#i enjoyed this fic so muchhh
luza-wayne · 1 month
hii!! i really adored your gyomei fic, it was mwah chefs kiss :D ur blog is also severely underrated like hello??? idk if you do like head cannons for more than one character but for this rq i was thinking gyomei/rengoku/sanemi, you can pick which one you wanna write for.😭😭 where like the reader is like their secret admirer or vice versa but eventually the reader gets caught by the character and like how does the character react to all of this?? thank you so much & you can discard this rq if u don't wanna do it!! have a good one :)
omg thank you so muchhh! i wasn't sure about that actually, i thought you all wouldn't like it. glad you enjoyed it! i decided to do everyone and the reader admire them, since usually it's the other way around. not confident about this one though. hope it's alright for everyone!
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when they caught on to your crush on them.
himejima gyomei, rengoku kyoujurou, shinazugawa sanemi
kinda not sure if i made this right lmao
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himejima gyomei.
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he didn’t really mean to eavesdrop on your conversation with shinobu and learned that you were interested in him.
he was just there to visit a demon slayer that he saved during his last mission and was sent there to be treated and you just happened to do your follow-up check up to see if you can go to work already, but somehow it ended up with you two sharing getting hooked up in your conversation.
he felt really bad for unintentionally listening, but also a little, just a little, happy he did.
somehow, he finally understood why he heard that coming from you too.
the same sound he hears every time obanai and kanroji are close to each other.
so, it was because of that. he thought he was just hearing things, as ridiculous as it may sound.
you continued to explain to the insect hashira how you found him amazing from the first time you saw him, which was when he saved you from a demon who wanted to devour you as you’re walking home. 
saying, it’s impossible not to fall in love with the man who protected you and saved you. you also revealed that he was the reason you joined the corps.
hearing how you continued to flatter and praise him without knowing he’s close by— his feet just won’t move and his brain never got the thought to move— he started feeling this unfamiliar feeling.
‘does she really think of me that way?’ he thought, as he looked away, his ear starting to heat up.
he finally got the courage to move to where you two were when shinobu asked you: “do you have any plans on confessing to him?” 
he stopped walking again. he asked himself why, but he couldn't find the answer. was it because he wanted to know too? he had no idea.
“i will. soon. not now, though. soon when i’m standing on the same stage as him. i want to be a hashira first. i wanted to be someone worthy of him.” 
your answer made him smile, his heart softened with your resolve.
his heel turned and he walked back to where he came from, still smiling a bit.
next time, when you two encounter again, he’ll try to help you and give you tips, so you can achieve your goal, all while he tries to act like he’s not aware of your feelings for him.
the question is, will he successfully act like he doesn’t know it?
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rengoku kyojurou
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he thought he was just overthinking things.
there’s no way there’s that difference on how you treat him to other men.
he first took note of it, when he’s eating at your family’s restaurant, where he usually eats before he comes home after patrolling.
you talk to him with such enthusiasm, joy, and adoration on your face, but when someone calls for you to order, it immediately disappears. giving them a stoic and indifferent look on your face.
he thought that might be just a mistake. there’s no way there’s that much difference.
he’s pretty sure of that, that’s why he put it on a test. he asked one of the slayers he knew to come with him to the restaurant and one agreed to accompany him.
an attractive one, even more.
when they arrived, his subordinate entered the place first, making you greet him with your usual cold tone, but as soon as rengoku stepped inside, your whole demeanor changed.
after that they ordered, rengoku letting him order for the both of them.
you note down what he told you their order, while he seems to be not bothered by casual indifference, thinking that this is just how you usually deal with customers, he’s just happy that the hashira invited him to share a meal together.
but when rengoku spoke, they were both dumbfounded by how easily your mood changes.
when you left to tell the cook their orders, the guy turned to rengoku saying: “wow, she was like a whole new different person.”, he says chuckling.
the flame hashira could only nod, following your figure with his eyes. ‘does that answer my question then?’
he brought along an attractive man, yet that didn’t change how you treat him along with the other customers.
would it be alright for him to assume that you…
and as if the guy was going along the cue life had given him asked, “does she like you?”, with a big smile on his lips.
he didn’t answer, instead he just diverted the conversation into another topic.
now, if you’re thinking that rengoku is the type to straightforwardly ask the person if they like him, then you’re wrong.
he’ll actually act as if he didn’t uncover a big revelation. he’ll still be the same rengoku you liked and would never subtly tease you about your crush on him.
he’ll actually start to notice things about you, now that he started to watch you sometimes.
he will try to get to know you better while trying not to be too noticeable.
well, maybe in the future, you two will share a conversation with only the two of you and by then, you’ll be able to talk more about personal things… like your feelings…
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shinazugawa sanemi
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whenever it’s time for the monthly hashira meeting, it’s normal for him to be the first one in order to be the one to greet the master before their meeting starts.
but, lately the new hashira keeps beating him to it. yes, it was you.
even if he tries to arrive there 3 hours before the meeting, he’ll find you there already, greeting him with a wide smile on your face.
it would’ve irritated him whenever you kept interfering with his plan of paying respect to the leader himself, but he can’t deny the fact that you were punctual by arriving there earlier than the rest of them.
so, he couldn’t really get mad at you. 
actually, he didn’t mind sharing a conversation with you while waiting for the others.
but, the day he realized that there might be a bit more to you going to the meeting early came.
it was when he had an unexpected situation the night before the meeting and had to send his crow to tell the master that he wouldn’t be able to come. 
after a few hours, his crow came back. though it usually just takes his crow to deliver and come back in one or two hours. hm… weird, but okay… he brushed it off.
the next morning came and when he went to finish things that made him was already taken care of. 
at that time, he still had the time to go attend the meeting barely before it started, so he immediately headed out.
when he got there, he was surprised to see you taking your time as you walked along the path to the entrance to ubuyashiki's residence. 
he even thought it was a different person, because there’s no way you would be here when you’re always so early whenever the meeting is held.
when he caught up to you, because you sure was taking your sweet time, he was certain already that it was you.
“what are you still doing here?”, he asked you, speaking suddenly next to you. 
when he looked at your face, it was a mixture of surprise and shock. you asked him what he’s doing there when he was supposed to be absent for the meeting.
he just explained to you what happened, but he found you not listening and looking somewhere else. confused, he followed your line of sight.
there, he saw his crow, seemingly trying to make a move on yours. he furrowed his head. ‘what is that damn bird doing?’, he thought to himself. 
“your crow said you won’t be able to attend the meeting.”, he heard you whispering to yourself. he was immediately hooked on what you said and then slowly… he pieced one thing to another.
“don’t tell me… did my crow take a detour to your place yesterday?”, he didn’t miss the slight flinch you did when he asked the question.
“so, he did, huh…”  he said, nodding. you didn’t answer and just looked away, turning your back to him.
but, he realized another thing.
“did he… also tell you about me going to the meetings early…?”, he asked while staring at the back of your head.
you snapped your head and shook your head repeatedly. “no!”, you denied with conviction.
he listened while you explained that you heard from kanroji that he’s always early and never forced his crow to tell you anything about him. he watched how your face slowly turned red, rattled about his question. 
‘why is she so embarrassed about it? so much that she’s turning red?’, he thought to himself.
‘isn’t it good that she’s trying to be punctual because of him? or… is there… another reason…?’
but… he doesn't want to think that your reason might be the same as what he was thinking.
“d… do you…”, he started, stopping you in your trail of defense.
as he stares at you, his voice seemingly caught in his throat. he tried to speak up and continue his sentence, but he can’t appear to do it.
he then shook his head, making you confused.
“no. it’s nothing. let’s hurry up before we get late.”, he brushed off and then started walking again. he also called his crow and told him to stop flirting already.
you just followed behind him. you were aware that he realized it, but wondered why he didn’t say anything.
well, it’s because he doesn’t believe it.
he doesn’t want to admit that he thinks you like him. he should be focusing on protecting the civilians and not mind himself with love.
ah, yeah— yes, yes, that’s the reason. that’s definitely the reason.
it’s absolutely not because he’s flustered and he can’t think clearly. yeah, absolutely not.
he might get a bit weird for the next few times when you two meet again, but remember it’s not because he’s embarrassed, okay?!
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hope you all liked it and let me know what you think!
also, if you'd like to tip me, you can check my ko-fi acc! anything will be a big help!
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pomefioredove · 5 months
In my bones I know that Rook is the type of guy who loves to go exploring be it forest or man-made structures. With that in mind I have an idea for a fic:
MC!Reader & Rook Hunt making weekend dates out of exploring the unknown places on Sage Island. It's their little ritual that they take great joy in! From the restricted sections of Crowley's office to a small abandoned island off the coast they enjoy taking in sights meant for no-one else.
ROOK REQUEST!!! thank you I love him so muchhh... the fact that archeology becomes an interest of his is so adorable to me <3 rook baby let me take you out and tell you about the incan empire and dead languages and
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summary: weekend dates with rook type of post: fic characters: rook additional info: romantic, established relationship, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, french warning, fluffy and cute <3
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"One thousand words, one thousand, can you believe that?" you ask, twirling a perfectly-sharpened pencil between your fingers. It had yet to even graze the surface of the paper in your lap.
What a waste of wood.
You slump, leaning against the rough bark of an oak tree. A movement in the foliage overhead sends a deluge of leaves onto your lap, coloring the white of the empty paper with vibrant shades of green.
Rook emerges from the verdure above with a graceful plunk at your side.
"Five hundred each, chéri," he says, picking a leaf out of your hair and ignoring the ones on the notebook.
You tilt your head to the side, watching as he scales the tree again. "Yes, but I was under the impression we'd do it together,"
"Ah, a marvelous idea!" his voice calls out from overhead. "But that can wait for later, non? Come up and see this robin's nest I've uncovered!"
You chuckle. Even with the deadline looming nearer, you couldn't help but indulge him.
Crowley's words still rung fresh in your mind: "Five hundred words on the evil of trespassing. Each!"
Admittedly, seeing the man actually get angry was both amusing and unsettling. You supposed digging around the secret chamber behind his office was pushing it, but how could you resist Rook's charming smile when he said he'd found a trap door and wished to explore it together?
How were you supposed to know that passage would end up in Crowley's office, anyway?
"Mm?" Rook's head pokes out from the leaves again. "Are you coming, Trickster?"
You had begun to fill out that nickname quite nicely.
You set aside the pencil and paper (still untouched) in favor of scaling the lowest branches of the tree. You'd become quite the climber since meeting Rook.
"Ah, the way you so carelessly toss aside your obligations, as if freeing yourself from the shackles of the modern world!" Rook sings, offering a hand to help you onto the branch he's sat atop.
You can't help a smile as he guides you onto the thick part of the branch in front of him. "It was rather symbolic, wasn't it?"
"Chéri, if only I had the time, I would write a poem for every little thing you do," he sighs dreamily. "Come, miel, join me in being wild."
He cups your chin and guides your gaze to a curve where two branches meet, only an arm's-length away. Nestled in the heart of it is a small, delicate, cup-shaped nest, filled with baby blue eggs.
"Très magnifique," he comments, his voice breathless and soft. "The miracle of life. A sign that spring has returned once more, putting Monsieur L'Hiver to rest."
"They are beautiful... will they hatch soon?"
"Ah, that depends on how you define "soon". Robins incubate for but two weeks," he says. "Soon for us, but half a lifetime for them..."
His ensuing sigh is soft and contented, almost distracting you from the feeling of his arms finding their way around your waist, and his chin resting on your shoulder.
"Mm... I could stay here all day. Have you slept in a tree before, chéri?"
You've learned by now not to take such comments as jokes, although you're sure he already knows what the answer is.
You smile, your sweet tone tinged with the faintest hint of mischief. "No, not recently,"
"It has been a long time for me. Sometimes I fear I've become too domesticated... c'est bien I have you to bring out the wild animal in me again, hm?"
He chuckles to himself before promptly burying his face in the crook of your neck again, breathing you in.
You lean back into him, earning a little squeeze from his arms. Perhaps you could stay here all day, if not for...
"The essay..." you murmur.
Rook laughs again. "It can wait. I will gladly chance the ire of our headmage and my housewarden..." he clicks his tongue. "Taking risks for you is a delight I cannot help but indulge in."
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serverusslaype · 1 year
Shameless, pt. 3
snape x professor!reader fic
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Shameless Masterpost
hey yall B) it's time for part 3.. i'm hoping i've done this chapter justice, though i am a little doubtful, only because this was sort of a filler chapter, it doesnt have muchhh plottt.... i just love the hateful/resentful relationship between the reader and snape at the moment, does that make me toxic lmao? :( </3
there is not much else to say, so i hope you enjoy this next part, honestly i have no idea how many parts there is going to be, i'm sort of writing it until i'm happy with what happens sort of thing.
anyway, it's lights out and away we goooo!! (if you get this reference i love u)
The chilly, biting air blew through you like a windstorm as you rushed to catch up with the strawberry-blonde author, the adrenaline that was pumping through you doing most of the work. Without a beat, you reached Lockhart, your hand colliding with his chest as you pushed him into a shadowed area; his back - once again - slamming against the wall with a thud.
A look of shock and complete, utter fear was spread on the Gilderoy's face as you pointed your wand in his sorry face. "As I was saying before, Lockhart," you growled, prodding the tip of your wand into his chest, "If you ever pull that shit again, I will not hesitate to have you removed from this school." You huffed, clenching your jaw. Gods, you could kill him, honestly! "What in the ever sweet-loving hell were you thinking? A student could have been harmed!" You hissed at the man, who had now composed himself. Honestly, you were holding back from hexing him. "Actually, Longbottom almost was!" You added, fire in your eyes.
"I'm sorry, truly, I am." Lockhart said guardedly, watching you with cautious eyes as you stepped back to give him some space. "It wasn't my intention, I promise you-"
"Incompetence is not tolerated at Hogwarts, Lockhart, believe me." You warned him, allowing yourself to calm down a little bit. You might've gotten a little carried away.
"Understandably." Lockhart replied, his eyes flicking between yours and your wand
"I'm glad we have an understanding." You said coldly and gestured for him to leave. If you looked at him again, you were worried you might lose your cool. You'd never gotten so angry with someone before, but placing students in harms way because of a stupid mistake truly pisses you off. It's shameful.
The crunch of Lockhart's boots against the ground faded out into the cold, bitter air as he scurried away. You stood still for a moment to gather yourself and your thoughts, running a stressed hand through your long hair.
"Feel better?" A sudden deep, husky voice came from behind you. You almost jumped out of your skin as you spun around to find Snape, equipped with an amused smirk on his white face as he relished in your fright.
"Bloody hell, Snape!" You scoffed, throwing a hand against your chest. Where did he come from, didn't he leave earlier? Was he following me? You wondered to yourself, a suspicious frown landing on your face. That familiar burning sensation began to creep up onto your cheeks and neck as you looked at him.
"For a Hufflepuff, you're certainly… fiery." The corner of his lips quirked upwards as he clasped his hands behind his back. You swallowed thickly as he stepped towards you, your heart beginning to pound again once more. "Perhaps the sorting hat made a grave mistake all those years ago." He added, articulating each word perfectly, tilting his head at you. You rolled your eyes at him, standing your ground. You refused to let him intimidate you again. You were equals now, and you wanted him to treat you like one. Snape's face twisted into a taunting sneer. "After witnessing your reckless yet, dare I say, impressive outburst, you would have made a fine Slytherin student."
"Oh, what an honour." You groaned sarcastically. What a backhanded… compliment? You weren't sure. Despite your confident facade, you could feel the walls you'd built crumbling as Snape leaned forwards at you, his lips curling into a face of disgust at your reply. "I am not selfish, nor arrogant. I would rather put others before myself." A rush of anxiety washed through you, like you'd just missed a step on the stairs.
"Ah yes, the most obvious downfall of Hufflepuffs. Selflessness." Snape smirked at you. He was clearly enjoying how easy it was to get under your skin and irritate you. Gods, he was driving you crazy, and you honestly didn't want to know whether it was the good or bad way.
Most definitely the latter, let's be serious here. "Ah yes, truly sorry that we also value people other than ourselves." You mocked the Potions Master, secretly desiring a reaction from him. Though, he didn't say anything, he only kept the smug smirk on his lips, his eyes narrowing at you as he studied you. It's like he knew what you wanted and he refused to give it to you.
The silence was deafening, and it was making you squirm underneath his nose. You hated the way he could command a moment perfectly.
"A brave little thing, aren't you?" Snape said. Little thing? Who did he think he was?
"Why did you follow me, Snape?" You questioned him, ignoring his demeaning insult. You were curious as to why he followed you, surely there were better things to do than pursue the Herbology professor. "I was merely curious as to why you took off at such speed." He answered matter-of-factly.
"Hm," You clenched your jaw, "and were you satisfied with your findings?" You asked tauntingly. Your breath hitched as he stepped towards you again, making you step backwards until your back hit the wall. Your chest was quite obviously heaving at this point, and you were doubtful it was to do with your frustration.
The wizard stared at you for a beat, observing your movements. "It doesn't bode well for you to be found reprimanding your colleagues, Professor L/N." Snape simply said, disregarding your previous question
"I believe you would think different, had you seen what I did, Snape." You replied with a frown. "Pixies were flying freely in his class, causing utter chaos and torment to the students- I mean, they'd hung Longbottom by the hood of his cloak on the chandelier!"
"Lockhart will not last here, we both know that, L/N." Snape declared, leaning back slightly, as if to back off from you. The hostility in him was still present, though. "As for Longbottom, I'm not surprised. That boy is always finding himself in perilous situations." He added, glancing to the right momentarily with a look of disgust. He looked back at you, sending your heart into a rapid beat once more. "I suggest you keep your nose out of things that don't concern you."
"Lockhart came to me." You laughed dryly, offended that he'd assumed you were drawn to the drama. "He came to me for help."
"Poor choice, clearly." Snape sneered. You opened your mouth to bite back at him. "However, possibly a smart move. Choosing the faculty fledgling. Easy to use. Though, evidently, Lockhart did not possess the foresight to see that it would backfire on him. He clearly misjudged your… spunky character." He continued, making you snort. He cocked a questioning brow at the noise. "Do not mistake me, I did take pleasure in watching you admonish that blundering fool."
You were shocked to say the least, to actually hear something positive fall from Snape's lips. Did he really just say that? You stood there, dumbfounded, staring up at him.
"You look startled, Professor L/N," The Potions Master smirked down at you. Understandably, you were speechless. "Is it such a foreign concept for you to hear me speak well of you?"
"I'm astounded that you're surprised by that. It's a rare occasion that you dish out positive feedback, let alone compliments. I thought you were more self-aware than this, Snape." You said, feigning confusion. Snape's smugness was soon wiped clean as another more familiar facial expression of his took residence upon his features - a stone-cold glare
You couldn't help the tiny smile that tugged at the corners of your lips, an unusual warmth blooming in your stomach. Yes, you were truly taking pride in successfully insulting Severus Snape - at this point, who wouldn't?
"Touché." Snape glared at you. Another moment of silence passed through you and Snape as you stared each other down. It was weirdly intimate, again. The two of you seemed to be forming a habit of this.
Snape was the first to break. You gasped softly as the Potions Master swiftly swept away from you, his cloak billowing out behind him like a wave that refused to break. You've come to understand that goodbyes are not in Snape's vocabulary.
Watching him walk down the hallway, you presumed to his quarters, you let your head fall back against the wall behind you. A quiet sigh of relief fell from your lips. You weren't sure how long you could keep up this hateful mask to hide your blooming affection for him. It was easier to pretend that you hated him, even though he sometimes did nearly push you to that extreme.
A week or so went by without another close encounter with Snape, and you were surprisingly content with that fact. It gave you time to process everything and most importantly - settle into your new position as the Herbology professor. You'd partially seen him in the Great Hall for breakfast, lunch and dinner, or whilst walking in the hallways but you never evoked a conversation with him. You acknowledged him with a polite nod, but that was it.
After that unorthodox interaction with him in the hallway that night, the hostility had simmered down between you two. Sure, he was bound to say something tongue-in-cheek soon enough, but you'd avoided him because of that risk, and also to do with the fact that your crush on him was truly growing out of your control. You were just hoping he didn't notice.
Today was a Saturday, and it was around ten o'clock or so in the morning. Since you had no classes today, you thought you'd complete an inventory check, to replace and monitor the levels of herbs and other plant bits and bobs you had. You'd just finished four classes worth of grading after starting at eight o'clock, so you were craving something practical, really. The constant repetitiveness of reading the same thing over and over again almost sent you into an eternal slumber. No Wiggenweld or Wideye potion could have saved you.
As you dug through your cabinets in your greenhouse, you noticed some things were missing. "Huh." You muttered to yourself, sitting back on your haunches, observing the storage unit. You leaned forwards and rummaged through it again, assuming you'd miscounted.
No, you weren't wrong. Things were missing.
Billywig stings, Chinese chomping cabbage, dandelion roots, dittany… Your nose scrunched up in slight annoyance as your mind immediately thought of Snape. McGonagall did mention at the beginning of the year that he might snoop through your cabinets and take some ingredients for his Potions classes. You just didn't expect him to take this much.
Luckily for him, you were in a pleasant mood, so you weren't inclined to scold him for stealing from you, but rather just have a word. Not that he'd care if you did choose to berate him.
You sighed as you stood up from kneeling, your hands brushing off your now dusty skirt. Off you go, to the damp and dingy dungeons - not particularly one of your favourite places at Hogwarts. The weather had really changed over the past few days, it was now nearing the end of September, and so the rain and clouds had really started to take hold. As of right now, it was quite dark and dingy outside, the clouds almost black, like a warning to stay inside. You groaned at the depressing sight. Spring was your favourite season of the year, of course, being a Herbologist.
Quickly scurrying out of your greenhouse, across the outside courtyards and towards an entrance to the castle, your hand rose up to protect your head as a drizzle of rain started to fall. Reluctantly making your way to where Professor Snape resided, a rush of anxiety and butterflies stirred in your stomach. Was this a bad idea? Probably. Were you going to turn back? Possibly.
As you neared the spiral staircase down to the dungeons, a sick feeling gathered within you. Almost like a gut feeling. Perhaps this was a bad idea. You stopped in your tracks for a moment, torn between the desire of running away back to your greenhouse, pretending like you had no clue that Snape had been in your greenhouse and taken some things, and the desire of giving him a piece of your mind, respectfully, of course.
You shook your head to yourself, as if to rid your mind of your doubts, and so you carried on downwards, the smell of damp earth and what seemed to be decaying stone, interwoven with fresh moss. It wasn't too pleasant, but it was bearable, and it reeled you back to your time at Hogwarts when you used to travel down here for your Potions classes with none other than the brooding Professor Snape himself.
Your nose scrunched up as you thought back to the amount of times he had berated you in class for messing up such simple instructions, but you just weren't cut out to be a potioneer; Herbology was your calling.
You hesitated on the last step of the stairs, suddenly regretting your idea of paying the Bat a visit. Fuck it, you thought. You needed to establish some sort of boundaries.
A voice pulled you from your thoughts as you halted your body.
"Professor L/N," Snape's recognisable deep baritone rang out in the dark, gloomy hallway of the dungeons. His tone was almost questioning. It was a given, considering you were not a common passer-by in the dungeons. Thinking about it, this was probably your first time down here in a long time. His lips just uttering your name sent a chill down your spine. You cursed yourself for that. You had to squint slightly to spot his tall, broad and black figure in the shadows, partially illuminated by the torchlights hung against the walls.
"Professor Snape," You greeted back awkwardly. He stood straight, face adorned with his usual cold stare, one hand falling from the knob of his classroom door and moving to clasp his other behind his back. He was clearly waiting for you to explain your reasoning as to why you were down here, but you were sure he had inkling as to why. He wasn't stupid. "Erm." Your mind went blank. This was fucking embarrassing.
You glanced up at Snape, watching him tilt his head at you. He was silent. He was obviously enjoying your squirming as you tried to think of something to say to him.
"I've noticed some things missing from my cabinets." You finally said, trying to push aside the waves of embarrassment that were currently flooding your body. "I'm presuming it's you taking the ingredients?" You questioned quietly, avoiding the risk of conflict with Snape again. As much as it's fun to push his buttons, you did not have the energy this morning.
"Good observation." Snape said blankly, stalking towards you slowly. You felt your heart pick up in speed as another rush of anxiety ran through you.
"I appreciate the fact that you need them for your lessons, but I'd also appreciate the fact if you'd at least tell me." You said politely, desperate to keep the conversation calm and somewhat civil, watching nervously as he walked closer to you. You forgot how intimidating he could be when you weren't fueled by adrenaline and rage.
Snape cocked a brow at you, his eyes narrowing a tad as he studied your face. Your eyes were partially widened, lips parted to some degree. It was a very drastic change from the angry one he'd witnessed in the hallway.
"Would you like me to leave you a poem, and a cookie, too?" Snape teased you with a haughty look, purposefully provoking you. A quiet sigh slipped your lips as you rolled your eyes. That familiar mixture of irritation and lust rushed through your body.
"And here I thought we could have a civil conversation." You said bitterly, looking up into his dark, almost black eyes. Your cheeks burned hotter as you stared up at him. Snape was silent for a moment as he watched you. There was that rage again, bubbling inside you.
"How foolish of you." He simply said, that common amused smirk tugging at his lips. You felt your fists ball again, your nails digging painfully into your palms. This was a mistake for sure, you were in such a good mood today, and one visit to Snape had unravelled that. Gods, he was such an ass.
"Clearly." You bit back, venom sizzling in your voice. Snape's brow quirked at your tone, his eyes flicking between yours, as if trying to read your thoughts.
"If you have come to lecture me on my habits, Professor L/N, then you have come in vain." Snape said, looking down at you, observing your restless movements.
"Why? Too far up your own ass to accommodate other people's wishes?" You challenged him, though, you slightly regretted your choice of words almost immediately. Sometimes, you wondered how this man made you lose your temper and the leash on your tongue so easily.
"You are way out of your depth here, L/N." Snape warned you, his voice darkening.
Yeah, you were fully aware of that. Though, being the stubborn person you were, you refused to back down from Snape. This also seemed to be becoming a habit.
"Perhaps," you noted, quirking your lip, "or am I just making a good observation?" The rush of adrenaline pumped through you again, prompting your brave and daring words. You did not want to make an enemy out of Snape, but his rude and unnecessary comments were starting to grate against your patience. A beat of silence passed over the two of you before he spoke again.
"Will that be all, Professor L/N?" Snape glared at you, his patience wearing thin with you. The wizard's voice was harsh, almost biting. Maybe you really did piss him off this time. As much as you wanted to continue throwing insults at him to satisfy your own selfish needs, you should really take this moment to leave. Avoid making things worse, no?
"In truth, no," You shook your head at him, prompting a roll of his eyes. You clenched your jaw at his reaction. "I'd like it if you did actually leave a note or something along those lines to let me know what you've taken and used." You said calmly, trying to avoid another bout of conflict with Snape. The two of you seemed to butt heads constantly, probably due to your rather obvious differences.
"Yes, yes. I'll be sure to do that the next time I require your herbs or plants." Snape replied curtly, seemingly a little tired of this conversation.
Your face quickly twisted into a contortion of shock and confusion.
"…Okay… thank you?" You stumbled, frowning suspiciously at him. So, he just accepts your demand? Like that? Is this what it's like to be treated as an equal? Whatever you could get, you were going to take it. Just bite the bullet and leave, you thought. This was it.
Or was this some sort of mind-fuck?
"Do not thank me." Snape scoffed, his hands still clasped behind his back menacingly. Ah, no, there it was, you thought. 'Thank you' did not exist in his vocabulary either, then?
"So close, yet so far." You muttered amusedly, tilting your head at Snape curiously. You waited for another glare from him for being a smart-arse, but instead, Snape's lips quirked up into a smirk - an amused one at that.
It was a weird interaction. But with Snape, things were going to be weird; he wasn't a normal person. You'd be beating a dead horse if you wanted him to act like an average human being.
In secret, over the past few encounters with you, he'd grown respect to you - albeit a little - but it was enough. Satisfactory. In regards to the tongue-in-cheek, bordering offensive comments that fell from his lips, he only tended to push your buttons because you made it so easy for him, he found it rather entertaining to get under your skin and irritate you. In fact, it was highly amusing to him. For all his time at Hogwarts, it was refreshing to have someone that could keep up with his remarks and keep him on his toes, however annoying you may become. Although, he would never admit that to you… unless poisoned with Veritaserum.
"I have some grading to do." Snape announced, breaking the silence and your train of thought, continuing to stare down at you, inferring that he was indeed leaving now. You swallowed, nodding. The air surrounding you two was… weird, you couldn't put your finger on it. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it also wasn't comfortable.
"Likewise, Snape."
"Severus," he corrected you, narrowing his eyes, "you may call me Severus. We are, after all… colleagues now." Severus said, hesitating like he was almost inclined to say equals. You felt your heart leap into your mouth at the correction and you blinked quickly, a little taken aback at how he had suddenly changed. It was like you'd finally broken through his first defences and possibly earned some sort of respect. Perhaps he was testing you those past times, seeing how far you'd go, seeing if you'd break down and leave Hogwarts because of his relentless and cruel remarks. Nonetheless, you persevered through it and came out on top, despite the probable heightened blood pressure caused by the frustration and stress he gave you.
Still speechless from what he'd said, you stared up at him with big, wide eyes. "I suppose you may call me Y/N." You said quietly, your cheeks beginning to tint pink again from the intense gaze the two of you were holding. There it is, you inwardly groaned as your body betrayed you in front of Severus once again. At this point, there was more chance of you becoming the Minister of Magic than hiding your feelings. It was only going to get worse, you thought helplessly.
Severus tilted his head at you for a moment, observing you before swiftly turning around with a dramatic twirl of his cloak and floating into his office, the door shutting behind him with a heavy thud.
What a start to the year this has been…
ok so there's part 3, i'm not quite sure if i like how it ended, but i'll keep it for now. i do like the part where they exchange first names, sort of like the first bit of them tolerating each other B)
-> next on the agenda, the dueling club scene because that is just too good not to include omg. might change it up a bit tho.. we shall see!
this was lowkey an unintentional enemies to lovers fic i wont lie lmfao
once again thank you for reading, if you enjoyed it please let me know!! 🩷
part 4
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soapyghostie · 1 year
I love Pyramid Head a whole lot, and i think he deserves all the kisses, he literally has to suffer because of other people sins, so i was thinking, there's this big teory that Pyramid Head uses this Pyramid in his head as a punishment, so he has to walk around with it all the time, but Masahiro Ito said he had a face, his words were:
"I didn't design & make Pyramid Head face, but have a image of inside of helmet in those days. It's a binded someone's head with many frames.", soo i was thinking about a very fluffy comfort fic, where after muchhh time convincing Pyramid its ok to talk his helmet off for some time, him and reader can finally cuddle in a completely comfortable way. Please feel free to deny, i love your work and i know this request may be a bit bad, lol! Thank you
Hey! Thank you Anon! I’m so glad you love my work! Plus, this was a great request! There is no such thing as a bad request on my blog. 😊 Hope you enjoy!
Pyramid Head
Unlike all the other monsters in Silent Hill, Pyramid Head was manifested from the guilt and sorrow of the ones who needed to be punished; to remind them of their sins. Moreover, Pyramid Head was never one of the humans that got turned into a monster from Silent Hill’s curse, but was created from a person’s imagination. He pretty much was born with his helmet. 
Pyramid Head has never taken his helmet off before, let alone has seen his actual face. He doesn’t need to. Him being the executioner, his job is to inflict pain on his victims for their wrongdoing. In wearing the helmet, it reminds others of the pain they’ve caused others and the pain that is about to be brought upon them. He loves his job and he’s proud to represent it by wearing his helmet.
It’ll take a lot of convincing for him to take his helmet off. To him, it feels like his actual face; it helps him feel like he belongs; it makes him feel strong, powerful, and masculine. Yes, he knows he has a human body and face; however, it makes him feel insecure to think about it. All the other monsters look nothing like humans, but he is the only monster who does. The helmet makes him less of a human and more of a monster, the scariest one at that. All fear him: monsters and humans alike. He has all the power and control in Silent Hill so why take his helmet off, you know? 🤷‍♀️ 
You have to reassure him. Trust me, it does the trick. You have to remind him that he is no less of a strong, powerful being with his helmet off than with it on. Then again, he’ll still hesitate to take it off. This his is first time taking it off since he’s existed so he is quite nervous. Nevertheless, he’ll do it for you. 🙂 
The day he finally takes his helmet off, praise him. Tell him how handsome he looks. Kiss him all over his face. Pyramid Head will get so flustered: it’s cute. He appreciates that you see him for no less than who he is without his helmet then with it on. He might take it off more often now. Seriously, he didn’t realize how the weight of his helmet was killing his shoulders. 
He’ll show a softer side of himself. You thought he already did have a soft spot for you, but just you wait! This is a side of him no one has ever seen before, not even you. 
Pyramid Head becomes a literal giant man child, always wanting to be held and kissed. He’ll follow you around like a lost puppy everywhere; he wants you to hold his hand and be near you all the time. 
He apologizes a lot for never trusting you with seeing his face. He was just so scared you’d turn him away and think of him as weak. He wants to be big and strong for you, to protect you. Not be weak. 
You have shown him what true love actually is. He never knew feelings until you came along, yet, he still struggled with showing them towards you. However, when you saw his face for the first time, you showed him kindness and love. He doesn’t know how it happened, but it just clicked. He actually felt something. He felt love and he understood it. He understood it was okay to be vulnerable around the ones that truly love you because they’d near judge you and loved you for you. 
You are the light in his dark world. You’ve taught him so much. Before you, all he knew was pain and suffering. Now, he knows kindness and love. He can’t thank you enough and he’ll never take it for granted. Bonus, he loves to take off his helmet now. He feels like he can be more himself than with it on. He sees there is much more to him than being the feared executioner of Silent Hill.
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wambsgansshoelaces · 8 months
heyy love, i love your fics so muchhh!! if ur requests are open, i was wondering if you could write this fun lil oneshot i thought of<3
(didn't really think much of the details but i imagined something like the episode with the pierce family, or u could change to what feels nice to u)
reader is like super hot/crazy attractive and the siblings are instantly interested. kendall and roman, being their idiot selves, start competing for her attention and trying to get her to accept going out etc. turns out, at the end of the day, shiv gets the girl, as she was the one reader wanted all along (gagged them)
Girls Get Girls
Siobhan Roy x fem!Reader
not gonna lie anon I feel like I didn’t do this too well so I’m so so sorry :( I still hope you enjoy even though I don’t really deliver x
btw I literally love you anon keep requesting
im so gay
Word Count: 2.893k
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Mergers, acquisitions, stock, trade, liquidation. You couldn’t give a shit about any of it.
You’re not in the financial field at all, much to your parents’ disappointment. It’d brought you out of favor with them, brought your siblings closer to each other.
You usually don’t come to these things, but tonight it talk of selling the entire company. Leaving it all behind, cashing in the lotto, and fucking off. Your family had convinced you to come- despite your clear dislike for everything finance and business, you still hold stock and stake in the company. You were also going to get a pretty penny from your inheritance, so it would be wise to judge your potential buyer alongside your family.
You’re getting ready in your childhood bedroom, pacing the carpet as you put the finishing touches on your outfit. Your father had made it very clear: your job was to root out intention, then act accordingly. Regardless of whether you thought the Roys were worthy of the company or not is irrelevant at this moment. You need to be intimidating.
Intimidating, but also hot. Just for yourself.
A soft knock sounds at your door. “It’s me,” your cousin calls from the hall.
“Come in,” you call back.
She waltzes in, her blouse billowing behind her as she deposits herself on your bed. “Dad’s going to have an aneurysm.”
Even though you already know the answer, you ask, “Why?” You lean against your desk, facing her.
She snorts, knowing you’re trying to push her buttons. “He wants the company, dipshit. I still think all if this is to get on our nerves.”
“A chimp would do better as CEO than any of you,” you say, scoffing. What had started out as what you thought was joking was turning into something else.
“So why won’t you do it, then?” she asks, bitterly. “I don’t see why it has to be either you or someone out of the family entirely.”
“I’m not doing it because I don’t want to. My siblings also just… have no interest. We’re all off to bigger, better things.”
The two of you stare at each other until your father’s yelling draws you both from your trance.
“Up and at ’em,” he’s saying, pretty much to himself, once you’re downstairs. You brush imaginary dust from your sleeves as you make the awkward walk to the helipad. You and your brother share an exasperated look. Despite the fact that you’d been wedged apart over the years, you and your siblings share a lot of the same views and opinions.
“All this peacocking is fucking insane,” he mutters to you once you’re stopped a safe distance away from the pad.
“Just wait until you see them,” you mutter back.
Even though you weren’t involved in the business side of the company, you’d still been involved. You’d gone to dinners, conferences, galas. You were a bit of an outside source, as you held no real position in the company, but you knew you were vital.
At almost every event where someone with your last name was required to attend, there was also a Roy. You’d only ever seen them, never spoken to them
You hear the helicopter before you see it. Sunglasses perched on your nose, you look up. As it descends, your hair and jacket are blown vigorously back, and your hand goes to your scalp. The generated wind is aggressive, slicing over your skin, your clothing. The sound is now deafening, and you notice your sister clamping her hands over her ears. Your father gives her a look, something along the lines of don’t look weak, and your sister rolls her eyes in response, mouthing fuck you.
You have to suppress your smile. The helicopter’s landed, and people are starting to pile out.
“Logan, old friend,” your dad bellows jovially. While the two families had never met, never been close, you know your father and Logan Roy were actually the best of friends. You don’t know how they met. Your father spoke of Logan from as far back as undergrad university.
Your father steps forward, meeting Logan halfway as he leads the rest of his family towards yours. They envelope each other in a hug, and your brother snorts. He’s the only one who’s ever interacted with the Roys.
“It’s like he has a multiple personality disorder,” he’d told you the other day, talking about the enigma that was the head of the other family. “One second he’s laughing, then the minute Dad’s out the room, the guy’s raging over his kids or the people not doing enough work or whatever the fuck else is wrong with that stupid fucking company.”
He turns from your father to your mother, murmuring a warm greeting, then to the row of you, your sister, and your brother.
“Oh, look at the three of you! All grown and radiant,” he says heartily. So far, he doesn’t seem like the demon your younger brother had described him to be. But you know well enough that looks can be deceiving. He opens his arms out to you first, since you’re the eldest of the three. You give him an awkward hug, his hand clapping over your back in a friendly manner. “If only any of my children had the sense to get with you,” he mutters conspiratorially, earning a chuckle from you. He pats your shoulder, before moving on to your brother.
Logan’s wife is next. “Marcia,” she murmurs softly to you, taking you by the shoulders and air-kissing both your cheeks. You return the gesture as she does it, making sure to stay smiling. It’s all a flurry of names you’re sure you’re going to forget the second you need them. Connor, Gerri, Willa, Frank, Rhea. It’s really all just a bunch of letters bouncing around in your head.
Who you’re sure you will remember, though, are the siblings. The younger three. The important ones, your dad liked to call them.
As all of the ‘adults’ convened to chat amongst themselves, like they did when you were children, you and your sister are having a quiet conversation about your work. She’s in the middle of asking you to come out to her office to help you with something when you feel a hand settle on your shoulder. You turn, coming eye to eye with Kendall Roy.
“Hi,” he says carefully, small smile playing on his lips. “I don’t think we’ve met?”
“No, we haven’t,” you say back. “Y/N.” You offer him your hand to shake, like your father expects you to do with everyone.
“Yeah, I know,” you say awkwardly. He manages a laugh, withdrawing his hand, his eyes flitting over your face.
“I’m sorry it’s taken me this long, then, to, uh, put your name to your face.”
You’re not really sure what he means, but you don’t think you care that much.
“Move over, Kendall, you’re boring the shit out of her.” His brother comes over, bumping him with his hip. You have to stifle a laugh. “Roman.” You shake hands, offering him a polite smile. “He’s right, though. You’re a bit of a mystery to everyone.”
“Am I?” you ask, laughter seeping into your voice.
“Not to me.” Her voice is firm, clear. “I’m Shiv. I was at the conference you gave the Ethics presentation to. I know your work. My brothers are just stupid.”
You laugh for real this time. “Nice to meet you, Shiv. I’m familiar with your work, too. I’m just not so deep into the political sphere like you are.”
“I can help with that, you know,” she says, expression surprisingly soft. “I’ve been looking for someone that shares my opinions and… moral compass to work with. You need your rock, you know?”
The conglomerate of people slowly transitions inside. Roman and Kendall get roped into other conversations, your sister disappearing off to who knows where. You mill about in the dimly lit sitting room, watching everyone interact. Shiv’s still by your side.
“No offense, but I hate these things,” she says quietly, coming closer to you so you can hear.
You laugh lightly. “None taken.” You glance over at her to find that her eyes are already glued to you. You feel your face heat, her gaze flickering down your body before coming back up to your face. She has a sly smile on, but it’s quickly melting into one of real, soft emotion. You open your mouth to offer her something you’ll probably regret later, but are interrupted by your father clapping his hands together and waving everyone into the dining room. Instead, you give her an exasperated smile and follow the crowd.
Your father eyes you and your siblings as you all slip into your strategically chosen seats, making it so you’d all be surrounded by Roys. Your brother makes a face at you from the other side of the table. You ignore him, instead looking up at Shiv, who hovers by the chair at your left hand.
Almost shyly, she asks, “May I?”
A giddy smile spreads across her face as she sits, and you can’t help but mirror her expression. You look down into your plate, catching your sister’s gaze on you. Kendall takes the seat on your other side, Logan sitting directly across from you, right by your dad.
Roman and your brother are laughing over something as you get served the appetizer, your sister staring off into space while Connor talks at her rather than to her. Your mother speaks quietly with Marcia, and of course, your father and Logan are the loudest at the table, laughing and gesturing around.
Your cousin is on Kendall’s other side, overly-focused on her food. The conversation suddenly involves the entire table, Logan leaving forward. “What is it you do again, Y/N?”
You shrug lightly. “I work in media and risk analysis. Dabble a bit in economics.”
“So like Shiv?”
“Not really,” you and her say at the same time. You gesture with your fork, letting her continue.
“Our work certainly overlaps, and I’m glad it does,” she says, “but I’m more… political, she’s more… corporate.”
“If you dabbled in economics,” your cousin manages through gritted teeth, “we wouldn’t be here.”
“Neither would we if you did,” you retort calmly.
She scoffs. “I still don’t see why all of this is happening,” she says back, barely loud enough for everyone to hear. You look to your father, praying he’ll deal with it himself before she goes on some tirade, scaring off the buyer, but he makes no move. He simply glances at you, his gaze loaded.
Do it yourself.
You wait for a few moments, letting the tension strain the room. Maybe she’ll back off.
She doesn’t.
“The company is leaving family hands because of you, Y/N. It’s going to crash and burn because you refuse to fucking see what’s sitting in front of you.”
Logan’s lips press together into a thin line, and you know you have to recover. “I don’t want the company. Neither of my siblings want it. Don’t you think it’s a little telling you’re the only one lusting after it so loudly?”
“I don’t see what that has to say about me.”
“You want it, and you’re not getting it,” you say firmly. “You’re incompetent. The Roy name is not.”
Dinner is only silent for so much longer. Your brother, at his breaking point, asks loudly, “Why are you even here? You blew the Pierce deal. Fuck off.” Your father hisses something into your brother’s ear. He scoffs in response. “I’m sick of it, Dad. The three of us bust our asses to get this to go well for you and she gets to waltz in, do whatever the fuck she wants whenever the fuck she wants.” He quickly pushes back his chair from the table and makes his way out of the dining room.
Clearly, this is deeper than one stupid comment made at the dinner table. You throw a questioning glance at your sister. She gives a minute shake of her head. She doesn’t know.
Dramatically, your cousin follows your brother out. Roman is trying not to laugh, and all of a sudden, your father and Logan aren’t in the mood they were before.
You turn to Shiv, exasperated. She’s also stuffing a laugh down, and it’s contagious. “Is my juvenile family drama amusing to you?” you murmur to her questioningly, the soft clink of silverware and terse chatter filling the room.
“Yeah,” she says, nearly choking on a laugh. “This is so fucking stupid. How do you deal with it?”
“I never stay home.” You down the rest of the water in your glass.
“Hey, uh, Y/N,” Kendall begins, leaning towards you as you turn to face him. “I just wanted to say, I get how it feels.” He gestures vaguely around. “So if you want to, um, get some air after, I’d love to join you.”
You thank him sincerely, giving him a soft smile. Dessert finally comes out. You’re almost there. You turn back to Shiv, but she’s conversing with whoever’s on her other side, to your disappointment. You eat your cheesecake in silence, Roman catching your eye and giving you a wink. You didn’t know people actually did that, but he pulled it off nicely, you think.
When your father finally gets up, ushering everyone into the sitting room for drinks and chatter, you heave a sigh of relief. You trail behind the crowd, hoping to be able to slip away on your own.
You succeed. You sigh up at the high vaulted ceiling, padding towards the grand staircase up to your room.
“Hey, where’re you going?” comes a soft voice. You turn, Shiv, hurrying after you.
“Escaping,” you say jokingly, pausing on the stairs, letting her catch up to you.
“Can I come?”
“Yeah. You can.”
The sight of her sitting cross-legged on your bed does something to you. It sucks all the air from your body. But maybe that was just the sight of her.
"Your brother okay?" she asks, looking up at you.
"He'll be fine. Everyone's just a bit tense."
"Just so you know, your cousin's temper tantrum doesn't change anything."
"I'd hope it didn't."
"What would change things though," she tells you, "is whether you want to come on once we buy the company."
"Yes, you. I was serious when I was talking about how I need someone in my corner."
"What do you mean?"
"It's me. The company gets handed to me."
"Congratulations, Shiv. But really, I want nothing to do with it."
"I'd be running things. You'd just be my right hand woman. The very attractive right hand woman that I see every day."
You laugh, unable to suppress the grin splitting your face.
“My cousin’ll murder me,” you manage to say.
“So? Let her try. Not like you’ll go down or anything.” She smiles up at you. “I think that’s hot. You’re hot.”
Silence stretches between the two of you, both of you grinning at each other.
“You’re really pretty,” you breathe, believing she followed you for a reason.
“I’m glad you think so.” Her hands come to cup your jaw in the few instances it takes you to cross the room, slide onto your bed, and kiss her. “God, you’re so… so fucking gorgeous.”
“Yeah?” you ask against her lips, peppering gentle kisses onto them. “Stay the night.”
“I told everyone I went home,” she says, giggling.
Your hand flits to her hip, rubbing soothingly. Your kisses are slow, tender. You’re both enjoying yourselves. It feels so real. It feels like something more.
You slide off of her, off the bed, eliciting a whine from her pretty mouth. “Just locking the door, baby.”
You wake up, head buried in her chest. She’d borrowed some pajamas of yours, the shirt a soft cotton. Her breathing is light and airy, and it’s music to your ears. Her fingers are threaded in the hair at your scalp, her arm thrown over your back.
You drift in and out of consciousness until she wakes up, pressing kisses along your forehead. Shiv sits up, letting you stay settled in her lap. You press a hot kiss to her bare thigh, shorts hiked up her legs.
“You know,” she says, after a short while of silence, “Ken and Roman were drooling over you all night.”
You snort. “Were they?”
“I know them. They were. And here I am,” she says, satisfied with herself.
You let out an airy laugh. “Here you are.”
“I was drooling, too,” she admits.
“Can we stop talking about saliva?”
She pinches your ass, to which you don’t dignify with a reaction, instead smiling into her thigh. “I wanna keep seeing you.”
“I have to fly out to Italy for some work. Maybe I want you to come with me.”
“God, I love women.” Her hand cards through your hair. “Mind if I take a picture? I want to send it to my brothers.”
“Perv,” you mutter, but nod anyway. You smile at the camera from her thigh, pressing a searing kiss to the place where her leg meets her hip the moment she hits the button.
It captures her beautiful face in an ecstatic smile, yours in soft affection as you look up at her, not the camera.
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mrghostrat · 9 months
Before anything I just wanted to say that I absolutely ADORE your Stream AU, thank you so, so muchhh. It is lovely and has been super helpful to me <333
Now going to the point — not dolphins, I'm afraid — that bout Exes and Jeaulosy gave me an idea.
What if, what if, an Aziraphale's ex shows up and they are just so freaking annoying and inconvenient and wont go tf away so Mister Protective Crowley pretends to be Aziraphale's partner and scary them off.
Both Crowley and Aziraphale enjoy the couple rp very much, but their dumbasses are like, oww hes just being nice that meant nothing :))
BUUUT right while they were doing their scary boyfriend rp Furfur appears and takes The Photo and after that it is just complete c h a o s ✨️✨️
I dont know if this is any good, it is 3AM and I havent slept (?) since yesterday and I just really needed to get it of my system.
thkuhthd exquisite,
BUT, im sorry i probably won't go down this path, only because that is the entire premise of the other fic i'm currently writing LMAOOO
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chuuminn · 18 days
Hope you're well!!!!
I read all dazai stories that you recommended and I have a request pleeth.
I love enemies to lovers trop so muchhh, can you recommend chuuya vs. Reader Enemies to lovers fics?
Preferably if smut ;)
i am so good !!! today is a beautiful day and i'mma be a subtle nerd at a family gathering with my chuuya earrings teehee- all is well ~
i am shocked that i haven't read more enemies to lovers with best boy nakahara. the only one that's coming to mind is:
something on your mind, nakahara? by @thewickedjazzy "enemies to fuckers lovers? it's been two years since you joined the port mafia and chuuya still gives you the cold shoulder like you’re some sort of personal vendetta. confused, you finally mustered up the courage to ask him straight up why he’s been acting like a dick? what’s his deal with you?"
but !!! i also have this rec that has the same sort of delicious tension that enemies to lovers provides !
wanna get him back by @osarina  “after an argument with your boyfriend and two weeks of no contact, you finally decide to make your first move by stirring up trouble at one of his bars. it can't possibly be that bad of an idea, right? you just want him back, and maybe get a little revenge while you're at it.”
sorry i couldn't be of more help, anon ! but i hope you enjoy these~ as per usual please read the tags before you read and show the authors some love ! fanfic writers are truley the backbone of fandom T^T
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tennessoui · 19 days
I just wanted to say that I love your fics so muchhh you have this unparalleled way of capturing them!
And I wanted to ask, do you have a moment in the SW timeline you most enjoy writing and reading fics in?
Ahh thank you so much this is super sweet and I’m glad you like my fics and takes on these two characters 🥰🥰
I think my favorite time to write in SW timeline is the clone wars for sure. Mostly because I haven’t really finished the show but watched bits and pieces and random episodes I heard a lot about or had a scene I wanted to see, but that means my understanding of the clone wars timeline is very very nebulous so it feels like literally anything could happen lol it’s a very good place to situate “anakin is a Jedi Knight but not close to fighting, Padmé is not pregnant yet but they’re married” (the marriage comes and goes depending on my interest in writing it) “obi-wan is a Jedi master and has gotten used to seeing anakin as his equal in many ways, and the clones are there” which is a sort of basic development I usually end up situating my tcw fics in
though all that being said I will add that the only fic ive written post-canon is also my favorite fic I’ve ever written - let my love be the knife that implicates me. So maybe I should leave my comfort space and write more post-tcws 🤔
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tarochimochi · 7 months
man i hope this isnt weird at all but genuinely ur daily losercake stuff is so nice and sweet, it makes me happy seeing someone enjoying these guys so much and its always really nice seeing losercake!!! AND DAILY TOO!!!! ur literally spoiling us /hj
plus like how its been rn (havent been doing so hot haha, just personal stuff ofc) seeing them makes my day a bit brighter and gives me....ENERGY!! so keep up the great work !! i always love seeing what funny little doodles you make 🌻🌻and also have a great day ok :O]
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Losercake, everyday, daily.
Day 60
Bonus and rambles below cut:
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WAAAA OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCHHH IT MEANS ACTUALLY SO MUCH. I actually got kinda inspired to start losercake daily because of the actual fucking drought their is of content, like the Losercake tag of ao3 hasn’t been updated in months and the last like three fics at nsfw so i can’t read those. Or like people just hate on the ship now and say it’s forced like no offense but i bet your fav pairing hasn’t even been acknowledged by jacknjellify in the last 8 years. SO IT WAS SHOCKING TO FIND SOMEONE ELSE WHO CONTRIBUTES TO THE LOSERCAKE TAG SO THANK YOU! I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER BECAUSE I KNOW HOW IT FEELS ALSO DW ITMs NOT WEIRD ANYTHING IS FUCKING BETTER THEN THE ANONS I GET
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cloud-somersault · 11 days
I started off at Black Myth Wukong, stumbled upon Lego Monkey Kid, got into ShadowPeach, got to YOUR fics, and you are a blessing, a bazillion merits to you, your home, your pets, your lamp, you deserve the world and everything ever
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OHH THANK YOU SO MUCHHH!!!! You've fallen down the Monkey King rabbit hole, I see. Well, I hope you enjoy your stay, and thanks for reading my stuff!!! Glad you liked it!!! Are you liking Black Myth Wukong??? It's on my "to play" list!!
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satoruxx · 1 month
I LOVE UR TOJI SERIES SO MUCHHH i feel like series r so hard to come by nowadays. even tho i love one shots, i get so much more attached to characters in longer reads. tysm and keep up the great work !!!
AHHHHH NONNIE ILY !!!!! i'm so happy you're enjoying it <33 i will always be the biggest long fic supporter !! ofc i love drabbles and cute lil blurbs but long fics/series make me so giddy :33 you're absolutely right it's much easier to get attached to the characters when there is a shit ton of info about them !!
anyways ily nonnie tysm for reading !! wolf toji and i are hugging you very tightly :33
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sugar-omi · 2 months
Hiiii! We're moots but I'm shy lol
I just wanted to tell you that I've been following you for nearly a year now and your writing has improved SO MUCH. It was always good, you definitely have a talent! But you're building the skill too and it's so fun to watch. I always get so excited when I see you've posted a little story and I hope you post so many more :)
Thank you for your service to this fandom, you are irreplaceable to us <3
OMG HIII <3 don't be shy, i promise i don't bite lol so feel free to msg me anytime <33
but thank you so muchhh, you made me so happy i could CRY. you're so sweet. and i so agree with you omg, it had been years since i wrote for fun and even though i wrote many good fics for my creative writing class, i could see such a big difference in my writing when i first started this blog but i knew i just had to keep writing n i'd get to where i wanted to be.
so seeing people like or reblog my older work is kinda embarrassing because i know it's not as good as what i write now, and i always go "oh god. please dont let that be the FIRST thing you read from me" or "omg may i interest you in this less cringy work" LMAO, but im happy you all enjoy it anyway 😂🫶
honestly you're making me tear up LOL i dunno about 'irreplaceable' but i'm so glad i get to write for this fandom, this is the most fun i've had in fandom like ever, n yall are so kind and very supportive.
thank you so much for reading this long, and thank you to the new people reading too. yall are too sweet. i will try to write more, so that way yall have many good, quality fics to read, and we can keep having fun together <3
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sunnami · 2 months
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dentdechien · 10 months
Okay I really gotta 😭 tysm for the Dragon content I am so so grateful. There's so little art of him, and so few FICS with him. Can you explain why you like him??? I'm just curious and hungry for more Dragon content and conversation! What do you think of the revs and Sabo and Dragon and the latest chapters that show us little peeks into Dragon and the revs???? Thank you again I appreciate you so much, all your Dragon art own my soul 😭❤️
Yo! I’m super glad you enjoy my Dragon art thank you it means so much :D 💚
I’ve liked him since i got into op but i’ve never loved him as much as I do at the moment, it was just a ‘oh he’s so cool’ now it’s ‘oh he’s SO COOL’ tbh i don’t have any reason on why I like him he’s just COOL and I like his quiet personality
I like the rev army as well and i’m glad they’ve been given more spotlight in the recent chaps !! It’s very interesting to see their history, I intend on drawing them soon :-) (Huge fan of Belo Betty btw)
Also love the relationship between Sabo and Dragon and the scene where they meet is my favorite in one piece, with some others too
I like how we saw more of his younger self in recent chaps and I want to know more of him so muchhh he’s still so mysterious, I want to know how his relationship with Garp is among other things !!!!!!!
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simpjaes · 3 months
I just read your hyper-sexual fic for jake and lemme tell you that was THE BEST FUCKING FIC I HAVE READ EVERERR
Omg now I need more of free use with jake where he’s desperate even if it’s just headcons and not a whole ass fic
(Also do u know how similar it was to my imagination in my head where jake and y/n are idols, y/n is his senior, not that much older like 3 years only (noona kink go brrrrr) and recently went thru a bad break up and asks jake for friends with benefits which just includes free use sex and y/n giving him the concent to do anything and everything he has ever wanted that is free use ik😭. It’s like dreams come true for jake cuz he has always had a little crush on y/n and her just basically let him do anything to her body has him desperately and pathetically fuck her senseless into oblivion. Part of the reason why y/n chose jake for free use is just how desperate and pathetic he is for her and it just turns her on soo much)
(but it was just all in my head sooo thank you for writing this amazing fic🤍🤍🤍it was all I have ever wanted from a jake fic)
!!!!!!!! im really glad you liked it :D i rly wasn't expecting such great feedback on that fic and i'm forever grateful to you guys who read it and love it enough to tell me how it made u feel!!!
as for writing like maybe a lil headcannon or drabble of the freeuse after that fic takes place...i'm considering it. we shall see, we shall see.
your imagination sounds fun btw. while I don't typically enjoy writing idol aus, there are a few exceptions. i think im more just into the free use concept with jake, especially when he's so desperate all he can think about is fucking and he never gets to just let it go and do what he needs to satisfy himself. love me a feral man, one who will fuck someone to the point they probably could consider their sex life satisfied forever after one session with jake ;o; i want him to be sooooooooooo overwhelming and soooo goood at it by accident.
anyway! im happy to have written the fic that has given you what you wanted or needed. I hope i can keep doing that fr :D
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alexisomnias · 1 year
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TUMBLR APPRECATION POST (IM SORRYYYY if you don’t like being tagged ;;;
i recently got to 400, so just gonna leave some appreciation for some of gave me lots of inspiration!
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@streetbystreets :: you’re my BEST friend on the platform, and one of the sweetest people i’ve ever met! You’re a role model to me, and love you forever/p. Your writing is so poetic, and beautiful and I fall in love with it everytime i see a piece. You’re a wonderful person, and I think it’s wonderful how kind and talented you are!
@kalims :: you’re one of the BEST writers on the platform without a doubt! Your writing is phenomenal and I find myself actively rereading it, and enjoying it just as much as the first time. Your writing is so soft, and always ends up so wholesome!
@ceruleancattail :: YOU’RE SO SWEETTTT CERU!! Your writing is also amazing !!! I love it so muchhh and I think it's always consumable no matter what it is~ you’re a joy to read the posts on my dash and it's always exciting seeing you interact!
@oepionie :: I’m screaming in thanks and joy to those who allowed me to come across your writing. YOUR SUCH A GOOD WRITER AND I LERWW4R3R SUCH A LARGE INSPIRATION TO ME!! I’M SOOOO HAPPY I FOUND YOU AND YOUR WRITING! Everyone needs to go read pio’s writing if you haven’t
@bladetism :: KHOI, THE GOOFIEST FISH, you make me so happy stg, you’re the most wholesome person i’ve talked to, and i always laugh during our conversations. You’re a bundle of joy even when you’re not the happiest. Your writing is also SO good!! Love it a lot
@shutupkida :: your writing has done something to me, and i want to murder you for it/j, YOUR LITERALLY SO SWEET STFU , also so funny! I love your writing sm, and just watching you interact with others lmao
@shkanoin :: I'M GONNA SOB. I LOVE U SM LEI/p, YOU’RE SO SWEET, AND AND YOUR WRITING HAS ALTERED MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY. I LOVE IT SM !!! also your ace content is PHENOMENAL. I reread the nanook fic actively
@mikacynth :: MIKA, your one of the nicest, most wholesome people on this platform. You’re a trophy on tumblr frfr, KNOWING U IS LITERALLY A BRAGGING RIGHT. Your writing is so so nice, and soft and i just want to squish it frfr
@floraldresvi :: Vi, i’m at your wedding. Baivi is real, and it deserves to be real along with all your other wishes because RAH. YouR SO SWEET AND CONSIDERATE AND SELFLESS!! I ADOREE ALL OUR INTERACTS. Your lit the n1 supporter of my selfship fr and your so big sister.
@kunehori ::I LOVE YOUR ART STYLE SM, AND YOUR SOOO TALENTED!! You may not write anymore BUT I'M SUCH A FAN OF THOSE WORKS TOO!! You were a headstart to my writing and I adore you for that, you also were a role model for me too when forming my writing style! YOUR AMAZING, AND I WANT TO NOM ON UR AMAZING ART.
@mishantics :: I want to consume, stare, and be your drawings all at once. ITS SO GOOD RAHHHH, I lOVE THEM SMMMM, AND FGYEW4W IT’S A DRAWING I WANT ON MY WALL!! You’re also so silly, and fun to be around. I love talking to you, and ur so funny.
@ashipiko :: your art is gorgeous, and i LOVE all your selfship content!! Its so cute, and always so well drawn out (both in an art sense and dynamic too!) and your art challenge is so cute too! You’re also such a sweet person, and I wish you all the best !!
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