#i feel like it's such a weird and impossible ask
everynya · 2 days
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i know that often the idea of a bath or shower with your f/o is often thought of as intimate and relaxing, but please think about it in a nonsexual, goofy way. i’m talking like a weird mess!
think of the way one of you may be really excited at the prospect, undressing too quick and tripping over their clothes. maybe got in the water too fast and it wasn’t a temperature they like so now they’re backtracking at their enthusiasm.
imagine how you maneuver inside together, trying to fit into a small space of a shower or into a tub that is getting a bit too crowded. one of you is taking too much space, another is protesting to be given said space. it’s a mess of your limbs trying to maneuver along with theirs in an awkward dance of ‘i just want to get clean!’. each of you reaching for the temperature you want, trying to touch but finding it impossible, shifting way too much against the other who just wants to stay still.
one of you asks for the shampoo, getting passed a completely different thing instead. whether it was intentional or not, you’re already bickering about how dumb of an idea this was. except, no, your f/o doesn’t really think that. not when they think of how this is just how life is, awkward and hard to traverse, but so worth it with their favorite person at their side.
they wrap their arms around you, maybe making it even worse than before to wash up. are they doing it on purpose or something? whether you yell at them or laugh, it feels like a show of emotions that they get to see personally. no one sees you like this, physically and emotionally, so may as well make it worth its time.
after you’ve gotten out, towels wrapped around yourselves and stupid grins on your faces…you decide that it was a shitty idea but you’ll do it again!
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flyingcatstiel · 3 days
SuperbatWeek 2024 fic recs
Day 7: FREE DAY!!! Superbat? | Superbat! | Superbat
a song came after by susiecarter [T, 4,500 word count]
It requires every ounce of will he can bring to bear to force himself to meet Clark's eyes. Clark looks shocked; the expression is undiluted by anger or dismay, though perhaps he simply hasn't had time to grasp what just happened. His eyes are wide, round, impossibly blue. Color is rising into his cheeks. His mouth is half-open, slack, with the slightest damp shine where— "That was," Bruce makes himself say, and then stops. Christ, what word can he use? What adjective is there that acknowledges his trespass fully? "Inappropriate." Inadequate, but it's the best he can do, and Clark needs to hear something, needs to know Bruce recognizes his own mistake for what it is. "I apologize. I—"
Comment - This fic starts where usually fics with a similar trope end. Bruce is out of the dream world where he lived happily with his husband Clark. For thirty years. Now he's to deal with the cold reality where Clark is not his beloved. Muscle memory is his biggest enemy.
Conflated by PamiGami [T, 31,900 word count]
“Are you sure you’re feeling quite all right, sir? I was but fairly sure the head hadn't been impacted.” “No… no, please. Listen. I’m in his body, but I’m not him. I can prove it.” Ill at ease, Clark rubbed at the back of his head, not stopping to think about the weird sensation of feeling not his own curls, but somebody else’s hair. The man continued to stare at him with piercing and scolding eyes. “I believe you.” He nodded. “Mister Wayne doesn’t say please this early in the morning.”
Comment - Somehow, Batman and Superman have switched their bodies, their apartments and their day jobs. Clark and Bruce are left to figure out what to do and why they're sharing a body with some random civilian. Identity shenanigans, full throttle.
Just a Formality by FabulaRasa [E, 4,600 word count]
Bruce and Clark get married, for reasons. And then they fall in love. Nope, it's not Victorian time travel! I am straight up about this.
Comment - Clark didn't know that some things on this earth could be as painful as kryptonite. Things like fake marriage.
Saudade by liodain [T, 20,400 word count]
It's midsummer, 2006. In the wake of his son's death, Bruce Wayne tries to outrun his grief on a cross-country road trip. When his car breaks down on a dusty road in the heart of Kansas, a friendly stranger stops to lend a hand.
Comment - A soft, melancholy start to a beautiful long distance friendship between a grieving father and a Kansas youth with a heart of gold. Also known as a fic where Bruce and Clark meet before the events of Man of Steel and it changes everything.
ship-to-ship combat by pomeloquat [M, 76,800 word count]
"Clark. What the hell is this," Lois asks, staring at Clark's Bruceman WIP folder. Clark's first instinct is to fly away, but that would still leave his fic on display for her to see. His second instinct is to blast a hole straight through his laptop screen with his heat vision, which isn't much better. Clark, in an attempt to make some spare cash, unintentionally stumbles into the world of superhero fanfiction, becomes a prolific writer for Gotham's OTP, and tries his best to fend off rival fans who want him to convert to superbat instead.
Comment - Triple identity shenanigans and a love letter to fandom and shippers. This fic has everything - heartbreak, heartache, unrequited feelings in double doses, self sacrifices and near misses, ship wars and RPF. And on top of that, it's the funniest fic I've read across many fandoms, hands down.
tell all the truth (but tell it slant) by susiecarter [M, 33,000 word count]
It takes a while for Batman and Superman to work things out, once Clark comes back from the dead. Pretending to date each other in order to explain why Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent are in the same place so often? Doesn't help as much as you might think.
Comment - When Batman himself is organizing and micromanaging a fake dating narrative to keep their superhero identities secret, what could go wrong? Apparently, everything. It's the worst time of Clark's life, it's the best time. It's a love story.
And last but not least, some spicy superbat fic recs!
Caught In His Gaze by DontStopHerNow [E, 1,500 word count]
This was supposed to be a stakeout to be sure Clark Kent had not lost his mind due to Kryptonite poisoning. Batman gets more of an eyeful than he expected when Clark does what people do alone in their apartments, though. He cannot look away.
What's In A Name? by frozenpotions [E, 15,000 word count]
Clark accidentally walks— or rather, flies in on Bruce enjoying a private moment. He'd probably have an easier time moving past it all if Bruce hadn't been saying Clark's name.
take a pic, strike a pose by shipyrds [E, 5,600 word count]
It’s probably a good thing Clark’s in private, because when he does check his notifications he almost cracks his phone in half. Bruce has sent him a picture. He’s in the suit, in the Batcave, and there’s probably other things happening in the picture, but Clark can’t really see any of those, because Bruce is– posing? Or maybe the camera just caught him like that; maybe he just happened to be catching his cape one-handed, setting off the sinuous curve of his bicep, the Bat logo straining across his chest. -- Bruce sends Clark a pic. Unfortunately, it goes out to some other people too.
My other superbat fic recs are here.
Happy reading!
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omg on the minors thing i always just get this feeling of 😐 when i see a post i like & then find out that the poster is a minor bc like ik it’s not fair to not let them engage in fanfic spaces (i mean it was like a pillar of my girlhood) but like idk i wish there was just like a youtube kids section of this corner of the internet for them or something bc i feel like there’s no way of like preemptively blocking minors from my dashboard feed & it’s just really annoying to deal with bc it just feels weird interacting with their posts & that also feels dangerously unsafe in terms of protecting kids from people with predatory intentions online that there’s no restrictions on that
sorry for the long message idk if that made any sense but yea😭
it is literally impossible to block every single minor that interacts with your page. especially if you get copious amounts of activity, there’s no way you can filter out every single account that’s ageless and/or under 18. i have my account as mdni not so much because of the content i write (i write a lot of fluff and have a lot of works that are sfw, and bc fanfiction was also the pillar of my girlhood lol) but because i know firsthand what it’s like to consume harmful content since it was so easily accessible without rules or restrictions.
i’ve had minors send me very detailed smut req’s and i just read their ask like 😟 it’s for that reason that i have very specific rules in place. i’ve reblogged moodboards from account owners who are under 18 and that’s literally it. we’re no one’s parents, and we definitely don’t have the power to control the internet. so if someone wants to write and read fanfiction as a minor with access to all of these things, there’s simply not much we can do about it except block when we catch it.
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allieslittlewritings · 11 hours
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*not my gif <3
Spencer Reid x daughter!reader
Sick Day
Summary: Reader has a cold and Spencer takes care of her
Warnings: Mild sickness, none that I know of
Word Count: ~1.1k
Dread filled your stomach when you woke up and felt the annoyingly familiar feeling of a sore throat and blocked nose.
You tiredly looked at the time on your phone and saw that you were almost late for school.
Begrudgingly, you got out of bed and started to get ready, doing your best to ignore your worsening sickness.
You heard your dad knock on your door and mentally prepared yourself to pretend to be fine.
Spencer was always incredibly attentive when you were sick, sometimes overly so.
Usually it was comforting and nice, but right now you just needed to get ready so you wouldn't be late for school.
You didn't fully register that you hadn't actually said anything yet.
"Sweetheart? Can I come in?" Spencer asked.
"Yes." You prayed he couldn't hear the difference in your voice from your stuffy nose.
He opened your door and entered your room, a plate of food in hand, "I know you're almost late but I made you some breakfast."
He put the plate down on your desk and noticed your frazzled behavior.
Your bed was still unmade. A few random items of clothing were thrown here and there, presumably from when you got dressed, and he noticed the frantic way you tried to make sure you had everything you needed.
"Are you okay? Did you oversleep?"
"Uh, yeah, apparently." You grabbed your hairbrush and started trying to make your hair look more presentable.
It was apparently one of those days where your hair would just not comply.
Spencer saw your breathing get heavier, a tell-tale sign that you were getting frustrated.
"Your hair looks fine," he remarked.
"Fine isn't good enough," you grumbled in response.
Your preoccupation with your hair meant you didn't see the way his eyes narrowed as he studied you a little closer.
It was nearly impossible for you to hide things from him, with his mixture of parental instincts and profiling skills.
"Are you sure you're okay?" It was honestly kind of a trick question, he could tell you weren't.
You swallowed less often than usual, an indication of a sore throat. Your breathing was quiet, and less frequent. And he could in fact hear the tiny change in your voice. He saw the way you paused to think about every little thing, like everything you did took a lot of effort.
You also showed no indication of being about to eat the food he brought you, your tastebuds tended to get weird when you were sick.
"I'm fine." A harshness you rarely displayed was evident in your tone of voice.
"Sweetie, I can tell you're sick," Spencer finally said.
"I'm not sick," you insisted.
"Yes, you are," he said more sternly.
"Why didn't you just tell me, sweetheart?" he asked gentler.
"Why would it matter?" You started heading to the door but your dad stopped you by lightly holding your shoulder.
"You can't go to school if you're sick, you need to rest."
"I'll be fine, just let me go." You shrugged his hand off of your shoulder in annoyance.
"Baby, I'm serious. If you force yourself to go out and sit through hours of school, you'll make your health worse, and you could get other kids sick."
You frustratedly looked at him. "I'm fine," you repeated.
"Come on, odds are you already know everything your teachers would say. And it's Friday, you'll probably be better by Monday."
He wasn't wrong.
But you had it so ingrained in your head that you couldn't miss a day of school. You couldn't honestly explain why.
Spencer was well aware of that thinking pattern of yours, but your health and wellbeing would always matter more.
He noticed you pondering it in your head.
"I don't have work today," he reminded you. "We can have a nice, relaxed day together, it'll be fun."
"Okay," you finally agreed.
Spencer breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm gonna call the school quickly to let them know you're not going."
Hearing that phrase left a bad taste in your mouth, but you also felt a weight lift from your shoulders knowing you could just rest.
You put your backpack down and got changed into comfier clothes again.
Spencer came back to your room after calling your school.
"I can make you something else to eat if you don't want to eat that." Spencer gestured to your still untouched plate.
You looked over at the food. "I don't want to be wasteful." You looked back at your dad with a twinge of guilt in your expression.
"You won't be, I'll eat it," Spencer assured you.
You nodded your head, not wanting to talk more because of your sore throat.
Spencer picked up the plate from your desk and started exiting your room, with you following behind him.
He made you food that was more appealing to your taste buds at the time and then you both settled comfortably on the couch.
Spencer grabbed a blanket for you and some tissues for your nose.
He let you pick a movie to watch. Unsurprisingly, it was the same one you always wanted to watch.
He didn't mind. Although it wasn't exactly his favorite movie, it was yours. Which automatically meant he loved it, too.
It made him happy to see the awe in your eyes everytime you watched it. The way you quietly mouthed the lines to yourself.
Spencer took your empty plate to the kitchen and came back with some medicine and a glass of water for you.
You quickly drank it and then turned on your favorite show.
While you watched your show, Spencer made your favorite kind of soup. Also the only type of soup he knew how to make.
You ate in silence, except for a few chuckles every now and then at the series you were watching.
Spencer read for a while after you both finished eating, seeing as he'd already watched every episode of your favorite show at least twice, and could recite almost all of them word for word.
You finished the last episode of the season you were on and just sat in silence for a minute.
The sun set and Spencer turned on a few lights before going back to his book.
"Dad?" You said quietly.
"Mhm?" Spencer hummed in response, turning a page.
"Can you read to me, please?"
A soft smile graced Spencer's face, "Of course I can. Anything specific you want me to read?"
You sat up slowly and shook your head.
Spencer held one of his arms open and waited for you to lay down on his chest.
He gently stroked your arm and pulled the blanket further up your body.
Although you didn't care much about the topic of his book, hearing his voice was soothing.
"Dad?" You interrupted him after a bit.
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"Thank you for taking care of me," you mumbled sleepily.
"You're welcome, sweetheart. That's what I'm here for."
"I love you," you said quietly, cuddling into him further.
"I love you, too."
Your tired eyes finally shut and you fell asleep.
Spencer let you sleep for a while before eventually picking you up and putting you in your bed.
Sick days weren't so terrible when you got to spend them with your dad.
fin. ♡
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lith-myathar · 14 hours
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
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Fernando Alonso × Unconventional Drinking Implements
#if i had a nickel for every time nano drank out of a trophy id have two nickels. that's not a lot but its weird it happened twice#dont ask me if theres more i didnt have the mental capacity to look up all his podium pics...theres 20 years worth#but if you do have more somehow miraculousy do of course hit me up#this is one of these things i think that youd have to experience by watching a lot of races bcs finding it by keywords is impossible imo#though i did look up various trophies and now i want to make a tier list of trophies by drinkablity 😭#but yeah some people in the tags of the pics i posted were like 'he did exactly what i wanted to do![drink from the big cup basically]'#so this is like: hey! not the first time hes done it 🤭#but like if these are the only two times hes done it thats hilarious#bcs its been 18 yrs so was he suddenly like 'oh my god wait i just remembered what i can do with this'#but like the 2005 is the wcc win so it makes sense why he did smth so over the top#but this one i really really feel like he let the impulsive thoughts win and was just 'this looks like a giant cup....'#not pictured: flavio also drinking from the trophy. he was so indulgent of his boy 🥹#also i wonder if theres footage of him pouring in the champagne in 2023 cause i didnt even know he drank from it until i was looking at pic#cause thats my fav thing about the 2005 one is watching him trying to aim and pour it from way too high hahaha#oh also there is the brazil 2005 gp as well but he doesnt directly drink from it so i dont think it fits well here#but at the same time he really is looking at trophies like 'hmmm how well would this work as a cup'#f1#formula 1#fernando alonso#2023 dutch gp#2005 chinese gp#fa14#we do a little bit of f1#formula one
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thepoisonroom · 18 days
apologies if this is a dumb question and i won't be offended at all if you dont answer/dont know but since you've worked in libraries before i was curious if you knew how to let your library know you're interested in an audiobook they haven't purchased ? i know i used to be able to make requests on overdrive but since the switch to libby i haven't been able to figure it out. i hope youre having a lovely day whether you can help or not and appreciate you taking the time to read all this 💛
sorry for the late reply, i haven't been online much and just saw this! most public libraries will have a form on their website called something like "purchase request" or "suggest a title" that you can use to request things! people often think this is only for books, but most places will let you request audiobooks, DVDs, etc. librarians won't always add the things you request to the collection, and they often can't explain every decision in detail due to volume, so results may vary.
the one thing to be mindful of is that audiobook/ebook licensing can be really weird, and sometimes publishers do make it really difficult or impossible for libraries to license certain items! so if your library doesn't get something you ask for, that sucks and is disappointing, but please don't hesitate to keep sending in requests as you have them! that info is always super helpful for collections folks looking to add things to the library that they think you'll want and use!
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faaun · 1 month
ok let's catch up quickly
#so i went on a few dates w this guy. long hair beautiful face kinda looked like a girl (good) said yes ma'am when i told him to do smth#(also good) film student great at photography including candids. made a sheath of leather for a sword pin i have . et cetera.#he asked to cuddle and i was like iggg and then i felt Nothing and i was like ohhh yh ok ok yep lesbian#like he meets almost all my criteria but. yeahhh no . also at the end of that date he had some weird takes. anyway broke up w him and told#him actually im p sure im a lesbian (again) and he was like yk thats the second time this has happened to me this week but its ok bc ive#fallen for this girl from berlin. and then we cooked together. anyway . met a beautiful butch lowk in love w her. weve been on (1) date.#have two exams in a few days havent studied enough going to like end it all basically. my research partner kicked me off our research#(expected(it was always skinda sketchy)) which was devastating + it happened in a lidl 15 hours into a journey from bordeaux#to go back to the UK. my friends were kinda busy paying for baguettes but also they heard this whole exchange and are kinda mad at him#my friend of 10+ years is coming over in a few days. my evil ex situationship person that i decided to stay friends w because i kept#insisting they are a good friend and not evil and also extremely beautiful? turns out shockingly enough they were evil. tried to fix them#and then i realised due to their entire friendship group being ppl like me (Every Single One of their friends are ppl they met on dating#apps then led on then dumped and proposed staying friends w) and are collectively extremely attracted to them and not over them they#keep validating the most diabolical shit they say/do to hace a chance w them. they broke up w their ex and the way they keep leading#this poor girl on and making her heartbeeak worse and saying that they want more power over her and want her to beg for them back etc...MY#JAW HAD DROPPED esp bc i didnt even know the ex was in the picture BECAUSE ME AND ONE OF OUR FRIENDS (that they also dated) HAD JUSR SLEPT#NAKED TOGETHER IN THEIR BED W THEM. GIRL. anyway that is the least of the diabolical stuff they said but no we are moving onnn#this was b4 the beautiful butch btw. anyways . i have a mitski concert tmrw i think?? idek anymore#i used to have a crush on this guy very briefly and then it disappeared and then i realised if he fundementally changed everything abt#himself then maybe id like him but ofc i didnt tell him that but i still think abt it sometimes but anyway thats irrelevant now bc 99% sure#even if he did id still not find him attractive (lesbianism). please recommend good overnight moisturisers btw i have super dry skin#right. the friend of 10 yrs. we had a hard convo abt why she essentially bullied me in year 8 and it made me highly bitter but i also love#her and ik things are diff now its been like . Many Years . and shes going to stay a while I HAVE TWO EXAMS I DONT HAVE TIME but i love her#its fine. i think i might just switch into medicine and do the whole become a neurosurgeon thing (which was my plan B) bc plan A is looking#kinda impossible rn. I WANNA TALK MORE ABT WHAT THE EX SITUATIONSHIP PERSON SAID but i wont bc i dont wanna be too mean but also . MY GOD#i had a conversation w a philosopher friend about whether i have a moral responsibility to try to fix them bc unleashing this on society#feels wrong and he said 'probably but...run' so yeah im not talking to them atm. second date w beautiful butch on monday btw IDK WHAT TO#WEAR. she said she likes fems. im just gonna wear the shortest ralph lauren skirt i have w the cute leg warmers and hope 4 the best#its 1:15 AM im abt to drink coffee and start studying bc what the FUCK man. also almost finished watching the boys its very good#one of my best friends is struggling rn it is breaking my heart i want to take the burden from her i miss her very much
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rawliverandgoronspice · 5 months
Oh and aren't they also gonna charge like 50 USD for that book too? Yeesh
I haven't seen the price range, but yeah I don't know. I mean, I'm sure the artbook part will be super cool! I'm actually curious of what it may reveal about the game's development, this part is interesting to me. But yeah, they *really* could have done without the Timeline shenanigans. People would have bought the book without that incentive.
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skeletalheartattack · 10 months
If you were a chulip character how would players kiss you?
find and present to me a working copy of Dragon Ball Z Budokai 1 for the PlayStation 2 and you can kiss my stupid ass
#ask#anon#for a more serious and personal answer. idk i imagine you'd have to see and accept me at my weirdest. otherwise NO kisses. NO love.#you cannot 100% the game if you cannot accept me for the weird fucked slop i am#i also deal 98 hearts of damage if you fuck it up. and i wont appear for 30 ingame days. need time to recover.#best hope you didnt leave me as one of the last citizens you had to kiss#you could savescum i guess to bypass the wait time#but deep down id know#the only character in chulip to have a mr resetti mechanic#another silly answer would be that youd have to find a working beta of tf2 with grenades still intact. but thats impossible im afraid.#but even then i dont think i feel that attatched to the beta. its just the researcher in me who wants to see how the viewmodels look#like we know what the dynamite packs viewmodel looks like. but not really anything else im afraid.#we have an idea of what some viewmodels wouldve included with their model#like the bear trap has an unused portion of its UV sheet that displays what wouldve likely been meant to be a chain#so i wonder how a chain wouldve been adapted with the beartraps viewmodel#like is it a cluster of them on the end of the chain and the scouts spinning it.#or is the viewmodel of one with a chain wrapped around the jaws to help its viewmodel have a more solid silhouette#the frag grenade has what i assume to be the uv portion of a pin#im just fascinated by scrapped content i think.#anyway thank you for the ask anon#i kinda wish i had a game i couldve listed with a funnier title but. dbz budokai is the one that sticks out in my mind
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labyrynth · 1 year
honestly the thing that baffles me the most about all the disney “live action” remakes is that they won’t touch the live action adaptations that not only existed long before their remake plans, but have been WILDLY successful!!!
the theater/broadway adaptations of beauty and the beast, the little mermaid, and the fucking LION KING??
disney, you already own all of this material. why are you dumping money into mediocre remakes when you already have the exact thing you’re looking for, but better??
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goldensunset · 2 months
re: the music rant I tagged you in I am so sorry for tagging you in my double-dose caffeine fueled haterism explosion post. truly was off the shits and did not realize how much random garbage talking points I was ready to spill on the first person to ask
but i love haterism…..
#truly i really don’t care if ppl like those artists. they do so for good reason#but it’s just impossible to see it as like. particularly noteworthy and countercultural or anything anymore?#like obv it’ll never be on the same mainstream level of like taylor swift or w/e#but as far as being ‘weird’ or ‘fringe’ it’s like. safe weird. safe fringe#mainstream weird or mainstream fringe to use an oxymoron#there’s nothing wrong with enjoying something with a large community that makes you feel something#but it just isn’t particularly striking as far as making a statement about how unique you are#not that you need to be unique to be cool#but i think a lot of people truly do see it as a thing that makes them special or even superior#it’s not harmful at all just a little silly#and truly when every young neurodivergent well-off internet dweller is doing it. well it’s not totally weird is it#safe and sanitized weirdness#either that or to get back to the point if it is true weirdness then it’s like yeah are you sure this goes on that character playlist LOL#maybe the other bigger threat is when stuff is genuinely good and raw and unique and strange#art that’s screaming something out#and it gets watered down into something incredibly generic#like this lament about the singer’s very real life is like ‘woagh this is just like these two fictional white men who have never met’#less ‘morally wrong’ and more ‘hardcore cringe at best and in poor taste at worst’#or like. what if it is an EXTREMELY specific situation genuinely#why is it on every playlist 🤔#the answer is bc it goes hard of course so who am i to say they’re wrong for having fun#but behind the scenes in secret i’ll be laughing sinisterly#like everybody in the world thinks Their Artist is the most freakish unique and special artist. including swifties#fact of the matter there’s always something weirder. even the stuff i listen to i am well aware could be so much freakier#is there really any point in making it a competition of how weird you are#just listen to what appeals to you and stop acting like you’re the main character idk#asks#dj-of-the-coven#ok i’m done now. hope none of this sounded too bitter and judgmental
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carmenized-onions · 3 months
chip having ‘wannabe x but i’m a cheerleader’ vibes is canon actually. and on that note: anyone who doesn’t vote syd in that poll is a coward!! ok maybe not but like LET CHIPPY KISS GIRLS
also tumblr on app doesn’t give me character limits so y’all are gonna hate me when the friday chapters drop!! >:) weeeewooo
let's check in on that poll again, actually, i think last time i checked richie lost second place to her--
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Genuine fact, when I was kicking around the idea of a character in The Bear that was a fixer, I thought a queer handywoman that Sydney falls Head over Tails for would be vv fun-- I also thought (and still do think) that if Tony were genuinely a canon character, Richie or Syd would be so perfect for her. And she them. SO THIS ALL TRACKS HONESTLY. I also should say, I swear I'm not a coward, I only voted for Mikey because I thought he didn't have a fighting chance against Syd-- I could not have been more wrong.
Funny enough, speaking of, the Chippy v Tony poll is still running and Chippy is winning.... The way you bitches fold for the older brother,,,,, i'm snitching i am-- jkjkjkjk, like I said, also prefer Chip-- It's just like. Fun to say Chip.
Also Friday has dropped as you've probably seen your ass get tagged in it and i am SO excited to hear what you think-- Though I know collecting all of those thoughts probably takes a good amount of effort, so DON'T SWEAT TAKIN TIME AND BREAKS W/ IT!!!
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lesbianfakir · 9 months
What came first, the depressive episode or the art block?
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wtfspocks · 9 months
It’s overthinking o’clock
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pinkspiraling · 1 year
i actually feel pretty hopeful. not working makes it SO MUCH easier to focus on doing good things for myself. before i was constantly having to choose rest on my days off so i was never able to do beneficial things or be intentional. now it’s like time is just available and stretching ahead of me in a good way. i’m excited for this month i think good things can happen and ik im not sober but i think maybe i can get there and maybe i’ll find a way to actually make it to rehab or at least get a therapist
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