#i feel like I've only really got back into a groove of making gifsets these past few months
crumb · 5 months
truly one of the most talented gifmakers out there. where would we as a society be without you
that is very kind of you! I don't know about all that but I'll take the compliment 😅 💖
re: reblog this if you want anonymous opinions of you
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lacomandante · 1 year
🧶 — any non-writing hobbies/interests?
munday asks!
Yes! I have quite a few, actually. I like to think I'm a jack of all trades. I do historical sewing, and atm I'm currently working on a pair of regency stays. It's a little annoying because I've been working on multiple dresses, only to have to stop because I don't have the correct undergarments to accurately measure if the dress fits or not. So I had to stop what I was doing and make these mockups...I'll get there eventually lol. I also make dolls! Which I never posted photos of when complete, I'll need to do that. Unfortunately I'm very easily fatigued, and sewing is easily one of the most exhausting hobbies I have physically and mentally, which means a lot of these projects take months or years.
Reading, but I feel like that's a given for most people in the rpc. I feel like it's very important to read in order to grow your own ability to write. Currently rereading the Witcher series, alongside Sharpe's Gold and Company. I've also been reading a lot of English accounts of travels through Spain, detailing the landscapes, customs, manners, etc. I think since January I've read over 8 books detailing these things...probably over 2,000 pages combined? I'm endlessly fascinated with historical accounts and I honestly can't get enough of them. Currently reading Letters written during a journey in Spain, and a short residence in Portugal published in 1808. There's a huge gap in the history of Spain during this period so it's been very helpful (although biased) filling in the blanks.
I also do drawing and painting, but this hobby has kinda fallen on the wayside this year. I find myself impatient, but I need to get back into groove of things, as I do really want to improve more.
I would say I do gardening, but...this year my plants almost instantly fried in the California heat, and every time I look into my backyard I just see their decayed husks so. Maybe attempted gardener is best...I have more houseplants than anything, and I struggle to keep my pothos alive, which are pretty easy to take care of....I think I have more of a hobby of buying plants...
Oh! I also do a lot of penpal writing. I joined a Jane Austen FB group and joined a pen pal group in there. I'm more of a casual fan and not really obsessed with her works, but I do enjoy them. I've got three pen pals so far, and they're all older women in England (one I was luckily enough to find that also writes/speaks Spanish so I get to practice!). Two of them are in Kent, and one is in Yorkshire. They're all very sweet and kind and nothing makes me happier than getting their handwritten letters in the mail. I also adore making fancy designs for the envelopes and stuffing them full of stickers and pretty things. Here's a few samples of things I've made (steadily improving lmao) - two for my penpals, and one for Sam :)
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I suppose archival work also falls into this? I know how to pirate, burn and rip dvds and blurays, how to convert and preserve files, and I'm currently learning how to preserve and convert VHS. It's really fascinating to me, and I've even learned a little bit of coding and programming on the side for it.
Oh! I also like to make gifsets and photo manips- 10 years of being in the rpc with photoshop skills helps a lot with this. I LOVE making manips of Teresa in other Sharpe films, or in different scenes. I actually have quite a few but haven't posted many of them. Mostly for au's and rp's/fics Sam and I have written and explored.
I also play the guitar, but I say this very lightly. More like I can read tabs, and play some songs, but honestly I'm self taught and would say I'm very much a beginner at best. I really enjoy it but haven't had much time, nor the means to learn more sadly. But I enjoy plucking and learning chords to my favorite songs.
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astrovian · 4 years
Would you say that Berlin Station is worth watching if I wasn't thrilled by the very first episode? I've watched it twice to see if I could get into it and it was interesting, but not particularly compelling to me personally. So if the pilot is pretty representative of the series as a whole, I'll give it a pass and just continue to appreciate gifsets lmao. But if it hits a good groove after ep 1, I'll give it a proper try. Thoughts? 👀 Also have a nice day, I enjoy your posts ❤️
Oh god, this is a hard one.
I’ll be honest here - the first time I started watching Berlin Station season 1, I didn’t get past the first episode because I just wasn’t feeling it at all so I completely get it.
That being said, when I came back about 6 months later I had nothing better to do and hung around until about mid-season 1 which is when I started to actually go “oh, this isn’t half bad”. But to be honest, season 1 is mediocre at best (and I think they revealed certain things far too early in the season but that’s a topic for another time). 
Like you say, it was interesting but not particularly personally compelling.
Then I started season 2 and I was HOOKED. In my opinion, season 2 was the peak of the show in terms of being consistently good (plus, they’re up against facists in season 2 which makes it really fun to cheer for the main characters). 
Very early season 2 is when I got really invested in the characters and their stories so that’s when it became really personally compelling. 
To be perfectly honest the shift to season 2 is when I stopped caring so much that RA was even in it and started watching it because I really, really enjoyed it. 
Season 3 was mostly interesting enough I guess - better than season 1, but some parts of the story dragged a little (also, fair warning - RA doesn’t get as much screen time in season 3 as he does in the other two). It was like a halfway point between mediocre season 1 and great season 2?
It was only in the last few episodes that season 3 got REAL GOOD (like, nearly biting my nails good) for me; I can’t stress how extremely stressed out (in a good way) those episodes made me - I hadn’t had a visceral reaction like that to a show in a long time.
And then once I had finished I was absolutely emotionally devastated that the show got cancelled and we won’t be getting a 4th season that it desperately needs and therefore no resolution to the story.
Which is really just a long-winded way of saying that it’s a show that grows on you over time. I would say if you have lots of spare time and no other shows you’re wanting to watch, go ahead with the mindset that you’re in for the long haul. If you’re wanting it to get a lot better fast, I would approach with caution.
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the occasional shirtless scenes help, anyway 😂
best of luck and thank you for the kind words ❤😭 I hope you have a nice day too!
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