays. 
It’s been a long time since I sang. I’ve missed it. You should come sometimes.
Michael missed out on a lot while he was with Maria. He never wanted to miss those moments again.
In the five weeks it took him to get through all of the emails, no one heard from Alex. He’d warned them he’d be out of touch but it was still jarring. Michael took to driving out to the cabin or bugging Rosa to let him play with Buffy just so he could feel close to Alex. 
A week after he finished Alex’s emails he started writing his own.
You’ve been gone six weeks. I miss you. I’m pretty sure I lost the right to say that but I don’t care. I do.
I read all of your emails
I thought about responding to some of your emails individually but then I thought maybe just one would do it.
I’m sorry. I was a colossal jackass and you didn’t deserve any of it. I never should have blamed you for what your father did. You aren’t him, Alex.
There are only two people in my life that I trust to always be there: Isobel and you. Even when you walked away you always came back and I got used to that, I guess. When everything was spiraling out of control I needed someone to be angry at and I needed it to be someone who wouldn’t leave. Isobel was already going through hell so I picked you. I pushed you away as hard as I could and you stayed. You re-upped to protect me. You stayed in Roswell because you knew I needed you even though I refused to admit it. I put you through hell and you never said a word. Thank you. I should’ve said it a long time ago and I’m sorry I didn’t.
I’m sorry I finally pushed hard enough that you had to leave. Roswell’s your home and these people are your family. When you get back from your deployment you should come home and see them. I can leave if it’ll make it easier for you but you shouldn’t leave them just because I’m an ass.
I think Liz is actually dating both Kyle and Max. I’m also pretty sure Max and Kyle are not dating each other. Sometimes though...how sure are you that Kyle is straight?
I can’t decide if it’s too weird or not weird enough watching my sister and my ex girlfriend try to date. 
You said you didn’t love me. Why did you say that if you did? 
I don’t know that I would have done anything different but I’d like to think I’d have been more considerate about Maria had I known. I thought you were over me. You said you were.
It’s been three years since Caulfield and I’m alone. One of your emails mentioned that you didn’t want me to be alone but I am. I always am. No one understands. No one can possibly understand.
Kyle gave me a bottle of whiskey this morning. I’m trying to drink less but now that I’ve got a doctor’s seal of approval, I might just need to enjoy it.
I left my mom to die for you. I don’t think I would’ve left for anyone else.
I miss you. I think I’ve been missing you for years but you were right there so I didn’t realize it
Be safe. Come home
I’m a little obsessed with my mark ngl
It’s in my own handwriting but I wish it was yours. So it would actually be a piece of you with me
It’s crazy. When you were here all I could think about when I saw you was your dad and your brothers and Caulfield. I know it’s not fair and it’s not right but I can’t control it
But now you’re not here. And I look around the cabin and all I see is you making breakfast or burning the popcorn that one night we tried to watch a movie and ended up making out instead. I can’t sleep at the Airstream without thinking of you. Did I ever tell you that you’re the only person I ever brought home? Every other person I ever hooked up I either went to their place or found somewhere else. But not you. You came home with me. 
Liz wanted a group outing to the drive in. But I said no. I can’t go there anymore. 
My eyes are burning. Too much naked sister 
First I see my sister having sex and now my brother’s asking me for gay sex tips
I can’t
When we broke up Maria accused me of being with her because I loved her less, because then she couldn’t hurt me. I thought she was crazy but now I think she had a point. I literally just walked in on her in bed with someone else (I’ve completely blocked out the memory of who it was) and it didn’t hurt. I’m just...happy for her. She smiles more these days than she has in a while
It's nothing like when I saw you on a date that one time and had the sudden urge to beat the guy into a bloody mess with my bare hands. It's a nice change of pace
It’s been four months since anyone’s heard from you. I hope you’re okay and just not allowed to contact anyone.
Please be okay Alex. I don’t know what I’ll do if you’re not
Some idiot decided to put in a record store on Main St. Who even buys records anymore?
It has open mic night almost every night though. You’d love it
I seem to have moved into your cabin. Oops
The bed doesn't smell like you anymore :(
It’s Valentine’s Day and you’re not here and I don’t even know if you’d want to see me if you were but let me just say this:
You’re an asshole and I love it
You care so much about people, about your family (the real one not the jackasses named Manes), and you give so much of yourself for other people I’m constantly in awe of you
You named your dog after a vampire slayer; what a dork (next one should be Faith)
You are the strongest person I know. I put you through hell and you’re still standing and you somehow still love me. I don’t understand but I can’t complain
I miss watching movies with you even if your constant commentary can be annoying as hell
I can’t eat omelets at restaurants anymore, you’ve ruined me for life
Your voice is breathtaking; you should never stop singing
I love you
Happy Valentine’s Day Alex
Please just tell me when you’re home so I know you’re safe
Rosa has a boyfriend. It’s weird. We can’t talk around him. Too many secrets.
I broke the ship. Most of its still in the bunker but I scattered some pieces around town. The Airstream, Isobel’s, Max’s, the Crashdown, the Pony, other places too
The biggest piece is right here at the cabin. I needed it to be with you
Jenna’s back
Happy Birthday Alex
I’m sorry I missed one. I promise not to miss any ever again.
They probably don't have any good cake where you’re at so I’ll just have to take you out for some when you get home
I’ve co-opted Buffy from Rosa. She’s not getting her back
Over six months after Alex left, Michael received his first new email.
You’re unbelievable. Asshole
827 Willowbrook Cir #231
Marlow Heights, MD 20746
P.S. Don’t forget Buffy
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popatochisssp · 6 years
Likes: Being warm, making lists, getting things done, collecting stuff, bright colors (especially on dark backgrounds), anything rainbow or sparkly, vine compilations, fruity smells, sleeping, animation, listening to music, animals, reading, writing, fanfiction/fandom, reading analyses/theories about fandom stuff, happy endings
Dislikes: Feeling stressed or like there isn’t enough time, feeling like I’m letting someone down, not having time alone to decompress, things that are organized badly (messy doesn’t count), exercise, being out socially too long, injustice, too much pessimism What are you looking for in a match?
I’d say I’m looking for someone to take care of me, a little. A lot of adulting stresses me out and I’d really...rather not? I can write professional emails, but I’d rather physically go somewhere and talk to someone than having to call them on the phone for any reason, and as a rule, I hate going places and talking to people! XD
I think I could also use a little bit of support from time to time. I have a tendency to be a bit of a people-pleaser and I feel guilty when I can’t give somebody the answer they want, or can’t make everybody happy at once. I’ve definitely made some decisions that probably weren’t great for me because it made everybody else happy and it seemed like the best solution at the time. I could probably use someone around who’ll remind me that I need to look out for myself, too!
Any dealbreakers?
Probably just anybody that won’t respect my need for solo-time every now and again! I’m pretty much of an introvert so while going out on occasion is definitely fun, there’s gotta be a point when the outing is over and I can go change into pajamas and listen to music really loud in my room for awhile! Anything else I should know? 
Yes-- this isn’t a submission at all, it’s me! Popatochisssp! You can call me Poppy, or Chisssp, or if you’re dying to call me by another nickname that’s fine, too-- student-on-the-run picked Toffee! ;3
I’m a 25 year old girl (26 in 3 days!), an Aquarius, and I’d say I probably have a Justice/Perseverance soul: strong feelings about things being unfair or not right, but a drive to keep on keepin’ on even when things get hard because I know I’ll make it through alright one way or another.
I think of myself as a pretty organized person. I love making lists and spreadsheets, color-coding things if I can. I struggle a little with perfectionism because why bother to do something if you’re not going to do it well? ...Buuut, I definitely do believe in ‘good enough’ when deadlines are closing in or when I really really want feedback on a thing I wrote and can’t wait any longer to post it so someone will comment and validate me.
I love everybody who interacts with me on this blog or leaves a comment somewhere on AO3-- it makes my day every time!-- and some of you guys asked to match me up with one of my boys like I’ve been doing for you.
So... here’s your chance, I guess! XD
I already know who I’d put my best match as, but let’s find out how many of you agree!
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woluf · 6 years
I need to go to bed but I’m too mad at my aunt so Im going to take this opportunity to vent, even if I keep coming back tot he same subject and the same points every couple of weeks. So like this is Long so feel free to scroll past cause I can’t put it under a cut as my blog is whited out.
I overheard my parents talking about the whole situation earlier - I told them and it’s no issue I just didn’t join in for the sake of mum feeling hounded. I know dad was trying to empower and sort of galvanise my mum to tell her sister how she feels about everything she’s done, although ti does involve a bit of verbal poking because if anything my mother is very unlike my Yorkshire father and tends to keeps her feelings contained, at least where anger is concerned. I know she find it hard to call my aunt out on her shit too, and I don’t blame her for that at all. When someone you love or you want to love is emotionally manipulative (so basically some level of abusive) it create such an enormous internal conflict, and I might not have that perspective from a sibling being an only child, but I know the situation and the feelings having been there with a friend. That abuse doesn’t make them an inherently bad or irredeemable person but you are allowed to seek closure and let them know the pain they’ve caused you.
My mum, who is one of the most loving, generous and kind people you can meet, is also afraid that her anger will make her like a sister. I get that, I do, but I told her that’s impossible. My aunt’s actions are selfish and spiteful, purely borne out of a desire not to see me get money that is a gift from my late nan. Mum’s anger, her rage and hurt, comes from a place of deep compassion and love - love for me, for her late mum and the memory of her being soiled by her sisters actions. I told her as much too. It’s not really about the money at the end of the day, it’s about my aunt not liking me for whatever reason. My dad and I are just ‘those two’ to her.
I can live with that, I don’t like it but it’s whatever.
What upsets me most out of all of this, and what gives me the most boiling rage, is that mum has said she doesn’t feel like she has family any more (my dad and I excluded, of course). She’s said several times that she no longer feels like she has a sister, and I really think that what my aunt has done might have totally ruined any kind of relationship that could have. it might never have been a great one, my aunt can be a bully and was like her father...or just badly opinionated. She picks on mum or makes her Comments because mum is soft and kind. It infuriates me beyond anything. I’d honestly fight the sun out of the sky for my mother and to know how her own sister treats her and her actions just...truly I would like to tell my aunt to her face that I think she’s an absolute selfish cunt.
And it’s not over yet because she only just got back to the solicitor about idk her imagined Owed Costs for looking after her elderly mother, then her sick and later dying mum. That sickens me too, to feel entitled to money like that for what should have been done out of love. I couldn’t imagine acting that way for my own parents. But again it’s not really the money, it’s that she (and mum) aren’t in the will and the money is left to their sole granddaughter - me - who she has some perverse vendetta against. Cant wait to see what she says in this email!
So all in all, not to sound selfish but I want the money that was left to me so I can get on with my life and do some cool things, make some great art, and be over-all less stressed like I know my nan would want for me and e free from that other wretched woman.
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Dear Jungkook (Jungkook x You) // FINAL
"Good morning baby, I've missed you at breakfast today," Jae Min peeked his head through Y/N's door, greeting Y/N who leaning against her bed reading a book. She looked up and close the book, flashing a wide smile after seeing Jae Min.
"Morning oppa. Yeah, I dont feel hungry just yet," Y/N shrugged. Jae Min took a seat beside her on the bed, giving her a kiss on the cheek before looking straight into her eyes.
Y/N, the girl of his dreams, his fiance.
That thought should make him haply but instead it sends a heavy feeling in his heart. He peered into Y/N's eyes again. Despite the bright sunny smile she is flashing him, Jae Min can see her puffy red eyes and swollen nose. Her eyes looks dead, there's no spark in them, clear evidence that she had been crying. At that moment, Jae Min got the confirmation he had been looking for. Something he hope wont be true.
Jae Min's mind drift back to his conversation he had with one Jeon  Jungkook last night. He never thought he would see the day the cocky and confident boy will come and ask for his help. Showing up in front of his room looking like hell. The young man walked in hastily once Jae Min nodded and motion for him to come in. There's no hesitation and he wasted no time to say what he came over to say.
"Jae Min, I need to talk to you,"
"Jeon Jungkook, what a pleasure," he motioned Jungkook to take a seat.
"I dont want to deal with you sarcasm today Jae Min. We dont like each other, we both know that for a fact," he sighed. Jae Min kept silent, waiting for Jungkook to continue. "I know you know why I'm here,"
"I had my suspicion. But I need to hear it from you," Jae Min answered matter of factly. Its true, he had suspected that there is something more going on between Jungkook, Y/N and Jae Eun, but he is not too sure about what it is exactly. Since both Jungkook and Y/N's father came to see him directly themselves, he is sure the issue at hand must be more serious than what he had assumed. And what better way than to have Jungkook himself explain the whole situation to him.
"I love Y/N," Jungkook said with a straight face, no longer hiding the content of his heart. Jae Min, although surprised by his blunt confession, put on a calm face, swishing the whiskey in his glass around before taking a sip, letting the young man continue. "And she loves me too,"
Jae Min raised an eyebrow. "What made you so sure about that? You do know you are talking about my fiance, right?"
Jungkook clenched his teeth at the mentioned of the word fiance. He keeps himself calm, telling himself he needs this cocky bastard if he wants Y/N back. "We are in love Jae Min. There's many things that I dont know in life, but this, trust me when I said it. I love Y/N and she loves me too," Jungkook continue on to tell him the whole story from the beginning. How they met, how he fell for Jae Eun, the seven years of emailing, the jealousy he felt during the party, the feelings he discovered when hee found out the truth about Y/N, everything. Jae Min continued to listen, taking a sip of his whiskey once in a while, not interrupting. Jungkook paused when he almost reached the end. The part that he hated the most.
"We were finally about to tell Jae Eun before annoucing our relationship to the world, but... Jae Eun beat us to the news. She is pregnant,"
Jae Min almost choked on his drink. This is news to him. Jae Eun is pregnant? What in the world? "Excuse me?"
"Jae Eun is pregnant Jae Min... with my child," Jungkook explained slowly. Jae Min is consumed with red hot anger. How dare he? He and Jae Eun might not like each other, but he still thinks of her as his little sister. He still protects her when she needs it.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now Jungkook? Do you think just because you are some hot shot celebrity you can fuck over my family?"
Jungkook hung his head low. He hated Jae Min, but he agrees with everything that just came out from his mouth. He knew he fucked up real bad this time.
"You fucking said you love Y/N but you go and get another girl pregnant? Her own cousin?! What kind of sick game are you playing?" Jae Min stood up from his chair, running his hands all over his face. He really wants to punch Jungkook right across his handome face but that wouldnt solve anything, would it?
"I'm not playing with anything Jae Min. I...I dont even know how it happen,"
"Well news flash hot shot, if you sleep with a girl, chances are, you can get her pregnant!" Jae Min raised both his hands in the air, not believing the stupidity that comes out from his mouth. How in the world does this idiot gets both Jae Eun and Y/N to fall in love with him? "Y/N is pure and innocent. She is nothing like Jae Eun. Why would I give up my fiance to the likes of you?"
"I know she is..." Jungkook's voice is small. "I know I dont deserve her. But I love her Jae Min. I love her too much that even the though of losing her is killing me. She has always been a part of my life, even when she's abroad she's actually here with me," Jungkook said, referring to the emails. "Please Jae Min, I'm begging you. Dont take her away from me. I need her,"
Jae Min sigh. "How can I trust that you can make her happy? That you wont hurt her anymore?"
"I wont Jae Min. I swear on my own life that I will do anything for her. Anything she wants, anything she needs. I will make sure she wont ever know what sadness is again,"
"Why would I give away the woman that I love to someone who only hurts her? How do I know you will and can make her happy Jungkook?" Jae Min paced around his room. "I love Y/N. I love her so much, she is in every breath that I take. I had always known she's in love with you. But you. You are just too stupid and too blind to see it. Too caught up in plastic shiny things like Jae Eun to see Y/N's suffering. You had your chance to have her, but you did nothing but hurt her. Why should I give her up for you Jungkook? Why should I?" Jae Min's voice is shaking, anger is consuming him due to Jungkook's blunt bravery of asking him to let go of his fiance. Jae Min values and want nothing more than Y/N's happiness, and letting her go back to Jungkook doesnt seem like the way to go. He loves Y/N with all his heart and albeit knowing Y/N doesnt share the same feelings, he knows he will at least be able to make Y/N happy.
"Because we are soulmates. I know it doesnt seem like it now, but she will be just unhappy without me by her side," Jungkook said confidently. "I wont screw up this time. I will give up everything right now just to be with her. I will even give up my career if it means that will make her happy. I love her Jae Min, and she loves me too,"
Jae Min snapped back into reality when he felt Y/N shaking his shoulders. "Are you okay oppa? You seem out of it,"
The moment Jae Min looked into Y/N's swollen eyes, he knows that Jungkook is telling the truth.
Y/N is as much in love with Jungkook as he is with her.
She might be contented with marrying him but he can never be able to make her dull eyes sparkle again. Jae Min swore he would give anything just to see those eyes shines with pure happiness again and that mouth turned into a wide sincere grin, even if it will cost his own heart. Jae Min took both of Y/N's, take a deep breath before making the biggest decision  of his life. A decision that will break his heart beyond repair. He take her hand in his and smile at her,"
"Y/N... you know I love you more than life itself, right?" Y/N nodded and cocks her head, wondering where this is going. "I will do anything to see you happy baby. All my life, your happiness is always the most important thing to me," he takes one last deep breath before saying the words that will indefinitely leads him to his heartbreak. "I'm sorry baby, I... I cant marry you,"
Y/N's head immediately whipped up, looking at him. "What?"
"I'm sorry, but I cant marry you," Jae Min repeated himself. Y/N shakes her head. What the hell is going on?
"No. No. What is this all about?!" Y/N cried out. Jae Min wiped away her tears using his thumbs. "Talk to me oppa. You know we can always work things out. Is it me? You dont trust me?"
"Baby, you know I want nothing more than to see you happy," Y/N sobbed at his words. "Unfortunately, you wont be able to find your happiness if you marry me," he gave a sad smile. "As much as I love you and want to happily be married to you, your heart dont belong to me. It belongs to Jeon Jungkook," Y/N's eyes widen in shocked at the mentioned of the name. "Just like his heart had always belong to you,"
"No oppa. Its not like th-"
"Y/N... stop denying it. I know everything. Everything," he smile. "Give him a chance Y/N. He might surprise you. The both of you are one halves of each other. You wont be complete without another. Trust me on this,"
Y/N is crying so hard now until her vision is blurred. She knows deep down it will always be Jungkook. However, Jae Min is also important to her. By doing this, she knows his heart is breaking. Her story with Jungkook has ended a long time ago but there is some truth in what Jae Min said. There is no point if reasoning with Jae Min anymore. He is strong headed and once he makes up his mind, nothing can change it back. And right now he has decided to not marry her.
Y/N stayed in Jae Min's embraced for a while, crying so hard, her tears are soaking his shirt. After the sobbing has quieted down and she felt a little calmer, she raised her head and look at Jae Min who is smiling down at her.
"But oppa... what about Jae Eun? She's pregnant with his child and she loves him oppa. I cant do that to her. I love her too much to break her heart,"
Jae Min continue to run his fingers through Y/N's hair. "Baby, Jungkook has told me all about his plans for the baby. The both of you still can be together,"
"You talked to Jungkook?" Y/N asked, surprised. She never thought the two would be able to have a decent conversation together. Jae Min chuckled.
"Yes we did. A long one too. Trust me baby, I am as surprised as you are. Never thought that cocky bastard have it in him to actually lower his ego and talk to me," he softly wiped a strand of Y/N's hair from her face. "But that just shows how much he loves you Y/N. He is willing to fight for you until the very end. He told me everything you know. And I dont believe him at first, but now that I look at you, I know he's telling the truth. As much as I hate him, he is the only one who will be able to make you happy baby, and that's the price I'm willing to take," he smile warmly at Y/N. She blinked back the tears that is starting to pool in her eyes and buried herself in his chest.
"Its okay Y/N. I want you to be happy now. Promise me you will be and I wont regret anything," Y/N stayed buried in Jae Min's embraced for a while until her tears stops flowing and raised her head to look at Jae Min.
"But Jae Eun loves him oppa," Y/N argued.
"And Jungkook loves you," he poked her nose. "And you loves him," Y/N shakes her head.
"No. I cant do that to her. I just cant," she buried her face in Jae Min's chest again.
"Hey, look at me," Jae Min tilt her head up to face him. "You have given everything to Jae Eun ever since the two of us came into your family. You have never treated us differently nor make us feel small. You've given up everything for Jae Eun, dont you remember? I think its time for you to finally think about yourself for once Y/N. If she really loves you like you have been loving her all these years, then she would understand too,"
Jae Min left Y/N in her room alone after that, letting her think his words through.
It had been a few days and Y/N locked herself up in her room after the talk with Jae Min. She still dodge and ignore all texts and calls from Jungkook, which is coming more frequently now. She thinks about what Jae Min said every day and night but she still come to the conclusion that she wont ever hurt Jae Eun that way. She wont hurt someone she loves and cares so much just for her own selfish reason. She wont! Jae Min is pregnant and she needs Jungkook by her side.She tried to talk herself to believe that its the best decision. Jungkook will be happy with his first love and his soon to be born child and Jae Eun will be happy too, married to her love. She will get over Jungkook one day. She is sure of it.
Her bedroom door opened, pulling her out from her thoughts. She looked up, surprised. Didnt she locked her door?
Jae Eun stands in front of her, smirking and dangling a key which she recognized as her room key. "Did you forget you gave me an extra key in case I need to raid your closet when you are not around?"
"Jae Eun,"
"We used to be that close to each other, remember?" she smirked and Y/N dropped her gaze to the floor.
"Dont be so scared couz, I'm just here to talk to you," she took a seat beside Y/N. Y/N felt a lump in her throat as she swallowed nervously. After a few minutes of silence, Jae Eun finally turns to face her, her beautiful face smiling, surprising Y/N. It has been a while since Jae Eun smile at her.
"Dont get me wrong Y/N," Y/N blinked. "I still hate you for everything that you did. God, I hate you so much!" Y/N's lips quiver. She is still not use to Jae Eun telling her she hates her. "But... I overheard your conversation with Jae Min,"
"What?" Y/N eyes widen. "How much did you hear?"
"I heard enough. Enough to know that he is right. God, I might hate him so much but he does have a point," Jae Eun turn her gaze away, staring at nothing. "Jae Min is right. You had always given up everything for me since we were kids. Your toys, your clothes, even your room! You even reject a date just so you can go to one of the dance with me when I broke up with that dumb boyfriend of mine," Jae Eun chuckled, causing Y/N to smile. Her eyes suddenly turns soft and she looks deep at Y/N's face. "You never once ask me for anything," she sighed and stayed silence for a while. "He loves you, you know," sge finally spoke up and look at Y/N who looks confused. "Jungkook. He loves you. Even before he knows it was you who send those emails, he always seems fascinated by what you say or what you do. Sometimes I wish he would look at me the way he looks at you. I know he didnt realized it, but I noticed. I might be his girlfriend, but Jae Min's right, his heart had always been yours," Jae Eun try to conjured up a smile.
"No Jae Eun. I wont do this to you. You love him. And you and him is going to have a baby together. You are a family!"
Jae Eun gave a sad smile. "That wont be an issue anymore Y/N,"
"What do you mean? You... you werent pregnant?"
"No, I was," she cast her gaze downwards, eyes a little wet with upcoming tears. "God, I was so happy when I found out I was pregnant with Jungkook's baby. I might only want him because he is extremely hot and totally popular at first," she laughs but it sounded so forced to Y/N's ears. "But as time passes by, I really did fall in love with him. But I think it was too late for me. By the time I realized I'm falling in love with him, he already realized that he's in love with you," she sighed. "I thought by having this baby he will choose me but when he is still determined to be with you, I know that there is nothing I can do to make him love me. His heart is only yours Y/N,"
"Jae Eun..." Y/N reached in to hug her. "Its okay. The baby will be born and you and him will be happy,"
"Dont you get it? There is no more baby Y/N," Jae Eun's voice turned cold.
"Wh..what?" Y/N's mouth hung opened in shocked.
"I had a miscarriage a few weeks into the pregnancy. But I didnt tell Jungkook... or you. Because I dont want to lose him," Y/N is speechless. This is too much information for her to know in such a short time. "But apparently, baby or no baby, he will still choose you,"
"Jae Eun, I'm so sorry for your lost. I wish I had been there for you," Y/N hugged Jae Eun tighter, crying into her shoulders. She cant imagine how hard it is to face all of it alone.
"You have always been too nice for your own good Y/N," Jae Eun chuckled when they break the hug. "I have been such a bitch to you and you still feel bad for not being there for me?"
"You are still, first and foremost, a sister to me Jae Eun," Y/N sternly said, reminding Jae Eun how much she cares about her. "Does Jungkook know?"
Jae Eun nodded. "I told him yesterday. He was crushed. He might not love me but he sure love the baby," Jae Eun sadly smile. "Losing the baby changed me. I was hoping to build a nice family with Jungkook and his child. I thought maybe in time he will learn to love me again, just like how he loves you. But he still didnt choose me when I was pregnant with his child and there is no way in hell he will choose me without it,"
"Jae Eun... you need him more than ever now. You just lost your baby," Jae Eun shakes her head.
"No. I have finally decided its time to live my life out from your shadows Y/N. I cant live my life forever having grudge over something you dont have control over. I have always envied you, which leads me to hate you, but Jae Min is right, its not your fault. Life just turns out this way," Y/N's mouth dropped open, slightly surprised. She never knew Jae Eun felt that way. She and her father had always try to treat them as equally as they could, but she guess Jae Eun's lost is too big to be replaced with anything they can provide her with.
"Y/N... its your time now. You and Jungkook belong together. I know you are denying him because of the baby. But its fine Y/N. Its over. Do it for yourself for once," she gripped Y/N's hand tightly. "He is the only thing you have ever ask from me Y/N. And he isnt even mine for me to give,"
Y/N didnt say anything. Everything is finally falling into pieces. Jungkook is the one. It had always been him. There is nothing standing between them anymore, but she cant help but feel a heavy feeling in her heart. Can she really just be happy now? After Jae Eun went through so much suffering?
"What she said is true Y/N,"
Y/N looked up at the door to see Jungkook standing there, dressed in his iconic white shirt that his fans loves so much, adorable bunny smile plastered on his face. Jae Eun turned to him and smile. "You two have a lot to talk about," she gave Y/N one last hug and stand up, ready to walk away. "Remember, I still hate you Y/N," Y/N chuckle between her tears.
When she passed by Jungkook, he managed to whisper to her, "Thank you Jae Eun," and she smile back in return.
"And you are still an asshole Jeon Jungkook. Too bad you are an asshole that I fell in love with," she smile and walked out, leaving Jungkook with a small smile to himself. He knows he has a lot to make up to Jae Eun too.
Jungkook closes the door and walked to where Jae Eun was sitting earlier, right beside Y/N.
"What are you doing here?"
"Well, since my future wife didnt return or answer any of my calls or texts, I decided to pay her a visit," he grinned.
"Future what? Jungkook, I-"
"Y/N, Jae Eun and I had a long conversation yesterday. She told me everything. We finally talked about everything. Like adults, no shouting, no crying, nothing. We talked about her miscarriaged," Jungkook turned sad. "About what she heard in your conversation with Jae Min and how she's accepting the fact that I wont ever love her like I did you. She decided she wont stand in our way anymore" Jungkook scooted closer to her but Y/N scooted away. "We are free to be together now Y/N,"
Y/N avoided his gaze and fiddled with her fingers.
"I'm sorry about the baby Jungkook..." Jungkook smile sadly and grabbed her hand.
"Its okay. I guess its just not meant to be. But with every storm there's a silver lining right?" he peered into Y/N's eyes. "Y/N... I'm sorry for everything that I did. For all those years that I have wasted. For all the hurt I've put you through. I dont expect you to forgive me Y/N," he take a moment before continuing. "I dont deserve any of it, your love and forgiveness. I dont deserve you. But I'm selfish Y/N, and although I know all that, I'm still never letting you go. So I'm begging you for a chance. Just a chance to prove that I love you with everything that I am, a chance to show you that I can make you happy, a chance to show you that I will spend the rest of my life loving you and making it up to you,"
"Please Y/N. I will give up everything if you want me to. I will announced it to the world that you are mine," Jungkook desperately begged. He will continue to beg if that means Y/N will finally give him a chance one day.
"No! You dont have to. Your fans-"
"Stop thinking about that! If you are mine, I will make sure everyone in this whole world will know it. I dont care what anyone would say,"
The air is filled with silence as Y/N's mind is spinning, not knowing what to do. After a few moments she finally makes up her mind and looks up to Jungkook.
"Yeah?" Jungkook gave a hopeful smile.
"I love you. I have loved you since we were eight, if people were to ask me what love is back then, my answer is always you," Jungkook's heart soared at that. "After everything we've been through, nothing in this world would make me happier than being with you," Jungkook smile grew wider. "But I cant," his face fell. "At least not right now," Y/N took his hand in hers. "So many things had happen and so many feelings were hurt. Even our own hearts are broken. We need time to heal. All of us do," Y/N explained calmly, blinking back tears. She hated that she have to do this. She hated the fact that she's pushing the love of her life away again, but its something she knows that has to be done. They need time to heal. There are just too many scars.
"Lets give ourselves some time to heal and from there we will see where fate will take us,"
"I dont need it. I already know what I need and its you," he shakes his head. "But... I understand what you are saying Y/N, and I will give it to you, if that is what you really want" Jungkook said, sadness evident in his face. "But remember that you are mine. I'm never letting you go again. I will be right here, waiting for you patiently until you are ready,"
Y/N is silenced for a moment, trying to think of the best way to tell Jungkook about what she's about to say next.
"I'll be leaving for the States nextweek Jungkook. I have decided to continue and finish my studies there. Its a decision I made when I decided to marry Jae Min oppa," Jungkook was shocked but try to keep himself calm. How is he going to live with her being so far away from him? But he promised he will do whatever Y/N wants and if this is what she needs, then he will just have to braced it.
"Its okay. Distance doesnt matter. I will still wait for you. I will wait for you forever if I have to," Jungkook whispered and leaned in closer.
"Then I hope that you will keep your promise Jeon Jungkook," Y/N whispered, finally giving in to Jungkook who is leaning in and closing the distance between them. As their lips touched, they let out all the longing and love they had kept from each other for years, sealing a silent promise that they will find their happy ever after together one day.
A/N: Its not over until its over guys!  There will be an Epilogue!
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gdays · 2 years
Well it's been 3 months since I've posted here, but maybe I'll start again!
I broke up with gin about a month and a half ago, maybe 2. Things were getting worse and worse between us and I couldn't do it anymore. He was extremely toxic after the break up (grabbed my face to force me to kiss him, posted a ton of mean stuff about me, still continues to beg me to fuck him while also posting mean things about me, and more). I'm honestly just relieved that I'm single again! But today he emailed me(hes blocked everywhere else) saying he really wants to tell everyone all my secrets but that he wont. I feel like its gunna be blackmail for him to use to try to get me to come see him at his aunt's house. I really hope not.
Since the breakup, I had a brief fwb thing with this guy greg but it turned out he doesnt support black lives matter so I cut him off. I've also been sleeping with and seeing willem, the person me and gin had a 3 way with at one point, and I've become the fwb to mike and kim, the couple I met off whisper who are super cool. I'm in love with willem, I cant stop thinking about them and we actually do go out on dates and cuddle and stuff but we've talked about how we wanna take things really slow and not get into any serious kind of relationship so they dont know I love them and I'm gunna keep taking things slow and just treasuring any time I get with them. Willem lives in souix city so I drive up to visit them about once a week and I look forward to it so much every time.
I've realized I'm really liking this seeing multiple people thing so I think I'm gunna stop allowing myself to get into monogamous relationships and I'm going to be poly for good. I've always said I can either be poly or monogamous but I think monogamy isn't for me. I talked to willem about it and they said they dont want anything monogamous either, so if they do become my partner (I really really hope so) I've already had that talk with them about it!
I'm so so so happy now that im out of the relationship with gin. Of course I loved him and I do think about him/miss him from time to time, but the lack of toxicity in my life has been wonderful. I do what I want when I want and I dont have to answer to anyone. I am allowed to actually have private things that are only for me and that never happened when I was with gin. Like I dont feel obligated to tell my various partners about everything going on because some of it is just for me and i love that!! Plus I get so much alone time that I had craved when gin lived here. It's amazing.
I also recently had my left hand surgery for the carpel tunnel and my right hand is coming up at the end of the month. My left is finally not keeping me up all night, it's only the right one that does now, so I'm confident that after the second surgery I'll actually get a good nights sleep after all this time of having this damn carpet tunnel!
Im still at red lobster and I love it just as much as before. Im also going to metro for culinary school starting in september and I'm hoping that'll get me a better paying cooking job! I'd get to do what I love and make extra money, itll be so great if I can make it thru the school part! I really hope so honestly, it's only supposed to take 2 years if you go full time. This first semester I'm only taking 3 classes but after that I'm supposed to be on a full time schedule. I know mom and dad would still support me and still let me live here if I do end up needing to take longer than 2 years for culinary school tho, which is great. Oh and also they're not making me move out until I'm done with school so I'll be here for quite a while longer, but honestly I'm grateful. Moving is extremely stressful, plus if I went to school and had to work full time to try to make rent too I just know I'd end up quitting school due to the stress. So my parents are doing me a colossal favor by letting me stay until I'm out of school. I'm eternally grateful.
Now that I'm thinking of it, maybe I should get them a big gift for letting me stay! I could start paying for a disney plus subscription that they can use and then maybe get something nice for them both separately too. I am absolutely gunna do that cuz I don't show them enough that I love them anyways.
Mady is nonbinary and using they or she for pronouns. They say they're officially done with Darius (they had gotten back together for a while) and she actually hasn't seen him for like a month now and shes seeing some other dudes, so maybe she really wont take d bag back! But I wont keep my hopes up on that. Them and Taylor moved in together but both are really struggling to make rent because they dont have jobs like mine where the paycheck is consistent since doordash doesnt give a regular pay to the drivers, they just make money based off of each delivery and it's not that much money compared to the insane gas prices right now ($4.80 a gallon today when I went to fill up). I'm worried for mady especially because she is planning on trying to live alone when their lease is up in a few months even tho she cant afford to live with a roommate. I hope she decides to come stay with us for a while before getting a new places because idk how she could afford it. I know this sounds bad, but I really hope they meet a nice rich man who will take care of them and let her be a stay at home mom like they've always wanted. Like that's been mady's dream since she was a kid and I think being a mom is the only passion they've ever really had so I hope it happens for them soon so that they dont have to keep struggling to hold a job when their autism already makes that extremely difficult.
Max is going to uno in the fall instead of Lincoln because he hates it there. I'm happy for him, I think more of his friends are here in Omaha so being here will be good for him I think.
Also 2 days ago the family got a new dog named ellie short for eloise 😁shes so fucking tiny, a little 10 year old maltese. Shes been sticking to her little dog bed since she got here, but she'll slowly warm up to us I believe.
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