#i dont recall how old i was when i saw the episode
flunk2 · 1 year
If multiple apply, just pick what feels the closest to your initial thoughts. My personal answer is mostly option 6. I don't recall finding the AT reveal to be too out-there or thinking it ruined my perception of Skinner as a character or anything, but I felt really bad for og Skinner
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joleneghoul · 1 year
Hey I followed to see that DC Disability public essay, so I’m new to this blog. It had me wondering what was your journey of discovering DC and it’s characters and what are your favorite comics, stories and characters?
Hi! Welcome and I'm sorry this blog is kinda my "put everything i think of" train of thought blog. But it's also my only blog lol! Thank you for being interested in the Essay. It's not near done as I'm still taking responses but we will get there. Rest is under cut because i accidentally rambled on.
As far as my journey with DC comics I feel like Dc has just been a part of my life forever- I've grown up in this world where caped stories are pop culture and everywhere and when i was growing up like EVERY cartoon about heroes was about the dc ones (brave and the bold, batman the animated series, justice league)
Actually my first memory I can recall is seeing an episode of justice league on the tv and seeing john stewart green lantern.
Though I wouldnt of called myself a fan really back then because my special interests for most of my life started with Sonic and then Transformers. But in my opinion the base of both of those universes and stories is the same as caped comics so it makes sense I eventually got into them fully.
I don't think I've told the story about how I started actually reading the comics but basically I was homeless at 17 and thats when my love for these comics started. I started reading old batman comics because around then I had met my boyfriend whos special interest was batman so that was my way of both distracting myself and bonding with him.
BUT through batman comics I got introduced to Blue Beetle and Booster Gold and I instantly shifted to reading the Blue beetle comics (sorry to booster i didnt read vol 1 until maybe a year later) specifically the 1986 solo about Ted Kord.
Like I mentioned I was homeless at the time and I hadn't even been diagnosed yet with any of my illnesses I had been suffering from for 5+ years at that time. But within those comics there are two very special stories that cemented my love for these comics and its.
1. Ted has an issue where he goes around the streets of Chicago at night because someone is killing homeless people. In other stories i'd read heroes would maybe briefly talk to the homeless if at all. But instead of that Ted the entire comic sits down with people and speaks to them and gets their stories. I remember reading it and feeling "oh, this is a hero who would actually care to sit down on the sidewalk with me. This is special".
2. There is another story in this run where Ted basically defends the life of this kid who ran away from home and has no immune system and sets out a way to help him. Not the best but I was relating to the kid at the time.
I ended up carrying around an issue relating to Ted in my backpack for most of that time just because it was special to me. Anyways its pretty much history from there I ended up getting into Booster Gold and other heroes as I looked further into these stories and learned more about teams and etc. But Ted Kord will always be special to me, especially since he also has a chronic condition.
As my condition progressed this became one of my outlets for expression and it still is. Through reading I found that a lot more of these heroes were disabled than I had previously thought because NOBODY talked about it. I remember at first not knowing Booster had lost an arm because it just wasn't something I saw mentioned (though back then like. Nobody was posting abt him or ted hardly. you'd be surprised it was like they had a lull in popularity for a bit which makes sense they were not in comics) so I kinda have made it so I talk about these things so they are in peoples minds more. At least a bit.
As far as my Favorite comics go I have to say my favorite comic is Justice Leagues Quarterly 10, but you'd probably want to know the JLI roster before reading it if you dont. JLQ has very fun collections of stories. I try to recc blue beetle 1986 to people too just because it's special to me same for booster gold 1986.
Speaking of essays, here is one I wrote about Booster Gold and his relationship with disability.
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inspired by a post i saw by @mh-midnight-wanderer
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🌹🦇Things I Liked About The Movie🦇🌹
Frankie…thats it thats the post - Ceci played the HELL out of them I loved the casual representation like the thing I hate about most shows that add representation is thats all there is to the character and here it isn’t the case Frankie is my favorite character of the movie not just because of them being nonbinary. between the Info-dumping and how relatable their struggle with socializing was and how consistent they were with their movement and the first day they were 15 days old and the next they were 16 days old I really enjoyed that. They in my opinion had the best outfits in the movie like I did not hate them as someone where my clothing and makeup expression is very important to my gender presentation. Overall they held up the movie definitely.
The music was fucking great there was not a bad song all of them bops going onto my musical playlist hell my main playlist even cuz the hyperfixation is real
The visuals and like background music was so on brand in my opinion like I don’t know how they could have been done better with the budget they had I really did feel immersed in the universe
The humor was also so on brand the football scene and the main 3 disturbing ghoulias rest in the graveyard were some highlights for me
Eventhough I am Jacksons biggest simp the teacher I did like I know alot of people were saying it was predictable but their motives and everything and how they didn’t want Clawdeen to get involved and thought their way was the best way for her I enjoyed. and hell from what i recall they never said his first name that could be Jackson.
I enjoyed headmistress and Dracula’s characters they are just as I would have imagined them and how Draculaura has conflict with her dad due to their family’s legacy I related to alot as a kid who feels like they haven’t done enough as an 18 year old because my siblings already had cars and high gpas and stable jobs by then
🌹🦇Things I Disliked About The Movie🦇🌹
Cleo - fucking white woman jumpscare everytime she came on screen I omfg
The casting in general when it came to the poc in the movie yall know damn well Cleo and Clawdeen could and should have been casted by darker actresses and the argument of talent can not be made because there are plenty of darker skinned poc actresses who can act and sing yall could have found
i wish they kepted ghoulia nonverbal/speaks zombie i made a post touching on this lightly ill link it here
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🍒🧟Things I Liked About The Cartoon🧟🍒
Draculaura, Cleo, and Lagoonas cartoon characters looked very cute
Im trying to be positive here okay
🍒🧟Things I Didn’t Like About The Cartoon🧟🍒
TORALEI!! im not even not even upset about the fact that she’s fucking british okay its the fact they scrapped her origin of being an orphan that had a rough upbringing and how they brought nuance to her character instead to make her some bigoted chav she was one of my favorite characters and yall shat on her
i didnt like the story felt rushed and cheap but that was only one episode I watched so
felt like a baby show and not a good one like miraculous ladybug or sophia the first like just bright colors make them shut up for 10 minutes baby show i was hoping for something fun to watch at any age like the og Bratz show
the styles of the character are hard to look the only ones that I like are draculaura and cleo and maybe lagoona really the rest of them I don’t see myself getting dolls of which makes me upset cuz as someone who really liked live action Frankie if their doll looked like that I would have bought it
why did they make clawdeen biracial? i dont know if this is for the show and the movie im assuming both because of how the character looks. like did the idea of having a fully black main character not vibe with y’all what is the reason if yall wanted to have a biracial character then create a new character making a character who was fully black now biracial is crumby as hell making it seem as if having a dark skinned femme lead isn’t appealing
this can apply to both the movie and the show really where are clawdeens siblings??? howleen my girl where are you!! clawd my himbo!? i loved how the wolf siblings showed the variety of shades black teens came in and their characters in general and thats just gone now
ill add more as i go!!🖤
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chemicallady · 4 years
Science and Vision
Part I
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A/N: let's start something completely new! Hope you'll like the idea. I dont know how many parts I'll write. Let's see what happens togheter.
Once, Greg said that he has to choice between science or 'something else'. And he chose science. What it someone we is going to bump into is thinking otherwise.
I'm also using the characters of Frank Diners, introduced in episode 13x02! A couple of years before those (terrible) event.
Important: this parts are dreams
Couple: Greg Sanders/Female!Reader
Category: Romantic, Supernatural, Phychic, a little of angst of course.
Content Warning: mention to cases in which is involved a kidnap and a murder. Csi classical stuff.
Summary:  Reader is a powerful psychic, as her grandmother. Unfortunately, this gift doesn't help her in paying the rent, but as his mom always says 'anything happen without a reason'.
Reader starts to believe that when a series of drammatic nightmares start to keep you company during the night. And the subject is always the same, like a video, replied over and over again....
Las Vegas, December 5th 2010
《Sorry Vincent! I'm late!》
You make your entrance at your work place - Frank's Diner- and you notice both officers Akers and Mitchell laught softly at you from their position at the bench.
《Traffic is tremendous tonight》, you try to explain yourself, keeping your apron and put it on. Your boss is in the kitchen, so he doesn't notice your delay. Owen, his brother, grinns from the front desk, like he doesn't mind at all. Picking a pen and your notebook, you look at the two officers with a charming smile. 《What can I serve to you, gentlemen?》
Andy orders the usual coffee with bacon and eggs, even if is like three in the morning. The bell on the door rings again and four people are now coming into. The last one, the guy who is talking with Owen, is the one who always caught your attention. Greg Sanders, CSI, hot material. He is also funny and interesting.
A total match.
But probably too smart to notice a waitress. Little does he know that you have a master degree. You are the new one in here and most of the clients are cops. Cops never ask too much and if the do, well.... it's an interview.
《Ei (y/n)》 , sayis a man, smiling at you with his usual kindness. 《Are you on shift tonight? Isn't this your day off?》
《What can I say, Nicky?》, is your answer, keeping a pitcher full of hot coffee. You fill a cup for him while you are still speaking. 《I need some extra money. I have some problems with my car, actually...》
《Again?》 Sara asks you, keeping the mug you're offering to her. 《Maybe is time to change that tin can.》
Akers captures your attentions with a joke. 《Maybe that's why you're always late!》
You start to pretend to be offended, putting and hand on your chest. Greg laughs and answers for you. 《It's a '69 Chevy Chevelle, Sara. (Y/n) cant just throw that piece of history away.》
《Thanks Sanders, you truly are a man of culture》 , you says, bright smile and a little wink, while Edie grinns next to you. 《That car is a part of me》
《The oldest one, I presume》 , Catherine tosses at you, 《Sorry to bother your discussion about ancient veichles but we are on a case and we need some fuel to work. Can we order now, (y/n)? You are in front 9f a group of hungry forensics. 》
《Of couse you can!》 Vincent appears somewhere next to you. 《Edie will keep your orders guys! (Y/n) has a big mouth ... hasn't she?》
Everyone laugh while you blush a little, biting your tongue to avoid a rude tense. Dahlia comes to the bench, asking for her usual milkshake that you are more than happy to prepare for her. Just to hide how much you are embarrassed. The CSI stay for almost 30 minutes and you cant help yourself but searching for Greg's gaze. He gives you some in return, but the two of you don't speak till it's time to say goodnight.
《Which one?》, Dahlia asks you, while you are still pointing the door with both your eyes, as you are waiting him to come back and ask you out one of those days.
《Don't know what are you talking about》, is you flat answer while the realisation that he is gone again without your number arrives.
《Stokes or Sanders?》, the blonde ask again. Edie smiles, clearly enjoyed by the situation. You know that she is only happy to have a co worker but also too shy to ask first. There is Dahlia for this.
You sigh, 《Am I so obvious?》
《You look so helpless, baby girl》, Dahlia continues, playing with her long amazing hair. 《You didn't answer sweety.》
You have your back on a corner. Once a Marines, always a Marine and Dahlia is proving this theory to you right now. So you decide to let it go. 《The cutest...》
Edie keeps the dirty mugs, smiling even brighter. 《So Sanders》
《We need to arrange a date》, is the last statement from Dahlia, before she goes on Owen to pay. She lefts 5 bucks as a tip, and a malicious smile. 《Because if we have to wait the both of you, guys.... nights in Vegas are long, but not that much!》
The crowd is melting in front of your eyes. All that is matter right now is him.
His eyes on the road, is smile....
The sound of the music is far away from you and you can enjoy the sweet sound of his voice.
The place is dark and quiet and you feel safe with him.
He is your only hope.
Your courage....
No one have never understood you like he can. You two meant to each other.
So why is he so mad at you?
And then the pain arrives.
Is impossible to handle it.
Your hands are painted in crimson and you are loosing your balance...
....The room is so cold.
The silence is heavier than you think.
And the Emptiness is swallowing you all, piece to piece, slowly....
Here we go again. Another shift, beyond the bench with an headache caused by lack of sleep. It's the same old story since.... you can recall.
You've started to have this nightmare almost two weeks ago, when you moved to Vegas. It's funny, you run away from ghosts just to bump into new ones.
But this time is different. Is more...
Powerful and you are helpless because you can't just go to the doctor and tell him 'hi, I'm a psychic and my visions are too strong while I try to sleep. Can you prescribe me Valium? A family storage please.'
Everyone will change their behavior towards you if they only know...
Same old story, again.
And you are so tired to move away every time you feel uncomfortable.
Is a lonely condition because you have to keep this secret for yourself.
You are the mad one, in the end. The crazy girl who can see the 'emotions' of dead people. Their last moments. And you grow tired of being the freak.
You want to be normal.
You want to be less lonely.
《Ei (y/n). You look so pale, what's going on?》
Your eyes meet Greg's ones when you hear him speak. A tiny smile appears on your lips, while you rise your hand to keep a mug full of coffee for the agent. 《 Have you ever sperimented how awful is being tired but incapable of fell asleep?》
《Please don't tell me》, is his answer, while he is smiling at you. You can't help yourself but think that is so cute. 《Thank you for the coffee.》
《Do you want to eat something?》
《No, I'm fine (y/n). I just want to review this case. I hope I won't bother you if I stay here at the bench for a bit.》
So charming.
He would never bother you.
Another smile and then you come back to work, serving coffee and keeping orders to the abitudinary clients. Greg stays much longer than 'a bit', by the way. An hour passed and he is still there. Is almost the dawn and you are going to end your shift. You are so tired...
You will probably walk home; you are too messy to drive.
You come back to Greg and you lean against the bar, yawning in your fist. 《May I ask you about this case?》
He sighs. 《An answer for and answer.》
《Then ask, Sanders.》
He looks at you with a small grinn. 《Why you can't sleep? Did you partied all night at the Mediterranean?》
A small laught abandon you month. 《 I wish. I just had a nightmare....》 He looks sorry for you, but it's fine. 《So? The case?》
He goes through his file before he shows you a picture. You barely hear what he says next. 《A girl disappeared a couple of weeks ago. Her name is Nina Foster, a university student. She was the head cheerleader of the college's football team and she went missed since the last.... (y/n), are you ok?》
You are barely breathing now. 《Oh my God.》
《What?》 , he asks without understand what's wrong. 《Do you know her?》
《I didn't. 》 you reply. 《.... I have dreamt about her. My nightmares....》 your hand traces slowly the line of the jaw in the pic, before speak again. 《I saw her being stabbed in the belly..... I think she is dead.》
....That probably wasn't a good idea.
~ continue ~
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Season 4 notes
Ep 121: mmmm tape recorder turning on without them knowing goes brrr. AAAhjhdsjfhjdf "do you mind if i call you jon" its like "can i call you elias?" is this the dream guy with the tendrils? who wants to bet the boat is captained by peter lukas? big man if it killed yall how are you still here. oh boy the tape is doin that thing. who do we think it is? did he wake up? hmm. ep 122: lol jon. 6 months!?!? bruh quit movin big man. he just Knows things sometimes you know how it is. nah b/c i can relate to feeling like other ppl/ things arent real, thats the biggest mood BUT i think it is kinda pretentious to entertain the idea that youre the only Real person. If you dont see a body dont believe it. i'll hold out hope for a bit. theres not a new archivist is there? surely i wouldve heard about that. oh god peter what changes did you make. ep 123: web development. hope its about spiders. she blames him. bruh why. if they hadnt done anything the world would've ended piss off melanie. why are ppl acting like he chose to be in a coma for 6 months. we know this they just appear. no longer "head archivist of the magnus institute, london" now he's just "the archivist" covered in spiders? cuz ik the spider has to do with controlling what youre doing and all this stuff but i cant think of how this connects to that. ep 124: ugh vertigo. is michael crew an old man? oooh. fairchild. how did he know it was martin? hmm. GRR I LOST MY NOTES AGAIN. FROM EPISODE 125 - part of 131. ep 131: bruh he's so hard to understand big man ur voice is so low. Jared Hotworth. the boneturner. "the ones i helped find their proper bodies" name a better top surgeon? our favorite trans ally? ep 132: woo field trip into the coffin! static lol. he says "chill out im just poppin in for a quick recall mission" is the rib thing actually gonna work? bruh it feels so odd and contrived but he's an odd man with some odd powers so idk. rip that archivist ayyy statement time. voices? recordings? are those tape recorders? was it the tape recorders? did they pull him back? i hope so b/c if the rib thing actually worked im gonna be so disappointed. ep 133: predicting the lonely? tundra. like the lukases. hmm. sanikova! like sanikov land. so its the hunt? i suppose? yeah. so daisy's clearly rejecting the hunt, which makes sense cuz she doesnt seem to like the entities that much. wait so are we just not gonna talk abt all the tapes playing on the ground?? no? ep 134: not an archival assistant anymore? Adelard Decker (or however you spell it) i recognize that name. 15th power. i was right there are 15. the extinction? im trying to remember what ive heard. oooh spooky. no i gotta be real i dont understand this fear but i'll believe you that its a thing. ew lukas is so squealy. lukas can turn invisible? oh boy. oooh martin put the tape recorders there. lol lukas is worried he's gonna be an avatar of the eye. ep 135: yoo its the third Daedalus statement! maxwell rayner (reiner? reigner?) i dont know who that is but ik its somebody. is he the cult leader guy? church of the divine host? 4 people?? what? did they kidnap somebody and keep them up there?? oh dear jon are you dying? did he try to See or Know or whatever? why does everyone call basira detective lol. ep 136: he was the one from the spider movie that ate ppl right? the special effects artist? is it annabelle cane? "its a joke jon" lol. hmm they wanted to record the therapy session with melanie? i wonder who that is. i almost wanna guess annabelle cane but im not sure. ep 137: this is the one! he went to the other place and read the war statement but it wasnt the one she took. not the music again. sounds like the slaughter. who the heck is eric lol. "the watcher's crown" like the crown of eyes we saw in the piccrew ep 138: oh boy Robert Smirk time. is that elias? as unhelpful as usual. if new powers can be "born" can others die out? did jonah magnus wear the watchers crown? maybe they were born from our fear or maybe our fears were born from them. ceaseless watcher does ceaselessly watch so. idk what you want
big man. yeah jonah for sure did something. ep 139: agnes!! lol that one dude threw off all their plans thats so funny. BUT this does tell us something. the tree in the backyard of the hilltop house? not made by her. it going down didnt kill agnes. im guessing gertrude tied agnes to the house using the tree? u good jon? cuz every time you try to Know smth intentionally it seems like it causes you great pain. how come he can do it accidentally with no problem but the second he wants to know smth of plot relevance he gets a headache or whatever ep 140: lol pagan exultation. classic. "oh thats my rib" lmaoo. ppl are always so mad at jon and his Eye powers except when it benefits them. they're like "oh you shouldnt do that its not right" and then all of a sudden they want to know something and its all "oh cmon jon its the only way" ep 142: oh god jon what did you do. its interesting she's giving her statement in the way that they do when jon Asks. did he see her in the Coffin? and so he's following her? ok cmon jon you're supposed to let them come to you. lmao ikr martin. "start to hear the blood" "suure." lmao ep 143: lol that awkward moment when gertrude is already dead. big J if you die im gonna kill you. bruh. ayo helen? i guess it worked? ep 144: lol this reminds me of that one edgar allan poe story where he kills the old dude with the weird eye. spooky music stuff. lol thats my favorite symptom of a heart attack its hilarious. so its smth abt the location probably? bro i feel like you should write down the numbers idk. 162830165049 564846474827. seems like the distortion? like the kinda thing that causes you to go crazy because of the numbers. oh boy is it the extinction again. bro what?? im?? his dad just died and he's like eh. martin dont be mean. he's being all lonely again. big man ur pushing ppl away. oh god its fucking squealy boy. ep 145: that almost sounds like breekon/hope... Arthur? agnes. aah was he from the lightless flame cult. a tree. lol he's just ranting rn. hehehe fuck landlords amirite. yay someone tells jon outright to go to therapy. now do it big man. ep 146: oh great! the distortion! i'm making a spiral themed building in mc right now! jon maybe accept you did a bad? nah this goes back to what i said before. they're fine with him compelling ppl when its convenient for them but otherwise its "no jon you cant, youre a monster jon" the tapes didnt turn on. i spose that means its not important? i agree with daisy, this seems unecessarily dangerous. ep 147: is that a tape? the first tape? well that went better than i expected tbh. BAHAKJASHDJKF she did the "can i call you jon" like nikola says "elias, can i call you elias?" damn annabelle is such a girlboss. oh! the one thing from the picrew. its been a while since ive connected smth to that. lol all the other avatars always talk abt their patron so lovingly and the jon just. absolutely hates the eye. ep 148: lol thats the most elias thing. "i just like the way it sounds" ep 149: did he disappear? bruhh. ur lonely powers are popping off i guess. oops i accidentally deleted my notes for 150 - 152 ep 153: thats the cult right? yeah. it doesnt sound like the church of the divine host? idk. if it is the church of the divine host then they worship the dark right? so is the eleventh the dark star or wtvr? it almost sounds like the corruption b/c of the oil or grease or whatever. oh dear what happened. oh its the hunters. theyre so annyoing. not an "it" he has a name. he's a person. is this a page from the skin book? ep 154: oh shit this is gerry's dad! oh shit he quit! oh dear god. jon don't you do it. haha martin. yeahhhh... is he gonna tell the others? cuz you know theyre gonna get mad if he doesnt. oh also picrew connection! the bandages over the eyes? yeah thats this im guessing. ep 155: oh good he told them. oh my god what did you do. lol i have no mouth and i must scream. nah you get none of my sympathy you're straight up murdering ppl. its like the desolation, destroying lives to sustain your own. ok but taking their statements doesnt
kill them. oh... bye melanie. ep 156: lmao imagine if the tape recorder spoke back. oh boy decker! i swear we got a statement from him already. oh god mirrors scary. They're gonna eat the body arent they. Yup... sounds like the flesh or the slaughter, but I'm not sure. Could be the extinction for sure. Smth at the center! Like Helen mentioned. God Peter you dick. Ep 157: peter's just so :/ another decker statement i see. a statement about the corruption? hmm. maybe its not abt the corruption. the extinction. lol pandemics. topical. John Amherst. helen? lol i can hear admiral purring in the background. oh cmon helen dont be like that. im trying real hard to like you but you make it so difficult. ep 158: did they fucking free the stranger? im gonna lose it. you absolute dumbass. im sorry who is that? jonah magnus? my guy. peter. you absolute dickhead. that's elias. (im p sure i had this spoiled for me that elias is jonah) oh dear this is her death. god peter you prick. i hope this is a pop off martin moment and not a "martin you idiot" moment. i hope the hunters kill the stranger entity. or she kills them. furry daisy pop off! yeah fuck you peter martin can make his own decisions. you know that clip from Twisted where jafar says "ok what the fuck was that" martin D: ok like i know its gonna work but still D: D: ep 159: peter you bitchboy. because if im alone i cant hurt anyone else. imnotgonnacryimnotgonnacryimnotgonnacry do it do it do it do it. pop off jon. ok its a pretty good idea for a ritual i gotta be honest. she didnt even have to blow it up lol. oh dear that was certainly a noise. "he gets you" did he not have jon already? he's back! our boy is back! awwww thats so cute. ep 160: oh right this is the thing in the safe house. i love him. "obviously im going to tell you if i see any good cows" martin my beloved <3 :)) oh boy who is this. fuckin. people. jonah you dick. gahh. you can tell he's trying to resist so hard lol. ohh. hehe keep an *eye* on him. altho if the extinction is a real thing he needs to be marked by that right? lol he sounds so intense im sorry- i want martin to just burst in and be like "look at this cow i saw!" its so dramatic and for why.
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justoceanmyth · 4 years
Iroh for the character ask!
Ah! I love Iroh! My favorite fictional war-criminal!
Why I like them: 
God I love it when characters have familial support. I understand why it’s missing in so many pieces of media, but imo there’s nothing better than having some *good family dynamics*. And Iroh does such a good job balancing his support of Zuko with letting him make his own decisions... he must have been one of the best fathers.
Iroh in general just has this aura of wisdom-earned that I admire the hell out of. It’s clear he’s nowhere near perfect, and that all of his wisedom was earned through pain. And he’s proof that people can change no matter how old they are.
Why I don’t: 
What happened with June that one episode. That was creepy and uncomfortable as hell. I’d like to chalk it up to a mistake on the writer’s part, because it (imo at least) kinda contradicts the rest of his character, but at the same time... yeah. Just bad overall.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): 
Tales of Ba Sing Se or *just* Iroh’s reunion with Zuko during Sozin’s comet part two. (The rest of the episode is good, but...) And the reason is: I like to cry sometimes.
Favorite season/movie: 
Season Two. Season Three is great and all, but for Iroh specifically, I like seeing him happy with his tea-shop. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Favorite line:
Hmm no. This seems like a trap.
Favorite outfit:
Iroh in his Jasmine Dragon uniform. I am a simple gal who just likes to see a fictional uncle figure happy with his teashop.
No thank you. Iroh/His Wife? In general I have no Iroh OTPs and I am fine with that staying the way it is.
Iroh & Zuko. Followed closely by Iroh & Lu Ten, and then Iroh & Aang. Look, I read precisely One (1) fic with Iroh and Aang interacting and now I can’t get the idea of the two of them playing Pai-Sho together out of my head. It lives in my mind rent-free, right next to my headcanons about Aang and Gyatso. They are neighbors. They have tea together.
Head Canon:
This is a follow-up to the last answer. Iroh and Aang play Pai-Sho together regularly. Aang makes plays that Iroh has never seen before, and Aang finds Iroh’s moves achingly similar to the ones Gyatso would have made. They talk exclusively in weird proverbs while they play. Zuko often lingers nearby, completely confused, but feeling like he has to learn the ways of the proverb.
Unpopular opinion:
Iroh wasn’t wrong to try to give Azula a doll. When was the last time he saw her? How old was she? I don’t find it hard to imagine that Azula could have liked dolls at some point in her life. I also feel like Zuko’s gift was a lot more generic than people give it credit for. Yeah they were stereotypical gifts for a little boy/little girl, but tbh did Iroh even pick them out? Do we know?
A wish:
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen:
Anything similar to the June-incident. I really do think it was a goof on the writer’s part that changed with the story (if i recall correctly, Iroh was intended to be a villain early on, so that kind of action would fit with eventual-villain!Iroh. I could also be just projecting/in denial)
5 words to best describe them: Wise, peaceful, dangerous, calculating, sad.
My nickname for them: I don’t really give characters ‘nicknames’. The closest I get is naming their spotify playlist (if they have one) without using their actual name. I think I called Iroh a dragon once in a fic. Does that even count?
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lnarizakis · 4 years
ranking haikyuu!! schools based on their school spirit
before you grill me with my rankings please know that i! love! all! of! these! schools! equally! i do not hate any particular school; i am simply ranking their school spirit. this is also lowkey crack because what everyone said made me laugh and honestly i came up with this idea for the laughs. so, like, don’t take this personally.
thanks everyone who helped participate by filling out the google form!! everything you’ve said i used in this. we will be going from last place to first place, so let’s start!! btw i ranked 11 schools into 10 places, so there are two 10th placers HAHAH anywayssss
Alright, so let’s start with Itachiyama. I got one person who mentioned them in my last category, which was “any other school i didn’t mention? & why” and honestly we don’t know anything about them. But perhaps the mere fact that they were winners says something I guess?
❝ itachiyama bc the school are WINNER WINNERS i wanna see their hype ❞
❝ i’m sorry who ,,,, i deadass don’t know that team eye— are they from the last season ???? if so that’s why LMAOSNAKBS WAIT IS THIS GERMAPHOBES TEAM ??? THOSE NEON PISS PUKE LOOKING BOYS SOSNSJNSJDHS bro i’d drop tf out of that school if they gave me that ugly ass uniform OH MY GOD WHAT DOES THIER SCHOOL UNIFORM LOOK LIKE SKBAIABSJS BRO IMAGINE ❞ (about Nohebi but referring to Itachiyama)
Moving onto Nohebi: their tactics, as we’ve seen in the OVA, aren’t the most...... ethical. Though, they’re still supported by their cheering section so I guess it’s fine by their entire school?
❝ From what I recall, the schools pretty implicit in the teams techniques so at the very least they take pride or believe in the teams tactics enough to support them. ❞
❝ they be cheating >:( ❞
❝ nohebi scares me for no reason❞
Despite this, they’re still a team that shows solid support for one another.
❝ support all teams because all of them could trash me if it came down to it ❞
❝ they have fighting spirit alright but i just don't approve of their methods❞
❝ their stage play SLAPPED ❞
Okay, the team as a whole shows support for one another, especially their captain, Takeru. However, from what I recall, there’s not much... school spirit coming from their actual school. From Takeru’s family? Definitely, but they’re not the actual school.
❝ wasnt wakutani pretty good i don’t remembee ❞
❝ wakutani - a solid 8 ❞
❝ wakutani south because takeru’s family carried the cheer period ❞
Their whole team radiates spirit, but I don’t remember if they actually have a cheering section. Unlike Wakutani, where most of their spirit/support came directly from Takeru, each one of the members of the team had their own school spirit. Their school spirit isn’t that recognizable to be remembered by most people, though.
❝ a six cause i don’t really remember if their school was even there like ???? all i remember is baby teru and his fellow goofball second years that i absolutely adore, i am them. LMAO if i were to— fuck how do you spell realistic THERE SINSNSJ if i were to realistically join one of the haikyuu schools it would be johzenji cause i just vibe with those boys so much ksbsksj no brain cell squad ❞
❝ they ARE the spirit ❞
❝ not serious enough askdjsa ❞
❝ they appeared onc but even when they wanted to win, they just wanted to win to play around? there's that i guess ❞
❝ i don’t remember ❞
❝ I don’t remember much about them tbh ❞
❝ well... ❞
Much apologies to the OG team. For one thing, their cheering squad, while I must admit is very impressive and loud, is not Karasuno High School itself. It’s literally coposed of a bunch of outside associations. And when their cheering section from the actual school does show up, they’re not even synchronized; they practiced for one day and called it “school spirit.” They showed up for one match and that was it.
❝ did you see them at the shiratorizawa match? they weren’t even synchronized ❞
❝ they mean to their vb team and they had a wack ass cheer team but character development ❞
❝ chaotic good but crows ❞
❝ mmmm we don't see too much of the school rlly apart from the vbc,, but what we do see is pretty supportive ❞
❝ LMAO remember during the first season when the school REUSED an old banner for the boys but not only was it a old banner but a banner for a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT sport yea lmao that’s just fucked up jsjsj also i don’t really see that much school spirit like ???? no taste at all ❞
I guess their school spirit within the team, their fighting spirit, makes up for it. Again, my greatest apologies to Karasuno. You can do much better than that.
❝ The way the whole school came out to support the vbc before the shiratorizawa match,,, I love them so much!! Also Saeko coming in with a DRUM TEAM for the Inarizaki match,,, like they’re so so supportive and Karasuno’s not a rich school like Shiratorizawa, it doesn’t have a highly ranked band like Inarizaki but like the team itself they’re plucky and do the best they can with what they’ve got. ❞
❝ They have the most dedication to me ❞
❝ they're so supportive of each other and very chaotic, all of them ❞
❝ kageyama tobio could get some !! ❞
Honestly, I had a hard time choosing whether to put Karasuno or Nekoma in sixth place. I went with Nekoma because of Kuroo’s “inspirational” pep talk, which really shows the bond between each of the members of the team, but they’re still ranked pretty low because I can’t get that one scene out of my head from the manga where it’s this one match (I won’t say which one) where students from Nekoma attend the match and a couple of them go, “Wow, this is my first volleyball match that I’ve been to!” Like, dude, seriously? Wow. They also take sixth since their cheering squad, also composed of students, is led by a Nekoma Junior High student. We love supportive sisters.
❝ stage play cheer stage play cheer stage play cheer stage play cheer ❞
❝ i just love nekoma ❞
❝ chaotic good but cats ❞
❝ kuroo tetsurou ❞
❝ deadass it’s 2 am and i have no idea what i’m doing but anyways 7/10 cause i like their stage song/cheer ya know NEKO NEKO NEKOMA like it’s cute ksjsjs besides that i have no idea LMAO ❞
❝ they're very subtle even tho they have chaotic moments, they're more focused on defense while playing ❞
❝ Some of them really care and some dont ❞
❝ they’re all so into it! Like, Akane with the megaphone, Alisa screaming Lev’s name, they’re all pretty devoted. ❞
I would have ranked them a little higher if it weren’t for other more spirited schools. The whole school knows how to hype up Bokuto, along with cheers of their own. The team itself knows each member so well that they’re able to adapt to whatever their ace is feeling.
❝ stage play was good but not as good as nekoma stage play ❞
❝ they have to hype up bokuto ❞
❝ owl boy & pretty setter ❞
❝ FUCK why can’t i think of any of the episodes where they show the student body like ??? school spirit is nonexistent in my eyes i can’t recall a thing— anywhore 9/10 for my owl babies because i believe bokuto hypes up the students ALOT and therefore they are more into ya know spirit woo ❞
❝ have u seen their dynamic? they're strong and so supportive of their ace, their captain, the family bokuto needed - i could go on but yes, i think u get the picture ❞
❝ They love Bokuto so much 🥺 they’re all v supportive of the team and it seems like they also know how to get him to perform better and Fukurodani’s a powerhouse so I feel like they get into it. ❞
Their cheering squad is so synchronized and so well-performed. They know what they’re doing and when to do things. You can tell they’re devoted. School spirit within their team is pretty strong, and they have a good bond with each other.
❝ fangirls can do anything ❞
❝ oikawa kinnies ❞
❝ chaotic good but plants ❞
❝ i don’t know whether they have school spirit or they’re just fans of oikawa LMAOOO AND YOU CAN QUOTE ME ON THAT KSBSKSJS like deadass it’s just his fan girls ya know what i’m saying ❞
❝ i love them for the 3rd years but that's about it ❞
❝ From what I can recall there’s nothing super special about them? I do love how they say olé for all of Oikawa’s serves (but ppl do that for other schools, so) ❞
So much to say about them. From their entire cheering squad that consists of both cheerleaders and drummers, to the fact that when they feel like they’re being challenged with who can cheer louder they start singing their school anthem? Absolutely powerful.
❝ cheerleaders ❞
❝ i would not want to be in preppy school but i do love SHIIIRATORIZAWA ❞
❝ they are close like family uwu tho they seem to be SUPER STRESSED bc studies ❞
❝ 10/10 cause have you heard their cheer? god tier. that shit would distract me so much during a game like what’s the purpose of being so god damn loud and extra other than distracting the enemy ??? i rest my case ❞
❝ SHIIIIIRATORIZA (also ushiwaka has his own lil cheer so like yes i support) ❞
❝ i dont particularly like or dislike anyone from them and simple is best so ?? ❞
❝ The Shiratorizawa chant is so simple, so good,,, I think they were also the first team we saw with actual cheerleaders too! Nice big rich private school cheersquad money right? ❞
Need I say more?
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There’s too much to say. They’re so extra it’s unbelievable. The entire cheering section knows how to adapt to each members’ likes and dislikes, and will call others out when they need to do so. For instance, when that one guy asked the two girls not to cheer while Atsumu is serving? Absolutely wild. And when they start booing or play a tempo to throw off the opponent whenever it’s the other team’s serve? Their practice and precision really shows. It’s crazy. And I’m pretty sure that they’re the only school that brings their entire orchestra to play during the matches.
❝ according to the wiki their marching band literally works to throw off the other team and if that’s not dedication idk what is ❞
❝ atsumu, shush me anytime ✨✨ ❞
❝ idk them asdas ❞
❝ deadass i’ve been on episode two of the latest season ( is it four or three?? i can’t fucking remember,,, 2 am is no brain cell hours ) for w e e k s because of second hand embarrassment. periodt. like hinata baby pls i’m begging. anyways suna is a god in my eyes, i deadass thought sakusa ( the germaphobe right?? ) was on the same team guess not i don’t know his uniform is ugly tho looking like a fucking germ himself ( THAT WAS GOLDEN SISJSJ IM PROUD OF MYSELF ), and lastly i have fallen in love with the man that is osamu, he can cook,... and he can do a whole lot of other things but my brain is malfunctioning so we’re gonna stop right there. #stanosamuforcleanskin ❞
❝ they have a fucking BAND ❞
❝ another chaotic team with their very own freak twins, i ranked them high because holy fuck that cheering band?? ❞
❝ Inarizaki’s cheer squad,,,, personally I lowkey hate them because deadass BOOING another player is tacky at best and kinda rude but my GOD do they put in the work. Cheerleaders, top ranked band, the timing and tempo thing? Insane. Oh, and the way they actually go silent for Atsumu like how the fuck did he pull that off?? ❞
Thanks for reading! I’m glad you read this far. I hope this made you at least smile just a little bit because it definitely made me smile. And please don’t think that I don’t like any of the teams! I love each and every one of them; it’s just that some have more school spirit than others... anyways!
Whoever sent this, I just wanted to let you know that you made my entire day when I first read that. It was so unbelievably funny HAHAH
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faunusrights · 4 years
i mispelt the title as ‘oofal hunt’ which, i mean, mood,
"Fuck you."
/looks at the chosen lyrics for this chap :hrm:
do i still have to a little introduction to this liveblog? twenty chapters in? methinks not so lets just get right Tew It shall we
“We’re here, Ms. Fall.”
/marks this next section down on the tally of cinder’s mistakes. we’re somewhere in the high thousands.
An old Dust extraction point, quietly rotting. Cinder’s mouth pulled. There was an abysmal dearth of kindling.
cinder: you know you could at least take me somewhere better suited for me to kick your ass. this is VERY rude. am NOT a fan. my yelp review will NOT be kind.
i love cinder counting up the numbers. you know honestly id be deeply charmed if someone saw it fit to bring half an army out to take me on. i mean, would it be a pain in my ass? yes. but also. awh. thanks lads! love how many of you blocked out this evening just for me x
"Sienna Khan!" Cinder could barely hear herself between the claws of that strange laughter. "Sienna Khan! It’s really—really—you!"
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uh-oh sisters,
oh man sienna and cinder is just. look. WOOF. theres a lot here. a lot going on. a lot that HAD gone on. but also im gay so this tension is peak for me PLEASE lay it on thick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LETS GO!
Cinder stopped laughing.
"Overkill," she repeated, and in the same breath, crossed the tarmac in full immolation.
HELL YEAH BABEY. but also was the more the implication that cinder is an easy kill OR the implication that glynda’s the bigger threat that’s more annoying,,,,,,,,,,,,, well!!!!!!!! too late to find out now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They clashed: once, twice, three times, steel on Aura, flitting through space, but—he wasn't faster than Glynda.
wait it’s the former i forgot cinder’s gay nvm
“Cinder. I mean it. I want to talk.” Sienna’s face revealed nothing. Her gaze stayed fixed on Cinder, as if she were searching for something.
What it could be, Cinder had her guesses, and all of them repulsed her utterly. She spat, “Well, I was only planning on sending your Lieutenant’s head to you in a box signed Love Cinder, so I didn’t really come with a speech prepared.”
SDHJGHJGSKFD SORRY IM LIKE. tryna liveblog but im also just :EYES: at everything here.......... im SO PUMPED for this cause im just SO CURIOUS,,,,,, WE’VE HAD SO MANY SNIPPETS,,,,,,,,, BUT IM HONGRY FOR MORE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
that said i feel like cinder’s the type of person who revisits arguments in her head hours later with new, better points, so i think she does have a speech prepared. in fact i think she has many words stored up in the ol’ meatspace, and all of them are very rude,
The Sienna Khan that Cinder remembered still had baby-fat in her cheeks and hadn’t learned to keep her thoughts off her face. The one she saw now had weaponized distance.
/stage whisper hang on that visual is cute dont put it in HERE where the TENSION IS
Quietly, Sienna went for her belt, pulling away something the same polished silver as her whip. It might have been an arrow tip, except that it was lethally barbed and looked like it had been modified to chamber Dust. Pale blue glinted within it.
Cinder darkened. "Ice Dust?"
sienna: i wanna talk sienna: with violence!
GOD ITS REAL INTERESTING CAUSE,,,,,,,,,, THERE’S A LOT HAPPENING HERE. glynda didnt Know cinder in any sense so we’ve very much been on the ‘let’s figure cinder out with glynda’ train like the whole. the rain! and the desert! etc! all very much thru the lens of glynda ‘i dont remember shit’ goodwitch! so now we have seinna who Knows Shit cause there’s so much history here and im like blease wait talk more first i want the KNOWLEDGE
[...] "Roman Torchwick is holed up in Vytal with your warehouses, and those two teens haven’t been sighted in months... But you wouldn't send them that far north, would you?”
“I wouldn’t send them anywhere you could get your claws in them.”
“The White Fang isn’t like that anymore. We don’t strong-arm children into our ranks. That girl—the snake Faunus—”
“If you say one more word about her,” Cinder said. “I’m going to do something drastic to every single person here.”
Sienna's shoulders leveled. "This is not Hróðvitnir's White Fang anymore."
me: huh why do i recognise that name,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, me: oh yeah!!!!!!! that bitch,
HJGDSJKHGFDS we Love a homage to a classic au and to a cinder so good that id die for her. i mean id die for this cinder too but like that was another level of Die For. anyway. back to the au at hand,
“If I didn’t know better, I might believe you," Cinder snapped, and her old scars throbbed in tandem. “But I do know better. I found one of your parasites, sucking the life out of a town near the wastes. Bringing the White Fang’s protection. You should have seen how he protected them. There wasn't a child there without a fang or an antler missing."
hang on a sec, lets LEAP BACK in time for just a moment
okay so i nipped back to chapter five for just a hot second to see if there was a line that was particular pertinent, but also i found smthng else...
Violence collected at her twitching fingers, old scars across her body flaring with phantom pain. (Chapter 5)
“If I didn’t know better, I might believe you," Cinder snapped, and her old scars throbbed in tandem. (Chapter 20)
HM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, man. cinder. you got real fucked up huh. ANYWAY THAT WASNT WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR I JUST LINED THE CONTINUITY (because im jealous). what i was ACTUALLY looking for was THIS:
There would be another overseer, the inhabitants would resume their harried lives, and Cinder wouldn’t spare this town a second thought.
i said at the time in an emotional fit of pain that this was a straight-up lie but cinder is nothing if not a melting pot of emotional reckoning, and I WAS RIGHT. LET IT BE INSCRIBED UNTO THE STONES!!!! SHE DID SPARE IT A SECOND THOUGHT!!!!!!!! HELD IN HER MIND LONG ENOUGH TO RECALL THE DETAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JUST 2 SPIT IT IN SIENNA’S FACE!!!!!!!!! im telling you that cinder has SO MUCH MORE GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!! and heres my PROOF. PROOF OF WHY SHES AN ANGEL (ONLY ON TUESDAYS THOUGH [10AM-1PM])!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then: "Why don't you say," Sienna responded slowly, her expression slotting into place like a bullet chambering, "precisely what you mean, Cinder."
"Fuck you."
cinder has such a way with words. i love her eloquence. remember that time glynda thought she was taking the piss out of the fact she was autistic at dinner? cinder yr a maestro. never change.
“You brought Beowolves to heel. You could turn a Goliath with a word!"
“I had—no—Aura! Nothing to protect me!”
:eyes: :thinking:
HM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, INTERESTING??????? i feel like this is the first time we’ve heard of cinder w/o aura implicitly? unless im Stupit and dont remember a Got Dang Thing but HUH. does this. hm. huh. am i stupid. someone tell me if i missed a thing.
“This isn’t a diplomatic mission, Cinder. I simply wanted to know what their lives were worth to you—before we wipe our hands of each other for good.”
“That’s a funny way of saying only one of us is walking away from this.”
GOD,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i LOVE this scene a lot the interplay between sienna and cinder is absolutely PEAK,,,,,,,, PEAQUE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, im rly enjoying this. also im dying. but im enjoy it a LOT.
“The White Fang you and I grew up in doesn't exist anymore. We’re changing. But you… When did you stop caring? Was it when you cut your horns to be one of them instead?"
Dragonfire scorched Cinder's lungs, blackening every word: "I was never—your—people."
feels like its been a good goddamn whilst since i got to do one of these 👈😎👈, so let’s savour the moment
aaaaaand savoured. lets continue.
Shaking with the effort of holding her strike, Sienna grit, "I won't relish this."
And Cinder howled, "I will!”
ah shit i shouldve said lets RELISH this to tie the whole theme together and-- and fuck it, combat scene. never good at liveblogging these. sdfjhgsdfghj
Gunfire sparked against her, but she honed in on him with single-minded intent, the kind she’d whetted to a razor’s edge against Glynda.
for a chapter following cinder escaping glynda, she’s thought about her TWICE now. huh. huh. interesting. gay. and interesting,,,,,,
It was nothing like fighting Glynda. This was bleak and repetitive: the second drove forward and Sienna covered his openings, stopping Cinder before she could rip his heart from his chest, and all the while, the gunfire whittled away at her Aura. It was a joyless tactic, no flair or heart, and yet—
HUH. GAY AND INTERESTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO FLAIR OR HEART,,,,,,,,,, i cant believe every time they fought cinder was actually just doing a shit job of flirting. the more you know.
The world erupted into flames. They grew massive, swirling around her like a hurricane—Cinder’s Aura exploded outward in desperation, like a dying star defiantly spending the last of itself on a supernova; one final flare, brighter than entire galaxies, if only for a single moment. Cinder felt flashes of bright pain through her muscles as if the fire was burning her from inside.
MAN,,,,,,,,,,,,, I COULD TALK ABT SOME UH,,,,,,,,,,,,, well. i could talk abt a few things here. but theyre kinda 👈😎👈 so i WONT,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but kno that i am having some Thoughts on the matter. hm.
“Prove it!” Death was thrumming in her veins. It had never made her brave before. It did now, the memory of Glynda’s blind, resolute stare heady in her skull. “Come and prove it! Do it, or I’ll hunt you to your last, miserable breath, Sienna!”
so remember when glynda had her little outburst at winter and i said that i love how cinder rubbed off on glynda in the worst way? i cant believe glynda ALSO rubbed off on cinder ALSO in the WORST WAY!!!! this is how u know this truly is a soulmates thing.
“It’s a shame you outgrew your swords, Cinder Fall. I would have taken them as a trophy,”
it’s with great disappointment that i must say: i agree with adam. the swords were hot. they should come back.
Sienna’s footsteps were whispers at Cinder’s back. The trap was closing. Cinder pooled flame in one palm. The other hand was useless, limp at her side. Impotent rage tasted like blood in her mouth. “I don’t even remember your fucking name.”
HJGKDSFKJHGFSDJDHGF GOD IM SORRY BUT THIS MADE ME LAUGH. WHAT A LINE. WHAT A LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i may actually have to draw this scene that image is SO wonderful. just cinder, staggering, exhausted, and she still manages to just spit that out. im screaming. shes a champion. i think she won this battle literally just there pack it up her burns come in more flavours than one.
Beneath Cinder, Hati turned, scanning for an escape, but she didn’t drop Sienna’s gaze. Wiping the sweat from her brow, she said, “I’m told I’m something of a menace.”
okay wait hold on lets dial back i read ahead and dint live blog wait rthereghsdfgjhdffd HOLD ON
Cinder buried her face in Hati’s mane, hating them, hating, hating, hating. Black ichor clotted in Hati’s fur, tacky against her palms. Grimm didn’t have Auras to protect them, and exit wounds riddled Hati’s mighty body. Cinder’s heart lurched with fury. She could have screamed.
i read this bit and got STRESSED because hati is PEAK like hati didnt even fucking SHOW UP in og but i LOVE HIM and i knew shit would happen because its fucking offal hunt BUT
It should have been impossible at this distance, but Cinder could feel her gaze like traded blows, even nestled among the black of Hati’s pelt.
Sienna’s eyes shone like coins. They were cool, detached. Prepared.
She twisted her wrist and the whip flickered through the air in tight wheels. Its end glittered pale blue.
Adrenaline cooled to permafrost in Cinder’s body, as though the Dust had already found its home between her ribs.
Cinder whispered, “Don’t.”
Expressionless, Sienna gave a wide lash, and the jagged end of her whip released with a click. Silver sliced through the air, then through feathers and fur, with a sickening sound—wet and meaty as the arrowhead dagger buried itself deep into flesh. Hati’s whole body shuddered and Cinder only had a moment more before ice exploded from his ribs, ripping out through his pelt, even slicing into Cinder’s own skin. It speared him from deep inside, where the cartridge had sunk, impaling everything and rending him asunder.
Cinder’s stomach jumped into her throat, and she held on tight to Hati, her bastion, her sanctuary, her family—held on tight like it would make any difference at all—like she could hold her family together with just her own two hands.
Hati dissolved right between her fingertips, and she plummeted alone.
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like she could hold her family together with just her own two hands
OUGH what the FUCK
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HEY THIS. HEY THIS SUCKED HEY THIS WAS A BAD CHAPTER WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS HATI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WAS MY BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!! GO TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EXCUSE ME????????? WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?????????? HELLO??????????? WHAT THE FUCK????????? SIENNA???????? BITCH?????????? GO TO H E L L
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wilted3sunflowers · 5 years
get ready cause this is like the only thing i will very much despise and if someones been my friends for years they know who i am talking about because eventually, i will rant about it when i recall how much i hate what happened in the series. This is purely for me.
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Berry. From tokyo fucking mew mew a la mode spin off. This is a spin off manga from the manga/anime Tokyo mew mew, and i will set something straight, this is purely from spite and pettiness from formative years that ive just let be my only source of genuine disdain regarding a media work i liked for just such silly reasons but now i get to talk about it and pour my salt! 
Okay so, imagine youre like a young preteen or whatever, you had a anime you liked watching in just passing cause you never paid attention to TV schedules so you never knew what was on ever, ofc you found the 4kids dubbed anime considering it was early 00s and your sister had the computer more than you could, but finally youre older, you get more computer time cause your sister has her own by now and you can read fanfiction and look at fanart of a series you liked, even, gasp, rewatching the anime and this time with subs and realizing a lot of things were different [along with watching episodes in 5 different parts on youtube and struggling to find them all to make a complete episode]
You keep encountering a character or two in fanfictions, youve never heard of them, berry? who? Ringu who? You look them up and more so just find sparse images cause what was wikis back then? you think i actually looked things up like that? The logical conclusion for me was, these are just popular fan characters [Again mind you, this is even before the english release was in 2013, like there was even less Berry art and so fanart i saw of her w the cast was like ‘oh someones self insert’] 
And of course, Tokyo Mew Mew, not the most widely known and definitely didn’t have a very….mature audience for English speakers. So of course the fanfics were quite honestly, shit, amateur garbage of angsty preteens wanting to be angsty teens and edgy and the worst part, having the designated bitch mean girl to ruin the protagonist of the stories life so they can write their revenge porn. So guess who that girl was. Berry. So shes already at a huge disadvantage of me liking her, already thinking shes just a popular fan character to hate on and what not because people liked the main cast too much to actually make one of them the antagonists of the fanfic
Now for me totally digging into the fucking series itself, i still havent read knowing i will just not have a good time because ill be like this is booooooooring i want my old cast back. So instead of reading it, i wikied it and the characters and ngl ive done this multiple times, still refreshes how much i dont like it 
The problem with berry:
1. Berry is the protagonist of a continuation of the tokyo mew mew franchise, which okay but the bad part is, this isn’t like just new characters in a familiar scenario but now just in a different place too. Majority of the cast is cast from the main story 
2. Berry just literally waltzed into the place, got zapped by the machine that gave the mews their powers but UH OOHHH she got TWO animal genes in her now Shes a rabbit AND a C A T [like ichigo! but a DIFFERENT cat], instead of the usual one. SO SPECIAL, SO UNIQUE. And she gets to be LEADER of the mews, this fucking ROOKIE. Not to mention, like the regular cast from the first mews are there, you know the girls that had a couple years to get shit on lock and know what theyre doing. and you think Mint and Zakuro at the least would even let some new Rookie would come in and just take leadership role? I dont fucking think so. The worst part is, Ichigo comes back in the story, and doesn’t take back leadership, like thats the most self insert shit this whole girls just been a huge culmination of all the shit thatd make a character mary sue in the early 00s of a fan character. It blows my mind this is a actual legit canon character. I dont give a shit if people out there making “mary sues” get out of my face, people have fun. Its the fact This Is A Canon Protagonist of a spin off, with the old cast
3. WHY THE FUCK IS HER NAME BERRY AND SHES CREAM COLORED. I do not get it, it doesn’t follow the themeing at all, and frankly, the only other new mew in the series is this girl Ringu, who despite having penguin DNA doesnt have a single fucking animal thing about her like cowards and her outfit looks more like her name [apple] and not even trying to give her tuxedo look if you ARENT GOING TO MAKE RINGU THE PENGUIN HAVE ANYTHING PHYSICALLY PENGUIN YOU COWARDS. Its a shit design. no ifs ands or buts. i hate it.
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4. This one doesn’t deal with berry but with the series because appearently despite the original mechanics of making things mutate basically. THE ALIENS ARENT EVEN THE MAIN BAD GUYS NOR ARE THEY REALLY IN THE STORY. THE ANTAGONISTS ARE JUST SOME RICH WHITE BASTARD KIDS WHO THINK THE WORLDS BORING. THATS NOT INTERESTING. ALIENS TRYING TO TAKE THE EARTH BACK [they left after a series of disasters that almost led to their extinction] AFTER LEAVING BECAUSE THEIR NEW PLANET IS IN SHAMBLES AND THEYRE BARELY SURVIVING AND THEY FEEL THE HUMANS ARE JUST DESTROYING THE EARTH [it was basically like any other 90s cartoon about planet health ngl] IS MORE COMPELLING AND INTERESTING THAN THIS SHIT. 
To sum up, i hate berry so much because of how i was 1. introduced to her 2. learned more about her 3. her looks and naming that dont even fucking align with ANYONE in the damn series. Seriously why is a rabbit/cat girl thats white colored not even called Creme or something ?? why the fuck is her name berries…….. 4. who the fuck lets a rookie be leader 5. I hate when series try to make a new side thing but basically take all the old characters to come back and only slap in like a few new characters like i didnt want this, esp if youre not changing up the original dynamic of the characters, Not Mint or Zakuro or even a shocker like Lettuce or Pudding steps up to try and be leader while Ichigo is off w her BF for school stuff. No you make a rookie whos ‘very special’ be the new leader and then another new bih cause well, guess you cant just put in ONE new mew and only have new antagonists 6. if youre doing a spin off/continuation you either give us the cast in a new setting and change up a few things to we can explore new dynamics OR give us basically a WHOLE new cast to see how they fall into place and hell even be foils for old cast to compare and see how different or similar things are 
to put it bluntly this all seems very…..
half - baked 
[ bad um tss ]
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me @ Berry
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vaugarde · 5 years
🍀 do you have any kins or comfort characters from your hyperfixation?
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pmd2 partner is also very dear to me bc of their arc! back when i did kin i kinned the pmd2 hero as well, though not anymore. theyre very dear to me too though
💕 tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them!
feel like im cheating by doing a non pmd pokemon but i shall discuss ash’s gliscor
my appreciation for gliscor extends to the pokemon as a whole but it started with ash’s. i remember when i was little all my knowledge of pkmn was from pmd and i was just beginning to check out the main series so i didnt know a lot of pokemon, and one of the things i didnt know was evolution bc that was postgame in sky and i didnt get there yet. i Think i knew gligar from the bidoof special ep but idc much for him so i honestly dont remember being like “oh theyre from the bidoof game” when i saw her but the episode i saw was her evolution episode. so you can imagine the extreme serotonin that surged into my brain when this
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turned into THIS
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baby goth jasper was fucking mindblown ok i was LOSING IT when that happened. i remember being sooo upset when i couldnt get gligar in pearl and then when i couldnt figure out how to evolve one in platinum. but that was ok bc of the anime, ash’s gliscor was SO funny and silly. she wasnt meant to be some badass to make older fans feel secure, she was charming and silly and a huge joy to see onscreen. i loved her voice and her wink-bleps and her sensitivity (side note she had adhd. idc if shes a pokemon so does and ill fight on this) and her battle moments were mostly very good as well! i remember being SO mad when she was put on the bus i actually have not seen all of sinnoh league victors to this day bc i got so mad and sad she wasnt there and was replaced by something infinitely less funny for no reason i only watched the infernape episodes bc i also loved her. i was so happy when she came back for the best battle even if it was brief.
💢 what do you NOT like about your hyperfixation? is there something you would want to change about it
the development stuff has been talked to death so ill talk about a story element that really makes me mad.
i hate the way gamefreak handles abuse. with a burning passion. the only times i can recall that an abuser has been condemned for their actions is charmanders old trainer in the anime and ghetsis. everyone else has a ton of excuses made for them, and while i remember chimchar in the anime being handled well paul himself was absolutely not (they literally had cynthia praise him for his abusive training. CYNTHIA. and no one ever reported him, he faced no real consequences besides uwu he lost a battle and the narrative implies his training is “just a different method! :3” competitive players you dont deserve this analogy) and the abuse victims are usually demonized, like cyrus. lusamine abused her children but she’s beautiful and sad widow so its ok ig! /s even if she did nothing to apologize besides “oh never mind you DO meet my standards :)” and lillie is forced to reconcile by the narrative bc “well shes my mom so i must.”
the pokemon company in all areas should not tackle the subject bc nearly every time they have it has been disgusting and its very clear they dont know what theyre doing or they really feel this way towards abused people.
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fipindustries · 5 years
my experience with my gender and my sexuality
because i think it is about fucking time i talk about this somewhere. this is a cheerful post, intimate sure, way too oversharing, certainly, but i like to think of it as joyous sharing because i feel like i can finally talk about this stuff freely and gosh ive been keeping so many things on the inside and now i just want to shout them to the world, consequences be damned
for years i have fantasized about becoming a woman. i will say it here now: i want to be a woman, i want to try it, i want to know what is like to look like one, to dress like one, to be called one, to be treated as one. if after a while i get bored of it, or tired or figure out its not my true self, or it just doesnt fit me for whatever reason then i reserve the right to back off and try something else. but for now this is my state of being and im going to share the story of how i got here.
my earliest memories of dealing with this confusion are about me reading a magazine talking about trans issues and me watching the movie “ma vie en rose” and “boys dont cry”. i was too young perhaps to be exposed to these ideas in such a candid and direct way. perhaps not mature enough to fully process or understand what i had seen, to the point that for most of my childhood i had this irrational fear that i would become a woman when i hit puberty. that my dick would just shrink into a vagina, that i would start growing tits, that i would get pregnant, etc.
i was a very unmasculine child, i didnt like sports, in fact i didnt like most typically boyish stuff. i thought muscles where gross, i thought violence and fighting was scary. i thought most boys played too rough for my taste. i was meek, shy, and a huge nerd. but i also had a strange rejection for most girly stuff. it was too soft and frilly and silly and pink and yucky. on top of all that, my understanding of trans people was mostly shaped then by drag queens and outrageous transvestites whose aesthetic, to this day, i find garish, over the top and unpleasant to look at. sorry, is just not something i identify with.
during this time i started to engage in all sorts of strange games as a child. i would start trying on my sister’s panties or my mom’s panties in the shower. i would created these elaborate scenarios where i would have all the stuffed toys in my room “kidnap” me, force me to give birth to them and then breast feed them.
cartoon shows that dealt with themes of gender bending held a powerful fascination to me, i particularly remember the fairly odd parents episode “the boy who would be queen”. i had this strange sense of love-hate relationship with it and anything on that topic where i just couldnt help to be obssessed with it but at the same time feel like it was illicit or transgressive for me to watch it.
then i hit puberty and a light switch went off. where instead of being scared or unnerved by those ideas i just kept obssessing more and more over them. i started googling everything i could about gender bending, about gynecomastia, about how to grow breasts with certain herbs or supplements. it was specifically on the breasts that i was fixated, i kept promissing myself that i would get them no matter what.
at the same time on the outside i was more than comfortable presenting myself as a boy, a geeky boy sure, but a boy all the same. i liked wearing high waisted pants, tucked in shirt and tie. i liked having short hair. i fantasized about growing a mustache. what’s more i definetly identified as a boy. i went to an all boy’s high school where we were taught stereotipicaly male things like working with heavy machinery, welding, general workshop engeneering stuff and i enjoyed all of it. i was still a huge outcast and not the manliest person but back then i figured it was because i was just a huge nerd.
i had no rejection of my body or the changes it was going through, i grew hair, limbs, genitals, etc and didnt thought much of it that i can recall, beyond a vague sense of not wanting to look too adult because it made me look too much like my dad, with whom i never had the best of relationships. beyond that socially i was a boy and had no issues fitting there.
i masturbated a lot, and a lot of those fantasies involved gender bending. usually boys growing breasts, boys being subjected to forced feminization, etc. there were other fantasies but those dont have a lot of bearing on the subject at hand. one of the things that excited me the most back then was to call myself a woman. to insist over and over that i was a girl. like the feeling that i was brainwashing myself into femminity was a huge turn on (this is why for the longest time i was convinced i was an autogynephile, and honestly, jury’s still out on that account). then, as soon as i finished i would quickly tell myself “im not a woman” as a strange way of “no homo” myself from my fantasies. i was still doing ocassional crossdressing whenever i was alone at home with my mom’s clothes, again, usually for the purposes of masturbation
i have been attracted to girls for the large majority of my life, it wouldnt be until college that i would experiment with boys too and found that i could enjoy that as well, but my main interest has always been consistently girls. yet a lot of the time my attraction towards girls would come from a place of envy. of apreciating how pretty they looked and wishing i could look that pretty myself. once i started college most of these fantasies came with me, i kept researching about gender bending and about ways i could try to gender bend myself. some times it was because of fetishistic reasons but a lot of the time was because i just found the subject inherently fascinating. it was like this that i came across a lot of information about trans people, back in like 2011 and when i first started to really understand them as a community and grapple with concepts such a gender dysphoria and such. back then i reached the conclussion that while i understood and sympathized with trans women, i was just a crossdresser because i didnt experience gender dysphoria and because i had never experienced anything even close to the feeling of “being a woman on the inside”.
what was more, it was around this time that identity politics really started to get traction, things like “die cis scum”, “yes all men”, “white men tears” etc started to be thrown around and, as someone who had been identifying as male for his entire life, i felt personally attacked by most of it. an immature reaction on hindsight, but a reaction that cemented in my mind the idea that i was a man and there were no buts or ifs about it.
i kept crossdressing, i kept fantasizing, i kept fetishizing. i even experiemented with auto hypnosis because i was realizing more and more that i was never going to be able to truly make my fantasy about becoming a woman real so was was willing to try anything that would get me even close to it. i cross dressed because i liked the way i looked, i liked the way the clothes felt against my skin, i liked the feeling of trying on a different role, one that was forbidden to me. as time went on i stated doing it less and less because of the sexual gratification and more for its own sake.
then the crisis came.
i wrote about this before, i saw a bunch of people i knew coming out of the closet at an advanced age, people like jacob chapman, the wachowsky sisters, even reading about the story of how allison bechdel. the idea of someone figuring out their identity way into their adulthood shattered my world view and it introduced me the possibility that i might be in the same situation, which led me to panic. all the crossdressing, the fascination with gender bending and with trans issues were strongly suggestive if nothing else, but back then i was just not ready at all to confront those possibilities so i supressed like a mad man.
three years later, here i am. during those three years i slowly and gradually came to grips the possibility, slowly losing my fear of what i might lose if i came out of the closet, slowly examining my self and comparing my story with the story of others in the community. finding differences but also finding a lot of similarities. for the longest time my trans ex girlfriend would insist that i was very much not trans because a lot of my experiences were very different from hers, such as the fact that i never had issues inhabiting the rol of a boy whereas her dysphoria had been strong enough to the point of suicidal tendencies for most of her life.
one of my biggest concerns had always been the fact that i had heard from many trans people that their dysphoria hadnt really kicked in until after they started transitioning. as in, once they started trying to look like women then they realized how far away they were from truly being one, making what until then had been a vague feeling of discomfort into a true rejection of their own body. but then on the other hand there was also the real possibility that i would end up having a mental breakdown once i hit my fifties after years of repression and by that point i would look like just an old man in a wig
i think what finally made me tip over the edge were the contra points videos and the reddit community egg_irl. i just identified too much with what i saw there, and breaking up with my gf had left me free to explore those feelings without fear of ruining my relationship. so where does that leave me?
still confused, but no longer scared of the answers. willing to give this and honest go and see where it takes me. im still not ready to call myself a trans girl with all the letters. i understand that gender is complicated but i would really appreciate a unified theory of gender to help me make heads or tails of what i am and what i am feeling beyond vague notions about “the spectrum” and “social roles”. i guess i could be considered gender fluid as of right now but honestly that label doesnt mean that much to me on a practical sense considering i am still presenting my self as a boy in my every day life with one or two exceptions
i have a lot of work ahead of me and for once i am excited about doing it right.
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tomioneer · 6 years
yyh rewatch number 11 WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY KIDS NOW
been a few days bc I am BUSY AF irl, and I made it through the dr ichigaki fight--just barely without tears--by watching with a friend. now we’re at episode 35 and watch straight through to 42, and I can’t help but blog about it because HELLOOOO, NINJA BABES
guess who’s here
it’s jin and TOUYA BITCHES
kurama recognizes them, I wonder if he's actually fought them before
I remember that hiei and kuwabara both get taken out of the fight, but can’t recall if genkai does as well
what I figured out when my friend asked why koenma knows genkai’s younger face is that since she was on a mostly human team in the past, she was probably one of the special guests at the tournament? and thus a member of a team koenma technically owned 
it’s upsetting that toguro didn’t seem to recognize his EX GIRLFRIEND.
jin speaks so quickly I can hardly understand him
it’s like merida in the new wreck it ralph trailer, just.. irish
ps JERRY FUCKING JEWELL again, for those keeping track
I’m gonna go ahead and mark yusuke and jin down as a ship now before I lose control
also, jin and touya
ship count: 8/400
I should really make a list of whose’ who in that count lol
oh yeah, here’s the medical exam, I remember it
her hair is gorgeous I would marry him if she asked
WOW she doesn’t even take kuwabara just genkai and hiei
a barrier master
and she’s just
oh man she took her coat off and I melted
epilepsy warning for this whole arc
koenma you’re a jerk
jin decides to fuck off because he doesn’t like fixed fights, bless him, he’s a terrible shinobi
demon makeup cool. not cool? the FUCKING RACIST image in the back during the explanation. I SAW that feathered headdress, togashi!!
kurama isn’t BOTHERING to attack because he’s observing
and hiei tells us why kurama is going to be fucked
jin is so done with this subterfuge bullshit
the audience is eating this up and touya speaks at last, my love, my darling, my short spiky blue beautiful man
I would kill to be able to put on makeup that perfectly, that easily
I know how kurama finishes this fight, but my friend can’t remember. I love it, this is so good.
“with his hair??” she asks, shocked
“only an amateur depends on arms and legs for victory”--kurama, with a whip coming out of his hair
“How is he controlling that?”
“With his spirit energy?”
isn’t there more behind why this guy is trying os hard? they’re not being blackmailed are they
there’s more, the patterns--
and of COURSE his reiki is sealed, and as long as he’s standing--goddamn
touya fights an immobilized kurama?
I don’t remember that!!!! son of a BITCH
“how will yusuke’s shattered team survive” asks the narrator. “This is bad” says yusuke
this is not good
I hate that kurama seemed to observe that gama’s paint was made of blood but didn’t like. pay attention to it?
friend just punned: “Touya is a cool dude”
I’m screaming she hates puns
one of the black black club just asked sakya why he is sharing “Ass space” with demons. fucking. what.
why does the committee want yusuke so dead, when they invted him? I guess that’s the whole REASON they invited him, ugh.
genkai tries to be optimistic for the first time in this series, and kiei shuts her down immediately
ohhhh the shinobi just need attention so they keep getting jobs
koto freezes to death, it’s very sad
touya somehow thinks a theif can’t keep running.. and seems to be right
“running like a baby is perfectly brave if the odds are uneven enough”--Koenma’s words of wisdom
such an inspiring leader the spirit world has
doesn’t he smudge the seal withhis own blood HEY he does
I am remembering these things seconds before it comes into play
touya’s attacks are honestly amazing
koto is a bit twisted
kurama plants something in himself, and then that’s what holds him immobile for the next guy right?? the big one yusuke kills
why doesn’t touya know who he is??? I thought, if they called him a traitor, we could ASSUME they knoew who kurama was??
why was touya blishin’?
the ICE SWORD man oh man one of my old old old old mary sues had that attack
oh yeah there it is, the arm wound, he plants it in that
“son of a frickin bitch”--yusuke urameshi
Koenma: Why do I get the feeling our most intelligent fighter is about to do something incredibly stupid?
Kurama: Let me do what I must... *does something stupid*
touya decides they’re friends now, so he wants to kill kurama painlessly
is touya fucking DEAD
oh good he’s alive
but also it’s not good
oh but okay kurama won
three more then
I know kurama vs. bakken is terrible
kurama also thinks they’re friends
faint heartbeat
ah, bakken
I hate him
“a fighter standing in the ring cannot be removed agains this will. as will cannot be determined...”
hiei is ready to go to war for his man
how is that motherfucker even a shinobi
yikes that last shot of the ep is absolutely awful
yusuke promises the audience that of he goes, it will be with a bang. I remember more of a whimper when sensui kills him.
who is that last guy on team masho? I remember bakken, and it’s clearly jin, but the third one, I can’t remember
yusuke is my BOY
I love him
this “kill the traitor” count is just. horrible
kuwabara is STILL out for the count
kick his ass baby boy
yusuke is my hero
why is uh. bakken sweating so much
mist made from his own uh. sweat. that’s pretty nasty
yusuke: I hate saunas.
I don’t remember this fight taking even this long???
yusuke has such great eyelashes
boy is already so like. pumped to fight jin. 
yusuke just used eighth grade science”you can get on your hands an knees and start begging.and maybe, just maybe, I’ll listen.”--yusuke urameshi
he’s ready to commmit murder and it’s amazing
jin didn’t even flinch
“That’s a pretty good fight”
kurama’s gorgeous and also awake
he’s making plant jokes and I hate it
look how great these kids are. 
I DID remember about ruka’s barrier thing healing hiei
no way jin can’t fight first if he does how does yusuke fight him SECOND????
“If I win my whole team’s screwed and if I lose I have to fight again.”
jin is amazing. seriously. also, can these boys get married please?
you know I’m a multi shipper right 
well that was a fun match, sad it’s over
jin is just
such a happy guy I love it
they call them brothers but really the chu thing is much closer to that
“ass space” bbc guy now claims to pull the tournament committee by his the “ass hairs”
so quick!!
kuwabara seems insistent on the fact that he is “spiritually aware” in situations where he lacks that talent to actually observe
yusuke lands exactly one punch and jin floats up to let the impact wear off
“Hey, I needed that!” says yusuke when his spirit gun is deflected by jins wind 
jin thinks he’s very funny
he’s right
why is boan lashing out at kuwabara, when she’s supposed to be TREATING HIM
somehow Jin with his irish accent--or rather, Jerry fucking jewell  with his irish accent--isn’t triggering at all lmao. maybe because this is how I prefer him
yusuke’s hero eyes, at it again
how many reigun shots does yusuke have left?
jin’s so good at fights I love him so much
“something always comes ot me at the end” say yusuke about his battle stretegy
genkai, sarcastic: you truly havbe a way with women, hiei
yusuke plans to try the spirit wave, somehow forgetting his shotgun move???
shizuru once again knows exactly what’s up
bless the kuwabara family sixth sense
it’s so weird how genkai is speaking in third person
have I mentioned how much I love Jin’s eyes? 
yusuke call shimself a freak because he enjoys fighting
okay we’re back to who the fuck risho is???
if jin’s the official captain---
oh my god I just screamed when risho revealed himself and dropped my laptop holy shit
like a gut punching, throat-tearing godawful scream. 
“IT’S YOU!!!”
oh my god I don’t reember anyting about him other than earth and rocks and how much I HATE HIM
does he fight kuwabara? yukina just showed up trying to get in to see the tournament, does she heal kuwabara for this fight?
touya comes up. does risho attack him? that would explain why I hate him
yusuke defends koto, who he doesn’t like
i love
these two children are so angry
shizuru finds yukina and recognizes her from watchign that video, bless her
girls helpin’ girls
kuwabara was never technically ruled ineligible to fight, and I hate life
ginger son, don’t do it
he is so goddamn fucking helplessly sacrificial
yukina, go inside and heal your goddamn boyfriend
yukina is looking for her brother, oh SHOCK
shizuru intimadates an entire crowd of demons
her legs oh my god
just wait kuwbara, your girl with healing powers will be there soon
kuwabara is doing his best
keiko gets hit on by a bouncer and murders him
shizuru once again takes out a demon
can kuwabara shizuru marry kino makoto please???
risho is a dick
koto is clearly a sado-masochist
ruka is just like. a fetish indulgence of the artists. I know she’s hot but how long are they going to draw this out? 
koto: I’m goign to take the ocunt now, so everybody make sure to tell me how I’m doing it wrong, okay?
START the DOUNT KOTO, he’s OUT of the ring
shizuru WRECK THEM
oh yukina has ptsd flashbacks when she runs into toguro
sakyo lets shizuru escape bless her
kuwabara prepares to sacrifice his ENTIRE FUCKING LIFE and becomes telpathic?? bless
kuwabara can’t imagine what to say to yusuke, who means so much to him, goddamnit
yukina is in the stadium, babies
oh my god
“That’s my girlfriend!”--Kuwabara Kazuma, aged fourteen
yusuke is astounded by his boy
koto isn’t counting either of them
damn kuwabara
I can’t beleive he did it that’ s an highly unlikely triumph
“She’s... really here.”
Kuwabara bonds with yukina while keikpo and keiko FINALLY talk
pls get married
t;dr I would marry shizuru in a heartbeat if I didn’t know she was meant for sailor jupiter
shoutout to @batmares!!! thank you ever so much for joining me today for the Urameshi vs. Ninja arc of the dark tournament saga!
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I was just considering that a phrase or slogan which I became acquainted with and thought that its use wasnt quite literal, the vocabulary was from what odd field of knowledge? And then I consider that OK its a phrase from some political analysis which takes account seriously of Greek Language Eschatalogy; the phrase is "to immanetize the eschaton".
And it was conservative talk which became the response to the Socialist and Communist Utopias of the East which English Historian Paul Johnson would write about. And what kind of Utopia was the "Third Reich"? An evolutionist gay pagan utopia?
a memory from the sequence of private phone calls which may have been the instigation for the Solar Temple Suicides. Firstly, despite the bravado of making the claim Im pretty sure its true; no one else in the Small Universe of participants would have been thinking along the same themes in quite the way that I was at the time. Later, however, I was "pleased to meet the acquaintance" (it was on Twitter, not in person) of an English RC Deacon who wrote a short essay on Eschatology which seemed similar in the larger context of discounting and rejecting the periodic fable of either the ignorant and deluded or the cognizant and secretive that Christ never returned when he promised.
But observation on WFB Jr; he may have been within the culture of an intellectual conservatism which was familiar with the concepts of eschatology to some degree; however an episode of Firing Line in which Fr. Malachi Martin (or former Fr Malachi Martin SJ) appeared as a guest, Buckley was ignorant of the significance of there being "multiple" Marys and representative of different ethnic or racial groups, and so that being the case, he wouldnt have known much at all about Catholic eschatology.
And I having witnessed some facsimile of what was supposed to happen I guess, from a kitchen telephone of a house in Clovis CA. Mr Unforgiven was there of course, and I too of course as burnt out as could be. I had already written my theoretical scenario which was the catalyst for a period of assessment I assume about What To Do With Me; and there would be some sort of imperative about it because Im assuming that SOME SCENARIO ABOUT WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN IN TERMS OF WHAT WAS PLANNED AND VOTED ON OR WHAT THE POPE & Cardinals decided on and blah blah. The instigators of change are the individuals who share in this Mind of Christ network of participants in the Second Coming. (Dont believe me please, Im a theorist not an authority) And so I had angered Mr Unforgiven with my complaining or impatience regarding all the stuff which wasnt explained to me I had to listen and guess. But by the point of this Last Telephone Conversation which was a Live Participation in the Event, but this was a matter of I was pretty bad off psychologically and physically and I didnt much care or give a fk by that point, I hadnt made the connection between the terrorism and Satan. I guess I was still captive of the old halloween style mythology, not the demythologized reality that a really mean old man who had terrorized me already had plans in mind to be rid of me and I didnt understand the violence, but I should have recalled history or perhaps the Grand Inquisitor of Dostoevskys. So I made some statement and he begins acting like some pissed off old man, Ill show you how much of an asshole I can be. So it was like he was taking back some car he had gifted me. Fk that, participation was the worst decision of my life. I cant think of anything that ruined my life in very real terms more than participating in that nonsense. But I still wont hesitate to consider what I heard and saw and make conclusions about it.
0 notes
kxlebcross · 4 years
[ even numbers for the weird asks, pleaseeee ]
me: has to google what are even numbers lol
2. chocolate bars or lollipops? lollipops, cuz after that i can munch on the lil lollipop stick too which keeps me busy lol
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you? i know it totally doesn’t look like that but i used to be the class’ smart kid who participated in all kind of competitons and shit like that, was in the school choir, went to music school... so yeah, i was pretty much your average nerd, but then i grew up stewpid haha
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear? a weird mix of tomboy and grunge, depending on the day and actual mood, weather and whatever the hell i got clean lol
8. movies or tv shows? movies - i usually lose interest in every series after like... 2-3 episodes? i only finished like 3-4 deries in my whole life so i guess the number speaks for itself
10. game you were best at in p.e.? i used to be pretty good at volleyball back then, though i was always considered too short to be on the school team haha 
12. name of your favorite playlist? am 4:44 with a little moon emoji, made by yours truly (aka me)
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? i don’t really eat sweets... but when i do i go for sour jellies but idk if that counts as candy haha
16. most comfortable position to sit in? have you ever saw one of those “bisexuals can’t sit normally” memes? pretty much all of those, i always sit in random poses until my back gives in, i don’t have a favorite position tho
18. ideal weather? the summer night’s warm weather with a little breeze, maybe with some clouds... but i usually enjoy rains and thunderstorms too unless i have to go out because then i’m like bruh
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)? depends on what i have to write - for school notes i usually use a notebook and/or my laptop; for stories - my laptop or my phone’s notes if the inspiration gets me outside; everything else i’ll just write on random scraps of paper or in random notebooks just to never find them again haha
22. role model? i don’t really.... have one? i rather have a motto to live by but i don’t really look up to anyone tbh
24. favorite crystal? don’t have one, i dunno shit about crystals lol
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather? go out for a nice walk or some drink with my friends, walk my cat outside or just chill on my balcony with a boo while terrorizing my neighbors with a randomly chosen edm playlist
28. five songs to describe you? human by sevdaliza badmind by kuzi scar by foxes throat full of glass by combichrist 5:3666 by machine gun kelly
30. places that you find sacred? uhhh..... i can’t really think of any that would fit here? but i never really step in weird plant formations in forests and shit like that, cuz better be safe than sorry
32. top five favorite vines? i literally only have one favorite vine and it’s the two guys chillin in a hot tub, thats it
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head? every seasonal whiskas one because of the baby cats.... but other than that i haven’t seen an ad in ages, i don’t have tv and use adblock on pc haha
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing? i...c an’t remember, it was probably one of the rage comics or trollface comics? can’t really recall tbh it was ages ago
38. lemonade or tea? lemonade, with lots of ice cubes and mint, give it to me pls
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school? well in elementary some guy from the older classes took a sh*t then went to one of the classrooms to wipe his ass with the curtains there lol also some other time someone pissed out of the window on the first floor  in high school someone gassed the whole school with pepper spray, but like an insane amount, and everyone went immediately panic mode, police and firemen were called, the whole school evacuated..... and the one responsible for that had to pay like an insane amount of money for the police/fire dept. action haha
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets? pants pockets, i don’t trust jacket pockets cuz they usually dont have a lil zipper to close them up and i’d totally lose my phone if i put it there, im stewpid like that
44. favorite scent for soap? orange-vanilla or some other citrus-y scent
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in? anything oversized will do with some pants/underwear
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be? probably a grapefruit, fucking bitter about everything lmao
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have? once i laughed at a plastic bag being dragged around by the wind for like 10 minutes while being fucked up drunk... does that count?
52. favorite font? hands down times new roman
54. what did you learn from your first job? that the customer isn’t always right and that apparently i had a knack for putting down tiles
56. favorite tradition? does halloween count? i love halloween
58. four talents you’re proud of having? i’m a really good driver.... and i think that’s it? i really can’t come up with anything else... does being loud and obnoxious sometimes count? and i think i’m good enough with people too... and i think i’m a good listener? idk, i’m pretty useless tbh
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be? give me the good old horror and make me the obnoxious side character who rarely ever speaks cuz no one ever asks them anything, that would pretty much resemble my actual life
62. seven characters you relate to? bojack horseman, sal paradise, loki from mcu, wednesday addams, oba yozo from no longer human, richie tozier, holden caulfield
64. favorite website from your childhood? club penguin! i wasted sooooo much time on there, sheesh....
66. favorite flower(s)? i really like succulents and ferns! and cactuses... or anything that’s low maintenance tbh
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried? licorice... and also cucumber lemonade, gross
70. left or right handed? right
72. worst subject? i’m really bad with history and physics, i’m just way too dumb for those
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen? around 9-10, i’m pretty much used to all my chronic pains and tbh i don’t like taking pain meds cuz i always have to take double because once i was misdiagnosed and spent almost a year on painkillers so barely anything works for me now... thanks public healthcare
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)? fries... i’d love some now, i’m actually hungry 
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store? coffee from gas station, now pretty much all of them have decent coffee machines and the prices are okay too and i definitely trust them more than any boxed sushi ever
80. earth tones or jewel tones? jewel
82. pc or console? i grew up as a pc kid and tbh never had the money for a console so i just got stuck with it haha
84. podcasts or talk radio? if i necessarily have to choose then podcasts
86. cookies or cupcakes? both as long as its witch choccie
88. your greatest wish? let’s be realistic - i’d like to have my own place and little car and cats and i’d be all good
90. luckiest mistake? drunk kissing this one guy from my esports team after telling him i was a lesbian and he told me he had a girlfriend, it was stewpid tho, lets not get back to it
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? sunlight and fairy lights, the latter necessarily in blue, it’s just neat and doesn’t bring in all the mosquitos at summer when i leave the window open
94. favorite season? spring
96. desktop background? some assassin’s creed logo fanart i’ve found on alphacoders
98. favorite historical era? i.... really...... hate....... history...... blame it on my middle school teacher who made me hate it lol
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fourthdownsports · 7 years
The Tale of Danny Northshore: Madden Legend
Folks, We here at 4thdownsports have a confession. Some of us absolutely suck at football video games. Competitive Madden online? No chance. NFL Blitz on the couch against our friends who don't know that punt is not a good option on 2nd and 1? More of our speed.
Except.. well there is a man we have here that we know as Danny Northshore. Danny Northshore is the fucking king of sports games. Most video games, in fact, are conquered by Danny.  
For example:
Once playing Mario Kart 64, he was in dead last on the final lap. Suddenly, a series of events occurred which caused all the others to fall apart. Tension struck the room, and Danny muttered 5 words that will always be remembered as our dying words "the game has corrected itself." It was the perfect description of how Danny lives. As if it is always going to go his way. And if it doesn't, the world is under his control and he will force it to adapt.
Such is madden, where Danny reigns supreme. He has competed against many friends and online players, beating opponents ranked nationally as well as all takers throughout High School, College, and in his professional life as a Golf instructor/ connoisseur of women (or so he claims). 
Madden 05: "The Lonestar":
During a high school baseball tournament, where Danny took the Northshore on a national tour of madden destruction from the brisk springtime air of Ohio to the humid beaches of Myrtle, in the Carolina of North. Northshore's tour de force was equivalent to the Madden bus tearing through the US, as he invented a defense in Madden 2005 he termed "lonestar". Danny formulated a pass rush/coverage scheme that was unstoppable. He was shifting linemen and taking a speedy linebacker over the middle in which he would either rush the passer, or pick off or deflect any oncoming pass. Many tried to stop him, none succeeded.
Madden 06: "The QB Cone":
I joined the Madden bandwagon in 2006 after his beloved NFL 2k5 was bought out by Madden. Madden 2006 debuted, Donovan McNabb on the cover and a new passing system dubbed the "QB Vision Cone". The vision cone was controlled by the right joystick, and made your QB remarkably more accurate if your intended receiver was within the cone.  I was pretty good at NFL2k and figured this would translate into Madden, I also was very familiar with Madden since I played Madden 95 until I could put up over 100 points in Rod Woodson kick returns. This did not translate as well as I believed, and Danny Northshore wreaked havoc upon myself as well as Pat, and a large group of friends. One was lucky to put up any points let alone get a cheap victory. "The Broken thumb" game: One night, at a party at our host Pat's house, we had a projector ready for a big NBA playoff game in the garage. After some pre-gaming and drinking, Northshore decided to host an open Madden challenge. I took the chance due to one factor: Danny's broken right thumb.
You see, Danny broke his thumb playing football the week earlier and was in a brace. This was supposed to not end well for him. Unable to use a thumb to hit the player action buttons and truck stick should stop a player in his tracks, but not Danny Northshore. He drubbed me and my precious Pittsburgh Steelers with a beatdown that would lower my Madden morale beyond belief.
The Summer of defeat:
The summer of 2008 marked a new era for Madden. We finally saw some awesome graphics via the new Xbox 360 console. New graphics, new gameplay, new commentary, same old results. The entire summer, I would head to Danny's to play Madden on the off days from a college summertime job.   Danny was more hooked on Madden then ever, thanks, in part, to a show on ESPN 2 where players would tour on a Madden bus worldwide. Dan had high aspirations, and learned a few new catchphrases from the show's mostly ghetto white participants. Danny's favorite? "Dont tryyyyyy meeeeee". In one particular episode, a player was taunting another by screaming this phrase to his face. It results in punches being thrown and a DQ for the round. I do not doubt this was Danny's objective when screaming this phrase.
Throughout the summer, Danny and his new catchphrase dominated in Madden on the Xbox 360. My faith and confidence in my video game skills diminished as well as hopes of keeping up.
"Broken controllers and dreams": With the Xbox 360 came better broadband networks, a really good Xbox Live experience, and the boom of online play. Danny took advantage, playing and beating numerous peers and online ranked players. Many times, players would grow frustrated with a newly found glitch called the "Nano Blitz". Danny would like up linemen tight on the Center, pinch the linebackers, and would send an all out blitz. The results were infuriating. Instant sacks. Handoffs being taken by defensive linemen instead of the running back. Chaos.
Players became furious with Danny. He can recall friends slamming headsets, punching doors, putting holes in the wall, and throwing controllers. The controller spike was a normal reaction to playing him.One of which I was very familiar with. But one particular opponent took his frustrations to the next level constantly... A college friend of Northshore's would compete online with Danny nightly in online "friendlies" as well as a league. Nano blitzes and an unstoppable offense would leave him infuriated. The results: Controllers spiked through a shattered glass table, holes punched into a wall, a very angry girlfriend after hearing the constant screaming, and the coup-de-grace: a controller spiked into the ground ruining a brand new LED TV.
"The Madden Bowl": Eventually, a larger group of friends formed, and super bowl hangouts became more prevalent into adulthood. The one childhood nostalgia we wanted to keep up with: Madden tournaments. What could be more fitting to start off a super bowl with than to play some Madden in a tournament for some money? Good times...right...? Danny Northshore won every Madden bowl we ever held.
Until, Feb 2, 2013. Super Bowl 47.
Danny Northshore ripped through his opponents while I did the same on the way to the Final Battle. Title on the line, a preview of the game was to be played between my chosen 49ers and his Ravens. Bets were on the line, I had been prepping in secret by playing Madden like a fiend. My training was complete, I was ready to take down the champ.
The game goes by as expected, Dan is up by 7, then 14-0. Then suddenly, it happened. A fumble. Move downfield and score, 14-7. Then another turnover for a score, 14-14. Halftime comes. Danny to receive a kickoff and hope still in the air. Onside kick! Recovered by me! I have a chance! I go up, then Dan mounts a comeback. Down 21-14 he evens it up and the goes ahead 28-21. 1 minute left. Driving down the field with my 9ers I throw a Play Action route to TE Vernon Davis for a HUGE gain. No huddle, run the same play, HUGE gain again! Third time, seconds left on the clock, Davis in the corner and it looks like we're going into overtime!
But then, I make a decision. I knew going into OT I wasn't going to make it out alive. ..The tension mounted as I picked a sure-fire play. FB fake HB Toss on the goaline for the win of Madden Bowl 2013. Fake goes to Frank Gore, Kaepenick with the toss... NANO BLITZ SACK! "
"Are you fucking kidding me!?" I shrieked as I spiked my controller into the wall. It was over. Danny was victorious yet again.
Since that Madden bowl, we have given up on the thought of competing with him. We have tried other bowls, Tecmo Bowl, Blitz Bowl, other games where you can rely more on luck than skill. 
Still, the game always finds a way to correct itself, and Danny is victorious year after year. Many of us have given up on modern gaming, probably for the lack of ability to keep up with the times, but one legend still has the magic in his eye. Blitz Bowl may be fun, but nothing is ever the same as the Madden Bowl. 
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tumblunni · 6 years
Today is diamond and pearl season one episode 28 "Drifloon On The Wind!"
Huh this one had a cold open showing the climactic moment from the end of the episode before it actually happened. Thats the first time i recall the anime doing that? I thougjt initially it was a flashback and i missed the first of a two parter.
Such a cool neat weird premise! A traditional pokemon centre out in the countryside! That adds so much worldbuilding to the setting! They never state it in the english dub but it seems to be a joke on a japanese onsen? (An inn built around hot springs) the archetecture just seems to be very similar, and from what i've seen in anime the "my mum and my mum's mum and my mum's mum's mum worked here" thing is a common trope. The nurse joy family is probably a joke to exaggerate it? Also i loved the scene where Brock is like "wait what the fuck this identical nurse joy is actually old enough to have a daughter ash's age and also OH NO A WEDDING RIIIIIING" And then he thankfully,blissfully GAVE UP and we had one nurse joy centric episode without him being a fuckboi. Seriously, the older you get the less funny you find brock, it sucks that the stuff that's meant to be over the top jokes is now barely more exaggerated than how some dudes act in real life. All you real life brocks, nobody finds you as charming as a fictional goofball! You're just rude! AND REAL BROCKS DONT HAVE A CROAGUNK TO STOP THEM
Anyway i LOVE the cute cottagey aesthetic pokemon center/hotel place! It seems the family mostly treats wild pokemon in the forest and they were actually so surprised to see customers that they thought they were burglars at first! And then daww ash and co help out doing chores to pay them back for the meal and bed even though the family is like 'no dude thats the duty of a pokemon centre'. I think that was a really mature moment for ash? He realized that this pokemon center gets less business than usual ones and figured he should give them a hand. And its so nice to see him being so super excited and wowed by the chores?? Like i mean its CHORES but for him its all so new cos its learning how to work in a pokemon center. Ash's best characrer trait is how his enthusiasm really has no limits, he'll go 100% be the best choremon master ever! Or maybe he was intentionalky being all THIS IS SO FUN because the joy daughters were fighting and he wanted to help cheer them up? In a lot of ways i prefer season 1's bratty egotistical sarcasm ash just cos he had more of a visible personality and you didnt have to sorta sleuth it out like this and always be left wondering whether they really meant to write nice-Ash this way or you're just imagining it. But when nice-Ash has monents like this he's way better and i just wish it hapoened more often and was 100% confirmed, yknow? Most of the time in sinnoh he feels less like nice-ash and more like nothing-ash or changes-every-day-into-whatever-the-plot-requires-him-to-be-ash. But in sun and moon season they have all those more slice of lifey and emltional plots and he's the more nicer ash that i always wanted, and i love it!
Anyway lol im going wildly off topic. Also fun fact i spell "the" wrong so much that "tge" is the first result in my autocorrect now...
Another thing i like is that these Joys seem to be a ghost type specialist family? The kids have a big pile of drifloon cuties and when the gang first arrived they saw a bunch of happy gastlys enjoying their stay at the inn. I like to think maybe all the ghosts they have are "drifty" types like that? I feel that the writers ppicked gastly cos the pokedex entry saying they blow away on the wind like drifloon. Cos this is actually the valley windworks adaptation episode! That was such a nice surprise when it turned out momma joy's husband was the windmill electrician guy!! He looks SO cute in the anime too! He's really chubby and has such a nice round face with a button nose and big anime eyes and a cute turquoise jacket electrician uniforn thing. And he's funny and goofy with his kids and very caribg and cautious about letting them ride home alone in the bad weather, and also he's a GIANT BADASS with an ampharos that thunderpunches the shit out of team rocket and defeats them before ash can even get there lol! Actually they never show what momma joy's main pokemon is? I like to think maybe its a gengar cos thats the most chansey-ish ghost type. And also itd mean the chubby guy has a tall and thin pokemon and his tall and thin wife has a chubby pokemon. Theyre such a cute couple so itd be even cuter!
Oh and i forgot to mention that everyone travels around via drifloon??? Thats so surreal when you consider their pokedex entries saying them carrying children is a bad thing that means theyre kidnapoing them. Like, they domesticated a very dangerous pokemon and now it uses its dangerousness for the powers of good instead! Maybe its just the anime censoring a scary thing or maybe it was intentional to show how badass this momma joy is that she could tame so many spoopy ghosts that everyone thinks are pure evil? Seriously i LOVE how they show this family working to protect and heal the local wild pokemon and them all being super friendly to humans because of it. And it makes sense theyd be ghost tyoe trainers cos if youre befriending all the pokemon in a forest youre bound to find a few lost souls. Mountains and forests are like the deadliest areas for travellers so mountain forests especially so! Everyone's lucky they have this badass family team watching over the area like guardian spirits~
I forgot to mention that the main conflict of the episode is that the joy sisters have a fight because the older sister is a bit overprotective and dismissive of her little sister, causing her to be reckless and get lost trying to "be grown up and help mommy". And in the end the big sister rescues her with the help of the guardian spirit of the hot springs and they reconcile their differences and have big cute hugs! Its all very well written and dramatic actually.i really felt for the older sister's determination to save her, and i felt it was a good case of a conflict where both of them were wrong and both made mistakes and it was just like they coulda avoided those mistakes if they talked it out better. And both of them had a point at the same time, yknow? So it didnt end with either of them losing the argument or anything, it was more like the lesson is just to appreciate your siblings while theyre there and also talk about your problems in clear language with younger kids instead of using excuses like "you just cant, cos im older and i said so".
Oh also SUICUNE!
The super onsen spirit is suicune?? The little sister just casually mentions her biggest best friend in the forest is suicune and is surprised when ash says its a legendary! Wow thats actually a really cool idea? You wouldnt necessarily think of it cos you kinda think of hot springs for the hot part but theyre also a sort of super clean water like how suicune is meant to be able to purify polluted lakes. Maybe it came here to make its nest cos places that are already purified are comforting to someone who wanders the earth blasting stinky water with its powers every day. I like to think maybe this is the same suicune from Generations where they said the legendary beasts are roaming legendaries because humans treated them as demons when they first walked out of the ashes, and now theyre still scared of us even centuries later. Itd be sad if they literally kept running forever, so i like to think they all have a comforting spot to sleep in, somewhere. And for suicune its this little isolated lake in the sinnoh region which used to be super far away from human civilization. But then this family's ancestors built this hospital here and suicune was initially like "oh no my house is ruined" but then it saw that these humans were helping protect tge forest pokemon too. So its like "ah fellow coworkers" and theyre the only humans it trusts. And whenever theyre in trouble it sneakily helps them and dashes away before it can be seen, but one day it got unlucky and the kids saw it and now OH NO it is stuck havibg CUTE TINY FRIENDS! I bet the littlest joy just treats suicune like a big puppy, and this great noble beast of legend plays along because it loves her so much. But if anyone else sees it demeaning itself with a game of fetch, it would be Total Social Death In The Legendaries Club
Anyway there's some cute moments of Emotionally Wise Kind Ash The Best Of All Ashes where he finds the lost little-joy and he tries to cheer her up when she's scared by the storm and keep her dry from the rain. And he has absolute faith that his friends will come to save them both! The only thing i think coukd have maybe made it better is if the big sister joy didnt beleive in suicune? Cos it just ends with her going to ask suicune for help and then suicune helps. There's a lack of tension cos you know suicune could easily resolve all this and you already know suicune is real cos the lil sis says that big sis told her to keep it a secret cos its a Big Deal and Bad People Could Take Suicune Away and stuff. Like it might have worked better if the big sis thought that little sis was just making up rumours to be all boastful, or playing with an imaginary friend. Then her going to ask suicune for help would have symbolized something, yknow? And the audience might have been tense about whether it was real or not.
But even without that added suggestion it was still a great episode! Lots of cuteness, emotionalness, familyness and a few great jokes along the way! Also i just loved them giving unique character designs and a full backstory to these minor npcs from the game. Whenever i play it now i'm totally gonna headcanon this all as true! I mean all we know about the daughter character in the game is that she says "papa youre stinky but i still love you" and that feels very in character for the slightly mischievious little sis joy that we meet in this episode. Though you only see the one daughter and she acts like she hasnt caught a drifloon yet and dreams of seeing it if you can fix the windmill problems so it'll come back. So maybe the game version takes place a little before the anime? Like, that daughter is the engineer dad's daughter from a previous relationship and the older daughter is joy's daughter from a previous relationship. And i dunno maybe lil daughter's hair colour actually is the generic npc brown from the games but she begged her momma to dye it so she could match. Like she just loves her new momma and sister so much!! And now the struggling mountain poke-center is doing better because both parents work difderent jobs now and have enough money combined to be able to keep the family in a better quality of life. And maybe the team galactic incident at the valley windworks got it a bit of publicity as a tourist destination? and after the daughter caught that drifloon everyone who visited was like GOSH ITS SO CUTIE and the dad was like "yes our special windmill attracts these pokemon that are normally only found high up on the mountains, speaking of which my wife runs an inn up there and you can go on pokemon wildlife tours to see them in their natural habitat!" And just I LOVE THESE GUYS AND I WANT THEM TO HAVE ALL THE SUCCESS IN THEIR LIFE!! There is NOTHING better than "hey we're adapting this gane what should we do?" "Add MORE FAMBLY" Like oh my god whoever had that wonderful idea should be promoted!
Thus ends bunni's disjointed review of FAMBLY EPISODE
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