#i entered a show jumping class after 7 fucking years and i won
thewinchestah · 5 months
I kinda stayed gone’d myself at the show jumping ring today not gonna lie.
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bubblesuga · 4 years
Catch My Fall
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Part 1 of my 7 part College AU
Summery: Kim Seokjin is a master gamer. Those who play Ms. Pac Man at the local university tremble when they see him approach, and he enjoyed his reputation for two whole years. That is, until you showed up and beat his high score.  
Warnings: Cussing, smut (oral, M receiving, unprotected sex) 
Word Count: 5,640
A/N: I’m super excited about this AU, and writing the first part just made me even more excited. I hope you guys enjoy, and thank you for reading!! xx
Kim Seokjin was known for being good. 
The on campus arcade was his spot, the place he spent his free time. More specifically, Ms. Pac Man. 
It wasn’t like he meant to become the best player at Ms. Pac Man on campus, but he couldn’t help himself. He found himself addicted, playing for hours and hours. A few people gathered around, Namjoon being one to watch his friend as he hunched over the arcade game and won every screen with expert precision. 
Soon enough, he held the high score. Beating 196 screens and scoring a whopping 676,458 points, he cheered, and so did the people around him. 
That was two years ago, however. Yet, nobody has been able to beat his high score yet. Occasionally, he’d check the machine and make sure KSJ was still displayed proudly at the top of the high score list. Every time he walked near the machine, people would talk. He had a few people claim to have come close to beating it, but each time he proved them wrong and again, reigned King. 
“I’m just saying,” Jimin spoke, a mouthful of food, gesturing wildly to his friend, “what are you going to do when it is broken? You should try to break it yourself so that people have to try even harder.” 
Seokjin tossed a noodle in the direction of Jimin, “I don’t need to worry. It’s been too long, do you really think someone could just randomly show up and beat it now?”  
“Yes.” Everyone besides Seokjin at the table said in unison. 
They were all very aware of how proud Seokjin was of his score. He was becoming cocky, too confident in himself but with each passing Friday night, someone came closer and closer to inching him off the screen. 
Seokjin scoffed, “Come on, have you no faith?” 
“We have faith you could beat it again.” Jungkook, the youngest of the group, grinned. 
Seokjin stood from his spot at the cafeteria, “My skill outweighs your faith, young one.” 
With that, he tossed his garbage into the trash can while his friends watched him strut away. Yoongi groaned, “I don’t want to have to deal with his moping around when someone beats it! I’m his roommate so I’m going to be around it the most!” 
“Let’s all hope that it happens after we graduate.” Hoseok said, sipping his coffee and shrugging. 
Seokjin entered the arcade the following Friday Night, inhaling deeply and turning to Namjoon with a grin, “You smell that, Joonie?” 
“Desperation and sweat?” Namjoon responds, looking around the arcade that was mostly filled with freshman these days. He saw many kids hunched over arcade games, reminding him of his parents at casinos. Maybe there wasn’t as much of a generational gap as he thought.
“No,” Seokjin sighed, “it’s the smell of victory. You see, I thought over what Jimin said and he’s right. I definitely should try to beat my high score before some other chump does. I think I could do it tonight if I wanted to.” 
They walked through the arcade as he spoke, waving hello to a few of the employees and a couple of the regulars. Seokjin spotted a few girls standing at Street Fighter II, yelling at each other while they fought. He couldn’t help the smirk on his face while he spotted you, adjusting your beanie while you jumped up and celebrated your win against your friend. 
“You gonna work on your score?” Taehyung wrapped his arms around Seokjin and Namjoon, clad in his arcade uniform and keys jingling on his belt. There was benefits to being friends with the night manager, Seokjin could call dibs on a machine and Taehyung would place an out-of-order sign on it until he arrived. 
“Yes I am, and I’m going to beat it too. Even if it’s by a hundred points, it’s that much harder to beat.” Seokjin gave Taehyung a wink and patted his head. Continuing through the crowd, Namjoon pouted when Seokjin walked passed Guitar Hero and straight towards his usual machine. 
There was a crowd around it, Freshman whispering and gasping when they spotted Seokjin approaching. Seokjin tilted his head, “Ah yes, it is me, KSJ! Run along children and let the master show you how it’s done.” 
“We would,” a fresh faced boy turned to Seokjin with a grin, “but KSJ is no longer the master.” 
“What?” Seokjin’s eyes glared into the kid, “what do you mean?” 
“Well, now SMD has the top score. Looks like you’re a little too late in beating yourself.” 
Seokjin pushed the kid aside and studied the screen with an open jaw. Sure enough, displayed just above his initials were the initials SMD with 677,910 right next to it, the tiny pixelated lettering causing a sharp kick to his ego that was so prominent at the beginning of the day. Namjoon couldn’t help the small chuckle to leave his lips, covering his mouth quickly once he saw Seokjin shooting daggers at him. 
“Who’s the fuck is SMD?” He shouts, turning around with wild eyes. This caused a small bit of laughter to spread throughout the crowd in front of the machine. 
Seokjin looked around, trying desperately to see the person who dethroned him on the game he was best at. After a moment, he tossed his head back and let out an exasperated sigh. 
“SMD?” A small voice pushed through the crowd, meeting Seokjin’s eyes. 
“Yeah, do you know who he is?” Seokjin recognized you from earlier, taking a split second to admire how your hair framed your face beautifully. Your eyes were bright, laced with innocence, and didn’t look away from him. 
“He is me,” You giggled, “also it’s quite dated ideology to assume that only a man could beat your high score-” you leaned around his broad shoulders, “-Mr. KSJ.” 
“Well I- That’s not what I-” Seokjin stuttered, only to be cut off by your laugh. 
You leaned forward, stepping on the tips of your toes for your lips to meet his ear, “Looks like you’re going to have to work hard to beat me, KSJ.” 
With that, Seokjin watched you walk through the crowd with a gaunt expression. Namjoon was the first to break the silence that followed, “You just got your ass handed to you.” 
Seokjin ignored the feeling of heat coursing through his body, the burning from where your lips grazed his ear too big of an indication of what kind of distraction you could be to him. 
Instantly, Seokjin shook the shock from his face and whipped around, inserting two coins into the slot and hearing the familiar theme tune sing through his ears. His hand gripped the joystick tightly, his knuckles turning white while he moved Ms. Pac Man through each level. 
Namjoon watched idly for a while, pulling up a stool next to him and shaking his head as he watched his friend effectively lose his mind over some numbers on a screen. 
Once he saw the score reach 500,000, he pulled away for a moment to celebrate before quickly gripping the joystick again. You wouldn’t leave his mind, your smug face looking up at him while you rubbed it in his face about you winning. Who even were you? You couldn’t be older than 20. How could you have beat him so quickly? Two days ago the high score was his then you came out of nowhere and wrecked his reputation. 
“I’m going to go, Jin.” Namjoon said. 
“Hm.” Seokjin grunted, still watching the little yellow ball consume every pellet on the screen. 
Namjoon realized Seokjin didn’t hear a thing he just said. “Jin? Can you look away for a second?” 
No response. 
“Oh my god, that chick just took off her top! She’s pouring beer all over herself!” 
Still nothing. Namjoon patted his friend’s shoulder, mentioning that he’ll see him later and walking out of the door. 
Finally, after too long, Seokjin’s bright yellow circle was cornered by Inky and Blinky and consumed into nothingness. Finally, in bright text 680,002 blinked across the screen. “Yes!”
He turned around and realized there was nobody around him, Taehyung sat at the desk at the front with his face planted down. “Tae! Where is everyone?” 
“We closed like a half hour ago, man. I tried to tell you but you were like a fucking zombie.” Taehyung spoke, exhaustion lacing his voice as Seokjin knew he was ready to leave. 
“Sorry, but I beat her!” He turned back and entered his initials, KSJ sandwiching SMD. He couldn’t help but grin, grabbing his things and tapping Taehyung’s counter in goodbye and heading home for a nice sleep. 
Once he arrived home, he walked passed Yoongi asleep on the couch, heading towards his bed and closing his eyes. However, once his eyes were closed, he couldn’t help but toss and turn because of the beanie girl filling his thoughts. 
Her plump smirk and shot blood to his cock, and he couldn’t help but reach his hand down and feel himself through his boxers.
On Monday, Seokjin caught up to Jimin while walking to class, telling him the tale of beanie girl and Ms. Pac Man. Jimin listened through tired ears, sipping coffee on the way to the agricultural science building. 
Seokjin followed Jimin in, “And her initials are SMD. I can’t even begin to guess what her name is.” 
Jimin chuckled, “Sounds like someone has a crush.” 
“Hah! You’re funny. No, she’s my mortal enemy. She doesn’t even- who’s that?” Seokjin stopped outside a classroom, pointing obviously to you. He immediately recognized you, his eyes going wide when he realized this was Jimin’s classroom as well. Your hair was pulled away from your face and he could see your bright smile while you spoke to a professor animatedly. 
Fuck. He thought. Images of his dreams running through his head. He tried desperately to shake these thoughts from his head, your shirt dipping just low enough to give him a view which made it even harder. 
“Her? Oh that’s (Y/N), she’s a Sophomore and transferred from somewhere up north. She’s my partner in this term’s agricultural assignment.” He gave Seokjin a small shrug. 
“(Y/N) isn’t even close to SMD.” Seokjin whispered, more to himself than anyone. Confusion laced his features, causing Jimin to look between the two of you. 
“Jesus Christ, don’t tell me that (Y/N) is SMD?” Jimin’s laughter caused your attention to be drawn over to the doorway, a smirk lacing your features when you saw KSJ staring at you with that same shocked expression he held on Friday. You shook your head, turning your spray bottle back to the tomato plants hanging in perfect lines. 
“She certainly is SMD.” Suddenly, an idea popped into Seokjin’s head. He strolled passed Jimin into the classroom, walking straight up to you. 
You looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, rolling up your sleeves while you leaned down and looked through the dirt beneath your plants, “Yes Mr. KSJ?” 
“I just wanted to let you know that I beat your score. You’re going to have to put up a bigger fight if you want to beat me.” He spoke, trying to ignore the hint of a tattoo peaking out of your shirt on your back. 
You scoffed, “That’s real cute,” standing, you slipped your gloves off your hands, “that you think I can’t go down there today and beat you again.” 
Seokjin inhaled, the smell of Earth filling his nostrils while he puffed his chest in an attempt not to seem so intimidated by your confidence. “Then do it.” 
“I will.” You spoke, your eyes trailing up and down him, not attempting to hide your wandering gaze. He was broad, so much so you felt you couldn’t get your arms around him. 
To him, your eyes were challenging. Seokjin was tempted to push you onto the ground and take you in front of the entire class. He wanted to wipe that smug grin off your face and shut you up with a mouthful of his cock. However, he swallowed his thoughts and stared you down, “I look forward to seeing you there then.” 
He turned on his heel and walked away, speeding up once he thought that you weren’t looking anymore. 
“What did Seokjin say to you?” Jimin asked, slipping an apron over his clothes and setting his coffee down on the table beside you. 
“His name is Seokjin? That’s cute. He your friend?” You tried to seem distracted, but in reality you couldn’t help but allow your mind to picture his head between your thighs with your back arched on the bed of your dorm room. 
“Uh, yeah. One of my best friends, why?” Jimin said, taking a spray bottle and carefully watering a few plants. 
“Hm, no reason. He just talked about beating my score in Ms. Pac Man.” You gave Jimin a smile, turning your back and blowing out a breath of air while trying your hardest to concentrate on your schooling. 
Later that day, Seokjin rushed out of his last lecture and ran out of the Foods building and towards the arcade. Once he approached the building, he slowed down to catch his breath, seeing you walk in with a few girls following close behind. He put his hands on his knees, breathing deeply. He looked into the window of a car, adjusting his hair and tugging down his shirt. 
He felt his palms sweat with anticipation as he swung open the arcade door. Taehyung was already there, beginning his shift. “Hey, I didn’t know you’d be here today. I didn’t put the sign up.” 
“No there’s no need to, Ms. SMD is beating my score.” Seokjin held up air quotes, only to hear you clear your throat from behind him. 
He turned around, leaning against the counter, “Hey there SMD.” 
“Come on, Mister. We’ve got a record to beat.” You gripped his wrist, dragging him back towards the machine. He couldn’t help the smile across his face when he felt your touch. 
You slipped two coins into the slot, your hand lightly dancing across the joystick for the first few levels. Between each level, you felt turned back to Seokjin with a small smile. He only glared, though, watching as your hand moved and jerked the joystick carefully to avoid every ghost. 
Once you hit screen 50, you rubbed your neck and rolled it for a few seconds. A crowd had gathered and while Seokjin was used to it, he noticed you becoming more and more nervous. 
“Alright children, let the woman breathe! Back away!” Seokjin shooed people away, “She needs all the help he can get, so you can’t be distracting her. We need to be fair.” 
“KSJ?” You spoke. 
“Yes SMD?” His sang, humor in his voice.
“Shut the fuck up.” You tried to hide the grin on your face, passing yet another screen. The crowd dispersed, following Seokjin’s orders. Finally, you made it to a point where a theatrical cut scene hit and you could lean back for about 30 seconds. 
Seokjin was now gnawing at his nails, and you took a moment to admire his looks. 
He knew he was an attractive man, he often joked about being blessed from birth with good looks but when someone he was interested in checked him out, he couldn’t help but feel confidence leave his body. His ears poked out from his long hair, turning red at your gaze. 
“It’s starting.” He pointed at the screen and you uncrossed your arms, turning your attention back to the game. 
“So what do I get once I beat you?” You questioned, quickly changing your direction and slipping to the other side of the screen to suck up the last of the pellets. 
“Well you get your initials on top of mine.” Seokjin reasoned, pointing at the screen and taking your attention away for half a second. You quickly adjusted, doubling back and clearing another screen. “Yeah but what about something more?” 
“Why am I even humoring this? You’re not going to beat me.” Seokjin’s confidence lacked truth. Of course he was worried you would beat him, and of course your proposition for a prize immediately caused his mind to rush with ideas of your hands tied up above your head. 
“What ever you say, sir.” A smirk hung on your lips. 
At this point Seokjin couldn’t keep his eyes on the game, instead he watched your face. You dragged your bottom lip between your teeth, concentration on your brow when you saw your score reach 600,000. 
As the next screen wipes through, you begin moving to the left, faking right before finding yourself being chased by all four ghosts. “No no no!” You shout, slipping through the right side of the screen and desperately trying to get to your last powerup. In the process, you eat as much fruit as you can before doubling back, sliding right into a corner and disappearing into nothing. 
You stare up at the score, watching it tick up and finally end on 617,180. 
“Noo!” You screeched, dropping to your knees in front of the game, your hands slipping down the front in dispair. 
“Yes!” Seokjin yelled, jumping up in celebration and sinking down to your level, “Hah! I knew you wouldn’t be able to beat it! I fucking knew it!” 
While you lay on the ground, you hid your smile with your hair, watching him jump and spin in celebration. Seokjin gripped your hand and pulled you up to him, “It’s a shame you didn’t. I had a pretty good idea for what you would win.” 
“And what would that be?” You were suddenly aware of your close proximity, his breath fanning the top of your cheeks. His hand was large compared to yours, masking your fingers with his. “You’ll have to win to find out.” He grinned, picking up his bookbag and walking out of the arcade. Taehyung watched him walk out, a confused look on his face. He glanced towards you, only to see you shrug. 
When Saturday night rolled around, Seokjin found himself at the arcade. For a while, he and Namjoon played Snooker, his desperate attempts to look cool failing him because he just continued to look around for you. Taehyung being off that night made it difficult for Seokjin to call dibs on the machine. 
He hoped you beat him there, already working on your next attempt to beat him. The truth was, he didn’t have a clue what to give you if you won. He became nervous at your proposition, wondering if you had the same things running through your head as he did. He was sure you didn’t, seeing as your prize for beating him in his mind would be tying you to the bedpost and shutting you up with a ball gag. 
After a couple of hours, Namjoon suggests you two meet everyone else at the bar down the road. Dejected, Seokjin agreed only if Namjoon would pay for his first drink. 
“And they’ve arrived!” Yoongi shouts, holding up a half drank beer and stumbling slightly over his words. Beside him stood a girl who was a little too close for friends, causing Seokjin to sigh when he realized just how much he was missing out on dating currently. 
“Yes, hope you didn’t miss me too much.” Namjoon pats the top of Yoongi’s head, ordering two beers at the bar and turning back to the table. 
Jimin looked up, a small smile on his face, “(Y/N) should bee here soon, Jin.” 
Seokjin’s eyes go wide, “W- why are you telling me?” 
“Because you like her. Duh.” Jimin smirked, finishing off a drink and heading towards the jukebox to change the song to something a little more modern. 
Seokjin tried to ignore the flutter in his stomach when he heard your name. He didn’t think it was possible to fall for someone so quickly, yet here he was, wondering how your day went. If you passed your classes last semester, or if you like to wear stockings beneath a short skirt. . . 
He zoned out, not noticing the bell above the door ring, announcing your return. Jimin rushed to you, greeting you with a small hug. He whispered a small “Thank you, Jin really likes you” in your ear as he did so, knowing that it wouldn’t play against your favor if he was so blunt. 
You ignore the blush on your cheeks before spotting Seokjin and sat down at a table. He was surrounded by other people, one you recognized as the manager at the arcade. Seokjin’s back was lean, he was tall and his face flushed from the warmth of the alcohol. 
Not so confidently, you stepped your way towards the table and rested your hand on Seokjin’s shoulder, startling him out of his trance. 
“Hello SMD.” He said, not hiding his smile. Earlier thoughts of you on your knees seemed to had dissipated and now you turned his legs to jelly. 
“Please call me by my name, Seokjin.” You scolded playfully, standing closely beside him. It wasn’t until you felt eyes on you did you realize that nobody knew who you were besides Jimin. “(Y/N), I uh, I play games with Seokjin sometimes.” You introduced yourself to the group of people, only watching them nod and turning back to their respective conversations. 
“How come you weren’t at the arcade earlier?” Seokjin asked, mostly making casual conversation but also worried you were avoiding him. He snagged a chair from another table and slid it next to him, allowing you to sit down. 
You smiled, “Awe, did you miss me?” 
Seokjin’s mouth goes dry, “N- no, I-” 
“That’s adorable.” You reach forward, pinching his cheek in your hand. 
“Hey!” Seokjin whined loudly, gripping your wrist. The top of his ears went red at your touch, “I am a grown man, you can’t pinch my cheeks.” 
You giggled, “but your face is so pinchable, I can’t help it. Besides, you missed me today and won’t admit it.” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He grins, his eyes meeting yours for the first time today. They were bright underneath the bar lights, and you couldn’t help but reach up and push his hair from his face. His eyes fluttered at your touch, and you pulled your hand away in slight embarrassment. 
“Can I buy you a drink?” 
“Please.” You responded, feeling him slip passed you and towards the bar. He didn’t know what to order, pointing to the first thing he saw that looked sweet. You watched him talk to the bartender, his hands clasped in front of him while he rose an eyebrow.
The bartender pulled out the mixers and began making your drink, moving fast and filling a beer for Seokjin. He made his way back to you, handing you the drink and watching you take your first sip. 
When you licked your lips afterward, he let out a breath. “You like martinis?” 
“Honestly I’d an entire bottle of vodka right now.” You said, feeling your the drink rush through your veins. You didn’t take long to finish it, jumping into a conversation with the group of people in front of you. 
Seokjin’s eyes trailed up and down your body, stopping and staring at the way your skirt hugged your ass perfectly. The tattoo on your lower back was now in full view, the words “Baby Girl” with a heart around it inked into your perfect skin. 
His finger reached forward, tracing the ink, “When did you get this done?” 
“Oh,” you turned at his touch, “I got it at 17, I thought it was a good idea at the time but now I regret it.” Your face turned red, giving Seokjin a sheepish smile. He bit his lip in response, “I think it’s cute. Why baby girl?” 
“Mm,” you hummed as you sipped another drink, “that’s a story for another day.” You turned back to his group of friends, continuing your earlier conversation. 
Seokjin grinned at how easily you fit in, having a heated debate between with Hoseok about why Thrift Stores are just as acceptable to buy name brand clothes as anywhere else. 
“Anyway, I found these Gucci slides at Uptown Cheapskate for $45. The same slides that usually sell for $450. So suck on that, hat man!” You shouted, downing one of the many shots brought to your table. 
Hoseok’s mouth dropped, “Jin you need to control your woman.” 
“Hey, she’s not my woman yet. And she can do what she wants.” Seokjin shrugged, leaning back in his chair and watching you lean over the table to tug Hoseok’s hat over his eyes. 
“Yet?” You lean back, giving Seokjin a grin. He nodded, “Yet.” 
“Well what’s stopping you then?” You questioned leaning closer to him. He chuckled, “You have to beat my high score.” 
“Fuck the high score.” You muttered, leaning forward and finally crashing your lips onto his. He smiled into the kiss, his hands finding your hips easily. 
Of course he was good with his tongue, darting it between your lips effortlessly. You were tempted to crawl into his chair and straddle his lips. You were tempted to feel his hips bucking into yours underneath the friction of his jeans against the underneath of your skirt. 
But you were in public, this couldn’t happen. 
“You want to get out of here?” You pulled away, Seokjin’s lips swollen and shiny. He nodded wordlessly, allowing you to grip his hand and pull him up and out of the building. The half drank beers were left on the table while Jimin watched you pull Seokjin away with a smirk.
On the walk towards your dorms, Seokjin’s hands didn’t leave your body. He walked behind you, his hands underneath the hem of your shirt while his lips danced lazily up and down your neck. You made no effort in pushing him off, knowing that this wasn’t the craziest thing that these students have seen on campus this week. 
“Jin, you have to be careful or I’m going to start taking off my clothes now.” You warn once you feel his hand creep further up your shirt. He only chuckled, his laugh contagious. You bit your lip, pulling out your keys once you made it to your dorm room, unlocking the door. 
As soon as you opened the door, Seokjin pushed you in and towards your bed. His kiss was less gentle, all teeth crashing into each other only breaking to pull your shirt over your head. 
Your hand unbuttoned his shirt haphazardly, feeling him reach and rip the buttons off his shirt to slip it off quicker. Sure enough, his shoulders were broad but his waist was slim, a hint of a 6 pack rested on his abdomen. You couldn’t help but run your hands over his muscles, your nails lightly scratching just above his pelvic bone. 
Quickly, you pushed him down onto your bed, watching his face fall open in shock much like when he first saw you. “Oh don’t act so surprised now, Jinnie,” you straddled his hips, “you should have figured where this was going.” 
“Oh no you don’t.” Seokjin flips the two of you, his large body covering yours while his teeth nipped down your collarbone. He unhooked your bra, exposing your breasts and not hesitating to palm each of them in his hands. 
Your back arched instinctively at his touch, his tongue licking down your chest and abdomen, finally stopping at your hip bones. His breath fanned over your navel, where his eyes met yours in a silent plead for confirmation. You smiled, leaning on your elbows to watch him as his fingers looped in the hem of your skirt. 
You lifted your hips, feeling him tug the thin fabric down your hips. When your red thong was expose, Seokjin couldn’t help but groan at the sight. He leaned down and spread open mouth kisses on your pelvic bone, then pulling the thong down your legs. 
For a moment, he pauses. His eyes taking in the sight in front of him, he saw your sexed up hair and wild eyes as a sign that he should move quickly, but then he got an idea. 
“You never beat my high score, baby girl.” 
“You heard what I said earlier, fuck the high score. Just, fuck me Jin.” You said, almost whining as you felt his fingers touch everywhere but where you needed him most. 
“No, no. We’re going to take this nice and slow.” He grinned, his finger running up your slit, collecting the wetness that pooled there. You threw your head back, happy at the content but suddenly feeling his fingers slip away as quickly as they touched you. 
You threw open your eyes, blazing by his touch but watching those same fingers being brought up to his mouth. His tongue darted out, sucking on his figures. The earlier timid man had disappeared and was replaced by a sex god. Your eyes were wide, his fingers slipping up your heat once again. 
“Open your mouth.” 
No hesitation at all, your jaw dropped. Seokjin’s fingers entered your mouth, resting the pads of his fingers on the tip of your tongue. You enclosed your lips around his fingers and sucked. A small gasp fell from his mouth, his eyes shining as your tongue licked his fingers. 
Suddenly, his other hand sunk two fingers into your heat. He pumped in and out at an agonizingly slow pace. You moaned loudly, spreading your legs wider while his speed increased. Just as you felt yourself about to tip over the edge, he pulled his fingers out. 
You sucked in a breath of air, watching him lean back and point to his pants. Without a second of hesitation, you lunged forward and unzipped his jeans. Now it was your turn to slow down, slipped his pants off his hips and saw his cock spring free. 
“No boxers?” You questioned, veins pulsing while his cock rested on his abdomen. Seokjin shook his head, watching you carefully while you threw his jeans onto the floor. 
Your lips pressed a kiss to the head, Seokjin’s eyes fluttering shut while you pumped your wrist up and down. “Oh fuck.” He moaned, his voice lowering a few octaves in the sexiest thing you had ever heard in your entire life. You watched his hips flex at your touch, bucking as your lips finally wrapped around his cock. 
“That’s right, baby girl.” He held your hair up, watching carefully and guiding you. You felt tingling in your lower half at his words. He tugged softly on your hair, pulling you up and off him. You gave him a lazy grin, which caused Seokjin’s heart to flutter. 
“On your stomach,” he spoke, out of breath, “ass in the air.” 
You obeyed immediately, your knees towards the edge of the bed. Your back was arched and Seokjin laid a harsh smack to your ass. You groaned at the crack, feeling his hand rub where he smacked immediately to soothe. Felt him line himself up behind you, before stopping. 
“You know, you’re lucky I’m doing this. I wasn’t going to until you beat my score again.” His hand rubbed up your spine, causing chills to follow his touch. 
“Jin I swear to god if you don’t fuck me right now you’ll never be able to.” You turned back to him, watching his face drop into a glare. All too quickly, you felt him sink in. You barely had enough time to adjust before he was pulling out and slamming into you again. 
“As much as I like cock warming, you’re right. You need a good fuck.” He grinned, his teeth biting your shoulders.
Your gasp was loud and repetitive, feeling him pound into you. Your arms became weak and you felt yourself collapse. Seokjin was quick to pull you up, continuing to thrust. 
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, his moans growing in volume when he felt you tightening around him. 
“You gonna cum for me like the good girl you are?” He said into your ear, breathlessly moaning and encouraging you. 
His hand snaked around your front, rubbing hard on your clit and finally coaxing you through your orgasm. Your whines only edged him closer and he had to pull out before he came. 
“Jin,” You gasped, “I’m on the pill. Cum inside me.” 
Seokjin’s eyes screwed shut, releasing as his hips bucked harshly into you. You collapsed onto the bed, feeling your hair stick to your forehead as you desperately tried to catch your breath. 
He pulled out, collapsing on top of you. He smiled, “You’re a dirty girl, aren’t you.” He moved your hair from your face, pressing a small kiss to your cheek, “I like dirty.” 
“Thank god, I don’t know what I would’ve done if you were just vanilla.” You flipped around, looking him in his eyes. 
“Now, just to be clear,” his arms shook as he held himself above you but he didn’t want to leave this proximity just yet, “this isn’t a one time thing, right?” 
“I sure hope not, in fact I could go for round two right now.” You murmured, your hand stroking the back of his head carefully. 
Seokjin pressed a small, gentle kiss to your lips, “Let me recharge for a minute, then round two in the showers.” 
“Deal.” You said, leaning up and kissing him hard. 
For the rest of the night he stayed close to you, his fingers as skilled on you as they are on the arcade machine. That night you fell asleep in his arms, listening to the tiniest snores leave his mouth. 
To say you were whipped for Kim Seokjin would be an understatement. 
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So why APD of Albuquerque you're not trying this?
I fucking posted it every night of releasing human trafficking victims
So why when it comes to the same fucking issue in the streets under the flag of Black Lives Matter you're all with batons and forcing and hitting people to do what you say like you're a slave owner yourself, Albuquerque Police Department?
"We need to be aware"
No youre getting PISSED off. You're tense and youre intimidated and afraid FURTHER MORE: you're all in one line and NO ONE IS WATCHING YOUR BACKS. So you comply with these fucking ass hole rules, meanwhile someone comes around and stabs you in the neck and you die. A handful of (I'm not gonna write what kind but I know exactly what kind) skillfully and expertly stabbed into your neck. By the time you realize what happened to the first cop 7 more are bleeding out. And you all die.
Now if you're engaging the people at the rally with dance of healthy mind and feelings. You're moving around and spinning and eyes are every where
Then you have good morale.
Cheer. Happiness.
We did this with the NYPD and we always won. Why? NYPD forbid their officers to get on the ground. Or bend more than waist height or go beyond a sqauat they were NOT allowed to touch the ground with their knees or any other body part but one hand to help stabilize.
And we had to have a barrier of at least 9 feet between the police and us.
In some areas we had to use traffic cones and square off the officers so that we would tell others not to enter their private space.
Sometimes street people wanted to dance WITH the police.
So we had to make another area next to the police. But we used a rectangle.
Sometimes officers took off their gun belts and danced with people. They locked the equipment in their cop cars.
12 - 15 times cops were assaulted. We ourselves found them and took them back to receive their punishment or sometimes in the occurrences it was white supremacy (12 times) we verified that who was the dancer to the crowd and offended officer and we took them to an area trash was the next day and we killed them in an alley by a gun shot without a silencer on the pistol them dumped the body in a dumpster the next day to be taken to a landfill. In the case of human traffickers we took them in my van and dumped their dead body on the street right in front of the human traffickers in the street looking to get a girl or child. And we went horn blaring and honking all the way down the road. I would tiny ass jump down and scream "NO! YOU KNOW WHAT?! YOU KNOW WHAT!?!" walk down to the back of the van and open the doors where the body would be dumped out, pushed by Frenchie or another helper and i would scream as loud as i could and it would echo "FUCK YOU!!!" Then i would climb into the back of the van and back up to the driver seat because i would lock the door when i got down and i would peel out tires screeching and horn honking.
They knew me. I made sure.
Fuck with a little girl my size. See WHAT happens.
And we didn't tell NYPD. We just assured them those people would not be seen again. They kinda didn't like to be protected by me. A little girl. They didn't know who i was.
I didn't say "hi! Im CIA let's work together!"
I had the adults get the NYPD to me.
And i said "im the one organizating the dance off. I want to know what are the rules and how can,er help each other be noticed in the streets cooperating with each other? I mean like do you want hugs at the end or because you have guns and you don't want us to take them?" And I made a finger gun and pointed it away from them towards Brooklyn and said "pew! Pew!"
I had girls from the dance classes there on the military base called Governors Island where the NYPD were welcome and allowed on with CIA and military police escorts.
I said "here on the island the police are our family ane we want to introduce that concept into the streets, my city and yours. To create a bond of love"
I used my hands and made them speak, clapping them together and taking them apart one shaking and saying "power" and the other responding "no mine" and "instead coming together with love"
And made my hands "hug each other again"
That was our end. That was our safety hug. We all clasped our hands together at the end and bowed to one another.
We all won. Because love wins.
And NYPD got GOOD. Unfortunately it was 30 years ago and they're all off the jobs.
So, now Tree will prove truth and produce us a video to be seen.
The cops ended the riots. With love and promises that all lives matter. And they promised with all their hearts to make sure their jobs were done and done right.
So yeah they thought i was just a regular ordinary child with big bright ideas because of Michael Jordan's influence. He did help. His fights with Pippen. Scotty was so nervous and he noticed that at parties in Chicago, and every where Scotty Pippen was best dancing. So, they took it to work after some fighting.
"No! Teach Michael to dance and he can teach you to play ball!"
"I already know how to play ball"
I went up to him and dribbled to his right then left an imaginary ball and swoosh I hit the ball in all net
"No. You. Don't Mr Scotty Pippen. Now show me a dance move"
"No this is How i play ball." He bent at the waist and dribbled, tucked it in, like a football, looked lest then right then swoosh, "that's my ball not like you and Michael Jordan you to show offs"
"Show me" so I tried to mimic ignoring Michael's heys. And he picked me up like an egg and said "now you swoosh" I did And jumped out his arms in a full jump shot. "Don't i do that? Hey! Pippen!"
"Some but that's because you're a hot shot"
"No I'm a hot shot!" I did a combo of their dribbling like Charles did. And Pippen always took the ball from him. And i sat next to Pippen on the couch after Michael stole the imaginary ball. "A hot shot is a needle full of bad dope"
"Well he used to be until you changed him"
Michael Jordan was forced to blush.
"And so but what I was thinking since y'all roll together, then you two can create a dance together that is not only beautiful to us as were watching but confusing to the other team. And all we need to do is maximumize your rhythm together"
"Man i was just telling her you were the best dancer out there and i wish i could dance better like you"
"That's why I always follow you on the court. I even asked coach to place me next to you because you are the best on the court. And i thought we could be friends but i guess that didn't work out" he wanted to hide his tears and crushed dreams. And reached for his coat "ah man i gotta go"
I grabbed him. Coat and all. "Today can be the day that is the start of a beautiful friendship. Please show us the dance. Please try"
"And hey the way I see it no one on the opposing team's will expect it and we will win more. So we will do better as a team. What's the way you put it. There's no eye in team" interested Michael.
"No eye in team. There's eyes! You need at least two to make a team. Two eyes on one head don't make a team. That's just one person. One I. So you need at least two heads of the skull type"
"Alright ill try it. But this is a small space here"
"And so it is when you got hundreds of people coming after you and that ball"
"Oh there isn't that many"
"Michael says that what it feel like so he think of the ball as his family he has to protect from kidnappers."
"Oh you, too man? I was talking to a few of the other players... And they're in the same boat"
We are all in the "same boat" this is one Earth. One race of people. The Human Race.
And everyone needs to act like it.
No one is better than another person. Only different.
Which is why the dance off has always been perfect.
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That said i am still eradicating those whom refuse to show that regardless of where they come from. Earth or another planet, without the true skill of humanity, they will be eradicated. They have had thousands of years to learn. And i over all blame the problems in the world on them that cannot accept the world the way it was when we were all born the first time. Because that is what being a human is. Not being a GODDAM babysitter and involuntary prisoner. Whle some scum try to figure out how to force me in love with them while using hate. As if I've never loved them. I could be standing there loving them and they don't know because they do not know what love is. Jesse. There's a fine line between love and hate. And you crossed it to many times.
Everyone else:
Learn to get along
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