#i drew her right hand allll by myself
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organised-disaster · 9 months ago
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Reference under cut
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stevenbasic · 6 years ago
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almost four years ago…
As I’m writing, finishing up the paperwork for my last patient, a pair of soft hands caress my shoulders, giving them a gentle, playful squeeze. I recognize the voice of Rina, my medical assistant, as she greets me from behind.
“Hiii Doctor…” Rina is young, younger than me by more than ten years. She's a new mom. She's been working here for about five months and I've been fucking her for the last six weeks.
“Oh, uh... hey Rina,” I say, my guard going up immediately. We're alone here in the exam room but the hallway is right there...
She says nothing as she massages my shoulders, her skilled fingers working out the knots and sending pleasurable tingles through my body. I know I should stop her right away, in case we’re seen, but instead I let her continue and in fact I can barely stop myself from letting out a little groan as she works them with a purpose, an intent. I had a feeling I knew what this was about. After all, it was almost that time of the week again…’our Thursday nights’...
“Do you, um, need something from me?” I ask her, playing dumb for the sake of the rest of the office, in case we were overheard. There are people around, other employees...witnesses. This is dangerous. We can’t be too blatant about this or else questions will start being asked, and that’s the last thing I need. I’d been burned in an office affair once before, and I can't afford <shudder> that again.
She responds with a light giggle above me, quietly tittering, “Yeah... I suppose you could say that…” Just then, I feel her breast make the slightest brush against the back of my head, “I need something…” My hand seizes and I drop my pen, shocked at her brazenness. The slightest touch of her breasts squish against my head, their warmth seeping through the sheer fabric of her top and warming my scalp. I try pulling away but she holds me fast, her arms wrapping around me and boob pressing, smushing… God, so soft… “Rina, please...” I warn, squirming, my back hunching, “Don’t do this… not here…people may see...” I want to sound relaxed, but also serious.
“We could close the door...?” She suggests with mischievous promise. “We… we can’t do that…” I barely manage to squeak, having gathered the strength for that refusal, meek as it was, from somewhere.
“Aww…” She loosens her grip on me, seeming to finally grant me a bit of much needed mercy, but her presence still looms behind me. Her hands on my shoulders, I feel the weight on them increase as she leans in, coming closer, her hot breath tickling my left ear...
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“Mommy’s so full, sweetie...”
I shudder, the hair on the back of my neck immediately standing straight, my body stiffening. After only just over a month of this affair, she already knows my weaknesses, the right buttons to push, and with just a whisper she suddenly has me in the palm of her hand. Calling herself ‘Mommy’...
“Jesus Rina,” I sigh, sounding immediately helpless.
She delights in my reaction, a fresh round of giggles bubbling to the surface as she presses herself against me again, harder this time, those big, big breasts squishing against my back as she wraps her arms around me, hugging me to her. “Feel that? I haven’t pumped all day...” she says, right into my ear, making me shudder, “you like how big that’s gonna make me for you?”
Oh lord... I thought it was just my imagination, wishful thinking on my part, but clearly not. She’d caught me staring this afternoon during clinic, even more than my usual. I had noticed that she looked bigger, her bust straining her top even more than usual, the fabric of her scrubs under even greater stress, and I couldn't help myself.
“Rina oh my god yes but…”
She knew, she knew through my own confessions and her uncanny ability to read me. It's been only six weeks but already she knew how fixated, how obsessed, how utterly absorbed by women's breasts I am. Big breasts. Full breasts. Breasts like hers.
“...s-stop.” My protest, though, was cursory at best. That breath in my ear. She keeps her mouth right there, with its heat, the intimate hiss of her breath, tongue, lips. “I know,” she continues, heedless, her voice ruthlessly paralyzing me with an new, added tenderness, “I know how much you like them. I know how much you like them when they swell up like this. When they grow for you...when they grow for my little man.”
Oh god, more buttons. Again, I’d confessed more to this girl than I had to...well...anyone, ever. She knows more about me than my wife, in some ways, and was eager - always eager - to indulge my secrets, my fantasies.
“But...last time we were together, when you were under me, when I was fucking you,” she whispers, fingers tracing across my right cheek as I felt her smile grow next to my ear, “you...sucked on them. And you knew how I’m nursing…”
I stiffen, blood dropping from my face, heart dropping in my chest. The silent moment thundered.
“...why was that? Hm? Why’d you do that?” she asked, playing at innocence but with a knowing lilt.
She...she knows about how I uh, like, big women. She’d indulge that, she’s not a small girl. Her thighs actually dwarf mine, her ass is a marvel of muscle and - just for me - she's been squatting even heavier at the gym. She knew also how naturally...and this word makes me squirm...submissive I can be. How submissive I am, in bed, behind closed doors. How I like to be - jesus I can't believe I'm saying this - made to feel little. Small. Weak. But she hadn't discovered - mostly due to my own hesitation - my deepest fantasies. But now, after our last night together, I'm convinced she knows. After I drew that one mouthful, sucked that small bit of milk from her and then came, immediately in my excitement, inside her - after that, things have been different. We talked very little of it at the time, but the moment has grown in weight over the week and now...it's Thursday again.
I have no words, but she hears it all.
“Shhh...ahhhh...shhhh…” she breathed, into my left ear, “it's okay, we’ll talk allll about it tonight...my place…”
Sheryl thinks I'm lecturing again at the senior center.
“...Mommy’s so full, sweetie...” she repeated, now with portent heavier than I could bear, giving me one last bosomy squeeze before releasing me, standing back, and spinning me in my chair to face her…
“...and tonight she needs you to help.”
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thanks to DoubleBurger20 for help on the copy
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sollilja · 8 years ago
Aphrodite! Nico, Part 1
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laurenborrelli · 8 years ago
“Lei”dies take Hawaii
My friend Danielle from Architecture at Penn State was the president for the society of architecture students (AIAS) that wrapped up in August 2016.  One month later she started in job in Honolulu, Hawaii....AMAZING right?!  Two months after her move, myself and three friends booked our trip to visit her.  Never in my life did I think I would travel to Hawaii in my 20′s, let alone have my friend MOVE there!!!
I could not have been more blown away at the shear beauty of the islands.  The vibrant colors and the contrast of the mountains next to the crystal clear water left my mouth wide open in awe the entire travel.  And to share this experience with my best friends made it even that much better. :)
Thursday, February 23rd 2017:  My flight departed Boston at 3pm, quick layover at LAX.  The flight to Honolulu had an incredible view.  It was pitch black with a million stars in the sky.  With no light in sight, the starry sky followed a 180 degree curve of the earth I have never seen before.  I should have been exhausted and trying to sleep but all I could do was stare in awe.  I landed in Honolulu at midnight.  Danielle didn’t wake up to her alarm or my phone calls...but luckily she was also picking her roommate up from the airport too.  So the pressure of two people finally got her butt there just 30 minutes late.
Friday:  Danielle got us all real leis!  So in the most touristy fashion, we decided to all wear ours allll day. :)  Danielle had to work, so Julia, Meghan, Kelsey, and I all walked to work with her and then went to breakfast.  My breakfast included the first of many taro (purple root veggie) renditions and deeeelicious coffee.  Seriously I had no idea the brewed coffee was going to be SO good in Hawaii!  We then hike Diamond Head Mountain.  Just a bus ride from downtown Honolulu and gives you beautiful view of the city.  It was super crowded and started to rain when we got to the top.  So treating ourselves with an acai bowl afterwards was a must.  Now we tried many acai bowls on our trip, and this one was hands down mine and Meghan’s favorite!!!  Besides the purple mashed potato (taro) on it, the natural, grainy honey and bee pollen made it to die for!  We then headed to Waikiki beach to relax before grabbing sushi and heading airport for our flight to Kauai! A quick one hour flight, 30 minute drive in the rental car, and grocery store run and we were PTFO at our airbnb.
Saturday:  We got up bright and early to hike the Na Pali coast.  Hands down the absolutely best hike I think I will ever do in my life!!!!  It even beat out hiking Cinque Terre in Italy!  The hike starts along the ocean, limitless blue it is incredible.  We then took a break at a rocky beach before heading into the mountains where we first hit a bamboo forest.  It was beautiful with stone huts and small human traces hidden between the dense bamboo.  THEN it got fun with hopping across streams/rivers and climbing up rocks.  This was probably the most grueling, fun, and concerning when it comes to rolling ankles because I didn’t bring hiking boots.  The hike finishes as Hanakapi’ai falls.  It is a 300′ high waterfall that is only accessible by hikers.  It is incredibly remote and the rocks that people rest at seem to concave around the falls and make it a very intimate experience.  The water was ice cold but oh so refreshing.  We were incredibly giddy the hike back because come on, NO ONE expected all of the different elements to be that beautiful.  We grabbed some poke (amazing Hawaiian uncooked tuna) and local hawaiian beer and headed to the beach at Hanalei.  It felt great to lay out, see the immense mountain range we had just hiked, watch the super cute surfers, and see little Hawaiian kids in awe over the couple getting married on the beach.  A couple hours later we started to drive home to only suddenly stop the car and witness a sunset with the most vibrant orange and pink colors all of us have ever seen.  Truly it was magical and no pictures can ever do it justice.
Sunday:  Adjusting to the time change helped us get up bright and early again to see the sunrise at Kapa’a Beach just a 5 minute walk from our hotel.  We then had breakfast (my second favorite acai bowl) at the absolutely cutest place called Hippie Cafe.  If I ever open a cafe THIS will be my vision.  All natural ingredients, friendly staff, huge outdoor eat spaces, plants/flowers growing that are used in the food.  Truly it is a hippie lovers dream...heart eyes emoji to the extremeee! We then drove through the center of the island all around Waimea Canyon.  It does resemble the grand canyon except it is a bit more lush with greenery AND you can hear numerous rooster crows echoing everywhere.  We went to a black sand beach (the only let-down thus far) and made the long drive to Puka Dog.  Truly the best hot dog I have ever had and toootally worth driving too.  We then drove through a beautiful tree lined street to get to our helicopter tour! YES we actually did a helicopter tour!!!  And YES it was everything and more I could have ever imagined.  Kauai is an amazing place for a helicopter ride because it’s terrain is immensely diverse.  We saw the canyons, open ocean, and waterfalls on waterfalls.  It started to rain in the last leg, BUT it didn’t stop us from this 360 concave area that is around 20 waterfalls hundreds and hundreds of feet high.  It is totally unaccessible except helicopter, and the pilot was amazing at getting us very close and at an angle to really feel one with the experience.  Gosh I don’t even know how this trip could get any better at this point?!  We then showered and headed to a nice dinner in town before passing out very early once again.
Monday:  Started our day with another acai bowl and delicious coffee! We then headed to our kayak adventure!  We were about 10 minutes into the guided tour when someone frantically was yelling at us from the shore telling us there was major flooding and we could go to Wailua Falls as anticipated.  We could either get a half refund or do the tour the next day.  Since our flight was later that evening...and we didn’t exactly want the refund...the guide was more then happy to do a improv tour with just us 5!  It was awesome!!  We went to the fern grotto and no other tourist was in sight.  We then went to a secret cliff jumping spot to eat lunch and crack open a coconut too!  The guide had adorable pigtails, was stick thin, and was as tan as could be.  She whipped out a drum while we were cliff jumping too!  She was totally one with the earth and could not have been friendlier.  After another amazing (should I have been surprised anymore??) we grabbed some quick poke and rushed to the airport to fly back to Oahu.  Julia, unfortunately, flew home to the “mainland” that night so it was just Kelsey, Meghan, and I noodling around while Danielle had to work during the week.
Tuesday:  We started our day with breakfast at Aloha cafe and tried ginormous souffle pancakes!  When they came out they looked HUGE and we had no idea how we could finish all of that food.  But after one bite, we totally could have ordered one more!!  They tasted like extremely lightweight angel food cake that just melts in your mouth. YUM!  We then picked up a rental car to drive to Pearl Harbor and reserve our tickets for the afternoon.  In the meantime, we checked out the Dole Plantation.  We got delicious frozen puree pineapple and saw the cutest, tiniest purple pineapples.  We then checked out Wahiawa Botanical Garden which had an extraordinary variety of plants for such a small garden!  My favorite were the trees that looked like paint was dripping down the trunk.  We grabbed some Mexican by the Navy base then head to Pearl Harbor!  First time our age group was in the minority the entire trip... Unfortunately either the heavy Mexican food mixed with the dark theater put me to sleep for a majority of the short intro documentary.  Then we took a boat out to the site of ... there was still gas seeping into the water.  Is this just dramatic effect because I sure hope that someone would have done something to prevent this by now?!  It was VERY interesting to compare how Americans market this attack vs. how the Japanese marketing the attacks of WWII.  Americans much less tell the facts but go for the heart-felt stories.  All in all, Japan bombed the Navy base, not the city of Honolulu.  America bombed the ENTIRE city of Hiroshima...civilians and all.  All just let those facts simmer for a little... Anywho then we headed to our airbnb at the North Shore.  This was our largest hiccup of the trip...the airbnb host wasn’t responding to ANY of my messages and finally 20 minutes before we were going to get a full refund we finally heard from him.  The place was  unfortunately a drive from the town of Haleiwa, BUT it had the most incredible view of the ocean from the rain shower.  At one point there was a double rainbow outside and I don’t think I can ever top a shower view like that.  We had dinner at a Opal Thai that had amazing reviews online.  We got there with our BYOB wine and after the first hour of waiting and the rain coming down, we decided to open one of our bottles.  Another hour and a half later we FINALLY got seated and surprising enough, it was totally worth it.  There were no menus, we just told the owner what flavors we like/dislike and he had a series of surprise dishes come out for us.  Our favorite was his “special.”  When we asked him what it was, he grabbed Kelsey’s had a drew a stingray on it!  AMAZING!  We went to bed with full bellies and happy hearts (yet again.) :)
Wednesday:  A very rainy morning and we still drove along the North Shore to a acai bowl food truck!  Obvi well worth the drive. It started to clear up and we had an empty beach to watch the most adventurous of surfers tackle the Banzai Pipeline.  We then drove south to an old sugar mill that is turned into a coffee plan/market.  Old Sugar Mill was great for touristy gifts and we even got a tour of the coffee plant process.  For lunch I had the most amazing pork burrito I’ve ever had at Kono’s.  We then drove alllll the way north to sneak into the pools at Turtle Bay.  It was very obvious that we did not below but luckily the rain cleared out the pool and allowed us to snatch some left over towels and lay on our chairs to look even more like noobs trying too hard.  The hot tubs were nice though...but the resort is much too secluded for me.  We showered and grabbed drinks and dinner in town to only pass out early once again.
Thursday:  Our last day at the North Shore and finally some sunny beach weather!  We did lots of beach hopping.  We started at Shark’s cove and wished we had some water shoes to peak around the tide pools. Then we checked out the food trucks and I had the legendary North Shore Shrimp.  They were quite huge and were a little too buttery for me but they were still good!  We rented bikes and rode towards the secluded residential beaches just north of Shark’s Cove.  Then we drove all the way around the eastern shore of the island to get to Danielle’s in Honolulu.  This drive will always be in my memory for how close the mountains and ocean REALLY were there!!  The tops of the mountains were even covered in a misty haze, which made their heights very deceiving.  We had dinner with Danielle at Duke’s, which is right along the water at Waikiki Beach.  Meghan and i had been to their location in Malibu with Jenna when i came to visit them one summer during college.  Now the Mai Tai’s were good, but the Lava Flow Kelsey got was phenomenal...have pina colada half strawberry daquiri.
Friday:  Danielle called in “sick” to work so that we could go scuba diving that day!!! Her roommate is a scuba diving instructor, so we got an amazing deal and personal service when we were there.  It is way more difficult that I expected too!!!  It feels very suffocating and claustrophobic to go under water because your breath is so controlled.  And if you freak out, you have to very slowly come to the surface for air.  The first dive I was down waiting for everyone to descend for forever it made it nervous they had forgotten about me.  BUT I did have schools of beautiful fish and a couple sea turtles swim verrrry close to me.  Because the water was so clear it was way less scary then I anticipated...actually quite calming.  The vulnerability aspect and being submerged entirely in a different environment was very freeing.  The first dive is where we saw a majority of the sea turtles.  The second dive was more cloudy, a longer swim, and we did get to see more varieties of fish.  Unfortunately my goggles weren’t clean for the second dive, so I didn’t get to take in everythinggg but it was still awesome.  The boat was SO rocky that I felt horrible for all the Japanese tourists (and Meghan lol) that were so sea sick.  I knew I would get it too if I stayed on the boat so I snorkeled around while we waited for other divers.  Being on a boat was an excellent way to really take in the mountainous island and it’s beauty.  We then spent the afternoon at Waimanalo Beach to then see the sunset at the most incredible spot EVER!  We had to walk down this narrow dirt path, to then climb down stairs to reach natural rocks that had tons of people playing ukeleles, drinking, and jumping off the edge!  Whale were breaching in the distance and it was just truly magical. We never ended up going out ONE night because we did so many activities during the day we were too pooped to get ourselves to go out.
Saturday:  We got up the earliest on our last day for...a sunrise hike! We did the pillbox hike, which is quick but you sit at abandoned bunkers to see the water rise over the ocean. We went to the beach were everyone did some early boozing while I took a nap.  Then grabbed one last acai bowl and checked out some more hidden gems in the area.  We climbed down the rocks to the adorable beach right next to the blow hole AND Danielle and her boyfriend took us to this super sneaky spot that is truly stone eroded away by the tides.  We took Meghan and Kelsey to the airport while i then went over to Danielle’s boyfriend’s parent’s house for traditional pupu with this family.  So cool!  They are Japanese but have lived in Hawaii for 5 generations, but still don’t consider themselves “Hawaiian.”  We then grabbed drinks at this super trendy craft cocktail place and then drove to get beautiful view of the city at night.
I would have never expected this trip to have been as amazing as it was.  If I ever go to a tropical island in the future, it has HUGE shoes to fill! :)
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