#i dont want to say goodbye to ash and pikachu
blorbosaur · 2 years
i'm coping.
i'm coping.
i'm coping.
i'm coping.
i'm. coping.
i'm. coping.
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stgosupremacy · 1 year
so yeah i said i would do one so here i am. honestly dont know how long this will be so let's get stuck in lmao <33
I'm starting after the 'im glad i met you part', bc i kind of already did a post on that anyway lol (and just wanted to add, in the dub they changed it to 'I'm sure glad i met you,' and Ash says it so soft omg i literally died on the spot watching it ;-;
(headsup ignore the fact some of the images are off a youtube channel i couldn't find the scenes💀)
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so i hope this is all in order, but this bit is so so SO sweet when Goh tells him 'thanks for reaching out for me' like no surprise i was literally crying at that point like sgdxkjnfsgf it's so sweet to me that without Ash none of his journey would have really happened, but tbf you could say the same for all of his companion tbh. either way, i am very glad goh met satoshi too omg <3 🥺
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theennnnnn this part is Ash just offering some sweet words of advice and comfort, talking ab their dreams ect, like, nothing too bittersweet to see here, but i guess you can say the way he said 'WE' and meant both of them is sweet lmao
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OK so on the palm of our hands thing i have a few things to say
first of all i love how Ash knew that he knew what to continue with bc they are just so in sync with each other ofc <3 and OFC they had to put that scene in for the last episode, like when it was in the Mewto episode for the first time, i was honestly screaming of how cute it was LIKE THE FACT ASH MADE THE LITTLE ADD ON OF 'OUR HANDS' IN THE FIRST TIME THEY DID IT JUST MAKES IT EVEN MORE CUTER EJHSKF
but anyways as much as i love this scene because of how 'the future is in the palm of our hands', can be interpreted in some otherways, 👀 I also couldnt help but thing about something else.
after/before the Project mew stuff actually started/finished (pretty sure it was after,) we see a scene of Goh, Gary and Horace using the 'palm of our hands' phrase together, and yeah its rlly cute lmao, but i was kind of hoping it was something unique for Ash and Goh, not trying to be a fusspot, but i think the scene now feels slightly less special to me now Goh used it with some other people?
I mean sure, ash and goh were still the first people who did it, and it IS their kind of thing lmao, like they created it. Even tho it was just an initial thought, it is still really sweet that goh used it with others don't get me wrong <3
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when i was watching this i was like no way this is it lol like are you not gonna confess
jokes but thankfully they made a bittttt more to it (and good bc if they left it there I would be sitting there like what)
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so they start to walk away from each other and you see Goh is still quite sad while Ash is still holding up, my heart was dying </3
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OFC ASH HAS TO CALL OUT TO HIM AND THE WAY GOH'S EYES HAVE THE LITTLE SPARKLE WHEN HE HEARS HIS VOICE 💖 The fact Ash actually thought while he was walking away 'oh shit need to check up on the bf' lol and climbed up the little hill to wave him off again is the cutest thing; CANNOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE this made their whole goodbye for me tbh 💕💕💕
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ofc they want each other to achieve their dreams aww
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ok but THIS
the bit where they nod at each other is so comforting to me like it's weird, but it gave me a little more satisfaction i'll say, lmao. also gives you a hint that they are wrapping up the goodbyes fully so it gave me some very brief preparation time 😢
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and with that, Goh runs off into the distance.
</3 (my boy has grown up sm) 🥺
OK i do love that when he runs off, he's more confident, and when it switches back to Ash, it has him watching over Goh until he can't see him anymore, which is rlly cute <333 ahhh they're so pure man
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Ash runs off to his new journey too, and he begins to talk about Pallet Town to Pikachu...
Thats it
uhmmm so first things first. Did i like the goodbye for them? Well, yeah, it was quite cute, especially the end part where Ash gives him that last bit of encouragement and called out his name, because SHEESH if they left that part out and gave them that first goodbye without Ash calling out to him, and they just left each other....yeah, i wouldn't be happy.
see, i just kind of thought they deserved a bit better. It was v cute and all, but like they've been through so much together 😭 😭 😭 😭 like I'm saying this as a shipper but still 😂 tbf if they hugged I probably would have cried but let's be honest I could cry at anything at this point
but hey what we got was pretty cute, I just would have tweaked some things because honesty this duo are literally the closest I've ever seen in the anime, and I would have hoped for a little bit more, BUT IT'S FINE IT HAPPENED *mentally counts*
9 MONTHS AGO (??? where has the time gone)
but thank you for coming to my TED talk <33
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vaugarde · 1 year
ok now that a day has passed i can post this without feeling mean now that he’s out of the anime and people were emotional abt it (including me dont get me wrong)
the pokemon finale felt.... so underwhelming. the team rocket thing happened for no real reason and that’s probably my second biggest gripe. let’s ruin their finale centric episode with a 30 second ooc argument, have a tiny moment in the next episode, and then have them make up in two seconds in the final episode after just going “yeah without each other theyre chefs or something who cares”. yeah its not like its the finale to these characters being mainstays after over 25 years or anything. its whatever
and then my second thing is like. really? we aren’t changing the status quo in the slightest? this is just another “oh ash comes home but decides he wants more” finale? i mean, i guess it’s in character for ash to be restless and unsatisfied even with where he is, and in my nextgen in my head he was always a guy who just kept traveling well into his adulthood helping people around the world. but the way he talks about being WORLD CHAMPION just felt... weird. like yes, he’s going to think that there’s more for him out there, but it just felt strange that this miniseries started with him going “wow i wanna see whats out there!” then he goes home, says goodbye to misty and brock, hangs out, and then goes “... wow i wanna see whats out there!” it’s like. nothing changed at all really? and it feels so weird because this is supposed to be the FINALE to his journey, we aren’t going to see his next adventure, and its weird he’s talking about this the same kind of way he talked in the other finales. 
and like again, it’s in character for him, i’m not saying it isn’t, but it’s just weird considering this episode also doesn’t feel like a multi season arc finale. nothing changes. like, pidgeot rejoins ash i guess... not like we’re gonna see any of what comes of that... he sees gary again... he got new shoes.... annnd nothing else. i was at least hoping for something with team rocket changing? like maybe the series ends because they realize that they’re unhappy in team rocket, and nothing has changed for them despite everything, so they give up on pikachu and finally open the restaurant of their dreams. sure, it wouldn’t be an end regarding the main character, but it’d be... something? and it’s not like people weren’t rooting for them to quit team rocket and be happy considering that’s something the show has set up numerous times. idk i feel like something should have happened in that episode to mark an end of an era rather than “yeah it’s an ending but like they’re still doing the exact same thing they’ve been doing after a break”, like, idk, ash turning 11 (which i KNOW would have become a meme but like it’d be something!)
im very cynical i’ll admit that, but this really just felt like a business decision where they HAD to keep the door open just in case horizons flops and people complain that they want ash back, and they can go “hey ash is in the gen x region!!”
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punz4lyfe · 3 years
Wasted Plotential: Journeys Episode 68 (Part 2)
Part 2: Gary and the Moltres Battle
Picking off where the last part ended up on, the episode begins with Ash and Goh searching around the woods for Infernape. As the two call out his name, Staraptor soars through and Buizel uses the rivers to search at areas far off from his trainer. As they search, Goh remarks how impossible it’s gonna be to find Infernape in such a dense forest without any signs, but Ash reassures him that they can do it. He also admits he isn’t too surprised of Infernape continuing to train by himself, stating how much battling means to the Pokemon while flashbacking to some of Infernape’s most proudest battles, such as Candice’s Abomasnow and Volkner’s Luxray.
After recalling those moments, Ash meets up with Staraptor and Buizel who both confirm their lack of signs for their former comrade. Thanking them for their efforts, Ash returns them into their Pokeballs so they could rest up and that’s when Goh notices a nearby Pidgeotto. Just like in the original episode, Goh fails to capture it, as well as the Onix encountered afterwards, leading to two to get saved by Gary and his Blastoise.
Gary’s interactions with Ash and Goh in the og episode were honestly REALLY good, and so for the sake of padding out runtime, events of the episode will play out as they did in the original while expanding a bit more on the dialogue. For example, perhaps Gary could point out Goh’s flaw of recklessly throwing Pokeballs at Pokemon without weakening them first. While Goh would state that his approach has been successful most of the time, Gary would rebuttal that maybe he’s just been lucky this whole time. Or when talking about Project Mew, Gary could mention some of his past missions to fill up Goh’s own interest more. Maybe, as a reference to Goh’s Suicune, Gary could have had encounters with Entei, Raikou, and a different Suicune, stating he had to retrieve samples of Entei’s fire, Raikou’s electricity (it’s pokemon dont question it), and Suicune’s water in order to pass. Additionally, prior to this mission, he’s also succeeded in gaining feathers from an Articuno and Zapdos. Of course, as he explains what he’s done so far, Ash will be impressed and state how proud and happy he is for Gary for being able to take part in such experiences, sparking up Goh’s jealousy even further.
As the three make their way to the mountain where Moltres and Infernape are up, Goh, due to his lackluster physique compared to Ash and Gary, accidentally winds falling in a river and risking him and Grookey falling down a waterfall. Ash prepares to send out Buizel to rescue them, but Gary insists to leave it to Blastoise due to his stronger and bulkier body. As Blastoise makes his way towards Gary and Grookey, the two end up falling over, but Blastoise leaps off and catches them in time before he starts to swim UP the waterfall to get them all back to safety. The rescue is a success and the plot moves on.
Again, things play out the same way at the peak, but when Ash and Infernape reunite, we get a more wholesome-ish hug with Ash happily spinning Infernape around, just as they hugged after their fight against Volkner. Ash also formally introduces Infernape to Goh and Grookey, with the latter having a huge admiration for the taller, stronger, more experienced primate as Infernape pets his head in a friendly manner.
And that, my friends, is when Moltres appears. Instead of everyone taking turns for no good reason, the encounter is instantly declared a Raid Battle (just as Ash, Goh, and Team Rocket did with Zapdos), with Ash using Infernape, Goh sending out Cinderace, and Gary sending out Blastoise. At the beginning, all three of them rely on ranged attacks to keep a safe distance, but Moltres’ speed proves near-impossible to land a good hit as it moves in closer to the three mons, forcing them to rely on physical moves. As a demonstration of Infernape’s greater power compared Cinderace’s, when Cinderace tries to attack Moltres with a Blaze Kick, it gets effortlessly blocked, but then Infernape goes in for a Mach Punch and actually does some damage to it, which slightly annoys Cinderace. Additionally, Cinderace attempts to block an incoming Air Slash with Pyro Ball, but that fails and causes him to get badly hurt. Moltres then tries another Air Slash to finish Cinderace off, but Infernape quickly steps in between the attack and Cinderace to intercept it with Flamethrower, this time completely cancelling it.
Despite this, Cinderace finds himself too exhausted to get up, forcing Goh to. withdraw from the Raid Battle as he brings Cinderace out of the battlefield for his safety. After performing more or less the same way he did in the original episode, Blastoise attempts to take down Moltres with Hydro Cannon (because why the fuck would nerf that down to Water Pulse while Infernape’s Sinnoh moveset remained the same?!), but Moltres avoids the attack and, because of Blastoise needing to recharge and already being in a fatigued state from rescuing Goh and Grookey, takes down the Water-type with Air Slash, making Blastoise’s defeat a little less contrived and a little less bullshit. Gary recalls Blastoise and, desperate to succeed in his mission, prepares to send out Electivire while offering Goh to borrow his Umbreon, but Ash requests for them not to, knowing how much this battle means to Infernape and that he believes they will finish the job for Gary’s sake. Understanding Ash’s reasoning, Gary withdraws, as well as Goh after he retrieves a supportive look from Grookey, who also wants to see his new idol win by himself.
So now it’s just Infernape against Moltres. While careful to avoid any Air Slashes, Ash and Infernape deliberately rush in to take potshots while occasionally managing to deal in good hits with Flare Blitz, Flamethrower, and Mach Punch. They also use Dig to either avoid powerful blows or use the debris to eliminate a Fire Spin. However, Gary and Goh are confused why Ash and Infernape are now behaving more recklessly, but then Gary soon realizes what the two are trying to do. Just after Goh asks him on what he means by that, his attention is instantly taken back to Infernape when they see him get hit by a powerful Burn Up attack, taking away Moltres’ Fire-typing.
However, Infernape is not done yet. This is exactly where he and Ash wanted to land at. His body glows red. He gets back to his feet. And with a roar of pride and power, Infernape’s head flame ignites to severe proportions. Just as Gary notes; Infernape’s Blaze has been activated, shocking Goh and Cinderace as Grookey cheers loudly for Infernape, as does Pikachu nearby Ash. Ash smirks confidently before he asks Infernape if he’s ready to end this. Infernape replies with another roar and Ash tells him to use Flamethrower. Moltres attempts to cancel it with Fire Spin, but Infernape’s flame only eats up Moltres’ before landing its mark. Moltres quickly flies back up and uses Fire Spin again, this time working as Infernape slowly takes damage from the surrounding flames. With its opponent trapped, Moltres uses Air Slash to finish up, but on Ash’s command, Infernape simply uses a rapid series of Mach Punch to block every single air... wave... slash... thing.
And now it’s time to end things. Ash tells Infernape to use Flare Blitz and Infernape uses his heightened head flame to absorb Moltres’ Fire Spin, adding it to his own power, and takes off towards the legendary bird as a humongous fire ball of rage. The attacks hit down on, causing a huge explosion that heavily damages Moltres and causes it to drop a feather, which Gary notices. Now realizing it stands no chance against Infernape, Moltres uses Burn Up again to briefly light the area and disorientate everyone else on the mountain before taking off. But despite Moltres’ retreat, Infernape feels completely satisfied from the fight, as it shows with a victorious Flamethrower to the air. Blaze then deactivates, but Ash catches Infernape before he could collapse, telling him how proud he is and that he practically won due to Moltres’ retreating. Grookey then quickly approaches Infernape with sparkly eyes full of admiration with Goh and Cinderace joining them as the former supports Ash’s statement on Infernape’s technical victory. Gary retrieves the Moltres feather, passes his mission, and they all return to the lab.
Once again, events and dialogue play out the same only with Tracey involved as well. Gary leaves, Goh decides to join Project Mew, and now, Ash tells his current team that it’s time to go back to Cerise’s, so they all say goodbye to their new friends. Dragonite tearfully hugs Charizard, who returns the gesture while lightly patting his back with a sympathetic expression. Gengar shares one last laugh with Glalie. Lucario shakes hands with Sceptile. Dracovish happily gets hugged by Totodile and Gible. And Sirfetch’d... ends up getting attacked by Bayleef’s Vine Whip and Oshawott’s Razor Shell as revenge for preventing from hugging Ash earlier.
The episode ends with Goh using his Rotom Phone to take an updated version of Best Wishes final group photo, with Ash and Pikachu sitting at the middle while surrounded by all of his Pokemon at Oak’s lab and his current team. Special notices go to Infernape sitting next to Ash, one arm wrapped around shoulder and giving a thumbs up with the other hand, Lucario and Sceptile standing back-to-back against each other with crossed arms and confident smirks, and Totodile and Gible both posing on top of the ever-so-jolly Dracovish. This photo is also the final frame as well because it would make sense for one of the hype points of the episode to be the focal point of how things end off instead of Goh and Grookey for no reason.
And yeah, that’s how’ll I would rewrite Episode 68. Events still play out more or less the same, only with more time focused on certain points to expand interaction and dynamics. Thanks for reading and, since this is basically my first real rewrite project, feel free to tell me your thoughts on it!
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imgonnaketchumall · 3 years
I wrote something for @champofpallet now I got something cute to write in my Rowdy Boys verse featuring @frostbittxntrainer-returned
Ash had been in the Viridian Pokemon center for one hour. So far, it seems as if his travels were not going as planned. He started off with the wrong pokemon, he almost got attacked by spearrow, and then some dumb girl fished him out a lake! Frustrated, he put his pen to paper to write.
Dear Reddy
I just started my journey today. Today was my first day as a real trainer!! But I woke up late cause I couldn't sleep last night, and so Mama made me watch Professor Oaks dumb video instead of a super cool battle on tv.
When I woke up, the sun was already shining and my alarm clock was broken. Mama called me to get up, and it turns out I was already LATE. I didn't have time to put on clothes so I ran straight to the lab in just my pajamas. When I got there, ALL THE POKEMON WAS GONE.
Professor Oak said all the trainers had already gotten their pokemon and that there were NONE left. I asked him what about me??? But he just chucked and said that early bird catches the pokemon. He said he had ONE but it was for him and for special reasons. Out of the ball was a little yellow pokemon, a Pikachu! Only he's not as nice as your pikachu.
My pikachu is not nice at all. He doesn't like his pokeball so he kept hitting it back at me. When I went out to see Mama goodbye, Gary was out there and he was spinning his pokeball on his finger. That JERKFACE (don't tell Mama I said that okay?) GOT THE POKEMON I WANTED. I wanted the squirtle! HE KNEW IT. But HE got the squirtle and started laughing at me! Said I was a pathedic looser who would just make Pallet ashamed! I HATE HIM.
Then he took off in a CAR with lots and lots of GIRLS. Hes so dumb Red, I hate him. I hope his car gets eatten by a snorlax. Or a machop. And I hope all his dumb spikes fall down and he never ever wins any badges.
When he left, I was going to leave too but mama made me change my clothes and then told me all that stuff about remembering to stay clean and stuff. She told me to change my underwear every day but NOW I DONT HAVE TO.
I took the rubber gloves mama had given me for laundry and the rope and tied it to pikachu who just got all mad at me. When I tried to catch a pidgy Pikachu LAUGHED at me and ate a apple. Then when I tried to catch a spearrow, Pikachu and me almost got attacked by it! We had to run and it started to rain and it was all muddy and so he tried to protect me! But the spearrows were really really mean so I protected him and we went diving off in the river and then some really ugly dumb girl with red hair fished us out.
Her hair looks like carrots, Red. IT WAS THE COLOR OF CARROTS. Then I borrowed her bike and took pikachu so he could get better at the pokemon center.
He seems to like me a little better now that he feels better. I really want Pikachu to like me. I want him to like me like your pikachu likes you. I want another friend...so then I will have ONE friend.
Garys not my friend no more. I think i wrote about that in my last letter I sent to you. We stopped being friends when he started laughing at me in school and then a week ago we went fishing and he said tying with me was just as bad as being a loser.
He's worser than Green ever ever is. Why couldn't he be nice like Daisy?
Pikachu is starting to fall asleep now. Its lights out at the pokemon center and when he's not being mean to me, he is actually kind of cute.
I know you won't reply to this letter. Red. Its okay. Mama and I don't know where you are right now, but it's okay. I hope one day when you come back (I don't like the word if) we can have abattle. Hopefully ill have a really good team then.
Um. Mama misses you. I miss you too but I know youre out there being a really strong trainer and I hope one day I will be just as strong as you, if not stronger!!!
I got the picture of you and me, and me and daddy in the bottom of my bag. I like to think that I will be as strong as both of you. I hope you don't mind but I took one of your pokemon toys too, because Flame couldnt come because hes retired. (Gary ripped the flame off his tail during a fight one time. Mama says it was a accident but i dont think so.) Its a stuffed one. Its one I always took when we were little. I know its baby to take toys on your journey but I had to. If pikachu doesn't like me, then who else would I talk to?
Did you know Professor Oak bet I wouldn't ever make it to Viridian City??
There carrot girl is at the door and she just screamed at me that I broke her bike. Nurse Joy says I should sleep because Im a growning boy.
I know its baby but I kinda miss Mama right now. She used to keep the gengars and haunters away.
I love you Reddy.
Ash fold the notebook paper up and tucks it in to the envelope. He closes the envelope and write in big letters the word RED. He has no address, nor any indications of where the older may be. Searching in his bag, Ash picks out a funny pokemon stamp of a charizard making a funny face.
Placing the envelope in the mail slot, Ash looks over at his sleeping pokemon. He knows the letter won't ever be read. But he hopes that one day maybe the wind will drift it in the right direction.
written because acacia made me have early training feels.
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tamisdava-blog · 7 years
Finally post! SVTFOE/Pokemon sun and moon anime
 Yea guys, finally the new year started, and finally i watched SVTFOE! And... I dont liked it. 1 season of SVTFOE was neutral for me, 2 season got better and interesting but, 3 season? its the worse season in my opininon. Many cartoons got destroied because there were more seasons than 2, because in next seasons nothing interesting happens. which after is pushing people away, yes there are people who are still watching: Adventure time, Supernatural, Rick and Morty and many others. We can see what good thing did Alex Hirsh when he stopped on 2 season and didn’t continued Gravity Falls.
Like come on guys, we waited for battle of mewni because there still was something interesting and something that was left from plot. We all thought that Toffee will come back and he with Eclipsa will be villains together. But when Toffee appeared he dissappeared Rapidly, again. Ok, in the 3 season we see that Eclipsa is back, if there is no good villain left like Toffee thats means that Eclipsa needs to take that place? Yes? No, said the plot. So we have no good villain. And actually Eclipsa is doing here nothing! She even doesn’t tells us about how everything happend with her and with her monster lover, ok you may say to me: “Woman you asking too much fo the start of new season”. No its not the beginning! Its already a half season passed. Ok, i was kinda suprised about the last episode where we see THAT HEINOUS IS ECLIPSAS DAUGHTER! Actually that episode gave me hope that maybe not everything is gone, maybe there is left spark of mystery and the twisted plot. 
But what i dont liked and from where its started? The first episode. When i started watching new season i already dont liked the dam FIRST EPISODE! First Star was saying goodbye to mark too long, AND NEXT SHE JUST WAS SAVING THE HOODIE OF MARCO FROM GETTING WASHED?! YES, ITS WHAT WE ALL WANTED FROM THE START OF THE NEW SEASON! LETS SAY TRUE, NO BODY WAS INTERESTED IN HOW STAR WAS SAVING THE SCENT OF MARCO’S HOODIE! And lets say what we got from the most of non-interesting episodes? So all the episodes were like six month? Marco is gone on earth, he is back on earth, Star is dating with Tom, Marco loves star, Marco and Jackie broke, GOD DAM IT, ITS TOO FAST! And Jackie finally got my 100% love from that season, you asking why? Nu, because she understood that Marco loves Star, yes she loved Marco but she knew if you love someone you got to let him go. And if some haters will say something bad about Jackie like: “she doesn’t even deserved Marco! Marco belonged to Star anyway! Its was already decided from the start that Marco will love Star!”, and if you say something other i’ll punch you in the face, seriously, I’LL DO IT! AND WHY THE HECK THEY TURNED MARCO INTO SO SOFTY! If you aren’t blind and you’ll compare Marco from this season to Marcos from the past seasons you’ll SEE HOW SOFTY HE BECAME! And you’ll see Star as she is doing favour to Marco and forces him to sit on knees and then she compels him to be HIS FRIEND. And that moment was given like Star is better than Marco, AND WE CAN SEE IT IN THE ALL GOD DAM EPISODES OF NEW SEASON! And we can see it in one episode about princess Marco. remind me when he last time was dressed like a princess and why? Yes it was in 1 season, and he dressed like this because he needed it for camouflage. But in this episode he decides to stay as a girl or tell them that he is a boy. But why? Because directors of Disney decided that in SVTFOE aren’t very active feminine gender roles in the plot. Fuck you Disney, just fuck you! Because of it Rick and Morty got non-interesting and destroied too! This completly changed the cartoon. I dont know anymore if i’ll watch SVTFOE and do posts about it. BECAUSE I AM DONE DISNEY! SVTFOE ISN’T A GOD DAM FILM ABOUT PRINCESS! DISNEY THANKS TO YOU, YOU DESTROIED THE ONLY ACTIVE MALE CHARACTER IN MY EYES! Lets say so Marco was the only active male character IN A DAM CARTOON, ok there was Toffee now he is dead, And ludo uh... 
Ok because i didn’t write posts for long time here will two posts together! Ok this part will be about Pokemon sun and moon. I watched the new series of it and... GOD DAM IT I LIKED IT SO MUCH! I’ll try to write what happend short but you know its wont happen :)
So after Lusamine was taken by UB Gladion and Lilie want to search for alternative way to open ultra hole. Nebby of course evolved... But i didn’t expect it to be so small. Other kidos heared that from james other day. Gladion and Lilie are going to the altar of sunne. There they see some useless, wait, not useless dangerous puzzles that they dont need to do. And after they are fighting Jangmo-os, Hakamo-os and one big totem Komm-o. So there is a great battle but that battle would’ve ended faster IF GLADION WOULD CHANGED SILVALLY’S TYPE INTO FAIRY TYPE EARLIER! COME ON GLADION! YOU ARE SAYING THAT YOU ARE SMART AND YOU ONLY NEED LOGiC BUG YOU HAD TO BE REMINDED OF TYPE ADVANTAGES BY LILIE?! Ok, so after ceiling is falling down, and pikachus electro ball saves them from a dam rock. Gladion is like: “Its a family’s business”. Yea of course Gladion you and Lilie alone without Nebby’s, Tapu family’s and others help can open and beat all Lusamine’s pokes. After everyone is going to altar there is a Tapu family waiting for them. Then Tapu’s family tells to our heroes that they need Solgaleo to open an ultra hole, then Tapu family sees Nebby They are starting to play with him.(Nebby is male because he’ll evolve into Solgaleo.) oh tapu family also told to our friends that when Nebby was “born” they needed to take care of Nebby and after give him to Ash because Solgaleo and Lunala told them to do so?! But whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?! Why the heck Solgaleo and Lunala needed to give their child to the stranger child that they dont even know? Ok, guys we all know who watched pokemon anime that Ash is like a magnemite FTU i mean magnet for legendary pokemon. Gladion was like:
Tapu koko: *Deadly glare that means something like it* If you want to have your momy back then you’ll have to wait bitch!
And team Rocket finally got in head that Nebby is Nebby. Kukui is like: Gotta blast and help my future wife! And finally Nebby evolved into Solgaleo. And thanks to god that Nebby still likes sugar stars after evolving. Tapu gives ash a special Z-move for Solgaleo, but the problem is that the Z-crystal doesn’y fit into Z-ring. then Tapu-Koko takes the Z-ring and Tapu’s family have done something to Z-ring i am sure dont want to know what. so  after the Z-crystal fits in, they opened ultraa hole and went in. Profesors went to the altar and they saw no one. So our friends are there and they decided to split up because they have pokemons that will protect them *face palm*. So they saw Lusamine she is like beign possesed by a UB and she hates everyone and she tells them to not come closer or she is going to use her mega crystals, noononono, not mega stones, i calling mega crystals that crystals that are in UB’s home. I think i messed up my grammar, but i doesn’t matter. So Lusa flies away and leaves a wall from a mega crystals, so nobody would follow her. After our heroes try to break it but nah. Nothing helps. Finally Nebby decides to help them and he breaks the wall. Then Lusa gets angery and sents some pokemon out. Lilie stays and tries to fight with Clefairy but Lilie uses emotional and memorial pressure on Clefairy. So Clefairy stops to attack Lilie, and they finally using emotional *sob* pressure *sob* on Lusa, I almost cried :(
So the UB leaves Lusa’s Body like this: “fuck this shit i am out”.
Yea, some people are saying that Lilie got too over developed, and i understand why, but i hope that other characters like Kiawe, Lana and others will be developed too. 
Then we see Profesors wedding which was a great episode too in my opinin. Then a pretty funny episode with a Komala and  Jigglypuff. Some people will said that it was just an non-interesting episode for children. But its reminded me of the pokemon original series, when  Jigglypuff appears and makes everyone fall asleep and after draws their faces.
So thanks to everyone who reads me, sorry that i wasn’t posting for so long, because of it i wrote two post together. TOGETHER! actually i was working for it 5 hours.
Sorry for my english and i wish for ya lucky 2018! Now i’ll drink fuse tea and read dostoevski’s idiot.
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