#i feel a little like a fraud lolol
normalenjoyer-png · 2 months
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this is not even remotely close to what i wanted to draw
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joysmercer · 24 days
What would happen if Nina never came to Amun Boarding Academy?
i think patricia would have lost it with worry as she did in canon, but with no nina-took-her-place!! accusations, people (fabian and mara, mainly) would have been less dismissive, even if they didn't quite share her worry. the facetime with joy would have happened a lot quicker as a result since everyone would want answers. but i simply don't think sarah would have dumped the locket on them (one, because she has no kinship with them, and two, since it wouldn't work for them anyway), so they would not have any way to truly discover the ~mystery~, let alone solve it.
patricia's pre-sibuna plotlines (up until kidnapping rufus) would be mostly the same, though, maybe dragging fabian along with her (since he's not busy with nina)…but more likely that he refuses to participate but knows what she's up to, so he ends up being the one to bail her out lol. joy would have still sent her the messages/been there in the audience, and i'd like to think they still find her on prom night and know something is up, but it's not going to be as clean as an ending because they have no way of knowing what that something is.
so then joy would have come back super duper traumatized with no answers, and maybe she'll fill in patricia and fabian about what she knows, but certainly not amber – not that that thought would even occur to her, anyway, considering amber would not have founded sibuna if it weren't for nina. and then nothing would happen in s2 because there's no fabina date-turned-senkhara release (actually, there's no cup for senkhara to be stuck in in the first place). maybe they see the adults milling around and follow them, but it's more likely that the adults are unsuccessful since they can't spy on the kids and get the answers.
jerome's entire thing would still happen though, so he'd still get the gem and have to deal with rufus…not sure how that would shape up but I think this is when eddie's Osirian powers would awaken somehow (even with the actual chosen one miles away and unaware), and patricia (dragging joy and fabian with her) would follow him and that's how they all get involved?
but then s3 rolls around and no one knows anything because sweet's kept his mouth shut, and maybe alfie steals that bracelet but i doubt that, without 2 years of sibuna shit under their belts, the kids would even think of it being a mystery, let alone decide to follow the trail or whatever. not to mention the fact that amber wound not even be involved in sibuna anyway. actually, i feel like amber would have just bugged the school to give her a year-round place and stayed in the states after fashion camp without ever coming back lolol but for the sake of this, she does come back first
so amber has the bracelet and probably just gives it right back to victor. maybe jerome gets involved via alfie and is like idk if you should have done that but they don't listen because what is he even talking about.
so kt shows up with this key and it's her and eddie against the world, except eddie immediately confides in fabian about his visions, and since fabian doesn't have a (weak) excuse to be a dummy about it in this au, the three of them immediately start working together. and jabian stays besties throughout s2 and up to this point because at least that aspect of her psyche is a little less traumatized here, so joy's in, and brings patricia with her. but, like, no locket! and probably no bracelet! so they have no leads or ideas…and this is when jerome crashes the party like "yo victor's package was a mysterious bracelet and i think it's important?" and somehow they figure out denby's a fraud and the adults are Up To Something. and joy's like "i know their weaknesses let's get em" and they try to thwart the eclipse ceremony, but fail to do so, in basically the same way in canon (except that both jerome and joy also know what's going on). so now alfie's involved too because "wtf was that, guys," and the lead up to the rfs-is-alive reveal is all pretty much the same besides the extra sibuna members.
(also cheating arc still happens amidst all the ceremony drama lol) (and the fake date-turned-peddie getting back together) (and the dog-washing-turned-jeroy-arc)
so anyways! with nearly the whole house involved, and especially joy, there's a buddy system immediately implemented to make sure none of them get taken (miss mercer's directive, obvi). sinners are victor, sweet, and mara. patricia does get jealous here, but joy recognizes it and manages to calm her down (/not let her run off alone anywhere/throw her laptop in the toilet). so that's not a thing.
so the phonograph doesn't get destroyed, they manage to break out the three sinners before 2 more are taken, and all is fine in the world…
until he and patricia and kt go back to the states for university and the two of them meet kt's new roommate ("she was actually my bestie in preschool! small world!") and now that the chosirian are together again, well…
college!sibuna, anyone?
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thegoblinwitchqueen · 9 months
So, here is my Commission conundrum that I always go through when I re evaluate my commission prices
I never know what to charge
Because like——drawing is my hobby. I never wanted it to be anything but fun for me, and if I get some money out of it Then that’s cool! So, I tend to find myself selling myself short or undervaluing myself and the amount of sweat and blood that I put into my commissions.
Because I’m my mind my art isn’t that great and I feel like a fraud anytime someone commissions me.
Still, I fought through my imposter syndrome by making a 2023 commission sheet with prices that matched other artists (as well as what my bf said—he’s a video game concept artist) but I felt like they were too high because people don’t really have the money to spend. As well, I tend to feel like my skill set isn’t worth the high prices that others charge. So I cut the prices in half and honestly—-didn’t even stick to those prices most of the time.
I feel like most of my clients/friends have been so awesome, and charging for art felt like being an ass because they were nice.
But I put so much love into my commissions and the process of a commission isn’t just drawing—it’s researching, communicating, thinking, drawing, coloring, etc —-and that can take hours, days or even weeks. That’s a lot of time for me and in top of working my 9-5 job. Luckily, the season has been slow so I’ve been able to draw during work hours.
Again, understand that in this day and age, people don’t have money to drop on commissions.
Still, I want people who enjoy my art to be able to afford it because it brings me so much joy knowing I made them happy. But also, I want to be compensated enough to make the effort worth it. On days where I’m struggling to find the inspiration or time, drawing an extensive piece for only 15-35 dollars isn’t worth my hard work.
BUT THEN I HATE ASKING FOR MONEY IN GENERAL. Because it is my hobby, and it makes me feel like I’m taking advantage because I have a skill that some people don’t have. But like—that’s the point of commissions. Regardless of it being my hobby or not, I should be okay with receiving compensation. In fact, pretty much everyone I did work for said I charge to little. But…I just—
See my dilemma??
I dunno. Coming up with my new commission pricing for 2024 has gotten me too ready think LOLOL
Anyway, thanks for listening to me.
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quinloki · 8 months
oh Quin I woke up with a case of 'ugh it's only tuesday' then I saw you reply and it chased that away
that comic!! omg!! so good I've def seen it here or there but I never followed but now I do >>
I laughed so hard at the sign idea bc you can't tell me Marco doesn't have one of those in any AU where he lives with all his brothers. And they all know better than to ignore the sign, bc marco can be scary.
ACCIDENTIAL TAX FRAUD LOLOL Ace would be so confused so often bless his little heart. He means well, I imagine at first he thinks maybe you're sick since they're taking care of you and he's like oh no how can I help T___T precious
you're killing me, thank you as always <333
xD I'm glad I could help.
I'm a tad low-energy today myself. These long weekends make returning to work a trial and a chore. And I *like* my job, I can't imagine how rough it can get for other folks.
Also I think Marco has that sign canonically. Only Izou doesn't fear it, but also Izou doesn't really bother Marco in his room unless there's an emergency.
Ace being oblivious in certain situations because he just cannot see you romantically or sexually, and yet being sharp enough other times to realize his brothers are sweet on you. I think he gets his own little pang of jealously or fear at first, not because he feels like he's missed a chance or anything
but because he'll worry he's losing you. Ace have a hard time with abandonment seems canon for him, and he's not WORRIED worried about it, he's just pouty for a bit because you're HIS FRIEND, dammit. But I think that gets talked out a little too. Probably Marco and Sabo notice cause he's hiding it from you, not wanting you to worry or be run off by his emotions.
And seriously, thank you so much for all this. The notes I have are amazing, and there's this completely bonkers challenge to write a whole novel during Memorial Day Weekend, and I'm going to use this idea for that.
Even if I don't succeed at the challenge, I'll get a ton done in three days =3
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
Cat’s Not-All-Encompassing Character Ranking
Okay, so I have to admit that I omitted a lot of characters I don't have strong opinions on. Most of them were one-off akumas, so don't get your panties in a twist, your faves are probably still on here (and ranked lower than you think).
As a preface again, these are just my personal opinions. They can't hurt you. You can still like characters more or less than me. And I don't care how you feel about them. This list is for me. And the person that asked for it. So shut up. Go make your own rank list if you’re so butthurt. 
We're going in reverse order this time, starting from the bottom:
84. Gabriel Agreste- I mean, is anyone surprised? I am not private about how I think Gabriel should go to jail. Or fall off a cliff. Or be erased from existence. Rip to those that like him, but I’m different.
83. Thomas Astruc- Honestly, he’s down here on principle. Self-inserts are generally a no-no, and I just laugh every time I see him on screen because he really put himself in this show and said boohoo no one appreciates me XD
82. Bob Roth- I feel like this one should also be obvious. He’s just a dick. Terrible human. I give him 0 stars.
81. Tomoe Tsurugi- We all collectively hate her, right? It’s not just me?
80. Su Han- This mans has small peepee energy. And he bad mouthed Fu, so get FUCKED, my dude.
79. Rolland Dupain- Listen, I get it, he liked Marinette in the end, but I could do without the racism.
78. Nathalie Sancoeur- My opinion of Nathalie took a nosedive after the s2 finale. I just do not care that she is in love with her boss. Don’t care that she’s dying. Just do not have it in me.
77. XY- Justin Bieber ass wannabe.
76. Nora Cesiare- I didn’t care for Nora. I know Thomas loves her, but the overbearing sibling trope is tired.
75. Anarka Couffaine- I underestimated how much I don’t really like her. Like, it’s not full-on hate, but I just do not care for her.
74. Otis Cesaire- Got akumatized because a kid said he could outrun a panther. I’m still not over it, Otis.
73. Andre Bourgeois- No love for the crooked mayor. I hope your wife divorces you. 
72. Alec Cataldi- The real villain of Stormy Weather. Like fr why is he such an asshole?
71. Roger Raincomprix- Is Officer Roger just doing his best? Sometimes. But like sometimes this mans just needs to take a chill pill.
70. M. D'Argencourt- Please get out of the 1600s
69. Ella/Etta- These two are basically the same character, and I am indifferent to both of them.
68. KnightOwl/Barbara- Listen, I would have liked you more if you were less controlling.
67. Majestia- Same as above, but like I guess I like you more
66. Theo- *Mean Girls principal voice* Stay away from underaged girls!
65. Andre the ice cream man- I just want a scoop of chocolate, Andre. Is that too much to ask??
64. Amelie Graham de Vanily- We haven’t seen much of her, but she seems like a snake bitch.
63. M. Kubdel- I mean, if my son wanted to resurrect an ancient mummy and believed in aliens, I’d give the family heirloom to my daughter too.
62. Jalil Kubdel- Lolol, buddy, pal, dude, my guy. Chill.
61. Vincent (Adrien's photographer)- Head empty. Mom’s spaghetti. Idk he’s alright.
60. Manon- I don’t hate Manon. She just gets on my nerves every time she talks.
59. M. Ramier- This mans got akumatized a billion times because he gets emotional about pigeons. I mean, honestly mood.
58. Mme. Mendeleiev- She doesn’t put up with Chloe’s shit, and we respect her for this.
57. Baby August- Someone just give this mans some food. He’s a growing boy.
56. Santa Claus- If I were Santa, I too would list Ladybug as the best kid in the world.
55. Art Teacher- He doesn’t even have a name, but I vibe with him. He seems like he likes to paint scenes of nature with his pet squirrels.
54. Prince Ali- Lil mans just wanted to have a good time. I can respect that.
53. Duusu- Duusu, I get that your Miraculous was broken, but get with the program, girl. You is a hostage.
52. Other Kwamis- Idk, all the ones we haven’t seen as much. I don’t have real opinions on them yet. Just neutral.
51. Sass- He gives me dad vibes.
50. M. Damocles- You go, you funky owl man
49. Jean (Chloe's Butler)- He deserves a raise. What is your name, sir? We may never know.
48. Mireille Caquet- She’s pretty cute. No complaints.
47. Aurore Beaureal- Baby’s first akuma. I love her design. She’s a cutie.
46. Claudie Kante (Max’s mom)- This womans just wanted to go to space and live her dream. We stan a hardworking queen.
45. Hot Dog Dan- I like him more than Andre the ice cream fraud. Sure, my hotdog might turn me purple, but if I ask for chili on it, I bet he’d oblige.
44. Nadja Chamack- I mean, she’s doing her best.
43. Audrey Bourgeois- So, as I said in the episode ranking, I have a love-hate relationship with Audrey. She’s the worst, but that’s why I love her. I love her ironically. Like, yeah she’s atrocious, but I just want to watch her burn the world.
42. Luka Couffaine- Directly in the middle, like he’s always been.
41. Nathaniel Kurtzberg- My opinion of Nath improved after Reverser surprisingly. I ship it.
40. Chris Lahiffe- I like Chris better than Ella/Etta. He’s just a little mans out here living life wanting to grow up. Don’t believe it, Chris. Stay little forever. Being an adult suuuuucks.
39. Fang the Crocodile- The goodest boy.
38. Nooroo- I just want to give him a hug.
37. Mlle. Bustier- She’s doing her best, but I mean, when ya whole class keeps getting turned into supervillains, I’m surprised she’s not an alcoholic.
36. Penny Rolling- I just like her. I think she’s neat.
35. Ondine- Mermaid queen! She’s so sweet, and I love her with Kim. I hope we see more of her in the future.
34. Marc Anciel- Marc is a little cutie bean. Idc if he’s based off one of Thomas’s irl friends. He can stay.
33. Wayzz- He loves Master Fu so much I cry.
32. Felix Graham de Vanily- I know everyone hates canon Felix, but tbh he exudes massive chaotic neutral gremlin energy, and I actually kinda vibe with that. And he pisses with his uncle which is a whole ass mood.
31. Tikki- Tikki is very cute, but bby please work on the preaching. You don’t always know what’s right, babe.
30. Sabrina Raincomprix- Sabrina deserves better. I hope we see good things happen for her.
29. Lila Rossi- Surprised? I actually like Lila. The first fic I ever wrote for this fandom was a Lila redemption. I think she is a good antagonist and foil to Marinette. I absolutely want to see her get dunked on in canon, but that doesn’t mean I hate her.
28. Wayhem- I don’t know why, but Wayhem makes me laugh. I love him XD
27. Uncle Cheng- He’s just a good mans with a birb who wants to make you tasty food. What’s not to like?
26. Trixx- Trixx shot up after GoS. Chaotic bean make Eiffel Tower go bendy
25. Jess- She’s pretty cool. She’s a vibe.
24. Aeon- The cutest bean!!! She saw Adrien and Marinette and said yep. Those two are meant to be together. Jess, we gotta make it happen.
23. Ivan Bruel- Ivan is such a gentle bean. We love him.
22. Mylene Haprele- Smol
21. Fei Wu- I still have not watched the Shanghai special with subs, but I liked her.
20. Gina Dupain- The grandma I aspire to be.
19. Marianne Lenoir- I love her. She is good. She and Fu are so cute. And she seems like she would have kicked le ass back in the day. (and even now)
18. Rose Lavillant- I am so excited for Pigella!! Rose is too cute. We love her. 
17. Gorilla- aka Adrien’s real dad. If the series doesn’t end with Gabriel getting yeeted into the stratosphere and Gorilla adopting Adrien, I don’t want it.
16. Clara Nightingale- She’s in love with Marinette. You can’t change my mind. 16 is also how old I hc her to be, so don’t nobody come for me.
15. Tom Dupain- Most. Supportive. Dad. Soft bean. Just wants to make you fresh bread.
14. Sabine Cheng- Good mom vibes. We love to see her.
13. Juleka Couffaine- Shy goth bean. Just wants to have her picture taken. Definitely a lesbian. We stan.
12. Nino Lahiffe- The goodest boy. He’s just out here doing his best, loving his friends.
11. Chloe Bourgeois- Chloe is another one I have a love-hate relationship with. Her brattiness is funny to me. We had high hopes for her. Honestly, she ranks this high because I like to play with her in fic.
10. Max Kante- He smol and smort. And I adore his friendship with Kim and the fact that he made an AI himself at 14. What a legend.
9. Alya Cesaire- Rip to Alya salters, but I’m different. Outside of Chameleon, Alya is fine. She’s a supportive bff. All yall people that are mad she doesn’t kiss Marinette’s ass all the time need to go out and make real friends. I said what I said.
8. Alix Kubdel- I love Alix. I love how she is always so done with all the lovey-dovey bullshit. She is tiny queen, and Bunnix, while OP af, is still super cool. We love to see her.
7. Kagami Tsurugi- I will fight anyone who shits on Kagami. She has done nothing wrong, you guys are just haters. All she did was exist, and yall said, wow what a toxic bitch?? Disgraceful.
6. Jagged Stone- We are going to ignore the deadbeat dad trope that canon thrust upon him. He is a Marinette stan, and we love that.
5. Kim Le Chien- I really love Kim, you guys. Does that surprise you? Listen, my favorite male character types are sweet beans and himbos. Kim is both of these.
4. Master Fu- If you didn’t pick up on how much I love Fu from the episodes ranking, then idk what to tell you. I want him to be my grandpa. I would trust this mans with my life. He did his best. You paint those pictures, you funky little man. I love you.
3. Plagg- My galaxy trash man. Love him. 10/10 chefs kisses all around.
2. Adrien Agreste- The biggest Marinette stan there is. I just want him to kiss her on the face. And marry her. Idk, I just think that would be neat if he could do that. I just want good things for them.
1. Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Honestly, are you surprised? I have always been and always will be a Marinette stan. If you expected anyone else to be in this spot, then clown suit rentals are off to the left.
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trensu · 4 years
Episode 47: The One where JGY Gets Kinky with WWX and NO ONE Likes It
so our boys are still wandering around yunping and wwx is trying his hand at being matchmaker
he starts asking lwj if there's any female cultivators that *insert list of traits here*
they're still walking ahead of wn, who looks distracted by smth idk what
lwj: what for?
he asks as soon as wwx finishes listing off traits
It’s off-screen tho so we don't get to see his expression
But this is lwj we’re talking about and we all know how he gets when wwx so much as implies interest in other people
wwx: it's not for me!!
and then he goes on to say how wn is all grown up now and probs can't spend the rest of his life third-wheeling them
wwx looks back and sees wn surrounded by children while lwj is still facing the other way
and i only mention this bc once wwx sees wn with the kids, wwx reaches over and PHYSICALLY TURNS lwj around by gently grabbing him by the shoulders
wwx: following me like this, is not an appropriate life for him. According to the bro code, i def need to find him a partner
this is actually so sweet tho, wwx doesn’t want his buddy to be lonely!!
wwx: hanguang jun, what do you think?
lwj: *nod*
wwx: at least, he needs to make some friends
wwx: lan zhan, i think sizhui is a perfect candidate
wwx doesn't dwell on lwj's abrupt departure bc when ISN'T lwj abrupt, right? 
After wwx rescues wn from the children, he tells him to go wait at the inn while he and lwj continue to investigate. 
wn goes all Sad Puppy about it.
but wwx doesn't see it bc he's already running towards lwj "lan zhan, wait for me!"
Small interruption to say that i really really enjoy watching our boys walk side by side?
we're constantly getting shots of their backs as they walk next to each other and even if they weren't EPIC SOULMATES, it’s still like, aesthetically pleasing.
Oh look, they found out that jgy's deed was to a Temple of Doom
or okay, a standard religious temple but considering what goes down in there eventually, i think Temple of Doom is a pretty accurate name for it
lwj mentions he senses a magic circle hidden in the temple and they proceed to talk plot stuff
but i'm just so distracted by their pretty faces
mostly wwx's, but lwj also has a pretty face
blah blah plot blah
it's decided they need to come back at night when it'll presumably be empty
now wwx is politely questioning a monk
wwx: Asks Clever Plot Related Questions
me: *dreamy sigh* so pretty wwx, so pretty
ooooh, wwx's Clever Plot Related Questions reveal that the monk is a FRAUD. 
idc about it or why he's a fraud but i just wanted to demonstrate HOW SMART MY SUNSHINE BOY IS. he’s got beauty AND brains!!!
cut to next scene and IT'S NIGHT TIME
wwx, lwj, and wn are approaching the Temple of Doom
lwj stops wwx from getting any closer to the doors with an outstretched arm
then lwj gets closer to the doors and kind of just...lobs a bit of his blue spiritual energy at the door
turns out it's warded! no getting in that way
so wwx says they'll get in through the courtyard or smth and tells wn to stand guard
wwx: i am half a wreck but we still have hanguang jun~
we get some alone time with wn who notices some ominous black clouds rolling in so he takes off to investigate
And that dumb dog is leading my precious brat of a son straight to the Temple of Doom!!
now we cut to our boys spying over the wall and they see a whole bunch of random dudes with bows/arrows
wwx is thinking to himself: why is jl here? why didn't wn stop him? naughty kid, leave quickly with the dog!!
we get a close up shot of wwx's eyes here and i'm mentioning this for two reasons
1) wwx has beautiful brown eyes and everyone should take a moment to be grateful for this close up of them
but, more importantly
okay back to the show i guess
jl manages to pull himself up BUT OH NO, THEY'VE GOT AN ARROW AIMED AT HIM
we see wwx gripping his bamboo flute 
and in the next second the bad guys loose their arrows at my bratty son!! HOW DARE THEY
wwx thinks fast and flings his flute at the incoming arrows and one of the arrows oh so conveniently splits the flute so it's unusable now
wwx: jin ling, run!!
now our boys are getting shot at and it's super stressful
but wwx and lwj leap off the roof (wwx does a fancy flip bc ofc he does) and wwx starts flinging talismans everywhere like nbd
they're smoke bomb talismans apparently
so smoke bombs right, and we see somebody walking calmly through it
our boys land on the ground and get ready to start fighting
lwj has his bichen drawn and pointed directly at jgy but he hasn't made a move yet bc wwx is being used as a human shield!!
jgy: i advise master wei not to whistle. it doesn't matter if the flute is broken. but if a finger or tongue is lost, that would be tragic
he says it with a fake, condescending concerned expression
wwx gives a little huff and says sarcastically: you have a good point
eeww, we hear the garrote creak as jgy starts walking backwards 
and wwx has no choice but to follow BC HE'S GOT A GARROTE AROUND HIS NECK
lwj keeps pace with them, sword still pointed at jgy BC HELL NO HE'S NOT GONNA LET HIM TAKE MY, I MEAN, HIS WEI YING AWAY
oh, side note, we get a nice peek at some decorative etchings along bichen’s blade, kinda like suibian’s red line, except they’re pale silvery blue
Have they been there the whole time?? HOW DID I NOT NOTICE??
I blame wwx’s beautiful face for distracting me at every turn
Anyway, the etchings are pretty, whatever they are
Jgy is like don’t even THINK of trying anything hanguang jun!!
at that, lwj stiffly lowers bichen and he immediately gets surrounded by jgy's henchmen
the expression on lwj's face!! this is him scowling up a storm
since this is lwj's face we're talking about tho, there's only the slightest downward pull at the corner of his mouth. 
his eyes, on the other hand, his eyes are glowering fiercely
wwx tells lxc not to feel so bad about being tricked bc after all jgy is the best at what he does 
now wwx and jgy are doing that thing i love, you know the trope?
when the good guy and the bad guy speak to each other lightly, casually 
As if no one is actually poised to get murdered or anything
with an implicit acknowledgement of each others' immense skill
And they exchange notes as to how the good guy discovered the bad guy’s nefarious plot and the bad guy taking it as constructive criticism for future evil endeavors
Good stuff, good stuff
as they do this, jgy keeps his eyes pinned to lwj, who is the only real threat to him right now
wwx: since we’re completely at your mercy how’s about you tell me what kind of treasure is in the Temple of Doom?
jgy: the price to satisfy your curiosity is high. are you sure you want to try, master wei?
he says all falsely regretful
look i hate jgy with every fiber of my being, but i do appreciate this sort of banter
unfortunately it gets interrupted by some henchmen dragging in my bratty son!!!
jgy gives jl a sweet benign smile, with dimples and all 
which kind of cracks me up tbh, bc it does not mesh with the fact that he's got wwx by the neck here
jl: uncle jgy!
jgy: 'sup a-ling?
wwx: what's wrong with you, kid? why'd you come here at night??
that was totally just a reflexive indignant response to wwx's tone, i love it
bc it's not like his one uncle is threatening to murder his other uncle or anything important lololol
and for all the dog lovers out there, to really hammer in how evil jgy is, jgy orders his henchmen to go murder fairy
my bratty son is very upset by this
lxc comes in here and is like, hey, jl is just a kid!! and also your nephew!!!
and jgy is all like, ofc i know he's a kid and my nephew! what do you think i'd do?? kill him???
well, i mean, you did murder your own infant son
i can't imagine killing your teenage nephew is that big of a leap for you, jgy
and then he goes right on to say that hey nephew, if you run or scream, probably something awful will happen to you so maybe don't do that
oh now we cut to the inside of the temple and people are digging into the floor
wwx is wondering what the heck jgy is looking for
then he looks at lwj and with just a twitch of his eyebrows indicates that OMG JGY IS DISTRACTED AND THERE'S AN OPENING FOR AN ATTACK, GO FOR IT LWJ
or at least i'm assuming that's what that eyebrow twitch meant bc lwj catches it and leaps into action
he raises bichen and dives towards jgy aiming to cut his head clean off, it looks like
but jgy sees it coming in the last second and jerks wwx in front of him. 
bichen stops just barely an inch or two away from wwx's bleeding neck
wwx closes his eyes in disappointment  bc they had been so close! 
and now he just looks so upset bc he thinks he’s ruined their chances by letting jgy use him as a shield
jgy: hanguang jun, put bichen down now. do you really want to kill master wei?
and omg wwx's face his eyes are red and teary, wide open and pinned to lwj as we all watch lwj obediently lower bichen
wwx: lan zhan, don't listen to him!
my sunshine boy's brow is all furrowed and he sounds desperate here
wwx: i have never blamed you! lan zhan, you go first to find reinforcements!
Lwj looks him straight in the eye and shakes his head no for everyone to see
bc nothing will tear him away from wei ying, not again, not when he finally got him back after 16 long long years.
jgy: great! Next, please sheathe bichen
there's a slight twist to lwj's mouth as he sheathes bichen angrily 
but he did it with no hesitation 
the sound fx team really made the shing-clack sound of it very prominent here
i'm assuming to emphasize how lwj is briskly and willingly de-fanging himself in order to keep wwx alive
wwx pants a couple of times (bc lwj is putting himself in danger!!) and his beautiful beautiful face twists into a snarl
wwx: jgy, don't go too far.
jgy: is it too far for you already? next i even want hanguang jun to seal his own spiritual power by himself. what would you call that?
wwx's eyes widen like, no, no don't
and we get a shot of lwj who is the picture of grim resignation
he knows that as long as jgy has that garrote around wwx's neck, he will do anything he asks of him, anything at all
wwx protests but jgy just tightens the garrote
lwj sees that happening and immediately locks down his spiritual energy
(side note to say that i really like the sound effects and the motions they choreographed for the "locking of energy" thing here. It’s really cool)
wwx: lan zhan…
lwj presses his lips into a firm line in response
oh and now there's a convenient thunderstorm TO SET THE MOOD I GUESS?? 
jgy is like, hey guys let's move this inside so we don't get rained out. no worries, if you do what i say i totally won't maim and/or kill you
cut to inside the temple
creepy breeze? Check
eerie candle lighting? Check
highly contrasted cool colors vs warm colors? Check
jgy also likes his classic villain tropes, it seems i wonder if he and xy compared notes on that...
jl is sitting next to lxc, clutching his sword
meanwhile lxc keeps his eyes closed like maybe if i refuse to see what's happening, it'll make it not be happening!
Which, hey, we’ve all been there! 
okay, maybe not this exact same scenario, but still! Totally a valid coping mechanism, probably.
and on the other side of the room we've got our boys sitting shoulder to shoulder against a pillar together
wwx: lan zhan, you don't have to do this. that year....you owe me nothing
Aka, it’s not your fault i died. You don’t need to atone for anything!!!
lwj takes in his words for a moment
lwj: i don't think i owe you.
he says it so seriously
wwx: so why did you do that??
lwj looks over to him
lwj: it's what i should do.
some mood-setting stuff happens
you know, creepy wind slamming open doors, blowing out candles, that sort of thing
huh, he's got an unconscious nhs with him
wow he just drops nhs on the ground like a sack of potatoes, rude
blah blah evil plotty exchange between evil master and evil subordinate blah blah
blah blah emotional confrontation between jgy and lxc that idc about blah blah
ugh gross now su she is approaching wwx and lwj and is talking to them all smugly condescending
i want to hit his face with a brick tbh
wwx just rolls his eyes and lwj looks off to the middle distance bc this insect is not worth his time or attention lololol
god that chip in his shoulder that he's got for lwj is really getting annoying
ss: i just can't stand his attitude, as if he's better than everyone else!!
idk about “everyone else,” but he's definitely BETTER THAN YOU, YOU GREASY LITTLE COWARD
lol wwx gets offended on lwj's behalf (bc lwj has yet to acknowledge su she at all)
wwx: when did lan zhan say he was better than everyone else?
awwwwww!! lwj sneaks a glance at wwx when he starts to defend his honor. that's so cute!
wwx: iirc, in the great big book of lan fam rules, there’s one that says "don't be arrogant and prideful"
jl: how do you know the principles of gusulan so well?!
wwx frowns all sulky and taps his nose adorably
wwx: i have transcribed it so many times that i memorized it.
jl: why did you transcribe the principles of lan??
wwx: do you think it was my choice? that (and here he glances at lwj from the corner of his eye and lwj is side-eyeing him and it's hilarious) was my punishment
jl: shame on you!
he says it all haughty and adorably irritated and turns his head away sharply. it's GREAT
After that, wwx is going on about how lwj has had that indifferent expression on his face his whole life and he can't really help it, it’s not bc he’s snooty or whatever ss thinks
and he continues to blabber on in that way he does
ss gets all mad and moves to strike him with his hand
and quicker than a blink of an eye, lwj puts bichen (still sheathed) between wwx and ss 
He glares at ss like, just try it, i dare you! and doesn't put bichen down until ss lowers his hand
i would like to point out that ss still relented to lwj even tho lwj HAS NO ACCESS TO SPIRITUAL POWER 
as soon as ss backs off, wwx runs his mouth again, i love it
There’s a bit where wwx says, "i'm not afraid of death, i just don't want to die"
which i guess is some kind of word play in their native tongue? Idk
wwx goes on to explain it but idgi; either it doesn't translate well or i'm not bright enough to understand it, lol
anyway, this all culminates to ss drawing his sword to kill wwx for being annoying
lwj does not look impressed lolol but you can tell wwx thinks it's pretty neat 
(not that he'll ever admit it bc you never admit those sort of things to your little brother, LOL)
jl is so happy to see him!
jl: uncle!
jc: you're calling me now? you know how to call me now? why did you run away a while ago?
and jl looks away with that yeesh expression kids get when their parents start in on their scolding lectures
wwx: lan zhan!!
lwj calmly lifts his arm so wwx can cower behind his billowing white sleeve
jl is commanding fairy to bite ss and as wwx is cowering, he's ALSO encouraging fairy to bite ss
(which really just means that, while wwx will probably never get over his phobia of dogs, he might eventually be able to get used to fairy maybe)
lol ss goes running with fairy hot on his tail
then we cut to wwx who notices how he's clinging to lan zhan's outstretched arm and gets embarrassed
he gently pushes the arm down and gives it a pat and smiles bashfully at lwj
fun fact, this scene is the reason i started watching the show, i saw a gifset of this little exchange here and was like, THAT'S AN ADORABLE SMILE ON THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BOY IN THE WORLD
and now some henchmen try attacking jc and jc whips them away with zidian and is generally just looking AWESOME
then lxc warns him about the Evil Magic Music
so jc's solution to that is to grab a random sword with zidian and chuck sandu into zidian and then scrape the two swords together?? to block out the music with super irritating noise, i guess???
lol even lwj is wincing at the racket
you know what, i'm gonna ignore the weirdness of this makeshift solution and just enjoy how cool zidian looks
now jgy is monologuing at jc and it's boring
lol, wwx leans over to lwj while that's happening
wwx: seriously, he talks like xy
he is not impressed by it lololol
both jc and jgy hear him and give him a Look and wwx puts on an innocent face
jgy starts picking at jc's emotional wounds and complicated brotherly feelings
jc starts getting defensive and snappish
lxc: don't answer him. he's good at talking. 
so at least lxc is learning from his mistakes here, that’s good!
jgy switches tactics and starts in on wwx and his complicated brotherly feelings
but wwx responds with, hey man, i already know jc hates me so that isn't gonna work
oooooh, now jgy is revealing how he heard that jc was running around lotus pier asking ppl to unsheathe suibian
wwx's eyes get all wide and surprised
he throws a desperate look at lwj
wwx: my sword? didn't i give suibian to wn??
lwj doesn't answer but wwx realizes that he hasn't seen wn carrying suibian lately
and he starts frantically asking lwj how suibian ended up with jc and why the heck would jc ask others to draw suibian
wwx: has he drawn it by himself??
pretty sure he knows the answers to all those questions and is basically asking lwj to tell him his suspicions aren't correct
lwj: wei ying, calm down
jgy notices wwx's reactions and pushes on bc he's found a weak spot and he's def gonna exploit it
he's like, oh yeah, i also heard you were able to draw suibian from its sheath, jc
wwx's face is full of dread as he realizes what happened
he starts blinking back tears and he's getting all shaky bc this is his nightmare unfolding before him
he gives jc a sarcastic bow and keeps picking at those wounds
wwx jerks forward as if he was going to try to shut up jgy, but lwj holds him back bc honestly, what was wwx going to be able to do anyway?
jc staggers back as if physically wounded
wwx's eyes are red with tears bc this was never supposed to happen
jgy chooses this moment to attack and now we have a sword fight
we get a shot of lwj and wwx here
wwx is squirming in his seat like he wants to intervene but knows that he can't
Lwj is keeping a close eye on wwx, ready to stop him the moment wwx tries to sacrifice himself for jc (again)
in the middle of their fight, jgy suddenly flings his sword right at lwj!!
lwj tries to raise bichen but it's not gonna be quick enough
jc sees this and dives towards lwj and manages to block the sword
lwj looks at him in shock, which is understandable bc jc doesn't even like him
he could've totally just let that sword slice him in two and been guilt-free bc hey he's in the middle of a life or death battle himself, you know?
but he didn't! he took the time to protect lwj 
For his efforts, he gets wounded (like mortally wounded) and now he has another reason to hate lwj lol
Anyway, jc can't do much now except channel all his spiritual energy into the wound so he doesn't, yknow, DIE
wwx is watching him with worry
here comes su she, all bloodied up 
lol looks like fairy was able to tear into him a bit. what a good doggy!!
now i guess the henchman were able to finish digging or whatever, WATCH HOW MUCH I DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT NONSENSE
Let’s check in on our boys instead
wwx and and lwj share a look 
and all i can think is omg look at how close their hands are, if they each shift just a couple inches they'd be holding hands!!
But no, we're going to have an emotional discussion instead
wwx: did you know about it?
lwj gives a very reluctant nod
wwx: when did wn tell him?
lwj: while you were knocked out
also omg they're having this conversation and jc is literally only 3ft away
wwx: that's how we left lotus pier??
lwj: wn is very sorry about that
look at lwj being a bro and sticking up for wn!
wwx: i've told him time and again to never speak of it
jc: never speak of what?
and here they seem to realize that yeah, hello, everyone can hear their conversation
they look at jc all surprised
*facepalm* guys, guys, i get that you both get a little wrapped up in each other sometimes, but c'mon
But we still got quality times with our boys, and some fun times with jl and jc, so i guess that evens the scales!
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Fullmetal Alchemist Ep. 11
Fullmetal Alchemist Ep. 11: The Other Brothers Elric Part 1
Ooh! Part 1, you say? That's exciting! Also, this title is quite intriguing. Is somebody going to be pretending to be them? Is there going to be an alternate universe plotline? Or something else entirely?
"Is money all grown-ups care about?" Yes, Al, unfortunately, that is kind of the case.
Oh my! Little girl trapped under a mining cart. That's upsetting. Also, what was little girl doing hanging around a mining cart? Unless this mine was re-made into a theme park, but I doubt that.
Elric brothers to the rescue! But which Elric brothers are they? duhn duhn duhn!
So... I like Edward's coat? And I kinda want one? But first I should probably know what that symbol on it means?
So what did he make out of the mining cart, and is it in any way useful? I guess he could always turn it back into a mining cart later, so it doesn't really matter.
What if Ed is like... giving up pieces of his soul every time he does alchemy? That would be rather like Robert Cormier's Fade...
Ed must have been a pipsqueak all his life because Al looks like the older brother even in the pictures of the opening sequence.
It is a good thing I am not livestreaming my reactions. Otherwise, people would see my dancing ridiculously to the opening theme lol
lol, Al getting mistaken for Ed's father. That's hilarious.
Hurm. Who is this Belsio character? I guess he does stuff in the mines.
And apparently this little girl is sick in some way?
I don't know if Mugear is a fraud or actually trying to make the philosopher's stone, but it's not going to work, one way or another.
"Now, why would somebody going around using our names?" I dunno, maybe because you're famous? Of course, you'd think they'd be hard to impersonate. I mean, word should have gotten around by now that one of them is always wearing a suit of armor.
Ed, I understand wanting to sneak into Mugear's place and find out more about these other Elric brothers, but... Al's not really made for sneaking anymore. pro tip.
Also, lol, the other Ed is actually tall. How much you wanna bet that this is going to thoroughly annoy our Ed?
"on your knees." Ed, Ed darling, that is not going to work. Also, he's like... a foot taller than you. You may be an alchemist, but he could probably beat you up pretty easy. We've already seen you taken out by pebbles and planks of wood.
Ouch. He got kicked with a metal leg. That probably hurts.
Hurm. Other Ed doesn't need a circle. So does this mean that they're alternate dimension versions? (the thick plottens) or is there something else behind it all? And will we, finally, learn once and for all, what makes Ed so special? (Also possible there's like a time-travel thing going on here--just throwing that out there. Of course, if that's the case, their time-line is going to get messed up because they are not getting their bodies back. unless they get their bodies back and then get stuck back in time or something like that... very Misfits, that would be.)
lol I love that I didn't even consider the possibility that the other brothers might have the philosopher's stone. BEcause they don't.
"size doesn't mean anything," *punches brother for suggesting he's short* (you know, Ed, you're going to have to get used to this. I'm pretty sure boys finish puberty around fifteen.)
I wonder what they want the philosopher's stone for...
Daww, Other Al even cares about hit big bro the way real Al does! Daww!
Oop! I'm pretty sure that's Lust again! And she doesn't want them knowing about it because she doesn't want the military knowing about it...
Aww, poor Ed's face is swelling.
Upsides for being a suit of armor #32: "your cold metal feels just like an ice-pack."
Aww, the uncle or whoever he is is nice. I wonder if he's suspicious about what's going on Mugear's big fancy house...
He's really nice if he doesn't care who they are.
Oh, the gold mine is all dug up then, isn't it. So the town is poor. Seeing as poverty and dried-up mines are a theme, I'm thinking this is in some way related to the reasons that people don't like the military.
I love that she calls them "pretend brothers." lolol
Belsio's a good guy. I wish good things for him.
Aww, poor Al, being gossiped about. I mean, this is what happens when you get famous, but I don't think he really bargained for the fame...
Aww, Other Al is kind of cute too.
And now Al and Other Al are going to bond! And it's going to be soooo cuuuute!!!! Squee!
Do they have the same dad? Did he have a second secret family? There's going to be more to all of this. I can feel it. (I'm getting a Northern Exposure vibe here!)
"If you're brother's doing something he shouldn't be doing, please intervene." *speaks from personal experience*
Fletcher is cute.
"I got the shit beat out of me last time, but I'm going to sneak into the mansion again tonight." Oh Ed...
I just realized... Fletcher and his brother are wearing masks as they work. And Mugear was wearing one too. Is their work somehow related to all the sickness? jerks
lolol please tell me that they used the exact same animation for the second sneaking scene as they did for the first. Because that would make it perfect.
Ooh, if the work on the stone is what's causing all the sickness, then Al and Ed are about to get it. Be careful boys! The Corona is out there!
Yup. That is defintely making everybody sick. At least Fletcher's still got a good heart.
Don't yell at Fletcher! He helped you!
Fletcher! Poor baby! wahhh!!
Oh. This red stone is the same kind of thing that the guy was using in the the first two episodes. It mimics the philosopher's stone, but it's temporary, at best. I wonder how much older brother's actually made and already used up.
Oh, so the real reason Ed is angry is because somebody else liked their father...
Why did we just a recess whistle? I guess we'll have to wait until part 2 to find out.
Um... Fletcher will live. Fletcher's brother will repent. Ed and Al will go on to look for the real stone elsewhere. Belsio's niece will get better and the town will be okay... ish.
Why doesn't Ed need a transmutation circle?
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atopearth · 6 years
Liar! Uncover the Truth Part 2 - 6th to 9th Liars
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6th Liar Gotta agree that the family situation can become a big hindrance to the relationship depending on things, especially if they don’t approve. Lmao at the heroine thinking Sotaro’s parents are actually farmers and not the doctor lineage vibe he gives off. Well, can’t tell for sure right now but parents that like to grow their own vegetables sound exactly like my parents, and that photo with his parents with cows, they could really just enjoy this as an interest and so went to check out farms in the US haha. LOL but if she does marry him and they move to the US and she’s expected to help out on the farm then yeah…. But really, just moving to the US is a big change to her life so I don’t see the heroine doing that at all for a guy.
Azusa is sooo pushy. He practically forced himself into her apartment. The heroine usually stands her ground so well, she really should have just said no, especially since they barely know each other and he’s already trying to get into her home. At least he cooked for her after barging in I guess lol. It can’t be helped that Haruichi actually being a head of the Yakuza would frighten her considering that no matter how kind he may be, he’s a part of the underground world and who knows what he’s actually done and will do in the future. I didn’t mind Haruichi but I doubt you can be prepared to marry someone with such a background so fast lol. 
I think it’s just kinda saddening how hurt Haruichi was. It was understandable why he hid it and why he didn’t want to tell her, but yeah, if she’s getting married to him, she has the right to know.. The good thing was that Haruichi was truly sincere in his love for her, he never thought about finding a Yakuza wife until recently, but seeing how bold, strong and fearless she was, he fell for her and cared about her. Not that following her and getting someone to report about what she does everyday is good but considering his background, it’s probably expected. Finally decided to check out the other endings besides the True and Secret, and dangg, I feel sorry for her in the bad ending, she steeled herself into being a Mafia wife and he uses her as a sacrifice to go to jail instead of him and then dumps her, yeah that’s terrible. Now I don’t feel so bad for the heroine dumping him if that’s a possibility lmao.
7th Liar I always feel so bad that my favourite is Itaru but Sotaro looks so similar to him that it makes me mix them up lmao, I’m sorry I don’t love you enough to be able to tell the difference between you two! Hmm, so we’re dealing with some sort of addict this time~ hope it’s not a gaming addict because that’s me lolol. Hahaha omg, is Sotaro a gaming addict? Lolll, right after I said that too…
Wow, Kazumi just brings her to a fancy party and gets people to do her makeup and hair and he even got her a dress lol. Why couldn’t he tell her that beforehand? What if she put a lot of effort into her makeup and dress that day lol. But wow, the host of the party, Kazumi’s friend who is a director is such a sleazebag, who the hell tells a woman on their first meeting that instead of being a wedding planner, she’d be a great model and that he’d introduce her to a porn director?! Wow, just wow. Lmao at her being clueless to ice referring to drugs, guess it’s nice that she’s innocent. Whether Kazumi’s lack of appetite is related to that and whether the girl hanging off Itaru on the streets is an escort is something hard to gauge right now, but I’m hoping that Sotaro or Kazumi is the liar this time XD
Kazumi is the liar, as expected, but I guess from now on, the things they lie about won’t be as bad? He was actually lying because he had a terminal illness, when the heroine thought he was a drug addict. Can’t blame her though, but honestly, I don’t see this love he has for her. Don’t think they really matched tbh, so I’m glad she didn’t want to be with him lol. But, I feel like Kazumi is the only liar that I genuinely felt sorry for and could see why he lied, it just feels so terrible..?
8th Liar Heroine is running out of time! Only 2 weeks left before the mother comes to see her so called boyfriend, she better step up her game lol. Tbh though, with Azusa’s spending habits etc, I feel like if there’s a guy that doesn’t seem to be earning as much as he seems/lying about his job, I have to say, I feel like it’s Azusa. But who knows, he might be a rich boy lol. I don’t know if Itaru will be fired from his marketing/sales job that earns him big bucks but is super stressful, although very fulfilling to him but I do think that someone who can brave through all that is someone that must enjoy their job and the challenges that come with it, so I think that whatever he’s going through, he’ll be okay. As for Sotaro possibly selling drugs in the hospital or whatever hmmm, sounds rather far-fetched tbh. And Itaru was just recommending some vitamin supplements he thinks is good to her and she thinks he’s a jerk and some kinda dodgy guy???
Anyway, with the amount of evidence and him asking for money, it was obvious that Azusa was a marriage scam artist, which is a terrible thing to do. Not only do you steal precious money from a woman but you also rob them of their love and also their ability to believe in love again. As a person that isn’t doing well with his parents and was raised by his relatives and has worked multiple jobs to help out his little brother’s living expenses etc and understands the difficulties of earning money, you would think he would have more consideration for other people’s hard earned money. But no, he only thinks that his situation gives him the right to take all this money. Especially since he spends so much on clothes etc too! Luckily I never liked Azusa, I always thought he was rather fake and was constantly just trying to appeal to the heroine, so yep, ditch that fraud.
9th Liar It’s finally the last one! Please be Sotaro! Loll. Why did Itaru seem kinda flustered with her standard of guys to not have illegitimate children? Noooo. Lol at the heroine doing her makeup to go to the doctor when she’s so sick just in case she sees Sotaro at the hospital. Sure, the doctor wasn’t very nice in the way she said that if the heroine has the time to put on makeup, she has time to rest, but the heroine didn’t need to call her a bitch lol… I mean, she could have been just concerned about her well-being. On the other hand, it’s very difficult for some people to go out without makeup because they’ve got a reputation and a professional appearance they have to keep up just in case they see anyone and I think it’s reasonable for the heroine to put on makeup though.
Hahahah I can’t believe Itaru and Sotaro met at a ramen restaurant that serves ramen from spicy level one to 99, where they just happened to sit next to each other and started fighting through who can eat spicier but in the end they both couldn’t take the 99 and just became rivals after that lmao. Wow guess that female doctor really was a bitch lol, she’s so rude to the heroine to call her a silly redneck pig like wtf, no basic respect at all, disgusting. Anyway, so sad that the game is pointing to Itaru probably being the liar, sigh. So envious that the heroine has such a good friend like Yuri that she can consult all the time and even help her deal with bugs and clean up her whole apartment! Not sure how I feel about Sotaro right now, he keeps saying that the heroine should not approach Itaru but doesn’t give any reason why. Itaru doesn’t even do that, he just tries to get her heart whilst knowing Sotaro will be doing the same.
Omggg I actually didn’t expect Sotaro to be the liar! I think I was just so down in the dumps in the beginning because everything wanted to show that Itaru was a liar so I thought my favourite guy (from the beginning!) was going to lose. But, anyway lol omg, who would have thought Sotaro had actually divorced twice?! And omg, initially I thought being divorced was okay since you can understand why he ended up hiding it (secret ending) since he never really got the chance to tell her truthfully after he lost the courage once. But after reading the endings, yeah, Sotaro is terrible. He’s not looking for a wife, he’s looking for a 24/7 domestic housewife aka a maid. That bad ending is exactly how things will turn out considering his attitude and criteria for picking women. Someone like the heroine who can’t even clean her house or take care of bugs would never be Sotaro’s ideal wife lol, he should be happy she ran off lmao.
Anyway, turns out I had a good eye and actually chose the best guy from the beginning hahahah. They’re really pushing the destiny thing with her mum having sent a photo of the marriage partner she wanted to introduce to her and it was actually Itaru all along lol. She didn’t even need to go to the party to find him lol. But I guess it was important for the heroine to go through all those liars in order to completely trust Itaru now, so I’m happy for her. The only crappy thing is that you don’t get to see romance between them even though we’ve gotten through all these crappy guys to get here but it doesn’t feel like we got a reward at all lol. You have to purchase Itaru’s lovers route to probably get to see how they’re doing but really, I think they should have a bit of an epilogue and then if people want more, they can do the lovers route. Now it just feels so… Like I feel so not accomplished with no reward, it’s like, you find all the liars, read their endings and it’s the end. I know this is a game revolved around catching the liars over everything but I also feel like it’s unreasonable to not be able to see a romantic happy ending, sigh, disappointed.
Overall though, I think this game was too hyped up so I had too many expectations that weren’t fulfilled (lacklustre story and characters to an extent, but fun gameplay and straightforwardness from the heroine). However, it was still pretty fun, it was quite light hearted and interesting to look at the evidence and try to decipher who’s the liar, what they’re lying about and then seeing how they came to be who they are. It was quite fascinating and a lot of fun, I enjoyed it as a nice and chill story of a distrustful woman that gets through all the crappy men to find one that will give her the best and what she needs. So now I can tell myself that I have a good eye for men hahahaha!
Office Deception (next series) is next! But I’m gonna take a bit of a break to get more tickets accumulated so I can always get all the endings and have a more wholesome experience I guess haha. I hope it’ll be even better~ EDIT: I didn’t realise there was a sequel, I’ll do that after I’m done with Office Deception since I already started it loll.
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wonderfuls-worlds · 7 years
Mystic Messenger : Day 2 ~ V Walkthrough (FULL ANSWERS)
I worked all alone - I cheked each answers ~ Please be considerate.
Like, reblog, or do nothing, but please don’t copy/paste it and claim it as your own… I am on my own and spent a lot of time to do this.
If you are on phone, please setting the page to be seen in the computer version! On the phone, the answers are sometimes unaligned and it can confuse you…
In order to not bother and annoy my followers who don’t play this game by this looong post, I’ll put a seperate line. Click to see.
You will have a lot of Unknown’s hearts, it’s okay to take his answers because he is cute and adorable but don’t if :
 It’s insulting and degrading RFA
 Encouraging his madness
There is a V’s answer in the suggestion
01 :19 : Expectation and Uneasiness [Yoosung, Jaehee]
 He’s the king of irresponsibility. (Unknown)
He said he’ll be back soon. You could ask him then, can’t you? (V)
I’m sure he’s inside the phone. Lol (nothing)
Aren’t you going to sleep, Jaehee? (nothing)
Welcome, Jaehee. (nothing)
Do you have a hidden background story with you? You know, you’re actually the CEO’s daughter… (Unknown)
Wow, you must be super-competent, Jaehee. (nothing)
Does that mean that you shouldn’t chit-chat but just work? (nothing)
So he must have seen potential in you, Jaehee- (Jaehee)
That’s a true businessman there. He makes futures rather than present his priority! (Jumin)
A rich man and a celebrity…? They sound so otherworldly to me. (nothing)
How do V’s photos feel like? (V)
How does this association work without V? ‘(Unknown)
He said that he’ll drop by more often. I’m sure he will. (V)
You mean you can’t log in from abroad? (nothing)
I wish I could discuss a lot about parties and the RFA. (Unknown)
That’s right! Please trust me! I’m here to have parties with the RFA! (nothing)
Isn’t that a sensitive matter to V as well? (V)
Why don’t you investigate on that on your own? I want to know what happened too. (Unknown)
Their friendship is so cool…..(V and Jumin)
That can’t get any more suspicious. Do you know by any chance just what those two shared? (Unknown)
What about me? I like hearing about the RFA. (nothing)
Did I do something? (nothing)
Hmm… It does sound like you have a good situation to be wary of me. (V)
You’re mean… I didn’t do anything wrong. (Unknown)
You must feel so complicated. I doubt you can sleep. (nothing)
Yoosung, you tend to else your temper whenever V is related… (nothing)
But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be suspicious at all. (Unknown)
I agree. I doubt you can gain anything from suspecting each other. (V)
You must be a grand master in handling Yoosung. (Jaehee)
Yoosung must have been really fond of Rika. (V)
I’m afraid that Yoosung’s sorrow will turn into misunderstanding on V. (V)
Don’t you suspect V, Jaehee? (nothing)
But you can’t tell people to do something about their sorrow, can you…? (nothing)
Did that ever happen to you two, Jaehee? (nothing but best answer)
I should go to sleep too. (nothing)
Are you going to bed now? (nothing)
  Visual Novel V ~
  02:44 : Night of Reminiscence [Jumin, V]
What are you up to at this hour? (nothing)
Good evening, Jumin. (nothing
But I hardly get any information here. (nothing)
So you’re saying I’m currently holding information superiority. (Unknown
What’s so bad about questioning? (Unknown)
I think you’d trust V in whatever situation, Jumin. (V)
If I don’t look like an extraordinary person, who do you think I am ? (nothing)
Ooooh busted. I actually come from another dimension. (Unknown)
What’s that supposed to mean…? (nothing)
Where is my Prince Charming waiting for me-? (nothing)
That’s the spell of teleporting, not shapeshifting. (nothing)
Cheer up, Jaehee… (Jaehee)
That’s one elegant sense of humour you have, Jumin. (Jumin)
Just where did you get that book…? (nothing)
Is that what you think ? You’re cute Jumin lololol (nothing)
You mean a chat about dark magic? (nothing)
I vote for a chat on RFA! (Unknown)
Was that spell… for summoning V instead of shapeshifting, by any chance…? (nothing)
What? V alert! (nothing)
You’re drunk Jumin…(nothing)
What brings you here at this hour, V? (nothing)
Aww- I wish I could get a glass of wine too! (nothing)
You two know each other so well… (nothing)
But I’m guessing you managed to get back at home safe. (nothing)
Do you have a drunken habit, V? (V)
I think he’s fallen asleep. (nothing)
Perhaps he’s sleeping while chatting. (nothing)
You can actually see that? It must be because you’re his friend. (nothing)
Don’t you think your memory are too detailed, Jumin…? (nothing)
I-know-no-such-thing-as-sloppiness-boy lolololol (Jumin)
What was V like when he was young? (V)
So you two first met when you were really young? (nothing)
Wow, you two just look like you do now. (nothing)
So what did you tell him, Jumin? (nothing)
You asked him to be your friend…? You were cute when you were young, V. Lolol (nothing)
It feels like I’m having a casual chat… How do you know if he’s drunk? (nothing)
So this is Jumin’s druken habit. (nothing)
You have to work tomorrow, but you’re not sleeping yet? (nothing)
I think both of you should go to bed. (nothing)
what’s that matter? (nothing)
I heard beans sprout is good in getting rid of hangovers! (nothing)
Good night, Jumin! (nothing)
You two share a whole lot memories (nothing)
Were your families close too? (nothing)
But it’s okay to depends on your friends. (nothing)
It look like Jumin trust you a lot. (nothing)
Do you think there is really something you can do in this situation? (Unknown)
Could you protect me too? (nothing but best answer)
I don’t feel like sleeping yet. I’ll hang around for a bit and then go to sleep. (nothing)
I’m going to bed now too. (nothing)
Jumin calls.
Personal note : If you want to call V, it’s the moment !
07:50 : Unexpected Visit [Fake V – Ray]
 V? Something’s weird about the chat room. (nothing)
Uh… Are you Ray by any chance? (nothing)
I see you’ve logged in early, V. (nothing)
Kind of… but I’m sure we’ll be able to hold parties somehow. (Unknown)
What? Stupid? (nothing)
They keep suspecting me all the time. This is tired and frustrating. (nothing)
I don’t know what you’re talking about but I’m curious what you’ve got more to say. So let’s continue. (nothing)
Something’s not right…Are you really V? (V)
I already knew who you are. (nothing?)
You really scared me !… That was you Ray? (nothing)
The game was so fun so I couldn’t let my eyes off. (nothing)
I sleep very well. I think I like my new room. Did you have a good rest last night? (Unknown)
Thank you Ray. You’re so good at cooking! (Unknown)
I feel a little like a livestock being raised… (nothing)
I really like the characters. Especially the guy called V! (V)
I’m so excited! I think I’ll have much more fun discovering all the secrets! (Unknown)
I’m not sure… (nothing)
They’re really Als… right? They feel so real. (nothing)
This game is complicated… (nothing)
I think you’re really warmhearted man, Ray (Unknown).
How luch longer do I have to play this game? (nothing)
Yes. I want to see characters ending. (nothing)
 I want to go home fast. (nothing)
Who is that? (nothing)
It’s not V, right? (V)
I’m starving. Hurry up.(nothing)
I’ll be waiting. (nothing)
Visual Novel 707
09 :37 : The Act of Hacking God [707, Jaehee]
 No hogging please; (nothing)
Uh-huh and it looks like your mind’s been wiped clean too. (707)
Hit Seoul Hit Daejon Hit Daegu Hit Busan Hit it! (Jumin)
Do you have that book titled Unknown Dark Magic or whatever? (nothing)
That’s my username. (nothing)
Can you give me a recommendation on real estate? (nothing)
Welcome, Jaehee. (nothing)
I wonder what they keep in the Vatican’s server. (nothing)
Way to go Jaehee ! Hit him harder! (Jaehee)
I’m pope’s fan too! Can you share them with me? (707)
So you sure the messenger server is absolutely safe? (nothing)
Thank god it wasn’t the messenger server. (Jaehee)
Can you tell me what kind of files you have there? (nothing)
Business, personal and backup? You do know a thing or two, Seven. (707)
What difference is there between business server and programmation server? (nothing)
You have your old pictures?!!?!?(707)
Can I get a copy of his pic ? (Jumin)
Give me a kitty picture and I’ll keep my mouth shut. (nothing)
Time to call the police. (Jaehee)
You’re a genius. (707)
But first you should get the server back. (Jaehee)
Please don’t be so mean to him. I’m sure he will do his best. (707)
Did I get to hear my own characterization now? (nothing)
Oh? Did you find anything about me? (nothing)
The hacker goes by the name of developer…(Unknown)
I wanna know too. Is it this hacker or someone else…? (nothing)
Good luck on recovering servers! (nothing)
Byebyebye (nothing)
I hope nothing bad happens. (Jaehee)
Is it because of me? (V)
I think that’s because he’s fallen for me^^ (nothing)
V looks like a very responsible man (V)
I think everyone’s being too gracious with V. Is he really worth such a high evaluation? (Unknown)
But what really matter to you is your research about me, isn’t it ? (nothing)
If he does recover them, I hope he can share them in commemoration of his own success… (Jumin)
I don’t think his pictures are the only thing in there. There could be someone’s else pictures like… Zen (nothing)
Are there really vampires in Romania ? (nothing)
Jumin told you to get a book out of print… ? (nothing)
That’s ridiculous. (nothing)
Be careful, it could be a fraud ! (nothing)
Good bye, Jaehee! (nothing)
 12:00 : Lots I want To Do Together [Ray]
 Is this a maintenance time? (nothing)
Perfect timing. I was about to report a bug. (Unknown)
The user is here- (nothing)
What’s the development room? (nothing)
Did you have lunch, Ray? (Unknown)
You should have your meal, then. (nothing)
f you didn’t eat, then I don’t want to eat either. (nothing)
Can  I drop by for a  bit? (nothing)
It’s okay. I like your game. (nothing)
You must be really talented. (Unknown)
Can I go out now? (nothing)
That sounds great! (nothing)
Actually… you did. Kind of. (Unknown’s heartbroken)
No, I like you more than those Als. (Unknown)
It did get kind of boring… (nothing)
I’m not bored. I get to talk to you like this from time to time. (Unknown)
But that sounded quite convincing for a rubbish. (V)
Why is this game so full of bugs? (nothing)
Of course. You’re much more amazing than him. (nothing)
I thought you were their creator. Do you have to hate them that much? (nothing)
But they sounded right… (nothing but good answer for V)
A meeting? (nothing)
Important guest? (nothing)
Goodbye. (nothing)
Good luck on your work Ray! (nothing)
Visual Novel V
  13:57 : V’s decision [V]
 What? It’s V! (nothing)
Hello, V. (nothing)
You made a choice. (V)
That took long. What’s the hold-up? (Unknown)
That’s what I’ve been telling you from the beginning. (nothing)
Don’t tell me I’ve been stuck on the tutorial all this time… (Unknown)
So does that mean the others won’t suspect me anymore? (nothing)
You know that the other members won’t be happy, but you’re going to hold parties? (Unknown)
You seem to have a reason why you trust me. (nothing)
I hope you’d let me know asap. (nothing)
So we’ll be holding a small-scaled party. (V)
Sure. You look like a responsible person. (V)
I’ll decide on that eventually. (Unknown)
I’m so excited to find out what party guests they’ll recommend for me. (V)
Can’t I recommend guests too? (nothing)
I’d like to know more about you too. (V)
Can I call you in the middle of the night? (nothing)
I wish you could at least give me recommendations. (nothing)
Please log in more often from now on. (V)
Goodbye. (nothing)
I hope we can talk some more next time. (V)
  Visual Novel V
 15:24 : Recommendation of trust [Jumin]
 Welcome, Jumin! (nothing)
Hey hey CEO-in-line (nothing)
Jumin, have you read what V said? (nothing)
I have a bad feeling about this… (nothing)
Really ? What is it? I’m all ears! (Jumin)
Jaehee ordered them for you…? No wonder she’s always buried in work. (Jaehee)
There’s C&R right there – the No. 1 corporate of Korea ! (nothing)
You collect antique books? That’s an elegant hobby. (Jumin)
But Jaehee is the one who looks all over for them. (Jaehee)
Sounds great! We’ll get to hear the secret behind his long life. (nothing + answer to email)
I think you’re threatening the other guest’s throats. I decline. (nothing)
Thou  who art deeper than even blood, Thou who are darker than even darkness… (nothing)
Welcome, Yoosung. (nothing)
Really? What kind of gifts? (nothing)
Jumin, you don’t actually trust them, do you? (nothing)
What matters isn’t the background. It’s the person itself. (nothing)
That’s so right. I can’t deny it… (nothing)
V looks like a trustworthy person. I trust him. (V and Jumin)
He feels like a dictator or something. Kind of. (Unknown and Yoosung)
Sure. But could you make it quick? I wanna see the ending. (nothing)
Recommendations, please! (nothing)
They can take the cab. (nothing)
There’s also crane – the symbol of long life! (nothing)
You can find a guest that can match a vampire! (nothing)
He’s right. I like seeing you bright. (Yoosung)
Jumin, the epitome of trust. (nothing – best answer)
You two didn’t make a deal or some sort, did you? (nothing)
Yoosung is a grown-up too. He’ll take care of himself. (nothing)
Why don’t you trying reading like Jumin? Try focusing on your books. (nothing)
Why don’t you try trusting V too? (nothing)
Just follow what your heart tells you, Yoosung. There’s more option than simply losing control of your thoughts.  (Yoosung)
I think it’s good to direct your thoughts somewhere else! (nothing)
You should just go to bed. (nothing)
What about studying? (nothing)
Clear your head and come back ! (nothing)
Gooodbye bye (nothing)
 Visual Novel Yoosung
 18:26 : The Universe and the Sun [707, V]
 Hello. (nothing)
Hell-o Seven! (707)
Too bad. I wanted to werewolf too. (nothing)
Aren’t werewolves usually humans? (nothing)
Is there actually such a creation? (nothing)
Ugh I doubt that werewolf is an ordinary person (nothing)
I’ll invite it beep ! (nothing + answer to email)
Pluto? I don’t think that’s… (nothing)
What is it Seven? Is there something bothering you? (707)
At last! (nothing)
Try me. (nothing)
You can try screaming into your blanket. (nothing)
Here he is! My secret buddy! (V)
What’s that photo? (nothing)
Can’t expect anything else from Jumin’s friend… (V and Jumin)
Can I get your autograph? (nothing)
I didn’t know you sell your autographs. (nothing)
I’m curious for how much your autograph was sold. (nothing)
Let’s just be honest with space. (V)
Don’t be so mean to him! (707)
I can see a crevasse of difference between you and Seven, V. Seven is basically a slave for money… (nothing)
That halo definitely comes from your face…(V)
Doesn’t matter if you’re already a Catholic. I raise your name up high! (707)
Holy V (nothing)
Are you going to discuss secrets again? (nothing)
Can you count me in? (nothing but best answer)
Those left behind should carry on. (nothing)
I think that will be even harder on you… (V)
But if that’s our current situation, we should work together and prepare for the party. (V)
Yes, it is. I understand why Seven’s concerned. (707)
Don’t you think he ran away? (nothing)
He’s gone. (nothing)
Does V like the sun? (V)
The picture that was uploaded also had the sun blazing. (nothing)
Maybe the sun holds a special meaning for him. (V)
Because light is crucial when taking pictures? (nothing)
Maybe he’s sick…? (nothing)
I wanna see my Zen T (Zen)
Isn’t he busy? (nothing)
You’re such a good boy, Seven (707)
Of course! (nothing)
I don’t think so (nothing)
Go and call him now. (nothing)
 Visual Novel V
 20:13 : Party at Saturn? [Jaehee, Jumin, Zen]
 Good evening, Jumin. (Jumin)
Hello, Jaehee! (Jaehee)
Neither have I. (nothing)
But it’s just a day. He’ll be fine. (nothing)
You two much be quite close! (nothing)
He won’t hang up? I thought he would’ve put you on the call denial list. (nothing)
Pluto will feel lonely by itself. So I’d like to invite Neptune and Uranus too. (nothing)
We’re not holding our party at Jupiter, are we? (nothing)
When it comes  to recommendations, you don’t have to force her for one… (nothing)
I understand. I don’t wanna do anything once I get home. (Jaehee)
Please don’t worry. I can take care of it. (nothing)
I think it’d be one exciting party. (nothing)
The dish… right? (nothing)
That’s a person’s name, right? (nothing)
How can we have udon as our guest? That wasn’t funny, Jumin… (nothing)
Sounds delicious… I mean, sounds good! (Jumin + answer to email)
Are Vs photos that high in quality? (V)
Some superior officer? Who could it be? (nothing)
You look tired… (nothing)
Wow! I’ve never seen your selfie! (Jaehee)
Good luck, Jumin! (Jumin)
Cheer up, Jaehee…! (Jaehee)
So you’re saying that your  cat jumped. (Jaehee)
Really? I wanna see too! (Jumin)
I wanna see too! I wanna see her beautiful jump! (Jumin)
You’re actually capable of turning your head by 52 degrees…? (nothing)
Oh my… she’s so cute! (nothing)
??? (nothing)
Can I have more pictures of Elizabeth the 3rd? (Jumin)
Jaehee… (Jaehee)
Good night, Jumin! (nothing)
Maybe… he’s an android? (nothing)
I’d like to know what mysteries are there about him. (nothing)
You could check all the important events scheduled and go to bed. (nothing)
You can watch Zen’s DVD. (Jaehee and Zen)
What took you so long, Mr. Gorgeous? (Zen)
Huh ? Zen! (nothing)
If you were planning to be gone for the whole day, you should have told us in advance! (nothing)
So did you de-stress at the spa? (nothing)
I thought those flowers bloomed from your face. (Zen)
You basically ad a hibernation lolol (nothing)
I’m sure you’ll be a musical star! (Zen)
Zen, do you know that we’re having a party? (nothing)
You just had to hibernate today, huh ? (nothing)
We can talk more tomorrow! (Zen)
I thought you had something important schedules tomorrow. (nothing)
I wonder what kind of recommendations I’ll get. (nothing)
Goodbye, Jaehee! (nothing)
Do let me know what you think of the new DVD. (Jaehee)
Being handsome can be a problem sometimes…(nothing)
Your looks will bring better things to you! (Zen)
Let’s have a nice party! (nothing)
Me too! I’m so excited!(nothing)
It was boring without you. (nothing)
 (Zen calls)
22:38 : Congrats [Ray]
I was sightseeing in the other room. I thought I could take a break. (nothing)
I don’t think you have to know where I go. (nothing)
Thanks, but I don’t like flowers… (nothing)
They’re beautiful. Thank you so much, Ray. (Unknown)
I think those AIs are not very suspicious of me now. I think this will get even better! (Unknown)
When will I ever see the ending? (nothing)
I too wish you were my partner. (Unknown)
I wish you would focus on developing the game, developer. (nothing)
I’m not yours. (nothing)
I’m hearing that often. It’s getting boring. (nothing)
I can see how happy you are. (Unknown)
If you’re so glad why not materialize it than speak it? (nothing)
I want to stay here. (nothing but best answer)
I prefer my home. (nothing)
Ok, but only until the party is held. (nothing)
I wanna be close to you, Ray. (Unknown)
Yeah, I can’t stop caring about V. (V)
… This isn’t some sort of illegal pyramid scheme, is it? (nothing)
I’m counting on you. Please take care of it fast. (Unknown)
We didn’t chat much… You’re leaving already? (Unknown)
You should go now and look after the server. (nothing)
 V calls.
Personal note : you can call V after that call
Day 3 | V is here.
359 notes · View notes
that-black-parade · 7 years
V’s Route Walkthrough (Day 6)
[Previous Day | Next Day]
01:17 707 Cyber News. Selection 1
Hello^^; (Nothing)
You didn’t recognize me because you had too much work? T-T  (707)
Selection 2
My head spins whenever I think about it;; (Nothing)
Yes… (Nothing) 
Selection 3
Umm… how’s the messenger security? (V)
You’re getting your meals on time, aren’t you? (707)
Selection 4
I know you’ll win, Seven! (707) 
This hacker won’t give up… (Ray)
Selection 5
Looks like you got enough for joking around. (Nothing)
You need a right too! (Nothing) 
Selection 6
Wow, no kidding! You made them for fun, but they’re impressive! (Nothing)
Who made them?;;; (Nothing)
Selection 7
Daffodils. (Nothing)
Blank puzzles. (V)
707BunnygirlLoveU (707)
Selection 8
Should I start greeting you with binary numbers? 0101111011 (707)
Jaehee… You’re still up late… (Jaehee)
Selection 9
You work all day and night, Jaehee T-T (Jaehee)
Why don’t we ask her about the coordinates password? (Nothing)
Selection 10
The sun. (V)
Coffee. (Jaehee)
Selection 11
Aren’t you…awkward with V, Jaehee? (Nothing)
Don’t you think it’d be something related to Rika? (Nothing)
Selection 12
Rainbow color?
Mint color? (Nothing)
Cobalt blue? (Nothing)
Selection 13
V has mint-colored eyes! (V)
It kind of sounds random! (Nothing)
Selection 14
I don’t think Rika is the provocative type…; (Nothing)
My eyes are provocative too lol
Hmmm…that sounds worth a try. (Nothing)
Selection 15
Do you think V’s heart also has 16-fold-locks? (V)
So how long does it take? (Nothing)
Selection 16
What will happen if you get the coordinates for this place faster than expected…? (V)
Don’t you think it’s better to get the coordinates after a week, like V said? (V)
Selection 17
I’ll see you again… (Nothing)
Bye bye. (Nothing)
Selection 18
That’s nice of him T-T (Jaehee)
Who is it? (Nothing)
Selection 19
Ok…could you ask him to send me an email? (Email)
He might be a  fraud mocking Christmas! I decline! (Nothing)
Selection 20
He seems to have a lot of hobbies. (Nothing)
You two are in carefully calculated contract relationship…Didn’t you know? Your relationship is made of money. (Nothing)
Selection 21
It will! Cheer up, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
It’s an order. So you must do it T-T (Nothing)
02:43 V’s Concern. Selection 1
I can’t sleep. I feel uneasy..
I’m lonely… (Nothing)
There was something I’ve been working on… (Nothing)
Selection 2
I heard she’s busy. Don’t you think you’re making her even busier? (V)
I think he’s trying to decrypt the coordinates as fast as he can. (V)
Selection 3
You sound like you’re hiding something again, V. (V)
Do the mint-colored eyes mean something? (V)
Selection 4
I don’t think getting the right coordinates is going to be easy. (V)
What is it? Can’t you tell me?
Selection 5
V, you shouldn’t let yourself get in danger…That might be the best way for you. (V)
So there’s something in this place that Luciel must not find out. 
Selection 6
Yes? (Nothing)
Selection 7
It’s alright…It’s rather quiet here. (Nothing)
Actually, I’m a little bored since they’re ignoring me.
I’m already anxious enough. And that’s more than uncomfortable enough…
Selection 8
You turned a little brighter thanks to me, didn’t you? (V)
Thanks, but I’m not really sure if you changed. 
Selection 9
I don’t think this is really the time for that…
Do you think I’m attractive, V? (V)
Selection 10
I’m going to stay awake just a little bit more.
Yes…I should. (Nothing)
07:55 Changes Jumin Sees Selection 1
It’s a beautiful morning! (Nothing)
It’s an energetic and strong morning. 
Selection 2
I hear a lot of metaphors. You sound rather unfamiliar.
So simply put…your cat stretched?
Pictures! Let me see them! (Jumin)
Selection 3
V is still looking for Rika’s traces. It breaks my heart. (V)
Maybe it doesn’t mean anything. 
Selection 4
When do you go to bed, Jaehee? ;;;
Jaehee! You’re here so early. (Nothing)
Selection 5
So how’s the intelligence unit going? (Jumin)
She’s right. You should go to work!
Selection 6
And don’t forget V! You can also protect him! (V)
I think you could solve everything if you know where I am, Jumin…
Selection 7
In a bad way?
In a not-so-good-way?
In a good way? (Nothing)
Selection 8
V is so stubborn. (V)
I think V is slowly approaching me because my heart is wide open for him.
Selection 9
To be hones, I feel so frustrated whenever I talk to him!
I hope V will take courage and break his wall himself! (V)
Selection 10
What? Why? (Nothing)
Why don’t you go there yourself?
Selection 11
Jaehee, please make sure V doesn’t see those pictures. (V)
Don’t you think he might have seen them already?
Selection 12
Aren’t you going to work…?
Bye… (Nothing)
Selection 13
You should copy yourself and let the clone do the job.
But you can’t send anyone else to V’s home T-T (V)
Selection 14
He’ll give a new task once this one is finished, won’t he? Lol (Nothing)
Let’s take care of them one by one!
Selection 15
That’s the time when you want to just let go of everything and run away.
Why don’t you have a cup of morning coffee? (Jaehee)
Selection 16
Good luck today, Jaehee! (Jaehee)
Long is the way of the head of the intelligence unit…
10:24 Don’t Want to be Hated Selection 1
Ray, please let me out of here!
Ray, are you still attacking the RFA? (Nothing)
Selection 2
Why do you keep doing this?
Are you the one who sent those images to the RFA? (V)
Selection 3
It looks like nothing but a malicious delivery… (V)
So you’re saying V is not trustworthy? 
Selection 4
Actually, I think it’s reckless that he’s coming to save me all by himself. (V)
Right now I am a hostage…
Selection 5
They’ll come to save me if I lose contact by force. (V)
Wouldn’t it help you if I keep contacting the RFA?
Selection 6
Now that I listen to you…I’m not sure.
I’ll trust V. (V)
Selection 7
I’ll think about if you show me that you’re in torment.
Don’t touch the RFA anymore. And please let me go. (V)
Show me that you truly repent. 
Selection 8
When did you learn to hack?
Please don’t torment Seven too much… (707)
Selection 9
I hope it helps to tell them the truth.
Are you going to send something worse than images? (V)
Selection 10
I…like someone else. (V)
I like you too.
Selection 11
Are you going to make me take that drug? (V)
Selection 12
I don’t believe you… (V)
Why do you hate V so much?
Selection 13
I think something bad will happen if I see her. (V)
Who is this savior?
Selection 14
What does she have to do with V? (Nothing)
What preparations?
Selection 15
You will come to se me…right?
When will you let me out of here? (V)
12:33 Need Some Fresh Air Selection 1
About time to gaze at the sun, worrying about V… (V)
About time to play with a cat. (707)
About time to get hungry.
Selection 2
Your body rhythms turn irregular, with could cause obesity or imbalance of hormones in the future, and… (Jumin)
What should I do, God7!? (707)
Selection 3
Is something wrong?
You’re gonna work in secret with the intelligence unit!? (Nothing)
Selection 4
I wanna get some air in your car, Seven. (Nothing)
Welcome, Yoosung! Are you at school? (Nothing)
Selection 5
I think you should stay under Zen’s protection. (Zen)
You should. Be brave! (Yoosung)
Selection 6
Me, me! Me too! (Ray)
Yoosung…why would you go there…? (V)
Selection 7
He can take the truck! (Yoosung)
…Good for you, Jaehee. (707)
Selection 8
I think I’m reading a conversation between thieves or something… (707)
Stop suspecting V, Yoosung T-T (V)
Selection 9
Play LOLOL lol (Yoosung)
What about Zen? (Zen)
Selection 10
Whoa… nostalgia. (Zen)
What is that? Lolol (707)
I wonder what Zen does with that computer.
Selection 11
He should keep it well until he donates it to a museum… (707)
Why won’t he get a new one? (Zen)
Selection 12
I wish I could help Zen somehow… (Zen)
I think I know now how precious is my computer. (707)
Selection 13
Ok….there’s no other choice. (707 + email).
I’d like to protect Zen’s vintage original aspects. (Nothing)
Selection 14
We are going to have the party! The RFA party will be held as planned! (Nothing)
I also feel like I’m sending emails just for fun. (Nothing)
Selection 15
Walkingman was made on the same era as Zen’s computer… (Nothing)
What’s that?
I think Zen would use that to listen to music… (Zen)
Selection 16
I think we should first help Zen before we hold a charity party. (707)
Zen must be so patient. (Zen)
Selection 17
I think this is a good time for a donation… (Zen)
Home - sweet home - (Yoosung)
Selection 18
What kind of nagging does he give? (Nothing)
I think you should call him mom. (Nothing)
Selection 19
I wish LOLOL would work on phones… (Nothing)
You should go to an internet cafe. (Nothing)
Selection 20
Bye! (Nothing)
Please be careful of kidnappers! (V)
You said you’re too scared to go out hehehe. (Nothing)
14:42 Passion Red (Jaehee and Zen) Selection 1
Jaehee, are you on your way? (Nothing)
Jaehee, is the intelligence unit all set? (Nothing)
Selection 2
But I think V will be distressed when he sees those pictures… (V)
I think Jumin made a good choice. (Nothing)
Selection 3
He said he’s going to get some air —
He’s not going to sneak into V’s house, is he? (V)
Hmm…he seems to be up to something. (Nothing)
Selection 4
Ask him! (Nothing)
What is his car like? (Nothing)
Selection 5
I wonder what kind of car V owns. (V)
Seven…he’s so cool! (Nothing)
Selection 6
I think Seven would make a better model. (Nothing)
I’d like to go on a drive with V… (V)
Selection 7
Hi, Zen. (Nothing)
Here comes devastatingly handsome man. (Zen)
Selection 8
Lucky you, Jaehee T-T (Jaehee)
Zen do you know how to drive? (Nothing)
Selection 9
Jaehee said you’ll make a fabulous car model lol (Nothing)
I thought of V! (V)
Selection 10
It’s the graceful stability that dances between speeding and slowing! (Zen)
It would feel like being carried in a giant can. (Nothing)
Selection 11
I don’t really like cars. (Nothing)
I wanna try Seven’s car - it’s packed with speed. (V)
Then I’d like to try Jumin’s car lol (Jumin)
Selection 12
Didn’t anyone ever tell you that you’ll never get to keep a lot of money if you rent a lot?
No no you should first get a new computer… (Nothing)
Just do it. Do it today! (Nothing)
Selection 13
I think you should throw it into a junk shop. (Nothing)
What? It looked pretty useful lol (Nothing)
Selection 14
You should try installing LOLOL. (Nothing)
What can you possibly do with that computer? (Nothing)
Selection 15
What’s your OS? (Nothing)
Oh no…Not the blue screen…! (Nothing)
Selection 16
Yep………. (Nothing)
Sniffle….I should’ve given you my old laptop instead of throwing it away T-T (Nothing)
If you have a smartphone the there’s no worry ^^ (Nothing)
Selection 17
You do have TV, don’t you? (Nothing)
Do you have a Walkingman? (Nothing)
Selection 18
I wonder what kind of pictures V got. I’m starting to get worried. (V)
Zen, you didn’t get one, did you? (Nothing)
Selection 19
I wonder what V’s home is like… (V)
Seven is quite a driver, isn’t he? (Nothing)
Selection 20
I’m sure he does more than Jumin does lol (Nothing)
I don’t think he does lol (Nothing)
Selection 21
I’m sure you’re more well-built, Zen! You work out every day! (Nothing)
Rough is the life of and agent… (707)
Selection 22
See you soon. (Nothing)
Don’t be so stressed out! Have fun! (Zen)
Selection 23
Agreed!! I can’t believe he owns Hindows95 T-T (Nothing)
Do you think V is good with computers? (V)
Selection 24
Have a safe trip! Please watch Seven so that he doesn’t break into V’s house! (Nothing)
Goodbye. (Nothing)
16:19 Yoosung’s Heaven (Yoosung and Jumin) Selection 1
Yoosung, how are your games going so far? (Yoosung)
Yoosung, did you have dinner yet?
Selection 2
Cup noodle is bad for your health! Especially for your skin!
You’re at an internet café, so you should get a cup noodle! Lol (Yoosung)
Selection 3
You’ve found peace. (Yoosung)
A robot? Wow, that’s future right there. (Nothing)
Selection 4
Jumin, have you ever had a cup noodle? (Nothing)
Welcome, Jumin. (Nothing)
Selection 5
Is it because Jaehee isn’t with you right now? (Jaehee)
She still hasn’t reported back to you? I thought that’s something unacceptable at C&R!!! (Jaehee)
Selection 6
You talked about work even in chat rooms? T-T (Jaehee)
Where did she place the document? (Jumin)
Selection 7
It sounds like there are other manuals too…Lol
Jaehee…I wonder when she can return home tonight… (Nothing)
Selection 8
Yoosung, your suspicion is just endless… Can’t you trust V just a little? T-T (V)
I’m not sure if there’s anything suspicious waiting…But I’m curious too.
Selection 9
Oh…Thank you for the compliment! (Yoosung)
I don’t think there’s anything I’ve done here…
Selection 10
Yes… V will come to save me. (V)
But he’s still hiding something. 
Selection 11
I hope you’d take more action instead of blaming V! (V + Jumin)
Yoosung is suspicious because V made secrets. 
Selection 12
Umm…you mean those scary people?
Good idea! Now that’s something only you can do. (Yoosung)
Selection 13
Good luck! (Nothing)
Make sure you keep your voice straight. (Nothing)
Selection 14
I think this sounds all very strange to you, Jumin. (Nothing)
Get black bean noodles. (Nothing)
Selection 15
A vending machine robot for cup noodles? (Nothing)
A person who’s been staying there for more than 20 days per month? (Nothing)
Selection 16
Let’s invite him! And let’s place computers at the party! (Email)
So he must have been away from the bath for 20 days. I refuse. 
Selection 17
Good luck! (Nothing)
Selection 18
How’s the intelligence unit going? (Nothing)
Tell me about it. So I’m assuming she still hasn’t reported to you. (Nothing)
Selection 19
What’s the menu? (Nothing)
Are you leaving?
18:23 Heading Toward 2020 (Zen and 707) Selection 1
Are you back from rehearsal, Zen? (Nothing)
Zen, how was your exercise? (Zen)
Selection 2
Yes, there’s nothing like a shower after exercise! (Zen)
I wish I could take wings too lol (707)
Selection 3
I want to lie down and chug potato chips until early morning… (Nothing)
If I see your silhouette in the mirror in the middle of our exercise session… (Zen)
You’re such a hard worker! That’s so cool!
Selection 4
I’m not really interested in weight loss or gain hehe (Nothing)
We’ll get to hear lots of helpful tips on a diet! Great!
Selection 5
Welcome! (Nothing)
Yeah yeah! (707)
Selection 6
She said that in the previous chat room! ! (Nothing)
Zen, I think you’re addicted to exercise… (Nothing)
Selection 7
Is V fit too? *_* (V)
So you get to go outside more ofter that stay at your desk? (707)
Selection 8
No! You’re going to take that lovely computer away form Zen, aren’t you? (Zen)
I think you need to have your seriousness on if you¡re going to advise him on computers. (707)
Selection 9
Looks awesome… (707)
Is that for Zen? (Zen)
Selection 10
So how much is it? (Nothing)
The latest model runs on Hidows 7? (Nothing)
Selection 11
I don’t think it’s really a good laptop (Nothing)
Don’t you think we should get him THE latest model? (Nothing)
Selection 12
You’re not giving him a laptop you’ve been using, are you? If it’s 5 years old, its lifespan is almost over… (Zen)
Do you have 36 months plan with no interest? (707)
Selection 13
Wow! Seriously? That’s unbelievable! (707)
Sniff sniff … I smell trouble… (Zen)
Selection 14
...May God7 watch over you. (707)
When? (Zen)
Selection 15
I think this time he really means it! (707)
Nothing is free in this world. (Zen)
Selection 16
By the way, Seven. How did your trip to V’s house go? (707)
Zen, you should say farewell to your computer. (Zen)
Selection 17
Why not keep that computer? (Zen)
He said he needs your computer to work on something. (707)
Selection 18
Back up! Back them up! (Nothing)
You can actually see photos with that computer?
Selection 19
Oh, two in a row? Who is it now? (Nothing)
We are having a party, right? (Nothing)
Selection 20
Same here! I hate relationship with secrets! (Zen)
Hmm…but don’t you think you need some distance from the other party? (V)
Selection 21
Though I’d like to know what acquaintance of your acquaintance… Alright. Let’s invite him (Nothing)
I think it’s going to be difficult to check if he’s at the party or not … (Nothing)
Selection 22
So long…386 (Nothing)
Ok see ya! (Nothing)
20:00 Doubtful Family (Jaehee and Yoosung)
Selection 1
Nothing in particular. What about you? (Jaehee)
I moved to somewhere else…But I’m fine. (V)
Selection 2
No, I would’ve done the same thing (Nothing)
I wouldn’t mind lol (Nothing)
Selection 3
Was there something in V’s mailbox? (V)
Does it look like V returns home often? (Ray)
Selection 4
Did you call your aunt? (Nothing)
Welcome! (Nothing)
Selection 5
What was in it? (V)
Why would the sender send such things to V? (Ray)
Selection 6
Do you think he missed Rika? (V)
…Do you think V will love Rika forever? (V)
Selection 7
Did you talk to your aunt? (Yoosung)
You’re not suspecting V again, are you? (V)
Selection 8
Does Rika have lots of belongings? (Nothing)
Why would she tell you to take Rika’s stuff? (Nothing)
Selection 9
Does you think they’re too sad to admit she’s dead? (Nothing)
And why would your aunt say that? (Nothing)
Selection 10
It’s so sad, but it looks like something is definitely wrong. (V)
Maybe Rika is still alive. They’re her parents, after all. (V)
Selection 11
And you’ve been blaming V all this time with no idea about this…? (V)
Do you think what we know about Rika is what she really is? (V)
Selection 12
They’re basically strangers, don’t you think? (V)
But I think it’s strange Rika never talked about her parents. (V)
Selection 13
It looks like Rika’s parents don’t know her very well. (Nothing)
But they’re still her parents. Maybe it’s true to some extent (Nothing)
Selection 14
I wonder what Rika was like when she was with her parents. (V)
This isn’t your fault… (Yoosung)
Selection 15
V didn’t add to Rika’s trouble, did he? (V)
Perhaps that’s why she made such a dire choice. (V)
Selection 16
You shouldn’t look for someone to blame. Instead, you should star offering condolence to Rika with your heart. (V)
I think it’s time to let go of Rika (Yoosung)
Selection 17
From now on let’s trust V together (V)
But whether we can trust what V discovered is a whole different question. (V)
Selection 18
If you’re stressed out, you might want to take a break. Don’t think about anything else. (Yoosung)
But it’s good that now we know something about Rika (V)
Selection 19
I’m fine…I met someone new, so I’m a little nervous. But I’m fine! I’ll tell you if there’s danger. (V)
I met someone new, so I think I have to stay alert for a while. (V)
Selection 20
See you again, Yoosung. (Nothing)
I hope you take a break! Everything will be ok! (Nothing)
Selection 21
Yes, if there’s anyone who needs my help, I’m willing to offer it (V)
Grief belongs to grieving .I don’t think there’s a need to reveal it. (V)
Sometimes I hide my grief too
Selection 22
Rika must have had a tragic past. I’m starting to feel bad for her. (V)
I think things would’ve been different if Rika was willing to show what she felt. (V)
Selection 23
Alright. I was actually think gin about having some time to myself. (Jaehee)
I’m going to wait for V to contact me (V)
Selection 1
I’m thinking what this place is. (Nothing)
I’ve come simply to test a game. But now it feels like I’m caught in something terribly big. 
Selection 2
You look like a scary person (Nothing)
You look like a weird person.
You look like a nice person. (Nothing)
Selection 3
Do you hate me?
Do you like me? (Nothing)
Why do you keep asking me question? (Nothing)
Are you jealous of me? (Nothing)
Selection 4
What do you mean? (Nothing)
So why don’t you find answers to your questions? (Nothing)
Selection 5
V will come save me… (Nothing)
I can feel my heart fluttering…
But I like Ray’s method. (Nothing)
Selection 6
Yes, I’d like to, but not with you (Nothing)
Will I? (Nothing)
I don’t believe you.
22:02 His Idea of Family (Jaehee and Yoosung)
Selection 1
Welcome, Jumin. (Nothing)
I think something’s gonna happen tonight… (Nothing)
Selection 2
Jumin, what are you doing right now? (Jumin)
But that’s the proof Jaehee’s doing a good job -  (Jaehee)
Selection 3
Rika might have hidden their relationship.  (V)
I’m sure he did. He’s her fiance… (V)
Selection 4
Well, you can’t change your familial environment… (V)
Maybe everything else other than her parents were fine. (Nothing)
Selection 5
What’s the matter? Are you anxious? (V)
Yep! I’m fine. (V)
Selection 6
Umm, let’s not talk much in this chat room (V)
How did Seven find out the coordinates? (707)
Selection 7
Since when did you live with your cat, Jumin? (Nothing)
How’s your cat doing, Jumin? (Jumin)
Selection 8
So you were not interested in her parents? (V)
Did Rika avoid talking about her parents? (V)
Selection 9
But marriage happens between two people, not two families (V)
You mean…marriage of convenience!?
Ugh…you’re right. (Nothing)
Selection 10
So you loved her just the way she is. (V)
I think what matters in looking at a person’s true essence is to figure out what kind of mind their actions or responses arise from. (Jumin)
Selection 11
Perhaps you two got engaged a little too fast. (V)
Why do’t we call an end to this conversation? This is a personal story on Rika (V)
Selection 12
What’s the matter? Is there something that bother you? (V)
But maybe it would’ve been better for V to see them (V)
Selection 13
Is your security tight? (Nothing)
Soon…? (Nothing)
Selection 14
Have a good time with Elizabeth the 3rd. (Jumin)
Bye, Jumin (Nothing)
Selection 15
Did you just call him? (Nothing)
So Seven knows where I am, right? (Nothing)
Selection 16
So exact when are you coming? (V)
Yes, I will. Don’t worry (V)
Selection 1
Why are you so nice to me? (Nothing)
How old is this building? (Nothing)
Selection 2
Do you have lots of wounds? (Nothing)
Does Ray have lots of wound too? (Nothing)
Selection 3
Did you also alternate between fear and happiness within?
I’m worried about Ray (Nothing)
Selection 4
What’s your relation to the RFA…? (Nothing)
I want to know your real name (Nothing)
Selection 5
I see. (Nothing)
You’re not using me as a bait, are you? (Nothing)
Selection 6
You are right. (Nothing)
V! This place isn’t save. Run! (Nothing)
Selection 7
I knew it. You are Rika (Nothing)
You called her … Rika. (Nothing)
Selection 8
Good for him.  (Nothing)
V! (Nothing)
Rika…this is so confusing
23:11 What Happened to V!?! (V, Yoosung, Jaehee, Jumin)
Selection 1
V! Are you alright? (Nothing)
Yoosung..please save me! (Nothing)
Selection 1
The place is weird. Everything seems agains the laws. (Nothing)
Rika, you look anxious. (Nothing)
What will happen to V now…? (Nothing)
A little  (Nothing)
Why do you hate V so much? (Nothing)
Selection 3
Couldn’t you be the light? (Nothing)
Is that why you made this place? (Nothing)
Selection 5
He’ll think that it’s a noble sacrifice… (Nothing)
What are you going to do with V? (Nothing)
Selection 6
What is it?
10 notes · View notes
wonderfuls-worlds · 7 years
Mystic Messenger : Day 6 ~ V Walkthrough (FULL ANSWERS)
I worked all alone - I cheked each answers ~ Please be considerate.
Like, reblog, or do nothing, but please don’t copy/paste it and claim it as your own… I am on my own and spent a lot of time to do this.
If you are on phone, please setting the page to be seen in the computer version! On the phone, the answers are sometimes unaligned and it can confuse you…
In order to not bother and annoy my followers who don’t play this game by this looong post, I’ll put a seperate line. Click to see.
 01:17 : 707 Cyber News [707, Jaehee]
 Hello^^; (nothing)
You didn’t recognize me because you had too much work? T-T (707)
Yes… (nothing)
My head spins whenever I think about it;; (nothing)
Umm…how’s the messenger security? (V)
You’re getting your meals on time, aren’t you? (707)
I know you’ll win, Seven! (707)
This hacker won’t give up… (Unknown)
Looks like you got enough pop for joking around. (nothing)
You need a right too ! (nothing)
Who made them?;;; (nothing)
Wow, no kidding! You made them for fun, but they’re impressive! (nothing)
Daffodils. (nothing)
707BunnygirlLoveU (707)
Blank puzzles. (V)
Jaehee… You’re still up late… (Jaehee)
Should I start greeting you with binary numbers ? 0101111011 (707)
Why don’t we ask her about the coordinates password? (nothing)
You work all day and night, Jaehee T-T (Jaehee)
Coffee. (Jaehee)
Cats. (Jumin)
The sun. (V)
Aren’t you… awkward with V, Jaehee? (nothing)
Don’t you think it’d be something related to Rika? (nothing)
Mint color? (nothing)
Rainbow color?  (nothing)
Cobalt blue? (nothing)
V has mint-colored eyes! (V)
It kind of sounds random! (nothing)
I don’t think Rika is the provocative type…; (nothing)
My eyes are provocative too lol (nothing)
Hmmm… That sounds worth a try. (nothing)
Do you think V’s heart also has 16-fold locks? (V)
So how long does it take? (nothing)
Don’t you think it’s better to get the coordinates after a week, like V said? (V)
What will happen if you get the coordinates for this place faster than expected…? (V)
Bye bye (nothing)
I’ll see you again… (nothing)
Who is it? (nothing)
That’s nice of him T-T (Jaehee)
Ok… Coud you ask him to send me an email? (nothing + answer to the email)
He might be a fraud mocking Christmas! I decline! (nothing)
He seems to have a lot of hobbies. (nothing)
You two are in a carefully calculated contract relationship… Didn’t you know ? Your relationship is made of money. (nothing)
It will! Cheer up, Jaehee. (Jaehee)
It’s an order. So you must do it T-T (nothing)
 02:43 : V’s Concern [V]
 There was something I’ve been working on… (nothing)
I can’t sleep. I feel uneasy… (nothing)
I’m lonely… (nothing but I think you will really like his answer on this one :D)
I heard she’s really busy. Don’t you think you’re making her even busier? (V…)
I think he’s trying to decrypt the coordinates as fast as he can. (V)
Do the mint-colored eyes mean something? (V)
You sound like you’re hiding something again, V. (V…)
I don’t think getting the right coordinates is going to be easy. (V)
What is it? Can’t you tell me? (V…)
So there’s something is this place that Luciel must not find out. (V…)
V, you shouldn’t let yourself get in danger… That might be the best way for you.  (V)
Yes? (nothing)
Hmm? (nothing but at this one, he laughs 😉)
Actually, I’m a little bored since they’re ignoring me. (V)
I’m alright… It’s rather quiet here. (nothing)
I’m already anxious enough. And that’s more than uncomfortable enough… (V…)
Thanks, but I’m not really sure if you changed. (V…)
You turned a little brighter thanks to me, didn’t you?^^ (V)
Do you think I’m attractive, V? (V)
I don’t think this is really the time for that… (V…)
I’m going to stay awake just a little bit more. (nothing)
Yes… I should. (nothing but better answer)
 Visual Novel V
07:55 : Changes Jumin Sees [Jumin, Jaehee]
 It’s an energetic and strong morning. (nothing)
It’s a beautiful morning ! (nothing – better answer)
Pictures! Let me see them! (Jumin + CG)
I hear a lot of metaphors. You sound rather unfamiliar. (nothing)
So simply put…your cat stretched? (nothing)
V is still looking for Rika’s traces. It breaks my heart. (V)
Maybe it doesn’t mean anything. (nothing)
Jaehee! You’re here so early. (nothing)
When do you go to bed, Jaehee? ;;; (Jaehee)
So how’s the intelligence unit going? (Jumin)
She’s right. You should go to work! (Jaehee)
I think you could solve everything if you know where I am, Jumin… (Jumin)
Ididn’t! (nothing but god, their answers are priceless XD)
I did think that I might find something fun. (nothing)
And don’t forget V! You can also protect him!  (V)
In a bad way? (nothing)
In a good way? (nothing)
In a not-so-good way? (nothing)
V is so stubborn. (V…)
I think V is slowly approaching me because my heart is wide open for him. (V)
I hope V will take courage and break his wall himself! (V)
To be honest, I feel so frustrated whenever I talk them! (V…)
What? Why? (nothing)
Why don’t you go there yourself?  (nothing)
Don’t you think he might have seen them already? (nothing)
Jaehee, please make sure V doesn’t see those pictures. (V)
Aren’t you going to work…? (Jaehee)
Bye… (nothing)
But you can’t send anyone ele to V’s home T-T (V)
You should copy yourself and let the clone do the job. (nothing)
He’ll give a new task once this one is finished, won’t he? Lol (nothing)
Let’s take care of them one by one ! (Jaehee)
Why don’t you have a cup of morning coffee? (Jaehee)
That’s the time when you want to just let go of everything and run away. (V)
Long is the way of the head of the intelligence unit… (Jumin)
Good luck today, Jaehee ! (Jaehee)
 10:00 : Don’t Want to be Hated  [Ray]
 Ray, are you still attacking the RFA? (nothing)
Ray, please let me out of there ! (V)
Are you the one who sent those images to the RFA? (V)
Why do you keep doing this? (V)
It looks like nothing but a malicious delivery… (V)
So you’re saying V is not trustworthy? (V…)
Actually, I think it’s reckless that he’s coming to save me all by himself. (V…)
Right now I am a hostage… (V)
They’ll come to save me if I lose contact by force. (V)
Wouldn’t it help you if I keep contacting the RFA? (V…)
Now that I listen to you… I’m not so sure. (Unknown)
I’ll trust V. (V)
Show me that you truly repent. (Unknown)
Don’t touch the RFA anymore. And please let me go. (V)
I’ll think about it if you show me that you’re in torment.  (Unknown… God he is so desperate…it’s so painful...)
Please don’t torment Seven too much… (707)
Where did you learn to hack?  (Unknown)
I hope it helps to tell them the truth. (Unknown)
Are you going to send something worse than images? (V)
I like you too. (Unknown)
I… like someone else. (V)
How? (Unknown)
Are you going to make me take that drug? (V)
Why do you hate V so much? (Unknown)
I don’t believe you… (V)
I think something bad will happen if I see her. (V)
Who is this savior? (Unknown)
What preparations? (nothing)
What does she have to do with V ?  (nothing)
You will come to see me…right? (Unknown)
When will you let me out of here? (V)
 12:33: Need some Fresh Air [707, Yoosung]
 About time to gaze at the sun, worrying about V… (V)
About time to get hungry. (nothing)
About time to play with a cat. (707)
Your body rhythms turn irregular, which could cause obesity or imbalance of hormones in the future, and.. (Jumin)
What should I do, God7?! (707)
You’re gonna work in secret with the intelligence unit!? (nothing)
Is something wrong? (nothing)
Welcome, Yoosung! Are you at school? (nothing)
I wanna get some air on your car, Seven (nothing)
I think you should stay under Zen’s protection. (Zen)
You should. Be brave ! (Yoosung)
Me, me! Me too! (Unknown)
Yoosung..why would you go there…? (V)
He can take the trunk! (Yoosung)                                                  
…Good for you, Jaehee. (707)
I think I’m reading a conversation between thieves or something.. (707)
Stop suspecting V, Yoosung T-T (V)
Play LOLOL lol (Yoosung)
What abobut Zen ? (Zen)
Whoa…nostalgia. (Zen)
I wonder what Zen does with that computer. (nothing)
What is that? Lolol (707)
Why won’t he get a new one? (Zen)
He should keep it well until he donates it to museum… (707)
I wish I could help Zen somehow… (Zen)
I think I know now how precious is my computer. (707)
I’d like to protect Zen’s vintage and original aspects. (nothing)
Ok… there’s no other choice. (707 + email)
I also feel like I’m sending emails just for fun. (nothing)
We are going to have the party! The RFA party will be held as planned! (nothing)
I think Zen would use that to listen to music… (Zen)
Walkingman was made in the same era a Zen’s computer… (nothing)
What’s that? (nothing)
Zen must be so patient. (Zen)
I think we should first help Zen before we hold a charity party. (707)
I think this is a good time for a donation…. (Zen)
Home – sweet home – (Yoosung)
What kind of nagging does he give? (nothing)
I think you should call him mom. (nothing)
I wish LOLOL would work on phones… (nothing)
You should go to an internet café (nothing)
You said you’re too saced to go out hehehe
Please be careful of kidnappers! (V)
Bye! (nothing)
 Visual Novel Jaehee
 14 :42 : Passion Red [Jaehee, Zen]
 Jaehee, is the intelligence unit all set ? (nothing)
Jaehee, are you on your way? (nothing)
I think Jumin made a good choice. (Jumin)
But I think V will be distressed when he sees those pictures… (V)
He’s not going to sneak into V’s house, is he? (V)
He sad, he’s going to get some air- (707)
Hmm… he seems to be up to something. (V)
What is his car like? (nothing)
Ask him! (nothing)
I wonder what kind of car V owns. (V)
Seven…he’s so cool! (707)
I’d like to go on a drive with V… (V)
I think Seven would make a better model. (707)
Here comes devastatingly handsome man. (Zen)
Hi, Zen. (nothing)
Lucky you, Jaehee T-T (Jaehee)
Zen, do you know how to drive? (Zen)
I thought of V! (V)
Jaehee said you’ll make a fabulous car model lol (Jaehee)
It’s the graceful stability that dances between speeding and slowing! (Zen)
It would feel like being carried in a giant can. (nothing)
Then I’d like to try Jumin’s car lol (Jumin)
I don’t really like cars. (nothingà
I wanna try Seven’s car- it’s packed with speed.  (V)
No no you should first get a new computer… (nothingà
Didn’t anyone ever tell you that you’ll never get to keep a lot of money if you rend a lot? (nothing)
Just do it. Do it today!  (nothing)
I think you should throw it into a junk shop. (nothing)
What? It looked pretty useful lol (Zen)
You should try installing LOLOL. (Yoosung)
What can you possibly do with that computer? (nothing)
Oh no… Not the blue screen… (nothing)
What’s your OS ? (nothing)
If you have a smartphone then there’s no worry^^ (nothing)
Sniffle… I should’ve given you my old laptop instead of throwing it away T-T (nothing)
Yep…………. (nothing)
Do you have a Walkingman? (nothing)
You do have TV, don’t you? (nothing)
I wonder what kind of pictures V got. I’m starting to get worried. (V)
Zen, you didn’t get one, did you? (Zen)
I wonder what V’s home is like…. (V)
Seven is quite a driver, isn’t he? (707)
I don’t think he does lol (Zen)
I’m sure he does more than Jumin does lol (nothing)
Rough is the life or an agent… (707)
I’m sure your move well-built, Zen! You work out every day! (Zen)
See you soon. (nothing)
Don’t be so stressed out! Have fun! (Zen)
Do you think V is good with computers? (V)
Agreed!! I can’t believe he owns Hidowns95 T^T (nothing)
Goodbye. (nothing)
Have a safe trip! Please watch Seven so he doesn’t break into V’s house! (nothing)
 Visual novel :
 Who is it? (nothing)
…What brings you here? (nothing)
How were you doing, Ray? (nothing)
Are we going to meet her? (nothing)
I don’t want to see her… (nothing)
Ray? (nothing)
What is this? (nothing)
A mask…? (nothing)
Hello. (nothing)
But I don’t want to. (nothing)
You won’t stop me from using the messenger, will you? (nothing)
Who are you? (nothing)
What’s your name? (nothing)
 16:19 : Yoosung’s Heaven [Yoosung, Jumin]
 Yoosung, how are your games going so far? (Yoosung)
Yoosung, did you have dinner yet? (Zen)
Yes I did (nothing)
Not yet! (nothing)
Cup boodle is bad for your health! Especially for your skin! (Zen)
You’re at an internet café, so you should get a cup noodle ! lol (Yoosung)
Arobot. Wow, that’s future right there. (nothing)
You’ve found peace. (Yoosung)
Jumin, have you ever had a cup noodle? (nothing)
Welcome, Jumin. (nothing)
Is it because Jaehee isn’t with you right now? (Jaehee)
She still hasn’t reported back to you? I thought that’s something unacceptable at C&R!! (nothing)
Where did she place the document? (Jumin)
You talked about work even in chat rooms? T-T (Jaehee)
It sounds like there are other manuals too… Lol (nothing)
Jaehee… I wonder when she can return home tonight… (nothing)
I’m not sure if there’s anything suspicious waiting… But I’m curious too. (V…)
Yoosung, your suspicion is just endless… Can’t you trust V for just a little? T-T (V)
I don’t think there’s anything I’ve done here… (nothing)
Oh… Thank you for the compliment! (V and Yoosung)
Yes… V will come to save me. (V)
But he’s still hiding something. (V…)
I hope yo’ud take more action instead of blaming V! (Jumin and V)
Yoosung is suspicious because V made secrets. (V…)
Umm…You mean those scary people? (nothing)
Good idea! Now that’s something only you can do. (Yoosung)
Make sure you keep your voice straight. (nothing)
Good luck! (nothing)
Get black neab noodles (nothing)
I think this sounds all very strang to you, Jumin (nothing)
A vending machine robot for cup noodles? (nothing)
A person who’s been staying there for more than 20 days per month? (nothing)
Let’s invite him! And let’s place computers at the party! (nothing + email)
So he must have been away from the bath for 20 days. I refuse. (nothing)
Good luck! (nothing)
Bye.  (nothing)
How’s the intelligence unit going? (nothing)
Tell me about it. So I’m assuming she still hasn’t reported to you. (nothing)
Are you leaving? (nothing)
What’s the menu? (nothing)
  Visual Novel 707
18:23 : Heading Towards 2020 [Zen, 707]
 Are you back from a rehearsal, Zen? (nothing)
Zen, how was your exercise?  (Zen)
Yes, there’s nothing like a shower after exercise! (Zen)
I wish I could take wings too lol (707)
I want to lie down and chug potato chips until early morning… (nothing)
If I see your silhouette in the mirror in the middle of our exercise session… (Zen)
You’re such a hard worker! That’s so cool ! (nothing)
We’ll get to hear lots of helpful tips on a die! Great! (nothing + email)
I’m not really interested in weight loss or gain hehe (nothing)
Yeah yeah! (707)
Welcome  (nothing)
She said that in the previous chat room! (nothing)
Zen, I think you’re addicted to exercise… (nothing)
Is V fit too? +_+ (V)
So you get to go outside more often than stay at your desk? (707)
I think you need to have your seriousness on nif you’re going to advise him on computers. (707)
No! You’re going to take that lovely computer away from Zen, aren’t you? ! (Zen)
Is that for Zen? (Zen)
Looks awesome… (707)
The lastest model runs on Hinwdows 7? (nothing)
So how much is it? (nothing)
Don’t you think we should get him THE latest model? (nothing)
I don’t think it’s really a good laptop. (nothing)
Do you have 36 months plan with no interest? (707)
You’re not giving him a laptop you’ve been using, are you? If it’s a 5 years old, its lifespan is almost over… (Zen)
Sniff…sniff… I smell trouble… (Zen)
Wow ! Seriously ? That’s unbelievable! (707)
… May God7 watch over you. (707)
When? (Zen)
I think this time he relaly means it! (707)
Nothing is for free in this world. (Zen)
By the way, Seven. How did your trip to V’s house go? (707)
Zen, you should say farewell to your computer. (Zen)
Why not keep that computer? (Zen)
He said he needs your computer to work on something. (707)
Back up! Back them up! (nothing)
You can actually see photos with that computer?  (nothing)
Oh, two in a row? Who is it now? (nothing)
We are having a party, right?  (nothing)
Hmm… but don’t you think you need some distance from the other party? (V)
Same here ! I ahte relationships with secrets! (Zen)
I think it’s going to be difficult to check if he’s at the party or not… (nothing)
Though I’d like to know that acquaintance of your acquaintance… Alright; Let’s invite him. (nothing + answer to the email)
Ok see ya! (nothing)
So long… 389. (nothing)
 Visual Novel Mode V
20:00 : Doubtful Family [Jaehee, Yoosung]
 In all honesty, there are a lot of V’s answers, and this time, it’s not like there is a line between one (V…) and a good one (V) really definite, so I preferred to not take side by putting (V…)  
 I moved to somewhere else… But I’m fine. (V)
Nothing in particular. What about you? (Jaehee)
I wouldn’t mint lol (nothing)
No, I would’ve done the same thing. (nothing)
Does it look like V returns home often? (Unknown)
Was there something in V’s mailbox? (V)
Welcome! (nothing)
Did you call your aunt? (nothing)
Why would the sender send such things to V? (Unknown)
What was in it? (V)
Do you think he missed Rika? (V)
… Do you think V will love Rika forever? (V)
Did you talk to your aunt? (Yoosung)
You’re not suspecting V again, are you? (V)
Does Rika have ots of belongings? (nothing)
Why would she tell you to take Rika’s stuff? (nothing)
And why would your aunt say that? (nothing)
Don’t t you think they’re too sad to admit she’s dead? (nothing)
It’s so sad but it looks like something is definitely wrong. (V)
Maybe Rika is really alive. They’re her parents, after all.  (V)
And you’ve been blaming V all this time with no idea about this… (V…)
Do you think what we know about Rika is what she really is? (V)
But I think it’s strange Rika never talked about her parents.. (V)
They’re basically strangers, don’t you think? (V)
It looks like Rika’s parents don’t know her very well. (nothing)
But they’re still her parents. Maybe it’s true to some extent. (nothing)
I wonder what Rika was like when she was with her parents. (V)
This isn’t your fault… (Yoosung)
V didn’t add to Rika’s trouble, did he? (V…)
Perhaps that’s why she made such a dire choice. (V)
I think it’s time to let go of Rika (Yoosung)
You shouldn’t look for someone to blame. Instead, you should start offering condolence to Rika with your heart. (V)
But whether we can trust what V discovered is a whole different question. (V…)
From now on let’s trust V together. (V)
If you’re stressed out, you might want to take a break. Don’t think about anything else. (Yoosung)
But it’s good that now we know something about Rika. (V)
I’m fine… I met someone new, so I’m a little nervous. But I’m fine! I’ll tell you if there’s danger. (V)
I met someone new, so I think I have to stay alert for a while. (V..)
I hope you take a break! Everything will be ok! (nothing)
See you again, Yoosung. (nothing)
Sometimes I hide my grief too… (nothing)
Grief belongs to the grieving. I don’t think there’s a need to reveal it. (V...)
Yes, if there’s anyone who needs my help, I’m willing to offer it.  (V)
Rika msut have had a tragic past. I’m starting to feel bad for her. (V..)
I think things would’ve been different if Rika was willing to show what she felt.  (V)
Alright. I was actually thinking about having some time to myself. (Jaehee)
I’m going to wait for V to contact me. (V)
 Visual Novel
 (no hearts given)
I’m thinking what this place is.
I’ve come simply to test a game. But now it feels like I’m caught in something terribly big.
You look like a weird person.
You look like a nice person.
You look like a scary  person.
Are you jealous of me?
Do you hate me?
Do you like me?
Why do you keep asking me questions?
What do you mean?
So why don’t your answers to your questions?
V will come to save me…
But I like Ray’s method.
I can feel my heart fluttering.
I don’t believe you.
Yes, I’d like to, but not with you.
…Will I?
22:02 : His Idea of Family [Jumin, V]
 I think something’s gonna happen tonight… (nothing)
Welcome, Jumin. (nothing)
But that’s the proof Jaehee’s doing a good job- (Jaehee)
Jumin, what are you goind right now? (Jumin)
I’m sure he did. He’s her fiancé… (V)
Rika might have hidden their relationship. (V)
Maybe everything else other than her parents were fine. (nothing)
Well, you can’t change your familial environment…  (V)
What’s the matter? Are you anxious? (V)
Yep! I’m fine. (V)
How did Seven find out the coordinates? (707)
Umm, let’s not much in this chat room. (V)
How’s your cat doing, Jumin? (Jumin)
Since when did you live with your cat, Jumin? (nothing)
Did Rika avoid talking about her parents? (V)
So you were not interested in her parents? (V…)
You mean… Marriage of convenience!? (nothing)
Ugh…you’re right. (nothing)
But marriage happens between two people, not two families. (V)
I think what matters in looking at a person’s true essence is to figure out what kind of mind their actions or responses arise from. (Jumin)
So you loved her just the way she is. (V)
Why don’t we call an end to this conversation ? This is a personal story on Rika. (V)
Perhaps you two got engaged a little too fast. (V…)
What’s the matter? Is there something that bothers you? (V..)
But maybe it would’ve been better for V to see them. (V)
Is your security tight? (nothing)
Soon…? (nothing)
Bye, Jumin. (nothing)
Have a good time with Elizabeth the 3rd. (Jumin)
So Seven now knows where I am, right? (nothing)
Did you just call him? (nothing)
So exactly when are you coming? (V…)
Yes, I will. Don’t worry. (V)
 Visual Novel 707
 (no hearts given)
 Why are you so nice to me?
How old is this building?
Does Ray have lots of wounds too?
Do you have lots of wounds?
I’m worried about Ray.
Do you also alternate between fear and happiness within?
I want to know your real name.
What’s your relation to the RFA?
You’re not using me as a bait, are you?
I see.
V! This place isn’t safe. Run!
You are right.
I knew it. You are Rika.
You called her… Rika.
Rika… this is so confusing.
Good for him.
23:11 : What happened to V?! [V, Yoosung, Ray, Jumin, Jaehee]
 Yoosung… please save me! (nothing)
V! Are you alright? (nothing)
 Visual Novel
 This place is weird. Everything seems against the laws.
Rika, you look anxious.
Why do you hate V so much?
What will happen to V now…?
A little.
Couldn’t you be the light?
Is that why you made this place?
He’ll think that it’s a noble sacrifice…..
What are you going to do with V?
What is it?
Day 7 | V is here.
176 notes · View notes
that-black-parade · 7 years
V’s Route Walkthrough (Day 2)
[Previous Day | Next Day]
01:19 Expectation and Uneasiness. Selection 1
I’m sure he’s inside the phone. Lol (Nothing)
He’s the king of irresponsibility. (Ray)
He said he’ll be back soon. You could ask him then, can’t you? (V)
Selection 2
Aren’t you going to sleep, Jaehee. (Nothing)
Welcome, Jaehee. (Nothing)
Selection 3
Wow, you must be super competent, Jaehee. (Nothing)
Do you have a hidden background story with you? You know, you’re actually the CEO’s daughter… (Ray)
Selection 4
So he must have seen potential, Jaehee - (Jaehee)
Does that mean that you shouldn’t chit-chat but just work? (Nothing)
That’s a true businessman there. He makes future rather than present his priority! (Jumin)
Selection 5
A rich man and a celebrity…? They sound so otherworldly to me. (Nothing)
How do V’s photos feel like? (V)
Selection 6
He said he’ll drop by more. I’m sure he will. (V)
You mean you can’t log in from abroad? (Nothing)
How does this association work without V? (Ray)
Selection 7
That’s right! Please trust me! I’m here to have parties with the RFA! (Nothing)
I wish I could discuss a lot about parties and the RFA. (Ray)
Selection 8
Why don’t you investigate on that on your own? I want to know what happened too. (Ray)
Isn’t that a sensitive matter to V as well? (V)
Selection 9
That can’t get any more suspicious. Do you know by any chance just what those two shared? (Ray)
Their friendship is so cool… (Jumin)
Selection 10
What about me? I like hearing about the RFA. (Nothing)
Did I do something? (Nothing)
Selection 11
You’re mean… I didn’t do anything wrong. (Ray)
Hmm… it does sound like you have a good situation to be wary of me. (V)
Selection 12
Yoosung, you tend to lose your temper whenever V is related… (Nothing)
You must feel so complicated. I doubt you can sleep. (Nothing)
Selection 13
But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be suspicious at all. (Ray)
I agree. I doubt you can gain anything from suspecting each other. (V)
Selection 14
You must be a grand master in handling Yoosung. (Jaehee)
Yoosung must have been really fond of Rika. (V)
Selection 15
Don’t you suspect V, Jaehee? (Nothing)
I’m afraid that Yoosung’s sorrow will turn into misunderstanding on V. (V)
Selection 16
Did that ever happen to you two, Jaehee? (Nothing)
But you can’t tell people to do something about their sorrow, san you..? (Nothing)
Selection 17
I should go to sleep too. (Nothing)
Are you going to bed now? (Nothing)
02:44 Night of Reminiscence. Selection 1
Good evening, Jumin. (Nothing)
What are you up to at this hour?
Selection 2
But I hardly gained any information here. 
So you’re saying that I’m currently holding information superiority. (Ray)
Selection 3
I think you’d trust V in whatever situation, Jumin. (V)
What’s so bad about questioning? 
Selection 4
If I don’t look like and extraordinary person, who do you think I am? (Nothing)
Ooooh busted. I actually came from another dimension.
Selection 5
That allows transformation into a completely different person. 
Selection 6
That’s the spell for teleporting, not shapeshifting. (Nothing)
What’s the supposed to mean…?
Where is my Prince Charming waiting for me - ?
Selection 7
Cheer up, Jaehee…
That’s one elegant sense of humor you have, Jumin. (Jumin)
Selection 8
Is that what you think? You’re cute, Jumin lololol. (Nothing)
Just where did you get that book…? 
Selection 9
You mean a chat about dark magic? (Nothing)
I vote for a chat on RFA!
Selection 10
What? V alert!
Was that spell… for summoning V instead o shapeshifting, by any chance…? (Nothing)
Selection 11
What brings you here at this hour, V? (Nothing)
You’re drunk, Jumin…
Selection 12
You two know each other so well… (Nothing)
Aww - I wish I could get a glass of wine too!
Selection 13
But I’m guessing that you managed to get back home safe. (Nothing)
Do you have a drunken habit, V?
Selection 14
Perhaps he’s sleeping while chatting. (Nothing)
I think he’s fallen asleep.
Selection 15
You can actually see that? That myst be because you’re his friend. (Nothing)
Don’t you think your memories are too detailed, Jumin? (Nothing)
Selection 16
I-know-no-such-thing-as-sloppines boy lolololol (Jumin)
What was V like when he was young? (V)
Selection 17
Wow, you two look just like you do now. (Nothing)
So you two first met when you were really young. (Nothing)
Selection 18
You asked him to be your friend…? You were cute when you were young, V. lolol. (Nothing)
So what did you tell him, Jumin?
Selection 19
It feels like I’m having a casual chat… How do you know if he’s drunk? (Nothing)
So this is Jumin’s drunken habit. (Nothing)
Selection 20
You have to work tomorrow, but you’re not sleeping yet…? (Nothing)
I think both of you should go to bed. (Nothing)
What’s the matter? (Nothing)
Selection 21
I heard bean sprout is good in getting rid of hangovers! (Nothing)
Good night, Jumin! (Nothing)
Selection 22
You two share a whole lot memories. (Nothing)
Were your families close too!
Selection 23
But it’s okay to depend on your friends. (Nothing)
It looks like Jumin trust you a lot. 
Selection 24
Could you protect me too? (Nothing)
Do you think there really is something you can do in this situation? (Ray)
Selection 25
I don’t feel like sleeping yet. I’ll hang around for a bit and then go to sleep.
I’m going to bed now too. (Nothing)
07:50 Unexpected Visit. Selection 1
Uh…are you Ray by any chance? (Nothing)
V? Something’s weird about the chat room. (Nothing)
I see you’ve logged in early, V. (Nothing)
Selection 2
Kind of… But I’m sure we’ll be able to hold parties somehow. (Ray)
What? Stupid?
They keep suspecting me all the time. This is tiring and frustrating. (Nothing)
Selection 3
I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’m curious what you’ve got more to say. So let’s continue.
Something’s not right…Are you really V? (V)
Selection 4
I already knew who you are. (Nothing)
You really scared me!… That was you, Ray? (Nothing)
Selection 5
I slept very well. I think I like my new room. Did you have a good rest last night? (Ray)
The game was so fun, so I just couldn’t take my eyes off. (Nothing)
Selection 6
I feel a little like a livestock being raised…
Thank you, Ray. You’re so good at cooking! (Ray)
Selection 7
I really like the characters. Especially the guy called V! (V)
I’m so excited! I think I’ll have much more fun discovering all the secrets!
I’m not sure…
Selection 8
They’re really AIs…right? They feel so real. (Nothing)
This game is complicated…
Selection 9
How much longer do I have to play this game?
I think you’re really warmhearted man, Ray. (Ray)
Selection 10
It’s not V, is it? (V)
Who is that?
Selection 11
I’m starving. Hurry up.
I’ll be waiting. (Nothing)
09:37 The Act of Hacking God. Selection 1
No hogging please; (Nothing)
Uh-huh and it looks like your mind’s been wiped clean too. (707)
Selection 2
Hit Seoul Hit Daeheon Hit Daegu Hit Busan Hit It! (Jumin)
Do you have that book title Unknown Dark Magic or whatever? (Nothing)
Selection 3
That’s my username. (Nothing)
Can you give me a recommendation on real estate? (Nothing)
Selection 4
I wonder what they keep in the Vatican’s server. (Nothing)
Welcome, Jaehee. (Nothing)
Selection 5
Way to go, Jaehee! Hit him harder! (Jaehee)
I’m pope’s fan too! Can you share them with me? (707)
Selection 6
Thank god it wasn’t the messenger server. (Jaehee)
So you sure the messenger server is absolutely safe? (Nothing)
Selection 7
Business, persona, and backup? You do know a thing or two, Seven. (707)
What difference is there between business server and propagation server?;; (Nothing)
Can you tell me what kind of files you had in there? (Nothing)
Selection 8
You have your old pictures?!!?!? (707)
Can I get a copy of his pic? (Jumin)
Give me a kitty picture, and I’ll keep my mouth shut. (Nothing)
Selection 9
You’re a genius. (707)
Time to call the police. (Jaehee)
Selection 10
But first, you should get the servers back. (Jaehee)
Please don’t be so mean to him. I’m sure he’ll do his best. (707)
Selection 11
Oh? Did you find anything about me? (Nothing)
Do I get to hear my own characterization now? (Nothing)
Selection 12
That hacker goes by the name of the developer… (Ray)
I wanna know too. Is it the hacker or someone else..? (Nothing)
Selection 13
byebyebye. (Nothing)
Good luck on recovering servers! (Nothing)
Selection 14
I hope nothing bad happens. (Jaehee)
Is it because of me? (V)
Selection 15
I think that’s because he’s fallen for me ^^ (Nothing)
I think everyone’s being too gracious with V. Is he really worth such a high evaluation? (Ray)
V looks like a very responsible man. (V)
Selection 16
But what really matters to you is your research about me, isn’t it? (Nothing)
If he does recover them, I hope he can share them in commemoration of his success… (Jumin)
I don’t think his pictures are the only things in here. There could be someone else’s pictures… like Zen’s, for example. (Zen)
Selection 17
Are the really vampires in Romania? (Nothing)
Jumin told you to get a book out of print…? That’s ridiculous. (Nothing)
Selection 18
Goodbye, Jaehee! (Nothing)
Be careful! It could be fraud! (Nothing)
12:00 Lots I Want To Do Together. Selection 1
The user is here - (Nothing)
Is this maintenance time? (Nothing)
Perfect timing. I was about to report a bug. (Ray)
Selection 2
What’s the development room? (Nothing)
Can I drop by for a bit? (Nothing)
Did you have lunch, Ray? (Ray)
If you didn’t eat, then I don’t want to eat, either. (Nothing)
You should have your meal, then. (Nothing)
Selection 3
It’s okay. I like your game. (Nothing)
You must be really talented. (Ray)
Selection 4
That sounds great! (Nothing)
Can I go out now? (Nothing)
Selection 5
Actually…you did. Kind of. (Ray Break)
No, I like you more that those AIs. (Ray)
Selection 6
I’m not bored. I get to talk to you like this from time to time. (Ray)
It did get kind of boring… (Nothing)
Selection 7
But that sounded quite convincing for a rubbish. (V)
Why is this game so full of bugs? (Nothing)
Selection 8
I thought you were their creator. Do you have to hate them that much? (Nothing)
But they sounded right… (Nothing)
Of course. You’re much more amazing that him. (Ray)
Selection 9
Important guest? (Nothing)
A meeting? (Nothing)
Selection 10
Good luck on your work Ray! (Nothing)
Goodbye. (Nothing)
13:57 V’s Decision. Selection 1
What?! It’s V! (Nothing)
Hello V. (Nothing)
Selection 2
You made a choice. (V)
That took long. What’s the hold-up? (Ray)
Selection 3
That’s what I’ve been telling you from the beginning. (Nothing)
So does that mean the others won’t suspect me anymore? (Nothing)
Don’t tell me I’ve been stuck on the tutorial all this time… (Ray)
Selection 4
You seem to have a reason why you trust me. (Nothing)
You know that the other members won’t be happy, but you’re going to hold parties? (Ray)
Selection 5
So we’ll be holding a small-scaled party. (V)
I hope you’d let me know asap. (Nothing)
Selection 6
Sure. You look like a responsible person. (V)
I’ll decide on that eventually. (Ray)
Selection 7
Can’t I recommend guest too? (Nothing)
I’m so excited to find out what party guest they’ll recommend for me. (V)
Selection 8
Can I call you in the middle of the night? (Nothing)
I’d like to know more about you too. (V)
Selection 9
Please log in more often from now on. (V)
I wish you could at least give me recommendations. (Ray)
Selection 10
Goodbye. (Nothing)
I hope we can talk some more next time. (V)
15:24 Recommendation of Trust. Selection 1
Jumin, have you read what V said? (Nothing)
Hey hey CEO-in-line. (Nothing)
Welcome, Jumin! (Nothing)
Selection 2
I have a bad feeling about this… (Nothing)
Really? What is it? I’m all ears! (Jumin)
Selection 3
There’s C&R right there - the No.1 corporate of Korea! (Nothing)
Jaehee ordered them form you…? No wonder she’s always buried in work. (Jaehee)
Selection 4
You collect antique books? That’s an elegant hobby. (Jumin)
But Jaehee is the one who looks all over for them. (Jaehee)
Selection 5
Sounds great! We’ll get to hear the secret behind his long life. (Email)
I think you’re threatening the other guest throats. I decline. (Nothing)
Selection 6
Thou who art deeper than even blood, Thou who art darker than even darkness… (Nothing)
Welcome, Yoosung. (Nothing)
Selection 7
Really? What kind of gifts? (Nothing)
Jumin, you don’t actually trust them, do you? (Nothing)
Selection 8
That’s so right. I can’t deny it… (Nothing)
What matters isn’t the background. It’s the person itself. (Nothing)
Selection 9
V looks like a trustworthy person. I trust him. (Jumin)
He feels like a dictator or something. Kind of. (Ray + Yoosung)
Selection 10
Recommendations, please! (Nothing)
Sure. But could you make it quick? I wanna see the ending. (Nothing)
Selection 11
There’s also crane - the symbol of long life! (Nothing)
They can take the cab. (Nothing)
Selection 12
You can find a guest that can match a vampire! (Nothing)
He’s right. I like seeing you bright. (Yoosung)
Selection 13
Jumin, the epitome of trust. (Nothing)
You two didn’t make a deal or some sort, did you? (Nothing)
Selection 14
Yoosung is a grown-up too. He’ll take care of himself. (Nothing)
Why don’t you try reading like Jumin? Try focusing on you books. (Nothing)
Selection 15
Just follow what your heart tells you, Yoosung. There’s more option than simply losing control of your thoughts. (Yoosung)
Why don’t you try trusting V too? (Nothing)
Selection 16
You should just go to bed. (Nothing)
What about studying? (Nothing)
I think it’s good to direct your thoughts somewhere else! (Nothing)
Selection 17
Goodbye bye. (Nothing)
Clear your head and come back! (Nothing)
18:26 The Universe and the Sun. Selection 1
Hell-o-Seven! (707)
Hello. (Nothing)
Selection 2
Ugh I doubt that werewolf is an ordinary person.  (Nothing)
Too bad. I wanted to werewolf too. (Nothing)
Aren’t werewolves usually humans?
Is there actually such a creation? (Nothing)
Selection 3
I’ll invite it beep! (Email)
Pluto? I don’t think that’s… (Nothing)
Selection 4
What is it, Seven? Is there something bothering you? (707)
At last! (Nothing)
Selection 5
You can try screaming into your blanked. (Nothing)
Try me. (Nothing)
Selection 6
What’s that photo? (Nothing)
Here he is! My secret buddy! (V)
Selection 7
Can’t expect anything else from Jumin’s friend… (Jumin + V)
Can I get your autograph? (Nothing)
I didn’t know you sell your autographs. (Nothing)
I’m curious for how much your autograph was sold. (Nothing)
Selection 8
Don’t be so mean to him! (707)
Let’s just be honest with space. (V)
Selection 9
I can see a crevasse of difference between you and Seven, B. Seven is basically a slave for money… (Nothing)
That halo definitely comes from your face… (V)
Selection 10
Holy, V. (Nothing)
Doesn’t matter if you’re already a Catholic. I raise your name up high! (707)
Selection 11
Are you going to discuss secrets again? (Nothing)
Can you count me in? (Nothing)
Selection 12
Those left behind should carry on. (Nothing)
I think that will be even harder on you… (V)
Selection 13
Yes, it is. I understand why Seven’s concerned. (707)
But if that’s our current situation, we should work together and prepare for the party. (V)
Selection 14
He’s gone. (Nothing)
Don’t you think he ran way? (Nothing)
Selection 15
The picture that was uploaded also had the sun blazing. (Nothing)
Does V like the sun? (V)
Selection 16
Because light is crucial when taking pictures? (Nothing)
Maybe the sun holds a special meaning for him. (V)
Selection 17
Isn’t he busy? (Nothing)
Maybe he’s sick….? (Nothing)
I wanna see my Zen T-T
Selection 18
Go and call him now. (Nothing)
You’re such a good boy, Seven. (707)
Of course! (Nothing)
I don’t think so. (Nothing)
20:13 Party at Saturn? Selection 1
Hello, Jaehee! (Jaehee)
Good evening, Jumin. (Jumin)
Selection 2
Neither have I. (Nothing)
But it’s just a day. He’ll be fine. (Nothing)
Selection 3
You two muss be quite close! (Nothing)
He won’t hang up? I thought he would’ve put you on the call denial list. (Nothing)
Selection 4
We’re not holding our party at Jupiter, are we? (Nothing)
Pluto will feel lonely by itself. So I’d like to invite Neptune and Uranus too. (Nothing)
Selection 5
I understand. I don’t wanna do anything once I get home. (Jaehee)
When it comes to recommendations, you don’t have to force her for one… (Nothing)
Selection 6
I think it’d be one exciting party! (Nothing)
Please don’t worry. I can take care of it. (Nothing)
Selection 7
That’s a person’s name, right? (Nothing)
You mean…the dish itself? (Nothing)
Selection 8
How can we have udon as our guest? That wasn’t funny, Jumin… (Nothing)
Sounds delicious…I mean, sounds good! (Jumin +  email)
Selection 9
Some superior officer? Who could it be? (Nothing)
Are V’s photos that high in quality? (V)
Selection 10
Wow! I’ve never seen your selfie! (Jaehee)
You look tired… (Nothing)
Selection 11
Cheer up, Jaehee…! (Jaehee)
Good luck, Jumin! (Jumin)
Selection 12
So you’re saying that your cat jumped. (Jaehee)
Really? I wanna see too! (Jumin)
Selection 13
You’re actually capable of turning your head by 52 degrees..? (Nothing)
I wanna see too! I wanna see her beautiful jump! (Jumin)
Selection 14
??? (Nothing)
Oh my…she’s so cute! (Nothing)
Selection 15
Good night, Jumin! (Nothing)
Jaehee… (Jaehee)
Can I have more pictures of Elizabeth the 3rd? (Jumin)
Selection 16
I’d like to know what mysteries are there about him. (Nothing)
Maybe…he’s an android? (Nothing)
Selection 17
You could check all the important events scheduled and go to bed. (Nothing)
You can watch Zen’s DVD. (Jaehee + Zen)
Selection 18
Huh? Zen! (Nothing)
What took you so long, Mr. Gorgeous? (Zen)
Selection 19
So did you de-stress at the spa? (Nothing)
If you were planning to be gone for the whole day, you should have told us in advance! (Nothing)
Selection 20
I thought those flowers bloomed form your face. (Zen)
You basically had a hibernation lolol (Nothing)
Selection 21
Zen, do you know that we’re having a party? (Nothing)
I’m sure you’ll be a musical star! (Zen)
Selection 22
We can talk more tomorrow! (Zen)
You just had to hibernate today, huh? (Nothing)
Selection 23
I wonder what kind of recommendations I’ll get. (Nothing)
I thought you had something important schedule tomorrow. (Nothing)
Selection 24
Do let me know what you think of the new DVD. (Jaehee)
Goodbye, Jaehee! (Nothing)
Selection 25
Your looks will bring better things to you! (Zen)
Being handsome can be a problem sometimes… (Nothing)
Selection 26
It was so boring without you. (Nothing)
Let’s have a nice party! (Nothing)
Me too! I’m so excited! (Nothing)
22:38 Congrats (Unknown) Selection 1
I don’t think you have to know where I go. (Nothing)
I was sightseeing in the other room. I thought I could take a break. (Nothing)
Selection 2
Thanks, but I don’t like flowers… (Nothing)
They’re beautiful. Thank you so much, Ray. (Ray)
Selection 3
You mean I’m just getting started? When will I ever see the ending? (Nothing)
I think those AIs are not very suspicious of me now. I think this will get even better! (Ray)
Selection 4
I’m not yours. (Nothing)
I too wish you were my partner. (Ray)
I wish you would focus on developing the game, developer. (Nothing)
Selection 5
If you’re so glad, why not materialize it than speak it? (Nothing)
I can see how happy you are. (Ray)
I am hearing that often. It’s getting boring. (Nothing)
Selection 6
I want to stay here. (Nothing)
I prefer my home. (Nothing)
Selection 7
Yeah, I can’t stop caring about V. (V)
I wanna be close to you, Ray. (Ray)
Ok, but only until the party is held. (Nothing)
Selection 8
…This isn’t some sort of illegal pyramid scheme, is it? (Nothing)
I’m counting on you. Please take care of it fast. (Ray)
Selection 9
We didn’t chat much… You’re leaving already? (Ray)
You should go now and look after the server. (Nothing)
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