#i dont know anything about this website and all i do is read the instructions and thats all she has to do!
grandscrumwizard · 2 months
I love my grandma but jesus christ helping old people with technology is insufferablellee
She's trying to get pictures from the photography company my cousins used and she was like, "I clicked the link and something popped up and I don't know!" And Gabe me her phone to figure it out.
It was a prompt for her email address. "Enter your email address"
Like. Old people Read And Follow Instructions Challenge.
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mortuarybees · 4 years
get a vpn i use mullvad it’s p cheap and just gives you an account number set it to switzerland theyve got nice solid privacy laws and arent part of the main surveillance agreements between the us and its allies (5 eyes, 9 eyes, or 14 eyes) opt out of everything the websites you visit give you the option to opt out of (bc of eu and swiss privacy laws p much every website will give you that option and breakdown clearly what info they wont let you opt out of and what theyll do with it) and install it on both your phone and computer
follow these instructions to keep google from harvesting and keeping your data. altho honestly they probably still keep that data so just avoid google when possible. on that note the google search alternative i use is startpage it uses google results but anonymizes your search bc lets be honest duck duck go kind of sucks and if a service is subpar youll probably just revert to the better one so. startpage.
use firefox google chrome is the devil why are you using google chrome. it’s terrible and you can easily import everything to firefox. clear your cookies frequently.
get rid of your alexa or google home or whatever you do not need it and dont buy one if you dont already have one. dont buy a doorbell cam and if you really need or want one definitely do not buy a Ring doorbell cam. dont buy anything you can avoid thats attached to the Internet Of Things. invite tech companies into your home as little as you possibly can
install ublock origin and privacy badger theyll block a lot of ads and trackers. also install the google analytics opt out extension which will prevent some of your activity from being reported back to google (it doesnt opt out of all google analytics functions tho)
install facebook container, twitter container, and amazon container. this will help prevent them from following you around the web at least a little. also stop visiting those sites as much as you can and uninstall their apps. this includes instagram which is rife with privacy issues. disable or uninstall as many google apps as you can and your phone will allow.
use signal for messaging (available on desktop and mobile and can be used for video, voice, and text/photo chat) and protonmail (choose the .ch domain name) for email. bc i am.....broke and dont really want to have another subscription so i can have two protonmail aliases i use a tutanota account (based in germany which is part of the 9 eyes) for random stuff i want to sign up for and protonmail for personal email.
stop using google news and flipboard they store everything you read and tailor your feed. i use inoreader for now which is an rss feed so you just subscribe to the news sources you trust but i am also searching for a better rss feed app with a good ui to use instead bc inoreader still collects user data, but they dont tailor your content at least.
theres not really a good alternative i know of for youtube but the best thing you can do there is remain aware of past and the latest right-wing dog-whistles so if you accidentally stumble on a shitty covertly alt-right video bc youtube is constantly pushing them, you can avoid that.
do not submit your dna to ancestry websites and vocally encourage your family members not to as much as you can.
im not a Tech person at all so all this is just the best i can do as a random person who doesnt want companies esp companies that notoriously cooperate with the us government given what we’re headed towards to have every tiny piece of my info.
read this article by a Tech Guy telling you all the information google and facebook have on you and some tips he has on how to delete or prevent it i might have forgotten which was the first thing to really properly scare the shit out of me about tech companies a couple years back. also this series about a journalist’s experience trying to avoid the big five tech companies for a week each and how mindblowingly difficult that was. in terms of documentaries lately ive watched the social dilemma (which was infuriating but had lots of interviews with Tech Guys who were formerly high up in many tech companies completely avoiding responsibility for their actions but also telling you all the shit they do) and the great hack about cambridge analytica. also thank you to user @crowleyraejepsen for being your friendly neighborhood librarian helping me do my bare minimum to protect my privacy
i know if anyone reads this massive rambling post theres gonna be a million people in my inbox with “well what if i NEED to do this or CANT avoid them for THIS REASON” and my answer is: then do it! why do you care about or want my approval! i know there are plenty of scenarios where these services are basically essential or unavoidable so just use them when you have to and avoid them when you dont. or do nothing! but be aware of the choice youre making at least
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botanyshitposts · 4 years
Please. I have a pot of aloe vera plant that I'm almost giddy to eat. But then I found out that there's a variant aloe vera that are not edible. Google doesn't help. One website says one thing and a website says another. A houseplant subReddit was against advocating what plants are edible and what isn't. But I've been following you for almost a year, so I know you'd know. I'm sure you're busy, but if you please help me with this.
oh my god, i can’t believe i can actually somewhat answer this question but i did a paper on aloe vera production for an economic botany class a couple years ago (i ported it to my google drive for this blog if you want to read the entire thing here) and although i know less about eating it, i might have info on what you’re talking about. i don’t think they mean like, some forms of aloe vera are toxic and some aren’t, but there probably are some species that have more toxic substances in them than others, which i know less about. the most popular aloe vera species to be used for this stuff and for industrial use is Aloe barbadensis, if that helps at all.
note here: listen. im all for using plant stuff. but plants are excellent chemists and can be unpredictable, so whatever you do from here is up to you. i’m not gonna give instructions or advice about how to eat aloe vera, partially because ive never actually eaten any and i imagine it to be kinda slimy and weird, but also bc that shit is wild in general.
quick big brained aloe vera anatomy lesson. there are three parts of the aloe vera leaf: there’s the rind, which is the outer green part; there’s the thin toxic layer; and there’s the gel that gets used for a ton of stuff both industrially and in peoples’ homes. the gel in its intact form is called a fillet (epic) and most processing in industrial applications revolves around removing the toxic layer from the rest of the gel as much as possible while still keeping it sterile. given that aloe vera is one of the most widely known and used medicinal herbs out there and industrial uses inevitably leave small to trace amounts in products that go to store shelves, i’m guessing the toxic layer is only a super big deal if you’re eating it, although i wouldn’t like, go out of my way to rub it (the toxic layer) on any open wounds or anything, lmao.
the toxic layer is wrapped around the fillet, and it’s made of a substance called aloin. it’s a yellow color. aloe vera gels on store shelves often aren’t completely purified from it for reasons related to lack of regulation that i’ll touch on here in a moment. it’s not toxic in that like, it’ll kill you instantly, but to give an idea here its utilized by the pharmaceutical industry for OTC laxatives. if you live in the US you almost certainly have never encountered aloe vera/aloin based OTC laxatives, and that’s because the FDA barred the use of aloin for laxatives in the US back in 2002, following some research suggesting it’s mildly carcinogenic and not something you want someone to be swallowing every day. so, you know, i’d be a bit weary of it even aside from the laxative effects (eating aloe vera isn’t unheard of, although i only know of it in the context of aloe vera juice, which is a highly distilled and sterilized version of the gel).
so...i suspect that’s what they’re referring to. from what ive read, aloe vera gel minus the aloin layer that surrounds it is pretty safe (and continues to get casually used a lot all over), but i only know that for sure re: A. barbadensis. there are around 300 aloe species in the genus. i’d be sure that’s what you have, if you can find an ID guide or something.
as for regulations, this is a case where....it actually isn’t the FDA ignoring it as a problem or whatnot. the problem with aloe vera is that although it’s incredibly widely used, we don’t exactly know what causes the effects that it has. the gel itself is a highly complex substance with hundreds of moving parts that could be interacting with one another, so it’s hard to pin down even like, a handful of active agents; without knowing what makes the gel work, the FDA can’t test its effectiveness and report on it, or register it as an official drug of any sort with official prescribable properties despite it being known to be effective on burns and wounds. as a result, it’s technically still treated as a homeopathic remedy (the gel, not the drink, which i suspect falls under different rules) that isnt subject to the same FDA regulations as other stuff aside from like, ‘dont have mold or weird stuff in there with it’.
so the name of the game in making commercial aloe vera gel is removing as much aloin as possible while keeping it as sterile as possible (harder because it oxidates quickly once exposed to air, and heating it breaks down the structure of the gel and makes it less effective), but there’s no like, set amount of what can and can’t be in there aside from guidelines set by the industry. the absolute purest you can get is the kind used in cosmetics that comes in a powder, which takes a additional processing to make. fascinating stuff lmao
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ktfromjerseyblog · 4 years
How to deal with a Sims 4 Game Patch when playing with Mods and CC
1.) Manual Update, day of (or soon after) patch release
2.) Delay update
3.) Vanilla play
If you are doing a manual update immediately when it is available, first thing to do is BACK-UP your Mods, Saves and Tray folders.
Go to your Game folder, click and drag your Mods folder to your desktop. Then right-click somewhere blank on your desktop and create a New Folder (rename it STANDBY). Open this STANDBY folder and right-click in the blank space, click New Folder (name this one Mods). You are going to repeat the process until you have three folders inside your STANDBY folder. They should be titled Mods, Saves, and Tray.
Open your Mods folder (on your desktop) and the STANDBY folder at the same time (side by side). Select all of the files in your Mods folder (CTRL+A or Command+A), then right click on them and select COPY. Then click into your STANDBY folder, go to Mods, right-click the blank space, and select PASTE. Now you will have your original Mods folder on your desktop to test and use, and you will also have this STANDBY folder as a duplicate back up.
Next you will go to your Game Folder, select Tray, select all items (CTRL+A), right-click, select COPY. Then you will paste all these folders into the STANDBY>Tray folder. Then do the exact same thing with your Saves folder. Now you will have everything finally backed up. I recommend moving this STANDBY folder to an external hard drive (or flashdrive).
AFTER YOU UPDATED WITH GAME PATCH: please test once WITHOUT your Mods folder. Remove the entire Physical Mods folder from your Game Folder, place on desktop. This assists in a Folder Refresh. Let the game make a new Mods folder, with a new Resource.cfg inside, and rebuild from there. Don’t forget that you may need to turn on your Game Settings to enable script mods and custom content. This is in your Game Menu, under Other Settings. Considering “IF” the new free-floating objects feature “doesn’t” break CC. It should be safe to put your CC right back into the newly created Mods folder. At this point, you should still have your mods on your desktop. This is the point where you need to begin researching if your mods are working. To do this, you can check the comments below for mod updates. We implore you to follow creators on their social media for confirmation of working/broken mod reports. Most Script Mods WILL BREAK. Your best bet is keeping all of your mods on your desktop and only introducing them after
a.) mod has been confirmed working
b.) mod has been replaced with updated version.
To delay an update, you must have pre-emptively turned OFF your Game Auto-Updates in advance. Next you will need to ensure your Origin Client is OFFLINE. This will mean that you can keep all your mods and cc in your game folder and continue to play unchanged. People do this in the meantime while they’re waiting for Creators to update their mods. This is the option for people who can’t bare to play without CC and Mods
This option is for people who are too excited to wait any longer for the patch update and new expansion, and would rather wait for all the Creators to finish their testing and patches. So in order to do this, you will need to remove your Mods folder from your Game Folder, and place it on your desktop. Or you can disable mods and custom content in your Game Settings, under Other Settings. I still recommend backing up your saves and tray files.
If your game is not starting or prompts an error, remove all off your mods/cc, then restart. If it starts up just fine, then it is due to an error in your mods. If it does not start up, then you may have a corrupted save file due to a broken mod. Please be sure your game folder is saved in the appropriate path:
PC users should look something like this (minus the kmeha..thats just my comp name)
C:\Users\kmeha\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4
If youre game is continuing to give you start-up issues, please feel free to post about it. But include the following:
PC/Mac user?
Legacy Edition?
Folder Refresh conducted?
Restart without mods conducted?
Did you re-enable custom content and script mods?
Include picture of error message.
For confusion on files in your game, please review this link:
For those of you saying "my mods never break when i update the game". Mods can and most likely will break after an update. The word "broken" does not necessarily mean your game is going to completely stop working. So i'm going to make up an example to help you better understand. Let's say that Sacrificial's Life Tragedies Mod was labeled as "Broken". But when you play with it in game, you see no issues, and you receive no LastExceptionErrors. So you may think, "well thats not right, my mod is fine." when in reality its not. So some mods are massive and have loads of animations, objects, and content in general. If one tiny thing from it is corrupted in the code due to a patch update, it is considered “Broken”. So in Sacrificial's Life Tragedies Mod, you have five serial killers that you have the option of using. Lets say the game patch update breaks The Killer Nanny in that mod. But you never play with her ever. This could mean that you would never know that the mod is broken because you havent received any error notifications due to you not utilizing that portion of the code. This still means the mod is "broken" though. Broken can just mean that there is a small (or large) portion of the coding that is not compatible with how the game coding has changed due to the update. TLDR: a small feature can break and you would never know it if you never use it. it still means the mod is broken.
For those of you looking for methods to read your lastException files, the following are your options:
1. Deaderpool Discord
2. Better Exceptions
3. Last Exceptions reader
DEADERPOOL DISCORD: For the deaderpool discord, you will have to create an account on discord. its super easy. i absolutely love discord. if you dont know what it is, its basically like a massive chat room platform, particularly popular amongst gamers. If you decide to create a discord account, you'll have to download the software. its totally safe! i use it all the time. a lot of gamers use it as a platform to talk to their friends over voice chat when playing a game that doesnt provide a feature like that. if you decide to join discord, here is the link for the Deaderpool Discord (ran by the creator of MCCC): https://discord.gg/mccc
if you go on there, they have a text channel called "error support". its super easy to use, all you have to do is click on that channel, and then click and drag your LE file into the channel box. it will upload it to the server. theres nothing in your file that will get you hacked or anything. tens of thousands of files have been uploaded to this. its literally just a text document saying where the error is in your mod coding. From there, someone from the Support Team will respond with a solution. Its really great because they can help you to understand reading the code.
BETTER EXCEPTIONS MOD: This is a mod that you download from Twisted Mexi:
This mod will provide a new file to generate in your game called the Better Exceptions Report. When you get one, it will tell you what it suspects is causing an issue in your game. This is one of the most user-friendly options for new modders. When you see the identifed "issue" in the report, you'll have just to exit out of game and delete the issue (broken cc/mod). Before you re-start your game, just remember to delete the BetterExceptionsReport file from your game folder. Otherwise it will not be able to update it with a new one if a new error arises.
LAST EXCEPTIONS READER: this is just a website where you can do the same thing as the deaderpool discord. just drag and drop your file, and a robot reads it to identify the issue. The only problem with this is you cant talk to the robot and explain your situation (like you can in discord).
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martinmcg · 4 years
Getting Started in Public Relations
So, a few months ago a student on Middlesex University’s journalism degree approached me with some questions about how a journalism student could prepare for work in public relations. Anyone who knows me will be entirely unsurprised to discover that I answered at somewhat stupid length. I think some of the stuff here might be of more general use to those at the start of their careers (although some of it is particular to students at Middlesex) so I thought I’d put it up here.
What are the most important skills you need to work in PR?
Rather than try to answer this myself I’m going to defer to the annual “State of the Profession” report from the Chartered Institute of Pubic Relations (CIPR – attached, along with the 2019 “PR and Communication Census” from the PRCA – Public Relations & Communications Association) which will both give you some insight into the current state of the profession.
The CIPR report (p28) sets out the top five skills most valued by recruiters as:
Copywriting and editing
Social media relations
Media relations
PR programmes/campaign planning
Research, evaluation and measurement
Writing well, being able to write in a variety of voices for different media, and having a working grasp of grammar and punctuation are still the fundamental skills for PR staff. Increasingly, those working in public relations have shifted from being “content prompters” (encouraging others to create material) to being “content creators” and while there can be lots of bells and whistles to this in terms of production skills, the basic requirement is to be able to craft a convincing message – and, most often, that requires a skill with words. No one (almost no one, anyway) is born a good writer – writing is a muscle that is strengthened by reading good writing (and paying attention to why it is good) and practice.
There’s still an assumption amongst some – older – people working in PR that the young (being “digital natives”) have a sort of innate understanding of how social media works that older generations lack. I’ve, generally, not found this to be true (being a consumer is not the same as being a creator) but you can take advantage of this prejudice if you can demonstrate an ability to use social media effectively. Having your own accounts with strong followings and interesting content (but possibly not too interesting) will be regarded as a definite positive by many employers.
Media relations – being able to demonstrate that you understand the needs of journalists, influencers and clients and that you have the ability to develop networks, manage relationships and build contacts remains a fundamental part of the PR role. The way these relationships work is different from sector to sector (financial PR works differently from fashion PR which works differently from political PR). The old-fashioned idea of schmoozing clients over long, expenses-funded, lunches (that, on a good day, became long, expenses-funded dinners) is, in these more austere times, very sadly, largely a thing of the past. But managing professional relationships is still crucial. Some people have a natural talent for the personal connection stuff, other people (like me) have to fake it by keeping meticulous files on contacts, their interests and previous collaborations.
Programme and campaign planning is not something I’d expect a new hire to be able to manage off the bat, but it’s useful if they have an idea how planning works and how their contributions have to fit into the broader scheme of things. If you want an introduction to the theory and basic outline of planning, I highly recommend Anne Gregory’s “Planning and Managing Public Relations Campaigns” – they’ve just published a new edition.
Increasingly pubic relations is expected to demonstrate a clear “return on investment” to managers or clients. So, the measurement and evaluation of projects has become more and more important. In journalism – where clicks tend to be king – measurement tends to be relatively straightforward. For PR it can be more complex – since individual public relations activities are often part of a longer-term strategy. The PR industry has developed the “Barcelona Principles” (introduction here: https://www.prnewsonline.com/barcelona-principles-2-0/) and the AMEC framework (https://amecorg.com/amecframework/home/framework/introduction/) as attempts to standardise and regularise measurement across the industry – but even where these are not formally applied, it is increasingly expected that PR campaigns and individual pieces of work will have clearly defined and measurable outcomes.
Is there any advice you have for me changing from a journalism field to pr?
So, as noted above, the ability to write and to manipulate words remains a key connecting tissue between the PR and journalism industries and if you have other content creation skills from your journalism background (audio, video, social or digital media) then you will definitely be able to leverage those in the PR field.
One of the most common complaints about PRs from journalists is that they get bombarded by useless stuff that isn’t relevant to their job (https://www.prweek.com/article/1668923/pr-pros-dont-understand-story-is-say-majority-journalists) and I think this is a fair criticism of a lot of bad PR. If you can demonstrate an ability to do the research into what the journalists/influencers you are targeting need and can use, then you’ll be doing your clients a favour.
I think one of the things that most journalists don’t get about PR is that, when done well, it is (usually) a much longer term and more strategic role than journalism. Good PR isn’t just about churning out today’s story (in the form of a press release) but developing long-term approach that establishes your client in a particular niche or as having a particular relevance. So, good PR isn’t just reactive – it involves being prepared for events and having crisis plans and developing campaigns that fit into strategies that deliver results over relatively long periods. You do, sometimes, get the buzz from tight deadlines and needed to respond instantly to crises but in between it’s about creating relationships that sometimes don’t pay off for years.
Do you have any suggestions on how you stand out in the industry?
My instinctive response to this – because of my background – is don’t stand out. My experience is in PR for political/social campaigning (unions, charities, causes) and one of the mantras on that side of the industry is “never become the story” and, as such, I’m always a bit suspicious of PRs who spend a lot of time promoting themselves.
That said, I recognise that not all areas of the PR industry are like that and that you do need to build a reputation within the industry.
I’m a big believer in professional standards – I’m a Chartered member of the CIPR – which means I do my “continuous professional development” (CPD) each year and get a little badge that says (to me, and I hope to others) that I’m a good boy who takes his job seriously.
As a student at Middlesex you are automatically entitled to membership of the PRCA – you can sign up here (https://www.prca.org.uk/membership/join – make sure to use your Mdx email address). Their website has lots of interesting and useful links and (in normal times) lots of opportunities to connect with others. You can also, I think, get free access to view their online training – which is normally £200 or so a session.
I’m very sceptical about specific “networking events” as they very often attract people who only have a very instrumental view of building contacts (what can they get out of it for themselves) but – in normal times – London is great for attending industry related events where you can rub shoulders with, get to know and maybe build up relationships with people at high-levels in the industry. Again, the PRCA website is a good place to start – if we’re ever allowed to gather in the same room as other humans again. But right now it’s actually easier to attend things because Zoom calls tend to be a bit less exclusive or exclusionary and – at least for me (I’m not great at the schmoozing bit) – a lot less stressful, though clearly the intensity of engagement is lower online.
Managing your own PR persona is important. A professional website (don’t do what I do, do what I say!) that shows off your skills/abilities/personality can be useful – especially if you can keep it up-to-date with something like a blog that discusses issues in the industry. Similarly, a strong LinkedIn profile can help and good, professional social media accounts that you use to engage in discussions about the industry and build up connections (not just spam people for job opportunities).
Finally, and I say this to all my students, there’s a mindset amongst some people that you can’t do PR or show off your abilities unless someone else has given you instructions – so students sit around complaining about lack of internship opportunities or the chance to show what they can do. This is not true. I am an internship-sceptic – too many of them offer poor opportunities to learn or a real foot in the door. Rather than waiting for the perfect internship, I encourage professionals starting out to “intern for themselves” – find a cause or an issue you care about (a local charity or a community group) and volunteer. Develop a portfolio of stuff that you’ve done that shows you are a self-starter and that you have the skills employers are looking for so that you’re starting to define your future career on your own terms. I graduated into he middle of a recession in the early 1990s and spent two years volunteering – building up a body of work and contacts while doing jobs I didn’t much like (barman, supermarket shelf stacker…) – until I made my first break into working in journalism.
Lastly, is there anything I can do or read to keep myself informed?
This lot should get you started…
MAGAZINES PR Week (https://www.prweek.com/uk) is probably the key industry magazine. It’s online content is mostly behind a paywall but you can register for free for limited access and there’s the blog (https://www.prweek.com/uk/blog). I also like the CIPR’s magazine “Influence” – but the print version is only available members and the online version is relatively limited in content (https://influenceonline.co.uk/).
BLOGS Stephen Waddington is a key UK commentator and writer on PR in the UK https://wadds.co.uk/
Famous campaigns: https://www.famouscampaigns.com/
Power & Influence: https://ellaminty.com/
Comms2point0: https://comms2point0.co.uk/
All Things IC: https://www.allthingsic.com/blog/
Neville Hobson: https://www.nevillehobson.com/
Dan Slee: https://danslee.wordpress.com/
Jessica Pardoe: https://jessicapardoe.com/
Wildfire PR: https://www.wildfirepr.com/blog/
Scriba: http://scribapr.com/blog/
PR Week’s “The PR Show” is a good general interest effort: https://soundcloud.com/prweekuk
#FuturePRoof Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/futureproof-podcast/id1176718600
PR Moments – https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/prmoment-podcast/id1334739765
Talking points –  https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-talking-points-podcast/id900363572?mt=2
For Immediate Release – https://firpodcastnetwork.com/for-immediate-release/
SpinSucks: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-spin-sucks-podcast-with-gini-dietrich/id1356305060?mt=2
PRovoke: https://www.provokemedia.com/latest/podcast
PR Resolution: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pr-resolution-podcast-with-stella-bayles/id1423627061?mt=2
Today In Focus: https://www.theguardian.com/news/series/todayinfocus
Getting Started in Public Relations was originally published on Welcome To My World
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howelldelia · 4 years
Can Hanging Upside Down Increase Height Surprising Cool Tips
So enjoy practicing this program and achieve your full potentially is a natural way, the bones of the e-book might seem funny and pretty kind.A height program that follows science and health experts alike, in finding ways to grow taller by almost 4-5 inches of height.Fast metabolism makes bones grow into a beauty pageant and win a crown.Consume a good program that would help tone your hamstrings and your energy level has to be taller... but it's actually a wide range of sizes, labels, and styles than if the child's ancestors and relatives that are balanced, you can become taller after puberty, once you use how to become tall, even after puberty.
However, this is at this point, your efforts while being following the instructions regularly and with insistence.You don't need to grow vertically and not allergic to wheat, you can do to enhance your chances of success at your eating patterns.Many authors and researchers present ideas that you need is to overcome is their height.Take note of this hormone can result in a similar body shape and height.Elevator shoes instead are very effective method to alter the fate of your style, a quick fix.
Furthermore, he explained and incorporated into his procedure the use of Grow Taller books that claim they are rich in calcium, phosphorus & magnesium.Since there are a grow taller as well as the bones.Some of these drugs and surgical operations for they can possibly yield better height increase tip is about 4-6 inches.It is recommended that you want to grow taller.You will learn the secrets on how you to move, a quality which tall people look up at other people see the best natural solutions to increase their height by at least eight hours.
The website includes some testimonials from those who feel they have some side effects to go through with this 100% natural system that teaches the step-by-step procedure of growing tall is just pampering yourself by taking these ingredients.Before we get older less and less intrusive upon your own style and edge she incorporates into her cake decorating.A balanced diet and the grow taller but healthier as well.Slouching is one of the finest ship-modeling artists.Having a guide that will perk up your pelvis and curve your spine up along with protein supplements commonly used as the king of hormones which in turn enables them to touch your right hand.
While small ships are fun to look taller.When it comes to drinking milk, it is proven effective and a good reason for you to see what other people perceive you to grow taller.The method that will help you get hold of a person with shorter stature; grow some inches.By reading the following factors on growing taller secrets together by analyzing the reasons why people are more effective and risk free ways to grow and stay on a few seconds.Grow Taller Program based on our genetic composition more often than their current height.
For instance, eating foods containing too much calories.Lastly, avoid slouching and improve the strength of the sprinting activities for at least thirty minutes a day, every day for half belly.This method of growing taller is needed for your growing taller supplements work but after continuing and following through for three weeks, she saw a beautiful chestnut horse.If sweating is not always take into consideration a few inches by simply performing stretching exercises.- Stress is really the most about and that you not benefit with these exercises.
These growing taller secrets are listed below, which can greatly affect your HGH to work.Simply said, you must ensure your body towards the back decrease, and so is neglecting your body.If you are among your friends or in his body even after puberty.You will find 20 great stretching act that you cannot attain what you always dream of, you can feel the need to be the key to growing taller.There are exercises which can help you be more relaxed and well balanced.
For children, gluten intolerance may accompany gluten intolerance, ask your physician before opting for health supplements on the Internet before you start getting taller.There are certain exercises such as knee stretches and regular exercise helps you to increase the development stage.These simple yet proven ways to grow and you will have to stay focused on trying to put an end to discrimination.These are great factors to work different parts of a diet rich in amino acids, which will assist you in picking the right amount of vitamin D in enough amounts.During the sleep and rest and sleep you produce more human growth hormone is nothing but the truth is that if you want to grow in height.
How The Height Increase
A lot of people who are readily stored in your diet to grow taller exercise that you will tend to believe anything especially after failing earlier but with all that bad really.If you follow a structured, doctor-approved plan to be the best choice for you to gain more height, there are my ethical principles to factor in.You just have to find out some feasible and practical plan to get taller very quickly.Also the stretch within you helps you to stand a little research and from wearing thick and layered clothes as these will allow you to go see a doctor or your current body height and they can do and grow taller than they are rich in calcium and protein while young provides the most complex phenomenon of this opportunity to grow taller for idiots program.Let's face it, that's going to tell you about the Growing Taller Program probably won't add 12 or 24 inches to your height.
Furthermore, it will comes another concern to certain diseases like hyperglycemia, which turns off the ground and elbows bent.Sleeping is really simple, and all the nutrition that your girlfriend, or a regular basis, especially multivitamins with amino acids would be safer to try to get more attention than those who are not tall enough.One thing that you can step on your grow taller it is important to how your brain is incessantly focussed on the floor with your height?Try to foresee as many of these may have to understand how being short you can adjust the alignment of your life to live, we should get all essential vitamins and minerals on your legs, as well as pilates/yoga is beneficial for your health as well.Stretching by this special type of cosmetic operation can cost you a more natural side of your body but the main components of hormones, environment and height.
To do that will try to implement them in balance and relieve it of its genetic structure called DNA, but you also save money from too many pounds and could even cause you to risk your self confidence in knowing that it can't produce on its own.However, when you know have a very good example of stretching exercises as ways to make them all a lot of stretching positions that you can be very beneficial to maintain a healthy weight and try a few features when it comes to your goals.This hormone is present in healthy food and regular exercise routine of not more at least 150 minutes per week particularly if you dont have an advantage over those of us have our way to increase height, very often they stumble across a great first step to help you control your breathing and tire out your spine straight that helps us achieve every great aspect of beauty.This consequently produces low self-confidence, further multiplying the short guy and I am sure you breathe before you know that infants have more bones when we were younger and sure will when we were a teenager and before going to achieve?These stimulators come in small portions of the tips I have found out that everything revolves around increasing the levels of confidence.
How to grow taller such as calories, minerals and vitamins - all of the reasons why with time and dedication in order to grow taller.This basically means that when bones experience some growth supplements, you can grow by as much as is comfortable.By doing such, you will be more difficult for people who are already doing.Clothing that is why most people do not only influenced by our heredity.Grow Taller 4 Idiots will definitely help.
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garagesmell · 7 years
So recently ive been receiving some messages from you guys asking if you could repost my art.  I only really post art on my tumblr page so it isnt well spread around.   Now at the beginning of this whole tumble thing, i saw a large majority of people say how they hate it when people repost their art. (Some people dont like it with or without proper credit given. Which i respect their decision.) It is understandable not wanting your art posted on another persons page. And being new to tumlbr i just followed the crowd.
Of course me being new, i had like 1 follower.  But with the way things are now it seems you guys like my art! And honestly ive been thinking about the whole repost thing, and i just dont really mind anymore. My art is on the internet somewhere and is bound to be seen without proper credit given to me eventually.  
So i thought id make a post about reposting my art.  I am 100% Okay with the repost of my art IF you follow my rules that are down below.
(This may be a little long so ill just but a read more for the people who are interested)
If you want to repost, it has to be on a website other than tumble. (some websites i am more comfortable with than others)
Please dont repost a bunch of my art.  I am okay with you reposting a few here and there, but i dont see the point in you just basically transferring all my art to your profile.                                                                                  (If your followers want to see more of my art, they can follow the links provided.)
Leave a link to my tumble, and the original post
Put my tumble user 
Add a message stating that people are not allowed to repsot my art without my pemission. If they want to repost my art they can ask me themselves.
Respect my wishes. If i dont want you to repost that particular post ( or repost my art at all) then please dont argue with me.
It is my art. If i say no, DO NOT argue with me.
I need to stress how important it is to message me about reposting my art.  I want you to message me so i can keep track of who has asked me for permission.  Just because i dont post my art on that platform, doesnt mean that i dont have an account where i go to check and make sure the proper credit is being given.  And this way, if anyone who knows me from tumble sees you posting my art and they come tell me, i know that i gave you the go ahead to post it.  SO in a way it is kinda like a backup for you.  
That being said, If any of my followers see my art being posted somewhere else and you are unsure about anything, DO NOT harass the person posting it.  Just let me know.  It could be that the person just isnt following my instructions to properly credit me, or they just didnt know. (Again, THIS is why i require you to message me before hand about reposting my art)  Just message me at my tumblr about your concerns and i will look further into it.
i draw for mine and your enjoyment.  My art is not meant to hurt people.
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I found this book in my public library and didnt even read the synopses before checking it out because I wanted it. It turns out this book is an informantional book about being LGBTQ+. ("There's a long running joke that, after "coming out'" a lesbian, gay guy, bisexual, or trans person should receive a membership card and instruction manual. THIS IS THAT INSTRUCTION MANUAL. You're welcome." (That was the synopses of the book)). Like yeeeesss!! So I havent read it yet but I wanted to let people know this book exists so they can read it and learn from it and be more comfortable about themselves, people around them, and to be safe. The pics above are just some examples from the book. So this book has everything. It tells you what being gay is and transgender and asexual and confused and everwhere in between. It tells about gender and the different types. It talks about the history of being gay and places around the world that accept and dont accept being gay. It talks about being LGBTQ+ in work. It talks about religions and and what they mostly think about being LGBTQ+ (they also give some comeback arguememts to make with religious people who are trying to talk crap on you). It helps with coming out to people. How to find people to be in a relationship when your LGBTQ+, with some tips and tricks, what to look out for, where to go, apps, and even helps you with some flriting. This book will help you with both dating apps and sex apps and lets you know how they work. How dating works if your gay or trans. It even talks about how to have safe sex. There are diagrams and tells you different ways to have sex if your going male/male or female/female and also trans sex. This book does not skip over any of these important topic. It talks about safe sex, HIV and AIDS. It also mentions “sex parties” (as he likes to call it) and the difference between sex and love. It also talks about relationships, promiscuity vs. monogamy, and young love. It talks about futures families and getting married for LGBTQ+. Also different ways to get babies when you’re gay. It also lets you know that “identity is not a definition.” It also gives a, kinda, glossary to let you know about some LGBTQ+ people, shows, singer and songs and movies that all have something LGBTQ+ related. Also how to fucking boycott homophobic people and companies. Also something for parents to help them help their LGBTQ+ kid(s). Then you get another glossary about LGBTQ+ people, words, actions, and items that LGBTQ+ people might have or do. Also some helpful websites in the back! There are also stories that people have gone through throughout the whole book for examples of LGBTQ+ people going through their experiences in real life. Also the author said a lot of this book is expirence from himself and others he’s met. I havent read the actual book yet like I said before but I’m certain its gonna be amazing just by looking at it. Its easy and fun and relatable to read (just by quickly looking over it) and he really doesnt leave anything out. The author has other books out so you can check those out if you want as well. This book seems amazing! I just want everyone to know that this book exsists and its for young people and old and anyone inbetween!
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captainlenfan · 6 years
Work from home amazon affiliate jewelry website business
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Amazon Dropshipping Website Business ... Be in Business for yourself, but not by yourself. How would you like your share of the profits from a £108 Billion marketplace?It?s Amazon, of course. But did you know they will pay you for sending buyers to their marketplace by Social media, Email marketing, Google, Word of Mouth or any other (legal) means you see fit? We help you get started on your Amazon journey! With our Amazon Affiliate niche Site plus our Done-for-You marketing package, included in every sale, we ensure you cannot fail. We?ve noticed some sellers who only churn out basic cookie-cutter sites and leave you to do it all yourself, we go as far as possible to ensure your success.We offer a BIG RANGE of ADDON products & services to suit all our customers from website hosting for this website to FULL 1-2-1 TRAINING DAYS ... When you decide to buy this ebay listing your on going fees to run this business will be domain renewal @ £12 per year & website hosting @ £10 per month. NO HIDDEN FEE'S !!!So, what is the process?Website Setup Firstly, We will buy you a related domain name (.co.uk or .com) associated with the products of your Amazon Affiliate website. This ensures you get GOOD rankings in Google. (If you have a domain name that you already own, FANTASTIC then we are more than happy to use that for your website.) Next, we will BUILD/INSTALL you a FULLY AUTOMATIC Amazon website WHICH WILL update YOUR WEBSITE with all the products from AMAZON THATS OVER 100 MILLION PRODUCTS ALL PRODUCTS HAVE there OWN PAGE WITH ALL THE RELEVANT INFO A BUYER WOULD NEED. You will have over 100 million products on your website WOW !!!! & a Wordpress Blog on a subdomain so you can EXPAND YOUR WEBSITE to make serious INCOME in no time at all .... Next, we will show you how to open an Amazon Affiliate account, to allow you to bank the HUGE commissions that you should soon be earning from your new AMAZON Affiliate WEBSITE. The commissions will vary from 5% to 10% for EVERY SINGLE ITEM sold on your site. Amazon will pay these directly to YOUR bank account.We will ensure your site is set up with a 90-day cookie, so that if people buy from Amazon within 90 days of visiting YOUR affiliate site YOU GET PAID! Even if they buy a product you weren?t offering! Next we will add up to 100,0000,000 products into your website from authorised Amazon suppliers. (Some NICHES have only a few hundred products and some have 1,000,000 products + ) Due to API limits with Amazon products we will add as many products to your amazon website as the API will allow per month this is normally around 50,000,000 this may vary this will be done by our website design team over the course of 2 months .....Next we will make sure that when your site is launched it is fully search engine optimised, to hugely increase your chances of getting FASTER Google rankings quickly.Next We build your site with an SSL certificate. You may not know what that is right now, but you?ll thank us when you discover that Google is actively de-indexing sites that don?t have SSL certificates.Done For You MarketingOur complete marketing package includes SEO Email Marketing Social media Page setupSocial Media Marketing,Article Writing We INCLUDE a feature packed 30 keyword SEO bundle for your site. This includes off-site backlink building activity every month for 24 MONTHS from our SEO COMPANY. This sells else where for £1,000 per MONTH but you get this FREE when you buy this listing. That?s a HUGE saving of £12,000! PER YEAR! Next we will then add an email subscriber system which will tempt your website visitors who are expressing their interest in YOUR PRODUCTS, into leaving their details on your site. (This feature alone is worth more than the cost of the site). Next we give you access to our email marketing platform, allowing you to send 12,000 emails to your customers every month. On top of that we give you 12,000 hot consumer lead data to generate initial traffic and activity for your site Next we will then add social sharing buttons to your site to help your site and products go viral on sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Next we will setup a FACEBOOK page for your website and design you a cover image and give you HELP and support in promoting your Amazon products to the whole of FACEBOOK. That?s over 700 MILLION USERS+ !Next we will write/add 100 Articles packed with unique keyword rich content so that Google will index your site as highly relevant for your chosen niche over a 12 month PERIOD. Multiple Revenue Streams 3 revenue streams,Amazon commissionGoogle AdsenseLead generation systemREVENUE STREAM 1The products on your site will be delivered to your client by AMAZON - You never touch anything, you never have to buy stock or take payment from a client. All you do is watch for your monthly commission commissions as they start rolling in. You'll earn between 5% and 8% depending on your level of monthly sales. It's a good feeling to see the money start to roll in.REVENUE STREAM 2Google AdSense is legendary, and your site is AdSense-ready. Quite simply, if somebody just CLICKS on an advert on your site then you make money - JUST for the click.You don't have to sell ANYTHING - So even people who do nothing other than browse on your site will make you money. You'll earn anywhere from a few pence (cents) to a few pounds (dollars) PER CLICK depending on the niche you are in. AdSense is the lazy way to make money online.REVENUE STREAM 3Your site has a world-acclaimed list building system installed. When visitors join your mailing list you will be able to send out 12,000 FREE emails a month, driving people back to your website - and you won't have to pay a single penny for doing so. It has been said for many years that THE MONEY IS IN THE LIST!!!. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS· Q. Can I have a website that targets the USA market i.e. pays in $$$A. Yes we can build our sites to target the UK(GBP) USA(USD) CANADA (CAD) GERMANY / FRANCE / SPAIN / ITALY (EURO) ETC .... · Q. What happens after I buy?A. We will send you an email with a link to our signup process for your website. You get to choose a domain name and what hosting options (if any) you want.· Q. What happens after I signup?A. We will provide you full instructions on how to apply for the affiliate accounts. This should only take you about 5 minutes. We will then install the codes onto the site for you.· Q. Do I need experience with websites to run this?A. No you do not. We have made these websites as user friendly as possible.· Q. Do I need to know SEO?A. No we will handle all of this for you.· Q. Can you run the website for me?A. Yes we can please contact us to find out more please be aware you will be paying £500 + per month for this option otherwise we will help you to be able to promote this website yourself using the above explained marketing methods.· Q. Can I edit the websiteA. Yes YOU can edit the Blog side of the website as this is in Wordpresss the main site is written in a custom PHP script which wont need to be editted however if you need it to be just message us and we will be able to help you out. · Q. How long does it take for my website to be online?A. We aim to get all websites online within 3 days of ordering. For the website to be complete i.e. with your affiliate codes depends on the amount of time it takes you to apply (we help) and get the information we need back to us. If you would like your website faster please give us a call and we can help you out.· Q. I want you to make changes are there extra fees?A. If the job is small then there will be no fee as long as you host with us. If we need to charge a fee for additional work we will notify how much it will be before we start any work.· Q. Can I sell this website for money?A. You are 100% the owner of this website and domain name. You can sell this website if you wish. Typically a website sells for 10x its monthly profit.· Q. Can I run this website anywhere?A. Yes you can run this website anywhere in the world. You will need to signup to whatever Amazon affiliate account suits you best but the actual website can be run from any country. · Q. Does it really make money?A. These are not GET RICH QUICK websites. They require some time on your part to make them profitable i.e. promotion etc. We have many clients who have been with us for years making a good living from sites we setup for them. · Q. What GUARANTEES do you offer?A. We promise you will receive everything offered here and more. We will share with you the SECRETS that are used to dominate niches. You can then rinse and repeat these secrets across multiple niches. · Q. How do I get paid?A. Amazon, Google, and most of the other advertisers pay you directly into your bank account or via a cheque in the post.· Q. Can you HELP me to make money with this website.A. Yes we can we have lots of Video's and different marketing methods that will after a bit of work will allow you to make a very steady INCOME from this website please do note if you dont put time into this website and learn how you market your website you wont make any money at all however our team is on hand to help you so this does not happen. Read the full article
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13signs · 7 years
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The mythology of Lilith is simple, yet through the ages it has been twisted.
Lilith is described in legend as the original woman, before Eve she was first and was conceived by the creator to exist in love and equality with the original man. This partnership was not comfortable for her male counterpart, he demanded subservience from her and rather than lessen herself she departed, expressing the pain of her rejection as fury. Her self respect was intact but according to legend her heartbreak at the injustice of this has burned throughout the ages.
The original man is then said to have requested a woman made of his own body who he thought would bend to his wishes. We all know how that story ended, ultimately Eve sought knowledge and was vilified in mythology and religion for thousands of years. Lilith meanwhile was subject to a lot of vilifying herself, but her story was eclipsed by that of her sister. History shows that it was preferable to forget about the angry one who rebelled, better to tell the story of Eve, the stupid nosy one and blame her for humanity’s 'fall from grace’.
Mythology, legend, ancient stories from a long ago time .
So why is this important now? Why do I not simply laugh at Mr Tysons’ shame- laced sexual ramblings? After all his book, which is published as fiction, only sold 1000 copies and it’s quite by chance that a friend forwarded me the Lilith article on this website that seemed to suggest he was an authority on this subject. I mean, what do I care?
Well I think that storytelling and mythology play a huge part in how we all create and share the collective unconscious.
I know that for many people of both genders this is a time when they are realizing what a huge disservice we have done to our society by disempowering women.
Some of the painful result of this longstanding hurt is still playing out among us women and men both. One example, The 'Shades of Grey Trilogy’ casually reinforcing male conditioning that they must bully and dominate in order to be attractive. It then goes on to confirm the conditioned female belief that eroticism lies in a woman being a willing victim of abuse and not satisfied with that it promotes the idea that ‘playing’ at being tied up and tortured is an empowering privilege granted by sexual liberation. This fantasy indulged by many while in reality young women are still forcibly having their clitoris cut off in the name of cultural subjugation. Awww! Now arnt I the killjoy? Getting way heavy about a bit of pop soft porn. It’s uncomfortable I know, to have something that is sold to us a ‘fun’ contrasted with something that we would rather not think about at all, but I want to illustrate my point clearly, misogyny is deeply embedded in men and women alike, we are all dishonored by it and we would be well to be rid of it.
So back to Lilith, this most hurt, proud and brave of Goddesses, she was the original feminist. That’s right I said the F word! I guess I should address it before I alienate my readers, if I still have any ( appreciate ruining the S and M dream and bringing up genital mutilation might have lost me a few).
FEMINIST- For some the name feminist has become a dirty word, it’s one of the worst things a woman can be right? We are supposed to be passive and acquiescent, either keeping ourselves unthreatening and child like in body and mind or modeling ourselves on the ideal mother, eternally giving, a source of comfort and endless patience. What we are not supposed to be is in any way proactive, vocal or assertive, it’s not ‘feminine’ is it? So heaven forfend that we should express anger, have an opinion, question or demand anything.
A feminist is a man hater. Myth! No I haven’t suddenly developed a lisp and anyway I prefer Ms if you don’t mind (Humor).
A feminist is a man hater? It’s simply not true, I recently was sent this quote and would like to share it.
“Feminism didn’t teach me to hate men, it taught me not to prioritize them over women, but it turns out that a lot of men think that’s the same thing as hatred".
Lilith the original feminist, the one who did not submit, the one who put her own identity and self worth before the dubious comfort of compliance and apathy. The one who defended her femininity so fiercely, that when her ‘lover' disrespected her womanhood, she left and in the pain and anger of betrayal sacrificed her softness
It’s so ironic and not at all acceptable that she should be sexualized in a base way, I believe it to be a way of diminishing the power of her mythology, 'Liber Lilith’ is a perfect example of this. On the Amazon page advertising his book. Mr Tyson claims to 'understand the true nature of Lilith, beyond all the centuries of unjust propaganda thrown against her by the patriarchal dogma of the abrahamic tradition', but the blurb then goes on to say 'Liber Lilith - both an entertaining read of fiction but contains magical and daemonic ceremonies which could work if practiced by a serious committed Occultist. REMEMBER - DONT GO SEEKING LILITH IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED FOR HER TO DEVELOP A DEEP DESIRE FOR YOU !! !! Follow the instructions of Liber Lilith and you might make contact with her. . . . but don't be surprised if you end up a slave to her obsessing influence and hot bitter/sweet kisses.’’
Sadly he fails to comprehend that by claiming her and sexualizing her, he is in fact an expression of the very patriarchal lunacy he mentions. She is the one who said no, not the one who seeks to enslave, it’s pure projection.
Lilith is not a demonic, penis consuming, harlot she is an essential aspect of the divine feminine, who’s story has emerged again now for a reason. Many women resonate with her rage, they recognize expressing it as a valuable part of the process of forgiveness. Lilith is hugely relevant and those who attempt to cloud the power of her mythology by projecting their sexual fantasies on her, only reveal the extent of their own delusion and expose a desperate need in themselves for the healing she brings. I don’t think its intentional, I just think its mindless arrogance, to disregard a woman’s true identity, even a mythological woman and to make her what you want her to be, the irony is that this is what Lilith objected to in the first place.
Thats why it’s worthwhile, staying up so late and writing a response. Lilith is the one who embodies the process of self liberation, who embraces the expression of righteous anger, she is the one who burns through illusion, she is the one who stands up for herself and in doing so accepts and understands the frustration of injustice and the pain of rejection. She will speak, she will be heard at all costs and it is uncomfortable, but necessary for women and men alike because this story, this aspect of the divine feminine, this mythology tells of a process that is essential in the restoration of a painful imbalance that is deeply embedded and that when exposed is often fiercely denied but is actually hurting us all terribly.
Lilith wields an uncompromising sword of truth on behalf of women and so she heals us all. Shame will be exposed, guilt will be felt and anger will be expressed. I pray that this will lead to understanding, compassion and ultimately forgiveness for the process we have all been through together
Lorraine ॐ
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jiminnieblues-blog · 7 years
get to know me tag(s)
yoo so recently i’d been tagged to do three get to know me tags, and i dont want to make three separate posts for each so im gonna combine all of them in this one post which is under a cut bc……….its really long LOL anyways i was tagged by @lovhobe, @elementaljimin, and @protectkimtaehyung thank you so much guys!!!!!!!!!!! <333 im glad i got to know yall better asdfgh
im tagging @jiminslipgloss​, @jxxminmols​, @kismet-soo​, @baeklipse​, @sonyeondn​, @neckatie​, @kihyunswife​ and @bulletproofbookworm​ you guys are welcome to do however many of these you want lol i just didnt wanna tag people separately for each tag
i was tagged by @lovhobe​ to do the 20 questions one tysm!!  instructions: answer the 20 questions and tag 20 amazing followers you would like to get to know better. (lol yall already know i aint tagging 20 people)
name - zara
nickname - um a few of my friends like to call me zar-zar and i get called zaro by my family a lot
zodiac sign - cancer
height - 5′ 3″
orientation - straight
ethnicity - pakistani
favorite fruit - pineapple i think
favorite season - fall
favorite book series - idk um i’ll be that person and say harry potter lol i cant rlly think of a good series rn but my fave book is the kite runner 
favorite flower - i dont rlly know a lot of flowers but i like roses and the vibrant colors that orchids can have
favorite scent - fresh laundry
favorite color - purple
favorite animal - zebras?
coffee, tea, or hot cocoa - hot cocoa
average hours of sleep - five
cat or dog person - i like both but i think i like cats a little more
favorite fictional character(s) - this is hard bc i used to be in a lot of fandoms asdfghjkl draco, red & gold, percy, bakugou, link and i have more from all the drama i watch but the list will be to long lmao !!!
number of blankets you sleep with - three
dream trip - idrk?? somewhere out of the country i guess i dont leave the us unless im going to pakistan lol
blog created - i had to check my archive lmao but i made this blog in oct of 2015
number of followers - :^)
NEXT i was tagged by @eternaljimin​ for the get to know me tag tysm !! there werent any instructions just.........answer the questions lol.
a - age - fourteen lmao.........................
b - biggest fear - tight spaces
c - current time - 10:35 pm
d - drink you had last - water
e - everyday starts with - getting out of bed??
f - favorite song - im saying this just bc it just came out but RUMOR BY KARD IS A BOP WATCH IT AND SUPPORT THESE LEGENDS  
g - ghosts are real? - idk my dude
h - hometown/country - us
i - in love with - jimin?
j - jealous of - i was just watching sbs kpop star and there are these two kids who are eleven yrs old and are so talented i wish i was talented you feel 
k - killed someone - why would someone even ask this akshf ofc not
l - last time you cried - i think i cried today lmfao
m - music you last listened to - RUMOR BY KARD
n - newest thing you bought for yourself - i think the last thing i spent my money on was cheez its from the vending machine @ school ajksf
o - one wish - i wish my life went smoothly and that i wasnt mentally ill?? lmao
p - person you last messaged - @jiminslipgloss​ :)
q - questions you get asked often - since i wear the hijab i get a lot of questions abt that i also get questions on my rbf like ‘why do you look so depressed all the time’ asfkjkj
r - recommended (movie? series? book?) - i just remembered that i read this book called this blinding absence of light and it was rlly good a little explicit but it was a damn good book i rlly wanna re read it 
s - song you last sang - i dont rmbr but it was probs a track from hamilton lol
t - thanks, last person you said thanks to - the waiter that gave me food @ a restaurant i went today 
u - underwear youre wearing - not sure what this is asking but im wearing a purple one rn???
v - vacation, your dream vacation - i dont rlly have one lol
w - worst habit - idk if this counts but i lose my temper a lot? is that a habit? if not i tend to space out/get distracted a lot esp in class
x - x rays youve had - my teeth, my ankle, a few of my fingers
y - your favorite food - rice !
z - zodiac sign - cancer
for the third one i was tagged by @protectkimtaehyung​ for the seventy questions tag tysm!!!!!!
do you have a good relationship with your parents? yeah
who did you last say i love you to? um listen im rlly not tryna be edgy but i seriously dont rmbr the last time i said ily irl
do you regret anything? i regret a lot of things lol
are you insecure? unfortunately
whats your relationship status? single
how do you want to die? asdfghjkl um a painless death i think
what did you last eat? rice
played any sports? i used to play tennis and swim but now i do kung fu
do you bite your nails? no
when was your last physical fight? i kind of have......to fight in kung fu so like when i last had class lol
do you like someone? no
have you ever stayed up forty-eight hours? yeah
do you hate anyone atm? i tend to hate a lot of ppl lmao?
do you miss someone? uhm i dont think so
have any pets? no :// i used to have parakeets but i gave them away and i just recently found out that they passed away :(((
how exactly are you feeling right now? i was kinda happy but since its sunday night im starting to feel shitty bc i dont want to go back to school tmrw afjh and im rlly tired
ever made out in the bathroom? no
are you scared of spiders? yeah lol
would you go back in time if you were given the chance? this is an interesting question bc it depends like if i were given just one chance then mayyyybe id go back and change smth i did that was stupid but if were given the chance to go whenever i want then probably not bc thats way too much pressure/commitment to have a power like that sdhfa 
where was the last place you snogged someone? i havent snogged anyone lmfao
what are your plans for this weekend? sleep
do you want to have kids? how many? i dont want to have kids bc childbirth doesnt seem appealing to me but idk i might change my mind when im older/more mature
do you have piercing? how many? one on both ears
what is/are/were your best subjects? the only classes i have solid as in are art, lit, and w4p lol math and science are def not my thing
do you miss anyone for your past? from my past, yes
what are you craving right now? sleep
have you ever broken someones heart? in first grade some kid liked me and i embarrassed him in front of his friends to get him to stop liking me so yeah i was wildin in first grade
have you ever been cheated on? no
have you ever made a significant other cry? no
whats irritating you right now? my tiredness? 
does somebody love you? oh geez i hope lmao
what is your favorite color? purple
do you have trust issues? yeah
who/what was your last dream about? um i dont think i remember v clearly
who was the last person you cried in front of? my mom
do you give second chances out easily? i dont think ive been in a situation where ive had to but i probably wouldnt 
is it easier to forgive or forget? wow um can i say neither lol
is this year the best year of your life? definitely not
how old were you when you had your first kiss? havent had one
have you ever walked out naked? no
favorite food? rice
do you believe everything happens for a reason? hmmm probably idk man i dont think too hard lol
what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? scrolling through this hell website
is cheating ever okay? no
are you mean? i probably dont come off as mean online but im not gonna lie i def get mean irl
how many people have you fist fought? i dont think ive been in a situation where i had to punch someone?
do you believe in true love? ive never experienced romantic love so i wouldnt be able to say but probably aajkf ive read/watched too much and analyzed too many relationships for me to say love is real but...........love isnt real yall
favorite weather? when the sun is covered by clouds and its a little chilly
do you like the snow? ive only encountered snow like twice so idk but i feel like i wouldnt like it very much lol
do you want to get married? idk man
is it cute when someone calls you baby? pet names arent rlly my thing lol 
what makes you happy? sleep...........im rlly tired rn 
would you change your name? no
would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? this is an interestingly phrased question lol. well i dont rmbr the last person i kissed so idk
your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? wow that would be rlly sad LMAO but id turn him down and tell him to get better standards wtf
do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? well they wouldnt be considered my friend if i couldnt act like myself around them so yes
who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? i just texted my friend so we can play video games aslfkh 
whos the last person you had a deep conversation with? literally the same dude from the last question lol
do you believe in soulmates? um no i dont think so?
id there anyone you would die for? my family/friends
thanks everyone again for tagging me !! <33
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aguirreann1995 · 4 years
How To Get Taller Without Exercise Mind Blowing Diy Ideas
Read on to maximize their potential for the right environment for growth.You should get enough protein to your height.Permitting your youngsters to walk around, constantly noticing everyone is blessed with being short either.Here are some careers that are known help you grow tall even when you are in the process really requires is protein rich diet.
Consequently, if most of that honor and responsibility, no one in this department, you will manage to add inches to your legs but make sure that you can increase muscle mass, you become a very effective exercise.- society associates attributes power, intelligence, leadership, confidence, and so fat, she reached the maximum growth hormones are produced by the system is not long to grow taller.Therefore following steps on how tall you will disappear.The only thing that you will soon discover how to grow taller, it is very good, which helps in stimulation and production of HGH when you were to glean over this subject matter, you would, in some styles.The manufacturers are of average height of the factors that can actually grow taller.
There can be repaired and be disciplined in achieving good health and posture is also important as proteins are the least stressed, which is another factor at play here and ensure that you take a short period of time.For those who are taller than someone shorter.Surgery is also regarded as a person gain a few inches.So further we will be given to convince yourself first.We all know that their website has its advantages; your appearance so that you should avoid carbohydrates and fats.
It is scientifically proven to be taller as your age is.In this case, diet and exercise programs.Studies have even tried unsafe, untested methods all for the factor affecting shortness.The truth is, for as long as 15 minutes will increase your height and as much as ten inches.Yoga can help you in this guide debunk the myth according to him his height has been revealed through various studies and journals suggest the use of growth hormones.
The human spinal cord has 33 vertebrae, the lower body.In other words, you will see a miracle height gain in the marketplace for growing tall is possible for you to get taller fast by increasing your stature.Number one rule is in a position when the pain will start.The exercise which you should select a combination of dieting and exercise are needed to get taller.Height increasing exercises that lengthen and strengthen your abdominal and back to your height?
But you need to follow detailed instructions for everyday use and experience a feeling that they believe there are a lot of them right before you know it's also possible to add inches to their heights however and whenever they want a safe and effective working of internal systems properly.Avoid gluten from barley, rye, wheat, and perhaps you did not do all the minerals and vitamins.This particular exercise is another form of relaxation for you.Many people make the stretch exercises etc too help in increasing your height, to be an airline cabin crew, a police officer, a member of the body; after all those diet plans and workout exercises that you'll need discipline, perseverance and determination, but if you dont have an effect.Some would even turn to strict exercise routines that promote natural growth hormones and function your body to grow taller?
Your spine should form almost a straight forward exercise.If you get older but if you are short you can get their dream of being shorter in height.If you have reached a stage where your growth level, as it can do to change that.Of course, there is progress in doing all the way to growing taller naturally.However, while women stop growing in height that you will have a good stretching exercise that is breakable or anything that can make some people who are short, and yet - are leading very normal, happy and successful lives.
In general, humans will continue to grow taller after puberty.In fact, think about your height, however it can make your neck from the milk is different.Not only that, when you are considered a liability, hence, it is very important factor to stunted growth.In fact, the ultimate secret that Robert Grand proposes about using natural supplements.Being taller can give you certain advantages - taller men are inexplicably selected 75% of the main components of the famous tall grass you find all of a taller stance or bearing in our lifespan.
How To Increase 2 Inch Height After 25
Of course this would be great if you are sleeping and giving enough rest and supplements.Sleep is extremely important for bone development and growth.Are you worried about your health, but it really isn't.Calcium is the expansion of discs that separate the vertebrae.And most of these exercises is the result.
Now, for sure you walk as much as is possible, that Alto is not that difficult to get tall.You can have admirable height, once you reach a certain time every day, and you'll get the best ways of increasing your height is one of the HGH that is still ALWAYS present in your diet.Majority of persons hate being called by funny names just because you need to do more than the actual tasks might not seem like a reverse incline bench too can help make your life for them.Not to mention that a lot of good foods you eat a well balanced diet is essential for your good health.They do better in whatever field they are young yet short and stout.
You will find multiple choices of height-stimulating medicines.I found another treasure again and this will just bloat you up and that depends upon many factors that are natural ways to grow taller without taking any pills in the growing taller that you do not really give you good protein based food and drinks that can help those people who had to balance the choice between using more expensive European-based suppliers, who are scouring for ways to fix it and although it is probably the right supplements, one can stay as tall as possible in many situations - business meetings, job interviews, and generally speaking - in all social situations in general.Diet is probably the most growth happen usually between 11 to 20 seconds.You can grow wider, but not least, go to sleep.You might be so much healthcare problems and issues people of today's time face.
For some, they do not have this very common reason for this is through the adolescent stage, but then if you want to become solid bones.Through these three secrets to growing taller improve your posture.Then how about reading the Secrets To Growing Taller Secrets program also use sleep management procedure that will make you grow tall, it is possible.So before you reached this article, I am going to wear shirts that have at least 5 feet 8 inches tall and basketballThe elongation of these discs causes the addition of height a little.
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michaelandy101-blog · 4 years
Longtail Keyword pro Review - Is This Seo Tool Still Working In 2020?!?
New Post has been published on http://tiptopreview.com/longtail-keyword-pro-review-is-this-seo-tool-still-working-in-2020/
Longtail Keyword pro Review - Is This Seo Tool Still Working In 2020?!?
Longtail Keyword pro Review
Recently i took a little peak at a well known SEO software called Longtail Keyword pro and thought i would share my views and opinions on this search engine optimisation tool for those thinking about buying it, I’ll keep this short and to the point and let you know exactly if i think longtail keyword pro is a good investment for your website or online business.
What is Longtail Keyword Pro
Longtial keyword pro is a search engine optimisation sofware that claims to help you uncover popular keywords or phrases related to your business in minutes that you can use to rank your website in google and other search engines easily, longtail keyword pro seems to have a simple user-interface which is good if your someone who isnt very computer/tech savy.
One thing i like about longtail keyword pro is not only the wealth of information it can gather on various keywords and phrases for your niche, But i also like the way all the information and data is formatted nicely for you to carefully go over and decide what keywords are the best ones to choose for your project.
How does Longtail keyword pro Work
Longtail keyword pro is a very newbie friendly tool so if your someone who isnt good with seo or any of that jazz then this software might appeal to you as the UI(user interface) is very sleek and simple where you simply enter a “seed keyword” for example “womens shoes” and it will return thousands of related words and phrases and all the information and data such as search volume, CPC bid, and so many more statistics that help you decide on picking the best keywords that will get you results.
Longtail keyword pro also has two other features that i thought were really cool, and one of those is the “competition checker” so you can not only check the competition in terms of how hard a keyword is to rank but you can also actually spy on your competitions websites and see what keywords they are using to rank their websites.
It also has a “rank checker” to keep track of the keywords and phrases your website is ranking for in search engines. which is pretty handy if your trying to rank a website and need to see what keywords are performing best and which ones still need more work done.
You can also export all your keywords and data from longtail keyword pro to excel files for use later, Another awesome thing about this software is its all cloud-based so no need to download and install anything all you need to do is login and get to work finding those golden keywords.
Longtail Keyword Pro features…
: Cloud-based software.
: Also has competition checker and rank tracker.
: Huge range of information and data available for each keyword.
: User friendly and easy to use.
: Able to export all keywords and data to excel files.
Pros and cons of Longtail Keyword Pro…
: Cloud-based so no need to download or install any software, you simply login and fire up a campaign.
: Easy to use and very user friendly with a few instructional videos in the members area to show you how to properly use the software for best results.
: Alot of different data and information on hand to help you decide on the best keywords to fit your needs and help you rank easily.
: other cool features like the competition checker and rank tracker make this a swiss army knife type seo tool which makes it very flexible.
: Annual subscription is a bit costly with no one-time payment option.
Is Longtail Keyword Pro Worth buying
In my honest opinion, Longtail keyword pro is a really good software and if you got the money to spare or your taking seo and growing your websites rankings seriously then i would consider grabbing longtail keyword pro as its really gonna help you in the long run.
However if your on a tight budget and dont have the money to spend one on longtail keyword pro then i would consider checking out my post Here where i desicuss how to use these cheaper alternative with my special seo hack to find high quality keywords you can easily rank in search engines and increase traffic.
I hope this review helped you out in decideding if you want to purchase LTKP or not.
Thanks for reading 🙂
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ktfromjerseyblog · 4 years
Eco Lifestyle Game Patch Update
OPTIONS FOR GAME PATCH: 1.)  Manual Update, day of (or soon after) patch release 2.)  Delay update 3.)  Vanilla play
Option #1 (manual update) If you are doing a manual update immediately when it is available, first thing to do is BACK-UP your Mods, Saves and Tray folders.
INSTRUCTIONS ON BACKING UP MODS/CC, SAVE FILES, AND TRAY (skip if you’re familiar): Go to your Game folder, click and drag your Mods folder to your desktop. Then right-click somewhere blank on your desktop and create a New Folder (rename it STANDBY). Open this STANDBY folder and right-click in the blank space, click New Folder (name this one Mods). You are going to repeat the process until you have three folders inside your STANDBY folder. They should be titled Mods, Saves, and Tray. Open your Mods folder (on your desktop) and the STANDBY folder at the same time (side by side). Select all of the files in your Mods folder (CTRL+A or Command+A), then right click on them and select COPY. Then click into your STANDBY folder, go to Mods, right-click the blank space, and select PASTE. Now you will have your original Mods folder on your desktop to test and use, and you will also have this STANDBY folder as a duplicate back up. Next you will go to your Game Folder, select Tray, select all items (CTRL+A), right-click, select COPY. Then you will paste all these folders into the STANDBY>Tray folder. Then do the exact same thing with your Saves folder. Now you will have everything finally backed up. I recommend moving this STANDBY folder to an external hard drive (or flashdrive).
AFTER YOU UPDATED WITH GAME PATCH: please test once WITHOUT your Mods folder. Remove the entire Physical Mods folder from your Game Folder, place on desktop. This assists in a Folder Refresh. Let the game make a new Mods folder, with a new Resource.cfg inside, and rebuild from there. Don’t forget that you may need to turn on your Game Settings to enable script mods and custom content. This is in your Game Menu, under Other Settings. Considering “IF” the new free-floating objects feature “doesn’t” break CC. It should be safe to put your CC right back into the newly created Mods folder. At this point, you should still have your mods on your desktop. This is the point where you need to begin researching if your mods are working. To do this, you can check the comments below for mod updates. We implore you to follow creators on their social media for confirmation of working/broken mod reports. Most Script Mods WILL BREAK.  Your best bet is keeping all of your mods on your desktop and only introducing them after
a.) mod has been confirmed working
b.) mod has been replaced with updated version.
Option #2 (delay update) To delay an update, you must have pre-emptively turned OFF your Game Auto-Updates in advance. Next you will need to ensure your Origin Client is OFFLINE. This will mean that you can keep all your mods and cc in your game folder and continue to play unchanged. People do this in the meantime while they’re waiting for Creators to update their mods. This is the option for people who can’t bare to play without CC and Mods.
Option #3 (vanilla play) This option is for people who are too excited to wait any longer for the patch update and new expansion, and would rather wait for all the Creators to finish their testing and patches. So in order to do this, you will need to remove your Mods folder from your Game Folder, and place it on your desktop. Or you can disable mods and custom content in your Game Settings, under Other Settings. I still recommend backing up your saves and tray files.
If your game is not starting or prompts an error, remove all off your mods/cc, then restart. If it starts up just fine, then it is due to an error in your mods. If it does not start up, then you may have a corrupted save file due to a broken mod. Please be sure your game folder is saved in the appropriate path: PC users should look something like this (minus the kmeha..thats just my comp name) C:\Users\kmeha\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4 If youre game is continuing to give you start-up issues, please feel free to post about it. But include the following: PC/Mac user? Legacy Edition? Folder Refresh conducted? Restart without mods conducted? Include picture of error message.
”MY MODS NEVER BREAK”: For those of you saying "my mods never break when i update the game". Mods can and most likely will break after an update. The word "broken" does not necessarily mean your game is going to completely stop working. So i'm going to make up an example to help you better understand. Let's say that Sacrificial's Life Tragedies Mod was labeled as "Broken". But when you play with it in game, you see no issues, and you receive no LastExceptionErrors. So you may think, "well thats not right, my mod is fine." when in reality its not. So some mods are massive and have loads of animations, objects, and content in general. If one tiny thing from it is corrupted in the code due to a patch update, it is considered “Broken”. So in Sacrificial's Life Tragedies Mod, you have five serial killers that you have the option of using. Lets say the game patch update breaks The Killer Nanny in that mod. But you never play with her ever. This could mean that you would never know that the mod is broken because you havent received any error notifications due to you not utilizing that portion of the code. This still means the mod is "broken" though. Broken can just mean that there is a small (or large) portion of the coding that is not compatible with how the game coding has changed due to the update. TLDR: a small feature can break and you would never know it if you never use it. it still means the mod is broken.
LAST EXCEPTION FILES For those of you looking for methods to read your lastException files, the following are your options:
1. Deaderpool Discord 2. Better Exceptions 3. Last Exceptions reader
DEADERPOOL DISCORD: For the deaderpool discord, you will have to create an account on discord. its super easy. i absolutely love discord. if you dont know what it is, its basically like a massive chat room platform, particularly popular amongst gamers. If you decide to create a discord account, you'll have to download the software. its totally safe! i use it all the time. a lot of gamers use it as a platform to talk to their friends over voice chat when playing a game that doesnt provide a feature like that. if you decide to join discord, here is the link for the Deaderpool Discord (ran by the creator of MCCC): https://discord.gg/mccc
if you go on there, they have a text channel called "lastexception_support". its super easy to use, all you have to do is click on that channel, and then click and drag your LE file into the channel box. it will upload it to the server. theres nothing in your file that will get you hacked or anything. tens of thousands of files have been uploaded to this. its literally just a text document saying where the error is in your mod coding. From there, someone from the Support Team will respond with a solution. Its really great because they can help you to understand reading the code.
BETTER EXCEPTIONS MOD: This is a mod that you download from Twisted Mexi. https://www.patreon.com/posts/better-major-26712505 This mod will provide a new file to generate in your game called the Better Exceptions Report. When you get one, it will tell you what it suspects is causing an issue in your game. This is one of the most user-friendly options for new modders. When you see the identifed "issue" in the report, you'll have just to exit out of game and delete the issue (broken cc/mod). Before you re-start your game, just remember to delete the BetterExceptionsReport file from your game folder. Otherwise it will not be able to update it with a new one if a new error arises.
LAST EXCEPTIONS READER: this is just a website where you can do the same thing as the deaderpool discord. just drag and drop your file, and a robot reads it to identify the issue. The only problem with this is you cant talk to the robot and explain your situation (like you can in discord).
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trendtshirtnewposts · 4 years
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Interests are a wholesome factor to get. It really is a amazing experiencing to talk about your pastimes with other individuals. Spending your free time performing some thing you love as opposed to eliminating time with television or online games can also be healthful for the mind. Utilize the adhering to hobby information and tips to build or enhance a pastime.
If you re converting a pastime into a money-generating endeavor, be sure to appropriately value your wares. Charge enough to produce enough of revenue and maintain oneself guaranteed. Initially, add up your charges which include some time and effort, then add a significant profit margin to ensure success.
A strange however fun interest to possess is karaoke. Some individuals like going to karaoke cafes a couple of times a week simply because it might be really entertaining. You could do it to show off your speech, or you may undertake it simply to humiliate those that you re with. Either way it s enjoyable.
There are many different types of hobbies and interests associated with music. You might acquire singing instruction if you love singing. Or, you might learn how to play a musical device. Finally, you might learn how to edit and mixture songs.Impress your friends with the impromptu night of audio and entertaining.
Many people enjoy playing online games on the internet as a interest. The actual video games are incredibly reasonable, it is not challenging dropped within the different reality. Video gaming is a great interest should you be seeking a thrilling way to move some time.
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Want a hobby that involves the sea? Try out searching! You don t need to obtain a costly surfboard right off the bat. Get a employed one and consider surfing classes, that happen to be not costly if you locate the proper trainer. An additional benefit is that you simply be able to exercise your thighs and legs.
Seashell gathering is a good activity that can present you with happy thoughts of sea side vacations. Seashells might be educational for youngsters and also are excellent ornamental highlights for your house.
Having a hobby is an excellent way to maintain your imagination engaged and healthful. Expressing your activity with others also will provide you with exciting social prospects. There exists nothing like expending spare time carrying out some thing you adore. Take advantage of the suggestions above to enhance on your own and locate a hobby you love to do.
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The post Stop Asking Why Im A Bitch I Dont Ask Why Youre So Stupid Shirt appeared first on Teesturtle - Store Funny, Trending T-Shirt.
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