#i dont mind a bit of sourness but i want something thats mostly sweet with just a bit of a sour edge; yknow? i dont want something TOO sour
chrismcshell · 2 years
[cw alcohol]
every bar/pub/restaurant that serves alcohol should have a cocktail that is sweet and fruity and fun and non-carbonated. for me personally. everyone should cater to my needs wants and desires
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zanesgirlfriend · 6 years
Different Things | Scotty Sire x Reader x Kristen McAtee
Description: Scott and Kristen break up with the reader, but she has some very surprising news that Kristen doesn't like so much.
Requested?: yes by anonymous : Hey idk if you’d do polyamory or not, but could you do a Scott x reader x Kristen, where they break up with the reader, maybe because Kristen wants a baby or to get married, and then two months later reader realises she’s pregnant? But by that point they’ve already burned their bridges with her so it’s awkward?? Thanks for considering it, obviously it’s fine if you don’t want to write it
A/N: idk why i love writing about scott and kristen so much but i realllllyyyy enjoyed this!!
Warnings!!: This got incredibly negative and violent at the end and i dont wanna spoil it but the end is really fucked up and sad and i hope yall know thats not actually what i picture kristen to be like, i just think it was a cool twist, so please consider that as you read, thank you.
Polyamory wasn't for everybody, which is exactly why they kept it from the fans. Scott, y/n, and Kristen did everything in their power to keep the fans from finding out. They double and triple checked videos, avoided PDA with y/n, kept tweets and Instagram comments strictly professional, and never posted pictures with her.
Sometimes she wished she was there first. It started as Scott and Kristen, and the fans could never think anything else. Y/n wanted so badly to just kiss one of her partners in public. To hug and hold hands and dance on her partners in somewhere other than Scott and Kristen's or David's house. She also never found it fair that she had to live in the little side house they had. She always just seemed like something added on to the relationship, never a true part of it.
However, she could never break up with them. They were all she had, and all she wanted.
Too bad they didn't feel the same way.
"Scott, I can't do this anymore, can you please just talk to her?" Kristen begged him for the hundreth time. He always loved Kristen more than y/n, and always did what she asked.
"Shouldn't we do it together? She is dating both of us." He knew he wasn't as good with words as Kristen was, and he couldn't bear to do it alone.
They ended up having their final threesome that night, two of them putting all of the attention on y/n, as they knew it would never happen again. They acted as if pleasing her sexually would absolve them of the guilt of breaking up with her. It made them feel better to pretend they were being generous before ripping away the only thing she cared about.
We just want different things.
She couldn't remember which one of them had said it, but it repeated over and over in her head as she cried herself to sleep.
She spent the next month and a half moving out, getting a dog, and getting her life together. She started hanging out with a different group of YouTubers and avoided all questions concerning the vlog squad. Y/n did whatever she could to not think about the happy couple. Well, until her she missed her period for the second time.
She thought it was just the flu at first, all the puking and hot flashes, and shortness of breath. But deep down she knew. Why did she even waste her money on 5 different types of pregnancy tests when she already knew the answer? Probably for her sanity. Some kind of peace of mind or assurance that she wasn't crazy. That her body wasn't just making it up to force her to think about Scott and Kristen.
She was pregnant, almost two months pregnant. With Scott's baby.
She hadn't seen or spoken to them since the end. She found it too awkward to even like their pictures on instagram, so how was she supposed to tell them?
Of course, she could just keep it a secret and become a single mommy vlogger and have play dates with Colleen Ballinger. But she had no idea how to raise a kid, let alone raise the kid by herself. Brand deals were good, but could she really afford to raise a child in LA?
We need to talk, can we meet somewhere?
Her messaged popped up on his phone, catching him off guard.
"What is it?" Kristen asked through FaceTime. She noticed his face change.
"I just got a weird text from Zane, it's nothing." He lied to his girlfriends face. He texted her back and she sent him the address to her apartment. He ended the conversation with Kristen quickly, pretending David needed him for a bit.
I'm on the way.
He responded and told his friends he had to go somewhere, slipping out virtually unnoticed. The drive to y/n's apartment was nerve wracking. What could she want? Did she want to get back together? Did she want to see him secretly on the side? A million scenarios passed through his mind as he followed the instructions of his GPS.
She was just as nervous, answering the door before he even had a chance to knock. Her puppy barked and wagged his tail at the new visitor. It was strange to think how someone she knew so well and for so long was just another random stranger to the dog.
They hugged awkwardly as she invited him inside. The positive pregnancy test was burning a hole in her back pocket as the pair sat on her couch.
"It's good to see you." His attempt at small talk was futile. They both just wanted to get straight to the point.
His ears seemed to stop working after the words left her mouth.
I'm pregnant. It's definitely yours.
She blabbered on about how she didn't want to force him or Kristen to help her, but that they needed to know. He was too busy trying to understand what she'd said.
"What?!" He laughed, his natural response was to assume that this was some sort of sick joke.
"We don't have to explain anything to the fans, we can just igno-" She blabbered on again, but he was still stuck. He interrupted her ramblings as he pulled out his phone and called Kristen.
"What's up, baby?" She asked, bright and happy and unsuspecting.
"Y/n is pregnant." His words didn't seem real as they left his mouth, and Kristen didn't understand it either. Her heart ached, but she needed to put on a brave face, for the the sake of her and Scott's relationship. She thought the entire drive to y/n's about what they should do.
They spent the next three hours catching up on life and figuring out the best options. It was too hard to keep it a secret.
"We need to film a video." Kristen suggested once everything was worked out. Y/n knew she was right, but wanted nothing else but to hide under the covers until the situation went away.
An Explaination.
The thumbnail was the three of them on the couch, holding hands and staring into the camera.
"Let's talk about polyamorous relationships." Kristen started. The other two stayed silent, only interjecting when they felt it was necessary. Y/n revealed the pregnancy, and Scott talked mostly about what the plan was when the baby was born.
The video was heavy, and the air around the trio felt thick. They'd planned everything out so quickly and filmed a video so suddenly, but there was still this awkward air around them. Y/n was having Scott's baby, and Kristen wasn't. How was Kristen supposed to deal with that? She made Scott break up with y/n so the two of them could grow their relationship, and now y/n was growing his child. Of course, Kristen had never wanted kids or marraige, but she wanted Scott. And she thought she'd had him.
Everything was screwed up, and she didn't like it.
Their friend group took it well, putting on very happy reactions for the camera as they told everyone. It seemed as though everyone in their friend group was filled with positivity.
They waited two more months, y/n hiding her growing stomach as much as she could as Scott continued to add clips to their explaination video. Kristen was sour towards y/n, but Scott was excited.
He was going to be a dad.
Y/n was going to be a mom.
And Kristen was supposed to be what?
She struggled to follow her own plan, only gaining resentment for y/n.
The video was posted, reactions were overwhelmingly positive. This only fueled Kristen's hate.
Scott was busy on the day of the next ultrasound, but Kristen accompanied y/n, promising Scott she would get some pictures of the baby.
"Are you her sister?" The nurse asked Kristen as y/n waddled over to the chair.
"No, I'm kinda the baby's second mom." She tried to explain, only making it sound like they were in love, which couldn't be further from the truth.
Y/n smiled at the growing bean in her tummy as it appeared on the screen.
"Would you like to know the gender?" The nurse asked as she searched for a heartbeat.
"Yes!" Y/n exclaimed, smiling up at Kristen. The way Kristen looked back at her made her uneasy, though. As if Kristen wanted to be nowhere near y/n or the baby.
Kristen walked slowly next to y/n as they left. It was quiet between them, and y/n felt as if she was about to cry.
"Do you have a problem with all of this?" She finally asked, looking Kristen in the eyes.
"Yes, actually, I do." Kristen replied, her rage building.
"You don't have to be invloved, I can take care of the baby myself." Y/n tried to justify Kristen's feelings. She hated making people mad or upset.
"Scott wants to be involved." Kristen was short as she devised an impulsive plan, acting upon pure cruel instinct.
"But you don't have to be! No offense, but I don't want your negativity around my sweet little baby bo-" Her words turned into a scream as Kristen shoved her down the flight of stairs.
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harryseyebrows · 5 years
Hmm I dunno. Maybe he asks Jeff if he wants to be in the delivery room with him, and Jeff is like ... do u want me there?? And then Harry’s like um yeah obviously. Or there could be something more climactic. Like Harry goes out for dinner with a male friend, and Jeff gets sort of twitchy and weird and jealous. And they get in a fight when Harry gets home, like Jeff makes a comment about their sleeping situation and Harry’s “date” and Harry’s like “it wasn’t a date because I love YOU”
why not BOTH. so harry has to decide like.. how he wants to do things lol and because jeff goes with him to is appointments, jeff is present when harry discusses it with his OB. c-section? he’d rather not; major abdominal surgery just really lacks appeal for him. epidural? yes, because he’d like to avoid as much pain as possible. hospital or birthing center? a hospital makes him feel more safe, but he won’t exclude the possibility of a center, either. all of these things make jeff’s head spin a bit, because it’s really happening. not right now, obviously. but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. they’re going to have a baby. one little person thats made up of all the little parts of the two of them. he can barely wrap his head around it. but harry’s sitting next to him, casually talking about ‘bearing down like you’re having a bowel movement’ and its just totally bizarre. a baby. the whole process seems really intense and scary and embarrassing and he knows that harry isnt a very shy person but he wonders if he’ll want jeff in the room with him. so he asks. and a mild argument ensues but NO DRAMATIC REVEALS YET!!!
perhaps when harry goes on his little outing, he’s roughly 8 months and some weeks along. thoroughly pregnant. while he’s getting ready, jeff makes some comment like ‘are you sure you should be going out like that?’ because its january in london (harry wanted to have the baby at home - not LA home, but home home; and of course, jeff followed) and it’s slippery out and cold and well. jeff just really doesnt like the idea of harry going out with some random guy (he’s not actually a random guy, he’s a small-scale producer that harry is considering working with) when he’s carrying their baby. harry, for his part, mostly ignores jeff’s sourness. he gets dressed in relative silence - he doesn’t ask for help when he tries to wiggle into his elastic waist jeans, even though he almost falls over twice. he simply slips on his coat and boots and leaves with a curt, ‘there’s stuff for pasta in the cabinet.’ jeff tries to watch TV while he’s gone, but he’s too restless to focus. can’t stop thinking about harry and that guy, blake or brian, whatever his name is, putting his hand on harry’s forearm or touching his lower back. he does end up making pasta and it helps distract him a bit, but his mind is still going a mile a minute. he’s mostly relaxed until harry walks through the door two hours later and then jeff’s frustration and doubt and anger, if he’s being honest, are all renewed, fresh like a recently picked scab. 
‘have fun?’ he asks, voice snide and mean in a way he never is with harry. ever. 
harry is in the middle of putting his coat on a hanger. ‘what?’ he asks, eyebrows furrowing. his cheeks are very pink, from the cold. he should’ve worn a scarf. 
‘on your little date. did you have fun?’ jeff places extra emphasis on the word ‘date’, lets it clang out of his mouth like a bullet. 
harry rounds on him. he wobbles for a second because his center of balance has been off since month five, but he casts an imposing figure, his green eyes turned hard and fiery. that’s another thing that’s changed. Pregnant Harry is different from Not-Pregnant Harry; now he always seems ready for a fight. 
‘excuse me?’
jeff shrugs, feigning innocence. ‘is he nice? did he pick up the bill?’
harry’s boots clack loudly on the hardwood as he storms over to where jeff is sitting. ‘what’s your problem?’ 
‘just looking out. wanna make sure that we get the vetting process done early. so that when you guys start playing house we don’t run into any surprises.’
he doesn’t know where any of this is coming from. everything is oozing out of him like lava - hot and molten and burning. he watches as harry visibly flinches, stung. 
‘you’re being an asshole right now,’ harry spits, and jeff catches the moment his lower lip starts to tremble. ‘it was a business meeting. i wanted to talk to him about doing a song, you absolute dickhead.’
jeff wants to wash himself down a sink and turn on the garbage disposal. he knew all of that. really, he did. but he had to go ahead and let his insecurities get the best of him. and now he’s made harry upset. 
he stands and puts his hands up in surrender. ‘h…’ he tries, but harry shakes his head. 
‘no. don’t touch me. don’t even– i don’t even want to look at you right now.’
jeff feels that like a punch to his solar plexus. he nods, because he deserves it. 
‘listen. i’m sorry. i shouldn’t– i didn’t mean those things.’
harry’s eyes are glistening now, and he hastily scrubs at them before any tears can fall, turning so block jeff’s view. ‘yes you did. otherwise you wouldn’t have said them.’
jeff swallows. ‘well. i shouldn’t have said them. it’s not fair to you. i– even if it wasn’t just… for business. you’re like. allowed to see people.’
out of everything, that gets harry’s attention the most. his head whips around so quick jeff worries about him snapping his neck. he sounds borderline hysterical. ‘what?’
‘i just–’
‘what are you on about? do you hear yourself?’
‘no. be quiet. you’ve done enough talking,’ harry says, chest heaving as he breathes quickly. ‘i dont know if you’ve noticed or not, but im pregnant. im having your baby. we moved in together! we literally live under the same roof. sleep in the same bed. i make you coffee in the morning. and im not doing that because i want to play house. i do it because i–’ his face scrunches up. he looks at the ground and lets out a huff of humorless laughter. ‘because i love you. not anyone else. you.’
jeff drops heavily back onto the couch. he puts his head in his hands. can’t believe how badly he’s fucked this up. because surely harry can’t mean present tense. no, after this? jeff might as well start packing his bags now. 
‘harry,’ jeff says to his own socked feet. ‘im sorry.’
harry doesn’t move. doesn’t make a sound. he lets jeff marinate in his own gloriously-proportioned mistake. 
jeff continues, chancing a glance upwards. ‘i can go. if you want. im sure you dont want me around right now.’ 
harry sighs and throws his arms up in exasperation. ‘did you not listen to one thing i just said?’
‘i only want you around. that’s the whole point. even when you make me really, really fucking mad and say stupid, shitty things.’
this is it. jeff wrings his hands together. he stands up and takes a few steps forward, but leaves some space between them. his whole body is tingling, both from harry’s admission and his own, that’s sitting just on the tip of his tongue, ready to be catapulted out there into the open. 
‘i–’ his voice nearly breaks. he swallows and tries again. ‘i love you. too. i mean, in general.’
harry’s still royally pissed - jeff can feel it coming off him in waves - but he can’t conceal the way his lips wobble as he tries to fight a smile. 
‘you’re an idiot,’ he says. ‘a complete idiot. i cook you dinner and ask to cuddle all the time and wash your hair in the shower sometimes. and you thought i was doing all of that, for what? just to be nice?’
‘i didnt know what to think! one minute you’re all comely and sweet, and the next you’re yelling at me because i put a spoon in the wrong drawer.’
‘ive got a baby sitting on my bladder! im hormonal! and you’re the one who did it to me!’
jeff’s throat goes dry. now is not the time to be thinking about that. 
in a few short strides, harry closes the gap between them. well, as much as he can when he has almost a whole foot of belly jutting out from his middle. he grabs jeff by the wrist and brings his hand to the curve of his stomach, just under his ribs. it only takes a few seconds for jeff to feel tiny thumps under his palm and fingers. 
harry cups him around the back of his neck with his free hand. up against jeff’s ear, he softly says, ‘even without this… without them. id still love you.’
jeff presses his forehead against harry’s. ‘i didn’t ruin things, did i?’
harry moves jeff’s hand, so it’s resting over his heart instead. ‘no. this is yours, too.’
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Nier Automata - Genius and Madness
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the works of Yoko Taro are something that have eluded me for most of my life, and that I have given very little attention to. Probably for good reasons because from the outside, the gameplay of his games range from Mediocre to Average at best and I consider myself a very "gameplay First" person. Some of my Freinds would rave about Drakengard and how weird it is but that didnt quite convince me to look into them much further. However, one Fateful Day a little game called "Nier Automata" was announced, a sequel to Yoko Taros Xbox 360/PS3 game Nier with a little line of Text that would change things in an instant
                                   "Developed by PlatinumGames"
now friends of mine will know that, PlatinumGames is one of my alltime favourite Game Devs for their Crazy High skill Character Action Beat em up titles, containing Larger than Life characters and great and tight Gameplay that owes their roots in the Arcade games of old, which is something I have a appreciation for.
So, with a combination like this I finally decided to take on this series, by means of watching Youtube essays about it because goddamn, the gameplay in these games can get rather mind numbing sadly but honestly? Yoko Taro mighta earned himself now a nice cushy place as one of my favourite Directors, right next to  Hideki Kamiya and Hideo Kojima themselves.
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But there is one thing I realised from watching these Essays and actually playing one of them it is one thing to watch a guy sum this series up for you, its a whole different thing to watch the Insanity for yourself
because the works of Yoko Taro arent stories about Heroic Knights slaying Demons and Evil Dragons, or Loving Fathers/older Brothers trying to survive the Fall of Humanity with their Daughters/Little Sisters
they are stories about Love, Hate, War, the meaninglessness of the Universe and the Hope growing from it, what it means to be Human, and what it means to lose all reason and go complete and genuinely Mad
(there will be spoilers, so be warned if you wish to expirience these games yourself!)
so originally, this was gonna be a brief recap of Drakengard and Nier, but then I realised I couldnt do these games justice so I just link this and this recap of these games that should give you a good idea what these games are about but to keep it brief
Drakengard is essentially to RPGs what Evangelion was to Mecha Anime, and thats a fairly approviate comparsion when you just look at, this
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its also notable for how it handles its different endings, usually referred to as Ending A, Ending B etc, Ending E of the first Drakengard game was a Joke ending that nontheless became the basis for the setting of Nier, a ruined Planet Earth set hundreds of years after the Fall of Humanity about a Father (in the Western Releases) or a Older Brother (Japanese release) having to fend for himself and his Daughter/Younger Sister in a world under constant threat of creatures known as Heartless Shades
both these games are interesting, because their gameplay is nothing special, in the case of Drakengard its outright terrible,they got mediocre reviews and poor sales and yet these games have a dedicated Cult following and  tons of Novels, Audio Dramas, Manga and even Stage Plays that expand the Universes of these games and its lore
and thats for a simple reason: these games may have mediocre gameplay but, their Stories, their Characters, their Art Direction is actually of fairly high quality featuring intriguing Characters and worldbuilding that makes you invested in them regardless I mean, theres a entire exchange in Nier thats entireley between two Magical Talking Books for cryin out loud, and its one of the best parts of the game!
however, these games have thus far had a life as just that, Cult Classics, that didnt manage to garner a mainstream audience due to its aforementioned quirks, the Gameplay just could never stand up to the well written stories of these games
this is where PlatinumGames comes into play
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now, the gameplay of Automata I honestly felt like was more on par with what Revengeance offered: there is stuff you can do with it but all in all its below the likes of Bayonetta and Devil May Cry 3 but thats not to say its poor, of course not, it doesnt encourage you to try anything other than just Mash about, but thats Fine, theres also Chips that your characters can even equip Chips that enhance their abilities and giv e them new ones such as a Bayonetta style Parry and Witch time or give them Heals upon Killing the enemy and while the actual enviroments can be a bit of a chore to go through (until you get Fast Travel), it still felt good to Parkour your way through them, nice snappy and smooth which gives me hopes they take a cue or two from this game for Bayonetta 3 in that regard at least
another thing I loved is the Soundtrack itself. Now I dont consider myself a musical person, however I can tell when a Song is used perfectly, and in Automata? Every Song is used to actual perfection. Music to me can be the deciding factor wether a Area or Scene in a Game or Movie is Garbage, Forgettable or Legendary, and for Automata, every song makes each area fall niceley into the latter fortunatly. One Standout track for me is Birth of a Wish (Become as Gods) a retake of an earlier song that adds in additional Chorus, and the Theme for Pascals village which is a cute Melody involving Children singing.
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now onto the game itself, Route A puts you in the sexy and Lucious Thigh High boots of YoRHa Unit 2B, whereas Route B puts you in the cute Boy shorts of her Partner and mostly Good Boy YoRHa Unit 9S both tasked with ridding the world of Machine Lifeforms and making Earth inhabitable for the Humans stuck on the Moon again Both Routes play out roughly the same, 2B plays like a Standard Character Action Heroine with Lights and Heavies and such, whereas 9S is mainly focused around his ability to hack enemies and engage into brief SHMUP segments.
of the two I felt like 2B was a little more fun to play all in all, the Hacking was fine but also felt a teeny bit like a pace breaker but not too much, at least until late in Route B the game throws curvebals and unique hacking segments into the mix
a thing Yoko Taro games have been very good at showing, is showing the process of a Person losing their mental stability and throwing it all away to become a one track minded Mad Man and I find that interesting.
Drakengard had a good example when the Character Inuart completley loses it and becomes obsessed with bringing back his Dead Love interest, causing here to turn into the monster posted above. Automata meanwhile, shows this also but with Machines, being that shouldnt even go mad in the first place but become Insane with concepts like Revenge, Fear or other. Now I am not a Psychology Major or anything but I cant help but feel "this is Intriguing", not sure if thats a bad thing or anything but thats how it is.
now, Route C is where officialy the PlatinumGame ends and the Yoko Taro game begins, in that things become utterly, utterly Bleak. Not to say it was happy funtime before, many of the sidequests end on a very sour or outright terrible note, but here? Shits gon Bad!
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YoRHa falls, everyone on the Protagonists homebase dies or becomes infected with a Virus that makes them go insane, 2B dies and 9S is severeley wounded and has his mental state utterly ruined by seeing 2B, his Love interest, die. from this Point onward, you play as Either A2, a former YoRHa gone Rogue and 9S as he tries to kill every last Machine Lifeform, and as hes utterly loses his mind. Focusing entireley on his one Goal so that maybe, he can find Death and be with 2B in the Afterlife.
this is where the game really became interesting to me. Gradually 9S goes from this sweet pure boy to a Violent Mess that only wants to Kill and Kill and Kill, Over and Over, its a Interesting Development for such a Character I feel. A2 meanwhile, while still a Great Character and a Blast to play, I felt like was severeley underutilized, getting very little playtime compared to 2B and 9S, with most of her greatest character Development limited to a Japan only Stage play that got a short text recap on a terminal. and it just goes from there and it keeps going, plot twists happen, reveals happen, callbacks to the first Nier and Drakengard 1 happen, its just this huge Mountain of themes and stuff to uncover and analyse. references to old Philosophers and the Concept of Nihilism itself ebing explored, little details that popped up in the early game and now have much greater meaning, its....actually incredible?
I dont think I ever played a game that had so much going on, the last time I think I did was, Metal Gear Solid 3, maybe?! I think....this might actually be one of the best written games I ever played?
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and there is still so much content I could go through, the Stage Plays, the Novels, theres probably a buncha Audio Dramas for it too already its like, Jesus christ. and then theres Ending E, which while rather difficult (and probably causes at least 4 people to fucking hate my Guts) was probably one of the best ending sequences I seen in recent years, I'm not gonna go into detail what it is because, it needs to be seen to be belived, but I find it genuiley incredible.
I dont think theres a single game in the Drakengard and Nier series I would actually consider my "Favourite Game", maybe Nier Automata but thats up for consideration still, but I think I can safeley say that both games story as a whole is easily up there with Metal Gear as  one of my favourite Game stories out there, and friends and followers of mine would know by now how much I love that Franchise and its wacky insane story, Drakengard and Nier are special little series that you dont see enough of these days, but maybe thats for the better
I'm not gonna say "Nier Automata rekindled my love for video games" or anything, but I am glad I got to expirience these two series.
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bpdkipland · 8 years
literally do them all lmao For the strawberry: a lizard person, a little gray alien, an orb, and the Burger King himself For mr horse: ur opinion on the Charmin toilet paper bears
thank you so much anon fuc ily 
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone? 
yikes startin out w a hard one then um when i was a kid i had such a stressful emotional time that it caused me to wet the bed until i was like 12 or 13? it was fuct up 
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be? 
probs my crush or my friend jacob bc he gives gr8 hugs ♥♥
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why? 
Lugia bc when i was little i had a card that was all holographic and it had lugia on it. i never really got super into pokemon lol 
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like? 
oh god it would be a mess 
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had? 
honestly the only one coming to mind is the one i had as a kid where this creature opened up its head and ate my sister and im still scared of going outside in the dark to this day bc of it 
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend? 
i have multiple best friends but theyre mostly all there for me whenever i need them? like one time jacob drove from the other side of town to give me earbuds bc i had lost mine 
😘 talk about your crush or partner 
GOD my crush is a literal angel???? like????? hoy fuk i love her so much she’s so sweet and kind and caring and she just radiates light and love and i got to kiss her on new years ♥♥♥♥
💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back? 
depends on HOW rude they were. like,... i was nice to my ex for so long lol 
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!) 
i like my nose, freckles, and the fact that im Nice
🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it? 
well its being abandoned by everyone i love and guess what thats starting to happen and im coping lmao
🎁 what never fails to make you happy? 
this video
💙 what annoys you about some people? 
if they chew with their fockin mouth open i die 
😤 do you get angry easily? 
nope i actually am pretty slow to anger lol 
🐇 what do you always daydream about? 
do intrusive thoughts of people coming on to me count 
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change? 
well no offense but republicans would be illegal. sent off to an island not allowed to communicate with the rest of the world lol, strawberries would be in season year round, and weed would be legal bc i cant think of anything else 
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry? 
kiss: orb ♥♥befriend: lizard person kill: k i l l t h e b o r g (burger king) marry: gray alien 
✈️ what is your dream city and why? 
ive not been to any good cities so i dont know 
☕️ talk about your ideal day 
hanging out with all my friends, they dont all hate each other, we all watch movies in a big cuddle puddle and im in the middle of it ♥♥
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert? 
definitely an ambivert. 
💧 when was the last time you cried? 
fuck????? i dont remember???? my eyes welled up yesterday does that count 
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment 
in no particular order: 1. Come On Eileen 2. Insomnia (by Dirty Heads) 3. Birdhouse in Your Soul4. Ana Ng5. Moving On (by James)
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why? 
pyrokinesis so i can light all abusers on fire lol 
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say? 
Listen, kid, there’s a reason you hate yourself and there’s a reason you wanna die all the time but lemme tell you, it ain’t worth it. those hospital stays aren’t worth it. you might not believe it but you’re over 250 days clean! didn’t think you’d make it this far, huh? you also made it to 18 years of age. you’re gonna be okay, kid. 
💚 who are you jealous of and why? 
myself when i’m in a nice mood bc like??? shut yo nice ass up 
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why? 
bravery honestly. i have reasons but i dont have words for the reasons rn 
🙊 what are you ashamed of? 
um that secret i told the fuck
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn? 
i know English and tiny bits of French and i’d love to become fluent in French and Italian? 
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be? 
i wanna be best friends with mike wazowski 
☁️ talk about your dream universe. 
💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today? 
it’s a bit late but did do some dishes for my mom cleaned off my desk so i could start painting again :> 
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why? 
new c/r/yptid: Lance Cube.
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike 
y’know when ur eyes just start crying when the rest of u is fine?? like wow i didnt know i was supposed to be emotional but ig???? 
😣 talk about some things that have been making you depressed/angry/anxious lately 
i’m anxious because my doctors office isnt giving my medical records to the michigan works people im working with so they cant open a case for me, making it so they cant help me find a job bc of my mental illnesses 
   🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?
 i wanted to be a veterinarian but now i wanna be a zookeeper 
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods? 
i loooove peach rings and sour patch kids and !!!! strawberry shortcake 
🍑 what are you obsessed with? 
animal crossing tbh i love it so much 
💘 what happens to you when you’re stressed? 
i get auditory hallucinations and i just start crying no matter what stressed mood im in. angry stressed? crying. happy stressed? crying. anxious stressed? crying 
😪 what are you sick of? 
having kidney disease??? ?
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker? 
i mean? sometimes? but yall gotta talk me into going on roller coasters 
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have? 
red beet eggs are my LIFE if i could eat them daily i would die, peppers are fucking gross, and tea is fucking gross unless its Tea 
☔️ would you consider yourself a good person? 
i like to think i am a good person? 
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies? 
draw & sing!!!! 
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself? 
You Ain’t No Saint by Aaron West and The Roaring Twenties 
🐝 what’s your worst trait? how are you planning to improve it?
I’m annoying. I plan on improving it by shutting my ass up 
 🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored?
i draw people and eyes mainly. and the occasional hand 
🐻 what’s stopping you from chasing your dreams? 
i’m too shy and bisexual for this 
🌷 what’s your mbti personality and why do you think it suits you? 
fuck i dont remember i just know i have the same one as Fox Mulder and thats why it fits me lmao
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite! 
...u didnt give me 3 ppl.... 
👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why? 
mothman because he’s my boyfriend 
🐴 opinion on __? (Charmin Toilet Paper Bears) 
they wipe my ass for me 
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person? 
i used to be. now im not so sure. 
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them. 
yall i’ve only read 3 books 
😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? does it help?
i usually mope around and sleep a lot. it doesnt help usually. 
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad? 
Death Anxiety 
🌍 which country do you live in? 
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words 
needy, petty, and damaged 
🐵 which quotes changed you? 
“What’s your Fursona” - @thebpdevil“Your job is to break death’s heart” 
💭 do you keep a diary? 
I keep a bullet journal!! i think thats kinda similar 
💫 who inspires you? 
honestly my dad??? but also idk :/ 
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why? 
hell YES because i am one
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like? 
department store clearance section & band merch 
🎬 what are some of your favourite films? 
Heathers, Taken, Girl Interrupted, and if u watch the OA in one shot it counts as a movie i’m counting it 
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory? 
Throwing mashed potatoes at my sister. 
🐱 what’s your dream pet like? 
Cat snake (ferret) who loves to cuddle and doesnt bite :-) 
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be? 
probably???? um???? Patrick Stump or Pete Wentz honestly. 
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