#i dunno wtf this is
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kohhomaru · 10 months ago
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sluttygallavich · 10 months ago
Galladrabbles: in this space
This week's @galladrabbles is based on the poem prompt by @ardent-fox:
In this space right here that we have made for each other, you can say anything and I will not abandon you. Unwrap the worst things you have done. Watch me hold them up to the light and not even flinch. — Trista Mateer
Finally, we have time. What we don’t have is space. Just four cement walls measuring six by eight.
At first I sleep better than I have in years, but now long after you’ve drifted off the guilt eats at me. I listen to your steady breaths and watch the walls closing in.
You’re trapped in here with all the worst things I’ve ever done, unable to abandon me now, even if you wanted to.
I watch for the moment you wake, waiting for the flinch as you remember where you are, what you’ve given up, but somehow it never comes.
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someratidk · 1 year ago
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damn 😔
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gremlin-boah · 5 days ago
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Your boi has officially have lost his mind.
Rob's post on ig jumpscared me so much, it actually full me out of despair and sadness.
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ditzyclown · 8 months ago
Soo This morning I discovered apparently today is maketerriblecomicday and I did t h i s
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luna-loveboop · 1 year ago
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Warriors is gonna freaking murder Wild isn’t he
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xochimillilili · 8 days ago
I still think it's the funniest shit ever that I was in a crisis n running off pure adrenaline and my first thought was to make a blog and write absolute horny pervert ramblings
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kohhomaru · 10 months ago
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Portrait practice
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jasonpenni · 2 years ago
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forgot to post this here
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hooved · 9 months ago
realizing i don't need to have smart shit to say about music is so freeing. i can just like all the music i like and i don't have to try to explain why it's good. it just sounds good to me. my level of eloquence or technical knowledge on the subject doesn't matter because music is for everyone and not just people who can go on for hours about the composition of a specific piece. i don't know what a 13/8 time signature is dude. it just sounds good
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bi-focal12 · 4 months ago
i watched that hallmark movie "three wise men and a baby" with my mom tonight and had this little bkdk brain worm. please enjoy.
bkdk meet cute (but really it's a meet awkward) (they make it work)
“I cannot fucking believe you’re doing this to me.” 
“Doing what?” Denki replied glibly, palming through a handful of bills as he checked and rechecked the cash register in front of him. 
Katsuki leaned forward, bracing his hands on the thin stretch of countertop separating them, gratified to notice Denki taking a small step backward.  
“Ruining my fucking life.”
Denki sighed, lowering his hands as he finally turned to meet Katsuki’s gaze. “It’s just for the day,” he promised, “and you lost rock paper scissors fair and square!”
“I didn’t know the stakes!” Katsuki shot back. 
Denki rolled his eyes as he pushed the cash register closed and ducked behind the counter, returning with the source of the awful squawking that had been invading Katsuki’s eardrums since the second he set foot in Denki’s stupid bookstore. 
“Sir Papolapodous isn’t even that much work.”
“Sir what?”
“Welcome in!” Denki called, responding to the chime of the front door while Katsuki continued to stare down the bright yellow monstrosity being carted off on him for the afternoon. 
As if sensing its imminent doom, the bird began messing with the door to its cage.  
“Just watch out,” Denki continued, “sometimes he likes to-”
Katsuki ducked as the bird launched itself out of the cage. 
“What the fuck?” Katsuki shouted, pressing his knuckles to his cheek where the damn thing had scratched him. His fingers came back bloody. “Oi, I’m not watching your stupid flying machete for-” 
“Here!” Denki said, hastily rifling into another bag sitting on the countertop and retrieving some sort of pellet thing that he balanced on Katsuki’s shoulder. “He’ll come to you! Watch!”
Katsuki froze. “Hey, I don’t want that thing anywhere near-”
“Sir Papolapodous!” Denki cheered happily, eyes somewhere beyond Katsuki’s right shoulder. Katsuki tensed. 
The demon landed easily on his shoulder, snatching up the pellet and chirping loudly in Katsuki’s ear. Like a threat. Right beside Katsuki’s vulnerable, jugular-having throat. 
“Aw,” Denki cooed. “He likes you!”
“I’ll roast him,” Katsuki warned. “Don’t you leave me with it.” 
Denki gently pushed the bag from earlier towards Katsuki. “I left you instructions.”
“Stab. Pluck. Spin over fire.”
The bird nudged Katsuki’s cheek and Katsuki flinched away, jerking his shoulder to dislodge the pest. 
The bird ignored his efforts. 
“Seriously, Katsuki,” Denki whined, pressing his palms together, “I need to go to the dentist but I’ll be back before close and- hey, maybe some of the customers will get a kick out of seeing him!”
“Yeah, if they like their books covered in shit,” Katsuki complained. 
“No, no, he’s cage-trained,” Denki promised, untying his worker’s apron and hanging it up behind the counter. “Take good care of my son please!”
Katsuki made a face of utter disbelief. “Hey, I agreed to watch your stupid store, loser. Not to become a fucking Wild Kratt!”
Denki quickly hopped over the counter and out of Katsuki’s reach. 
“Two in one package!”
The bell rang loudly in Katsuki’s ears as Denki completed his cowardly retreat. 
“Fucking asshole,” Katsuki muttered. “Cavity-ridden, dead-brain, no-good, ass-”
“Excuse me?” someone said politely. 
Katsuki spun on his heel- perhaps a shade too quickly, or perhaps with too much bird launching off his shoulder because the customer fell flat on their ass with a startled shout, leaving Katsuki awkwardly looming over them. 
Belatedly, Katsuki leaned down to offer his hand. 
The demon watched them from atop the nearest shelf of books. 
“I- I’m so sorry,” the guy stammered out, straightening his wire-rim glasses and reaching gratefully for Katsuki’s hand. “I- I really wasn’t expecting that.”
“‘S no problem,” Katsuki replied, curiously shelving the guy’s meekness next to his solid, heavy build as he hauled him up. His hands were incredibly scarred and calloused for someone who jumped at the sight of house pets- demonic or not- but Katsuki supposed he’d give him a pass, considering Katsuki’s own near-death experience was still dripping down his face. “Don’t think anybody expects to get dive bombed by a parakeet on a Sunday morning. Unless you’re a fucking vet or something, I guess.”
“That- that’s true,” the guy said, stumbling a bit as Katsuki righted him, one hand landing briefly on Katsuki’s chest. 
With his head ducked in embarrassment, the guy only came up to Katsuki’s chin but even so, he looked like he could give Katsuki a run for his money on the sparring mat. Katsuki was just about to ask what kind of workouts the did when the guy murmured, 
Katsuki blinked. “Pecks?”
The guy’s head snapped up towards Katsuki’s, wide-eyed and pale in his freckled face. 
“God dammit, did that thing fucking peck you?” Katsuki groaned, turning to glare at the preening beast. “‘Cause I can give you a fucking discount on whatever you came in here for before I string him up by his stupid little talons.”
“Wha-? Ah, no! No, no, no,” the guy assured, frantically waving his hands in front of himself. 
Large hands, Katsuki noticed. One of which had been resting warmly over Katsuki’s shirt a moment ago. 
“That won’t be necessary!” 
“Then why’d you-?”
“Pet!” the guy corrected, freckles now washed out by a steady shade of pink. “I’m a…pet…” His eyes darted nervously to the left before snapping back to Katsuki. “...therapist.”
His eyes were a very fucking bright shade of green. 
Katsuki blinked slowly as he registered the words that had come out of Greenie’s mouth- taking in the embarrassed tilt to the guy’s lips. His fitted T-shirt. His obnoxiously bright red shoes. Frankly, he looked like he got dressed in the dark. 
Katsuki wet his lips. “A pet therapist,” he repeated blandly. 
“Ah..mhm,” the guy said, nodding. “So, um, so the dive bombings really aren’t that odd,” he added, tacking on an airy laugh. 
Katsuki continued to stare at him, because clearly one of them had taken on major brain damage in the past five minutes, and considering that this guy’s shirt said tuxedo and had a growing hole along the shoulder seam, Katsuki really hoped it wasn’t himself. 
The man gestured vaguely to the shelf behind him. “That’s really a lovely bird you��ve got there, um…?”
“Katsuki,” he supplied. 
“Izuku,” the man smiled, offering out his hand. “Izuku Midoriya.”
Warily, Katsuki shook it. “...Pet therapist,” he repeated. 
“Yup!” Izuku said in a high voice, smiling wider. “That’s me. Therapizing the pets.” 
“Right,” Katsuki replied, because what the fuck was even happening, “well, if you’re looking for a book, we uh…have them.”
Internally, Katsuki cringed. Then he sent a seething, telepathic complaint to Denki because Katsuki had been fired from his one and only customer service job at fifteen and the universe had never made the mistake of putting him in that position ever again for a reason.
Fucking rock paper scissors. 
“Right,” Izuku mimicked, his thousand-watt smile pressing flat with amusement. His stupid green eyes were practically dancing with mirth and Katsuki suddenly felt very warm in the face- alone in a bookstore with a yellow, dive-bombing demon and a man with a fake-sounding job and no sense of color coordination and a very firm handshake. 
Katsuki crossed his arms over his chest, ever so slightly jutting out his chin. He could still feel the outline of a hand where the guy had caught himself against Katsuki. 
“What kinda book does a pet therapist need, anyway?”
The guy continued to blink up at Katsuki for a moment before coming to his senses with a startled, “Oh! I was wondering if you had any comics, actually. All Might, specifically.”
Katsuki raised an interested brow, looking between something-Midoriya, the demon from hell, and then Midoriya again. 
Katsuki had absolutely zero idea what sorts of books Denki had in stock, let alone if he carried the single most greatest graphic novel series of Katsuki’s youth. 
Still, he clicked his tongue. “Let’s find out.”
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illdragyoudownwithme · 3 months ago
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limeston-lane · 15 days ago
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The idea of my art just be being displayed somewhere else on the internet by someone else is wild to me, with credit or otherwise, because like, WHERE
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Fragmem birthday flower symbolism masterpost (attempt 2)
Hallritt-Lupinus (Nov.2) symbolizes imagination, intense desire and dejection
Merold-Bergenia (Jan .19) symbolizes resilience and personal growth
Romarriche-Maiden's Blush rose (June.1) symbolizes understanding and reciprocated love
Puruth-German Iris (April.17) symbolizes elegance and a happy wedding
Sanah-Azalea (August.8) symbolizes abundant love
Rimicha-Tiger flower (Sept.1) symbolizes a desperate need to be loved and shared pride
Cielomort-Cardamine (March.7) symbolizes bad parenting, enthusiasm and unluckiness
Willmesh-Autumn Crocus (Sept.21) symbolizes a bad childhood and decay. (Also of note, this flower species is extremely poisonous)
Kurode-Medlar (Nov.1) symbolizes transformation and mere love
Klarkstella- Clematis (Dec.25) symbolizes ingenuity
Louterstella-Holly (Dec.25) symbolizes foresight and everlasting life (another note, this plant has a LOT of different meanings depending on context, this is just a generalization)
Myunna-Water Lily (May.8) symbolizes a pure heart
Badobarm-Anemone (April.2) symbolizes anticipation (if they're in a field, it's closer to "feeling sick")
Chaco- Periwinkle (March.1) symbolizes serenity and love
Arupek-China Pink (July.28) symbolizes everlasting love
Hangyon-Hemlock (March.15) symbolizes suspiciousness and death (this plant is INCREDIBLY poisonous, and can be confused with the safe-to-eat wild carrot)
Tuxam-Hawthorn (May.13) symbolizes hope
Pikero- False Asphodel (July.11) it has no meaning, but the plant itself is carnivorous
Addendum- nvm since the birthday images started rolling out i've realized most of these are wrong as hell so I'm fixing them as they come along. (also to fuck with me I have to manually identify the flower rather than just looking up the name I HATE YOU FRAGMEM STAFF JUST GIVE US A PIXIV FANBOX-
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glitchven · 6 months ago
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Heres a random Coco design i made months ago but abandoned. I honestly think he'd look way different now :p
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