#i even have pics of some of the pages but nothing seems to come up for them ://// it was about harvester ants specifically
autistic-shaiapouf · 2 years
This is gonna bother me until I say it but as I rewatch the CAA I'm being reminded that people do think that queen ants "give orders" to the rest of the colony when there is no chain of command in an ant nest and the queen's role is grossly overstated
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i do wonder what the air is like up there on the high horses that the lonely are sat upon. it must be thin, as it seems to be making them forget things. especially their own behavior.
for our new and returning students, the lonely have been around for quite some time, and they will let you know. they will also tell you how much they know and how important their thoughts are because of it. but it wasn’t the current proprietors who built this reputation. no no. the current cannot match up to the original. nor can they match the level of authenticity their page once held. now, they claim they need to respond to those who they view as tearing down a fandom they believe themselves to be the queens of. they need to stand up to these troublemakers and provide facts . to debunk the lies. they have made their blog’s personality all about pointing fingers and placing blame on other bad actors, while refusing to acknowledge what they have become. they are a shell of their former selves. a joke. long gone are the days of thousands of interactions with their posts, or of being seen as a pillar in their fandom, or even of being a source of actual information. they were once even a frequent target of those who they now call friends and openly post with. poor them. victims always.
in days past, they posted horribly offensive commentary on past girlfriends of the actor who they claim to be fans. namely, of her looks. ask them, and they never did that. now, they are friends with the mods who were creating edits of the actor’s now wife portraying her as a literal child. but that is just fine by them. they are all on the same side now. it’s in the name of cleaning up the fandom. however, you won’t find evidence on their blog of their vile behavior and former comments; no, that's because they deleted it all in order to hide the evidence. they’ll claim it never existed.
it does. i’m sure their new friends have the proof, too.
these two groups who have now merged, they do not only create burners, send anons, and send hate to others, but they send it to themselves too. please sympathize with these blog mods who are victims of this online meanness. if you don’t feel for the victim, for them, you are a monster and that’s your burden. you are also delulu and just want this actor to pick you. they had thousands of interactions in months and years past but now get less than a handful of likes. all of these current likes and notes come from the former enemies but now friends blogs. they post nothing about the actor they claim to be here for. they post no news, nothing about his projects other than the widely reported pap photos. they have sources but know nothing about upcoming projects. claiming you have a photo does not insider-info make. they just want to tear down the other side.
they claim to have sources such as pics of the couple’s house. other sources that want to talk about his private life. but they will not tell you or show you. their new friends have the floorplans of a house that is where the actor is from, so they do too. a new friend travels to the area and it is definitely not there for the actor, but to question it means you'll be made fun of relentlessly. that magazine article is definitely going to happen. this fall. maybe next spring. there is no way they would get false info. they are too experienced. they know all and are the voice of the fandom. don’t you dare question them.
do you want to know where your following went, lonely? you pushed them away. you insulted them. you are arrogant, rude and lost all credibility to have those nuanced conversations you so desire. you made your personality to be about prioritizing getting a rise out of the other team. you, and I mean both of you, have become a laughing stock, blocked by so many.
you have me blocked, but everyone knows blocks don’t mean anything when screenshots fly around within minutes. feel free to call me names. to send your burner accounts after me. you have become a joke. looking forward to your next post and its three likes from yourself and your “friends”. or your reasoning for now being friends with those who spoke so horribly of you.
how disappointed queen and mrs potts must be with you and what you have made their account become.
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The Sun & Rain
This fic is part of the Ikemen Villains gift exchange hosted by @aquagirl1978 (thanks for the beta read). My giftee is @honeybyte who wanted something fluffy, warm and intimate. This is the first time I have written for an OC that wasn't my own and I took a look at the pics/info on their page and also provided to come up with what I think is a good representation. I really hope that I was able to do them justice and that you enjoy the fic! Joss and Liam share some snacks and a calming night together. WC approx 1040 purely fluff, banner from @natimiles-edits.
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The hallways of crown castle were usually quiet at this hour but tonight there was the faint sound of a melody being muttered followed by booted footfalls.
Joss walked at a steady pace towards their lover's room. They knew he would still be up even if it was late, Liam wasn't a good sleeper after all but lately it had been worse it seemed. So tonight Joss had had enough of it and decided to do something about it hence the silver tray laden with snacks they had made and their favorite calming tea.
Turning a corner they stopped briefly and took a final glance over the tray wanting to make sure nothing had been forgotten. They nodded in satisfaction and smiled to themself briefly.
I never thought my worst idea would lead me here, and to him.
Their internal thoughts were referring to that fateful night when on their way home they'd done something out of character for them leading to them stumbling upon some members of Crown conducting ‘business’ in an alleyway and the resulting deal they’d made to safeguard their life.
I really wish he would take better care of himself though. I know he's trying to but those wounds the other day were pretty bad.
Joss let out an aggregated sigh and continued on their way down the hallway until they got to Liam's door. They quickly looked down at the tray then up at the door then back at the tray again, it was too uneven for them to feel comfortable trying to balance it in one hand but how else would they knock? After a brief pause they shrugged and kicked at the bottom of the door with their heavy boots.
“Liam? It's just me.”
“Oh Joss! Come on in.”
Joss’ cheeks warmed at the tone of Liam's voice and a smile spread across their face before quickly falling.
“I'd love to but I can't my-”
“What!? Why can't you?”
Joss' head dropped and they released a small sigh.
“Because my hands are full.”
They heard hurried movement on the other side of the door and didn't have to wait long for it to swing open.
“I'm sorry about that Joss, here let me take that for you.”
“No, I got it.”
Joss walked over to the coffee table and set the tray down while simultaneously pushing aside some of the many gifts from Liam's numerous admirers.
“Those look good!”
Liam's eyes were wide as he looked over the tray and Joss couldn't help but let out a small laugh.
“It’s just some simple snacks and tea.”
“Maybe, but you made them right? So that makes them special, let's see I'll have…this one.”
Liam popped a cookie into his mouth and nodded as he chewed.
“This is really good.”
Joss picked up their own cookie and sat on the edge of Liam's bed.
“So how was rehearsal today?”
Liam walked over and sat cross legged on his bed beside Joss, hands full of snacks.
“It was such an adventure! First they couldn't find–”
And so Joss and Liam spent the next few hrs just talking about nothing and everything. The conversation had flowed easily between them even after they had polished off the last of the tea and snacks. It hadn't always been this way though, in the beginning they both had built their walls up high and sturdy, especially Liam's. Eventually as they became closer to Liam they began chipping away at his wall slowly but surely. Even now they were still working on it but they had always been a hard worker and it was nights like this when their persistence paid off the most. The grandfather clock rang out the late hour just as Joss stifled a yawn.
“I didn't realize it was so late! I really shouldn't keep you up any longer, I know how important getting enough sleep is to you.”
“I'm not tired yet.”
They hated lying but they could tell something was still bothering Liam and even if he wouldn't say what it was they still wanted to be there for him.
“Hey Liam, do you think I could ask you for something?”
“Of course! You know I'll do anything for you Joss.”
Joss smiled, their green eyes seeming to softly glow.
“Could you maybe check my back for me?”
“Oh, sure I can do that.”
Joss couldn't help but smile at Liam's enthusiastic answer as they stood up from the bed. They had their overalls half off and linen shirt tossed across the foot of the bed in no time then promptly sprawled out in the middle of the bed. Liam's enthusiasm hadn't wained and he eagerly climbed up onto his bed and began running his fingers along Joss' back delicately following the outline of every mark. Soon soft little hums started falling from Joss' lips as Liam's fingers continued to dance along their skin.
Joss' vitiligo used to bother them immensely when they were younger and more than once they had wanted to wish it away, then it was just an unchangeable part of them until eventually it became something more, something special. They still remembered how Liam had first tentatively asked them about it, and how he expressed such a childlike curiosity the first time he traced the outlines along their arms. It had becoming a soothing ritual, one that met some unspoken need in both of them while bringing them closer together.
“Thank you for keeping me company tonight Joss.”
*Soft breathing*
Liam pulled back so he could see his lover's face and he smiled to himself.
“You know, for somebody who once said they weren't very romantic you sure do a good job at it.”
Liam carefully leaned down and placed a kiss upon the back of Joss' neck.
“You always seem to know when I need cheering up somehow and do everything you can to make me smile and you’re so warm, like my own personal sun. I'm so lucky to have you so, stay with me forever okay?”
Liam let out a contented sigh and laid down to snuggle up against Joss, letting their sun-like warmth seep through him and chase away the rain in his heart.
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kyojurismo · 1 year
cw // yandere midoriya izuku + fem!reader
strange. the vibes coming off midoriya. he joined your group of friends recently, invited by ochaco. she said he was a nice guy, well mannered and kind. what she didn’t know was that izuku had been stalking you for months. he befriended her first to make it look even more casual, but the night he offered to give you a ride back home and didn’t asked for the address raised some doubts.
“how do you know my apartment address?” you asked with a chuckle, trying to sound calm. izuku’s eyes widened for a second before he changed expression. “ochaco told me before we left,” he smiled at you before turning off the engine. “uh, alright. well, thank you for the ride,” you were quick to grab your bag and get out of the car. izuku followed your every movement with attention, noticing that you seemed a bit nervous. “is something wrong?” he asked, his tone gentle. “oh? not at all! drive safely, okay? goodnight.”
izuku just smiled before watching you enter the building. he clenched his jaw as his whole expression turned into that of a man close to lose his composure. “you almost fucked up. what if she didn’t believe uraraka-san told you the address? she has to trust you, izuku. you need her trust to get her.”
it seemed izuku enjoyed your company a bit too much since he was always inviting you somewhere. but nothing weird about it, right? wrong. he never asked you to meet up whenever you had a test or something important to do, it looked like he knew when you were really free and when you were busy. that seemed a coincidence in the beginning, but then you noticed how he started acting weirdly. “i swear we won’t be late, i know you have lessons in the morning! it’s one of those romcom, you know? i’m sure you will like it!” he sounded so enthusiastic while inviting you to the cinema to watch one of the latest film with your favourite actor. for the third time. the weird thing was that you never talked about it.
after some time of trying to convince yourself that it was just your mind trying to convince you that every man was some kind of psychopath, your fears became reality when you found one of his notebook. full of informations and pics of you. the more you turned page after page, your trembling hands holding it tightly, you realised izuku had been stalking you for months, way before joining your friends. you felt sick as you found every tiny detail about you listed there, details not even your closest friends knew about you.
“oh, there it was,” his voice startled you. you dropped the notebook as you jumped in place, not expecting him to appear out of nowhere. “i dropped it before my last lesson, how unfortunate huh?” he chuckled as he retrieved it and secured it into his backpack. “i didn’t really want you to know about that, your brain would never process it and make you realise that i’m in fact what you need. but that’s okay! we can sort it out, i just gotta work extra hard now so you won’t leave me!” his grin made you shiver, you stood there speechless as he spoke so nonchalantly even after you found out he was your stalker. what’s wrong with him?! “why don’t you come over at mine, hm? i know your brain is full of thoughts right now, i don’t want my darling to feel overwhelmed all by her own. what kind of partner would do that?”
“p-partner?” oh you were so ready to run away the moment he started walking towards you but when he grabbed your wrist and held it with such force you realised you couldn’t really escape him. you didn’t even realise you were crying now. “yeah. i mean, i prepared for this role for almost a year now,” his laugh was anything but comforting.
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badkitty3000 · 2 months
Do you think Five was attracted at all to Viktor as a child?
This is going to be a controversial answer, so before I begin, I would like everyone taking the time to read this to know that I do not consider myself any type of Five or TUA authority. I respect everyone's take on all of the characters' backstories and personalities, etc. and I hope they respect mine in return. After all, this is fiction, and I am in no way trying to offend anyone. I believe we can all share this happy, fun fandom with our different theories and headcanons!❤️😊
With that out of the way, no, I don't think Five was attracted to Viktor as a child. I realize I'm most likely in the minority here, but I just don't see it. And I know, Aidan Gallagher has said that he thought Five and Viktor had a crush on one another when they were kids, so I should probably adopt that as canon, but...I just can't. And this has nothing to do with gender, Five or Viktor's sexuality, or his coming out as trans later in the story. The reason I have a really hard time wrapping my head around that is because of their personalities.
Now, I'm going to say something else controversial here, so please don't throw rocks at my head. Viktor is boring. And kind of whiny. And very annoying. There, I said it...I'm sorry! 😫
He has his merits, don't get me wrong, and I admire Elliot Page as an actor. But the character of Viktor just seems so completely opposite of Five that it's very hard to imagine the attraction there.
Maybe when they were younger, they were close, as stated in Viktor's book. They all seem to have kind of paired off at one point or another during childhood, so that I can believe. The entire family was isolated and brought up under weird circumstances and I don't fault any them for any attraction between one another. But come on...Viktor? He's just not going to do it for Five. At least on a level other than brother/friend/confidant relationship.
Unfortunately, we do not get much of their childhood before Five disappears, or really even after. The only thing we get to see that we can piece together (that isn't in the book, since we only know that from the good folks online that have shared their pics of the zoomed in text) is that Viktor doesn't think Five should jump (they look at each other and he shakes his head), Viktor left out sandwiches for Five after he left, and Five goes to him first to tell him about the Apocalypse when he returns. That's kind of it and it's not much to go on.
Five is such a wild card, and full of energy and smug attitude, and overall asshole-ness, that it's hard for me to picture the two of them together in any romantic way. Viktor is such a wet blanket and I can't imagine Five finding that very attractive. Even as a kid, I just can't see it. Friends: yes; More than friends: no.
Here's another hot take that no one asked for: I don't think Five was wrong in threatening to kill Viktor in season 3. The whole thing with Harlan was irritating and Viktor basically took Harlan's side and risked everyone's life to try and save him. Yes, I know, Five can be called the villain here because he works alone as well, but...at least everything he's done has been with his family's interest at heart. Viktor just up and fucked them over. So yeah...I kind of understood his point.
Obviously, I have some blinders on here, and I admit that. Five is my favorite character and I rarely concede that he does anything wrong. He is the love of my (fictional) life and no one else comes close. So, I'm sorry and I know this is not a popular opinion. Please forgive me!! 😭😂
This got a little out of hand for such a simple question...oops! I fully expect backlash on this, but that's ok. And I truly have nothing against any Viktor/Five shippers out there. Like I said, this is all fiction and it's supposed to be fun!
Peace and love! ☮️❤️😽
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lady-phasma · 4 months
Hi , I don’t know if you’ve seen the new Ewan and Tom photo shoot and interview but …. I know this will get hate from Ewan Nation, hence why I’m coming to auntie . Anyway two years ago god it seems longer lol, I was like everyone obsessed with Aemond and his actor . The mysterious Ewan … I wanted to know about him, wanted more pics and photo shoots , however time has a way of changing things . Now I find myself wishing for the old days . The pixel days ( if you know you know 😂) I mean don’t get me wrong I like Ewan , but I miss the mysterious introvert . Perhaps that’s the thing too, I felt a connection to him and his character . The interviews he’s done it’s clear he’s extroverted so idk if the introvert was a character he was playing or what but now he just rings false to me. Phony like every other Hollywood actor who just wants fame . I don’t wanna speak cruel about Ewan nation but they seem to eat this up and anyone who dares say boo about him is attacked hence anonymous . It’s just everything he was seems flipped and he just rings false to me . A phony …. Honestly it’s turned me off from the show completely. Thank you for listening to my rant . If you response awesome if you don’t that’s fine too .
Before I get started, don't come at nonnie y'all! Keep scrolling if you don't agree or read what I have to say because it might surprise you.
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Okay, so.. hi anon! Thank you for coming to me. Two things first: "Ewan Nation" is unfair because I don't like to generalize groups of people; I want you to enjoy your show again!
I definitely think your feelings are valid but I'm going to tell you what I think because you came to me... you'll probably disagree but here goes.
Ewan is a human and complicated, right? And all we see is what is presented by him, his PR people, his stylist, and HBO (while promoting HotD). So I think it's unfair to go so far as to say "phony." I think he is growing as a person and most of us are fortunate enough to not have to do that in front of the world.
I mean don’t get me wrong I like Ewan , but I miss the mysterious introvert . Perhaps that’s the thing too, I felt a connection to him and his character . The interviews he’s done it’s clear he’s extroverted so idk if the introvert was a character he was playing or what but now he just rings false to me.
I truly do not believe that he is an extrovert at all. I think he is contractually obligated to promote and to appear in articles and it's good for his career overall. Here's a link to the SAG-AFTRA page on contracts that might give you some info if you want to dig. Also, a Variety article about the 2023 strike that discusses what actors were not allowed to do during the strike. Guess what? No interviews! I'm not being patronizing, I'm trying to make the point that this is his job. Ewan may not want to be in the public eye but I would imagine his contract, as the face of one of the most popular characters in the show, is pretty full of appearances.
Anyway two years ago god it seems longer lol, I was like everyone obsessed with Aemond and his actor . The mysterious Ewan … I wanted to know about him, wanted more pics and photo shoots , however time has a way of changing things . Now I find myself wishing for the old days . The pixel days ( if you know you know 😂)
I hate to say it but "be careful what you wish for" nonnie. I mean that with the most compassion. I think you may have wanted more of the Ewan you thought he was. Or even that what you thought you wanted changed. We all change and, yes, it has been almost 2 years!! So you aren't the same person either. Give yourself and Ewan a break - a lot can happen in two years!
Lastly, and I can't fix this for you only offer my opinion, I think you should try to reframe how you look at the show. You can enjoy a film/series without needing to know anything about the actors. This part of the fandom should be fun. I want you to be able to enjoy it and there may be nothing that can make you like it anymore. However, I would like for you to think about actors as people. People who have a job and do it every day just like we do. We can't know why they do it, what their motivations are, but we can enjoy the fruits of their labor.
I think Ewan love his job, genuinely. Watching him talk about Aemond... he just exudes enthusiasm! I think loving your job that much is a gift. I don't believe he enjoys being in the public eye, but promos like this one are with coworkers who he has known for at least three years now.
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If you read this far, anon and anyone else, maybe you'll have a slightly different perspective. I think anon's feelings are valid, because most of us get emotionally attached to actors and we can only ever know what's presented to us through media. If anon feels let down or disappointed that is valid, even if I don't believe it's because Ewan is fake or an extrovert. I think he is young and learning more about his industry. I hope he continues to grow as an actor and as a person. I hope it doesn't disappoint more people, but as long as he is happy and remains kind I want him to be more comfortable doing the job he seems to love.
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max-the-many · 10 months
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Start here:
('body a day' #12: six)
So I reached for the phone again. It literally was flooded with messages of all sorts of guys. But I scrolled for others. Didnt take long until a guy caught my attention, sporting a pretty chill selfie, probably at the gym.
I went for it a little lower this time, still pumping from the storm before and he seemed to vibe on the same boat. Still I invited him to come over. Again, he replied to be at my place pretty immediate.
I welcomed him rather moderate, throanging over a bathrobe when the door rang. The tingle was pretty evident, when our eyes met, but I gently pulled him into the hallway with a warm smile, stated my pleasure for him coming over.
His smile really was adorable, giving this slight hint of shiness in a quite moment standing infront of one another.
And I stepped closer, feeling his presence, lifting my hand to cup the back of his head, still just looking into his eyes, coming closer and closer until our lips met.
It was such a desirable change of pace, while soon enough my longing for this alien sensation grew stronger yet again, injoying him nothing less as we just stood in the hallway, kissing, feeling eachother, his hands not even sliding under my robe.
So gentle, so slow yet loaded with attraction, my head drivting towards that spot in my chest ever so often, more and more feeling a kind of gentle pulse towards him.
"Come in" I sounded eventually, leading him into the bedroom where we continued, slowly starting to get under covers, injoying us, injoying the simple sensation of touch, loosing all sense of time, drifting into bliss while I found into laying ontop of him, uniting in waves of motion until I realised the pulse inside my chest had gotten more and more substential, even hugging our pleasures, tongling to be released in any moment. And I swayed on and on, feeling his hands on my back his gentle, longing kisses, his purring moans, bursting in anticipation, covering each other with pure bliss in a hightening moment of shared satisfaction.
But other than that my chest remained the same.
We stayed besides for quite a while, hardly speaking a word, injoying the company, little kisses, skin on skin, bodies interlocking until he left with another long kiss.
And I was left questioning again. Was I closer ? Was it even real? The possibility of doing it myself? And again, those questions felt so unreal. Just days before I wouldn't have ever thought that something like this would be possible in the slightest.
I took the phone again. Maybe for distraction, scrolled through the pages, the message, without really paying much attention.
All those guys, porentially available at a whim. Not only for adventures like I just had but for experiences way beyond. If I only could figure out how, if even really possible.
What if I was stuck in my neighbours body? I mean it wouldn't be the worst, but the tjought of switching back and forth all just as I wished for it... just felt so right! So tempting, so exceptionally perfect. And I already changed from that dude at the beach into my neighbour! There must be a way!
But for today I was exhausted.
"Wanna hang?"
A message caught my eye. It was a lean, hazel eyes guy, a boyish smile under dark brown curls. Yeah, hang, chill, just injoying company. This was just what I needed...
We met some blocks away from the flat. I really needed some air. He greeded me with this captivating smile even sweeter now than on his pics.
It was a midly chill evening, dark and cozy in a way while we wandered through the streets, having a chat. It was quite strange at times to catch myself forgetting, that I was inhabiting the body of my neighbour, that I was him! Or at least had his looks which effected my behavior quite a bit.
Soon we ended up in his flat again, the flat of my neighbour.
"Tee? Sure"
Chatting on I felt really drawn to him. He was so calm, so... here. His looks, his ways. We were drawn to eachother without any hesitation.
"It's really nice to have you here" I eventually stated, laying my hand on his cheeks vbefore I kissed him.
But other than that, we just got closer, leaned into eachother, eventually laying on the couch, injoying the feeling of eachother, undressing to just our underwear, feeling the warmth of our skin, eventually falling asleep under a simple blanked.
He was still asleep as I opened my eyes in the early morning. What a day it was. And what an encounter at the end.
I got up, heading for some tea. As I returned I just marveled for a moment on the sight of him, sleeping on the sofa just wearing those simple, cute briefs.
I sat besides him on the floor, leaning on the couch, sipping on the steaming cup, thinking of the past days. Eventually my thoughts ended up on my chest again, breathing, searching, focusing on the movements of that gorgeous body, its blood flowing, gentle twitches of those well-tended muscles, that chest going in and out deeper with every breath.
I got calm, my head got lighter, my thoughts more free than they were for a good while now. And without pressure I noticed a glow in my chest, a pulse, like a soft force, growing ever so gentle while my mind felt the presence of...
My hand lifted up to my chest without me really leading it yet it was my will that controlled it until I felt that same feeling of crossing the surface of my chest like it happened at the beach.
And there it was, that glow growing in my hand, pulled out of my chest, the chest of my neighbour, his body twisting towards that gentle soul laying behind me before everything went black...
It was the smell of home that I noticed first, coarse fabric against my nose, a slight chill on my naked body. I opened my eyes, seeing the dark brown of the corner I was turning to, stiring my body gently, feeling soft fabric arounf my hips.
I turned around. And there he was. My neighbour, leaning against the couch with closed eyes.
I stood up feeling a mixture of sleepyness and confusion. And it just slowly poured into my mind as I headed towards the mirror, that I found myself inhabiting the body of that sweet, hazle-eyed soul.
I just stood infront of the mirror for quite a while. It worked! It really worked! Or at least, it felt like beeing not only the force of some detatched energy, pulling me in and out without me having any control of it.
The sound of heavy moans got me out of my thoughts again. As I looked to my neighbour, he seemed to wake up and as I remembered the irritated reaction of that dude from the beach I figured, it would be best to leave before he was fully aware of things again, however it really was for him.
So I grabbed the cloth of my new host and left, not without another good glimpse of that stunning body of my neighbour, those muscles, that chisled fase and the prominent bulge in loose boxershorts.
I almost could feel the sensation of it growing as I hastily put on my new cloth in the hallway before I left. Maybe this wasn't the last visit here...
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fourmula1 · 1 year
Post a snippet of the onlyfans fic!!!!!!
ok but this is about adult content creators so there is virtually nothing i can share that isn't porn.... so. proceed ~with caution lol.
Daniel has been watching the guy’s clips for awhile now.
It surprised him at first when he scrolled through @orgasmax’s twitter and saw the clips he posted.
@Orgasmax getting fucked against a window, getting fucked on his back while his tits bounced, getting fucked on his knees while he unabashedly moaned for it. He was loud, so vocal, clearly absolutely loving it. He never showed his face; so many of the clips were headless, or with his back to the camera. Glimpses of his plush lips sometimes but nothing more. Anonymous. Hot.
And he had an accent. Something not-American, something Daniel couldn’t pinpoint, but he had a raspy voice and he wasn’t afraid to show whoever was fucking him that he was having a good time. Loud, vocal, always saying how good it was, how much he loved it. And Daniel could tell that he wasn’t putting it on for the camera. Daniel had fucked plenty of guys on camera and he always cringed a little at how fake some of them were with their over-the-top moans or calling him ‘daddy’. It wasn’t natural. Not like this guy was. He clearly was really enjoying himself, and that made it all the hotter for Daniel to watch.
There was no link in his twitter bio to an Only Fans page, like Daniel and a lot of the men he filmed with had.
No links in any of his tweets.
His bio was simple: max. all pics & vids are me. 18+. dm for collabs.
It seemed that @orgasmax filmed and posted clips of his hook-ups for the joy of it and nothing more. He had over a hundred thousand followers and the engagement on his clips was insane.
Hundreds or even thousands of likes, retweets, endless comments about how sexy he was, how wet he got, how much he loved taking dick. He could be making bank selling his content but instead, here it was, free on twitter. Damn.
Daniel kept returning to one particular clip Max had posted. 45 seconds long. Shot in full body profile, Max stood with hands braced against a floor-to-ceiling window, just a little bit bent over at the waist, the sun beaming in as he got fucked from behind. The heads of both men cut off from view but that wasn’t the point. The point was Max was getting railed against the glass, moaning and whimpering for it, fucking whining for it, and shooting so much fucking cum untouched, glistening in the sunlight, that Daniel had to squeeze himself a little to take the edge off.
That seemed to be a particular talent of his, and Daniel scrolled through watching him, time after time, coming hands-free and shooting massive, thick loads all over himself. Or the window. Or the floor. The best part was that he stayed hard and could come again, Daniel discovered.
He’d never seen anything like it, never filmed with anyone who could come multiple times in the same session, never been with anyone who got so hard and so wet his cock shot – not dribbled – pre-cum out. All over his belly, smearing and shining in the light of each clip. Dripping down when he was stood getting nailed from behind, camera positioned between his feet, pre-cum even dribbling onto the fucking camera lens a time or two. Dribbling out of him when his tops nailed his prostate just right, spurts shooting out like it was nothing. It was so hot.
Daniel scrolled back up to ‘like’ the clip of Max getting railed against the window. He was going to revisit that one later. On a whim he hit ‘follow’, too, and then went back to his DMs to scroll through all the hot dick pics waiting for him.
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poupeesdecirque · 8 months
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Photo Challenges - Why I do them & why I do them alone
Time for a new blog, my topic this time: Photo Challenges!
With the new year a lot of people attempt to do the "A Doll A Week" a weekly photo challenge, some are even that ambitious to do the 365-Challenge, a photo for each day.
Back in 2014 I started my very first attempt to do a photo challenge, I got a DSLR as gift 1 1/2 years in before and kinda wanted to do more with it than just taking photos here and there. The weekly challenge of the ADAW seemed fun. On the top of this entry you can see my very first entrance for it. As you can see it started with a quite random photo.
I can tell I didn't make the full 2014 according to the ADAW but as I checked my files I noticed I indeed took photos each week?! Therefore I failed but .. also did not. It was somehow weirdly motivating for me to see that I can do it.
2015 was the first true attempt for me to finish the ADAW, this time with more effort. Because just taking photos is boring right? Aside taking more photos I wanted to feature each doll I had, around that time that was still very much possible with 52 photos for the 52 weeks of the year.
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I was prepared, this was the first pic of 2015 .. well.. no. It wasn't I took it in advance and this is one of the points I later on disliked how I approached the whole thing. I was in a flickr group for some time and the same theme was going against my own liking, that people just took 20 photos at a time, posted them (all looking alike) and were finished with the whole challenge within half of the time.
I asked myself if this was what I wanted? The whole thing started to frustrate me, as I tried to come up with cool ideas and I saw other people half-assed their entries. Of course each to their own but no passion for the project, 'cheating' with multiple photos from one photoshoot just to make it "full" that seemed wrong for me.
But I managed to finish 2015! My first year with 52 weekly photos taken. The next year started with a photoshoot as well but I didn't use it for the ADAW.
Instead I took a break to regain and started with another idea:
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Names! Like this one was named "ADAW 01 - Frost Pattern" I made it into an own challenge to add creative titles to go with the photos, also I added more and more photos, not just one but multiple. This was to challenge myself more and more. Still I tried to be motivated by others and motivate them but somehow... it still was turning me off that people approached the whole thing less .. uhm.. strict? I can't really put it into words, I just can tell as I later on within the years tried to build up a guide how to do the ADAW I got so demotivated seeing others doing it that I had to put the thread in the forum on full ignore and do my own instead? It's super weird.
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What really got me going though was that I started to print my photos. 2 Photobooks for one year, having my photos printed made them more precious to me. I still make photobooks and last year I reached the maximum page count for the books and uhm.. might need to do three a year if that continues.
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I can tell I got hooked by photos. Sometimes it felt hard to start over though, to start with "nothing" all over again, as I tend to null & void my own progress in my mind and well.. "new year, nothing done" got me hard sometimes, that's why the first days of the new years were hard for me to find ideas.
Also the fact that I still tried not to feature a doll twice got harder and harder even given I had more than enough dolls. But you know how it is, right? When you restrict yourself you want to do exactly that what is restricted.
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Did I feel drained in the process of taking photos weekly? Oh yes, I did. Especially because I decided I have to take WHOLE PHOTOSHOOTS and sometimes even posts with outtakes to share fact about the characters. Some weeks I was so demotivated.
But a thing that helped me going was ... routine. And the photobooks. I picked a day during the week I was taking photos, which for me is Saturday, and it's still mainly Saturday to be honest.
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It was 2019 already and you can see I returned to taking new year's photos, 2020 was similar. But I got tired of the ADAW thing, because it was kind of still setting to close borders for me. Taking photos weekly was becoming easy for me because I did it for so long. I still kinda tried to keep up with other hobbyists but in 2020 with the pandemic I cut ties with my local community and decided that 2021 would be the first year of me not doing a 'A Doll A Week'
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Wait? What? Yes, you read that correctly.
Welcome to my own challenge the ... Weekly Photo!
This might seem not much of a difference but allows me to take photos, not just of dolls but of landscapes, people, animals and that was important to me. I still mainly use it for dolls but I wanted to do an own challenge, without any link back to the 'rules' of the ADAW and without the mental connection to the community I had left behind.
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With the Weekly Photo I started to thrive. No more (own set) boundaries, every doll could be featured, even 20 times in a row, no rules, no titles, no themes, just me and my camera. For the sake of being creative.
And that's what I can tell you about my challenges... do it for the creativity, do it to challenge yourself. Don't be that dumb like I was and think you have to stick to what everyone else does or that you have to do it a certain way.
Now taking photos became so easy for me I see it as challenge to use the seasons as canvas to come up with something, to learn what light/time is the best.
I can tell my photography has envolved because I dared and tried, I challenged myself, revisted ideas but didn't try to set boundaries to my own creativity.
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To be honest I now see photo ideas everywhere and almost have to stop myself from taking TOO MANY PHOTOS because .. I still need to sort them out :')
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Oh a little thing that still is a rule for me ... I didn't bury them all: the first photo has to be taken in the actual year. Yes, I stayed up super late to take Tamani's photos as the first set of 2024 just to be sure I have that done.
I'm not sure if this entry is helpful for someone, for me looking up the old photos (I put in one for each year of a challenge) was super interesting and with a super busy week and weekend behind me I wanted to do a lighter topic for once.
I can tell writing down really helps me to reflect the hobby and to think through some decisions.
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oftlunarialmoon · 10 months
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5 Agere Activities for a Rainy Day (Indoors Edition)
Ciao lovelies! We’re moving into spring here where I am, and with the spring, comes LOTS of rain. There are many outside ideas to do for agere, (and yes, even some rainy day ones!) but today, I’d like to share 5 of my favorite agere activities to do on a rainy day, or on days where I can’t go outside (snow, too hot, etc.)..
All of the ideas I’m sharing today are my personal faves!
Idea #1: Change your doll’s (or stuffies!) outfits….or make them some outfits!
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Super old pic, I know (I have wayyy different hair now, lol), but this idea is still one of my faves. Picking new outfits for my dolls is always super fun and sometimes I even have a mini photoshoot with them after changing their looks. I can also turn this idea into a full afternoon of play by setting up a “doll salon” to select their looks and they each get a spray of choice perfumes and hair brushes :) 
If you don’t have clothes for your dolls/stuffies, you can also make them clothing or accessories! I’m aiming to put some tutorials of that sort on the blog and possibly on the Youtube channel soon, but for now, here’s some tutorials that I have already made to get you started:
There are many fun and simple methods for making doll clothing or accessories, I once again have to highly recommend MyFroggyStuff’s Youtube channel for this! She has awesome ideas and she makes it all seem so easy. 
Idea #2: Take a fun Bubble Bath!
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Taking a fun and relaxing bath is a nice way to both regress, and practice self-care! You can find cute bath toys like these at dollar stores, and bath bombs, bubble bath, bath fizzies, etc as well! I even love buying the “bath puppets” which are just washcloths that go on your hands like a puppet, and are shaped like animals! I have a sharkie and a froggie. When I take baths or showers, I like to imagine going through a checklist with my scrubby buddy (most often Mr Sharkie) to make sure I get 1000000% clean! Sometimes I even make a little song of this and hum it to myself. :)
It’s also nice having access to fun body washes and soap! My current favorite body wash is scented from “Viva las Vegas SWEET” which is some kind of perfume thing, but it smells like candy, and it looks cute out of the tube! (it’s pink and shimmery 0.0)
I’ve also seen body washes for babyshark, Barbie, and other kids franchises! Oh, and even some grown-ups products are still cute for this too! I have a Hello Kitty sugar scrub that was intended for grown-ups, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t cute anyway! :) Oh, and Crayola makes body wash “crayons” as well, the tubes are crayon shaped and the body washes are colorful!
Okie, okie, that’s a lot of me rambling about baths, sorry >.<
Idea #3: Play Video Games!
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Sometimes there’s nothing better than wearing comfy clothes, having a nice snack, and playing video games! On rainy days this activity feels super cozy and wonderful, and there are lots of games out there that are cute and good for agere!
My current faves are Animal Crossing New Horizons on my Switch, Sandbox Coloring App on my phone, Nintendogs on my 3Ds, and Minecraft on my PC! I love that games are on a lot of different devices, so that I can always find something to do~
I think Animal Crossing is a really cool game for age regressors, and the New Horizons one is very cute for a lot of reasons! I can dress my avatar up in cute fashions and i can even buy…..pacis! and…..Cute kawaii dresses!!! :0 You could make your dream agere outfits in this game, and i do it all the time, tbh!
Idea #4: Journaling or Writing in a Diary!
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I love love love my regression journal! I use stickers, washi tape, coloring pages, crayons, markers, and more on it, and it’s really freeing to have a journal that doesn’t need to be neat or tidy. My daily journal is also my regression journal, as I am someone who is semi-regressed all the time! :3 I also do vent journal entries in this journal (to share with my therapist), and lists, collages, doodles, info pages…lots of things! 
I have an article on here actually about Agere Journaling! 
I also want to briefly ramble about my stickers, I have found 2 really good sources of stickers for my journal. The first is a subscription service called Stickii, which sends you a themed sticker pack every month, these packs include stickers from lots of independent artists and I really love each one I’ve gotten so far (I’ve gotten 2 so far.) **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
The second is Blippo Kawaii Shop, which sells sticker mystery bags which I have an opening video of on OFT’s IG! :) I love their selection of kawaii stickers, and it’s always fun getting a package from them. Also… once again: **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
Idea #5: Play with Legos or building blocks! 
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Something that I love doing when I am small is playing with building blocks or legos! I like the Minecraft sets or the dollar store legos! :) I use the legos to build things for my mini town and dollhouse, as well as make dollrooms! :) 
Megablocks have larger blocks as well if you regress younger and want something more simple. Also… once again: **DISCLAIMER: I am not sponsored or affiliated with this brand, I just wanted to give a personal recommendation! 
You can use building blocks to make obstacle courses for your minis, specific types of buildings for playing pretend, mecha robots for epic battles…….>.<’ sorry my brain totally went to gundam XD
They also sell building block sets for making iconic characters like pikachu and other pokemon, as well as other anime and game characters! I think this type of block is called a nano block.
What do you think of these 5 agere activities for a rainy day? What activities are your favorite when small? Let me know in the comments, I love hearing from you lovelies and having great discussions!
And now for the most important thing in this outro…..I get to say……
STAY AWESOME!! You are awesome, just as you are, and you should look at yourself with love and kindness. Don’t forget to love yourself, whether you practice self-care, treat yourself, or take care of your future self by getting a task done ahead of time, self love is important!
Okie, all my ramblings aside, see you in my next post, video, or whatever comes next!
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All Things End, Part 4
Fic Summary: William Thurber is left to pick up the pieces of his nightmare. Reader is a sensitive - a psychic - with knowledge of otherworldly things, and has been drawn to help William.
Characters: William Thurber, Sensitive/Psychic!Reader (F)  
Words: 1.9k
WARNINGS: use of religious language, disposing of a gun, mention of killing
Masterlist ~ Part 3
(moodboard images found on Google and Picsart x, x, but the William pic found on IG but I think it's been taken down because I can't find it anymore. Please let me know if you are the creator and would like anything removed)  
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You had William’s gun concealed in your bag, but knowing that it was there made it seem like it was burning a hole in the worn leather. Like there would be someone just waiting to ask you what you had in your bag. You needed to get rid of it quickly and discreetly.
You knew there was a small lake nearby, and a slow river that flowed around the town. You’d seen it as you came in, but it was more like a stream. You were going to toss the gun the lake. It would be too easy for someone, maybe even a child, to find the gun by accident in the river. And you didn’t want anyone harmed from what was happening right now. Too many souls had already been lost.
It was still early in the morning, the sun still had a long way to go. Most folk were still inside, enjoying the peace of a new day – a luxury that you and William didn’t have. Hopefully no one would see what you were doing, or would be able to say for certain that it was you that they saw.
You took hurried steps when you were farther away from public eyes and when you came to the lake, you went to the furthest spot away from the path as you could. You looked around for anyone, but didn’t see a soul.
You let out a shaky breath and reached into your bag. You looked around once more before you pulled out William’s gun. You wound your arm behind your head and then threw the pistol as far as you could. You watched it sail in the air before it splashed into the serene water, causing ripples to flow outwards from where it landed.
You held your breath for a moment, listening for any sounds at all, but there was nothing. You blew out your breath, touched up your hair and turned to head back into town.
William had let himself shed a few tears after you had left, reminded of everything that had happened when you mentioned that the police had discovered his house. He had killed Rebecca. She had killed James. William buried their bodies, or what was left of them. He had also killed Joe. He thought he would need to kill others. And maybe even-
William went to the bathroom to splash cold water on his face before he could finish the thought. He stared hard at his reflection. Things were going to be okay. You had come to help him. You seemed to know what you were dealing with. Things were going to be okay. He sighed deeply and picked up a towel to dry his face, then left the washroom.
His horrible sketches still lay scattered on the floor and on the desk. The sketch of you felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket. He took it out and tried to flatted out the crumpled page to look at it.
It was a simple sketch, really. But he had captured the curves of your neck, your shoulder peeking out from the covers, your tresses across the pillow, and the daintiness of your eyelashes against your cheek. It captured your beauty with just a few lines. William wondered why he had drawn you... He folded the paper up instead of crumpling it again, and placed it back in the pocket of his trousers.
He collected all of the sketches that he had no memory of creating. He almost threw them out, but decided that there might be some meaning behind them. He put them all in the single desk drawer, so they were out of the way, even though part of his mind told him to burn them in the same way he had burned those paintings. With your help, that was.
But even though you had seen his drawings, they didn’t seem to have had the effect on you that Pickman’s work had on Rebecca or Joe. You had fainted indeed, but you told him it was because of a vision. And he trusted you, for whatever reason, and knew you were telling him the truth.
His body ached when he closed the drawer, and William remembered that he hadn’t gotten much sleep, and the little sleep that he had gotten was slumped over the desk. The bed looked particularly enticing, and he couldn’t resist. He went to the side opposite to where you had slept, and kicked off his shoes and pulled off his jacket. The last time William had slept in his clothes had been in art school, staying up to finish assignments, and he decided he’d be more comfortable without them. He stripped down to his undershirt and underwear, folded his clothes, and lay them on the dresser. He pulled back the covers and slipped into the bed.
William fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, the faint smell of you still wrapped up in the sheets.
You picked up some pastries from a bakery and headed back to the building in which you had rented your room. You were nervous to see if William had done as you asked and remained in the room. You wondered if some of this fear stemmed from other people in your life abandoning you...
You unlocked the door and opened it, and were relieved and heart-warmed to see William lying under the covers of the bed.
His face was peaceful, and it made you feel better. You quietly set the pastries down on the desk and noticed that William had cleaned up all of his sketches. You felt a dark energy coming from inside the desk, and opened the drawer to find that William had put all of the sketches in there. You felt like you heard the demons and beasts cackling at you, but no visions took hold of you.
You closed the drawer and sat in the chair by the window. You pulled your journal out of your bag and let the bag rest on the floor. You opened your journal to where you had left your pen. You wrote down everything you remembered from these visions in this journal. You still needed to document what you saw from this morning, so you set to work on that.
William felt much better when he woke up. The sun hadn’t filled the room, which he found odd. He turned and saw that you were back and had drawn the curtains to keep the room from getting too bright.
You were sitting with your back to him at the desk. A reverse of what happened when you woke up, William imagined. But you were awake, reading something from a leather-bound book in the light of the desk lamp.
“You’re back.” He said, tone laced with wonder.
You startled a little, and closed your book as you turned back to look at him. “I’m glad you got some sleep.” You gave him a soft smile.
“How long have you been back?” He sat up and ran a hand through his hair.
“A few hours.”
“You should have woken me.”
“I wouldn’t dare! You needed the rest.”
He looked down with a smile. “Well, thank you.”
“And I’m sure you’re hungry. I got some pastries. I can make some tea, if you’d like, as well.” You stood up.
“You don’t have to,” William said, looking up at you again.
“I don’t mind.” You were already moving over to the little stove. You filled the kettle in the bathroom and William got out of bed to put his clothes back on.
“Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude.” You said when you came back in. William was almost done, just buttoning up his shirt.
“You didn’t. Anyway, you’ve seen me naked.” He gave you a little smirk.
Your cheeks filled with colour, and William chuckled light-heartedly. “It still doesn’t mean I should invade your privacy.” You said, looking down.
William said your name, and your eyes met his. “You didn’t invade my privacy. I’m sorry that I wasn’t dressed.”
“It’s okay.” There was still a beautiful flush on your face.
“I’m really truly a gentleman, under normal circumstances.”
That earned him a laugh. “I’m sure you are.” You said, setting the kettle on the burner and turning it on.
William sat down at the small table in the corner of the room. You brought over the pastries for him, and then poured him a cup of tea when that was ready, too. William felt warmth spread in his chest at your kindness. Rebecca hadn’t done little things like this him for a long time... understandably, since James was born, their son became her priority. But William felt good... he felt special to be treated this way by you.
You sat down in the other chair and reached over for a Danish. William placed his hand over yours before you could pull it away. You looked up at him in surprise. “Did you want this one?” You asked.
William grinned. “No. I just wanted to say thank you.”
You looked like you were trying to fight a smile. “You’re welcome.” You said softly.
William released your hand, and picked up a croissant for himself. “Truly. I’m sure you’ve put your life on hold, I’m not even sure how far you’ve travelled. You’ve probably left your loved ones behind to help a stranger.”
Your face fell at the last sentiment, your hand pausing halfway to your mouth. You put your Danish down and he watched you swallow thickly. Your eyes looked watery.
“What’s wrong?” William asked, abandoning his food and leaning toward you.
“It’s nothing.” You said, though you were clearly lying.
“I didn’t mean to upset you.” William said, heart aching in his chest at your sudden shift in demeanor.
“I know you didn’t. It’s okay.” You hastily wiped at a tear that fell down your cheek.
“It doesn’t seem like it.” William pushed gently. “If you like, we can talk about it.”
“It’s my burden.” You said, and a few more tears slid down your cheeks. “I don’t have any family waiting for me. There’s no one for me.”
William’s eyebrows drew together in confusion. “Surely, there’s-”
You shook your head and stared hard into his eyes, and he stopped speaking. “My family disowned me after I told them about my abilities. They don’t think it’s a gift from God. They think something is wrong with me. I’ve been on my own since I was sixteen.”
William’s heart broke for you. That was terrible. He didn’t know what to say.
“I’m twenty-five now, William. I’ve been on my own, all alone for nearly a decade.” You sniffled. “My own parents abandoned me. They gave me some cash and left me at a train station. They never want to see me again.”
He wanted to comfort you, but he didn’t know how. He said your name gently. “I’m so sorry.”
You wiped your eyes and straightened your back. You sniffled one last time. “It’s in the past. I know I’m doing God’s work. I’ve helped others. And now I’m here to help you. So, don’t worry about me.” There was a finality in your tone, and William didn’t dare speak.
You picked up your tea and moved back to the desk. You opened your leather journal and William sullenly ate the rest of his food in silence.
Author's note: I hope you liked learning a bit about the reader! And I hoped you liked this chapter. I was pretty pumped after getting into this story again and got this chapter out pretty quick, if you ask me! ;)
reblogs give me life and joy so pretty please? 
@hxneywilde @happyhealthyhobbit @kayhi808 @idaofinfinity @quellmythirst @ellooo0ooo @stressed-chaos @marvelmusing @billyrussohaven  
Part 5
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mistressemmedi · 2 years
i apologize for this long ask, but i'm going to share all the TEA I've ever read about milf (M) and cat grandfather (CG): nobody knows the reason, but M and CG hate each other to guts (my guess this is a case of shitty recognize shitty). whatever happened, it was after the 2021 dutch gp, as they unfollowed each other after that race and then started avoiding to attend the same races. if they are at the same race, he stays in the garage and she stays in the hospitality. M fans are always harassing CG on ig as they know he doesn't like her. RUMOR HAS IT she is aware of what they do, but does nothing to stop it as she hates him too and cuz cat dad (CD) never publicly called out his fans for harrassing her. last year, a M fanpage got exposed threatening "haters" claiming to be on behalf of M and CD. the girl behind the fanpage was also making up lies about CG. this reached CD's sis, who defended her dad and told the girl to leave them alone. the girl apologized, and later said she was "used" by M, that she did what she did cuz M lied to her, and then she disappeared. another thing about this girl is that people found that the she also had a HATE PAGE for M (yes, she had a fanpage for M and also was hating on her on another page), and CG once replied her when she asked if it was true that he dislikes M and he said yes, and that most people around CD don't like M either (i have to say that from what can be seen, only CD's manager seems to really like M. not just his dad dislikes her, his mom, sis and friends never look comfortable around her. it wasn't like that with dilara). months later, people exposed ANOTHER M fanpage making up lies about CG. this girl denied it, keep the fanpage for a while, and this year her fanpage suddenly disappeared. this second girl seems to be OBSESSED with M. she also threatened people, hacked accs of "haters" of M, and insulted even daniil. it's not known if this girl really disappeared after her fanpage was gone, or if she's still around, but acting "in the shadows", as CD's family, dilara, and gossip accs that post about M continue to get threats. it was revealed by the first girl that M talks to fans, but in the midst of so many rumors, lies, and craziness, it's not known what she actually has ever said to these girls. the rumors range from her just thanking their support and replying whether she will attend a race or not, to rumors that she became friends with the girls and even shared details about her private life, such as her life with CD is kinda boring, and that he doesn't "engages" with her stuff like daniil used to do. maybe y'all don't know, but some wags interact with their fans. giada had a GC with fans and she told them first about the end of her relationship with charles. however, some fans turned against her once the relationship was over and faked messages from her on this GC to claim that she talked shit about charlotte. charlotte daily checks stories on fan accs. elena also replies fans. heidi is also believed to talk to fans cuz her main fanpage knows way too many personal things about her, posts videos and pics that no one else has seen anywhere, and always knows when heidi is with daniel. some time ago it was found that her sis had a side acc to defend her on wag pages. carmen also talked to fans, and when her acc was private, she allowed fanpages to repost the pics she posted there, except the ones with kids. some of the evidence against M could be fake. a gossip acc once posted a fake chat of her saying to fans that CG HIT her. this rumor CG hit M seems to have come from the first girl exposed making up lies about CG. although i would never trust a ~picket~, i trust gossip accs and fanpages even less. sorry for this long ESSAY. i hope that with this INSIGHT y'all stop thinking they will ever get married. we are closer to him breaking up with her due to her fans' harassing his family than having an wedding between those awful families - God writes straight with crooked lines.
I'm so sorry, I'm sure you put a lot of effort in what I feel is your magnum opus (and thank you for your hard work) but I am OBSESSED with "God writes straight with crooked lines". That sentence fucks so hard 👹
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aegislash-kingdom · 2 years
If you have a sword oc, it is very likely that I have started to study them and make theories or headcannons about them for fun. (Mainly because I literally have nothing better to do with my time than to think about swords.)
So today I am going to share a theory I had about the loveable dork dusk from @elbdot series "el's alolan adventures"
First of all I want to make it perfectly clear that THIS IS NOT CANNON ! its just a simple idea I had when studying the character for fun!
Second of all I just want to point out that I love this huge dork and he's become a regular staple in my life even if ive only been following for literally a month. ( and No I'm not even embarrassed to say I have that really old sailor moon pic as my lock screen because he makes me happy)
and lastly, (THE SINGLE PHOTO IS FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IT BELONGS TO @elbdot!) it is also from the candy cane song!
Now, with that out of the way let's jump into the headcannon!
So this headcannon is based on a very small detail that is quite easy to glaze over apoun your first glance at dusk. After all he does look fairly normal for an aegislash aside from his blade being a different shape, having 2 points instead of 3. However we're not focusing on the blade, instead we will focus on his shoulders instead!
One day, as I gaze apoun the bean, I came to notice something that has been a common reoccurring habit that dusk has. Dusk keeps raising his cloth shoulders up into points!
The pointy cloth shoulders are most prominent here in this photo and I've come to notice that dusk mainly does this when he's either, excited, scared or nervous about something.
The height of his shoulders can vary depending on mood too! If dusk is nervous or excited, they will be higher than normal as opposed to him being angry or scared.
Now, we could definitely say it's part of elbdots artstyle, But I believe there may be a more interesting reason behind why he does this 👀
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So for those of you that have known or been following elbdots page for a while you will know that dusk has a gifted jacket that he used to wear in the comics or in some other separate art pieces.
Well, I got to thinking about this and noticed that jackets have shoulders and dusk does not put the jacket over his pointy metal shoulders. So if he doesn't put them over the metal shoulders how does he keep it on?
(⬇️ Art by me)
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I have an answer for that!
I imagine when dusk was first gifted his jacket by EL, he didn't know how to properly wear it or keep it on at first. This would lead to dusk learning how to wear human clothes so he could wear the jacket propery. Eventually it would lead to him simply positioning his shoulders outwards so that his jacket wouldn't slip off his arms.
So... What if dusk had just been wearing the jacket for so long, that it just became a regular habit over time even when he wasnt wearing it? he doesn't seem to realize that he's even doing it either.
(⬇️ Art by me)
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So in conclusion, dusks pointy shoulders may be a simple habit from wearing his jacket! However... I honestly wonder if dusk has ever tried to wear any other types of human clothes besides his jacket, sunglasses and that one sweater. If he has I wonder how he managed to wear them?
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samatheia229 · 2 years
Rise Rant: Leo's Sword Situation
Yes, this is a call-out post.
I obsessively reload the Rottmnt page on AO3 every day so I'm caught up with most of the new/updated fics, which is how this phenomena came to my attention.
There are a decent amount of fics where Leo still uses an odachi instead of his iconic twin katana after unlocking Hamato Ninpō. I know some Rise fans were unhappy with the reversion to the OG weapons and stick with the mystic weapons, and there's nothing wrong with that. You do you. I've even seen some fic authors write Leo using both odachi and twin katana interchangeably. Great!
My issue is with the group of people who seem to think that post-Ninpō, Leo wields TWO ODACHI.
I was reading a fic yesterday where one commenter (we'll call them OP) 'informs' the author that Leo uses twin odachi post-Ninpo, not katana.
Someone else replied, saying something along the lines of "I thought the garden trowels turn into twin katana. They're different from what I remember."
Then OP responded to the reply like "Nah, it's odachis. Imagine how strong Leo must be to wield two at once!"
And that, as they say, was the straw that broke the camel's back for me.
WHERE DID THIS IDEA COME FROM? Denial? Glorification of Rise? Misinformation? Something else? All of the above?
Odachi and katana are very different swords from appearance alone. You don't need knowledge of martial arts to know this.
Still in denial? Here's the proof.
Katana have thinner blades and wide hilts. Odachi are much bigger and heavier, and in the show clearly have a wider and longer blade.
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IRL comparison. The odachi is bigger and longer than the tachi (the smallest sword in the 1st pic) and the katana is smaller/shorter than the tachi.
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This size/length difference remains true in the show. The odachi is almost as big as Leo at his full height while his twin katana only take up roughly the vertical length of his shell. There are some inconsistencies because the show has too much going on to really focus on sword length, but still.
If you're still not convinced, then let's talk animator logic. Except Donnie, all the turtles use their OG weapons in the beginning of the pilot episode. The katana in Leo's hands are basically identical to the katana he wields post-Ninpō.
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The way the two swords are drawn in the show are also visually different.
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Just from a logical standpoint, it's obvious that Leo would not be using two odachi. We've seen him wield his odachi with one hand so it's entirely possible that he's capable of using two at once, but even so it's hardly practical and even just plain inefficient, especially when you take into account his sword-throwing teleportation move. It doesn't matter that Leo could do it. Two giant, heavy swords are just cumbersome and impractical for a fighter who relies on speed and mobility.
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Headcanons that glorify Rise are one thing. The "bio-engineered soldiers of war" headcanon is fanon because there are many uncertain factors so who's to say it can't be canon. However, spreading very blatant misinformation of canon, like this debacle with Leo's swords, is not okay.
TL;DR: Rise Leo uses one (1) mystical odachi for most of the series but uses twin katana after unlocking Ninpō.
If you still can't see it, then you are — to put it harshly — either blind or stupid, neither of which are mutually exclusive.
Thank you for listening to (reading) my TED Talk.
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 1 year
Just wondering (no hate, I promise) what are your specific issues with MF and MGK’s relationship? Not a fan of hers (last I saw was Jennifer’s Body), and though I like his music I’m not really into keeping up with gossip (bad for my mental health), so I truly mean it, what’s up with them? Also feel free to not answer this is if you’re not doing well/are worried you’ll get hate for it. Hope you’re having a great day :)
Oh I'll probably definitely get hate for it, people who support her tend to act like her which I'm sure in their eyes is a lovely thing. I'd refer you mostly to @triplexdoublex for alllll the bullet points, I truly try to keep my page to supporting the boys- though I can't always keep myself from a few choice words about her. Roxy has always been the best at covering what happens between them, though I think even she is getting a bit worn down by it so I wouldn't suggest asking so much as scrolling through her old posts. But I'll take a small crack at it.
I was supportive in the beginning, he talked like he was so in love and I have plenty of old posts showing them off and telling people to leave them alone, but then the drama started.
She would post something melodramatic and keep it super cryptic and sad and people would automatically spread rumors he was cheating. She let rumors spread that he gave her a ring that physically hurt if she took it off, never explaining he hadn't. The jewelry company had to explain. She posted a pic of her arm in a cast and said something like 'I deserved this' or something along those lines which of course people started saying he had hurt her. Eventually the movie company she had been filming with came out explaining she fell during a stunt. This is a small amount of things she would post that would start rumors he was abusive and she fueled the fire at every turn instead of fixing it. She has only once that I can think of said anything to fix the problem and even then it was after posting a caption alluding to him cheating and people went wild and pulled his female guitarist into the mix. She deleted her Instagram and hid for a long time before saying it was "all the media's fault". She acts like she's never to blame but she loves stirring the pot and watching his reputation burn.
There are a lot of images of the exact opposite happening, her very obviously "getting on to him" in public at award shows or just shunning him when he'd get near, which of course also spread rumors but only about him.
She acts like she fixed him, she flat out said she manifested him into existence as a child. Like he's some bad boy archetype and nothing more. Like he's there to serve her. It's not healthy for either of them, her putting that much pressure on him or her having that high of thought about him. There's so many things that make me twitch when I see that they're still together. His personality changes, the way he seems submissive around her but himself everywhere else. The way his own friends seem to come out in support of him staying free of her. Pretty much all of this is on Roxy's page, she did an amazing job keeping up with it all.
I'm sure I'm about to get hate for this, besides my fics I've tried to be mostly careful about staying out of it but for a few random mentions. I've supported Roxy when people come for her and that's how most of the hate has ended up here but honestly I just feel bad for them. I don't spend my time hating her, I don't sit around and fume about it, I try not to even post about it much. Besides my genuine concern for him I don't actually focus on her much at ALL anymore. Why waste my time on hate? I'm sure I'll get anon rage for this but like... That must be a really hard way to live. I always think that about her too. How exhausting it must be to crave attention and shit stirring like that. How tiring narcissism must be. I don't wish harm on her, I just don't think either of them are healthy together. She needs to find herself again as much as he needs free. She's literally changing herself to fit what she thinks he wants. Just so people pay attention? Shit that must suck. Hopefully this explained a few things but again I suggest a deep dive on Roxy's page for the best info 🖤 Hope you have a great day too!
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jomsimagination · 6 months
her muse || Angela weber
“hey, bub.” Angela greets me, as we both enter the school. “morning to you, miss weber.” you kiss her cheek, in which she responds to by wrapping an arm around your waist.
“you seem to like the last name weber so much, huh?” she raises her eye brow, before kissing you on the head. “ewwwww” jessica tells you, as she sees angela kiss you on the head. ”so much for no pda.”
“always so bitter.” you tell jessica, “well yeah, i have nobody to show pda to.” she tells us, sulking quietly. “you’ll find your other half soon jess. i can feel it.”
“woah are you secretly physic?” you look at Angela, then she chuckles shaking her head no. while Jessica rolls her eyes, in bitterness. “you guys are so sweet.” she tells us in a bitter tone, but deep down she meant it.
“hey bells.” you wave hi to your sister as she walks with Edward Cullen, “oh my god. i heard around school that Bella and Edward are dating, right?” you say, picking up your girlfriends camera and taking a pic of the two, while Jessica tells you the gossip she heard, and while you write it down on your notebook. “babe, c’mon.” Angela looks at you. “it’s their private life.”
“it’s not exactly private when they’re walking into school.” you shrug, looking at the pictures, as Angela’s arm around is taken off of you, instead her hands goes back into her pockets.
you were on the gossipy side of the school news, unlike Angela who was on more of the informative not gossip side. Angela didn’t really like gossip—no. she does not like gossip at all. because it ruined her life in middle school. while you on the other hand, you live for gossip, i mean who doesn’t—except for your girlfriend, but still. you were the goddess of gossip. you were releasing gossip on the back pages, since Angela moved your gossip—or as you like to call it; information and accusation. to the back page.
—it's where a person–minimal of five–put in their accusations or gossip, about a peculiar person, whom shall not be named, instead just putting little details of that person, like hair color. and once that accusation was put, it was your job to find out if it was true or false—
now Angela didn’t like that, but to be honest it was the best part of the school news. and that was the reason why Angela absolutely hated it, it was the best part, it was actually just the only part people read, including teachers. well teachers can put in requests too.
why Angela hated it? "it was pure absurd and stupid gossip. that shouldn’t even be posted on the school news!” your girlfriend exclaims. “Ange. calm down. people still read your part.” you say trying to clam her down. in which now your both in your room of your house, fighting on whether to keep your part of the school news.
“oh really like who!? even the teachers don’t read it. to the point people are giving me nothing. it leads me to having absolutely nothing to work with!” she exclaims in anger. “and you know of how much i hate gossip. it’s shit.”
“Ange, come on now. it’s my part we’re talking about. you’re being irrational—
“i’m being irrational!? well you’re being selfish and irresponsible! i mean putting up on wether bella is really pregnant or not?!” Angela’s voice once again rises. “leave. right now. leave. and don’t even bother talking to me anymore, cause i’m selfish. right.” you tell her, your voice stern, your heart broken into million of pieces.
“what?” she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, until she realized. “y-y/n, baby. it-it was a mistake please.” she falls to her knees in front of you, holding your hands while she looks up at you. “no. you’re right i was being selfish. cause that’s who i am, right. leave.”
she knew how much you hated being called ‘selfish’ she knew you weren’t, on some occasions, yes. but you own up to it. but she knows that you are the most selfless person she’d ever met. sharing people food, treats people to hopefully cheer them up. or even doing anything to cheer that person up. sure, you were a loud mouth, a gossiper, and a whole lot of things. but selfish isn’t one of them. she also know it makes you genuinely upset, and she know how to cheer you up.
“y/n, please. i’m sorry.” she says, lifting your head and kissing you on the lips softly. “y/n…” she whispers, her voice and lips soft like feathers. “i-i need time. i just just don’t want to talk to you right now.” that’s what she does, she gives you the time you need, by kissing your forehead, goodbye before leaving your house.
the next day was mostly a blur, Angela not talking to you the whole day as you did the same to her, and mostly staying with your sister's weird vampire? friends. they all looked at you weirdly. looking like they wanna eat you, Rosalie the most.
but she was oddly nice to you, which surprised you, and Bella. though they were a little fun, you stilled missed Angela, but no, you couldn't talk to her. not right now. maybe you two weren't really made for each other. maybe you two aren't gonna get married, adopt two cats, and a kid, and raise them in New York at the age of twenty-one, anymore.
you are the absolute opposite of Angela in the first place, she hates while you live for shopping and gossip. she hates talking bad about a person, while you? well a little, about a person who got on your nerves yes, but not on anyone who doesn't deserve it. and while Angela was the most precious human being, you weren't, you were not precious, cause of a whole lot of things, i mean having your first drink at sixteen? not so precious.
and here you were, waiting for Angela on the side of the stairs, after school, while Bella waits for you far away, giving the two of you privacy. "y/n." Angela said, causing you to look up from your phone.
"Angela." you look up, putting your phone in your pocket. "i. i want to break up. we aren't made for each other, Ange i love you but. we've had the same fight for months now. the same fight that caused you to kiss me. the same fight that both us together, the same fight that became our first official fight as a couple." i sigh, seeing a tear fall from her eyes.
"b-but we can work through this." she says, holding your hands in hers. "we can't. as many time you say or i say it, we can't. i'm sorry. we-we can't" you say, tears falling from your eyes as she hugs you, tight. "we can. i-i believe in us."
"there's nothing to believe in. i'm sorry. but it's never gonna work out." you say ever so softly, hugging her back, then pulling away. "i'm sorry." you kiss her one last time, on the lips and cheeks, before walking away. towards Bella's car.
"i don't want to talk about it." you tell Bella hoping in her car. you were quiet for most of the ride, which was unlike you, bet hey, you just dumped your sweet, oh so sweet and kind and caring, and beautiful, girlfriend of seven months. it hurt, but it was for the best.
you dozed off the way home, but when you woke up, you were not, home, to be exact; you're now outside the Cullen house. "Bella, i want to go home." you tell your sister. "but, Edward invited me."
"Bella. you are way to young for that." you say, with a stern voice. "what!? you're being ridicules, and it's not that. it's just. we just wanted to hang out." Bella tell you, but you are not believing her one bit. "yeah until that hang out leads your period being late."
she just rolls her eyes, and knocks on the door. "Bella. y/n." Edward greets the both of you, Edward could hear your thoughts, and they were loud, it was mostly about Bella leading to pregnancy, automatically. but the one Edward liked hearing from you was, your sweet thoughts about Angela. so when he found out that the of two of you broke up, he was a little sad about it. a little.
his whole family greets us, you didn’t really care that much. since you were a bit sad, cause of the break up. but it’s for the better. and Rosalie was there to cheer you up, she was a fun person to be around. but she has a boyfriend, she’s just straight and friendly.
so when Rosalie walked away, you went up to my sister’s bag, and searched for her keys, and well you sneaked out to many times, so you were an expert, though you did step on a few roses, but it’s fine they won’t notice.
and once you got inside the cat, you were driving off. to where? you didn’t know. you were just driving to somewhere, somewhere where you can think.
so you went to your’s and Bella’s favorite diner, you ordered your favorite got in a table booth, far away from people. and playing games on your phone while you patiently wait for your order.
it’s funny because this was the same diner where Angela takes you for dinner dates every Monday through Thursday. it was sweet that she took you out for dinner for almost everyday. she was so sweet to you, to sweet.
while waiting for your order, you saw mike’s car, with Jessica, Mike and Angela in it, they were going to the next diner. the one next to it. Jessica waved you a little, hi, before going to whisper something to Angela, probably telling her i’m here. but it’s fine.
it’s time to start a new chapter of your life, you say, no crushes no dating, no more parties. and no more Angela, you decided it, all your focus put into studies since it’s your last year now. you were an advanced student, they allowed you to skip senior year and go to collage, so here you are, deciding which one to go to.
you knew Mike always liked Angela in a romantic way, but you got to her first, well not really it was really her. you were a coward, a coward who didn't know how to hide their feelings, so when the information got to Angela, she took her chance and asked you out. you of course said yes. and that was a start of an amazing relationship.
and this day, was the end of it. people who surrounds their life into a relationship, would say it's the end of the world, our their world. in this case, you're the people. she was the best girlfriend, how could you not? she was perfect, but of course perfect things come into an end. not everything lasts forever. true love doesn't exist.
Angela would disagree, she believe in true love, you started to believe too once you met her, but here you are, sulking alone in a diner booth, fiddling with the hem of your shirt while you wait for your order, looking like a lost child.
feeling like a fool. so you muster up all your strength, and leave some money to pay for your order on the table, walk out of the diner. and into Bella's car. you didn't know what to do with your life anymore, she was your other half, but you two were just opposites of one another, you've been fighting for that specific topic for months now. fighting with her was the worst, you'd give her the cold shoulder, while she tries to talk to you.
but in the end you'd always come back running to her. every time. you missed her, a lot. you missed the way she laughed, the way she smiled, the way she’d hold your hand in crowded places so you two won’t lose each other, you missed the way her face lights up just by taking pictures of you. and that was just 2 hours after your break up. but again, some people aren't really made for each other, no matter how hard the other tries, the other one will always be the opposite of the girl.
but you will always be her muse.
A/n, another one. another shitty fic, but yay i posted not proofread, and uh this one is for the most underrated character in twilight and i love her so much. i might post a second part
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