#i feel like i’ve been more in touch with myself lately. aging is a gift
hjarta · 5 months
turned 26 today 🥳
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ladamedusoif · 4 months
Paper: A Visiting First Anniversary Update
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Paper is the traditional gift for a first anniversary. What could be more fitting for a pair of academics still trying to figure out their future? 
A year ago, I posted the first chapter of my first foray into fanfiction and my first attempt at writing fiction since I was a teenager. Visiting took a lot of courage to write, let alone to post; but the sheer pleasure in drafting and planning Ben and Lydia’s story made me feel I should share it. 
There are still three chapters of the story to come, and I know I’ve been slow and not a very good or engaged writer.
Life has been complicated lately, and for various reasons it has just been easier not to be on here as much (if at all - and if it was noticed!) But I had to mark their anniversary, somehow. So, a year in, and with the story still unfinished, here are some reflections - and, if you read to the end, a (slightly smutty) sneak peek for chapter 13…
I launched the two dorks into a fic world dominated by DBFs and age gaps and all sorts of other tropes that Visiting just wasn’t, never would be. The tropes have shifted somewhat but their story still doesn’t speak to any of the big ones. That’s Ben and Lyd, though. They never were ones for following trends.
At times I’ve felt strongly that this wasn’t a story anyone really wanted, that it was my fault for writing it badly. Some chapters felt both vital and nigh impossible to write, as I second-guessed myself and the readership and wondered what I was doing wrong, exactly. And then sometimes a chapter I’d poured everything into just… went unseen, it seemed.
And then I would receive the most beautiful comments and responses to the story, as readers find it and connect on some level with Lydia, Ben, and their little world. In my sort-of Tumblr hiatus I know these comments have built up and I need to respond properly to each and every one. But know that I am eternally grateful, incredibly touched, and that many of them have made me cry. The same goes for the people who recommended the story on fic lists, who sent wonderfully kind anons about the work, who have made me want to keep going with it.  
There is a bittersweetness to the anniversary of starting Visiting. There are people on here who were such vocal, enthusiastic cheerleaders of the story both in public and in DMs who just fell away after a chapter or two. (I still wonder if they have been keeping up.) There are people on here who I was so close with, who knew the motivations for the story and its inner workings, who chose, out of the blue, to act as if it - and I - no longer existed. Such is life. Such is the nature of online friendship. But it’s particularly strange when someone has been there for the drafting and writing and then…isn’t. 
But such instances are in the minority. The readership for Visiting might be small, but it’s brought me into touch with some incredible, wonderful, generous people who have become firm friends. There is no greater feeling than knowing that your little story about two middle-aged academics finding themselves falling for each other when they least expected it is liked - heck, loved, even, by even one or two other people. (Tell your friends! More readers welcome! But you guys are the best ones.)
A final, more general observation about this story and why it exists. We have often seen statements on here about how dark!fic is “healing”, a way for people to work through experiences and issues in their own lives. I would argue that softer fic is healing, too - that healing doesn’t have to be sought or validated through creative explorations of brutality, violence, coercion and pain. It can be, of course - but it’s just as valid to seek it in stories that are softer, kinder, warmer, even. Lydia’s conviction that she is permanently broken, that she is fundamentally unlovable, could not be undone with anything other than love and safety. And the story does seem to have reached some people in that way, and for that I’m really delighted and proud. 
And I’m really touched and grateful to all of you who have stuck with the story, have got in touch to comment, to ask if there’s more, to talk about how much you love it. You have no idea how much it means, truly. There is more coming: three chapters more, in fact, if I can just get my brain together. But, as a thank you and an anniversary gift, here’s a little bit from the next chapter:
You rest your head on his shoulder and bring your arms around his waist, hugging him close to you under the blankets as you enjoy the symphony of nocturnal sounds in the back yard. 
He chuckles as you hold him tight. “You must know by now I’m not going anywhere, Lyddie.”
“Don’t laugh when I say this, but - sometimes I feel like I need to hold you extra close, just to be sure you’re real.” 
He tilts his head and smiles at you. “That I’m real?”
“That you’re real. That all of it is real, Ben. I’m not used to things… working out, I guess. All my life I was left lonely or things fell apart, and - I still have to remind myself that yes, this is real, I’m not dreaming.” You sip your champagne thoughtfully as he kisses the top of your head, broad hands caressing your body.
“It’s real, love.” He kisses you again, gently squeezing your hip. “Even if I sometimes wonder how I got so lucky.”
You push away the blankets and wrap your arms around his neck as you begin to make out, his hand snaking up under the skirt of your floral-print summer dress and pressing greedily into the flesh of your thigh. 
He breaks away to kiss and suck on your neck, pausing to whisper in your ear: “Does this feel real enough, baby?”
You give a little cry of pleasure before breaking into fits of giggles, grinning as you feel Ben’s smile against your skin. “I guess it’s pretty real, Ben, as these things go…”
“As these things go?!” He pulls back, leaving a parting kiss on your collarbone, before spreading out the blankets a little on the wooden decking. “Lie back, Lyd, and I’ll give you real.”
And now, if you don’t mind, I will enjoy a celebratory ice-cold Corona, and raise it to my idiots-in-love who are still waiting for their happy ending.
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mileapo · 1 year
The Story Of Mile Phakphum In Three Parts
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Hello Mile, how are you these days? I'm currently doing well, although quite occupied at the moment. If we were to represent it as a graph, it might appear as a lull period. However, I am utilizing this time to engage in self-care — both physically and mentally — and to make necessary preparations.

What did it feel like waking up the morning the show debuted? 
 I'm thrilled to be addicted to the series once again. Its irresistible charm keeps me coming back for more, just like others who are captivated by its captivating story. Seeing people enjoy it and receiving positive feedback brings me immense joy. These moments are truly cherished, and I take great pleasure in being a part of it.
In a few interviews, you mentioned that a career as an actor and singer/songwriter was not your first choice. Looking back, do you still have any reservations about acting? Each of us harbors a multitude of aspirations, not confined to a singular goal. For me, true fulfillment lies in pursuing what truly ignites my passion and brings me joy. I am steadfast in my commitment to constant self-preparation and growth.
When presented with an opportunity, I choose to wholeheartedly embrace it — giving nothing short of my best. I am prepared to immerse myself in the pursuits that captivate my interest, dedicating my heart and soul to them. Though it may not be my ultimate objective, I am aware of my deep desire to embark on this path and so, I persistently ready myself for it.
Your life has now changed seeing that you are arguably one of Thailand's most recognizable personalities. What is one thing you miss from before your fame arrived? Engaging in conversations with strangers holds a special place in my heart. As of right now — due to time constraints — I haven't had the opportunity to fully immerse myself like that anymore. The days of encounters and spontaneous conversations with unfamiliar faces have become a rarity. However, such encounters have always been a source of genuine enjoyment for me. The sheer pleasure of conversing with individuals from all walks of life knows no bounds. Regardless of their background or disposition, I find immense fulfilment in the simple act of exchanging thoughts and ideas.
Any moments with your fans that have had a lasting impact on you? Each encounter with my fans brings an overwhelming sense of joy and fulfillment. Lately, I've been immersed in reading the heartfelt messages written on cards by my devoted supporters. I'm already halfway through this heartfelt endeavor. Last night, I came across a touching note from a fan expressing their desire to learn English in order to communicate with me. It's remarkable to witness the lengths people go to — dedicating their time and efforts to learning languages ​​like Thai, English, or even regional dialects — solely for the purpose of connection. Their dedication truly moves me.
You are almost inseparable from Apo, both on and off-screen. What is your most fond memory of him? 
 It has been twelve years since we coincidentally worked together, and his unique appearance remains vivid in my memory. Recently, passionate fans stumbled upon a video of our first meeting, leaving me pleasantly surprised. This unexpected revelation serves as a gentle reminder of life's unpredictable nature, occasionally gifting us with delightful surprises along our journey. On fashion, Mile elaborates that “the fashion world captivates us and draws us into its allure. Active participation in this industry involves immersing myself among talented stylists and continuously expanding knowledge.” But while Mumbai is not his first breakthrough with Dior, Mile has always had his eye on fashion. “I actually embarked on this journey at the age of eight,” Mile explains. “Seeing my mother in beautifully crafted clothes when I was young and experiencing the influence of television were transformative moments that sparked my passion for the captivating world of fashion.”
Tell us more about the Dior Men Fall 2023 collection you are wearing today. What did you like most about it? 
 This collection exudes an exceptional uniqueness and embodies the distinctive character that Dior presents. I was remarkably comfortable during my time in Mumbai, which pleasantly surprised me. Despite the inquiries from others about its potential heat-inducing qualities, I found it to be quite the opposite. Even with its simple yet captivating designs and understated color palette, it effortlessly stands out. Wearing these pieces becomes easy and is an enjoyable experience. Rather than mere excitement, my emotions were fueled by an intense enthusiasm when I delved deeper into the realm of Dior.
How about your first fashion show with Dior, what was it like?
 Attending a fashion show proved to be a transformative experience, one that expanded the horizons of my perception. It was a delightful and invigorating journey, allowing me to witness the unfolding of a whole new world. The show by Dior in the enchanting city of Paris was truly remarkable. Each garment conveyed a profound message, intricately woven into the fabric of the event. This combination of creativity and storytelling made for an unforgettable spectacle.
Are there any Dior items in your wardrobe that you would consider your favorite? I love the Dior Lingot bag in the large size, I believe it is the 50. It truly holds everything I need. And when you have a very busy schedule, a large bag is just what you need.
There has been quite a bit of buzz about Be On Cloud's Man Suang, especially since there has not been much information released at this moment other than its debut at this year's Cannes Film Festival. It is noteworthy to mention that the film marks your first main role in a motion picture. Can you tell us more about it? 
 This movie carries a truly unique essence, captivating its viewers with a narrative that invites imagination and contemplation. It weaves a mysterious tapestry intertwined with the rich traditions and stories that unfolded in Thailand during the Rattanakosin period. The beauty lies in the artful portrayal of each character as they share their tale, allowing us to witness the profound transformations that humans undergo. It serves as a reminder that our beliefs — though held strongly — may not always yield definitive outcomes, offering a glimpse into the diverse possibilities that exist.
Let's also get into the fact that it will be a historical film, and it marks a departure from the contemporary style of KinnPorsche. What kind of research did you do to get into the role? For every character I embody, I dedicate myself to meticulous preparation, adopting a consistent approach. I delve into the era in which the character resides, immersing myself in its historical backdrop. It is almost like method acting and it is very similar to how I live my life. This thorough understanding enables me to comprehend the motives behind their actions and thoughts. I am grateful to be surrounded by a supportive team that encourages my creativity throughout this process, granting me the freedom to explore and bring my own unique perspective to the role.
While it is a new project for you, you will be starring alongside Apo again. Will we see a different dynamic between the characters both of you are slated to play? 
 In every performance I deliver, there lies a remarkable blend of 90% embodiment of the character and a 10% essence of my own being. This 90% is a testament to my growth as an actor, an opportunity for people to witness my evolution through each role I undertake. I wholeheartedly invite audiences to appreciate the dedication and effort I invest in every project. As each character holds a unique identity, spectators will recognize the striking distinction, unveiling the diverse range and versatility I hope I can bring to the stage or screen.
Before we end, would you like to share any messages with your fans? 
 My heartfelt gratitude goes out to all the devoted fans who have supported me wholeheartedly throughout my journey. Your unwavering support has touched me deeply and means the world to me. Thank you for being there, from the bottom of my heart.
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justanothertwstau · 1 year
#justanothertwstAU Lore Breakdown Pt 1. ???
Exactly what we, (and by we I mean me), have all been waiting for!!
So, this might have to be broken down into two parts just because I got a bit carried away when I was writing this. My main goal is just to get this out of my brain and out to the twst fandom, because if I don’t my brain might actually start melting from the amount of space it’s taken up. 
Before I get super into it, I just want to clarify some key things about this AU.
Key Facts: 
- The lore kind of bounces to way before the canon timeline and kind of touches on some history of Night Raven, to the year right before the canon timeline. The canon timeline is centers around Yuu’s arrival and all that, just to clarify.
- The girls’ story specifically takes place in the second semester of Yuu’s first year at Night Raven College, So everyone including the third-years will still be at the school.
- The whole premise of this AU is based on the idea that Night Raven college makes the move to accept both male and female students, after public unrest towards the “boys only” rule of the school is called into question.
To Begin...
A decision resulting from numerous gender discrimination claims against the school that had been growing in frequency over the past few years. (Largely ignored by Crowley, partly because he was too “busy” to address it properly, but mostly because of school policy) 
Dissatisfaction about the boys-only school rule is nothing new, but it was never something that the school was held accountable for, as it was excused by tradition and prestige. 
Any conversations about the exclusion were mostly murmurs, whispers, nothing more than that or serious enough to cause any real change. For years, it was just a topic that was brought up and brushed off since it didn’t seem possible. 
But then one day, a handful of years before the first-year gang arrives at Night Raven, a letter arrives addressed to Crowley. It’s from a young girl who is in the age bracket of adolescents to be accepted as a new generation of Night Raven College students, and in the letter she asks for a proper reason why girls can’t attend.
(This still feels super cheesy, so I might refine this when I have more time, but I think it gets the point across)
 “If magical skill and tenacity is all that is needed to excel as a prestigious wizard, what use is one’s identity? How does my gender hold back my capability from becoming a magic user when I was born with the same gift as my male counterparts? Magic reflects the spirit and strength of the user and is only limited by the creativity of the host. It is a fact drilled into young wizards everywhere, an irrevocable, piercing fact, and if that is true without a doubt then for what reason should I be prevented from learning at your school? I know my magic and I know myself, and I know that if I could attend this school I would make it proud with all that I would accomplish. I have practiced my magic endlessly every day for three years and even though I had a late start in comparison to most I now rank head and shoulders over the top magicians of my school. Half of those top magicians happen to be young girls just like myself, all talented and promising in our skill, weighed down by the unspoken and mutual understanding that we will never be able to pursue an education at Night Raven College. I realize that this may seem foolish and impossible, and there’s a good chance this letter never even made it to your desk, but if it has then I implore you, with everything I have, to at least consider the questions that I’ve asked you. I don’t expect this letter to change your mind, but if I let this year pass without speaking up about what I consider a grievous oversight I fear that you may never hear us.”
This was not the first time Crowley heard concern about the school’s ‘boys only’ policy, or the first letter, however this one was so earnest in its questioning that it did make him pause. He does not respond to this letter, and years pass after reading it but during this time it still sticks with him, and resurfaces whenever the exclusion of the school is called into question.
Change doesn’t start until nearly a decade later...
(The next two passages kind of need to be with each other so keep an eye out for part 2!!!)
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djservo · 2 years
this is so late of me oopsie got a bit carried away almost forgot the date. well here we are, december 31st 2022. already touched on your top books of the year, so for this months wrapped lets also get into: books that let you down, books you're anticipating in 2023, and your reading goals! <3
REPORTING TO YOU LIVE FROM THE FINAL HOURS, THE VERY DREGS OF 2022!!! 🎤 i answered this in spurts throughout the day bc I didn’t want to have any hungover 2022 obligations/thoughts seep into 2023 so Apologies if things sound tonally discombobulated (as if I’ve ever been coherent in one of these before) 🫗 i read 9 this month and i willed myself to ramble about them all as a treat HERE WE GO
december reads
Cruising the Movies: A Sexual Guide to "Oldies" on TV by Boyd McDonald
so fun, funny, and unapologetically horny - the perfect trifecta! we need more horny writing/critiques like this! sometimes I’ll write reviews (for my eyes only ofc) for movies that really affect me, but this made me want to get better into the habit of writing them more consistently, even if just glib observations. fine tune my thoughts (horny or not) rather than let them scramble and dissipate into nothingness 💭 starting next year (tomorrow) 🤞
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot by Stephen Adly Guirgis
I feel like most of this play’s clout is attributed to the “Why didn’t you make me good enough so that you could’ve loved me” line alone (deserved!) but this is also just so funny and creative as a philosophical unpacking of by-the-book religion/christianity + the conundrums/hypocrisies that sustain it
My Life in France by Julia Child
I read this on a train that ended up at a standstill for hours & they handed out these puny bags of chex mix as consolation (I texted my friend “it’s like I’m living Triangle of Sadness rn” lmfao) and had I not been so charmed by Julia’s rosy outlook and dreamy accounts of food and travel and Love, I likely wouldn’t have appreciated the irony of munching on stale pretzels whilst reading indulgent paragraphs of food porn. luckily her charm radiates from her words so my heart was full the entire time and the fact that she didn’t properly learn how to cook (nor had she found True Love™️) until her 30s makes me want to cry/throw up/etc!! moral of the story: it’s literally never too late for anything!!! also PACK SNACKS ON THE TRAIN ALWAYS!!!
Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
I wanted to be more annoyed with this bc the most annoying people are like THIS IS A MASTERCLASS IN STORYTELLING.... GENIUS.... but ugh fine this was really enthralling, I unfortunately do get the hype!! in between each chapter/issue were extra tidbits of like (fictional/story-related) police files, news articles, etc that made the world-building that much richer blah blah blah I Appreciate the Details -_- I’m also so fucking glad I read this before watching the movie bc Zack Snyder wouldn’t know subtlety if it spit in his face so all the meticulous detail and backstory from the novel would’ve been completely lost on me </3 big win for the book-before-movie purists
Bless the Daughter Raised by a Voice in Her Head by Warsan Shire
The gift and curse of being an emotionally evolved adult actively processing/grappling with your childhood trauma(s)! so much weight in sentences that don’t rely on pumped-up purple prose or weighty cliché phrases, both of which I wouldn’t have found surprising for a poet of the instagram age. there’s this casual wave-of-the-hand/and-so-it-goes quality, which I think makes it the reckoning that much more heartbreaking
From Drowning in Dawson’s Creek: “When I was twelve or thirteen and mad / with loneliness, I dreamt of white boys and / ladders leading to bedroom windows. / I dreamt all night of their scurrying, climbing in and out of me. / For Pacey Witter I would hitchhike Capeside. / For his plaid embrace, / I was willing to disown myself.”
My Wicked Wicked Ways by Sandra Cisneros
despite my 4 years of public school spanish language classes, I’ve somehow evaded reading The House on Mango Street (which I feel like was a staple in my school district’s curriculum), but I’m kinda glad since this was a treat of an intro to her style. I love how she keeps this kind of youthful, almost childishly petulant tone even when talking about adult things, walking this fine line of bouncy charm and heartbreak
From Drought: “Because of pride / I do not phone. / Not me. / On the contrary / I place the telephone / over there. / Against the wall. / At the far end of the room. / And stare at it for days like cigarettes.”
Is the Rectum a Grave? (and Other Essays) by Leo Bersani
I don’t read nearly as much theory as I wish to so it’s always a feat when I manage to finish a book in its entirety without rage quitting out of brain-fry self-consciousness LOL but this was amazing - strangely right on the nose for a few films I watched this month too (It Is Not the Homosexual Who Is Perverse, But the Society in Which He Lives (1971) - perfect companion piece) by no means was this an easy read. had to reread pages a few times, mull over sentences, look up words, etc, but when it did click, it was so rewarding and ultimately worth the brain farts and struggle, which I think is maybe just the theory experience™️
The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson
this was another book (along with I Love Dick) that I’ve had on my TBR list for ages, both of which I might’ve even heard of through the #ArtGirl side of tumblr years ago lmao but the difference is I adored this one Wow!! there’s a threshold I can stand before a book feels Too reliant on its outside references and thus a little pretentious/void, but everything mentioned here felt more like enriching supplementation rather than unnecessary padding. so honest and empathetic and refreshingly optimistic about motherhood and partnership and the inner-transformations/frames of thinking required for both.... real tears were shed, that’s how u know!
Liarmouth: A Feel-Bad Romance by John Waters
I just saw his live christmas show a couple weeks ago & snagged a signed copy so this was an especially special read! as I read it, I was trying to think of who - if anyone - I’d recommend this to aside from john waters fans. then I thought, would I even like this if I wasn’t a john waters fan, privy to his works and in on his jokes? if I wasn’t able to hear these chapters in his voice, or imagine these scenes shot in his style? but luckily we don’t live in that evil timeline so I had a twisted little blast with this, perfect book to end this chaotic year filled with so very many john-waters-like predicaments!
let downs
initially I had so many more titles but they were mostly just books I felt "meh" about which didn't seem fair so now I'm interpreting this as books I initially had high hopes for but ultimately didn't rise to my expectations
I Love Dick by Chris Kraus, The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay, Sigh, Gone by Phuc Tran, In the Miso Soup by Ryū Murakami, Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney
I'm a pretty bad #reader in that I don't really keep up with new/upcoming releases unless it's an author I adore/have read several books by there's not much in mind - maybe Elliot Page’s memoir? as for goals, you already know I just got a kindle which has opened this door of possibility as I mostly rely on my library BUT when my library doesn't have a title I’m looking for (which is often), I'll find a PDF/epub online and read either on my phone or laptop which isn't preferable for me SO!! LONG STORY SHORT!! this newfound ease has reignited my motivation to dig into meatier reads that’ve been collecting dust on my TBR list 🥩 I’ve already downloaded a few I’ve been unable to find at the library (& don’t wanna spend a small fortune on) so next year I anticipate reading more theory 📍 one of my movie-watching goals is to delve more thoroughly into filmographies of filmmakers I like, so ideally I’ll do something similar with reading and complete the written works of more authors I enjoy, but IDK I also think a lot my joy of reading comes from the rabbit holes I get led down/thru - this memoir leading me to that fiction leading me to that theory etc etc. we’ll see what kinda discipline I can conjure up 🧘 I'd also like to track down some vintage pulp/erotica, expand my horizons in that realm. last time I was at the used bookshop I came across this 2000s (not vintage ik) gay vampire parody of Fight Club called ‘Bite Club’ which I thought was amazing genius hilarious etc but I haven’t read Fight Club yet so those 2 are like top of my list LMAO
ok jesus christ this is stupid long but i figured i’d indulge for the end of the year, really brain-spew these final ‘22 inner-ramblings and opinions <3 AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
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codingpoodle · 2 years
Some SDV oversights that bug me a bit in no particular order
Some are nitpicks, others may warrant an eyebrow raise. I still have respect and much love for this one-man passion project :)
Shane’s 14-heart/marriage: I feel like if you’re going to add a sensitive topic, you shouldn’t make it into a punchline for something comedic. I didn’t play SDV before you could marry Shane/Emily, so maybe the newer content was patched in and therefore there are some continuity errors, but it seemed a bit careless at best. Also if Joja is out can Shane please work the Ranch store my animals were starving because SOMEBODY (*cough* Marnie) wasn’t behind the counter again (plus it was Winter). 
Penny’s 2-heart: I didn’t notice it the first time, but upon seeing the scene again she pushed George’s wheelchair away?!?! Like, that’s a HUGE no-no! Don’t touch people’s aids without permission! And the fact that the “correct” dialogue choice is to side with Penny? This scene definitely could’ve been done better. 
Sam and Kent: If Kent’s PTSD gets a scene, I feel like that needs to be carried out with his schedule while Sam is jamming. Maybe I’ve seen their schedules at the wrong times. I’ve seen fics where this is more acknowledged and it works well with both characters. 
You can’t befriend all NPCs who are consistently in the game: Gunther? Marlon? Gil? I think they’d be an interesting trio. Also the Gotoro Goods smuggler. The creator behind her portrait for SDV Expanded did a really good job! If Gus can be befriended I think these folks could get similar treatment.
Joja prices are not consistent with the message of the (early) game: Pierre’s was consistently cheaper. Only reason to go to Joja was when Pierre’s was closed. If the whole point was that Joja was cheaper and more efficient, wouldn’t you want to put pressure on the farmer, who just had a quarter life crisis and left with practically no money, to have to come crawling back to Joja to get started? It’d be pretty ironic, too. Just don’t see a point if Joja is going to be more expensive anyway unless the message is everything’s more expensive unless you get a membership and suddenly the prices get slashed in half. But based on what lots of NPCs say (namely Jodi), there seems to be a continuity error here.
The bus: Lewis says it was out of order for decades, but that doesn’t seem to align with the dialog Pam says about being laid off, unless she’s referring to driving other buses. She did mention she used to drive trucks though. Idk, a bus stop being out of order for decades seems weird for the timeline.
Harvey and Maru: I like both as characters but there are some lines that made me a little uncomfy~. It could be that Maru is older than I think but the way she’s written she seems to be 21-22 and Harvey is easily mid-late-30s. Just feels a little off. I even naturally age the bachelors/bachelorettes up (since all of them accept alcohol as a gift (except Penny but for obvious reasons) to all at least be 21, then go from there but Maru just seems like that young gifted child. Something similar can be said for Sam but he acts even younger that I honestly can’t bring myself to romance him (or Maru) -- it just feels weird. 
Haley and Emily’s parents: Damn, how long are they gonna travel the world! If Kent can come home I think it would’ve bene fun to get to know their parents! 
Kinda wish Jas and Vincent had heart events: Vincent alludes to not remembering Kent well (and maybe I’m not at enough hearts with him but Kent seems to run out of dialog pretty quickly) and Jas (and Shane for that matter) 100% has trauma from losing both parents. Maybe these subjects would’ve gotten a little too heavy.
Harvey still charges you after marriage: I get why CA didn’t give spouses perks, but goddamn Harvey :( I just had a fat finger moment and didn’t escape. 
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I’m back - with a Review of my Tarot Collection!✨
Hey Tumblr fellows! It’s been awhile! Last year was a pretty deep year of shadow work for me so I haven’t been around the blogging space in a little while. I also discovered the Fediverse which is where I spend most of my social media time now. It’s amazing!
This year is my 30th birthday and my hubby is gifting me a new tarot deck, so I thought it might be fun to do a review of the tarot and oracle decks I’ve collected over the past 8 years and share them with you! And perhaps you’ll discover some that you’ve never seen before to add to your own collections!
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1. Age Of Aquarius Tarot by Yana LéVie
(Ordered on Etsy, will review once it arrives).
I love the aquatic feel of this deck so much. But what makes this deck really unique is it has 88 cards! It features the major and minor arcanas, and a THIRD arcana has been added to this deck called the Universal Arcana (hence, the additional cards). The guidebook also seems really beginner friendly but I'll review this deck properly once I actually have it in my possession.
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2. The Starchild Tarot (Akashic Edition) by Danielle Noel
(Ordered from her website).
I purchased this one for it's art style, it was the second deck I ever owned. The images are absolutely stunning. Reading the symbolism in this deck isn't quite as intuitive as other decks and would likely be more difficult for beginners without the guidebook, but some are decent. It's truly a beautiful deck to own for those who love this art style and pastel tones. The guidebook is also fairly detailed and includes upright and reversal meanings, as well as some associations.
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3. True Black Tarot by Arthur Wang
(Ordered from his website). 
This deck is so polished, I've never touched cards softer than these ones, and such great quality! A lot of love went into the production of this deck, both in the card stock and the imagery. This is one of my more symbolic decks and I use this one primarily for shadow work. My only grievance with it is the way the cards are labelled. The Minor Arcana card labels are just Roman Numerals and it can be confusing to find some of the cards in the guidebook at times. Arthur Wang recently created another tarot deck I am looking to get in the future called Ephemera, which looks to be just as stunning as his True Black Tarot, except instead of a black theme they are white and gold. It's a brand new deck that just finished funding on Kickstarter and is due to be released this Spring.
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4. Spirit De La Lune Oracle by Marissa Rankin and Rachael Tarantella
(Ordered from their website - 🚫  I DON’T recommend buying from them. 🚫 ) 
This is probably the most unique deck I own, as the cards are round, but also, it just has such a unique system and each moon phase and mandala are so beautifully detailed, both in the artwork and in the guidebook. It is a very well done deck, but I don't recommend buying from them directly unfortunately as I had a really negative experience with them in the past. I'd suggest getting this deck from a third party seller if possible if anyone wants it. I purchased a planner from them awhile after purchasing the deck because I loved the deck so much. It was very late arriving in the mail and my husband and I were in the process of moving residences. Had it arrived on time it wouldn't have been any issue, but it didn't arrive before we moved and so I reached out to the seller explaining the situation to see if anything could be done. They were really nice about it in the beginning and offered to send a replacement to our new address, but then after that message they gave me the silent treatment for weeks, they would read my messages asking for an update, but wouldn't respond. They just completely ghosted and never fulfilled the replacement as they had said they would. As a business owner myself, I felt this was handled really poorly, that if they weren't genuine about sending the replacement they shouldn't have said they would do that and then go unresponsive and not follow through. So as much as I still love and use this deck, I can't encourage others to buy it from them, because should it get lost in the mail or any other unfortunate circumstances arise, there will be no help from them and they will ghost.
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5. The Constellation Tarot by Iryna/Artismymagic 
(Ordered on Etsy). 
This was my very first tarot deck and I absolutely love it, though, in hindsight it is really not a good deck for beginners at all. I am a very visual person and LOVE the artwork in this deck, but it is very difficult to read on an intuitive level unless you know what certain constellations mean as many are what make up the major arcana in this deck. The guidebook also is not a very detailed and not great quality. That might have changed since I purchased it years ago as she did make some updates since then. I still love this deck and use it occasionally, and have had a lovely experience with the creator Iryna. She made some updates to the packaging since I purchased it years ago and mailed me the new box to keep my cards in.
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6. The Weaver Tarot (Journeyer Edition) by Threads Of Fate 
(Ordered from their website). 
This is such an aesthetically pleasing deck. The cards are beautiful holographic with foil and I think it is decent for it's symbolism. It comes with a reference card that is really helpful to show what different card symbols mean that they repeat throughout the deck. As much as I fell in love with the aesthetic of this deck, I never really ended up connecting with it. I didn't connect with the language within the guidebook and felt there were some inconsistencies with the symbolism. Just not a good frequency match I guess. Hoping to maybe one day trade it for a different tarot deck I want more. There’s no doubt this is a stunning deck though, and the quality is incredible!
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7. Isis Oracle by Alana Fairchild 
(Purchased on Amazon). 
I will NEVER NOT recommend this deck! This deck is by far one of the most detailed decks I have ever owned and connect with on such a deep level. This is one of the decks I always turn to when I need loving guidance or spiritual "mom" advice. It isn't just about the artwork with this deck, but the guidebook is so incredibly detailed. The messages for each card are several pages and every card includes a ritual that connects with it and the message it brings to help you go inward with it. This is just such a special deck. This is one of those rare decks that you can just tell the creator of the deck made it from deeply spiritual place, that her spiritual process was incorporated throughout the entire process. I have never encountered that with any deck before, not like this. It feels like many of these messages were channeled. I just love this deck and can't recommend it enough.
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8. Starlight Frequencies Oracle by Leah of ShopDarkMoonCrystals
(Ordered from Etsy shop). 
I am so glad I got this when she first released this deck because this version of the deck is no longer in production. The creator of the deck released this version in the beginning but decided to go in a totally different direction with it, so the new version looks nothing like this one. But I really like this version better than the new one. The backgrounds have really soft color gradients with holographic accents on each of the cards. It is a very minimalistic deck, giving only minimal guidance in the guidebook, but it was intended this way as this deck was meant to be more for intuitive practice.
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9. Forest Of Enchantment Tarot by Lunaea Weatherstone and Meraylah Allwood
(Ordered from Amazon)
This deck is one I had my eye on for awhile before purchasing. I fell in love with the artwork because it reminded me so much of the fairytale storybooks I used to read as a child. So much love and creativity went into this deck. The suits have a different name than traditional tarot decks, and the artwork is so detailed and has so much symbolism. You really gotta study the images in this deck as there are so many hidden details and symbols within the artwork. There are two decks in my collection that really speak to me and seem as though they really come to life, and it is this one and the Isis Oracle previously mentioned. These two decks are my main go-to decks, because they feel so kindred to me. Highly recommend the Forest of Enchantment Tarot!
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10. Lucid Dreams Tarot by Britta/St.Soleil 
(Purchased on Etsy, though, their Etsy shop was shut down. This deck can still be purchased from their website)
In my opinion, this is the best tarot deck for beginners out there! It has the upright and reversal meanings right on the cards, as well as the astrological symbols, zodiac and elemental keys. The guidebook is incredibly thorough as well and includes the meanings to everything on the cards, including a guide to numerology in the tarot! The artwork in this deck is heavily based on the Rider-Waite tarot, though, in my opinion the artwork in this deck is so much more appealing and just looks so elegant! I highly recommend this deck to any beginner. As for their Etsy shop being shut down, this was due to them being overwhelmed with orders a couple years ago during the holiday season. The decks were a few weeks delayed in being shipped out, which resulted in a whole bunch of people leaving negative reviews and requesting refunds in fear they wouldn't arrive in time for Christmas. People still got their decks but all the refund requests and negative reviews due to delays I think got them shut down. I still recommend purchasing from them because they are honest, they just got overwhelmed with more orders than they could handle I think for the season. The deck can be purchased from their website.
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11. Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue 
(Purchased at a thrift store)
Under other circumstances I probably wouldn't have purchased this deck, but I found the Angel Card Reading Kit that still had the DVD for it inside, and it was such a cheap price I couldn't pass it up! Though it's not my particular taste, the artwork is pretty though and I have had some really amazing experiences with it. In 2020 I made a Vision Board and drew a card from this deck for the year, and the card I drew was the Writing card with Archangel Gabriel. This felt like such a divine message for me as I did go on to do a lot of meaningful writing that year and helped a lot of people through it. Ever since it has been my go-to deck for angelic messages and guidance and will remain a permanent part of my collection.
  There is a bit of controversy with Doreen Virtue. A few years ago she switched he path to Christianity and discouraged the use of divination. A lot of people betrayed by her for this and got rid of decks they owned by her. Personally, her change in spirituality doesn't bother me. I understand why people feel this way about her work now, but the way I see it, everyone is on their own journey and as we grow on our path, we change. Just because she switched paths and no longer supports divination and her old work doesn't mean that what she made in the past no longer has value. I've come to love this deck, and her lifestyle change has nothing to do with me or the value this deck has brought to me on my journey. To each their own!
Thank you so much everyone for reading and I hope you guys have maybe discovered some new decks here that you've never seen before! If you have any questions, leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer!
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
SOLmates (teaser) (m) | OT7
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title: SOLmates (teaser) pairing: ot7 x reader(f) rating/genre: m (18+) ; angst , smut ; soulmates au (negative), arranged marriage au, futuristic dystopian  summary: “What awaits after Inferno? Ashes.” teaser warnings: lots of intro!, all intro!, jin is a bit of a menace, manhandling, cursing, fingering, scratching, yoongi is rude af, choking, jin wears a chain bc i can’t help myself, warnings to be added as series starts note: so.. this is a project i’ve been working on for awhile now. i don’t normally plan things, but something that started on a whim grew into this entire universe that i ended up having to plan like never before lol. i just wanted to show y’all a small piece of it, and i hope you enjoy! note 2: thank you to @wwilloww​​, @kookskingdom​​, and @sugaurora​​ for encouraging me to keep going on this! y’all gave me much more hype than i could ask for and i’m really excited for what’s to come. this is also a rough draft so it will be polished later :D teaser word count: 5.4k 5.5k release date: july 27th, 2022, 7pm est  updated: august 3rd, 2022
The first time, you feel a spark.
The second, a fire. 
But what happens after the third?
What awaits after Inferno?  
// LOGDATE: 3021.01.32, 0700
No matter how hard or long you sleep, the soft clicks and whirrs of your bedroom’s bootup routine never fail to make you stir. 
Face scrunched, your gaze sweeps across the mostly empty space beyond your sheets. Pale blue light spreads over everything like a blanket, and you are quickly reminded of when you ported off-planet for the first time, watching the rush of a million blue streaks encompass your peripherals. 
Why that memory flits about your mind, you haven’t the faintest clue. That was ages ago.
“AE-AI, what’s today,” you grumble, knowing your Homepanion will register your drowsy, garbled speech. 
And, like always, her calm voice drifts over your head. 
[Today is Saturday, January 32nd, 3021.]
[Reminder: you have one meeting today.]
[Atmosphere Aura Temperature: Suboptimal.]
A meeting? You may be exhausted as all hell, but you know it’s definitely your day off. Reaching to swipe your phone off your nightstand, you check the screen to see if something slipped into your schedule last second, dropping it with a thud when nothing appears. 
The ghost of a kiss accompanies the soft touch of rough fingers between your shoulder blades. “Isn’t it Saturday,” a sleep-leadened voice asks, and you hum in response, settling into your bedfellow’s embrace when they tug you backwards. “We never have meetings on Saturdays.” 
“I know.” 
The lithe forearm around your torso starts to slide downward, and a small knot in your belly tightens when fingers wander across your bare pelvis. “Jin,” you whisper, hushed and breathy, “Let me figure this out first.” 
“Just cancel,” the man’s coarse suggestion matches the tone of his voice before he lazily bites your ear. “There, I solved it.” 
You don’t hide your groan, but you do close a hand over Jin’s wrist just as he slips a lone finger between your folds. “Thirty seconds,” you sigh in compromise. Because you absolutely want the same thing he does. 
The random notification is just throwing you off. 
If this meeting has nothing to do with work, it better be a good one; it’s stealing hours of your rare, precious rest time. Lately, none of your squad had been gifted with any, which is exactly why you and Jin made the most of last night. 
“Fine. Not like AE-AI’s gonna care,” he relents, albeit petulantly. 
[I do not.]
As Jin fires off an insult to your intelligent and apparently saucy assistant, you laugh and wrap his arm back around your stomach. “What’s the meeting for, AE-AI?”
[The meeting has no title or subject, but the location is as follows: Phode Industries, Floor 112, Room 34-B.]
“Damn him,” you mutter, the absence of anything important in a meeting drop being the mark of your Guardian. “AE-AI, call the meeting organizer, please.” 
[Calling: Kim Namjoon.]
You turn, observing shut, tired eyes under wavy black locks. “Looks like it’s gonna be more than thirty seconds.” 
Without moving a muscle, he teases, “I’m heartbroken.” 
“You’ll get over it.” 
“Say hi to Joon for me.” 
“I’m going to be saying a lot more than that.” 
As the rings echo throughout your spacious bedroom, frustration is the sole energy source that thrusts your legs out of heated blankets and your feet onto cold floors. To combat the chill, you swipe a large shirt from the foot of your bed.
“Hey, that’s mine!”
Jin’s scent hugs you like a second layer as you shrug. When you walk away, your arms stretch high above your head, knowing his stare will drift straight down to your ass.
And as planned, the next thing you hear is a groan.
“Damn. Fucking keep it.”
You’re almost to your bathroom when your annoyance finally answers the call.
“Oh, good. You’re up.” 
“Namjoon, what the hell is this?” Warm lights bloom when you enter the spacious area and, with one eye squinted, you scratch your head while reaching for your toothbrush. “You better have a brilliant reason for this meeting or else I’m not stepping foot out of this pod.” 
“It’s not that I have a brilliant reason. It’s that we have no choice.” 
You pause, the toothpaste glob missing the bristles of your brush. “And that means what, exactly?”
There is a bout of silence in the speakers. In your buildup of anger, you rest your hands on the counter, both tools still resting in your curled fingers. “Namjoon,” you repeat, drawing out his name. 
“What else do you think we wouldn’t have a choice in, kid?” 
Ugh. You should’ve just stayed in your bed with Jin. It’s too damn early for your Guardian’s mind games. “Is it Ngoya wanting to reup his implants again? I know we have to keep that relationship pretty solid but it’s one more day. Just don’t walk outside for twenty four more hours! It shouldn’t be that hard.”
“No, it’s not that—”
While you’re successfully coating your toothbrush with paste, you fire off another guess, “Oh, never mind, I know. It’s that damn Spark Suppressor asking for business again. Why did I have to be chatty and tell him my—”
“Not that, either. Listen to me? Please?” 
Nonchalant is too stiff of a word to describe the way you’re brushing your teeth, slightly slouched and observing your eyes in the expansive mirror. 
Eyes that hadn’t been out of a shield in days. 
A gruff exhale crackles the sound system in your ceiling before Namjoon speaks again, and you stand there speechless, toothbrush hanging limp in between your lips. 
“You’ve been summoned. It’s damn Hardlock, kid. I’m sorry.” 
You’ve shaped your life how you wanted it to be, despite all of the adaptations that society has gone through and thrown at you. 
Every single one except Hardlock, apparently. 
The Arranged Marriage Pact that cannot be refused. 
// LOGDATE: 3021.01.32, 0800 
Adjusting your eyeshield, you sigh as you step into a hovertrain with a group of other passengers. 
Suppressor gloves forgotten at home, you were quick to shove bare hands in jacket pockets, rushing to the back of the compartment to isolate yourself. On the way, you accidentally brush someone’s arm, apologizing but not stopping in your haste. 
Even if you’re fully clothed, you still have a moment of panic when you make contact with someone. It’s the norm to have that instilled in your nature. 
Will it happen? 
Or not? 
Well, you don’t know what it feels like, but according to your relatives’ experiences, it’s a situation you don’t want to encounter. Ever. 
An automated announcement blares right before the doors close, and you don’t hear a word spoken on the train as you sit, backpack taking up most of the seat. 
With your stop five long minutes away, you have some time to think.
How did it get to be this way? Who the hell is choosing you of all people? People in your line of work never get chosen for Hardlock because of the risk factor. 
Maybe they know how lucrative your job really is and they just want the money. You can’t blame them in that case.
Rolling other careers around in your mind, you can’t think of another one with higher pay than a Salvager. The only one that comes close is someone in Namjoon’s position: a Guardian that protects a Salvager’s livelihood. You don’t know what you would do without him. 
It’s a miracle that a Spark didn’t happen when you accidentally saw his eyes in that one wanderhouse, when you entered a room you didn’t know he was occupying. 
He was simply reading a book—one of the old ones that required hands to read—which he promptly dropped at your entrance. 
You remember both staring at each other for a good while, shocked to death and then relieved. Relieved to see another pair of true irises in organic colors and hues. 
If he ended up being a SOLmate, that would’ve been the end of a relationship. It was even company policy: you would’ve had to make arrangements to part before acquiring a new Guardian within hours.
You heard the stories. Broken friendships, crumbled company deals, crushed empires. 
Because nothing could overcome the initial Spark—much less an Inferno.
Which is why you are going to keep your hands hidden in your jacket at all times. You can’t risk touching another human and possibly igniting. 
Don’t connect your bare eyes. 
Don’t connect your bare skin. 
The two ways a Spark can be initiated.
You don’t know what the hell birthed the curse of SOLmates, but you’ve learned how society has adapted. The rise of quarantining and social avoidance became the norm, with entire civilizations working remotely and citizens avoiding the Outside altogether. 
At first, you didn’t believe in SOLmates. You thought it was just a ploy carried out by the Heado Council to keep commoners in their pods while they went about their shady ways. 
It wasn’t until your cousin suddenly appeared in your Tele-Port with a barren look in their eyes, hunched over and refusing to speak to you until three days later. You remember having to force food and water down their slimming throat, along with sleep medicine to fight their insomnia. 
When they finally spoke, voice gravelly and dusty, you understood. 
“If you ever ignite,” they started, unblinking and haunted, “Never meet them again.” 
“What are you saying?” 
“Promise me.” 
“Hey, snap out of it. What are you talking about?”
They finally lifted their eyes, and you fought the urge to lurch forward seeing the specks of sharp grey swirling around obsidian—volcanic ash in their depths. “You will want to. But fight it. Don’t let there be a third time. Lock yourself away if you have to.” With each pointed plea, their body thrummed, their words as jittery as their shoulders until you rushed over to hold them. 
“You have to relax,” you whispered, but your cousin fought against your arms, their voice suddenly shrill and desperate in your ear,
“Never see them again! You can’t! Anything is better than this!” 
“Hey, wait—” 
An elbow connected with your stomach, forcing your grip loose. Frantic, your visitor wrenched themselves from your form and tore their way through your living room, hair whizzing and flailing. 
You called out for them, but your plea fell on deaf ears. Right as they scampered onto the transportation disk, they slammed trembling fingers onto the console as if they didn’t care where the hell they were sent. 
The yell dispersed throughout your empty room, rebounding off the furniture and dark grey walls. Feeling the weight of the loud silence that followed, your arms slowly fell back to your sides, and you wondered if you would ever see your cousin again. 
You still haven’t seen them since. 
[Now arriving at: Phode District]
The hovertrain warbles to a stop. Cracking your neck, you make your way out of the compartment, almost going to adjust your backpack straps until you realize you can’t unpocket your fingers. 
Shit. You’re going to have to swallow your pride and admit to Namjoon that you don’t have gloves. 
He’s going to notice anyways; you won’t be able to take out the docu-discs you have stashed without showing your bare skin. With a thought, you blink three times to bring up the HUD on your eyeshield and ring him. 
His answer is instant. 
“Hey, where are you?” 
Peering up at the obnoxiously tall glass building, you watch heavy raindrops splash your helmet before you groan,
“I’m here.” 
// LOGDATE: 3021.01.32, 0810
Thank whatever deities people come up with nowadays that Namjoon has a spare pair. 
After you rushed out an excuse on top of your mistake, your Guardian only sighed and told you to just get your ass to the room. He claimed that he brought extra gear because he had business two districts over, but you didn’t put it past him to be paranoid.
Gliding across the almost barren floor of the lobby, you hear faint announcements about keeping suppressor gear on at all times while on the premises. 
Shit. You have to make it to the elevators before you’re questioned by a roboguard.
But your worries are for naught, for the short trip to the glass tubes goes smoothly. It’s possible that you escape suspicion while in regular civilian garb instead of your Salvager suit. 
You understand completely; the suits are pretty damn noticeable with their reactive energy displays. 
After a low humming ascent, you’re now on the 112th floor, wandering around and sneaking glances into every room not shielded by Darkglass. Peering through the clear walls, you watch as helmeted business people go about their days. Some are negotiating trade deals by the looks of the tablets they are cradling, and some are simply staring out of the building windows and watching the rain. 
People do that a lot. Ever since it’s been next to taboo to show bare skin in the Outside. 
What you would give to feel rain again.
There aren’t many rooms that have the glass activated, but you do pass one that apparently has a commotion going on inside. 
You faintly remember learning about Darkglass. How it shrouds both sight and sound when flipped from clear to black. If something is pressed against the material, there’s a subtle vibration that can be seen.
Just like now, as you walk by a room in the middle of the hall. When you turn to regard the slight waves, you make out the faint outline of a handprint. 
Weird. Maybe someone resting against the wall out of sheer boredom.
It would make sense. You would absolutely hate being chained down to a place of business like this. 
Being a Salvager means you aren’t attached to a building, or a cubicle, or even a central hub. Your job resides wherever the missions take you—wherever some rich asshole ends up needing you to go—whether that be into a local penthouse or the next planet over. 
And you love it. The experiences you get to have, the places you get to see—all of it has been remarkable despite the gritty truth.
It’s not an honorable occupation. Not that honorable is a common word thrown around nowadays. But it’s one that many a wealthy person will shovel out liquid cash and ONIcoin for, so you’re able to live a lavish lifestyle. 
Your hands are practically drowning in your pockets. 
Are you going to have to give up that life because of Hardlock? 
Surely, the family that chose you knows what you are. Your file omits a staggering amount of detail, but your base information is clearly defined next to your known SOLmate count, age, and ancestry.
You finally see a floating LED rectangle that reads 34-B, and the room’s Darkglass is deactivated. Glancing inside, you see Namjoon’s tall, cloaked form standing a safe distance away from what you assume are the mother and father of your chosen partner. While the woman occupies the lone chair at the end of a conference table, her husband simply rests gloves on her sagging shoulders. 
They seem… Lost. 
There wasn’t much time for you to run through their files, but Jin skimmed through while you got ready earlier. 
“Yah, why are there so many redacted sections?” 
“Nothing new,” you threw over your shoulder while slipping on pants. “Happens with a lot of older generations. Elders and their privacy.” 
You could picture Jin’s eyes scanning his HUD back and forth within his sleek eyeshield, legs spread on your traditional sofa. “Jung Family… Blastia District… Shit.” 
“Heado Council puppets.” 
After removing his shield, Jin ruffles his hair and smoothes it back down. “You sure you can’t pull out?” 
“It’s Hardlock, Jin. Non-negotiable.” 
“Isn’t that incredibly unethical?” 
“Severely, but what do they care?” 
“I have a bad feeling about this.” 
You shrugged, faking confidence and hiding the tremble in your bones. “Relax. I don’t have to like the person. Just gotta marry them on paper and tell them I won’t be around.”
Run. You can just run, right? Run away, portcast to the farthest, most decent planet you can think of and live off your dirty pension? It sounds so much better than walking into that room.
But Namjoon turns and notices you through the wall, and he’s only one long stride away from opening the door. 
“Come in!” You can hear the forced smile behind his shiniest blue helmet—one he saves for special occasions—but he whispers his next words, “We may have gotten a little lucky.”
“What? What do you mean?” As you stand in the thin doorway, you drink in his response. 
“The dude isn’t even here.”
“Fantastic,” you drawl, sparing a quick side eye at the parents under the cover of your shield. Maybe he portcasted to the farthest, most decent pla—
“It doesn’t mean the contract is void, but it does give us some time to adjust. Here,” Namjoon steps to the side to allow you entrance, and you clench your fists in humid pockets when you enter the room. 
You have no clue what your Guardian means by that, but you decide to dismiss it when you finally notice something about the reticent couple at the table. 
They’re wearing Navim Shields.
Even you choked seeing the price of those.
This family doesn’t need a drop of your money.
So why the fuck are you here?
// LOGDATE: 3021.01.32, 0900
“Did I hear you right? The guy didn’t even show?” 
“Why are you still here, Jin?” 
The slide and click of your door shutting behind you means that you’re finally cut off from the Outside, temporarily severed from responsibilities and new expectations and anxieties. No matter how often you left your home for missions, entering the Outside always caused your shoulders to tense until you set foot back in your entryway. 
And even though you will never admit it, seeing Jin’s sweatpants-clad form greeting you is already enough to ease your mind this time.
You shuck your backpack off in an unceremonious dump, sighing as you proceed to remove your eyeshield. 
The moment after removing protection is always a bit disorienting. Your corneas have to adjust to true colors after being suppressed by the shield technology, and it doesn’t help that depth perception changes dramatically. Jin is a lot closer than you think as you lower your eyeshield, and you flinch when he backs you up into your door. 
With one large, capable hand next to your head, he flashes a tiny smirk at your rain-soaked form. “You act like you don’t like it,” he whispers before leaning forward to mesh his lips with yours. 
You melt into his lazy kiss before grunting, meekly pushing his bare chest away and feeling the metal of his chain. “Jin,” you sigh, feeling a twinge of want when he swoops in again and pushes you flush against the door. 
This effectively shuts you up, throwing your need into overdrive as you give in and start tearing your clothes from your limbs. 
The gravelly chuckle that slides between your mouths sends heat between your legs. “Looks like I get you to myself for a bit longer.” 
You scoff as your damp jacket hits the ground with a plop. “We aren’t exclusive,” you hiss before grabbing his hair and tugging him into another sloppy kiss, chilled skin welcoming the warmth of his. 
His wonderful, enticing, tender skin. 
You don’t know what or who decided that Jin isn’t one of your SOLmates, but you still feel like you owe them everything. 
Because if he was, you would have only crossed paths with him three times max in your life. 
And you don’t think you could have lived with that circumstance.
Your hands fly to your pants next, but your focus is cut off by the hot mouth latching onto your throat. “We aren’t,” he agrees after a suck, “But I don’t see anyone else here. Do you?” 
Jin uses one hand to unhook your bra while the other slots between your thighs, grinding into your clothed cunt before giving it a firm swat. 
Fuck, he knows what you need. After the absolute waste of a morning, you’re ready to do whatever the hell he wants. 
But your drenched pants are your worst enemy at the moment. “Help me,” you bite out as you shove him away, frustrated that something so small is the thing that sets you off. 
It wasn’t the fact that you were a Hardlock match, nor the fact that your partner ghosted the meeting and you had to awkwardly stand there with his parents only to slink back home through the rain. 
No. Just your pants keeping you away from your fuck buddy’s leaking dick.
Jin stumbles back with a laugh before coming back to your aid, his fingers looping into your nemesis and pulling them and your underwear down your legs with ease. “Sweetheart is extra bossy today, isn’t she?”
“Just hurry up,” you grunt, going for another shove and stilling when a hand flashes up to block your arm. 
His eyes are lust-blown and determined as he stares you down, grip on your skin and tone just as hard, “Push me again and see what happens, sweetheart.” 
“Call me that one more time and see what happens, bitch,” you counter, eyes squeezing shut and stomach fluttering when Jin attacks with his mouth. 
Your hands are all over each other as he practically throws you back into the front door. While his are roughly palming your breasts and gripping the back of your wet neck, yours are scratching stress lines into his hair and raking through his shoulders. Desire seeps from your cunt, the entrance hot between your cold thighs. 
Everything is almost a replica of last night. Except this time, Jin still has his pants on. 
“Take those off,” you breathe out, water droplets falling from your head, “Just fuck me.” 
“Let me prep you.”
You moan when he rolls his pelvis into yours, ready to be just as split apart as you were a mere twelve hours ago. Desperate, you shake your head. “Don’t need it,” you lie, “I can take it.” 
“You sure?” 
“Shit. Okay.” 
After Jin loses his sweatpants, he doesn’t even stand back up fully before you’re clutching his cock, sliding your cold fingers along his shaft once before reaching to cup his balls. Hearing his breathy groans causes more slick to build in your center, and you lean forward to swirl a tongue over one of his nipples. 
“Fuck, baby.” You feel a hand grip the back of your head before it’s tugged back. “Come here.” 
Saliva rims your mouth from your sloppy work, but Jin doesn’t care as he smashes his lips back into yours, tongue on a mission to close your airway. A commanding hand grabs one of your legs to widen your stance, which is the reason for your shock when you’re suddenly spun around. 
Years of reflex and combat training save your face from butting the doorframe, but you still grunt, smirking when you feel hands roughly tug your hips. 
As Jin’s deep voice slides onto your bare back, your cunt flutters while your mouth widens. 
“You can take it, right? Prove it. Sweetheart.” 
For the rest of the night, he makes you forget. 
Your shit job. 
The shit Hardlock. 
And whatever other bullshit you have to be prepared for come morning.
Just because it happens once, doesn’t mean it can’t happen again. 
There have been countless records of people with more than one SOLmate, which spurned humanity to escape and flee into the stars. Voyagers are synonymous with cowards, hermits comparable to corpses in coffins—the inevitable has been proven and yet everyone still runs from the truth. 
However, there are people that run towards it. People that forego any armor or suppressor clothes or eyeshields. Those are the ones that suffer the quickest, all because they yearn for that feeling of ignition. The Great Flare. The Eruption. The Inferno.  
It’s a high. 
But everything ends just the same. 
Ashes walk with no purpose, no soul, no life. What were once vibrant, intentional humans are now husks of a being, nothing but dust with wisps of memory. 
And when left alone too long? 
Their veins protrude and shine like lava; their eyes burn like dying stars. Light shoots from their mouths in a bright beam, angry and orange and devastating, as if a furious sun is fighting for escape. Skin hardens. Splinters. Breaks. 
And the only instinct that remains is to ravage everything around them until they are effectively stopped. 
// LOGDATE: 3021.02.01, 0600 
“Took you long enough.” 
“Fuck off, Min.” You dump your boots on the nearest surface, which so happens to be a glowing console with multiple buttons and levers. 
The man situated behind it jolts his arms up at the bang, stuttering out as his helmet reflects the lights in front of him, “Hey, you might—” 
“It’s fine,” you snap, getting a snort out of the drowsy man at your back. 
“Damn. Did you two not fuck at all or something? Why’re you so pissy?”
Jin is the one that answers for you, voice taut and raspy from the little amount of sleep you both got last night. “Watch it.”
Both of you groan a less-than-hearty “Shut up” before parting ways, taking your seats around the circular planning station occupying most of the room. 
Well, Jin takes residence next to a chuckling cohort and you settle on the other side of the table, holograms of mission details and discovered Ashes that need to be salvaged hovering over its dark surface.
One of them looks like your cousin, but you blink and the illusion is dashed. 
The person only looks like her. 
It pains you all the same.
Once you realize how many are filing through, you click your tongue. “Fuck, again? I thought this many Ashes was a rare thing…”
Yoongi—the one that unceremoniously greeted you and someone you cannot stand—pipes up immediately, “Apparently not. But at least they’re all around the same area this time.” 
“I can see that,” you drawl. “But didn’t this just happen? I’ve never seen this many after we just salvaged a big group.”
Something feels odd about the reports flying in. Normally, a day would consist of checking into Headquarters to pinpoint Ashes, and flying out on hovercrafts or portcasting to whatever planet you needed to for a quick salvage. Once you were done with the jobs, you would either rendezvous with another unit that needed backup or simply go home and hate your life because of how fucked up your job really is. 
But right now, observing how many Ashes are pinging off a small planet in the same solar system, you’re wondering if this is going to be another Longnight. 
You just came back from one. That’s exactly why you and Jin… 
Shifting your helmet to face him, you can already see that he’s looking your way. Fuck, how you want him to whisk you back to your Homepod and make you forget your name and occupation a fourth time. It looks like he wants to do the same. 
A voice rumbles across the table as the most quiet salvager decides to offer input, “It’s strange, isn’t it? How we haven’t gotten new recruits for months until now?” 
“I dunno, Taehyung.” You tilt your head back to the displays smoothly cycling in front of your shielded eyes. “Could be the reason why we’re getting more recruits. We’re gonna start needing backup if this keeps continuing.” 
A helmet lowers as the man folds clothed arms. Seemingly to himself, he mutters, “I feel like they started recruiting before all of this, though.” 
“There’s another thing you should know about,” Jimin—the one with the least amount of salvage experience—chimes in, voice strained as if you might not like what he’s about to say. 
“Don’t be shy,” you bite. “Out with it.” 
“Well… Speaking of recruits, we have a new—”
The obsidian doors of the circular space hum low as they slide open, and every helmet in the room snaps toward the newcomer’s easy strides. 
On instinct, you size them up under their salvager suit: masculine body type, strong shoulders but lean lower frame, slight tilt of their head indicating low level of interest or attitude, minor slump in posture. Seems a bit too laid-back for your tastes, but you keep the bulk of your opinions until you’ve seen someone in action anyways. 
“New guy,” Jimin finally finishes his statement, his tone changing from timidness to piqued curiosity. “Hello.” 
The stranger simply shifts their helmet Jimin’s way without a word.
Mm. You might end up liking them. 
Standing from your seat, you approach and stop some distance away. “First day?”
A nod. 
“Last name?”
Stunned at how soft their voice is, you pause before asking, “How was training, Jeon?”
A shrug.
You huff through your nose in amusement, knowing that the training regimen is a bitch and a half. “Well, the real shit is nothing like it, so take a seat.” You start to stride back to your desk as a few laughs punctuate your statement. Because it’s true. “Especially since this mission might be a bit different.” 
You go over the briefing while circling through the holo displays, assigning everyone their pseudonyms and roles and targets. After a quick meeting, you check for understanding. “Group One first. Jin, Tae, Park: review.” 
Jin’s the first to speak as he slides fingers across the table, the motion transferring files into his eyeshield. “Callisto. Armory. A-142 and A-211.” 
A light voice cuts in right after as Jimin follows suit. “Elara. Retriever. C-002.” 
“Europa. Surveyor. B-299,” Taehyung sounds with disinterest, arms still crossed and back still slumped into his chair.  
“Good. Group Two.” Since you’re part of this one, you start. “Metis. Armory. A-327 and A-410.” 
The newcomer waits for Yoongi to review. When the guy is silent, they fill the gap. “Ganymede. Surveyor. C—”   
“Shouldn’t we check this dude’s stats before assigning him?” 
All of you shift focus to the lean frame at the back of the room. Miffed about everything that’s happening, you snip, “There’s no time for that, Min. We’re running low on our window as is, and training prepares recruits for all roles.” 
“New kid,” Yoongi asks, his words launching straight over your boiling head. “What are you good at?” 
Jeon doesn’t respond for a beat, instead swerving his helmet to you for some kind of approval. When you tilt your head as a sign to answer, he stutters out, “I, um. Armory.” 
“Huh. Took me two seconds.” 
Slamming the planning station, your frustration almost fogs the inside of your head gear, “I don’t have time for your insubordination, Min. Either get this out during planning or save it and shove it up your shitty asshole.” 
“Jin, seriously, tap that a little harder next time, yeah?” 
A ruckus starts on that side of the table before you get two steps out, with Yoongi’s dark material in Jin’s fiery grip. Jimin tries to separate them while reminding them about the mission, and Taehyung stays burning his gaze into the black glass in front of him. 
You already know that the new guy is a bit spooked from the commotion, judging by the stiffness of his shoulders that you caught before joining in the fray. He doesn’t know how common this really is—the snippy attitudes, the pre-mission tension, the pent-up anger. Eventually, he’ll get used to it if he stays.  
But fucking hell, it always has to be Yoongi getting you so riled up every time. If the two of you didn’t work so well together, you would have requested his transfer to the Venus or Pluto Units expeditiously. 
Frankly, you would send him straight to Mercury if you had that power. They always have problems happening there. 
But you’ll settle for a firm grip of his collar for now, shoving Jin aside as you take your place in front of your verbal sparring partner. “Don’t fuck with me today, Min.” 
“I’ll settle for fucking you never, thanks.” 
“What’s with you? Nervous? Is our little kitty boy scared of the rain?” 
You can’t see his face, but you know that statement received an eyeroll, which you’re happy about. Releasing him with a shove, you make your way to the doors, not looking at any of the hovercraft pilots at their consoles or the new kid still glued to his seat. “Jeon, take Armory. We’ll switch roles but keep our same targets. I’ll figure something out before we portcast and fly out.” 
“And Yoongi?” 
The figure across the planning station straightens, as do Jin and Jimin beside him. 
Childishly, you gloat, 
“Never is right. You couldn’t get this pussy even if you begged.” 
// LOGDATE: 3021.02.01, 0800 
end of teaser.
A/N: if you managed to make it here, hello! i know this is vastly different than what i usually write, but i am having so much fun with this universe already and it’s super refreshing. let me know what you think/what you liked, if anything!  ++ feedback box: ⇥ of course, any reblogs/comments/messages are appreciated! ⇥ for the ones that are too shy to reblog with a review, comment on this, or send a message, i went ahead and made another anonymous form where you can send in what you think! ⇥ no emails collected, no need to put in a username. it’s literally just a comment dropbox :D feedback can be as short/sweet or as long as you’d like! ⇥ here! ++ ⇥ masterlist
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Omg can I please get a hannibal x a shy girl reader ? Like he’s really possessive of her and she doesn’t know how to handle it but she likes him so they date??
Sorry this took so long, anon. I’ve been bouncing ideas around and this one in particular, I believe, fits your request. Y/n feels out of place among Hannibal’s fancy friends and it becomes even more obvious when he abandons her at a party. 
Trigger warnings: social anxiety, sexual harassment, overstimulation
You and Hannibal had an agreement about large gatherings. He could only bring you to a party if you had a week's notice and at least three uninterrupted hours of gaming time prior to the event.
For this event, you needed a solid six.
One of the major Maryland universities was awarding a lucrative research grant to a student of clinical psychology, and every influential name in the industry was expected to be there. As a recent college grad with a bachelor's in business you didn't know what to do with, you couldn't imagine a less welcoming environment if you tried. You couldn't fit into their world and more importantly, you didn't want to. But the thought of being noticeably different in any situation was twice as terrifying. So you spent the whole week repeating your mantra; blend in, be quiet and make it through the night.
But Hannibal had different plans for you.
Halfway through the week, just when you'd pushed the party out of your mind, Hannibal presented you with a gift.
"What's the occasion?" You asked. You hoped that if you pretended not to know, it would just magically go away.
"I brought you something to wear on Friday." Hannibal answered, hanging the garment bag up on the bureau. "You know I'll take any excuse to dress you up."
He unzipped the bag and placed a black silk dress into your arms. "Try it on so I have time to get it altered if it needs it."
The material was cool to the touch and outlined your figure so perfectly, you felt even a little naked. Hannibal, of course, loved this. You were his own personal Venus de Milo. His goddess and his muse. 
“Yes, that will do nicely.” He observed, looking at you hungrily. 
“Seems a little short for a such a sophisticated event, doesn’t it?” You raised an eyebrow. The answer was yes and he knew it. He was very deliberate in everything he did. “I don’t want to come off the wrong way.” 
“And what way would that be, darling?” He asked, not taking his eyes off your figure. 
“I mean--” You searched for the right words. “It’s a gathering of the Mid-Atlantic’s most esteemed academics, I feel like, in a dress like this, I might be seen as, well, a...” 
“A prostitute?” Hannibal finished, choosing a much nicer word than you would have.
You looked down. “Yeah. It just doesn’t seem all that appropriate.” 
Hannibal approached you and lifted your chin slightly to look into his eyes. “Many Christian denominations believe that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, yet she was Christ’s right-hand woman. She was first to see him crucified and first to witness his resurrection.” 
“Dr. Lecter,” You smirked. “I never would have taken you for a religious man.” 
“Goodness, no.” He shook his head. “But any reputable academic is expected to be familiar with biblical literature and its many contradictions and impossibilities.” 
“What does that have to do with me?”
“You are my divine feminine, Miss [L/N].” Hannibal said in a low whisper. “And I want everyone to see it. If they see a common whore, it would only be a reflection of their own jealousy.” 
Hannibal's rationalization almost made you forget about your fear of being noticed. Almost. It all came rushing back when you arrived at the event. Not one person your age was in attendance. The women wore long, flowing evening gowns that reached the floor. The length of your skirt alone guaranteed that all eyes were on you. In a simple black silk dress, you looked the very model of high society. Silk was a sign of luxury, and Hannibal wanted everyone to know that you were a woman of means. His woman, to be precise. That was why he brought you to these functions in the first place. To put you in a dress short enough for any wandering eyes so see the smattering of love bites running up your inner thighs. He wanted everyone in his field to know that you were completely and entirely his.
You realized too late that this was all his little exercise in showing you off.
Everyone seemed to know him. He only knew a handful of people by name, and you didn't know anyone.
"And who is this delightful young woman?" A woman with a light southern twang in her voice asked, looking at you as if you were a caged animal on display.
"I wasn't aware you had a daughter, Dr. Lecter." The young man beside her laughed. "Or is she your side piece?"
Your eyes scanned the room for the nearest exit. It would be unbecoming to make a scene, so you plotted a way to slip out quietly.
“Darling, meet Dr. Charlotte Ramset and her TA, David.” Hannibal introduced, notably ignoring the young man. “Dr. Ramset, this is my intended, [F/N] [L/N].”
"I didn't realize she was also a ventriloquist!" The lady, presumably Dr. Ramset, joked. You'd heard that one a million times. She looked at you. "Tell me about yourself, sweetie. What are you studying?"
The lady was old enough to be your grandmother and reeked of too much perfume.
"I graduated last year." You said, quietly. "With a BA in business."
"See, there's a good woman." David added. "Only speaks when spoken to. They don't make ’em like you anymore, baby."
Hannibal tightened his grip on your hand. "On the contrary, David. See, Miss [L/N] is quite a bit like myself. She only dignifies those she deems worthy with a response. There's nothing wrong with being selective."
The lady laughed at David's expense and smiled at you. "Good for you."
You smiled back just a little, not ready to bring your guard down yet. "I've had to deal with more than enough. It's best not to engage."
"Oh, I know, I know." The lady said, shaking her head. "That's how it is for us educated gals. Always having to put up with pigs. See, I went to college in the sixties, so I can tell you some real stories."
This was a new experience. Talking to Hannibal's friends and having them listen to you was something you never considered possible. Now, you were one of the educated gals. You were just about to strike up a conversation with this woman, when the man next to her decided someone desperately needed to play devil’s advocate.
“I find that sexist, actually.” He cut in. “Not all men are pigs.” 
The silence following his comment was deafening and you wanted to crawl into a hole and die. Whatever progress Hannibal and Dr. Ramset made breaking down your defenses was completely reversed and you were ready to retreat.
Dr. Ramset took a long sip of wine and adjusted her shawl. “David, none of us said anything about men, you drew that conclusion yourself.”
“I mean, look at you.” David gestured to your dress. You knew exactly where this was going and you wished you could just disappear. “You’re basically asking for it.” 
Dr. Ramset glared at him. “David, that’s enough.” 
“I’m just stating facts.” David crossed his arms. “If you dress like a slut, what do you expect?”
Dr. Ramset and Hannibal seemed to have an entire conversation through prolonged eye contact before one of them broke the silence. 
"Charlotte, I hate to have to excuse myself so soon, but the president of the university is expecting me." Hannibal said, dropping your hand. Your heart hit the floor when you realized that he would be throwing you to the wolves.
"Of course, Dr. Lecter." She nodded. "Duty calls."
"I trust you'll keep an eye on my beloved [F/N] in my absence?" His voice hardened. The severity in his tone frightened you.
Dr. Ramset didn't seem disturbed or even surprised in the slightest by his gently threatening demand. "Of course."
"Thank you. And [F/N]?" He said, pressing his lips to the back of your hand. "I won't be going far. Please, try to have fun."
You tried not to look affronted, but you were going to have a long talk with Hannibal when you got home. 
"I'm just saying what everyone is thinking." David continued, his inability to take a hint positively astounding. "Why don't you respect yourself enough to cover up, [F/N]? You have a boyfriend!"
Your eyes scrolled across the room looking for any sign of Hannibal, but he was gone. Dr. Ramset finished her wine and stared at her TA with the resigned disgust of a death row jailer.
"Any other thoughts?" She said, snatching a fresh glass of wine. You looked at her with a clear expression of discomfort.
"Come on, do you see any other woman in the room dressed so provocatively?" David's voice broke mid-sentence. "No. Because they're educated enough to know that real men don't care about their bodies."
The hotel clerk approached the group. "Mr. Hosmer, there's a call for you."
David narrowed his eyes. "Uh, what?"
"Someone is on the phone asking for you." The clerk repeated. "Says it's an emergency."
David shrugged. "Fine."
Just when you thought you would be rid of him, at least for a moment, he planted his hands on your hips in attempt to "get by" you. His touch was like that of an insect crawling across your skin; unexpected, filthy and leaving you squeamish.
"I'm so sorry about that." Dr. Ramset's words echoed in your ears, but you didn't really hear them. You were too focused on grounding yourself to process what she was saying. 
“Dr. Ramset?” You said, quietly. “Which one is the president of the university?” 
She glanced at a tall woman in a dark blue suit, surrounded by equally important looking businesspeople. You followed her eyes. “That’s Dr. Mary Hosmer.”
Your ounce of righteous fury was squelched in two seconds when the reality of having to talk to someone, especially someone of stature, set in. You looked sheepishly back at Dr. Ramset. 
“Could you please ask her where Hannibal went?” You whispered. “I’d really like him to take me home now.” 
Her face turned sympathetic. “Of course, [F/N]. Stay right there.” 
You nodded. “Thank you.” 
Dr. Ramset crossed the floor and politely greeted the president. You took a few slow, calculated steps closer, just to get in earshot.
“Pardon me, but, have you seen Dr. Hannibal Lecter?” Dr. Ramset said, casually. 
“I wasn’t aware Hannibal had even arrived yet.” The president answered. “I haven’t seen him.” 
Your eyes widened. You fought the urge to freeze, but you had to move back before Dr. Ramset knew you’d been eavesdropping. You heard everything you needed and rushed back to where she’d left you.
“Dr. Hosmer said he stepped out.” She told you upon her return. “He should be back soon.” 
You tried not to show that you knew she was lying. “...oh.” 
“Would you like me to stay with you until he comes back?” 
You knew you were completely on your own. You didn’t know what was going on, but you had an inkling that it had to do with the president and David sharing a last name. All you knew for certain was that you couldn’t trust anybody. 
“Don’t bother.” You shook your head. You took off for the door, but Dr. Ramset grabbed your wrist. 
“I’m sorry, [F/N].” Her voice dropped to a low whisper. She didn’t look mad, but afraid. “But Dr. Lecter told me to stay with you. Please. Don’t make this harder for me.”
You recalled how seriously threatening Hannibal’s request was. She wasn’t answering to the president of the university. She was answering to Hannibal. You didn’t know whether to be scared or relieved. 
“Right.” You conceded, stepping back in. “I’m sorry.” 
The actual award ceremony was much longer than it needed to be, and it dragged on even longer knowing there was no reason for you to be there. Other than that, you awkwardly followed Dr. Ramset around the party like a lost puppy the whole time. You were back to your original plan: blend in, be quiet and make it through the night. 
Just when you thought the party would never end, someone tapped you on the arm. You turned around, hoping with every fiber of your being that it was Hannibal, but it wasn’t. A tall woman in a dark blue suit stared back at you. 
“I’m sorry to bother you, miss.” She said, apologetically. “But have you seen my son? I saw him talking to you and Dr. Charlotte earlier, perhaps he told you where he was going?” 
You’d pushed that man completely out of your mind. You shook your head. “He left to take a phone call and I haven’t seen him since.” 
A hand found your shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Dr. Hosmer, but I believe I saw the boy on his phone out in the lobby.” 
“Dr. Lecter!” The president’s eyes widened. “How nice of you to finally join us.” 
“...Yes, I believe he left right after making unwarranted comments towards my intended here.” Hannibal ran his hand down your arm lovingly. 
“Well, boys will be boys.” The president chuckled. “Maybe you should teach your girlfriend not to wear such revealing clothes.” 
Hannibal smiled and pulled you in protectively. “Whatever the case, I hope you find him very soon.” 
Her phone chimed in her back pocket. “Oh, that’s him right now.” 
“Wonderful.” Hannibal said. “[F/N] and I will be taking our leave.” 
He hurried you towards the door, his hand tight around yours. A blood-curdling scream came from behind you. You looked back for just a moment and found the president hollering in pain and falling to her knees. 
“Let’s go, darling.” Hannibal tugged at your arm. “They don’t deserve your presence.” 
“Hannibal, I swear.” You said, once you were in the safety of the car. “If you killed every man who looked at me like a piece of meat, sooner or later, there won’t be any men left.” 
Hannibal smirked and reached for his seatbelt. “Wonderful.” 
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justcourttee · 3 years
Adrien asks mari out and she says i would of been so happy in the past but now its too little to late. She's engaged to Damian but they haven't announced it yet
It had been a while since Adrien had found himself in Gotham City. Too many years to count on his hand. Yet when he received an invite from Marinette he didn’t hesitate to hop on the next flight to attend her gala.
He had no idea that she had created a partnership with Wayne Enterprises, in fact, he had no idea they were interested in the fashion world at all. Then again, why should he be surprised? When Marinette put her mind to something, nothing would get in her way.
Ever since he had taken over his father’s company, Adrien hadn’t had much time to keep up with his old school friends but it hadn’t stopped them from trying to keep him in the loop. From what he could gather, Alya and Nino would also be attending, Rose and Juleka too. It would be nice to see them all again, especially Marinette.
Stepping out from the warmth of his hotel room and into the cool streets, Adrien couldn’t help but let his mind drift to thoughts of her.
It took Marinette moving to the States for him to realize how much he was in love with her. It was something he never wanted to admit seeing how much he adored Ladybug, but as she disappeared from his grasps, he was left to face his true feelings.
Glancing at his phone, Adrien confirmed that he was mere minutes away from the address she had listed. The gala was still a few days away, but Marinette asked if he had wanted to meet up for a late-night coffee, a Gotham specialty. Even her scarf that she had gifted him ages ago couldn’t hide the red on his cheeks as he imagined the perfect date with the girl of his dreams.
He paused, reaching the door of Deja Brew, his heart beating a million miles a minute. Somewhere in this late-night shop was his best friend. How would she react to seeing him again? Would she be as excited as he was? Would she feel the same way as she did?
Taking a deep breath, he pushed through the door, his eyes glancing through the scattered exhausted customers until they landed on her. She still hadn’t noticed his presence, her nose buried into her sketchbook, her coffee still steaming beside her seemingly untouched.
She was early.
The thought almost drew a laugh as he approached the counter to place his order. Of course she would have finally picked up some time management skills by now. Marinette was 27 and slowly making a name for herself as the future of the fashion industry. That wasn’t something accomplished by constant tardiness.
He picked up his cup, placing a ten into the tip jar, the hostess’ raised eyebrows making him smile. He could already hear his father scolding him. After all, that wasn’t the way to becoming a billionaire. You only make money by holding onto it.
Honestly, Adrien didn’t understand why he had to be a billionaire. His father said it would raise the bar for their line, but it just wasn’t in Adrien’s heart to hoard all of the money unnecessarily. Maybe the Waynes offered Marinette the same advice. Maybe they had something they could relate to together.
“Excuse me ma’am, is this seat taken?”
His heart had finally slowed down but as her eyes slowly peeked up at him under her lashes, it immediately began somersaulting once more.
“Oh Gods, Adrien!” She was out of her seat before he even had the chance to set down his coffee, her arms flung around his neck. He hoped and prayed she couldn’t feel his chest threatening to explode. “You should have said something! I’ve gotten into the bad habit of zoning out in public places.”
Her smile was blinding as she unwound herself, slipping back into her seat, motioning for him to sit as well.
“How was the flight? Did you fly private or first class?”
Adrien gasped, his hand covering his chest as if she had shot him.
“I only flew business thank you very much.” Marinette’s look of mock disbelief earned a small chuckle.
“That must have been so hard for you. I really am sorry you went through so much trouble for my sake.”
“You know, I would go through so much more for you Marinette.”
Her smile faltered for a moment, so quick that if he hadn’t been staring so hard at her, he might have missed it. Did his statement make her uncomfortable? He had only meant it jokingly with the truth laced in, but he was sure his eyes gave him away. They always softened when it came to her.
Marinette cleared her voice, her true smile shining once more as if the falter never happened in the first place.
“You’ve missed so much, I don’t even know where to start.”
“How about from the beginning?” She nodded as she dove into her move to the States and how she began as an intern for the CEO, Tim Drake, years ago and slowly worked her way up to personal assistant.
She recounted how Tim found her sketchbook at work one day and showed it to his father. Together they agreed that she was their way into the fashion industry, an investment that could open the door to many more jobs for the Gotham citizens.
It took two years, but she finally had a full line that was presented at Bruce’s first fashion show.
“So many big names were there Adrien! I really thought I was gonna faint!”
His smile became softer and softer as she recounted meeting the rest of the Waynes and finally after six long years, she had made enough of a name for herself to be holding her own official Gala, the Wayne’s simply a sponsor.
“That’s amazing Marinette, you’re amazing.”
She beamed proudly, her smile pulling at his heart.
“I couldn’t have done it without them. They are genuine and kind people and they are pretty much family.” Something glistened in her eyes as she spoke of them. It could have been obvious to anyone, Marinette cared so deeply for these people.
It was Adrien’s turn to falter as an ugly thought passed.
She’s so comfortable here, she would never want to come back to Paris with me.
He was shocked with himself. This was no time for jealousy. His best friend, the love of his life, was excitedly telling him about a future she had built for herself and the only thing he could think was that it was an obstacle keeping her from him?
Adrien desperately wanted to smack his own forehead, but for Marinette’s sake he straightened out his smile instead.
“I’m so sorry. I’ve only been talking about myself! What’s new with you? How’s your dad’s business? Do you have anyone you’re seeing?”
His eyebrow raised at the last question. She asked the question he so desperately wanted to ask her. And she did it so casually, equating it to his work and social life. Did that mean she was also fishing for his response?
“Nothing much. Dad wants to move from a multi-million dollar business to a multi-billion dollar business so he’s been pretty aggressive about money lately. He didn’t even want me flying over here for the gala.”
Marinette snorted much to his amusement. She knew how his dad was and how petty he could be as well.
“And as for your last question,” he paused watching her face carefully. “No, I am not seeing anyone.”
He waited for the reaction, any reaction really. But none came. Instead, she simply nodded as if she expected as much. Maybe he had read into it too much. She really could’ve just been asking for the sake of catching up. Should he ask too? Was that what she was leading up to?
Adrien cleared his throat before taking a long draw from his cup. This was so nerve wracking. She looked so content, so grown. This was a Marinette who had grown leaps and bounds while he was still stuck in this high school romance that was quite possibly one-sided.
“Well, I hate to cut it short but it’s going to be a long day tomorrow and Damian will be here any moment to pick me up.”
She slid out of her seat so effortlessly, her sketch book snapping shut before it disappeared into a bag that he hadn’t even noticed. Her smile was just as warm as he remembered, but something was missing from the girl he loved.
“Your eyes.” The words slipped out of his mouth before he could stop himself. Marinette’s smile faltered as she tentatively reached up to touch her eyelid, confusion etching it’s way into her face.
“Is there something near my eyes Adrien?”
“No, no, I’m sorry. That’s not what I meant. I just-” Adrien bit his lip, trying to string his thoughts together before he sounded even more like an idiot. “You used to stare at me with such soft look. I’m sorry I never noticed, but once I did, it was all I could see. Yet now-”
He trailed off as her lips drew into an o, her hand moving slowly from her eye to her lips, trying to hide her shock.
“-now, I can still feel the love in them, love directed at me, but it’s not the same love is it?”
She looked like she wanted to say something, but she couldn't find the right words. He knew she was trying to explain that he was wrong, but couldn’t bring herself to lie. It was the only confirmation he needed.
He slid out of the booth, his hand grasping the scarf slipping from his neck.
“Marinette, I was so excited when you invited me out tonight. In fact, I thought of it as a date.” She tried to reach out, but Adrien took a step back, tears brimming in his eyes. “I don’t blame you at all, please don’t think I’m saying all this to make you feel guilty. I just had to get it off my chest.”
Adrien blinked hard, trying to spill the tears clouding his vision. This was harder to say than he thought. Her eyes were so distracting, the sympathy oozing toward him in waves.
“I love you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I know you’ve made your life here and I would never dream of taking that from you. Hell, if you asked me to, I would drop everything to be at your side in an instance. Is there any chance at all that after the gala ends, we could give this a shot? Just one real date. Not some deluded fantasy I created in my head, but something we both consent to.”
He flinched when her hand finally made contact with his upper arm.
“Adrien, I love you. I really do. But you were right when you said my eyes had changed. That soft look is meant for someone else now. He and I had tried to keep our relationship quiet, but tomorrow at the gala, I was going to announce my engagement to Damian.”
Adrien couldn’t help the small sob that left his mouth. He was painfully aware of the few scattered glances all directed toward him, but he couldn’t help it. He felt Marinette pulling his head down until it laid resting on her shoulder, her small arms wrapping around his figure. It was embarrassing how hard he cried, unable to hold back his sobs any longer.
“I’m so sorry Adrien, I had no idea your feelings had changed. You were always chasing after a dream when we were younger and when I left Paris, I had finally decided that there wasn’t a chance after all between us.”
He knew she meant her words as a comfort, a promise that at one point, she would have gladly accepted his offer. Why couldn’t he have seen it earlier? Why was he so blinded by a partner who never even revealed herself right to the end? He had someone who trusted and loved him with all of their being and he ignored their feelings for a what if.
Adrien slowly pulled himself from her grasp, his smile shaky. He took a moment to use the end of his scarf to dry his soaked face.
“I’m glad you told me that Marinette. I really am. And I hope you and Damian have a long and prosperous life together.”
Her eyes widened, her mouth forming the wait, but he was already out of the door, running. It was a cowards move, one he would mull over all night. But it was too painful to look into the eyes of one you love and only find pity reflecting in them.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“So you came?”
Adrien turned, his smile bittersweet as he embraced Alya, his fist connecting with Nino’s outstretched hand.
“How could I not support her? She’s worked so hard to make this a reality. My feelings can take a backburner for one night.”Their eyes all trailed to the center of the room where she stood, her arm threaded through with the man he assumed to be Damian Wayne. “Besides, you can tell. She loves that man beside her more than anything in this world.”
The glint of the ring on her finger caused an aching in his heart. Despite it all, he really did wish the Wayne boy no ill will. If he was who Marinette chose to spend the rest of her life with, then Adrien trusted her decision.
“I’ve never seen her smile so bright. And to think, I used to believe her smile was at its maximum blindlingness.” Nino’s chuckle earned a small chuckle from Adrien as well.
There was no denying it.
Marinette was where she belonged. The only thing left was for him to support her in any way that he could. And that was exactly what he planned to do.
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spencersawkward · 4 years
omg omg i know matthews birthday isnt for a couple weeks but i would die for a bday sex one shot omg
i made you wait so long for this i'm so sorry omg. one-shots usually take me longer bc i want them to be detailed!
summary: reader has plans for Matthew’s 41st birthday, but things take their own turn. 
content warnings: unprotected penetrative sex, oral (male receiving), degradation, Soft!Dom Matthew with some fluff, too; fingering, creampie, implied age gap. 
pairing: Fem!Reader/Matthew
word count: 4.3k
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I haul the enormous bag of flour onto the counter, grunting. it's early afternoon, and my day has been spent wrapping all of Matthew's gifts and trying to plan out the perfect birthday celebration. he's turning 41, and all I want is for him to feel as special as he feels to me. the cake is the last piece of the puzzle, and I'm hoping that my less-than-excellent culinary skills improve over the course of the next few hours.
I set out all the ingredients first, swaying to my music while I go through the recipe and decide how much I need. it shouldn't be too complicated, right? just chocolate cake with buttercream frosting. I thought I'd try to recreate the Rumple Buttercup cartoon with it, but now I'm not so sure. that might be flirting with disaster.
instead of deciding right there, I just get started on the batter. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
the air is thick with sweetness and warmth as the oven slowly pre-heats and I stir together the silky smooth chocolate batter. I pour the mix into a round baking pan, tapping it a bit to make sure it's even, before pushing it into the oven. naturally, I lick the whisk clean.
my phone buzzes in my pocket and I pull it out to see that Matthew's texted me.
on my way home now!
my heart stutters in my chest as I check the time. he's definitely early; he told me this morning that he wouldn't be at home until at least seven. my eyes flicker to the cake, over the messy kitchen, and back to my screen.
yep. can't wait to see you. followed by a series of heart emojis. I start to panic a little. this throws my whole schedule off; I was going to do my hair, pick up food from his favorite restaurant, set the table, litter the bed with rose petals. I wanted everything to be just right for him; it's the first time he's had a birthday with me.
and now he's going to come home to me with flour-dusted cheeks and a half-baked cake. I quickly clean the kitchen and wipe my face before running off to the bedroom, rifling through my closet for something nice. thank god I already showered this morning because there's no way I'd have time now. I find the dress I'd planned to wear, red and slinky and pretty, before dropping my clothes and changing right away.
truly, I move at the speed of light when I do my hair, scatter the rose petals, and call the restaurant to get our order started. we'll need to run out and get it, but Matthew likes going for walks, so that shouldn't be a problem.
the smell of chocolate wafts through the house while I tie an apron around my waist and get a bowl out of the cabinets. the cake needs to cool for a while, but I might as well get started on the frosting. who knows how long that'll take?
too damn long, apparently.
Matthew opens the front door while I'm halfway through my crumb coat, the soft green shade of the Rumple Buttercup colors coming along nicely. I start to panic a little when I hear his footsteps on the stairs.
"Y/N!" he calls out.
"kitchen!" I respond without moving. he probably shouldn't see the cake, but at this point it's too late. there's fluffy buttercream frosting and food coloring all over my apron. all I can do is wait patiently as he strolls into the room.
"what are you up to?" he sets his hand on my back, smiling.
"making your cake, birthday boy."
"mmm." he wraps a hand around my arm, drags it down while leaning his chin on my shoulder. "looks really nice so far."
"you like the color?" I ask.
"I do." he mumbles, starting to touch my waist. "what material is this?"
"you know I love that." he squeezes my waist and I have to resist the blush spreading up my cheeks. he's affectionate right now, and I want to resist, but it's hard.
"what're you doing?" I question playfully in response to the drifting of his fingers down my thighs.
"I'm excited to see you."
"I'm excited to see you, too, but we have a strict schedule tonight."
Matthew groans and drops his head into the space between my neck and shoulder. his hands don't leave my hips.
"why?" he whines.
"because I want you to have the best birthday ever." I smooth off the top of the cake, sighing when he digs his fingernails into me. it feels heavenly, and the featherlight kisses he's leveling on my jaw are making me woozy.
"making me wait?" he brushes over my ass, squeezing the flesh lightly. "that's cruel."
I laugh a little and swipe my finger through the frosting.
"try this and tell me if I'm still cruel."
he grabs my hand in both of his, sliding my index into his mouth and licking it off of me. my jaw drops in surprise before he pulls away and drops it. it's unbelievably sexy.
"that is really good." he smiles, then kisses my cheek in an alarmingly innocent manner. he knows what he's doing. "don't be a tease, darling."
"you--" I stutter, trying to regain my concentration. it's futile at this point; it isn't until he moves away from my body that I'm able to keep working on the cake. he only glances with a knowing smirk, walking around the counter to sit across from me.
"how was your day?"
"my day was jam-packed with planning for a little ingrate's birthday." I joke.
"I'm not an ingrate." he protests. one look at his pout and I feel guilty for teasing. standing on tiptoes, I lean over the counter and plant a kiss on his mouth.
"you're right, I'm sorry," I sigh. "I just had a whole plan and when you came home early, I didn't have time for all of it."
"what can I do?" he offers immediately. I scowl.
"you're not gonna help me prepare your birthday celebration, silly."
"but I wanna make it easier."
"you wanna make it easier?" I ask, the corners of my lips quirking up. he nods enthusiastically and I hold his gaze. "I need to go pick up our dinner, so you can walk with me."
"ooh, yes!" he leaps up in an almost child-like manner, coming around to my side again. I nuzzle into his shoulder as I finish piping the face onto the cake. he snorts when he sees the completed project. "is that Rumple?"
"shut up, it looks so bad." I complain. my body leans into his in defeat. even though I tried, Rumple looks like he's been possessed and exorcised in one sitting: he's got crazy eyes and a lopsided face.
"no, it's beautiful," he pecks the top of my head. "he's supposed to look funny."
all I can do is turn around and hug him, giggling at the absolute monstrosity that I've created. he wraps his arms around me tightly and we start to sway a little.
"I feel like Victor Frankenstein." I laugh. he untangles our bodies to tilt my chin up and look at him.
"you're way cuter." he rubs my nose with his own. I'm smiling so big, it hurts. he makes me so unbelievably happy, I can't imagine not being by his side. Matthew is the best boyfriend in the world, and I really want everything to live up to his expectations.
our fingers thread together briefly before we get ready to go pick up our food.
"I am literally going to combust." I giggle, throwing my napkin onto the table. red wax drips down the sides of the candle between us, and Matthew's eyes are starry as he watches me talk.
"good?" he asks.
"amazing. how was yours?"
"could barely get it down." he gestures to the empty plate. I throw my head back and laugh more than I should. Matthew frowns. "what?"
"that's such a dad joke."
"really?" he laughs along with me until we're both just smiling brightly at each other. I don't want to step too far; we've been dating under a year, still. but I see myself with Matthew forever. we've already moved in together; I've never felt so strongly as I feel for him, and I think that he feels it, too. in our bones.
"yes, but I like dad jokes."
"come here." he holds his arms out and I get up from the table, walking over to sit on his lap. he shifts so I can be more comfortable, and I place both hands on my stomach.
"I have such a food baby right now."
"do you?" he sets one hand over the bump. I lean my head into his shoulder, curling up a little. he starts to rub my tummy gently, holding me close while we sit in a relative quiet. "I like it."
"mmm." I hum, wrapping my arms around his neck. although he could easily turn this sexual, he doesn't. we just linger, breathing and letting our food settle. I really am full; the chances of me falling asleep are higher than not.
I ask Matthew to tell me more about his day as I sit there, and the rumble of his voice in his chest is soothing. as the candle wax drips further and further down, I watch it with lethargic eyes. I've had a hard year-- Matthew's made it better. he can read me like a book, and he listens like I've got all the answers in the world. I love him. and when I head to the kitchen to slice the cake, he follows me with his arms around my waist. we move like two people who have been together a long time, like we can anticipate the next person's movement down to the flicker of their eye contact, down to their step.
"I can't believe you have room for dessert." I grab a knife from the drawer, along with some plates. Matthew kisses my head.
"I've got room for multiple desserts."
"was that a sexual allusion or are you actually hungry?" I turn briefly to gauge his behavior. if he hasn't had enough to eat, I'll feel horrible. but he leans down to my ear. it still sends a shiver down my spine.
"definitely sexual," he smirks, then retreats. "let's do this, though, first. I want a piece of Rumple's eyeball."
"just get out the candles so I can do this for you." I push him away. he heads to the cupboard and returns with the pack of candles that I begin to spear into the cake. I only put in ten because there's not room for forty-one, but he doesn't seem to mind as I light them up individually.
"go sit down! you weren't even supposed to come in here." I laugh as I lift the dish into my arms and shoo him into the other room. Matthew gives me a sidelong look, smiling for an unknown reason, before following my orders.
he pretends to look surprised when I bring the thing out to him, mouth making a pleased O shape.
"wow!" he cheers.
"make a wish, then, my love." I tell him. he inhales deeply, then blows out the candles. one or two stragglers remain, their flames flickering before he tries again and snuffs them out. I clap my hands.
"happy birthday, baby!"
he grins at me and starts to pluck the candles out of the cake. "you didn't sing to me." he says.
"trust me, that was a gift in itself." I laugh before picking up the knife. "how big a slice do you want?"
Matthew seems to think for a second on this, squinting as he examines the thing.
"alright then." I cut an enormous hunk out, making sure to get one of the maddened eyeballs on it before sliding it onto the plate and giving it to him. "enjoy."
"oh, I will." before I can move to sit across from him, he reaches out and pulls me into his lap. I let out a surprised noise, but settle in anyway on his thigh while I cut my own slice of cake. we eat together.
"it's actually pretty good." I'm impressed with myself. sure, it's not a super complicated recipe. but I still did well. Matthew wraps his arm around my waist, one hand holding his plate while the other digs the fork in.
"it's amazing." he nods through a mouthful of food.
"how's the eye?"
"how you'd expect a vitreous humor to taste." he jokes, laughing as I elbow him in the ribs. "ow!" he complains. I swipe some of the frosting off the top of his slice and tap it over his nose. he wrinkles it at the sensation.
"maybe I'll just leave." I move to get up, but he keeps me in place. his little smile, so determined in its happiness, makes my heart soften. for all of his teasing, he's weak for me, and I love it. when I lean down a little to lick the icing off, he blushes.
"when can I have you?" he asks quietly, one hand resting on the top of my bare thigh. it tightens around my skin, growing more aware of my presence in his lap. I bite my lip and mull this over, subtly draw the hem of my dress up a bit just to tease him.
"I'm thinking..." this time, he lets me get up. my fingers slide through his, dragging him with me. "now."
Matthew gets an excited grin on his face before I spin around and lead him to the bedroom. a couple candles are burning, filling the room with a deep, sensual smell that he inhales as he stops in his tracks.
"did you put rose petals on our bed?" he chuckles, staring at me with his eyebrows raised in an adoring expression. I run my palms up his chest, stopping below his shoulders. I poke my tongue between my teeth as I smile.
"yes, I did."
"very romantic."
"is it?" I lift an eyebrow. it takes everything in me not to pounce on him right then.
"consider me seduced."
"if you ever use that word again, I'm calling this off." I laugh. he silences it in a kiss, eagerly gathering my body up in his arms as he tilts his head to deepen it. a slight moan slips through me, pleased with the gentle, innocent pleasure he elicits. he's softer than velvet. when he crushes the silk of my dress in his fist, lifting it over my ass so he can touch me without barriers, he groans.
"did I pay for this?" he rolls the fabric between his fingers.
"mhmm." I hum.
"good." his breath hitches when the zipper comes down easily, the garment falling to the floor and leaving me in brand new black lingerie. his eyes move hungrily over my body, pupils dilating further as he takes in the curves of my figure.
"this is new."
I twist around a bit, showing him the back as well, his grip on my waist loosening only to allow me this movement. "you like it?"
he groans. "I love it."
I want to start undressing him, greedy for the sight of his naked body, but he reaches down and lifts me into his arms, my legs wrapping around him while he carries me to the floral-covered mattress. I sink into a rosy paradise, almost give into the alluring sensations he causes with his fingertips over my skin.
he's between my legs, teeth seeking out collarbone and the swell of my chest. it would be so, so easy to remain here, pinned down and allowing him to let loose on me. every deliberate shadow on my body is like a sunburst. but I can't.
I grab his shoulders and yank him down next to me. he peers at me with a smile, wondering what I've got in store. the answer is too loaded to fit into one sentence, so I watch him move up the bed until he's resting his head on the pillow, my legs moving to straddle him.
"taking control?" he questions. he knows I don't usually like to be on top. instead of replying, I reach behind me and undo the clasps of my bra, sliding it from my arms before tossing it somewhere else. his eyes widen and he goes to grab at my tits, but I'm too quick. I lean down, unbuttoning his shirt and drawing my nails over his chest as I lower myself to his pants.
Matthew is silent, open-mouthed at the red marks I leave behind on his smooth skin. it's intoxicating for me, too, and I work quickly to tug his bottoms down his legs, the boxers with them. when his dick is released, I let him struggle through a moment of no contact.
"let me touch you." he goes to stroke himself. my gaze flickers between the length he's now gripping in his hand and the needy look on his face. I want to fuck him right now. every cell in my body aches for him, for the pleasure that so violently rips through my veins when he's inside.
"not yet." I betray myself, and his hips buck into empty air when he sees my torso so close to his erection. when I drop my head and lick up the underside, he lets go of himself and allows me to tease him. I pause at the tip, then hold the base while I spit on it.
"shit!" he grunts as I start to swirl my tongue around him. his fingers run through my hair. "suck on it, baby."
all I do is moan, the vibration torturing him. I peek up through my lashes and see the veins in his neck throbbing while he resists the urge to fuck my mouth. I soften and lower my head slowly, inch by inch swallowing his cock. he hits the back of my throat. the slight gag that runs through me makes him sigh. it's then that I tap his hand as our signal to push my head down.
Matthew loses it. he starts to shove my mouth onto him, fucking it, one hand reaching behind him to grab the top of the headboard while he groans.
"choke on it... fuck." he moans. there are tears in my eyes from the pressure, but I keep looking at him the whole time. he's gorgeous, mouth dropped open in ecstasy while he goes between rolling his eyes into the back of his head and staring with an intense desire.
every time I gag, he lets out an unholy noise and gets excited all over again, his hips moving to meet my lips until he's on the edge of falling apart. his cock twitches and I moan, but he's not willing to finish.
"get over here so I can fuck you." his voice is borderline raspy as he forces himself to release my head. I sit up and wipe the spit from my mouth, crawling on top of him again to leave some of my favorite marks on his neck. he's mine. every bite stands to prove it, and his quick breaths let me know that he's not going to wait much longer.
his fingertips hook in the waistband of my panties and he pushes them down my thighs, purses his lips while he watches me shimmy out of them. it's wonderful, seeing the disarray in his face whenever he catches sight of my naked form. he never knows where to touch first, moving over my breasts to my waist and hips down to my legs. like he's trying to blend our bodies together by simply drinking me in.
I tense when he reaches out and sinks two fingers into me. I'm so wet, it takes almost no pressure.
"fucking soaked, huh?" he smirks. my hands steady themselves on his shoulders as he starts to pump in and out of me. I groan.
"get inside, please." I murmur nearly incoherently. he starts to go faster, his cock throbbing against his stomach. but he wants me to squirm and beg.
"oh, so you've got demands?" he teases. his fingers curl in my pussy, brushing over my special spot, and I almost gasp at the pleasure. "after making me wait?"
"I just--" I start to defend myself, but it's fruitless. he guides my face down to his, whispering in my ear.
"let me guess: you just wanted me to have a good birthday?"
"yes." a choked, desperate reply.
"let me show you what kind of present I want, then." he removes his fingers and lines himself up at my entrance, pushing me all the way down before sliding the pads of his digits into my mouth. I lick them clean while I moan. his cock is so deep inside me, I can barely breathe.
the combined pressures between my hips and on my tongue, make me give up on drawing this out. it feels so good, I couldn't stop myself if I wanted to. I rise up a bit and sink onto him again, his jaw clenched at the sensation. he lets me do this a couple times and then pauses my actions.
"get on your hands and knees." he orders. I lift myself obediently, whining slightly at the loss of contact, before he sits up and switches positions so that he's kneeling behind. I wait patiently for him to do what he wants with me. he doesn't disappoint.
softly, he pushes my head down so that my cheek rests against the pillow while he slides in from the back. it's a completely different angle and I can barely handle the way he works through the tightness, his moans louder this time.
"thought you could sit on it and I would just let you?" he chuckles darkly, pulling out and moving in. my breath rattles in my chest at the repeated, delicious intrusions. my eyelids flutter shut while he keeps talking to me in that commanding, low tone. "you're my little slut."
the moan that comes from my lips is pathetic, like a mewl. he plows into me and my face presses into the mattress.
"such a perfect little pussy," his hands lure my hips to him while he groans at the new depths he keeps finding. "so responsive for me."
"faster, Matthew." I whine. although he's not going slow, I need more. the slam of his body against mine, from this angle, creates just short of enough friction for my clit. he follows my request, however, and fucks me at an insatiable pace.
"you like that?" he grunts. I literally don't have the mobility to nod, so I shove my ass back instead to take more. he bucks. "you feel so fucking good."
I whimper and he starts to stimulate my clit by reaching around, lowering himself a bit to do so. he keeps his arm pressed to my stomach so he can feel the bulge of his cock sliding in and out of me. "good girl. take it."
my fingertips fist the sheets and I whine as my orgasm approaches. he switches the pattern of pressure, finding what makes me fall apart fastest. I'm on the edge, my mouth dropping open in a silent cry. my hips start to move on their own, working against his cock as I moan his name and tumble into the abyss.
"Matthew, right there-- fuck me, fuck me--" I moan. he rams his hips so hard, the headboard slams the wall and he groans.
"you're gonna make me break you, baby." he warns. I bite my lip so hard that I almost puncture the skin, feeling like a planetary collision is occurring within my lower stomach. I'm coming up on a second climax.
"break me, then." I dare.
Matthew wraps his arm around my chest and brings me up so that I'm leaning against his chest while he whispers in my ear. "defiant little whores don't get my cum."
"but--" I complain, hips wriggling for more while he thrusts into me.
"apologize or I'll stop fucking you right now." he slows just to demonstrate the torture of not being inside me. I grasp at his hips to coax him, but he's determined. I take a shaky breath at the smooth, slow movements.
"I'm sorry." I beg. he reaches down and starts to play with my bundle of nerves again. as much as he wants to make me crash, he loves the way this feels, too.
"mmm," he hums while laying sloppy kisses along my neck. "good thing I wanna fill you up for being so sweet today."
his thrusts are uncontrolled and needy, rapid pushes between my legs that cause me to start shaking all over again. he rubs my clit and moans in my ear, spilling.
"I love you so much." he mumbles. the hand holding me to him squeezes one of my tits while I arch my spine and enjoy the slowing pace of our bodies. I moan his name.
"I love you, too." I'm in awe of how he changes for me, his attitude shifts whenever we're in bed. it's cosmic, how we fit together. and his withdrawal from my body causes both of us to collapse onto the bed with exhaustion.
I can only suck in air for a while. my limbs are like lead, in the best way.
"that was hot." he mutters. I turn to him, admiring his beautiful features, and nod lazily.
"a successful birthday, then?"
"after that cake? yeah." he scoffs jokingly and I giggle before curling into him. he traces his fingertips down my skin. "do you wanna take a shower?"
"I'm so tired." I groan. Matthew glances at me.
"I'm the one who just turned forty-one."
"shut up."
"come on, then. let's get you cleaned up."
he rises from the mattress, bringing me with him. a few stray rose petals flutter onto the ground.
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bakugohoex · 4 years
Ok, ok, here me out - I’ve got an idea for you to write. 🙌
How about the reader being a cam girl and Reiner watches her lives, and masturbates as he watches her poor abused cunt get wrecked by some fucking machines or something? And then they meet on the street somewhere, they communicate, and he just casually tells her that he watches her lives? 😗💅
Like, you don’t have to do this, butx my kinky shit self, has just been horny, lately, after reading your NSFW fics.
“hello boys and welcome to the show”
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pairing: reiner braun x female reader
cw: aged up, language and nsfw (camgirl, voyeurism, female masturbation, male masturbation, male receiving oral, kissing, spit play, sucking and biting, nipple play, daddy kink, corruption kink, choking, praise, bondage (if you can call it that), unprotected sex)
word count: 4900+
a/n: bro this took me like 3 hours to do what the fuck, i’m sorry as soon as i saw this request i had a need to do it, i swapped out the machine part for like a vibrator dildo cause i didn’t feel comfortable writing about machines lmao, hope you guys enjoy this piece of shittary, i’m going bed
summary: in which reiner has an infatuation with cam girl y/n, after one of her shows he finds himself meeting her, revealing her secret, y/n finds gratitude by giving reiner exactly what he’s wanted since watching her
↞ back to attack on titan masterlist
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A white robe encased your skin, the silk against your hairless body and the matching lingerie underneath, cupping your breasts and just skimming past your cunt. The camera flashed indicated it was on, it sat directly in front of the bed against the tripod with the ring light attached to it. The website was up in a matter of minutes, licking your lips you could almost taste the viewership that was about to join, all the money and gifts they had to give for your pretty show.
You tapped your finger along your keyboard, the stream starting at exactly 10pm, the rich men coming to see their fancy, the broke students needing something to satisfy them or the men who just wanted to see you and imagine that the show was just for them. A soft ribbon mask sat to the side of your desk, you stared at it hearing the clock tick away, the black coating the mask, with your mouth on show but your eyes behind the holes.
Undoing your hair, letting it fall onto your body you took a deep breathe, plastering the mask securely around your face. You let the robe open up, the tattoo that cascaded down your side on show, the smaller ones behind your ear and even the one on your ring finger was on show. But what man would notice these small intricate details, what man would drift their eyes away from your cunt to your neck or fingers. No man would, you were just a show, a show that they paid for to pleasure them when their girlfriends couldn’t.
Your alarm went off and in a matter of seconds the camera lighted red with the live show beginning. Taking a sharp breath you walked from the monitor screen, the comments flooding through to show yourself, to do what they wanted. Taking a sharp breath you knelt on the bed, your body being the only thing they could see across the white sheets.
Nobody would ever think the sweet Y/n was a cam girl, and who would you be the girl next door type, you’d find a boyfriend and live in a white picket fence neighbourhood. You were nothing like that, your knees beginning to part as the money and gifts flooded through the chat.
“Hello boys and welcome to the show.” You smirked out, the sound of your voice bringing in multiple comments and requests. “Thank you @babydolly/n for the gift, you want me to take this off.” You spoke sweetly putting up the presentation of a sweetheart.
Slowly taking the robe away from your body, the bra cupping your breasts and the underwear on show as your legs were now a part. “What should I do next Daddy?” You spoke to the viewers, an innocent yet seductive tone coming from your mouth.
More comments flooded through, wanting you to strip alongside with money and gifts. Thanking them you slowly unclipped your bra, letting your breasts perk up of being free from confinement. “My nipples are already so hard, daddy, I think I’ve been a bad girl.”
It was an act, an act that paid well and with more comments flooding through to touch and play with your tits. You had to comply, it was an income that you appreciated a lot, even with sleazy men on the other side you didn’t care. You wanted the money, the success of being a cam girl without an identity. You were known, yet so alone.
On the other side of your show, lube in hand as his hand clamped against his cock, the slick wrapping against his hardened cock. You weren’t even naked on the screen and yet he had gotten turned on, Reiner never meant to see your show, but Connie had sent a link for cam girls for laughs and now here he was. An addict to your body, every night coming to watch you, see how you called your viewers daddy, he imagined it was just him though, hating how you were others.
You spoke again after having played with your tits; the money being sent for you to remove your underwear. You could probably sell your underwear knowing your fans, “I’m already wet for you.”
The direct line you tried to have made you a lot more popular than you had ever expected. You knew why though, every moan and every movement you made was godlike, filled with lust and passion. You spoke directly to gain money, but your actions were for yourself, to need a release.
Reiner watched your slick drip down your fingers, the action of your legs spread gave him a view of your shaved pussy. He saw how the excessive wetness dripped down into your mouth, a soft moan coming from your lips. It was music to his ears, he had been pumping his length up and down slowly, wanting to enjoy the show and gave a release by the end of it.
The action of putting your fingers in your mouth had gained you more gifts and money, even with a mass audience, barely half ever gave money having already paid to subscribe so seeing no need to give extra stuff. You didn’t care knowing that those who did pay for extra stuff were giving unnecessary amounts of money.
“What should I put in myself today, daddy?” Your body was on show, a box filled with dildo’s and vibrators was placed to your side, going from the largest ones to the smallest ones. “A rippled vibrator.” You brought out the black vibrator, it was long in length and you had rarely used it on a show but seeing as more money had come through, how could you not comply.
Reiner’s eyes widened at the sight of your put the vibrator around your lips, it wasn’t even a real cock and still your licked and sucked on it as it was. Your fingers dipping between your folds, he could imagine how perfect your mouth would be across his own cock. His motions became quicker and firmed, his cock reddening due to the overstimulation with no release.
Your moans filled the camera, the vibrator being inserted into your wet cunt, your other hand had moved to cup your breast as you had put the vibrator setting on the highest one. Feeling as you let your body straddle it. Your cunt on the camera sending a shock throughout your body, it was all for the show but even then, you could gain your own release.
With your eyes shut and your legs trembling at the feeling of the vibrator inside your sore cunt, you caught a glimpse of the comments and gifts, they wanted to see you lie down with your cunt on show.
Reiner watched as your back hit the bed, your legs wide as the camera had view of your full cunt, your thighs spread and the black vibrator between your fingers moving up and down through your thick coat of slick. His hand moved up and down faster now, he was glad his roommate wasn’t home, the groans that filled the apartment were scarily loud.
He kept his rhythm with your own movement, he watched how your finger where your tattoo was covered in slick and saliva. He had noticed it for your very first show, an initial of some sorts but your life had been private never exposing who you were. Even your name could be a fake, he knew if he ever did meet you, he wouldn’t be able to resist you.
Your back arched as you continued thrusting the vibrations into your cunt, your other fingers moved to rub at your clit. For a show it was pretty tame compared to other cam girls you had seen, yours were just you and vibrators, but some had others, even inviting fans to play their sub.
You rubbed your clit, the camera flashing across your sweaty body. The room smelt of cum and sweat, it was gross but the sound of your moans engulphed the air more. With a coil filling up inside of you, you spoke again, “can I cum daddy?”
The comments flooding through of a yes, you knew what this meant, the men were at their own limit, having watched you for the past half an hour, strip and tease them. They wanted the release they had paid for, you rubbed faster and thrusted deeper. Moaning and groaning, your cunt was on show for the whole world to cum too.
Reiner saw how you moaned much more loudly, he had noticed how your pace quickened, his own pace on his cock had gotten faster. His ability to remain constant with you was impeccable, he moaned loudly as he watched your pace and force quicken.
You moaned a “daddy.” Just as Reiner moaned your name, cum dripped away from the vibrator it fell out of your cunt and had seeped out of your cunt and onto the bed sheets. You sat upright watching as the cum stuck to your thighs, your fingers sore from having rubbed at your clit and tits.
Reiner heard your final words, cum dripping from his cock and onto his palm. He regretted sitting at his desk and doing this, his pumping stopping as his cum dripped from his fingers and onto his thighs, he turned to watch your face on the screen, how you licked your lips probably tasting your sweat and cum. He thought of how he could ruin you, he could imagine hearing you call him daddy, not on a stupid stream but in real life. “I’ll see you tomorrow, daddy.”
You gave an innocent look before ending the stream, taking a heavy breathe, you felt sore and dirty, needing a shower. You took the mask off, putting your camera away and turning the monitor off. Leaving the guest bedroom you walked towards your own bedroom, the bedroom that was your safe place. The place where you weren’t camgirl Y/n or university student Y/n, the place where you were just Y/n.
Reiner hadn’t been able to sleep since your stream, hearing you talk, your whimpers and moans, even the look of the white cum gush from your cunt intoxicated his head. He needed more, having paid a subscription to you, he had never sent comments or gifts feeling it to be what every other man did. He wasn’t like those other men, he found himself on other websites where your streams had been recorded, spending another night, pumping and cumming just at the sight of you.
His alarm blared in the early mornings, he was late, of course he was late. He had just spent the entire night watching you cum over and over again. Cumming every time you cummed, he woke up in a sweat, needing to shower but knowing he’d been even more late. He didn’t care about deciding to miss the lecture and taking a long shower. Images of the show played through his head, images of how your mouth sucked at the vibrator. His hand went to his half erect cock, imagining your plump lips in the shower suck and glide your tongue against his length.
He could imagine how your hair would get wet and how even with the mask on you were the prettiest person alive. He could imagine how your tattoos would look like your hands were behind your back, he could imagine face fucking you. The cum dripping down your lips and how you’d meet his height and whisper in his ear how much you wanted him to fuck you.
Feeling himself cum again, the white liquid dripping down the drain. He knew he had to sort himself out before his next lecture, he couldn’t stay this horny mess. Even if you were attractive, he couldn’t continue his days thinking of fucking you, he needed a distraction. He thought of getting himself out there, going on dates, hooking up with girls. But every night he’d end up back watching your shows.
“Reiner, hurry up some of us have to pee.” The sound of Bertholdt banging at the door made Reiner’s infatuation with you stop. He quickly got out, the towel slinging across his waist as he saw the droplets fall across his abs and hair. He saw the hairs across his face, he had let it grow and hadn’t bothered shaving it since he turned 20.
Bertholdt quickly ran into the bathroom closing the door as Reiner walked out, going to his room, he tidied away the tissues and made the room smell less like he had cummed multiple times. Before leaving the apartment, he hated early morning lectures as much as he hated being interrupted but here he was walking into the coffee shop where Connie had told him to meet him for their next lecture.
He stood in line needing some coffee, his tired hazel eyes looking dull and gloomy. He looked ahead focusing on his surroundings, he noticed how the entire coffee shop was packed. Students everywhere, chatting, working, drinking and eating, noticed a spare seat in front of a girl, he thought it was his best bet to get the coffee and ask to sit in front whilst he waited for Connie.
You had gotten in early to your favourite coffee shop, sitting in one of the spare tables. You got your laptop out, taking soft sips of coffee as you checked your bank account. The money flooding into your account, you almost felt bad for the men who paid for your shows, they could easily gain the same thing from Pornhub or just go out and fuck girls. But they came to you and it felt almost too good to be true at how you had gained a viewership of fans.
You heard a cough up ahead, looking up into the tall blond. You gave a slightly confused look at him, “hi, could I take this seat whilst I wait for my friend?”
“I don’t see my name on it, go ahead.” You tried making a joke with the attractive blond who gave a soft chuckle.
He felt like he recognised your voice, the way you spoke with assertion and confidence. It felt so familiar but as he watched you go back to looking at your screen. He couldn’t see anything, “the name’s Reiner.”
“Y/n.” His face fell at hearing your name, the way your eyes perked up from the screen, facing the blonde. He couldn’t speak, it couldn’t be, you couldn’t be the woman he had been infatuated with for weeks now.
“Whoever you’re waiting for seems to be late.” You check your watch, seeing how the next lot of lectures were starting in five minutes.
Reiner didn’t pay attention to your comment instead seeing the tattoo that embellished your finger. “Nice tattoo.”
“Oh thanks, I have a couple.” You spoke not bothering to show him the other, he seemed on edge. His grip on the coffee cup tightening as he stared at you, he could recognise that tattoo from anyway. He had seen that finger pump right into your cunt, but you couldn’t be, you couldn’t have been this close to him, without him ever realising.
“Hey man, sorry I’m la…” Connie had waltzed in but had noticed both you and Reiner together, “oh hey Y/n, haven’t you got a lecture as well.”
“Professor cancelled, I thought I’d come here to relax.” You knew Connie from having met him in your first year, he had been a sweet kid but even then, sweet kids can end up tormenting others. Which had become his favourite thing.
“She wasn’t annoying you right?” You stuck your tongue out, Reiner felt at unease, could that same tongue have sucked your slick filled fingers.
Reiner shakes his head as Connie gestures for him to get up, “actually, go without me.” Connie didn’t bother questioning Reiner’s motives, instead leaving due to not wanting to be late.
“What about your lecture?” You questioned scratched the side of your neck, he could see the start of the black tattoo behind your ear. He had all the proof he needed to ask you the question that he had been dreading to ask.
He stared at you, with your eyes fixated on his own, it was uncomfortable, but he asked the question anyway, “are you camgirl Y/n?”
Your face flushed at the question, feeling uneasy. You began stuttering, “w…what?”
“Are you camgirl Y/n?” He repeated.
“I don’t know who that is.” You bit your lip, the same action you had done last night, he knew it was you.
“I don’t care if you are, I watch your videos.” He spoke with confidence.
You knew you had fans, but you had assumed them all to be old men or 18-year-olds who had control of their money. Not your friend's attractive friend, you felt insecure however, an attractive man like himself having watched you. “Pl…please don’t tell anybody.”
He hadn’t intended to make you feel uneasy as he tried to salvage the situation, “Y/n, I wouldn’t, you’re just really pretty y’know and your streams are umm.” He scratched the back of his head.
You shut your laptop facing him, “my streams are what?”
“You’re just perfect y’know, every part of you, I really like your tattoo on your side, and the birthmark you have as well. I read that you said you didn’t like your birthmarks and scars that you got as a kid, but I think they’re…perfect.” He didn’t know what got over him as he spoke about your body so freely.
But even then, you saw that he watched your streams to yes cum, but something more. To just see you, for you, an idea popped into your head, a bad idea but you were horny and alone. “My apartments 5 minutes away.”
He gave a confused look at your statement, you began to put your stuff in your bag, putting your coat on. Before bending down to meet his ear, “why don’t you come and fuck me, daddy?”
The words fell from your lips in a matter of seconds, if he was a friend of Connie’s he couldn’t be that bad and with him keeping your secret he deserved some sort of reward. Reiner’s eyes flashed, only a mere hour ago had he dreamt of those words coming from your mouth and now here you were ready for him.
“Unless you’re…” He interrupted, grabbing your wrist.
“Let’s go to yours.” The walk was silent, you seemed to live alone at how you easily dumped your stuff to the side. He walked inside taking his shoes off, as you dropped your coat to the side.
The reality of the situation had settled in, as he watched your uneasiness. You had invited a stranger to fuck you in the heat of the moment. You were about to speak but heard Reiner’s voice instead, “why don’t you go to your room?” His confidence had regained, after seeing how shy you had gotten and how the vibe from earlier of a sweetheart had washed away after the confession.
He wanted to take control, wanted to make you feel good. Wanted to hear you scream his name in real life and not on a screen. You nodded walking past the room that had all your recording stuff, he followed, noticing how nice your apartment was, almost inviting.
He walked into your room, he had expected to see the same dark room for your streams, but instead was met with your cream-coloured walls and potted plants everywhere. Pictures from your high school and university life, he could see how your room represented you, and as much as he hated to say it. He couldn’t wait to ruin it.
“Reiner…” You whispered as he came forward, he stood in between your legs, his large hand almost cupping your entire cheek.
“I’m not one of those rich fanboys who send you money when you spread your legs, now be a good girl and open wide.” Butterflies filled your stomach, his hand still cupping your entire face as your mouth opened up for him.
The sound of him gathering up spit in his mouth filled the air before he spat directly into your mouth, “swallow.” The early insecurity had gone and was filled with a dominance that made you even more turned on.
He watched as his saliva and spit flooded down your throat, the warm liquid mixing with your own saliva. His lips attached to your own, still standing tall against your frame, your hands were directly to where his cock was, and you could almost see the bulge through his jeans. His lips were rough as both his hands grabbed your face, it intoxicated your mouth as his tongue gliding against your own.
Soft moans filled the air before your hands reached to undo his jeans, he didn’t stop you letting you throw the belt away as the jeans fell to the floor. The huge indent made an impression as you almost gasped at the size, but Reiner’s mouth suppressed it all. He smirked knowing that even your vibrator and little toys were no match for his cock.
Your fingers skimmed across his boxer material; the feeling of his cock almost grazed back. He let go of your face, watching at how you caught your breath, before moving his fingers to the hem of your shirt. He lifted it above your head, seeing the breasts and tattoo he had seen on your show, it felt intimate, however. Like now he was the only person who should see you like this, he towered over you again before kneeling against the bed.
Our body encased as he looked down at you, his cock just skimming your stomach. “Pretty aren’t you, I can't wait to ruin you.” You response was cut off with a moan from his mouth attacking your neck, the sucking leaving you to moan his name. Which turned him on even more, he moved his mouth to your neck, undoing your own jeans to let them slide down your legs.
His mouth moved to just above your breasts, looking up to see your whimpering sight, “Rei…Reiner.” It was a much louder moan as his other hand had rubbed against your clothed cunt.
His other hand undid your bra chucking it to the door, as his cock rubbed against your cunt. The sensation almost makes you mewl and cower, “I want to s..suck your cock.” You whimpered out.
How could he ever refuse an offer like that, he took his shirt off in one slick movement. Your eyes on his chiselled abs and hairs that trailed his happy trail right down to his cock, he moved to lean against the pillow, the softness of your bed gulping his body. He watched as your breasts hung from your chest as you crawled towards his clothed cock. “Use those pretty lips of yours, baby.”
The sound of praise lifted your confidence as you removed his boxers allowing his cock to spring out in all its glory. The way the tip blushed and curved towards his abdomen made your mouth water, but most of all the sheer size of the veiny cock was monstrous to say the least.
Your tongue licked from the base upwards, the feeling of his precum dripped down your fingers and mouth, he gave a groan tilting his head back as he felt your lips wrap against his cock. He didn’t expect you to get the whole cock down your throat, but he wanted you to, he watched as barely half fit down your throat before you felt suffocated. But even then, feeling your tongue lick and wrap around his cock sent him into a frenzy. “Babyyyy” he gave a moan feeling his cock hit the back of your throat, he wanted to watch you struggle for a bit before he did anything.
“It’s…too big.” Your eyes had watered from the feeling of being stuffed.
“It’ll fit.” Was all he sent grabbing your hair in a fish and pushing your head down onto his cock. Tears welled up at how your nose reached lower and lower almost touching the base, his lifting of your head allowed for minimal time to breath. But the groans and moans were what made it ever more satisfying, he continued using your mouth, his grip tightening occasionally. Before his whole cock fit directly to the back of  your throat, the way he could almost see it in your throat and how well you had done made him cum on the spot.
Cum shooted down your throat with a moan of your name coming from his lips, he watched as you swallowed the saltiness down your throat. He brought his fingers to wipe away the cum that had dripped down to your chin, “suck.” His fingers went into your mouth as you sucked to taste the saltiness mix with the taste of his fingers.
“Fuck me.” You moaned through the sucking; his other hand having gone to remove your underwear.
He saw your bare form for the first time in real life, it wasn’t a show or in his head. You were here in front of him, you were real, and you wanted him to fuck you. He grabbed your waist turning you over to make your body press against the bed, your ass perked up right away. Up for his cock to slam into it, you felt one hand press against your head pushing your face downwards as the other went to your hands grabbing them to put them behind your back.
His cock skimmed back and forth before he slammed into your tight walls, a loud moan erupting from your mouth. “Fast…faster, daddy.”
Even with your face against the bed you were still a mess, “fuck, you’re so tight.” He had gotten half his cock in your cunt before he began thrusting, a sensation sending vibrations down your body and bed. He continued thrusting each time adding more of his cock into your slick filled hole. “Taking me so well, good girl.” He groaned out; it was heaven to your ears. Even with the feeling of being bound by his hands you felt like this moment was more intimate than any sexual experience you had experienced.
“Fuck.” He repeated throughout each thrust, he had let go of your head, letting your give out more freer moans at every thrust through the slick. His hand moving to your neck, grabbing it with a strong hold. He grasped it letting moans fall from your lips before tightening his grip, your head was up in the air and with each thrust his base seemed to meet your tortured cunt. “Who does this cunt belong to?”
“Y…you, daddy.” You moaned, he saw how dishevelled your hair had gotten, how it was moan after moan, it was unlike the shows where your moans would be filled with just fucks and daddy. You were more vocal, more vocal for him.
His cock had reached the back of your uterus, knowing how after a couple more thrusts he’d be ready to cum in your pretty cunt. “Cu…cum.” You whimpered, he let go of your neck, his hand moving to move your hair away from your face. Even with his kneeling position he was in great view to see the beauty you held within each whimper and moan.
“You're going to cum right on my cock.” He groaned out, “fuck baby, come on do it, cum right on my cock.”
You felt the coil release from your cunt, letting the white gush from you and onto his cock, the cum let him more easily slide back and forth into your own cunt. Before feeling his own sensation relieve him, his cum filling your cunt in a matter of seconds.
He got out of you, dropping his head beside you. Your cunt filled and body sore from his grip, he watched as you tried to get up, but wobbled as you stood, cum dripping down your thighs and legs. “Clean yourself up later.” He muttered, bringing an arm around his neck as he watched you try to move.
“You could’ve warned me about that before.” You pointed to his cock after seeing him chuckle at your struggle. Giving up on movement, your suffocated cunt and you almost waddled back to the bed.
Collapsing right beside Reiner, his arm moving to your waist as he brought you closer. “We should do this again, sometime?” He proposed, he didn’t want to be fuck buddies, but you might still see him as some fan you needed to repay.
“We should go on a date.” You muttered quietly, resting your head against his chest.
His eyes widened at the comment, “a date?”
“You have been on one before, two people go out to get to know each other, might even fuck after, we did it in the wrong order, but I know this Sushi place.” Your eyes were shut as you rambled on.
He looked down at your perfect figure, the way you clinged onto his chest, his arm around you security. The sweaty hairs sticking your face and god that smile that could melt a man, you wanted more from him, he wasn’t just a fan anymore and you definitely weren’t the cam girl anymore. Taking a sharp breath he spoke the words that started the future of you two together “I’d like that.”
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limitlessgojo · 3 years
Blood Bound: Blackened Bond (Ch 16)
Warnings: Action, Coarse Language, Fighting, Descriptions of Blood, Death, Gore, Japanese Mythical Folklore, No Major Character Death
Previous Chapter: 土御門天皇 (Tsuchimikado)
Next Chapter: Inferno: Flames of Hell
Word Count: 3.3k
Tags: Kamo Noritoshi x Reader, Soulmates AU, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Fem!Reader
Taglist: @lessie-oxj @rizzo-nero @whoreuc @fkngkumiko @isl3t @gojoussunglasses @onepotatostand-blog @s-t-f-u-b-i-t-c-h @sunaswife @lordguameow @track5enthusiast @nayydoesthings
Notes: If you want to be tagged for every update, and specify if you're okay with NSFW posts or not, please mention it in the comments below ty ❤
This chapter is LONG, a lot longer than I expected haha, happy reading!
Chapter 16: Non-Standard
Noritoshi was in a shitty mood to say the least. He went home to his clan immediately after getting a summon. The clan head had discussed their stance on the upcoming war and is readying their jujutsu sorcerers for battle.
His half-brother had made a not too subtle snarky remark about you. "You've already gotten yourself a woman? Wonder if she even likes you. I'm willing to bet Homura's cuter than her." Secretly his brother was curious about you, having heard about your special grade status.
Noritoshi steeled himself, knowing his brother's playboy tendencies at his school.
"That's enough. I am quite serious about her, so don't even think of taking her."
He watched his brother shut up upon seeing him like this and left him hanging.
'Heeehhh? That Noritoshi is actually interested in someone? Interesting…'
Other serious matters aside, his father, as usual, asked about you, only for him to find out you've both gotten into an argument.
The head of the Kamo clan only raised an eyebrow. "That’s normal for every couple."
Noritoshi kept his temper at bay. But he couldn't help resenting his phone call with his father that day. If his father was less controlling and obsessive over their clan status, maybe it would have gone better.
No... He was also influenced by the elders. Ashamed as Noritoshi was to acknowledge it himself.
“We… broke up…”
At that, his father shuts his eyes, mood obviously souring.
"You are literally a fated pair, how is that even possible? *sigh* If it proves too difficult with her… well we had that list of marriage partners set up for you. Homura has made it quite clear she and her family would be very delighted to assimilate with ours."
Is this what Noritoshi wanted? A woman who obviously flirted with him as she lusted for power? No, he wanted you, who never inquired about his status. Just about his family, his mom, dad and half siblings.
You made it very clear you were worried about his family's well-being. And whether they would like you or not. You want him to meet yours. You never even asked him for a gift or much favors. (Though he had a feeling your family was pretty well off, based on your clothes and jewellery.)
And he loved the fact that he could breathe like a regular teenage guy around you. The only thing you’ve requested from him so far was honesty and transparency.
"No. That won't be needed. Y/N is mine. She is the only one for me." He spoke slowly and clearly. This is the first time he actually disagreed with his father. He'd lose his sanity without you.
"I expected as much, I've never seen you this determined about something before. Soulmates are so complicated." His father sighed out. "Do as you wish. It isn't wise for me or the elders to interfere with something as sacred and ancient as this soulbond you share with her anyways."
Noritoshi felt himself earn a small win at that. He was growing a backbone. "Thank you father."
“However! You cannot force her to love you back. Surely you know this. If you don’t get married by the age of 25, as per our clan tradition I’ll have you set up with another woman.”
Noritoshi inwardly sighed, resigned to his fate.
Needless to say, you trained like a demon as the eve of Christmas quickly approached. Nobody dared come 10 feet near you as you perfected your Blizzard and Tornado techniques. It was normal to hear the crack of a sonic boom and see flashes of lightning around you.
You were hesitant to use your cursed technique reversal. You barely use flames and Inferno in general, but it can't be helped. But now you hold a pack of matches in your hand.
You lit a match and manipulated the flames. It danced dangerously around your fingers before you moved it from one hand to the other.
You were doing well. Spending a lot of time here on campus helped you to control your emotions and not let anger fuel your cursed energy like you did when you were younger. Those were such bad habits.
A wheel of flame circled in front of you. Very clean and stable. All of the sudden, a strong whirl of wind and empty space extinguished the flames like a vacuum … Only one other person in Japan is capable of doing that other than you.
You turned your head to the side and saw an incredibly tall man with snow white hair and a pair of sunglasses approached you. His bright baby blue eyes gently twinkling and peeking over the rims of his shades.
“Satoru nii, it’s been a while. Why visit me now?” You tiredly asked. He came up just a few inches away from you, staring down at you.
“I got a call from Hiroki. I’m here to help you with your special cursed techniques. It’s time, you’ve stopped holding yourself back Neko-chan.” He leered down with his trademark grin.
You spend the entire afternoon getting pushed around by Satoru. This man was crazy strong. He kicked you against a tree. “OOF” you heaved.
"You avoid using Inferno. Is it because of your childhood trauma? I'm not shaming you but it's something you need to overcome."
You frowned at his words.
"You only have today to train with me y/n! Aren’t you honored I went out of my way from Tokyo to Kyoto?”
"Like hell I am."
“You’re not using the full extent of your cursed techniques. That power is your one true ally in this world. Trust it a bit more. Apart from your soulmate anyways, but I can see you and Noritoshi aren't exactly swell right now." Your eye twitched at that statement.
Satoru eyed the broken strands of red ropes that floated around you. Not a good sign. It was reaching out to the distance. Maybe to where Noritoshi is huh, Satoru wondered. Until he spotted one thin string, still very much intact and alive. He grinned.
‘This prick and his fucking special eye abilities’, you grumbled. He hit your back hard, “What bad language you have. Imma straighten you up today kitteeeen~”
He pranced around you and squatted to lean down to your level.
"But seriously, you say you want to get strong but you fear your own power kitten. Don't do that." Satoru pointed straight at your eyes. “Remove the fear of hurting the people around you. Because you’re literally fighting to protect the ones you love, focus instead on harnessing your cursed energy to fight. Your messed up emotions could cost you a fight, even your life. Doesn’t matter if you’re a special grade like me. At this rate you won’t catch up to me.”
You slumped to the ground in defeat.
“To be honest, I feel like my growth has stunted. I don’t know if it’s the lack of powerful opponents I’ve had lately.”
He sighed out so loudly and obnoxiously that your anger flared up at him. “Thaaat’s what I kept telling you. You shoulda come to Tokyo Jujutsu instead of here! 100% I would enjoy teaching you and I mean it. I could teach you ya know, and Yuuta is there as well. Another Special Grade, although his circumstances are quite unique and with the way he is right now, you have a better chance at beating him one-on-one since he’s a newbie to this world. And yet you kept saying you wanted to be here for your family.” He shook his head.
You felt as though your head cleared up all of a sudden. “Because I was here…. I was meant to be here. Satoru. I know it deep in my soul. Because I met Noritoshi and…. “ Your heart throbbed so loudly you heard it in your ears. A deep pain stabbed into you.
Ah right. You said you were over him. You broke up with him weeks ago.
“And? You’re not together anymore. Figure out your heart and I could let you reconsider transferring to Tokyo Jujutsu High you know?” He said with a frown.
Why does the idea of leaving Noritoshi behind feeling like you were carving your heart out? He isn’t anything to you anymore and yet…
No. Enough of this. You’re here to train and fight that curse that killed Sora. Your emotions were all over the place. Satoru came up to you and wiped your tears off your face.
“What are you doing to yourself y/n? Don’t lie to yourself. I thought you wanted to live life as honestly as possible.” Even Satoru looked concerned and troubled over your state.
You gulped. “Yeah you’re right. I told myself I wanted to get stronger and protect the ones I love. Now I’m just running away. Noritoshi at least has been trying to reach out to me, but I shut him down.” Your heart is hurting.
Satoru stared at you and the cursed energy that was rapidly pulsing around you. Then grinned. “Then... Fight me one-on-one right here right now. Let’s make sure to keep the damages to a minimum and take care of the buildings. All the other students are still here on campus. Sky's the limit since both of us can move well in mid-air. I want to see you control your emotions and fight me properly. I’ll hold back.” He said.
You took a deep breath and looked back up. “Challenge accepted.”
You’ve envisioned this countless times. You wanted to see how you could match-up against Satoru and all his years of experience. You weren’t expecting to win, but you were not going down without a fight. Your cursed technique is actually a good matchup for his.
You can manipulate molecules. Though you suspect his control is on an atomic level, and thus could overpower yours due to his finesse and 6 eyes. But you could at the very least try.
Satoru, on the other hand, already knew of your potential. 'She is the only one I know who can actually touch and surpass me, given that she can control gravity and condense molecules. It will come down to timing and refining techniques.'
“Give me 5 minutes to suit up.” You asked. He agreed. You flew to your room and eyed the katana of your father. He actually planned to give it to Sora when she turns 16. But due to her death, he gave it to you instead on your 16th.
The name was Kintsugi, because it was made of two halves before being welded together in the centre with high grade steel. The center has a core of a fine diamond dust that’s infused with cursed energy. It’s a grade 1 special tool that multiplies the cursed energy you put into it by 10.
“Don’t break it. Don’t break it…. But It’s Satoru I’m going against. It will break.” And so you put it back and instead reached for your best twin blades and metallic whip. You coiled it around your wrist like a bangle, before flying back to Satoru.
“Done preparing, kitten?” He had removed his sunglasses and his blue eyes were out wide open as they assessed your cursed technique.
“Yep!” You yelled. “Ah Toru, shouldn’t we inform the elders or Utahime sensei that we-”
He didn’t give you time to speak as he appeared in front of you all of the sudden. Rushing with a right hook. You quickly dodged. He kept his word and is going easy on you at least.
You exchanged a few blows with him, both his limitless and your spacial barrier active so technically, no hits were landed.
Until you warped the space and forced the molecules around them to retract, making you actually reach and hit him.
He must have expected the solid punch, because in return, he kicked you as he warped off your spacial barrier. You eyed him as you regrouped. It’s anyone’s game huh.
“You’re still holding back! Are you going to be like this in a real battle? Are you okay with staying weak? Or do you have to wait for someone special to die before you ignite?!”
Oh no he didn’t. Your emotions raged, and you tried to calm them down. But all you saw was blood red. You never felt this angry at Satoru before. Before you knew it, you had activated inferno, making the entire surrounding area, which Satoru was in, combust and burn up in flames.
You lit up a match and pulled the flames on the ground and trees towards your smaller flame and held a massive ball of fire. Satoru was gone, it was only soot on the ground. You looked up to see him hurtling down at you.
You barely dodged, before wrapping the flames around you as you used it to strike at him repeatedly. You both rose up higher and higher into the air.
“Special art: Goldenrod,” you shot a bolt of lightning at Satoru only for him to dodge it. “Don’t just shoot it from your hands! Electricity is a current! You can make it run through your entire body!” He yelled as you both spiraled and fought over the campus.
He had the energy to teach you while you were fighting. You scoffed, but listened carefully, generating electricity in your hands before letting it wrap around you.
You were both dodging and striking at each other with such power. The trees swayed violently as winds and rubble were thrown about.
“What on earth…” Noritoshi and the other students stared at the flashes of fire, lightning, and wind above the campus.
The sky darkened. Good. If you had water, that was another asset.
He must have realized this as he immediately activated his Cursed Technique: Reversal. “Red.” You were forced back, plummeting to the ground. You swiftly turned and saw Miwa and Mai staring at you with horror.
You pulled yourself up back into the sky, still filled with fire and lightning, narrowly missing the building. You twisted your fingers to the side. The flames turned into the shape of the Dragon and you whipped back to hit Satoru from the front while your dragon of flame hit him from behind.
He danced around your attacks, teleporting from one area to the next to dodge them.
He then easily extinguished your flames with a flick of his wrist, but your lightning stayed. He can’t extinguish it, because it was coursing through your body, constantly moving.
You both stood, hundreds of feet high above the Kyoto Campus in midair. Lightning flashed above and winds howled.
You’ve never been pushed this hard your entire life. Not with Hiroki. Not with Todo. But Satoru was really on another level of strong. Unbreakable like a monster. He didn’t feel human anymore.
You tried for a Mach Speed hit, which you’ve never tried on anyone else; it would kill them on impact. “Mach 3.5” There was a loud BANG!
Going at Mach Speed has its limits of course. You can afford to do Mach 1, 5 times a day. Mach 2, 3 times, and Mach 4 only once.
A huge cone of smoke formed behind you as you launched yourself at Satoru. He was still able to evade you, but you pointed one hand to him, quickly following up on another attack.
“Fubuki.” Your blizzard technique was a combination of Niflheim and Tatsumaki. Cold air whipped around you and you thrust it towards Satoru. A mini tornado has formed around you and it pushed and pulled widely. But you were in the eye of the storm.
Satoru dodged your winds, but couldn’t escape them all, wincing as some small ice shards cut into his skin. He attracted debris and rocks towards you. One caught on your shoulder, making you yell in pain, but the rest you were able to guard against with your winds.
He immediately closed in on you to prevent you from doing another full blast and punched with ‘Red’. You countered with a roundhouse kick supercharged with your blizzard and lightning, neutralising his infinity jujutsu with a bit of mixed gravity control.
A huge gust of whirlwind was emitted from the impact, forcing everyone on campus down to the ground.
“GOJO! TSUCHIMIKADO! STOP THIS!” Utahime was screaming at the top of her lungs, still heard over the roar of thunderclap.
You both looked at each other and knew it had to end soon. Rain was starting to fall.
He threw his back and laughed out loud. “I hadn’t had this much fun in ages. You’ve grown really strong. Stop me if you can.” And flew away from the buildings and into the surrounding forest. You whipped your tornado around you and quickly followed him.
All the other students that had been watching you go at it followed. Utahime did as well. They stood from a distance as both of you exchanged more hits.
You lit another match and let arrows made of flames rain on Satoru, weakening his limitless barrier as much as you could. Only one arrow slightly singed his sleeve. Damn he was good.
Satoru attracted your body with “Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue.” You felt like your insides were tearing as you tried to stop his force. But his limitless technique easily overpowered yours. You let go and rushed towards him with both your swords out.
He easily sidestepped and kicked them out of your grasp. The hit was so heavy, even though it hit your swords, you felt the force reverberate throughout your body.
Satoru grabbed your neck from behind, and for the very first time since you were awarded the Special Grade Jujutsushi status, you were forced down onto the ground.
You used your cursed technique to soften the blow as much as possible, but Satoru was relentless as he slammed you head-first down onto the grass.
Everyone winced as you hit the ground hard. "He's not human." Mai said. Everyone agreed, not used to seeing you at the mercy of another party like this. They were reminded of who exactly was the strongest sorcerer alive.
In order to win against Satoru, your goal was to touch him and move past his limitless barrier. Even if it’s just for a moment. You couldn’t use Niflheim or Inferno from afar. He would remain unaffected as he guards and stops the change in movement of molecules around him.
But now his hand was around your neck. Your twin blades suddenly rush to close in around his neck in an x position to gather his attention, while you use your technique to warp the space around his hand to weaken limitless and hold onto him.
You lashed out with your metallic whip, letting your cursed technique run through it. It worked and scratched his cheek a bit.
"Enhanced gravity: Output 30%", the ground cracked underneath the both of you as a massive weight pressed down. And then you shocked both Satoru and yourself with the lightning coursing through you. Screaming at the pain in the process.
He gritted his teeth as volts shocked his bones.
Utahime and the others stared at both of you. "What a huge amount of cursed energy." Todo said in awe. "Non-standard Jujutsu users are insane."
Satoru still had the strength to hit your lower back which caused you to heave out and stop Goldenrod from activating. Both of your clothes were literally toasted. “Haha. You’re a scary one y/n.”
That’s all you remembered before you passed out; you were out of cursed energy.
Noritoshi rushed over to take you in his arms. Pulling your unconscious body close to his, he gave you a once-over. You had just fainted from exhaustion, there were no serious injuries. Good.
"Noritoshi," Satoru called.
"Yes, Gojo San?"
"Take care of her for me please."
He straightened up, "Of course. There’s no need to ask that from me." He then carried you to the infirmary, holding you gently in his arms.
Blood Bound: Table of Contents
Author's Notes: Me writing this entire scene: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!! (x100)
Y/n was able to fight on par with Satoru, because he chose to limit his cursed energy output and match his skills to her level. A psychokinesis cursed technique would be a natural enemy for limitless since you can condense and expand space between molecules. But you still lack experience in battle. And if we were going to talk about Domains, Satoru would dominate the battle.
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tobioslune · 3 years
liquid courage
Paring: Iwaizumi Hajime x gn!reader
Genre : fluff, comfort? college au kinda, best friends to lovers, mutual pining, Iwaizumi being soft and a simp
Warnings? : implied drinking, (aged up), cursing (from the lyrics), a little smooch 
a/n: This is a draft i started in january but things happened that made me leave it for about like four months lol (if u wanna know what happened while i was writing this you can read it here lol also you could see how i wrote / continued writing it here ) but! im finally finished and im pretty proud of it even though its lowkey all over the place :>> please do check out the song bc it slaps and it’s really good lol okay that’s all for now hope you enjoy <3 (last notee: likes and reblogs are really appreciated!!)
▶ now playing : drunk - dijon 
You and Iwaizumi have been close friends since highschool, and feelings may have been caught during that time. With the reason of not wanting to ruin the relationship you’ve built with him, you tried to brush it off. And like every other trope where you fall for your best friend you expected that he wouldn’t feel the same way.
Surprisingly both of you ended up going to the same university, and you were able to hang out and keep in touch with each other. Everytime you think you’ve set those feelings aside, whenever some romantic tension presents itself, it bubbles up inside all over again. Like an annoying weed that keeps coming back no matter how hard you try to get rid of it. 
School and other work has been pressing on you for the past few months and you just keep getting into a slump. No matter how hard you try, you find yourself in the same place you were over and over again. Iwaizumi noticed this and really tried his best to help but he’s also caught up with a ton of things. 
O baby, I’m lonely and I’m fucked up by myself
 Could uu come here?!  
It was 1am on a Saturday and Mattsun called you. You were working on an essay and it was super unexpected. It was able to shake you from the somewhat trance you were in while trying to think.
“Hey y/n-san I’m so sorry to call you at such a late time and most probably not so nice notice, but is it okay if you pick-up Hajime here at our usual place? Hanamaki and the others have already left and theres a paper I need to take care of, and you’re the only one I could think of.”
“Oh, it’s okay. Did Hajime drink too much like last time?” You think to yourself, ‘How stubborn, I’ve told him last time to be mindful of how much he takes because of his low tolerance’  You found the thought quite amusing.
“He sure has. When will you be able to get here by the way?” Mattsun replies.
“Give me about 15 minutes, it’s not so far from where I live anyways. Can you keep him company for a little while longer?” you tell him. This would be able to get your mind off the stress and exhaustion you’re in hopefully for a little while. Besides you haven’t met him in person for about month so it would be nice to see him again.
“Yeahh I can do that. Thanks again by the way y/n.”
“Suree, anytime. Okay see you in a bit, bye”
The train stations are already closed at this time, and it would be too much of a hassle to take a cab to and from where he lives so it probably would be best that he crash at your place instead.
You straighten a few things up in your apartment and proceed to grab a jacket, your keys, wallet and your phone, placing it into a small purse. As you closed the door you could already feel a rush of cold air surrounding you.
The walk there was quite refreshing and you felt much better than you did earlier. As you arrived there you could see Mattsun waiting in front. You smiled as you walked toward him. It took him a couple seconds to recognize you as you came into view. 
“Heyy, hope I didn’t take too long” you said as you greeted him with a hug. 
“No, it’s all good you actually arrived faster than I expected”, Mattsun replies returning your smile. 
“He’s inside by the way.” gesturing with the back of his thumb.
“Okay, I’ll go take care of it from here” 
“Thanks again, apologies if it interrupted anything important.” 
“Like I said, it's alright! I got it.” you assure him.
You both bid your goodbyes and you make your way inside the homey bar. There he was, head resting on his right hand and glass of water in the other. You figured he sobered up at least a little bit. 
You let out an amused sigh, “Oh Haj, I’ve told you a couple of times last time to watch it, right?” You took a seat in front of him, leaning your head on your hand. He laughed a little at the statement made. “Sorry y/n, got a bit caught up and forgot.” 
Letting out a low hum you respond, “Anyways, ready to go?” 
“Yeah just give me a moment.” His head was still pounding from the drinks.
I’M WASTING and I’m anxious; I’m fading from myself… 
You placed his arm around your shoulder in an attempt to keep him upright and stable as you walk. Compared to him he was obviously heavier making it difficult for you to even make it to the door, you were basically stumbling out, but somehow you were able to manage and he was at least trying to cooperate even when everything was practically hazy for him in that moment.
You fell for him, and little did you know he did too. You’ve known Hajime as reserved, reliable, firm, caring and surprisingly stubborn at times. He knew that if he told his friends and teammates they would tease him and make it more obvious that's why he kept it in a never said a word. 
He liked you, he liked you so much, but sometimes you just seemed so out of reach to him. Loved by almost everyone, you were beautiful, charming and just overall amazing to him. There were times where he really tried to deny his feelings, his emotions, toward you but whenever another guy would be around you he just can’t help but want you all to himself.
As school progressed your schedule became more hectic and your assignments started to pile up. It felt like an endless mess and an inevitable disaster. He saw how stressed you were but he felt a bit helpless because he didn't know what to do. He couldn’t really help you because of your different courses and besides he wouldn’t even know what to do. As time went on your hangouts became lesser and lesser and sometimes you'd even be too busy or even too tired to chat with him. You would try making plans but your group mates would suddenly set up meetings or deadlines would abruptly be sent and given. 
Although he has tried reaching out, because of how busy you were he was left alone with his thoughts and feelings and he tried to make sense of how he really felt. He wanted to avoid thinking of you but that became difficult for him when almost everything reminded him of you…
“They would have liked this..”, “I should probably ask if they ate.”,  “This would be such a nice gift for y/n.”,  “I wonder what they would think of this.”, it just felt like never ending thoughts of you.
When Matsukawa and the rest of the old team from Seijoh offered him to hang out and catch up he couldn't say no. By going he would be able to hang out with them and it would hopefully be a distraction to help get you off his mind. He knew you were busy and in his head he thought that maybe you didn't like him the say he does. You ran circles around his mind and at time he’s just feel so conflicted and confused.
In the end he got wasted, he felt faded, and just wanted to feel ok. He accidentally ended up telling the boys out of frustration that he had feelings for someone which left him with mixed emotions at times. They found this quite surprising because who would get him so hung up and drunk like that.
COULD U COME HERE?! And say u’ll stay the night 
Although you reminded him last time you went drinking to watch his intake you were still shocked that he was so drunk he could barely think straight. The cold air and silence filled the walk and everything in some way felt alright. You felt at peace and his presence made everything feel comfortable even if you were practically carrying him.
He sighs, “Hey I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess I accidentally let myself go back there again.” 
“It's ok, I mean that's bound to happen to everyone at some point I've got you  don't worry it's fine.” you respond.
“Where are we going, by the way?” He asks.
“I'm taking you back to my place, I mean if you don't mind. The subways are closed and the taxis are hard to come by at this time.” 
“Oh ok, it's fine, I mean I have nowhere else to go to anyways and I don't really mind,”  He says with a flustered laugh.
As you keep walking you pass by a convenience store you both frequently used to hang out at when your schedules weren't so busy.
“Hey Haj, we should stop there for a while just so you could sober up a little more. Also I’m a bit hungry anyway,”  you suggest.
“Yeah good idea, besides you must be kind of tired trying to carry me around for this long.”
You both make your way to the convenience store and you tell him to sit outside while you buy something for the both of you.
 Cause it’s been a while, since I've seen u smiling! O baby, could u come down? I think I’m freaking out! And I’m drunk! 
You step inside and the warmth of the shop embraces you. You then proceed to get some meat buns, and two coffees. As you go to pay you take a glimpse outside to check up on Iwaizumi and to your surprise he was already looking at you. You quickly turn away and you feel a small blush attempting to creep up on your face, but you shake the thought away as you make it to the counter.
You finish paying and walk over to where Iwaizumi is sitting and you place the food down on the table. Handing over a meat bun and a coffee to him, you sit down and sigh in satisfaction as you bite into yours. Somewhat comfortable silence fills the space and you absentmindedly process everything that happened.
“So, how was the hang out with the guys? I haven't seen them in so long. You sure must’ve had fun...” You say in the hopes of making things a little less awkward and quiet.
“Oh yeah it was great.” He replies with his mouth still with food, you laugh and he continues after he finally swallows what he was eating.
“Yeah it was really fun, we got to catch up on a lot and they're doing pretty great I must say. You should come next time, I mean when you're not busy. I miss our hangouts, you know...” 
“Is this not a hangout?” You humorously ask.
“I mean, it is but I'm saying we should hang out more when you're not busy and when I'm not drunk.”  He says with a laugh.
“Yeah we totally should.“ You say with a smile.
“So anyways, how's life?” 
“Well I mean I'm doing ok, but overall just really stressed. Work and papers have been piling up and my head has been pounding for like weeks or maybe even just days you know, but I guess I'm doing fine.” Giving a small laugh to lighten the statement.
“Yeah the workloads really suck right now, they're crazy. But I'm here for you if you need anything even if I don’t really understand a thing from your subjects.”
“Yeah, I know.” You say giving him a reassuring grin.
You both take a brief pause when he suddenly brings up an old inside joke you both had when you were younger. You spend about an hour reliving memories, throwing around jokes, teasing each other and laughing a lot.
Sighing into a smile he says, “I really miss this. It's been a while since I've seen you smile like that.” 
“Yeah I missed our hangouts like these, this feels so great and nostalgic in a way.”
And I don’t think I can beat it, I’m paralyzed, I’m terrified of being alone!
You both clean up and start to continue your walk back to your place. All the stress you’ve been feeling earlier feels as if it has left and you feel relieved. As you both near your apartment complex, Iwaizumi stops making you turn back.
“Hey, you okay?” You ask.
“Yeah I’m good.” You then proceed to turn around, but he suddenly continues.
“Listen I need to tell you something, and I need you to promise me that we’re still going to be ok even as friends afterwards.” He says with a slight seriousness on his face
“Yeah, you can tell me anything I promise I'll still stay. I mean unless you're a criminal and you're gonna kill me.” You joke. Moving closer to him you prepare yourself a bit for whatever he would say.  “So what's up?”
He takes a breath, “I like you y/n -san.... and I'm really sorry if you don’t like me after this or if this makes anything awkward or if I made you uncomfortable in any way. I've liked you since high school and I was too scared to say anything because I thought you liked another guy--”
“--I swear even when we were younger there was something about you that just made everyone like you. You were so nice, friendly to everyone, helpful, beautiful, and so much more. You’re captivating to me… and I’m trying to use whatever’s left of this liquid courage to get this off my chest and I think I’m ready for whatever might come next.” 
Your mouth parts slightly from shock because of what he said but it slowly, turns into a huge grin.   
“Hajime, I don't know what to say…” you cut him off before he could say anything, 
“Because I like you too, and I have for such a long time.”
He lifts up his head with hope and a slight disbelief in his eyes, “You do..? You did..?!’’
“Yes..” you say with a small chuckle and a smile plastered across your face. You walk even closer until you're both mere inches away from each other. You take a relieved sigh and make eye contact with him. You wrap your arms around his neck and draw him in for a hug. He places his arms delicately around your waist hugging you back.
He slowly pulls away and cups your face ever so tenderly, pulling you in so that your lips are merely ghosting the others; and he gently kisses you. You felt as if that you were floating on clouds. His lips were so soft and warm it felt so surreal.
You both pull away and he says with a smile, “I've waited and wanted for so long to do that.”
You couldn't believe that everything that happened, actually happened. It felt like a scenario that you would only be able to play in your head. But it was all real and it was all happening. It felt like a dream, and if this were a scene in some cute drama there would have been hearts floating around your head right now, you felt lovestruck.
 Cause it’s been a while, since i’ve thought about the good things, all the bright light things all the good times that we had! It’s been a while, since I made u smile! 
You finally reach your apartment hand-in-hand, sitting down on the couch as soon as you enter. The night was filled with more conversations, laughter and just overall good times. Homework forgotten and disregarded, you let yourself go and have fun. Surprisingly everything felt like it just fell into place. 
You looked at him and maybe it was the alcohol but he was pretty sure he saw stars in your eyes. 
“I can't believe after all this time you're finally and actually mine.” you say.
Whatever magic or fate intertwined and lined you up to this exact moment you just knew that you were forever grateful.
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rosaliepostsstuff · 4 years
Good for him | G.W.
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
requested, based on the song Already Gone by Kelly Clarkson
summary: Maintaining a relationship while going through grieving process becomes too exhausting for Y/N and George so they part ways. But what happens once they both take control of their lives back and meet again?
word count: 2.5k warnings: grief, mentions of death, insecurity, fluffy ending (hope i didn’t miss any warnings, in any case please let me know)
tags: @izzyyy-1 ;  @hufflepuff5972 ; @pandaxnienke​
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 You walked around the flat above the shop, and you thought about the day you helped George and Fred move in. Memories came flooding back to you, you had just graduated Hogwarts, you were all so full of life, looking bright into the future even as the war was tightening its grasp around you. But you couldn’t have expected it to take so much from you.
The door to the flat opened slowly with a creak and you saw a shell of a man walk in. You were standing in the middle of the small entry hall, clutching your bag filled with little things you had left at George’s over the years, things you would now take with you.
He came back after undoubtedly spending the whole afternoon at a pub.
You looked at him and you felt a lump in your throat as tears slowly clouded your vision. You looked at him and once again you wondered if what you were doing was right.
You loved George with all of your heart, loved him more than anything. He had changed your life in so many ways and left his mark on you. And you knew that nobody else could ever love you the same way he did. You were supposed to be each other’s forever, but grief had other plans for you.
After months, you were exhausted. You had tried and tried to help George up after he collapsed along with his brother but it got just too much. You had your own process to go through and you couldn’t do that while pouring all of yourself into a relationship that no longer physically existed. There is a boundary between trying your hardest for love to help someone get better and hitting a wall, trying to help someone who doesn’t want to be helped while losing yourself in the process. You hoped he would move on and find happiness with someone eventually. He was bound to find someone better, someone, to give him more than you could.
At first, he was angry. He felt betrayed. He resented you for leaving him when you were supposed to love him. Looking at him like that hurt you, it almost made you break and take it all back, but you couldn’t. Because love just wasn’t enough to keep you together.
So when his initial shock passed you parted your ways in mutual agreement.
 As time went on you slowly got better and better. You focused on yourself, on your career and in time you felt something that resembled happiness. You felt almost at peace, but it was a start.
Almost a year has passed since your break up, and one late afternoon you got an owl and felt a pang in your heart upon reading the name.
You tried to avoid George in fear of losing all that progress that you’ve made in moving on. But you also felt that he didn’t deserve to just get ignored by you and you were curious about his intentions.
My Y/N,
I probably don’t have the right anymore to call you mine, but it feels wrong otherwise.
I missed you. I hope time has treated you well. I know it helped me heal. I know I’m not fully there yet, I still have a long way to go, but I’ve woken up enough to see how shit life is without you. I don’t expect you to just let me back into your life, but if you would, that would make me the happiest man in the world. I just wish to see you and talk to you.
Please don’t ignore this letter, I beg you. Even if you don’t want to see me ever again, please, don’t leave me hanging, I hate uncertainty. Please, before I let you go, tell me you’re alright.
And so, with a shaky hand, you wrote back:
You know well what we did was for the best. You should move on and find someone who will truly make you happy and give you all that you deserve. I can’t do that for you.
You didn’t get another letter from him.
You tried to push George out of your mind again, always trying to find something to occupy yourself with. Until months later, an owl delivered a beautiful, formal-looking envelope to your windowsill. Hermione and Ron were getting married.
You’d been successfully avoiding all Weasley’s gatherings, even though Molly never failed to invite you. Christmas, Easter, all the birthdays. You knew she saw you as one of her own regardless if you were dating one of her children or not. But until now you didn’t want to take that risk.
However, a wedding was too important, and both Ron and Hermione proved great friends to you in the past. If they invited you, that meant they wanted you there. And part of moving on meant you couldn’t just avoid George forever.
 You had apparated just outside the Burrow. You saw the wedding tent with some people already there, you scanned the crowd, subconsciously looking for him already. You fixed your dress and with your legs a bit shaky, you approached the entrance.
“Y/N! Hi- !” Ginny elongated, walking up to you with her arms spread wide and a huge smile on her face. “Hey, Gin,” you smiled dimly. “It’s so great to see you, it’s been so long..! I’m really glad you came,” she gave you a proper Weasley hug, one full of emotion, showing you how she really missed you. “I know it was probably not easy,” she added a bit quieter, giving you a knowing look. “But anyway, I’ll take that!” she gestured to the gift bag you were holding in your hand, “I’m on gift duty today, thank you-“
“Do I have a seat assigned?” you asked, looking at the rows of seats for guests. And that’s when you saw him, talking to someone by the wedding arch. His back turned to you, but you recognised him by his posture alone. He was wearing a dark navy three-piece suit. One could get really lost looking at this man.
“Yes, yes, Fleur will show you while I put this away. Fleur..!”
You avoided looking in his direction, afraid of catching eye contact. Waiting for the ceremony you thought to yourself you’ll have to meet him sooner or later, but you just didn’t want to be caught looking at him first. You have moved on. He has moved on.
 You glided through the sea of guests with a glass of champagne in hand, some of them headed to the dance floor, some to their tables, just like you. You kept your eyes trained on where you were going, careful not to bump into someone but not looking anyone in the eye.
“Y/N,” called the voice that felt like home. You froze in spot, bracing yourself, then turned in the direction it came from.
“Hi,” he said with the tiniest smile and his eyes filled with uncertainty. He looked a bit better than the last time you saw him. His face seems to have aged a bit during this short time, his cheeks a bit hollow. But he didn’t look as tired, the dark circles under his eyes lightened up a bit. His face was clean-shaven and his hair cut. He looked very handsome.
“Hi, George,” you said the name out loud after so long.
His eyes moved down over your body and back up again, “You look beautiful,” he said sincerely. You shifted on your feet and tightened the grasp on your glass a bit, “Thank you, you look really smart.” He smiled a bit wider. There were a million things he wanted to say at that moment, but he didn’t know which one to lead with. Which one would prompt you to give him your attention and listen to the rest. “May-... may I have a dance..?” he asked quietly, barely audible in all the noise, music playing and people partying. You panicked slightly. You did not feel ready for that. “I… I was just going to sit down for a bit, talk to some other guests. Maybe later,” you blurted out the last part and regretted it almost instantly. There was a bit of a pause between you, George did his best to hide his slight disappointment. “I’ll hold you to that,” he said, with a fraction of the glint in the eye that you knew well. With that, he turned around and walked away, just his head visible above the crowd.
Your heart fluttered a bit. This felt like old George.
You did your best to shake that feeling off, then noticed Molly next to one of the tables. You owed her at least a conversation.
Not for a moment has she made you feel guilty about not seeing her all this time. She engulfed you in the biggest hug, showing you just how happy she was to see you. Your spirit lifted instantly, and she hasn’t mentioned your break up and asked about your life, what you did in the meantime. Yet inevitably, the conversation somehow shifted to the topic of Fred’s passing.
“We’ve gotten better, we’re trying as best as we can. That’s what Freddie would’ve wanted,” she said with a wide smile and her eyes a bit watery. “Even Georgie’s getting better,” she nodded, looking at him in the crowd. “Sorry, dear, I promised myself I wouldn’t mention that with you…” she got a bit flustered. “It’s- it’s okay Molly,” you smiled as best as you could. “In this case, I do have to say – it is a shame, dear. You know you’re a Weasley to me but I’d always hoped I’d have you as my daughter.” She rubbed her hand on your shoulder comfortingly, “you were good for him, you know? Even Fred always said that…” You stayed silent, focusing all your might into stopping tears forming in your eyes. “My, I better leave before I make even more of a mess. Do have a nice time tonight, dear,” she gave you one last, warm smile and walked off. Leaving your mind in chaos.
“George..?” you tapped him on the shoulder gently, and even the feeling of his warmth on the tips of your fingers felt tingly. He turned to you right away with a smile that had you weak in the knees, then reached his hand out for you to take and gestured to the dance floor with his eyes.
His touch brought you comfort. He held you just like he always had, as if you picked up right where you left off, right before everything went wrong. George’s touch made you forget about everything around you, and as he led you in dance, you lost yourself. If only he’d lead you outside and into the sunset, without a word, you’d let him.
“You know, I was hoping… If you’d see me today, see how I finally got a hold of myself, pulled myself together, everything would change,” George confessed, his voice strained with emotion. The music slowed down and you were just swaying with it. You looked up at him and he continued. “I mean, why did we end things, Y/N?” he asked desperately.
You looked back down, not able to meet his eyes anymore. He went on before you could answer.
“I was a mess. I was in a dark, dark place, Y/N... I didn’t have enough grip to support you as I should’ve, so instead, I dragged you down with me.” George lifted his head high, looking up at the illuminated ceiling, trying to keep his tears from falling. He didn’t want to fall apart now. “I’m sorry. I know I told you that when we... when you left. But my perspective’s changed, I can see better now and I want to say that again – I'm really, really sorry.” “George, please...” you plead, all your thoughts and doubts from the past coming back to you. “I- I feel so bad... that I couldn’t help you,” you confessed, “it hurt me so much, but I wasn’t enough.” You tried to stifle the sobs, tears streaming down your face now.
George pulled you closer, pulling you flush against him and wrapping his arms tight around you. You tried to find comfort in him, your hands fisting his crisp, white shirt.
“It was not your fault, okay Y/N/N? There was nothing more you could’ve done for me,” he said, resting his cheek on top of your head. “...but it’s behind us now. And not for one moment have I stopped loving you,” he confessed.” “But why...?” you cried, “George, I’ve given you the chance. I let you go so you could move on,” you grasped the shirt tighter, “so you could find someone better... You deserve so much better.” “There is no one better! Give me another chance and I promise, I will spend the rest of my life proving to you how perfect you are for me if that’s what it takes..!” He exclaimed, pulling away a bit to take your face into his hands and look you in the eyes. “Just let me, please.”
All words escaped you the moment you looked into his eyes, holding such sincerity. So you just nodded and smiled weakly, feeling a huge weight lift off your shoulders.
George slowly brought his face closer to yours, leaning in he searched your eyes for any signs of uncertainty until the very last moment when your lips touched. His lips were slightly chapped but so welcoming. When you kissed him back, letting go of his shirt to slide your hands along the soft material to his chest, he brought one of his hands to your waist and used the other to deepen the kiss. The song playing was slowly coming to an end, the singer’s soft voice accompanied by delicate piano melody seemed to set a rhythm to your lips. When it ended, he held your lips together still for a moment, then pulled away.
The breath you took then was the first proper breath in years for you, you breathed George in and felt intoxicated. Your eyes darted between his loving gaze and dazzling smile.
“I love you,” he chuckled, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. “I love you back,” you said breathily, wrapping your arms around his body and relaxing into him.
 George kept his promise and did not falter in proving to you how perfect you are.
The summer sun was slowly setting, the light wind pleasantly warm. Your eyes were set on his face, eyes closed and a relaxed smile on his lips, as his head lay in your lap. One of your hands was gently stroking his soft hair, while the other he held in his, on his chest. The sunset left a pinkish-orange hue on everything, making it seem even more magical.
You could stay like this forever, you thought, but Molly stuck her head out the window, motioning for you to come inside for dinner. Right as you were about to nudge George, his stomach grumbled, making you chuckle.
“Ugh, when’s dinner gonna be ready…” he groaned sleepily, opening one of his eyes. “Just now, actually. Come on, love, get up.”
So the two of you got up, going inside, hand in hand. And you were each other’s forever.
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raindownforme · 3 years
“I love you” in Comic Sans (pt2!)
Charlie Slimecicle x reader [they/them used](CW: slightly sexist content)
Schlatt shoved y/n through the door way. The first person they looked for was Charlie, who was staring at them with wide eyes.
Of course Charlie was angry; he was angry and worried and quite honestly pissed off! Only moments ago Traves and Cooper had run in to tell him that Schlatt was holding y/n outside the front door. He had wanted so desperately to go out there and whisk them away from whatever Schlatt was planning, but before he could actualise a thought process they had both stumbled through the door. Watching y/n stand there, dressed to marry him, he felt his heart leave his chest and soar high up above him. The hood resting gently on their head and the cape swirling around their feet was pretty of course, but the second they made eye contact with Charlie, y/n smiled so wide that he felt invincible. He stood at the altar, watching as someone handed them the bouquet of flowers. He watched as they smiled, staring at the bright blue cornflowers, then smiling back to him. They mouth thank you and he felt his face burn bright pink.
He heard Schlatt mutter “come on” and shove y/n forward. As Schlatt slowly walked them towards the altar, Charlie felt anger boil from deep inside of himself. He saw Schlatt continue to whisper in their ear, and after what felt like ages (even though it was probably ten seconds) y/n and Schlatt now stood across from him at the altar.
“Thank you Schlatt, that will be all from you.” Ted did his best to excuse the man from the scene, but he didn’t seem to want to let go without a final word.
Schlatt turned to Charlie, poison dripping from each word. “Every bit as real as you think this is, the day this is over is the same day I put a bounty on both of your heads.”
Everyone watched as Schlatt walked towards the back few rows of the church and took the seat next to Connor.
Ted cleared his throat. “Dearly beloved, we have gathered here today....”
Charlie zoned out as Ted continued the speech. He stared at y/n, who kept glancing between either Ted or their conjoined hands. Charlie looked down at their hands, too. Ever so gently, he ran his thumb over the back of their hand, smiling to himself. y/n squeezed his hand and he looked back up to them. They silently mouthed to him, this is real.
Charlie smiled, unsure of how to feel. Off of basic instinct he was elated. The idea that the person he was in love with wanted to marry him set his soul on fire, but knowing that all of this was just political confused him. They must mean real for Schlatt, right? Real for him? Because Charlie was convinced there was no way this would be real like he wanted it to be real.
“Do you have rings?” Ted’s voice cut through Charlie’s thoughts and he came to the quick realization of-
“Oh my god I forgot the rings.” Charlie huffed in frustration. “I am so sorry-“
“Hey it’s okay. We’ll go get some tomorrow. We can pick out ones we like. Together.” y/n smiled at Charlie and then looked back to Ted. “We have no rings.”
Ted nodded, a small smirk on his face. “Any vows then?”
“Oh I’ve got this one covered.” Charlie let go of y/n to reach into his breast pocket and pull out a set of hot pink flash cards. “Here watch this.”
Charlie made a gesture to clear his throat and y/n let out a laugh. “Oh god I might divorce you now.”
Charlie laughed, adjusting his glasses a bit before diving into the speech. “y/n, I’ve only known you for probably a year. Maybe two. But I know that I can say with all of my heart that I will love you through thick and thin, especially through the slime of it all. But I love you and I’m excited to spend my life with you.”
He slipped away the cards to see y/n stifling a laugh. He went to grab their hand and they did their best to swallow the smile. “Alright. My turn. Uhm. Unfortunately, I didn’t have anything special prepared like you but I can tell you that every single day you find some way to make me smile and every single day I seem to find some way to make you smile. And putting together everything I know, that makes me feel like you are who I am supposed to spend the rest of my life with, which is such a relief because I love you so, so much Charlie.”
The couple stared at each other, smiling, until Ted brought them back to the ceremony. He held out a small book and a quill dipped in blue ink. “With no objections, would you both please sign this?”
y/n went to sign the certificate in the book first, ending with a swirly flourish. Charlie signed the line underneath, but his looked closer to chicken scratch.
Ted closed the book and held it with both hands. “I pronounce you two, married!”
Charlie wrapped his arms around y/n’s waist, expecting a hug, but instead they grabbed his face and kissed him. Charlie could feel them smiling against his lips and he felt like fire works. He felt like sparks were running under his skin from everywhere they were touching; the hands on his cheeks, their lips against his, his hands against their back. He picked them up, arms still around their waist and spun them in a circle.
y/n stopped kissing Charlie to laugh and bury their face in the crook of his neck, but they didn’t want to. When they kissed Charlie it felt electrifying. It felt whole, like something that had been missing.
Charlie pulled apart from them, still keeping hands on their waist, still smiling wide enough to make sure his face hurt for the rest of the week. “Hey,” he whispered just loud enough for y/n and Ted to hear. “If we give Ted those flowers we can take the book and book it.”
y/n giggled and nodded. They quickly exchanged the items with Ted. And then, hand in hand, the two ran down the aisles of the church and out into the open air.
Three weeks had passed since the wedding. In that time, they’d been able to move all of y/n’s stuff to a new house buried in a forested hill. Their house and home garden were well-hidden, but even if something were to happen, Charlie’s home was a three-minute horse ride away.
It had only taken a week to dig out the hill side and build the house, but even after that Charlie had offered to stay with y/n to make sure they felt safe. So for the past three weeks, Charlie had spent every waking day and night at y/n’s house, save for the very few times he had something to attend to.
Today was one of those days. It was late in the afternoon. The sun was about to set, so y/n waited patiently next to the window until their husband came home. It wasn’t unusual for Charlie to be more late than he had originally said. The boy got distracted quite often, whether it was some antics one of his friends had gotten stuck in or something new someone made. But y/n still couldn’t help the anxious feeling that itched beneath their skin.
They sat in their obsessive thoughts for a while longer before they heard the familiar knock at the door. He always knocked the same way, and he would wait for y/n to knock the same way back, which they happily ran to the door to do, then they turned the deadbolt.
Charlie burst through the door, holding his arms out wide as if he were addressing a large crowd. “Hey!”
“Hey! Why are you breathing so hard?”
“Oh. Right.” Charlie shut the door behind himself and set a box from his back pocket on the table near the door. “Well I was in town and I’m not sure who it was but someone built the coolest thing! It’s this big planet and there’s a ring around it like that one planet-“
“-yeah Saturn! Which Is why I ran here to tell you because I had the perfect thing to say.”
Charlie opened the box he had set down earlier and pulled out two smaller black velvet boxes. y/n gasped, trying not to hold their breath. “Charlie, what is this?”
“I told you I’d get you a ring! And now you can be saturn! Or we could be Saturn!” Charlie opened the small box and inside was a simple silver band ring engraved with twisting vines and cornflowers to decorate the outside, but on the inside of the band, the wedding date was engraved in comic sans. y/n laughed at the gift, taking it out of the box and slipping it onto their ring finger. Somehow, it fit perfectly. Charlie started explaining something, but all y/n could focus on was not crying. They were gently snapped back into focus when Charlie placed his hand gently on their face and brushed their cheek with his thumb. “Are you okay? You look like you’re crying.”
“Yeah. No I’m fine.”
“Is it the ring? Because I can return them if you want. You don’t even have to pay me back.”
“Charlie its not the rings-“
“Is it something I can fix? At least tell me that-“
“Charlie I love you.” He released his hold on their face and stared in shock. “I’ve been in love with you forever now. That’s why I didn’t want to marry you. I knew you’d be too good of a guy and you’d make it so much harder to not say anything but I’m really worried now that whenever you leave me to marry someone else it’s going to kill me.” Charlie stared at y/n softly. They glanced to see the ring sitting in the box in his other hand and they groaned. “I just embarrassed myself didn’t I?”
“No, y/n-“
“No it’s okay I know you were being nice but you can leave-“
Charlie, with one hand against their cheek and the other wrapped around their waist, pulled y/n in for a kiss. His glasses pushed against their brow and they gasped before they could appropriately react, but Charlie melted at the feeling of y/n smiling against him and the fire works going off under his skin, and y/n smiled as the electricity raced through them.
Charlie pulled the two of them apart, but still rested his forehead against y/n’s. “When you kissed me, it was like fireworks went off everywhere. I wanted to do it every single day. I want to hold your hand every single day, and come home to you at night, and tell you about the wild shit I find in town, and maybe start a store or something so we don’t go broke, and I want to wake up with you. And I want to do all those things because I have loved you for so long. So when you told me it was real I was ecstatic. And you telling me this now makes me happier than I was then.”
“I want the store with you. And the hand holding. And the coming home at night. And everything else you said.”
“Good. Now can you actually tell me if you like the rings? Because you didn’t before.”
y/n laughed, pulling Charlie into a full hug. “Did it have to be comic sans?”
He mumbled intoto the crook of their neck. “I love you too.”
Tags: @rosefreckles06 @short-potato
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