#i dunno. it rubs me the wrong way and i hope i dont meet anyone and find out later they hate animals. sigh!
faineant-girl · 1 month
*going thru a page i know will piss me off* man that pisses me off
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despairofthefuture · 3 years
We're the ghost of the Yakuza coming to haunt your ass. Joking, but fr though Junko's crazy. Are you gonna try to speak to Leon again? Y'know, cause you saw his ghost?
The clairvoyant frowns at the attempt of a joke. "Hey, dont joke about that type of stuff!" He huffs, crossing his arms. "I joined Hope's Peak in order to escape from those guys! If I was being haunted by their ghosts..." He shivers, then furrows his brow at the question. "Well, yeah! Obviously I'm gonna talk to Leon again. He cant just throw all this info on me and poof away! I need more help damn it!"
"So are you calmed down, urchinhead?"
Leon's voice causes Hiro to jump, but he relaxes when the ghostly form of his best friend appears, his arms crossed and an eyebrow raised.
Hiro nods. "Yeah. Well, as calm as I can be with ghosts around and the knowledge that the world is gonna end if I dont do something about it."
Leon snorts. "Yeah, that's fair enough. I'm really sorry its gotta be you. Honestly I'd prefer if it was anyone else. I'm as worried about you're capabilities as you!"
"Hey!" Hiro exclaims indignantly. Though he couldnt argue the redhead was wrong. "Its not my fault! All of this is so confusing! I have no idea what's going on!"
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Both boys look over in the direction of the voice, a slight shimmer in the form of a human being outlined for them to see.
"Oh, yeah. That might be a good start." Leon agrees with a nod. "That whole shitshow kinda starts the worst of it."
The fortune teller blinks, confusion on his features. "R-Ryota? What...what shitshow? What does Junko want with Ryota?!"
Leon frowns and rubs his head. "Its...a very long story. Just, dont let her meet up with him, or else she's gonna use him to make this Despair brainwashing video."
Hiro just stares at his friend in disbelief. "Youre... you're kidding, right?" He finally says. "That kinda stuff only happens in games and movies! That cant actually happen!"
Leon rolls his eyes. "You saw for yourself, dude. Junko is not to be fucked with. She's gonna force us to kill our friends! Her sole goal is filling us with despair!"
"D...despair? What...? I dont...understand.." Hiro mutters, shaking his head in confusion.
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Leon nods solemnly as the spirit finishes speaking.
Hiro, meanwhile, just gapes in horror. "..." He was speechless. He couldnt even think of any words to say.
Leon looks to his bro worriedly. "Hey...Hiro, you alright, dude?" He asks quietly, floating over to the clairvoyant and gently resting a ghostly hand on the older man's shoulder.
This seems to snap Hiro out of it, and he backs away several paces while shaking his head. "This is crazy. It...its beyond crazy! Global terrorism?! She's just a high school girl!!"
Leon chuckles darkly and scratches the back of his head. "Heh. Yeah. That's where Ryota comes in. She uses his Ultimate Animator talent to make this Despair brainwashing video, and that causes a whole bunch of people to start worshipping her and cause mayhem around the world."
Yasuhiro just stands there in silence as his brain tries to process this information. "This...this all seems so...so..." He struggles to find the words, and fails. He shakes his head. "There...theres no way I can stop something like that..."
"Yes there is!" Leon insists, grabbing Hiro by the shoulders. His hands go right through his friend, and this sends a chill down the future teller's spine as Leon continues. "You can stop her because you have to, Hiro! You're the only one who can stop the Tragedy!" He looks the frightened man dead in the eyes. "Hiro, if you dont stop this now, most of our class will be killed. The entire world will be thrown into Despair, and will basically be an apocalypse. Millions of people will die. You have to do something." He gives his friend a reassuring smile. "And hey! You wont be alone! I'll be by your side the whole time to help you." He gestures around the room. Though empty, Hiro could feel the presence of many others around him, and it filled his body with a comforting aura. "And so will they." He beams and gives Hiro a thumbs up. "You got this, bro!"
Hiro slowly smiles, and after a moment he nods. "A...alright. I...I'lll try. I dunno how, but I'll do my best.
So where would Ryota be?"
Leon Kuwata's Ghost is now open for questions!
A/N: That's right, you can not only ask Hiro questions, but you can direct questions to Leon as well! And any other ghosts that may or may not appear
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laurens-lil-fics · 6 years
Hallucinate - Matt Murdock x Powered! Reader Part 4
Series Summary: When members of a criminal organization start flooding precincts all over New York, turning themselves in, Daredevil must investigate to see what new player has them running for the hills.
Chapter Summary: A couple days of radio silence makes Matt worry his new partner may do something rash. His solution? A sushi dinner downtown. But an uninvited guest could turn the whole night around.
Word Count: 2597
Warnings: Major angst, cursing, kidnapping
Author’s note: I thought this chapter would be hella short but it is, in fact, hella long. Dont worry, yall will get some answers soon. 
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The third time was, in fact, not the charm. Neither was the fifth, or the seventh.
By the eighth call, (Y/n) finally answered, mumbling a simple command to leave her alone before hanging up.
Matt sighed deeply, repressing the urge to throw the burner phone out the window and start scouring the city for her heart beat.
It had been two days since the incident at the docks. She had refused to let him try to get her to ‘her place,’ insisting she didn’t trust him with that information.
When he tried convincing her to let him treat her wound she only pushed him away, eventually using what little energy she had left to fly off and leave him in the shipping container where they had taken refuge.
Both Daredevil and Matt Murdock hadn’t heard from (Y/n), which understandably put him on edge. 
Karen insisted it was because he had taken the charade too far and let himself get close to her.
He insisted it was because someone powerful enough to rip a yacht in half was on the loose in Hell’s Kitchen, unsupervised and seething. 
She had the addresses of the warehouses Mr. Mackie tipped Matt off to, she could have easily gone on her own to find Blum and kill him. Shit, he was probably dead already.
Groaning to himself, Matt ran his fingers over the case file he was supposed to be reading for a fourth time. He was too distracted to focus on anything that didn’t have to do with (Y/n) or Blum or anyone else involved with the two of them.
By the time he had forced himself to finish the case file, it was already noon.
He reached for his personal phone this time, deciding a call from Matt Murdock was the better approach. On the third ring she answered.
“Hello...?” Her voice was raspy, worn, like she had been crying or screaming, maybe a mixture of both.
“Hey stranger...” he smiled to himself, hearing her chuckle over the line, “haven’t heard from you in a while... everything okay?”
He could’ve sworn he heard her mumble something about him being mindreader before she responded. “Yeah... I’ve just had a lot on my mind and I haven’t felt like talking to anyone...”
“Well if it’ll help, I’m free tonight... Maybe venting about it will help you feel better?” He offered, his fingers tapping anxiously against his desk as he awaited her response.
“I dunno...” she sighed, “It’s a lot... and I don’t wanna bore you with the details. I’m not one to dump my problems onto other people.”
That would explain her reluctance to work with him.
“It’s not ‘dumping your problems’ if I’m offering to let you vent to me... plus as a lawyer, any and all ability to get bored was beaten out of me at law school.”
(Y/n) chuckled again, then the line went quiet. Matt didn’t break the silence, hoping she was taking that time to consider his offer.
“Where did you wanna meet...?”
Matt smiled softly, leaning back into his chair. “Theres this sushi place downtown, it’s small but the foods good... you eat sushi?”
“When it’s in my budget, yeah.” she responded.
Matt assured her he would cover it, though it took some convincing on her part to allow it. Once he gave her the address, he hung up. Now he just had to come up with a line of questioning that would be the most inconspicuous. 
Matt arrived just a couple minutes before (Y/n), worried if he showed up late even by a minute it would rub her the wrong way.
Why was he so worried? He told himself she’d open up to him more if she was in a good mood; that she’d be less likely to kill someone if he put her in a good head space.
From his moist palms he knew he was lying to himself.
He heard her walking up the block towards the restaurant, but still acted surprised when she lightly bumped him before telling him hello.
He could hear the fabric of a skirt brushing over her knees, the light click of her kitten heels, and he could smell just a hint of sweet perfume lingering on her skin.
“It’s a little more casual than I expected...” she trailed off, leaning a bit more into Matt as they entered the restaurant. 
“I’m sure you look beautiful... no one’s really going to mind if you come in a bit overdressed.” he assured her. He realized he had called her beautiful once he felt the heat rise to her cheeks. Matt Murdock sucked at playing it cool.
The two sat down in the corner of the restaurant, neither really knowing how to start the conversation once they had ordered their drinks.
“Okay... then I’ll start...” Matt cleared his throat, leaning in closer to her, “I haven’t known you very long... but you’re very sweet... I enjoy spending time with you. I just want to do what I can to make sure you’re alright... and I can’t do that if I don’t know what’s going on with you...”
The waitress interrupted them, bringing them their drinks and jotting down their orders, (Y/n)’s heart hammering in her chest the whole time.
Once she had left, (Y/n) sighed softly began fiddling with the wrapper from her straw.
“You know how I told you I went to school for photo journalism?” the nod from Matt prompted her to continue. “I never graduated... When I was working on my degree one of my professors told me I’d have to go out and take pictures for a big story if I wanted a real job... so I did...”
Matt cocked an eyebrow at this, “And what did you find?” he pressed.
“Nothing good...” She mumbled, glancing around the room, “I found out this company that had branched into the city my college was in... it was doing a lot of really shady stuff... But once they found out what I had they made my life hell.”
She stopped there, why she refused to say more, Matt didn’t know.
“And that made it harder for you to attend classes?”
(Y/n) hummed in agreement, her voice wavering for a moment.
“Part of me knows I did the right think trying to find the truth... but I also know if I hadn’t seen what I did my life would be so much easier... I wanna go back to school, I wanna finish my degree, but no one will hire me without it and I can’t pay for school without money... I ruined my own life...”
“That’s not true... Hey, it’s not true.” He reached forward, searching for her hand for a moment before gently holding it in his. 
“You did what you thought was right... you didn’t make that company do whatever it is they did, you didn’t force their hands. You only tried to expose it so people wouldn’t get hurt.”
(Y/n) was silent, save for a couple soft sniffles here and there. Matt could tell she was trying to fight back tears, had he known this was under the hard exterior he had seen during his nights with her as Daredevil, he would have opted to talk with her somewhere more private.
“You’re a lawyer... What do you do when the bad people don’t get what they deserve...? What do you do when you know they’ve hurt people, that they deserve to be punished, but they just... they’re not?”
Matt would be a hypocrite to tell her it was best to turn the other cheek. Shit, he spent his nights in a devil costume beating up people who got away with whatever crimes they had committed. People who the justice system just couldn’t stop.
But he also couldn’t tell her to keep fighting them, that could set something off inside her head, something that would give her that good old Frank Castle mentality.
“I may not look it, but I’m a praying man... sometimes you just have to pray that someone else will step in and give those people what they deserve.” That was a happy middle, right...?
(Y/n) slowly pulled her hand away, the sound of her wiping at her eyes not lost on him. “Sometimes prayers aren’t enough...”
Matt shrugged his shoulders, a soft sigh escaping his parted lips. “You’re right... but it’s still important to have hope... otherwise what they did to you will eat you up for the rest of your life and you’ll never move on.”
She seemed to be pondering what he said, all while refusing to look at him. All that pain, all that anger, Matt knew as well as anyone it wouldn’t go away in one night. But maybe this was a step in the right direction.
This time, she reached over, taking hold of his and giving it a gentle squeeze. She murmured a small thank you, to which Matt returned the intimate gesture and brushed his thumb over her knuckles.
The two frantically adjusted themselves once their food arrived, Matt was a bit ashamed that he had lost him composure the way he did.
The conversation became more lighthearted as the meal progressed, a great weight having been lifted off the two of them once they finally addressed the elephant in the room, or at least the elephant that only Matt seemed to be aware about.
This whole time Matt had been trying to figure out why (Y/n) had been after this Blum character, trying to find a way to ease her out of feeling like she had to kill him. Now he had a vague sense of what had happened, and was comfortable knowing his words had some sort of impact on her.
“So you really took Greek to impress a girl...? Guys really do that?”
Matt laughed and scratched at the back of his head, feeling bashful at the mention of Elektra and the lengths he had gone to so he could win her over.
“Yes, guys do that, Ms. (L/n). You’d be surprised just how many guys do, I bet you dated a guy back in the day who did the same thing.”
(Y/n) snorted at his assumption and washed down her last bite of fish with a gulp of her water. “God, now that you mention it I actually-”
“(L/n)? (Y/n) (L/n)?”
A voice from across the room caught their attention, and curiously sent (Y/n)’s heart beat skyrocketing. Matt didn’t have a good feeling about this.
“Little (Y/n)!” The person exclaimed with glee. He approached (Y/n), something Matt imagined would have had her up and shoving this stranger away. Instead she sat there, petrified.
“Never expected to see you in New York, why didn’t you give your old uncle a call?” 
(Y/n) remained silent as this man put his hands on her, giving her an awkward side hug before glancing Matt’s way.
“Is this your new boyfriend?”
“No, he’s not-”
“I’m Marcus, Marcus Blum, (Y/n)’s uncle.” The man introduced himself. Matt felt his blood run cold.
“Matthew Murdock.” His response was curt and to the point. He knew he should have put on a facade, pretended to not sense (Y/n)’s discomfort and played the role of the oblivious date.
But right now (Y/n) was a time bomb, and Matt would do anything to avoid lighting that fuse.
“Mr. Murdock, would you mind if I borrowed my niece for a moment? We need to catch up on family matters.”
Before Matt could even respond, Blum had his hold on (Y/n) and was leading her towards an empty corner of the restaurant.
The worst part was, she willingly stood from her chair, staring at Matt the whole way there like a fish out of water, pulled from the ocean.
“Don’t try anything,” Blum began, all traces of his cheery tone thrown to the wind, “one wrong move and you’ll be pumped full of lead in seconds.”
That meant there were people in the restaurant who worked for him, who had been watching them, probably listening in. They must had been very efficient, Matt hadn’t heard anything suspicious since their arrival.
“They’d never pull the triggers fast enough... not fast enough to save you, at least...” She murmured, pulling her arm from his grasp.
“I thought we’d agree you’d never come back to New York, (Y/n)... That your snooping days were over.”
“I don’t know what your talking about-”
“Don’t play dumb with me!” he snapped, checking his tone once the few people in the restaurant who weren’t on his payroll looked in their direction. “Who else could rip a yacht in half like that...? Who else would send my people scrambling into jail cells?”
“Maybe you pissed off the wrong person... and they’ve come for revenge... Maybe all the people I found years ago have returned as spirits... come to settle their scores.” She grumbled. Though her voice was level and her chest puffed, her heart beat was drowning everything out for Matt.
Blum leaned in close, whispering in her ear. “If you have any sense... you’ll leave New York tonight. Otherwise your boyfriend is going to learn first hand about everything you’ve lied to him about.”
(Y/n) states silent, her strong stature faltering as she looked away from him and towards Matt.
“I’m glad we could have this talk...”
With that, Blum brushed past her and sat at the table he had been occupying. It suddenly felt like all eyes in the restaurant were on Matt and (Y/n) once she returned to their table. 
To (Y/n)’s insistence, they payed the bill and hastily left the restaurant.
Roughly 30 minutes after (Y/n) left Matt at his apartment, having said their goodbyes, he received a call from her on the burner phone. The second he answered, she was rambling a mile a minute in his ear.
“If we’re going to make a move it has to be tonight, can you meet me at the warehouse on the east side?”
Her voice had lost its steely edge, it was clear she had cried during the walk to wherever she was staying since she wasn’t bothering to mask her voice at this point.
“Slow down, we need to make a proper plan of attack before we go in there-”
“There’s no time for a plan!” she interrupted, “They’re threatening innocent people, people who know me! We need to find Blum and take him out before it’s too late!”
Matt could hear keys rustling in the background, as if she was struggling with a door before bursting into her room. 
“(Y/n), let’s just think about this. If we slow down we have a better chance of catching Blum.” Matt, who was preoccupied with going to his closet for his suit, hadn’t even noticed his slip up.
The line was dead silent for a moment, Matt almost called out to her, nervous the call had dropped.
“...How do you know my name...?”
“A-are you with them? How the fuck do you know my name?!” 
Matt began to panic, trying to think up an excuse on the fly, something convincing.
“Answer me, asshole! How do you know my-!” 
The sound of the phone clattering to the floor had Matt wincing away from the speaker pressed to his ear. What followed was the sound of something heavy thumping right beside the device. His knuckles turned white from how hard he gripped the flip phone, realization dawning on him once he realized what had happened.
All he heard next was the sound of heavy footsteps approaching the phone before the line went dead.
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i’m watching drake and josh, so what better time to start on this blog
eating cashews. i like almonds more tbh. nuts are good.
okay time for blog.
drake is like one of the greatest television characters ever.
*enters fake deep mark*
i’m gonna try to tackle a few things so I'm gonna try to get right into it. okay okay okay bear with me (I'm gonna say that before all of these cause they sound rash at first thought and i’m not necessarily saying i think one way or another, but thought is the greatest blessing you have and you should use that ish). i actually dont know if i’ve talked about this on the blog before but i can't remember, but here goes nada.
family means nothing. 
i love my family to the ends of the earth. they are the greatest people on earth and i love them so so so so much, but i would love them so so so much if they weren't related to me. my mom is so loving and caring and nurturing and always has you in mind and she’s great. my dad is the most funny, quick-witted, observant, curious, intelligent, hard-working person i know. joey is the coolest. joey is all the greatest things about me and my dad and the rest of my family and then some. joey is smart and athletic and capable and caring and soft spoken and he’s just the coolest person i’ve ever. gabii has been the coolest role model to me. her determination and drive, her social skills are all things i’ve hoped to have rubbed off onto me throughout life. my family has been so wonderful for me and they have given me a beautiful life. my extended family as well. well those i have met of course. but yeah the majority of my extended family that i’ve met has been so so wonderful and nice and funny and great kind hearted people. i appreciate that so very much. i realize i am incredibly lucky.
but i realize that not everyone is in such a lucky position. i have friends whose families have been terrible to them. or one parent has been. or a sibling. or an uncle or aunt or grandparent. or something. i know people who have had family members physically or verbally abuse them. or take advantage of them or so many other horrible terrible things.
because of this i come to the statement that family means nothing. you don’t owe anyone love. you don’t owe anyone appreciation. you don’t owe anyone respect. you don’t owe anyone anything. not by nature. not because you were born within the same line of human beings as them. 
wait brb mom calling me.
back, awww i love them so much. 
funny time for them to call me lol. but yes, like i dunno family is great when family actually treats you like family. but the technical definition, family doesn't mean anything. if your uncle is horrendous to you while your best friend would never do you wrong, who’s really “family?” friendship and love and caring and all that good stuff is eternally more important that being part of the same branch of people. 
okay time for a lightning round.
i dont like root beer.
pineapple does belong on pizza. 
math is great. 
“aliens” exist.
ghosts dont. (i think?)
watching too much tv doesn't mess up a kid.
talking in front of people is exhilarating. 
pink looks great on guys.
there’s no way people actually meet on tinder.
i actually prefer the taste of most “healthy alternatives”
my birthday should be a national holiday.
video games don’t mess a kid up.
snow is annoying, but very pretty. 
i dont like sleeping in.
looks matter, a lot.
cuddling is great, cuddling while actually asleep isn't a thing.
divorce is better than being unhappy.
cigarettes are significantly worse than weed.
alcohol is a drug.
a bad drug.
dont worry i’ll brainstorm more real things/how to build off of these small things. 
dont worry, i didn't fall in love today so i dont have to be sad yet.
sprang break
dft//sb fam
-mark anthony martinez
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