#i dont know what possesed me to draw those hands but i want them in [[REDACTED]]
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geniemillies · 4 months ago
sorry im late but day 2, fox for @lucienweekofficial 👀🤲
this is the lucien– lucien capital R Rake ‼️‼️ that everybody and their mothers be talkin abt
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and and here is the no mask ver 😳🤲..
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is it getting hot here or..
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themothermary-blog1 · 6 years ago
I married a preast that missed his calling
i live in a place called honoly  and i am the dragon  people like to blame me for everything bad that happins insted of seeing reality  peats dragon looks dangerous he cant hide that he is a dragon  but if you read the story he is actually very good to peater and protecting him  see he can fly high above honoly and sees
i tryed to tell people about the true danger but nobody wants to beleave whell the preast missed his calling  he  is not intelegent   otherwise hes got it
he took up a soft natured position
he is not invalved with wemen  (im the only woman he has ever been with ) 
playes him self off as a really nice person  even gives out gifts
he cathlic so he has the child molest ok from his church
placed him self in close prosimity   of a kid
built a close man and  boy  friendship  
He follows the prestly dont list     you know   dont cuss, drink coffie, smoak cigretts, drink , smoak marawana  , do hard drugs
come from a good name cathlic family 
when the accusation was made he took  the kid (evedence with him isolated it from people that might ask the right questions)
he had beleavable coconspearaters   his parents    good family name
now the next part of it is
the witness take anything that the witness might be doing and make it look 10 times worse than it is paint your self as the victom   hopfully the victom has been suffering the cercomstances of the sexual abuse   hopfully  thay have mental problems  are drinking doing drugs   maby permisquous behavyour    the more the better    (in my case it was perfect all those side effects of the sexual impropriety / voyering/ and inapropreat corresin)
now thay the prest has been moved to a new place he is going to paint him self as  a really good person   you know turn it on more then ever before 
if possable turn as meny people aginst the victom as possable using what ever means     
(the child is perfict  a child liking the perpetrator always looks good  expecially if the child was asleep when the inapropreat corressing took place  no actual physical damage was done and the child was not awake so  this is perfict   right    for the child him (the biggest victom who was asleep only knows about  the  close friendship  not the inapropreat corressing)
the coconsperetors the parents in my exes  case cleaned up the evedence of too much closeness    kept the father and son at there house acting as if having to nurse them threnw my horrableness   that by the was only became horrable when i asked for a protection order aginst him for groose sexual propriety            when thay put the father and son in a house togethor it was fixed up real nice   much better than i the mother can offer and the father is a farmer (tax payer)  and the accuser is on social security (a burden on society)   and  set up the father son relationship  in a open diningroom   and drilled peep holes in the bathroom door   and painted him as a loving  dedicated father   and  me as a neglectfull abusive mother that makes up lyes    and  thay kept my child away from me making people think   i was the danger   when he actually is
   the  parish in a prestes case the parish   would put him with children who will swair he hasent touched them so there for he looks good
in my ex husbands case he got in good with the school wouldnt let me have anything to do with it      got in good with the tuter provided by the bureau of developmental disability    then had it moved to a diffent county
 wouldnt let me have anything to  do with it      any mutual friends he made me out to be a pece of shit  to   expecially church people   using my preveous problems from long ago to make it look good   (i dumly admitted to the judge that i had mental problems was self medicating and cheated on my husband)           
he told the cops i was a mental case and on drugs     do you  get it not the cop i talked to in my county       diffrent cops in a diffrent county thay know his good family name
by moving it to another county the childrens services friends i knew werent on the case  the case manager i worked with was no longer on the case   nobody that could reassy help he   could do it in the ajasent county where my son now lived at his   grandparents house
usually a preast picks off a slowlearner kid from a poor family because the chance that thay could afford a real attorney paid to win the case isnt very good
i was on social security   my ex denied me any money for a attorney and knew we were not  to use marital assets  to come up with the money
he had possesion of the child  and wouldnt let me see him and turned the child aginst me saying i didnt love him or want to see him   when i did see the child he had been brainwashed into hating me  and kept saying i wasent getting any of his dads money      saying i was a drug addic alcoholic theaf       crazy 
my child treating me this way caused me to get extreamly depressed   just as in the case with the preast    when the boy acusses him  and he calls the boy a lyer  drug addic crazy    it causes a sereous depression   often times it  forces the victom to give up   only the strongest victoms persist
the next step is the drag it out postponment  after postponment   things getting lost in the mail   it is to where down the victom  in hopes of  them giving up
if the victom holds strong  its pay off time   now thay you have dirtyed the victom name made your self look good real good      your sure you got them totaly depleated  draw up some contract that thay think thay got to stick to  throw them some money to keep theyer mouty shut   paint your self as a good person   with  the preast he declairs i gave him the money because he was obveously desporat  thays why he tryed this   people do go along with it
in my case my ex husband gave me a piddence of our marital assets and told everybody you know she is just going to spend it on drugs and alcohol or give it to her boyfriend.   thay baught it  ya you wouldnt want to give her too much    he let me have the house i came into the marrage with and the biggest part of  all is he  got fool costody at his house with him suppervising it so nobody could talk to my kid or hear what i was saying to him      and he could use my love for the kid as leverage    
how does he use my kid as leverage
me having to go to his house to see my kid makes people beleave continuously  thay there is  something wrong with me
him having my kid   (insestuous petafile has costody of my kid) exaserpates my mental illness
the fact that nobody will listen to me and he paintes him self as godly drives me crazy   so thats what people see
when i act out or try to confrunt him infrunt of my kid thats all my kid sees and he has been fed i did his dad wrong that i was cruel to him  so now my son sees his father as the victom  and actually stands up for him  now do understand what might drive a woman over the edge   my son is defending his sex offender    actually shuving me pulling on me  slaming the door in my face telling me to leave his dad alone or go home   trust me seeing my son do this was making me crazy   to crazy to go to court   ( i was a reck)
on top of it my ex isnt doing much more than stor housing my kid he has put on a bunch of weight and he is failing in school   my ex knows this upsets me    his dad  is letting my son barly function and letting him get away with shit so he looks to my son to be the good in kids eyes parents my exes mom is doing the feeding    deep house cleaning  and everything that has to do with school
what he didnt count of was i knew that the costody papers were not set in stone     i now had money for a attorney  so i set out to prove my self as a mother. i set out to get mentally healthy enought to go to court. inspite of how bad i get treated over there   inspite of how good of a picture he has painted for him self      
 oh   i do agree he has painted with my broken selfs help a pretty bleak picture of me  to our intyre community      oh even better then the bleak pichure of me  is the steller picture he has painted of him self.
i went with hope and we went to court the other day and i was the luckeyest woman in the world he thought he didnt need a attorney and costody was set in stone he belaved i couldnt change anything and he had me broken down too much to try   he almost won   the deciding factor was my son   inspite of my ex husbands best efforts and the best efforts of his family thay did not compleatly turn my son aginst me    
the visatation where horrable i mean horrable at first my son wouldnt even look at me he would tell me to leave    there was no sense in me even trying to improve visatation as long as he hated me   but i kept going no matter how bad his dad trated me how often he called me crazy how often he made fun of me and made my son laugh  i kept at my visatation 3 days a week 2 ohers apece  for 21/2 years over that time i brought activitys and built a better relationship than my son and i had before this nightmear got started   my son has a better relationship with me than most boys do with there mother  who kinda treats kids like furniture
my ex husband on the other hand has gotten laxed and stopped paying so close attension stop going out of his way to paint me so dirty  he figured he had me i was stuck if i wanted to see my kid he was going to controol it my son was growing up fast and i started explaining mental illness and drugs and alcohol use being self medicating     i also got rid of my boyfriend explaining that my son was more important  i even showed him the photograph of where my boyfriend who also had a mental illness had been beating me up  and i didnt want him to see the bruses   i also explained  the fact that i didnt have a phone to call him that cell phones dont work where i live (thay dont work at his house eathor)    i explained that i had to ask his dad if i could see him and his dad wouldnt answer the phone or return my calls at the neighbors  thay  if i tryed to see him with out permision i would get arested    i could have got in trouble the cupple times i did     he remembered how upset i was  and said is thay why you were crying  i said yes   i was sceard of getting arested   but i had to see you and you were so diffrent so cold twards me     the one time you had lost your teeth and nobody told me   i was so sad   and so mad    and your dad   was glad    i looked what is called disheveled   you could not see the true cause was not me    i appologized for my mental illness and even gave him permission to yell  at me for him getting hurt   and  my beautifull son told me sometimes he gets upset and makes mistakes i said thats because you are my son and for us that is normal       the funny thing about this is my son as he mitures not only acts more like me but looks more like me with every passing day    its weird when he lift my house he was skinny and publickly meekey like his father  and throwing fits with me
now he is kinda tough  divorce does that to you he has grown up quite a bit and  i could see he was ready for court  i had made our relation strong enough   he is so much like me      god do i love this  kid   his father is a avid lyer i mean he lyes about his own behavyour wont admity to anything and my son sees it        All i told my son was to tell the judge about our visatation  about how often you see your mommy and how does she treat you          i also told him to tell the truth about what goes on between mommy and daddy   does mommy being upset interfear with our visatations he said yes  do you think if mommy wasent around daddy that she could talk to him   he smartly agreed the problem was me being around his daddy interfeard with our visatations he agreed that there was only one solution to move them    
now the other problem was his daddy and his family made him sceard of me and my house    (no fear what so ever when this whole thing got started my son was shaving my friends head  when i locked his father out of the house     hind sight is 20/20  i never thought my ex would pull this shit on me  i should have had my kid at a relitives the night i locked him out this would have went so diffrently     but  thats how it goes with hindsighting
So i found a mutual friend that was mine before his        that it just so happined that my sons tuter was her grandaughter and she had been doing the tutering at  my friends house    the tutering had been switched so now it was nolonger a conflict of intrest with me not being permited school information      my friends house was now open     he had been allowing my son to be there  so there for he approved it  and my son was comfortable      perfect         no excuses          now  to show my ex is a control freek    
my attorney said hes sure of him self right he thinks this is set in stone i said yes  he said  he is all about money     i said yes      he said he wont want to pay a retainer fee  he takes this as a joak    he aske me is everythig your telling me   the truth  are you sure of your self   i said  absolutely  yes ive never been so sure of my self in my life      i said i am sure of my relationship with my son even though he has been hitting me thats all because of his daddy  i dont think it would happen anywhere elts   i want he him self to talk to the judge i have nothing to hide  i told my son just tell the truth     my son looked  releaved    sereously releaved      
my son and the judge had a long conversation in the judges chambers and he must have painted a good picture of what was going on over there 
my ex husband  was non too pleased with me when my truthfull discription  of my visatations came out    i discribed it from the start as humiliating   and that it was exaserpating my mental illness and causing other health problems do to the stress    and  i was compleatly telling the truth   so it was quite easy for me 
my ex husband on the other hand  did not come prepaired for the truth  that did come out this time    i didnt even bring up our marrage only the conditions of my visatation    and how i felt it was bed for all our mental and physical health   that the fighting in our marrage still persist and it is still causing all of us stress  expecially my son who has been put in the middle of all this by his fathers insistance on suppervising my visatations on his isolated farm
my ex husband showed his dislike for me saying basickly why cant i just show up shut up see the kid leave him alone and leave   thay he didnt see why i couldnt take my punshment  like a worthless pece of shit
that he was being reasonable    that he lets me see him dont he 
  that he didnt see why i needed to try to change things that i shouldnt be alloud to   that he shouldnt have to be doing this
he was clentching and opening his fist  and hand poinging it at the judge in a matter of fact way 
he got fureous that the court proceding went ahead and there was a temporary change of visatation to my and his friends house  that he finally agreed to     trying to look reasonable      boy  was his mom pissed when infrunt of his mother and my sons money broker i was   talking to my attorney    i could hear his mother behind me  calling me a lyer i said how would she know she aint at my visatation  i was showing my attorney my medical records showing my lung deaease   heart desease  and diet controled diabeties he had talked to my mental health worker so he knew the stress i was under   this was a hook line and sinker    and my beautifull son did wonderfully 
the visatation are moved  and that was my goal  not my having possesion him not having so much control over me being able to see my son freely in an inviroment that we are boath comfortable in    and his father is not in
my son talking to the judge showed he was not some feble minded child
and he could discribe our good relationship
once my ex hurd theat thay would be moved he was defeated wanting to just close it    upset that i would get time on weekends and christmass and that he would have to bring him and leave that we were not inconviencing our friend more then we have to
god was i so relieved it was fresh air washed over me it must be what it feels like when sombody really bights off saved    the rest is gona be kinda the find deatails to me   its the begining to the end of his terroney over my son and my relationship   and over my much damaged   reputation
But dont breath a sigh of releaf yet   no  he hasent given in what i wasent expecting was the relationship that he had built up with our frinds familhy whail i was dealing with my depression  and because there grandaughter was doing the tutering at her grandparints    hose   i kinda wasent allowd to go down there    it was a conflict of intrest i was not alloud to be around my son with out his father present    he had compleatly incorporated him self in this family unbenonsed to me       
it was so evedent my first visatation when i showed up and he was buddy buddying with my girlfriends husband  and  had given  him a bag full of his hamberger (hes a beef farmer)    he also helped carrie groshries in  how buddy buddy nice of him   i found out later this was just the latest of meny meat gifts          he had been invited to weddings and  holladays   ect    the truth was a little hard on me but im tough    at the end of my visatatin i was rekindling my relationship with my girlfriend when her husband abruptly put a end to it     i said he was right he wouldnt want our friendship to get started again that as far as he was conserned they were to be on Brians side that i brought this on my self     my friend dian is trying to remain newtrial  bless her actully carring about the kid heart
well i dont bribe people      i will stick to her husbands rules 
i did leave a cupple of messages at my ex husbands about him giving them meat being a conflict of intrest   and it discrediting a witness on his part  and that i have reported it to my attorney and that if he didnt want the visatations move to a visatation center he sould probly quit with the meat gifts  it would look bad if he got a town ship trustee discredited for bribery to dirty talk a woman for her ex husband in a costody battle   that it wouldnt be because of jeff it would be because of him and jeff would never be ellected township trustee     again  
why because he might favor one citizen in his town ship over another posably clearing roads of debree such as snow and fallen trees    all the citisen has to do is slip him some ground meat   what you will do for one person you will do for another     whats your price brothe.................r     anybody  who has been around blake people knows what that meanes  and   Brian  brother goes boath ways
Jeff my best advice   if   he comes     Brothering     say dont brother me i aint for sale  and aint nothing free    get me     Brothe---------r 
i cant help but to feel sorry for jeff  he doesent know what brothering someone is     my ex husband  did a sofer white version of it   but any black man can tell you about it see     it a hidden polocy aginst whitey even if the nigger done wrong trust me
he pulled what we call in cleveland  we call it a     way back see/ you know me     we grew up togethor  i was the good kid teachers pet and shit or we were best buddys    or  our familys go way  back   you know you can trust me
warning   people change   you might want to check with the person who spent the most time with them 
somone who stood nothing to gain from his happyness  zwicks that discredits you  you need brian     and  my  son to farm it 
someone who he needed to be nice to   fogles that discredits you  
every man around here does have something to fear if there wife files for divorce that all look like angle compair to me  state of ohio with a attorney thats   50/50.
Bill parks   he gives you a lot of business discredited
don bashaw   hes been working on you  playing steller father  he painted your  relationship as   having stated with him    it had nothing to do with him untill he moved over there    (pay attension)
principle caldwell   he sided wiht you about passing bransten  to give you a space in the class room    and   you like farmers for some reason and your also religous     i also left you a cupple drunk upset phonecalls  my sons poor grades shows i was right  about holding  him back   im  shure you aint none to  happy about that
brians old  attorney    your opinion baught with money
judge noe   its the toughest for you    and    i cant   say i blame you   what judge wants to admit to having allowed  a miscarage of justice   thankyou for atleast getting my visatation moved
i truly do hope i am wrong   and that this is truly my mental illness getting the best of me      
if  its not      he   has done  all the the damage he    can   do    to me  and my family   and know i know better then      to    trust  him         the rest of you on the other hand  totaly trust  him    easy   targets
i have really   thaught   about  this  he    has   exagerated about me to cover his dirty before       so    for my   own  benifit   i  will  always  have  a third party with me and my  kid    a   real   church  going person       i think  with  my sons  permision    i will video tape my visitations   i  am  his mother i have never been told i cant          
see   when i was  at  my  ex husbands   it would have been illgle videotaping in his home  i found that out the hard way      i half to check with my attorney   if   my   ex   doesent want that kind of security you would have to question why    he  wouldnt want   the world to see   a  good or bad relationship between my son and me        i know im not perfect but i aint  too worried    and i like constructive critism    sometimes you cant see what  others can see plainly       
i know i have never done anything that would justify my son not being able to see me          infact   i  state our    relationship problems plainly   and the biggest one  was  being  around his  father   on  his farm   sorounded by his family   in the  middle  of  nowhere      where  his father   could treat me any  way   he wanted to        and   didnt   think   i   could   do    anything about  it          and    his     minions    are   dependent   on   him    maintaining the kindome so   thay    worship    him    like   a  god    thay saw   what    he    did   to me
welcome  to    North Corea      or     cuba     or     irack       this is dictatership  american style      and    you   better behave in there country  you better not videotape anything  your  camara will  be   distroyed   yep it happened      and    the hinchmen    did   threten me  his name  was  donnie  holding my son    hostage    and  thretened  to kill me   if  i came   near  my  kid       trying to take him     out     of       there    third world country    thank god my son could speak  english   and  said   he  was ok and   that   i    he    wasent  sick    and   had  actually   played   hookey from knoledge  of   the outside   world   that   day   the   school  system  over there aint much better   the    principle  is under  direct  orders  of  the dictator that he  is not to devolge andy information to me   as  a   matter of fact  it appears   meny  people  have  been   give these  same  orders  
i was not  permitted to  talk   to my son   with  out   the tyrent present   good hevens    what are  you people  hiding    im pretty  open  about things     are  you    building   bombs       gassing  and  burning  people praticing some kind of cult type shit      yes  in  a   matter of   speaking i guyess   and bransten is  the   last   emperer   of   comenest     china  thay kept that kid  away  from  his  mother two
boy when  the  resheme  fell  did  that man go threw  hell  trying to fit in to normal  society        atleast  when  the kid  was in it he was filthy rich my kids      kingdom is  full of   cow  shit       and  trust me   the future prince will have to bight  off  slave first see there are still two  kings  before him and a  jellous  lazy uncle    jeff    ( i mean   scar)   
He  did  have  a education     tuter
   now   he  has  a  tuter   that  takes him   among  the commoners
there  is  some one in on the religon she  is of  the same religon put practiced it   in     a   first  world   country    and    she   is   all   about technology  and  very  worldly   but now  bighting it  off   secretly in the thired world  country      if   it     all   comes  togethor
the little emperer will be a democrat  in  a  domocracy and be the smartest damn   leader there  can  be
making  the best use   of
time the man seldomly leaves the farm and he has buit in family guards,    property,   mashenery, money,  workable people,   good name   good credit, no fellonies, pree existant displaced farmer,   religous affiliation ,         es bult in furtilizer cows.
brian its as simple as this it is a business   it has  nothing  to do   with religon    hes not smoaking it  the goverment gave him the licence and responsability   of  growing it    because your family has proven to bight of responsibility   stop  selling meat under the table  thats tax ebatement  dont give your product away  not even samples that is seen as buying favors.        Janet i hope you been exelent with the farm  books   the government will be a stickler about details every plant must be accounted for  the goverment knows its a gold mine  like  alcohol   thay  will have more controol over it in ohio   most property in ohio is clamed and maintained    we donot have  mountanis regons each state is in charge of  there own     eventually  the feds will get there hands in  it   federal income taxes   the other states are getting whail the getting is good.   you already lost out on medical        well  his dad  already screw that one up for him all i can hope for my son is his father     grows a brain   and  goes for a leagal licence   thay wont be handing them out like candy  the gov aint crazy  thay can  regulate  it   right into there  pocket.
   grow   the best  idea in centurys
shut up its not    me    its    just   Good   business see 
i would  have to  get it like the rest of the tax payers  in a  store because i wouldnt risk my kids father  loosing  his  weed licence  eventually grandfathered  to  my kid.
its  grows  a lot  like  tomatos  get rid of the garbage at the bottom  it biggest ememy is a aphids  the more natural you go the better and there are  pluck it and sit and snip jobs that any retarded or old person can do  any old person can do    it is deffonetly a all hands in business ive seen it in action   and  trust me  its not the animals you worrie about  its the humans     no   fruit    the  flower is  the gold   and thay are  not usually close to  the ground   and  the  leaves are bitter.   i dont think coons or deer  like it   you can get them  partially grow thay take root deep and sprawlley  like corn  can tolerate a  mild  flood 
wash off aphids  with soapy water 
well its your farm and none of my business
i couldnt help my self  im a business major and took vocational hortulculture in highschool  i got stright A    was president of my F.F.A in a broak school  system   growing weed and selling it to the locals is how our teachers kept our green house open when the school system declared it a dying industry   eventually  cheeper weed became avalable    the green house evenutally closed    kinda sad i know     its  a appartment building and the tenents  use it  as  a smoaing  area now  
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zenyattayatta · 8 years ago
Can you PLEASE do a junkrat x reader where they have been together since australia when they were young and when they are introduced to the overwatch team some of them (Mccree, Hanzo, maybe even tracer) all are flirting with her hardcore and jamison gets all insecure and possesive?
Through Thick and Thin
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A/N: I dont know why, but i got a bit stumped on this one. 
“Jamison Fawkes,what did I tell you about blowing things up?” The young boy flinches at yourstern voice. Your small hands on his leg working to disinfects the cuts andscrapes of small Aussie.
He gives you a toothy grin. “But the explosions looks sopretty!” The eight-year-old motions with exaggeration, arms spread wide and out.His eyes open wide as he makes an assortment of ‘Kabooms’ and ‘bang bangs’ witha hushed tone. You giggle at his extravagantness before remembering you have tosay firm.
“I know there pretty cool but you need to be careful, Jamie!”You finish rubbing down a sterile bandage, pausing to look over your handiwork.“I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
Jamison frowns, placing a hang up top your head. “Don’t worry,me love! I ain’t going nowhere.” He places a cross over his heart. “Swear it onmy dead body.”
You smile, “Alright, Jamie but you gotta promise!” You promptlyspit in the palm of your hand before outstretching it to him. He looks at it abit hesitant.
“I ain’t shakin’ to that, mate.” He crosses his arms overhis chest while shaking his head. “Girls have cooties!”
“I do not have cooties!” You exclaim, visually upset. Hesticks his tongue out at you.
“Yea you do!” He states matter-of-factly. “All girls havecooties!”
You pout, crossing your hands over your chest beforetrotting away. Jamison frowns, suddenly worried by your silent treatment. Notlong after he trots behind spouting apologies.
You wake up as the dropship feels some turbulence. The roughand tumble of it makes you sink further into Junkrat’s arm. His metal hand goesto tangle with yours as he leans back into you.
“There, there.” He soothes. “We almost there, darl. Noworries.”
You grip on his hand tightens, as you look at the loosebolts and screws of mechanical hand. “Jamison…”You drawl. He flinches at the familiar tone. “Have you been poking at theimprovements I made to your arm?” He immediately lets go of your hand, crossinghis arms over his chest to hide his hand away.
“Got no idea what your talkin’ about, love.” He answersavoiding your eyes. You shake your head leaning bit forward to look at your third companion. The larger Junker readingaway at some book he’d picked up during his last heist.
“Mako?” He turns to look at you, thinking over what you justasked the other junker. There’s a cough before he speaks, ratting out his boss.
“He was messing around with the finger joints while youslept.”
Junkrat grunts before jabbing at Roadhog in the gut. “How‘bout ya mine ya own business next time, huh!”  He huffs.
“Thank you, Mako.” You smile appreciatively. Junkratgrumbles under his breath, sinking into his seat begrudgingly. He only stopswhen you kiss his shoulder, leaning back into him in apology. Shortly after,Athena announces the decent of the drop shit. You were more than excited to getoff the ship, gripping harder at Junkrat’s hand as you felt the shift of theship.
The number of recalled agents was a short list, that youknew.
However, upon arrival you are greeted by a couple of strangefaces in quite a variety of clothing. The sheer difference of each astoundingyou as you’ve never seen it before. The briefing was fast, well as fast as itcould have been. Junkrat almost attacked Winston the minute began speaking tothe three of you. However, with your calming presence and Roadhog’s ratherimpressive grip, both of you were able to talk him down.
He calls over two of the others standing not too far behindhim, a man and woman. He asks that they show you around while he spoke to thetwo other Junkers on their profession. A man in a cowboy hat is the first toapproach you. His eyes held a charming glint as he walked up towards you.
“Names McCree, Jesse McCree.” He said extending his hand outfor you to shake. You smile in return, introducing yourself before you noticethe handiwork on his metal arm.
“Woah,” You remark, jerking the cowboys arm towards yourselffor a better look. “Your arm is incredible.”
The comment catches the attention of your Junker not toofar. He watches as you hold the hand of the older man running a finger over thetechnology of his arm. Junkrat squints his eyes, a hand unconsciously runningover his own looking at the two of you. A strong pang hits his chest and hefrowns.
McCree on the other hand is a bit surprised but relishes inthe attention nonetheless. He laughs a bit, extending his arm out to you for abetter look.  His poncho sways back andhis hand touches yours momentarily as he hikes up his sleeve a bit more foryour viewing pleasure.
“You think?” He asked nonchalantly, flexing his arm with asmirk. “I’ve had this ol’ thing for years.”
You nod with a smile. “Well, it’s very well taken care of.”
“Oi, McCree! Why do you always make a show of things?” Avoice draws your attention. Your eyes look over to the small and petite woman beforeyou. In flash she’s by your side, an arm over your shoulders.
“Names Tracer, Love!” She announces with a wink. “Winston’stold me your gonna be one of our new engineer!”
You nod, a flush over your features at her boldness. “Yes, Iworked as one in the outback. I helped draft and make the weapons the Junkershave…” Your eyes trail down to the mechanism on her chest. Suddenly, yourcaptivated again.
“Wanna take a look, yeah?” She asks smiling at how you stareat it interested. You nod, leaning in. Tracer puffs her chest out tossingMcCree a look while your eyes look over her tech in amazement. The Cowboyfrowns, placing his hands on his hips.
“It’s so pristine and clean,” You remark, watching as themechanism spins and turns. “So unlike the tech I’ve seen before.”
“There’s a lot more like it round these parts.” McCree opts,“Say, you hungry? Dinner should be starting up soon in the mess hall.”
“Yes, actually.” You say a bit sheepishly.
“Let me take you there then.” McCree takes your arm in his,grinning at Tracer in victory.  Thebrunette pouts in response ready to make a move on of her own.
It’s then that Junkrat hobbles over, placing a hand aroundyour waist and pulling you towards him. “Jamison?” You asked a surprised at hisaction. He shoots a deadly glare over to the two before you, arms tightening atyour waist. “Jamison, what’s wrong?”
The air seems to shift and Tracers smile diminishes ever so slightly.“I, um, would you like us to leave you two alone?” She asks.
You shake your head, “Just give is a moment.”
“I don’t like ‘em.” He remarks looking over your shoulder tosee them waiting for you not too far off. He shoots them another glare as you grabhis face to look at you.
“You don’t even know them, Jamison.” You deadpan.
He growls. “Well, I just don’t like how they act with ya,alright!”
You raise a brow. “Friendly?”
He shakes his head, frustration building up as he balled hisfists at his side. You release his face, sighing.
“I’m going to go grab dinner at the mess hall. We’ll talkabout this later, alright?” You move to meet his gaze, offering a small smilebefore kissing his cheek. His face softens slightly and his grip on youloosens. He watches as you leave his hold to join the others, shoulders slumpedin defeat.
By the time, Tracer and McCree let you go its late into theevening. The suns about to dip into the horizon and dinner had just ended. Youhad been a little concerned seeing only Roadhog in the mess hall but came tothe conclusion that Junkrat was probably in his assigned lab. Working away onhis explosions, excited to have his own area to experiment.
However, there’s something amiss as you walk into hisassigned room.
“Not in your lab, Jamie?” You ask, as he slouches over hisdesk. A disassembled frag grenade scattered about. You raise a brow when hedoesn’t reply, walking over you look over him.  The fire in those jasper eyes is dimmed and heisn’t as giddy as per the normal when greeting you. He works sluggishly like he’slost deep in thought. From the grim look on his face, you know it can’t begood.
“Jamie?” You reach out to place a hand on his shoulder. Hisback is towards you as he busies himself with a mine bomb. Immediately, heswats it away.  You stand a bit stunnedat the rejection but don’t push it for any more physical contact. “Jamison,talk to me.”
He growls in frustration. Slamming his fists on the desk,startling you. “Why don’t ya hang out with ya new buddies or somethin’, huh?” There’ssomething sour in the way he speaks but you choose to ignore it.
“Jamison,” There’sthat tone again. You shift to lean the messy desk, careful to avoid anythingthat looks like it will blow up at your touch. “I’m not going anywhere till youtell me what’s wrong.” You cross your arms while staring at him. He stares offtrying not to meet your gaze. Suddenly, he looks deflated. He didn’t want to Thepointer finger of his left-hand taps away at the desk as his leg bounces inunison. “And you know how stubborn I can be.”
There’s silence as you wait for him to speak. You can seehis emotions through his face. The crinkle in-between his eyebrows showing he’sfrustrated, the bounce of his leg meaning he’s anxious and the absence of hisfamiliar smile meaning he’s upset. Eventually, he shoots up from his seat. Hishands move to grip at your shoulders as he leans to down to place his foreheadto yours.  
“Do you like me?” He asks, his eyes are closed but hisexpression is crestfallen “I know I’m not as high tech-y as the others, nor asclean as them. Hell they seem ta’ have a better grip on what they doin’ than Ido!”
You look at him dumbfounded. “Jamie,” It takes a bit ofstrength for your voice not to crack. “We’re you worried I didn’t like youanymore? After meeting them?” The single thought of it happening causes aflicker of panic to flash through his eyes. The silence is the air is deafeningbut you can hear where your heart breaks. You move to place a hand on hischeek. “Jamison, how long have I know you?”
He tilts his head a bit confused. “Since we were pipsqueaksback in Australia.”
You nod, “And who was there with you when you discoveredyour love for explosives, huh? Or when you lost your arm? And your leg?” Youlooked at him intensely. “Or held your hand when you got your tattoo? Or workedday and night to make sure you had functioning prosthetics with the scrapsthrown?”
He’s silent for a moment, his eyes staring at you intently.
“Jamison Fawkes, I have been with you through thick andthin. All these shiny doodads and people are not gonna make me stop lovin’ya’.” You smile, wrapping your arms around his waist. “Now you better go andput on that smile I love or Imma be real upset with you.”
He chuckles, a gentler version of his quirky laugh. Thelaugh he does when he’s with you. You lean in and kiss him on his chapped lips.He moves his hands from your shoulder to the back of your neck to get a betterangle. Kissing you back with need.
It’s a while before he pulls away.
“You always know just what to say, Sheila.” He tells you,smiling like no tomorrow.
“Just reminding you that I’m not going anywhere but whereyou are.” You shrug like it common knowledge. “I love you for you, Jamie.”
Jamison kisses your forehead with so much affection. Itssloppy, having always has been, and he leaves a bit of a wet spot causing you tolaugh. You paw him away but the grip he has on your waist means you aren’tgoing anywhere.
You cringe playfully. “Ew, cooties.”
He frowns. “Oi! I don’t have cooties!”
“Sorry, Jamie. Every boyhas cooties.” You state matter-of-factly .
He begins to fret as he denies that what your feigninglyaccuse him of. Suddenly, you feel young again. The nostalgia of the situationbrining a warmth to your heart. You can feel where it’s the two of you, youngpunks lost in the great outback. However, when you look at Junkrat ramble onyou can see the man you love grown.
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trippykippy-blog · 8 years ago
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what the fuck is going on?
i miss my father.
hes fucking dead.
got too high on ecstasy,
laughing friends radio blaring,
splattered blood and bent skull on the concrete. 
but this wasnt how he needed to go....
it was in a room of the people who loved him the most
souls all writhing and screaming for a reason
dirty tears mixed with skin oils, like a lather
the baby is screaming ‘daddy wake up’ 
he cant here you. hes brain dead.
too much fun, leads to no race won.
they pulled the fucking plug
i miss my mother.
she might as well be.
you guys would all have more peace that way anyways.
dont fucking act like you care, just because i checked on you.
i dont want this bedroom brain.
everything is a rental, nothing is possesed.
i wish my fucking dad was here. too fucking bad huh?
youd think id be used to it by now.
where is my mom at? dead to the world.
probably somewhere curled up to a small oak tree.
on a bed of pinecones, with pricks in her back.
lie down on your dead leaf pillow.
make friends with the beasts of night.
drinking blood from a cup, drawing in it crecents upon your doors.
black widow, spit your venom spin your web.
im grown now. grown enough to have nothing and be nothing.
dump her off on me, give me scotch tape and tell me its my job to piece her back together.
call me a fool for the smile on my face. youre ugly. im ugly. you made me ugly. look at us. 
where should i stay with all these pieces?
“do you have a tent?”
i wish i had a tent made out of the canvas of my beating heart.
dont vent to your friends, unless you like them black as charcoal, and sick as congested liver.
sharp yellow snot cuts the back of your throat, tonsils all full with the left overs of the dope you pour into your face, shoots out your mouth, in string, living in your windpipe, ejected by force, foam slaps the tile floor, cheeks turn red.
“why are you drooling on yourself”?
throbbing face corner, twitching left eye.
finally tears.
cleansing the slits i see out of. rib skinned rubber band.
they eat you desolate. trees of thick forests and sharp knives.
you miss your family?
what family?
your brother barely even knows who you are, dont you remember him?
your grandmother watches you wear down, your skin drag down under your eyes, fighting yourself every day, and it drains her. she isnt so nice anymore you know.. why did you do that to her? holes torn in the paper walls, doors broken in half, cant see through the black and red, mop in her eyes, she tries to hold the hope that not everything is ugly. innocent and fucking nieve. thats the way she likes it. or.. did. until year 3 of the blender. crows feet, butterfly fabric, scaly hands, that pat your back when your head is in your chest and your dripping the fluids again. the same hands that reach across, the car, going 60 mph to feel, your cold hand, and press some warmth back into them. she will stand watching, she wants people to look. she planted him in the dirt like seed, but he tore her garden up like weeds. she tried to cut and whack them down, but cut herself, i watch her drown. she smiles and nods, and carrys on - i know she doesnt like me.
your mother warns you of the potholes in the road, - a yield sign, shes been here before. dead end. turn back now. a few nice words when you feel upset over nothing. a heart too big to pump oxygen. holes in your face that admit youve been studying. lizard eyes. purple locks of hair, dry and stale into red broom straw. 23% of the time she lives without care, peace sign thrown in the air. the rest of it, means hell to pay for every person involved, she loves her son the most :) she talks riddles, runs at night, spits out bees. “what the fuck are you looking at?” vodka lights up her eyes, but she falls apart inside. magical circles race around her rounded head. stuck on repeat. the straw in her hand she stabs in her nose. you reach to help. oh wait, youre just looking in the mirror again. haunting endless echoes of bathroom doors being shut and water running to no avail, never ending sound of stream, a white painted fram, round opener, you look so pretty today.
moms sister, carries the weight of her own sins, lost in a world of red blazing demons. brain gnaw. first fulls of hair, giving self black eyes, she ends up with a crazy toothy smile anyway. eyes go from white and brown to brown and black. permanent frown. acidentally falling asleep on the grass. the cigarette on the property that strictly prohibits this very thing. plastic chemical bottle. cooked dinner that night.
dads brother, cant even look at you. his face is inside you. it is a bed of nails here. crack, ecstasy, and methamphetamines for dinner. tooped with marijuana, a dash of lsd, magic mushrooms of ‘please dont look at me, because when you do i see my dead brother’
grandfather hid dead bodies and poked people till they hurt and would bleed. hed take everything in sight. what he thought he needed. short gasps around. little did he know, thered be nothing left of no one to call a family.
i dont have to tell you that
your father watches you from either above the clouds or below the fiery pits of hell. and he’s bittersweet and all knowing.watches you gnaw on fruit. i bet  you dont ever stop to think that he is black behind gods shoulders but he’d do anything to snap you out of it. oh well. its not up to him, faggot. its up to you. kill him over and over and over again, and expect him to call. you dont know who he is and he doesnt know who you are. and the funniest part is, you never will.. guess you dont like him enough. he wouldnt have liked you very much anyways mom says.
you better be glad you have a mere morsel of jump left to kick out of that lazy ass, and friends who like to see the race go on pull you up and carry your dead weight across another mile mark. heat stroked. hot heavy sweating body on the pavement. i feel like a pair of wooden crutches, walked on for 58 years...  worn. have history. not cold or shiny. down to earth. rubbery bouncer edges. leaned on to walk right through you. cut trees. burn leaves. dry heaves. cant breathe.
“thank you”
you will never live together as one. you will die alone, as the only son.
oh yeah, your face looks like its about to fall of your skull. i hope you get control back of those face muscles. i hope next time i seen you youve washed your face or changed your clothes... you care not for yourself and not for others. drown in spit, tired kid.
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