#i dont love how this came out but alas i start work in 30 min xkhfs
kurczakmarty · 4 months
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oh the detective is so lucky
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kryptid-quilz · 4 years
Yandere Asahi
The thing is you know he's crazy. You aren't stupid, you recognized all the signs as they got more blatant. Him suddenly bumping into you too often when you go out. How he's always in the area when you'd hit him up. The look on his face he'd get when you playfully flirted with your homies or when guys hit on you. The way he'd look at you when he thought you weren't looking, or the way he always needed to be touching you in public,though he did a good job at playing it off as affectionate, but you were always weary of men too eager to get at you.
Hell, you only have him a chance, because he came off as shy giant of a man.
So you go for boba at you favorite tea spot. Then you go for crepes from this new cafe you've been meaning to check out. Then go to your favorite spot in the park....
You want to give him the benefit of the doubt, because this nice kind successful man seems to be absolutely smitten with you.
But Mama ain't raise no fool.
So you give it time. You go on dates. You talk on the phone all night. You go to his fashion shows and work galas.
He buys you jewelry, clothes, etc.
You pretend you don't notice the manic possessive look in his eyes each time.
Pretend each time a man who might have strayed your attention away from him disappears.
But alas work picks up, it's fashion week in Japan, then in Paris, Brazil, England. He can't get a moment to himself. You don't lt it bother you, you just live your life annd talk to him when you can, busy with your own small business.
But he takes the lack of response or quick conversations as you losing interest. He doesn't tell you though , he tries to fix it.
He messages you asking what plans you have, playing to doting interested boyfriend, trying to pin your location down to surprise you.he came back for a few days.
Only you dont' answer. He messagedc you around 7:30 PM . It's close to 1:00 AM. He's ready already pulling up to your apartment, when he finally get a message.
Sorry babe Honey, phone was in bag. Didn't hear it over the music
Kry took me to a new club that opened. We were getting ready and my phone was dead, and I forgot to turn it on after putting it on the charger.
He gets a picture suddenly.
It's of you in a darkly lit club, in a skin tight short red dress. You're hugged up with Kry and three men you've neve seen before.
By the low draw of your eyes he can tell you've had a few drinks.
All he can focus on thoough is the leer the dude on the left is giving you and how his hand rests n your hip.
He's pulling out of your apartment parking lot in seconds.
Looking back at the photo he can see the neon sign of the club in the background. He googles it and shows up next iin 30 mins. he enters the club and sees you dancing with your friend.
He's transfixed with you for a moment. you an Kry are grinding on each other. Your skin is glowing, you're smiling, you look so happy.
He missed seeing you like that.
but then the guy from the picture is coming up behind you, and his friend distracted Kry.
The man started dancing with you you were into it at first. Dancing good naturedly with him, seperately.
Until he drags you closer. His hands are resting on too low on your hips. He tries to kiss you and you jerk away. He grabs you harder, hands on your ass, and tries again. you smack him and jerk away.
People around you are looking now, he heas a mutimous look on his face, and you look livid.
You curse at him and storm off.
Asahi wants to go after you, but he cannt let any of tht stand now can he. He watches the stranger. Watches as he friend comes up looking furious angry. asking wtf he did? He just shrugs him off and walks away.
Asahi follows him. He's at the back exit when he slips through the door.
The man is tucked off in a dark corner of the alley, cigarette lit when Asahi approaches. He doesnt say anything, he just punches him in the face.
The asshole goes down and Asahi climbs on him and starts wailing on him. The mans face is bloody by the time someone opens the backdoor to the club.
Asahi jerks around, hand and face bloody, feral manic look in his eyes only to stop at the sight of...
He panics.
"Babydoll it's not what you think" He tries to reason scrambling to his feet. You're getting closer, nt sying a word, looking at the prone man behind him.
He's scrambling with his words, face going into that emabarassed, nervous expression you've come to know so well.
You look at him blankly, "You did this?"
"I-I-I-" He can't form words as you get closer to him and cup his bloody face.
"Honey did this?" You ask sternly.
"I-I- He touched you." Asahi stammered out. "He touched you, upset you." The look on his face had changed from panicked to ominous. An expression you had come to know well despite his efforts to hide it.
You looked at the man. The man that kept tabs on you. Knew who you came in contacct with on a daily basis. That knew every single place you frequented before you started dating. The man that got extremely jealous and made every last man that hit on you diappear. the man that had been beating a man half to death in an alley, for groping and upsetting you.
The man who treated you like a Goddess. That held you when you were upset. Comorted you when you were sad. Cherished you The man that made love to you with a single minded determination to make you feel like the only woman in the world, but fucked you like he wanted you to know that he had ruined you for other men and you would never find someone to make your body feel the way he could.
The man that loved you.
The man that would kill for you.
All you had to do was ask.
"Let's go home, Honey."
He stood there stunned. "(Y/N') " Asahi stuttered, trying to turn his head to look back at the bloodied man on the groun, but you turned his head back to look at you.
You shook your head at him. "He tried to hurt me." Stilleto thumbs ran over bloodiy cheeks. "You protected me. Now-" You leaned up in high heels to kiss him. he clutched you to him as if he was afraid you'd try to leave him. When you pulled away from him, he looked as if he couldn't believe you were real.
"Take me home and I'll get you cleaned up, Honey."
As you two walked out of the alley, Asahi never noticed the knife you tucked back into your purse.
I'll refine this later. It's not really a fic, just me getting my thoughts out for when I actually do write this. Whather it's a reader inset or OC fic has yet to be decided.
Reblog with thoughts and comments please! I like y'alls feedback!
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sxngshine · 4 years
If Tomorrow Comes
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• Chan x reader x Minho
• Word Count: 2.03k
• Love triangle au, college au, Enemies to lovers(kind of) au
• Summary: you were a temperamental girl who lived a hard life ever since your dad died. Your grandma and mom always fought and it always brought troubles to your already broken family. But after meeting a man who came all the way from another country, you knew your life wasn't going to be the same. But don't judge a book by its cover, otherwise you'll never know the full story.
• Extra: This story is based off of a movie I watched. I really liked the plot so I made a story out of it. Obviously not exactly like the movie, I added my own parts to it. All creds go to the creators of the movie ily all💕
Ps. I may make a series out of this.
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♡Y/n's POV♡
Beep Beep Beep Beep Bee-
You groaned and turned off your stupid alarm. Mornings were definitely not your thing. But alas, you had a class today and you couldn't be late, so you begrudgingly got up and dragged your feet towards the bathroom.
Looking at yourself in the mirror, you almost screeched at your ugliness- just kidding but you did groan at how much of a rats nest your hair looked like.
After showering and completing your morning routine, you walked out of your bathroom and towards your closet. Throwing on whatever you saw first (which happened to be a gray hoodie and unfortunately, jeans) and then tamed your hair so it looked hair presentable.
Not bothering to put it up you grabbed your bag and made your way downstairs. And then you immediately regretted it.
There was loud screaming coming from the kitchen and the sound of crying. You sighed and walked into the kitchen, you mood worsening when you saw your little sister crying. You hated seeing her cry, she was a wholesome child and you would never allow her childhood to be ruined because the to two people yelling.
"Enough!" You yelled, gaining the attention of all three present. "What is going on?"
"This nuisance spilled her juice all over me!" Your grandma yelled, throwing her hands into the air.
"She's just a kid! It was an accident and she even apologized! Why are you being so mean!?" Your mother yelled back.
"Ever since you adopted this child shes been nothing but a pest! Always leeching off of us-"
"I said ENOUGH!" You had enough of their shit. Walking up to your crying sister, you gave her a hug and picked her up so she was secure around your hip.
"Grandma, I love you. But that's no way to speak to her. She apologized so you dont need to start yelling such things." You said calmly, controlling your temper.
"Now both of you break it up," you looked at the two women who eventually went their separate ways, muttering under their breathes.
"Hey princess, are you okay?" You asked your little 6 year old sister whole wiping her tears away.
She nodded and rubbed her eyes. "I'm okay, did grandma mean it?" She asked sadly.
"No of course not, she may not show it but she loves you baby. Don't worry okay? Now you go play in your room alright?" You told her, setting her down.
"Okay unnie, I love you," she said, kissing your cheek before running upstairs.
You smiled and grabbed your bag once again, deciding to just grab some juice and skip breakfast for today.
"I'm leaving!" You yelled before walking out the front door. Seeing your neighbor Mr.Bang, you waved hi. Mr.Bang was a nice and jolly old man who lived by himself.
You walked to the bus terminal and sat down waiting for your best friend. After a few minutes she ran up to you.
"Hey Y/N!" She chirped happily, a little too happy for your taste.
"Hey Nari, why so happy? Its Monday," you stated, sipping on your juice.
"Because! I just saw this super cute guy on the way here and oh my god we was so good looking like-"
One thing you didn't like about your bestfriend was how crazy she was about boys.
"Girl! This is like the 4th guy this week! The week only started yesterday for crying out loud! How long are you gonna keep doing this to yourself? Guys are a literal WASTE of time. Do something better with your life rather than fawning over guys all the time." You snapped, already tired hearing where this conversation was heading.
"But-" she tried to say but the bus arrived and cut her short. "Come on," you said standing up, walking towards the entrance of the bus.
You were waiting for everyone to get off while you sipped your juice, but of course, someone just HAD to bump into you, spilling your juice all over your hoodie.
"What the hell man!" You screeched. Thankfully you had a tshirt on underneath so you took off your sweater.
You glared at the guy who spilled your drink. "Shit, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to here's a tissue-" he said, fumbling with his bag.
People were now boarding the bus and you had to go. "Watch where you're going next time blondie," you seethed before getting onto the bus, leaving the mysterious boy on the sidewalk.
*time skip to after class*
"Finally! I was growing tired of listening to her talk," you sighed and got up from your seat. Being a business major was such hard work, sometimes you considered just dropping out.
Packing your things up and saying goodbye to your classmates, you walked out the university and sat down in the bench where you and your bestfriend usually met.
After waiting for another 10 minutes, you started to grow impatient.
"Y/N!" The familiar voice yelled as they ran up to you.
"You know Minho, it's rude to keep people waiting." You stated, crossing your arms.
"Were there others waiting here as well?" He asked, catching his breath. "Me Minho, I'm people," you groaned and began walking away.
He just laughed and followed you, throwing an arm around your shoulders. "I'm sorry, I saw this really hot girl and-" you blocked out the rest he was going to say.
You see, Minho was a fuckboy. A player. He's been going from girl to girl, no one ever lasts a week with him. There was no doubt, Minho was definitely cute and he was really smart. But when it came to girls, there was no end to his fanclub. That's what happens when your bestfriends with the son of Lee industries.
Yep, you heard it folks. He's the Lee Minho, heir of Lee industries. How the two of you became friends, you'll never know.
"Whatever I dont care about what you did to get the girl man, just drive me home please!" You pleaded. You just wanted to go home and flop onto your bed for a few years.
Minho just rolled his eyes and nodded. You started talking about random things as he Lead you too his car. He started the engine and drove off.
After talking a bit more he spoke up "Y'know Y/N, don't you think it's about time you got yourself a boyfriend?" He asked you.
You snorted. "Men are a waste of time. Besides I don't need any man but you Min. Why do I need a boyfriend when I have my bestfriend?"
Hearing that made Minho smile as pink busted his cheeks. He was happy you felt that way about him. Although that last line was a bit of a sting. Man just got friendzoned.
Once arriving at your house you said bye to Minho and stepped out of the car, walking to your front porch and turning around to wave at him once more before he drove off.
Walking into your house you kicked off your shoes and trudged upstairs, throwing your dirty hoodie in the hamper beside your closet. You dropped your bag and jumped onto your bed closing your eyes.
You didn't even close your eyes for 30 seconds before you felt someone's weight on you. Groaning, you open your eyes to see your little sister.
"Yunaaa.... what is it?" You whined.
"I wanna go to the park," she said.
"Unnies tired sis, ask mom.." you mumbled.
"Mom had to go to work and there's no way I'm asking grandma," she whined.
You sighed and sat up, the little girl now sitting in your lap instead of crushing your chest.
"Alright, only for a little while. Okay?" You told her and she nodded, jumping up and down.
You grabbed your phone and decided to wear your glasses today cause you were to lazy to put on your contacts.
You held your sisters hand as she happily skipped down the sidewalk beside you. Arriving to the park, Yuna let go of your hand and ran towards the swings. But she, being the clumsy child she is, bumped into someone and scraped her knee. You gasped and ran towards them.
The guy she bumped into bent down and helped her up. He put a bandaid on her cut and helped her up.
"What's your name sweetie?" He asked, grabbing a flower nearby and placing it in her hair, making her giggle.
"Yuna" she said.
"I'm Chan" he said smiling at the little girl.
You put a hand on her shoulder and went to apologize. "I'm so sorry about her clumsiness-" you went to say but he cut you off.
"Hey! You're that girl from the bus terminal!" He exclaimed. You properly looked at him and scowled.
"Oh it's you blondie," you said, picking up your sister and placing her on your hip. "You okay?" You asked her.
"Yeah! Channie oppa made it better!" She giggled.
"Did you thank him?" You asked her. You may not like him but you still had manners.
"Thank you Channie oppa!" She said happily before wiggling out of your arms and running towards the swings.
Now it was just the two of you. You were about to leave when he suddenly spoke up.
"Am I not going to get a thank you?" He asked.
"Why would I?" you scoffed. "Call us even for that time you spilt my drink all over me"
You began to walk away when he yelled. "Nice meeting you glasses!" You just rolled your eyes.
-The next day-
You didn't have a class today and you couldn't me happier. After doing assignments and listening for so long you needed a break.
You were eating a snack while texting Minho when someone rang your doorbell. You looked at the door with furrowed, who decides to visit at 10am??
You walked towards the door to see your mother with Yuna in front of her. You glanced at them before opening the door.
There stood Blondie.
"Oh! Pleasure seeing you again." He said to you before looking at your mom.
"Hi Miss! My uncle asked me to bring you this dish," he said, showing you guys the dish.
"And you are?" She asked.
"Oh right! I'm Chan, I'm from Australia and I'm Mr.Bangs nephew." He stated while smiling.
"Its a pleasure to meet you Chan, thank you for the dish. And please, call me Nina." You cringed when your mom told him her first name
He smiled "What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." Looking down, he saw Yuna and gasped.
"Yuna my favorite girl!" He exclaimed, crouching to give her a hug which she gladly returned. You just rolled your eyes and continued to stare at him angrily.
You weren't sure why but he was getting on your nerves. "Ah right! What brings you here all the way from Australia? Important businesses?" Your mom asked.
"Ah no, I'm here to visit someone important to me. And maybe get married," He said happily.
"Ah really!?" Your moms eyes widened.
"That being said, Nina I want to marry your daughter!" He exclaimed. What???
"Excuse me?" You scowled.
"I wasn't talking to you glasses I was talking to little Yuna over here. Yuna will you marry me?" He exclaimed dramatically. Yuna giggled and shook her head.
"No!" "No!" Both you and Yuna yelled at the same time.
"Quick question Nina, is she in a bad mood or was she born this way?" Chan asked you mom, making your anger skyrocket.
"Shes always like this-" you mom said and you whined. "Mom!"
"Hahaha it's okay we can work on it." He said nonchalantly.
"Work on it-?" "Anyways! It was nice meeting you all, I'll see you at 8 o clock!" Chan said.
"8 o clock?" Your mom questioned.
"For dinner! At your place. I'm you're new neighbor, obviously you'll invite to show your hospitality... won't you?" He asked looking hopeful.
"Okay..." your mom said.
"Also, glasses over here might be a bit angry with you when I go. Apologies for that! Bye now!" He gave Nina the dish and walked off.
What just happened?
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