#i doodled a bunch ahaha
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#to you the immortal#to your eternity#kahafushi#kahaku#fushi#iddy#fumetsu no anata e#doodles#based of those incorrect quotes prompts#i doodled a bunch ahaha
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Natsumi (or Subaru idk) and Emilia in Madoka AU!
It just a lil sketch, might consider refining the design a lil more when I can ahaha. For anyone wondering, Natsumi is based on Homura, but I didn't really based Emilia on anyone. I just find it would be too restricting lmao.
Might consider add more to this random AU and maybe write a bunch of snippets idk I am so busy with a bunch of projects ahahahaha!!! (sobbing)
I should prob mention the only reason why I drew this is coz I've been casually chatting with a certain madoka fan @its-gettin-weird about Madoka stuffs so I decided to doodle my take on it.
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your mutual friend group is terrifying and i love it
PFFFFTTTTtttTttTT I am glad to hear this, anon xD Honestly my random morbid cannibalism jokes is not even our final form, usually it goes more like:
me, hyperexcited: GUYYYS GUYS I just realised something after playing BLORBOrne for 50th time, I am such a dumbass ahaha! Turns out that there is a very hard to see detail in the data of Boris (datamined by Russian hackers: ( x ))! The shade of his right eye is kinda white-ish which lines up with theme of losing eye color upon becoming a furry, so despite boasting about his grip he has been secretly reading furry pr0n comics more than he should have! (tagged: #blorborne #boris the cocksucker #blorborne observation #as usual I notice this kind of shit too late AAAAAAAAA #listen it is 5 AM don't @ me)
someone: Katy pls I don't even know who Boris IS 😭
me: What do you mean, he is an easy to miss summon in Horse-Plinked Village!!! By the way, there is a bunch of lore that can be concluded from his items that he never uses but they are in the game files, even though he doesn't have any dialogue!
someone: 😭😭😭
my friends FANDOMette, Wow and Chicken: *reblogging* (tagged: #this is sooooo interesting #really nice observation I never thought about that #I am NOT normal about this #blorborne #boris the cocksucker #nice to finally see more ideas about boris)
fareehaandtheitalians: Girl this is incredible I HAVE NO WORDS, I feel like I am gaining Insight points when I am reading your posts
Jara that reads like 'jara' and not like 'yara' lol: *reblogging* (tagged: #yeah nobody is really safe from corruption in this setting #just like in real life xd #no wonder that I like this game so much because it is just as hopeless as reality #xd #bloorborne)
Chicken: *reblogging from Jara that reads like 'jara'* *screenshot of the tags* GIRL ARE YOU OK 💀💀💀
me and Chicken: *start fighting in the reblogs with progressively ridiculous points about meaning of life and idiotic memes*
fareehaandtheitalians: *already started doodling a meme based on this, as if to immortalize it in a tapestry*
Boom: *reblogging the showdown at its final point when me and Chicken already obliterated one another into a bloody mess* (tagged: #ehehe #stay silly you two!)
other Elden Twink mutuals: *eat popcorn*
Jara that reads like 'jara': Lol I made everything become cursed again xd
Chicken: No, Jara (reads like 'jara'), it is not your fault! You see, none of this would have happened if SOMEONE finally admitted that they are simping for [insert a character that either has the worst haircut in the setting or is so generic-looking that it actually embarrasses me]
robertzombie: *reblogging* She WHAT? People in this fandom have the worst taste I swear
me: You see FRIEND, we will know who ACTUALLY has a bad "taste" when I try a meal out of certain "bird" if you see what I mean.....
Fandomette: KATY NO, DON'T EAT YOUR FRIENDS... You wanted to eat Mewmecolash or something stop 😭
me: WHY ABSOLUTELY EVERY SINGLE PERSON IS SO DEADSET ON OUTING MY SECRETS FOR RANDOM PEOPLE TO READ?????? (tagged: #lmao as if anyone is going to read us after shit like this)
me: I AM ENDING THIS POINTLESS FIGHT HERE BECAUSE UNLIKE YOU PUNKS I HAVE SOME REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO *spends the rest of the day napping or watching cursed Elden Twink challenges letsplays*
Wow: *messaging me in Discord* Dammit what was THAT hahaha
me: Thank you for NOT having my back as usual, well, at least you are good for finishing a dumb post with lol
#LOL!!!!!!!!!!#i am glad!#ask replies#mutuals#no context#shitposting#lore council#okay sorry I won't do it again xddddd
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As you may have been able to see, I went and reblogged a bunch of You Shou Yan posts…
And honestly I don’t know why I was personally so taken aback to learn there’s a fandom for it on Tumblr now!!
I knew it had gained popularity from the donghua, based off the comments on Bilibili’s YouTube channel whenever they uploaded new episodes, and the fact that besides Tian Guan Ci Fu and Link Click, You Shou Yan videos were some of their most popular. 👁️👄👁️
But I for some reason didn’t expect?? There to be fan art and stuff?? On Tumblr???
I still remember when I first posted my doodle of Tuye a few years ago, there was barely anything about this manhua on Tumblr LGBSKFHSKDHS.
I’m happy for it!! 🥺
That makes me think I should repost my art sometime ahaha. I’ve actually only got two pieces of You Shou Yan fan art, but I’ve only ever posted one. :ooo
And oh, I had a friend who really loved this series (and Sibuxiang and Tuye), and he was the one who introduced it to me because we were both also really into Fei Ren Zai and All Saints Street… At that time, we were still waiting for the donghua to come out lol. I hope he’s really excited by the progress the You Shou Yan fandom has made in the west. 💪
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Hi <3 just wanted know is there any difference between Side A and side B's eldritch forms? and how do you draw those form(s)? I also just wanted to clarify:
Side A is the sparkly cosmos one, mainly introverted, did not go kaiju in heaven (?)
Side B is more shy than introverted, kinda more social, went kaiju in heaven (?)
Also, what's your artfight account? Thank you!
holy flip a legitimate ask about my characters aaa
artfight account is serinuku
the rest of the character stuff under the cut
Side A doesn't actually have any "Eldritch" form because they're not eldritch! They're actually more robotic/mechanical than eldritch ahah. I have played around with the thought of them having a more biblically accurate angel looking form but none of the concepts I made appeal to me so I kinda just put it on hold.
The main difference between Dyrkethiel Side A and Side B is that while they're both different from typical angels in their own way, One is mostly robotic and closer to an android while the other is a literal eldritch abomination.
Also yes Side A is the sparkly cosmos one who wishes he can snap your neck for bothering him (all bark no bite he's just easily agitated) and he didn't go kaiju but he did do a thing. If i get over my embarrassment of my own concepts/ideas I may share what thing he did. All I will say is that BOTH versions aren't particularly liked by God for different reasons. All I will say is that this reason is one of the reasons i ended up coming with Estorciel's existence ahaha
colored coded details/extra bits below and the color correct and clothed version as well from the first Dyrkethiel post. (Ignore the proportions please i am sobbing over them but already wrote all the text ack) This is technically just their non humanoid form but eh close enough to eldritch. The mechanical pattern might not stick and sorta came up with it on the fly
Side B, i'm still experimenting with their personality but yeah sounds about right. The whole kaiju in heaven/turning into their true form thing was mostly self indulgent but it depends on the universe you plop them into and the events. Altho in theory if they did actually go into their true form, chances of many lesser angels having their minds break so there's only husks is actually incredibly high which is why I only play around with the idea for self indulgent purposes.
So, guess the answer to that is whatever you feel like doing since I made both of these to put into other universes, I'm bad at coming up with my own completely unique ones ahaha.
Drawing their comprehensible form is kinda hard to explain since its just... doodling. doodling mostly. But their true form is actually a lot easier than it looks.
i usually then just absolutely flood the picture with squiggles or lines depending on how complex i wanna be. For certain things I just do the first two tendril layers.
I will say that i like, don't have a consistent design for the tendril placements and such, it's just a bunch of lines and squiggles. Just kinda a lot of branching too. Same with the gradients and stuff. Reason this one is not as detailed as this one is because i used a really massive canvas and brush for that picture and a LOT of repeating step two.
im so sorry if this is not what you meant when you asked how i drew them pfff. didnt quite get the question but at the same time my head is very very empty right now.
#ukureticence#ichor's blessing#archangel dyrkethiel#dyrkethiel side a#dyrkethiel side b#the never ending daydream#a cone's musing
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Fuck it, answering them all because I really want to
1. Art programs you have but don't use
I have Pencil2D which I should use but never bothered to learn
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
I can draw any of the above, but facing left has been my default
3. What ideas come from when you were little
I was really obsessed with Shyguys
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
Characters interacting SUCKS but I love drawing it and want to immediately be better at it please and thank you
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
I used to post nearly everything that I drew online. Only recently did I start keeping art for myself. So I'd say 80% of my work is out there
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
If I had to guess it'd probably be Danganronpa, though truthfully I can't imagine what subconsciously inspired me
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
I really enjoy pancake art! It's one of my favorites
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
I wanted to do a FoT Five versus Nine animatic to the song "You're Gonna Go Far Kid" by The Offspring. It was already too complicated for me and it's been 6 years since so I dropped it
9. What are your file name conventions
I name based on what the drawing is supposed to be, so in case I forget what I'm drawing, I have the file name reminding me what it is (they can get very long and descriptive)
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
None lol, I forgot how to draw clothes
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
I usually don't, but on some occasions I listen to anything and everything
12. Easiest part of body to draw
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing
Franticframes on Instagram!
14. Any favorite motifs
Anything to do with death, angels, fire, betrayal, anger, grief, sleep, flowers, and longtime friendships
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
My desk
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
Line art probably? I have mixed feelings on how it looks in a lot of my art but I can get it done and I know how to make it work
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
Probably all the watercolor brushes I used growing up ahaha, I'd say 10% of all the tools I've used
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
Chairs are easy. I don't usually draw them correctly but they're easy aahah
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
I'm not caught up on what people say are hard to draw, almost everything is hard for me to draw (<- is a non-practicing artist on the regular)
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
I really enjoy anime art in how detailed they get
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
I just stretch my hands and wrists
23. Do you use different layer modes
24. Do your references include stock images
Frequently yes
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
I don't think my art has been compared to anything :/
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
The goth Marina ref sheet I posted has like.. A BUNCH of different interpretations I never intended or thought of. I just wanted to draw a ship in the goth wife doing a ritual meme and Marina felt the most inclined to be goth to me
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
I found that warm ups end up sapping my energy, so I only do them if I don't plan on doing any big pieces for the day. Just wanna get my drawing exercises in
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
Multiple inktober variations and a couple art telephones! I wanna do stuff like Art Fight and zines and big bangs, but I haven't had the energy for them somehow
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
The Owl House probably?
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game
Didn't see a lot of artist ask games, wanted to make a silly one.
(I wrote this while sick out of my mind last year and it's been collecting dust in my drafts, I might as well let it run free) 1. Art programs you have but don't use
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
3. What ideas come from when you were little
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
9. What are your file name conventions
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
12. Easiest part of body to draw
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing
14. Any favorite motifs
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
23. Do you use different layer modes
24. Do your references include stock images
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
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"Yeah! Robin! They're book smart, and they were baaaaaasically the brains behind the Shepherd's back in the day. Oh, uh, that was the name of the army back in Ylisse, ahaha~" Robin and Lianna would probably get along like two peas in a pod-- or better yet, two brainiacs on the battlefield. He kind of wanted to see what it'd be like if they were left in a strategy tent together... "It's only a matter of time before they show up, so maybe you guys could knock heads or something."
He stepped back, sidling on the edge of the desk to watch Lianna spin her strategic know-how. She followed along his scrappy lines, humoring his question with a completely sincere answer of her own. Hmmmm.... okay yeah, a defense of archers or wind mages would make for a decent comeback. But the boulders-- she couldn't just let her army get squashed like a pile of ants, could she? He chuckled to himself, rubbing his chin, as though he finally got a glimpse of how Robin's own gears would run if they were faced with a strange, promptu scenario.
"Ooooh! Guess you were ready, even if they had set up a trap for you." He cooed, also entirely and oh-so-easily impressed. He imagined the mages blasting rocks to pieces, and fliers splicing through the air, to fortify the area above. "Yeah, I see...~"
"Okay, say you did split your army like a bunch of bananas. Fliers up top, cavalry, mages and infantry down at the bottom. What would you do if they had archers under forest half-cover?"
Henry tapped his chin, before doodling a couple of stick figures up top. Little bow and arrows and everything! "Genuine question. But how do you command more than one group if you have them split off like that?" He's never going to be a strategist. But it never hurts to stick your nose into places it doesn't belong, ahaha~!
"I'm not much of a team player, but I think it's neat how confident you are that your split teams wouldn't just fall apart on you when they don't have you around."
Did You Have Any Questions?
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@onewingedsparrow I hope you have fun designing some OCs! I love seeing ppls tf OCs they’re always so fun and cool!
I’m no expert, but I do love character design so I hope you don’t mind if I over share just a little bit about my design process ahaha
TLDR: I like to think about personality, choose what shapes I want to use to convey said personality, and then mold the alt mode design to that rather than starting with the alt mode.
A small essay on tf and general design thoughts is under the cut though if you want examples and entirely too much detail
This is all entirely overkill u do not have to do this to have fun designing a cool character. This is just me dissecting how i micromanage my own design process bc I’m a massive nerd.
For a character design I usually start out by ironing out some of their key personality traits so that I can make sure to keep them in mind when I’m designing!
For this example I’m looking at Diode (seen above and below), she’s stubborn, loyal, and holds a grudge. A very steadfast, hard to move character. Because of this I want to make her feel very square and bulky. I want her to look like it would be hard to move her physically as well as mentally/emotionally. This also informs details that might be added later (ex. using a visor rather than eyes to indicate her standoffish nature).
This is the most important part of character design imo! You want the design to really showcase their personality so make sure their personality is solid!
I was mostly noodling for fun here, so I skipped a bunch of steps but I’ll just touch on them briefly here:
Normally if I was designing a comic character (a design I’d be drawing hundreds of times and want to be solid so i won’t want to change it half way thru the comic) I’d start out with research.
In the case of transformers OCs research would probably entail compiling a folder full of transformers designs. If you want your design to look functional, make sure to check out images of transforming toys in addition to designs from your favourite tf media. By doing this you’ll be able to take notes on what you do and don’t like about these designs, what ideas you might be able to incorporate to your own designs, and decide on what kind of style you might like to use or steal, how complex you want your design to be etc. Some people suggest making moodboards as well but I personally don’t love making moodboards so usually skip that step and just leave my refs in a folder i can refer to for personal projects ahaha
I did a little analysis of why all circle of light bots look the same (imo they should try harder to look different)
And here’s some doodles exploring how they can be shaken up to look different based on that research:
Depending on how familiar you are with human anatomy, research might also include looking up the human skeleton and musculature. I find thinking about how muscles and bones look and work (and then exaggerating them) extremely helpful for designing robots!
There was another post about designing robots i saw a bit ago by a person much smarter than me comparing mechanical joints to anatomical joints (and how those shapes might translate to a robot) so definitely check that out!
After your research, in theory it’s best to do some really quick low fidelity concept sketches to iron out what basic shapes and proportions you want to use for your character. I skipped that with Diode bc I just wanted to turn my brain off and figured I’d come back and do this step later. Most of the time i end up doing this step on paper just bc it’s easier to do wherever. Unfortunately it also means it’s easier to lose so I don’t have any examples.
The one sketch I did do is maybe a tad cleaner than I usually aim for? It’s important to be able to tell what the shapes are trying to do but you also want to be able to do a whole bunch of them really fast. Speed before quality in this case.
I usually do between 3 and 10 because I’m lazy and am drawing for fun but between 15 and 25 thumbnail sketches is closer to what I do for designs I want to be more polished and solid (like for comics). Sometimes it takes more than that to get it right tho. I designed a table for my grandma for Christmas last year and I did over 90 sketches before I landed on a design I was happy with (yikes!). Of course, this step isn’t necessary if you don’t mind your design evolving each time you draw your character but. you know. It’s an option!
Silhouettes are also a lot of fun to do if you’re making a cast of characters tho! I find them useful regardless, but they can be a really fun way to make your characters stand out from canon characters and from each other!
Here’s some silhouettes I did when @autothotsrollout just got me into tfp and we were tossing around the idea of rewriting exodus/exiles:
And here’s some silhouettes I did analyzing the drift mini series bc all the circle of light dudes look the same and I wanted them all to have different body types lol:
Details and Colour Studies
After getting the general shapes, adding the details is a lot easier! I usually make a base “doll�� that I can “dress up” with different clothing or different iterations of mechanical details in the case of transformers.
Finding a real life car/boat/plane etc to steal details off wholesale makes life 1000x easier I highly reccomend it. You could even frankenstein a couple different types of cars together to get a cool alt mode and a cool robot design! This is also where a lot of the research from eariler comes in handy. If you’re designing with a TFP lean, most robots tend to have their wheels in their feet/legs and either as a joint (shoulder or elbow) or rescue bots all have their cabs/windshields as their chests etc! Steal solutions shamelessly.
@autothotsrollout said it really well: “If you can figure out where the front of the car is, where the wheels go, and if they have wings where their wings go then you can usually just fudge it from there!”
Digitally that can be done by just copying and pasting a lower opacity sketch layer, but it can also be done traditionally by making your own lightbox!
If you draw your doll on a piece of paper, you can put your phone flashlight (or other bright light) under a glass casserole dish or large see-through tupperware container, and use the light to see your doll drawing while drawing on a seperate piece of paper. or if your shapes are really distinct you can just redraw them each time. But the lightbox is pretty nifty and can definitely save you some time!
once you’ve got a design or two that you like you can test out colours to see what you like and voila! You have a polished and finished character design!
Here’s two of the colour studies I managed to salvage (I am a fool and destructively edit/save things all the time) of my OC Wish!:
And here’s the colours I did for Diode!
I probably won’t stick with these colours, but I haven’t done a lot of transformer design before so i just colour grabbed from the reference it this was a lot of fun!
#optimist.txt#my art#long post.#character design is my passion ✨#thank u for enabling me to ramble about design slkdjfhg#for some reason tumblr is being finicky abt what @s will and wont add links so?????
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Wooo I am back for part 2 of the Madoka AU I doodled this time with Natsumi (or Subaru, whichever you prefer) and Emilia in their Goddess and Demon form!
Yet again it another sketch, I did my best to refine the details a lil but welp this is suppose to be just a sketch anyways!! If anyone noticed, I did incorporated some of Satella's design into Natsumi! Not sure if it that noticeable though ahaha.
When I aint stacked with a bunch of projects I definitely would love to refine the designs more completed with full lineart and colour, but alas I am very busy right now (pain and suffering).
I will prob just coped through writing a bunch of AU designs when my brain decides to function enough to write...
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Ahaha what a great night in @adorablemew Aggie! It was pretty fun, there's a sketch of Choco made by them!
And then obviously, my bunch of doodles i like to make xd


#undertale papyrus#papyrus fanart#papyrus#papyrus the skeleton#papyrus undertale#swap papyrus#underswap papyrus#the great papyrus#underswap fanart#underswap sans#swap sans#blueberry#blueberry sans#blue#undertale#undertale au#choco#choco sans#star sans#star#hopetale sans#hope!sans#goth sans#fan child#undertale alternate universe#undertale aus#undertale alternate timeline
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Sha-chan I did not know that you doodle too! Can I see your draws? :3
Ahaha...I'm definitely not a great artist by any means.
[Grabs one of her sketchbooks, revealing a bunch of doodles, mostly of cute little fantasy-like creatures as well as some designs for cakes and other desserts.]
I just doodle when I'm bored. Sometimes I doodle the people I know as well, but my style is anything but realistic.
Ah, look! This is a doodle I made of Subaru-kun with bunny ears! Doesn't he look adorable!
I love his little grumpy expression!
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i'll kill a small child for the flora bingo bestie /lh
I’d kill a small child for Flora period

Kind of a bingo? Almost? Maybe a bingo?
She’s soooo… I’ve talked about her so much on here but you can’t have enough.
She needs her own game, okay? She needs that good sweet development and to not be the damsel in distress all the time. Give her that autonomy and interesting character traits. Usually when people say, “the fanon version of this character is the valid one, the canon one sucks and we fixed them” I’m like ew no you didn’t, but she’s the exception. Fanon Flora is so good and true. People always give her interesting hobbies and wits and a sense of humor, but in canon she’s just The Girl One but naïve.
Flora’s a prime example of “shouldn’t they be a bit more fucked up over this?” She’s been through so much messed up junk that you’d think she’d have a villain arc like all those rich guys, but instead she’s going in the professor’s direction where she’s being constructive and optimistic about it. Not that villain!Flora isn’t the AU of all time. I wish they’d make something of these parallels, but instead the professor just ignores Flora “for her own good”. They don’t even tie that into the effect of his traumas like they easily could.
There is so much to work with. She likes murder novels. She isn’t intimidated by many scary situations in a (Disney’s) Rapunzel-like way. She’s an orphan who grew up in a tower in a fake village full of robot people built to raise her. How’s that for a backstory. She sees everything as an adventure. She likes dragons. She’s a Baroness with a huge inheritance. Paul used to be her enemy, but in UF he says he’s only helping Layton for her sake.
But canon only focuses on her silly girl character traits. She loves to cook but she’s so bad at it ahaha. She doesn’t know proper running form and no one’s gonna teach her so she runs like princess peach. She gets kidnapped all the time and has to be saved. She only solves a few puzzles, and none of them are really important. In the JP version she has a crush on Layton. He doesn’t even consider her as part of his family, she stays in his office? and they never explain what happens to her after UF.
Like come on! Focus on her bravery and optimism! Have her problems adjusting to normal society be a plot point that she overcomes! She’d be so good as someone who actually helps solve the mysteries and, y’know, has helpful traits.
I don’t remember who came up with the hc that she has a messed up sense of taste from growing up in robot society, but they’re a genius. One of my biggest Flora headcanons is that she’s disabled which is why her father focused so much on protecting her, paying for her whole future life, and hiding her away until someone can come take care of her. Also why Layton is so scared of letting her go out while he’s fine with Luke going on dangerous adventures after he literally died. It could explain why she’s seemingly frail and prone to tripping and falling a lot. I also hc that she’s into studying the very realistic robot stuff and that she becomes a mystery solver like the Laytons as an adult.
If I had any energy or attention span I could write a billion fics about her. I was cleaning out my tablet earlier this week and found a bunch of doodles of her. I still don’t understand why they never made a spin-off for her and instead made new characters, just isn’t clicking. My girl.
#professor layton#flora reinhold#layton series#layton#pl#curious village spoilers#ask game#The Flora Game is my personal Rhythm Thief sequel#I will wait for it forever even though I know there’s a very low chance of it happening#and if it does happen it might not even be good at all#but in my fanon heart Flora is so cool and badass and smart and fun
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📏 What’s your go-to canvas size?
🎁 Do you prefer drawing fandom stuff or your own characters?
🦋 Do your drawings resemble you?
🙊 Share your latest silly doodle with no context
📏 What’s your go-to canvas size?
i usually set the canvas to 600x600, 800x800, or 1000x1000 depending on how big i think i'll need it. i Always end up expanding it. i draw too fuckin big
🎁 Do you prefer drawing fandom stuff or your own characters?
so. ahaha. well. i've drawn basically nothing but ocs for years at this point BUT most of said ocs are fandom ocs because that's just like... how i engage with fandom most of the time. i get into something, i make some ocs, and then i just make a bunch of stuff with those ocs
i'd really like to 1) draw fanart of actual canon characters and 2) make more original original content but like. for the first one i've had this persistent thing where... like, i'm already kind of a perfectionist with my art but at least with oc stuff i can sometimes eventually decide it's good enough and call it done. but whenever i Try to draw fanart of canon characters i get this persistent fear that if it's not perfect someone's gonna see it and hate it not only because they don't like my art but because i fucked up that character. i guess. so i just either never finish fanart or i don't even start it. meanwhile no one's invested in my ocs but me and some friends i infodump to about them so it's safer i guess?
and then for the second i just have special interest brain on [insert video game im currently obsessed with here] all the time and so i just don't spend as much time with my original story ideas as i'd like to. so i usually just draw fandom stuff. once in a while i'll draw some original stuff though
🦋 Do your drawings resemble you?
....maybe? idk here's my selfie tag and here's my art blog. i do feel like one of the "default" nose shapes i give newer characters whose designs i havent fully fleshed out yet (or like, if i'm drawing someone else's character and they don't draw noses) looks kinda like mine but that's so specific
🙊 Share your latest silly doodle with no context
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Chrono Tortures Themself By Failing To Draw Stripes Episode 443
yeah uhhh here have some doodles cause i wanted to practice drawing him *throws this at you and skedaddles away*
yeah this is just a bunch of headcanons AHAHA I HAVE TRICKED YOU (please ignore this HORRENDOUS posture i was trying to make him do the sonic 1 idle pose and fucked up horribly)
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Hey! I really like your outfitober challenge and find it inspiring as heck! I was wondering if you'd mind if I did somethink like it next month and call it like Novembwear or something for trying to keep myself rolling on the art train. If you want I can tag you in the peices I post and credit you for giving me the inspo?
Aww thank you so much!! I don't mind at all - I totally don't own the idea of Drawing A Bunch Of Outfits Every Day Of The Month, it's free real estate ahaha :D
Also Novembwear is a GREAT PUN LOL GO FOR IT and good luck!! Wishing you the energy to go for as many days of doodling as possible! Not required to shout me out or anything unless you use the same themes or outfits/designs as I did, but I personally would love to see what outfits and designs you come up with so feel free to tag me anyway so I can behold them respectfully!! :D
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The month of love is incoming, and if you’ve been around a little while you probably know what a sucker for smooches and soft romance I am! And while I’ve still got a bunch of things I’m picking my way through as my time and energy levels allow during what has been a particularly messy, taxing start of a new year, I wanted to open up to a few more fun things I can doodle on the side.
SO! I’ve done up a little bunch of templates; kinda like a ‘YCH’ thing except that I’m not going to offer multiples of each template, if you claim one it’s going to be adapted to your characters and yours alone. Consider it... visual prompts, rather than the text based I usually do for these sorts of things.

Ground rules:
- $20 USD per image, your slot is claimed once payment (paypal) is received. - tumblr messenger is the best way to contact me for these - First come, first served, with all the standard artist’s right to refuse blah blah - Species/genders/outfits/hairstyles can be changed, absolutely, I encourage it! And yes, this is how pretty much all my images start out ahaha. - Pose/height changes not so much. Can tweak within reason, nothing that requires a full redraw. Please be sensible with your requests! <3 - Aiming to work fast and loose, working each image in a single hit. No revisions, can tweak any errors I make after you’ve received it of course! - Along that vein, my colouring will be in my more loose and vibrant style as well, samples below to give you an idea of how I intend these to come out.

Will I do more? Perhaps. Depending on what the interest is and whether I burn out any time soon, I may scribble up a few more, and even include a trio or quad or two. No guarantee though.
And forever, my eternal thanks to anyone who’s supported and followed and encouraged me over the years. You got no idea how much it means to me.
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