#i dont know how ppl think of ocs without like... a whole plot behind it
metukika · 3 years
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old art of old ocs :)
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rpcsource · 7 years
omg im so dumb but i dont really get this rp thing? could you maybe explain how it works? im new to this and if you dont really bother then thats fine :))
someone asked me this before but the message was so old, i never responded & i still feel bad about it so i’m not gonna do that to you !!! but honestly, it’s kind of … difficult to explain ??? i wanna link you to a guide but most of them are so old & outdated that i don’t feel like they’d be super helpful :( so uhhhh let me throw together a quick guide for you under the cut.
okay so if you don’t know what rping is, it’s literally like writing a story between two (or more) people. so like you’ll write on behalf of your character, and the ppl you’re writing with will write on behalf of theirs.
you build your muse (character) by choosing a faceclaim, giving them a name, and then coming up with their backstory/personality. if you do that, you’re creating an original character and i included a link to a guide for that below b/c it’ll probably explain better how that works. BUT you can also rp as characters from books, TV shows, etc etc. you can keep them exactly as they are or you can make changes to adjust them to your liking. for example, taking katherine from TVD and making her a witch instead of a vampire. that’s called alternative universe.
on how to actually RP, you can go about it a million ways??? there’s group roleplays (you can find them in the tags like appless rp where you can join a group without filling out a lengthy application, oc rp where you can create your own character within the group, skeleton rp where the characters are partially built for you but you’re still allowed some creativity, bio rp where the admins create the character for you, etc). the possibilites are endless. there’re also genres you can look into, like TVD rp, TWD rp, supernatural rp’s, harry potter rp’s, hollywood rp’s, gang rp’s, whatever. whatever you can think of, just type it up and add “rp” behind it. group rp’s are usually closed (meaning you can only write/interact with people in the group), and there’s usually a list of rules you need to follow, regarding activity & all that.
there’s indie role-play, where it’s an independent blog (you’re not apart of a group) and you freely rp with others in the tag. this is good if you don’t have a lot of time to dedicate to a group, or if you want freedom & would rather not follow strict rules of a group roleplay. plus, on indie, you can have a million characters on one blog (multi-muse), which is good if you have a lot of ideas. can’t really do that in group rp because you’re limited to how many characters you can play, and some admins make you create a new main blog for each character, which is really tedious.
there’s also 1x1 (here’s the tag) where you write with just one other person. you basically decide on a plot and go from there. i’m so horrible @ explaining so here’s a link to a good description of how it works. this is good if you don’t wanna join a group or do indie!
as to how you actually rp, you need to either start a thread (write a starter) or reply to one. it’s probably easier to just reply if you’re starting out??? in which case, you just follow the other person’s lead. i’m gonna link u to two of my friends’ old rp blogs so u can get the idea of like … how it all works ? like you’ll see how when people write one way, they tend to mirror. ( one | two ) ha ha pray they don’t kill me :^) i’d link you to my old blogs but it’s been so long & they’re so outdated that they wouldn’t be helpful examples. also i recommend looking at blogs from the indie rp tag, or going to group rp’s and looking at their members’ blogs. it’ll help you get the gist of how everything works. and again, if you need help with anything (html, your character, choosing a theme, finding gifs, etc etc) my inbox is open!
anyway here are some good links to look at, they’ll probably help you more than i did!!
one (how to indie if you don’t wanna join a group of ppl ) ( extra link ) ( another )
two ( rp defintions that are probably useful to know)
three ( how to make your own character )
four ( a whole entire masterlist with literally everything you need to know & it’s pretty recent so !!!! )
five ( another one that talks about aesthetic if u wanna follow ~popular trends~ but you don’t have to !!! ppl will rp with you regardless !!! you do whatever works best for you. )
six ( some help on writing a backstory )
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prydefully · 8 years
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i seriously think this is the longest i’ve ever had a blog eVER and i cannot believe it’s still going strong!! thank you for all of you who have been following me over the past year - especially some of you guys still kicking around since day 1!! it really means the world to me that so many of you have taken the time to rp with me over the past year and have been such an inspiration and been so kind and dkldkldfkldkl i really love u all!!! if you’re not on this post im sORRY but i couldnt but absolutely everyone that i love yknow. but anYWAYS. ON W THE CRYIN!! 
@avalanchiing - do i even need to tell you how much i love you? honestly youre such a sweet heart, you’re so kind and so funny and amazing to talk to. you’ve proved to not only be a great writing/shipping partner but a completely amazing friend and im so so so happy to have the privilege of writing with you. you’ve brought my shipping of lancitty to a whole new level i never thought i’d reach and i thrive off of our angst. i love you so much and i hope to continue writing with you for years to come!! <3 
@outlawiism - L U C Y. honestly is there even a BETTER peter quill out there??? you’re one of the sweetest people on this website and not to mention you’re so FUNNY and your portrayal is completely amazing. i am in complete awe of your writing and im still #SHOOK that you even follow me slskldfkldsklf i completely love all of our headcanons about kitty and peter just being FRIENDS as they should be and im so happy to have found you on this website!! i cant wait to continue writing with you and chatting with you on skype!!! thank you!!  MAIN BABES! 
@genotypiic - M I N I B A B E. babe. i love you so much skdslfkldskf. youre so funny and i love texting u every day. we have the beST And most important conversations (such as what would happen if ya put glitter on ya dick). youre writing is fantastic and you are so passionate about all of your characters, both canon and oc and it’s honestly so inspiring to see someone who is so attached to their characters and i love it so much. youre such an amazing friend and i LOVE U SO MUCH LDLSLFLDSLF: 
@itsaboutsurviving - i love love love your logan so much? i cannot even begin to describe how absolutely spot on your writing is for this character. i love our headcanons and just talking to you about kitty and logans relationship. not to mention how unique and exciting our plot line with them is i really cant wait to develop it further and do more with you in the story!! youre so incredibly talented and nice and im so honoured to have you on this list <3  @blindedleadingtheblind - N I C O L E. do i need to say anything???? u know i thrive off of scott summers in both his relationships w kitty n with emma and youre such an amazing scott i cannot believe u’ve chosen to stick with me with all of the fantastic writers out there. youre such a sweetie pie and every conversation with have is literally filled with gold and i cannot believe im not dead w how CUTE everything always is. i know ur busy with clark but iTS FINE I LOVE YOU SO M UC H what A B A BE.  @phcenixgirl - claire claire claire claire. we really really really need to write more bc rachel summers is a blessing to this planet and you write her so well akdsfkkdsnnk. your absolute love of kitty and rachel fuels my existence and without you i wouldnt be here shipping some gay ass trashy muse and trying to get kitty to be president with her WIFE as an amazing first lady. youre so kind and such a joy to just talk to about ANYTHING and i sincerely wish you the best with everything thats been going on in your life!!! <3  OKAY THESE KIDS DIDNT LIKE THE POST BUT I NEEDED TO CALL’EM OUT ANYWAYS 
@sickofyourbullshxt - karen and kitty is the most crack pairing ever but its totally my new otp and no one can stop me. there is such a strange chemistry within both of our characters as well as our writing styles and i am far from complaining about that. i adore karen and the way you write her and how fASCINATING our stories with them are. i also love our completely contrasting aus but how they both work PERFECTLY ugh KI L L ME. youre so incredibly talented and i cant wait to see where we go from here!!  @phencyclidinc - we’ve been rping for like, this entire year and can i say that angel is one of my fAVOURITE muses on this site. you write her so well and our interactions with them are some of my favourite things that i’ve written ever. kitty really needs that big sister figure and angel fits the bill perfectly, even if it is a little unwilling. you’ve taken such a unique spin on the character and it works perfectly??? i dont know how you’ve managed to write such an amazing character off of what little we saw of her in the movie but you’ve done it and im completely floored by how amazing it is!!  @ziischeln - THE ONE & TRUE DADNETO. your portrayal of erik is totally unique and absolutely captivating. everything you’ve done with the character to make him yours has been completely stunning and wow???? he feels completely real and im 100000% sure that behind the computer is the actual erik lehnsherr grumbling about how he isnt white and ppl need to start getting him right lmao. the way hes taken to kitty is one of my favourite relationships and i love exploring a darker side of my character with you and im completely honoured that you’ve given me the means to do that!!  AND NOW HERES A BUNCH OF PEOPLE THAT I FOLLOW / ADMIRE FROM AFAR / WANT TO RP WITH MORE;;; IF I MISSED ANYONE IM SORRY KSSDLFL  A - F @abberaticn @acertainfemininemystique @adaftoldman @adaptabiiility @alinamaximoffrogers @anxmalxnstincts @asgardianhammer @bigdumbbigguy @blackcowledbat @brightica @canadianclaws @cary-onmywaywardson @centuriesuntold @clownbleach @cxpt @damagcdjokes @danversiism @dappercobblepot @districtattorneydent @escriimatiic @falsegcd @fangedfirecracker @fearbehindasmile @felincsircn H - K  @hawkwithoutanaim @hcmicida @hellsdexil @heroichunter @hittcr @iwannabebanshee @jesterbleach @knightlaws L - P  @lcgixn @loganweaponx @mannamedafterwire @misskringle @missppxtts @misterwisdom @mutantmasterofmagnetism @mvrtyrd @notjustpainandangcr @notmadeofsteel @nygmatica @onlymyown @pcntuprage @phasiiingxshadow @playwithmagik  Q - T @qceenmother @reclaimedasset @redheadarcher @reigninghavok @rolcplaycr @servinglies @she-died-once @soldiersdate @soulofthexmen @sparkystarsmore @sugardaddypenguin @thatyellowjacket @thedoopster  U - X @underoosed @unhciligen @velmstxr @verpissdiiich @viiride @weaknessforgallantry @webheadjrr @wildtsukai @withoutxfear @wobblemywebs @xmarksthescott @xstrange @xvoleur
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