#i doodled more than this but theyre not worthy of being posted
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conchcorner · 18 days ago
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The only thing I do in chemistry is think about lord of the flies
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dreamsy990 · 5 months ago
hey u have ocs? information?llllong post? please if u have like. info on them? or just doodles idk
hi sorry this has been sitting in my inbox for a while bc i keep forgetting it exists but uh!!! sure !!!! theres not much interesting stuff here though so im just gonna ramble in whatever order i feel like. unless theyre like a group or something
so copper and omen my wof ocs probably have the least to say? because i dont have any sort of story for them at all. copper is a silkwing with some anxiety issues and omen is her girlfriend who has VERY bad trust issues. not sure how they get together but i think maybe omen couldve helped protect copper from a disaster and thats how they met? which sort of plays into omens main thing, which is that she's a nightwing who was hatched under a bloodmoon. so within wof lore as stated by our lord and savior tui t sutherland, she can see the future, but only disasters. in my head shes kinda a cassandra or goosefeather figure where shes almost always right about her visions unless something is done explicitly to prevent them from coming true, but nobody believes her. idk i have way less for copper than omen but they are a pair and im not allowed to seperate them.
my other significant wof oc is frostbite. does he exist in the same universe as copper and omen? maybe idk. they might have a cool adventure together with some other characters if i ever feel like it. tbh all 3 of these guys were just design practice for me so all story is just kind of random thoughts. anyways so frostbite was actually adapted from an old character from an rp group i was in. originally he was an icewing/nightwing and a weird old man who hides in the woods and definitely does murder. but hes basically a completely different guy now so thats mostly irrelevant. anyways so the half nightwing part became half leafwing (not on purpose i just forgot he wasnt always a leafwing). and i have a very, very rough idea for his story. for context since idk how much you know about wof, icewings have a caste system for aristocrats called circles, numbered 1-7, and your ranking can change based on how much you "embody the ideal qualities of an icewing", so theres a lot of pressure put on icewings to be as perfect as possible. anyways, i think frostbites dad was probably in the first circle when he had an affair with a leafwing. normally that would probably be enough to get him kicked out of the aristocracy entirely, but somehow (probably through a combination of being close to the queen, maybe as an advisor or maybe just an old friend? as well as having been high ranking for his entire life before that) he was allowed to return along with the son he had with that leafwing, but as punishment dropped to the bottom of the seventh circle. and frostbite is that son! cursed to never feel fully like an icewing, and always struggle to make himself seem worthy of being there at all. hes pretty hotheaded (NOT a very icewing trait, as others love to point out) and while he definitely knows hes getting much harsher treatment than others get for no reason other than his leafwing side, hes still trying his best to fit into society. its not exactly going well for him because it feels like no matter how perfect he is, thats always at least a couple steps behind the worst "real" icewing. anyways, something happens, i dont know how, but he manages to get out of the ice kingdom for a bit, and probably goes on an adventure with some friends, and realizes just how fucking stifling that place was. and then he never goes back. idk hes sort of like winter if he had more daddy issues.
ummm. colorux isnt real. ok but actually colorux is a joke oc i share custody of with ridragon. she is a gremlin, gay, british, and a member of organization xiii. shes probably friends with luxord because luxord is also british. thats it.
MY DND GUYS NATHAN AND DUST!! i have a lot more for nathan so. dust is a tabaxi paladin with an oath of devotion. the campaign she was supposed to be part of was a war one, so i wasnt sure how much rp there was gonna be, so i only came up with enough that i would have something to work with if it ever did happen. so that mostly means her personality. shes probably autistic, she struggles to hold a conversation very well, and very much leans towards the stoic side, although she loves collecting shiny things whenever she can and if you get her talking about her collection she can talk for hours. she also has a strong sense of justice (hence the oath of devotion), and will try to do what she thinks is right no matter the cost. thats dust!! fun fact about her she was NOT inspired by dust from dust an elysian tail them both being cat people and paladin equivalents and having similar personalities and the same name. that was actually a complete coincidence which i think is hilarious.
nathan is probably the one i have the most story for!! so backstory about them, i made him up on the spot for a dnd campaign that sort of fizzled out. i had forgotten to make a character sheet so i just found a list of premade ones and boom!! nathan. theyre a drow rogue and i made them specifically to fit as few rogue stereotypes as possible. i like to think he grew up somewhere around upper middle class, with no real reason to get into crime since it's not like he needed anything in particular, but he was a stupid kid with stupid friends and too much time on his hands!! so he and his best friend who does not have a name im so sorry. my brain is saying maurice and i think thats funny so their friend is named maurice now. anyways so nathan and maurice started doing petty crime as a passtime!! they were pretty good at it too, if you asked them. and then something went wrong. i dont know exactly how it would happen, but somewhere along the line in their stupidest crime yet, things went wrong, and nathan panicked, and ran away, leaving maurice all alone to deal with the cops. what happened? nathan doesnt know. but it fucked him up man. its been like 30 years and hes STILL beating himself up about it. he became a lot more cowardly, avoiding risk and running away from things whenever he can, they try to avoid getting attached to people so he doesnt feel bad when he instinctively pushes them in front of danger so he can avoid it, and hes just generally a disaster. also theyre scared of spiders. i love them.
and uhhh that just leaves angie, rea, and charlotte. so for context, my original idea for these guys was a sort of depressing game about accepting the inevitable, but theyve honestly become way more sweet since then so!!!! angie and rea are reapers, and their jobs are to guide the dead to the underworld. and theyre also roommates! but not gay. angie is aroace. rea is probably aspec too now that i think about it. little bit of fun detail about them, angie tends to take jobs where shes guiding assholes, and she loves trying to make their trips as terrifying as possible. shes not good at being empathetic!! rea on the other hand. is terrible at being scary. so she mostly gets jobs with kids, and she goes through as much effort as she can to make sure they're NOT scared. kind of opposites to angie but idk i think theyre cute. anyways, charlotte is not a reaper. shes actually just a little girl, probably 8-10 or so. reas job is to guide her, but when she gets to charlotte, she realizes charlotte's not actually dead. shes on the edge, she could slip over at any time, but shes not dead. rea realizes if she brings charlotte to the underworld there's no chance she'll ever be able to wake up again, but if she doesn't, then maybe charlotte has a chance. so instead, she takes charlotte home with her, to the inbetween. so oops!! surprise child aquisition. personality wise, charlottes probably that sort of sassy little kid. you know the type. she isnt scared of angie in the slightest!! actually, shes not scared of ANYTHING, if you ask her. idk theyre a fun little trio in my head
theres probably someone else im forgetting buut if im forgetting they cant be that important. anyways im not really in a drawing mood rn but i might add art later. but idk my oc tags are literally just #name (oc) so just do that if you wanna find my art of them. i dont draw them much. also i need to redesign some of them. ALSO I DONT HAVE A CHARLOTTE DESIGN FUCK.
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robinpixels · 7 years ago
i would LOVE a rec list for some fics
Two things first:
-There are some other, really promising fics I’ve read and am keeping up with that as of now aren’t yet far enough in the story for me to rec em quite yet, so I’ll do another one of these in the future for them if another list is wanted! >83c
-I won’t be reccing NSFW with Aloy here because…she’s around my age and it’d feel weird and uncomfy for me if I did tbh
Let’s start with some of the Big Guns™!! (This…turned into more of a love letter than a fic list hMDJSJDJSMDJSEMDJ ^^;)
The ‘That One Fic Where Elisabet Lives’ Saga-Second Dawn (Writerly)hOOOH B O Y O WHERE DO I START THIS BEAUTY IS PHENOMENAL. I remember not being too sure about how the premise would play out but reading it anyway because GAIA and Elisabet. Binged the whole thing in an afternoon and never regretted a spot of it.It’s a post-canon fic where GAIA is back online with much help from Aloy a year after the game’s events. GAIA soon decides to bring back wife Elisabet from the beyond. As you do. A many-feels story is what’s promised and that’s what you get–a buncha Sobeck fam goodness but also all the existentialism you’d expect if you dragged and dropped a technically-dead person into the 30th century (which in this fic has a good deal of wonderful elaboration of its cultures and customs and themes)Also, you’ll likely come out of this with a hefty desire to give Ted Faro a kick in the nuts–something that I myself have been wanting to do so since July 2017, so, y'know. Fair.Leaving the crusty trillionaire behind Lis is honestly the crown jewel character here, with GAIA and Aloy close behind. I just…words????? word s??????¿¿¿¿¿ Their developments are lovely and intricate throughout the whole thing and you get adorable Mom!Lis and playful cheeky GAIA and Aloy being able to get a semblance of fulfillment and chill for once in her on fire garbage can life and heal well i jUSTi’m very emotional here take this doodle of a Good Scene and leave my heart bE
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-Identity (CZGoldedition)A prequel of sorts to Second Dawn, about GAIA and how her consciousness develops alongside Lis’ companionship. I find the fic particularly shines in its characterization of GAIA, especially in her earlier development where she doesn’t quite know How Do when it comes to humans and boundaries or even how to pose her own hologram (I love her…So Much she’s doing her beesssst) but BY JOVE is she going to try to be the most understanding person out there, GET IT GIRL
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This fic also introduced Lis/Samina and Travis just being the biggest yet oddly well-meaning lil shit and aAAAHHHH I L OVE THIS CHARACTER WORKK
-Of Breaking and Reforging (thoroneaquila)Fun fact: while writing these down in notes I’ve dubbed this and the one following it 'the fics about Avad that made me cry’. Because daMN if it iSN’T TRUEThis particular one takes the form of a letter by Avad written to Aloy, confessing the experiences of his life as a Carja prince during the Red Raids. Thoroneaquila consistently writes Avad really honkin’ well–his quiet but passionate nature and the guilt that pushes him to do better is always palpably yet subtly there, and the whole thing is just written beautifully start to finish. Worthy of the hand of this benevolent king that’s for sure, soft-spoken yet fiercely sincere even in print.
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-Sundust (thoroneaquila)PART TWO OF SUN FAM SAD TIME. This time Avad literally right after the Liberation and his coronation. Just as wonderfully written as the last one, except third-person present-tense now. I particularly liked how it weaved worldbuilding with the prose to the point that this one-chapter take just. Felt so rich. Also I love thoroneaquila’s Kadaman a whole lot and want nothing more than to wrap these preciouses in blankets and hiss at whatever comes to deal them harm. THEY’VE ENDURED EN OUGH THEYRE DOING THEIR BEST
-laburnum (alpacas)I haven’t been able to comment on this one yet which is a trAVESTY this ditty to Ersa and Avad and their story is just nothing short of a good engaging time. It gets REALLY into the nitty-gritty of Jiran’s court as well as immediately after he is dethroned, and alternates between the two. The seeming effortlessness of the establishment of setting and mood between chapters impress me every time–it paces something marvelous and does a great job weaving OCs and appropriate worldbuilding into the swing of things. Also, fuck if it isn’t amusing to see that Ersa’s very first impression of her future sunshine honeybuns was how easily she could conk him dead with a bucket to the head.
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Also seeing her wanting to throw hands every ten fucking seconds was amazing. Her complex characterization is amazing. I like this Ersa. Please can we have this Ersa.

-Anthropotheism (penhaligon)AI FAM AI FAM AI FAM AI FAM AI FAMGAIA’s subfunctions become AIs of their own, resulting from the shit HADES pulled with the code-shackle-dissolving-hullaballoo. Aloy has a Terrible No-Good Day until she does something that catches one of their attentions, and the path to restoring GAIA suddenly isn’t so difficult anymore.This fic gives s o much love to some great NPCs in, imo, the most badass way. Also you got the former subfunctions interacting with each other like family and squabbling and regarding Aloy and GAIA as their own too and gahhh it’s so go o dAlso Aloy gets a pet sawtooth. He is named. And I love him.
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Shit has gotten Real recently in the fic’s proceedings and i’M HANGING ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT HEREAlso kudos for dropping a meme midway through the thing–that had me snorting and giggling for five minutes str aight.

Oneshots/Mostly character work/Ship fics:aIGHT here’s where more of the ship-centric ones and character pieces happen. and full disclosure on the ship part: I’m a sappy wlw who stans Aloy the Disaster Lesbean so that’s what’s going to comprise my list hehe >:3c (I won’t be doing doodles for these, since there’s so manyyy TwT; and i’m running low on steam and time)
-You Would Have Loved Her So (snowghostikrie)A short but artfully written scene of Avad letting his walls down around his loving stepmother and getting to mourn Ersa properly at long last. I love this in its sadness and comfort and just Nasadi being the BEST™
-Guessing Targets (Recourse)HHHH W O W WAS THIS LOVEY it’s some good ol’ Aloy/Vala the night before the Proving, where they got a bit more heart-to-heart than the game would lead you to think. It’s a wonder on both their characters and is so charming and a good warm fuzzy read I just love this
-Up in the Night (prettyaveragewhiteshark)SO SHORT BUT SO GO O D I was looking up Aloy/Vala content since i’d fallen hard and this was one of the only things in the AO3 tag at the time. It’s so s o sweet (bittersweet, given context to the future) and?? just a good read about two gals being pals over the fireplace?? Oh this fic just warms my heart
-Where Sun and Shadow Met (blacksandunderstars)ELIDA/ALOYY i have a soft spot for this rarepair and nowhere is it more present than in this fic. It just starts off with the premise of Aloy sharing her deepest losses with Elida around Atral’s death to comfort her. (I think I’ll need to put in a tw for allusions to suicide just in case, since that was what Elida was planning on) They end up having an uplifting and adorable interaction and the end of the fic is just?? 👌🏽👌🏽 dear goodness it’s a soup of adorable and I just want aLL OF IT
This is by no means an end-all-be-all list tho!! There are more I’d love to add but probably will save for a better day, but for now here’s some Good Shit™!! >83c 
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expfcultragreen · 2 years ago
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Oh im sure she'll put it on the fridge right next to the magnet plaque that says "everyone should be as passive about my sons choices of creative expression as i am, he's a good boy."
Im assuming most of his passive-aggressive boundary breaking goes over her head because theres always some sort of plausible deniability about whether its malicious or just transgressive, and she chooses and has always chosen, to focus on how he's "being productive" by making art, instead of asking why he makes the art he does (he gets a sadistic kick out of making other people uncomfortable, thats literally all it is; he may not even be able to parse the positive feeling he gets when he does it,,,, but its sadism) and what kind of culture forms around it. Guessing his mom doesnt find those types of questions useful to put to justin because he's a gaslighter, and no one else has answers that allow her to think of herself as A Good Mother, other than the people who say he's a great artist in the outsider tradition, a canon in which his work is entirely mundane
And if im right about any of that, being raised by someone so alienated from the meanings of his "humor" is exactly why he gives her mother day cards like this; its funny because she has to like it, like its funny because in order to get what she wants out of it (feeling like a mother worthy of her childs love) she has to pay the justin toll (looking at a childishly grotesque caricature of herself). He's the ultimate be-careful-what-you-wish-for child; he'll go through the motions you want him to go through so you cant say he didnt do what he was "supposed to" (he'll remember mothers day, have a career, etc) but everything about it will be a slightly convoluted fuck you that no one can ever definitively prove theyre justified for being offended by. Because the cover story is, all he's doing is commenting on pointless cultural taboos (like nudity and deformity and secondary sex-characteristic normativity) and the kind of fascistic people who find such things ugly. Its not him going out of his way to make triggeringly ugly things on purpose--no, its your underdeveloped sense of beauty thats the problem! Justin is just a person with a very unusual sense of beauty. Its just a doodle of his mom with her huge tits and dick out with the nipples lovingly rendered in detail, what on earth could be more harmless--from your own pov? Like your critique proves he's smarter than you are. And that maybe youre the fash?
SURE! and like maybe his mom is a huge r crumb fan and this crude colorless depiction of her with wildly distended genitals on display is exactly the card she always wanted.
But if she's a normie, this card is a slightly convoluted "fuck you" over whatever; regardless of whether justin himself sees the art as ugly or not, there is no way he doesnt know that normies do not see the appeal of the style and are in fact repulsed by it. Like its deliriously trolly to combine these elements in this way and thereby manufacture a stage from which you can gotcha people who dont like it; ie are you saying trans women are grotesque just because this picture has unrealistic anatomy??? because justin would never do something like ...intentionally using transmisogynistic tropes to knowingly ruin his normie mom's experience of getting a mothers day card. Thats just projection. Justin is saying he loves his mama and trans women. Obviously. Right?
Another possibility is that he never gave her anything for mothers day and the idea of doing so is hilarious to him enough to make a post saying he's giving her this
Ive been having this argument in my head with someone whose mom would totally take this card as a thoughtful gesture from a very gifted creative child. Frankly so would i. My mother would hate to get this card, she would feel like it was a massive fuck you, even if i had a detailed explanation about how im just being jungian in my attempt to distill my warm regard for all the things she has been to me; she'd be like, now youre trying to make me feel stupid for not liking it.
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Bro culture is fucking wild. He's so used to that sentiment carrying weight, that he can be abusive but its "funny" (as long as you "have a sense of humor") and if lines were crossed youre the asshole for making a thing of it because theres no one who hasnt done something stupidly in character while drunk, right. so like he rrrreally doubled down on the silencing tactics there; its hypocritical/bad karma to drag drunk people if youve been drunk yourself as most people have, and if you do drag him its a ~violation of his ~trust that youre going to be more engaged with his pov than that.
Why he has that particular sense of trust in place to break at all is just like, the vanity and hubris of peak whiteguyism.
Fucking cant stand this type of guy
Assume everything youve ever said was on the record, fuckclown. Everyone should. Why have bros enshrined unthinking gut takes no one is supposed to repeat because they dont want to deal with the repercussions of people in general knowing what they really think and act like? Because its "being authentic"? Thats your idea of authenticity? Making sure knowing how big of an asshole you are is a special secret? (Gordon ramsey voice: "fuuuuck meee")
So sorry that having to consider actually being known for your own authentic words and deeds inconveniences your communication style, how horrible for you
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