#i dont mind npcs in world quests
luckyavntrne · 2 years
i hope alhaitham's story quest revolves around him and not a random npc that we'll probably never talk to outside of the story quest
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4giorno · 2 years
jeht and jebrael my beloveds
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the-s1lly-corner · 5 months
Hello, could you do, gummigo x wife reader, where the two say goodbye before gummigo leaves with his brothers, to steal Maple Syrup from the Kingdom of Candy Canyon, but when they fall off the map with Pomni, he tells him about the reader Afterwards, when Caine kills Gummigo, I think, the team goes on an adventure again to the same place as Candy, but he finds the village where Gummigo lived. Pomni goes to look for Readee to tell her, and when he finds her, The reader invites her to come to the house, where Pomni discovers that they both had a baby, and Pomni doesn't know how to tell the reader.
pomni visiting npc!gummigoos wife!reader after caine poofs gummigoo
short post! not much to say here in the beginning notes lmao notes: reader is gn, maybe afab due to the baby but one can assume they dont have to be given digital world physics + npc stuff Cws: guilt
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one can assume that gummigoo still exists, just poofed and sent back to the void waiting for when he needs to be used once more. though i personally think that if he were to return, he would not remember anything that happened in episode 2... so lets explore two ideas in this post! ill divide each by a gap
assuming gummigoo does not return in the quest that involves the reader, and pomni stumbles upon you and sees your child... oh god she feels so horrible. as far as she knows shes doomed gummigoo- and that he no longer exists. ragathas reassurance that he may come out again did little to comfort her
she cant bring herself to be around you for long
she wants to tell you, she feels like she needs to- but you talk like everything is perfectly fine. of course you would, you werent sentient. you had all of these false memories. to you gummigoo had only been gone for a short period, off trying to get the syrup to save your village
ultimately i feel like pomni may swallow her guilt, what if she told you what happened and the exact same thing happens to you? poofed. she wouldnt let you go to the circus, but does that really matter? does this place still exist when the circus members are there?
its all so suffocating, she cant stand it. and the fact that youre trying to ask her whats wrong only makes her feel worse- she feels like shes going to puke
she likely holes herself up in her room as soon as the adventure ends, trying to recover.. its not going to get easier, is it?
but on the chance that gummigoo is around once more, just without his memories of... everything he experienced that day..
its not much better, but at least pomni can try to convince herself that at least he still exists- even if not consciously. it kills her a little inside to see the three of you interact with each other
completely unaware that you arent real people
you talk about how your child is the light of your life
but theyre just lines of code
the visit is brief, she doesnt find much of a reason to stick around
theres still the thought in her mind, almost telling her that shes obligated to tell you and your family everything thats going on
but you look so peaceful and shes not sure she can handle shattering your reality and just leaving you all alone- she has to go back to the circus eventually and shes learned her lesson that she cant bring any of you with her
similarly, the idea of "do you even exist when you arent needed" plagues her mind- would telling you and leaving you here do anything? would you all just forget again? that feels... needlessly cruel
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futchgunk · 6 months
Bladders Gat3 Finish doc
:et me get the rest of my fucking feelings out about baldurs gate:
im so mad bc any character who is not human or realism/white passoid is literally regarded with the same type of dismissal that you would see in mainstream media. all the companions that are not white passing are treated like shit and have bad ends.
-Lae'zel (gith) gets abducted by the a bad guy for the last 1/3 of the game (also we could talk about her being the fighter class as default is also a bit racist, but the deep dive will be its own essay). and then she can die and not be able to be resurrected. (resurrection scrolls and revivify spells ONLY work on companions and not npcs)
Wyll (THE ONLY BLACK HUMAN MAIN CHARACTER, side note we could talk about how is name is spelled like a white mormon names their kids) is a big talking point bc he is constantly strung between the expectations put upon him by himself, his family, and then his pact matron. AND NO MATTER WHAT OPTION IS CHOSEN WILL CONTINUES TO SUFFER IN THIS EXECUTIVE PURGATORY. He starts as a "i have to kill this devil" actually its a tiefling (suddenly its now fantasy racial infighting, so of course u dont wanna kill another companion so early in the game, so Wyll is forced through Hell's Circles and the exposure makes him grown large demonic horns. (Wyll does not have control over his body or himself, nor his actions, and only suffers the consequences of the actions of the Tav (PC)). Wyll even gets to have the "I did everything for my father's (approval just to have my father misunderstand me and then the most noble course of action is to be independent because i am still bound by choices prior and also if two black people form any sort of family on screen its disgusting and blasphemous so I might as well treat my father like my brother who i never was able to relate to when i was younger" THIS IS NOT MENTIONING THAT WYLL IS LITERALLY THE SON OF THE DUKE OF BALDURS GATE. HE GIVES UP HIS STATUS OF NOBILITY TO BE HEROIC AND IS JUST FOREVER CONTINUALLY PUNISHED. THE DUKE OF BALDURS GATE IS BRAINWASHED TO RELINQUISHING HIS TITLE AND CORONATES THE WHITE DEVIL EVIL DICK BAD GUY WHO SOLD KARLACH (TIEFLING) TO HELL FOR GIGGLES.
Karlach (tiefling) is a bright eyed noble hearted character that is looking for solace after having 10 years of her life taken from her when she got sold to devil and hell and made a war machine slave because thats perfectly tragic. Her heart is taken from her and replaced with an engine (machine) that is slowly killing her when she is not in Hell. THE ENGINE DOESNT EVEN HAVE A GOOD IN GAME MECHANIC, YOU GET TO SET URSELF ON FIRE TO GET A 'HEAT' DEBUFF THAT U CAN CONSUME ON AN ATTACK, you build heat any other way, so its like only <Lv. 4, and if you minmaxed the opening scene, you get a 2h sword that does this every attack, so like its a bit moot and useless. Furthermore i think its really stupid that shes yearning for companionship and yet is not allowed because her engine makes her to hot to touch. Which rubs me the wrong way as a black transfem (u could argue tiefling coded) because I already feel like that. I feel like im too intense and hot with my passions and i intimidate people to the point that I'm actively denying myself the intimacy i crave so dearly just by existing and expressing myself. The taxation of life shouldn't really exist in video games!! The whole party gets mind enslaving brainworms that magically dont work because the plot armor is really strong yet the demon character who EVEN WHEN THEY SEEK HELP IN THEIR COMPANION QUEST ARE DENIED THE REALITY OF LIVING COMFORTABLY BECAUSE THEY SHOULD ONLY EXIST IN HELL. (cried actually). Before the last of this mess, she offers to turn into a mindflayer just to give herself the peace that she could be the hero that saves the world (become the villain because its better than who you currently exist as, or die being yourself (who has LITERALLY BEEN DEMONIZED). Karlach doesn't get to have have a happy ending because she either dies from engine overdose or goes to hell just to fucking breathe. THE KICKER IS THAT WYLL, THE PERSON WHO WAS GOING TO KILL HER AS PART OF THE WARLOCK PACT, OFFERS TO ACCOMPANY HER IN HELL AND FIGHT BY HER SIDE. WHICH MEANS THAT ALL OF THE MARGINALIZED IDENTITIES EFFECTIVELY FUCK OFF AFTER YOU SAVE THE WORLD.
White victim Shadowheart has the option of rejecting what she knows (which was a lie told her) or believing it. The worst she has to do is kill a bound seraphim, and free her parents held captive by putting their souls to rest (she turns them into light, killing them). She gets sick weapons. Clerics are busted anyway.
White devil astarion got to ascend in pale supremacy and got cool vampire powers (bite+, bite++, buff on kill, and consume buff for heal || next hit crits). The final battle WAS BUGGED FOR ME. I WAS STUCK ON THE BOSS FIGHT FOR TWO WEEKS BECAUSE THE END OF BATTLE SCREEN WOULDNT LOAD. LIKE I MADE A WHOLE NOTHER CHARACTER BECAUSE I BEAT THE BOSS 7 TIMES AND MY BUGFIXED DIDNT WORK!!
if im gonna get so heated about video games i am just gonna go play bloodborne so i have no room to complain bc im constantly sucking
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ganondoodle · 2 years
hold on, i cant just only ask twitter and leave some of you out of it-
as i want to get further into game dev im super interested in hearing other peoples opinions on stuff, so if you dont mind:
what makes a game chill/relaxing to you?
if you'd like to hear my personal opinion on that question .. well im gonna try and make my answer into a game at some point to thats that, but im gonna mention some games that have aspects of what i like alot, time limits and mandatory combat are big stress factors to me, as are decisions that have a huge effect on the story/characters
stardew valley is a beloved game to me, yet i have over 400 hours put into it and never saw the credits, bc i keep making a new file and play it to usually the 3rd or 4th year and then the late game stuff annoys me too much; the fact that there is that day time limit AND the energy limit is incredibly stressful to me, plus that combat is pretty much required and even moreso later on if you want to get all quests and such even tho its so clunky (to me) without you even being able to over level yourself is just agony to me like the quest of reaching lvl 100 of the skull caverns, i did it once technically, but my heart was beating out of my chest and i reached the last lvl a second before it reached the daytime limit and i blacked out losing a ton and not getting whatever waited for me there, i believe i stopped playing it for a long time after that (another would be not being able to complete all achievements if you dont want to sacrifice a whole file to it since its non reversable to my knowledge, like the joja thing, or if you are basically being forced to be a jerk to npcs tho that doesnt apply to stardew .. i think)
botw, my as of now fav zelda game together with the original wind waker, the atmosphere and how immersed i felt playing a game has never been so strong for me as this one, aside from some story elements and general criticsm of the zelda series the world and how it functions, speaking of game mechanics, is a huge inspiration for me, i love even the ever so hated weapon breaking and rain system, what sours it a little playing it to relax is that you are constantly swarmed by enemies, theres a bokblin attacking an npc every few meters, a camp that sees you from miles away, and at night you cant go two steps without a bunch of stal- enemies popping out of the ground, the only thing to circumvent this is wearing specific armor to trick them, but i'd like to stroll around dressed however i like, i know its environmental storytelling, but a mode to play after you beat ganon with little changes such as less or no enemies would have been cool (pehaps similar to activate like the master mode thing?) another nitpick is the lack of customization for your own home, although its not the focus of the game at all it would still be cool if you could actually choose some different stuff that isnt just dont or do build this
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soulhavens · 9 months
my running list of wallaru thoughts (plus one or two headcanons)
the trauma from sybil's speech ))):
the wallaru zeke quest i midnight oil - a slurry of plant-life and dream water, used in place of coffee.... the YW definitely is the Midnight Oil addict (caffeine addict yknow??) - they run on stress and Midnight Oil lol
i hate the sounds that the dingos make when we defeat them ):
Krokodile dundara tries to fight his own battles but the YW steps in... dundara kinda reminds me of moo bo (moo bu?) in that he comments on the wiz's uhhh.... battle-readiness
anyway it seems like the wiz has some pent up aggression that they're looking to burn off with battles
the kangaroo bushwhackers comment on how the YW takes their battle v seriously.... so no holding back on the YW's part
I think it'd be cool if we get to see our companions do some of the mob fights?
the bushwhackers are unionized!!
Fallen Arachna Empire... WHAT. "Great Prince"???? oh no
lol spiders of the multiverse. i see you KI, i see you
how did i know it was a con
fghjkkjdhg the loading screen for Rest by the Fire
daseinnnnnnnnnnn D:< i miss you
did we just get a cut scene for a cannonball-ed emu?
are we about to re-enact the emu wars LMAO
phett and cadd - i see you KI, i see you
when we're destroying the emu cannons... we're walking along quite a thin ledge. i bet the yw isnt in a great headspace here for a number of reasons
did we just get called out for being isekai-ed into the spiral???
i bet the outback makes the yw feel nostalgic for the aero plains (god i miss the aero plains..)
dasein )): "It is you! the real you" im gonna cry
aaaahhhhh "and what are my dreams, my unrealized reals?" "I want to be Something. I want to be good. I want to belong (everywhere)"
has the wallaru loading screen been changing as we go through the world? like it was just the poster and now its the poster with "ned collie was right" and i think thats super fucking cool
in hindsight it's probably cued into which area you're loading.... but it gives the effect of "its evolving as you play thru wallaru" which i like
the yw keeps nodding off and having dasein dreams, which makes me think that during this world the yw is just chronically running on a lack of Good sleep, yknow?
something about judge judi is throwing me off. i dont like her.
VEG???? not you ):<
wait actually? maybe not so bad....
who tf is the prince theyre talking about. i s2g.
oh goodie. corrupt government. didnt see that coming.
patrick warburton??? (no, unfortunately)
fought the law and won..... what an interesting badge. the yw is collecting so much trauma (:
bonesbury rules of magical combat?? (ok i know this is a play on john locke... but im intrigued by there being various sets of magical combat rules)
i love morp
oh god wait are we about to get into some matrix plots? yknow. cos morpheus?
"Even way out here we've heard of the one who walked the Reverie" i think its interesting that diff NPCs know the YW for diff reasons which is cool
"can't let anyone around the barrier with corrupted influences about" but we are child of light and shadow, divine paradox, touched by shadow.... hmm
me, staring at the magistreto, squinting: "...maestro? master? professor hex? the professor? is this another dr who reference??"
i like how small we are in the eucalyptus forest
dont mind me side-eyeing sandiago
did..... did we just watch an NPC get vored? oop no theyre alive
it amuses me so much that phasmanian devils can do the apollo spell (and it amuses me still that hes a chicken because apollo. a pollo. hah!) - also... thinking about how spells work again, especially when theyre based on an in-game character/npc/boss you fight... (coughcough the morganthe spells)
i am going to slap these judges and also these gold class guests
dasein stop breaking my heart ))):
"But you can brainwrite yourself. Just jump in the lake. See the scaries what haunt them when the sand hits their eyes." - oh boy... the YW is def not in a great headspace and everyone else can tell
okay so the dialogue box says "Sandiago camel" and "old one camel" but the mob title is "Feral camel" lol? wait wait wait old one??
hey sandiago im getting a bad feeling about you and morp too (rip me from approximately 13 notes ago)
"The Dreamer has only ever been seen by Wallu. Imagine what it could create if fueled by diverse experience?" oh no i'm getting a bad feeling about this
Freddie Croaker says to tell Judge Veg he says hi, but it doesn't seem like we as the YW do that? (at least not in the dialogue immediately following the instance..)
welp. morp.
"They built the Great Barrier because strangers came here, right up to the Dreamer itself, and made something horrible. An engine of evil it was, that could reshape the Spiral. Even the Great Tree could not perceive it. We could not allow such a creation." Oh no oh no oh no... i'm getting bad feelings b/c dasein... and the yw... and the old one..
"then we enter the dreaming to.." sandiago.... why are you trying to access the dreaming? and with morp continually being like "i feel like i know you" hmmmmm
its fucked up that you fight hostages but also i like the mechanics. i know that damaging the hostages is like breaking the aura on them which is like the ropes, but wouldn't it fucked up if you actually had to damage the hostages to release them
god these judges are sooooooo annoying
"Ten, nine, the Spiral hates Dasein" KI ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE ME SOB
"in these waves which are not water swim the thoughts which yearn to be real" i am sensing a major potential for YW angst right here
avatars of avarice... are we about to get into layers of hell/seven deadly sins or something?
sandiago was the one who guided the old one to wallaru... interesting........ ohhhhhh he was a founer of the cabal. wild.
i'd need to go back and do mirage since i dont really have an opinion on sandiago.... but more yw angst potential (:< this time with Betrayal
"This sapce is special. Its waters are not entirely real, thus not visible to Bartleby - a blindspot in reality." interesting piece of lore that i need to think about
oh are we finally cashing in on freddie kroaker's "say hi to judge veg for me"? nice
so far i do like the theme of "you can have done some Not Great Things in the past and still grow and change and learn"
ok wait judge veg's "I was always a fighter, a weapon to be aimed. First against the outlaws of Wallaru, then against unhealthy diets, then the Spiral itself. I don't know what to do after this." jdgkl;akdjfksoa;dkfja;dkf im - I think veg and the YW would reallly relate to the "a weapon to be aimed" line
"...because I'm a bad guy" not a big fan of this line, or of freddie kroaker in general..
freddie's plan was to remake a toxic, juggernaut crab..
the dreamer is bartleby but like different? hm "from his unconsciousness imaginings come new realities' idk how to feel about that
we get to connect dasein to the dreamer though <3
"Wizard, you are real. and so is he." ajdgkls;ajdka dasein and the yw real <3
"What are you doing here?" "We're here for you, to help you figure out where you belong" omgomgomgomgomg
dasein my beloved
"Was [our Walkabout] all you had hoped, Wizard? You did not face your demons, nor realize your truth as we all did." [insert YW's assumed dialogue here] "Haha, indeed, well said my friend. Your truth is to help others, as you demonstrated countless times in our journey. Your walk was for your friend after all." - I'm unsure about how I feel about this line too - in some sense I was hoping the YW would get more of their own conclusion, although i understand thats not possible with the way the wiz protagonist works
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nightcoremoon · 1 year
I redownloaded fallout 4. again. it’s my tammy swanson. every time I rage uninstall it’s for perfectly reasonable and valid reasons, but then it just keeps pulling me back in. i fucking hate bethesda and i fucking hate todd howard and I DONT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT STARFIELD OR TES ONLINE but somehow some little fucking gremlin in me loves that serotonin injection from the operant conditioning box of corn. I’ve put 800 hours into this pile of shit and I haven’t even gotten into the institute. the quest design sucks. the map sucks. the gameplay sucks. the settlement building shit is LITERALLY BROKEN. the user interface sucks. the item spread sucks. the gun variety sucks. every npc is a coin flip on working correctly. good fucking luck playing without the console and quicksaving. I adamantly refuse to even look at survival “difficulty” without allowing the console & saving. I have gotten so reasonably frustrated every single time I’ve tried to play again that I haven’t even made it to a single dlc. just like skyrim, fallout 3, oblivion, every single one of these horrendous narrative experiences masquerading looking like shit with admittedly pretty graphics. but here I am thinking minecraft genuinely has the best graphics of literally any other game series (photorealistic =/= good graphics, good graphics mean they accurately adequately telegraph to the player what the world looks like and is and functions like).
and yet. there are still pockets of enjoyable content in it.
unfortunately those pockets all have holes in them.
i made a beeline to sunshine tidings so I could get the meat magazine then went to the federal rations stockpile to get the power armor, and then on my way to concord I ran into the behemoth at carhenge. I’m playing on hard and I set my level to 50 when I started because fuck leveled loot systems, so it kills me in one hit. I’m running a IAL build and so my SPEC are all at 1. so I pop out of the armor, sneak in, and use a sneak attack critical with the fat man I found in the FRS. and it takes out 25% of his hp. uh oh. so I run into the nearest bus and… he just… stands there. he stares at me in the bus. i shoot him and he doesn’t react, his hp just goes down. so I sit in that bus and chip away at his health until he just falls over dead. WOW. WHAT GREAT MINIBOSS DESIGN GUYS! GREAT JOB. still I don’t look a gift dear mutant in the mouth and I continue. but that was such a potentially great encounter that just ends like a soft wet fart after too much Taco Bell. I wouldn’t mind if he ran away when I went in the bus and so had to run forward to bait him out, chip at him, then hide again. or he could’ve had a reasonable amount of hp in which a sneak attack critical with a fatman deals AT THE VERY LEAST 50% HP if not just killing him outright. but whatever, it’s just one bug right? yeah. one story of a dozen.
it was one day and I’m probably letting my earlier held bias take over… but MAN is this an imperfect game. every single person who gives this 9 stars or says it’s their favorite has such bad taste. as a shooter, as an rpg, and as an open world sandbox, it’s perfectly average.
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pthalomars · 3 years
Synopsis of Jay's Empire AU⚡⚡
[[Made by me and @culturalmochi ]]
The way it starts out is that Jay goes on a solo mission, finds the hard drive for Prime Empire, and gets trapped in the game.
Nobody knows where he went, so the ninja are desperately trying to find him.
Time in game moves a lot faster than in real life, so a few weeks for the ninja is a few months (close to a year) inside of the game.
Jay met Scott and he showed him the ropes of the game, but tried to subtly warn him about Unagami. Jay spent a lot of time leveling up and grinding so he could get high stats, but later found out that he wasn't able to leave or communicate with the outside world. Enter Unagami.
Unagami tells Jay that he sees potential in him, and that he's impressed with his progress through the game. They begin to have a sort of mentor/mentee kind of relationship.
Once again, time moves much faster in game. So jay starts to miss the real world and tells Unagami that he misses his friends. Unagami tells Jay, "if they were really your friends, they would have come back for you by now, wouldn't they?"
Later on, Jay is approached by none other than the ninja! His dearest friends finally coming back to rescue him and bring him home!
But as he spends more time with them, something feels... wrong. It turns out they're NPC's, and in his mission objective list, it says he has to "discard" them. So he does, and they crumble into little pixelated cubes. He levels up.
This repeats several times, each time the ninja dupes become more rude, indifferent, hateful. At some point they become so far removed from their true counterparts that the only thing in common they share is their appearances.
Then comes the time where Unagami is ready to open the game to the rest of the world. He brings Jay to help him spread the word by broadcasting an advertisement for Prime Empire.
That's when the ninja find out where Jay has been this whole time.
So the real gang enters Prime Empire and find Jay, who looks displeased to see them even if he tries to hide it.
Everyone is so happy to see him and to bring him out of the game, surrounding him with hugs and tears of joy.
But then Jay checks his objectives. "Discard the ninja". It's the same as it's always been, so he goes along with it.
But as Jay journeys with his friends through the game, he slowly comes to the realization that they aren't NPC's.. they're his real friends.
Scott, when he was first sucked in by the game, leveled up really fast and eventually gained the attention of Unagami. Unagami said he saw "great potential" in him and gave him access to the coding of the game. For Scott, this means he can essentially influence and change parts of the game, but not always by his own free will. With him being connected to the coding, that includes his thoughts, emotions, memories, trauma, etc. this connection also gave Unagami a way to keep track of where Scott was and what he was doing at all times. 
so eventually, Unagami wants to bring empire to the physical world, but he needs help getting the world out. he tells Scott his plan and Scott is like "actually, fuck this :)" and escapes from Unagami. in order to keep him from tracking his every move, Scott cuts off his own connection to the game's code. He hunkers down in his hideout and tries to plot a way to a)escape and b)prevent Unagami from taking over the real world. 
so finally, Jay enters the game! Scott finds him running away from red visors and picks him up and takes him to his hideout. Scott explains the general rules of the game, gives him tips on how to survive, glitches, cheats, all of it. but he tries to warn him about Unagami and Jay is too enraptured with the thrall of the game to pay any mind to Scott's warnings. Jay starts leveling up and progressing, very similar to how Scott did, and gained the same kind of attention from Unagami. he saw great potential in him. at that point, Scott says that Jay can't come to the hideout anymore, and Jay asks why. Scott says "i already told you, but you didn't listen to me." and so Jay goes to Unagami. Unagami promises him steep advantages in the game, protection, etc and Jay is going along with it because, to him, its still just a game. the gravity of the situation hasn't quite hit him yet. he doesn't know that he's trapped. 
so now, Jay and Unagami have a sort of mentor/mentee kind of relationship, and Jay very much fits into the role of the teachers pet. the red visors are **VERY** protective of him and will often accompany him wherever he goes unless he tells them to leave (sometimes they listen, sometimes they dont). There is one red visor who is particularly close to Jay. she goes with him everywhere and is the most protective of him compared to the other RV's. Jay tries to talk with her sometimes, and one day he asks her what her name is. her voice glitches out a lot, like something is corrupted in her code. she repeats "four o-oh four-r-r AA e-rror-r four o-o-oh four-r AA" and Jay is like "hmm.. rora? can i call you rora?" and she just nods at him. (Rora becomes important later!!)
so anyways, going back to how Unagami has adopted Jay as his mentee, Jay has the same kind of access to the game's coding that Scott does. including the influence of his memories and past traumas. this manifests in several ways, but one of which is how the NPC clones of the ninja interact with him. Jay has a lot of issues with self esteem and often fears that nobody really cares about him, finds him annoying, etc. so with each iteration of the ninja dupes, they become meaner and meaner until the only resemblance they share to their irl counterparts is their physical appearance. 
Jay (not realizing that Unagami is the one creating the dupes) goes to Unagami to vent about how he misses his friends and wishes they could join him in the game. Unagami tells Jay "if they were really your friends, they would have come for you by now. They probably forgot about you. but it's not you ever needed them anyways. here, you are powerful, loved by everybody, adored by the masses. in here, you are important." gotta love that gaslight gatekeep gameboss moment. eventually, Unagami is ready to bring prime empire to the physical world once he's seen Jay get to the same point that Scott was at. Unagami says that he needs Jays help to deliver the message, and that crossing the line between digital and physical means that Jay can go back to the real world while still maintaining the same power and reputation he has in the game. Jay agrees and works with Unagami to make an advertisement. 
this is the advertisement script: 
[Do you want to join Prime Empire?
“What is Prime Empire?” it’s a fully immersive, futuristic video game experience! Using the latest virtual emulation technology, players are quite literally part of the game. Customize your avatar, meet other players, level up, and compete in tournaments!
“But how do I join?” The answer is simple, silly! Prime Empire can be found in your arcades, in your consoles, even on your phones! You would have to live under a rock to not find your way in.
“How do I win?” Your quest is to seek out the legendary Keytanas. But be warned, there are challenges that you will face. Deadly forests, dangerous races, and more! Will you rise above the rest and claim your rightful victory?
Join today, but don’t delay! Only the first 100 players will get a chance to meet yours truly (winks). In the Super Star Rocking Jay event, I will teach you the ropes of the game, along with exclusive tips that will give you an advantage over other players!
Do you have what it takes? Prove your worth and become part of Prime Empire!] 
however, Scott has caught wind of the ad, and so he hacks into the broadcast and tries to warn everybody to "STAY OUT OF PRIME EMPIRE!!" but once again, his warnings fall on deaf ears. 
however, now the ninja know where Jay has been all this time! they manage to be part of the 1st 100 players in the game and go to the super star rocking Jay event. Kai, Nya, Lloyd, Cole, pixal and zane all get in the game. but due to their own coding, pixal and zane despawn and get plopped back in the real world within the first 10mins of the game. They spend a lot of time outside of prime empire trying to find ways to re-enter the game.
so now we finally get to when the (remaining) ninja meet up with Jay, and he is disappointed at best when he sees them. but when they surround him with love and hugs and tears of joy, it throws him off guard. all of the NPC's were never this kind to him. He checks his objective menu and a new notification shows up. "discard the ninja". same as it's always been. part of the objective has always been to "not let the ninja know that you know they are fakes." but after all of this time, Jay has grown tired and so he doesn't really bother trying to keep up appearances. he won't flat out say that he thinks they're fakes, but his demeanor is completely off. 
the ninja make it to okino and they start going through the forest, the cliffs, and finally the maze of the red dragon. throughout this time, there are several little moments that lead Jay to believe that these might be his real friends. he tries to write them off, but it keeps nagging at him. in the canon scene where Unagami pauses the game and talks to okino, its the same except its Jay that Unagami talks to. "just wanted to check in with you, everything is still going according to plan, correct?" Jay responds with "yes, but these ones are different. none of the other clones have acted so.. so close to my real friends." Unagami scoffs "these ones are just as fake as the others. make sure you complete your objective. we are very close to bridging the gap, and I wouldn't want anybody to hold you back from being at my side when we cross over." Jay agrees and the game resumes. 
Jay has the perfect opportunity to let his friends perish at the hands of the dragon, but something in him screams at him to help them win. he points out the scale on the back of the dragon, they defeat it, and Jay gets the dragon summon. instead of keeping it, he gives it to Cole. "i figure you guys will probably need it more than me. I've got higher stats, i can take care of myself." (that dragon summon becomes important later) so ANYWAY now its time for the speedway 5billion. but they don't have enough credits so they have to get some extra money. the gang goes to the dance battle, but! theres also a karaoke battle they have to participate in. Jay and Cole sing Everybody Wants To Rule The World by Tears for Fears (this song is also important later!) and they win the contest and get enough credits to enter the race. however... 
by this point in time, Jay is pretty sure that this group is his **real** friends, and he doesn't feel like he can go through with his objective anymore. besides, would clones really dance with him? sing his favorite songs with him? watch out for him when danger approaches? smile at him with such kindness and sincerity? clones wouldnt, but his real friends would. once again, his connection to the code means that Unagami is able to track him, and also take peeks into his mind. Unagami senses this realization and pauses the game again to confront him. "Jay, you must not let these clones cloud your judgement. you still have a mission to complete." Jay says "Unagami, these aren't dupes! they're really my friends, and they came back for me! i can't just "discard" them like you want me to. I won't!" "you WILL if you ever want to leave this digital space. if you will not join me in bridging the gap, then you will be left in here for all of eternity. the choice is yours, Jay walker." and with that, the game resumes. 
the ninja are all talking and they realize that Jay has gone silent. "Jay? you good?" Kai asks. Jay snaps out of it and reassures them that he's fine. but thats when he sees *him*. in the crowd of NPC's bustling about the city, he sees nadakhan. staring at him with that evil, calculated grin and begins approaching them. Jay's eyes go wide and his stomach drops. "are you sure you're okay?" Lloyd asks. "we.. we need to get out of here. we need to leave *now*" Jay says with a quiet, wavering voice. Just as he moves to flee, Nya gasps.
It was the scene of Nya dying. She was cradled in Jay's arms, muttering her last words before going completely limp. The master of lightning shook with broken sobs, clinging to his friend as if holding her tight enough could bring her back. That was the day that Jay Walker had lost everything.
And now, that moment was set on an infinite loop, broadcasted on every screen in the capital city of Prime Empire.
Jay was frozen, unable to do anything but succumb to his rising panic.
Nya was in a similar state, feeling the sharp pains of her chest that came from her old wound. She remembered dying, the pain and vulnerability. Now her final moments were in full display.
The rest of them gazed in horror and confusion, unable to comprehend what was going on. Jay thinks he heard Kai yelling, maybe he was asking why his sister was dying over and over again. Cole sounded like he was trying to warn everyone about the approaching assailants. Those of which looked like clones of the Misfortune's crew, including their tyrannical captain.
It was all too much. Jay felt his digital blood freeze in his veins, his air cutting off entirely, and his vision slowly turning to static.
Nadakhan. Nya. Tiger widow venom. Kai. Nadhakan. Nya. Zane. Cole. Nya. Lloyd. Nadakhan. Nya. Nya. Nya. N-
Jay's friends tried to reach for him, to help him, but then it happened.
An explosion of lightning burst from Jay's body, flooding through the city with blue and white pixelated sparks. And once the wave had passed, the city went dark. The screens that were looping that wretched day were now idle. The Misfortune's crew were nowhere to be seen. Jay had fallen unconscious. 
"What are you guys doing here?" Scott asked, his face contorted in concern.
"Scott, it- its Jay. He had this weird power surge and he-" Lloyd stuttered before him and his friends were roughly yanked inside of Scott's hideout.
Cole was carrying Jay's limp body, and followed Scott's instructions to lay him on the workbench. But not before he had thrown all of his tools and blueprints on the ground in a rush.
"What did you say? About a power surge?"
"It was-" Lloyd started again
"It was like he exploded," Kai cut in, "we've never seen his element act like that."
"The city, it went dark." Nya added.
"And there was something going on with the city screens, they were showing-" said Cole.
"My sister dying! Over and over again! That's not part of the game, right?!"
"Guys guys! Chill the fuck out, one at a time." Scott demanded. They all went quiet before Nya spoke up.
"The screens showed one of Jay's memories. One of his most traumatic ones. NPC's started changing into people that.. are related to that memory. They started attacking us from all sides. Jay had gone into a panic attack before he surged. That wave of power blew out the whole city's power and everything went dark. After that he passed out."
Scott looked at her with a look of dread.
"This is worse than I thought.."
"What do you mean worse? Scott, what's wrong with Jay?" Cole asked. Scott sighed.
"He's.. he's become part of the game."
"Like an NPC?" Lloyd said.
"No, not an NPC. His memories, his soul, his life force- it's bleeding into the coding of the game. His emotions and memories are able to affect the behavior of the game. Environments, NPCs, everything."
"How do you know all of that, Scott?" Nya interjected.
"Because he's just like me."
"What??" The ninja said in unison.
"When I first came into the game, Unagami wanted me to bring Prime Empire to the real world. To break out of this digital prison and conquer the rest of the physical world. I agreed to help him because I didn't see any other way out of this hellscape. He granted me access to the code. So I'm just as connected to Prime Empire as Jay is. My memories are there too.
But the thing is, is that I've cut myself off of the code. It's the only way I could hide from Unagami, since I had abandoned ship and didn't want to help him anymore. I'm a threat because I can affect the code.
But if I don't connect to it, I stay hidden.
But Jay, his connection is so strong by this point. Everything he does changes the game.
He's gonna be okay, for now, but I can't guarantee the same for all of you." Scott finished, his eyes sunken and tired.
"Wh- what are we supposed to do then? How can we get Jay out of here?" Kai asked.
"Beat the game. As far as I know, there's no other way out of here."
They all looked at each other, faces grim but determined.
"Well we can't leave here without Jay, can we stay here until he wakes up?" Said Nya.
"Absolutely not." Scott replied.
"What? Why??" Cole butted in.
"The longer you guys stay here, with h i m, the more danger all of us are in. Jay is part of the coding, Unagami can find him. And that means he can find u s."
"Well how do we wake him up? There's gotta be some way!" Lloyd pleaded.
Scott looked at Jay's unconscious form.
"Fuck, okay, let me try something." 
so Scott does the only thing he can think of that might work. he reconnects himself to the game's code in order to "plug in" to Jay and wake him up. when he plugs in, Scott sees Jay in a dark, endless room. he's crouched on the ground, sobbing and shaking
But thrashing from his body is manifestations of his trauma, like a horrible amalgamation that is distorting his physical form and its. Horrifying.
Scott looks at him and tries to approach him without getting hurt
He gets to him and he makes contact with his shoulder and then the surge of energy happens and he gets unplugged and shot across the room, and Jay wakes up with a start, chest heaving and his eyes still wet with tears. Cole is there right next to Jay, and Jay clings onto him like a lifeline. Kai wraps his arms around Jay too and they hold him and comfort him as best they can. Lloyd and Nya go over to Scott to see if he's okay. he groans and sits up, Lloyd and Nya help him stand. "what happened? what was that??" Nya asks. "I woke him up. but its not safe anymore. you guys have to get him out of here, or else Unagami is gonna show up and if he does.. well its safe to assume it'll be game over for all of us." 
"we still have to win the highway 5billion and get the second keytana." Cole says, "and we need cars." Scott sighs at this, "i've got cars you can use, i won't be using them very much anymore anyways." "what does that mean?" Kai asks. "did you not hear me? its game over. you guys have to get Jay out of here." Scott says. "Scott, you know the game better than anyone, we need your help. will you race with us?" Nya pleads. Scott is about to reject when he looks at Jay. Jay is looking at him with a look that breaks his heart. "fine. I'll race with you guys." 
so they fix up the cars and enter the SW5B and Scott is like "i guess if we're going in, i might as well get a new look." so he customizes his avatar (if u check my post with his redesign, thats the avatar he has, the glowing parts of his outfit change colors!) and they start the race! Scott doesn't have his own car, instead he's jumping from vehicle to vehicle and taking out the other drivers so that the ninja can win. he uses his baseball bat as a melee weapon but it can also shoot lasers! Kai still gets that loot box upgrade and has the running mech, and just like in canon, Cole and Kai get cubed. so does Scott, he gets run over lol. now its just Jay, Nya, and Lloyd and they make their way to the temple of madness.
then we have the fight. in canon its Lloyd and harumi, but in this au, Jay enters the arena instead. he gets in and the game picks his fighter. expecting it to be someone he's fought before, he prepares himself. but nothing could have prepared him for who he saw standing in front of him. it was echo zane. 
Nya stares in horror and Lloyd is confused. "who is that? that can't be zane, right? why would he be part of the game?" Lloyd asks. Nya can't say anything, and neither can Jay. Jay wants to give up, he cant fight echo. someone who helped him in the most dire of times, only to be left alone on that island for the rest of eternity. Jay had never gone back for him, and that guilt he felt had just kicked into high gear having to look echo in the eyes. but then echo starts attacking him, and Jay has to defend himself. Jay wins, and sees echo disappear after the final blow. the walls of the arena disappear and Jay falls to his knees. Lloyd and Nya move in immediately to help him up. "seriously, what the hell is going on?? why aren't you guys saying anything??" Lloyd demands. "we can't talk about it right now, Lloyd. we'll have to tell you later." Nya says quietly. her voice is tight and dies in her throat. Lloyd gets the hint and doesn't push it any further. 
so the three of them make it through the sushi restaurant and make it to the gate with the 3 keytanas. Jay, Lloyd, and Nya go to put in the blades and they open the gate. standing in front of them is none other than Unagami. "Jay, you have disappointed me. you were so important, so valued, and you have thrown that away for the sake of your so-called 'friends'. thankfully, there is still a place for you." Unagami says. "i don't WANT a place with you! you've hurt me, you've hurt my friends, you've hurt so many innocent people. all of those cubes? those are REAL PEOPLE! i can't let you do this Unagami. I won't let you get away with this." Jay says defiantly. Unagami sighs, "i was hoping it would not come to this. but if you chose to act this way, you will face the consequences. you will help me bridge this gap, whether you like it or not." and Unagami holds out his hands. an intense blue beam of light bursts from his palms and hits Jay square in the chest. the light is absorbed by his body and his form begins to glitch and spasm violently. mochi and i have called this the Blue Screen of Death. (tw for mild(?) body horror) Jay is overcome by the blue and his body begins to grow and distort, all the while he's screaming and his cries are glitched out and staticky. Lloyd and Nya watch, frozen in fear as their friend begins to grow to massive size, writhing in agony. Jay thrashes and knocks into both of them, sending them off the side of the platform and cubing them. the last two energy cubes join the gate and Jay crawls through. 
(with this scene, in the background, the lorde version of everybody wants to rule the world would be playing, just as a nice parallel to the song from earlier at the karaoke battle)
MEANWHILE, as pixal and zane attempted to find ways to get back into the game, find milton dyer, etc, zane gets captured by the mechanic. everything goes the same as it does in canon where the mechanic hooks zane up to the gate. 
and now, we get a look at where everybody who got cubed resides. Scott, when he was cubed, was greeted by Unagami personally. he criticized him for his actions and expressed his disappointment before ultimately locking him inside of a digital cell. Scott figured that this was how the rest of his life would be, trapped in a cage with no way out and no way to die. but then! Rora shows up. that corruption in her system from the beginning? that was her beginning to break away from her coding and becoming more of a person. she saw what happened to Jay, and she wants to help him. she breaks Scott out and they agree to work together to save Jay. but they're gonna need all the help they can get. together, Scott and rora free the ninja and all of the other cubed players and they make it through the portal. 
and thats where they see Jay, now as tall as the skyscrapers in ninjago city and wreaking havoc on the entire area. 
everyone looks up at him in utter horror and see just how corrupted he's become. he's wailing in pain as he drives his guitar down on building after building. thrashing and flailing, causing the structures around him to crumble and collapse. "how the fuck are we gonna fix this?!" Nya cries. "i can help." Unagami approaches them. everyone gets into fighting stances, ready to beat Unagami into the pavement. "i did not realize that corrupting him would turn out like this. i know how to fix him, but i need your help." "why should we help YOU?" Kai growls. "if you want to save your city and your friend from complete destruction, you *will* help me." and so Unagami explains that if they can lure Jay back through the portal, Unagami can undo his corruption and fix Jays "coding" 
so now the ninja are trying to figure out how to get Jay's attention and bring him back through the portal. it seems like nothing is working, and then Cole gets an idea. he starts singing the lyrics to everybody wants to rule the world. it seems to get Jay's attention, so he keeps singing.
the others hear him and they join in. now they have Jay's attention, and he's closing in on them. that dragon summon from earlier? now thats when that comes in handy. Cole calls the digidragon and rides it so that Jay cant crush him while he lures him back to the portal. low and behold, they manage to get Jay through the portal, Unagami purifies his "coding" and they return to the physical world once again. Unagami gets to have his talk with milton and all of the npcs+pcs that want to come out do, and the others stay in the game. the city is in shambles, the portal closes, and zane+pixal+wu reunite with the others. 
the car ride home is very quiet. everyone is exhausted, Jay is asleep and leaning on Cole's shoulder. they have a lot to talk about, but for now, they just want to sleep through the night. they make it home, go to their separate rooms, and go to bed.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand thats pretty much all of it!! theres a little epilogue that has snippets of what Scott, racer 7, okino, and rora do now that they're outside of the game, but thats just kinda there lol.
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neptrabbit · 2 years
i think they’ve rlly progressed in portraying npcs. two of the main npcs from this patch (dunyarzad and rana) are very likeable, so the endings of the archon quest & the world quest (despite how long it is) are actually quite emotional to me
in previous cases, the big problem is always that the npcs dont get a lot of development or we don’t know the npcs well enough before something terrible happens to them - for this reason, teppei’s death just didnt feel very impactful to me personally. we got to know zhiqiong a bit better before she disappears, but alas, still not quite well enough for it to hurt
with the new NPCS, they first have the entire act 1 set up for us to know dunyarzad - who she used to be, how she interacts with other characters, etc. (the contrast in personalities is also used effectively in act 2). you can’t really say her character has a lot of depth, but it is very effective. you can vaguely tell they are using some of the methods they use to flesh out playable characters
similar to rana - we have the entirety of chapter 1 to get to know her, who she is, how she interacts with the ppl in her life, etc. despite how absolutely ridiculously long the entire quest is, the characterization is effective
ofc with this, the quests have become noticeably longer, its a wild change from the prev archon quests & world quests, but ykw? i don’t mind as long as the story is good lol 
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butbabeitsnotreal · 2 years
Finished Elden Ring! (long post I'll try to break it up in sections)
Got Rannis ending. I played for around 85 hours and went into the last boss fight at level 151.
I feel like the main bosses in this game were pretty easy, which I dont mind. Melenia only took me three tries and the final boss fight took maybe eight? In comparison to the other souls games I feel dark souls was simple, bloodborne is my favorite yet I still struggle every time and sekiro was by far the hardest. It was nice to have elden ring be an open world where if I got stuck I could go find better weapons or armor or farm runes. Im hoping for dlc.
I spent so much time just wandering. Did most of the dungeons, got all the extra weapons, ashes, bosses and stuff for the trophies. I think I completed nearly every npc quest except for Millicent. She was suppose to show up at the mountains next and she was not there. I went back to her and that dudes shack, and other places she was suppose to be but never found her so I just gave up. Oh well. Edit while going for the three fingers ending in another playthrough I realized I also missed hyettas ending the first time because she was down in this pit.
All I have left to get platinum is the two other endings. It took me exactly a month to get through my first playthrough. I really enjoyed the game. I would consider it my second favorite souls like game, right under bloodborne. Demon Souls is the only one I have left to play.
Sorry this post isnt more interesting I dont have much to say about the games story. I just had a great time and thats it
Also I remember in the game I found a hidden wall behind a boss in the sewers and could not for the life of me get down to the bottom behind it and its a good thing I didnt because that ended up being the three fingers location. But im going to have to go back there in order to get platinum so I already know thats going to be a pain in my ass
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meggannn · 3 years
i was actually gonna say "re: your predictions, are you god? bc you got a lot of them right" you were right on a lot, but in a way you probably didn't expect? i'm sorry you're disappointed (?) though. a lot of the game felt like ... /too big/ ? but i dont feel like it was totally out of left field, and im satisfied enough. not nearly enough tall necks or cauldrons for my liking
okay i'm ridiculous, sorry, i totally forgot that i had literally made a predictions post before hfw's release and that's what you're responding to lmao flkdsfldkfjd
yes i was right on nearly everything i mentioned, i did get a lot of what i wanted, but the cost is that everything i didn't want to happen also happened, so for me it's like
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"too big" is my overall feeling as well. there were a lot of high notes but for me hfw's story is a classic lesson of "bigger is not always better" and needing to chew your food before you swallow. a lot of what i found so special in hzd's story was missing in hfw: i didn't enjoy hzd's story just for its Plot Twists!!, i enjoyed it for its slow, revealing mystery of environmental rejuvenation and technological ethics in service of a better world. i'm not entirely sure how a clone from outer space services any of those themes, and to my mind it creates even more problems with aloy's identity and family issues than they seem to appreciate (and it's weird because i normally go hard for sister relationships!), but what do i know. instead i feel like we were working down a checklist where every major quest was built to address reddit's top ten favorite theories, which gave me a sense that hfw was meant to be a game built off of fanservice and shock factor first, story second, whereas in hzd i felt the game and story were interwoven and complimented each other a lot more naturally. maybe that's just because game 1 was a new ip and i had no expectations, but by hfw i had become Invested enough to develop preferences.
the actual map, gameplay, sidequests, companions, etc, in hfw i liked a lot; i enjoyed a lot of the side stuff more than the actual main mission, especially how you can come back to the npcs for more dialogue, interactions, and quests. companions had a lot of potential and fun factor (even though i didn't think they were utilized very well) but i enjoyed all of the new tribes, new weapons were fun, i liked the environmental puzzles, and unique tallnecks/cauldrons, etc etc.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
I got witcher!Ciri too! I kind wonder wha would happen if she died tho, dont wanna put geralt or her through that but I love angst lmfaoo. The game got really confusing at point cause I you have to learn a bunch of politics and how this world works and I didnt pay that much attention so I'm sure I'll get those moments in my second playthrough too I'm playing something in the hearts of stone thnig, it was lower level so I'm assuming you should play that first? a main quest with the asshole ghost in the wedding and wow I fucking hate it, it's so umcomfortable to watch geralt be this gross n weird lol, I'm not too familar when Shani either so watching her get mad when I get geralt to say he wouldnt do what the ghost is doing is so annoying lol, OH AND the ghost is a creepy fuck! shani babe you can do much much better than an asshole who talks about his dick and fucking "maidens" every other sentence!! Geralt really does get thrown into so much shit huh I'm tempted to read the books cause I do rly like the world and most- some characters but yeah reading about yen being yen wold be one of the things to stop me, what are some of the plot points that put you off? if you don't mind sharing And yeah I'd so be up for more content esp with ciri, would be cool to see them work together, even with how combat works in this game with npcs lmao
Woo witcher Ciri ending! :D If you enjoy putting yourself through pain I recommend looking up that other ending on YouTube because there are definitely some nice angst shots in the cut scenes. I watched and then promptly went, “I don’t need to play that for myself” lol. But yeah, hard agree on things getting confusing, especially towards the end. I completely missed stuff like the fact that my actions would actually impact this war, rather than the war simply being backdrop, or that Ciri’s powers were more than just the ability to teleport short distances. So by the time I was getting called on to murder kings and Avallach was taking us to totally different worlds, I had a very John Mulaney approach of, “This might as well happen. Things are already so goddamn weird.” Which, you know, really isn't the game's fault. It's what I get for jumping into the third game first and while I don't regret that at all, the story has absolutely deserved a second playthrough where I actually understand all the basic stuff I should have known going in.
Yeah, Hearts of Stone comes first. You can do any of the side quests you’d like from either DLC, but I’d recommend keeping Blood & Wine’s main storyline for the final push. But yeah, that ghost dude is, uh… something. I quite like the wedding on the whole—I really enjoy Shani, dancing is fun, O’Dimm is being a wonderfully evil dude—but yeah, dead dude is definitely a creep. Which is partly one of the things that turned me off from the books. It has the same ‘Guy trying to write women’ energy of the games but… worse. I’ve read a lot of excerpts over the years and so many of them turn me off. There are a ton of small things, like Triss importantly informing the witchers (who are all like 100+ years old??) about periods and that Ciri can’t train today because of hers (a moment that much of the fandom celebrates as... progressive?), or Triss and Yen getting super catty with one another over Geralt, to much bigger things like Ciri nearly getting raped/being involved in intimate acts with really questionable consent. A lot of the Witcher has a “This didn’t age well” vibe to it which, to be fair, isn’t entirely the fault of the author. The story is the product of 90’s Polish culture and, again, a man trying to write some pretty complex subjects from an arguably ignorant place, which makes much of the work eye-rolling for me at best, outright uncomfortable at worst. (Which I think is why I enjoy the games far more. I have agency in this questionable world, the ability to tailor it somewhat to my own beliefs and desires, which makes moments when that's taken away, like Geralt automatically commenting on how good Yen looks at a funeral, all the more frustrating). I obviously am not a Geralt/Yen fan, which sours a great deal of the plot. From what I got through the pacing felt like a slog and, more importantly, much seems to have been lost in the translation from Polish to English. (I continually hear about how amazing the dialogue is, but sadly that hasn’t come across in translation for me. Much of it is... awkward.) The parts I’ve heard about/read excerpts of that I’m most interested in—Geralt’s hanza—ends tragically and I’m… just not here for that right now. Which isn’t to say it’s badly written or anything, just that it’s not my personal cup of tea, especially nowadays with a pandemic and what all going on lol. I look at what I know of the series as a whole and go, “Do I really want to read five books filled with outdated representation for women, that old-school fantasy violence that turned me off GoT, with a super depressing ending, all wrapped up in an iffy translation and a style I don’t think does well in long-form storytelling? … Not really.”
Still loved most of the short stories and I’ve heard that many people liked the audio book versions when they couldn't get into the text, so I might give that a go someday. I’d prefer to actually have read all the source material for a fandom I’m spending so much time in, but I sadly just haven't had the urge yet. If you do read them, anon, you’ll have to tell me what you think. It’s becoming quite the divisive topic, especially as Netflix fans turn to the books, and—putting aside that everyone’s tastes will always differ—it’s interesting to hear not just whether someone had fallen in love with the books or not, but if they haven’t what about them prevented that. It's very much a case of one person's "That was awful" being another's "Are you kidding me? That's the best part!"
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catcze · 3 years
NO BECAUSE YOU KNOW THE PPL WHO KEPT DAINSLEIF AT MONDSTADT AS AN NPC YOU CAN DO THAT WITH XINGQIU NOW TOO- There is a world quest in Inazuma and I was like fingers crossed not his servant aND MIHOYO ACTUALLY PUT HIM THERE🤲💍💞💖 Also since I have a guranteed 5 star aiming for Baal so I can team my favorite electro user with Venti and cause Archon War 2 <3-🔫
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NooO don't apologize for rambling!! I dont mind at all <33 also you sent me lyrics?? aksjdsa I didn't get them aaAAA :''(
NO but pls people are really out here holding characters hostage, huh? 😭 I didn't even know that people were keeping Dain there HAHHA
But!! Yes I've seen the leaked animations of Baal, Kokomi and Sara, and I'm honestly soo torn about if I should pull and who I should pull for bc they all look like tey have so much potential?? Like, Sara is supposed to give an attack buff, like Bennett which could make her so useful in the Abyss, and Baal's kit looks really fun and good for a quick swap team, and Kokomi's attacks supposedly scale off of Hp instead of crit?? Bruh it's so new and it sounds so cool to play akjndas
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literalite · 4 years
ok dont mind me im gonna keep talking
i dont understand the abby hate? like i get it she kills joel but also joel basically nuked the one chance of a “normal world” again AND killed her dad like... what did u expect was gonna happen. AND basically caused the implosion of the fireflies the only stable kind of society she knew.. you see how much the fireflies mean to her by the end like shes nearly crying over that radio
tldr im not condoning her revenge quest but doesnt ellie embark on basically the same thing? so essentially we have two quite similar minds pitted against each other. if you hated abby then you should by default also hate ellie
ive also seen complaints about how ellie seems ooc and damn were you not looking at the same game... her actions 100% make sense. she was raised by joel. yes she is going to be violent? ppl seem upset its not a cottagecore uwu game and like idk what to tell you man its the zombie apocalypse and most of these npcs actively want you dead. you commit acts of violence, acts of violence are committed against you. it’s just how it is. if u wanted everyone to skip out of the game alive and well and into the sunset then idk man go back to stardew valley or smth
“you only need three fingers” ha ha foreshadowing i see you
one of the kind of sticking points for me was the deadnaming and the slurs like its completely unneeded. d slur didnt need to happen, we got the point of the argument, and the deadnaming felt more like a punch to the gut and for what? you can write something about a trans person and never have to use their deadname. ive done it before, multiple times, idk why they couldnt do it. kind of lazy writing. they couldve just have kept calling him the apostate or smth
another thing is jesse’s death? it felt really rushed and random but i guess thats the reality of the situation. people die for no reason at all. if it had been ellie running in through that side of the door then she’d be dead. it just felt a bit sudden i guess. i liked jesse
fuck owen
idk i think that covers everything would love to hear other ppls opinions
EDIT WAIT: ok but can we talk about tommys plot armour in this game like that was thick as hell... dude gets captured, hit with a hammer?, hunted thru the city, thrown into the sea and SHOT IN THE HEAD and survives it... like literally how the fuck-
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lunchador · 4 years
so when do we get the long post about your feelings about dragon age inquisition!!! i dunno if u wanna wait until dlc or not! i am i n t e r e s t e d (also its ok if u dont feel up to it im just!!!! again, interested in ur opinions/feelings)
kajsldkjf PLEASE I HAVE SO MANY DA FEELINGS ALL THE TIME and Inquisition was twice as long as the others so might as well do a word vomit now and I can always do another after the dlc (which several people have assured me are worth playing )
Yeah so inquisition is long. I dislike open world games so a lot of the (super repetitive!!) side quests did grate on my nerves and that docks this game a few points but over all the LORE IS SO GOOD, and it tying in so many choices in from 1+2 is the greatest butterfly effect I ever experienced in video games. I thought telltale + Until dawn were fun for that but good LORD bioware has showed up all of those games and I am really stoked to try mass effect when its out later and play more bw games. I only played Anthem before this and that game seemed...idk, gutted against BW’s wishes.
Yeah, I managed to go into the whole DA series knowing very, very little, despite how many artists I followed did fanart for it. Once I started playing, I added all the words I could think of to my blacklist but a lot of untagged stuff came through (fair, series is 10+ years old and inq is like what 4-5?). I allowed my friends to pressure me into playing an elf mage for the lore and to romance solas cuz they said he was as important to the story as alistair was. A lot of online followers said I should play how I wanted, which I def would recommend to anyone else, but honestly I can see where they came from and while he never would have been my first choice, I think he actually paired REALLY well with my Inq and how I was playing her. I put her as sensitive but trying to put her responsibility above herself, she was definitely the least funny of my 3 characters, but not incredibly serious. A bit reserved? Just more mature. She’s got faith but she didn’t think she was the chosen one but she’ll do her role the best of her ability. She makes hard decisions and then sobs her chest empty over them because how is one to ever feel like its the right one? I really like how the game lets you choose how you wanna approach the responsibility. Like i said, I wasn’t a reluctant chosen one, but she will do what she can. Versus my friend playing at the same time as me said he played as the second coming of jesus essentially lmfao Having so many characters come back for different roles was so GOOD!!! Like everyone told me Varric was in this one but were like ‘teehee you still cant romance him though’ but you how you play drastically changes your relationships with each person. Tons of characters I met I knew would be personal favorites but I ended up interacting way less because others were more fitting to my inquisitor. So i.e while I love Varric and would’ve smooched him a heartbeat with Hawke, I didn’t get that vibe with Clover. They were really good friends, he was a grounded friend with a sense of humor that was a good escape from everyone else and the ~inquisition~. At least, until the Beyond the Abyss quest. That obviously heavily fractured their friendship and hurt them both :( And i felt that for a long time, until the end. He looked tired. Poor guy is gonna be borderline dead in 4 at this point. But so many side characters you talk to coming back like Dagna and Samson??? Speaking of that quest, I got Stroud because, yeah...Alistair was dead for me and APPARENTLY IT COULD ALSO BE LOGHAIN??? If he stays a grey warden??  wish I did that so def would’ve preferred to save Hawke even if I think the wardens are more important as a concept but like.......i wanted to behead him, so....But yes even tiny details like..Varric wrote home to kirkwall to Carver for me because the rest of my family was dead and I never completed a full romance in 2 lkajslkdjf but the fact that changes based on your play through. BUT YEAH THE way this game weaves all your decisions in and how yeah, overall the story is the same but it makes it so personal to YOU and so different from everyone else ;w;
But I could see my Inq genuinely falling for Solas, and I see her best friends as Cassandra and Blackwall/Thom. Really close to Leliana and the Iron Bull as well. I just loved all their interactions. All the characters were so cool to get to know?? Like I thought I would’ve hated Cullen (hes a dick in O) and tbh I just got into the series as the VA was being a complete shit. But I liked him a lot!! I love the work buddies vibes between the Inq and the advisors. I thought I was going to love Sera!! And like, I did, but she hated my Inquisitor and their personalities clashed a lot. Shes the only one i didn’t get a cut scene for in the end :’) I loved coming back from story quests and having to take like 20 minutes to go around skyhold and make sure I talked to /everyone/ for their new dialogue. You genuinely feel connected to all these wonderful npcs ljkasljdf
I wanted to make Cassandra the new divine but I made leliana on accident and kinda dug it so I stuck with it. VARRIC IS THE NEW VISCOUNT??? h i l a r i o u s.
One of the things I loved the most in this game in particular, and while this is something in all of them it just really struck me in this one, was....everyone gave up so so much to devote themselves to the cause, y’know?? Like, it’s almost heartbreaking how much everyone loses and they’re still looking towards you with their belief and willingness to follow you to the end ;-;
The final fight almost felt, Idk, underwhelming? Dude dragons are way tougher than him asdkjhfkhjd. I even went up a difficulty in this game after feeling like I got the hang of the series. But at the same time, we just spend how many hours knocking down each and one of his advantages so fuck him lol.
But yeah there are so many things I wanted to do but I felt so worn out by mindless sidequests and story being level locked in comparison to the previous games. askdjhflkd
One of the things that blows my mind is so so many people were stoked i was playing DA and they couldn’t wait til I got to Inq, and so I find out most people I know only ever played Inquisition? TBH if I didn’t play O+2 I think I would’ve dropped inquisition and never finished it *shrug* all of the build up just means SO MUCH!!! Everyones argument seems to be the older games are ugly and yeah O has rough battle system but its easy to get over imo. Like, you need the chaos of 2 to get the real weight of the mage/templar stuff?? Theres so many characters and story and dialogue that go over your head without Origins?? Like yes inq can stand alone pretty well but, idk, I’m in love with this entire series and the world building and THE!! WAY!!! IT!!! ALL!!! CONNECTS!!!!!!!!!!!
I love how a quest can go differently by whos in your party, I love you can have more dialogue based on lore you’ve managed to pick up around, I love HOW COMPANIONS BICKERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! The lore of these games are so good. It’s like playing an epic line of novels. It’s so immersive and I don’t think I’ve played too many games to this level.
I didn’t like the skill trees to being a mage in this one, Idk why. It wasn’t nearly as fun for me as 2, but then  again I really fucking liked being a force mage haha. I wanted to be a rogue to complete a diff class per game but everyone said mage brings a lot more interesting story/lore stuff so
but yeah I love having the full context now and seeing other peoples Wardens/Hawkes/Inquisitors and asking people how they played and how their options differed from mine and THERES JUST SO MANY POSSIBLE DECISION TREES!!!!! No wonder the fans play over and over.
but yeah ultimately so much fucking happened?? I’m probably missing a lot of key points.
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spikeinthepunch · 4 years
Petz Catz 2 - Redesign+Rewrite
So! I have been working on this for a bit now. Took some breaks as i worked on more important projects. I did loose some steam and did not draw as many characters as I intended but I did the important ones.  This is a rewrite & redesign project of the game Petz Catz/Dogz 2 (console version). Should be said-- i did NOT intend to “fix” the game, i merely added to the story and lore. I could go on and on about a cooler version of this game but this rewrite keeps it as the basic game that it is. That is also why the story still follows such a simple outline, but I did not plan to spend months remaking the game lol. Additionally i couldnt really draw the protag, Arvin and Ione due to the way the game works?? And i didnt want to alter that. But I have descriptions for them in here too.  I wanted to keep this pretty in line with the canon story and just flesh it out- no major changes to the plot that would make it unrecognizable! I feel i couldve gone deeper with it, but i like what i got and i dont want to get way too into it at this point. Feel free to send me asks about it and the ideas i have!
Table of Contents
General changes
The plot
Individual Characters + their bios
I will be referring to the main character as “Protag”, since this game lets you make your own character to play.
all the rest is below!
General things to know:
One thing from the original is that the characters are children (i think)… Personally I have decided to keep this vague or make them “teen-ish”. They won’t be perfectly mature but just not exactly the same. This is mainly because the beginning of the game starts with the main characters doing something very dumb and immature and I just don’t want to start it with those personalities being the same. Be sure to read each character bio to see how I changed their personality.
On the setting- i won’t go too into it but I like to imagine a semi-bustling town… More houses, NPCs having children or partners, etc. Characters helping each other, going chores, errands, etc. The original is just very empty so I want to establish that I view this rewrite with these changes in mind. I won’t be writing this into the story but, if you are to imagine the new world I have built, that is what it would look like!
There are some details i leave out because they wouldn’t be much different from the actual game, like simple exchanges to how a quest starts, or the “quests” in general. That is more gameplay related than story. 
Lastly, on Victor… i definitely think its lame that he just isnt present through the rest of the game but i honestly couldn't come up with much of a way to involve him still. I give a different scenario for it, but i dont think its necessary for him to be by Protag’s side either.
For all minor NPCs that i did not design, i say what their breed is, and I also made relations between some NPCs that never existed.
In this world magic has always been around, but much earlier in time it was more commonly used. Long ago a small family of cats was discovered to have magic in their blood, and found many magical artifacts across the land that could be used to benefit their species. The cats settled into villages, often behind the wizards who would keep peace across the land with their powers. The original family’s blood spread through other blood lines, and more cats became involved in magic- documenting their spells, the use of this magic, and the artifacts they discovered. The cats who discovered magic became more intelligent and started to explore the lands. Across the seas they went, and eventually came across an island populated by wolves. Approaching with kindness, the wolves accepted them at first. The wolves hadn’t learned about magic, but the cats taught them when they arrived and they realized they too had magical potential- and their own leader, Ivlet, had the ability to actually use magic himself! While this could’ve brought the species together, it just made them more power hungry and cautious of the cats. The wolf population did not agree with the cats’ intentions… they wanted to stay feral and wild… additionally, they did not like their organization, order, and control of magical artifacts. The pack leader, Ivlet, spoke that this magic is used best by the wildest of animals and so these cats were using it wrongly because of how civilized they were. The cats swiftly left and moved on, until they settled on the current island where Pawville now sits. In time, the population grew and magic was so ingrained in the world that cats knew about it but did not have many direct encounters with it… no one was casting spells and experimenting with alchemy. Things were peaceful and worked fine as they did. The use of magic became more and more uncommon due to there being no threats or new discoveries. So in time, cats’ started to stray from the original magical bloodline and it became more rare to find full fledged wizards. Many did not involve themselves and simply let the remaining wizards keep track of the magic in the world. In the present, the cats have moved on to casual lives where magic simply sits in the background of their world. It has taken a permanent place in being helpful to them but isn’t used for much else. The world is simple and peaceful. Old tales used to circulate more about the evil wolf “Ivlet” that the original settlers came across on their journey, but many did not think much of it years later and many wouldn’t ever think about wolves again.
Protag is digging through chests and drawers in the house looking for a working fishing rod. Their’s had broken, and Victor has been bugging them to get out and finally face them in the ultimate fishing competition! (...it's just normal fishing, but why not make it a competition and see who can catch the biggest sardine??). They didn’t want to buy a new one just for this and swore they saw one in here somewhere… As they pushed away clothes and other nonsense, they reveal some golden metal glint. Protag pulls it out, hoping to have found their fishing rod, but out comes a ragged wizard hat. Arvin turns at the commotion and swiftly trots over to put his paws down before Protag pulls the hat out any further. He tells Protag he shouldn’t be messing with that and Protag defensively says they didn’t mean to- they were just curious and thought it was a fishing rod they were looking for! Arvin says it is very important to the family and that it needs to stay safe. Protag comments it didn’t seem very safe tucked under ten pounds of clothing and junk in a wooden chest… Arvin adds, it needs to stay hidden. It should not fall into the hands of anyone with bad intentions. Arvin goes over to the tall wooden closet and pulls out a fishing rod. Before Protag turns to leave, Arvin stops them and says “Listen- I know I haven’t sat you down properly to explain all this but you should understand that our family has a long history- one of magic! That magic hat has been with us for generations, and it must stay within our home so that one uses it for evil. The magic contained in that hat could do too much damage if in the wrong hands….” As he trails off, he starts again, “You must know that while many stories seem like fiction nowadays to you kids, it is very much real- there is evil lurking out there--” and he is cut off by Victor banging at the door for Protag to come outside. Protag shrugs off his father’s rambling of magic and evil and heads through the door assuring his dad he won’t say anything. 
...Earlier, somewhere many islands and oceans away, a lowly wolf approaches his pack leader to say they heard rumors of a magical artifact that could grant the user ultimate power to rule all the lands. It was a hat of some kind and apparently a very old family of magic users keeps the hat, a family that was friends with the first settlers that met the wolves ages ago- Theophilus and Bartholomew. This wolf had gathered more information on where they had settled, too. The wolves had been searching for artifacts like the ones the cats had when they visited years ago, but had no luck. The leader of the pack, Ivlet, had been searching and searching so he could properly conquer all the islands and reign over the cats to show them how magic should truly be used. He had never caught the scent of magical blood on his journeys, but finally he has an idea of where to go.. He sets off to find the island where a small town of Pawville lays....
Back on the sunny island, the two friends had been at the beach for a good number of hours now, but with very little luck on catching sardines. So they crossed the beach to find a better spot. As Victor leans over the edge of the dock his eye catches sight of a mysterious dark mass laying against the shallow beach. Not being able to tell what it is, he quickly tells Protag to come over and check it out- only to realize this big mass was a terrifying creature… a wolf? Who seemed unconscious! The two are quite freaked out and decide they should go find Sheriff Ada. The sheriff follows them back to the spot, and the wolf has started to wake up. He is weak, coughing up sea water, and definitely doesn’t seem capable of anything in this state. The sheriff sternly asks him what has happened, how did he get here? He explains that he went off course in his travels and did not intend to wash up. A storm shook him off course and destroyed his vessel. The sheriff still sees a wolf as a threat, regardless of his weakness, and says that she will allow him to recover in a cell at the jail- she was wary but also did not know much about wolves either, so she did not know what he was capable of. After that he must leave, however. Ada gathers the rest of the officers in town and they lead the wolf back to their jail where they lock him up. Protag and Victor are left behind- both a bit shaken by the sight of a wolf but interested in the mystery behind him. As the day grows late, the two head back to Protag’s home to have dinner before Victor goes to his own house. At the table, Victor can’t stop blabbing about what happened earlier and exchanging theories on what wolves were like, considering they never came to their island. Protag’s parents looked at each other with worried glances at this news of a wolf... While it seemed unlikely, they both were thinking of an old story about one of the most evil wolves of all- Ivlet. The idea that he is possibly the wolf that landed on their shores was certainly bad news. 
After dinner, Protag heads out the door to walk Victor home, and Gertrude stops them- she swiftly says to Protag that she really needs a helping hand- Ada requested her to bring some medicine to the jail to give to the wolf but she has her hands full Kenneth who returned from an expedition with an injury. She simply tells Protag to go to the jail and deliver the medicine for her and that Ada left the front door unlocked for them to leave it inside. 
Protag and Victor head to the jail- kind of excited to see the wolf again- maybe strike up a conversation and learn a little bit about where he came from. As they are off, Protag’s parents note that they haven’t returned home and step outside to figure out where they went. Gertrude says she put them on a quick errand to the jail but the parents aren’t happy to hear that, they really didn’t want the two of them getting carried away with a wolf. While they don’t know for sure who the wolf is, they’d rather not find out the wrong way. Back at the jail, the wolf has woken up and Victor is immediately ready to throw questions at him to find out what wolves are like. The whole while, this mysterious wolf simply entertained the excited cat, but had his eyes on Protag. The moment they walked in, the wolf was sniffing the air and wouldn’t take his gaze off Protag… so he finally piped up and turned to Protag, asking them some basic questions and while Protag seemed a little nervous about the wolf asking them things, they saw no harm. Protag asks the wolf’s name and he says it is Ivlet. Ivlet turns back to the Protag and Victor and asks the Protag “Do you know about magic?” They both look a little confused and say not really, it's a thing they hear about sometimes but no one uses it anymore. Ivlet looks at Protag and says how could he not know, he had magic in him! He could smell it! Protag is confused and shocked, and Ivlet almost seems frustrated that this cat he found was unaware of all the magic inside of him. He must know something! Ivlet slams his paw on the ground and suddenly Protag’s eyes are glowing purple. Ivlet asks “Do you know about anything magical at all?” Suddenly Protag speaks very clearly and says “My father showed me a hat just earlier that he said was magic.” Victor looked at him with shock and confusion, asking his friend what the heck he was talking about. But Protag wouldn’t listen, and Ivlet asked them “Do you know where that hat is?” Protag says they do. Victor is trying to figure out what happened to his friend, confused by all this sudden information. 
Just in that moment, Protag’s parents come in and gasp at what is in front of them. Ione and Arvin realize immediately that this wolf is Ivlet, and that he has Protag under his control, revealing any information when he asks a question. But before they can do anything, Ivlet uses his powers to mind control them as well and stop them in their place. He orders for Protag to go and get the magic hat from where it is, and bring it back. The protag walks off and retrieves it from the chest that it sat in. Protag approaches the cell and Ivlet swiftly snatches it from Protag through the bars and chuckles at his easy success. Immediatly he lets go of everyone’s mind control and remarks how stupid they all were to not even realize who he was- he almost feels insulted that no one actively fears the all-powerful Ivlet but, it made this all ten times easier so, it worked out! Victor and Protag are dazed from the mind control but Ione and Arvin watch in horror as Ivlet puts on the Magic Hat. As the hat turns a muddy blue color, Ivlet swiftly displays its powers by crashing through the jail cell’s bars. He flies into the air and reigns destruction across the island’s land. The four could barely process what happened before he vanished into the night. All that is left in the jail is a small yellow glowing ball, realized to be the Good essense of the hat that left when Ivlet took control of it for his evil desires. Arvin takes it in his paws before frantically heading home.
With houses and stores damaged and the lands destroyed, Protag is left at home with his parents ashamed but still shocked about the events… they had no idea it would all escalate like that. Victor’s parents are forcing him to stay home as they are incredibly paranoid about the events. Protag apologizes to his parents repeatedly but also gets angry and says they never told him about this magic anyways! And he is mad that he had no idea his family had magical blood and that Ivlet was the one to reveal this to him. They apologize for keeping it all from him. Arvin suggests that he helps around Pawville before he considers getting into any more trouble, Arvin and Ione will figure out how to deal with this. [This is where all those Fixing Pawville quests would happen]
After finishing up all the help around the town, Protag comes home to their parents, definitely waiting for them as they sit at the table. Ione says she is so happy that Protag went and helped everyone who needed it and felt they really could be responsible for themself and others. Arvin says that he trusts Protag, and that he knows what they must do- go and meet the Magic Professor, Theophilus, who lives in Sky Heights. [Insert the quests that get you to Sky Heights] At Sky Heights, Protag is greeted by Theo who starts to ramble about his parents and all sorts of old history nonsense about magic and their blood and whatnot. He shows him all these books and notes and scrolls, excited that Ione and Arvin’s child is finally learning about magic. Protag interrupts to tell him that Arvin said he may know what they can do to stop Ivlet, that they want to help with that. Theo gets back on track and tells Protag about the hat and the elemental stones- the hat itself is the embodiment of all the elements and morals of the world. The hat can control, destroy, or create anything. If in the wrong hands, or with a user who doesn’t understand it, the hat may become so destructive that it destroys everything in existence, as the embodiment of Evil will take physical form and act on its own! These elemental stones are magical artifacts on other islands that are embodiments of each individual element (Earth, Water, Air, and Fire). If they find them all, they can use its combined powers to track down the hat and protect themselves against Ivlet- hopefully taking back the hat as well. 
Theo explains where to find these crystals, and that they will need to head to one last location to find his brother, so they can cast the protection spell. [insert fetch quests for the stones]. Protag finds Bartholemew deep in the sandy desert- looking different than his brother as his fur is stained with the brown sands that blow across the land. He had set up his own little shack to study the land’s magical properties, or if it had any at all. After explaining the situation, they both head back to Sky Heights with the stones. 
Meanwhile, Ivlet resides in a rocky castle, formed by himself with the hat that has now turned almost black. He groans and paws at his head as the hat’s color continues to darken… Ivlet’s own form has started to shift- turning more monstrous as his claws become longer and his teeth become sharper. Suddenly, a dark haze falls over the hat and Ivlet himself. The haze tries to take form, a physical shape of evil, but Ivlet growls and fights against it, fighting mentally with the magic that has already settled on his mind. With great strength, Ivlet manages to stop the Evil from getting away, but the dark engulfs him, adding more mass to the already monstrous wolf. From a mix of the darkness and Ivlet himself, rose a mix of something wolf-like and dragon-like. A most terrifying physical form of the most evil thing a cat could ever imagine.
Bart and Theo bring together the elemental stones in order to cast a spell that will allow them to track down the location of the hat. Once the spell is cast, the rocks glow and create a portal, the destination being where Ivlet is with the hat. Protag and the two wizards jump through the portal and come out on the other side, in a cold dark clearing of stone. They seemed to be under a roof as well- it is in fact a massive stone chamber, and at the other end a large pulsing black mass of a dragon sits on a stone ledge. Theo exclaims that it must be Ivlet, but the hat’s dark energy had taken him over, instead of becoming its own separate being. The dragon takes notice of them and roars, rushing at them with the thrust of its massive wings. The three turn around and run, heading for one of the corridors leading deeper into the castle. The dragon is gaining on them as they approach the hall, so Bart turns around and casts a spell to put a barrier on the hall so they can have more time to get ahead. As the dragon slams into the barrier, the stone walls shake around them. Theo remarks that maybe they can defeat this dragon by having the walls of the castle crumble upon it. As the dragon crashes through the barrier, the group runs for a tighter hall where the dragon attempts to go through but ends up stuck with its large gnarly teeth snapping through the entrance. As predicted, all of the dragons pushing and banging around caused stones to tumblr down and hit the dragon. Through the gaps in the crumbled stone a puff of the black haze flows through and the motion stops. Protag investigates and sees the rim of the Magic Hat, pulling it out from the rubble. It is now dull and grey, no power left in it. 
The group sees no movement below the stones, and assuming their safety they run through the other halls so they can get back to the clearing and teleport back home. As they return to the main chamber, a loud echoing howl is heard. Bursting through the halls comes a large, monstrous Ivlet shouting at them to return his power to him. Theo tells Protag that they can use the stones to temporarily bring power back to the hat, and take out Ivlet themself. Protag fights Ivlet, and uses the stone to shake the castle walls yet again and trap Ivlet until the rubble once and for all. With the last of the hat’s temporary power, Protag opens the portal again to travel back home. 
When they return, Protag takes the drained hat back home, where his father retrieves the Good essence left behind when Ivlet had taken over the hat, returning it back to its full strength. Protag’s parents tell them how proud they are that they were able to work with Theo and Bart to defeat Ivlet and get the hat back. They spread the news that Ivlet is no longer a threat and all returns to normal in Pawville.
Ivlet is an old evil wolf whose intention is to bring chaos to the islands. He was the “leader” of his island’s pack and many looked up to his powers and his hatred of the cats' use of magic. While previous wolves did not like the cats much, Ivlet escalated their hatred into believing that only wolves should be the ones to control all that magic, and that cats were using it wrongly.  Ivlet has magical blood and a power specific to himself- within a certain range he can mind control a being. The person when controlled can only do whatever the controller knows, as in he can’t ask someone to retreive something if the controller isnt aware of its location. Aside, he is very strong physically, has a great sense of smell, and can see in the dark.  Ivlet is impulsive, mean, toxic, and manipulative. Truly a bad wolf! He will do what he wants to get his way, but also make brash decisions to get things to work. 
Arvin and Ione
Arvin belongs to a family with a good amount of magical blood, while Ione comes from an old family who never had magic but always worked closely with wizards. In their younger days, Ione worked as an assistant for Theophilus and Arvin was studying books written by Theophilus himself back at home. In both of their separate works, Theo eventually introduced the two. Arvin’s family had always carried the Magic Hat and continued to watch over it as he made a family with Ione. The two have quite extensive knowledge in magic and knew it was important to keep the hat a secret. The couple soon moved to South Pawville for a simpler life- hoping that they could give their offspring a simple childhood before introducing them to magic.  They are whatever breed the player chooses.
Beat does not exist in the same way as the original game. He is simply a glowing essence of magical matter and isn’t sentient. Sorry, I just thought he was 100% pointless and did not need to be a thing through the protag’s journey- story wise or gameplay wise.
Theophilus and Bartholomew
Two brother snowshoe cats, both magic users. Theo and Bart led the cats to the island they now all settle on, and researched the magical artifacts they discovered, so they could all be used for the safety and peace of the cats. Theo lives in Sky Heights among hundreds of books he wrote himself about magic while Bart went off on an expedition to study magic in the land.  Dog breed: Basenji
Victor (and Charlotte)
Victor is the protagonist’s best friend, and is the son of Charlotte. He is a fluffy tortie Turkish Van with green eyes. He wears a loose red scarf. Dog breed: Husky 
Gertrude is a Flame-point shorthair with blue eyes. She wears a yellow bow on her head and an off white frilled collar shirt. She owns the drug store and makes medicine. Dog breed: brown long haired dachshund
Tom is a ragged grey Manx cat. He wears dark shaded glasses and a thick brown leather jacket. He owns the Pawn Shop.  Dog breed: American pitbull terrier
Sheila is an elegant, white turkish angora with odd eyes (brown, blue). On her blue eye side, she is deaf and often mishears customers or gets surprised by their presence. She wears clear round pink glasses, a low cut shirt, and a red bow on her tail.  Dog breed: maltese
Charles and Kenneth
Chales is a russian blue cat with blue eyes. He wears a small top hat and uniform themed after the aquarium he works at. Dog breed: Italian Greyhound
Kenneth is a large, fluffy red Siberian cat with green eyes. He wears an explorer's hat and army green shorts. On his back is a large backpack. He works at the zoo. Dog breed: Irish setter
Clara is a cream colored ragamuffin cat with amber eyes. Her paws are stained with dirt. She wears a thick gardening shirt with the sleeves rolled up. She takes care of the flowerbeds in town. Dog breed: Afgahn hound
Sheriff Ada is a tall grey Egyptian Mau with green eyes. She wears a yellow vest and black button up shirt along with a pair of dark shades often sitting on her head.  Dog breed: Irish wolfhound
[Other NPCs]
At the moment I have chosen not to redesign/rewrite any other characters, just the ones above as they are more important/relevant to the setting. 
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