#i dont like someof her art
No one asked me but momoko is the best million live character. she's funny as fuck that's all u need as an idol. I understand why (normal) ppl like iori too I did watch the anime lol.
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queencryo · 3 years
ughhhh i had an amazing dream abiut a dating sim visual novel.
its a 100% sincere dating sim for most of it, except at the very end it shifts very abruptly to straight-up horror as you desperately try to save... anyone, really, up to and includin yourself, from what is coming. which is, i think, either an expelled student (magic academy setting), or a game idea rhat was partially implemented before being abanxoned (or both), twisted and corrupted. they were... horrible to look at, as the player.
There was a crossword, which wasnt mandatory to fill out, but WAS the only way to find out some world information someof which was incredibly useful (60ish % of the crossworx could be filled out in any given run jyst with the info you were given). On ny second run, I found the horror's crossword, same format as mine. Some of the answers were right, but it looked like at some point they had given up and started guessing violent and spooky things. Interestingly, what appeared to be a correct answer (matched its space, natched the things around it), to the clue 'the best way to harm malevolent ghosts' was 'inhale', which is what id been taught in magic class and what id tried against the horror in my disastroys first run. It hadnt worked. Next to it was an X in the same pen the crossword qas filled out in, and the words 'WRONG. Threaten. You have to nake it afraid'. Cool
oh yeah, my first run. I wasnt really going for any route, but i did axcidentally get the sporty girl romantic interest expelled. She ran right out in her gym uniform, and none of us ever saw her again. Shortly thereafter, i went to my room to finish some homework. Afterward, the school was just aviut empty. Classrooms torn apart, doors wrenched off their hinges. I went downstairs to look onthe first floor: there was two people there. One was trying very hard to open the stairs door which was blocked, the other was walking toward her. I unblocked the door, and the girl pushed past me and ran upstairs. I saw there was blood on the floor down here. Gets fuzzy here, but basjcally this other person was the horror. Their art style became radically different (kind of like trevor henderson's?). I dont rememver much dialogue here, beyond that 1: everyone had died horribly 2: i died horribly 3: i didnt know *why* 4: i had gotten one of he worst endings, which is pretty easy to get actually 5: the only survivor was the sporty romance interest. 6: i tried go INHALE at the horror (which is supposdd to make it so mad about being dead thag it fries itself intednally??) but it. didnt work.
And so things end. Tried a second run, didnt get very far before I woke up. I dont thinj anything was wrongbor had changed, except that my player character/me was 1: aware of what had happened 2: kind of chill avout it
game took on a little more of a mystery vibe from then on, and i got a second crossword! this one was mostly about mystery ckues, and sometimes whsn i learned something it would autofill in the mystery crossword. I assume there are some clues that could only rsally be found by deduction / using that crossword. Still optional tho.
This wasnt in the dream, but i do find it interesting if romancing someone actually mafe them MORE likely to die, harder to save. ig because the horror hates you.
Anyway this game sounds dope as fuck ngl.
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