#i dont really like how I did the vest but oh well
appleblocks · 10 days
for the palette thing ,Jimmy in cowboy or angelic messenger
Thank you
Our favorite canary man <3
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(I can't draw cowboy hats too well,,,)
He's so cute!!!! <3 <3 <3
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graciereyy · 7 months
The Siren And The Samurai Chapter: 1
Happens after events of last episode! POSSIBLE SPOILERS.
*warning! This will have alot of possibly triggering stuff just like the actual show so be advised.*
Mizu awoke from the yell of the boaters.
She moaned in complaint from the loss of comfort in her sleep. “Sir, we are close to London and getting closer by the second. Im sorry to wake you, but you need to be up here.”She deeply exhaled.
“Oh alright.” She gathered her things and went outside, the cool breeze made her calm. They were right, London was close-by. A rush of excitement filled her, she could just imagine killing those men already . “are you guys going to stay here? Because i need that irish fuck here, so i can go to him when i need him.” One of the boaters grinned.
“Yeah, we’re going to stay a while. We have quite some business to do here, you dont need to worry about a thing.” She hummed in confirmation then fixed her bangs. “What are you doing here anyway?”
“Business.” She looked behind her and sighed in relief. “Oh look we’re here.” She was happy to get off this damn boat after so long, it felt like she was stuck in a hole forever, but not anymore, more subtle excitement rushed into her body, She was so ready to leave and get off the water and go back on her way. “Hm, its still dark out..” she mumbled to herself. She turned back to the men “so can i just explore? I need some direction.”
“Hell yeah, have at it boy.” One of them said as the other ran to tie the boat to the port. “Just make sure your able to get back.”
“I will.” She mumbled. She took a deep breath then turned around to leave the boat for a while. When her foot touched the port she felt a release in herself. She slowly made her way into the smaller downtown part of the city, it wasn’t like japan at all and she wasn’t used everything being so different, especially when it came to clothes. The women wore these restrictive looking things on their torsos, elegant looking but also looked kind of uncomfortable; With long layered skirts.
While the men wore vests and ugly looking pants. She felt kind of judged just wearing her kimono, the townspeople probably never seen clothes like hers just like she hasn’t seen clothes like theirs but she didn’t really care about that, as long as she wasn’t being looked to as inferior unlike a certain almost bald samurai she was fine.
While she did think about him she didn’t really know how to feel about him. She doesn’t have the time to find out right now, not like he ever actually liked her anyway. She sighed as she made her way to what the townspeople call “The Plaza” its a circular part of town with a stage in the middle, the golden lanterns lit it up beautifully. it looked like the main place a festival would be, which piqued her interest only by a little. Well not until the guy on stage announced one of the singers.
“ Unfortunately theres someone going to be performing in the morning that isn’t very expected or wanted, tomorrow morning THE SIREN is going to perform..” most of the crowd booed while some didn’t even know how to react themselves. Mizu was one of them, she was so confused by it. Why were they called the siren and why weren’t they liked? She just decided to go back to the port.
When she was pretty close to port she saw a strange looking girl with long brown hair, even longer than her own with it getting lighter at the very ends, but also short; reminding her of a tiny mouse. But something else caught her eye about the girl, her clothes looked promiscuous compared to both hers and the the townspeople, her skirt was layered but shorter, a few inches above her knees. her corset had a floral pattern with transparent puffy sleeves. She noticed her staring and their eyes locked, her brown eyes just engraved into Mizus head.
She just ran away and back into the boat. She cleared her throat and deepened her voice “im going to check on, Abijah.” One of the boaters nodded in response. She made her way to the cell while tapping on the wood of the boat, trying to annoy him. Out came a sinister chuckle as she was noticed.
“Ah, little miss Mizu. Ive been waiting for you…” he cooed.
“Ah huh. Okay.”
He grabbed the metal of the cell and twirled his hair sarcastically, as he said “ I’ve been so very lonely down here by myself Mizu.. cant you let me out now?.” He cooed in the tone of an innocent girl.
“Yeah no, you can stay down here for now. You’re going to be here as long as i need you then im going to kill you.”
he growled quietly. “Just gonna use me like im a common whore? Okay fine have your own way then.”
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spacedlexi · 16 days
sorry for randomly dumping my headcanon here but I feel like I’m going insane and need at least one other person to hear this opinion without getting jumped (transphobia sucks) and this is related to the trans headcanon post so anon ask it is
like a week ago when I was really tired I thought about how there isn’t a lot of representation for queer POC, especially when it comes to trans people. so being Black and transmasc myself a lightbulb practically lit over my head at the chance to headcanon a well-loved Black character (Louis) as trans (and transmasc at that! always felt somewhat excluded due to most people subconsciously only viewing young, white, and/or skinny characters as transmasc) and I wrote down:
“Trans Louis… his deadname was Louise and his parents were rich enough for him to buy testosterone without anyone noticing and they chalked the changes up to puberty. Either he gradually brought more and more masculine clothes and his parents didn’t care or again he brought them without anyone noticing and brought them to Ericson’s/wore them when his parents wouldn’t notice”.
that was written somewhat un-seriously because I was tired but now my brain has latched onto transmasc Kouis and I feel like I need at least one other person to see my vision or I’ll go insane.
ALSO YOU’RE SO RIGHT ABOUT VI’S WEAPON BEING A BUTCHER’S KNIFE. didn’t get it at first but when it clicked I stared at the corner of the room like a sitcom character staring at the camera when a laugh track plays after they deliver a classic zinger.
awe 🥺 come into my open arms you are safe here. i did really like way back when the transmasc louis transfem vi headcanons were a little popular. even if i didnt necessarily share them myself (but thats mostly just bc i dont headcanon a lot. i did draw them with the trans flag tho). it was cute :') and im glad it makes you so happy!! i see your Vision anon i Get It. if he could do what he did to his parents i think he could secretly buy a whole new wardrobe if he wanted dfgsdfg
and yeah butchers knife violet just reinforcing her masc lesbian vibes for me when i Realized. like oh its intentional isnt it. theres no way that girl is fem shes just a secret softie. how am i Not supposed to think shes got some gender thing going on with those layered baggy shirts and vest that hide her frame 🤨 ??
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fluffypandabun · 1 year
Tickly Body positivity
AN: This wasnt a request persay! This was just an idea I had randomly and I just had to write! I hope u enjoy! (Please dont tag as ship!)
Summary: During a sleepover with two of his pals, Barnaby gets a bit self conscious of his looks. Leave it too his two pals to cheer him up!
Barnaby stared at his own reflection in the mirror, his normal happy smile morphed into a grimace as he took in his own apprence. Has he always been this....plump?
He gave a poke to his plush tummy, frown deepening at the way it squished gently at the touch. His tail tucked between his legs and he tugged down at his vest, now suddenly self consious on how it did little to cover his round tum.
Voices outside the door startled him out of his spiraling self consious thoughts, which got more audible the closer to the door they got. "Barnieee~!" Came Julies bubbly voice, the monster puppet gave a quirkly little five tapped knock, "Are you almost ready for our sleepover?"
Ah right the sleepover, in his spiral Barnaby had almost forgotten Wally and Julie was over at his home for a planned annuel sleepover, which he was supposed to be getting ready for before he had caught himself in his mirror.
He cleared his throat, "Nearly! Give me just another moment!"
There was silience at the door for a few moments and Barnaby thought the two other puppets had left, when suddenly.
"Barnie? Are you okay? You sound upset."
'Ah drats' he thought at the concern sounding tone of his little monster puppets friends voice through the door, clearly he hadnt done a good enough job at masking his unhappiness. Now he was out here worrying his friends over nothing, classic Barnaby B. Beagle.
"Barnaby?" There was Wallys cool even tone, afflicted with the same tint of concern that Julies had been. "Is something wrong?
"Nope!" Barnaby chirped, though it sounded forced even to him "Everythings A-Okay!"
Silience and then;
"Barnie...? Can we come in..?"
Oh of course Julie had to bring out her sad voice, the blue beagle could already imagine the sad big eyes she would be given him if he could see her. The neighborhoods greatest collective weakness.
"Aw, alright." he sighed. "You can come in."
There were a few whispers outside the door for a brief second before the door opened, the two smaller puppets stepping inside.
Wally wore his signature blue robe, while Julie wore a soft looking pink nightgown with a pair of butterfly socks that she most likely had "Borrowed" from Frank. Both of them wore matching looks of concern, thought Wallys was more well hiddened behind his calm half lidded eyes.
Julie didnt waste a second, hurrying over to wrap her arms around the much bigger puppets middle to the best of her abilites, tiliting her head up to rest her chin on his stomach so she could peer up at him.
"Awww Barnie! You look so dad? Whats wrong?
Barnaby couldnt tell if he really was just bad at hidding his emotions or if his friends simply knew him well enough by now to be able to read him like an open book. He assumed the latter.
He chuckled softly, reaching up a hand to gently pat the monster puppet a top her head, being mindful of her horns.
"Aww Jules, dont worry bout lil ole me, I'll be alright."
Jules gave him a pout while Wally hummed thoughtfully.
"What made you sad in the first place? Did something happen?"
There was a hint of...something...to the painters tone, something that threatned very un-nice words being spoken to whoever might have made the beagle upset.
Barnaby felt one of his fluffy ears twitch abit nervously. "Aw it was nuthin! I just caught a look in the mirror and realized that I probably needed to cut back on the hotdogs!"
He chuckled the same way he usually did when telling on of his jokes, now usually self depraicating jokes werent his style, and in fact were something he would call his friends out on, but when in doubt of what to do, tell a joke about it!
Instead of laughing like Barnaby had hoped his friends would do, they simply gave him confused looks.
"Why?" Julie asked, cocked her head to the side. "Dont you love hotdogs?"
Barnaby akwardly cleared his throat. "Well of course I do! Its just dont you think ive been looking a bit 'Overstuffed' lately?"
Apparently that was the wrong thing to say, as he only seem to dig his grave further based on the looks his two friends gave him.
"Whats wrong with that?" Julie asked, voice taking on a more thoughtful tone as she looks up at him in concern.
Barnaby quickly held up his paws, shaking his head. "Oh nothin at all of course! Its just," He sighed, "Well kid you know how it can be gettin stuck inside your own head is all."
"Aw well I dont think theres anything wrong with being plump!" Julie declared firmly, she gave Barnaby a squeeze and nuzzled her face in his fur.
"Sides!" She giggled, "It just means theres more to hug!"
"Plus" Wally hummed, appearing suddenly on Barnabys other side, the beagle had no idea how he even got there so quietly.
The yellow puppet wrapped his own arms around the blue dog puppets other side, nuzziling his cheek against his fur in the same way.
"I think it makes you very comfortable to snuggle."
Julie giggled, "Yeah! Youre friend shaped!"
"Like a teddy bear." Wally hummed thoughtfully, Julie grinned.
"A teddy beagle!"
Barnaby let out a huff of amusement, he could feel his face getting warmer and his tail begining to wag a mile a mintuie behind him at all of the genuine compliments he was recciving from his friends.
"Yeah Yeah alright you two I get it, now stop with the mushy stuff before I turn into a puddle."
Julie, however, shook her head. "Nuh uh mister! We'll stop once you admit just how adorable you are!"
Barnaby felt his face go even wamer at the thought of activly calling himself adorable out loud, he may be in the middle of getting cuddled by his two clingy friends, but he still had a reputaion to uphold people!
"N-Now I dont know about that-"
"Hey Julie." Wally suddenly spoke up nonchantly from Barnabys other side.
"You know another good thing about Barnaby being plump?" He purred, voice suddenly taking on a mischvious lift that made Barnaby suddenly very suspicuous.
"Oh? And whats that?" The monster puppet asked with a smile, picking up on Wallys tone. The puppet lifted up his hands and wiggled his fingers.
"Why it means theres more to tickle of course!"
In an instant the wiggling fingers decended down upon the poor unexpecting beagle, skittering and pinching at his belly.
The comedian let out a very uncharartistic squeal at the sudden sparking ticklish sensations, flapping his hands and he tried to twist his way away from Wallys ticklish grasp"
Meanwhile Julies eyes lit up with a happy squeak. "Of course how could I forget!" She giggled, her own hands beginign to tweak gently at Barnabys belly. Causing him to snort loudly.
"HehehehEHEHy!" Y-You twohohoho cut it ouhohohoht!"
The Beagle squrimed twisting frantcially between the two mischvious puppets, stumbling backwards his legs suddenly hit the foot of his bed, sending him tumbling backwards onto it. His two little attackers quickly followed, climbing up onto the bed to sit on either side of him they began to poke, prod, and wiggle their fingers across his belly at every opening they could find.
Barnaby cackled like a madman, or well, maddog. Twisting partways onto his side in hopes of escaping the tickling fingers but it was to no avail. Those hands seemed to follow him no matter where he twisted or squirmed.
Julie giggled, "Aww, look at this belly~!" she cooed, skittering her fingers across it, giggiling harder at the silly sounds it produced from the beagle puppet.
"So full of love!"
"And giggles" Wally added in with a mischevious grin, gently kneading into the blue beagles plush tummy. Julie grinned right back at him.
"Oh of course! Lots of giggles!"
"Think we can tickle them all out?"
Julie giggled. "Oooo great idea! Lets find out!"
Barnaby was in stiches, howling with snort filled laughter. His leg kicked out like a puppies, and his tail was wagging so fast it thumped the bed loudly in a steady rythme. Not wanting to hurt his little friends he tried to keep his squirming to a minimum, his hands coming up to cover his warm beet red face.
"Guhuhuhuhys pleahehehehse! I-Im begin' yahahahahaha!"
"All you have to do is admit how adorable you are~" Julie sing songed, poking his belly with each word, causing him to squeak eachtime.
"Come on Barnie, its not that hard!" Wally chirped, "All you gotta do is say; 'I, Barnaby B. Beagle, am very adorable and sweet no matter how plump I may get!', See? Easy!"
If the beagles face could somehow get any warmer it did right then in there, he curled up further into a little ball, hiccuping now in between his silly cackles. Not one to be defeated by two puppets half his size he managed to squeak out in between hiccups.
"Never?" Julie gasped, "Did you hear that Walls? He said never!"
"Oh I heard him alright!"
"Do you know what this means?" She giggled. "I think it means he doesnt want us to ever stop! I think he's just having too much fun!"
Wallys eyes lit up happily. "Oh! But of course! I mean just look at how much his tail is wagging!"
Julie giggled, looking down at the beagle. "Aww do you like the tickles Barnie? Do you just love em soooo much?"
Barnabys tail felt like it was gonna wag off from how fast it was going, which really didnt help prove his point as he squealed out protests in reponse, hiding his face in his hands.
Suddenly, after a few moments, the tickling stopped completly, leaving Barnaby confused and out of breath, shaking with left over giggles. Cautiously he began to remove his arm from his face when suddenly-
"Ready Walls? 1....2....3-!"
There were two twin intakes of air followed by the worrst ticklish sensations the poor beagle had ever felt spreading acorss his entire belly, he quite literally, let out a howl followed by peals of full blown belly laughter. Desperatly he banged his fist on the bed.
Instantly the sensations came to a stop, and this time nothing else followed. Barnaby was left a giggly pile of goo, gasping for breath he struggled to control his left over titters. After a moment of composing himself he finally moved his arm from his face, he was met by two fond pairs of smiles looking down at him.
"Well~?" Wally hummed, Julie crossed her arms as if waiting expectantly. Barnaby let out a long drawn out groan, giving the two lighthearted glares. "Fiihihihne, Fine! Im...." He muttered the last part far too quiet for the two of them too hear, Jullie raised a brow, lifting up her hands to wiggle her fingers threateningly.
"What was that Barnie?"
Barnaby squeaked, holding up his paws.
"Okay okay! Take it easy! I....I said that I am....adorable.."
"And sweet?"
".....And sweet..."
"Annnnd the most ticklish puppet in the neighborhood?"
"Wha-Hey!" Barnaby spluttered, fully sitting up on the bed.
"Im not saying that! Its not even true and you know that!" He gave Julie a playful poke in her side, causing her to jump and squeak out a giggle.
Wally snorted softly at that, until Barnaby also gave him a poke to the ribs, or where ribs would be, causing him to yelp and nearly tumble off the bed.
"Wha- Hey!"
Barnaby chuckled, wrapping an arm around each of the smaller puppets and tugging them down to lay beside him, earing him twin yelps of suprise. The two puppets squirmed a bit, but after realizing that the beagle wasnt going to do anything they quickly relaxed and snuggled against his side. Barnaby opened and eye to peer at them and chuckled.
"Dont think you two are off the hook, I'm too tired to get you back now but there will be no mercy come morning."
Wallys face went red while Julie giggled excitedly, she rested her head on the beagles chest.
"Did you really mean it when you said you were adorable?"
Barnaby gave her a fond smile, "Yeah yeah I meant it."
The beagle found himself suprised that what came out of his mouth was actually true, he did belive he was adorable. So what if he was plump in the tum? It just made him more comfortable to hug!
Julie positivly beamed at him, nuzziling her face against his chest.
"Good! Now hush. im tired, its sleepy time."
Barnaby rose a brow. "Oh youre tired?"
The beagle chuckled softly, closing his eyes and letting out a content sigh as he friends snuggled closer to him.
"....Wait guys i never did actually get to change into my pjs...guys?....Guys?....Nevermind..."
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43sol · 1 year
Sis wrote the most crack, most spelling-error, most uninformed oneshot of T&B that is somehow in-character and awful and I cried real tears of horror and joy. My heart is full right now. imma draw a Most Serious comic of this.
Baranby opens his texting app fully expecting that the old  man was having another crisis only to be pleasantly surprised at the content of the messages. 
The rapid fire rate of incoming  texts could only mean one person was the sender. 
Hey Bunny-chan!!!~  (^_-)-☆
Crazy week right??! ( ༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ ) 
Well i dont know bout you but i want to kick back and have soem FUn 
And guess what?
And he supposes at this point Kotestu had wanted him to guess but he didn’t answer in the appropriate time alloted and grew impatient. 
Director got me some coupons to a fancy restaurant
And since we still havnet gotten our drinks yet 
Meet me friday at this location!! ∩(·ω·)∩
An address pops into his maps. 
Dont forget to dress up! (≧∇≦)/
Barnaby should have known that something was up when the old man told him to dress up but he was too distracted by the butterflies in his stomach and the heat in his cheeks to think clearly. And by the time Friday rolled around, he had already arrived 20 minutes early dressed in his nines when reality finally began to sober him up. 
He can’t believe he wasted the suit that (as Fire Embelm put it) “made his ass extra phat” on this place. 
He stands there a little too long slack-jawed that Kotetsu actually finds him outside the restaurant. 
“Hey Bunny-chan!” he says in a way that makes Baranby’s heart flutter but also gives him the urge to wrap his hands around that thick sturdy neck, “glad you could make it!”
And there he is. Dressed in his normal clothes.
“I thought you said to dress fancy?” 
“Uh yeah, see?” He does a little twirl and tips his cap forward. “I got my shirt ironed.”
“Old man-” but before he could finish he is ushered inside and they are seated in ‘the best seat in the house’ because oh god Kotestsu actually made a reservation. 
This establishment  is a place Baranby never thought he would in a million years find himself in. But since meeting Wild Tiger, these event have been happening more and more often. 
Looking around the Texas-style decor, the waiters in cowboy outfits and just so much bovine memorabilia…
“This is Tyson Bison Steakhouse and Winery.”
“Yeah super fancy right?!” 
“It’s a franchise.”
“A fancy franchise!”
“There is a cardboard cut out of Tyson Bison behind you.”
“ It’s like having our friends here but not!”
Obviously nothing could ruin the good mood for Kotetsu T Karuragi. Who has seduced not one, but two people in his life with his buffoonary. 
“That’s the spirit! And don’t worry,” he takes the coupons out of his vest and fans himself with them like a rich old lady, “Dinner’s on me!”
Ok. The food wasn’t horrible. 
And the company wasn’t either. 
Maybe he was even enjoying himself? Maybe Kotetsu-san really did have good ideas sometimes. They needed some time to let loose. What was a better place no one would bother them than the franchise chain one of their friends/coworkers sponsors?
And then the check came. 
Kotetsu, in total confidence, hands the cowboy-waiter his coupons with a smile and a wink. The cowboy-waiter is not impressed. 
“Sir, these coupons are good for a free appetizer. I still need your payment information.” 
Wild Tiger laughs nervously. 
Barnaby starts to feel his blood pressure rise. 
“But you see my buddy, the DIRECTOR OF JUSTICE, gave these to me. For a meal here!”
“Yes and the coupons are good for an appetizer.” 
“I don’t see that written here.”
“Please look at the fine print sir.” 
Oh course the old man’s downfall was him being …well old. 
Barnaby decides to throw him a bone especially since the dinner wasn’t that bad. He pulls out his credit card only to be stopped by Tiger grabbing his wrist. 
“I can’t let you do that Bunny. I’m treatin’ ya today.” 
He scoffs. “You didn’t bring enough money old man, I’ll pay.” 
“No I am.” 
“an d how are you going to do that?” 
Kotetsu points to the cardboard cut out behind him. “That’s how.”
“You can’t be serious” 
“You can’t be serious sir”
“I’m very serious Bunny. The sign says if I can finish a 35 ib steak in 20 mins the meal is free.” Kotetsu turns to the waiter, “So bring me my steak!”
“Sir please.”
“Kotetsu san please, this is ridiculous.”
But Kotetsu already is re seated, tying a bib around his neck, fork and knife ready. 
“Bring me my steak!” 
With much horror, Sternbuild’s number one hero watches as the wait staff bring out a massive steak to his waiting partner and a large comically hourglass. 
The original cowboy-waiter looks like he wants to be anywhere but here. But regardless he does his job, “Begin!” 
And Kotetsu shoves the steak into his mouth.
Which lasts about 20 seconds.
Barnaby watches in horror as his work partner and life buddy makes the universal sign for choking and falls to the restaurant floor. 
Diners begin screaming and the wait staff begin scrambling to call the ambulance. 
Barnaby himself falls to the floor next to Tiger’s side as the love of his life gasps and spits out steak chunks. 
Once the coughing subsides, Barnaby can make out a raspy (but sexy) words, “I’m sorry Bunny-chan… I just wanted… to show you a good time…”
“Old man, you’re so stupid…” He would of had fun regardless of where they were. 
Still coughing but able to sit up, “Next time… you choose the place!” 
Barnaby couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“We will waive your bill if you leave now.” Both of the heroes turn to see the original cowboy-waiter behind them, “and if you two never come back we won’t press charges.”  
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zero-rider · 2 years
Jaune's debt to society
Part 1
Nora: *bursting inside RWBY's room with a sleeping Ren on her back* Guys, you won't believe what Jaune did this time!
Weiss: *leaves her scroll on her bed before looking at Nora* Please tell it's not another bad PSA about drugs and how he use them like candy
Nora: Oh, that?, well... Let's just say that the general was not happy with what Jaune did and as punishment, he made him do some community service in Mantle with the Happy Huntresses and throw out the antidepressants that made him crazy and replace them with some experimental ones with less or bad side effects
Weiss: Oh, that doesn't sound that bad
Ruby: *smiles* Yeah, it sounds very good for him. Now, if he just accepted to go to therapy, i would be more happy for him
Yang: Give it a rest, Rubes. We know he will never talk
Ruby: I know, but i can only hope
Nora: ANYWAY! He just made another commercial!
Yang: Oh come on!! He gets to do another commercial after the fiasco it was the previous one!? Everyone should love us and not Mr guy with blond spiky hair, blue eyes and depresso!
Blake: *sigh*Yang, answer me this. Have we ever helped any citicen of Atlas or Mantle after we were named hunstmen?
Yang: Well, no
Blake: Do we help kids cross the streets?
Yang: No, we leave that to Jaune
Blake: Do we let older woman ogle our ass or our bodies every time they accidentally want to give water to us and we have to dry your chest like those thristy MILF's from Mantle do to Jaune?
Yang: Older men ogle me, does it count? *blake glares at her* i guess not
Blake: Then shut the fuck up, i want to see what shit Jaune did this time!
Yang: Why are you getting angry with me? i thought i was your waifu
Blake: Go suck a dick, Yang! Now, Nora, please show us the commercial
Nora: Way ahead of you, Blakey *has her scroll connected to RWBY's tv* All i have to do is push the play button
Robyn: *appears in a laundry room, holding a shirt* My clothes are soft, but they're not hugably soft
Jaune appears from the window with a basket of clean clothes dressed in only a yellow colored fured short shorts and tank top with some bunny ears on his head*
Jaune: Leave it to me! *Robyn screams* Being hugably soft is my business, and it's a good business *giggles*
Robyn: *touches a shirt from Jaune's basket and later touch Jaun's tank top* They are soft, and so are you Cuddles. *Robyn starts tickling Cuddles, who giggles playfully* Very, very soft... *Robyn then kisses Jaune on his uncovered stomach and he begins to feel a bit uneasy*
Jaune: Uh... Um... *Robyn takes Jaune to a bathroom* Where are we going?
Robyn: *pants* I need your softness...
Robyn closes the door, and the sound of unzipping pants can be heard. Both Jaune and Robyn start groaning; she sound ecstatic, while the Arc seem to be more uncomfortable
Jaune: No, i dont want this-Well, maybe yes!
Robyn: So soft...
Jaune: I mean no, no!
Robyn: Don't fight it... *Groans continue and some time later, the door is open. Robyn's clothes are slightly messed up* You might wanna... clean yourself up
Jaune stumbles out of the room, visibly shaken with his tank top ripped apart like it was a vest and his fur shorts has a weird wet stain that travel all his groin. Robyn stuffs Jaune into a big washing machine, and pulls him out later. He seems slightly more worn-out
Robyn: Good as new!
Jaune: Yeah... G-good as new... *Robyn cradles Jaune in her arms and Jaune is twitching, obviously traumatized*
Robyn: My, you're just so... huggably soft...
Jaune: No, no, not really that soft!
Robyn enters with Jaune to the bathroom again. Groans start again
Jaune: Stop! This isn't right! *groans*
Announcer: Cuddles Brand Fabric Softener. When your clothes have to be huggably, rapably fresh
Jaune: I... My pelvis hurts!
Robyn: Shut it!
Announcer: Buy it now at you closest mall for only 30 Lien!
Nora: Well? what do you think? I think he was awesome
Yang: *with the image of his abs on her mind* Hot damn! you could cut diamonds in that washboard
Weiss: This is nasty! How dare they do this kind of publicity when it's familly time!?
Ruby: *still looking at the paused screen* Weiss? I... think i want to have that softener for my clothes
Blake: *with a line of blood coming out of her nose* Don't worry Ruby, i got you covered *show's her scroll with a buy of ten boxes of Cuddles brand softener at the name of Weiss with the permission to use a credit card of someone with the initials J.S*
Meanwhile at the Schnee mansion
Winter: *speaking with someone on her scroll* Yes, the Atlas army want at least one hundred boxes of that Cuddles softener… cash or card? *holds a photo of a Schnee orichalcum credit card with the initials J.S* It will be with my dad's credit card smirks
Meanwhile at the schnee mansion... again
Willow: *also speaking with someone on her scroll* Hello? i would like to order one thousand boxes of Cuddles brand softener for the Schnee mansion... *looks at a Schnee orichalcum credit card with the initials J.S* It will be with my husband's card, of course *smirks*
Jacques: Why the fuck am i being charged with one thousand one hundred and ten boxes of that dumb softeners?!
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feralshadowdemon · 6 months
ivan, chuuya, fukuchi, tetchou, AAAAND
HELLO!!!!!!!!! THIS IS GOING TO BE LONG ivan goncharov first impression: oh how did fyodor fuck you up (did not know/realize he was lobotomized either) impression now: ohh he's my silly. his english dub voice gives me gender envy. i like his eyes. he is weirdly a well-written lobotomized guy. i looked into actual lobotomy for you favorite moment: his entire fight scene was good and more people should talk about it. signed yours truly me idea for a story: primarily? a general character study, however, - bubble bath. it is a character study with him and shibusawa. not set in canon - highschool au. he deserves to be a normal highschool student. he would swear a sweater vest. i will die on this hill unpopular opinion: his character is really fucking good and yes his ability's name is on the nose but i hope we see him again. i don't like shipping him in canon though bc he can't. Consent. Fyovan should not exist. also i think more people should be paying attention to the bsd side characters favorite relationship: shibuvan/shibusawa x ivan and you know it. my #1 comfort ship in my heart. they are so cute <3 favorite headcanon: he has tics and freckles. also sometimes i like making him trans the others are below v
chuuya nakahara first impression: oh he's cool impression now: I WANT TO BE YOU YOUR CHARACTER IS SO COOL GIVE ME YOUR GENDER YOUR CHARACTER SCRATCHES MY BRAIN YOUR ABILITY IS SO COOL. I AM NOT NORMAL. favorite moment: THE HELICOPTER SCENE OH MY GODD idea for a story: i have many! - hirotsu visits him during a stormy night and he's suffering w chronic pains but hirotsu gets him his meds. they get to talk a little. they are silly to me - summer camp au w dazai they are at war constantly - i have too many, but to briefly summarize the rest: fan dancer and kitsune au, meiji era/period au, chuuya and kouyou fic/character study, there will be more after i read stormbringer unpopular opinion: he probably doesn't have anger issues. might just be agitated easily or because of dazai. also people need to stop getting his character soo wrong because the amount of mischaracterization that surrounds that man is NOT funny favorite relationship: people sleep on his and hirotsu's possible dynamic. next one is well. okay. it's obvious, but soukoku, i just like their dynamic whether it's romantic or not. absolute menaces. shoutout to kunichuuzai also, but i honestly cannot ship that man all the time. bonus platonic relationships i really like is the idea of tetchou and chuuya becoming good fucking friends. let chuuya have so many friends to make up for the ones he's lost favorite headcanon(s): freckles chuuya, lightning scars chuuya, nonbinary chuuya (i dont use they/them for them all the time but i am a believer in it), chronic pains, autistic, metal/rock (the song genre) lover, sanrio and ocean life special interest, also demisexual/demiromantic !! sorry they have the most. favoritism is showing fukuchi ochi
first impression: oh doesn't he kill everybody's faves. meh impression now: YOUR CHARACTER AND WRITING IS SO OVERLOOKED. YOU ARE DAD MATERIAL AND THAT SCARES ME BUT IM ALSO :D ABOUT IT favorite moment: the entire fucking fight he has with atsushi and akutagawa. you don't understand he was both terrifying and also that gave me an actual adrenaline rush once i watched it in the anime. the music was so good. also the scene w aya !! idea for a story: the main one is a fukufuku fic where it goes through how overtime, fukuzawa in fukuchi's eyes is more like a wolf than a human being. it's his way of making it hurt less when he has to hurt him. i cant remember any others, but i hope there will be more unpopular opinion: can the fandom not hate on him so much lmao i dont mind seeing people dislike him that's valid but like. give him a chance i swear. he also can be trusted with children favorite relationship: him and fukuzawa's (romantically or platonically idrc). holy shit. holy shit. holy shi- also bonus shoutout to him and ranpo's!! it is not shown a lot but augh. of course i love his relationship with the hunting dogs too but fukufuku sits at the top favorite headcanon: hm. i can't think of any rn tetchou suehiro
first impression: AUTISTIC impression now: AUTISTIC favorite moment: them and kenji's fight >>>>> idea for a story: they are a samurai and they meet jouno along the way. they stay with fukuchi after having a rough run-in with an innkeeper and some people who are after them. they smell like blossoms unpopular opinion: i wish people wrote them beating up people more they're literally one of the strongest characters (physically specifically) of bsd favorite relationship: them and jouno's is peak favorite headcanon: asexual and nonbinary tetchou for the win. my most favorite one of all time though is them being half-taiwanese :] akiko yosano (surprise???)
first impression: please be well written. impression now: she is so cool!! i wish she had more screentime but oh my god she is so cool <33333 she is fun in the manga and i love her so much favorite moment: her backstory i wanna say. we don't get too much content of her but damn her backstory hits hard. it adds so much to her character and i love her a lot idea for a story: she and fukuzawa go shopping together. i think she also deserves some fics w fukuzawa. they have a fun time !! unpopular opinion: not a fan of kousano favorite relationship: her and ranpo's. siblings your honor, absolute siblings, ALSO THAT ONE SCENE IN HER BACKSTORY WHERE HE KNEELS DOWN TO HER AND SHES CRYING AND SJJSDHHFBBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA favorite headcanon: aro/ace yosano is cool. very cool. aro/ace yosano.? holds her out to you. Consider
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ask-the-cosmic-duo · 7 months
"..... Super Armor, huh? But will it save lives..." Aurora looked down at her own military vest before continuing, "Too strong means too heavy and bulky.. you lack mobility. Infantry will die if it can't get out of the way on time." She leviated a small looking sturdy armor nearby before crushing it easily with magic. "Against explosions and ultra powered magical attacks? How does it help? It needs some kind of exoskeleton... and we dont have the materials nor the tools to create those sadly.. it's only a concept art today in fantasy games. Here, at least."
"Well... racing arcade games are more popular in the imperial capital than FPS games.. same goes for fighting games. We have those tourneys once in a while.. with prize money. We are still far behind in technology than most worlds.. Our Empress doesn't like technology here to move too fast, because she is worried technology will replace magic and flight, and of course mother nature. She worries it will create a dystopian world where corporations benefit."
Aurora looked across the room, at the clock, "looks like I have to make the magic brew for the Empress soon. She's sick.. since the last great battle, and not in a good way." She sighed as she pulls out a old magical cure book...
"I must find the Prince.."
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"Oh, well that's easy! The armor's linked to your nervous system! It moves in sync with you, as if it's a part of your body, and even provides force multipliers to allow for much more impressive feats of strength!" Stella trilled softly.
"The Mjolnir armor was developed to armor the Spartan-IIs, and use many different highly-advanced technologies to function, like miniaturized nuclear fusion technology, a special liquid metal crystal layer within the undersuit that is a key part of the suit's mobility, energy shielding starting with the Mark V, and an additional crystal layer under the metal plating that allows for the integration of a smart AI, also introduced with the Mark V."
"Basically, it's obscenely expensive, but also unbelievably effective when paired with someone that won't kill themselves from the armor overreacting to their smallest movements." She paused. "Yeah, uh, if that alone didn't make it clear, it takes a heavily augmented soldier, like a Spartan, to effectively use a set of Mjolnir armor. But, if you give them that armor, and the proper training, they're nearly unstoppable!"
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"And you want this armor for yourself? You don't have any augmentation, much less anything like that of a Spartan."
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Her ears folded somewhat. "I'm... still figuring that part out." It took her a moment to process what was said next, and she perked up when she did. "Huh? Oh, right. Yeah, she's not far off. I mean, look at America in the human world." She giggled, seemingly having already moved on. "I don't mind tech replacing some things, though. Cars are a blast to drive, despite how dangerous they can be in the wrong hooves. You just gotta make sure you aren't the wrong hooves."
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Sol nodded. "Stellar's really good at racing games, though. Knowing her, she'd dominate any competition she's put in once she's used to the controls and knows what works. It's like she can enter the zone at any time, completely at will. It's weird."
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Stella tilted her head as Aurora talked about her plans, looking curious. "Sick? Sick how? What happened? And, uh... can we help?" She received a look from Sol, likely about to say again that they might not be authorized to help. She ignored it, though.
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decemebercircus · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland/Yuuta WORLD
Synopsis: It's time for Yuuta to go home (finally) but of course it's NRC and something goes wrong. Just as Yuuta is about to transport into the mirror Malleus appears distraught that not only was he left out again, his only friend is leaving.
Leona tries to stop him and unfortunately the power harnessed from the last overblot crystal which Yuuta was carrying exploded-- aside from hurtling everyone into what appears to be a Octahedral dimension
(A world created from Yuuta.) Of everyone Leona and Malleus seem to be the only ones who switched bodies.
Characters: Malleus, Lilia, Leona
Warnings: the swearing/profanity, probably inappropriate topics (I don't really remember rn.)
Word count: um... According to Ao3 it's 1967 words... That's not very impressive...
Chapter 1: "If I Were You for a Day....."
Leona begrudgingly woke up. The last thing he remembered was the herbivore-- Yuuta Origami the one everyone called Yuu as a nickname preparing for leaving their world. Then the lizard showed up and everything went to hell from there.
There was a explosion followed by a light and a shattering sound. Like a gem --or a mirror-- being broken.
As soon as he saw Malleus he was gonna smack him. Preferably hard enough to knock him off his feet. Rubbing his face he suddenly noticed how pale his skin was. Did the explosion whitewash him? He didn't know that was possible.
No the skin felt weird like barely concealed...something.
"So you're awake. You certainly took your time about it." Odd. His own voice sounded weird.. It also sounded like it wasn't coming from his mouth. Slowly coming to terms with the green vest he wore and looking at the shadow looming over him....
Wait green vest--? The only person who wasnt wearing the ceremonial robes was Malleus which meant, horrifyingly.. That Leona was--
Oh no. No no no.
His form donned the ceremonial robes he clearly remembered putting on for Yuuta's supposed return to their home.
But why was he looking at his own body.
"The fuck?" He blurted out as he gawked at his body a neutral expression set on his face as they stared at each other.
He stared at his hands again. Those were scales.
"Oh fuck NO" he muttered cringing as his voice came out sounding like Malleus's. Which was to be expected, it was his body.
This meant of course that Malleus was in his body.
"Oi! how'd this shit happen??" He grabbed the shirt collar of "Leona" or rather Malleus in Leona's body.
"Oh calm down. If this was my doing I would have been able to reverse it by now." Malleus snapped, Leona's voice sounding more formal and composed than it had in years.
Lilia approached them "ah so you still haven't changed back. That's a problem." He looked dismally at Malleus in Leona's body. "But at least no else has switched bodies."
Both boys seemed to glow with rage. Leona's entire form had a golden colored aura around him and looked like he'd rather be elsewhere.
Malleus on the other hand looked to be actually angry. The sky filled with dark grey clouds and occasional lighting strikes.
"Oh." With a quick flick across the forehead Lilia effectively distracted Leona in Malleus's body enough to cause the weather to clear, with the clouds turning normal grayish white.
"This a predicament though, it's probably for the best if you two stay together--" Lilia began.
"Have you lost your mind??" Leona snapped irritated and Malleus in Leona's body reached over presumably to hit him.
Glancing at him he hissed "uh uh dont touch me" and ran off to go find a place to nap.
He didn't care that he could hear footsteps of Lilia and the real owner of this body... Trapped in his own, chasing after him.
They caught him on one of the school towers' rooftops. He was just lounging there and wasnt particularly in a mood to move.
Well seems you're well adjusted" Lilia remarked cheerfully.
"I've been thinking and What about food? Sleeping?" He snarked glaring at Lilia.
"Dammit I can't catch a break" he grumbled slowly getting used to the low rumbling in his throat that happened when he got angry. In his own body he could ignore it since it had no meaning. Growling and roaring solved nothing. But in Malleus's body, near as he could figure, letting out a ear deafening roar might cause a few more problems.
"We lead very different lives it's gonna be hard to adjust." "Leona" added as if that made things better. He caught a glimpse of "Leona" pushing the hair out of his face as the wind blew. Seems both he and Lilia had no problem standing on a tower like it was the sidewalk.
"I suppose you'll have to get used to be each other, you did switch bodies. Why not keep up appearances for the time being?" Lilia offered and immediately was rejected.
"You want me to sleep in CLASS?!" Malleus voiced his complaint first.
"I know you aren't expecting me to sit through lunch listening to that annoyance prattle on about Him. Are you?" Leona retorted wishing he could flick his tail still.
"Have you seen what Leona eats for lunch??" Was the next protest from Malleus.
At that Leona snapped his-- Malleus's head up to glare at him for questioning his dietary habits.
They icily stared at each other, their expressions reflecting their refusal.
Lilia clearly regretted suggesting.
Leona and Malleus had seperate classes which proved a whole new problem. Keeping them from making a scene. At least they wouldnt be bickering. But that would make it hard to keep track of both of them. The school day was technically over which meant they could argue and bicker as much as needed to get it out of their system.
For tomorrow was a new day.
¤¤¤¤¤        ¤¤¤¤¤¤
"Here. bed clothes." He remarked reaching into his wardrobe and tossing Malleus a matching set of silky orange yellow pajamas. "Don't forget the hole for the tail-"
"Oh you'll be sleeping in my room, so don't throw away or damage the pillow for my horns." Malleus suddenly remarked. Leona had to mentally take a step back and process the instruction before saying any comments. So it was completely understandable that the only thing he could think of to say was "... What"
" were you not listening--" Malleus started unfolding the clothes. Paying no real mind to Leona's face.
" I heard you, I just... What..?"
"Surely you didn't think they were pretty decorations did you?"
"..." Leona didnt think it was wise to answer that. The weight of the horns was certainly not a decorative illusion.
"Have a peaceful night in Diasomnia" his voice said almost cheerfully scaring him with how happy his own voice sounded.
"You're coming with." He grabbed "Leona's" arm dragging him through out the entire dorm and to the mirror. He completely ignored Malleus so he honestly wasn't sure if he protested or not.
Didn't matter. This body was... Way too fucking strong. He normally didn't mind this but it was currently telling him his own original body didn't weigh much more than one of the chairs back home. While this would have been something he could laugh about it wasn't fucking funny when it was him.
"Which room is yours"
"Obviously the one marked dorm leader" Malleus snarked the smartass tone dripping from his voice.
"Thanks Prince Helpful. I meant which floor"
"Oh last room on the second floor" Malleus answered as they sped past the kitchen.
Upon entering Diasomnia Leona had so many questions about this Damn dorm...
Most of them boiled down to "what the fuck?"
In Malleus's room Leona thought it would be smart to just grab any "night" clothes and sleep in them. Didn't matter if they matched or whatever.
He took off his pants and stopped. He didn't notice earlier from how agitated he was, and there was likely some spell to keep them from being obvious. But what the fuck even is this body.?!
"What is this?"
"Leona" now completely changed in the pajamas he gave him, tilted his head like he didn't see the problem.
"What the fuck is this shit?" He snapped pointing at his crotch area.
"Leona there is no way--" Malleus started sighing as he did so.
"NO I mean why is there TWO?" He interrupted running his finger over the both of them, immediately stopping due to not wantung to admit how good it felt.
"Born this way?" Malleus offered Leona's body shrugged and his lips curved into a half smirk.
"You're enjoying this."
"Might as well" Malleus replied collapsing on the bed.
"Hey. There better not be some sort of routine for these things"
"Want me to do it?" Malleus offered but he'd rolled over so he wasn't facing him anymore.
"...do what?" Leona asked without thinking.
"I'm not gonna do anything---" Leona mentally cringed at the thought of asking for assistance.
"Then Don't worry about it" Malleus interrupted sounding way too much like Leona.
Not really able to handle everything the day dished out he pulled on pajama pants and turned off the light.
"You're not gonna put a shirt on?" Malleus asked. He didn't think it mattered.
"Do I have to?" He sighed irritated.
"... No"
"Then shut up" he snapped.
He tried. He genuinely tried to fall asleep. But something about this body felt weird. Like now that it was night time it was time to get up and do stuff. He felt more awake now. One hour turned to two, two turned to three.
Must be a fae thing.
"Ok we got a problem."
No response.
"How do you sleep at night?"
He sat up. Oh Great seven Malleus could see in the dark. This meant that Leona could see in the dark. He could see where everything in the room was. And unfortunately that Malleus had curled himself into a tiny ball and fell asleep in such a rigid position.
Pulling him out of the uncomfortable looking position was really easy and Malleus seemed barely aware it happened.
"..now what"
He closed his eyes hoping to sleep. At least a little.
¤¤¤¤¤      ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
"Hey Leona, get up we have to go back to class at some time. Preferably today."
"Mm fuck off. I didn't get any sleep last night. I shouldn't have to get up" he complained.
He glanced up and stared at "Leona", that is Malleus in Leona's body wearing the school uniform all formal like. "How'd you get dressed so fast?"
"I'm going to stop Lilia from making breakfast. YOU get showered and dressed" Leona groaned in reply.
"Ugh wearing the clothes like this is just bothersome and stupid" Leona complained as he pulled at his collar and then loosened his tie.
"Grin and bear it-- hey don't unbutton your clothes!" Malleus looked over his shocked expression morphing on Leona's face. Leona deadpanned at him in response.
"Why not?"
"I-- nevermind. Don't do anything I wouldn't do" Malleus commented. "Right back at you" Leona rolled his eyes waving "Leona" away. Leona grimaced he wasn't sure how he liked this body, even given that he was supposed to be only borrowing it.
¤¤¤¤¤¤        ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
Back in Malleus's room in Diasomnia Leona was supposed to focus on Malleus's homework but a noise distracted him. He went to the room "Leona" was in. "..." After what felt like five minutes he had a question.
"The fuck you whining about." He meant to ask it but it somehow came out as a statement.
"Yuuta abandoned me." Malleus-- "Leona" sniffled hugging the pillow. Leona internally cringed as he looked at himself crying, even if it was someone else in his body.
"My only friend. And they abandoned me. Without a thought. Were they really not my friend at all?" He cried. Seeing himself cry... Even if it was for what he considered a pathetic reason; was kinda... Leona shrugged off any shock he felt since realistically, Malleus would be in his own body crying like it would bring Yuuta back.
He silently stared as Malleus buried his face in the pillow again to quiet his sobs. Evidently heartbroken about Yuuta leaving. Leona sighed and sat down next to him. Malleus had stopped crying and turned to face him.
"What?" Malleus asked.
"Just go to sleep and quit crying" Leona snapped.
"How do you think it's going to be for us if we don't switch back?" Malleus suddenly asked. Leona didnt answer. He faked being asleep hoping Malleus would take the hint and fall asleep too.
*Chapter End*
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lastwave · 2 years
do all the asks for dnd renfield i double dare you
1: How did you come up with your OCs name?
tha dracula special interest
2: Does your OC have a theme?
OH I JUST TALKED ABT THIS!! we decided that this piano of sigmas theme is very him
3: What is their Class?
SOULKNIFE ROGUE. he was going to be a college of whispers bard but then his charisma needed to be shit. also soulknife is cooler and directly tied to the dracula curse (haven't figured out the exact details)
4: What is their Race?
human. lol
5: Are they from a Module or a Homebrew?
the Heckna! module :)
6: What TTRPG are they from? (D&D, VTM, or something else?)
7: Have you gotten to actively play them/introduce them to the story yet?
ive rped as him so ya!
8: What do they look like? (Do you have art of them? Are you open to fan art?)
ohh ok ok. so u know my dracula renfield design? that but he has multiple outfits and he dyes one half of his hair brown because he has trouble coming to terms with the fact hes old LOL
9: What is their personality like?
answered this bad boy
10: What’s their relationship with their parents like?
oughhhh god. ok. he has very mixed feelings on his birth parents. they did what was best to keep him safe as a kid but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt (see iliveinprocrastination's ask abt number 11 for context). he has had a lot of parental and mentorial figures in his life tho and i think he loves all of them. and misses them very deeply
11: Where did they grow up? Do they miss it? Would they ever go back if they could?
answered this one<3
12: Did they have any backstory adventures before joining the party? If not, what were they doing before they were introduced?
ehhhhhh? they werent really adventures but he did have an eventful life pre campaign due to being a traveling act (escape artist & contortionist)
13: What is their alignment? What would THEY say their alignment is? Does it matter to them?
answered this bad boy too
14: Are there any secrets to their backstory you know, but they don’t know yet? (Secret parentage perhaps?)
not that i know of. unless the dm has plans i dont know abt
15: Do they have a favorite food?
onion soup 👍
16: Least favorite food?
17: What means the most to them? (Not a person)
18: Who means the most to them?
hrm. thats a good question. i dont know<3 out of living people probably elaine? first long-ish friendship in a WHILE.
19: Do they hate anything? (Not a person)
gooey textures ?
20: Do they hate anyone?
dracula LOL. he Will hate heckna later but he hasnt gotten there yet
21: Are they currently in a romance? (NPC or PC)
this man is ace/aro (probably more greyromantic but yanno. under the umbrella) so no
22: Do they have any romance in their backstory? If it ended, how did it end?
midlife crisis where he tried to convince himself he enjoyed dating and hookups
23: Do they have a favorite school of magic?
he does not know that humans can do magic yet
24: Least favorite school of magic?
see above
25: Have they ever lost someone important to them?
yea. sorry for putting u in the blender old man its for the themes and motifs and plot
26: If you had the choice, would you rather they have a happy ending, a bittersweet ending, or a tragic ending?
27: Are they a liar? Do they lie to the party, or only to others? Do they usually think they have a good reason?
liar is a strong word. he will if he feels its in his vested interest in survival to. hes not a good liar, but hes very good at avoiding truths.
28: What’s the worst thing they’ve ever done? How do they feel about it?
he used to be like. really mean when he was younger in the whole. scaring people department. he probably did a pretty mean spirited joke on someone that didn't end well. i think he feels bad about it.
29: What’s the best thing they’ve ever done? How do they feel about it?
oughhhhh u know? whatever good hes done for other people i dont think he recognizes it because for the longest time he was never able to see the results. im gonna have to think abt this one
30: Who is their favorite NPC? Or PC if they’re an NPC?
bailey counts as an npc right
31: Least favorite NPC? Or PC if they’re an NPC?
unknown at the moment but it will prooobably be heckna
32: If they suddenly lost their class and had to pick a new one, what would they choose? What would YOU choose for them?
he would choose ranger probably. id choose abberrant mind sorcerer because it fucks
33: If they played the TTRPG they’re from, what would they play as?
34: What is their biggest flaw?
answered this and the next one
35: What do they think their biggest flaw is?
see above
36: What is the best thing about them?
he cares a lot for the people around him. he doesn't make it known verbally but u can tell by his actions
37: What do they think the best thing about them is?
he thinks hes soooo funny
38: What would happen if they suddenly appeared on Earth?
he would simply go back to sleep because it would be a dream 2 him
39: If they suddenly appeared on Earth, what time period would you place them in? What location? Why?
victorian era london. puts him back in his habitat
skipping 40 because idk ❤️
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revivisection · 2 years
its night time you know what that means! this is my diary now. very long week recap ahead.
my teeth are cool and good kind of now. they're actually still pretty awful but my front are work in progress they look mostly fine now and im not so vigilant at hiding my mouth :) not without a week's worth of pain and agony recovery but. you knoow. i will have to go through that again at some point oh well thank god for ibuprofen except it wears off before i can take another one. my upper lip was incredinly inflamed for a few days, bad experience.
you know you never really think about hpw much you use your mouth or just like. feel your mouth generally experience the life experience of having a mouth until there's problems with it. crazy how that works. i for one would have a much better time not having a mouth it's rather disgusting. ideal form i simply absorb energy through airwaves, or perhaps plug myself in to charge
after that i had to enroll in courses i was like surely i will have a fine and okay time. <-full of hubris. i slept through the first hour of course enrollment because i went to sleep at 6am and it opened at 9. so im now on two waitlists which probably wont let up. going to take latin though, going to become more pretentious just you wait. i think this is what you would call a "dark academia moment" but i dont think i actually know what dark academia is. school hasn't started yet but im having the biggest fucking imposter syndrome everyone who has ever told me how smart i am is a fucking liar.
had a fun lil trivia club day with some trivia club buddies. believe it or not, we did trivia. exciting, i know. anyways scratch what i said before whenever i get the right answer in trivia club i am literally the smartest man alive. why do all my friends have absolutely ancient editions of trivial pursuit (the words of someone who doesn't own any board games)
and yesterday i hung out with my dear friend @threecirclingbuzzards!! she let me scavenge through her big bag of miscellaneous patches it was very fruitful. my vest is very empty because i have to make everything myself and i simply do not. so now i have more things to put on it, the real question is when im actually going to sew. it was also cool because we are like brain linked we are like that image of clown-to-clown communication dont need to speak coherently because like. i get it. she gets it. we get it. the clown part is especially true because we were like. what to teens do. hang out at the mall. genius. and then we got there and it was two minutes from closing. genius. at the dollar store i got minecraft stickers god i love minecraft i will be forty fucking years old and not tire of minecraft
over the course of my mouth recovery time i listened to youtube videos to try and distract myself when falling sleep and i listened to a video about the evil within 1. i dont need to give background information but i will anyways.. back in like whenever of this year early this year some time this year i was scrolling through the discussion page of the tumblr sexyman wiki and there was a suggestion post for stefano valentini and i was like. woah. ive seen that man before. ive watched my fair share of oxbox/oxtra vids in my lifetime. and then i proceeded to go crazy. something about him makes me go absolutely nuts like awooga etc. who fucking knows. anyways i was content to never know anything about the evil within beyond that stefano valentini is like absurdly attractive until i watched that video about the evil within 1 while mildly Out Of It and i developed a very sudden crush on ruvik so now i know some things about the evil within. how was your day. another fucked up evil guy who i am compelled by. i cant fix him i cant make him worse but i CAN look at him from afar. all ive been able to draw lately is just ruvik faces idk man he's my latest fixation i guess. got him on the mind (except for when i was catching up on the patho tag today. i love my weekly spam reblogging from the patho tag except this time it's two weeks worth of posts becuase by god i was having a bad time)
perhaps i should actually watch a lets play of tew so i can know like. what the game is like in full properly and shit. shhhhh you dont see my incomplete patho2 save. i would play more horror games if i werent a little bitch, but im not so instead i just play stupid long fantasy rpgs. the sole reason i havent finished pathfinder kingmaker is because of that stupid goddamn darven quest oh my god i hate that man i hate that quest i need to speedrun it get it over with so i can enjoy the rest of the game but i simply cannot take it when the FUCK is he going to show up how much fuckng time needs to pass where are you bitch i need to xget this out of the fucking way so the hellknights stop crashing my place fucking my shit up i hate it her.e.
i wrote all of this because i am insuch! a mood today. idk whats up last nigh t i passed out instantly fell asleep died went to purgatory the moment i laid down on my bed like in an instant ive never been so sleepy in my life. and today i am incredibly humid but more than that the time actually melted away. like pretend time is a stick of butter in my hands except i preheated my hands in the oven for several minutes and the butter didnt even bother to melt so the preheating didnt matter it just slipped off my stupid little fingers. i woke up blinked now its night time. now nearly twelve hours have passed what the fuCK was i doing. nothing. i have no idea how this time passed i feel out of it (different) a different kind of out of it who knows maybe this is my natural tooth recovery time but instead for going outside two days in a row and having fun. this is my body and mind telling me to have less fun. wlel fuck you body and mind im hanging out with friends AGAIN tomorrow. see how you like that fucker. or maybe im just a little baby and its because i forgot to sleep with my stuffed animals last night. i have a build-a-bear longhorn i love him with my life i named him after my wife (artemy) he keeps me company because all i do is sit and rot.
also we havent read new pages of this dark endeavour in like11 days oops. the review WILL happen eventually okay i have so much to say about that wretched novel just when the summer book club completes it
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livinglifeonpause · 3 months
Build Up - Pre-4 Mission
Pre-4 Mission why do they have Baekho on here? Like get Bumzu ffs. IF YOU V10: Lee Geonwoo (22) (JustB) - 2 >2 (pinky hair) V2: Jay Chang (22) (ONEPACT) - 8.5 > 8 V7: Kang Hayoon (20) (Loud) 7 > 5 - (mullet cut, yellow sweater vest) V21: Hong Sungwon (25) (solo?) 7 >5.5 (black and white checks, red hair, cute eyes, nice ass jawline) - If anyone is gonna try to do Taeyang, I think Jay Chang was a good choice. - Sungwon was fine, not really here for pinky (Geonwoo). TOP TIER: Jay Chang was the correct choice LOW TIER: Geonwoo. correct choice as well AFTER AWHILE
V31: Jang Intae (26) (nothing) 1 > 5 (white sweater vest) V1: Seunghun (24) (CIX) 4 > X (my babbbyyyyy) V21: Hong Sungwon (25) (solo?) 7 > 8 (blue sweater) V3: Bain (22) (JUST B) 9 > 6 (bright ass orange hair. OH I DID NOT expect this kid to be this kid.) - YAASSSSS EAT Seunghunnie baby! - omg, who is that in the light ass blue. he is CUTE! (Taehwan) - okay, but why is Sungwon even doing this show? he 100000% just needs to be in musicals. - dying at Baekhos shady ass facials - didn’t love this song for Seunghun though - does Seunghun KNOW how pretty he is? TOP TIER: Seunghun ….. I would have picked Sungwon honest, but I support this. LOW TIER: Hong Sungwon - OH! My baby Seunghun PLAYING THE GAME! okay! - also the homie with glasses LOOOOOVES him - ALSO WTF! Since when he got braces? DONT GO, DONT GO V34: Park Jeup (30) (Imfact) 8 > 10 ( V20: Lee Donghun (30) (A.C.E.) 6 > 10 ( V33: Neon (23) (nothing) 1 > 10 ( V22: Hyukjin (30) (100%) 7 > 9 ( - okay real talk, I’ve MISSED Jeup’s laugh! - so Donghun is really handsome! I’ve just never noticed cause Chan and Jun were up in my face. - wonder how Jeup felt having Hyukjin join? He’s fucked with him before on the unit. - YASSSSSS giving Donghun his screen time!!!! - Jeup has effing BULKED up. - SAME BAEKHO, SAME! “His Voice!” - honest, how the fuck would you pick top tier? I’m downloading this. - 3 Donghun, 2 Neon, 1 Jeup TOP TIER: DONGHAN - honestly, I support that! - how THE FUCK is he gonna choose low tier?? AHHHH FUCKING SUBS! LOW TIER: Hyukjin - accurate.
SHALL I LOVE YOU AGAIN V18: Kim Seohyung (22) (musicals) 2 > 3 (black blazer) V16: Kim Seong jeong (24) (nothing) 1 > 3 (tan pants, funny face) V40: Yeo One (27) (Pentagon) 2 > 2 (pentagon kid) V23: Yun Inhwan (32) (solo - ENAN) 4 > 2. (smiley one) - ma'am that kid is 32, why he acting all cutesy?? - I'm not really here for low voices.... so I'm not expecting much. - that one kid is too baby face to have a voice that low.- Seohyung. It's like, fine though - smiley kid still smiling - yeo one, pass. BORING - this song is so boring, fuck me. dead. END ALREADY. judges hated it too. - fucking love eunkwang. his faaaaace. TOP TIER: Kim Seong jeong. I pick Kim Seohyung. but honestly, it doesnt matter AT ALL. LOW TIER: Kim Seohyung - yeah thats fine
DITTO V12: Wumuti (24) (Solo?) 8 > 6 (orange hair, weird face/eyes) V11: Jeon Woong (26) (AB6IX) 3 > 4 (black and wht checkered) V37: Kang Seokhwa (23) (Wei) 7 > 4 (whiteish hair) V30: Jung Soomin (19) (Solo) 4 > 7 (english sleepy one) - kid, COMMIT to that intro bro - not really here for the Wei kid (Seokhwa).... ohhh but wait, he asked the Wumuti kid if he was okay and that was nice - they already focusing wayyyyyy to much on Wumuti so that means he gonna win. - AB6IX "ra ta ta" soooo boring. - but also that one kid (in the light tan/white coat) dancing and the other kid (in the tan coat) just staring at him. HAAAAAAAA! - Wumuti has really good energy though. This song is just like meh though. Wish he had picked different TOP TIER: Wumuti.... idk, Wumuti or Jung Soomin. doesn't matter, hated the song choice. stupid ass song for a SINGING show. bruh, Wumutifeels so fake though. LOW TIER: Jeon Woong - that's fine. I dont care.
TOMBOY V19: Lee Gwangseok (25) (solo) 1 > 4 (tan coat) V15: Park Juhee (17) (trainee) 1 > 6 (pink jacket) V29: Hwang Inhyeock (25) (Nada) 3 > 6 (yellow sweater) V26: Jo Hwanji (28) (Musicals) 3 > 5 (uniform) - not looking forward to this one?? - omg, this Taehwan kid from Vanner in the baby blue? Gorge. - this is a pretty song - okay! they got me! the combo worked. and the kids surprised me!! - TOP TIER: Juhee... i would also pick Juhee! - this was my 2nd fave after the Jeup one LOWTIER: Lee Gwangseok .... correct
SOMETHING LIKE THAT V35: Kwon Euibin (24) (Idol Band) 4 > 5 (white shirt, black bowl cut) V25: Ma Jaekyung (27) (Romeo) 3 > 4 (white shirt, black wave hair) V13: Taehwan (30) (Vanner) 9 > 7 (handsome boy) V9: Lee Minwook (23) (NewKidd) 4 > 5 (blue vest)
- wait, what competition did Taehwan win??? - songs too effing LOW - blue vest has a rich voice or something TOP TIER - Lee Minwook..... i'd say Taehwan LOW TIER: Ma Jaekyung
BREATHE V5: Lim Junhyeok (30) (Ex-Day6) 1 > 2 (Day 6 kid) V8: Choi Haram (22) (Musicals) 2 > 6 (pinstripes) V6: Jeong Inseong (29) (KNK) 5 > 6 (tan/white) V38: Lee Hwanhee (25) (UP10TION) 3 > 5 (tan coat) - KNK kid is GOOFY (Inseong) - Day6 kids rubs me the wrong way. always has. bossy ass. voice isnt even that good ass. (Lim Junhyeok) - Haram kinda looks like Feel Dog TOP TIER - Haram .... I vote KNK kid Inseong LOW TIER: Lim Junhyeok - why did they edit this dramatic and to be like a surprise??? DELCAMOME V36: Bitsaeon (28) (M.O.N.T) 5.5 > 3 (colored sweater) V24: Ji Yeonwoo (??) (nothing) 7.5 > 4 (black suit) V17: Choi Suhwan (22) (X101) 3 > 4 (white w/ rhinestones) V4: Sunyoul (27) (UPT10TION) 2 > 2 (black like my scarf) - okay kids, lets bring it - wasn't Yeonwoo's voice better then all of theirs? the fuck are they teaching him for? - ewww. this song is fucking dumb. - I still dislike Sunyoul, but i'm into his stage presence - THE FUCK ASRE THE RAPPING FOR. this is so fucking dumb. - no one wins. this is like worse then the pentagon boring ass one? TOP TIER - Choi Suhwan.... me, none. pass. - I wanna go back and watch The Unit. That was such a good show. - I love the Eunkwang & Jaehwan interactions... like they respect each other LOW TIER: Ji Yeonwoo -meh BEAUTIFUL V28: Taewoo (26) (solo) 5 > 1 (smooshed face) V39: Kim Minseo (21) (nothing) 4 > 4 (grayish sweater) V32: Jeong Yunseo (??) (nothing) 2 > 3 (white sweater) V14: Lim Sanghyun (26) (solo?) 5 > 6 (checked suit) - smoosh face does not fit into this song with these kids. he's way too harsh. it's jarring (Taewoo) - I want to see checked suit Sanghyun in a different group TOP TIER: Sanghyun ... Sanghyun obvi. - THE FUCK DID THE SUBS GO? LOW TIER: Kim Minseo
0 notes
fantasticalchaos · 9 months
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Host Club🍹| Hakkitober #3
Synopsis: The Hakkafe has fallen into hard times 😔
AN: I will admit right here and now that I am NOT knowledgeable in the topic of host clubs. I did a bit of research, but I can’t garuntee that this will be accurately and sincerely apologize in a advance 🙇‍♀️. And while I do know OHSHC, it’s also very small. Additionally, this really isn’t my best work (imo) as I technically left this open ended. Think of it more like a prologue of a dating sim of some sort where you select which route you wanna choose. THIS CAN ALSO BE READ AS PLATONIC AS WELL! Thank you for reading!
“HAKKITOS!!!” Hakka cried out, causing the flock of birds within the guild meeting room to bring their eyes up to their leader.
In a instant, panicked glances, whispers, and shouts filled the room.
“What’s going on?!?”
“Please sir, spare us!!! DONT SEND US TO THE BLENDER!!!”
“Fuck- aight who left out our realistic props again?”
“HAKKITOS! HAKKITOS!! ORDER IN THE COURT!” Hakka cried out once more, shaking his hands around as the noise began to die down.
As a smug smile appears on his face for his loyal birds, he faked a cough and put on his serious voice.
“Hakkitos…” The man started “we are currently going through a tough time. I was told by the other boys that the Hakkafe is slowly down in its popularity and money. If we don’t fix this by the end of this month, we are in BIG trouble!”
Lots is whispers scattered around the room, discussing about the matter privately with their fellow bird workers. And far out of earshot where Hakka could hear them. One Hakkito leaned to another.
“Shit, we’re not gonna get paid…”
In response, their co-worker squints their eyes as they returned the look as they furrows their eyebrows, and strains their mouth.
“…according to the reviews of the Hakkafe that I gathered,” Hakka waves a couple papers in his corrupted hand, as he paces back in forth. “We apparently aren’t doing enough to keep up the customers’ excitement during events. We need to come up with new ideas! NEW EVENTS!”
“Fortunately, our fellow guild members gave me some great ideas on how to make the customers Hakkafe experience better! In fact, the first Hakkafe event will start soon within this week!”
Many cheers roared throughout the room, smiling birds gracing the room with joy and relief.
“So?! What’s the idea, boss?”
“Why my Hakkitos," Hakka bends down and gives one a head pat. "We are planning our first event to be: A Host Club!”
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
“Here we are…”
There, in the middle of the glimmering stars and bright moon, stands the Hakkafe. The Hakkafe - usually closed around this time - emitted a soft pink and rosy lights from the windows. Some chatter is heard as well as clashes of plates, furniture and glasses being moved around.
Walking on over, you took a look at your pamphlet once more in your hand.
As you looked up as you were drawing close to the entrance, there was a man standing near the door talking to a little purple bird on a barrel. His hair is long and grey, reaching his mid-back. He wore a grey striped shirt with black pants and vest with gold accents.
The bird noticed you, pointing their wing over at you to the man. The man, pulling up the rear end of his glasses, looks over and sends out a smile.
“Oh, Ricrowdo! Quick, go on tell him that there’s another customer coming and prepare the table!” The man ushered, shooing his hands as Ricrowdo - the purple bird - jumped off a barrel. As you see Ricrowdo fly away and through the door, the man turns to you as reached the entrance.
“Hi there!”
“You here for the Host Club Event?” The man asked, noticing your pamphlet. You shot a quick glance at it before meeting his purple eyes.
“Yeah! Who wouldn’t miss such an opportunity?” You replied as you brought it up, with the man nodding along with you. “And you are?”
“Vesper Noir, Scholar of Tempus!”
Your eyes widen up in shock.
“You’re Vesper?! I heard you and Magni were off an a expedition- What are you doing here?”
“Oh that,” Vesper mentioned, scratching the back of his neck. “The boys needed a bit of extra help. Me and Dez are going there by the time the event’s done!”
“Besides, some other members of the guild and people we know decided to take over me and Dez’s expedition while we help out here!”
The two of you jumped at the sound, revealing a blonde man in purple attire. The blonde in purple has their back leaned on the door - which is opened; showing a bit of the inside of the Hakkafe.
“Speaking of which, hey Dez!”
“Hey,” Magni yawned and stretched his arms a bit. “Dude, it’s so hectic today… I’m so worn out. It’s a good thing that it’s break time for me-”
“Wait wait,” You brought your hands, and looked at Magni, “Look, I’m glad you’re going to go relax after a shift! Especially since you and everyone is working hard! But who’s-”
You felt a little bit of weight on your head. Your eyes went straight up and see the same purple bird from earlier, sitting snuggly on you.
“Me! Your table is #8; 4th table on the right!”
You nodded. You took a few steps in through the doorframe, only to have a hand on your shoulder. You turned your back, to see Magni. Behind him, Vesper.
“Hey, can you promise us something?”
You turn to face them.
“Yeah?” You answered, “What’s up?”
Both guild members looked at each other, then back at you.
“I know we say this to every customer,” Vesper started, staring directly at you in the eyes. “But, this is still an important promise.”
He took a breath.
“Promise us that you will take care of the boys! All of them!”
You paused, taking in mind of this promise.
“Yeah, please do!” Magni added in, “We know that we’re supposed to be entertaining everyone. At the end of the day though, we’re all people with feelings too! Everyone, like you said, worked really hard! Especially considering the circumstances…”
“Sorry for not being there...” Vesper apologized, bowing his head a little. “But the least that we can do is hope that both you, the guests, and boys have a fun time!”
You didn’t say anything. You simply said the words with a small, yet unnoticeable smile on your face: “I promise!”
Vesper and Magni shot a smile back.
“Then enjoy…?”
“[Your Name]!” You introduced yourself. “[Y/N’s] my name!”
“Well then, enjoy yourself [Y/N]! Don’t you or the boys get into anything too crazy!”
“Yeah, not without us!”
You laughed, right before waving the two goodbye as you entered into the Hakkafe. Inside, is hectic - in a good way!
A lot of people were chattering, drinking, dining amongst themselves. Hakkafe servers were either bringing orders or busy making them. There seems to be a bartender coaching a Hakkito on recreating a particular drink. Some were even singing (drunk or not) songs with such joy and passion. You even took some quick glances at some well-dressed people - assuming to be the hosts/boys the two were talking about earlier - interacting happily with the guests.
As you arrived at your table, you sat down and grabbed the menu right in front of you. It has the title, “HOST MENU” on it.
Your eyes wander around, only to widen in surprise on how high the quality looks. Your eyes stopped at one to take in the details before going onto the next.
✨Regis Altare - The Prince Charming✨ “The hero to your heart!”
Simple, sweet, and matches the theme for his host persona! And by the looks of it, Altare dresses the theme too! Reminiscent of a winter prince straight out of a fairytale, Altare wears a white suit, with both light and dark blue accents.
“Wow!” You mused, eyeing the details of Altare’s illustration. “This looks amazing! You all really did put a lot of effort into this!”
Ricrowdo nodded, and fluttered off your head. Landing on the table, he pointed at the menu.
“The host menus’ are also refrigerated! Anyone who is on shift has their magnet on! Pretty genius am I right?”
That is pretty smart… You thought. You then wondered if the employee putting all the magnets on the host menus had fun with that job. Wait… how much money was spent to make these?! Your pamphlet did say that this event is sponsored, so supposedly the sponsors agreed to the refrigerated menus… Still though-
Shaking your head, you took a look at the other magnets. Next magnet has a man wearing black suit with orange and red accents. There also seems to be a key chain on him. He has his hands in his pockets as he flash a cheeky grin at you.
✨Axel Syrios - Childhood Best Friend✨ “Yo, it’s me! Been a while since we hanged out! Why don’t we grab a drink and catch up?”
Huh, that’s more casual than Altare’s tagline. The difference in their host appearance, taglines, and vibes they give off.
“I’m gonna let you know in advance,” Ricrowdo chimes in, breaking up your though process, “This guy is pretty unhinged.”
You raise an eyebrow.
“Isn’t everyone in the guild unhinged?” You questioned. Hearing a lot of stories of the guild and their unhinged shenanigans aren’t uncommon. And like among most of the population, you aren’t that fazed by it.
“Heh, touché!”
On the 3rd magnet, there is a man in purple, like Magni. However, he has pink and blue in their suit. All asymmetrical, yet makes the suit work. He points to you, glowing with enthusiasm and determination.
✨Gavis Bettel - The Comedy King✨ “WATCH THIS! This is going to be-”
“Are you going to…?”
“Nah! That’s all of it!” Ricrowdo waves off with a wing, “That’s intentional on his part. He told us to read it like that.”
“It is?” You were surprised, though considering that there is little context of the line, you were intrigued by what happened next.
The next boy had sported a red suit with a angry face with a slight blush. His arms were also crossed as he looks slightly at you.
✨Machina x Flayon - Bratty Tsundere✨ “Y-YOU HATE ME!”
You, admittedly, were taken aback at what he chose as his tagline. Laughing at your reaction, You shot a glare to Ricrowdo.
“What?! You got to admit that’s a pretty good line! Matches up with his host title!”
You rolled your eyes and sighed. As much as you hate to admit it, it fits… in a way. But hey, maybe you can take him! Perhaps the inner wit, pettiness and drive deep down to challenge him for a little fun.
This young man wears purple, just like the previous too. Unlike them, his color schemes include black, gold, and white. He also wears a low ponytail, and faces you flirtatiously with a lavender rose in his mouth.
✨Banzoin Hakka - The Charmer ✨ “The cutest and coolest, at your service!”
“Hey, that’s my creator!” The bird chirped, making happy little hops. The corners of your lips lifted up as you see the little guy danced. Having sparkles in his eyes like a child seeing their parent or their favorite tv character.
It’s quite nice to know that the Hakkafe manager and founder himself joined in on all the fun! Plus, he’s multi-tasking; checking up on all the customers during the host club event while kicking back and having fun! A huge win-win for him!
On the last magnet, another man in a black suit appears. His dual colours are orange and turquoise. The man looks with you with a serene look on his face. He holds a cup in his left hand, with the other on his hip.
✨Josuji Shinri - The Modest✨ | “Hey, it’s beautiful out here tonight; want to grab a drink while we stay up and chat?”
“Shinri and the Koillective really are a sweet bunch! Comfy and cozy vibes guaranteed no matter how afraid you are!” Ricrowdo remarks proudly before smirking, “Though the Kois do look rather puntable-”
His eyes averted yours as changes the topic.
“Anyways, that’s all the boys that are on shift right now! Take your time to choose your host!”
After a moment of thinking, you lowered down your menu card and looked at Ricrowdo.
“So?” Ricrowdo asked, eyes sparkling. “Have you decided yet?”
“Yeah,” you leaned back, pointing to a particular boy. “I choose-”
DUN DUN DUN! Who will you choose as your host, dear reader?
Thank you for reading this fic! Like I said before, I tried researching a bit, and decided to make this open-ended (?) near the ending! I wanted to make you make your own choice! I mean, it is your visit after all!
Also, constructive criticism is allowed (as well with my other works)! And any information regarding host clubs that I miswrote are welcome too! Especially since this is my first work with a 2nd person perspective!
Bonus Question: Which title should Magni & Vesper in the menu? You can include any other members in Holostars too (even the alumni!)
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What Gauntlet Red looks like, and how the glitches kicked him in the face
[February 2, 2023]
anyone know of any arts/ visual design things for gauntlet red?
oh yeah theres that white hat i uded on the pin
From what I know, he just wears lots of white stuff. The sprite on Run Status got changed to something else a bit ago but it used to be exactly what I said.
yeaah i found a whit sprite of his
i def referenced that for his pin bc i gave him a white hat.
was confused where the hat came from since his current runbar sprite has a red hat, lol
I think we were gaslit by that sprite change.
white hat red doesnt exist. white hat red is a figment of your imagination
reds always have red hats, you fool
'what about ceecee?'
ceecee doesnt exist
'waht about-'
no reds have green hats, you fool, green hats are luigis
Oh no.
or pepes
I mean, I drew one for him but I think most have him in a white vest instead
like so
Okay I'm spamming at this point, but I forgot about this piece and it's cool
Also this may be hard to see but due to Kelcyus deleting their account, the bottom row has the gauntlet kids
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ehes worn both black and white! stunning lad
@Haji is yours meant to look like hes wearing lipstick? cus i dig it
Knowing him? Very well could be :tppWowee:
tis but the nature of nature!
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..i dont really like my pin of him..
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hes got the hairbanana before pk got the hair banana
got metal tiped workgloves or gardening gloves. he has gardener vibes
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his flat cap was a mistake, my brain was farting so bad when drawing his hat, i wrangled with it so much (within the speedy time i was trying to get though these)
but its cute
g.red if he wasnt in a cult right here
garnening boy
would b good friends with dippy
So one of the things about Gauntlet Red is there's two main branches of lore. 1) that this is a reset timeline and Red has a chance to change things. 2) The kid isn't even named "Red", he's grown up in the Cult of Helix and was told he was going to be the next Red and bring the second coming of Lord Helix and whatnot and somewhere along the line, he said fuck dat shit. He was one of those kids who went off the deep end into full rebel nature after getting away from the church to a dangerous point
in my lore the latter angle led to straight up possession :Keepo:
At the end, we were given free time to do Glitchmancy (there had been a patch in place before HoF) and we're told the game would either end when the timer ran out or we crashed the game.
.... We crashed the game :tppWowee:
I think this was inevitable for us
Just like it was inevitable that AshGrey was going to be massively derailed by chat
they gave chat a challenge. what did they expect to happen
And yeah, as Sol said, that was one idea to what happened after the crash. Red was checking out the glitches off the coast of Cinnabar, we ran into a wild Tentacool and I think the crash was caused by our Ditto, but I'm not sure. Either way, lore said he either lost out to the glitch and got possessed / corrupted or he drowned. Possession seemed WAY more likely when we did the Mt. Silver battle in Crystal where we fought Red0 and then suddenly he got replaced by original Red so Dippy had to take on both of them
Cooltrainer is one of the most volatile things in Gen 1
it was inevitable :Kappa:
corruption ehh?- wow it just went white huh
just frikkin caput
Yup! Just like that, he was gone :tppSpinarak:
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just leavbing screancap here bc boy does this come and go like capow
gen 1 ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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gay-hoodie-boy · 1 year
modern avalink au notes under the cut! please note that some of the characters are a little different from canon Avalink (namely Zelda, i can expand if anyone's curious)
dont mind that they're disjointed, these are directly from the dm's of me and a friend
i also have a modern Link/Avalon au
kind of in the works but it's not even modern really, it's like 90s
Link is the new kid at school and Avalon lives on a ranch that's like miles out of town so he and his sister wake up at 4am every day just to get to school on time
one day Malon does something really stupid and decides to take Avalon and ride Epona to school. that goes about as well as you think
Epona gets loose and is wandering the town, Link offers to help and Malon frantically teaches him Epona's song while Avalon is climbing the nearest tree to find her
Link plays the song and Epona returns to the group just as Ingo shows up in the delivery truck and chews Malon and Avalon out and that is literally how Avalon and Link meet
the next day Link slips a note in Avalon's locker that's basically asking him out on a date
and Avalon goes to explain that "no it's not me it's my sister you want" and Link fucking hands him a rose. like where did you get that it was not in your hand a second ago
and so they go to the drive-in as their first date <3
Malon is literally the craziest wingman too
like she fucking suggests taking Link skydiving and Avalon's like "Mal you know i'm afraid of heights. he knows im afraid of heights. i fell out of the tree remember?"
Mal's the older sibling but she causes more problems
OH and their dad Talon is hilariously oblivious to everything
Like, Ingo is basically running the ranch but he can't have full control over everything because of Talon
but it's funny cuz Mal and Avalon are at the table talking about Link and Talon goes "Oh? Did my little girl finally get herself a boyfriend?" and Mal bursts out laughing while Avalon just sighs because like no dad you dont get it dflfdkggndkj
and to just lean in to your stereotypical 80s plot. Zelda's the mayor's daughter, Ganondorf is a big bad ceo trying to tear down the local park to put up a mall instead
i dont care if it's cheesy i can fucking do that dont @ me /lh
Avalon works at the local costume shop. the owner is a little weird but he seems nice enough, and Avalon gets a decent paycheck
Mal prefers to stay on the ranch with the horses so Talon pays her for that
there's a little coffee shop next to the costume store and after they meet Link is always waiting for Avalon outside the coffee shop when his shift his over, every day, without fail. but one day Zelda and Ruto are with him and Ruto just gets up to inspect a very embarrassed Avalon. Link looks at him apologetically while Ruto just says "Yeah you measure up. Hi I'm Ruto I'm Link's fiance" and Zelda goes "you are NOT his fiance"
it's actually a running joke, because when they were kids Ruto proposed to him and Link was way more nonverbal as a kid so he literally couldnt say no
she's actually dating Zelda now but she still says that to mess with people
actually, Ruto comes from a family of stylists, her dad is a well-known fashion expert and she's studying to become a model and stylist herself
So you have Zelda in business casual that she wears every day, Link in a color-block jacket (or a letterman), and Ruto in the latest fall design, all surrounding this country hick with hand-me-down denim jeans and leather vest, probably wearing his cowboy hat around his neck
god poor Avalon is not gonna let himself live this down kdjfgnkjdfgndfkjndkj
b u t before they can leave Link pops his head in the window and asks if he can help them look for Talon and Ingo's like "you know this kid, son?" and Avalon nods and explain that Link helped them rally up Epona. and Ingo, not about to get himself in trouble with Talon, just sighs and tells Link to hop in
they eventually find Talon and Ingo tries to tell Link to leave but Talon's like "No, we owe him some thanks! Why don't you tell your folks you'll be stayin' the night at a friend's house, son? We'll take ya to the ranch for a good ol-fasion LonLon feast!" Ingo is tired and
Avalon is simultaneously excited and mortified
so they go to the ranch and the first thing Talon says? "You'll be stayin' in Avalon's room, son. I know my daughter likes ya but I don't want no funny business goin' on, y'hear?" and Malon is fucking cackling
they unfortunately do not cuddle. Avalon is far too shy and Link is far too polite. BUT they do sneak out onto the roof and look at the stars
yada yada some time later prom is announced to be coming up and Avalon wants to ask Link but is fucking terrified. Malon is no help because she's extremely confident and doesnt understand why Avalon doesnt just ask him?? and Avalon's like it's more complicated than that but i appreciate your support
well as it turns out
Ingo and Talon have an "event" that happens to be a couple weeks before prom. apparently Talon has a big business trip to another state, and Ingo will be going with him to help represent the ranch but Ingo returns alone
Ingo tells the kids that Talon had to stay an extra week for contract stuff and that Ingo will be in charge of the ranch until then. the kids buy it but are suspicious because Ingo's never been that trustworthy
in the meantime, Zelda is advocating for Ganondorf to get his filthy claws off Hylia Memorial Park, but her dad won't listen and no one seems too pressed about the issue
after school, a couple days before prom, Ruto suggests bringing the campaign to school; there's going to be a lot of people in really good moods, so maybe they can get a petition going with enough signatures to turn the park into protected property
they get help from some of their teachers (Nabooru, Darunia, and Rauru) as well as the mayor's secretary Impa to set up and legalize the petition
and something else happens but. basically im setting it up to where Avalon has to take the ranch back from Ingo on the day of prom, all while the petition thing is happening
yeah it's underdeveloped but it's fun to think about
i've realized these characters would get slurred at if it did take place in the 90s so im just leaving the actual time period ambiguous lmao
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Both sound very nice! But I think the first one appeals most to me!!!
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eddie munson x gn!reader
warnings: none
a/n: the fact that eddie’s age doesn’t make sense is not my fault it’s the duffers! but since dubious aging kind of goes against my own personal morality, eddie and steve are the same age/year and reader is the same age/year as nancy and robin.
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crashing on the wheeler’s basement couch shouldn’t have been as relaxing as it was, but, surprisingly, it was the best sleep you’ve gotten since this vecna shit started in the first place. no threats of your favorite little moody redhead getting possessed by the upside-down’s new big-bad, and you barely had to think about the fact that your old best friend was being framed for murder. well, at least until —
“henderson! henderson – fuck – i’ve got a problem here!”
you sighed and picked up the walkie that was buzzing on the coffee table. “eddie?” you asked, yawning into the receiver.
“yeah, yeah, shit.” he said, lowering his voice to a whisper. “i’m gonna need some back up over here.”
“what’s wrong?” you asked, sitting up abruptly.
“i’m, like, 99% sure jason carver and his goons are here to gut me like a fish.” he said, his shallow breathing echoing loudly in the mic. “i saw some headlights and when they opened the doors i heard that shitty fucking wham! song–”
“shit.” you jumped up and quickly grabbed steve’s keys from the table, practically bulldozing yourself out the wheeler’s house.
“well, i dont know if they’re gonna gut me. maybe they’ll snap all my bones in half like a glowstick, or something.”
“eddie, calm down.” you said. “i’ll be there in 10, so just shut the hell up and stay low, okay?”
you took the silence as an affirmation and started the car.
to absolutely no one’s surprise, eddie munson did not stay low.
and that’s precisely what ended up getting the two of you stranded at (the make-out rock). you both sat underneath the sledge of rock, soggy and breathless, from your swim in the lake. your ill-fitting t-shirt you stole from mike’s closet stuck to your chest like a hungry leech, and gave absolutely no insolation to the cool night air on your drenched skin. just as you were about to complain about the goosebumps travelling up your arms, you looked over at eddie, whose leather jacket and jean vest combo made the wetness look that much more uncomfortable.
“you should take your jackets off.” you told him. “those can’t be comfortable.”
he noticed your shivering and shrugged off his leather jacket and handed it to you. “if you wanted my jacket you could’ve just asked.”
“i didn’t just want the jacket,” you said, throwing it onto your back. “although this feels better.”
he let out a quiet laugh and started fiddling with the rings on his fingers.
“where did you get them?” 
“the rings,” you pointed at them. “where’d you get them?”
“oh,” he said. “uh, mostly flea markets and shit.” he took off the silver pig’s head and showed it to you. “wayne got me this one for my 18th. he found it at a pawn shop i think.”
“they look cool.” you said. “adds to the whole, badass metal thing you’ve got going on.”
“thanks.” he snorted. “i decided to really throw myself into the look after i grew my hair out.”
“yeah,” you said. “i’m glad you did. you always wanted to look like ozzy osborne.”
he laughed. “it’s hard to look like ozzy with a buzzcut.”
“i’m sure you could’ve made it work.” you said. “hey, do you remember the time in 7th grade when we stole your dad’s weed and smoked it out of an apple?”
“oh, of course. we got so stoned we could barely move.” he said. “do you remember the time you dressed up like a fairy for my birthday party?”
“it was dungeons and dragons themed!”
“you wore glittery wings from the halloween store.”
“well, it’s not like you would help me pick out the costume!”
“that would’ve ruined the surprise,” he said.
“yeah, yeah.” you rolled your eyes. “you know, i’ve still got the crown you made me for it.”
his eyes widened. “seriously?” he asked. “how the hell is that still intact?”
“whenever it breaks i tape it back together,” you said.
“oh,” he said.
“is that surprising?” you laughed.
“a little.” he admitted. “kind of assumed you’d throw it away or something.”
“of course not.” you said. “that’s still, like, the sweetest thing someone’s ever given to me.”
“it’s made out of stotch tape and sticks i found in my backyard.” he deadpanned.
“but you made it for me,” you said. “and don’t sell yourself short, munson. you glued on this beautiful, big red jewel on it. it was like, the highlight of my 12 year-old life.”
“what’d do your friends say about it?” he asked.
“i don’t think they’ve seen it.” you said. “i keep it in a box under my bed.”
“ah,” he pursed his lips, “yeah, that’s about right.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” you asked.
“it means that it would’ve been weird for you, the monarch of hawkins high, to have satanic memorabilia on display.” he wiggled his fingers at the reference of his favorite board game.
“c’mon, eddie.” you said. “you know i’m not like that.”
“how am i supposed to know?” he asked. “we were friends in middle school before you got all hot and cool and then we… weren’t.” 
“well, it’s not like you made an effort to talk to me.” you defended.
he laughed. “yeah, ‘cause me walking over to the popular table with kids like jason carver – who is literally trying to kill me right now, might i add – would’ve turned out peachy keen.”
“you’re… probably right.” you sighed, putting your face in your hands. “fuck, i’m sorry eddie. i should’ve done something–”
“woah, slow down.” he said, pulling your hands away. “i don’t blame you, like at all. i didn’t expect you to stand up for me just because we were friends when we were 12.”
“doesn’t mean it wasn’t fucked up of me not to.” you said. “i just… wanted to be liked so bad, i just kinda… forgot who i was. like, one day i woke up and became totally unrecognizable.” you laughed. “and then this whole upside-down shit happened, and i thought if i started filling up all my time with football games and parties then no one would be able to tell that i was so… not normal.” 
“high school’s the fuckin’ worst. being popular and shit seems like it’s life or death but nothing matters once we’re out of it.” he said, pulling his long hair between his fingers. “but, if it’s worth anything, i’ve always liked you.”
you snorted. “seriously?”
“yeah.” he nodded. “always.”
“i kind of thought you hated me,” you admitted.
“i kind of thought the same thing.”
“never.” you shook your head. “even when you’re standing on the lunch tables i always think you’re cool. way cooler than me, or jason, or harrington.”
his cheeks flushed at your words, he hid it with a tamed smirk. “wow,” he said. “the town freak being cooler than the basketball and swim team captain? you better hold off before my ego gets even bigger.”
“you’ve got more guts than carver for sure. standing up for what you believe in even when you know people are gonna shit on you? that’s cooler than throwing balls into laundry baskets.”
he laughed. “glad you appreciated that one, i was sitting on it for a while.”
you smiled, looking over at his big brown eyes for the first time that night. despite the fact that his hair was still drenched, and his once white baseball tee was now a dingy brown color, he still wore this charm that made him look permanently alluring. you don’t know if it was the shit you’ve just gone through, the heavy conversation, or the old crush you used to have on him resurfacing for the first time in 6 years, but you couldn’t help but melt in his sweet gaze.   
“you think – ya’ know, once this vecna shit’s all over – i could, maybe, come over sometime?”
“you asking me to hang out?”
“yeah, i,” you faltered. “i kinda miss hanging out and smoking with you.”
he grinned, teeth and everything. “i’d love that.”
“that means you can’t die on me, alright?” you said. “no more dumb decisions.”
“i think i can manage that.”
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