#i dontreally feel that but a lot pf things just feel like they fall onto me to do something sbout if thag makes sende
mueritos · 3 years
how do u manage all of the hatred and violence towards trans people, from conservatives or terfs or ...everyone, really? i consider myself a hopeful, optimistic person, but it gets reaaaaaally exhausting dealing with a world that doesnt want me in it. ive almost achieved radical self love, im in a beautiful relationship with another non-binary person, we have wonderful plans for our future. these people really dont get to me PERSONALLY because i know who i am and i know that im literally so swag they have nothing on me! but man...all the anti trans bills? the constant terf shit in the media? the REAL WORLD things that can actually affect us? its tiring...how do you manage it?
Ah gee. Well the thing is, you never really cope under institutionalized oppression and white supremacy. You never are ever truly okay. There may be moments where you may be, but then all it takes is a quick reminder of the cruelty of the world for you to feel the weight of marginalization. The best way to manage it most of the times is to only engage with as much as you know you can.
For example, immigration is a very sensitive topic for me, and I really have to pace myself when I do research into it or have to engage with the topic for class. It physically pains me, so I try to maintain a distance from it so its not overwhelming. It’s kinda what you have to do with any other sensitive topics, like police brutality, settler colonialism, homophobia, etc and etc. There are moments where it is all you can focus on, but you have to have moments where you also refuse to look at it too.
Activists have the unfortunate burden of caring too much, and that really takes a toll on people. Im not really coping any better than any other marginalized person. I limit myself to how much news I look at. I force myself to not micromanage my school coalition. I force myself to take breaks and forget about the world. I go to therapy, hang with friends or my partner, or just find ways to ground myself. I remind myself of why i am doing all of this, but I also remind myself that I would not be much use if I was burnt out, emotionally exhausted, and mentally drained.
Its honestly just a healthy balance of productivity, activism, distance, and allowing yourself time off from everything. Cultivate a community around yourself, too, and youll find that things are much more easier to cope with too.
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