#i dont know if it reads as sarcastic or actually serious
astro-royale · 9 months
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Disclaimer: my opinion, trying to connect with men on dating/friendship apps, this is what I’ve seen
Sagittarius sun man opened the convo with “looking sexy”
Libra men tend to slide in compliments at the right time , and it sounds sincere
Leo men know how to curate good profiles usually/ or know how to present themselves in the best light
Aquarius men will be blunt and straightforward, no guessing, double texting, green flag tbh
Aries men can be quite romantic, especially verbally
Capricorn men are very sarcastic
Cancer men, very cute cute
Libra men can make light of any situation
Taurus men just, unhinged. They will say anything and everything.They dont really think before they speak and they have that in common with Sag men
Aquarius men have me looking at the screen confused. I need to read what they say a couple times. They’re deffo unapologetically themselves.
Taurus men can also be pessimistic
Scorpio men, take romance quite seriously, and they take feelings quite seriously too.
Taurus men are also very dramatic but in a funny way
Pisces men are SMOOTH. Smooth operators. Same with Libra.
Pisces men are very mysterious. Like what did you mean by what you just said??? Stop using metaphors SMART ASS.. also mansplain a lot, which they have in commmon WITH GEMINI
Virgo men sometimes try to be funny and they fail. Stop trying to prove you’re smart.. BE FR
Aries men are so funny, genuine banter
I know it’s crazy but Gemini men are actually very sincere, I’ve met so many that wear their heart on their sleeve. Always have options though because they socialise a lot
Sag men make me want to roll my eyes. BE SERIOUS
Self promo✨
I just finished my Rising + Venus sign style analysis playlist , I’m sure you guys would enjoy it and I’m gonna link it.
Also if you guys find other obs or want to comment what you personally notice feel free to comment on the videos as it will help other people! Sharing is caring frfr & I value your opinions cuz I know you guys are based
I’m going to make more playlists on Astrology Style Obs so subscribe to stay tuned for that😝😝💕💕
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tetsuswaifu · 2 months
Can you do HQ boys hcs w an astrology girlie ( like she can do brief analytic about others personality based on their d.o.b ( yerr ofc not always 100% correct)) thank u so muchhh 🥰
Haikyū!! Astrology HCs
⋆ ♱˙𓆩☠︎︎𓆪˙♱ ⋆ feat: (Bokotu Kōtarō, Kozume Kenma, Kuroo Tetsurō, Suna Rintarō, Oikawa Tōru, Iwaizumi Hajime, Akaashi Keiji) x f!reader
word count: 1030(including names and signs)
a/n: i used a website to get their big 3 signs, i dont know what time and where they were born so i put them all born at noon and in tokyo to try and get the most standard chart for all of them. also got more information from other websites to get an overall understanding. i hope this was to your liking and the format you wanted, i was struggling to figure out what would be best 🫶🏼 also hopefully got these readings somewhat right , lmk if i missed writing about someone you wanted specifically, thank you again for the request, youre welcome love, have a wonderful day/night ! 🫶🏼
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated, thank you for taking the time to read my work :)
sorry not proofread completely
・❥・Bokotu Kōtarō・❥・
-☀️Virgo🌙Aries ↑Sagittarius-
this man is so enthusiastic and supportive of you being into astrology. he loves how passionate you are about it and eagerly listens any time you have an analysis on someone, especially if it's him. he might not understand it but he's your number one supporter.
this man is so eager to know everything about his birth chart, like he's calling his parents to get the details right.
you tell him his virgo sun explains his hardworking and detail-oriented nature. his aries moon adds to his energetic and impuslive personality, and his sagittarius rising shows his adventurous spirit.
he often asks you to explain his horoscope to him, like he's convinced astrology is the reason for his mood swings. "babe, is my moon in a bad spot today? i feel off"
i feel like he would definitely try and learn it to impress you, but would get things mixed up and signs crossed, creating hilarious misunderstandings, "oops"¯\_(ツ)_/¯
・❥・Kozume Kenma・❥・
kenma is an open-minded person, but initially he is skeptical to it. he doesn't believe it much but he does enjoy seeing you excited about it. he's also an observant person so if you gave him an analysis of someone, he would def look for signs and mentally take note. sometimes you're right and he will be taken aback by how on point your description was.
you would explain his libra sun makes him a balanced person and diplomatic, while his cancer moon gives him a sensitive side which can lead to moodiness from him. his capricorn rising makes him appear serious and stoic to people who he doesn't normally interact with.
kenma will give in sometimes and ask for a horoscope, especially if he's stressed about a game or project he's working on, "this game is kicking my ass, can you tell me if luck is in my favor today?"
if kuroo is ever being extra around him, he will always say something along the lines of "he's being such a scorpio today" to you and you can't help but laugh. even if he is being sarcastic he's right most of the time.
・❥・Kuroo Tetsurō・❥・
he is so playfully curious, definitely teases you about it. he absolutely would be respectful about it though. whenever you have an horoscope, he listens intently. mentally combs through his astronomy knowledge to see some cross over, but he would also enjoy debating you about the validity of it. having that banter with you, being flirty and playful during those talks
he is interested in his birth chart to see if any of it is actually true, so he wants all the details. his scorpio sun gives him a magnetic and ambitious personality. taurus moon is strong in him, making him emotionally steady and practical. you explain his aquarius rising makes him unique and progressive, often very friendly and confident.
off the books he's checking to see your compatibility online. he learns a thing or two from his research. he's very perceptive and uses your astrology insights to plan surprises for you. he knows when you might need excitement or extra comfort.
"does my scorpio sun make me intense enough to handle your love for astrology?" always smirkin'.
・❥・Suna Rintarō・❥・
he doesn't care much about astrology, but likes hearing you talk about it. well he loves hearing your voice, he's always interested. he will be sarcastic towards you about it and joke around from time to time.
he'll send you astrology memes and tiktoks that he stumbles upon, often making you laugh.
his aquarius sun makes him independent and a great listener. aries moon gives him a self-sufficient and fiery personality, sometimes having a reactive behavior to him, but also caring deeply for the people in his life. on the flip side, his taurus moon gives him calmness to combat his fieriness. 9/10 he's a steady type of guy
on the down low he probably looks up teammates birth charts to get a better understanding. "no wonder the twins are the way they are."
・❥・Oikawa Tōru・❥・
this man is genuinely so interested in astrology and anything you tell him. he does his own research so he can have an educated conversation with you about it. he believes it helps him understand himself more and appreciates your daily horoscopes.
he loves discussing the compatibility between your signs and jokes about how they are destined to be together.
his cancer sun makes him a caring and sensitive person, always in touch with your feelings. his sagittarius moon is strong in him, making him focus on what can be done and not what can't. libra rising gives him all the charm and charisma. "you think my signs make me perfectly balanced for you?"
・❥・Iwaizumi Hajime・❥・
he's a pragmatic guy but open-minded to it. haji is skeptical about astrology but he appreciates how much it means to you. again, another respectful guy, willing to listen but doesn't believe it himself. he does ask questions though to better understand you as a person.
his gemini sun and moon make him adaptable and curious. it aids him in being communicative as well. the virgo rising in him gives him humility and practicality, making him very structured.
sometimes you will give him astrology advice if he’s stressed, giving him it as an option in case if his other stress-relievers aren’t working
“does my double gemini signs make me twice as unpredictable?”
・❥・Akaashi Keiji・❥・
-☀️Sagittarius🌙Taurus ↑Pisces-
a very thoughtful listener, for sure. he enjoys what you have to say about astrology, finding it interesting himself and enjoys learning from you.
he appreciates your thoughtful way of analyzing personalities, often nodding in agreement with you.
his sagittarius sun makes him inquisitive and independent, he's got a philosophical side to him. taurus moon in him makes him emotionally stable, no wonder bokuto and him work so well. pisces rising makes him intuitive and friendly, accepting people for who they are.
akaashi is the type to get you books and star maps, or anything astrology related that looks legit. he finds your insights helpful for personal growth, which in turn, brings you guys closer.
"either our stars are aligned or your influence is just strong on me" with a wink, of course.
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taiiunknown · 2 years
Whipped Cream 🤍…
This story is inspired by my favorite song whipped cream-Ari lennox 🫶🏽
Summary: y/n and Shuri have been friends since teens , they met through their moms . One day y/n Mom get Ill and Decides to let Queen Ramonda take care of her since y/n doesn’t really knows her dad . Around 16-18 shuri and y/n have a on and off relationship without anyone knowing especially the Queen, A lot of bumpy roads both of them ride on with each other , but they figure it out .💔
Warning:possessive shuri,Brat reader,cursing,smut⚠️⛔️(oral,,kissing,strap slinger shuri🌝), death,Angst,fluff, jealousy,light choking 😉,Crying (reader a crybaby), Manipulation, Embarrassment kink, Obeying kink, pussy whipped (reader and shuri), THIS WHOLE THING IS TOXIC AND CONTROLLING SO DONT TAKE THIS SERIOUS
Me and Shuri have known each other since we was around 14 until one day I had to move to America to live with my dad, And yes I am half American and wakandan bc my mom is from Wakanda and my dad is African American. I’ve lived in and out of Wakanda, My mom was really close to Queen Ramonda that’s how me and shuri met. Both of us was 14 and Ramonda wanted to catch up with my mom since both of them grew up together, so Ramonda invited me and my mom to the palace bc she also wanted me to meet her children.
When we arrived at the palace shuri was standing right next to her mom with a smile on her face when I approached them while having my headphones in, my mom snatched them off my head and whispered to me “show respect before I take your phone” she said “hi I’m y/n, nice to meet you” I said sarcastically while staring at them both with a smirk “wow” Shuri said shocked that I am in fact a rude person “Shall we ?” Queen Ramonda said pointing towards the entrance of their home “yes, and sorry” My mother whispered to Ramonda “it takes a village so don’t worry about it” Ramonda said with a chuckle.
When we entered the palace they introduced me to T’CHALLA and he was very kind, After 20 minutes of eating dinner with them and our moms catching up while laughing they dismissed us from the table and told me and shuri to go get to know each other more.
*in shuri’s room*
“Wow” I said walking into shuri’s humongous room “you can make yourself comfortable on my bed if you want?” Shuri said closing the door behind her, I walked to shuri’s bed and did what she said . “Sooo..”Shuri trailed off slowly walking towards me “what do you like to do for fun?” She finally asked “umm…I honestly into technology mostly but other than that I read,listen to music or skate board due to my dad teaching me when I was younger” I said “oh ok that seems cool…I like technology too.” Shuri said smiling while walking away “it’s awkward in here” I said bluntly while now standing up “yea…” Shuri said taking a deep breath “ want to listen to music ?” Shuri asked “sure.”
After spending two hours with shuri we found out we have things in common with each other , from being a popular loner to the music taste . Me and shuri had made a pact to hang out again to get to know each other more since we barely like dealing with people we very much clung to each other like we was meant to be friends, or even more than that, not saying I like shuri or nothing it’s just I feel like we are gonna have a long road ahead of us .
*5 years later*
Today is my 18TH birthday and I am so excited! I can’t believe that I am actually finally legal , I just wish that my mom was here to witness this bc ever since she been gone I’ve kinda felt lost even with the Queen and shuri been a big help with taking care of me since I was 16 and helping me heal , it’s just been a lot and I’ve even been to therapy to deal with my depression and attachment issues.
Oh ya… you guys didn’t know? Sorry I forgot to tell you .
My dad stop calling when I turned 15 so it’s always been me and my mom , But after me and shuri first meeting we have been hanging with each other non stop and I mean non stop. Okoye would say we was attached at the hip and I would 100% believe her . At 16 and shuri was 17 of course , I found out my mom had this very indescribable disease that neither me or shuri can figure out , till a couple months later it was too late , MY MOM TOOK HER LAST BREATH AT 38 Years old . That whole day was the worst day of my life bc I felt to small, like I was trapped in a bottle and can’t help to get out . Everyday I think about her, HER smile, HER smell,HER laugh, HER funny jokes, HER loving hugs, HER supportive ways, HER everything. Saying that I’m doing mentally okay was a understatement, bc I’m not.
(Tonight me and shuri thought it was a good idea to get fucked up and also have fun , so we decided to throw a amazing 18TH party for me)…
I wore a cute champagne spaghetti strap dress with clear heels, And curled hair ofc .
Shuri decided to where a black button down shirt with black pants and a chain with a panther claw on it , Along side some sexy heels she go my for her 19th birthday.
“Y/n hurry we are gonna be late!” Shuri said while banging on my room door “OKAY MY BAD I DIDNT KNOW YOU WAS A PARENT WITH 12 KIDS !” I shouted back bc who was she rushing..
Once we made it to the club I am easily greeted by my little small group of friends, people that came to show love for my party, some of my friends who work in the lab beside me. “OMG YOU LOOK SO GORGEOUS MY LOVE !” My friend rhinestone says “THANK YOU BEBE!” I say pulling her into a hug. “ENOUGH LOLLY GAGGING LET GO GET WASTED !
After one shot, it turned into two, after two it turned into three, after three it went to fourth, after four it went to five, and let’s just say I get wasted quick.
MY song comes on and let’s just say my body was moving on its own honestly, I make my way through the crowd to start moving my hips as the rock, side, to side. I feel eyes burning in my skin , as I turn around I noticed her staring at me with nothing but lust in her eyes, then her eyes follows the figure behind me . Apparently there was hands slowly coming from behind me to grip my hips so I started to keep grinding on the unknown male , bc why not ? . As I look back to the corner shuri was at she was moving her finger in a (come here) motion so I obeyed bc I thought she genuinely wanted something even though I’m drunk as ever, as I got closer she quickly yanked me up by my neck (not in a abusive way THE FUCK) “WHAT TF ARE YOU DOING Y/N ARE YOU TRYING TO TEMPT ME Tonight BY DANCING ON SOME RANDOM AND LITERALLY MAKING EYE CONTACT WITH ME, YOU KNEW EXACTLY YOU WAS DOING , YOU WAS BEING A BRAT AND IM GOING TO SHOW YOU HOW BRATS GET TREATED!” She said in a low shout “meet me in the car, NOW!” She shouted in my ear . I QUICKLY MADE IT TO THE CAR WITH NO HESITATION BC IM IN SHOCK OF SEEING THIS SIDE OF SHURI , I KNEW SHE WAS MEAN BUT NOT THIS TYPE OF MEAN . And not to be that person but I got a little wet at that and couldn’t wait for what she was finna do when we got back to the palace bc me and shuri only had sex once and that was after like 2 months my mom died and it was just sex I needed to relieve my pain and after that night together we promised to just stay best friends and never mention it again .
The ride back to the palace was so silent , I can feel my wetness slowly dripping down my thigh and a pit in my stomach for what ever punishment shuri had for me , when we made inside the palace shuri gave me a quick glance and said “go to my room and strip and you better be naked by the time I get up there or it will be more consequences.” She said in a low tone , I quickly made it up to her room and did everything she told me to do , she slowly walked in locking the door behind and licking her lips like I was a snack , good thing I sober up quick . “Lay down and spread your legs” Shuri says while taking off her shirt and watch, less then a second shuri was between my legs licking my clit at the fastest pace and ever while being three fingers feel inside me , “UGHH- FUCK BABY IM ABOUT TO CU-” with out a thought I came so hard everything felt like it was turning white , “MHM” I squirted while making a high pitch moan that I never did before, I immediately went shy till shuri said “THATS MY GOOD GIRL” she said while slapping my pussy making me squeal a little. “Get on all fours and arch for me Usana” Shuri said while walking to her closet, “AHHHH!!!” I moaned so loud as shuri shoved in with out a warning with her strap while going at a impossible speed “FU- SHURI SLOW DOW-” *CLAP* “HUSH AND TAKE THIS DICK OR YOU WILL NOT CUM !” Shuri said after sending a harsh slap to my ass…
After a hour and 30 minutes of shuri fucking me brain less ,she bathed me and put me to bed after that she gave me a kiss on my forehead.
*two days later*
It’s been two days since shuri fucked me and she been keeping her distance lately, I was wondering why until she came in the lab today smiling and giggling with a girl she had her hands around her waist with . WTF , DID I MISS SOMETHING, I said to my self . Shuri noticed me and her smile instantly dropped, “Shuri can we talk for a minute ?” I said in the calmest voice I could ever have. “What’s up ?” Shuri answered with furrowed brows “who is that?” I asked “Lia” she said “mhm” I said “wym mhm?” Shuri asked with raised eye brow “just mhm” I said turning away and exiting to go back to my room .
“That was weird” RiRi said after I told her about what’s been happening “ so she just gonna leave you WHIPPED like that and bring who ever lia is, to her lab all hugged up with no real answer on who lia really is?” RiRi asked now getting mad about the situation “idk but two can play that game …” I said before me and rir said our good byes and hung up the phone.
*Time skip*
Two months has passed and I figured out that Lia and shuri use to fling with each other so I ended finding me a lil boo too , mykel, mykel has been breaking my back in , but not how shuri use to . I met mykel in the lab a couple times bc she usually the work in the area I work in , just to show him off to shuri I always kissed him in front of her or even let him hug me by my waist in front of shuri and trust me when I tell you , she HATED him!
“Hi babe” mykel said walking inside the lab coming towards my desk. “Hi handsome” i said with a bright smile , Me and mykel only been together for 4 weeks but so far it was going good , “what’s the move for tonight sexy ?” Mykel asked “idk you tell me, Bc no matter how much I will love to watch a movie and chill, I also will love to make a movie of our own” I said while straddling his lap (Right now me and mykel the only one in the lab since it’s 9pm)
“Y/n Will be right back!” Shuri said while grabbing me tightly by the arm and dragging me from mykel lap to a secluded under construction corner
“HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MARBLES?!” Shuri whispered/yelled “I’m sorry I didn’t know you was here.” I said “I honestly feel like you are tryna piss me off with that scum you’ve claimed to be with , And also me and you both know he can’t beat that pussy up better than me so stop this madness between you and him RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR TO BAST I WILL MAKE YOU AND HIS LIFE A LIVING HELL!” Shuri has officially lost her mind , Did this bitch just threaten me to break it off with mykel when she literally has a whole Girlfriend, OH hell no I’m finna turn up on her ass.
“YOU FUCKING BIT-” Before I can even finish I felt a hand wrap around my neck (Not a hard hold) “WATCH who you talking to Phambi kokuba ndimxelele uMntu wakho Indlela ebendindibize ngayo ngoTata, kwaye undithembe i wont hesitate ( Before i tell your Man How I had you calling me Daddy, And trust me i wont hesitate)” Shuri semi Whispered in my Ear . Shuri let go of me and walked off before turning back around and said “Do what I told you….NOW!” Then walked out the lab back door , When I looked around the corner shuri had me held at I noticed Mykel was packing up leaving “Babe? Can we talk for a minute?” I asked getting closer to him “ya wassup, And why was Queen Shuri so mad?” He asked “She just wanted to talk to me about a new project that I forgot about that’s all” “Ohhh okay, We’ll what you wanted to talk about?” mykel asked “I think we should break up…” I said with my head down “Why? Did I do something wrong?” “No!no no …It’s just I need to focus on myself for a while that’s it” I said with a tremble in my voice Tears was threatening to spill bc I seen his face sadden and it honestly broke my heart “I-I understand y/n… I’m sorry I got to Go” Mykel said rushing pass me sniffling slightly bumping my shoulder. When he left I honestly broke down letting all my tears fall bc I really liked him and he made me happy, I didn’t have to go through any toxic stages with him and he brung me hope and peace , but I guess good things doesn’t last forever…But this was the only way for me to keep both me and him safe bc everyone knows shuri is not the one to be played with…
After my little break down gathered my things and went home to cry some more bc ever since Queen Ramonda died shuri has been such a controlling,Manipulative,possessive,Mean person who wasn’t the same kind,understanding, sweet shuri that I use to love being around . It like the more I got older the more her love grew for me, And the more her love grew for me was more possessive she gotten.
*1 Month later*
It has now been a Month since shuri made me break up with Mykel and ever since that night shuri has doing nothing but getting under my skin , for example, she will have me staying in the labs from 5am till 9pm literally doing nothing but paper work or watching her do nothing !, Another time she had me do all her work just bc she claimed she has a meeting when she literally only went to Starbucks and took a nap for 4 hours.
I haven’t seen mykel after that night also, rumor has it he quit and moved back to nigeria. I kinda moved on from him but not as much bc little things kinda reminded me of how happy I was with him. Shuri and her girlfriend are still together of course, WHICH IS SO UNFAIR due to the fact shuri only wanted me to break up so she can still fuck me and keep her girlfriend, Yes you heard me I said still fuck me. Every time I even look at shuri she’s already staring and if I mouth off too her about stuff I don’t want to work on she has to put me in my place it’s either Fucking me senseless or giving me to silent treatment. Believe it or not I’m still madly in love with shuri it’s just she wants her cake and she want to eat it too, I sometimes just don’t understand us.
“FUCK YOU SHURI !” was all I heard outside the lab , When I turned my head I seen A angry Lia stomping away from shuri. When I seen shuri coming towards the door I quickly turned back around acting like I was still working on the sequence I supposed to did yesterday but my head was hurting at the time, “EVERYONE OUT !!” Shuri yelled which made everyone scatter out of the Lab , I grabbed my stuff and was finna leave from my station when I heard “NO YOU STAY !” When the lab was now clear she turned back around to look at me with nothing but lust and anger in my eyes “You look so good right now” shuri said as she looked at my black body con dress with my black bubble slides, gold anklet, and white lab coat. “And why do you have on slides in my Lab ?” She asked with a raised eyebrow while slightly biting her lip “I-I-I’m sorry , I j-ust thought since I wasn’t going to be here for long that I could wear something comfortable” I said stuttering a little bit bc she made me nervous I couldn’t even look her in the eye, “What did I tell you about eye contact?” Shuri said while slowly walking up to me, I didn’t say a word just kept my head down looking at the jewelry on my slides until I seen some black and white retro dunks come in my vision , shuri then lifted my chin with a not so tightly grip that made me look her in the eye “I STRICTLY SAID WHEN I AM TALKING TO YOU , YOU LOOK IN MY EYES , WHEN I AM FUCKING YOU SO HARD THAT YOU CRY YOU LOOK INTO MY EYES, WHEN I AM THREE FINGERS DEEP IN YOU , YOU LOOK INTO MY EYE! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!!” Shuri yelled “Y-YES” I whispered “YES WHAT ?!” Shuri said while now giving my ass a harsh slap that made me Instantly get wet “YES DADDY !” I Moaned while biting my lip to try to keep my other ones back “Meet me in my room I need you naked and layed on your back or I promise I will not make you Cum for two months” shuri said I quickly walked out the lab to do what she said when I made it to her room.
Let’s just say that’s after that night Shuri claimed me as Hers and promised me that she will never put me before a bitch who pussy isn’t good as mines ever again, After Shuri destroyed me for 2 hours me and her was layed down naked under her cover while I’m layed on her chest “Shuri what happened to Lia and mykel?” I asked curious “I sent mykel away and banned him from Wakanda” MY MOUTH DROPPED IN SHOCK “And Lia was mad bc I did the same to her and told her , Her pussy wasn’t good and kinda dry” MY EYES AND MOUTH WAS NOW WIDE BC WTF?!!! “Close your mouth before I stick the dick back in it” shuri said while kissing my neck , I quickly closed my mouth bc I’m tired. “I Love you shuri” I said while kissing her boobs since she kinda sitting up and I’m still layed on her chest “I love you More y/n , always and forever. You’re not going anywhere and me and you both know that”
Ever since we was teen we have both been
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latibulater · 3 months
Venture Bros Rewatch notes: Home Insecurity
Fucking hilarious that Underland is designed like a disney princess villain lair but actually with all the executions.
tiger balm....tiger....bomb.....makes me laugh EVERY time honestly all i can think of when i hear tiger balm
Knowing that there are many kids with amputations in Underland from the child mines, like that is crazy the child amputee rate must be one of the highest in the world. i get that its played for jokes and it was funny, but if we are gonna be serious about all of it this counts and is like. mind boggling
whoo! use of the r slur! the way ive had to fucking campaign in my family to get them to stop using it and then i turn on this show and theyre saying it like every other episode makes me want to hunt down hammer and publick
okay but thats a waste of tiger.....
ik we dont learn this till later but i have questions about underland apparently being located right next to michigan.....PLEASSSSE LET ME SEE THE WORLD MAP IK ITS SO FUCKED UP
Brock's blue shirt is so beautiful on him...wish I could unbutton it off him. Dean and his hover boots, honestly those boots should make a come back
Stupid ass racist costume!
I literally choked on my spit and coughed at the same time Doc coughed at Brock's fumes
Okay I think Rusty is just doing a bit with the whole "big man think you can take me on? i knew this day would come" like seriously, the twins are so fucking silly but rusty is so beyond sarcastic he really is just projecting his own issues onto his kids all the time.
HELPER!!!!!!!!! Him going to take care of Rusty and so comically seeing NEW ROBOT blueprints and packing up a knapsack including a pic of child Rusty and Helper, oh my god it is just the sweetest robot and makes me wonder if there is a similar situation like with the red Helper happening with the whole....human brain.
the henchmen fighting and getting distracted till doc wakes up an slides into the panic room LOL
also i do love the underland footmen look as someone who loved tmnt it looks very foot clan
hank and dean may be a little over the top but they did take care of the scorpion and tarantula pretty handily.
Dean and Hank in the panic room and not even knowing when it was built....like seriously how many memories are they missing, consider they repeated being 15/16 over 10 times
Hank choking out Rusty is SO FUNNY Hank is just trying to help!!!!!!! just send them both to a first aid class you will be better for it doc
Rusty lactating!!!!! Milky king!!!!!
The animation and storyboard in this episode flips between dynamic and very getty stock images which is pretty funny
Dr. Girlfriend getting insulted and telling the monarch to use the phone himself...him trying to get an outside line....god i feel so old.
bigfoot baby!
"GUARDO" you fucking idiot Rusty. "I fell asleep" Okay but have we considered the fact  that you just don't have a head for mechanics and need to switch science majors
THE SNACKS FOR COMPANY. And Monarch apparently seeing the Baron for the first time since college and them trying to kill each other at first in a big dick measuring contest.
"how do you even mix it up! augh its like having my dad do the shopping!" ok i need more orphan jokes from the monarch stat seasons 1 he kills with this
its funny to see bigfoot and brock and steve summers meeting is so funny...considering that they all fuck when brock stays with them after he leaves the osi
"do you know how long 6 million bucks takes to pay back on a government salary!" fucking screammmmmmmmmmm
"lab partnership is a sacred trust" SSTILLLLLLLL want to know about how this happened
The Monarch fucking around struggling with his old ass computer makes me SOOOO nostalgic i remember we had a similar computer in the kitchen growing up.
Dean reading Helper perfectly and Doc going through a slumdog millionaire flashback before emotionally manipulating his mommy robot
One henchman became a hench after the plant closed and he only had a GED. one had a crack addiction and got off it. one (gary) got kidnapped) underland minions are drafted and then executed at 38.
"SASBURGER"!!! GOD "Sasquatch gave me a new life" Brock trying not be grossed out but like trying not to let it show (but only because he thinks Sasquatch is a woman at that point and he's bigoted but pro-str8 people always.
"Go team Helper!"
Jesus I really SSOOOOOOOOOOO would fucking fucking fucking kill for an expose episode on how henching works in the world as a job
all the army men are idiots very appropriate. brock getting SOOO weirded out. It is homophobic but also I choose to believe Brock has never seen a cock bigger than his own and got so horny and emasculated he got wigged out.
First mention of the Guild in this episode about filing paperwork on collaboration which i think is funny
Helper not letting Rusty out is SO funny me and my siblings would do that all the time. Truly, there is a lot to be said about Rusty and Helper's relationship. No other relationship has been as long for Rusty as Helper, who has been there sinvce he was a young boy and has always looked out for him.
Overall this episode is really fun and enjoyable, it does very well with having very silly concepts being treated seriously and then serious situations being treated clownishly. always love steve and sasquatch, altho the vbros design is so............he has a face only steve summers loves apparently. and the conversation on paying back the osi for the bionics was good worldbuilding/commentary on real world disability issues of how disability devices are often very expensive and only work at the behest of whoever made the device. my own cousin had a cochlear implant that worked very well but then he was told it was being recalled and he could get new one and now its works awfully for him
would rate this one like a 7/10. very solid but nothing too rib crackling funny or show pausing overly interesting
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oscpaistry · 2 years
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You and Kylian have been in a relationship for 4 years now. But you feel unheard and misunderstood by him. The media is causing you two stress and argument. At one moment Kylian had enough and he thought it would be the best if you two broke up. But all you wanted from him is to be heard and understood. You went out off the house and told the whole media that your taking a long break and why. About your mental health and much more.
Kylian and you were finally back home from the red carpet. Kylian was scrolling through his phone while you were changing out off your dress.
"Are you actually fucking serious?" You hear Kylian telling himself.
"Whats wrong Kylian?" You ask him while coming into the room he was in.
"Tell me the truth Y/n. Im sick and tired of the lies." He says with a stern voice.
"What do you mean Kylian? What have i done this time?" You say with a sigh in your breath.
"I saw on Instagram that your mental health is at risk again!" He says with a sarcastic tone in his voice.
You sigh. "It is Kylian. Im so stressed and mentally drained. I dont have any motivation to do anything at this point. And i-" you tried to say but he spoke through your sentence.
"Pff Y/n. Don't be so dramatic. You have it simple. You only have to sit at home, do the groceries, model, get clothes, get your nails done and much more." He says while laughing at you.
You look down and feel something in your throat. It feels like you can't swallow.
"Mhm" you say and go back to the bathroom.
"Okay if you wanna act like that and act as if you have so many problems go ahead. Be my guest. But not in my house Y/n. Go somewhere else and cry about it. I dont have time for it. And besides. I dont see your stress and see that your sad or some shit." He says while throwing and bag at you.
Your eyes started to swell up and you pick up the bag. You pack some stuff and went downstairs. You took a glas of water and drank it before you left. You two didnt speak in those 30 minutes of packing. You grabbed your car keys and went outside to go in your car.
You went to a hotel somewhere in Paris. You asked for a room for one. The front desk lady gave you the room card 267. You went up with the lift and went onto your phone. You left the lift and went to your room.
At the end of the hall you see room 267. You entered and as soon you saw the bed you just feel into it and cried.
Your eyes were already swollen and red from crying.
Your phone was going off none stop. You check it and see texts from Neymar, Achraf, Messi and Ramos. They were asking why you were acting like this and were shaming you. You sighed at the messages. Those people were the ones you trusted with your heart. And then in one snap they turn their back at you. It broke you into million pieces. You decided to post on Instagram that you were taking a break bcs off your mental health. This is what it said in your post.
"Hey guys, there is something i want to clear up and say. So the media is spreading rumors around of me. Those are completely not true and are lies. Kylian saw those posts. And because of those posts Kylian and i are having alot of arguments. Im not at Kylian's right now. That doesnt really matter right now. But those posts have me giving stress. But ive been already suffering with bipolar disorder. Ive been so mentally drained fir he past few months it isnt really okay anymore. I havent got any motivation to do anything anymore. Im physically so exhausted. Ill be taking a break from social media for now. I dont know for how long. I hope you guys understand. I love you guys. Im sorry."
You read it again and again. You took a deep breath and posted it. You put your phone in the drawer and went to unpack and to take a shower.
After the shower you went to change. You heard the vibrations from your phone. You went to grab your phone and saw texts off Kylian, Neymar and Messi.
"Sorry Y/n. I didnt know you were struggling with all that."
That is what Neymar, Kylian and Messi texted you. You sigh and leave them on read...
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popculturebuffet · 1 month
Next up for Disney TVA, who is your favorite character from the cartoons in the first wave of the Disney Channel original cartoons from 2001-06: The Proud Family, Kim Possible, Lilo & Stitch The Series, Dave the Barbarian, Brandy & Mr. Whiskers, The Buzz on Maggie, American Dragon Jake Long, The Emperor's New School, and The Replacements?
I thought i'd almost finished this one but for some reason lost it. okay STARTING AGAIN
The Proud Family: HE'S SO... DIS..FUNKTOINAL.. CAN YOU FEEL IT.. LIKE HE FEELS IT. It's bobby proud ya'll! Look in the times i've covered this series I haven't been shy about how much I love this guy, funny, a hilaroiusly on point rick james impression, and he has the best musical number in the series and tha'ts in a series where Lou Rawls also sings.
The series itself.. is okay. I respect it's representation, animation style and a lot... but I just can't vibe with the mean spirit of it's comedy. It's something I HOPED louder and prouder would tinker with but barely did. It's just not for me. I still consider it a classic just not my classic.
Kim Possible: DOOP DOOP DOO DOO OH YEAHHHH YEAHHH YEAHH. It's Ron. While the series cast is stacked (It also has patrick fucking warburton in one of his best roles), I gotta give it to ron the perfect sidekick: he's panicky and sarcastic.. but genuinely good emotinal help most of the time. Plus ron x kim is easily the best friends to lovers scenario in western animation.
The show itself is not only one of my faviorite disney shows (it as on the list I keep bringing up), but the kind of spy fiction I like: the goofy over the top parodic kind. I"m just not really into the hardcore cloak and dagger stuff (With few exceptions) but this.. basically a superhero show, that's more my speed. An excellent rogues gallery, whip smart comedy and truly amazing design and voice work make this one of the best things disney's ever made and while certainly as 2000's as fuck, still holds up REALLY well. Still need to review so the drama. maybe this prom season. Note to self review so the drama this prom season
Lilo and Stitch The Series: 625. He's hilarous (Rob Paulsen everybody), fun to watch and makes the perfect buddy pairing with gantu, and while I didn't see all of the finale movie, he gets a proper happy ending. I also admit part of this is 625 actually PREDATES the series: he appeared in the disney adventures tie in comics which I read in the build up to the movie and serve as a prequel so I was already attached, so having him become full canon, let alone one of the best parts (the only change being his fur became yellow, which honestly is a better look) The show itself was excellent. It was an easy sell for young me as I deeply loved the movie and said comics, and loved monster taming shows which this defintely was. In typical disney fashion they didn't really captalize on this far as I can tell, but I love that despite being one of these gotta catch em all shows, it finds a unique hook: instead of just capturing the experiments fitting the original Lilo is finding each one a home. Granted there's way more focus on the first part, but it provides some fun monster of the week shenanigans and is a neat way to build on the original: We never got to SEE the other experiments outside of disney adventures, so this built out the world a bit and even got a proper finale. Leeroy and stitch sounds pretty by the numbers but hey, at least they finished their big overarching quest and gave ruben a proper home. Good stuff.
Dave the Barbairan: Dave the buh buh buh barbarian himself. One of Daniel Cooksys best roles. Hilarious, adorable and a coward without being obnoxious.
The show itself was a fun meta as hell riff on Conan, a character I didn't know existed as a kid and care about only in parody. Funny, excellent and NOT ON DISNEY PLUS ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS
Brandy and Mr Whiskers: I dont' really have a favoirite. I remember being.. eh on this one. It feels like a lesser version of mike lu and og, and this fish out of water story is super common. The art direction and voice acting is top notch and I like brandy as a character, but it just wasn't for me.
The Buzz on Maggie: Great theme song, don't have a faviorite character again (I know it's part why these descriptions), and I remember liking it but don't remember it well enough to comment. Also not on disney+. It's.. ti's piling up.
American Dragon Jake Long: HE'S COOL HE'S HOT LIKE A FROZEN SUN, HE'S YOUNG AND FAST HE'S THE CHOSEN ONE PEOPLE WE'RE NOT BRAGGIN HE'S THE AMERICAN DRAGON. God theme songs in this era fucking slapped. And that' snot exageration. Every theme song in this block is a banger. Barring lilo and stitch which I geninely forget but isn't bad.
Anyways faviorite character is Rose. Mae whitman gives a great performance taking what could've been another sotck love intrest.. and flipping it as both rose as huntsgirl and rose as herself feel like simply two sides of her and her and jake's romance and the drama involved was fucking cake to me. It especially sticks out as i've been working on a project with superheroes and what not from this era and most romance plots.. weren't great (Kimron is also an exception) and are easy to chuck out.. but this one. This is the core of the series. Th eheart of it. And rose herself is compelling. While Disney would later get a real taste for this sort of story, see lena, sasha and amity, this was the first.
The show itself is one I badly need to rewatch, I know common refrain but while it has a few iffy parts, the whole just works: the magical setting is fun and unique, as while there were other shows with a mystic bent in the genre (Jackie Chan Adventures and Xiaolin Showdown) both were globe trotting adventure shows (and the best, i'd gladly do kids wb) while Jake long is a teen superhero show and urban fantasy. It has a great core, a great main antagonist at first in the huntsclan, and is a lot of fun. The only problem I really remember is the rogues gallery was kinda thin, with it mostly being the hutnsclan and the dark dragon, while kinda neat, very thin in comparison. The huntsmaster wasn't super deep, but the fantastic racisim and sense of threat compesnated. Still a very excellent show well wroth a reboot or revivial. Actually on disney+ this time.
The Emperor's New School: HE'S GOING TO KUZCO ACADEMY WHERE HE'S ABOUT TO LEARN HIS ABC'S! Kronk. Always Kronk. patrick warburton only didn't win the kim possible one because ron exists and only by a hair.
Anyways this show's decent. Not amazing, but I remember liking it. Does it go back on the ending of the film a bit? yes. Is it entirely plausabile Kuzco would backslide a little? entirely. He's still part of pacha's family, he's not nearly AS bad, he's just still egotistical and a tad arrogant. Also a bit of a sexual harasser. It was solid fun and while the premise is a bit forced KUZCO HAS TO GO TO SCHOOL OR ELSE YIZMA GETS THE THRONE, it somehow works.
The Replacements: Tasumi I like her design and while I didn't get to see her unmasking the premise sounds intresting
As for the series itself pretty good. I heard it got even better later on, as early on it's pretty stuck to the formula: call for a replacement, it dosen't work out, see why the original wasn't that bad or reason with them. That said the mere concept of calling a company to replace people and two orphans finding family with a super spy and daredevil is so creative it gets a pass. It may have a formula at first, but the concept is so unique and intresting you can't help but enjoy it. It also had a great style. Woudl gladly give it another go
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l1nghuarchive · 2 years
OMG I LOVED THE SISTER FIC WEOW. i wanna request one more thing- what about just like cuddling akito when he's upset. like full on crying breakdown, and you just cuddle him while he works through it. IF U DONT WANNA DO THIS I UNDERSTAND 🫶🫶 have a wonderful day weheh 😊😊😊😊
HII AND TYSM!! im not sure if ur the anon who requested the sister fic bc it's 12am as i post tjis so sorry in advance </3 i decided to do a different writing styel, hope you enjoy!
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• Akito is someone who hates showing weaknesses, thinking he must put up a tough front so people won't look down on him or underestimate him.
• He despises being weak especially if it's in front of you. Akito often thinks he should be like a knight for you and always be the one that you rely on and not him relying on you.
• That is why he hates crying. It shows a weaker side of him that he wishes no one to see, even you.
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The once bright sky grew glimmer, as the sky grew graphite. The water dripping from the clouds landed on the sad puddles on the ground before they could be filled. They had already depleted. Even if it was rather gloomy, a certain house still remained warm and bright despite it being cold and dark as a pair of students were each in others arms. Nothing other than the soft droplets of the rain and sobs could be heard in the household, as the rain drops started getting heavier so did the crying as more tears were being shed but Y/n didn't mind, as they continued patting Akito's head as he continued crying in their arms.
As Akito started ranting about his day, like how he and Ena got into another fight it was a rather serious one as well. Though fights often happen in the Shinonome household, this one ended differently from the others as both shinonome siblings said rather insensitive things about each other due to the heat of the moment. Oh how Akito envied you and your family, siblings who cared about you and parents who paid attention to you. Of course, even if he and his father don't get into fights that didn't mean their relationship was good it was far from it to say the least his father barely paid attention to him and Ena when they were kids and mostly focused on his job as an artist.
You knew about Akito's struggles both at his home and his dream of surpassing RAD WEEKEND, he got many comments about not sticking out from his group and was rather used to be compared to Toya or Kohane even though the latter had no music background she still managed to stood out from the group and though he doesn't hate his group members that doesn't mean he gets rather sick of people just coming up to him so they could know more about An, Kohane or Toya. Perhaps that was why he was shocked to know that you actually wanted to know more about him and not the other members, he decided to put up a front not really fully trusting you yet but as time grew he saw how genuine you were and now that both of you were dating he was now sobbing in your arms a side he never shows to anyone even he doesn't show his weak side to Toya.
• Akito enjoys it whenever you comfort him with words or actions, as simple as hearing him out can really make him wonder how he got someone as great as you!
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• Hugging him and hearing what he has to say as well as throwing in your own advice always makes him feel better especially if it was a sarcastic remark about the person he was ranting.
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Tysm for reading! Reqs are open and my inbox is open for chats!! reblogs and likes are ALWAYS appreciated, mwah <3!
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Idea from @hiorisgf
I saw their post about different ways bllk boys dont let you pay and i can't just not try this lol. Also i haven't read the manga so if some manga characters dont match with the scenario i am (not) sorry.
The littles shits
That smile at you while you pay, so clueless about what going on. Because what's going on, without you knowing, that you are paying with his card. You slid the card, the transaction done, he hands you something while you raise an eyebrow" here your card sweetheart" they say that with most sarcastic shitty smile. Your mouth agape you then look at him like- bitch are you serious
Michael kaiser, bachira meguru, isagi yoichi.
The ones that look at you like you just said a whole hating criticism that sounds like one of the little mermaid ones to them. They would either put their hand over their heart grasping their shirt dramatically or raise your eyebrows at you like bitch how dare you say that i am your boyfriend. He really went like [ insert dramatic lift of eyebrow or dramatic grasp of shirt] " how dare you say such insulting words to me" the waiter/waitress looking at this scene sweating like' how am i supposed to react' then he pays and you both leave while you linger on your defeat.
Sae itoshi, rin itoshi, reo mikage, baro shoei, micheal kaiser, bachira meguru.
I'll pay-
That not sty'
No( lovable no)
Rather quit playing soccer than to let you do that.
Aryu jyubei, kunigami rensuke, nagi seishiro, isagi yoichi.
" you can pay for the next date, if you insist"
You never did.
Kunigami rensuke, mikage reo, itoshi sae, itoshi rin.
Actually lets you pay for the meal.
He refunded the money to your bank account a few days later.
Julian loki, pablo cavazos, mikage reo, nagi seishiro,hyoma chigiri.
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munamania · 8 months
so right a couple of my film friends and i met last night to do wine and glee and i left and tried to catch a bus in our gross rainy cold weather and so when it finally comes im just like zoo wee mama my glasses r fogging up and all that shit. but who of course is on the bus but my one friend the main perpetrator of acting like im some flaky cunt (rant city below)
so i guess technically this wouldnt look great on my part bc i was obviously Somewhere and had been ignoring the group chat making plans but oh my GOD whatever who careessssss who Cares. so im like fucking phenomenal ok walk back Omg hi and she moves her shit so i can sit and i get settled and am like hey. and she asks what i was up to and ofc when i say anything bc this is fucking awkward shes just got this stupid smug little smile but i was just sitting there like bitch im not gonna sit here and act embarrassed for seeing my other friends so i was just like So are u guys doing x tn and shes like mhm yep are you coming and i was like well gee i dont know. sarcastic shrug. make conversation about the timing of the place for a second kinda jokin then awk silence
and so then because im a chill normal adult and am aware that shes about to go meet the group of friends and no matter what this interaction is going to be brought up and i had been planning on composing a levelheaded text but i just said Look im sorry that i ghosted you guys (and shes again smug smiling nodding next to me. girl.) i just honestly got tired of feeling like im being singled out and judged when i cant make it to something and she literally is just like Well im sorry you feel that way just u know we do try to come up w different days etc (if u like me are bad at reading between the lines this was a non apology and defense based on uh Nothing) and i was like right well ik last semester wasnt great it's just that sometimes i feel like im being shunned in the group chats when no one answers or reacts to anything i say and the other day when you said like. yk the 'could u commit' thing that felt really sort of condescending
and shes like again well im sorry u felt that way i was just trying to find another day that u could actually make it cause i wanted us all to be there so im not really sure how that came across as condescending but um yeah. and i, jackass that i am (<3) pulled out my phone and pointed and said Well u see we didnt have actual plans and in fact no one answered when i said anything abt it and yk things come up and so for me to have sent this whole nice thing and just get 'do you think youd be able to commit' in response felt a little bit needlessly mean (and i also tried to earnestly say at some point in all this that i genuinely do love and care for them and want to see them but yk this Sucks and was just bad timing)
THEN we somehow spin into her going Well i just had no idea this was even a thing until you brought it up just now i mean i wasnt even thinking abt it ive never really thought that of you etc and so then im sitting here feeling like im being gaslit in real time not to be dramatic and i felt very much like when i was in high school and people manipulated me bc i was a very easy target (its not that real but w/e) and so im like Ok be calm but dont just like let that slide cause girl be serious (prob should have but what ever) so i was like well you know i do apologize if i just couldnt tell your intent over text, but after you guys never answered me about hanging out and then the short responses like maybe u can kind of see where i felt like you were being rude (didnt say it quite that bluntly w/e)
and she pulls out the big card. the. well i just think youre being defensive. oh years and years of being the youngest and punished for um having feelings lmfao slammed me in my chest at that moment. and i calmly said Okay cool i think youre being defensive. and i lit missed my bus stop cause this driver was swerving so then i was just like Well you guys have fun maybe ill see you tonight bye. so. really feeling awesome abt the state of that. in all reality tho it's like i hung out w some friends and then went out to the gay bar w others and danced and etc and i can only imagine how much of a Thing this was for them so. if someone could win it'd be me right
(on another note at some point during this ride sams roommate requested to follow me back <3 which i had been pretending not to think abt for the last couple hours) anyway
this has been a post let me know if im being normalish
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cybernekos · 11 days
i wrote some personal dating hcs with tony because authors note: i can!! i had a really bad day and kept thinking alot abt this 🙏
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well here we go,, dating tony,,
no warnings its just hcs lol
to clarify i was never a fancy girl. im a big tomboy. i do like to dress up at times tho :3 and i know he loves pretty fancy girls but this is what he gets >:3 tho he gets used to it after awhile. and at times when i would dress up hed get so stunned. like who is this and what have you done with her.
we bicker alot but these arent like very serious fights these are more of a "tomato is a fruit" kinda thing. tho sometimes id be right about something and he would desperately try to prove it and fail (like social interactions, coworkers crushes etc.) 🤭
as for interactions we talk ALOT. about everything. dum things, daily things, smart things (thats where he tries to explain something scientific to me ofc), our lives before we met, our life now etc. and honestly i always enjoy it 💕 esp when he explains things to me its always so interesting to see how is mind works,,
speaking of science, i ONLY go to lab when hes in it. because you never know with his inventions (or security measures for that matter). he says its fine for me to be in it as long as i dont touch anything (as hyperactive as i am he knows i can respect boundaries) but honestly i feel more safer when hes around in there LOL. sometimes i even get to sit in his lap when hes reading or doing small works <3 and its always so nice to see him enjoy doing all this,,
this guy ofc has a shitton of money but literally i am the kind of person that hates being given free gifts (not because i actually hate gifts i just feel bad LOL) and ofc he does it anyway. if he sees im having a depression episode i can expect to wake up with 5 large plush bears in our bedroom. even worse if he notices im looking to buy something, anything really and there it is under my nose the next day. i keep telling him no but he never listens on that matter </3
ofc sometimes i have to put him in his place /aff. sometimes hes quite full of himself or hes just simply being tony. tho its somewhat how we started out; i immediately told him where i stand in relationship and that some things he does will definetly have to be cut out if he wants to date me. and once i saw his better side i fell for him and he promised hed do anything 💕
and going back to science a bit sometimes hed pull out ideas from my sarcastic sentences and ofc wed bicker again sometimes </3 but i tend to give him ideas myself and hed actually take them into consideration 💕 sometimes hed even invent small cute gifts for me or things to help me out
also going back to my depressive episodes; hed get really worried about me when i go trough them. hed reasonably try to get me to keep up with hygene, to eat properly, and to go out so i could feel better. esp if i get a medical issue he goes CRAZY. even if its something not so bad. but he always makes sure i feel alright 💝 and i always do the same for him, sometimes he would feel tired maybe even burnt out or out of inspiration and id just comfort him whenever i can ^^
and again all this is very cheesy but i cant help myself 😔✊️
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i dont normally send asks but i came across ur blog and you have some really cool ideas when it comes to personification stuff,, ur like one of the few other ppl ive found that actually includes polandball and countryhumans in personified fandom stuff so id love to hear ur ideas abt them!! as someone with a fascination with fandom history id be down to discuss stuff more with u if u wanna
uh *checks notes* I am going to assume you mean their dynamic/hcs about each!! I’ve never delved very deeply into Countryhumans fandom history/her dynamics with the others because. Controversy but I still do have lots of ideas about her. And she is *the* quintessential Canonless G(A) fandomspirit to me, probably because she’s the first one I was part of. You get into G(A) through Hetalia, Countryhumans, or Polandball mostly and they’re the faces of the whole place so,,, very well defined House triad here.
What I do say is CH is PB and Hetalia’s conceptual daughter (her premise is kind of both of theirs mashed together) but Hetalia and the other two are separated by the Canon-Canonless divide (and the fact that he has a husband) and thus don’t talk as much. (Which is funny because his two actual sons, Fandomstuck and Socialstuck, are both Canonless.) Also, he gets into Reality more often because he has more cosplayers. But their dynamic is more like older-younger sibling, they swing back and forth between working together well (sharing headcanons and Netizens) and actually beating each other up (raids). From what I’ve seen, and I’m mostly saying this from CH’s POV, he’s more likely to start it than she is.
Both of them are a little scared of each other, PB because he has a lot of overlap with her and is the closest to seeing inside of her brain (he’s read her writing before) and is uncomfortable around it, CH because she can never tell when PB is being sarcastic and when he actually means what he says. She usually assumes he’s being serious.
Also, fandomspirits don’t get as possessive of their people as much as OTJs do, which, considering the way they feed, is probably a good thing. So they don’t fight about who gets the food; they’re content, and CH even likes receiving less because it’s made her swings less severe.
I have no idea what’s going on with her right now because I can’t check her tag and no longer use Wattpad (her Wattpad room is way more active than her AO3 room from what I remember) for personal reasons, but is the Save the Countryhumans Fandom thing still happening?
Fun fact: she’s the second fandomspirit of Countryhumans. The first one was the Country Guardian, Nadia. She got thrown into temporary leave for killing another Guardian which she felt (feels) guilty about even with most of her memories wiped.
CH’s rooms in G(A) are vandalized to hell and back. She’s used to it.
What I meant about swings: she has periods of making shipping Whatever the Hell She Wants (btw in the personifverse G(A) is technically RPF) and then periods of feeling incredibly guilty about it.
Wikipedia, Britannica and JSTOR are her favorite places.
All of her spin-offs (Statehumans, Planethumans, social media humans (subordinate of Socialstuck in the twins’ journalism business)) live in her head but can manifest bodies at will. Planethumans is the most independent one.
She’s jealous of Centricide because they get to unironically ship Nazis and Communists without people yelling at them.
Actually she’s jealous of pretty much every other G(A) member.
Physically 14 because that’s what everyone sees her people as. Russian-Brazilian, I think? Russian definitely (VK). But no one knows exactly where she came from. Also Korean. Maybe. Everyone sees something different.
Oh!! Oh!! She’s thinking about sending ambassadors to Collab Horror (where SCP lives). I’m the result. I’ve been tasked with giving her another child :) I’m trying I know I don’t talk to her a lot anymore but I still love her
I know you came here half for PB but I don’t have many headcanons about him :( he is definitely the face G(A) would most like to show to the public, and really good at art (terrible at writing) except he can’t be bothered to try mostly. (I’ve been on some of his subreddits some of the pictures are pure eye candy)
I hope this doesn’t spark an argument because I don’t want this to be the third site I kick myself out of.
Sorry for taking a while to reply, I blame the Great Ira-Aaron Angstfest of 2023.
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/s for /serious, yes I am familiar. I don't understand your point?
Having said that I am right now, /j for /joking. Or more accurately /hj for /half joking. Which begs the question, which half is joking?
-/c for /Cam
wait. okay. pause joking for a second because i can't read the tone here. sending jokes out of the room. you know it's /sarcastic right because if you actually thought i was being serious ill die
anyway it's the northeast half. obviously.
[ cam: Thank you very much for your speedy reply and Thank you for pointing those Aus out for me. However, I do have to copy a bit of the text of the ask portion so I can convert it and chop it up in something I can read. Those asks talk about a lot of differing subjects in group and it confuses me greatly. I fear I might just be weak. -Cam ]
YEAH THE ASKS GET LONG... and they're ordered in a weird way sometimes ghskjh i dont blame you. sometimes i get lost and i WROTE the things. unfortunately i don't know how to like. do it better. i topic jump too much
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happy-tori-friends · 6 months
I'm loving the Oblivion series,it's so funny and cute!If it's okay to ask questions about the characters,can I ask what the differences between Splendont's relationship with either of the twins are?
i'm glad you're enjoying it, and yes it's perfectly fine to ask questions, ask as many as you want! :D!
obviously the endgame is the v poly with them, so i'll answer both for that and as they are now in the early stages of friendship.
Splendont honestly treats them both very similarly - he considers them both as his friends. He developed a soft spot for them almost immediately, and he genuinely likes helping them. He's also a little bit willing to mess with them and joke around, albeit hesitantly bevause he doesn't want to push their boundaries too much. He is willing to be affectionate with them with occassional headpats, but only occasionally and nothing more than that.
Lifty has been a bit more open with Splendont, more willing to trust him. Lifty is generally nicer to him, more willing to vouch for him and defend him. He's overall a bit nicer, he genuinely smiles at Dont a lot more.
Shifty, on the other hand, is more closed off. He's a lot more sarcastic, more crude, he snaps a lot more than Lifty, and he likes to mess with Dont. He makes a lot of jabs that may or may not be funny (though he thinks he's hilarious no matter what). It dies annoy him that he often doesn't get any sort of reaction from Splendont, but when he does, he gets a little excited (though he tries to hide it). He doesn't often genuinely smile for Dont, though as they griw closer, both and Splendont become more willing to genuinely express themselves.
When he actually asks them out, they'll have been friends for a while. They know where boundaries lie and such, so Dont's more willing to tease them and the twins will even tease back (moreso Shifty).
He gets very good at reading them, and noticing their differences. Both of the twins enjoy expressing and recieving love in similar ways, although they do favor different ones. Dont definitely takes notice of this and, while he'll express his love in all different ways, he will try to cater to their favorite ways. The twins are very persistent when they want attention - Lifty is the more affectionate one, but Shifty is more annoying about it when he does want it.
Lifty's still more open, more likely to say he loves Splendont from the start, and more willing to share his feelings without (much) prodding. He's less likely to fight with Dont, and will act as a mediator when Shifty does. Splendont will often mediate if the brothers fight as well, and he's willing to comfort both of them when needed. When Dont and Lifty fight, it's often something more serious, and Lifty will sort of hole up for a while until he's ready to talk.
Shifty is a bit more open than he was, and he gradually opens up enough to say that he loves him. He's more likely to say dirty things and try flirting (but when Dont does the same he gets flustered). He's more argumentative than Lifty, and fights with Dont (and his brother) more because of this. As time goes on, he does get more willing to be vulnerable, but it takes prodding to get him to admit what's wrong.
Overall, on Splendont's end, he treats them very similarly because he cares about / loves both of them, with differences catering to how they act.
i hope this answered the question sufficiently enough, t'was surprisingly hard to put things into words, and i ended up rambling, as i usually do. 😅
(alright now im gonna go make a lil tag directory - maybe i will think of a ship name for dont and the twins, and maybe one for flippy and splendid to use here specifically, then a prompt thingy, and finally reblog at least one prompt list b4 maybe working on another mascot for magical warrior au. or maybe i'll dick off instead of any of that.)
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xoxo-maxi-xoxo · 11 months
Hi! My name is Max!!! My pronouns are He/It/Xe + neos (dont like, leave<3) I am not comfortable disclosing my actual age but I’m not a minor!! This is not my first time on tumblr as a website but im on mobile, so spare me please- but..I write stuff!! And I like using tumblr to write because it gives everyone a fair shot, i feel like. Anyways- heres the fandoms I write for (+ if i write smut for them):
-Omori (no smut)
-South Park (no smut)
-FNAF Universe (depends on what you ask)
and a few other minor fandoms, but yeah :D
I know no one cares, however I feel the need to put this here. I am a DID (disassociative identity disorder ) system with a headcount in the hundreds. So if I don’t reply to a message in a timely matter I do sincerely apologize!!! As the title of my blog suggests, I’m autistic! I also use tone tags. Tone tags help me understand your tone and make sure I am being understood by you as well. So please, please, please for the love of all that is holy use tone tags when speaking to me. Here are a few basic tone tags:
/j- Joking
/g- Genuinely
/gq- Genuine question
/sarc or /s- Sarcastic
/hj- Half joking
/srs- Serious
/p- Platonic
/pos- Positive
/neg- Negative
/neu- Neutral
and /t- Teasing
Those are the major ones! A few more things and then I’ll be done yapping my jaw (fingers??). 1. I am taken by my lovely boyfriend, Oliver, so don’t try. and 2. My DNI list!!!
Its pretty typical
-Usual DNI (racist, homophobic, transphobic, trump supporter, pro/com shippers, etc.
-Anti-Age/Petre and Age/Pet players
-CNC supporters/indulgers
-IRLs, fictionkin on thin thin ice.
And thats it!!!
Requests are always open, and you can request on AO3 as well!!! (user- yippee__yippee) okay bye!
Edit 1: Added my age
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octodaddy · 7 years
wtf is queerbaiting: a summary
@otaku-tyriq​ (in ref to this post) "I don’t even understand the concept of queerbating like, I never understood what that is and why it pisses people off.”
ok actually you should probably know this just in general:
queerbaiting is when the writers of any media imply a queer relationship very heavily and don’t deliver in full. this happens a lot in TV shows, because it’s easy to watch episode after episode thinking “hey maybe they’re actually gonna do it” (aHEM sherlock)- and it’s easy for the writers to keep dragging viewers along teasing at a queer relationship without actually writing one in.
it’s really gross because usually along with that, there are often jokes made at the queer characters’ expense. this doesn’t always happen, but it happens a lot. (again AHEM SHERLOCK)
for example-- in the first two movies jedediah and octavius were pretty close and had that cool enemies-to-friends dynamic (which arguably actually makes their relationship the most interesting one in the whole trilogy because they actualy, yknow, change)-- and so the first two movies are pretty much harmless, they’re just portrayed as people who become friends.
now, the third movie is where things change. octavius is never explicitly written as gay, they never actually go out of their way to say it, but it’s pretty clear that’s what they’re implying. he has lines about other men being attractive, and those lines are written as jokes, with pauses for people to laugh. he even almost makes a pass at jedediah with the first “take my hand” scene, which is also played off and then given a quick “hey bro were u bein gay”/”NO” scene afterwords
(i will say in natm’s defense:
the thing about natm3 that sticks out to me is that unlike other queerbaity material (....sherlock) natm never seems to be maliciously anti-queer in their writing. they have a scene at the end where jedediah says “I’ll take that hand now”, which could really only be interpreted as him now being fine with holding octavius’s hand, which they already coded as octavius being gay (again this is hard to talk about because it’s all implied and none of this is explicit)- and all the jokes about octavius being gay don’t feel like the fact that he’s gay is a bad thing: when jedediah first asks if octavius asked to hold his hand and octavius refutes him, jedediah isn’t relieved or grossed out, he’s just smug and happy. octavius isn’t seen as any less of a character for being queer, the joke seems to be more that he’s just really, really bad at hiding it)
that doesn’t mean that it’s 1000% okay or anything,   I just think natm3 is probably one of the less disgusting examples- queerbaiting is still a shitty thing to do, keeping queer people from getting the representation they want and deserve, promising them something and then never delivering. It’s a problem with a lot of media out there.
but that’s the thing, it’s a problem with media.
whether or not I write jedtavius fanfic or talk about jedtavius ideas on social media sites- that has nothing to do with whether or not I support the idea of queerbaiting. of course I don’t. of course I’d rather have seen them go for it and make the relationship explicitly queer. of course I’m sad they didn’t and I think it’s wrong. but the point of fic and art is that they are transformative works, and taking something like jedtavius, a pair of almost-queer characters, and making them explicitly queer in every way i possibly can- is transforming them into the characters I wished they could be. 
and i think that’s beautiful
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yawnjunn · 2 years
carnival dates - yeonjun
☆ txt's comeback is around the corner lol just a reminder
╰┈➤ yeonjun x gn!reader
╰┈➤ warnings: non, just fluffs and yeonjun being a softie :)))
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"yeonjun, its been like 5 tries, we dont have to get the teddy bear its okay" you sighed as you watch your poor boyfriend trying to shoot a ball to knock down the cans...just to only fail
mhm, you guessed it. Its already been 5 tries and he still couldnt take down ONE can, cant you believe?
now you regret when you said you wanted that big teddy bear that was hanging by the booth, and now you gotta witness your boyfriend trying to get it for you no matter what
"just a moment sweetie, i will get it for you"
"i said we don-"
"sh shhh" he hushed you as he procced to TRY shooting down the cans as if hes not been doing that for the past 15 minutes
to your surprise, he actually managed to knock down a can, this got him cheering and getting excited like a little kid
you smiled at the sight of him enjoying himself for the night since its been like weeks or even months that you guys enjoyed a date like this
"y/n, heres your teddy bear" as he handed you the large sized teddy bear that you said you wanted, he also made sure to give you a goofy smile aswell
you teased him by grabbing the bear but not saying anything and just walked away from him with a smirk
"y/n!! not even a thank you?" he pleaded as he chases after you, bringing you into a tight back hug
"junnie, youre heavy you know that" you taunted, followed by a sarcastic eye roll
"are you calling me fat?"
"fat? since when did i say that"
"sounds like it" he pouted
you gently let go of his arm that was wrapped up around your waist, turning your whole body to face him
"being heavy doesnt mean youre fat, dummy"
but still, his pout didnt turn into a smile as you expected
you knew the only way to turn that pout of his into a smile is by kissing him
so you did what you had to do, you gave him a peck on the lips
as expected, he gave you a dorky smile which made you giggle
"that kiss wasnt enough....maybe try giving me another kiss, but much more passionate and slower this time please?" he begged, giving you his failed attempt puppy eyes
"yeah...no, thats gonna turn into a full makeout session"
"yeah and what about it?"
you gave him the 'are you kidding rn?' look which got him giggling
"im just joking dont worry, im not gonna makeout with you infront of hundreds of people.....unless...."
you hit his shoulder lightly which you receive another giggle from him
"OH a photobooth!! lets go!!" he widen his eyes as soon as he spotted a photobooth just right infront of you both
he grabbed your hand so quickly to the point you didnt even notice he was already dragging you along with him
you only spot one stool in the middle of the photobooth. who tf puts a seat, to be more specific, ONE stool in a photobooth? you questioned
"looks like it has only one seat" yeonjun smirked, as he sat down on the stool, pulling you into his lap
"no funny businesses in here, we're just taking a quick picture and thats it no hours and hours of making out" you pointed at him with a serious yet joking tone
"aww man, you just read my mind" he pouted as if to show that hes slightly disappointed
you rolled your eyes jokingly as you felt a kiss on your cheek
"okay okay lets start" yeonjun proceeds to click the start button, which sets off a timer
"wait wait what should my pose be" you panicked
"anything" yeonjun calmly replied as he posed himself with a peace sign
you finally decided what to pose....squishing yeonjun's face.
as soon as the timer goes off, it made a clicking sound, notifying you that photo #1 has already been taken
"okay second pose babe" yeonjun did the half heart pose, signaling for you to do the other half
before it hits 1, yeonjun kissed your cheek which caused you to grin alot harder, almost bursting into a giggle
2nd photo had already been taken, now for the last picture
"shall we kiss for this one?" yeonjun smirked
"you read my mind" you respond, giving him a soft smile before leaning into him for a passionate yet loving kiss
'your photos have been successfully taken' as the monitor infront of you said....but that doesnt stop you guys from kissing
before it turns into a full makeout session, you quickly pulled away, catching your breath
"what did i just tell you about making out?"
yeonjun sheepishly grinned at you, showing you that hes 'oh so innocent'
you rolled your eyes jokingly as you got off his lap to take those 2 photostrips
you gave one to yeonjun for him to look at
"we look so adorable in here, no wait YOU look adorable" he then proceeds to put his photostrip in his wallet
"Im keeping it forever" he said, giving you a smile before he kissed your forehead
"now...shall we get some cotton candy to share?" yeonjun wrapped an arm around your shoulder, leading the way for you
"mhm we shall" as you both looked at each other like two teenagers in love or something
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