#i fail to see how paying a middle man and their multiple managers to pay me instead saves any money but here we are
lovecolibri · 1 year
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yenqa · 2 years
how enha would react seeing you at their concert!
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pairing : enhypen x gn!reader
warnings : like two swear words, mentions of cuddling, relationship is public in jungwons 🤞🤞, mentions of jealousy and crying
wc : 0.84k
a/n : hope you enjoy anon! they might seem similar bc i ran out of ideas after jay also new format
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ok so we all know damn well this man is a huge flirt.
so yk he’s doing his flirty things while performing but once he spots you, its over for any engene.
he’s actually kinda shocked that you came because they didn’t tour in your area
he literally only winks in your direction and the engene next to you thinks they’re dying
he keeps looking over at you and when he sings polaroid love, you know he’s singing it to you.
but engenes keep getting suspicious because they’re like why does hee keep interacting with only that engene?????
and the clip of someone recording him singing polaroid love to you goes viral!!
im sorry but realistically he does not spot you.
ok but pretend he does and he’s like :000 inside but he like hides it bc he’s in the middle of a concert!!
he gets like a splurge of confidenceand energy so he performs way better than usual (not like there is much to improve on)
and he starts getting like flirty with engenes (you) and fans are like omg what’s happening to him!!?!,!???
he smiles at you so much throughout the concert
man starts crying during shout out and you lowkey tear up a bit
after the concert you go backstage and he pulls you into the biggest hug and like twirls you around :))
bf jay is keeping me alive rn
ok so we know he’s flirter number 2
idk how but he spots you immediately and his face brightens
he literally starts getting all flustered when you two make eye contact
you throw him a little hat you made/bought and he wears it THE WHOLE concert
like fever? he’s wearing it. drunk dazed? hes wearing it
he doesn’t care that it’s a cutesy hat he’s still wearing it
until his manager makes him take it off
he blows you a kiss whenever he can
and he gives himself a pat on the back whenever he sees you flustered
but he also gives himself a dating rumor because engenes notice everything
opposite of jay, when he spots you in the front row he gets shy
like “omg what if i mess up then y/n never likes me again”
but once he sees you having fun, all his worries are gone and he’s also having fun
he pays more attention to whatever section your in and he like keeps walking to wherever you are.
and when he’s like running through the stadium he completes your heart and your heart only
his smile grows whenever he looks at you smiling and dancing
at the end of the concert he gives a little message to engenes (you) and it’s like
“thank you so much for coming today, you make me happy when i see you dancing and having fun” blah blah blah
but you and him both know that the message is for you and you only
you know he smiles when he spots you
bro goes from ☺️ to 😁 (that looks a little silly)
he keeps trying to not make eye contact with you but he can’t help it :((
he picks up your phone and he films a little video of him blowing a kiss to the camera (mostly to you but engenes dont know that)
at the encore he specifically requests the songs you love that they didnt perform
after the concert you know that you’re getting cuddles
he fr rushes home with you like hes zooming bc hes tired and you cuddle <33
well after he takes a shower
he loves when you play with his hair
so when you do, he falls asleep quickly
ok so your relationship is public
he keeps waving at you and mentioning you
“y/n is here!” “y/n loves this song” “y/n knows the dance to this part of-“
enhypen just wants him to shut up about you
he performs extra hard and sends his failed winks to you
when hes running around the stadium he stops to kiss you hand before running back around
during tfw he points to you multiple times
he can’t stop smiling whenever he looks at you
he keeps eye contact while singing shout out and tears up a little but :((
he literally rushes to you after the concert like he cannot contain his excitement
i need jungwon NOW.
this man gets so cocky
when he sees you filming him and only him, he grins so hard
but secretly he’s so flustered
Y/N? at my concert? filming me?
he acts extra flirty to engenes to make you jealous
when he sees you frowning a little bit, he stops and winks at you
he winks at you a little too much…
when he sees you smiling wide at his parts, he almost forgets all his moves
like how did he get so lucky with you??
if you’re relationship is public you best know he’s talking about you
“my y/n is here at the concert today!”
just be careful of jealous engenes
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♥️ 💔 🖤? From coffeewritesfiction
Yesssss I got one of these!!!
Anyway. Names. Bios. Yes. There are a lot of main characters so I will tell you about the three I have written about the most recently. I'll put them in order of where they appear in the historical timeline, as well!
I don't have any major, developed characters from the earlier years of Era One, but I have two major characters right at the start of Era Two! Emperor Oscar Huphera and his most trusted advisor, Thomas Merritt!
Oscar is the fourth emperor in the Huphera line, ruling over the growing Tsiona Empire. He's arrogant, cold, and stern with everyone who has the misfortune of working with him. At least, that is what he appears to be. His uncle, the former emperor, was a brutal dictator who was liable to cut off one's tongue should one mouth off to him. While most of the courtiers of the Tsiona Empire are grateful that Oscar is not that type of man, there are some who believed Oscar to be too soft when he first came into power. They went so far as to challenge his claim to the throne, and though that challenge failed, Oscar isn't keen to test his luck again.
He crafted an image for himself, that of a tyrant with his temper on a short leash that he could release at any moment. With that image, he was able to silence any whispers that he was too soft on his courtiers and citizens. He was not, however, able to curb the rumors that he was a non-traditionalist. Perhaps those rumors have some substance, seeing as Oscar is destined to be the last emperor of the Tsiona Empire.
Thomas Merritt is Oscar's most trusted royal advisor. Specifically, he is the emperor's Advisor of the People. To most of the courtiers, it's a pretty cushy job. The Advisor of the People is basically what we would consider modern day PR management. Thomas's job is to keep an ear to the ground and listen to what people are saying about the monarchy. When they're saying good things, he reports them back to Oscar. When they're saying bad things, he co-ordinates with Oscar to do damage control. Other advisors and courtiers will sometimes give Thomas messages to pass to the emperor as well, since he seems to be the only one Oscar won't blow up at.
So, that's what he is on the surface, but he is also so much more than that. In addition to handling PR, Thomas also stands at the top of a vast network of Imperial spies. He makes it his business to know everything about anyone and everyone. He sniffs out talk of rebellion and monitors the loudest voices, making moves to ensure that there's never a chance for coordinated effort to overthrow his friend ever again. Most people write him off as a silly, laid-back gossip, and he uses that to his advantage. He's been protecting Oscar since childhood, and he intends to protect him through his dying breath.
Now let's fast forward- way forward- to the middle of Era 3. And allow me to introduce you to Richie McLure.
Yes, McLure is really his last name. No, he's not a pimp. And his full name is technically Richard, but that was his father's name, and he really doesn't want to go by Dick. Richie is the unfortunate son of a part-time "miracle worker", an absolute quack. Oh, sure, he did perform miracles. That sort of magic is fairly common. The quack part comes in when one looks at how McLure Senior came about his magic. See, Richard liked to take shortcuts, and he thought himself very clever. He thought that if he made contradicting contracts with multiple magical entities, they would end up squabbling when it came time to collect, and he could bounce without paying the bill. What he failed to know or realize, and what he would have realized if he had studied for his magic like everyone else, is that there are in fact powers-that-be. More specifically, powers-that-be-employed-to-handle-that-sort-of-paperwork-and-dont-take-kindly-to-the-mountain-that-is-richard-mclures-file.
How does that relate to Richie? Well, Richie is Richard's first born. And, as he learns upon his father's death, he's been sold to four different magical entities, all of which want to collect him for one purpose or another. Richie is informed of this by an agent of Heaven named Ethan (the neutral third party; Heaven wouldn't claim a member of the McLure family for any incentive, apparently). Having just gotten finished settling the material debts of his father's estate and very much liking his free will intact, Richie does the logical thing and tells Ethan to tell all four entities to pound sand. That does not go well for him.
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
Fight or Flight-Anthony Bridgerton x Reader
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(GIF credit to @ladycolinbridgerton​)
Requested by anonymous: ‘Hiii,Love your writings! Could you do something Bridgerton, Anthony x reader where the reader tries to stop the duel and gets hurt? Angst/fluff?!’
Characters: Anthony Bridgerton x Reader, Daphne Bridgerton x Reader (sister-in-law), Collin Bridgerton x Reader (brother-in-law)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Duel (guns, mention of death), injuries, angst, fluff
Collin and I laughed as we both carried Violet through the foyer of the home, clearly someone had too much to drink. My mother-in-law continued to deny this through her giggling.
“Of course not, you are completely sober.” Collin joked as we made it to the stairs.
“And I’m sober enough to know when you’re being impertinent.” Violet said to her son, still holding my hand.“Good night dears.”
“Good night mother.”
“Good night.”
Collin and I shared a look as she went upstairs, failing to hold in our laughter. We both doubled over as we laughed, until we heard someone call us. Turning to our left, we saw Anthony and Benedict in the doorway.
“Come here.” Anthony hissed.
“Good God. Did someone die?” Collin whined.
“What? What’s happened?” I asked, suddenly panicking. 
“Collin, get here, now.” Anthony instructed, his younger brother complying. 
I followed.“Anthony, what’s wrong? Is someone hurt? Are you in trouble?” I didn’t mean for all the questions but I loved him too much for something to happen to him.
He shoved Collin inside, stepping out and shutting the door behind him.“It doesn’t concern you darling. Just go up to bed.”
“Wait,” I grabbed onto his arm before he could get away,“Anthony, please don’t shut me out.”
“This isn’t for women’s ears. Please, do as I say.”
Anthony kissed my forehead tenderly, before he quickly ripped his arm away, looking sympathetic as he did so. The door shut, and although I was tempted to burst in there, I knew this was something out of my league. Sighing, I reluctantly walked away, slipping off my heels before slowly making my way upstairs. 
As I prepared for bed, my mind was distant. I couldn’t stop wondering what their meeting was about. Anthony looked stressed (even more than usual), and the fact that the eldest brothers were together meant this business was serious. Once my maids were finished and gone, I sat up in bed, having left some candles lit. At first I thought reading might take my mind off things, but the romantic novel only made me think of my husband more. I was tired from the ball, feet throbbing from dancing, which made me believe I could fall asleep. I wasn’t able to fool myself, unfortunately stuck awake again. Groaning in frustration, I stood, making my way to the door. I hesitated, wondering if I should really go storming downstairs when Anthony told me otherwise. No, I had to check on my love.
Opening the door, I heard someone else do the same. Poking my head out, I looked down the hall, seeing Daphne also awake. She rushed towards me, grabbing my hand without a word and dragging me out of my room.
“Woah, Daphne, woah, slow down!” I exclaimed quietly, stopping her at the top of the stairs.“Why are you rushing downstairs? What’s wrong?”
“My brother is doing something terribly stupid, and I cannot stand by doing nothing.” She said, tugging on my arm as she continued her route.
That made my heart beat even greater, terrified for what my husband could be a part of. I kept up with her, still tightly holding her hand until we burst into the room the men had their meeting in. Collin was the only one in there, looking alarmed when he saw us.
“Where have they gone?” Daphne demanded to know.
Collin sighed.“Daph-”
“Tell me where this duel takes place.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Duel?! Anthony has gone to a duel?! With who?!” I exclaimed. 
“So that I may prevent it from happening.” Daphne continued.
“Hastings has done you a grave dishonour.”
“Can someone please explain what is happening?” I stood beside them, though neither took any notice.“What does the Duke of Hastings have to do with any of this?”
“Surely you wish to see him pay?”
“Not with his life.” Daphne snapped back.
“Anthony is dueling with Hastings?! What if they kill each other?”
“It will not come to that.” Collin finally addressed me.“The Duke will remember his honour once he finds himself on the deadly end of a pistol.”
“And if he does not?” Daphne said.
“They will both do the gentlemanly thing and fire their pistols wide. Now allow them to bring this ugly business to a conclusion themselves.”
Daphne groaned as I began pacing around the room.“Do you know how many times I’ve heard that said? Myself and (Y/N)? That we should leave the men to their business and to not concern ourselves with such weighty affairs? Whose affairs, right now, are my future, my family.”
“This isn’t going to end well, you know it Collin.” I stopped walking around, crossing my arms over my chest in frustration.
“(Y/N) is right. Anthony is too angry to fire wide and Simon is too stubborn to yield. You did not see them in that garden.”
“No, I did not, and neither did anyone else. You should be happy that no one saw anything.” Collin pointed out.
So something dishonourable happened in the gardens of the party. Something that has cause my husband to want to duel an old friend. Part of me felt slightly angered towards Daphne, she had been playing with fire around the Duke, it’s all Anthony went on about for the last few weeks.
“Only someone did see.” Daphne realised.
Collin and I stared at her wide eyed.
“Cressida Cowper. Collin, you must tell me where they’ve gone.”
“I’m coming with you.” I declared. 
“Neither of you are going, Anthony will have my head-”
“Collin.” I stood in front of him, putting on the angriest face I could.“My husband may be about to lose his life and I knew nothing about it. Believe me, he will be reprimanded for that, but if you do not tell us where these stupid men are right now, it will be me having your head, not Anthony!”
After pressuring Collin to reveal where the men were, we raced to the stables, both Daphne and I still in our nightgowns, with only a cloak to cover us from the wind whipping against us as we rode. Our poor horses were not expecting this early call, using what energy they had to gallop as fast as possible. My throat was dry, heart racing and mind drowning with thoughts about what could be happening right now. Had they even started? Were the shots fired? 
We rode out of the country and into large fields. It seemed that we would never reach them in time. I kept my eye out for any signs of people or horses, praying that my husband wouldn’t be bleeding out on the ground. Why hadn’t he told me? He hadn’t even said goodbye. All I got was a simple kiss on the forehead, nothing other than that. Even if he did survive, he would have to leave this place, but was he going to leave without me?
“There they are!” Daphne shouted to us, speeding her horse ahead.
“Daphne! Wait!” I yelled after her, but she was too far away.
There were multiple bodies up ahead, and it looked like the duel had only just started, they were taking their steps already. I urged my horse to go faster, screaming Anthony’s name, but he couldn’t hear me. The men turned, ready to aim and fire. Tears started falling down my cheeks, quickly drying from the wind hitting my face. I was getting so close, but it still wasn’t enough. Daphne had somehow made it to them, but as the gunshots echoed out, she was caught in the middle of it, her horse rearing up and throwing her off.
As she landed on the ground, my horse also got spooked, rearing up as hers did, though I managed to stay on. However, it went hurtling forwards, and I couldn’t regain any control. I screamed as I tried to grab the rein again, feeling my balance slip away. One minute I was managing to stay upright on the horse, the next I had fallen off to my left, with my foot still hooked onto the stirrup. My head hit the ground harshly, and I was dragged through the dirt and grass as my horse continued to gallop. I couldn’t make out where I was, or what was right or left. Suddenly, the horse started slowing down, the dragging finally stopping. As I figured out where I was, my head still spinning, I felt someone lift my leg out of the stirrup and slowly onto the floor. 
“(Y/N), (Y/N) can you hear me?” Anthony gently held my face in his hands, kneeling beside me.
“My head...” I moaned.
“It’s alright, my dear.” an older man appeared, and I only just realised he was also kneeling beside me.“You’ve hit your head quite hard, you’ll likely have bruises along your back, and your leg will ache. But it’s nothing rest won’t fix. If you have severe headaches, you should call upon me again to give you something for it. For now, I shall forget I ever saw any of this, just as we agreed.”
“Thank you doctor.” Anthony breathed out, helping me sit up as the doctor walked away. 
I clung onto his arm, using my other hand to pull his face closer to mine. I kissed him hard, relieved that he was still alive and unharmed. He seemed to be feeling the same way as me, until I pulled away and slapped him round the face. His mouth was open in shock.
“That’s for going to a duel without telling me.” 
“(Y/N), I...what?”
“I can’t believe you thought you could just go and get shot, or shoot someone and leave me behind! What would happen to me? I couldn’t bear it if you died, or left, either way, I am furious with you!”
“Darling, I had to do it. He dishonoured Daphne, therefore, dishonouring our name.” 
I tried to stand by myself, though felt dizzy, annoyed that I had to have Anthony to help me. He kept his arms around me, and although I loved the feeling, knowing he was safe, I had a hatred for him in that moment.
“But why wouldn’t you tell me?” I looked up at him, ignoring the throbbing in my head.
“We would have to leave society, make a life as...I don’t know what but we wouldn’t be allowed here anymore.”
“So? Do you really think I regard myself so highly that I would diminish my love for you to remain in society?”
“Anthony, I would rather leave all of this behind, and be with you wherever you go in the world. That fact that you think I would prefer to live without you hurts me.”
“(Y/N), I didn’t mean-”
I slipped out of his hold, hopefully stable now.“I don’t want to speak of this right now. I’m finished with this topic of conversation.”
Anthony knew there was no point trying to reason with me in that moment. It was also no time to argue when there were more pressing matters at hand. He huffed, only walking away from me once Collin approached, letting me loop my arm through his for support. I watched as he glared at Simon, who was in a deep discussion with Daphne. 
“We must resume before someone should find us.” he said to Simon before taking a pistol from Benedict again.
“There will be no need to resume.” Daphne spoke up. We all looked at her, wondering how she was going to stop the duel.“The Duke and I are to be married.”
We had all ensured we were home before any of the staff could see us, slipping out of our dirty clothes and stuffing them under the bed. I had struggled, feeling nauseous as I rushed. But as I lay down in bed, my headache suddenly returning and my back aching, I heard the door lock. Anthony threw the key onto his desk in the room, hands on his hips as he paced. 
“Anthony.” I tried to stop him.“Anthony, please don’t do that.”
“I’m thinking (Y/N).” he mumbled.
“Then why don’t you think in your office? You’re making me dizzy. And nervous.”
“Do not speak to me like that. You do realise how this might tarnish our name?”
“They’re getting married, it will be fine Anthony.”
“It does not matter, he still dishonoured her, I saw it myself.”
“And you have not done that yourself in the past?”
That made him stop in his tracks. His head turned to me so quickly I though his neck would snap off.“They were not eligible ladies.”
“And that makes a difference? Anthony, I need to rest, please leave me.” I turned onto my side, pulling the covers higher so they almost covered my face.
He groaned, and I instantly regretted what I had said. His footsteps were loud as he made his way to the door, but I never heard it being unlocked. He sounded like he was now approaching the bed, and I found out I was right when the bed dipped in front of me me. I opened my eyes to see Anthony shuffling around, and I heard two light thumps on the floor from taking off his boots, before he lifted and covers; he shuffled in towards me, gently putting his arm under my pillow, moving as close as he could to me.
“You are right.” his voice was quieter now.“I, along with many men, have...done things in the past. Those women are, were meant for those things, but as soon as I saw you in the room, I knew I had to approach you. I remember that beautiful blue dress you were wearing, and how well you held yourself. But you were still so enticing, I found you to be so interesting, yet you only spoke with me for five minutes. You danced so elegantly, yet I still thought I could keep up with you.”
“If you are trying to make me swoon so I forget all about earlier, it isn’t working. You use the same story every time.” I said.
“Because it’s one of the best ones. I could retale about the time I saw you first promenading, the balls and social events we coincidentally went to, how I called upon your house-”
“Anthony, you may stop.” I tried not to giggle, but my smile was evident.“I am still angry at you for putting yourself in such an idiotic and dangerous situation. However, I deeply admire your love for your family, I know you would do anything for them. Just...if you ever do anything like that again, you are to inform me of your plans. I go wherever you go.”
“I promise. I was stupid to think I could do that to you. I just wanted to make sure you would still have a good life.”
“The only way I would have a good life is by being with you.”
Anthony smiled, tenderly kissing me.“You should rest darling. You’re hurt.”
“As long as you stay here with me.”
“I promise.”
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soupbabe · 3 years
Part 4 Characters Reacting to You Saying That You Can Hold The World in Your Hands and Then Holding Their Face
One lengthy ass title, but I've seen this concept from multiple blogs and that shit is so cute?? I live for cheesy fluff so much
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~ Josuke Higashikata~
You were hanging out in Josuke's living room, watching him play videogames
It was fun for a while, but 10 min in you got bored and decided to mess with your boyfriend, who blushes easily
"Hey Josuke, I wanna show you something! " You quickly scooted yourself in front of him, not really caring about the game over screen going off in the background
"Hey! C'mon, what's so important that you couldn't wait?" You looked at him with a mischievous smile, "I can hold the world in my hands! " You proceeded to squish his face between your palms and you could see his face turn a light shade of pink and a dorky smile spread across
I don't care if this sounds out of character, dude is the type of guy to say "Aw shucks" unironically. That's exactly how he responds
Did you tease him about his response? Absolutely. Did he get you to stop laughing at him by kissing the tip of your nose? Of course
~Okuyasu Nijimura~
You both were walking around after a date at Tonio's and were goofing off
"Hey Oku, did you know I can fit the entire world in my hands?" "Sorry to break it to you Y/N, but I don't think that's possible. " Queue the plopping your hands gently on Okuyasu's face. "No, look, you're wrong!"
It took him like 5 whole minutes of him trying to understand until he actually got it.
"Huh? Oh,,,OH AWEE BABY THATS SO SWEET" Okuyasu brought you in a bone crushing hug, crying about how that's the cutest thing someone ever told him
He brought his hands up to your face and scattered kisses all over to show extra appreciation
~ Rohan Kishibe ~
Rohan isn't a man to get easily flustered so lately you've been trying to get him off guard and hope for a blush, maybe stutter if you're lucky
It was one of those rare occasions where you were able to get Rohan to take a break from his work and just have him relax with you while you're watching TV
Maybe while in this peaceful atmosphere you could catch him off guard and get him to blush
Quickly you turned towards the artist and held his face in your hands and with a giddy smile you say "I can't believe it, I can fit the entire world in my hands!"
He just kinda deadpanned and with a smushed face "Darling what are you doing? That sounds so cheesy too"
Mission failed. We'll get em next time
In the middle of pouting over your failed attempt, you missed the silent laugh that Rohan made at your statement
~Jotaro Kujo~
Please don't do this I feel like you'd end up causing an accidental ptsd flashback once you say "the world."
~Yoshikage Kira~
Everyday he managed to fit in you and him time before he gets dressed for work and that's usually just you two cuddling and good morning kisses
You were someone who filled up the housewife/househusband role in the relationship, so you savored these moments knowing you wouldn't be able to see him that much throughout the day
"Sweetheart, want to know something fascinating? I can fit the entire world in my hands." It was then you gently cupped his face and gazed into his eyes lovingly. "See?"
Yoshikage gave a small chuckle and held onto your soft hands, soaking up the attention your hands gave him
It wasn't until you tried to move your hands, Yoshikage gripped onto them. Not too harsh, but just enough to keep them there
"No no, keep them there. Let's just stay like this."
~ Yukako Yamagishi ~
You both are a pda couple, typically the cheesy romantic lines and gestures came from Yukako though
But pulling stuff like this wasn't uncommon and you usually said things like that when she gets upset by something
She could be fuming and all you have to do is not even say anything, just gently hold her like you're in a romantic novel and she's already better
"Awe sweetheart, you're my entire world too! I love you so much!"
Neat. Now you're the one being doted on and being squeezed by your surprisingly strong girlfriend
If anyone laughed at or looked at your failed attempt at being the romantic one in the relationship weirdly, she will threaten them and force them to encourage you to do more like that for her :)
~ Toshikazu Hazamada ~
Shh lowkey based off of a headcanon that Hazamada does enjoy drawing a lot and one of his inspirations was Rohan (before Rohan's episode tho)
You were at Hazamada's house, hanging out in his room while he sits at his desk drawing something in his sketchbook
While he was busy, you were giving some affection to his stand, using Surface as a temporary cuddle buddy and using it to give it's user some attention while he's stressing over each hand he draws
Don't get me wrong, you love Toshikazu, but it was getting annoying how often he seemed to neglect giving you proper attention and leaving his stand to do the work for him
"Hey Kazu, look I can hold the world in my hands!" You held the wooden stand close to you and giving it a lil cheek kiss, knowing it was a pet peeve of his when you give too much of your time to his stand rather than himself
Hazamada really went 👁️👄👁️ when the dummy even made a laughing motion at him "B-but why not me!? Am I not your world!?"
"Huh? Oh yea, don't worry honey. I still love you, but right now Surface gets the special boyfriend privileges since it pays attention to me."
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feirceangel · 3 years
Imagine | Awaken
Imagine being there when the Pillarmen wake up.
Word Count: 1072
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Archeological digs have always interested you. Delving into the past to uncover secrets of humanity from long ago never fails to bring a smile to your lips.
You were the one to find the mysterious 'statues' beneath the colosseum in Rome. Fascinated by the perfection of the three forms displayed, you were quick to start sketching them.
Through your scientist friends, you heard that they found another so-called 'Pillar Man' in Mexico. The thing that really stunned you was that fact that he was still alive after being encased in stone for hundreds of years.
And it looks like you've found three more of the strange beings.
Your little secret didn't stay a secret for long, German soldiers and scientists raining on your parade, confiscating your find.
Graciously, they still let you observe and take notes, but treated you rather poorly. You keep to yourself, knowing that your input would only be ignored by the others.
At the moment, giant UV lights are shining on the Pillar Men, courtesy of the Germans. You're to the side, not truly paying attention as you finish your sketch of the area.
"Something's amiss, ja?!"
"W-what's with that hole?!"
You sigh. What are they going on about now?
"Keep calm! They're trapped under UV ray exposure and cannot move!" The commander orders loudly. "Analyze the cavity, but with the upmost caution."
Interest piqued, you glance at the soldiers approaching the wall where the beings rest. You're hidden behind a small outcropping of rocks, as an attempt to stay as far away from the others as possible.
"How did this cavity appear?"
You examine your sketches, not seeing a hole and look back at the hole in the forehead of one of the Pillar Men. Curious.
"There's not enough light to see inside."
The hair on the back of your neck rises, a bad feeling overwhelming you. Your heart starts to beat faster.
Maybe you should make a quick exit now, before it's too late.
"I-I can hear something..."
A sudden sound startles you. The man examining the hole has been impaled by some sort of... horn?
Horrified, you watch as the man dies right before your eyes.
"Impossible! The subject couldn't have awakened!"
Terrified, you can't look away from the horrific events taking place before you.
The horn spins and slashes through multiple soldiers, spraying blood over the lights. You scream in fright before biting your hand to mask the sound.
The middle Pillar Man breaks from his stone tomb with a loud rumble, striking a pose as he cracks his neck.
He's glorious, dressed in the bare minimum of purple fabric with various pieces of gold jewelry adorning him.
"I pondered the state of man's strength after two millennia of slumber..."
His voice is deep and stern.
"But dependence on such lacklustre luminance imply declination. The lucent tools of Teutons mayn't withhold the will of Wamuu!"
Fast as lightning, the large man runs through the crowd of soldiers, as they yell in terror.
"O-our hands are joined!"
You can't close your eyes, stuck watching the frightening display of pure power that radiates off of him.
With a thud, the being stabs his finger into a terrified soldier and starts to drain the men's life force.
Petrified, you let out a squeal of fear as they collapse to the ground, nothing but a pile of flesh.
A soft jingle sounds as the otherworldly man walks back to the wall, his clothing swishing. He turns around and raises his hands, "Wamuu! Awaken, my masters!"
More rumbling sounds as the other two break free from the stone.
These guys scream power and danger, more so than anyone you've ever encountered before. Plus, only one of them managed to kill over twenty soldiers without a weapon.
They haven't seen you yet, so hopefully you can sneak away or wait until they leave. You try to control your breathing as tears dribble down your cheeks.
Please leave, please leave, please leave, you chant in your mind.
"We know you're there, human," the first one speaks.
Your breath hitches and your body shudders. How do they know?! Maybe it's a trap?
Playing it safe, you stay put.
You close your eyes, wishing it all away to no avail. When you reopen your eyes, the man is directly before you.
Stammering, you try to back up but run into another man. Your heart is hammering away, blood rushing through you as you blindly try to run.
You make it one step before a powerful being grabs your hair in a vice grip.
This is it, I'm gonna die here.
They chuckle as they look down at your shaking form.
"Hello," the one with a head wrap says.
You can't speak, and even if you could, you wouldn't know how to respond.
The one with golden hair picks up your sketchbook, gazing at the drawings found there.
He shows the others and you wish the ground would swallow you up.
"I am Wamuu," he says, "These are Masters Kars and Esidisi."
You are paralyzed. Why haven't they killed you yet?
"We recognize you. You were the one to find us," Esidisi states in a slightly higher voice.
Kars looks upon you in amusement, "What is your name, little one?"
Should you answer?
Their intense gazes tell you that it wouldn't be wise to remain silent.
"Y-y/n," you stutter, scared stiff.
Kars releases your hair, observing as you fall to your knees in fear, "Don't worry, we won't hurt you."
"W-What?" You're confused.
Kars gently caresses your tear stained cheek, "We don't hurt our property."
It takes a second for his words to click.
"P-property?!" You hero away from his touch, wishing they'd just get it over with instead of toying with you. "Never!"
Bemused, Esidisi takes ahold of your shoulders, "Cute."
You try to wiggle out of his grip, but of course he's too strong.
"You'll make a great pet," Kars assures, a wicked glint in his red eyes. "Don't disobey us and everything will be fine."
Shaking your head, you struggle again, only to have Wamuu clench his hand around your wrist.
"Let's go see this new world," Kars says, leading the way out of the cave.
You try to resist, but the intense pain in your arm makes you rethink your tactics.
You'll just have to wait for the perfect opportunity to escape.
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local-ground-apple · 4 years
I saw requests are open for Pomefiore, so please... How about Pomefiore being absolutely in love? How would they react and think? They would confess to their love?
So, I didn’t do it yanderish and I wrote a small scenario per each. 
I seriously need to stop writing Vil kissing scenes 🙃 🙃
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🦚 oh, he fell for a potato? Well, you must be a refined potato then, if you managed to catch his attention,
🦚 at first Vil seems indifferent. He’s not the type to rush into action after localizing his target  (like Rook) or dwell on his feelings (like Epel). No, he takes his time getting to know you better, 
🦚 you won’t even notice that he may have developed feelings for you. You’re convinced that your another target, just like Epel and you do your best to follow all the routines Vil implored on you. After all, being in Pomefiore was never supposed to be easy. You were certain he was treating you just like any other student from his dorm, making sure you look presentable, being strict and calling you potato,
🦚 yet Rook notices small slips and hints Vil is leaving. Soon he refrains from adressing you as a mere potato and calls you by your name, he won’t scold you for tiniest mistake brushing it off and pretending he hadn’t seen it or inviting you once for a smoothie, making everyone gasp in shock. Rook clearly see that you’re special,
🦚 Vil gets impatient soon. He craves your affection and wishes your attention would be focused on him. He wants to shower you in small kisses, leaving the trail of them on your neck, gently run his fingers through your hair and brush his lips against yours. Oh, he wants you so bad,
🦚 sometimes, Vil may seem distant, engrossed in his thoughts, yet he denies it when Rook confronts him about his behavior. He is just thinking of the perfect way he could confess to you. He absolutely wants it to be flawless, 
🦚 he seems confident that you won’t reject him. After all, who would reject Vil Schoenheit? Yet, he feels tad insecure deep down. Vil will never admit it, but the countless “what if” scenarios are playing in his head before confession,
🦚 you’re probably one of the few persons who managed to mentally frustrated and make Vil Schoenheit’s heart flutter. You achieved unachievable,
🦚 it was Neige Leblanche who pushed Vil to yeet his perfect confession plans into void and aggressively take the lead, (it’s always Neige or Lilia that either start apocalypse or change the course of history),
 Vil clicked his tongue in annoyance as exasperated sigh left his lips. He was tapping his heel impatiently, his arms firmly crossed on his chest, as his gaze was fixated on you.
Why were you taking so long talking with Neige?
Neige out of all bloody people.
Vil watched you giggling at some sort of joke Neige had made. Your bright and broad smile you were gracing Leblanche with, was driving him up the wall. Vil ignored Deuce and Ace bickering in the background, as well as Rook laughing at them, while Kalim and Jamil were nowhere to be found. Probably they were occupying food stalls.
Vil frowned. You all were supposed to have a rehearsal on the stage day before VDC, yet you all run into Neige who was more than eager to meet you.
Especially you. 
Vil was fully aware of how Neige hand brushed against yours, how he leaned a bit too close, how his fingers tuck strands of your hair behind your ear. Vil didn’t fail to notice how Neige’s eyes would stop on his annoyed form, clearly enjoying his visible jealousy or how we would smirk whenever his face was mere inches from yours and dorm leader was close to exploding.
Here he was, Vil simply had to save you from Neige’s sly clutches. With a barely audible “tsk”, he aggressively walked to you. You slightly jumped, startled when Vil gripped your arm rather firmly. He didn’t give you the time to bid farewell to Neige.
,,Excuse us”
With that, Vil began dragging you away. You flashed an apologetic smile to Neige, trying to keep up with dorm leader’s rapid pace. Well, you weren’t blessed with long legs, like him. You quickly realized that struggling was pointless, his grip was too strong for you to wriggle out.
Vil was practically fuming with anger, ignoring your questions about what was going on. He soon stopped before a close room, pushing you inside and closing door. Now, you were beginning to feel nervous and, well, curious. Vil was never the type to personally drag you somewhere, it was always Rook’s job.
You raised your eyebrow, eyeing Vil with pure confusion written all over his face. He run his head through his hair and sighed deeply in frustration, before his gaze pierced through, making you take a step back. He looked so intense.
Vil quickly cut the distance between you two, his fingers firmly grabbing your chin, making you look straight in his eyes.
,,I don’t want you associating with that…that potato”
His words were dripping with disgust and malice, as a frown flashed on his face. You opened your mouth to say something, yet your words were muffled by soft lips pressing on yours. Your eyes widen and your hands subconsciously clutched the cuffs of his jacket, pulling Vil closer. He smirked, not breaking a kiss. 
He pulled away, his lips gently brushing against yours. Vil eyed you for a brief moment, before clicking his tongue. His thumb gently grazed over your lips, gently smearing the remaining lipstick.
,,My, my, looks like you need to apply it once again”
You nodded, still in shock, as your fingers touched your lips in disbelief. Vil only chuckled seeing your reaction. He swiftly turned around on his heel, briefly glancing at you.
,,I’d love to take you out for a nice lunch after rehearsal. I have a important confession to make”
With that Vil left, leaving you completely stunned with a fluttering heart.
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🏹 Rook is rather quick to realise his burning feelings for you and he’s a man who would immediately began to act,
🏹 he does a research on you beforehand. Before he even approaches you and starts talking to you, he will spend several days observing you, taking notes about your habits and paying attention to your dislikes and favorites. Rook doesn’t view this as stalking, non, non, it’s just an extensive research,
🏹 when Rook feels that he had gathered enough informations, he’s first to approach you. He complimets your dazzling beauty and starts a small talk with you. He absolutely doesn’t hide his attraction towards you, non, non, he rather makes it crystal clear, 
🏹 Rook would flirt a lot. You would see him popping up in most random moments, always when you’re alone, meeting you by “pure coincidence”,
🏹 he worships your beauty even before he asks you out. Rook probably worte multiple poems or serenades concerning you and he’s more willing to read them to you on a proper date. You always get embarrassed and hide your frustrated face in your hands, when he showers you in praises out of blue, 
🏹 Rook asks you out rather quickly. Maybe after talking with you like three or four times. This man takes the risk without batting an eye,
🏹 and he’s rather dramatic about it, practically giving you a heart attack, 
You quickly scanned through your notes, knowing very well that even this rapid revision wouldn’t save you before Crewel’s class. You were absolutely doomed and you were well aware of that fact. You sighed defeated, staring at complicated notes concerning potions you had absolutely no clue about.
,,Prefect, watch out!”
You jumped, papers dropping from your hands and flying in the air, as the arrow pierced through the wall inches from your face. You could feel it teasingly brush against your cheek, yet not cutting your skin. Your eyes widen and you tried to steady your breath. You were sure your heart would jump out of your chest. Letting a heavy sign, you hesitantly and reluctantly reach for the note attached to the arrow.
You frowned, not understanding first few lines written in French.
Should have studied this bloody language when I had the chance.
You scanned neat, cursive handwriting and you could feel your heart flutter. You bit your lip, lowering your gaze, as you giggled slightly at the cheesy confession and invitation to romantic dinner with candles. Normally “in the middle of the forest at the ungodly hour” would make you concerned, but you were too flattered reading the attached translation of the poem basically worshipping your beauty.
You raised your head and looked around, trying to find a certain hunter behind bushes, but to no avail.
,,I accept!”
You yelled, ignoring Ace’s and Deuce’s “what the hell human” look.
,,Très bien!!”
You could swear the source of that voice was somewhere in bushes.
🏹 Rook won’t hesitate to confess and he declares his love to you on first date. Like literally, you would be enjoying your dinner, while he’s planting small kisses on your hand, making you beyond frustrated and almost choking on your food and suddenly Rook declares his feelings to you,
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🍏 he’s confused at first. Very confused. What is this weird feeling in his stomach whenever he sees you? 
🍏 you two went from classmates to “we-escape-from-Vil-on-daily-basic” friends to “fuck-we-escape-from-Rook-too besties to finally best friends. Epel has viewed you as a friend for quite a long time. You were always there to listen to his problems, help sneak out of Rook’s eagle eyes and you comforted him whenever he felt upset,
🍏 Epel realized his feelings, when certain hunter began cooing over how “stunning you had looked surrounded by rough nature”, all that while sniffing your hair and holding your hand. He got jealous, frustrated and practically dragged you out of there,
🍏 Epel is rather shy and hesitant to confess. What if you turn him down? What if you don’t reciprocate his feelings and want to stay as friends? What if you find Vil more attractive than him? What if…
🍏 those constant questions haunts and torments Epel practically all the time he’s around you or you spend time in the company of other males,
🍏 you live in his mind rent-free,
🍏 when he finally gathered courage to confess everything went wrong. Rook crashed his confession unknowingly (or on purpose, who knows) and you got dragged away by Vil to attend to “urgent matter”
🍏 needless to say, Epel was beyond furious and fuming. If the whole world was set on stopping his declaration of love and prevent him from speaking from the bottom of his heart, then he will aggressively take the action,
 Sometimes you truly questioned your ventures to Diasomnia or more likely questioned why you had refused the escort Sebek or Silver were willing to provide. You sighed heavily, mentally facepalming yourself. Oh right, you wanted to show Malleus that you by no means were scared walking back to your dorm practically in absolute darkness.
Oh, how wrong you were.
Where was your prince on the white horse?
Apparently nowhere to be found.
Oh how you wished you weren’t so squeamish and easily scared. You let out a blood-curling scream, when a hand roughly turned you around, pressing you into the wall. Your heart was beating so fast, you thought it could jump out of your chest, when your back collided with the cold surface. One hand rested beside your face, while the other one gripped your chin.
Before you could scream one more time and alert anyone, soft lips roughly crashed on yours, making you gasp from astonishment and pure confusion. You couldn’t see in the darkness face of the person desperately kissing you, yet the fragrance of fresh apples and gentle locks tickling your cheek smelling like Vil’s latest shampoo line, made you realized who it was.
Epel was kissing you.
Your hands tangled into his hair, pulling yourself closer, as you deepened the kiss. His hands landed on your hips, cutting any distance between you two. Your chest gently collided with him. Epel pulled away, when he felt you were breathless.
You placed the hand of your heart, taking few deep breaths to calm your racing heart from fear and sensation of soft lips on yours.
,,What the?! You scared the hell out of me!”
“Well, that’s the only moment I can confess in peace without Vil’s chattering. And if you hadn’t screamed, I wouldn’t have to kiss you before telling you that I’m in love with you”
🍏 you accepted his messy confession either way, yet you did scold him few times for practically giving you a heart attack,
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octopus-reactivated · 3 years
Safe Place 4
Part 1
Tw/cw: Failed escape attempt, recaptured, repetitive drowning, forced to relive trauma, manipulative, creepy whumper, death in family mention. Also multiple whumpees and whumpers, but chapter focus on one whumper and one whumpee. (tell me if i missed anything)
It was hard to see and Andrew was tripping on every irregularity on the ground, but he was always getting up and going forward. Something at that place was really, really wrong. So he packed a few most important things and got out.
And now he was in the middle of the forest in the middle of the night. Alone. He hoped the road would follow him somewhere… somewhere safer.
Owl hooted and then the car engine was heard. Car engine? Oh, there was light, coming closer. His heart stopped, but he managed to dive into dense bushes. Car went closer and closer. He held his breath. Then it got past him. He exhaled in relief. And then car stopped.
No way.
They… they couldn’t see him, and for sure not hear his breath from the vehicle. But the steps were coming closer. For one moment he considered showing himself. Why was he even doing it? Why run away? But there was this feeling he could not ignore. Like a primal instinct that warned him something bad was about to happen. So he stayed as quiet as possible. Steps were heart once closer once farther. He didn’t dare to move eyes.
And then hand appeared on his shoulder
“And what do we have there?” He heart Don.
“Wait- I- I can explain!” He shouted as Don dragged him along. Earlier he was thrown onto the car set and now they were at home, getting closer to basement stairs. He saw boys peeking up from their bedrooms, but Don glanced at them and they hid immediately.
Door to the basement opened and soon Andrew was down, in an empty room, only a bathtub in the middle.
“Huh?” he said when saw it was filled with water “Wait, what do you plan on…”
he got interrupted when his head was forced underwater, and in that moment he wasn’t at Don’s and Laura’s place anymore, he was in car again, and he was drowning, tangled in seatbelt.
Hand grabbed his hair and he gasped desperately.
And then he went down again. He struggled, and tried to kick Don, but all for nothing.
He was trying to open the car's door, and Mia was behind. She fought for her life too, but he…
He was upwater, managed to take one breath before getting forced down.
… he wasn’t paying attention to her, he tried to get out, to the surface, leaving her just like that…
Andrew didn’t even pay attention to how much it hurt, getting grabbed by hair like that. Just breath in and hold it when his head was held down
… he got out, and saw how the surface got closer, the sun reflecting in the water. His lungs were on fire, he exhaled and breathed the cold water instead of air…
Not sure when, he was thrown on the floor and Don was pinning him down. Pain shot in back of his neck, but he was to bust coughing water out to be bothered by that.
Andrew realised he was crying.
“Now, you understand why we had to do that?” Don said in a gentle voice cupping his face.
“I… I … no…. please, no more, don’t understand” Andrew said hyperventilating.
“Oh dear…” suddenly Don was hugging him, he was warm “I didn’t want to. Oh, but baby, you got to understand,” Don kissed his forehead, it was so gentle it felt impossible to believe this man was anything gut gentle “It’s for your own good”
“I… I saw Mia and… she was there too and I couldn’t do anything! I…”
“My love, my love… I had to teach you a lesson now, for you to realise your actions have consequences… but the accident, it was not your fault. It was just it: an accident. And the accident is not the thing you should feel guilty about”
Andrew hated it. He hated Don was so gentle he hated that he was consoling him, he hated that he wanted to believe him.
Taglist: @myst-in-the-mirror @kim-poce @bloodsweatandpotato @madrono-but-i-am-not-a-fruit @rando-writes-whump
(tell me if you got tagged, and thank you for reading! I love you people!)
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kireilixie · 3 years
i. Bittersweet Vanilla | Bang Chan x Reader
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° 𐐪𐑂 synopsis: Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Right person, wrong time?” You and Chan would have made such a perfect couple had your destinies and dreams not gotten in the way. With no assurance of what you each truly felt for one another you both struggle to keep each other grounded among the different obstacles you face.
° 𐐪𐑂 genre: idolverse, angst, childhood friends, pro swimmer! reader
° 𐐪𐑂 warning(s): mentions of abuse, trauma, insomnia, anxiety attacks, depression, death of a family member
° 𐐪𐑂 8k words
° 𐐪𐑂 author's note: Hello! I am extremely sorry that this was published late, but unfortunately, my other priorities in life came up so I had to push back the release and editing. As you know, bittersweet vanilla is a fic I released a year or so ago. This is a fic I hold dear to my heart, and I was a bit disappointed with how I had written it, especially with the multiple plot holes and gaps. This led me to rewrite and expound on the development of both reader and Chan, this fic will hold the same plot as the previous fic but will be much more detailed compared to the original one. Without further ado, I hope you enjoy and show this fic some love!
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Such a simple yet comforting flavor
A few blocks from school, two from your swimming club and one from the street you lived on, was an ice cream parlor. Winter’s Star was a place of comfort for both you and Chan, albeit not being that popular for its remote location. It had begun a small tradition and routine for you both.
Ice cream after swim training had become a norm for you both, despite the strict healthy diet your father had established for your growth as a swimmer. You would both intentionally opt not to take the bus and walk to the parlor as to walk off the calorie intake you’d get from the dessert as to get your father off your case.
Every time you’d visit, Chan would dash in, beaming over the glass in excitement at the variety of flavors, selecting a different flavor for every visit, a stark difference to your simple preference of classic vanilla.
And every visit, Chan would tilt his head and pout in confusion, asking why you’d get that every single visit. And each time you’d reply, “I’m paying, and I like it that’s why.” rolling your eyes as he sighs at your boring nature.
Though one evening, after practice had ended a bit later than usual, you can see him deadpan at the sight of the creamy white of your vanilla ice cream. And though he doesn’t ask, you decide to explain, “I’d simply not want to risk trying something new, and honestly I just like sticking with what I’m comfortable with.” You shrug, popping a spoon of the comforting flavor into your mouth.
Chan doesn’t ponder much at your explanation nor does he reply that day, too exhausted to think of one.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
This routine of yours had begun the summer before middle school. Moving a lot at a young age, Chan had found it difficult to get settled into the new atmosphere, with his distinct features, he barely fit in. Therefore he found himself once again in the corner of his new school’s swim club unsure of how to apply and whom to approach.
His eyes wandered around, observing the different children doing laps and warming up. Swimming was a sport he and his father enjoyed, and it had made his father extremely happy that he had taken enough interest in it to compete in the said sport.
“Oi, newbie, what are you doing here?” The smaller boy flinched at the loud voice, turning towards the source. He sighs, here we go again, the nine-year-old boy thought.
“I c-came t-to a-apply for the swim club.” The boy managed to softly stutter out, eyes downcast, feeling intimidated by the difference in height.
“And at your puny size, ya think ya can swim fast-”
“Oi, why don’t ya shut up Jacob? A big dumb bully like yourself can’t beat me and here you are trying to scare the newbie, being all talk. Why don’t you stop wasting your time picking on new people and spend it practicing and trying to improve your times.” Chan widened his eyes as he turned to the female voice that had interrupted the confrontation.
He was shocked to see a girl around his age, twirling her goggles around her fingers as she approached Jacob, as she had called him, and his crew that currently surrounded the smaller boy.
Jacob, quite flustered with the unknown girl’s statement, attempted to come up with a good comeback but failed to do so as he muttered, “Why’re you butting in L/n, don’t you usually mind your business?” Eyes avoiding yours in the process.
“And so, what if I decide to butt in? Does your ego inflate at hounding the new kid? If it isn’t going to make you swim faster, I suggest you get your butt moving.” The smaller girl scoffed, raising her eyebrow at them, daring them to cross her.” I suggest you all get moving before I call the coach and tell him you’re slacking, wouldn’t want to swim extra laps now?”
Before Chan could even blink, they’re all dashing off into their respective sides of the pool. The transferee chuckled at that, in awe at the confidence the girl carried. She introduced herself, (Y/N) (L/N) he had learned that day, specialized in free, though claimed to be preparing herself for Individual medley.
Chan introduces himself as well, mentioning that he specialized in butterfly. At the revelation, her eyes glowed in excitement as she tugged the smaller boy towards her father.
“Dad! He swims butterfly! He can complete the relay!” Chan observed, fascinated by the complete 180 in her vibe, wherein the confidence and intimidation she had carried earlier, now dissipating to something more suited for a fellow nine-year-old.
She bounces in excitement, tugging at the end of her father’s shirt, to garner his attention. “We can finally have a relay!”
Finishing his conversation on the phone, her father turned towards the pair, raising an eyebrow at her daughter’s excitement. Bending down to their height the older man asked for Chan’s name, to which he replied a soft ‘Christopher Bang’ at this the older man’s eyes widened in surprise.
“You’re that boy that broke the record for the 50 m freestyle swim! Your dad called me earlier to inform me that you had transferred here and wanted to join, fill this up, and (Y/n) here can show you your lockers and the shower rooms to change.”
“Really! What’s your time?! Ugh, I hope it’s not faster than mine.” You had frowned at him, enthusiasm and competitiveness lighting her e/c hues at the revelation of a broken record in her specialty. “Come on, you change, then we race. Loser has to buy ice cream.”
You raced five times and lost all five. It had frustrated you though at the same time had triggered a new type of excitement at the knowledge of someone who would no longer shy away from your competitiveness.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
Since your first meeting, Chan had indeed become a huge influence and development in your already hectic life. It had shifted your dynamics and attitude towards the sport you had dedicated your life to since you could walk.
Before meeting Chan, you had little to no drive when it came to training and warmups, accustomed to the fact that no one could come close to you in your age range and category. Though now, with the Korean-Australian around, not only did it shift your energy towards the sport, but something had shifted in your relationship with your father along the road.
Your father was a loving man, dedicated to his daughter and bedridden wife, he had been applauded far and wide for raising such a talented daughter dedicated to a sport he too had once dedicated himself to.
It may have seemed that way to the public. However, during the early stages of your childhood, your mother had been in and out of the hospital, something that your five-year-old self couldn’t have understood nor questioned. Living comfortably with the income your father had as a coach and your mother’s family inheritance, your father had opted to hand you over to nannies and private chauffeurs to ensure that you were busy and occupied.
Among the multiple extracurriculars your father had enrolled you in, you had been six when your interest in swimming had peaked. At the discovery of your interest, it had only been then when your father had decided to become more attentive and present in your childhood.
In awe of how quickly you picked up the technique and the different styles, your father had enthusiastically enrolled you into more classes and going further as to fix your diet around the sport, proudly declaring he would raise an Olympian in his stead.
At the age of seven, he had entered you into your first tournament, there you had gotten gold, and honestly, that didn’t matter. What mattered was the warm embrace your father had given you.
Shortly after the tournament, you had arrived home, surprised to see that there had been more staff present as well as unfamiliar people dressed in pajama-looking attire and some donning a white coat.
Soon your nanny leads you into a room faintly smelling like medicine and cleaning materials, it made your nose sting. Though what caught your eye was the bedridden figure connected to multiple machines next to her, sunken eyes, and ghastly figure, you had not been able to recognize your mother.
Having little to no memories of the woman that had given birth to you, made you blink back tears as she called you, voice frail and raspy “Y/n? Is that you? My how big you’ve grown.”
You had slept in her room that night, the soft beeping of monitors and machines lulling you to sleep as you dreamed of picnics and beach trips had faith decided not to be so cruel.
It was then when you promised yourself to bring your mom more medals if it meant spending more time with her. Each tournament you’d finish, you would run in, carefully avoiding wires and the nurses, beaming in excitement about the race and how good you did.
“Are you happy?” She had said to you one day.
“Of course! I just wish you could come to see me swim.” You smile, understanding bits and pieces of her condition, you had never been that good in science.
“Do you have friends in school? Spend time with them, instead of here with me.” The statement confused you, remembering how your father had ensured that you were picked up from and to, preventing you from having playdates, with the statement that they would be mere distractions to your training.
“No not really, but I like being here with-”
“Y/n, you should be living your childhood alright, can you promise me that, love?” She raises her hand to your cheek, caressing it softly.
“Okay, I will, mom.”
A few days after that conversation, you had met Chan, a boy who would, later, be your north star.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
Chan was never careless, especially when it came to things like equipment and his stuff in general, he was always so thorough when it came to packing, so it was rare to see him coming back to school to get something he had forgotten.
What he also hadn’t expected was to see you here as well, fully knowing that your father had a private pool in his residence used not only to train you but as well his private students.
“You had been getting too comfortable, look at your weight, look at your times.” Chan hears your father’s voice from the locker rooms, the Korean Australian hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, but with how loud your father’s voice echoed it was hard not to do so. “Do you think your mother would be proud?”
“She said, I should make friends-”
“YOUR MOTHER IS SICK.” Chan flinches at your father’s loud voice as it echoes.
“She’s sick, just because she says something it doesn’t mean you should follow through.” Your father’s voice softens this time, exhaustion peeking through.
“Friends? You’d be distracted and before you even know it. You’d be toppled off that little podium of yours.” He pauses, scoffing. “Don’t make me regret allowing you to hang out with the Bang boy. Beat his times, don’t get too comfortable just cause you’re topping your bracket.”
Chan doesn’t realize he’s been holding his breath till he hears both your footsteps as you exit the hall. What he’s heard has left him baffled, you weren’t exactly talkative when it came to your family affairs, you never seemed to be so bothered either.
The Korean-Australian remembers faintly the rumors that followed your persona. All about your reluctance when it came to making friends, never taking into consideration that perhaps your father had played a part in your icy exterior and reputation.
No wonder most of the kids in your academy had been so shocked to see you interact and talk with the transferee, knowing that you had never been the type to prefer company.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
It wasn’t like you to be so careless either, you were quite attentive when it came to maintaining your grades and health as an athlete.
So, the D on your most recent math test, as well as the onset symptoms of cold was something that had made your blood run cold. Your school followed a strict protocol that required athletes to maintain a good record, which included having Bs and upon all tests.
Anything less than that would mean a week of suspension when it came to training as well as being supplied a set of reviewers to “catch up”, which you were required to finish and submit by the end of the suspension.
Not only that but surprisingly, your father was quite sensitive when it came to your physical welfare, a result of your mother’s condition, honestly. Which meant that the man would not let you near any body of water until you would be in perfect health.
Dread seemed to settle into your system as you hand him your slip, which would signify your suspension. “You were coughing earlier, take time off, I’ll call the nutritionist to change your diet. I’ll call the tutor-”
“You’re getting a tutor?” Chan beams behind your father, “I can help you, I’m in advanced remember?”
Times like these the Korean- Australian baffled you with his audacity, as he continued to grow out of his shyness, and despite your dad having explicitly stated that he had preferred you not to spend any time with your fellow swimmer, he still respected the Korean Australian’s talent and dedication to the sport.
“You’re in advanced math classes Chris?” Chan nods at this in hopes that the coach would consider his offer. “Your times have gotten better, you could take a few days off, with her.”
You’re both in the locker rooms packing your bags when you whisper, “How’d you do that?”
“What do you mean?” Chan hums, amused by your intrigued form.
“My dad, your coach, the F/n L/n, agreed with your suggestion. How did you do that?” You’re poking at his sides, determined to make him spill.
“Secret~” He pokes his tongue out, running out of the training hall.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
You had your chauffeur, drop you off in the Bang Residence, surprised to learn that you lived a street down. You’re warmly welcomed by Chan’s parents greeting and smiling at them through your mask.
“Looks like you didn’t my help nor a tutor, Y/n” Chan smiles seeing that you’re almost through seven worksheets, the swimmer knew you were smart and could keep up with your grades. Though for you to be this careless, he knew that something might’ve been bothering you.
“Come on, let’s go.” You’re shocked as he pulls you up to stand, making you drop your pen and papers, the boy barely gives you any room to argue before he’s pushing you out of the doorway.
“But- my work”
“Could be done within the week remember? Not in one go.”
Before you could even argue, you’re flabbergasted to find yourself seated on a bus, on the way to some location that Chan would not tell you anything about. “We could’ve taken the car, Chan.”
“And where’s the fun in that?” He grins dimple popping out.
“Just remember we have to be back at seven before my driver arrives-”
“Yada-yada, we’ll be fine now let’s have some fun, my style, and my treat!” Chan gestures to the mall you’ve arrived at, giggling at your stunned expression.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
Honestly, you’ve never ridden a bus, nor have you been to a mall, or arcade. These are all things you’ve seen in films and movies, living such a secluded life, your father would bust a vein to find out that you were here.
Though there’s a first for everything. It’s also been a while since you’ve had this much fun, laughing, and giggling at every little thing. You’re thankful to have released a little bit of stress, even for just a moment.
Chan even manages to win you a small whale plushie from the arcade. Though you probably think he could’ve saved by just buying you one from the shop across. It amazes you to see teenagers and kids just your age, littered across the mall, you had never thought to come to a place like this.
“Thanks for today.” You nudge him with your elbow, the plushie safely tucked underneath your armpit, digging into the vanilla ice cream you had gotten on the way home.
“Sure, but you’re treating me next time.” You halt, raising an eyebrow at the older boy.
“What do you mean next time?”
“Y/nnnnnn..” He drags your name in a whine. “Fun things are supposed to be done again, you can’t just live your life just swimming and going to school. We’re kids! We’re supposed to have fun and live life and make memories! That’s what life’s supposed to be! Alright?”
You should be living your childhood. Your mother’s voice pierces through your head, at Chan’s words, had this been what she meant?
“Hey. are you crying? Ya! Don’t cry” You hear Chan say something inaudible perhaps in Korean, as he frets over your crying figure, you see him pat himself down, hearing a small “aha!” before he’s reaching over to dry your tears with a handkerchief.
Softly patting down your cheeks, he sighs. “You don’t have to tell me, what’s wrong, but I’m right here, and I will always be.” He’s pulling you into a hug, you feel your body stiffen from the contact, surprised at the display of intimacy.
You don’t question why, but it feels warm and safe. Just like a cup of vanilla ice cream after a nice swim on the beach.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
“Hey, wake up, we’re here” a soft nudge pushes at your side, you hum in response, finding the boy’s shoulder comfortable.
Chan sighs, smiling at how comfortable you were with your head on his shoulder, cooing at your initiation of intimacy. It had taken you a few years before you were comfortable with any form of affection at all, putting two and two together to realize it must’ve had something to do with your family.
The young swimmer was well aware he was never obliged to fix you nor your situation despite his young age, but seeing you glow and smile at the different yet simple aspects of life that had been prohibited by your situation made him feel warm.
Ever since your first hug, albeit its awkwardness, you had become more receptive to little bits of physical affection and verbal affirmation. Chan smiling as recalled the first time you had initiated a hug, mindlessly throwing your arms around your best friend after he had gotten you a present for your birthday. Needless to say, you had become quite flustered at the realization of your actions.
Over the past few years, your father’s complaints about your friendship with Chan had lessened, seeing your continuous development in terms of grades and dedication. And despite being friends, the competitive fire within you had never ceased, holding on to that desire to beat Chan’s record.
The sun has set. You realize as you open your eyes, blinking out remnants of your drowsiness as you yawn. You’re raising your head from Chan’s shoulder when you realize his hand was extremely close to your face.
You’re jolting up in embarrassment before muttering, “Have I been drooling?” Quickly patting and wiping your lips for saliva.
“Uh, maybe, but it’s f-”
“Don’t you dare say it’s fine Christopher! Augh! This is embarrassing you should’ve woken me up!” You’re storming out of the car, cheeks warm in your flustered form.
Chan chuckles, how cute.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
Ever since hearing of your newly found friend, your mother had continuously asked for you to bring Chan over. And since their meeting, your mother had continuously asked for the return of your polite and talented friend.
It amused you how your mother stated he was like an angel with his voice and good nature, well she wasn’t entirely wrong. Your mother had never shared anything about her life before her sickness, you knew that she had been an only child like you, and from the number of books and records on the shelf in her room, as well as the violin and record player on the side, her interests must’ve been aligned with those.
So when Chan had asked, “What’s your mother like?” You didn’t really know how you could respond to the question and before you know it the line of liking music and books had been stumbling out of your mouth.
Chan’s eyes had lit up at the mention of music, proceeding to ask which artist, what genre. Though with observant eyes, Chan could see your aura dim, he decides to drop the topic, he asks you about the latest Pokemon game. That had been the first time, you’d taken note of Chan’s interest in music.
Though it still surprises you when the day he meets your mother, he arrives with a fresh fruit basket and a ukulele.
He had smiled at your mother that day before he began strumming a soft melody you didn’t recognize. It takes him a while before he states that he had made the melody on his own, struggling to find the lyrics to suit them.
You remember your mother’s words; “It should come from here, whatever you do in life, ensure that your heart will beat for it.” She had said.
Your mother at times was an enigma, speaking in poetry that you struggled to decipher. Some days, you were envious when you’d see her with Chan, seemingly sharing a secret they wouldn’t let you in on. Chan would always seem to understand the puzzling lines she’d say.
It’s another afternoon to which your mother had invited Chan over, you’re both stepping into her room when you find her immersed in one of her classics, a thick leather bounded book, you’d be too terrified to try and read, without busting a vein.
She doesn’t look up, when she hears you two enter, she never does, and you know better than to disturb her amidst her reading. Though you admit that there’s this aura about your mother when she’s immersed in a book, it’s as if she takes a step into the world she’s reading about, escaping whatever pain she currently faces in reality.
It’s only until you set the peeled apples on the table next to her when she looks up. “How has your day been, love? Your father hasn’t been overworking you too much?” She sets the book and her glasses on her bedside table.
“I’m fine mum, Chan brought you some apples, and look they’re cut like bunnies.” She smiles as you offer a slice into her mouth, carefully biting onto it.
“That’s good to hear, Chan dear, my you’ve grown look how tall you’ve grown since I last saw you.” Your mother reaches to ruffle his curls.
“Mom you saw him last week-”
“Have I? really auntie!” You roll your eyes at the overly enthusiastic reply at the mention of his height.
A knock halts your conversation, the door opens to reveal your father’s secretary, she calls your name, stating that your father had called you into his office. You take one last look at Chan and your mother, letting them know that you’d be right back.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
Perhaps it’s the thick atmosphere of your father’s office, but at the sight of the envelope with its infamous school colors, it’s as if all the oxygen in the room had been sucked out.
Your father passes you the envelope, “Everything’s been settled, we can get you a flat there, or perhaps you’d like to live in their dorms. You start next semester, you can move after your graduation.-”
“Does mom know?”
“She does.”
“When had this been sent in?”
“Just last week, you really don’t need to worry about anything dear, be sure you graduate and get a good result on next week’s tournament.” Right graduation.
With all the exams you had recently finished as well as training it had completely slipped your mind that you were entering high school in two months.
You faintly recall a conversation you and Chan had after finding out about his interest in music. “(Y/n), What are you going to be when you grow up?” He had asked you during one of your trips to the ice cream parlor, digging into his salted caramel ice cream.
The question caught you off guard. What did you want to do? Eyes downcast you began to finding interest in the vanilla ice cream, as you picked at it. “I’ll probably continue swimming, that’s what my dad wants.”
“Yeah, that's what your dad wants, but what do you want? Like I want to do something with music! I want to use it as a platform to spread messages, to help people find comfort in music the way I do.” He had looked so bright, so gleeful, like a star so far and out of reach.
“Oh, that’s amazing Chris. Though I don’t know what I want to do.” How you wish you were just as passionate as Chan, wishing you could break through your comfort zone to chase after the one thing you loved the most.
“Then I’ll help you find something, something you’ll come to love the way I do with music.”Maybe at that time, I had found something to love, maybe I just didn’t know it yet. “But if you love swimming, then you’ll be the greatest swimmer in the world, you’ll be an Olympic medalist!” He raises his ice cream cup as a toast, you clink yours with him, smiling at how happy he looked.
Chan was your north star, no matter which direction the universe spun, he remained unwavering, shining bright and leading you to home, him, your comfort.
Dazed, you don’t realize you’ve been standing in front of your mother’s room until Chan opens the door, he yelps in shock at the sight of your deadpanned eyes.
He says something in Korean, clutching his heart at the unintentional scare. “You scared me, why are you standing there like some zombie.”
“Oops, sorry just a bit occupied.” Quickly hiding the envelope behind your back, something his eyes don’t miss. “Let’s go, dinner’s ready.”
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
After dinner you decide to take a walk to have some ice cream at the familiar parlor you frequented ever since becoming friends and after you had lost to him the first time you met.
Sitting down you both order, asking for your usual vanilla-flavored ice cream, Chan picks the mint chocolate chip, a special for the week. He’s silent all of a sudden, fixing you with a serious gaze as he takes in a deep breath. It made you uneasy suddenly as if whatever he would say next would change your fate.
And it did.
“Y/n remember when I said I wanted to make music?” He asks, fiddling with the spoon, nervous which was a rare sight for the charismatic boy.
You hum in response allowing him to continue. “Well, my parents and I made a deal, they would allow me to live in South Korea as a trainee, as long as I got into a good company. And well I got in, you’re now looking at the latest Australian trainee of JYP Entertainment. I'm leaving after the tournament next week!” He points to himself with his thumb, smiling and giddy to hear your response.
Korea as in Korea within Asia? That's 6828 kilometers away!
“(Y/n), are you alright? You’re not saying anything, there is something wrong.” Without noticing you had turned your head down, allowing your hair to create a curtain between you two. He reaches out to tuck your hair behind your ears and is surprised to be met by your tear-stained cheeks. “You’re crying.” He says, unsure of what to say and what made you upset. “Are you not happy I got in?”
“No, I'm happy! You’re finally getting what you dreamed of! You’re going to be amazing Chris. I’m crying because of how happy I am for you.” I’m going to be all alone. You’re going to be living 6828 kilometers away, in a foreign country when we barely turned 14. I’m going to be all alone. I want to be happy for you but why does this hurt so much? I’m going to be all alone.
You might as well tell him. “I’m moving, I got into Griffith so I’m moving into the dorms as well.”
“That’s huge! That place is a breeding ground for Olympians! That’s amazing! We’re both chasing after our dreams, after all. Congratulations Y/n.” It honestly didn’t feel like something to be happy of.
All will be alright, with time. We’ll be alright.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
The next following day came faster than expected you both tried to pretend he wasn’t leaving in the next few days, you tried to pretend that you’d still be able to see one another in the next few years and maybe the next few days. A sense of normalcy in the upcoming days of uncertainty. Neither of you had any idea what fate had in store for you both and you could only hope.
And soon enough the day of the tournament finally rolls around. You’re buzzing with excitement as you entered the building. Chan, on the other hand, was nervous at this being his last swim meet, he hoped to make this as memorable as possible. And though you never say it, Chan knew that deep down you loved swimming, no matter how much you tried to make it out that you only did it for your dad.
He sees you glow the moment you step into the pool, he knew you’re meant for this, to be up there with the pro athletes he too had admired. And as much as it hurt him to leave you, he’s stunned and in awe of how much stronger you’ve become.
He loved the confidence that you had as you walked into the competition hall, ignoring the curious gazes, and turning heads at the mention of your name. You have been destined to reign the competitive world of swimming, and he knew he wasn’t as good as you were to reign alongside you. He had accepted that a long time ago.
He walks with you to the locker room to prepare and change, trailing a few steps after you. Observing the looks of both younger and older swimmers in awe at the sight of you, your reputation in the sport was indeed something to uphold.
You turn to him gripping your gym bag tightly, which he had offered to carry but had been rejected along the lines of saying that you were a woman that could carry your belongings or something like that. “Well, I’ll see you later, wish me luck.” You raise your fist to him, initiating your signature good luck handshake before every competition. The handshake brought you a lot of reassurance and strength, taking away any worries you’d have.
You grin at him one last time, turning at your heels to enter the room, but before you take another step, he pulls you in for a hug, squeezing you tightly, your hands awkward by your sides, unsure of whether to hug him back. “You don’t need luck, go wreck them.”
You scoff at his words, finally deciding to wrap your arms around his shoulder. “Of course, see ya later Bangaroo.”
Up in the stands Chan observes you as you take your positions on the starting block, he smiles to himself as he sees you wearing the goggles and swim cap, he had given you during your last birthday. He had saved for it the whole year to surprise you with your favorite swimming brand. You had teared up at the gift, before smacking him for the times he had complained every time you invited him to the parlor.
He had never seen you wear the cap and goggles at practice, you had told him you had to save the luck for competitions. He had asked you to explain though you brushed off the statement by pushing him into the pool.
“It’s nice to see you here, isn’t this your last swim meet?” Chan blinks in surprise as the older man takes a seat beside him joining him to observe his daughter.
“Coach (L/n)..” Chan greets, unsure of what to say. Since, the knowledge of his rough treatment of his best friend, he had preferred not to stay too close to the older man, aware of his dislike for him.
“She’s still as amazing as ever.” Your father whispers in awe more to himself rather than Chan. “I was surprised you know, at her growth and development since your arrival. You’ve been an amazing push to her capabilities as a swimmer, that I have to admit.”
The older man stands up all of a patting him on the shoulder, “Well good luck, and thank you for giving her that push. Hug her for me later.” Chan’s surprised by the time your father leaves is just in time you finish the swim, realizing you had already won.
28.08 He gasps as he sees the scoreboard alongside your name. 28.08 You had broken his 50M Free record by a second, after years of competing and ice cream trips, you’ve finally done it. He sees you shocked as well, he meets your eyes, throwing you a thumbs up from the stands, grin highlighted by his dimples.
You looked radiant, a small voice in his head reassures him that he made the right choice., that you’d be alright. He starts heading toward the locker rooms to prepare. He’s stunned by your father’s words, he knows in his heart he made the right decision, and he knows he shouldn’t let this bother him, especially when he’s about to compete.
He steps into the starting block, slipping on his goggles, snapping them against the back of his head to erase any of his worries. Lastly, he’s putting on his swim cap. Taking deep even breaths, it’s his last swim. Chan wants to make this as memorable as possible.
He closes his palm clenching it, testing to see how shaky and nervous he was, only to see that it wasn’t that bad. His heart rate isn’t so accelerated either. They’re given the signals to take their positions. And Chan is surprised there are no unpleasant jitters in his stomach.
Chan reacts with the beep, kicking off the starting block and then diving into the waters, he feels the pull of gravity just as he surfaces to take his first breath. Rotating from his shoulders, he paces his breathing for the first lap to maintain his stamina. Though once he approaches the end, he gives a powerful kick to the touchpad turning as he accelerates. In the last lap, he pushes himself to go faster, erasing all thoughts and worries. He reminds himself that this is his specialty, the one style in swimming you couldn’t beat him at. He’s slipping his goggles and swim cap before he even realizes he won.
Chris places gold. And it feels exhilarating, he feels so happy he could cry. He sees you in the stands, grinning and he’s sure he mirrors your grin.
You’re taking a few pictures, not missing the chance to take matching iconic pics biting gold medals. A small voice at the back of your head asks what the odds of would be you two doing these pictures at a larger scale.
After dinner, which his parents had invited you to, you’re both walking to that ice cream parlor two blocks from his house. You’re chuckling as Chan waves his wallet, a show that he would be paying for the first time.
You smile as he hands you, your usual cup of vanilla-flavored ice cream. You’re now walking back to his house, soaking up the comfortable atmosphere trying to let the events that happened today sink in. Chan would be leaving tomorrow morning, and you’d be leaving in a few weeks as well.
“So, mister idol, are you excited?” Deciding to break the silence, nudging at him as his ears turn pink.
“A bit, it’s a huge leap, you know, absolutely knowing no one, I still have an accent when I speak in Korean it might sound weird, gosh I have to make friends and all that. But oh god, what if I can’t make any? What if I don’t debut? What if I just don’t cut it? Oh god, you’re not going to be there to treat me to ice cream, to binge on anime, treat me to food and ice cream. I just-” Chan pauses as his voice cracks, footsteps coming to a halt, “I’m just going to miss Australia so so much.”
You find yourself gaping, as you see the taller boy crumble. Between the two of you, it had always been you to be the emotional one, the crybaby, on the other hand, Chan had always been your rock and your shoulder to cry on no matter the situation. Seeing him cry pulled at your heartstrings, soon enough you’re throwing your arms around him, rubbing circles into his back.
“You’re going to be fine, Chris, you’ll be amazing, and if any of them starts anything with you, I’m booking a flight to kick their arse.” Pulling away from the hug, you cup his cheeks, wiping his tears for the first time in your friendship.
Knowing how worried he was with all the changes, it was your turn to be his rock, after all the times he had been yours. Chris was amazing no matter what he was doing, whether it was sitting in class paying attention to a math problem, or asking for your opinion on his swimming, or just talking to you. He was meant to be amazing.
You don’t realize you’ve been staring at him until. “Are you going to miss me?”
You sigh at his red-rimmed eyes, endeared at his sniffles. “Of course, I am, I care about you a lot, what makes you think I wouldn’t, you better not forget me when you’re all famous. I’m just a bit disappointed we’re going our separate ways, we’ve been through a lot, you’ve been there for me no matter what, I’m grateful for meeting you, Chris.” It takes you a while to realize that you’re tearing up.
“I’m really really going to miss you, Chris. It’s going to be different not swimming with you anymore, not going to the parlor to get ice cream, teasing you for how much you eat, letting me win video games, who’s going to teach me math!? If I weren’t good at swimming the teachers wouldn’t be so patient with me!” You struggle to hold back your tears, deciding to reach up and hide your face in the crevice of his neck and shoulder, squeezing him in reassurance.
Chan fixes his arms around your waist, returning the hug, “We’re going to be fine, so long as that no matter what you do, make sure it comes from here, you’ll be alright, we’ll be alright, you’re stronger than ever. Don’t you ever let anyone take that from you, okay? I have something for you. Can you close your eyes?”
With your eyes shut, you can feel Chan’s hands around your neck, you can feel his soft breathing, and the soft click of a clasp. “You can open them.” You gasp at the sight of the pretty mermaid tail that sat on the crevice of your collar bones.
“You were meant for this Y/n. You radiate and glow when you swim, you’re going to do amazing.” Chan presses a soft kiss into your forehead, a reminder of how much taller he’s grown. “I have something else for you tomorrow, but that’s a surprise for you tomorrow, I’ll give it to you at the airport tomorrow, okay?” He presses another kiss into your cheek, wiping the few tears that had escaped.
Soon enough, you’re on your way back home, the previously comforting silence disrupted by distant yet ear-splitting sirens, you pay it no mind until you notice how it sounds closer as you near your house.
You’re gasping at the sight of the bright blue and red lights, frozen still as you see paramedics roll your mother out of the house. Everything blurs as you’re pushed and ushered here and there, calls of your name passing through the other ear.
As everything goes dark.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
“I’m sure it was just fatigue.” In and out of consciousness, you found it difficult to determine which parts of it were real, and which weren’t.
“Mom?” Fluttering your eyes open, you were surprised to see a bright white interior, contrasting the blue hues of your room in your house.
“Y/n?” Turning towards the voice, you’re met by your nanny’s worried eyes, as she hovers a damp towel to your forehead. “You’re in the hospital dear, you passed out after we fetched you last night, your mother I’m afraid, she doesn’t have much time left.”
“Where is she-” You’re rushing to stand, wincing in pain when you realize that you have an IV attached to you. “Bring me to her.”
The nanny struggles to aid you in your haste, pushing the IV behind your quick steps. Luckily your mother had been in the room next to you, had it been any further your legs would have given up.
The soft hum and consistent beeps of machines echoed throughout your mother’s room; the sharp scent of antiseptics clouded your thinking. Your father stands from the side of her bed, you’re surprised when he meets you at the door, softly telling the nanny to leave as he takes your hand in his, guiding your IV in the process.
He quietly helps you up into your mother’s bed, who’s surprisingly awake, and smiles at the sight of you. You can feel tears well up, your heart heavy as you take in her figure, engraving it to your heart. She still wears the blue and white scarf atop her head, something you had given her after receiving your first allowance as an athlete.
You don’t realize you’re shaking as you reach to caress her cheek, carefully avoiding the wires attached to her. She holds your hand to her cheek, appreciating the warmth you brought. “Hello love, I heard you passed out, are you doing alright?”
You could only nod in response, your chest heavy as tears began to drip into the white sheets of her bed. “Now listen to me love, you are the sun, you are my sun, and I know I haven’t been there that much to show you all the love you deserve, but I do love you. You are the sun that brought me warmth in that cold room of mine, you are the light that beams when you step into the room. Don’t you ever let anyone dim your light.”
She carefully pulls you into her chest, rubbing small patterns into your back, in an attempt to soothe the shaking of your chest. “You’re going to be alright, love, live the life you love, and everything will be alright. Mom loves you so much, you're so amazing you should know that. I might not be a part of your bigger achievements, your ups and downs in life, falling in love, and all that. Though I do hope you find someone, who’d be there until the end, someone to hold your hand in this dark and empty world. Though I want you to remember that you are beyond your medals, I will still love you no matter what you choose to do in life, alright? I will forever be proud to be your mother-” Her voice dwindles as she trails off, her arm dropping from behind your back, as her breath stills in the process.
The room goes up in flames as everything begins to beep loudly, you could do nothing but sob harder as you cling to your dying mother. The next few minutes are a blur, in the chaos, you feel someone pull you from your mother’s chest as the room floods with medical personnel.
It takes you a while to realize that it’s your father who holds you, turning you away from your mother’s figure as you continue to sob, unable to say anything but cry. The word I love you lingers on the tip of your tongue, regret weighing heavily on your chest.
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
You hadn’t realized you had passed out once more, eyes adjusting to bright hospital lights as everything feels numb. You’re surprised to see your father passed out on the chair next to your bed, eyes swollen and sunken with everything that had happened.
Feeling a bit parched, you reach for the water bottle that had supposedly been there, but instead, you find a small iPod and some earphones. Chan’s unique penmanship on the iPod catches your eye, intrigued, you reach for it.
Another strike of guilt threatens to pull at your heartstrings, of the realization that you had missed his flight. “The Bangs came by the house to drop that off, they mentioned that Chris had wanted to give you this before his flight.” Your father blinks sleep out of his eyes, stretching before he leaves the room.
It takes you a while to untangle the earphones before you plug them in the iPod with a soft click before you wear them. The small square weighs heavy on your hand as you press play.
“Hello, Y/n!” You jump a bit at the loudness of Chan’s voice quickly adjusting the volume.
“Since that fateful day where you saved me from the bullies, I have forever been in your debt. Kidding! “You roll your eyes amused as he continues talking.
“Well not really, but honestly Y/n you have played a huge role not only in my development as a swimmer but as well as a friend. You had been someone I wanted to protect from all the cruel things in this world, had I not met you I wonder if I would’ve had any friends here.” Says the social butterfly, yeah right Christopher.
“I really wished it hadn’t been this way,” I wish it hadn’t been this way either.
“We had a good run Y/n, I am forever grateful to have met you. Now I don’t have much to say, but in a few minutes, a song will play. It’s a song I made. It's something your mom helped put together. I do hope you enjoy this little gift from us, and please do give her a hug in my stead. I do hope you like this song, and may you continue to shine as you take on the professional world of swimming! With love, Your Bangaroo” With everything that has happened, you don’t really feel disappointed or sad with your best friend’s decision, maybe a bit of regret from the lack of time, but all you could do is hope that time and faith would not be so cruel once more.
Chan’s voice fades out as a soft melody of piano notes begins to play, your heart warms as Chan’s voice begins to sing.
“And take, take her to the moon for me
Take her like you promised me
Say you love her every time like how you told me the last time”
You could understand why your mother had told you that Chan was like your guardian angel. Albeit a bit of an exaggeration for a boy your age, but his soft and giving nature had been your source of comfort and happiness throughout middle school and for that, you will forever be grateful.
“Someday I know we'll meet again
In heaven by the rainbow's end
And I only wish you happiness
Until we meet again”
𐐪𐑂 ₒ 𐐪𐑂
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galaxxiwrites · 3 years
Heya! =D so you can decide if you wanna do it, but can you do a headcanon reaction of how Akira, Zakuro and Mizuki would react to their darling protecting them like a shield when they noticed that someone was about to try and hurt them and ended up getting badly injured from the hit. Again completely fine if you ignore this request.
Angst? *cracks fingers* Hegg yeah.
warning: these ended up being super long
edit: I forgot to mention, it has mentions of blood and shot!!
prompt: You and your lover were merely enjoying your date together, until you noticed a glint of something hiding in the shadows. It wasn't until you heard a loud bang did your mind register it was a gun. Despite your confusion, your body moves faster than your mind processes anything and you shove your lover away from the bullet's path—unfortunately leaving you to take the bullet in his stead.
Taking a hit (ft. Mizuki, Akira & Zakuro)
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Mizuki is stunned. His mouth agape as he stands there, unsure of what to do first.
His mind wrestles with thoughts of getting the bastard who shot you or helping you, but when he sees the pool of blood slowly growing bigger, his body moves by itself.
"Hey...hey...! (Y/n)!"
Mizuki screams and shakes you, but your lack of response makes his heart drop.
He's racing to grab his phone, and his hands were too shaky to properly work the touchpad, but despite the odds he was able to properly pick out Kokuyo from his list of contacts and calls the one man he looks up to.
"Mizuki, what is it? We're in the middle of practice—"
Kokuyo sounded annoyed, but immediately fell silently when he heard Mizuki's sobs.
"Kokuyo...what do I do—?"
Mizuki can't talk properly, but does his best to explain the situation to him.
Kokuyo tells Mizuki to wait there with you while he calls an ambulance. Not like Mizuki had much of a choice anyway, as he didn't want to leave you alone.
The ambulance arrives after what feels like forever, and Mizuki's sobs that finally dried a while ago start up again as he sees you being whisked away into the vehicle on a stretcher.
For the remainder of what happened, it was all a blur to him. All Mizuki remembers was crying in front of the ER while they worked on stabilizing your condition.
After those gruesome hours of worrying, the doctors finally leave the ER. They tell Mizuki they did what they could—and that your chance of survival was 50/50 at best.
Mizuki was about to beat the doctor for not doing a better job of saving you, but Kokuyo stopped him before he could grab the doctor by the collar.
Mizuki asked for a few days off Starless, and even asked Sotetsu to dig up some information on your the attacker.
"Don't worry, (y/n). I'll make sure whoever did this to you is gonna pay."
He says, though not really waiting for a reply. After all, how could a person in deep slumber ever answer back?
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Akira immediately calls the ambulance, and tells them everything despite his shaky voice almost failing him multiple times throughout the duration of the call.
Akira also tells Kokuyo about what happened, and excuses himself time off from Starless until he was assured that you were no longer in critical condition.
He stayed up all night outside of the ER, unable to even sit down despite his feet almost giving out from the fatigue of him pacing back and forth.
"We tried to close the shop as fast as we could. How is (y/n)?"
Takami asks, shocking the daylights out of Akira who was too focused on his thoughts of you to even realize that they arrived.
Akira's voice failed him. All he could was stare blankly back at the doors leading to the ER room, where you were.
Some time after, some doctors and nurses finally left the ER room. The one handling your operation told Team W that your condition has stabilized, and that you should be fine soon.
Finally, Akira was able to calm down. He just dropped to the floor, his whole body trembled as a murmurs of relief could be heard.
Taiga on the other hand, decided to dig up some information. After all, the world now revolved around the internet—it wouldn't be surprising if some wackjob ended up posting whatever schemed they had on their social media, especially if it was a throw away account.
Luckily, this sort of thing was childs play for the tech expert, and after a few hours of searching, was finally able to trace the fake account to its real owner—one of Akira's delusional fans.
The singer is mortified to see the latest post on the person's social media.
"Soon, he'll be mine."
Again, Akira's nerves tensed. Kokuyo smacks Taiga for showing them such information when Akira hasn't rested yet, but the singer thanks his team member. He even commits the person's face to memory, despite his mind feeling light from all the stress and lack of sleep.
In the early morning after her surgery, a nurse was scheduled to come in to monitor on (y/n)'s condition.
Akira stands to greet the nurse, but stops himself when he recognizes the face. This woman was no nurse, it was his fan.
He absentmindedly mumbles the person's social media handle, staring at them wide-eyed in disbelief.
Hearing her name being called out excited the fan.
"Yes! That's me! Don't worry Akira...once I get rid of this pest, we can finally be together. Like how it's supposed to be!"
Akira couldn't fathom the words that came out of this deranged fan's mouth. Without realizing it himself, Akira had his hand clenched into a fist, ready to punch this lunatic and hopefully fix whatever brain wires needed repair.
"Oi, give it a break. Jeez, a man can't even enjoy a smoke break."
Kokuyo came just in time to stop Akira from beating the woman in front of him to death, meanwhile Sin held the woman down. Akira was about to ask how they knew, but Taiga waved his phone to show hom some kind of gps app.
"It's a tracker. I had a feeling she would be making a move, so I decided to track her phone. Sorry not sorry for invading on your privacy, miss stalker fan." The tech master announces proudly.
"Takami's gonna give her over to the police. Meanwhile...you should sleep. Those eyebags don't suite you, pretty boy."
Kokuyo says, before leaving with the rest of Team W to give the two of you some silence—one that Akira desperately needed as he finally dozes off to sleep on your bedside.
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Zakuro has a menacing look on his face—it's a smile, but so distorted with pain that he looks like a maniac.
He shakes your limp body and calls out your name.
"O—ya...? (Y/n)...?"
Zakuro's voice cracks as he realized your body remained unmoving. Zakuro's mind is blank— for the first time he's never felt so lost.
It wasn't until he received a text message did his mind finally managed to start working again.
"Good job on luring her out, ×××"
Read the text message from the unknown number. It doesn't take a genius to connect two and two together, after all, no one should have known his real name. You were targeted by Black Card—but why? What did you have to do with any of this?
Zakuro, instead of directly calling the ambulance, texts Qu to do it in his place, as he knew their number two would ask later rather than sooner.
Zakuro hides himself among the crowd, but he feels his heart drop when he sees you out on the stretcher.
He wants to be there with you, at least holding your hand while they take you to the ER. But now was not the time, not when someone from Black Card might still be monitoring his movements.
He returns to Starless, and it was only until Kei asked Zakuro about the source of the bloodstain on his clothes does he realize his garments were soiled—with your blood.
Quite ironic, considering how this is the perfect literature imagery of a person's blood on one's hands. So ironic that Zakuro breaks down into a chuckle.
Team C's singer asks Kei for some time off on Starless. Naturally, Kei can't just give anyone time off, they were employees in an industry that requires one's constant presence to remain relevant.
Kei tells Zakuro that of the latter would explain, then he might consider it.
"(Y/n)...She was shot."
Was all Zakuro utters before taking his leave from the building. All the others who were in close proximity were shocked, not just at what he said but how he said the news. Zakuro sounded absolutely broken, his voice lost all hints of mischief he once had.
Zakuro wished he was able to visit you and give himself some peace of mind that you were going to be alright, but he can't.
He refused to rest, not until he learns everything. About your connection to Black Card, or why you were specifically targeted. He knows it won't be easy, but he's willing to risk it all for you.
"If you bastards think I'd choose my memories over (y/n), then you're dead wrong. All of you are going to regret this."
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modecaisnow · 4 years
The Immobile Man
**18 Years or Older: The following includes themes of: immobility, XSSBHM, unrealistic situations, and homoerotic self-pleasure. REMEMBER: The relationship portrayed in this story is an unrealistic caretaker-client relationship – it is okay to read and enjoy these works of fiction, but what is essentially a “boss-worker” relationship should not take place in the real world. ENJOY!!**
Sam is a new Home-Care nurse. He is excited and anxious about meeting his first ever client! However, he quickly realized he may have bitten off more than he could chew...
It was my first day as a home-care nurse. I was excited to get out in the world and help people, but I didn’t know what was in store for me. My professors and Clinical Instructors always said that “your first patient will be one you never forget.” The thought of that was just as exciting as it was worrying. This must be the place, I thought to myself as I stood outside of a single-floor home. The outside of the house was not well-kept. The yard was a mess, and the siding was covered in green moss. I double-checked the address on my patient files and then triple-checked just to be sure. After a deep breath, I approached the house and walked up the two, small cement steps. On the door, was a sign saying: “All packages: Please go around to side window and drop it in window. Thanks.” I didn’t think much of it – in fact, things like this were expected for clients like this one. According to the file, the patient was Mr. Mike Jacobs. He had “limited mobility” and required a “high level of assistance with all activities of daily living” and “activity monitoring.” I was not told much more than that – I was only told the information I needed to know. How he got hurt, or whatever rendered him with limited mobility, was not part of the information I needed. I knocked on the door. -Silence- I knocked a second time. -Silence- I knocked a third time. “Yeah… who’s there?” Called a thick, deep voice from inside. I slowly opened the door, after the baritone voice called from deep within the house. “My name is Sam, and I’m a Home Health Nurse. I’m here to help Mr. Jacobs…” “That’s…me!” The man coughed. “Come in! I’m in… the bedroom here!” I slowly opened the front door. Immediately, I was met with a musky, damp smell. I covered my nose at first, but then stopped as I felt it was unprofessional. After regaining my composure, I slowly walked through the house and toward the bedroom. The carpet itself was torn and stained, small wheel treads were indented into the carpet, all leading from the couch to the kitchen. The entire house looked like it was on the TV Show “Hoarders.” Old boxes and bags cluttered the rooms in large heaps. The furniture was snapped and broken. Everything was covered in dust – even the appliances in the kitchen. The heaps of trash managed to pile almost as tall as me, but at 5’6” (167cm) I was not terribly tall anyway. Inside the kitchen, was a broken-down mobility scooter. The wheels had all burst, and the seat was crushed and flattened like a pancake. “I’m in here… come in, boy!” The man wheezed. I slowly opened the door and my jaw dropped. In the middle of the room were two, full-sized beds resting side-by-side, connected by a plank of wood in the front that was nailed into the bed frames. The legs of the bed frames were reinforced and wooden blocks, as well as books, were shoved up under the sagging frame to help add extra support. The mattresses on the frames were both flattened until they were no thicker than a pillow, both overwhelmed by the mound of blob-like lard on the bed. Next to the blob was a rolling cart with one pizza box on top – a plethora of empty boxes was scattered along the floor. “I’m Mr. Jacobs… you can call me… by that… or by ‘Sir’… either is fine.” The man was immense. I was surprised he even managed to muster the energy to speak between mouthfuls. This man was not human – his size was not physically possible. In fact, I had to rub my eyes just to be sure, and I looked around for hidden cameras to see if I was on a prank show or if this were a test. This man was easily over 1000 pounds, or maybe even 1400 or more pounds. Either way, it was a sight to see – he must have been the fattest man around, or even alive. Wobbling dangerously close to the end of the bed was the blob’s belly. Flabby, doughy piles of flesh spilled outward and sagged down from his front. The looming mass of blubber covered most of the mattresses beneath the tub of lard. At the front of Mr. Jacobs’ belly was a deep belly button, which must have been out of his reach for a long time. The cavernous belly button marked the division between two vast, distended folds of pure fat that sat atop each other. The bottom fold, which forced the mattress to sink downward, spilled all around the fat man’s frame, where it rounded his sides and became a series of substantial love-handles that oozed over his gelatinous, mammoth thighs. I could not distinguish the different segments of the obese glutton’s legs. It was just a series of rolls and folds piled against each other. Every roll sagged down towards his fat feet, where the lard oozed around his long-lost ankles. The fat from his thighs blended in with his massive rear, which spilled out far behind him. Two gigantic globes of ass fat smothered multiple pillows that were placed at the head of the bed. Even while standing in front of the blob, I could make out his wide load of a rear. My eyes were drawn back to his belly button. It looked deep and was starting to become hidden away by the looming roll of flesh that swelled over it. At the crest of the blob’s belly, were two massive moobs. These moobs splayed off to the sides of the man’s belly with two nipples that were easily the circumference of my hands. The bottom half of his fattened areolas had started to become hidden as his own expanding chest fat forced them to point downward. Neck, shoulder, and upper arm fat all blended into what seemed like one massive, sagging mound of dough. The only distinction was the pillow-sized forearms that emerged from his flab-engulfed upper arm. Due to the daunting magnitude of the fat mounds that sagged off of his side, Mr. Jacobs’ arms were stuck almost parallel to the ground. However, it just seemed to make it easier for him to eat since he only needed to grab another slice of pizza and bend his elbow. Everything about this man was fat. Similarly to how he did not have a discernable neck or ankle, this man’s wrist was also engulfed in lard by his own gluttony. The seemingly most mobile part of him was his fingers. The cheeks on both sides of his face were swollen to the point where they started to impinge on his field of view. “I-I-I’m…um…” I stuttered as I continued to ogle the blob. “Surprised?” The man interjected as he swallowed the last slice. “You’re surprised to see me… ain’t ya?” He grabbed the empty pizza box and shoved it off the rolling cart. It fell to the ground with the rest of the empty garbage that fell victim to his ravenous feeding. “Um.. no… well… I meant to say, I’m Sam. I’m your new nurse.” “Fuckin’ finally!” The man wheezed and panted. His massive moobs heaved up and down with each labored breath. “I have a ton... of shit for… you to do… I’m too big to… do things on my own…” “Yes, sir! That’s why I’m here.” Mr. Jacobs quickly got me to work. He rattled off a long list of things, but before I could do anything though, I had to take a baseline of his vitals. When I took out the blood pressure cuff, Mr. Jacobs laughed at me. He pointed to his arm and laughed some more. There was no way that the cuff could fit around his arm. I then approached him and asked for his wrist, so I could measure his pulse. That did not work either. The gluttonous blob relaxed, and the immense heaviness of his arm alone was too heavy for me to hold. I tried to dig my fingers into the fat that engulfed his wrist, but I could not find a pulse. As I dove my fingers deeper and deeper into his fat arm, I was met with only more lard. I then attempted to maneuver to his neck, but I couldn’t find it. I leaned against the side of his belly, and slid my fingers between his chins and tried to find a pulse in his neck, but like his wrist – there was way too much blubber. “So… what are…my vitals, boy?” “I-I- um…” The fat man laughed, “Couldn’t do it… could ya? Don’t worry… it ain't the first time... The other nurses… failed too… You’re lucky ya cute… I gave… other nurses a harder time… How bout you… get to doing… what I ask ya?” Mr. Jacobs had me running around the entire house doing work for hours. I first needed to remove all the garbage from his room. I picked up dozens and dozens of empty pizza boxes, heaps of fast food bags, and even threw away old, torn clothing that fit him a few hundred pounds ago. Afterward, I did the same through the rest of the house. Once finished, he then asked me to add some extra support to his bedframes. I grabbed bricks from outside of the house and piled them beneath the buckling frame. I even grabbed extra wooden planks and hammered them into the sides of the bed frame, which was starting to crack and snap. Once a few more boards of plywood were added to the sides, as well as underneath, the frame seemed a lot sturdier. Mr. Jacobs scoffed at my work without even saying a thank you. He then asked for me to rub his belly for him – he was far too full and tired. Besides, the lack of mobility combined with his impinged range of motion stopped the obese man from even being able to reach his belly button. The man had eaten until he was beached under all his lard and stuck on his own bed in a reclined position. “Sir, I’m not sure if that’s part of my job-“ “-I don’t… give a fuck… I’ll pay extra… just rub me, boy!” I pulled over a chair, one of the few that were not broken, and set it down near his side. I leaned over his fat thigh and started to caress his weighty love-handle. Despite being in a haze from his belly-bursting fullness, Mr. Jacobs reached lazily under his moob and took out his phone. He quickly started typing away, with his mouth hung open as he moaned from my rubbing him. I rubbed in clockwise circles – this was the best way to help with digesting food. The immobile, beached whale of a blob continued to type and type on his phone. He then reached back under his doughy moob and pulled out his wallet. His fat fingers lazily fumbled for his credit card, which he eventually managed to pull out. He rested his credit card on top of his chest as if it were a desk. “What are you doing, Sir?” “What... do you think? I’m buying… more food… It’s almost dinner time… you want… anything from… Chan’s, boy?” “Sir, I don’t think you should be eating. I’m here to get you active again. You should be ordering something light, with low calories-“ “I’mma stop you there,” The looming mountain range of lard lazily reached his fat hand down and grabbed the collar of my shirt. He pulled me in close, nearly forcing me onto my feet and pulling me in against his love handles. My face was centimeters from his fat nipple. “You are here… to feed me… to do as I say… to rub me… You ain’t changing… anything about me… Those other nurses… tried and failed… I’m meant to be like this… I’m a real fuckin’ man… Back in the day… weight was a sign… of power and wealth… Hate to break it to ya, boy… but you’ll never stop me… from eating…” With each lethargic wheeze and every baritone murmur, the sea of lard that I was being pulled up to rippled and wobbled. The bed groaned and popped loudly. I could hear some of the wooden planks start to splinter as I was now leaning against the already weakening bed frame. I just looked up at the swollen fat face that glared down at me. Mr. Jacobs let go of my shirt, and I peeled away from his gelatinous flesh. After the incident, I decided to just keep rubbing his belly. Mr. Jacobs huffed and puffed angrily as he completed his order. He commented that I would only be able to eat the left-over scraps if I behaved. I did not want him to contact my supervisor – this was my first real client and something was interesting about him – this huge, mountainous tub of lard. Under my fingers and palms was a sea of soft lard. The blubber only seemed to wobble and slosh as my hands gently caressed its canvas. My eyes gazed across the landscape of fleshy tones in front of me. The size. The vastness. The weight of it all. It started to feel…hot. I could feel my mouth water as I continued to gawk at the obese glutton – the man who ate himself into immobility. The man who beached himself on his bed after years of stuffing himself until his belly was about to burst. -DING-DONG- The ringing doorbell knocked me from my euphoria. I looked up at Mr. Jacobs and he took his fat hand and shoved me away. He wheezed and demanded I answer the door, and I did as he asked. At the door were three delivery boys, each carrying about 5 bags of Chinese food in each hand. I had them put the bags on the ground, and I brought them in for Mr. Jacobs. He had me empty the bags and place the cartons and boxes of food on the rolling cart next to him. There was more than enough food to feed over 20 adults. I pulled out dozens of boxes of white rice, several trays of lo mein, a large container packed with sauce packets, and over a dozen containers of sauce drenched General Tsao’s Chicken. This was only from the first few bags. As fast as I was pulling them out, Mr. Jacobs was ripping into them. He tossed the silverware and chopsticks aside. All he did was bring the containers up to his face and dump the contents into his fat mouth. I watched in awe as the gluttonous beast ate and ate. It was as if he had never eaten before in his life. “Jack me off… while I eat…” The obese glutton commanded. “What? I really don’t think I can-“ “-You’re job boy… is to…mmmfff… help me… with my… needs, right?” “…yes, sir…” “Don’t keep… me waiting!” He immediately returned to stuffing himself. I walked over to the front of his vast belly. Bits of rice and chicken fell down from his mouth and rolled down the large sloping gut. I started to slide my hand under the front of his stomach, reaching deeper and deeper inside. The warmth of his soft, ravenous belly smothered my hand under its vast weight. Next, my wrist slid underneath. Then my forearm. Then my elbow. Finally, my upper arm slipped under his gut, and still, I did not feel any signs of a fat pad nor dick. Mr. Jacobs leaned forward. The weight of his belly felt increasingly heavy and pinned my arm against the bed. Mounds of looming belly fat rolled forward, spilling against the side of my head as I was stuck in place. He looked down at me from atop his mountain range of blubber and scoffed. With a mouth filled with fattening, greasy slop, he commented, “Ya never… jacked off… a man like me have ya?” I shook my head. “Well… ya can’t… reach it… like that… gotta go in… from the side… less fat in… the way…” He leaned back and panted heavily. I felt his heavy gut ease off of my arm. I slid it out and walked back over to his side. I leaned over his fat, immobile leg. My tight torso sinking into his blubbery thigh. I reached my hand deep underneath his love handle. This time, I was able to trace my fingers along the mounds of fat of his thigh right up to where it met his fat pad. My boney fingers felt the hairs on his fupa. I walked my fingers down, feeling a crevasse form in the supple, warm sack of lard. I slid my hand inside the cleft. My entire arm was submerged under the landscape of pure blubber. Mr. Jacobs moaned softly and continued to stuff his face. The hole was not tight by any means, but it was warm and soft. My fingers alone caused tiny ripples throughout the fat pad. Once I was wrist-deep in his fupa, my hands felt something hard and wet. I wrapped my fingers around it and started to gently play with it. I looked up at the obese glutton and he laughed. That was not his dick. I pulled my arm out, and inside my hand was a small vibrator. It was covered in partially dried cum and covered in hairs. Mr. Jacobs chuckled and mentioned that right before he got too fat to touch himself, he stuffed a vibrator in his fat pad. That way he could wirelessly turn it on to use it, but it had run out of batteries. He finished by saying he completely forgot it was there, a few hundred pounds later. I left the device aside and reached back in. My head was pressing into his love handle as I was shoulder deep under his fat. The heavy lard sloshed and rippled against me. I could feel his fat churning and his fupa trembling as his cock and balls prepared for my fingers. As my fingers snaked into the warm, hairy cave, whose walls were drenched in some viscous cream, I felt the tip of a fat-engulfed cock. Mr. Jacobs trembled and moaned loudly with a mouthful of food. His tip nearly surged with life as I touched and played with it. I clutched onto whatever I could. The mounds of fat consumed my hand as I adjusted inside the cavernous fat pad. Mr. Jacobs continued to eat and grunt loudly. I could hear the slurping and squelching of the moist fupa as I started to jack off the obese glutton. -SCHLURP-SCHLURP-SCHLURP-SCHLURP- The moans came out louder and louder as I continued to play with the fat man’s dick. Mr. Jacobs even stopped stuffing his face to tilt his head back and moan with pleasure. The bed began to groan, and the legs started to snap as the immobile ocean of fat started to use all of his energy to hump my closed fist. I held my hand still, with my fingers tightly holding his dick, and let him rock his hips back and forth as much as he physically could. Beads of sweat started to trickle down his love handles and land on the back of my head. His tiny, fat-engulfed dick slid in and out of my fingers as I continued to clench tightly. With one last, powerful thrust, I felt his entire body surge and the tip of his meat twitch. A final smack from the side of his immense landscape of fat hit the back of my head. -SNAP-SNAP-TTTHHHUUUDDDD- The bedframe snapped to pieces. We collapsed to the ground. The back of my head was struck by a tsunami of lard and blubber. Mr. Jacobs just moaned loudly as his balls emptied into his fupa, lubricating my fingers. I slowly pulled out my fingers and they were covered in seed. I walked into the bathroom to clean off my hand, then returned with a towel to begin cleaning him off. Mr. Jacobs started to eat again, stuffing his face with more and more Chinese food. He dumped containers of rice and tilted platters of chicken towards his open mouth. I barely even noticed him chewing – as if he just swallowed it all whole. The obese man, immobilized by an ocean of flab, spent the rest of the night either eating food or commanding me to cook for him. Before it was time for me to leave, I did one last clean up around his house and dragged the broken-down mobility chair into his room. “Would you like me to try and get you a new chair, Sir?” He lazily looked up from stuffing himself, “Hmm… no… don’t bother… Too puny… I’m too heavy…” “I can try to find a larger one…” “No… better off… putting wheels on… a bed, boy…” I shrugged my shoulders and turned around. Before I could take a step, I heard an ominous creak from the floorboards and Mr. Jacob grunting loudly. Soon after, I felt a fat hand cup my rear-end and squeeze firmly. The obese glutton moaned softly and licked his lips. He leaned over as much as he could as if trying to whisper in my ear. My crotch lept in my pants. “Don’t go… too far… boy… Daddy’s gonna… need ya… again…” He huffed between breaths. I smiled. He was quickly starting to grow on me – something about his confidence. Over the next few days, I continued to assist him in all his daily activities. He would just eat away all day and watch me work, and I would periodically try to get him moving. I managed to set up a pulley system above his bed which he could grab and hoist himself up if he laid down, and it doubled as a way to lift his belly. I would hook a tarp up to the pulley and slide it under his gut. The device would lift up his belly, and I would be able to clean underneath it, among other things. At the end of my first week with him, Mr. Jacobs asked me to move in permanently. He would pay for my living expenses and continue to pay me for my services. I didn’t even need to think – I already knew I wanted to. Thus, began a truly great first-client experience.
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mintsuke · 4 years
For Rent || 4.5 - Touché
Kita Shinsuke x f!Reader SMAU
Warning: Mention of implied sex
Note: The cafe is inspired by the Gäbi Coffee and Bakery in Las Vegas. (look up pictures, it’s a really cute place, the bathrooms are just as pretty too I wanted to cry)
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You’re not really sure what you’re expecting on this date. You told Atsumu to just have his friend meet you at one of your favorite cafes in town. Surely a cliche first date location, but you wanted a feel for the boy if you were going to help him out and whatnot. 
Arriving at the place, you really hadn’t expected for your date to be there before you. An admirable trait, really. You only heard snippets of Atsumu and Osamu’s high school days, and if you remember well, their robotic captain was always the first in the clubroom without fail. 
Digital pictures really never did people justice. That much stayed true when you caught a glimpse of the former volleyball captain. He stood out with his short silver hair, the tips singed with black. From where you stood, he was of average height, his clothes hiding what you imagined was a lean body from years of volleyball and manual work in the rice fields. He was dressed nicely in a beige sweater with a white collared shirt underneath and khakis. 
Pretty from afar sometimes meant pretty up close, and boy were you two seconds away from sobbing into your phone. 
“Excuse me, are you Miya Atsumu’s friend?” You ask, leaning into his field of vision. A pair of almond eyes focus on your form. The man seems almost stunned by the sight of you, blinking once before his composure quickly returns.
“Yes, are you (L/n) (F/n)-san?” 
Oh. Wow his voice. 
“That would be me, Atsu didn’t mention any name, so I apologise,” You smile softly as he bows slightly and you mirror his movements in return.
“No worries, Kita Shinsuke, it’s a pleasure to meet you (L/n)-san.”
“Just (F/n) is fine, after all, we are supposed to be ‘dating’ right?” 
He doesn’t show any reaction or distaste and simply nods in understanding and suggests you call him Shinsuke. Although, he silently notes the way you refer to his former junior by a nickname. 
“Did he mention to you that I’m a... a ‘girlfriend-for-rent’?” You decide to ask, given how absolutely dumb your close friend can be. 
The surprise that passes through his expression like a car speeding past is adorable to say the least. His body noticeably stiffens and he shakes his head. 
“He only mentioned you helping me out with gaining experience, a ‘fake’ date, but don’t worry about me feeling uncomfortable. I guess I have been stressing a little too much lately, the twins were able to tell.”
“Really? Want to talk about it inside?” You gesture towards the cafe, and he nods. Kita moves to take a step forward when you stop him. The confusion in his eyes and the slight way his brows furrow is cute. 
“Is something wrong?”
“We’re on a date, so why don’t we hold hands?”
The idea clicks in his head and he offers a good-natured upturn of his lips, presenting an outstretched hand. Taking it, you make a mental note of the size in comparison to yours, his skin warm to the touch as your fingers lace and he leads you towards the entrance. He only lets go when he has to open the door and beckons you inside. A gesture that makes you a little giddy, given that most dates don’t do so. 
A little chivalry never hurt, and Kita was already charming you.
The inside was one of your favorite parts, at least besides the delicious desserts and refreshing drinks. Vintage-esque paintings, planters hanging from the ceiling with trailing vines, tall bookcases lining the walls, and an assortment of mismatched chair and tables that all added to the aesthetic of the place.
He nearly tripped over his own feet when you tugged him excitedly towards the display of desserts. He watched as your eyes glowed with near adoration of the assortment for that day. 
“Pick anything you want, I’m paying,” He said as you eyed the earl grey cheesecake. The statement made you stand up straight.
“Wh-what, no that’s okay, I can pay for myself.”
“This is a date right? I’m paying,” He smiles slyly as it soon becomes your turn in line to the register.
Touché, you think inwardly with a pout. 
“So let’s hear about it,” You smile as you both find a seat at a velvet love seat with a wooden coffee table settled in front. “If it’s alright with you at least.”
“Of course,” He chuckles lightly, “My grandmother has been constantly bringing up marriage and children whenever she can. I want to make her happy of course, my grandmother is my world. I guess it’s just been weighing down on my mind... and I’m not particularly looking or anything, I guess maybe I don’t where to start... I’m sure Atsumu probably mentioned that I never had a girlfriend...”
“Mm... I see, that’s sweet that you want to make her happy, but you have to worry about your own happiness too Shinsuke,” You say thoughtfully, “I’m sure she means no harm, but there’s no rush in trying to be tied down.”
A smile. 
“Thank you, I appreciate your words. I suppose I can still try this ‘trial’ out, if you’re up for it. Practice makes perfect after all.”
“Of course!”
After small talk, a little getting to know the other, all the while enjoying your drinks and desserts, you lead him on a walk. To say the least, you immensely adored the way his facade would crack ever so slightly at the smallest things. The way his eyes widened a fraction and ears reddened as you prodded the seam of lips with your spoon full of cheesecake. To which he accepted and followed with a spoon of his own dessert.
Hands laced together and sides pressed close. You had gone over a few policies, or at least rules to put it a little more informally, since you were going on multiple dates. It was all basic necessities like no feelings and the importance of consent. The last was a given, but you always made it your mission to bring it up as an importance for any and everyone who rented your services.
“You... You don’t do sexual services do you?” 
You forget that Atsumu mentioned how straightforward Kita can be. Hearing it coming from him is like a punch to the gut and you cough when you choke on your spit. 
“S-sorry, that caught me off guard,” You laugh weakly as you both sit on the swings at a park that had been nearby. He sits idly as your feet push you back and forth in small gentle swings, not enough to catch air or lift your feet off the ground. 
“I apologize if it was too forward of me.”
“No, well, no one has really asked me that question...” You reply meekly, “It’s not necessarily part of the job description but some customers ask for it I suppose... but I never really go that far... only twice... I guess... if I were to be real honest with you. Most times I decline because I feel uncomfortable and the guys are really good about respecting me.”
“It’s a little odd since I’m supposed to be catering to my date’s wishes, but I can’t really do anything about it...”
He makes a noise of appraisal. He’s not quite sure why he thinks the way he does. Imagining the other guys you must have gone on similar dates with. Did you take them to that particular cafe as well? Hold their hand and smile that same smile. 
“So how do you know Atsumu? I don’t think you attended Inarizaki...”
“I didn’t,” You smile, “He actually rented me a long while ago. A loss game and constant dating rumors were stressing him out, to say the least, he needed a stress reliever and a break from being asked if it’s true he’s dating so-and-so.” You pause in case he wants to interject,  but he keeps silent. You opt to changing activity, climbing the playground set despite the obvious sign that reads children only. 
“We stayed close friends afterwards, he helps me out a lot, and even Osamu had gotten me a side job at Onigiri Miya.”
Even worse, he sighs inwardly. Another poke to the roaring thoughts inside his head. You had done the same with his junior, if not further? 
There’s a shift in the atmosphere, and you both feel a little odd. He wonders if it was a mistake asking about Atsumu. You wonder, on the other hand, if you’ve said too much. But he’s a friend of your close friends, it wouldn’t hurt right? 
He seems to notice the awkward air that’s settled around you both and scratches the back of his head timidly.
 “That was a little invasive of me wasn’t it? I apologize.”
“N-no it’s alright, you are a friend of Atsu, so I don’t mind,” You laugh slightly.
“Well, if you do feel uncomfortable, or I cross a line, please let me know and I’ll respect you.”
The way your chest flutters at the statement is dangerous. You ignore the feeling as you smile thankfully. He was kind nonetheless and you liked that.
Kita tells stories of his time as a volleyball player, dealing with the antics and constant bickering between the two twins, managing a team of exceptional players. His eyes light up tremendously, almost sparkling as he talks about different moments, both good and sad. 
You don’t even realize how you’ve been completely sucked into his world, listening to every word. Watching the way his face turns with nostalgia. He pauses every now and then to gauge your reaction, smiling momentarily to see you so invested in his tales. 
“What about you? Why did you decide on working as a ‘girlfriend-for-rent’?”
Emotion spills onto your face, more than you mean to, and Kita is quick to notice the shift in your expression.
He shakes his head and puts his hand up to stop you, “It was a touchy question wasn’t it? Don’t worry about it.”
“Thank you...” You offer softly, almost reluctant to speak in case your emotions start going haywire. Your mood immediately drops and he’s aware of this. 
When Atsumu pulls up to pick you up, you stop in your tracks and turn to your date. He watches curiously as you move closer, until the distance gradually lessens and your body presses to his. Arms wrap around his middle and he’s speechless for a second.
“It’s a hug Shinsuke, we’re dating still, right?” 
Ah. Yeah. He chuckles, a little relieved that despite his mess ups, you still continued to act accordingly. This was business as usual after all.
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loversradiofics · 4 years
➥ What I think the Haikyuu boys final grades are in school
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warnings: timeskip spoilers!;not proof read
Kenma & Kuroo 
Bokuto & Akaashi 
Oikawa+ Iwaizumi
Sugawara- Suga’s above average. He’s actually really smart when he applies himself, volleyball has just taken up a lot of his time. It’s hard balancing school and having to take care of the first years every day. He still manages to pass all his exams. I think him becoming an elementary school teacher is a very fitting job for him. 
Final grade: B+
Nishinoya- I think we all know this goofball can't stay still in class. When he's taking tests he probably fidgets in his chair, eager for the last bell to ring. His teachers are constantly calling him out for him to pay attention. 
Final grade: D+
Tskuishima- He’s a showoff smarty pants. He likes to brag to Kageyama and Hinata about how he scored high on all his exams. Tsuki seems like the type of guy not to ask questions in class or really pay attention but still manages to understand the material. 
Final grade: A-
Yamaguchi- Yams asks Tsuki for help ALL the time. Yam’s is a good student, he turns in his work on time and pays attention in class. He’s too busy thinking about how he can improve his severs or embarrassing moments that pop up randomly when he’s in math. He gets nervous before exams for sure. 
Final grade: C+
Hinata- It’s confirmed that Hinata isn't the brightest. He’s constantly working with Yachi after school but still not understanding the material. In class, he tries his hardest to focus, but his mind wanders and ends up on volleyball.           
Final grade: D+
Kageyama- Kag’s is just as bad as Hinata which is also confirmed. He doesn't even bother paying attention. He thinks about how he can beat Hinata at practice. He stares at the clock the whole time waiting for class to end to make it to the club room before Hinata. Yachi tries to help him out, but he's a lost cause. 
Final grade: D-
Tanaka- He’s probably the type to ask to use the bathroom and never go back to class. When he is in class, he daydreams about Kiyoko, were but gonna go into detail about what cause I know this man’s mind is filthy. Tanaka turns in half-ass assignments that consist of, “IDK” “9+10=21″ or doodles.               
Final grade: D+
Daichi: He’s actually really good at paying attention in class. He participates and asks for help when he needs it. All his teachers love him for his maturity and politeness. He’s the type to breakdown and cuss out his teachers in his head when they’re being asses and not explaining assignments correctly.         
Final grade: B+
Asahi: He’s so afraid to ask for help. A lot of teachers confuse him for being an adult. He gets sweaty palms before exams. Suga is always going over assignments with him in the club room. Asahi still manages to pass his exams and gets all excited when he sees he didn’t fail because he was probably had anxiety the whole week just thinking about his score. 
Final grade: C+
Kenma- He’s too consumed with video games and volleyball to take about school. Kenma is really smart but when he isn't interested in something, he’ll completely disregard it. He turns in half-ass assignments with witty responses. Kenma is the type to work on his homework for a good 10 minutes, but then somehow end up on his phone playing among us. He gets in trouble for being on his phone or gameboy during class too many times to count. 
Final grade: C+
Kuroo- We all know his best subject is science. When it comes to other subjects, he's completely stumped. It takes him a while to decipher his homework but he eventually figures it out. Since he’s very observant he usually goes back to what he learned in class. Kuroo really does apply himself in school but being Captain of the volleyball team is also a lot of responsibility but he always manages to pull through when it’s exam time. 
Final grade: B-
Suna- Most likely on his phone the whole class, taking pictures of the board so when he’s home he can see what he missed then ends up taking selfies. Very quiet as well. When he does pay attention, he’s always talking to himself in his head, “When is this class over” “This teacher is ass at teaching.” Suna daydreams and doodles on his papers forgetting he has to turn them in at the end of class. Always thinking about how he can make fun of the twins or kite during practice. His teachers are always taking his phone away when he gets caught with it.
Final Grade: C+
Kita- Is adored by his teachers. He’s one to call out a kid for being disruptive during class. He takes a lot of self-care days. I see Kita being into a lot of stationery items and organizing them during class. Always asking questions and getting praised for correct answers. Teammates call him a teacher’s pet but he says otherwise. 
Final Grade: A-
Osamu- Thinking about food during class or just eating during class. He’s been caught multiple times munching on chips in the middle of English class. Also very competitive when it comes to exams, he makes bets with Atsumu to see who scores higher. He gets his work done and turns everything in on time.       
Final grade: B+
Atsumu- Hates when he fails a test. He gives me perfectionist vibes, he's putting time into perfecting each answer for himself but also to beat Osamu score-wise. Probably reading love notes some first-year girl put in his locker in the morning. His teachers confiscate them and read them out to the whole class. 
Final grade: A-
Aran-  Very intelligent. He has to be top of his class. The twins are always bashing him for being a try-hard, but he doesn't even have to try. School just comes naturally for him and he even surprises himself sometimes.                
Final Grade: A+
Bokuto- School makes him an emotional rollercoaster. It really sets off his mood swings. He probably yells out of frustration in the of class startling everyone. Bokuto goes to Akaashi for help and reassurance when he’s stressed out. Exams are hell for Akaashi poor him, Bokuto goes over to his house begging for his notes which he studies for 5 minutes then proceeds to ask Akaashi to practice with him completely forgetting exams are tomorrow. He’s actually really smart but he doubts himself a lot. When exam scores come in he’ll probably shout out “HEY HEY HEYY” in the middle of the hallway. 
Final Grade: B-
Akaashi- Always calm and composed during exams. His intuition helps him a lot in school. When he’s in homeroom, Boukto is always barging in asking for help or rants to him while he’s studying. When he goes back to reads his notes when he’s home, he realizes he never got to finish them because he had to stop to comfort Bokuto when broke down crying in his homeroom. This man’s patience is something else. 
Final Grade: A-
Aoba Johsai-
Oikawa- This bastard is smart asf it’s infuriating. He has it all basically. He’s the type to not even pay attention during class, too busy strategizing plays in his head rather than doing the assignment in front of him. Just like Atsumu, he gets a lot of love letters/confessions which just boost his confidence even more when in class. He manages to finish up his assignment in the last 5 minutes of the class getting every single answer correct. How he does it? Man, I don't fucking know. 
Final Grade: A+
Iwaizumi- Mans is stubborn when it comes to schoolwork. He refuses help from Oikawa when he needs it the most. I see him mumbling under his breath when he’s in class when he’s confused. Exams/Tests are hard for him. He manages to do pretty well all by himself because he pushes himself.             
Final Grade: C+
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going-fancognito · 4 years
Shot through the heart
A/N: So, I decided to do part two of @ragefilledmunchkin‘s  Revali x Au S/O ask as a mini one shot. Hopefully this works well with the part one. You probably don’t need to read part one to understand this, but here’s the link if you want  some context. 
Ask: What would happen if Revali’s S/O fell from our universe into theirs? 
(Warning: slight mentions of blood, but nothing graphic)
No matter how many times you visit, the royal gardens still manage to take your breath away.
Different arrays of blossoms surrounded you as far as the eye could see. It was the perfect weather for flower viewing, the morning dew still clinging onto the petals, causing them to glitter beneath sunlight like gems you could only find deep underground. You bend over an area blooming with nightshades, and take a deep breath to savour the citrusy scent that invaded your senses, before slowly exhaling. For a moment, everything was peaceful.
At least it would’ve been, if not for the endless yapping coming from behind you.
Revali sniffed in annoyance. “Yet another stroll in the gardens? Surely there must be something more productive to do than view the same scenery every. Single. Day.”
You hide your smirk. You’d be lying if you said seeing him so frustrated wasn’t a bit satisfying. “Well,” you ask, ”If it’s so bad you could always, I don’t know, leave me alone and do your own thing?” Maybe you’d even get to enjoy yourself for a bit.
Your suggestion’s only met with a scoff.  “And allow you the chance to run off? I don’t think so.”
Two months have passed since landing in Hyrule, along with meeting Princess Zelda and the Champions for the first time. Revali accused you of being an enemy undercover, sent to gain their trust. You then proceeded to inform him just where he could stick those claims. Since then, it’s been his personal mission to act as your personal tormentor. He began to constantly visit the palace and look for you. After tracking you down, he’d refuse to leave your side and proceed to pester you for the rest of the day. He claimed that he was simply enforcing the “necessary security measures” over you. Yeah, right. It was more likely he was doing this out of pettiness then suspicion.
“Besides,” Revali’s voice pulls you back to the present. “You should be honored, not everyone is able to receive the company of someone of my calibre.” He fails to notice you cringing.
Dear God, how could one guy be so narcissistic?
“You know what, you’re right.” You smile sweetly. “It’s almost as impressive as being the Hylian Champion. Why, I’d almost even consider you on the same level.” Ok, that last one might’ve been a low blow. However, the guy really needed to be taken down a peg.
Suddenly Revali gets right in your face, and a twinge of unease goes through while under his glare. “Now listen here you little brat, don’t go prattling on about things you know nothing about—”
“Oh look who’s talking!” You snap, “I’m not the one that accused someone of being a Yiga on their first meeting.”
Revali’s feathers began puffing out in anger. “Why you insipid—”
“Master Revali!”
He was promptly cut off by the cry heard near the entrance. You both turn to see one of the royal knights running in your direction, a look of alarm plastered on his face. Once he catches up he bends over to regain his breath. Sweat was dripping down his brow in rush to find you.
Revali had no sympathy for the poor man’s state, more miffed at suddenly being interrupted. “I’m currently in the middle of something, knight, this had better be worth it.” He crossed his wings and waited impatiently, but the knight was still busy regaining his breath. “Well?” He snapped, “Out with it already!”
Despite his wheezing, you manage to make out what the knight was saying “There’s,” he gasped “there’s been an attack —*cough*— by the castle gates.”
Without another word, Revali sprung into action. Summoning his gale, he quickly took off towards the location given, and you were left to figure out the further details for yourself.
An hour goes by and, once again, you’re beside the Rito champion, the two of you watching as the royal guard begins to interrogate the captured assailants.
Apparently, a few members of the Yiga clan had snuck inside the palace in an attempt to assassinate Princess Zelda.
Unfortunately for them, they seemed to forget who her personal guard was and got caught before even getting near her. Not long after, Revali arrived on the scene and it was over.
“Well, that was quite the let down.” You try ignoring the grumbling beside you, but to no avail. “I had hoped for a bit of a challenge. Alas, I’m only to be disappointed.”
You turn to face him, but immediately screw up your eyes when the light behind him shines directly in your face. “Give it a rest will you? We should just be glad no one was seriously hurt.”
Revali snorts under his beak. “Please, with those abysmal skills? It’s astounding they even made it inside. Those fools had no chance against not only one, but two Champions. Speaking of which,” He raises a brow at you “What was it you said earlier? How I could almost be ‘considered’ on the same level as the Link fellow? Perhaps this event has enlightened you a bit.”
Oh, you did not care for the smug note in his tone. You gave him your best glare, but with the sunlight glaring down at you, it probably looked more like a squint. “From what I heard, Link took down more members than you.”
You receive a stink eye for that one. “Pardon me, but I was busy covering for him and the rest of the royal guards. I believe that requires more skill and finesse his simple stabbing of one foe at a time. Furthermore, he had a head start on me so it’s only fair—” You stop paying attention after that. You were more preoccupied by the sunlight, which still continued to obstruct your vision.
Then you realize; it was still early morning, and you were facing west.
You narrow your eyes and force yourself to follow the direction of the light. It ended at a bush nearby, and you made out something gray poking out between it’s branches as the source.
Something was off. “Hey, Revali—”
“It’s rude to interrupt.” He chastises you before going right back to his ranting. You catch  another glimpse of the gray over his shoulder. The sunlight was bouncing off of it.
“Ok, but listen—” A note of concern could be heard in your voice now, but once again you are cut off.
“Enough interruptions y/n,” Revali snapped. “Now kindly shut it.” At that moment an arm emerged from the bushes, and you finally recognized that the gray you  saw was an arrow.
Before you can say a word, a hand releases the arrow, and it shoots directly towards the Rito standing in front of you.
A few seconds pass…maybe more, you can’t tell. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, and yet it still felt too fast. You dimly recognize Zelda's voice shouting in the distance,  which were quickly accompanied by others. Heavy footsteps could be heard coming your way.  However, you were too busy processing what just happened to care.
Everything felt numb. Too much was happening at once. First, you saw Revali’s face turn from one of annoyance to shock, right before he fell to the ground. Now, a crimson red was staining the front of your shirt as you stood in disbelief. You look down, and see Revali’s body laying on the ground in front of you.
He looks right back at you, before turning his gaze to the arrow lodged in your arm.
Without warning, the numbness gave away to pain. A sharp stabbing sensation was shooting up and down your arm, and you can’t quite stop a whimper from escaping your throat. You could feel something warm slide down your injury and drip onto the ground. The world around you was spinning. Suddenly, you find yourself face first on the castle floor. Weird, you don’t remember falling. Your thoughts begin to grow fuzzy as the voices get closer. You try your best to stay awake, but dark spots are already flooding your vision.
You vaguely register the sensation of being lifted up. Something warm and fluffy gently wraps itself around your body.
Huh, it felt kind of nice…
And with that thought, everything goes black.
When you open your eyes, a dull ache immediately rings through your head.
You have to blink a few times before your eyes can adjust to the light. You were currently lying in a bed at least three times your size, with multiple blankets covering your body. You tried to sit up, but the movement immediately causes your arm to throb painfully in protest.
Shit, everything hurt. Privately you swear to never let yourself take another arrow in the future. Moving more slowly this time, you eventually manage to pull yourself into a sitting position in order to get a better look at your surroundings.
The walls are painted a pale blue. To your left stood a large, full length window, the drapes a deep, royal purple and drawn on either side to allow in some natural sunlight. The room was actually oddly familiar. You spot a backpack lying on the ground in a far corner of the room. It was the one you wore when you had first landed in Hyrule. Ah, this was the room that Zelda gave you. You felt kind of silly for not realizing sooner.
The sound of a click was heard to your right. Turning your head, you see a certain Rito enter the room, a tray being carried under his wing. He closed the door behind him and turned to where you were laying.
His eyes widen when he sees you staring back at him. “Ah, you’re awake. That’s um— that’s good.” ...Ok, that was weird. Since when did he have trouble with words?  
He takes a seat by the foot of the bed, and places the tray he was holding beside him. On closer inspection, you notice that it carried an array of different medical supplies. “How are you feeling?”
You shrug at his question, and immediately regret it with a wince. “Like absolute shit, and then some.”
To your surprise, Revali seems to visibly relax at your answer “I can see your vocabulary remains as coarse as ever.” He snickers, ”But yes, a shot to the arm will do that to you.” He begins to unwrap a roll of bandages while he talks.
Another minute goes by and you just quietly watch him continue unwrapping the roll. Eventually, you break the silence “”Um…” You swallow, “How long was I out for?”
Revali cuts off a decent length of the wrap.  “First, your arm please.” He holds a hand out in front of you, waiting. Slowly, you offer him the injured limb, and notice that someone had already wrapped it up for you..  
Carefully, he takes your arm and slowly begins to unwrap the old bandages. “You’ve only been unconscious for a day. Still, a bit dramatic if you ask me, considering it was only one arrow.”
You glare at him. “Well, it’s not exactly normal for people to attack with arrows and shit back home. Cut me some slack.” Instead of arguing, he nods.
“I suppose that’s fair. Which would make what you did all the more brave.” You actually slack-jaw a bit from the compliment. Was this the same asshole that bugged you every day?
He shrugs, eyes focused on his task. “Or perhaps you’re just foolish. Knowing you, it’s most likely a bit of both.” Ah, there he was.
“Nevertheless, your actions from yesterday were commendable.” He glances up at you, and the normally boastful Rito wore such a sincere expression, that you were momentarily at a loss. “Thank you for what you did, y/n. Really.”
...This was seriously different from the little birdshit you’d come to know. He was almost charming like this.
You notice a second too late after the fact that he was finished with replacing your bandages. You quickly yank arm arm back and feel the back of your neck grow hot. You try to cover up your embarrassment by coughing into your fist.  “Yeah er, sure. No problem” ShitSHIT this felt so awkward.
At least he seemed to personally find your reaction amusing. “Ah, eloquent as ever.” He spoke with his usual sarcasm, but it didn’t seem to possess the same bite to it like before.
You find yourself grinning at the familiar banter “Hey, fuck you. Don’t forget who just saved your feathery ass, how about showing a bit of gratitude?”
He places a wing over his chest in mock hurt. “You wound me, y/n.  Here you are receiving personal treatment from one of the champions themselves, and not even a word of thanks. You should appreciate my generosity towards you.”
Soon after that, you both fall back into your usual bickering, except now you actually found yourself enjoying it. It was almost like a little ribbing between friends.
From then on, your relationship only gets better from there.
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years
Forsaken | Part 14
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Summary: As one of the Forsaken, Jinyoung had no right to covet anything as his own. When he stumbles across you standing in the middle of the village he had plundered, the memories of old make him risk it all, clutching at the past in hopes for a better future.
Pairing: Park Jinyoung x reader
Genre: warrior au / star crossed lovers / angst / romance
Warnings: death, kidnapping, cursing, a myriad of emotions - this is a really sad love story. In this particular part, there is a detailed battle scene resulting in injuries and fatalities.
Index: Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15
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“They’re going to live.”
It didn’t matter how much you voiced your statement, even you were struggling to believe in it now. You had managed to escape, though there was no slowing down for some time. The air was tense, the sacrifice given for the six of you to get away from Argo and his men hung over the heads of everyone. Dusk arrived and the decision to continue onto the docks throughout the night meant there was no time to rest and recover.
You knew Mark was sporting a minor injury from combat and yet he continued as if it didn’t bother him. Perhaps it didn’t. And yet, you worried about him joining Jackson in his evident pain. Jackson travelled in and out of consciousness, letting out whines and grunts sporadically.
The plan to leave the base hadn’t seemed this grim, even when everyone had spoken about it in depth. You felt ridiculous for being so naïve. The past two days had felt more like two years in length and the waves of emotions had truly taken their toll on you.
“Rest,” Jinyoung said into your ear but you shook your head stubbornly. His arm that hadn’t shifted from around your middle curled further into you, pulling you back into his armoured torso.
You fought his instruction and sat back up, fingering the dark strands of the horse’s mane instead. “I’m staying awake.”
“Don’t resist rest when you need it.”
“No one else is resting.”
“We’re used to this,” Jinyoung refuted and you heaved a troubled breath.
“I’m not. I’m not used to this at all.”
“I know and that’s why you need to rest so you can face tomorrow as best as you can.”
“Why? When Mark’s injured and acting like it’s fine to be.”
The fellow rider glanced at the pair of you and then winced. “It’s not my first injury, Y/N. It’s just a light cut, I’ll be fine.”
“Until you’re not and then it’ll be you in the cart next to Jackson!”
“Y/N,” Jinyoung growled warningly and you tore your gaze from Mark’s stunned expression and down to the hairs you were holding within your hands. Your tears fell upon your fingers, soaking the strands. The man behind you softened at your spilling emotions, sighing heavily. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault I’m not cut out for this.”
“I don’t want you to be accustomed to any of this.”
“I’m no help to any of you. I couldn’t do anything when they surrounded us and now we have no idea if BamBam and Yugyeom are-”
“He was the spy.”
You nodded sadly. “I knew already. Jackson spoke of his suspicions.”
“And yet you are worried about him? We wouldn’t be in this mess with Argo hunting us down if it weren’t for him sharing information over the radio.”
“Of course! He risked his life for us to get this far. He could be hurt or…”
“He could be dead,” Jinyoung finished your statement. “He would have died with no regrets then.”
“I don’t want him to be gone from this world!” you admitted tearfully. “He was too young to have completed everything he was destined to.”
“Life isn’t so clear cut for us, you know that. We’re lucky to even make it to adults. Most Forsaken don’t live that long.”
“It’s all so cruel.”
Jinyoung held you more tightly. “We have each other, we have a life ahead of us that we can live in gratitude for the choices the others made for us to have this. Let’s not think so horribly anymore, hm?”
“You sound like me,” you mentioned with a watery chuckle. “It’s me who is always looking for the brighter side to everything.”
“Well, I’ve got to start trying now too.”
Pressing his lips to your crown, Jinyoung nestled his head into your neck. “Because I’m no longer a warrior. Just a man in love who wants to settle down with his family away from all of this.”
You smiled. “I love you, Jinyoung.”
“I love you even more, Y/N.”
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You had been lulled into slumber in the early hours of the morning, the continuous movement of the horse rocking you back and forth and easing your concerns. However, you were woken with a jolt, Youngjae’s scream echoing within your mind.
Eyes now wide, you looked ahead to see the horse and cart sliding on the path dangerously, the majestic animal falling to the ground with a groan.
There laid an arrow in its chest.
“We’re under attack!” Jaebum cried as another arrow hurtled towards your convoy from the east. Jinyoung’s horse came to a stop and you leapt out of his grip, running towards the cart now on its side.
Youngjae was cradling Jackson’s head in his arms. “Is he okay?!”
“I’ll check!” you exclaimed, your hands shaking as you reached to search for a pulse. You nodded rapidly when you found it. “He’s still with us!”
Your attention turned to the new battle in front of you. It was a much smaller group, some twenty men with a battered and bloodied leader riding towards you all. Jinyoung dismounted his horse and pulled out his sword, swinging away any arrows that came his way. Mark and Jaebum brought down four attackers before running out of arrows themselves, reaching for alternative protection.
“You bother me greatly, cat.”
“Still alive, are we? I didn’t know dogs had multiple lives as well,” Jinyoung grunted, his face contorted in a deadly manner. You had never seen him look this dark and it worried you when he smiled wickedly.
The trained warrior in Jinyoung wouldn’t back down no matter what happened next.
Glancing at Youngjae and then back to Jackson, you clamped your eyes shut. You heard nothing of the pre-fight banter that occurred or the roars from Mark and Jaebum as they charged forward. You didn’t pay any mind to Youngjae crying out for clarification of what he should do.
You cleared your mind of everything, searching deep within. You faced your timid self, looking at her determinedly. She shook her head. “I cannot do this.”
“You can.”
“This is the end for us, isn’t it?” your inner voice questioned with fear. Reaching out for her, you jostled her around.
“Snap out of it, we can do this together.”
“Why are you so sure of yourself? Argo has lived. That means all those who tried to stop him have failed. The men before you are exhausted and injured. You’re just a noblemen’s daughter. That’s all.”
“I am more than that,” you voiced calmly. “I can be more than that.”
“I’m scared.”
“I need you to help me. I need you to try.”
Slowly opening your eyes with renewed clarity, you turned to Youngjae panicking beside you and put your dagger in his hand. “Protect Jackson.”
“What are you planning to do?!” he enquired desperately as you reached into the crumpled supplies for Jackson’s sheathed sword. Pulling it out, you gripped at the hilt and stood up, immediately aware of the fight coming your way. Swinging the weapon as best as you could, the blade connected with flesh. You allowed only the slightest tremble to make its way through you as you thrust the weapon at the man to ensure he wouldn’t reach Youngjae and Jackson before you continued forward.
You knew you weren’t the tidiest, but with your senses heightened, you were able to swing when you needed to attack and duck when you needed to back off. Your presence wasn’t lost on the others and Jaebum instantly flanked your side, his gaze unfaltering from the battle.
“Don’t be rash, Y/N. Only attack who comes your way.”
“Jackson cannot defend himself, I’m merely here in his place!” you exclaimed, spinning around and jabbing out fruitlessly at an enemy. Refocusing, you managed to connect with him a second time, not without him knocking your sword out of your grip in the process. You cried and this alerted Jinyoung, the man swiftly clashing swords with Argo whilst backing up towards you.
“I can do this!” you stated loudly at him, ducking at the attacker’s approach again and reaching for your discarded weapon, elbowing the man viciously. You sliced at his arm before spinning around again, striking him in his back.
“Y/N!” Youngjae screamed and you moved back now that your attacker had relented, trying to reach the cart before the enemy did.
It was too late, he aimed his sword right through the small gap of armour and into Jackson’s abdomen, Youngjae managing to make the man drop to his knees with the dagger and you swung at him and killed him on the spot.
Dropping the weapon, you pushed your hands under the amour to put pressure on the wound as Youngjae loosened the protective layer off. “He’s losing too much blood!”
“Where’s Jaebum’s kit?!”
“Y/N! They’re still coming our way! Go! I need you to give me time.”
If your clarity before had given you the drive to step forward, anguish only made you more ruthless. Your swings were more desperate yet precise, and you managed to keep the attackers away from the cart. Brushing aside the tears, uncaring of the blood you streaked over your face from doing so, you glanced back at Youngjae before running forward. There was no relent in their onslaught, the others fighting endlessly. Jinyoung was battling between Argo and his men who tried to take him down and you attempted your best to get closer to the activity, hoping to take some of the heat off of Jinyoung.
But you weren’t made to be a fighter.
Hot tears ran down your face when a man thrust his sword at your thigh, causing you to drop to the ground in pain with a cry. Before you faced further injury, Mark leapt around and took off their head in a single swing, kicking away another that came at your back. He looked at you and then back at the cart, trying to decide where you needed to be.
“I can do this!” you continued to exclaim, taking Mark’s hand and using the sword to get yourself up. Finding an inner strength you hadn’t believed possible to garner until this moment, you continued despite the searing pain.
However, you tired more easily than the men did, and once again you were knocked off your feet, this time by Argo himself.
“You are a cunning little witch. I should have taken your head off before you had the chance to speak.”
You smirked. “And you’re an absolute fool.”
“Bold words for a warrior now kneeling before me.”
“At least you see me as someone formidable to label as such,” you mentioned tiredly, blinking slowly when the man disappeared. You knew the swift shadow moving in front of you belonged to Jinyoung.
“Do not touch her!”
“Why, worried you won’t be able to keep her alive, boy? Look at her, she’s already done for. We could stop this here. You could join me and we could lead a new army.”
A clashing of swords showed Jinyoung’s response. They battled it out some more and another man jumped at Jinyoung, causing him to pause with Argo to fight him off. It was a cheap tactic and you watched in horror as Argo knocked Jinyoung down to the ground, putting his boot on top of his shoulder, grinding his toe right into him.
The wail was deafening.
“Not so powerful now, are you, kitty cat?” Argo motioned victoriously, pointing his sword at Jinyoung’s throat.
He resisted the man as best as he could but Jinyoung knew he was trapped, his gaze falling to yours. You shook your head, pleading with Jinyoung to regain that harshness to his expression that he held before. You scrambled to your feet, limping your way through the chaos towards them.
Jinyoung was losing hope.
“Good, you can watch me slay the man you love from this world. Or should I kill you first and then him? Decisions, decisions.”
You noticed how tied up both Mark and Jaebum were still, their injuries now slowing them some.
It seemed as if there was no way out.
You wouldn’t give up yet. Repositioning Jackson’s sword, you held it out at Argo. “Get off him.”
“You don’t scare me, poppet.”
“I SAID GET OFF!” you screamed, stunning all that were in the vicinity.
“Y/N,” Jinyoung said, gasping when Argo moved his foot closer to his throat. You barely tore your eyes away from the assailant to glance at Jinyoung before glaring again at Argo.
“Remember what… I said when I taught… you to fight?”
Your mind slipped back to your first lesson with a sword.
“Jinyoung, I’m not a killer.”
“I do not want to make you one but there may come a time where you need to choose to fight. What will you do if someone cuts me down?”
Gripping the sword more tightly, you looked at your situation and then at Jinyoung. He nodded. Driving Jackson’s sword directly into the foot oppressing Jinyoung’s ability to fight back, you burst into tears, knowing you had gone far enough to rest the soil underneath Jinyoung’s shoulder as well. Jinyoung smiled encouragingly despite instantly paling, whilst Argo screamed in pain and lost his footing. Argo’s sword dropped onto Jinyoung and he reached for it, immediately embedding it in his side.
And before you could move any further, a bloodied figure came into view, reaching down and sliced at Argo’s neck, his gurgles soon ceasing as the life left him.
You glanced up at Youngjae who had put an end to the tyrant before turning back to Jinyoung, his breathing coming to a halt then as well.
“No!” you wailed, cradling his limp head in your lap. “You can’t leave me. Not yet! Please stay with me!”
Part 15 (Final)
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Choose your side
To the first Halloween short! This was prompted be the wonderful @derpyfangirl! I hope you enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 | AU: Vampire 
Gavin looked left and right down the path. The streetlights failed to illuminate all of the road and Detroit’s city lights didn’t reach that far. But he was thankful for the darkness, it made his plan so much easier. He wore dark clothes to blend into the background better and checked on his equipment. His silver gun was holstered at his side for quick access, as well as a few sharpened pickets, a chain of garlic bulbs and his favourite sword. He covered it with his coat and fell into a short sprint to scale the chain-link fence that was surrounding the old castle. He let himself fall onto the other side and hunkered down to wait for any sign he had been spotted. As everything stayed calm, he made his way over to the walls, crawling through the shadows to the only access point Gavin knew of: A creaky wooden door that would lead to a partially flooded basement. He leaned against the cold stones of the doorway, carefully pulling it open. He risked a look inside the darkness and slipped inside. He didn’t see a thing, but he didn’t need to. With the experience of hundreds of similar visits, he manoeuvred around puddles, his feet searching for elevated tiles and pillars. He could see the distant light of candles now and his steps became more careful. It wasn’t far now, Gavin could nearly feel the other’s presence hovering over him, ready to strike the moment he would step outside. And Gavin couldn’t say he wasn’t looking forwards to it.
He straightened his back before walking through the last arch and stepping into a huge hall. Two curved stairways led up to a gallery and more rooms. Candles were the only source of light, lined up on the railing of the gallery, stone tables at the side of the large hall and huge crystal chandeliers above his head. Gavin walked into the middle of the room, trying to keep an eye on every dark corner. Only then he drew his sword and took position. ‘I’m here!’, he called, a smirk on his face. ‘Now come get me!’ As if only waiting for the challenge out of nowhere the shadows moved and coiled like an enormous beast rising from eternal slumber. They gathered from the gallery and trickled down the stairways to unite back before Gavin. The smoky shadows piled up slowly, only to form a person and attack in a heartbeat.
Gavin parried without missing a beat. His sword caught the other’s and directed it away from his body. The next swing followed, and Gavin evaded it with a simple side-step to attack himself. But again his sword collided and Gavin was caught face to face with his opponent in a stalemate only to be broken by who was the stronger fighter. Blue eyes stared into green and Gavin’s adversary grinned at him, flashing sharp elongated canines. Gavin pressed harder against the sword but didn’t manage to push him away even the tiniest bit. Not until the other allowed it, letting the crossed weapons move closer to his chest before leaning over the blades to meat Gavin’s lips.
Gavin huffed, but returned the kiss, slowly letting his sword sink next to his side not to accidentally hurt the other man. ‘You know, darling, I don’t actually need all that drama’, he muttered against his lips and Gavin smirked. ‘Really? Thought you’d like it!’, he teased, putting his arms around the shoulders of the taller person. ‘I mean, you really liked it the first time we met, Nines.’ ‘Only because you were the only human to even get close to killing me’, the vampire tried for excuses. But then he shrugged, returning the hug. ‘Okay, yeah, you are right, I do like it.’
Gavin let go of him and picked up the sword he had to have discarded somewhere around the time Nines had kissed him. ‘Should I get the kitchen running? Are you staying for long?’, Nines asked, as he picked up his own. ‘I mean, not gonna say no to a snack, but I just wanted you to know I’m out for a mission’, Gavin explained. He kept step with the Vampire as he moved to a door underneath the stairs that would lead them to the kitchen. ‘We got a new lead for some activity over in Chicago, you know someone there?’ Nines frowned next to him and hummed for a while thinking. ‘Hmm, the Chens are strong over there but they kinda went vegan and run a coffee shop now.’ ‘Vegan?’, Gavin asked. ‘Can’t imagine how that would work for you guys…’ ‘Coconut water is similar to the inner lumen of red blood cells, just with different levels of ions.’ Gavin looked at the Vampire next to him incredulously. ‘I guess they use supplements for the rest’, Nines shrugged. ‘And that works?’ ‘They are still around, so I guess. Not really my thing. But at the same time, I got you. No need to feed on the innocent for me.’ He patted Gavin’s back lovingly.
Gavin’s hand subconsciously moved to his neck where the collar of his jacket hid the small precise marks Nines left on him whenever he went for a meal. ‘You going to be alright?’, he asked concerned. ‘I’ll leave tomorrow, but I prepared a few pouches for you. They are over at my place. The usual spot.’ ‘Thank you. But I’ll be. Just be careful on your mission. Most of Detroit’s vampires know not to touch you, but the Stern Clan isn’t really a name in Chicago. I’ll message the Chens though. They’ll keep an eye on you.’ ‘Thanks babe. But I can handle myself.’ ‘Have I ever said anything different? Now come, let’s get you something to eat and then make this night count, shall we?’
As Gavin was on his way back to the city trailing the van of his fellow vampire hunters on his bike, he felt exhaustion tugging at him. He craved nothing more than a hot shower followed by the rest of the night spent with Nines in that heavenly soft bed. Nines was so much different to the vampires he met on his job. Sure, all of them were monsters that sucked the blood of humans, but… There were some who had come to terms with the morality of it and some that simply bathed in the feeling of power and bloodlust. It were only the latter who were a real danger. Nines on the other hand…
Okay, yes, he wouldn’t lie to himself. Nines had been dangerous once. But Gavin always had had a thing for danger. And Nines was phcking attractive. He had the knowledge and wisdom of several centuries, helped him with his missions from time to time and was fine with letting a few habits fall. If Gavin was so freely offering his own blood, he also didn’t really need to go and look for victims every other night. They simply fit together Gavin had decided. And after a while they had become what Gavin had most feared: full on lovey dovey romantics. Not that Gavin truly minded if it meant they would spend the night together in bed, star gazing or appreciating just being in each other’s company. Yes, screw the shower. He craved for Nines’ strong arms around him, his dusty scent in his nose and his own hands in his hair. Some peace and quiet after this last mission. He would just have to help the others stow away the equipment and discard of the body. Then he would head straight to Nines’ residence.
They parked the van and Gavin’s bike outside the loading platform of the headquarters of Detroit’s vampire hunters, before heading to the stairs to unload. Then they pushed the roll car with their equipment inside. They were heading towards the armoury, but they would never make it: The great hall was in uproar. Gavin could only see hunters being flung around by the chains they were holding, others shooting blindly and even more sitting somewhere behind cover holding their bleeding wounds. Mostly slashes across arms and legs. Incapacitating blows not meant to kill. That made Gavin look up to the centre of the heavy chains. That was when his heart stopped.
‘Nines?’ He had whispered it to himself disbelievingly, but the enormous head of the giant figure before him turned towards him. It was about two times the size of Gavin and there was no mistaking Nines true form. His giant wings batted away the humans around him effortlessly, while these blue eyes focussed on Gavin only. The snout of a bat, his emaciated looking body with pure muscle underneath tight skin and bony ridges did little to instil fear in him. Gavin had felt these hands hold him, caress him. These lips, whatever form they were could be so tender and gentle. The inhuman screeches could be the most beautiful melody.
‘Nines!’ The party that had just been on a mission with him was looking at him perplexed, but Perkins, leader of the vampire hunters had spotted him. ‘Get him!’, he screamed over the noise. ‘Get the traitor!’ The people around him were still hesitant. Gavin was the best hunter; how could he be a traitor? ‘Now!’ That made them move. Nines growled in anger at hearing the human’s order and with a fling of his shoulder he pulled multiple humans who had tried to anchor the chain across the floor, effectively knocking the hunters closest to Gavin off their feet. That was enough time for Gavin to make his decision and react. He had pulled out his sword and gun and began shooting at his former co-workers. Nines was his everything and he wouldn’t allow them to kill him. Not when he had agreed to refrain from killing humans. Not when he was one of those vampires that just wanted to secretly live their lives with those dear to them. If he had to choose between the hunters and Nines, he knew exactly how to decide. He focussed his fire on the hunters holding the chains on Nines’ left side and the vampire caught onto his thought. He kept his right busy until his left was weakened enough for Nines to break away. He ducked out of the chains and with a single blow of his wings he sent the humans tumbling against the wall. Gavin was caught in a fight against three hunters now and didn’t pay much attention to Nines. That’s why he was startled by the vampire grabbing him and flying towards the round roof window. Nines smashed through it, sending glass shards to rain down on the few quick humans who lined up to shoot.
Gavin began to realise they were out of the hall as he saw the night sky above them. They were soaring through the air and Gavin had to shake off the confusion from the flurry of pictures since he had been snatched from the ground. Nines pressed him hard against his enormous chest and Gavin had to pat against the arm to remind his love he still needed air. ‘What do we do now?’, Gavin shouted up to the vampire. ‘How- How the phck did this even happen?’ Nines landed on the flat roof of a supermarket and changed back to his human form. He opened his mouth to say something, but adrenalin was still coursing through Gavin’s veins. ‘Holy phck you are bleeding!’ Nines looked down on his leg that was slowly oozing a black substance. ‘I’m fine, it’ll heal’, he groaned. ‘Not if it’s from silver, phck, Nines what-‘ ‘I’m fine’, Nines growled again, silencing the human. ‘I went to your flat, I was hungry. They waited for me.’ ‘They were in my flat?!’ ‘Yes. I guess they knew of us.’ ‘Oh, that’s why they sent me on a phcking rookie mission!‘, Gavin shouted and Nines had to hold his arm to remind him they likely were followed already. He had to keep it down. ‘I was caught off guard and they took me to their headquarters. Then you came.’
Gavin nodded. ‘And the hell are we supposed to do now?’ ‘I guess it’s time you meet the family’, Nines smirked. ‘What? But… I’m human. What would you even say to them?’ Nines laughed. ‘I’ll just tell them you killed half of Detroit’s hunters. That will make them like you. Besides, I’m not the first one to bring one home.’ ‘What?’ Gavin looked at the vampire sceptically. ‘Human or hunter?’ ‘Both.’ ‘Who is it?’ ‘Err… well my brother took a special liking to a certain human… Anderson I think was his name.’ ‘That drunk phck has a vampire boyf- Never mind.’ Gavin shook his head. ‘You know, I thought he went slack because of drinking and old age but… Don’t tell me we’ll meet him too.’ ‘Well, I’d think so’, Nines chuckled, holding out a hand for Gavin to take. ‘Come on. We’ll be safe there.’
Gavin was still hesitant, but it was settled as he looked into Nines’ eyes again. ‘As long as we’ll stay together, I’ll be fine.’
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