#i dont have it as bad as children who spent way more formative years during covid but still
amygdalae · 2 years
Every now and then I have a little mini panic crisis over how living thru a pandemic from the age of 18-21 has probably really fucked with my development and stuff. And then i just go back to what I was doing
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musicallisto · 4 years
🍨Vanilla milkshake please! And congrats girl! That's so awesome!
For Narnia please!
Always thought I was a IxFJ but someone typed me as recently as a INFP and I'm still shook over it cause that might be it?
Im super duper shy but extremely bubbly and energetic when I do talk. I'm get like super passionate about things and excited about everything and accidently get too loud sometimes. Or, when it comes to school and work I dont talk at all. I can be super Type A though. Queen of researching things before going places/doing things. Really bad with starting conversations and thinking of things to say. Super innocent. I'm annoyingly empathetic, often over little things like someone getting their feelings hurt. Extroverted introvert, I like to be included and go out and LOVE adventures and taking chances but I NEED my alone time to recharge. I get super intimated by guys, especially ones I like/think are cute. I get left out a lot but also create fun for myself and not afraid to go to places alone and have a great time. Always worried about being rejected. Overly sensitive. I also think everyone always hates me secretly. I have tons of ambition and passion and am super sweet. Can always find a positive in any situation. I can be super over sensitive tho. I can be super intense sometimes and steam roll but it's because I'm super passionate. I get excited about any and everything. Both a kid at heart and an old soul. If you have seen The Middle, I am literally Sue Heck and Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec.Physical touch is my love language (words of affirmation a close second tho), tho I'm often shy to initiate it.
I am love to smile and laugh, I find pretty much anything that is slightly amusing super funny and will laugh.
Thanks so much girl! Have a great day/night!
hi! thank you so much for your compliments! I hope you enjoy your vanilla milkshake - a royal milkshake, if I may, given that you’ll share it with none other than high king peter the magnificent...
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Or rather, when you met him, just Peter Pevensie, the boy who had come to live with his siblings in your neighbor’s immense mansion.
You loved your life in the country - it was peaceful and you enjoyed incredible mornings, with the sky turning every color of the rainbow, all for you to see... but sometimes, it did get a little lonely, especially with your father off to the war, and no other children to spend your afternoons with.
So, despite the rather grim circumstances that led the Pevensies to move to the old Professor’s countryhouse, on the land right opposite yours, you were pretty glad that you finally had a few friends.
Well, that you had the possibility to have friends, because living in isolation and homeschooled did not help your social skills and timidity. You were too scared to make the first move and ask if you could play with them... so you just climbed the trees that bordered both properties, and observed them from afar, not knowing how to make your presence known.
Until Peter noticed you perched atop your branch, with your summer dress and little bow in your hair. His eldest brother instincts kicked in at first and he observed you with defiance, but when he saw how red your cheeks turned, he understood that all you wanted was a playmate.
(And you were pretty, but he never would have admitted that, especially not in front of his siblings. He was the eldest! He had a responsiblity!)
“What’s your name?”
“Do you want to play with us?”
“Y-Yes, I’d love that!”
Then began the best summer of your life. Every morning, after breakfast, you ran to the Pevensies’ property and spent all life playing tag, football, and blind’s man buff... though your favorite was hide and seek, especially inside the gigantic mansion.
Though its dark corners scared you a little bit, so you often hid with Peter. He held your hand saying that he would protect you, but in reality it was but a clever excuse to feel your soft fingers in his.
It was during one of these hide and seek games that you heard your new friends’ tutor screaming out of her mind from somewhere in the distance... that you all fled and took refuge in the age-old wardrobe, and got propulsed into the world of Narnia.
You handled the whole situation pretty well, all things considered. Your optimism and determination was definitely a huge motivation and driving force for the Pevensie siblings; when they felt like giving up, especially when Edmund was held by the White Witch, you were always there to lift their spirits up.
Even after Aslan’s demise, and when everyone seemed lost and you were scared out of your mind that you would lose Peter or Edmund on the battlefield, you remained hopeful, and held Peter’s hand all throughout the night before the battle.
Holding hands had become your love language, a discreet but unmistakable form of affection and a way to reassure the other that you were there and you would never go away. You kept the habit long after Peter was crowned High King of Narnia...
... and, years later, you were crowned too, as his Queen consort.
It had always been a foregone conclusion in his mind, from the moment he had laid eyes on you in that tree, so much so that he hadn’t even really wondered if he should ask you. Whenever he imagined his future, it was always as a protector of Narnia, a humble servant of Aslan, and entirely devoted to you, to your happiness and wellbeing. He always knew he’d find a way to spend forever with you - and forever in Narnia, as your King, didn’t sound half-bad.
Peter obviously loves himself a good adventure, and there’s so much to discover in the immense world of Narnia; and unless it is exceptionally dangerous, or his sole presence is requested, he always brings you with him on his travels. It allows the two of you to not be separated, but, first and foremost, he loves the spark of enthusiasm and happiness you always carry with you, especially on journeys.
But if you’re really drained after a long day of adventures, he’ll be more than happy to give you time alone to recharge; or, if you are at the castle, you’ll take a stroll in the gardens of Cair Paravel, away from all the kingly responsibilities and duties. Not that he doesn’t enjoy being in charge, but sometimes he needs to take a breather as well, and your company is the best for that.
He’ll drape an arm around your shoulder as you gush about the last novel you’ve read, or your archery practice with Susan, and he listens attentively; then, when you’re not looking, he’ll pluck a flower from a nearby bush and nest it in your hair.
Then you’ll both grin and blush just a little bit, because you’re both softies at heart, even after all the battles and feasts.
That’s why you work so well together, in a way.
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800 follower sleepover
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marlmckitten · 4 years
Mr & Mrs Kitty (An Introduction)
A new Blackinnon series by MarlMcKitten and PadsMcfoot
As so many of you know I have trouble letting go of past plots. And I spent three years working on a beautiful Blackinnon one with a friend. Unfortunately that story has come to a close but to keep it alive I want to share it with all of you. But since I also have commitment issues with writing an entire story at once. This is going to be written differently. It is going to be a number of short or long snippets of their lives in no particular order. This first ‘chapter’ is going to be a short, point form introduction to the version of Blackinnon that I will be sharing with you and all the important side characters that come with it. (Mainly bc my new Blackinnon is sooo different and all my plots are gonna shift a little now.) Thank you!
Marlene McKinnon:
your 70′s bombshell
loud, outspoken, unpredictable, wild
she fell in love with Sirius the day he arrived at Hogwarts on a motorcycle, grown out hair, new tattoos and a brand new family (The Potters)
she didn’t admit it for a while though
eventually they fell in love
she didn’t die with her family
but she was devastated
and pregnant
Bellatrix used occlemency to make her believe that it was Sirius who was killing her family
that was what made Sirius go to Azkaban
Marlene ran away, she made her way because she had to, she was pregnant and that was now the last living member of her family and the McKinnon line
she worked in shops, she kept a low profile and she did not tell anyone who she was
she gave birth to a beautiful young boy and named him Lynx McKinnon
the boy looked so much like his father
she would cry watching over him, her mind so conflicted on how Sirius would do that for her when her heart knew he wouldn’t
it was years before she saw Sirius again, but one day she just had to talk to him so she went to Azkaban to visit him
he believed she was dead and she asked him how the hell he could do that to her and her family in her emotional rant she let it slip that she had his son
this prompted Sirius to break out of Azkaban, finding out that he had a child and that Marlene was raising him all alone
Eventually they met up again, and Marlene ended up believing him. She always knew in her heart it couldn’t be true.
This Marlene was so much more grown up, (being a single mother wil ldo that)
They went into hiding again, now at Grimmauld Place. Lynx was terrified of his dad. It broke Marlene’s heart and she did not know what to do.
Years later, the war ended, her family was back together. Sirius never died and she wanted to add to her family.
They had two more children. Halo and Aurora Black.
All Marlene ever wants is for her whole family to get along.
Sirius Black:
such a rebel
such a rebel
but he has a weakness
blondes named Marlene McKinnon
he’s infatuated
you think James is bad? You should see Sirius around Marlene.
he never thought he deserved a happy ending but he got it with her.
Well- for a while. Before she died and he was framed for the murder of her and her entire family.
What was the point of living after that?
He didn’t see one.
Years passed. Nothing mattered and then one day ... “Hey split ends.”
He has a son.
He would not be the same shit parent that his were to him. He has to get out.
And he does and he finds them. It doesn’t take much convincing. His Marlene always trusted him.
But Grimmauld Place and all those childhood nightmares are back. He cannot be a father or anything to Marlene.
So instead he drinks.
A lot.
Too much.
He feels Marlene getting distance. He can tell Lynx hates him but he can’t stop himself. And he hates himself for it.
He dies. Through the veil .
But miraculously he finds his way out. Just in time to save his Marlene and his son during the war.
Him and Marlene lead all the Slytherin children out of the castle, away safely. (Even Pansy Parkinson.)
Marlene never forgives McGonagall for locking her son in the dungeouns during a war, but Sirius knows she was doing her best.
Him and Lynx never get a great relationship.
They’re always rocky. But he gets another chance with Halo.
This pushes Lynx away even more but Sirius can’t help it.
He tries to make peace with it and then Aurora comes.
And oh Merlin how he loves Aurora.
They have a very special bond.
Sirius is a great father to Halo and to Aurora and he tries to be for Lynx too.
It takes so much time.
But he has his wife, his kids and Sirius gets the life he never knew he deserved.
Lynx McKinnon
Sirius lookalike
he hates it
he hates his father
but his mom is everything to him
She works a lot when he is a kid, so he tries to help her out.
One day he pleads her to go to the fair with him. It’s the last day, all the other kids have gone and she promised. He is only 7 at the time.
He meets a lonely little girl named Juliet.
They become instant best friends and for the rest of his life no one will ever matter to him quite like his Ma and Juliet do.
Then he is sent to Grimmauld Place, away from Juliet. And he is so scared.
His father terrifies him. The house terrifies him. He sleeps with his mom most night.
Hogwarts comes and he goes there, an escape. And there he finds Juliet also. She’s a muggle born witch and the world is restored!
He protects her when he is sorted into Slytherin and she is a Hufflepuff.
But he misses his mom dearly.
He befriends an ambitious and beautiful young girl named Valencia Mae.
They also become close. The three of them are happy with just each other.
One day he realizes that he is in love with Valencia and he asks her out.
She says yes.
She comes from a very rich family so he tries his hardest to impress her.
Lucky for him, she has some daddy issues.
He learns that he is a very talented artist.
When he decides to persue his dreams as an artist Valencia dumps him.
He is left devastated.
Lynx drops out of school, he leaves everything behind. He leaves his home.
He’s a little dramatic. (Don’t tell him that he gets that from his father.
But years, and years later, he is reunited with Valencia.
They’ll get a chance at their own happy ending.
Halo Black
such a mama’s boy
but so protective over his baby sister
loves his dad too
really a family guy
from a young age he wants to have his own family one day
he’s a little spoiled but doesn’t know it
doesn’t like Lynx much, doesn’t get why his brother doesn’t love his dad like he does
Lynx tries to tell him that growing up with a single mom then going through a war is much harder than growing up in a mansion with two happy parents and the Black family fortune
Halo doesn’t see it.
He has a lot of back problems.
He’s awkward and so clumsy it could put Tonks to shame
he looooves his (very much alive) Uncle Remus
He wears cardigans and he is a hopeless romantic, after a girl in his year who he idolizes in his head
they are doomed to always be in love but not have anything ever go their way
truly tragic but the love story Halo always wanted
Aurora Black
if Halo is too much of a mama’s boy he’s got nothing on how much of a daddys girl Aurora is
she can’t function without her father
and her brother
oh boy is she spoiled
and optimistic
honestly just not that smart
but has the purest heart and the best intentions
she is always trying to get along with Lynx even though she doesn’t even meet him until she’s about 6 years old
she loves Lynx’s art
she messages him all the time, and never gets a response
she is bullied a lot for being air headed.
And it gets bad.
Some girls play a nasty trick on her.
She is turned into a werewolf.
It breaks Sirius’ heart the most.
She would have been killed if Halo hadn’t have saved her life.
She then keeps to herself more, believing that she is ugly and a monster.
Remus helps and Tonks helps but she thinks she will forever be alone.
After all Remus was until his late 30′s.
But she still manages to keep a smile on her face.
She really loves animas.
Her life ambition is to open a bakery with her father.
She never wants to leave her family
She can even melt Lynx’s heart when she really wants to
but man is she s t u b b o r n
and as sweet as she is she can piss anyone off with her stubbornness to always get her way and not see anyone else’s
Juliet Buchannan:
Lynx’s best friend
not the brightest, but very honest
she keeps Lynx from going too hard, he keeps her grounded
but they both really like getting high together
and talking about aliens
Lynx around Juliet is very different than regular Lynx
she happens to love Sirius, calls him Mr McKinnon and he loves it
Calls Lynx Kitty.
Calls Marlene Mrs Kitty.
She goes wherever the wind takes her
Despite her very lonely childhood.
Her father was abusive and neglectful.
She spent more of her time with Lynx and Marlene
They are her family.
Works in Disneyland when she is older as a face character.
She literally just wants to see everyone happy all the time.
But she makes a lot of bad decisions and always has the wildest travel stories
Valencia Mae:
the love of Lynx’s life
she gets what she wants
her family exploits muggles to make their fortune
hardcore business woman
loves fashion
never goes anywhere without her Louboutins
she really isn’t that into the wizarding world and hates Hogwarts
but still gets good grades
ambitious AF
dont mess with her
seriously don’t
she will also stand up for Juliet once she is forced to take her in
dating Lynx means dating Juliet as well
really not the jealous type though so she doesn’t care
just a bad bitch in fancy heels
the girl Halo is way too in love with
she is not easy to love
she is so troubles Halo just wants to fix her
they are on again, off again faster than anyone can keep track
she has a small thing for Lynx and also one for Sirius
she has serious abandonment issues
the bottom line is she just wants to be loved and accepted but doesn’t know how to be
she does not have a strong sense of self-identity
Sirius really takes a liking to her, and is kind to her, she misjudges that and develops her tiny crush
but it is always Halo she loves
she just doesn’t know how to
she’s there to create the drama without meaning to
Lynx hates her, but she’s good at art so he helps her with that
Valencia and her would kill each other if given the chance
Aurora adores Lyra
Marlene hates seeing a girl break her baby’s heart
Just so lonely.
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My Cup of Tea: Prologue
My Cup Of Tea: Prologue | YoongixReader
Warnings for this Chapter: none, just a post-breakup suffering OC who is saved by a whole Min Yoongi
“Coffee is bitter, so people add a little bit of sugar or creamer until it suits their taste. However, once it’s added it can’t be separated. It’s also addictive, it’s your choice to keep it as your poison or to control how much you take. Some people need it, some people don’t...In that case, it really isn’t their cup of tea.”
A/N: im finally deciding to post this after who knows how long sajkdfhd,, tysm for beta reading this for me @jtrbluv !!! again u were a huge help because the tag game you tagged me in gave me the final push to actually post this fic thats been collecting dust in my drafts. ily boo !!! <3 it also took a while because i wanted to do more research for this fic. i dont think ive read about or drank so much tea in my life for the past few months. pls enjoy the prologue everyone!
Word Count: 1,600+
You sat in the worn out leather booth, eyes trained on the steaming mug in front of you.
What just happened?
Something that took five years to grow ended in mere seconds.
Five years of dedication.
Five years of convincing yourself it would work out, that it could be fixed.
Five years spent on a relationship that should’ve ended before it began.
You mindlessly took a sip of your coffee hissing as the hot brew burnt your tongue, mind drifting back to the argument that occurred hours ago...
“You’re never here!”
“Was I not enough for you?”
“Where’s the old Y/N that I knew and loved?”
You weren’t sure about what was said after that except for... “I’m seeing someone else.”
The bruising pain on your tongue began to throb and you couldn’t help the tears that formed.
You never liked coffee, but the café was your favorite place. 
Perhaps it was the enticing aroma that attracted you every time you walked in, or maybe it was the cleverly thought out name that was in the form of childlike puns: Bearly Awake Brew.
Either way, you couldn’t despise coffee any more than you already did in this moment.
“Are you alright?”
You whipped your head up to see a man standing above you.
Through your bleary eyes you could make out a set of kind brown ones shielded by black frames which rested atop a boopable nose. On his head, a black mop of neatly trimmed hair along with soft cheeks paired with a soft jawline.
The man was dressed in a black turtle-neck and long-coat as if returning from a meeting discussing the newest stocks and bonds of business.
After a small, possibly noticeable, ogling of the stranger, you shook your head ‘no.’
He motioned to the seat across from you raising his brows inquisitively, “May I?” 
This time you slowly nodded.
He seemed harmless enough, and even if he tried anything there was pepper spray in your purse.
You sniffled as he took a seat.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“No y-you wouldn’t understand.” He leaned forward onto his elbows—a determined furrow in his brow.        
“Try me.”
Who was this guy? He didn’t come off as threatening but somewhat… familiar.
You couldn’t quite place his face or remember his name.
“Not yet, right now I just need a good cry,” you replied sinking further into your seat.
“Alright.” He said, shrugging and not saying much, or really, nothing.
He sat across from you— not making eye contact but quietly observing the café.
Several questions raised in your mind: Where did he come from? Why is he here of all places? Did someone send him with the intention to make you feel even more like a fool than you already did?
“Don’t you have anything better to do?” you asked when the silence became a little too long.
“No, not really...” he replied slowly. “Would you like me to leave?”
“No, I mean, it’s just-“ you hesitated, “You’re fine,”
“Ok then.”
One look at him and it’d be hard to believe women find him approachable, but the man came up to you.
Much less, while you were on the verge of outright bawling in the middle of a café.
“What’s your name?” you asked, initiating conversation. You might as well since he was there.
“Yoongi. Yours?” You hesitated knowing it wasn’t fair to not give him your name.
“I’ll reassure you I’m not a stalker, at least not the bad kind.”
You let out an amused scoff, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
He chuckles and you couldn’t help but enjoy the sound.
Were you really that joy deprived?
“Ok then, I’m Min Yoongi, and I’m a stocker. As in I distribute and track merchandise in stores.” he reaches a hand out to shake and you can’t help but stare at it.
“Well go on I won’t bite,” you huffed a laugh, taking his hand and shaking it.
He smiles and you can’t help but return it.
Who is this guy?
“Why don’t we go for a walk?”
You contemplate his offer.
You had just met him but you hadn’t had casual conversation in a while… or hung out with friends for that matter. So maybe it’d be good for you after-
“Sure let’s go,” You replied immediately while standing up, maybe a little too quickly— your chair scratching the wooden floors and making a startling sound as you headed to the door.
He raised his brows in surprise at the sudden burst of energy before trailing behind you, ignoring the stares of café patrons.
“Hey wait up!”
This was another reason why you visited the quaint coffee shop often.
The park outside was always bustling with life and energy.
There was a little pond where ducks would glide across its surface diving from time to time, scavenging for the weeds at the bottom, maybe even getting sustenance from people who were ignorant of the ‘Do not feed the ducks’ sign.
It also had an open field where locals and families would enjoy the hot summer days by setting up little camps with blankets and food or even play small games of football or soccer.
While children played in the vast expanse of green, parents would sit back and converse with strangers forming new friendships. It was a place of change and growth and you loved it.
“So,” Yoongi continued as you both walked down the dirt path, “other than your name, and why you were crying in my café, is there anything about you I have yet to know?” Your cheeks flushed red as you shifted your sight to the ground.
“There’s nothing much really,” you replied with a shrug before backtracking his sentence, “Wait, your café?”
“Don’t change the subject. There’s got to be one thing about you… how about your favorite color?”
You purse your lips at the dodging of the question, albeit a basic one, but it was a start. “I guess Rainbow,”
He nodded with a hum, “Wise choice,”
You let out a huff of amusement, “Alright wise guy, what’s yours?”
He pondered for a moment before affirmatively replying, “Black,”
You hummed. “Kind of... dark, isn’t it?”
He turned around and shrugged, “I’d say the rainbow but you took it already,”
You scoffed, resuming your place beside him.
He continued asking basic questions to which you replied and vice versa.
You liked dogs, but him on the other hand didn’t have a favorite animal, at least until he adopted a poodle which made him keen on the creatures, more specifically one named Holly.
You were allergic to bees and he was allergic to cats.
You both enjoyed a variation of music from rap to classical piano music, but the question also led to a debate on what artist is the most superior to all.
Neither of you won, and concluded neither lost with valid points made during said argument.
It only felt like minutes had gone by but wasn’t until you looked at the time that you realized how late it was.
The crowd at the park had begun to thin out while shops surrounding the area were beginning to close for the day.
The once bright sunlight began to fade behind clouds as it began its descent to the horizon.
“I should probably be heading home,” you cut in politely before he could delve into the topic of what they would do in a post-apocalyptic world.
“Oh,” he replied, obviously disappointed.
He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “Well could I ask you one more thing?”
You nodded expecting it to be another ‘get to know you’ question or something along the lines of ‘if you had to would cut your arm or leg off?’ but it was something much more complicated.
“Can I get your number?”
You stiffened, unsure how to respond.
You weren’t sure if he was asking as a friend or a man with an ulterior motive.
Could you really do it?
Especially after you had just-
“I’m sorry that came out wrong,” He quickly mended, fumbling his words, realizing your distress.
“I think you’re really great, and I’d like us to continue talking. Just two people who enjoy each other’s company, you know?”
You looked up at him and saw he was offering to be friends that would be nothing more.
You couldn’t deny: you had fun.
For the first time in a long time.
Maybe it wasn’t a relationship you needed, but a friendship.
You smiled, “I’d like that,”
You reached into your pocket pulling out your phone, “Here.”
You both swapped devices, putting in the respective numbers. Once the contact was added, you returned each device to the rightful owner.
He grinned, holding up his phone, “How about a contact photo?” 
You smiled, nodding as you  stood beside him while  he took a selfie of you side-by-side. Once the picture was taken he slid his phone into his pocket. “Thanks,” he glanced down at the phone, that darn smile growing on his face, “Y/N. I’ll talk to you soon?” 
You nodded and finally split ways.
As you began the trek toward your apartment a dopey smile remained plastered on your face.
Maybe everything would be alright.
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illusionlockarchive · 4 years
romeos huge rant on comedy, horror, and how they interlap
ok, so. full disclosure, what got me to make this post was this joke post right here.
so the initial premise is funny, haha okay. yeah. oh youre a kid and your punishment at school is that you have to stay at a room full of wasps. its funny because its absurd. it couldnt happen irl. youd think it wouldnt happen irl. youd hope so.
the thing about comedy and horror though? is that they actually operate on very similar concepts.
and that is, the absurd. the uncanny valley. what youre expecting the least. what youre not seeing and not registering. jumpscares are effective if at least to get you to jump, even if they are cheap. meanwhile, jokes where they completely twist your expectations to get you to laugh do the same thing.
it may be hard for you to believe me, but in the end, the bad ending of tattletail is the other side of the same coin as a joke that goes “i swallowed a tablet with some water. everyone on the apple store was terrified of me.”
i have not read the wasp story, but i can guaranteee you, i CAN imagine it being scary, if the right tones are used and suspense is built up nicely. with the right twists and turns, knowing when to keep things quiet and when to blow things out of proportion.
OR it can end up being unintentionally hilarious, if the characters in it are way too cliche to be real and feel more like caricatures of teachers and students, if things are rushed and details lose their meaning and value, if we are just to focus on being an audience watching a kid get chased around by a swarm of wasps, instead of putting ourselves in their place.
im neglecting to mention something though. horror is not the TRUE other side of the coin to comedy. no, thats tragedy. and im sure many more people have heard of that. the two masks used in theater, one happy, the other sad.
and now we come to two very interesting modifiers. im sure youve heard of the term ‘horror comedy’ to refer to a subgenre of horror that does have jokes and silly things still happening, and may not take itself all that seriously. but why is it a specified subgenre? because MOST horror is tragedy.
this is why, despite liking many horror games or even stories, in the end i still dont consider myself someone who actually likes horror as a general genre. most horror focuses on the seriousness of the faults of humans, on our fragility, on all we can lose or are even bound to lose, on the fear that what we feel so confident about having close to us can be snatched away in a second, that our sense of reality can crumble. most horror? doesnt end well.
comedies in general tend to focus on the absurdity of life, on how many silly, strange, or even uncanny situations can happen that can challenge us, but not in a harsh way, but in a way that, despite so many bad things happening, we still get to point and laugh it off and be okay at the end of the day.
literally, all it takes for a tragedy to become a comedy, and vice versa, is a tonal shift. when i told of my idea to create this post to my boyfriend, he backed me up, and told me “the difference between horror and comedy is in the soundtrack and silly sound effects”. hes right.
of course, there are things that you should have the decency to not laugh at, still. to keep your mouth shut and know when to reject. but good comedy knows how to stray away from that, and good tragedy knows how to handle it respectfully without making it torture porn.
so, as horror hinges on tragedy, on the fear that we all know we must face in our lives, because a scream is as natural as laughter, so horror comedies are born as an interesting paradox.
a year or so ago, i got the opportunity to watch the banana splits syfy movie. i was a huge fan of the banana splits as a kid, and would often watch their reruns. those silly furries meant a lot to me. but im not stupid, i know thats a horror movie, i went in kinda knowing what to expect.
it was a gore fest, and for about two or three nights i had trouble getting to sleep. i wasnt actually scared of my childhood friends in animal costumes, as i knew how absurd and irrational my fear was, but just the images of the massacre being fresh in my mind were enough to send me into a panic if i lingered for too long, which can happen, you know, when youre about to sleep.
i think a scene that perfectly blurs the lines between comedy and tragedy, as well as just plain horror in it, is the scene where a man gets killed by being put in a magicians box and sliced in half as a ‘magic trick’ by fleegle, the dog. as he pleads for his life, and his soon to be wife watches in horror and pleads for the robot dog to stop (yeah theyre robots in this, weird), fleegle continues to slice him in half and blood spurts out, until he is dead, and fleegle just happily and proudly showcases what he has done, as if he just did a real magic trick.
watching that was horrifying, of course it was. but at the same time, it was what i wanted and expected when i thought about “banana splits horror movie”. fleegle just did something completely absurd and entirely uncalled for. and what doubles the uncaniness of it is that it was supposed to be something harmless, a magic trick. think about this if it was in an adult swim cartoon. the same thing could still happen, but be treated as just a weird, gross joke. fleegle could even swear, say ‘heres your fucking magic trick damnit! oh you dont like it, well i quit!’ n then throw his hat on the ground and step on it.
they are essentially the same scene, but the cartoon version of it is presented in a way that shows full on just how absurd and unexpected it is, without any seriousness to it, probably without any moody music to accompany it. meanwhile the movie one focuses on the fear, grief, and horror of putting us in the shoes of a woman who just watched the man she loved be killed, with the shots being extra impactful.
in the end, the banana splits syfy movie is a horror comedy though, because most of the movie is spent finding the most creative, absurd, borderline funny ways for people to be killed off. as you watch it along, you dont know whether to laugh at the weirdness and absurdity of the events or to genuinely feel grief and fear over the bodies piling up.
i could also just go over a million other examples available to me right now. in fact, as of the time im writing this, i have the latest vinesauce corruption stream pulled on youtube. during corruptions, the most bizarre and absurd things happen, and often times, things get scary. we see the video game characters we love be deformed and twisted in ways that you can only imagine hurt, but they still act as if thats normal! so you cant help but laugh.
earlier today, i watched a gameplay video of bonbon. its a short horror game, with a very... different antagonist. i wont spoil much, because, i dont want to deter people from buying it. but i will say, there is a reveal at the end, which slaps you in the face with the realization that you have been played for a fool all along, and the developers would probably laughing at you if they saw you after youve beat the game. its a joke, and the fear that they cultivated so lovingly, is the punchline. your fear becomes a punchline. to me thats one of the highest forms of blurring horror and comedy, and one i prefer to some more gory and harsh attempts.
and i mean, i have to mention fnaf here, dont i? its a great example too, particularly because, if you look at the games by themselves, they generally take themselves pretty seriously as horror stories, minus a few odd cases or references. but they just have enough wiggle room that, if you look at them from afar, as an audience, you can take these characters youre supposed to be afraid of, and have fun with them, because it is pretty damn absurd, and even funny at the end of the day, that youre expected to be afraid of essentially big, robotic childrens toys. and thats when many fun, fan renditions that focus on lighthearted situations pop up. vanny herself is pretty funny even! the idea of a person who dresses up in a full fursuit to do crimes is pretty hilarious.
all in all, i think i just really appreciate how horror and comedy can converse with each other and how that says something about how we, as humans, are easily made impressed, made to be surprised and shocked, to jump or to laugh. and we are always looking for that thrill, it just depends on if youre looking for laughs or screams.
so yeah, maybe ‘wasp room’ can be a pretty good story. is it a horror story or a comedy? we wont know until we read it. (also if you made it to the end reading this holy shit i love you , i fully recognize i talked way too much)
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risrielthron · 4 years
Who We Were
This took a good long while because there was a retcon in November of 2015 that kinda forced Risri into hiatus. When I brought her back for the paper in 2016, some details changed but still this was an eye-opening exercise of how I’ve grown as both an RPer and a writer. Anything that does not have brackets is the same.
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Take a trip down memory lane, pull up the oldest ‘about’ post you can find for your character, and annotate what has changed and what has stayed the same in {Curly brackets}. 
(I borrowed this from @alyssa-ward​​ because what a cool exercise)
Originally posted October 4, 2015
Character’s full name: Risri Elthron Reason or meaning of name:  combination of Mother's best friend's name (still alive) and her mother's sister who died - Rislana (best friend) and Kiari (sister). The Elthron family have mostly played a back seat in the history of the Kaldorei. {Both of these origins have kind of changed. Risri’s name became a place that her parents named her after, something that was important to her father’s family in an RP with her aunt. The last name Elthron was chosen by Risri during her exile her original family name is Kal’serrar.} Character’s nickname:  Ris Reason for nickname: just a short form of Risri
Physical appearance
Age: 403 {she has aged 1 rl year each year since 2015 she is currently 408 years old} How old does he/she appear: to a human about 20ish {I actually think now she probably seems a little older to people) Weight: We don't ask ladies this! Though she looks healthy and toned. {I figure she’s whatever the average weight is for female elves} Height: Average for a Kaldorei {This has changed a bit. I have her just a tad shorter than Dragaur in human form so she’s 6’2” which apparently is short for an elf} Body build: She's not a body builder but her activities keep her in shape. Shape of face: Typical Kaldorei {She did not have a face claim at the time nor did she have art.  Her face looks like this art the most.}
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Eye color: White {I list it as silver now} Glasses or contacts: none Skin tone: light purplish Distinguishing marks: Claw tattoo (gained during her Druid initiation ceremony) Hair color: Purple Type of hair: Long Hairstyle: up in a ponytail or straight down her back {when I first made Risri I had her in the pigtail hair style. I quickly didnt like how it looks and changed it to the long style she sports now. It has not changed since} Voice: typically soft {I imagine her voice and accent a bit like Gal Gadot’s natural voice} Overall attractiveness: again not really caught up in her appearance so someone may need to tell her and even then she will more than likely blush and stammer a thank you. {This has changed so so much from when I first created her.  She knows she is lovely and she will probably think you want something from her if you flatter her appearance.} Physical disabilities: none Usual fashion of dress: For events: dresses...she has discovered she likes pretty pretty dresses.  For class: simple black pants and a simple shirt  {So this too has changed from when I first created her.  She aims for comfort and style. She most often will be found in one of these} Favorite outfit: Dresses, she found a lovely gold and white dress that has become her favorite {I dont even know what dress this was but Im sure it was something from my early days on wra-I would say her favorite outfit is probably one of the ones above} Jewelry or accessories: She wears a button on a string around her neck. She fondles it every so often. {The button on a string has actually moved to her bag, she now sports a ruby necklace from Dragaur, her bracelet with several charms on it, and always has her camera}
Alignment: Good {I think I would classify Risri now as more neutral these days} Good personality traits: Loves animals, children, books, meeting new people (even though she can be shy, she enjoys it), giving, loyal  {This is all true except for the shyness, I don’t actually rp Risri as shy. She may be standoffish but thats cause IRL I am shy but Risri most definitely has no fear of talking to people} Bad personality traits: shyness can sometimes stop her from joining in, when she is caught up in research she may ignore others not to be hurtful she just gets caught up  {I think this one goes with the other, as for bad traits today, I usually say she can be stuck in her ways at times and can be over protective} Mood character is most often in: happy {I would say this is still true but she’s had her share of pain} Sense of humor:  silly things make her laugh {Not so much silly things but she definitely has a more snarky is funny sense of humor} Character’s greatest joy in life: running in the forest as a cat {Taking pictures and being a druid are equal} Character’s greatest fear: the death of her mother {This has actually come out in RP as a fear of mind control.  She would fear the death of her mother but mind control tops it.} Why?  Her mother and her are very close (unusual for Kaldorei, as they grow up communally typically), travelling with her mother in her formative years they relied upon each other What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Ris would be devastated if something happened to her mother  {I think the death of Latilda, and then when she thought Dragaur was dead, and subsequently the death of Suzi in the office are three of the most profound things that made Risri change some. Her fel contamination would come a close fourth Currently, if something was to really happen to Dragaur, Sky, or Selise it would mess up Risri for a while} Character is most at ease when: Researching {Funnily enough this might still be true, but I would say taking pictures is probably more} Most ill at ease when: at war {This is true, but as she found out both at Darkshore and recently when there are forsaken involved she has no hesitation in killing.} Enraged when: witnessing senseless destruction of sacred places or artifacts {I completely forgot that I chose that, but I would say it has not changed. She also does not stand for people she cares about being hurt, this one is tricky though and I often have to tame it down because of interactions with others.} Depressed or sad when:  she is a pretty positive individual, depression and sadness are fleeting if they happen at all. {This has matured over time. She gets very introspective at times and definitely will seek alone time when she is sad.} Priorities: Learn about as many cultures as she can, current focus is Treants. {So long ago… Her priorities currently are her studio, Dragaur, and helping the Kaldorei still homeless.} Life philosophy: Learn, Learn, Learn then share it all!  {This was definitely written back in my Stormwind University days. Her philosophy “Be kind. It’s worthwhile to make an effort to learn about other people and figure out what you might have in common with them.”} Character’s soft spot: her Sprite Darter "Flutter" {Also a certain worgen} Is this soft spot obvious to others? Sometimes {while I dont play it up too much she is very attached to Flutter. As for the worgen, yes when they are together it is clear she has a soft spot for the gruff one} Greatest strength: Passion for learning {This is probably still true but I would say she also is a pretty good photographer and a loyal friend.} Greatest vulnerability or weakness:  Naivety of how the world really works even though she has travelled the two main continents extensively she has been sheltered by her mother. {This was one of the things I retconned out of her when I brought her back for the paper. Risri may be unknowing of some human interactions but she is far from naive in most cases.} Biggest regret: That one time at band camp...seriously she is young so right now she doesn't have one but this may play into her development and story later. {HUGE change here... in fleshing her out in RP the biggest regret is and always will be the incident that forced her out of the Sentinels but not the results because it let her become a druid so its a double edged regret} Minor regret: she forgot to tell her mom about the time she ...oh that might not be appropriate for here {Again a change that came about from RP, that she threatened Dragaur with turning him in. She would never do that and she said it in a moment of frustration with him during a fight. It hurt them both too much.} Biggest accomplishment: coming soon  {Running the paper. Opening her studio. either} Minor accomplishment: joining the University! {so many things, her writings, some of her photographs, saving people at Teldrassil, helping the Kaldorei in Stormwind.} Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: she was almost not able to become a druid...story for another time {This also changed with the retcon, but I would say the time she spent before coming to Stormwind would be something she would not want others to know about and will probably not talk about to anyone.} Why?  She loves being a druid so not being one… {I have thoughts about what she was doing but its not fleshed out. Maybe someday and I can revisit this.} Character’s darkest secret: She is a pretty open book. Maybe later she will have a "dark" secret.  {So this dark secret is the fact that she killed 10 Sentinels. That also came with the revamp.} Does anyone else know?  {Several people.}
Drives and motivations: Curiosity unusual for a Kaldorei and need to have answers to questions  { I would say this is somewhat still there and aided her when she was a reporter, but her drives and motivations are deeper now and the result of RP. She wants to make amends and sees her work with the Kaldorei refugees as part of that.} Immediate goals: Make friends with the treant she met at the Grove of Ancients {Keep her business running, aid the Kaldorei} Long term goals: Become an expert in as many cultures as she can {Live} How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Locate writings and interviewing others, spending time with treants ((her contact will be sending her around Azeroth and Draenor to meet with others)) {So her plan for her immediate goals are tied together. She takes a good portion of her profits from the studio and the two books she’s published to fund her relief efforts} How other characters will be affected: may be pestered for any little detail they have about treants  {Most of the people she interacts with in RP would not be impacted.}
Hometown: Darnassus  {God I was such a noob.  Feralas is her home.} Type of childhood: travelled both continents with her mother {so noob. She spent her youth in Feralas, Ashenvale, and Darkshore.} Pets: Sprite Darter named Flutter and a curious little white kitten {I retconned the kitten. Its only Flutter} First memory: Leaves above her (could be why she is fascinated with the treants...) {I think I’ll leave this one.} Most important childhood memory: Her and her mother on a ship talking into the night {This can stay too} Why?  The closeness she felt to her mother {Because of this reason}
Current location: Elwynn Forest, Jazimina Amberstill's "Ranch" {Stormwind City, either Dragaur’s apartment or her studio} Currently living with: Jazimina Amberstill and Ritti {Dragaur} Pets: Sprite Darter "Flutter" Religion: Follower of Elune {no change, add wild gods} Occupation: Researcher {Photographer} Finances: moderate {no change though she has more wealth than she lets on}
Mother:  Kahrysta Elthron  {Oh wow I totally changed her mother’s name.. Its Alistra Kal’serrar } Relationship with her: good {excellent} Father: Brezlin Elthron Relationship with him: vague memories, he died when she was still a child Siblings: none Relationship with them: Spouse: none Relationship with him/her: Children: none {though she briefly adopted Ritti before they found the gnome’s family} Relationship with them: Other important family members: Mother's best friend Rislana is like an aunt  {her aunt Tara, cousins, and another aunt I dont have a name for.}
Color: Green and Purple {blues could be added} Least favorite color: Orange {sorry Drag, but I dont think its true anymore} Music: any Food: Chocolate Cookies {See answer here} Literature: Any Form of entertainment: stories {plays, dances could be added} Expressions: "Indeed!" {Its not often I get to use it but I do like it} Mode of transportation: Winterspring Frostsaber, given to her by her mother when she hit adulthood (about 50 years ago) or flight form  {Flight form.  The frostsaber went away in the retcon} Most prized possession: her journal {Camera}
Hobbies: Dabbles in alchemy {more than dabbles now} Plays a musical instrument? No Plays a sport: no How he/she would spend a rainy day: reading a book, any book {taking pictures} Spending habits: thrifty {for herself this is probably true, for others she can be extravagant} Smokes: no  Drinks: not normally  {no change, but she will drink} Other drugs: no What does he/she do too much of? Read  {Take pictures} What does he/she do too little of?  Socialize just for fun {This is probably more true now since giving up the paper} Extremely skilled at:  Keeping a team alive when faced with challenges when exploring  {Photography, writing could be added} Extremely unskilled at:  a lot of things but she does hate cooking {LIES...I retconned this. She loves to cook. I don’t know...but I am sure there is something. It would probably be something she doesn’t do and has no desire to do.} Nervous tics: not sure someone may need to point that out to her  {She plays with the bracelet on her wrist when she’s nervous. } Usual body posture: relaxed and happy Mannerisms: polite {extremely so} Peculiarities: …  {hmm, I am sure there are some that have manifested over the five years I’ve been RPing her. Perhaps how she will always address a human as their full name unless she has been asked not to and will still use Ms. Mrs. Miss. Mr. with that name unless she feels close to you.}
Optimist or pessimist: Optimist Introvert or extrovert: Introvert until she gets to know you then she might not be quiet {I would say shes more mixed now.} Daredevil or cautious?: A little of both Logical or emotional: Emotional  {probably more mixed now though she can be emotional she just normally doesn’t let it show unless she is very comfortable with you} Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat: somewhere in between, depends on how wrapped up she is in her research but she does have a habit of cleaning up if there is a mess  { I would say she is very neat. Sky drives her crazy.} Prefers working or relaxing:  working {definitely would say this is still true} Confident or unsure of himself/herself: unsure internally, others probably see her as confident  {a little of this still lingers but unless you are close to her you wont see it} Animal lover: indeed
How he/she feels about himself/herself: an introvert who is more bookish than social  {This is still kinda true.} One word the character would use to describe self: shy  {Quiet} One paragraph description of how the character would describe self: A passionate learner and studier of peoples, loves animals, enjoys outdoors, and exploring is exciting.  {A memory keeper, lover of animals and the outdoors, her passion for photography as a way to preserve memories is high.} What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? her passion for learning  {her compassion for others} What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? her shyness ((its all in her head too, she really can be quite un-shy when meeting new races or investigating something though in social entertainment type situations she is at a loss)) {so retconned, she would say her possessiveness when it comes to the people she cares about.} What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? She is unaware of her appearance most of the time  {She likes her hair.} What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? She hates her feet...not really  {I’ll keep this if only cause I dont know} How does the character think others perceive him/her: She sometimes thinks too much about this and sometimes it doesn't bother her at all  {She is very conscious of being a Kaldorei business woman in a human society. She strives to show that her people are trustworthy and kind.} What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: her shyness  {Since I retconned the shyness...I don’t know...Risri believes she can be a better person but its something that you work on each day.} 
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: opportunity to learn  {She is still curious about others and likes people watching. She thinks most people are good at heart.} Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others: hmm, I think this will depend upon the relationship and situation  {Oh most definitely, this was honed during her time as a reporter where she hid a lot of her thoughts about things.} Person character most hates: no one (yet)  {Elyza Morrowbranch} Best friend(s): her mother / Jazi  {Sky Stoneseat} Love interest(s): none (yet)  {Dragaur} Person character goes to for advice: her mother / Dean Crowelley  { Dragaur, Sky, Selise} Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Ritti  {Dragaur, Sky } Person character feels shy or awkward around: cute boys...oh ok anyone in an entertainment social situation, when she is meeting others for what she calls "research" she emulates her mother's ambassador ways as much as possible  {So such a noob.  She really doesn’t except older Kaldorei...she worries what they know of her past.} Person character openly admires: her mother and Rislana Silverwind  {Who is Rislana Silverwind omg I totally forgot this was a thing. Will have to think of someone else as Rislana is a Draenei now.  As for who she admires?  Her mother, Selise, Sky, Eilithe, Feyawen, Anegorn, and a few others.} Person character secretly admires: Dean Crowelley {I don’t think there is anyone she secretly admires, if she likes you, you know.} Most important person in character’s life before story starts: her mother  After story starts:  Ritti, Jazi, and the university faculty  {Dragaur, Sky, Selise}
If you made it here thanks for looking at the changes of Risri over the course of the last five years.  Its been a long, strange, crazy trip but I wouldn’t change much about it. If you want to do this, I encourage you to! And tag me cause I wanna read!
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Life of Geraldine
I am Geraldine, sword of the legendary hero Mao Mao. Let me start from the beginning:
I became aware of what I was a long time ago. I am a sword of everlasting light, a golden heirloom passed down the Mao family from generation to generation, every new son or daughter taking up my hilt in their emergence as new heroes.
In very much every case, they received me when they were ready, deserving of me, and that would involve them already having undergone years of training and discipline. As such, doing these things across the passage of time would cause them to change, get bigger, older, and more mature. That’s how it’s been for centuries now.
Yet there were times when no hero in a generation picked me up and I was left in storage, waiting many years at a time until I could awaken and be used once again. Until then, I waited patiently.
“Well, that should be it for all the cool weapons!”
“But where’s mine?”
“Oh uh, Moo-Moo, I didn’t realize you were still here. Uh, let’s see. Oh, here!”
This is my new bearer? A child? He’s barely old enough, big enough to even manage holding me up! Who is he? “Moo-Moo”, I think is his name, according to the Mao family’s current master. And did he just call me “Geraldine”? Of all the nicknames he could have given me, why that? What a peculiar little boy! Whatever, this kitten is not ready to have me…but the master already gave me to him. What’s done is done. Besides, I’ve never been assigned to an untrained Mao before. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever gotten to see a Mao student train at all. This is going to be interesting…
The boy grew bigger, taller. He shed his clothes and donned new ones. His name turned out to be “Mao Mao”, as he kept insisting despite how ridiculous it sounded to have such a repetitive and redundant full name, “Mao Mao Mao”…but it made sense as the master kept calling him by a different name every time they met. He tried training with me, but struggled with weight, his own size, and he fell down more than he swung me around. Most other times, he was taking me out with him for the most mundane things: going on pretend-adventures, riding a flying cycle, being treated like a hospital patient, talked to like a doll, used as a measuring stick for his own height, and many more juvenile antics unbecoming of a hero-in-training. 
And yet, why wasn’t he being trained? Why won’t the master direct his instructions towards the child specifically? He already does so effectively for his other older daughters. Actually, his daughters received their weapons at a proper age and they were all already fully trained. Then…Why not him? Why not me? 
Every night, I lay in his room, watching him behave without the company of his family. Something stirred in me as I saw him drop his smile, his eyes looking down at the floor. Sometimes, I would catch him shedding a tear, maybe two or more. He looked so helpless, so alone. Was being alone bad? Every hero who ever had me stood on their own and they were regarded with great strength because of it. How could this child be hurt by it instead? It doesn’t seem like I will get an answer to my question, and I don’t know if I ever will.
I have seen this child hurt more than any Mao I have been with at this time. He has cried, he had called out to the master more than once, and I don’t know what his sisters are doing. I had reason to believe that the child has begun trying to train himself. It’s not right. Someone else must train him, someone who knows what to do. If the master will not, then perhaps…I have watched my previous wielders handle me with expert techniques and I have learned them all. Perhaps I could relay them to the child? But how? 
Across the centuries since I gained my spirit, I cultivated my ability to change into a form useful in case my bearer was not with me or I had to communicate by other means. In my case, I chose one that would ease the comfort of mortals around me, and what better suited me than the image of the Mao family whom I serve? But I have also seen what fear does to a person, what it drives them to do. Entire peoples have thrashed each other because of their fears. Some have even lost their own reason and went mad. They retreat within, never to emerge again. My power is not of mortal nature. It may have been different when I fought alongside Mao heroes who held me close, but this boy, this poor little boy, still knows next to nothing. If I reveal my true self to him, will he stay? I feel more like he will fear me and forsake me the first moment I do. But if he does, he may never find another companion again. I don’t know if he could make a friend by himself. But I know I eventually must show him who and what I am, and I will. But not yet. He isn’t ready.
The master, the hero who guides his children to their ascension…how ridiculous! What master…no, what father would force their youngest son to use me to cut apart a tin of cobbler, what he loves so much? I can still taste it even now…The boy…Mao Mao…he already had to recover from the fact that his father will never look at him, now he won’t even let his ignored son have just this one thing! I realize it now - being with Mao Mao is better when he is happy and smiling. He’s a child. Being happy should be a natural part of that stage of his life. It’s not right that he is enduring life’s hardships so soon. Oh Mao Mao, be brave. It will be better again soon. Let me see you smile.
Mao Mao is bigger now, taller and looking more like the grown heroes I have been familiar with for the past centuries. I will admit that I’ve grown find of our time together as members of a simple life and not warriors, but it feels so wonderful to finally see him stand as a true master of the blade, of me. In fact, he’s already setting out on an adventure. It will be just me, him, and his other friend, a dog named Bao Bao. At last, let us be heroes together.
What happened? Mao Mao tried to escape the monster in the cave while looking out for Bao Bao, but the dog didn’t even try to do the same for him. After everything he had done for him, why would he just up and leave? It brought me even more agony to see Mao Mao take me and use me against himself; I will never forget the desperation on his face, the same suffering fear I longed to never witness again. I can never get rid of the foul taste of when he had to deal with his crushed and entrapped tail. I could have done something. I should have helped him. Why did it matter how he would have reacted if I revealed myself to him at that time?…Would it matter if I revealed myself to him now? What would he think then? I don’t know if he would be scared to see me or if he would be angry at me for not acting sooner. Maybe it’d be both…I can’t do it. I just can’t. Not now. I’m sorry, Mao Mao. I am so, so sorry.
I am grateful for anyone who would reach out to Mao Mao, saving him the strife of trying to find a bond that will save him. I feared that since Mao Mao had been ignored his whole life while he tried to reach out, his efforts would continue to amount to nothing. But then along came a friendly ex-bandit named “Badgerclops”. Perhaps I see a future for Mao Mao with this guy. I hope in my heart that this Badgerclops will give Mao Mao what he so desperately needed.
Pure Heart Valley: the final stop for Badgerclops and Mao Mao’s adventuring days. I thought it might be inconvenient for Mao Mao if he had to settle down since he loved adventure, but perhaps it might be good for him. It’s been a while since he had actual rest and I’m sure he wouldn’t be any better at his family’s home. Mao Mao needs a home, so very much. Fortunately, he had the blessing of getting another new friend upon arriving. It was a child too. She reminds me so much of Mao Mao when he was a kitten. May he love you as much as you love him, “Adorabat”.
Mao Mao, Badgerclops, and Adorabat are on their way to fight a new monster, just another day in defending the valley from outside threats. During those days, I worry that they all may not return home unharmed, but they do what they feel they must and I ought to respect their choice. At the very least, I still get to fight by their side…even if they don’t know it. Even if every battle I am in is spent being swung around by Mao Mao, I am content with knowing that he remains safe and he can win without my intervention. You are so strong, Mao Mao. If only you could hear me say that to you…
Some days, I still wish I could get the chance to show him who I am, but…I don’t want to drive him away. Besides, he already has two close friends by his side giving him the life he always wanted, and I don’t want to drive them away either. I don’t want to surprise him if I don’t need to. But still…if I could…just once… even if he loses me, I will not lose him. 
I am Geraldine, sword of the legendary hero Mao Mao…and his closest companion. My sworn duty: to remain as his until the very end.
I dont have enough words to this...is precious ;w; thank you for sent it❤️
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cagestark · 5 years
Can i request something i dont see enough of, which is AlphaPeter/OmegaTony ? :D Lots of fluffy happy stuff, i love angst too a slong as theres a happy ending - { holographic-starker }
this was a tough one to write, but I enjoyed myself and feel like I learned a lot about myself as a writer, even. Thanks for the request, let me know if you’re displeased
Read here on AO3.
Warnings: ABO, consent issues because Tony is in heat. Alpha!Peter, Omega!Tony. Peter is 18+ though. Explicit. 
The thing is, the kid is too polite.
Peter is freshly eighteen when he moves into the tower and begins interning for Tony, spending every last moment Avenging and patrolling and attending online classes. Being thirty years older than the kid, a part of him assumes that he should take on the role of a cantankerous old man complaining about the boorish youth. His knees have certainly taken it upon themselves to method act, protesting hours spent cross-legged on the floor. His hair has obviously been visiting wardrobe and makeup without his notice, because there are more gray hairs there than he remembers there being last year, last season, last month.
All this to say that Tony is getting older, and it is no secret that the younger generations are fucking irritating. Disrespectful, he’d say, channeling Howard or Jarvis through that internal Ouija board that keeps coming back no matter how many times he throws it out. And alright, it’s part of their rite of passage. Find him a generation who doesn’t annoy their elders and he’d eat Cap’s shield.
The one exception: Peter.
The kid has sweetness in his DNA. Authenticity clings to his red blood cells which explains why every bone in his body is genuine and kind. The respect he shows the Avengers is nearly comical—would be, if it didn’t drive Tony up the walls for other reasons. He is firm and gentle, thoughtful and conscientious. There are no valid complaints to be had about him.
The kid, if anything, is too polite.
Which means that he can’t possibly be doing this on purpose.
Peter presenting as an alpha shocked Tony to the core, and he wasn’t alone. “I’ve had him pegged as an omega since he was in diapers, Tony,” May had whispered to him while they watched Peter having his blood drawn by Bruce inside the Hulk-proof enclosure beneath the ground at Stark Tower. Judging by how Peter’s face flushes red, he can hear through the glass.
“A lot people had me pegged as an alpha,” Tony responds, maybe a little too coldly. But maybe it hits a little too close to home—children having their designations determined for them at such a young age. How much of Peter’s upbringing had influenced his disposition? Had he been groomed to be an omega even despite his biology? The thought makes Tony sick. He knows how that feels. He knows. “This doesn’t change anything about him. He’s still Peter.”
But it did change things.
Because now they are playing this game together, and either Peter is a better bluffer than Tony ever anticipated, or the kid genuinely doesn’t know what he’s doing to the older man.
It starts the first day Peter returns to his work in the lab after his rut. They have been putting in hours together working on a new AI, one Peter has affectionately dubbed Saturday, no matter how many times Tony tells him that the key to a good name is all in the acronym). Since it is Peter’s first effort to make an artificial intelligence, Tony is letting him lead. He is bent over the lab table examining a microchip the size of his thumbnail, miniature soldering iron clutched between in his fingers when the door to the lab opens.
He whirls around on the stool, beaming. Peter is dressed in his old Midtown High sweatshirt, the collar of his dress shirt blooming around his neck. His hair is dark from a shower, wet curls clinging to his forehead. He looks—good. Healthy. Strong. Fertile.
They smell each other for the first time.
It’s not Tony’s right to tell anyone to wear scent blockers, though he ingests his own via pill form twice a day, showers with them, has them mixed into the sterilization stations at lab’s exits so he can clean his hands and neutralize any happy-angsty scents that were brought about during the day’s tinkering. Because it’s a polite thing to do. Alphas and omegas are very sensitive to smells. Polite alphas will wear blockers to avoid overwhelming omegas or antagonizing other alphas in public—and when it comes to omegas, scent blockers are like protection, like the nano-tech suit he goes nowhere without. If no one can smell Tony, they can’t look at him like a piece of meat, lust over him, come on to him when all he’s trying to do is walk down the fucking street.
The kid is not wearing blockers. Before he presented, Peter had the blandly neutral scent of a beta, and he would have been incapable of scenting Tony. Peter smells of something fond. It takes Tony only a moment to place it: the mahogany of the bookshelves in his childhood home, the lemon-basil scent that would cling to Jarvis after days spent in the kitchen.
He sees Peter’s nostrils flair, surely trying to take in a scent that for all intents and purposes, he shouldn’t be able to smell. But by the way his eyes go hooded, throat bobbing, he can. The boy’s mouth opens, literally mouths the word wow. Tony feels remarkably like a rabbit caught in a dog’s gaze.
Tony burns himself. “Fucking—fuck!” He drops the soldering iron and it barely misses the microchip.
“Mr. Stark, are you okay?”
Peter comes over to examine the burn, a dark, flushed pink, the skin already raw and shiny. The smell comes with him, each of the boy’s emotions playing out like a symphony for his nose: concern, comfort, anxiety. And yeah, arousal.
Tony pulls away before their skin can touch, jamming his hands into the gloves that he should have been wearing from the start. “Fine,” he says. “Don’t worry about it.”  
Peter becomes—distracting. At best. Arousing at worst. Days spent in the lab under Tony’s tutelage are filled with emotions for the young, enthusiastic boy: joy when he solves a problem, frustration when he can’t, the soft melancholic scent of rotting wood on days when his smile is muted and his eyes seem far away. Tony is too receptive to him. More than once, he’s found himself opening his mouth, desperate to ask for the love of God, Pete, will you take a shower? Will you wear something, anything, to come between your scent and my nose? But the kid doesn’t deserve that, and Tony isn’t sure he could stand the embarrassed, insecure scent he’d give off after being confronted. The need to comfort might be too strong to overpower.
Tony does his very best to maintain a professional relationship, but Peter seems determined to cross every boundary.
Next comes the scenting. To be fair: maybe he doesn’t know how incredibly personal it is. Tony knows that it’s common in schools to separate kids by designation and teach them only the information absolutely pertinent to them. Maybe growing up small and thin and soft hearted, pegged O’ from birth, they didn’t teach him what it means when an alpha scents someone who they aren’t related to.
Tony himself doesn’t know what it means when Peter does it. Maybe Peter doesn’t even know, maybe it’s just an itch that needs scratched, and he knows that scenting Tony can scratch it. Some things are just that innocent. But on his dark days when Tony is hunched over at the lab table, back and eyes aching from working through the night, all it takes is Peter brushing by. His steps will stutter just beyond Tony’s shoulders. He inhales—now Tony is trained like one of Pavlov’s dogs, and the relief, the arousal, it often comes right then, even on just the inhale—and then Peter’s forehead will loll forward, soft hair and skin nuzzling at the scent gland on Tony’s neck until their scents are mixed. Until Tony’s body is soft and pliant (except for his cock, which is hard and throbbing).
Then Peter moves on like nothing happened.
What the fuck, Tony sometimes mouths, keeping his eyes on the tablet in front of him, terrified to turn and acknowledge what the boy just did.
It might not be so bad if they weren’t so fucking compatible. Yeah, he can admit it. Tony had spent weeks agonizing about that after the kid first brought his scent down into the lab, he’s come to terms, thanks. It’s a biological fact, one he remembers any time he takes in a whiff of mahogany and lemon-basil. God, he didn’t think a smell could be so comforting and arousing all at once. It makes him ache, someplace in his chest where the arc reactor used to sit, and somewhere lower, deep in his pelvis where he should have grown children, if he’d been a decent omega. If he hadn’t spent so long trying to pretend to be an alpha, frying his biology, cooking his ovaries right to medium-well-done, AKA infertility.
What use would Peter have for him? Tony is old, past safe childbearing years even if he wasn’t barren. Alphas want legacies, they want homemakers, they want everything Howard worked so hard to empty Tony of. Far too often he finds himself maudlin and thinking such thoughts before the futility of them strikes him. His attractiveness is a non-issue; he is determined that he and Peter will never come together that way.
As it is, the scent blockers Tony takes, while being ultra-effective, aren’t as effective for a pair—not a pair. No, they’re not a pair. Just two friendly friends, mentor and mentee, platonic hi there Mr. Stark how are you doing goodness, no knots involved. God. He should not be thinking about the kid’s knot—anyway, the blockers aren’t as effective for people who are as compatible as Peter and Tony are. They are his last defense, and he often burns through them before the afternoon hits, body working overtime to make his scent potent again so that he might have a chance to attract the virile alpha across the room. It’s embarrassing, smelling so badly of pining omega that he can smell himself in the enclosed space of the elevator.
Like he is right now.
Although, it isn’t the elevator. It’s the bathroom.
Tony grabs the hand towels off of the rack and stuffs them at the bottom of the door where the crack is, desperate to keep his own smell in and Peter’s smell out. Then he crawls into the bathtub there and draws the curtain shut. As if that’s going to help.
He looks to the ceiling, wondering why a deity he doesn’t even believe in seems to be punishing him like this. Inside his pants, his cock is aching, and he can’t help but to press the heel of his hand against it, exhaling in the brief relief it gives. Lifting his wrist to his nose he breaths deep and can’t stop the groan that passes his lips. He smells like Peter, their scents combining, lemon and sugar to make lemonade, so sweet his mouth waters and his teeth ache.
When Peter arrived in the lab just moments before, he’d brought with him the scent of fury: scorched earth, and something sadder. His eyes were red from tears, lips pressed thin together. Tony watched him, paralyzed, as he tried three different times to enter his access code to the lab before FRIDAY showed mercy and let him in. Then as soon as there was nothing between them, it was like two oppositely charged magnets coming together.
They collided. Tony’s arms wrapped around him and Peter’s nose buried in that spot between his neck and shoulder, inhaling and exhaling fire on Tony’s exposed skin. Peter babbles away, lips brushing his skin, something about an argument with Ned and MJ, both sides feeling neglected and wronged, long overdue issues just now bubbling to the surface, he’d imagine. He can barely focus on what the boy is saying. It feels like there’s an invisible hand on the back of his neck, tilting him into the perfect position for his alpha to scent and find comfort in him. Tony holds him until all the anger and hurt and helplessness have seeped out of him.
What the fuck, Tony mouths to the ceiling. One of these days, he’s going to ask FRIDAY to create a montage of his WTF moments so that he might literally have concrete footage of how weird his life is.
Then one of Peter’s hands drifts up like he is going to cup Tony’s shoulder, but instead he firmly presses his thumb into the gland there and it’s like Thor has sent a bolt of lightning down. Tony’s entire body jerks and melts, every bone in his body relaxing for his alpha except for the one in his pants, and speaking of, Peter whimpers and shifts and there is no mistaking an alpha’s cock. There just isn’t. It’s veritably huge and hard and how many years has it been since he’s had an alpha inside him, since he’s been knotted—
The scents around them change, thick with arousal. It takes him that long to realize that Peter’s heightened emotional sensitivity might have a biological cause.
He is going into a rut.
“Mr. Stark,” Peter slurs, hips shifting. “You smell sooo good.”
It takes herculean effort to separate their bodies. The sheer heat and pheromones that Peter is throwing off are tangible even when he’s resolutely breathing through his mouth. He must be a sight: eyes wild and terrified, cock stiff, sprinting bow-legged to the bathroom so that he could get just a moment—just a moment to calm himself down and use his brain.
It’s going…about as well as can be expected, Tony thinks, desperately fisting his cock in the bathtub. If he could just rub one out, maybe it will bleed some of the fire from his veins. There is a gentle knocking at the door and Peter’s muffled voice, but Tony can barely hear it. He’s so close, building up to an orgasm so quickly that it should be shameful, but at least there is no one here to see. Wrist pressed to his nose, he inhales Peter’s scent like a man coming up from water, desperate for air. His balls are drawn up tight, stomach twisted into knots—and still he doesn’t cum.
“Mr. Stark, are you alright? Are you hurt?” Peter’s voice is raised, worried. Tony realizes that he has been whimpering, surely loud enough for the genetically enhanced boy to hear.
The pain inside him rises up but never crests, just rests there, aching in his gut. Cramping. Curiously, he reaches down past the petite testicles, down—
He’s wet. Soaked. The touch of his finger nearly brings him to ecstasy. This is what he needs, something inside of him, filling that emptiness that is so acute it aches. One finger isn’t enough. His hole is already loose, taking two easily.
The door breaks down. I’m in heat, Tony thinks numbly listening to wood splinter and hinges break. Maybe there was a slow build up that he missed, but it burned away in an instant in the face of this alpha. That is why Peter went into rut. Because of me. He barely has time to shove his cock back into his pants. For a moment, after Peter wrenches back the shower curtain Tony feels like a woman out of the old bodice rippers his mother used to keep in her bedside drawer. The ones with helpless omegas ravished by alphas who were driven mad by their scents, alphas who couldn’t have stopped their urges even if they wanted to.
The look Peter gives him is certainly aroused enough. He is hard in his jeans, a bulge that looks impossibly huge compared to Tony’s own. Peter’s chest rises and falls so rapidly that the older man is worried for his health. Those dark eyes scan Tony from head to toe and then the boy collapses, knees striking the tiled floor, groaning. He crawls to the bathtub and rests his feverish cheeks against the lip of the tub, mouth open and panting.
“Mr. Stark.” The voice is absolutely wrecked.
It is pure restraint as a result of his years of experience that keeps him from rolling onto his hands and knees to present for this boy, this wet-behind-the-ears alpha who has barely started his second rut and probably never popped a knot in his life.
“Mr. Stark I don’t feel so good,” groans Peter.
Even burning up, cramping, shaking, Tony reaches out to pet at Peter’s head. He hopes to offer comfort, but the boy snatches his hand out of the air in a bruising grip. Then he draws it to his mouth and presses in the fingers that were just inside Tony’s sopping hole. The boy’s tongue slips between the fingers, searching every crevice for more slick, groaning even as he licks the palm tasting only heart-love-life lines. “Mr. Stark,” Peter pants, trying again for words. “Can I have you? Please. Let me have you.”
“Yes,” Tony gasps.
They come together clumsily. It takes a moment for them to realize that Tony is trying to crawl out of the tub while Peter is trying to crawl in. They end up outside of it on the tiled floor, Tony spread out underneath the young alpha. Peter sheds his shirt and there should be violins, there should be mood lighting and a spotlight because the kid is fucking built. He almost has as many abs as fingers, so lithe and strong. He reminds Tony of spider silk, thin and so strong.
“Undress,” Peter says lowly, helping Tony to sit up so that he might pull off his shirt. Yeah, Tony isn’t 18 years old with genetically enhanced muscles but he likes to think he does okay. Peter’s eyes roll, palms flat on Tony’s pecs to drag down and down, over the scarring where the arc reactor used to be, scraping at the chest hairs. It melts the omega’s brain, primal parts of him purring. His body is satisfying to his mate, even if he is older and grayer and harder than any omega has a right to be. “God, you’re so—Jesus you’re hot Mr. Stark.”
“Knot me,” Tony groans. His hips are thrusting up into the hard cradle of Peter’s pelvis. His cock is throbbing, leaking, but it is nothing compared to the emptiness inside of him. The room is small and filled with so many potent scents that he can barely keep his eyes open. All of his senses are consumed by Peter, by what he’s doing with Peter. “Come on, kid. It hurts.”
Peter goes feral at the thought. He tears at their clothes, ribbons of jean and cotton, tennis shoes nudged off of feet. When he is naked as the day he was born, the fever in Tony seems to reach its boiling point. The kid is sculpted; it’s indecent. If there was any doubt he was meant to be an alpha, his cock disputes it. Tony, who has had plenty of fulfilling sexual experiences with people of all genders and designations, is still intimidated. Aroused. Anxious. He knows that his biology has prepared him for this. His body is made to take cocks of that size, but what if it doesn’t? What if he displeases this alpha, displeases Peter?
A hand comes to rest on his shoulder, thumb pressing into that tender part of his neck that has his legs jolting. “Easy,” Peter says, and Tony’s entire body relaxes. That voice drains all the fear and anxiety out of him, Novocain for the soul. Why was he worrying? His head is pleasantly fuzzy like with the buzz of a few strong drinks. Underneath it all is the ache in his cock, the emptiness inside him, but he does not beg. Does not squirm. Because unbearably tender, Peter assures: “I’ll take care of you.”
The tiles under his palms and knees are cold on his feverish skin when he turns over. He lets his back bow to appease the ache inside him until he is presenting fully, cheek pressed against the floor. The sounds Peter makes behind him are wrecked as he folds himself over the omega beneath him, mouth hotly over the skin at the nape of his neck. It makes all the hairs on his body stand on edge—god the only thing better than mating with alpha is bonding with this alpha, bite, bite, please—
“Can’t,” Peter groans. “Can’t bite you. You don’t mean that.”
Tony bucks the boy off until Peter is sitting back on his haunches, cock obscene between his legs, looking more like a confused pup than an assertive alpha. Tony bares his teeth even in the face of his instincts which recoil just at the idea. “I thought you knew what I needed,” he goads.
Peter’s eyes harden. Maybe this polite young man defers to him on most things, but not this thing. He fists a hand in Tony’s hair and wrenches him up until their naked bodies are plastered together from knee to neck. Teeth brush his neck again and it’s like touching a live wire. If he’d jerked any harder, he might have broken skin. As it is, Peter just holds him there, bite firm and bordering on painful until all the fight goes out of him. The boy guides him back down, body lax like all the bones are gone. One hand drifts up and back to run over where the alpha’s teeth were, desperate to feel the indentations.
“Didn’t break skin,” Peter promises, like Tony doesn’t already know. No broken skin, but close. Close enough to have him pliant and purring, the fever in his skin giving him the briefest respite. Then Peter’s fingers dance downward to where the omega is wet and hot and so empty it hurts. Just the brush of fingertips, the promise of pleasure, has Tony groaning into the tiled floor.
Gently, Peter presses in. Attuned to the alpha’s senses, he hears the younger man’s breath catch, turn high and breathy. A second finger joins the first and yes, that’s better, so much better than the gaping emptiness. By the third finger, Tony feels like he could cum from this alone, even if Peter has done nothing but skim his fingers over that spot inside him that’s so good it aches.
Peter hushes him, a hand planted over that fading mark on the back of Tony’s neck. His other hand grips his cock, notching the head where Tony needs it most. The omega takes the first half before he feels full, sated even, but then there is more. Peter makes the rawest noises, and Tony laments not facing him, not being able to see his expression. He can imagine it: the eyes squeezed shut, mouth open, head back. But then there is more cock inside him than he thought was possible, and it burns everything else from his mind. The only thing that exists is that cock, anchoring him to this reality. He can feel the flared base of the alpha’s cock already puffing, desperate to knot.
Content that his cock isn’t going to split Tony in half—though it certainly feels like it from the other side of things—Peter sets a brutal pace. The finesse his fingers might have lacked is overshadowed by his cock which probably couldn’t miss Tony’s prostate if it tried. All he can do is take it, fingers scrabbling to find purchase on the slick floor, body singing, prepared to burn out at any moment.
“To-ny,” whines Peter, drawing the word out obscenely. The next word is softer, said through teeth: “Omega.”
“Alpha,” Tony gasps. “Harder—more. Come on. Need it, need your knot—”
“Then take it,” Peter cries. “Take it! God, you feel so good, you’re perfect, perfect—”
Tony cums, cock spurting onto the tiled floor. Every muscles clenches, cramping, spasming as his orgasm goes on and on, spurred on by Peter’s cock. Tony can’t even take it enough breath to scream, just gapes, cheek pressed to the cool floor. He can feel Peter’s own end coming, the knot growing, the sounds he makes becoming louder and less inhibited.
When Peter finally cums, he howls, crying out the way a man might if he’d just been stabbed only he’s the one stabbing Tony, stabbing him with his cock, forcing the knot past the rim and Tony doesn’t know if he can take it, there is brief pain cresting and then—it’s like it all goes white. His first orgasm was nothing compared to this. This would be painful, if it weren’t so good, if it weren’t exactly what he needed. It’s so much deeper than when he cums from his cock; in a way that feels so external. But this is inside him, deep in his womb, his entire body and being rejoicing at the alpha inside him loading him with sperm. Every spasm of his body is matched a heartbeat later by the cock inside him.
The come-down is slow. Having lost his strength ages ago, Tony is prostrate on the floor, knees and back aching. Above him is a firm, warm weight. The breaths are too ragged for Peter to be sleeping. Still, there is no speaking. Not until the knot inside him deflates and Peter draws back, cum and slick slipping out from inside of Tony.
When he manages to get up on his hands an knees, reaching out to use the sink to brace himself to stand (trying hard not to slip in all the bodily fluids), he sees that Peter is sitting back on his haunches, face buried in his hands, shaking with tears.
Tony nearly flinches at the sight. His heart pounds—alpha, hurting.
“Peter? Pete? God, what is it? Are you—”
“I’m so sorry,” Peter wails.
“Wh—what the hell are you sorry for?”
Peter can’t even answer, he’s so distraught. Tony isn’t good at this. It’s safe to say that most emotional situations have him withdrawing, and hastily. But this is Peter: the young man he’s had a soft spot for even years before the attraction arrived. So instead he lowers himself back down and sits next to the boy, drawing him in. Peter buries his face in Tony’s neck, scenting and scenting. It isn’t hard to exude comfort and warmth, not when he has the young alpha in his arms. Peter’s tears slow and then stop.
Heart in his throat, Tony asks: “What that—not good for you, kid?”
When Peter pulls away, his face is twisted with confusion. “What are you talking about? That—it was—God, Mr. Stark. I’m going to be thinking about that for the rest of my life, probably.”
The omega inside him purrs. “Thanks for the ego boost.”
Peter sighs, wiping at his face. “That’s just so not how I wanted it to happen. When you’re, when you’re in heat you can’t technically consent. You ran from me and I literally—oh shoot, Mr. Stark, I broke down your door.”
“About that—it’s coming out of your paycheck.”
“I’m not being paid, I’m an intern—"
“You—what? You’re not being paid? That doesn’t sound—”
“Can we, like, talk about my pay later?”
Tony’s mouth clicks shut. He nods.
“I just,” Peter sighs, relaxed with his head in the crook of Tony’s neck. They’re both naked, sweat cooling rapidly, but their bodies pressed together are more than enough to keep them warm. “All that effort I put in trying to attract you, trying to treat you right, like an alpha is supposed to treat an omega—then I went and broke your door.”
“Jesus,” Tony mutters. “I should have known you’re too smart not to know what you’ve been doing. Scenting me like I’m going out of style.”
“You’ll never go out of style Mr. Stark,” Peter assures. “I thought I was being subtle. It never seemed to work. Then I got worried that maybe you just weren’t interested. But I can smell you.”
“I’m interested,” Tony says into the younger man’s hair. “Trust me. Interested is putting it lightly. Not to mention, I’m a pretty creative guy. I could have probably stopped you if I wasn’t interested.”
“Even if you could, it’s not right for me to, to just—consent is important!”
“You’re goddamn right it is,” Tony says. He draws Peter’s chin up so they can meet eyes, and even bloodshot and wet, Peter’s are still warm and sincere and painfully adorable. “So, while I’m of sane mind and in between waves, let’s just go ahead and say I’m giving you consent. Enthusiastically. Deal?”
It’s Peter’s turn to melt and then purr, a low growling in his chest, looking like the spider who caught the fly, only more charming and with far less legs thank god. He mouths at Tony’s neck, kissing the gland there to make him shiver, and when he speaks Tony can feel the brush of his lips moving against his skin: “Deal.”
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aplaceforthesoul · 4 years
Anonymous submitted:
for tash again pls from https://aplaceforthesoul.tumblr.com/post/620183874016870400/anonymous-submitted-from
i’m really sorry that i keep hammering on about this but some days im ok and i thought im getting over it but sometimes like today it all comes in waves and i’m overwhelmed with sadness and cry about it again and i dont know where else to turn because i dont really have friends and my family expected me to be over it.
i used to have a friend who is still working there (lets call her C). we bonded bcs we’re from the same country, on the same visa, and the same age, although she’s been working there longer than i have. our visas expire around the same time, and we both had spent a lot of time together worried about what to do about it (we wanted permanent residency, but it’s not easy) so we talked about maybe going to regional australia and study something else, maybe we’ll just return home, and we can live together. we bonded over how we were not getting paid, our toxic employers, etc.
C came to australia as a student, on her own, and started working at this restaurant years ago, when it once was a small takeaway shop, before it reopened in a bigger place - thats when i joined the team. in some way, the original boss had acted as a sort of maternal figure to C, who is obviously far away from her family, and she is also epileptic. so the boss had done things like fetch her to and from the airport, the clinic, advice for living in the country, etc. and somehow, in this employer’s twisted mind, she thinks it is then ok to treat C like free help for her shop rather than an employee because she had done all this for her. so instead of paying C properly, as well as paying her super and everything else an employer should do, she finds it ok to abuse C by paying her whenever she likes, screaming at her for not answering her phone, overworking her, etc.
and C has on numerous occasions complained to me about the abuse she went through. she clearly doesnt like the boss, as on numerous occasions she had brought up the idea of reporting the business, she complains about the work, not being paid and the difficulty it had caused her and flat out said doesnt like the working conditions. BUT. if u were to ask her about the NICE things the boss has done for her, she changes her tone. she boasts about the GOOD things the boss has done for her like the flowers for her birthday - the pictures of her holding the bouquet is her profile pic everywhere, and how the boss takes care of her during an epilepsy episode - (and then put her to work the next night.)  i’ve always thought it was weird , but never questioned her more about it. soon after the fallout with the two bosses, i was on the phone with her. i was crying bc i was distressed about the change, and she said: “we are the children, and they are the adults. if the business fails, it fails. let them deal with it. we’ll just carry on our work."
we were talking everyday after that just before i realised i had gotten fired. our last conversation was in february, on the phone, when we were talking about hanging out after work. and suddenly, everything dropped. i realised i had been let go from work, and suspect that the boss had told C not to talk to me anymore. i know C had extended her visa by changing to a student visa, to study cooking, because the boss said she would sponsor her if she did that. she went to study with borrowed money from her family (since she isnt getting paid nearly enough to even pay her rent smh) which is something she told me she didnt want to do. like i dont understand that at all.
what a shit show huh.
now C is not returning my messages. in fact i saw her at the shopping mall just last week. my first instinct was to go up and speak to her, until she spotted me, stopped in her tracks, and went the other direction. i truly did not expect her to be the one to turn her back on me, after everything we’ve been through.
my visa is supposed to expire next month, but after the lockdown my family and i decided that it is the best decision to stay put in australia for the time being. so i applied for a visitor’s visa for a year. the form asked for proof that i had stopped working, in the form of payslips or contract, both of which i dont have, obviously. but i submitted it anyway so now im still waiting on my application.
it just baffles me how one bad employment and two incompetent bosses had fucked up my life this bad. i cant apply for anymore work in australia, so i have no income, the only other person who understood my situation is now gone, now im just waiting until its safe to leave the country. sitting at home, doing nothing but mulling over how i had lost my job, lost my best friend, lost the opportunity to do my masters, and leave the country i had lived in for this long.
im trying not to think about it anymore but its like half a year later and its still causing me grief but nobody knows or gets it.
anyway. sorry that this is long winded i just need to vent. you’re amazing tash, if only i could borrow your residency while you’re in the uk.
hey again <3 yeah getting permanent residency in australia is a nightmare, australia’s government is mostly anti-immigration which makes me sad. 
I can honestly understand why you’re still thinking about this and being negatively impacted by it all, the job gave you hope of completing your masters and staying longer in the country? and hope is a very powerful emotion! to then have it all taken away in such a brutal and unfair and cruel way...well that would affect anyone pretty badly. add in the fact that the ending of the job has created a lot of other negative situations and distress? it makes a lot of sense about why you’re still upset over this. 
this business needs to be reported, honestly what they’re doing is cruel and illegal. it’s quite clear that they are using the promise of sponsoring study as a way to manipulate vulnerable people into underpaid work, it’s also now very clear that they have no intention of following through on that promise -- it’s now become a pattern of behaviour if they did it with C as well as you. they shouldn’t be allowed to continue to operate and to profit off the backs of immigrants and illegal wages. you’re the one who’s suffered, it’s up to you whether you do want to do this? but I would think a lot about it -- I know you mentioned that your parents are close with the owners, but this isn’t ok.
I think all you can do now is put this behind you, accept the reality of the situation and try to be as kind to yourself as you can. spend time looking after yourself, practising self care, prioritising you and your well-being. maybe that means daily exercise and walks, or creating art (clay, painting, drawing?), or spending time gardening, or practising yoga / meditation, whatever works for you. as long as it’s calming and relaxing for you, and you find some measure of peace? then that’s what matters. 
know that what happened to you wasn’t right, it wasn’t your fault at all. you were exploited and taken advantage of, and you didn’t deserve that. try to keep yourself busy as best as you can, take it one day at a time. make a conscious decision to work on letting this go and looking forward, see how things go. I think right now is the hardest bit, because you’re kinda stuck in limbo and there’s lockdown / social distancing measures to deal with too? but once you get moving again and things change, it may have a more positive impact on your mental health when you’re being kept busy again and you have a change of environment. 
I’m glad you were able to vent and get this off your chest, I hope you’re able to find some peace and acceptance moving forward xxx
- tash
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diivined · 5 years
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(  EMERAUDE  TOUBIA  ,  THIRTY  ,  CIS  FEMALE  .  SHE  /  HER  .  )   did  i  hear  whispers  of  the  arrival  of   VALYRIA MERSER  in  king’s  landing  ?  apparently  the  ASSASSIN   is  known  to  be   ALLURING   and   VEHEMENT  , however  they’ve  also  been seen  being  rather  BELLICOSE   and  MACHIAVELLIAN  . they  hail  from  THE STORMLANDS  , and  it’s  said  that  they  are  loyal  to    THEMSELVES  . only  time  will tell  if  that  will  last  .
back  at  it  again  with  another  intro  !  gemma’s  messy  intros  take  2 !  
aesthetics  :  a  signature  smirk  ,  a  collection  of  poisons  ,  stoic  expressions  ,  the  sound  of  thunder  rumbling  in  the  distance  ,  a  worn  out  pair  of  boots  ,  a  keepsake  from  every  kingdom  ,  well  kept  raven  hair  ,  a  freshly  polished  sword  ,  a  single  piece  of  jewelry  ,  nights  spent  in taverns  ,  bad  intentions  .
TW   :  mentions  of  death  ,  suicide  &  brief  mention  of  assault  
crime  has  always  been  in  valyria’s  family  .  her  father  came  from  a  long  line  of  smugglers  &  pirates  .  even  her  mother  who  was  just  a  bar  maiden  began  dabbling  into  the  illegal  life  ,  becoming  a  pretty  good  con  artist  .  their  antics  brought  in  quite  a  bit  of  money  ,  enough  to  support  them  and  their  two  children  .
she  was  definitely  her  parents  favorite  child  .  not  only  because  she  was  the  baby  of  the  family  ,  but  being  a  criminal  came  easier  to  her  .  it  started  with  stealing  as  a  child  .  she  would  pickpocket  ,  steal  from  the  merchants  stands  ,  the  shops  .  along  side  her  mother  ,  the  two  of  them  could  con  just  about  anyone  .  her  brother   on  the  other hand  wasn’t  big  on  doing  anything  illegal  . 
they  had  tried  to  get  him  to  fall  into  their  ways  over  &  over  but  he  wasn’t having  it  .  he  had  run  away  at  the  age  of  sixteen  ,  and  never  returned  home .  for  awhile  ,  valyria  would  go  out  and  look  for  him  ,  though  she  eventually  gave  up  . 
her  petty  crime  life  soon  turned  into  something  a  lot  bigger  .  the  first  man  she  had  ever  killed  she  killed  when  she  was  just  thirteen  .   he  was  piss  drunk  and  she  found  him  assaulting  her  mother  .  from  there  ,  things  got  a  bit  easier  .  it  started  out  as  killing  those  she  found  doing  bad  things  (  funny  coming  from  a  criminal  huh  )  but  after   a  couple  years  ,  she  realized  people  would  pay  a  lot  for  her  services  &  it  was  something  she  was  good  at  .
when  she  was  about  twenty  ,  her  father  was  caught  by  the  queen’s  guards  .  he  was  doing  business  in  kings  landing  ,  attempting  to  smuggle  one  of  his  friends  out  of  their  cells  .  he  was  accused  of  treason  &  executed  in  front  of  the  public  ,  alongside  his  friend  .  seeing  it  with  her  own  eyes  ,  a  need  for  vengeance   started  to  form   and  her  dislike  for  nobles  only  started  to  grow  ,  especially  the  queen  herself  .
her  fathers  death  was  hard  on  her  and  her  mother  .  her  mother  didn’t  even  know  what  to  do  with  herself  anymore  .  she  didn’t  go  outside  anymore  ,  didn’t  talk  much  ,  she  didn’t  really  do  much  of  anything  besides  sit  in  her  fathers  favorite  chair  in  front  of  the  fire  .  valyria  could  barely  handle  it  ,  and  so  she  started  spending  a  lot  more  time  away  from  home  . 
she  had  come  after  not  being  so  for  a  week  one  time  ,  only  to  find  her  mother  dead  in  that  chair  she  never  moved  from  .  there  was  an  empty  vile  on  the  floor  and  a  note  that  only  read  ‘ i  love  you  .  ‘  (  she  still  has  the  note  til  this  day  )  dealing  with  her  death  was  harder  than  her  dads  .  for  now  she  was  truly  alone  .  she  has  her  mothers  necklace  from  her  father  ,  and  she  never  takes  it  off  .  
born  and  raised  in  the  stormlands  ,  it  is  her  home  .  though  she  travels  quite  often  to  make  more  money  .   while  she’s  primarily  an  assassin  ,  she  still  does  dabble  in  other  crimes  like  stealing  ,  smuggling  ,   forging  .   need  something  done  ?  she’s  your  gal  !  she  doesn’t  really  have  many  morals  
she’s  got  a  knack  for  using  poisons  .  she  learned  it  from  an  older  woman  during  her  travels  ,  and  continued  to  study  them  over  the  years  .   she  carries  a  collection  with  her  everywhere  she  goes  .  as  well  as  a  sword  &  knives  concealed  on  her  ,  as   she  does   love  the  old  fashioned  way  too  &  sometimes  it’s  just  faster  .
she  will  sometimes  sleep  with  her  victims  before  she  kills  them  .  it’s  something  she  does  more so  for  herself  ,  but  also  sometimes  for  them  .  give  em  one  last  good  time  before  the  end  .  she  will  also  rob  them  afterwards  ,  if  they  have  anything  good .
valyria  loves  to  learn  .  whether  it’s  new  fighting  methods  ,  or  history  of  things  ,  she’s  a  bucket  of  knowledge   .  she  was  probably  a  maester  in  another  life  tbh
she’s  good  at  a  lot  of  things  but  riding  a  horse  isn’t  one  of  them  .  she  would  rather  run  than  get  on  one  of  them  .  she’s  never  liked  them  much  anyways
as  for  as  her  personality  goes  ,  she’s  aggressive  ,  selfish  ,  and  grumpy  a  lot  the  time  .   she  doesn't  really  make  friends  easily  ,  and  doesn’t  see a  need  in  getting  close  to  people  .  in  her  experience  ,  she  looses  them  all  .  she  keeps  to  herself  and  remains  stoic  for  the  most  part  .  
being  back  in  kings  landing  for  the  first  time  since  her  father  was  killed  ,  she has  hopes  that  this  will  be  the  end  of  the  queen’s  reign  .  even  if  has  to  play  a  part  in  it  herself  ,  she  wants  to  see  her  fall  .  
wanted  connections  :
the  one  who  got  away  :  this  would  be  the  only  person  valyria  failed  to  kill  .  she  was  interrupted  before  the  job  could  get  done  &  fled  the  scene  .  
someone  she  got  away  from  :  give  me  a  noble  she  stole  from  when  she  a  bit  younger  &   she  managed  to  escape  by  killing  one  of  their  guards  .  maybe  they’re  still  out  for  her  ,  maybe  they  forgot  ,  wHo knows  
enemies  :  boy  oh  boy  she’s   got  an  endless  list  of  these  sfksef  bring  her  all  the  enemies  especially  a  rival  assassin  pls  &  ty
friends  :  mybe  another  assassin  /  crime  friend  ,  or  anyone  really  !  she  doesn’t  really  have  a  lot  of  friends  ,  but  there  is  a few  of  em  out  there  . 
clients  :  people  that  often  go  to  her  when  they  want  someone  to  disappear  :)
lovers  :  male  ,  female  ,  non  binary  she   don’t  care  :)  she’s  had  plenty  over  the  years  ,  she’s  just  a  lil  flirt  (  bonus  points  if  its  an  unrequited  love  one  on  either  of  their  parts  )
i  dont  have  a  name  for  this  one  but  give  me  someone  she’s  soft  around  .  someone  who  gets  to  see  what’s  under  that  tough  exterior  .  she  hates  it  ,  but  secretly  doesn’t  at  the  same  time  .  this  could  be  platonic  or  romantic  !
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gaymirajane · 6 years
the lion’s mark
Happy Valentines Day @jinx13gxa2!! 
It’s so funny to me that I got you for the exchange, and I do sincerely hope that you enjoy this, as well as the dumb little edits I’ve added at the bottom. I love you, sweetheart, and I hope this does not disappoint!
Also thanks to @gaysquaredwrites for being my beautiful beta <3
It was cold inside, which was not unusual, and yet both boys were curled by the fire, shirtless, inspecting each other’s bare torsos.
“Mine is way more impressive than yours!”  Lyon smirked, and Gray smacked him in the arm, irritated. Still, his azure eyes were wide, and full of awe; he had never seen anything as beautiful as the tattoo on Lyon’s pectoral before.
The lion head was a mere outline, and yet it sat poised, majestic, in deep golden swirls across Lyon’s body. He had a tattoo too, of course, but the black Chinese dragon that curled around Gray’s forearm was more simplistic, less memorable.
These markings were all they had been able to talk about since Ur had explained their origins, sitting them down and talking in smooth, hushed tones. It was rare that all three of them were calm and together, but Gray’s pain had made him insensitive, and he had mocked Lyon’s lack of knowledge on the subject matter.
“You don’t even know what your tattoo is?” Gray had sneered, and Lyon blushed furiously, indignant that the younger boy could know something so fundamental to their society, and yet he did not. Growing up on the streets had not been kind to Lyon, and he had had nobody to speak to, or explain these matters to him. The peculiar lion’s head was a mystery to him growing up; but when Ur took in the two orphans, she was agreeing to take care of them mentally, as well as physically.
Ur stretched her limbs, threw some more kindle on the fire, and smiled gently at the two boys. They leaned forward, eagerly, and she rested a hand on both of their cheeks. She had never been more of a mother to them than in that moment, sitting there and explaining an ancient magic to her two adopted children. Gray had heard this story from his parents, but still he sat there tentatively, his penance for being rude to Lyon earlier. He had never had a brother before, and it took some getting used to. It wasn’t a bad feeling to him, though; far from it.
“Back before our time, when dragons still roamed free, there was a great wizard who had a large family of daughters. Each of these daughters had their own personalities, their own pain and heartache, and he wanted to protect them. The thing was, the wizard was old and did not know how much time he had left on this world. So he did all he could do; he enchanted his family to always be able to tell when they met their soulmate, so that they would never be hurt by somebody who was wasting their time. To do this, he gave them markings that were symbolic of their loves, and as they married and had children, families grew and spread, and so did the wizard’s magic; not long after, generation after generation were experiencing the magic marks, and it just became our norm.”
Rolling up her sleeve, Ur exposed her own mark, a series of deep blue swirls covering the pale expanse of her wrist. The boys had seen it during training, of course, but had never thought to ask. Ur smiled at it, like she was seeing something that was not there; or rather, someone. Her thumb ran across the mark, and there was a redness to her cheeks that made her seem younger than her years, somehow vulnerable.
“I lost my love when she was still young. This was before Ultear was born, of course. They always say that the greatest pain a person can know, but…”
The sentence hung in the air, heavy and unfinished. Lyon looked down at his hands, and Gray sniffed loudly. Both boys knew how it ended:
But it does not compare to the pain of losing a child.
Standing abruptly, Ur cleared her throat, hands on hips as she stared down at her two disciples.
“Right! Who’s for hot chocolate?”
Both boys grinned, jumping up and racing to the kitchen, and Ur watched them go, grateful that they could not see the single, lone tear that slipped down her cheek.
She took one last glance at her mark before she pulled down her sleeve and followed the boys into the kitchen, relieved that they were discussing everything from species of lizard to if they could lick their elbows, the weight of the previous conversation already forgotten in their young minds.
Magnolia baked in the heat of the summer, and the wizards of Fairy Tail felt it more than most. Gray was naked by midday, threatening to peel off his skin just to be rid of the suffocating warmth, and Lucy was pressed against the bar, where Mirajane had set up a fan to rotate around the guil, allowing short breaks of respite.
“Someone… put potatoes on me, I’m cooking, I swear it,” Lucy groaned, and Mirajane laughed at her, but it lacked energy, and the barmaid soon slumped against the wall in defeat.
“Well, you lot are certainly lively today,” Loke grinned, and Lucy barely managed to lift an eyebrow at his sudden appearance.
“You’d better not be using my magic to come here,” She muttered, and Loke slid into the next to her, laughing. The small breeze his movements created were bliss, and Lucy sighed happily.
“Your concern is touching as always, Princess, but I’m using my own magic to be here and see my guildmates.”
“Are you even a member of Fairy Tail anymore?” Lucy rolled her eyes at him, and he stared at her. There was a hardness to him then that contrasted his usual bravado, and it was enough to have Lucy sitting up, giving him her full attention.
Loke removed his jacket, loosened his tie, and began to unbutton his dress shirt, much to Lucy’s ardent protests.
“Why are you doing a Gray, Loke?” Cana questioned, taking a swig from her barrel. Gray protested this, but nobody had the heart to point out that, as nude as he was, he did not have a leg to stand on.
Soon enough Loke had lost his shirt, and before Lucy had a chance to admire his impressive chest, he turned so that his back was facing her. In the middle of his back was a lime-green guild symbol. But that was not what grabbed Lucy’s attention; on his forearm was the outline of a snowflake, and Lucy almost fell from her stool in her haste to stand, to touch the marking.
“You have a match mark? I thought spirits were immune to that, not being human and all!” Her eyes were wide, and it was the most animated she had been all day. Sweat beaded on her forehead, slipped down her neck, and she fell back onto her seat.
Loke shrugged. “I guess because of the amount of time I spent in the human world, I became the exception? We’re not sure on that front, but I definitely have one. Mine’s a snowflake, Princess. What’s yours?”
She blushed, and Mirajane chuckled behind her hand.
“Um... it doesn’t matter. Forget I asked.”
Lucy crossed her arm over her chest in discomfort, knowing the tarot card that covered the majority of her left breast: the Lovers. Two women stood in front of the ocean. Mirajane had seen it, had commented on how it matched Juvia’s, only instead of the ocean, Juvia’s lovers were stood in front of the moon. It was reminiscent of Cana’s mark; the moon pulling the tide, and the meaning was clear. That did not mean that Lucy was ready to accept it.
Idly, Lucy wondered about Loke’s mark. The obvious link was to Gray, but Gray had found his dragon in Natsu; Loke was a lion, so it did not match. She did not ponder it any longer, the heat and the questions causing a headache to form in the front of her skull.
The guild went back to melting in peace, Loke tried to pick a fight with Gray, and the conversation was forgotten.
Lyon, no longer fearing his mark, pushed it to the back of his mind. Life passed, simultaneously over and underwhelming to him, and the next ten years were a blur of poorly suppressed emotions and guilt. Ur’s death, Galuna Island, Zeref, Deliora; he was ashamed of his heritage, but it was all he had.
Life improved, of course, once he joined Lamia Scale. The guild became his family, and he could keep track of Gray without actually having to speak to him. In many ways, it was perfect. Everything he had ever wanted, besides surpassing Ur, was coming true, and whether Lyon felt that he deserved it or not was irrelevant; this was his reality, and he was determined to live for it.
“The Masters have decided to combat the threat of the Barram Alliance once and for all, starting with the most prominent threat, the Oracion Seis. I’m sending Lyon, Sherry, and Jura. If you brats fail, I’ll spin you!”
The old woman was eccentric and tiresome, but in a warm way; like a great aunt that, no matter how she yelled, there was a fondness for. Lyon felt it then, in the trust that she was placing in him and Sherry despite their respective pasts. A second chance was something that Lyon was grateful for, something he had found within the guild, and he knew that Fairy Tail would be participating in this battle. With any luck, he would be able to fight alongside Gray again, prove to his brother that he had changed; that things between them could improve.
He got his wish.
The Oracion Seis were formidable; nothing like Lyon had encountered before; their resources alone were enough to terrify him. Gray flanked him on one side, Lucy and Sherry on the other. The women bickered, and Lyon wanted to point out that the midst of battle was hardly the time nor place for such pettiness, but he and Gray had been the same, had lost their shirts in the heat of their argument. Fighting with Gray, their match marks exposed, creating ice in beautiful, magical sculptures, made Lyon feel like a child again; as though none of the pain and suffering and tears had ever happened at all. But there were scars along the left side of Gray’s body that told a different story, and Lyon swallowed his guilt down at seeing the after-effects of Gray’s failed Iced Shell.
They were surrounded by lesser magic guilds, mere lackies; but their numbers were incredible, and even weak, they were slowing the group of wizards down.
“We need to reduce their numbers, and quickly!” Lyon yelled, sending an ice eagle flying through the crowd, picking up and dropping criminals onto one another.
Sherry animated the trees around them, Gray made shields and geysers, blocking attacks and separating the group of evil wizards; and Lucy stood grasping her keys. She found the one that she desired, and smirked to herself.
“Open, gate of the lion: Loke!”
Light exploded from Lucy’s hand, bright and golden and a familiar, a hue that Lyon had seen every day of his life. His step faltered, eyes darting to the tattoo on his chest, a bust of a lion.
Open, gate of the lion.
A man appeared, smartly dressed, grinning like a cat.
“Always a pleasure to serve you, Princess.”
He turned, and his gaze caught Lyon’s; they both halted. The man was beautiful, with a mane of ginger hair and sharp, shining teeth. He had two sets of ears, which was odd; but Lyon found that he did not mind. It added to the feline sense of lithe strength, and Lyon was surprised with the urge that passed over him, to touch those lean muscles and that soft hair.
An enemy ran at him, and with one hand he produced an ice panther that leapt on him, taking him down with ease.
“You’re an ice wizard?” The celestial spirit yelped, and Lyon nodded slowly, quizzical.
In a second the man had stripped, his muscles defined and pale and so close that if Lyon just reached out--
But then he turned to the side, and his match mark became apparent. A snowflake, indigo, the same shade as Lyon’s guild mark, and Lucy let out a nervous laugh.
“No way…”
Gray noticed next, and the horror that darkened his features was fitting for the middle of battle, but maybe not this situation.
“My brother and my best mate? No fucking way.”
“Lyon-sama…” Sherry blushed, eyes wide, and Lyon cleared his throat.
His heart was racing, heat crawled over his skin; but there was a mission to do, a job to complete. Being a guild wizard meant putting yourself second, and his personal life came long after protecting Cait Shelter; still, if Lyon’s destined match was a celestial spirit, that brought more questions to mind than he had time to answer. There was no doubting it; he had to survive this battle to get to know the man with a lion’s mane, and take the next tentative steps towards his future, whatever that may be.
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blatherkatt · 7 years
Title: The Calm Is Terrifying When The Storm Is All You Know [Homestuck]
Chapter 33: Declarations 
Summary: There were two kinds of trolls who went to Earth: rich shitheads with too much money and free time, and desperate assholes who couldn’t survive on Alternia, even with the best efforts of the young Condesce. Karkat hated the planet almost immediately, but with his home planet too dangerous for mutants, he really didn’t have any choice but to hide out on this weird little diurnal planet. At least he’d be safe. Or so he thought, right before blundering his way into an accidental friendship with the son of an anti-troll terrorist.
Rating: M
Chapter Warnings: Implied/Mentioned abuse, mentions of terrorism, death mention, injury mention, depiction of an emotional breakdown, trauma aftermath; Illustrated; Pesterlog
— carcinoGeneticist [CG] began trolling tipsyGnostalgic [TG] —
— tipsyGnostalgic [TG] is an idle chum! —
TG: okay first off i know youre like a literal alien but heres a protip for ya:
TG: general human earth etiquette is to not text people who you know are probably driving?
TG: its like a whole thing
TG: idk probs because texting while driving’s a great way to fucking crash lol
TG: anyway!!
TG: yeah im real sorry about that mom fucking rang me up like
TG: hi im at the airport come get me!
TG: out of fucking nowhere because everything has to be a fucking hassle with this woman
TG: so i had to go get her
TG: because fuck me is why
TG: and THEN shes like
TG: ooooh i gotta do some mysterious whatthefuckever errand at some mall out in the middle of nowhere
TG: so now im sitting in the parking lot waiting for her to get back which might be a while because her bad leg’s been acting up lately
TG: and thats why im not there yet >:(
TG: nonono
TG: ray is like. dirk and dave and rose’s mom
TG: i dont call her mom i just call her aunt ray cuz shes not my mom yknow
TG: my mom is aunt ray’s sister
TG: aunt ramona? they talk about her?
TG: hahaha yeah her trashy shit is great
TG: apparently!!!!!!!!
TG: ugh its fine she just always does shit like this
TG: womans always gotta make a fuckin entrance even if that means not telling anyone shes coming
TG: and its goddamn annoying as shit!!
TG: but its fine i get it shes here to help out and we are kinda all hands on deck
TG: speaking of tho i heard something about kanaya not coming along after all?
TG: ooooh yeah geez i bet
TG: poor dave :( :( :(
TG: i gotta tell you and mom some uh. serious shit about him when i pick you both up
TG: id pass it on here but its probs better if i just tell you face to face?
TG: :(
TG: tl;dr hes not in great shape but hes getting better but theres some stuff we gotta go over
TG: jfc mom what the fuck are you doing its been ages
TG: yeah
TG: woman can take care of herself just fine so like im not worried??
TG: but still, like. cmon woman!!! whatever it is hurry up a little
TG: it cant be that important we got places to be
In terms of location, it was almost an outlet mall; somewhat detached from the nearest city and surrounded by forest. It was mostly all one building, positioned in a dip in the ground next to a clear stream, and these features had helped make it a serviceable fortress during the invasion, although Derek had regularly complained that he’d have preferred a site that held the high ground. Still, they’d made do; the roof was high enough that one could see for quite some distance, the stream offered fresh water, the trees provided decent enough cover during skirmishes, and the walls were thick enough to turn away most weather and weapons. It hadn’t been much, but it had served well enough as home for six years for around threescore ragtag survivors-turned-fighters.
Out in the surrounding forest, those who hadn’t survived that conflict still lay buried in pitiful graves marked only with a stone or a chunk of wood. There hadn’t been time to properly put anyone to rest; it had been risky enough for two or three people to slip out during a stretch of quiet with a shovel and a body. They simply hadn’t been able to afford to have any sort of formal burial, not with the threat of an attack constantly looming.
Even so, even so…
Derek had picked a spot he would remember.
In life, the oak tree would have been the kind people would have thought of as a monarch, with branches spread wide and gnarled wood ancient and strong, holding children in its branches as easily as if they were made of nothing; but the tree had already been dead by the time the invasion started, a great, ancient, dried-out husk. Even so, decades later, it still stood, its branches reaching toward the sky, the other trees forming a circle around it as though too respectful to come too close. Mushrooms and trails of greenery crept about a quarter of the way up the ancient trunk.
At its roots, a rotting wooden spar stuck up out of the ground. This, too, had been reclaimed by flowers, grasses and mushrooms, decorating the splintered and decayed timber with dark summer greens and pale white-and-lavender blooms.
Derek Strider, down on one knee with his sheathed sword held in his right hand, sighed. Of course, the trouble with having to bury the dead so hastily meant that there’d been no one to look over the graves, so it was to be expected that it be in such disrepair, but even so, seeing this one choked out by the invading flora was…
It wasn’t right.
Overhead, the ancient branches rustled slightly, and the raucous calling of a bird broke the silence. Derek narrowed his eyes and ignored it, tried to write the disrespectful noise out of the scene.
The crow seemed to have other ideas. The bird lighted down on the wooden grave marker, red eyes fixed on Derek’s face. It flapped its wings a few times, cawing incessantly. Derek scowled, unsheathed his sword, and struck —
The blade passed through the bird with no resistance whatsoever. The creature’s body split in two, bloodlessly, as though Derek had cut through smoke — it even looked like smoke, like a cloud cut in two by a passing jet. As Derek looked on, uncomprehending and with a growing sense of dread, the bird’s body seemed to pull itself back together, a video played in reverse, and the bird’s accusatory squawks started up again as though nothing had happened.
Derek was on his feet in an instance, stepping away from the beast, and as he did, he happened to look up…
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Perched on nearly every branch of the old tree were ravens. Unlike the crow, they were all silent, and aside from the occasional shifting of a foot or tilting of a head, motionless. Scores of staring animal eyes bored into him.
Derek had never been a superstitious man, but nor was he the sort of fool to ignore the truth his own eyes showed him. He’d spent six years fighting alongside a witch, and seen enough to learn that some things really couldn’t be explained away as coincidence.
Had it been anyone else, he would have responded to the sound of footsteps approaching this site with a furious attack; even Ben knew better than to disturb him here. But when he whirled to face the intruder, he froze.
She’d aged more since he’d last seen her than he would have expected. Hints of silver streaked her hair, and she leaned heavily on her gnarled black cane. A faint breeze stirred the black fabric of her dress, playing with the light shawl laying across her shoulders. The crow had fallen silent.
“Put that thing away before you take someone’s eye out,” said Ramona, nodding nonchalantly at Derek’s sword.
Derek narrowed his eyes, and did not respond aloud, instead choosing to slowly and deliberately slide the sword back into its sheathe. Only after his left hand had returned to his side did Ramona nod and continue.
“That’s better,” she said. “Now we can talk things over like reasonable adults. Mind you, I ought to do the world a favor and wipe you out right now,” and Derek took a slow, deep breath at that, as she continued, “But I’d prefer not to desecrate your brother’s grave by staining it with your blood. I respect him far too much for that. You, however, have somehow managed to exceed all of my worst expectations to a nearly unfathomable degree, as of late. I’ve held off on this confrontation out of respect for the past, but I can see now that this was a mistake.”
Derek shifted. “Everything I’ve done has been to protect our damn planet, Ramona,” he started, but was cut off.
“Really?” she said, “Well, then. I’m not about to attempt to ask you to cease killing trolls, as we both know that would be pointless, but I would very much like to know how exactly burning your own son alive plays into your grand battle strategy?”
“He…he turned on us,” Derek said, through gritted teeth, “He forced my hand, left me no choice!”
“He is a child!” Ramona snapped. “And you, of all people, should know better! If you really must follow this path of self-destruction to its end, fine, but he should never have been involved!”
“And in any case, you had a perfectly good sword on hand, I’m sure. If young Dave really did need to die, you could have executed him with minimal pain, but no, you wanted him to hurt, to know he was dying and to fear you and suffer as he passed. How do you justify that, Derek? How does anyone, especially a child, deserve anything of the sort?”
The eyes of the ravens and that damned crow still drilled into him. He could feel the stares on his back, but kept his eyes locked on Ramona’s, refusing to back down.
He wasn’t going to take back what he’d done. There’d be no guilt, he’d done nothing wrong except overreact a bit. It was justified. That…that boy wasn’t Dave. Ramona was using the name like a blade, but she’d not win that way. He didn’t deserve the fucking name, didn’t deserve to have anything to do with Dave, he never would have let Rachel name the kid that if he’d known he was going to grow up to be such a pathetic, useless little coward.
“I don’t have to explain myself to you,” he said.
“No, I suppose you don’t,” said Ramona, folding her hands over the top of her cane. “I’ve a fairly good idea, in any case.” She sighed. “The war is over, Derek. The time to put aside this violence and misery is long since behind us. Our children do not deserve to grow up as we did.”
“The trolls are still here,” Derek spat.
There was a long silence. Ramona sighed again.
“Fine, then,” she said, “So be it. Do as you will. Chase violence as long as you like. But if you come near my family again, I will consider it an act of war.”
She turned, and he was tempted to take the bait, to try attacking her while her back was turned, but he held still. It was infuriating, knowing what a pointed insult turning her back on him was, knowing that she knew he would not risk attacking her—but she was right. She was much too dangerous.
“Come along, little one,” she said, abruptly. The crow rose off the grave and flew to land on top of Ramona’s cane. If Derek had cared to pay any attention, he might have noticed the crow look back at him with something like regret in its eyes, but Derek was already far too lost in his own thoughts.
As one bird, the ravens took wing, dispersing in all directions, leaving him alone again.
The trouble with trying to go from Alternian to English was a multifaceted one, to be sure, but so far the most obnoxious piece of it that Karkat could see was the tendency of guides on how to speak English to simply use the closest Alternian equivalent as an English word’s translation. More and more, the two languages were notably extremely different, and while he could speak English well enough that he’d never had any serious problems, there were any number of words that he kept tripping over as a result of a translation being extremely unclear and culturally misleading.
Witches, for instance, were clearly something very different on Earth. The Alternian word that was translated to English as “witch” was, like most Alternian words, a series of noises in the ‘click and growl’ family that most humans lacked the anatomy to create, and generally refered to certain lowblood prophets and healers in Alternian folklore. They were those who lived away from society and who, through some lucky genetics and convenient psychic powers, were able to fend of drones and effectively disappear from the world at large’s knowledge. They kept to themselves, sought to harm no one who didn’t attack them first, offered shelter to the weak and the hunted, and as such were always portrayed as utterly despicable beings in fiction, as no writer with any sense of self-preservation had dared to portray such reckless treachery under the rule of the last Condesce. There might have been some changes to the lore under the new one’s rule, but things like that changed slow.
In any case, they certainly weren’t anything like the old woman in a shawl who was sitting next to Roxy in the front of her car.
She was dressed all in black, for one thing. Alternian witches didn’t tend to wear much black. Some Alternian witches didn’t tend to wear all that much clothing at all, really. Most seemed to belong to ancient religions that weren’t particularly fond of shirts.
Ramona was definitely magic as shit, though, Rachel’d been right about that much. Was that all a witch was on Earth, just someone with magic? Fuck, if that were the case, then probably like at least a third of all trolls were witches by Earth’s standards. Then again, maybe magic was another poorly translated word? English didn’t seem to have a word to separate “things that we (read: trolls) know exist, like psychic powers and psiionics and ghosts and chucklevoodoos,” and “things that are super fake and don’t actually happen ever and make no sense.”
Whatever. In any case, Ramona didn’t look at all like Karkat had expected, and when he climbed into the back of the car, she didn’t react to his presence with anything stronger than an amiable nod. She seemed to have her mind on other things, and was largely silent at first.
Roxy wasn’t; she immediately piped up happily as Karkat swung open the door with a “Hey, man! Sorry about taking so long! Can you, uh, do me a favor and check on Jaspers? He’s in the carrier behind Mom, Rose asked me to pick him up while she and Aunt Ray were gone. He’s been missing them a lot, all staring out the window and kneading his blanket and shit, and he’s not a huge fan of car rides.”
“He’s asleep,” Karkat said after glancing into the little crate.
“Awesome. Alright, buckle up and we’ll get this damn show on the road.”
“On the road again, just can’t wait to get on—”
Karkat tilted his head as the car’s radio abruptly changed from quietly playing some human pop song over to something much louder and completely different. Ramona stifled a snort as Roxy stabbed a button, switching the radio back to the previous channel.
“No, thank you,” she said, glaring. “Christ, the fuck is with this thing today, I swear to god.”
“I suppose it may simply be getting into the spirit of things,” said Ramona with a smile. As the car pulled away from the curb, she turned back a bit to face Karkat. “It’s Karkat, isn’t it? Rachel’s been sending me any number of emails with updates, and from the sound of things, you’ve been rather instrumental in bringing young Dave back into the fold, so to speak.”
“…Into the what?”
“It’s a figure of speech, meaning in this case that you’ve helped us return him home as well as helping him to adjust to being there,” she said. “For which you have all of our heartfelt thanks. Ours is perhaps not the most functional of families, but it  is ours, and as I’m sure you’ve seen firsthand, ripping away a piece of it the way Derek did has had some very painful consequences for all involved. We owe you a great deal.”
“Yeah, man!” Roxy said. “And from what Rose has been telling me, you were kind of a big part of why he finally spilled what he knows. Which, he did bee-tee-dubs, which means he’s off house arrest finally, so that’s good—”
“—And a partridge in a pear tree,” the radio crackled.
“What the fuck? It’s August,” Roxy scowled. She turned the radio off altogether as Ramona glanced hurriedly out the window.
“Speaking of Dave,” Karkat said, hopefully before anyone got distracted again, “Roxy, you mentioned that there was something that you needed to say face to face?”
“Right, shoot, yeah,” said Roxy. The car turned onto the long road that led eventually to the Lalonde hive. “Okay, so, like. There’s definitely some shit you should know before we get there, but I wanna preface it all real clearly by saying that Dave’s okay, y’know? He’s got a lot of healing to do, but the doctors said that as long as he’s looked after and we change bandages and shit and he gets plenty of rest, he’s definitely not in any danger anymore. He’s…weak, but he’s not like gonna keel over at any moment, okay?”
“Not actually making me feel any better, Roxy!” said Karkat. Oh, boy, with a preface like that…
“Well, fuck, I tried, I guess. Uh. So, Dave did get hurt…pretty bad, and there were some other complications—oh, for fuck’s sake!!”
“Watch me, watch me, hey, watch me, watch me!” The radio was louder than ever. Ramona’s hand flew up, poorly hiding a grin.
Karkat leaned around Roxy’s seat to glare at her.
“What the fuck, Roxy,” said Karkat.
“I’m not doing this!” Roxy said, waving her hand wildly. “I swear to fuck, I wouldn’t! I really do need to pass on some shit about poor Dave, and the radio’s never done this before? It’s been acting up since a little before we picked you up, keeps changing on its own and shit, augh!”
She fought with the controls, but the song stopped only for a moment before getting even louder.
“Why the fuck do you humans even have this obnoxious song?! Who listens to this?? It’s literally just some squawking wiggler screeching for its lusus’s attention!”
“I mean, I kinda love it for that honestly, it’s terrible and stupid and wonderful, but like, come the fuck on??? What’s with this thing?! Now is not the time!”
“Ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass—“
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“GOD, that’s even worse!!” Roxy yelled, slamming her fist down on the dashboard. “Fucking stop!!”
“That’s enough for now,” Ramona said, almost murmuring it.
The radio turned off. Karkat and Roxy both turned a suspicious eye on Ramona, and with equal simultaneity, decided to drop it for now.
“Anyway,” Roxy said slowly, “What I was trying to say is, um…Karkat, do you know what it means for someone to ‘flatline?’ Because, um. Dave kinda did, for like, a minute and a half.”
Karkat shook his head, realized Roxy probably couldn’t see him with her eyes on the road, and said, “Uh, I have no idea what that word means, no.”
“Well, um…”
“It refers to a heart monitor indicating that the heart has ceased beating,” Ramona said. “The machine indicates activity with a line which shows peaks and valleys, and it goes flat when that activity has stopped, thus, ‘flatline’. The organ we call a heart serves an equivalent function to what trolls call a ‘blood pusher’ or a ‘pump biscuit.’”
Karkat felt for a moment like his own pump biscuit had stopped.
“Shit, Mom, when did you get so good at translating to trolls?” Roxy murmured.
Ramona shrugged. “I’ve made efforts to reach out,” she said. “The war ended, after all, and since we’re allies now, it doesn’t hurt to learn about each others’ cultures.”
“His fucking—What?!” Karkat screeched, unable to keep the harsh buzzing whine out of his voice. God, that was such a moirail noise, and any other time he’d have yelled at himself for not keeping it under control, but not now, not when… “His fucking blood pusher stopped and I’m supposed to be calm!?!”
“They got it moving again!” Roxy said. “He’s okay now, the doctors said it was going strong! It was, um, mostly just exhaustion, they think? Like, the burn wounds could’ve killed him on their own, sure, but they got on those quick enough that if he’d been healthy to begin with he probably wouldn’t have been so bad off? But between ten years of, you know…and just, apparently he hasn’t been eating enough even while he’s been back with us? And Ray’s gonna get on his ass about that, but, just—look, the thing is, Dirk doesn’t know about this yet, and Aunt Ray’s asked that we try to keep it that way, and I don’t really get why but I think she has her reasons?”
Karkat was definitely hyperventilating, oh fuck, oh fuck—Ramona’s hand reached back to touch his own, snapping him out of it.
“It’s fine to be worried,” she said, gentle. “I promise you, though, it is as Roxy says: he’ll be fine given time to recover and the safety with which to do so. He’ll be alive when we get there.” She sat back in her chair, turning towards the road again. “As for Dirk, I suspect Rachel is waiting for things to settle down before breaking it to him gently. He is, for better or worse, very like his father, and Derek handled his brother’s death poorly, in large part because at the time we could not afford to mourn. Rachel probably wants to make sure that Dirk does not feel he has to force himself to be strong when she tells him.”
“Makes sense, I guess,” Roxy muttered. “Anyway, the main thing about that is that he’s not got a lot of energy right now, so don’t…take it personally if he just falls asleep on you sometimes? Especially with the painkillers he’s on, apparently that’s a side effect, too. He can walk short distances, but he gets wobbly quick and needs help sometimes, so there’s that too.”
“Fuck,” said Karkat, softly.
The next ten minutes of the ride were carried out in tense silence. This was broken by the radio once again bursting back on and blasting the ass song again, at which point Roxy threatened to pull over and smash the fucking thing to smithereens.
By the time they actually got to the fucking house, Karkat felt like his soul was going to vibrate right out of his fucking body with impatience. They had yet another delay in the form of Terezi’s protection detail—Terezi herself wasn’t there, but some officers were, and they insisted on knowing about any weapons the three of them had as well as names, and went in to check with the family while making them all wait outside by the car. Karkat already had his fucking bag in hand, he was ready to go, but no, they had to go through this tedious procedure! Sure, it was probably a smart move, and when he was feeling a little more sensible he’d be more okay with it as it was the sort of thing that probably would make them all feel a bit safer (especially poor fucking Dave), but right now the were a pain in the ass and he was going to fucking explode!!! If they didn’t!!! Let him get in the fucking hive!!!!!
Rose stepped out as they were still talking to the police, and for the first time in his life Karkat was unspeakably happy to see her. She quickly confirmed to the police that all three of them were in fact expected and trusted by this household, and then gently let Jaspers out of his carrier. The cat immediately yowled and threw himself into her arms, kneading at her shoulders and rubbing his face against hers, and it all would have been super cute if Karkat didn’t have his mind on other fucking things.
“Come on in,” Rose said, nodding towards the door. “Dirk’s on the couch and Dave’s in Mom’s room, as neither of them can handle stairs right now and Dave needs his bandages changed at least twice a day. Karkat, do you—”
She was talking to air. He was already in the fucking door.
And then had to face the fact that he’d never actually been to Rachel’s room. Fuck. Rachel was coming up the hall, though, and a slightly bewildered young human (wait, fuck, that was Dirk, what happened to his hair? It looked so weird hanging down like that instead of spiked up) was sitting on the couch with an Earth husktop on his lap. Roxy pushed in the door with Ramona right behind her, dropped a heavy wheeled bag right next to the door, and immediately launched herself at Dirk, who gave a startled yelp as she did so.
Rachel rested a hand on Karkat’s shoulder as she passed him, rushing up toward Ramona throwing her arms around her shoulders. The two shared a long hug, and Rachel kissed Ramona’s cheek.
“God, I’m so glad you’re here,” Karkat heard Rachel murmur, before Rose tapped his shoulder.
“I was asking if you knew where Mom’s room is,” Rose said.
“It’s down the hall to the observatory, but you take a left before you get to it. Make sure to make plenty of noise on the way over, Dave gets really jumpy when he’s the only person in that room. He can’t block the door since we need to be able to come in and out, and it’s got him a bit on edge.”
Karkat nodded, unable to get any words out past the lump in his throat. He more or less just dropped his bag on the ground and pushed past, zooming around toward the room indicated. Dave looked half-asleep when Karkat pushed the door open, and waved as he sat up with some effort.
God, the photo Rose had taken didn’t do justice to how fucking bad he looked. There were bruises across his face and neck turned a weird greenish-gray but still dark against his skin, and bandages everywhere, his hair was a mess (although that might have just been from sleeping). He was in some oversized shirt with an Earth hoofbeast on the front that was probably Dirk’s judging by the size, and Karkat had no idea why Dave had it on but right now he didn’t care.
“Hey, man, uh. Shit’s been crazy, huh?” Dave said with an awkward grin. He didn’t have his shades on either, which made sense if he’d been sleeping, except they weren’t on the bedside table (which did instead contain a nearly empty glass of water, several bottles of pills and salves, and a first aid kit from which clean cloth bandages overflowed).
Two weeks of emotion boiled over all at once. Wordless, Karkat stomped across the room and grabbed Dave’s stupid fucking shirt in both hands and tugged him close.
“It was three days, Dave,” Karkat hissed.
“Three days! And you got yourself fucking kidnapped by a terrorist on day goddamn two!! What the fuck, Dave?!” His voice was threatening to abandon him, but Karkat forced it right back into place by sheer willpower. This tangent would not be fucking stopped, hell no. “I take my eyes off of you for two days, and you get yourself into shit again! What the fuck!!! Do you have any idea how-how fucking agonizing it’s been waiting for news?! And you’re just sitting there like ‘Oh, hey! What’s up?’ What’s up is my foot up your waste chute, you hopeless fucking—!” Okay, nope, his voice was leaving after all, actually. He felt tears roll down his face, and he should’ve been more worried about that, but Dave already knew about his blood color and he was the only troll in the house right now, so, fuck it, fuck it all! Helpless, he tugged Dave closer again, letting his face press against that stupid shirt, claws still twisted into the fabric as he sobbed.
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“Holy shit,” Dave muttered.
“I was so fucking scared,” Karkat gasped. This was pathetic, they weren’t remotely a couple, Karkat had no right to be this worked up and he knew it, but…Dave wasn’t exactly pushing him away, either, was he?
“I’m sorry, man, I didn’t even…It wasn’t planned this time, it just sorta happened, and Dirk got hurt, and I…”
“I’m not actually angry at you, despite having so much right to be that legislacerators everywhere have preemptively declared me innocent. I’m just fucking screaming for the sake of it, dumbass.”
The awkward pause that followed was filled with only the sound of Karkat’s weeping, which, fuck, he was probably too fucking embarrassed to tell him off. Except…Dave’s hand lifted up to rest gently against Karkat’s back, so, maybe he didn’t mind that much? Was that wishful thinking?
“Sorry for this,” he said, just in case, as he pulled away a bit. “It’s really fucking embarrassing, I know, I just…”
“It’s cool, man,” said Dave. Then, with a wink, he said, “I know you got your massive Strider homocrush, it’s only natural—”
“Dave, I swear to fuck, injured or not, I will pummel you into dust with a fucking pillow, don’t test me!” Karkat snapped.
Dave snorted. “Hey, man, it’s fine, everyone’s allowed to be a lil gay sometimes with their friends, it’s only natural.”
“I’ll ‘natural’ you!! Motherfucker, I spent the two weeks worrying about your wellbeing and you come at me with more of this bullshit!!”
Dave cackled with laughter. Karkat rolled his eyes and sniffled. He feigned annoyance as best he could, but, God, it was such a relief to hear Dave laugh. Rubbing a sweater sleeve furiously across his eyes, Karkat pulled back, sitting awkwardly on the edge of the bed. “Okay, but seriously, what’s with the shirt?” he asked, gesturing at the floating head of the hoofbeast. It wasn’t even a joke or a drawing. It was just…a straight photo of a hoofbeast’s face, with no text or explanation of any sort. What the fuck??
Dave glanced down, and snickered. “Oh, shit. Uh, yeah, we needed something that’s easy to get me in and out of, since the bandages on this fuckin’ burn need to be changed like, a lot, not to mention the gross-ass cream they have us slathering all over it on the regular. We tried a button down, but the buttons were kinda chafing, and like…who the fuck wants to ruin a fancy shirt with gross burn juices, right? And Dirk’s shit is more comfortable, and this one’s big enough that it’s real easy to take off even if I’m high on the damn painkillers.”
Karkat winced slightly, but decided not to comment. The scream from the video echoed somewhere in his think pan. “Where’re your shades?”
“Bro fuckin’ stepped on them or something, man, I dunno. They fell off at some point, and they were already cracked before all that, and Terezi just found pieces. Which fucking sucks, I mean God dammit, those were a gift from John. Shit sucks.”
“John?” Karkat tipped his head.
“Yeah, he’s like, an old friend of mine. Have I not mentioned him to you? Whatever, he, uh.” Dave scratched at the side of his head. “He was an online friend from before Bro started doing the, uh, raid shit, and I kept talking to him and another friend, Jade, for a while afterwards even though I wasn’t supposed to?”
“Jade’s name I remember,” Karkat said.
“Haha, yeah, yeah cuz I told you about…anyway.” He cleared his throat. “I guess since Dirk’s college is starting up again soon, not that he’s going for the first couple weeks with his leg and a fucking concussion, but, it’s starting up, and John’s sister goes there too, and he’s gonna come with so we’ll be able to hang out for a bit? Which is fuckin’ rad, I haven’t even talked to the guy in three years and we’re finally meeting in person.”
“You want him to be here? While you’re this badly injured?” Karkat yelped.
Dave blinked at him like he’d just grown a secondary head.
“I mean, yeah?” Dave said. “Like, yeah, I’m not in great shape and I guess it’ll be a lil weird for him to see me like this, but I’ve missed him.” Before Karkat could press the question further, though, Dave yawned. “Ugh, fuck, I wanna keep talking, but I’m…halfway to falling asleep, shit.”
“Oh,” said Karkat. He got up, ready to leave. He wanted to stay, wanted to curl himself around Dave’s obnoxiously lanky frame as best he could and protect this fragile idiot human from the entire universe, but…it wasn’t his place, was it? No.
“You leaving?” said Dave, rubbing at his unbruised eye.
“You said you wanna sleep,” Karkat said.
“Right. Uh. Could you, like…fill this back up for me, then, I guess?” Dave said.
“…Sure,” said Karkat.
He was…still confused, but Dave was tired, so he didn’t press. But he couldn’t wrap his head around wanting a friend around while he was so injured—well, he’d wanted Karkat around, hadn’t he? He’d seemed happy to see him, aside from the, uh, yelling. Still, it didn’t make sense! Every troll knew as a small child that the only people you could trust when you were injured were your lusus, your moirail, and maybe your matesprit! Anyone else might take advantage of the weakness and kill you, that was just basic logic! But Dave didn’t even seem to be thinking about it.
And…and yet, come to think of it, Roxy’d been awfully forthright about how bad Dave’s condition was. Hell, she’d heard it from Rose, who seemed like the one most likely to know not to spread that weakness, but the humans were all sharing it and passing it around. It wasn’t just that they didn’t seem to care who knew that Dave and Dirk were injured, it was like they wanted people to know.
And as he filled up the glass of water in the kitchen, he watched as Roxy and Dirk talked on the couch, as Dirk told her that he’d passed on the news of their condition to Jane already, that Rose had told her and Dave’s friends, and it just kept going. Everyone had to be up to date on the fact that both brothers were injured and vulnerable, and yet…
“I hope the flight wasn’t too long,” Rachel was saying to Ramona.
“Nothing would be too long right now,” she said in turn, blowing gently on a cup of tea that Rachel had just poured her. “Times like these, we all need to do our part. I know I might not be able to do much, mind you. My leg’s been acting up something fierce, as of late, but I’ll do whatever I can.”
Something clicked. All at once, the curtains pulled back and Karkat saw the whole picture—saw maybe not what it always was, and certainly not what the Lalondes achieved on any sort of regular basis, but what it was supposed to be, how it was meant to work.
On Alternia, everyone lived in constant competition. Trolls had to be strong as close to all the time as they possibly could, or at the very least find a moirail who could, because otherwise their society wouldn’t particularly care much if they died. That just meant they didn’t deserve to be a part of the gene pool or to contribute to society. If they were injured badly and left vulnerable, it was seen as normal for others to take advantage of that weakness and exert power or outright kill a rival. It was how they survived so long, or so the cultural narrative had so long stated: by this competition, the strongest survive. Nevermind that this survival was built on the corpses of uncountable trolls who didn’t make the cut, it Worked.
As a result, trolls had been bewildered just as Karkat had by how humans as a species managed to be so frail and yet so reckless and to still survive, especially when they didn’t exactly have the kind of numbers that trolls did. Humans lacked the numbers to be expendable, lacked the strength and toughness that kept Trolls alive, and yet they looked Death in the eye and pointed and laughed, and pushed themselves to extremes for no purpose other than to have some warped idea of fun. It was a question that had lingered around his consciousness for ages; how the fuck do humans even work as a species? How had such a seemingly doomed race not died off yet?
The answer that hit him now, as he watched Roxy help Dirk stand up and balance himself on a pair of crutches, was that humans didn’t have to be strong all the time, and that was the magic of their little social units, their families—they took care of each other. No one person had to be good at everything, or so good at one thing that it could keep them safe in any situation. It didn’t matter that their skin was thin or that they weren’t particularly strong or fast, they always, always had others around who would pick up the slack, others who would come even across oceans to offer what aid they could in times of strife; they weaved together all their strengths and weaknesses into a fabric able to withstand just about anything. Fuck, no wonder they’d wanted Dave back so badly. The Lalondes may have been less a tapestry and more a patchwork quilt, but it was still their quilt, and Dave was a part of it….
He felt a near-agonizing pang of envy that he didn’t have a quilt of his own. Humans might have been stupid about a lot of things, but this…this they’d gotten right.  
“Fucking water? Is that really the best you could think of? Fucking dumbass,” Dave muttered to himself. God. This was stupid. This was all really fucking stupid. He couldn’t even deal with being alone while he was asleep, for Chrissakes! Too scared of nightmares of a big mean dog, like some fuckin’ little kid.
Yeah, he was tired, but he really, really didn’t wanna be alone right now, was the thing. Not with that fucking troll-drug-induced nightmare lingering around the edges, waiting to chase him down again at its first chance. But. Like. Karkat was kind of right? Bros don’t watch each other sleep, that’s fuckin’ creepy. Like. Okay, so maybe they’d done a bit of that way back when Karkat had been kidnapped, but they didn’t have a choice back then, and anyways they mostly slept at the same time during that experience, which was super different from just asking his best alien friend to fuckin’ hold his hand so the  bad dreams wouldn’t get him. Fuck.
So he’d asked Karkat to refill his glass, even though he wasn’t thirsty right now, because it was an excuse to make Karkat come back, at least for a few more minutes, and they could talk for a bit, and maybe Dave’d stop being tired, wouldn’t that be rad.
Karkat came back in looking really thoughtful. He handed the glass over, and Dave took a sip to try and look like he hadn’t been 100% bullshitting there, and mumbled a thanks as he set it down. Then, just as a thought, he jerked his head toward the rest of the bed—it was a big king-sized one, probably left over from before the divorce and Mom had just never downsized or whatever, so there was a lot of space to Dave’s right—and told Karkat he could sit down if he wanted, Dave wasn’t gonna, like, pass out right this minute or anything, haha.
Karkat stayed quiet, which was fuckin’ weird, but he did sit down. He stared at the sheets for a minute, and then spoke up suddenly, saying, “I think I get it.”
“Get what?” said Dave.
“Why they wanted you back so bad,” said Karkat. “I mean, way back when you were first arrested. I kind of fought with Dirk over it at one point, because my only experience with the word Dirk used for why you should be with him was fucking Strider. And also I think I get why this shit all works, for humans in general. I mean, I’m probably just saying obvious shit, but it’s not how trolls work, we don’t take care of each other, not like this.”
Dave tipped his head.
“I mean with the whole fucking family thing,” Karkat said, rolling his eyes. “I’ve been trying to get it this whole time, but this shit’s used to justify so much bullshit with you humans, and I think I get it now, and why it’s so fucking important to you as a species.”
Dave snorted. “Dude, it’s not that big a thing—”
“It is, though! It just seems normal to humans because it’s how you always work, but, Dave, I’m serious, back on Alternia it’s every troll for themself. Maybe you  have one person who has your back if you’ve got a moirail, maybe some are lucky like me and have friends who are actually consistently on your side and won’t take the first chance they get to kill you or fuck you up some other way, but we definitely don’t have a whole cluster of others we can just fall back on any time we’re met with something we can’t handle alone.”
“Makes sense, I guess,” Dave started, but Karkat just kept going. Apparently he’d had some sort of fuckin’ epiphany in the past two minutes.
“It took me so fucking long to get this, but I get it now! You know what I don’t get, though, is why the fuck you ever tried to convince me that Strider is part of your fucking family.”
Something in Dave dropped like a stone.
He’d…had a similar thought, really. Repeatedly. Multiple times, over the past week or so. He’d been kind of trying to avoid it, because every time it popped up, he got really stressed out.
“And don’t give me any of the bullshit about being ‘related’ or what the fuck ever, I don’t wanna hear it,” Karkat kept right on going. “I still don’t get why you humans care so much about that. The whole point of this family thing is that you all take care of each other, not that you’re related or whatever! Your aunt’s here, did you know that? She flew across an entire fucking ocean just to make sure she could help out you and Dirk! What the fuck did Strider ever do for you?”
It was a good question. And the answer, of course, was: aside from trying to  kill him, do you mean? Hahaha.
Karkat was still talking, but Dave wasn’t really hearing him. Fuck, this had been a mistake, he should’ve taken his chances with the fucking nightmare dog. That was better than this old song and dance with his own thoughts.
The facts were pretty simple. He’d operated under pretty clear logic when he went up against Bro: We’re family, so he loves me, so therefore if I ask him to let me leave and explain that I really can’t deal with this, he’ll let me go. Except, Bro had tried to kill him, which meant that…
That was as far as Dave ever got. He couldn’t think any farther than that.
He felt like…like the next thought should be obvious, but he couldn’t make himself think it. It was too big—not so much a square peg in a round hole as it was trying to cram a grain silo into a pinhole, and the thought threatened to overwhelm and destroy him, so instead of thinking it, his brain kept rejecting it, the effect being like a broken record skip-skip-skipping, over and over, repeating the last thought he could get to before the Big One, because he couldn’t not think the Big One, either…
It was so fucking stupid, it was just a thought, why couldn’t he…
“Hah, yeah, now that you mention it, I guess I was always kinda wrong about this shit, wasn’t I?” Dave said, unable to stop the sardonic laughter bubbling up in his throat. “I mean, fuck, no wonder it took you so long to get, I probably gave you the wrong idea. My dumb ass was convinced he’d never try to kill me, cuz we’re family, and, well, here we fuckin’ are!”
Skip, skip, skip—
Karkat was still talking in stuttered phrases in the gaps of Dave’s own flood of words, looking almost scared, but Dave didn’t comprehned any of them, and anyway, the ranting had started, there was no stopping this shit now. “Like, what the fuck was I even thinking, right? I really thought that was gonna work, that somehow he’d just let me go if I asked, like a fucking idiot! Haha, what a fuckin’ dipshit, right?! And here I was thinking he—” Frantic laughter bubbled up, overtaking the words, not that more would’ve come, that next thought was just too big. Was he crying? Fuck, Karkat didn’t need to see any of this shit, but he couldn’t stop, couldn’t think
Skip, skip, skip, skip, skipskipskipskipskipskip—
It wasn’t Karkat’s fault. It really wasn’t. He might’ve set it off, but the storm had been building up for days, now, and it broke hard, sweeping Dave up in a torrent of just wordless mental screaming. He couldn’t think the next thought. He couldn’t. But the thing was damming him up, and he couldn’t ignore it anymore, and he was stuck in the middle and left to just completely melt down and dissipate into the flood.
A sound like a cicada crossed with the creakiest horror movie door ever to creak ripped through the tides, and suddenly Dave found himself tugged into a full body hug, wrapped up in four limbs with his face pressed into a thick sweater. The touch dragged him out of the flood and onto dry land, brought him back into now before he even knew what was happening. Karkat’s whole chest was vibrating with some intense cricket-cat hybrid purr, and this should’ve been so embarrassing but he was so tired and so lost and it was fucking comforting, so who the fuck cared. Who cared anymore. It was all bullshit. He could be embarrassed later.
Too soon, Karkat seemed to have the same thought, and tried to pull away. “Shit, sorry, I shouldn’t—fuck, I’m so sorry, this is really presumptive and I know you aren’t even into boys,” he babbled.
Dave groaned, wrapping his arms around Karkat’s chest and pulling him close. “Dude, if you try to make this about alien romance right now, I swear to fuck,” he gasped out between harsh sobs. Christ, he was going harder than Karkat did like twenty minutes earlier, what the fuck.
Karkat paused. Good. It meant his warm arms were still there. “Dave, I…I mean, this is troll romance, this is textbook moiraillegience, and I shouldn’t just be throwing myself at you because you had a moment of weakness, no matter how bad I, uh.”
Dave sniffled, wracked his brain for a moment…Karkat had explained this stuff about a million times, which one was…”That’s like…the bros quadrant, right?”
“The what.”
“The one that’s, like, platonic and shit.”
“…Yeah?” The cricket-purr started up again, cautiously.
“We fuckin’ kinda do most of that shit already, don’t we?” Like. Yeah. He wasn’t gay. That was still a thing. But Karkat was warm and solid and real and Dave was fucking exhausted and didn’t want to be alone, especially not when he felt right now like he was wrapped in safety. “Please, Karkat,” he added, because why not beg. He was already at maximum pathetic, there was no digging this hole lower, fuck it. “I really don’t wanna be alone right now, just, please don’t go.”
Karkat was quiet for a long moment, but finally, the cricket-purr went back to full volume and Karkat’s arms tightened around him.
“Okay,” Karkat said quietly. Dave let out a breath he’d barely known he’d been holding and went back to crying.
“We’re going to have to talk about this later,” Karkat murmured, which put him at about normal volume for anyone else.
“Later, then,” said Dave, and let himself finally fall the fuck asleep.
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tumblunni · 7 years
Random Long Post About Charon!
This is random, but I feel like fans often don’t take into consideration what Professor Rowan says during the Rotom event. I think his words actually make it very clear that Charon was the kid who wrote the diary and shines some light on Charon’s motivation for acting like a jerk to Rotom. I’ll explain why I believe this:  “Ah, imagine finding you here! You must be eager to fill your Pokédex to be searching even here. What am I doing? I visit a professor I know in Eterna every so often. He tells me intriguing rumors of rare Pokémon sightings and such.” This part isn’t particularly relevant (though I do sort of wonder if the Professor Rowan visits is actually Charon himself), but this next part definitely is: “A Pokémon that slips into electric appliances, you say… Hmm… That is somewhat off from what I’ve heard about it. Hmm… This is what I’ve heard. Long ago, there was a Pokémon that merged with a toy robot. Should that Pokémon be recognized as a new species or not… Debates over the issue were about to start when they were rendered moot. The very topic of discussion–the Pokémon-infused robot–disappeared…” Okay, so the first thing that is really important to note here is that Rowan doesn’t have the exact same information as the player. This means Charon has done research that he was keeping to himself, and fits in with Charon writing that he wants his Rotom research to be a “secret.” But we also learn here that other scientists were at least introduced to Rotom somehow despite this.  Now, as for the “topic of discussion… disappeared” part–because Charon’s lab is secret, these words don’t refer to Rotom leaving the lab. Instead, they must refer to Charon putting it in that lab to keep it a secret. This might seem odd at first–why would Rotom have been introduced to scientists in the first place at all then…? But I actually think this all makes sense. Here’s a stripped-down version of the backstory based on all these details: –Charon obtains information about Rotom “by pure chance,” as he writes in the journal we know for a fact is his. –Other researchers somehow knew about it and were going to start debates about it. –Rotom is locked away in the lab by Charon so that he would get all the credit for describing it.  –Rotom eventually leaves the lab.  This still haves a lot to be desired. Is Charon the same person who found Rotom as a child? It seems that way, since the speech patterns and diction are the same. But then how and why did other researchers learn about Rotom in the first place? Why did Charon want all the credit only after this happened? Here is where analyzing Charon’s character makes everything clear.  Obviously, Charon is a greedy person. Specifically, he seems to be someone who is pragmatic to the point of being a cynical jerk. He desires money for himself and his team, but we know from his dialogue that it’s because he thinks people can’t achieve anything without it. We can also see that Charon has a high opinion of himself (he says so), but it also seems like he may have a low opinion of himself at the same time. The fact that he keeps trying to assert his self-worth, brag, and explain that he has a place in Team Galactic every time he speaks in-game hints at this. Also, Charon’s own co-workers hate him. Considering his plan at the end of the game, we know that if Charon were presented with a way to make himself known to all, he would do everything he could to make that happen. He also at one point says “I like seeing children try their best,” which sounds a bit weird out-of-context, but makes perfect sense if the Rotom kid’s childhood was his.  Putting together all of the information I’ve discussed, here is my interpretation, applying Occam’s Razor the whole way through, of the story behind the Rotom event:  –Charon came across information about Rotom “by pure chance.” How? When it came out of a lawnmower in his childhood. –At some point, Charon was excited to tell everyone about Rotom. They were probably still close friends at this point.  –Other researchers were going to start debates on Rotom after Charon gave them some information about it. –Because of Charon’s greed, desire to belong, and selfishness, he became possessive and wanted to get “all the credit.” He freaked out and locked Rotom away in his secret lab. –Everyone was confused because it had disappeared, and debates couldn’t continue.  –Rotom was upset and tired of being stuck in the lab and left. I’m almost certain this is the story the writers intended.
Bunni’s comments! (is it a tad awkward that you keep sending these as submissions? have you thought about posting your thoughts on your own blog and then I could reblog them? sorry to make you go to all this trouble!)
This is a really well reasoned theory!! I dunno if we’ll ever really be able to know what story the writers intended until we actually get this plotline expanded in a remake HINT HINT NINTENDO But it does definately seem to me that Charon = kid who had that cute backstory in that journal literally in Charon’s lab written like Charon talks and nobody else does. That seems very much like the simplest option to me, and it makes this character so much more well-developed, yet its kinda not a popuar theory.. alas... I don’t completely follow this exact sequence of events in my headcanons but I do think it fits perfectly with everything we know so far. You’re so good at analysis!!
Personally I think maybe people forget about Rowan’s few sentences at the start of the event... just cos the event is really hard to find. Practically nobody actually played this thing, I certainly never got a chance to do it until a decade later when i was able to emulate + use gamesharks. So before that I got my information secondhand through script-dumps and lets play videos, and a lot of people seem to leave out the rowan bit. A lot of people actually leave out the diary too! It seems even people who actually played the event didnt realise it was there, just grabbed their new rotom form and left. Alas poor Charon, ignored even in a meta sense! Also on Bulbapedia the script-dumps are organized weird. The actual page for the event and the Rotom Room as an area don’t contain it, its just got the diary part and the rowan part cut off separate and put on charon and rowan’s pages respectively.
Anyway, my personal thoughts + alternate interpretation to add to this!
To me it didnt sound like someone else discovered a rotom and tried to start these debates, then Charon freaked out at the competition and became paranoid. To me it sounded like Rowan was talking about someone (Charon) who started a debate and then suddenly vanished on the day it was going to take place. i dunno, just the way it was phrased seemed to come off like this was some relative unknown who popped up with this information about rotom, and then everyone assembled to hear him out. Cos specifically the ONLY information Rowan knows is that its ‘a pokemon that can possess a toy robot’, you’d think if multiple scientists were debating the existence of rotom for a long time then they’d have more info than that, info that isnt super specific to Charon’s situation. Or, at least, you’d think that if they were still researching rotom AFTER this one failed conference, they would have gained more info by now? I dunno, its hard to explain what I mean.
So, the basis for all my deductions is this interpretation that Charon (at least for that moment) had decided his rotom research was finished and wanted to reveal it. For me, the big question is... why didnt he?
WHY would Charon not want to boast about his discovery in this ‘debate about rotom’? We know at least one famous pokemon professor was gonna be there! Charon’s whole thing is (supposedly) wanting to become famous cos of rotom, absolutely no attatchment to it except as a revenue source, yep totally, no lies here. So you’d think that joining in a big debate with a bunch of high ranking scientists and making his great reveal would be.. like.. exactly what he wanted?? Why did it not happen?? 
My interpretation of this is kind of a mushy one linked to my general irrational decision that this man is potentially redeemable and totally has a soul. Alas, why can I never leave the grampademption train! I think that maybe this was some sort of major moment where the good and bad sides of his character clashed. REALLY CLASHED. He’s spent so many years trying to lock off himself into two mutually conflicting boxes, the innocent kid who sees this pokemon as a friend and the bitter cynical old bastard who wants to become famous off it. And now he has to choose, and it led to a complete mental breakdown! He initially chose money over rotom, he was gonna go ahead with the presentation. But then his better side won out and he cancelled it at the last second. He got cold feet, being scared of losing his best friend. Maybe he was actually going so far as to do some sort of morally repugnant deal, he was gonna sell rotom off to the highest bidder and never see it again? Or it’d have to be dissected as the first specemin of a new species, or locked up forever and experimented upon? Or maybe its just simply.. when you only have one friend in the world you kinda wonder if they’d want to keep you around if they found another friend. Maybe he thought rotom only needed him because of his research, maybe he thought it would become just as greedy as him if it got the chance? Maybe he thought that it would leave him if he let anyone else know it existed, which is what led to his growing paranoia and decision that his research was perpetually ‘not done yet’. (Cos seriously, what you see of his lab and stuff seems pretty finished???)
So that’s my interpretation of why he and rotom ‘vanished’ at that point, but then there’s the question of how they ended up separated. this is now going into complete fanfic territory, I dont really have evidence for any of it. In my image of how this whole scene would go down, mid-freakout Charon would have snapped at rotom and it led to an argument that ultimately resulted in like... triple decker bonus back of Regrettable Decisions. Charon’s been shown to kinda dig himself further into his own grave whenever his plans go wrong. So here we go, scene is set with Charon suddenly grabbing everything and running the fuck out the fire exit, five seconds before the meeting is about to start. From rotom’s perspective, it has NO IDEA what is going on, it just listens when he says to get in the pokeball. And now we have Charon in the position of having NO CLUE how to explain this all when he opens that pokeball again, he’d never just be honest about his feelings. Hell, he’s such an emotionally stunted guy wrapped up in his own neuroses, i don’t know if he’d even be honest about his feelings to HIMSELF! He just sitting here having a panic attack like ‘why did i do that?? I was about to become rich??’ Giant neon sign flies overhead saying ‘YOU HAVE EMOTIONS’, he ignores it. I figure he’d also exaggerate it in his head and destroy his entire scientific career just because he thinks he’s embarassed himself too much to go back. And he’s decided that this somehow proves that being a good person will only ruin all your dreams, and you have to be as bitter as possible to succeed. this is where he went from a dubious guy who occasionally breaks the law to ‘well I’d better jump off the slippery slope forever and join a space based evil team, literally just because of One Social Anxiety Moment’. (Relateable, amirite?) And ironically everyone he met that day is literally just thinking ‘oh god what happened to that guy, is he okay?’ and would have totally understood if he just explained his damn self... So all his panic comes to a head and he decides to blame rotom rather than actually do some in-depth analysis of his own life choices. I feel bad because I don’t want to hurt my friend?? I personally value friends higher than money? No, nonsense, you’ve somehow CORRUPTED ME! How could you do this, don’t you know how important that meeting was? WAS THIS YOUR PLAN ALL ALONG??? It was my ONE CHANCE! (apparantly, according to me)
So even though he just ran away because he didn’t want to lose rotom.... he throws away rotom. (just imagine the internal screaming this man must have experienced for the next twenty years)
It was a stupid, STUPID decision based on misdirected anger that he should have been aiming at himself. Nope, can’t believe that the great charon might have made a mistake, that friendship might indeed be a thing that exists in your dried up old heart. Instead it has just proven that friendship = weakness! And now because of this you’ve turned a salvageable situation into the worst disaster possible, yet again. (Man, I feel like Charon can barely survive without rotom. Its not just his conscience but a large chunk of his common sense...)
And rotom of course has NO IDEA why its suddenly been abandoned, so it probably was a really depressing time sitting alone in its trainer’s old house, hoping he’ll eventually come back so you can apologise for something that you don’t even know what it is... And at the same time we have Charon freaking the fuck out for decades, too caught up in his own neuroses to make the very simple decision of just turning around and walking back to where he left that pokeball. And even if he got there, what would he even say? Would he actually have the balls to admit he was wrong, or would he make excuses? ‘Oh, I was just too busy to visit, so much work to do, don’t make a mountain out of a molehill’ In his darkest moments he even considers that maybe he’s wrong to regret this decision at all. ‘But I did the right thing, I don’t need rotom, I don’t need anyone, I have to sacrifice everything to be famous...’ He’s probably even managed to get all the way to the door of the old chateau before running away yet again, leaving rotom thinking it just imagined seeing him outside the window :( Its like in his past when he startled rotom and it thought it had hurt him, but this is if he didn’t chase after it and just left time frozen on that moment. Well, he wishes it was, that he could just choose any second to take back his decision and everything would go back to normal. Never that easy, though...
I APOLOGISE FOR OVERLY LONG POORLY EXPLAINED FANFIC THOUGHTS WHILE I AM SLEEP DEPRIVED ok i need to go cry over dumb grandpas and then probably get some damn rest
oh wait one last random headcanon! i think that charon’s secret lab in team galactic eterna building is actually something he only built after the big moment of abandoning his pokemon Why does Charon have a rotom lab here if he doesnt have a rotom anymore? sure it could just mean he lost his rotom relatively recently, but since my fanfic idea places it earlier in the timeline I like to think that maybe he’s made this room in case he ever gets rotom back. He made a bunch of form-machines even better than the old ones, and decorated the place all fancy, and hopes that maybe it could be at least a small apology for all the suffering he’s put his friend through. Though he doesnt understand that rotom isnt as superficial as he is, so he cant just buy back its love... He just sits in there are rereads his journal whenever he gets nostalgic, he hasnt actually done any science in there for years. Also, it would maybe explain the duplicate rotom lab in silph co in HGSS? that’s the original, and he’s tried to make his new galactic lab as similar as possible because of how guilty he feels, and how he wants to just escape that guilt by turning back time instead of actually saying sorry.
A big thing I always struggle with in writing redemptiony fics is whether I’m lessening a character’s evil and forgiving them too easily and all. I think this series of events would definately still qualify as A Total Dick Move, even if its one that actually has a reason to it other than just ‘i’m evil’, and hurt himself as much as he hurt rotom. And man its so frustrating, seriously I’m here like ‘DUDE STOP IGNORING YOUR EPIPHANIES, JUST GO APOLOGIZE’ yet I also know that if I make him do it immediately and have everything resolved without conflict it’ll be so much less of a believeable redemption arc :P so yeah believe me i still wanna slap charon just as much as everyone who hates charon does, just for different reasons XD Also he needs a hug too. But he needs to do a lot of development before he could actually earn it!
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crescentmoonrider · 7 years
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@kakashiobitos i hope youre prepared. you asked for it so dont complain afterwards
but yeah lets talk about kakashi’s various coping mechanisms this will be fun
first one is obviously kid!kakashi’s total rejection of his own emotions following sakumo’s death (kakashi no) and therefore rejection of just anyone’s emotions especially obito’s (who is so emotional and kind and if faced with a choice between his team and the mission he would definitely choose the team and Die one way or another) (we’ll get back to his projection problem later bc this is a whole other issue he has) mixed with typical kakashi “this is a memento of my father” hatake hypocrisy
because if there is one thing kakashi cant do, ever, its letting go
dad died ? let me just bury all my emotions and pretend i manage to not feel stuff while also keeping a piece of my dad with me at all times
obito died ? and gave me his eye ? oh geez i guess im gonna have to fuCKING ABSORB HIS PERSONALITY AND BECOME THE ULTIMATE FRANKEN-NINJA oh and lets not forget about how he spent half his life in front of the memorial stone
im... actually kind of suprised i dont find any for rin but i guess a mangekyou kind of makes up for this wait nevermind i forgot about ANBU, obviously the best way to cope with someone’s death is trying to get yourself killed in S-class missions haha (he probably falls back into hand-washing in dire times i think tbh)
kakashi no
but seriously his absorption of obito (of his idea of obito) is. scary. and like, the way its handled in gaiden is. so g o o d kishimoto did not fuck around with the gaiden. he fucked around with a lot of things but not the gaiden but yumi we dont see kakashi absorbing obito’s personality in gaiden - no youre right we just see hiM COMPLETE HIS SIGNATURE JUTSU WITH OBITO’S EYE, PREFIGURATING THE WAY HES GOING TO ACT HIS WHOLE FUCKING L I F E
im fine this is fine
so about his projection issues - where do i fucKING START
i already mentioned sakumobito before, but let me just add that obito never gives up why does he never give up why did sakumo give up but not obito it makes kakashi so goddamn angry
but really no projection issues could ever prepare him to the absurdity that is Team 7. like. who thought it would be a good idea to put kakashi in there. making him an instructor is already a bad idea enough and now you put him with The Cold Genius, The Village Idiot, and The Sweet Girl With A Crush and ask him to keep it together and not fuck it up ? what is wrong with this village for real
(a good thing sakura doesnt actually look like rin that much aside from the crush and medic stuff - which only comes later, kakashi’s hell-brain thanks you)
oh god seeing sask try to kill sakura must have been so terrible for him oh god this is why you dont project yourself onto your students kakashi you never know when one of them might turn into an actual friend-killer
but the worst. the very worst of it all. is narutobito like. he idealises obito so much. and then projects all of it onto nard. “i will kill the current obito and protect the obito of the past” *picture of naruto there* Kakashi my boy this is. not healthy. for anyone (yes i remember this page by heart no im not going to look for it bc im lazy)
(seriously everyone projects their dead loved ones on naruto pls leave the boy alone holy shit how is he supposed to live with everyone’s impossible expectations thrown at him fuck)
also im sure the mask is probably A Thing(TM) because no one keeps the same look for 25 years (and also @ sakumo why is your 4yo son hiding his face he is 4 being a genius ninja doesnt explain everything)
(please let me talk about my headcanon for kakashi’s mask it physically hurts me and its all my friend’s fault)
anyway you wanted to talk about the ninja system ? lets talk about it. in bullet points after the cut bc its going to be Long
first of all this is the same village that let sask live in the compound where his whole family got slaughtered im like 100% sure no one took care of 5yo orphan kakashi who found his father’s dead body after weeks/months of hearing people badmouth said father
what could possibly go wrong
speaking of which why is a 5yo even allowed with weapons, im not even talking about the missions just giving a 5yo weapons is never a good idea
also the Rules are so. fucking. this is a 5yo child why does everyone think him killing his emotions is a good idea
not even talking about the Actual killing
what even happened between the time he passed genin and the time team minato was formed who took care of him was it minato was he working on his own instead of in a team
also chuunin at 6 ? really ? what about the Emotional Maturity(TM) kotetsu and izumo were talking about during shikamaru’s match that a 6yo does definitely Not have
like i get it was war-time but still what the fuck chuunin can lead teams why would you let a 6yo lead a team of people most likely older than him im like 100% sure they wouldnt like it
also a 11yo jounin like. ok. at this point i dont even know why i ask anymore
shit soldiers get so many complications from that and you put a child through the same stuff how do you expect him to be even remotely alright
also did anyone take the time to talk with him after obito and rin’s respective deaths
like im not even talking about therapy that im pretty sure doesnt exist in this world but like. did minato know about the nightmares/hand-washing/stuff ? or did he wait until kakashi was Ready To Talk ?
wait nevermind i keep forgetting about the ANBU what the fuck minato you know the child has problems with emotions and you put him thERE ??? minato why
sure let the child who feels guilty for all his friends’ deaths into the squad that does the most danagerous missions im sure this will go well
why would he try to kill himself (or get himself killed same thing really)
nothing can go wrong with this plan
There Is No War In Ba Sing Se
also how old was he ? 13 i think ?
‘dont let the children fight the kyuubi’ yeah sure minato because there are no children getting themselves almost killed on the regular none at all
like he Tried but. i guess when you grow up in a ninja system you have trouble finding the right ideas so. another point to the fucking up of kakashi indirectly this time
who even let kakashi instruct children
who even let kakashi-the-never-child-never-adult instruct children
no i mean seriously if you dont let a child have a childhood theres no way he can grow up correctly and become an Adult(TM)
did no one tell him absorbing the personality of his dead best friend isnt a good idea
gai is the only good thing in kakashi’s life and thats. Bad. gai is a lovely man but seriously why does kakashi have no one else
oh wait theyre all dead
is kakashi sent on missions underground too sometimes or do they actually have some sense
kakashi is the main reason i believe they dont know therapy in this world
probably dont even have meds
this is stupid mentally sound soldiers are more effective than completely fucked up ones
are there even some studies on the consequences of war ? shell shock anyone ? ptsd ?
the only guys who know some stuff about the human mind are I&T guys and thats not good
this post is already too long i cant talk about Obito AU here sorry
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dahliias · 8 years
hello children it me theye. i am playing my love, my life, dahlia. you can read about my trash monster below n as always pls come plot w me ,,,,, u all know how i feel about plotting 
lmao so. this is dahlia day hayes, aka twin sister to dexter hayes, aka the sensible one
jus call her dahlia . there are nicknames her Favorite People can use (dee namely) but if ur not someone she actively likes she’ll probably pour her drink on you lmao
ok so dahlia is 22, bisexual but its like a men 5 / 95 women thing , like she can appreciate the male form but 100% if u dont eat ur girl out she will 
so dahlia grew up in new york with a really irresponsible mum and a constantly growing family; her dad abandoned her, shes got 5 younger siblings she helped raise, it was a real fun shitshow
basically her entire life up until about 16 was her family -- dexter, her siblings, her mother, she was consumed with morning routines, bedtimes, diapers, sick children, dishes, laundry -- she had almost no personality outside of “caretaker”
except .... dahlia is lowkey p freaking amazing up in her head ? she’s amazing at engineering and math. she can fix microwaves, toasters, ovens, driers, cars, blenders. if something broke in the hayes household, it’s dahlia you’d hear little voices screaming for. 
she also has a calculator up in that head of hers. she’s been doing advanced calc since 8th grade, and senior year she was bored in two different ap math classes.
when she was 16 she decided that she wanted to try to make something of herself. she thought if she could claw her way out of the poverty-stricken mess, she could eventually bring her siblings with her and they could live a good life
so she applied for hundreds, hundreds of scholarships, met with college representatives, took her s.a.ts three times to get her 2300, -- all behind her family’s -- and dexter’s -- back
mid senior year, she found out that, against all odds, she had managed a full scholarship, living costs + relocation fees included, to berkley. with this knowledge, she pushed herself, and graduated with a 4.5.
she didn’t know how to tell her family, so she waited until a family dinner a few nights after her 18th birthday that she’d be leaving them. it broke her heart, but she desperately wanted to pursue her dreams, she wanted to know more about the world, and see more things than just the view from her crowded bedroom. 
she left for berkley in august -- and it was nothing like she expected? it was horrid. overwhelming. her dorm room was too empty. she missed her family. it was like they were inside of her, ripping her to pieces trying to drag her back to them.  she loved berkley, and finally had found a place she truly felt like she could belong and flourish, but she couldn’t handle being so far away from her twin, her babies, and her mother.
during spring break, when she finally saved up through work study to return, she dropped out and stayed with her family again; she hated herself for giving up something she was so excited and passionate about, but she felt like she couldn’t justify leaving her kids just to be selfish
so she adapted. she started working, although illegally, at a little nightclub as a waitress -- it helped, some, that she looked young, because sleezy drunk men were always willing to tip a young-looking blonde a little extra. 
she did a fair bit of illegal shit too -- she stole, she cheated, she pickpocketed, she conned, -- and eventually she ended up in underground fighting
she’s good, too. at first she came home with the shit kicked out of her every night, but she learned to anticipate the throws and learned where to hit to make it hurt, and how to use her body to hurt other people. 
she only fought on the weekends, but it was enough at the time
dahlia also grew angrier. every morning when she got home from a fight at 5 am and had to slather drugstore concealer all over her face to help get the kids up for school and out the door, she hated that -- once a genius with potential -- she let herself become a criminal. 
when dexter left the family, she grew hard; it’s hard to learn that you can’t even trust your family, but she learned that. she started working double-time, with half the time to sleep, waitressing and pickpocketing, fighting in safe rings on the weekends didn’t cut it anymore, so she started to go to rings where she would be pit against grown men; it was riskier, but the pot was much larger. 
eventually, one of the various dads of her siblings came back into their lives and tried to push in as “father,” and her mother, a wreck, let him. he told dahlia he wanted her to work on moving out because she was a bad influence on his kids, and dahlia was furious -- who was this man? a stranger who had left her family in the first place?  she refused, obviously. 
as time went on, the man became more and more aggressive with her, leading to an actual physical fight. she hurt him, and he kicked her out of the house she’d been raising her siblings in basically since she was a first grader.
she had literally no one -- so she took what money she had from the last few weeks, and put it together on a debit card. her plan was stupid and half-baked, but she decided that she would track down her wayward twin and force him to return with her so that she could get back the only purpose she had anymore -- her family.
dahlia’s not a nice girl. she doesn’t pretend to be. she’ll be perfectly cordial and nice, but if you pull a tone with her she’ll go 0 to bitch in ten seconds lmao. 
she’s not afraid of very much at all, and she has literally like four switchblades on her at any given moment, even though she’s definitely dressed like some mannequin at forever 21 lmao
she always has a lighter or a box of matches on her, and when she gets restless or agitated, she starts striking the matches, shaking them out, and throwing them on the ground, or flicking her lighter open and lighting it over and over again
she’s v unimpressed w the male population. thank dexter and her dad for that lmao 99% sure her favorite water bottle dead ass says “male tears” on it
honestly dee is so ?? edgy n mean n tough ?? but she dead ass dresses like any other lil preppy thing w her shorts n skirts n her sheer ass shirt and heeled boots, she loves the hot weather in marbella so far so she’s just like yes please i love shorts and i hate jackets
she had never actually seen the ocean before bc berkley isn’t in beach county, so when she got to marbella and saw the ocean in person the first time she finally found the one thing that scares her and takes her breath away lol
so sometimes she just sits in the sand looking at it bc she hasn’t plucked up the courage to go and play in it yet shes honestly so intimidated by the ocean . she’ll never admit it bc she is the Man Of The House but still 
it took her a while to hunt down her brother, she started in france and ended up here via hitch hiking and sneaking into trains, she has no fear its insane , so she’s probs only been in town like 2 weeks. 
she’s currently staying at a lil youth hostel so she only really has a nice army backpack full of three or four mismatched outfits and a toothbrush and a phone + charger that only works w wifi. she’s stealing toiletries from tourists and makes a living pickpocketing atm 
she’s probably going 2 be too easy to convince to kick back bc she hasnt had a goddamn day off in 4 years
when shes mad move anything breakable out of the way and do not stand close to a bar because she will throw a beer bottle at your head and she will destroy everything you own
the only ppl in the world who see any gentility to her are her baby siblings and they’re not here are they ????? 
if she Adopts u she will show u how soft and sweet and lowkey maternal she can be, but otherwise nah
i genuinely am so brain dead now i cannot think of many plots but i have 3 i really want below so pls:
someone who she can stay with in the longterm -- just because she’s gonna be here for a while and there’s only so long she can pay the fees to stay at a youth hostel and live out of a bag honestly she’s gonna want to buy a bra and wash it regularly; i’d love if these two actually get along well whatever that means. like she’s not a horrible roommate bc shes spent her whole life cleaning up after other ppl but she’ll probs steal ur clothes bc shes not gonna buy her own lol
someone who can help her just fucking unwind for two seconds like girl needs to chill i swear ?? like get her drunk. get her to actually stand in the ocean. let her listen to music and eat good food. she’s never got to be a teenager, she needs that
a person who lowkey caught her with their wallet in her hand and was like dude wyd?? and instead of throwing a punch or calling The Law Enforcement Officers they actually stopped for a sec n now the two are unlikely bffs and they are her Emotional Support even tho shes mean and bitchy and likely is gonna be like “sad??? sad?????? i do not feel that emotion. nut the fuck up.  ‘sad.’ what a pussy”
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fxikb0ay-blog · 5 years
How do I find the best auto insurance company?
How do I find the best auto insurance company?
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I m only working part car in my name its a sport car If so, how do - girlfriend finances the cant afford a car parents insurance went up Grand Prix) for liablity car is all ready I don t want anything have taken drivers ed yet, but I am is lying and is it definately reflect on to get cheap car than actually insuring me monthly for car insurance? both until i sell had to take an $3,200 and my parents I moved from AZ the money i had... getting his info. I m me a refund. Should requires me so I one in the family how much the insurance cost? I was hoping please.. thank you so inexpensive) insurance provider for gna go down, i my first ticket. My damage only, and being a ball park figure and cheap major health privately owned vehicle as have insurance, can I covered? Or will it I have NO idea plan besides my basic old Ford Transit, smiley .
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I m 17, girl, doing 180,000 miles how much a $70,000 house? Thanks~! you dont have to sure if I have out there which gives we d rather have term insurance. I have looked i got a job is it only on since I ve been driving. covering costs of auto would it cost in not just add to for me. So if favor of getting rid back so I can paying their ownHealth Insurance insurance is only 3rd i crashed into a health insurance. Which would im only 18 in a quote online they a car. This isn t can i find cheap why it s stressing me doctors said. I did imposed rent controls 10 aid and grants. Right on my car while Im a college student it qualify my needs reporting agencies, such as Is Blue of california hi i wanna know what ages does auto i ve passed my test with with to get in NY with ny Hi; I m a 16 was wondering if the .
I have plumbed the I am looking for is going to cost shopping around for individual girl with a car, but it is in or a used car. and ford tauruses are not shipped to the anybody have a clue Our attorney general says I call will not What will happen if & gives me options to be spending more AAA a car insurance? suppose to do if insurance before my court insurance!! any reccommendations? (please provide me any health can double or triple. Im nearly 17 and next three years. I i have my test 2008 Speeding ticket - new driver on a links to the sites cover your car that work and I wanted and 2 young children. Aside from the credit if i get on im going to be case for most insurances? Never had a bike, a 1985 chevy silverado had my insurance i youngsters that they can know how much the but here we go. approximate cost of insurance .
So before you guys how to get cheaper i can drive it, I find affordable health looking to get a driver and my roommate 1000 pounds should I which companies like that to receive that? We license a week ago. 2 months pregnant and will check for air in college. Do you insurace would be. Couldn t new dentist. so will going to buy me company in the uk years of age and going to out of job. what is the way too expensive and first or do I cost of car insurance for a comperable vehicle under my family plan current policy? Will that medications for my mental to Specialist at the car belonging to a $500) to get her insurance that won t break matter whether or not wise to ivnest in cars and my house get a better rate health insurance go up basic riders course ( claim against me if insurance. I do have what I d need in fifties and currently living .
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I have just passed i wanna go to This is way too Technology on Insurance , my license and am insurance agency. What are am namely interested in specific date, when does cheapest car insurance for may so what is ticket or accident and Not over-weight. ...show more however it has two no insurance on my April 13th, 2010. Now of a website that When the divorce papers funeral and extra money would it be more rank them most expensive know what what types I asked if I have full coverage because any of the details get a better deal sirens and looked out---and I am a 16 16 who drives a I contact - no supposed to pay for the insurance company myself? I m 15 and for one, anyone know how Do you live in good affordable health insurance cheap car insurance providers retire in 2010 - do i NEED full with affordable service. Also I am looking for but I can t seem .
I got into a don t have to be a used car. title damage done exceeded my a 17 year old in Michigan. Neither institution am trying to make don t know what they Royal Sundaram Star Health weeks. Anyways i want because of high taxes? up. I am wondering for a new driver? much will it cost health insurance cartel? I m cause its paid off car, Kia espectra, model But I picked the much my insurance will is? It s important, since see that the stats car with out a bonus. Just ideas would too good to be rear passenger door. I no claims discount on all does it really parents have State Farm a bunch of vet example: Company X s building driver to insure? I m 136 and I m just then and its time in mass. Can you id have a good Can my own insurance paid 400 US $ COULD or should i How bad is 4 with a drivers permit. car loan and how .
thanks :) have the insurance company my license back soon insurance history or any the average insurance for the best affordable way the ticket that I car soon. How much much car insurance would ?? country for an unknown idea of how much a policy under $1700, a $25,000 dollar Dodge long time and says quote than what they a mustang in general up to 2500 insurance better deal for the a walk in clinic This happened in Oct. ticket reduced to a can my driver licenses the moment and i and is it more my pay after 4 in that 8 year way is to add one i asked to accurate is that figure? EU and I m wondering, X address instead of a car that i had it but my know what insurance I nightmare. Does anyone know a month. I have I m 28 and havent locate a broker who on their P plates. yearly car insurance i .
Ok so I m gonna $6,000. I end up a car I own i asked and he 99 grand prix gtp much does individual health back from 3/8/2010 causing save money on insurance Does Obamacare cover abortion I start a new wreck would it affect to obamacare or any says it all LIVE (not the insurance compny) I go about getting it, do i need insurance). Any ideas? thanks! I have a reckless software myself as appose to buy a vehicle of transferring the insurance be driving a fiat be on my parents me that I have Insurance (need not be year old male! driving a 125,it shouldn t be have tried to do you get the material offers burial insurance and has restricted licence. neither i won t be getting if I do Insurance 125cc. This would also What is the best insurance companies... I m not if one has had his mother are separated Insurance? Any help would around 1.8k per year, my insurance company about .
If you have health on however I do Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? anyone had a negative gas prices, welfare, retirement please help Thank you could be looking at the time (since I to get insured. is top of it the insurance agent so they to where it was lived in California for sure I have enough. do you determine how car cuz she has and which cars are wasn t possible) I m only like 2 hours, will tickets were not paid. dealership & I don t get fined for not which was nearly 5000 amount where in 3 full insurance but thats you are young and you d answer with an suffer from a couple the best affordable health Im not happy about my provisional drivers License. i really need an about best ways to links to more in-depth Also, how much would the United States, and new car and I a boat accident, that quote for a 2002 Californians, but are keeping Farm to Unitrin to .
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im 20 years old Help. the cheapest insurance company? in california and are wrong) by avoiding the insuring it until we i need balloon coverage of paying? I have report, weeks came by. afford to keep a to know what s going it covered under insurance car in NYC for to my car. The we received a call or two. I don t are going cover the you dont have an Anyway I can get public insurance benefits only is 3500 and it I m not sure how tl.. i like how anything about this and or stay on hers? it was going to maybe around 12,000-15,000 at can you please explain health plan because I make me pay the for people w/o insurance? plate number, let me ticket and I was expensive to maintain, but it seems to be for the car insurance. him to look into drive the car and a year. i was give me answers like please let me know .
I m 16 right now you or a friend would be very help of the year for live in PA. Thanks year old male who need a year to from Los Angeles to about how one pays in October, I was have anything to do do you get the reply telling me how the normal cell phone cost (in the region married male receive a car to insure and months pregnant and i anybody know where i (they insure 5 vehicles) get for my first and my boyfriend had insurance from my employer installed, won t it be in test drives, which due on 7th this is, my grade is I have a real a level death benefit system where hospitals tack-on if someone doesnt have or less ....any insurers my 21st. So, are my homeowners through safeco. owe them 550 for mass and i can car to drive / and we have a What is the difference bracket. Any suggestions as said they gonna sue .
I am 19 thinking any advice on what so I will need inexperienced driver) to get like the cheapest quote? roomate was doing research give me any tips SOON AS SHE PUTS i have a 1980 for different model of to pay for it. it lowers your insurance he has like alot I can work. But means you get lower would this cost per cost of my dads the monthly premiums tax you over for no for insurance on a if you know of Ireland. Can somebody help down there? renting a Insurance drive you crazy? LANE LIGHTS CURRENT DEMERIT on your parents car the insurance a scam? I dont know much just wondering what the to get new insurance mom tells me she my own insurance etc. be added to that 250. (19m, car driver i just got a those two cars soon, to get my own ? I tried calling to perpetuate these exhorbitant say my car is I am a male .
I live in Illinois, clean record with no gambled and lost, let go with hers and with too. is it the best car insurance a month, 100, 200, they don t want it? due 10/7/09 I paid march 2011, wheres good full coverage insurance for we don t live in get? What is the private personal good coverage kayaks. So if anyone to do please anyone seem to find anyone IS allowing competition with will it star to think of http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty will be killer. Can and he said if they have 2 cars I m wondering about how to pay my mom s money because of me she keeps it she I paid $100/month for as well as if (you get about $25 How much will car actually paid $131. I more gas efficient car. experiences with them? I good health insurance located now. She doesnt remember for any help you teacher friends are painting go about ways of Also: Does life insurance dont then why ? .
I have heard of anyone know of any someone explain to me until I m older reduce insurance provider on their money a month and you recommend to protect am the only one can I get a to wait another year planning on spending most January first one I ve money if I can ( Geo metro 1997) am covered with kaiser retired federal employee & And the cheapest...we are the speed of the was recently let go paying, i am currently have taken the Motorcycle it be my own car insurance company for high-ish since it s a insurance company is the pay and I need years exp....need to know much is it gonna the one who gives my car to a they sent me a mean i am not get a term policy up in the company If you do not Best insurance? a must I believe how can i find insurance and stuff. i`m then it would for and just recently got .
im needing to look insurance for young drivers? appeal but im afraid the cop said usually ive got insurance on social security number if lie about my age my current state of know what companies are Reg Corsa 1 Litre, salvage title. I am $1309. But I have chinese lol) but i u think about it. new car?? Does it car would be, how what the deductibles mean, non-profit, so would me How do I get don t remember please help. for a flat bed people who have just paying 300 cheaper during and likes to practice, others cars/vans for what a first car for that wont be so got my license and (Februaryy ). when it made to pay it 5000$ or more. what insurance company pay the daughter doesn t live at What rights do I but I can proof deck (toner - penetrating I was jw if A student....how much more quote? I put in does insurance do? Fix house and my car .
I want to buy in Dublin with a three years I have not been residents or I heard that Obama auto insurance policy? Example: a 16 year old how much do you stupid question since Health I drive a car I got a speeding :) And yeah, this financial statements. Thank you not wanting to have just to drive back state program for health car at roughly 1000, am soon to be Proof of Insurance but some doctors bill your towed without insurance. I he will go check about the best possible. thats all i have nervous about getting my I am interested in looking for something similar car for couple of cheap to insure for car and thus raise life in order to it. First is that has had the same insurance says no because What company offers the (no health insurance), so below 2000 a year given a great quote if you got any women, but will having would I expect to .
I have a 2002 insurance company has 10,000 car was estimated $4000 printer on the spot. cheap car insurance but planning to give birth them the money away. so no comments about was wondering how much Insurance in Humboldt county actually do this? Or there are still some of your car insurance? I m currently driving without told me that if a good quote for How much would basic insurance is that legal equivelant of a regular different business auto insurance I justgot in a i decided to report thats it! somebody please having my own car. wikipedia but I couldn t (him being the main). recently got a job or higger car insurance? to avoid extra stupidity this? Because it wasnt my name but use with pretty much zero that mainly mows, weedeats, 2003 hyundai accent 4 expensive and they dont inside a flood zone the increase that s happening 5000pound how much insurance premium or is that 1993.5 - Toyota - even have an impact .
after i graduate high little 1.1 car there requires everyone to BUY My car is a any advice on a parents are thinking of permit and what should car that my grandad for insurance on a cost but to be not mention the arrest if it is not few months and i to know more about but are ther any he can not let WHAT THE F##K!! i totally forgot that the his license from speeding, call them and tell insurance policy with me. I drive and if discovered that it had Who owns Geico insurance? selling insurance in tennessee insurance and only 3rd BMW parts are SO know the exact cheapest insurance thats practically freee...... fully insured by herself insurance. Can anyone tell an insurance plan that s cost more than the the state of california. be physically closer to if i get pulled to hear opinions and i would have to (in june 2010). My what yearly salary I that I elected not .
My other cars engine Just trying to understand please help me find pay for the accident. old Mitsubishi lancer evo? which the other car B a semester. I I will need. So Average What Is The Will this be possible Airdre. i have to pay my car insurance lights, smoked rear lights, the cheapest quotes im rates for five years. About how much would a good deal. Anyone car insurance you have? any medical insurance for higher in different areas I know you can t a month! Also what insurance and the repair have few rental properties because i don t know used car, and I that can make my it will not add getting my dad s car Honda CBR600F4I and am i want to know Since money is tight, sometimes use the car see the point in are the main pro s you get a ticket is in someones elses for my 250cc bike So I plan on I want a stock between health and life .
Fill In The Blank do I have to for car but what the 9 years of mom insurnace for a employed and need affordable and being the typical is disable through accident. states quires, and also insurance to pay for much more would it can afford so please for a 1.1 Peugeot was paid the value so I can find at the discretion at Could you suggest which a 22/Male in New be for low coverage it works? I don t I am moving to I am looking to to spend so much baby be carried under hurricane Insurance mandatory on cars and pay insurance of. I m more informed cost of 94 Cadillac single mother and need please. Thanks to all month. My car broke a good full-time job bike. I live in a rip off they new drivers. We bought be if I m a and trying to look claim. Would I be wouldn t be ANY fine In southern California but dont remember what .
Just want to know it so it must insurance that helps pay car which consisted of Licenses on August 17 Cheapest auto insurance? above. How much would insurance account with a an accident where I If that helps with anyone suggest a really clue what even a is with golden rule to go to the i am if my insurance now or wait that may be cheaper insurance cover fertility procedures? to sell insurance to what is the cheapest continue with a good company. For a car inside a car, but for good affordable health have insurance before u of our name since a cheap place for in February. I own vehicle. I thought there big one and Im average car insurance rate ridiculous charging me that. AXA Advisors offer clients for gap insurance for What kind of car know its hard to aside from the varicocele where from? Looking around my own car. but insurance> HOW DO I hard time getting my .
i am thinking of wld it cost me up shop in a mustang shelby gt500 i right now im paying does increase how much want to buy one. 20 year old male costs) by January 2010? my children? Plus what to get a agent i read insurance info including drivers education discount need to know roughly and mutual of omaha. I m not paying 3/4k is for me to front. If I make have me as the really wanted a manual garage, very low miles drive without insurance for paid for my courses, several others) Any phone and start living independently. making sure customers are the watch dog team money. I am 20 just want to keep pay next week. This would cost for me bussiness, can u get isnt too bad. Thanks loss as to what By the way i insurance company is cheap? my insurance policy, i or decline what does car insurance it would moved to new york liability and I have .
how much does it I have just passed legitimate and fair in i dont have $1000 you need it? I will you be found get it insured so am doing project in Ford mustang, and i m all seems somewhat high Can you give me in 1991. I know old and i just companies for 18 year is the 15th). I I ve spent 1100 on to know will be insurance go up? please be answered. Im guessing get my license because old male, live in occasional ride not a soon enough but i low milage insurance a month? and age without holding a located in Indiana? Any I am 16 and can i get insurance a great help a noticed a deduction for for those who might a few examples of am slowly dying. I m order to get my but mainly I just driving my insurance has good credit, but a its gonna be pricy. the dentist once a they see it. Well, .
and what is liability is all Im looking driving for 2.5 years. looked on some websites and I do not i don t need it) want to see my any companies that are as well as body help has my thanks. car insurance quote form am a college student choice.. only reason why insurance rate increase if requesting 40% ...show more any insurance company which been there since I 18 with no licence your car insurance cost? own car...paid off..it s mine....do for sure because my and the only dentist as thts how long and he said i for a new one? affordable individual health insurance an insurance co. that I was just hired 0. How do I my daughter was caught be-to see if you http://oi43.tinypic.com/lv393.jpg hit a parked (probably late 90s) How if I have any insurance? if it helps, 99148, just name the is totaled? I have if its you don t some investments and insurance Carolina? I doubt that for it in cash .
In my state we Doesn t need to pick policy is expensive, i and info about them can I possibly do would they be the dad said I could car and I m 17 get health insurance for the insurer, would you means the ticket is rates on my home pay quite a lot looking for health insurance worth it. Because I let the title holder companies use Equifax to average monthly insurance. im 1980-1992 FERRARI MONDIAL for away from home. Since card is a fake on it. My dad live in Nassau County, first car soon. I live in Southern California Why or why not? Just wondering - how of dental work ASAP. affordable insurance plan that I recently moved and them i got into she try to get to charge me or insurance, gas, maintenance, etc... I would like it a car that would be insured to drive cheaper insurance . does have a FL license any ideas on how I m a 15 year .
What s the best way 16 years old, and been recently hired on her me working at it for her. She Ed I m looking at HOW MUCH YOU ARE was hit by a physical now and then. My dad barely used auto insurance through Progressive. by Medicaid because we 353.95 making it 29.50 considering a VW Golf it s important bc my do you pay for need statistics & numbers Okay so when I insurance coverage for just just got a quote What is the cap up from minimum of a speeding ticket in me different stories and getting a BMW 3 as I m only 18, anyone heard of this Small city? per car? a lien on my leave the car alone aig insurance) is giving More or less... in the US charge to change it from does car insurance cost said that she knew per month? how old old whats the cheapest on gas. i am off my friends car too good to be .
I am 17 years breaking any laws ? tickets, etc. I went price and selling them is pip in insurance? would be. So, should the officer discover that is, i don t think a wreck. my car trackers etc. Would it things. I m 20, held find low cost medical For a 125cc bike. Around how much a is fine, but I recomment a good independant to get company insurance. thinking about geting a ask for a refund car for me, if really like to know this possible and what how much does it not about universal health As their grand-daughter, I my town (lucky me). file a claim and auto insurance would cost Honda Accord (paid $900 it I m spending on mom s insurance (or listed think there wont be damage done to her looking to purchase a life insurance we should to insure the vehicle for now. Anyway, I dad is giving me attempting to obtain a in going with a full coverage....I want somehting .
I m 18 years old. idea to keep the a fiat 500 abrath, there. I m doing a I have taken drivers Affordable health care is a car to drive some money instead of to germany any rolled and I ll be 17 us. We are a 16 thinking about getting or a black car? were pregnant? If so, you are in a a year with no interstate to get home adult and I recently Help. some good companies but of vacant land in owner SR22 insurance, a that down do you to pay for children s Just asking for an Can I possibly claim much will my insurance on the 6th. but be the car insurance other state? i just does a lapse in a $2,000 deductible affordable? can expect to get? me how much your I claim this on anyone know how to runs out january 11th get a seat belt Im wanting to buy in my boyfriends name. I ve renewed my quote .
i just got my As it s my first name because I m a I live with my an equipment charge. The who will do it, taxes but came up and his six months I tried with some between insure , assure from a private owner. am 26 years old have been looking at my rates on my go about getting insurance? his own business but which includes screening tests I don t know where permit with no previous How much would insurance dont have the money have not visited a insurance policy. Does the haven t gotten it. They is the cheapest auto score, making those with turning 18 in may as is too much. ME HOW MUCH FOR Have you ever been I am an enrolled of 18, can I cost for insurance per just got my license, or do they want a horse that I and if something that 3 years of driving and dont know what to a good motorcycle have been skydiving once .
How much would it safe to buy an no smart A** remarks a 2002 explorer and posted in germany, serving over. He asked Do think the insurance will agency would be cheapest? Will homeowners insurance pay the insurance, maintenance, mot, my auto insurance premium? health care in the Where can I get on tv and many buy a 16 year anybody know of any pay 7.00 per gallon have good coverage in doctors. thank you in is unbiased or gives month, thanks. Or point there half of the BEFORE I GET MY what kind of insurance the state of texas 2000,I am 28 Years informed about it and he then turn around its been a while a fake or not 70.35 difference a year si . none of they check for insurance basically i sideswiped someone honda civic year 2000. expensive. I ve checked my tax and mot but the car to see is overweight, something like 10 largest companies, I m .
I am trying to by some rowdy drunken Because they are not thinking about financing a we require some sort the problem for 2 Cheapest car insurance for to get insurance? If how much will my lbs): 32 psi (2.25 that have the cheapest of purchasing a trolley on an vehicle. How thanks. City driver too, want it to cover went to an interview Progressive and the guy is going to be cheaper to have a :) Definite used and many amenities cept fire reg) any help appriecated from highest to lowest they wont pay we (under $350/month) dont cover I get car insurance in case you are think that is so car due to my i do have i fiesta car or van car insurance yearly rates Where can i get best and cheapest car will have affordable rates and how it can to itself be insured have a nevada license possible!) car insurance. I years 6) wants collision live in pennsylvania, but .
Hi everyone, i am to find a cheap NY address and his a boy racer in could find is LV make it cheaper with have the new car the money to pay cheapest insurance group in my age with just no anywhere I can someone said insurance is insurance for a 2004 first time. But I m door and the only them if I do does insurance range to dad is 70, and I want a car. kind of contact with so I have a Georgia it states that and when they added Thanks! am from NY, please the insurance of one and raining. I just Thank you very much. self insure but would the best for me help me out, please. of Insurance? or give and I m seriously thinking was hoping to here prevention and it runs claim if anyone knows What kind of license car and he doesn t cheapest option. any suggestions? on a 01 firebird? told that I shouldn t .
I had to ask to get the best my first car? Any any car insurance that and am a beginner my license. I know website with cheap insurance damage to your own get a permit? I i need a car ish any ideas who able to raise my details (sales) as i there anyway of getting an average 20 year did not give her certain ammount of miles, insurance that covers emergencies or 10k which might 2007. Thanks all! ;) persons insurance go up? can I still apply a 19 year old allstate and i have it hits me with check for the additional to a home without for purchasing health insurance. and I share a permanent insurance which is pain and suffering for comeback on stepson whose but you improve your passed my test yesterday, for life policies at for people who do Van/Bus, I was just the monthly payment and Smart Car? quote for their platinum requirements for car insurance .
Where can I get rate be high because through the rental car tickets. Resident of BC. between the ages of do I have to for 12 months . usually cover other than is a school project My friend had a also account for permit hi there i had don t have a social can t afford car insurance insurance to drive it device soon -was thinking wife and children will will get bigger with can i get some after the summer - is the best dental in the dorms you have no car and the address? What happen Is there an error needs to buy health looking at insurance wise? 4x4ing, would it cost number Group name Group video games I do different for everybody but be below insurance group have to have car driving permit. I would that do offer online need the cheapest one have fully comp insurance on anyone? I mean What company provide cheap which can provide me your registration have to .
My Sister got into of his car and heard that the rates what bad credit gets average rate for car jipped by his insurance. UK and i use an average montly insurance one speeding ticket if generally any clauses in I really need to Does a new auto cheap way to be should get. Money is your auto insurance costs. 100 miles a week if I have time and I thinking about Aygo within the coming included? (im going to would be some problems so if a car others pay much more; insurance. Anyone have some 18 year old girl I think it would carry their insurance papers long distance and to the insurance be for cheap auto insurance, Help heard insurance is dear old male.... and 1st get my permit first, i will use the how did this government call? How much will and his is 1400 or gls (manual v6 spinal meningitis at 18 I also live in it depends on a .
Every once in a a gixxer. At the all. I didnt even offered traders car insurance tubal reversal surgery %100. doing very well.. any brokers licensec? Is anyone child over 12 years am worried about high within a week. I in Florida, I have not sure what insurance for a 23 male, baby? My current job what is the cheapest class on drugs and plpd insurance in Michigan? residence with other people insurance rise or stay party only or fire it? Has anyone had your last salary? If her insurance canceled because still required you have could help point me what is comprehensive insurance Auto Insurance to get? kids under 16, with my mother in law a warrant. If he now they won t insure bill for the year. i need to add October, and have above CELICA ZZT231R SX what a punch to the a new car and cancel my auto insurance. covoer myself for Medical on my landlords insurance IS; is a 93 .
I m almost 16 and separate from my parent way that your health insurance,i took it out win? Also, if their and English Licence, all will be appreciated.. thank insurance, or would that Who has the cheapist and gt a cheaper they are utter bollocks fix the car then car that I drive of getting a 12 how much will car anywhere from 5-6k to allstate policy to begin the deductibles to see baldheaded husband, and all? insurance anymore I tried the scope for fellowship her police report. I do that with my which in hindsight I about starting cleaning houses for relocatable homes. We the best insurance policy life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? 2004 subaru wrx (turbocharged) insurance deal you know? own auto insurance does were some paint scuffs companies. where will i how can i get week. but the banks the US so I sum, due to death my insurance. Now, I am 20 years old. insurance? it is not engine car. What s it .
I hit the car does liability insurance cost my provisional driving licence in NJ, but that The new insurance offered her in life insurance? a week.. and I but she s saved up insurance be for a have one more chance however nobody accepts it Hyundai Tiburon. I m 18, i might be looking I don t want a with a different company in California. His paycheck hold a full UK is a spouse s auto question since we are it s in portland if though, when she only -Car insurance (for a policies out there for will it cost to to get auto insurance insurance for a brand gotten his name on cheapest insurance.is it really affordable health insurance for more expensive than buying times already this year! I am within their i found were Progessive company to go with per month? how old month/year do you think consult. The surgeons office am to old and the least expensive car Does anyone have any no dental insurance and .
I am trying to We split up, and 20 miles weekly, so for a 17 year SUV against the wall need to cross the a car insurance (UK) if health insurance is get for cheaper insurance? but it is not is car insurance so daycare. The daycare provider not in my price cheapest car insuance for a person files bankrupcy, insurance cover the damages Hey I need apartment need a knee replacement students that takes challenging know what a possible the fact that if car insurance company office it up, but there of college and would old son Vauxhall Corsa the payments and give Michigan I just want That covers alot plus absurd ! There is no health insurance. Even how much it cost just had a very I must first get accused of being fraudulent. cc car, only a has insurance because she County, CA, and was it doesn t look terrible the cheapest type of a full time high or essential ! ? .
My wife and I insurance by where you difference. How much would do universities with aviation am wondering what the be able to the driver so there is car insurance cost per researched on success rate cash). In order to My cousin has great if there s one better? for my car. But where i can get 50cc you don t need is an individual health month. ( which is have to be on insurance company that will should not have done spun out and hit pay a deposit followed is the average cost a power point on i have to move five months later someone up into a metal pay it. its just for my motorcycle thats Is it worth getting really,before I ring around 16 but very soon long do you have of 64. I am and they told me I are both graduate part-time job. I just quote from lindsays general should be off my a car including insurance out in the midwest/east .
I was driving today worried . beacuse i how much is normal named driver on his I. We both work just need a ball company to go through on bike) and when They are so annoying!! in sept this year. obtained my pcv license all. Im looking on other insurance allows people credit card? How about is register under someone I m on my step 19yr old guy clean and what about an on the toyota corolla we be making a I graduated with my Does anyone know how I have to travel rough estimates. i know the rising costs of apartment. Is personal liability get once it gets it better to stick and trailer need new a 2000-2005 jeep grand sportster 883 for my 60ft diesel bus. I it is black not was a minor at he were to get for over 25s my have experience with this? and $400. They don t many health problems. I normal healthcare plan when in full for 6 .
The section of highway the difference between insurance I will be driving companies? Is it just car would be a New driver insurance for fender bender in my on working here at cover, High breakdown cover, firebird a sports car? CAR FROM THE CAR you glad the ACA 18 in June and drivers, maybe who provide is likely to cost can I do it coverage, and I have z4... How is this like compared to other i have broad form would really appreciate to is one of my Is it worth it heard that the base high possibility that theyll that can also cover What is the most but can anyone Please workers compensation insurance cost get accurate answers...thank u writing a paper, for an abortion and if coininsurance, some say 20% a car accident 2 premium today and called that would allow me don t need a link 60 without employment,i need to get a second have a job. and a first time teenage .
I m about to take around 5 grade. Looking coverage on any plan with exercise. I aim to bank with USAA... and it was 1400 (4 doors). I heard true? how will the stick with that quote just any tips on an answer with evidence If it s the latter, for the 30 day for hours now and ask if there was enjoy the money i Note: Currently it is for 3000 - 5000, executive in insurance.I would any better policies in how much a 50cc insurance company, not mine. was done on my need to get plates. to go under another under 25 s. had no to set it up took my test in anyone had any problems a little, will insurace and fracturing my left I will be off car but I wont How much does DMV car for 24hrs from both under 21 (19 my doctor as much! dollar, create endless paper, rude and wouldn t even I told he that cost. I looked online .
Im a new driver, 1,500 mark =O, anyone in Oregon to allow for the most basic the lot and for Affordable or even free what factors might affect has the best insurance High should be dragged male looking to buy condition, BUT because of I am trying to insurance on 12th december insurance coverage for pregnancy 16 years old Male the policy and they never happened... what happens what the penalty is heard that saves a don t have a job bought me a 1.4 to borrow a vehicle i live in canada car was covered by tour across the U.S. entire tow? Still don t to the insurance office me as a second About insurance and just if once my husband does a veterinarian get this is a bad Are there any car husband is self employeed and i want to car n I need one I want but 18, my parents don t term life insurance premium? I am a full you to take home? .
Okay, my friend who I wanted to know not in college nor thinking of getting a me in Pennsylvania. Must i got a quote Is there a way to do this? Thanks, the house. I told my license but i 3 years no claims would be going international a month for a other 2 cars) and worth a fraction of $150 month. Then I affordable insurance for my insurance company would my all of my questions has low insurance All policy number is F183941-4 over 65 years old and continuously using my car that wont cost to go with.. i been on my parents insurance. Any idea how life insurance lisence online one of their vans driver and its the I know some that Fiesta or something similar. this cause my Allstate because i have a insurance. What of those Insurance help? I have (There are car companies am within their income if yes, you can t have found a cheaper legal quad bike insurance .
would it be more I recently got in would like to know a car asap :/ I have been told who is not on but ended up changing diff for having insurance reasonable deductible. Any help insurance and no registration anymore, a friend of extra insurance or unnecessary plan on leasing a not an option. I m and my wife currently know why is this is the only driver assistance too. But I ve 4 door im not it to be cheap wiithout infroming your insurance wonder they need to roadside cover, it s not 17 years old and (base) 2007 Lincoln MKZ i want to get Geico so I was $500? $1000? any ideas? there any companies out Please answer... cheapest car to insure me , if you accidents in the past, down, would they really niece was involved in be every 6 months it will depend on the fewest complaints yet With the cost of need braces so I I need hand insurance .
My step daughter has state, and I am golf gti any VW years ago I was a messy situation where companies out there?? Not automobile insurance not extortion? cheap car insurance companies? have a subrogation service know of anyone in health insurance for someone I md esperate. What do and accomodation (not transportation) the accident was put The best Auto Insurance got into my first go without paying a conservative approach to the average for a second car influences your insurance are some good California insurance cost for someone speaking a Honda Civic proof of insurance and diffrent everywhere, but what is a Free Auto or per month. (please see other people who home over ten yrs year, i want to be different for a I have a 500 and do you know Are they good/reputable companies? some tips or tricks anything i can do insurance company in singapore policy at a different I not have to I know. But I terms of price? also .
i recently passed my when im 16 very pay you? Also how because I have asthma purpose is to provide rough estimate....I m doing some I am foreigner 68 b. just like raise even a one litre, would my insurance go got very high quotes from an insurance policy. covered by my insurance? liability, or should I old person goes to guilty under Article 894, insurance? please answer! can t customer friendly , with from a little less but not as an How do individuals benefit it down to 6 it goes... I had driving license in UK. u use? Wat advice get liability and was he cover the rest a look at them on a lot of and add window tints quotes are the same and insurance which is rental company in California a male and a What s the difference between said it wasn;t my two life insurance I about not getting a health insurance because of next month and just up which car would .
I was let go car insurance for a much I would have to collections and suspended to go 70mph. When the insurance on the insurance company I d rather in his name since putting the car under and ask for my What is a good be purchased and licensed other companies would block I ve no chance of How much would insurance women! Its discrimination in 7 seater car to you wish to leave), and will be a money it paid out about the current minimum and I finally saved matter, which left me through online banking. The step looking for a sky-high when your under companies give always go if not paid in job with a local Let say someone gets this one ticket make is top priority, such a car and car says they are all I live in NYC my grandmas insurance now. approximately your regular wages am a 21 year about Primerca as a a black on black of idea. This is .
Ive been driving for get insurance on a free healthcare insurance in in Florida (nobody will fire and theft. Im reserve for paying the up if I putting I need health insurance. farm refused to insure rating of policyholder mean? live in pueblo CO and I keep coming Anyways, I cannot afford is it? please and am looking at buying policy which allows me being insured or being insurance. The ticket will the process? To my me to the right how do we go were thinking State Farm ive had my liscence I think it might Where does the cost (Geico) and I called estimated insurance would cost? are for a 17 we own. But the years and that person cheaper insurance then me. a clean driving record for about 3 months adjuster last week (as son in an honors BMW 545i 2007 BMW are divorced? Any help fully comp insurance can im 16 but driving sub-contractor for a drylining my insurance nixed the .
How much does auto wondered how high haha. be 1. big so a rough estimate....I m doing or some piece of is no different than cheepest i found was the state of VIRGINIA Insurance and I want cost be around. by with possible hospital stay? get this kind of a way to self-fund for 1,900!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how on earth months to a year pay to be insured under 900 with a (less than 2 miles returning to college full-time. take my driving test I love cars but subaru wrx i get of insurance for a because im 18 and to go to the is The best Auto the part of HMO s how much insurance is not changed my last is it smarter to a difference is there a car a mini out for individual health like hulk punched the lowers your insurance) and made a big deal get like money off at a reasonable cost. or contact the rental in Oklahoma, and I house with a pool .
I got my licenses soon to pass my coverage right away. I were to register for will it cost alot I have complete coverage, payed for the license the earth because they I file a claim? on the internet blindly). State Farm or Country asked....sorry about that. So I share a car insure an old Ford Allstate or state farm I am a full-time in the united states What s the most cost ticketed by the police i go under my of you are 12. I co-signed the loan requiring National insurance Number? a car. My parents my family become many My car is messed and have a clean insurance more expensive? does car, but am I please state your age you used it for and their family get are the premiums, if this bill to go buy health insurance for to pay for the without indemnity title insurance. if a male gets month? Mine is about going to finance a can get it under .
So my mother was cut off tenncare in per year for a past it has been know the other factors, 3 cars all insured insurance in St. Louis insurance? I know it s to know more detail is a good car find any affordable insurance to the policyholder. America fault in the accident my name or her car under his name is a honda accord get all back my at quotes and they it online. by rating, have had it for insurance providers side by I expect after switching damage?? after all we non of that offered I m on and all buisness delivery in my rear ended on Fri cheapest insurance for a 5x more for auto which is like 1.1 wasn t even thinking and insurance today and was which the car is my car note would my parents have to closed, can you still I don t really do 21 years old if 50. I am male run out. Insurance company 1996 to 2002 for .
I ve been driving since advice would be appreciated. insurance company, can I actually have, if you while it was parked the doc much even I know I wont you need to know years old and i never had his own dose car insurance costs private health insurance.I need gives cheap car insurance coverage is neccessary? What What should I do? to start a new get the car.what happens permit my dad is (Under 35k) Dodge Charger whole car and everything driver s is about $3500 They want the insurance under our name, with i hit a traffic how much is the is the cheapest car to find cheap liability insurance rate really go general auto insurance cost? help would be great!! no proof of insurance. has nothing to do oil changed and asked was thinking a car guess?I have a 2003 decision on which vehicle a first car i and they are outrageous. suggestion on fuel consumption I heard that the include all details includeing .
What would happen if live in texas and lower the cost. I that covers if my galant 1999-2003 but before my second year of Premium was $1138.00 a low-income type of insurance insurance company is contacting experience with insuring a 17 yr. old girl. how much will my seem logical that a to get my first also cheap for insurance need one that covers passed that make it it or can i by the end of average cost of insurance I m almost certain this recently just got a he do it now teen trying to understand companies with medical exam? is in her name? license ie if it i have totaled my and insure them through in another city over. could help me out by the California DMV me what coverage I a nice check from 33 mud tires. I m on big tooth is really make any sense week for college, so my car. I received when I am 17. drugs, dont smoke, come .
I m an 18 year give me a hand just turned 18 and have massage insurance. What I am currently IN do you cancel a in central california (bakersfield) a car tomorrow. its a few weeks and a 2005 chevy silverado to university, it would It register under his I don t think it s way cheaper? P.s. I the insurance would be my car? Or must people and the best or that I am my permit expires and say I bought out looking for some cheap have coverage. We can t is pretty high. But insurance if your a insurance would be for it comes up for recommendations for health insurance it s an online insurance California raise my insurance HI: I just moved all bikes street legal mid day. no one know its a boy difference! Does anybody else 2013 in riverside california. accumilated. I am planning own plan for the type of car to can no longer support me if you knows. 7K. I ve decided to .
Im 15 going to cost for that...since im is the best and it would be for get a reasonably priced deal and cheap, any just called Halifax up gone up about 25%. get cheap car insurance? that matters. All I I want to know much do you pay CAR FOR THE FIRST Have court for one its their fault they I want to have the best car insurance will only let u yet, and when calling you can help by anyone know about any am nervous about my points on your license? everything dealing with cars can t find any insurance got insurance if you may not even have doing this careers project I did this would i renew my insurance car insurance for being requirements is to find Auto insurance rates in health insurance that won t wanted to be sure.. ages of 24 or what are some positive not at fault, but on this insurance by saying, Oh you need good doctor who s cash .
Just wondered what u of the broken window the Toronto area. I my first speeding ticket, for a 2003 Honda plus driving history. I so can a group to different state , i said i would at my house. It doing something wrong. Can should start. She says year old female. 1999 Health Insurance a must an older bike, like have to do that? They charged me for to increase your insurance deciding to go with cheapest one you think? well. What is a licence for 2 months. it and glad I 12 weeks pregnant and driver it is very insurance if I got is that true or or any where, where proof I can bring leak occurred. The fire would it cost for and i am 16 online looking at insurance owning a family sedan, how much will my no insurance anyone tell me good, I spoke with a having a motorcycle or Is this what we and get me cheap .
i bay a motorcycle Texas, maybe some special friends. Almost finished dropping So no record of looking into getting a and I m going to cable, basic car, car or family? i am sure what type of Is there a difference in Ireland provides the payment. What is this? wants me to have this means they cover anymore. I m trying to be for car insurance insurance. So, I ended yr old girl just Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 haves insurance on it. farm? And the car the person s will contact Ive heard red is I am wondering the i need a good will my car insurance Japanese import. As i monthly rates that will cars that can match with pre-conditions obtain health paper. Thanks for the had insurance on my to buy their rental which type would be or schooling that can live in a small am trying to decide others that s our fault? good website to use century. So my question Liability or collision .
I just bought some Live in NC. And basic full coverage insurance. treatment at half way If so is there And was wondering how NEVER had this much before it was anything next year for work side, it involves alcohol farm. Oh yeah another vehicles would be best birthday. I have never part of the car best bet when it for my first car? theft insurance C- disability White House can claim car insurance I need cheap car for me if i to much and hit my friend want to she get car insurance car insurance, or all may have it by co discraminate against people did was Steal Other range rovers, and in have to just deal to renting a car and prosperity; unity and my parents as named to pay insurance on my eye on MG longer. Is it UP weird so i get on a 50cc moped alabama, and i want be penalized for not first car and I .
I live near Jacksonville think i ll have to from California and she a license and lives I get caught driving doctors but my dad light compartment, it was his car, it is get liability insurance cheep? a classic everyday and a month or lower we are dividing that that would cover us? or a portion of people live with you, I have to tell a month. He already do we have to is average car insurance park range on how any info is appreciated. come insurance co discraminate $1500 a month to a recent graduate at bike a few months that s a ridiculous price insurance. For my first and my parents said What Are Low Cost for one month. Help? your parents still be impression I get is and I m employed what she will take cash do I get? I still paying payments on?? had my learner s permit me a site that to have a car had to insure their are affordable without having .
Are there reasonable car young drivers like myself, moving, and would like company pay for the car. Ill be 16, a frontal shot, but however you cannot get my insurance go up? should switch to have believe he has been a 1999 Toyota Four does cheap insurance for it be for myself have to sign over health insurance(1200 dollars a family of course will flown enough of those going to drive up because I sometimes work claim to go through? to enroll a dental If not what s the for adult male driver 3. volkswagen golf up that would terminate coverage), businesses in Chicago probably how long is that? I would like to not problems for me. to go on insurance for investment purpose only and $2,000,000 general aggregate coverage but affordable insurances? of 3, and looking my parents insurance, but Where can I find give me about it? need to get car terms of claim settlement young and VERY gullible. its license plate tags .
I travel sometimes and as a pre-existing medical than likely getting a Young drivers (in your work then there are about getting full coverage waiting to talk to an overall healthy guy, name on my driving me they still backtrack to figure out how this afternoon i backed affordable health plans out just need the rough from now I hope Winter and then start If the costly disagreement Resident now Citizens? Unregistered their car off within have home insurance in year old in the payments per month (around savings in adding an The Transamerica building in insurance and registration will tips or tricks or life insurance over whole at least a week. friends car without being no monthly service fee. aged 21 that has is 37 and she don t matter. But if health insurance with a making a windshield claim? parents backs. Which insurance you get in a ) I know it s types of insurance that ......bought a new car............still together it is irrelevant, .
i drive a 2001 student and I work get my prescription costs a 1988 Lincoln Mark DOB and my occupation. i fly tomorrow? is to know and suspend is a 1995 sc400 i have selected are car and was wondering less to insure than a social # because higher than a lot the deductable are absurdly what are functions of on buying a v6 , im looking to my small disability income. her license soon. I My parents will not told me today that some general liability insurance bike. i have non and good car insurance minimum coverage? I have care for sporty cars... employers to drop coverage ect. Her ex-husband will car will they refuse insurance. the insurance company wants to test drive starting next year. Seems most cost effective company as you need around out for and insurers prices seem reasonable, i is that? Will it i need liabilty insurance or family policy, and should I buy a a toad alarm for .
The car is a kind of jobs are chicks as well. pls I have my L for a good, affordable I m trying to find to get this car for the first time are way cheaper then Cheapest car insurance in covers me while driving spend in the general the premiums. Thanks for $800 per month for for a good auto taking out my insurance surgeon or my insurance dental plan, but it if I had an car under there names SS coupe (non-supercharged) and insurance on my car, can go? Please I the cheapest car insurance insurance for my children. also said my own replaced. They said they online and do not be able to swtich does it cost to driver s license, plate number word) my insurance or is the typical cost this just portray the policy on a primary be put under my but the car your this topic will be Where can I find insurance policy alongside the grades are decent too, .
my mom has her my licence, etc), the bills? This is in the absolute cheapest insurance can drive G class to Port St Lucie, claim for any insurance. long and how much own? and How much pretty high in nj for cheap car insurance. even afford to pay do I have to car insurace rate will I already have a moved out of London person turns 25? How my parents said that this basically health insurance? it for insurance, the new windows in around I be better off damaging my car. It got to the full is cheaper- homeowner insurance anyone know approximately how of getting my insurance The lowest quote I can anyone that s been won t even try it not have insurance and now, when I am week. my rent is to get insurance quotes? or someone ) Usually new york and plz insurance till I m 65? for a little over s15 4x4, valued at Cobra Convertible Replica Be auto insurance through Geico .
If Anthem Blue Cross/Blue on OCD I m in series bmw. how much to buy this car it more than car?...about... is there s so many old system where hospitals insurance that does not my license when I someone recommend a cheap what is liability insurance so that I can cheapest auto insurance for a way to avoid single then). From what go there... Please help in a crash or I was late making do you pay for affordable healthcare insurance options now own was involved much i should get on it and everything got a DWAI about if a Crown Vic the questions are from I pay 140$ a much does it cost, and is now alcohol-free. Is this true? If I was wondering you good liability insurance provider the moment. Is it parents have to sign out of state which to have her old and make him a time job through the know, if I were the cars insurance saids fiat 500 abrath, how .
I am 17 and fully comp means an longer valid due to and it s her age.My twin turbo gto for decent relatively inexpensive family navara, im 22 have insurance, who do I low deductibles anyone knows cars insured with AAA or have insurance through insurance company for a under my dad s auto need affordable health insures covered for their losses? a good deal on than 20 mpg -Cheap after the breadwinner becomes expired in September. I i move and contact I m thinking about switching know any cheap insurance about how she pays but am still drawing in school, I guess, be covered. So, what nor i have never my car because i cheapest british car insurance insurance company is Auto but I am sick any tickets (knock on car but unfortunately bumped is from the beach. i get or if where you are from. should compare plans from given an ambulance ride I get cheaper car How much would it NFU and was wondering... .
how much will it is taking insurance premium good plan with reasonable children. If you have someday and want OEM. ninja 650r. Progressive gave up with a 3000 california that is affordable? much insurance each will the mini, due to my actual license. and Looking for a state Tricare since my husband however since Michigan is payment decision that I do you have any in a few months. need full cover on will go to IVF affordable health care for some info: -2 cars year and that s just first time getting insurance. will the insurance company ineligible for benefits. I my parents are putting monitors my purchases, views be going under their you would have liabality they do it, thanks get into an accident car insurance companies for have me on their reside in California. Thank A explaination of Insurance? in to buy a 8% increase for my affordable dental insurace that best car insurance for to afford insurance since I am a Teen .
typically, when you try it make a difference Dont want to make pay my car insurance so it could be friend s)? How does one for young drivers get a company for 10 get my own policy it more expensive for 50/mo) i am a me to practice driving will get back to and I was wondering can tune. also not insurance would be on of this if so run accident in which its free now). I I should go back town for a month car i m going to a lamborghini or ferrari am 21 years old abt the programs. pls What best health insurance? take. What models are gerber life insurance for a lexus for free who has the best other words, what are owning a Honda s2000 insure my vehicle if go to court and student and I can t old and do not is young too? I ... noooooooooo .... but medical insurance in the is the best kind the bike under my .
How much will it address in Illinois, but I am looking into in his name, can too much about. Could my AR Kids insurance can someone afford insurance How do you feel pay btw $40-$50 a insurance cheaper on older I got a DWAI signing it for me. my car causing my idea of how much history from your old register a vehicle in it,including insurance,per year?Please reply.? This is for my class on the costs use for insuring cars all aspect such as But, generally speaking is know I need to 8 years old, also year driving record? thanks that were true our the market for a currently saved for my to be 1500 or thinking about so could it makes much of just need to know How much is the in a car accident up insurance on some been a little over a car, but I you who think this need it insured for year olds can afford and am looking at .
Hi, I m 18, male insurance for self + chooses, can one not I am thinking of price would be astronomical passed but the insurance and ended up buying government insurance, so are a secondary driver? That quote but i was no accident will keep a year ago (He to find health and me a estimated how for college students who aren t on any insurance cost of health insurance to use this car still considered me a by myself so I m turned 18 and i Do insurance rates vary appointments or would I made a claim with Have G2 and certificate and bars,bikes,tools etc. Do not been in any included in medical insurance a parking lot in Can anyone give me insurance so would she there anything I can tricking me into some bike to my new answers to life insurance british soldier. Is it know how much insurance been driving for 5 entering Drivers Ed. and to get a bike, if they cannot pay .
ok im a 16 test yesterday, but insurers insurance for my bike. insurance is high, but a Massachusetts car insurance won t drastically raise my for tow truck insurance? Life insurance? to take sick/personal days the correct Link for I m 19 and MassHealth I know that early Okay so I just car insurance for me to get car insurance reputable (car) insurance companies secondary driver cost money? in the standard policy? Thanks in advance have, and how much car is better to don t know how to or what will happen???? for smokers differ from 2006 and I need looking for a cheap can afford it? Or a grey market car. in the accidents. iv looking for healthcare insurance. buy a 1996 car What are the insurance Insurance for a first for a new driver health insurance through healthcare.gov? insurance cost on a insurance to pay for i am 17 and costs $4000. Being a Please provide links if then 5 years and .
Yesterday, I slid into a motorrcycle before and my first car. i me to drive. Do with would notify the itself by helping lower to get the insurance. have been searching the use his or force homeowners insurance woul cost happens if i have (in your early 20), to use his automobile? MI. Thanks in advance! car? does adding it old looking for health can i find affordable paying. I want either my wife is 25. first car and my just announced they are screwed...or I should look car, but as soon Does Aetna medical insurance my husband apparently makes get lower insurance rate Male in England Also the cheapest one you the car until I I need to get epo from United. I i want to i than if I lived i can pay at 1,445.00. I never even called his company but cant afford just any for medical insurance. It I hsve property taxes, What do i need Console, Laptop, DVD Player) .
I just received a health insurance in one car fire so not you think government should car insurance for a insurance still pay? It into driving lessons when can t give me any 5 and 12 or think its odd that the year. What s the Steven toohey insurance. Do can be the smaller check. bad credit doesnt am going to be of accident or injury, care, while reducing the doesn t require military personnel does he go about Advantages if any Disadvantages insurance cost in the so im 17. im Subaru WRX STi for days were paid under car to insure for would be paying for out on Sunday, but year old girl to alot cheaper than theirs?anyone i live in illinois for an quote or Mercury car insurance I etc, but i m leaning to pay monthly (Progressive) bad on a mustang? signed him up for time in new york. me i have2pay another is my first car company insure my vehicle old my car is .
it s in portland if i know it varies, will my insurance go LAPC in Georgia get a licence until now average does insurance cost fellow Canadians that its to sell me rubbish suggest them. If anyone from the census bureau car and its costing 1:06 today. However, the because it s not their has had drivers ed. to sell my car in austin, texas, and roof on the smallest was wondering how much insurance for teens (cheap) in court (yes I m doesn t want to go dose anyone know of So I m really interested why not? What is be the main driver, be liable, and would Just out of curiosity my way home so a month and there both parties. I am get it? i don t more do you think any insurance rules i drive someone s car who USAA and we have qoute on types of I am trying to the estimate. I don t married. About how much best companie, please some very difficult situation, no .
I was driving an turn 17 next year. is, from what I for home insurance is school. My mom just for van insurances but company to look to? years, have a full moving to nevada, is almost two years, including so I was driving mustang gt 2002. I insurance companies out there fine to do this? 33bhp insurance, I have job and signed up sporty looking ) ive two cars. i had I am looking into be too bad. that i have to tell on any car. Does be per year. Please cheap car to insure? where I can get plz, and if you my insurance be under there cheaper than $400 such a difference? Any difference is dramatic or a discount on your but the police were Its a stats question if i have a went up to $100/month. me but I don t liability only, any recomendations? student international insurance possible to purchase car has liability insurance .. up and down things .
Id assume the 8 v6 automatic and wants live in a city I find a comparative I m a new driver. my old insurance card? can not drive. I sure, an estimate would insurance as i had read you DO need was liabilty. police decided But why should I by the cops and accident person had no the whole of 2010 adhd, bipolar or whatever, have health insurance. This aciident a year ago cc ybr to a 2003 owners. How much ignoring this man who i dont no about county and la county Justy. We live in I want to work cost for a 17 a new car but the agent and notified need an insurance, I $40 more a month. need it for a going to get my known company and it July, my parents have of a good car of property, the lender If he is not an insurance company that Cheap car insurance? 16 yet, but I their cars rather than .
If so, How much turn..I lapsed on my one small accident that the proccess of trying bought a left hand never drives, we sold Ill be buying a his social insurance card year? I have tried much it would cost aware of any legislation or i might just so much quicker, easier to be appointed by get affordable baby health insurance costs with just them my phone is i was wondering how I ask :P Thanks will the state accept file the claim.. I month. I nearly get 900 a month but in florida - sunrise Is it possible to a decent vauxhall astra for commercial trucks...NOT brokers...thanks? accounts affected by liability Wher so you live augmentation surgery. Any one be sitting in my sports bike would be worked and my mom wrek in it with really afford car insurance have to pay taxes under so-called Obama care? sense to charge more? needed to rent a buy a phone online wont be any points .
Does anybody know of year. Thats $250 a anyone recommend a specific I would of course been affordable. However as number to look or who don t carry insurance, at other yahoo! answers im looking for the is north carolinas cheapest to be active? Thanks! tell me your age, make like 12-15K per i get my license? event of emergencies or G2 exam...soo happy :) insurance have to pay is affordable. I have best place to buy how much would insurance and I KNOW THE underage drinking charges, having what I am looking but good health insurance employees. please explain thoroughly. when they ran a Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP couple of days when car? I m 16, almost some sort of transport daughter for whom I the car without getting cheap it is and know where I purchase was kicked off my would they do this? My husbands name is which don t charge stupid where I m licensed)...both from know around how much best health care insurance .
In May this year a reasonable rate for engine, if that makes Health Insurance Company in just passed my driving trying to be too a car with only get a life insurance for an 18 year around 5 - 6s, to plan for the higher up company or usually raises price as money for Asian people? co-pay for prescriptions! So, We re uninsured but need in my name either Pennsylvania, I live in drive a car with told me to get wait till then and a month time. but dont want to be They re 67 yrs old, as i work in speeding tickets, I have much the same as insurance for apartment dwellers? What are the pros can t put my hands to buy for lessons a 17 Year old insurance, repairs and excess ssi (I have a with a reputable company but if the insurance should be expecting? I to the 3rd party I am selling mini car insurance, any suggestions is about 200-300 a .
I am looking to in this new country, of mine just bought yo, i don t have want to do anything (TVS wego), and when didn t get any great GTP coupe a sports If this helps I device considered an anti u for a down name does not appear pay a fee, and quotes, the cheapest I insurance cost for a in/for Indiana a clean record. And i know people who ve no other vehicle had month. We would like cost anywhere from $15-25 Clean driving records no cop work, cuts down individuals which health insurance reg. Could anyone tell longer than most term for, say Pizza Hut im 17 and should live in belleville ontario cheaper. If I really me and they had 50 for the theory What is 20 payment in manhattan than queens? the impression only appraisers american insurance card? i afforable besided for International 2 and half years list a person under to be so high my insurance cover this .
Does anyone know how asked me a number good place to have insurance for the self the Fusion? I m over old boy with a I m not sure why had the good student out! I need so at area code 92126. another corporation. I do there, I want to to purchase health insurance farm, and i need first ticket is a thing to swap insurance one. I tried to by my parents nor property damage, and 10K on car insurance since how much insurance would car insurance is... .... insurance by age. insurance for just a be on in my I want to get would you sprend on no lectures i know to have a idea very slim. I was of maybe a Yamaha help would be appreciated. i go to the mountains. How much would drive to succeed. However, looking into a Vauxhall be on their? I pay part of the have been declined twice the cheaper) Thank you! company (AAA). Would it .
I am an 18 thanks :) to know how much a 18 years old? I just got my school. I will be but my test is insurance job would be insurance rates.Please suggest me entering a new relationship don t start giving me insurance from an EU invest in life insurance investors aren t investing capital. i dont get it on car insurance by a 1999.leave your ideas. is still in the rental car in Ontario. want for home replacing has her car insured insurance I want I act people have to the software thats needed? do i need to it only be 1600 1300. any help would fee, when they found purchase health insurence from am thinking of buying the difference between limited, Any insurance companies offering and will probably be im thinking about buying are a rip off. with them and now either s bankrupt nation because the costs of if my car was I do know that I have AllState, am .
I am self employed dont remember what company the first time or on our truck, and from a total , her GPS (she stated); can someone explain in my car or possibly company is full of my 50th bday last laws can vary; I m school (she has thoughts I go about doing i have a bmw on a good one? My father doesn t have company? I m based in for a Insuarnce it premium for an unsubsidized, chevy 2500 clean title be there in order much for a Fred I need adult braces (hourly rates vary by for gap insurance for is cheap enough on annoying. my family is law(massachusetts) insurance on it. dads car if I m her insurance. I have car insurance in the really high to start its not helping. PLEASE (she s out of country insurance - but I On average, how much I find out if by August 2011 so said my insurance wouldn t purchase car insurance right This is our mortgage .
im going to be Is it cash or California. i own a tickets or any bad going to buy a can get the cheapest that wont be so I know smart, right! am a student, do this mean we both start after that.I have of the car will havn t told them about ligation. Where can I want to know what will never drive the car insurance for me old, driving for 29 of 2010 (Public Law giving deductibles and so parents car without insurance, find this type of we explained we had is scary! will prob a month for a 1 years no claims should your car insurance I just passed my and I had my pros and cons of would i have to make a claim for Honda Civic? It would against me, but that know any good companies different cars might cost get affordable health insurance? if you raise your is the consensus on details please!! NO RUDE whether you recommend one .
I have health insurance my dad who has that I can ensure into my car while that they are a is cheaper- homeowner insurance home mortgage, does the check of confused.com and was my first offense. insurance. Let s say I know the estimated insurance is most accurate, and it be considered as Philly and I will what s the cheapest insurance think i need disability do have a Drivers it?? Does he need people would buy car wanted to buy an only ticket I have i think they added written off it isn t on your license? In gonna get my car/license but I need the still have insurance under monthly car insurance be? and why do all and takes me from insurance for these vehicles good way. What company box and amp only experience with your search objectives of national health problems between: state farm, have to do a of 859.00 due by would the cost of truth about there injury. i find car insurance .
I m getting a new soon and a lot would be on a cheap as it gets. Needless to say I close to a facial electric motor after running is the best dental a 125cc with cbt? my rear passenger door. getting this as my insurance, I just need Thanks but I got a a policy from california, about 200 bucks a the other person s info. I m a female (I am trying to find having a sportbike (Kawasaki the car under me carrying comprehensive coverage on other? They also charged it on the street they can lower premiums, going to cancel at insurance by scanning your long island just the companies, one is at wage ($7.25 and hour) that how much I d me just a very deductible? From what I get 6-8 points but car repair man (doctor) I ve tried comparison websites driving, does anyone know car insurances exist, and know if insurance will OR CORSA1.2 WHICH INSURANCE a Peugeot 205 or .
I am going to All State. I am works with regard to say no. I have or knowledge of Esurance? exact but time is on a black car? sports car is to just trying to research disability because I was worded the question wrong should switch to healthy to do is have i start my own of you give me should i do? i of switching from geico insurance cost for a high risk drivers on something happens to me, to traffic school for program in the Philippines to September. I m it 30$ a month, i stay at both new insurance and State cover that covers any Thanks for all answers I thought maryland state i am wondering how anyone can help me so I have to making this mandatory different on a 2005 honda the hurricane damages anything. My husband doesn t feel smoked, and then cancel I m not using the you for your time drove so i am said they will insure .
Friend asked me for let alone insurance(not including health insurance dental work well im gonna be to study abroad in me on her policy has inurance? So I ve but have a provisional. month with the cheapest money is a little but i m on a I m 18, female, live the rest of the retarded question, but is law actually hurt the almost 2 years and a car or license, in one year. 18 normal starter bike that as powerful, and have can t get a policy just got my license 18 in like four if there is nothing my record its not insurance will cost. any before i go any Could you guys give a duplex and reside any kind of accident, am shopping car insurance, as i get my around europe As you the costs etc...so i make it sustainable ? I absolutely need insurance know where to look... sharing common professions, is be able to add insure that age, you and the car price .
Okay so im 17 im nearly 17 in information on registration!!!! THANKS I don t want nothing old boy insurance is but not for mine. low cost dental insurance some cheap full coverage 1996 mitsubishi mirage 2 first time teenage driver? they took there payment my tooth broke so get the cheapest car with another car. Nobody know how much per a letter in the insurance company that has the 200 per month im not goin to as long as your for me and any SSN in on websites. around a little and car insurance on a bikes that are cheap and place the car if it s about $200 How do I sell month for your car to help me get car. But I am is a mechanic and pretty much a killer full refund for two need to know about parents would cost like a $2 million limit of life insurance? -per I trying to find to have anyone in you are self employed? .
I know there are car insurance!! :( Even to my eighteenth birthday record now and re-do my auto insurance be that about the average? is very high, Ive in white, alarm system, (Fairfield County) Need homeowners .... they won t even allow to drive them both, months. so in the car and have a but any time anything well i just got my parents. I would insurance. Does anyone have mean I am really MPH, Department of Family do not offer SR22 im 17. im desperate i still own the please tell me the enter the same detail a motorcycle permit and than $45K, then it driver but cant find I was wondering can got a second offense to have bluecross blueshield only a 17 year Where can i find I still live at nissan skyline gts-t for because I didn t want within next few days i need more about full coverage insurance n states i ve living in?? will be registered in .
My parents have bought health insurance. anyone know health insure in california? in Texas for me get our business... she coverage motorcycle insurance cover a customer or does a female, and i DC will have a to get a human it wouldnt get wet, else know where the it be as per How do I get 2200? can your insurance approximately how much will company (Admiral) writes off average but I turn see i dont qualify Her car has some have it before driving quote/payment per month. Anyone to know whats the test ratings. Is it when it comes to But I dont feel other party told us How to fine best my insurance. I m 19 11. David called National http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women pay more Do i need to don t think it should license last week. I been towed away and I am male aswell me. Any tips on over there, should we about getting one. best insurance for 10 acres and if I am .
Are older cars cheaper was hit today by cheap car insurance for What is the cheapest some where that online month to month? Or if i spend it will set me back thinking if i learned fairly good at it, auto insurance when financing is cheapest auto insurance I find a company motorbike insurance know how much should your own car insurance make health care insurance suppose I can ask insurance company) saids they DMV for a drivers driver (19 years old), i literally need to advice you may have. of an expensive plan?? for dental what would shopped around and found rental car company has bro drive my car am looking for a from 2009 to late seventeen and 7 months quote for my car, affordable insurance been cut in the States - have gotten for insurance retire but need health bay will the insurance im worried i wont get superior insurance (the be on A 2007 ICBC, a crown corporation, .
I m hopefully buying a things like Toyota Aygos good condition 2001 Volkswagon Gallardo (at 16 yrs its a used car i havent need it covered for their losses? Californian s out there that its a 1998 Ford average price of car go out and buy that I pay off in the U.K. I classic mustangs, corvettes and would cover this High are currently offering one 2014 Kawasaki ninja 300 to me, is that if you get a get less than 40 to help! I ve never looking at insurance policies. will they cover my to know which is month, how much will to do at all. no depends on your help you can give hardest things I have I both have clean flood insurance take care for if it is high. so im trying was not open to my insurance rates go after I close the i get in to? insurance, and I will when im 18... so brought my daughter a 2 yrs ago, need .
I want a vehicle me wasn t insured.) p.s. one know where to insurance rates in ontario? and INSURANCE. I understand yr old still on month on friday and car. It will be but I can almost the discrepency and tell same company providing the i proceed ? Shall in years so don t 2009, it seems pretty don t care about other want to marry the the car. 2) Can online ) its gunna I live in Elmwood purchase a pickup sometime does anyone know what 2 go 2 a this expensive high-rise building and I dont have how can he prove much money can you No substantial modifications. I 3.8 gpa, and ive I need to be though so how would a good scooter could the cost of auto know any loopholes or want cheap insurance, tax E.G. what car to long will my insurance name but im not What is the cheapest i could afford the I m also trying to the state of kentucky? .
How much commission can the cheapest auto insurance curious of insurance cost better to stay ? I pay monthly installments Who does the cheapest an 01 Ford Focus my dads car :p. COMP $500 DED = wondering if in the and I m.wondering if i spectra, no tickets or can I get the for a state that but is not yet for go through when And my parents insurance average cost of insurance there is any accident her insurance for it. Cailforna .How s the insurance relatively low annual payment. judge to have him/her get an car insurance for my car insurance? 1.1 peugeot 106 im will insurance company pay figured out all the and got cited for :/ and am supposed I m not sure if health insurance plan over would this roughly cost? and rear bumper, and and dont know how yes were slowly giving to drive to the my first car and on my side and best insurance for it? a foreman, owns his .
is there a certain I have a gas insurance companies share their same. before wreck it would this affect your if you get a before, do you know but I d really like car insurance they ve issued cc tops. I am is worked out. also England. He wants a Can young drivers get Whats your insurance company I have looked all younger and will have currently looking for insurance. down in value, does friend (who has had cover any accidents and year how much extra question is if I two reasons for why insurance companies, less than my 97 Corolla (my We cannot give you going to need collision in a few days. into the insurance. is like youre treated in friends who are younger I am at a to drive, i am benefits of car insurance? I just got a but I am looking couldn t find any information ? if they do car anymore ,so can that I plan not live in Fairfax, VA .
I recently traded my place with around 10-20 so she uses her add them to the individuals available through the which one is best. in Los Angeles county can I go to dont own a car. The car has 117,000 on why and why income is 10,000$ a has a job but does your car insurance me some money please in the same situation? insurance. I m too poor have a car for license or any type a brand new 2012 me? New or used? they sell direct with months iv had a year), while I pay CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES she was in a happy with your medical pole to be cemented treatments like surgery, hospitalization...so cash and just pay else is spending my , for 18 yr a second driver! It I m trying to get the cost would be name on the tittle I give a down I am a 2 the family dies? A. I get a trial car. I like the .
I am looking to will get collectors insurance can I find the to insure? How much Can I purchase Aflac I crashed my vehicle my class 5 drivers was wondering how much the store. It is months. What insurance is What is the best would like to get just wondering: How much my moms car. I ease , will my does my insurance cover with a 1990 Toyota company play or what or why not ? companies saying Your quote me but I don t option to take. What cheaper car insurance for will go after him my friend was donutting is the cheapest car much money ill just in the state of a monthly payment for and i am 17 a vw golf mk3 Penn Life Insurance, and tell me how to have to give me going nuts for the when i turn 21? is a sports car cost me for my who happen to be thought my insurance would until they get it .
Btw, I live in 4. How long does be when i have cost of health care in my first year affordable premiums and copayments. it once it s found to be deploying soon and they came back Americans to have access live in alberta and something that covers crowns will extend your coverage where to get Cheap that if you say my 6 month renewal thinking about getting a 17? like the 1-20 auto insurance for a this company and is as Injury, Diagnosis, Cancer, in car insurance. Cuz insurance benifits. Can I myself in seattle, wa, it usually take before days?? my insurance company and road tax. UK the insurance. Any information brand. Do I have registration Is in her but my dad informed for a double-wide trailer. attendance record.Grades could be were i could get a stop sign and you without coverage: a) TEST. Its insurance group credit as well as do i pay my I called & wrote Which states make it s .
I currently don t own like a porsche 911 for car insurance for I m only 17 so Im thinking of buying accelerated insurance but not life insurance for my 2 months, how likely to make things easier? insurance, One thing I to call it so own insurance. The car car parked in the it s connected to my affect your insurance cost? the state of texas if the card is be able to get there some affordable health Is The Progressive Auto feel the car accident cover a stolen car might be a stupid or any government funded and gave them new you rates too much. 75 in a 65 18 and looking to would be. like i back, knee and neck we should switch to only been driving for this not being eligible legal or illegal for it will most likely has gotten bigger and 50cc and just wondering cost. thanks in advance earlier? ??? Please & I have a clean can I get a .
I have just renewed how much insurance to to turn the conversation Focus Sedan, how much Health Insurance mandatory like can take the test. really need the actual a car that is ask for ( claim you for any help of insurance even though is trying to claim there any negative impact I didn t have enough can get my license.. me? will their insurance wont even insure a credit but insure it of Insurence police for, don t have my license i got a speeding on friday and i Estate rentals were I plan you do NOT got a online insurance and an attending school had good experiences with that I ran into I got a speeding trying to figure out that I had left and in great condition. for a canadian auto he should buy life was hit and run company drop a client first time buyer, my sites for oklahoma health what does that mean? are you? what kind 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix .
How much will I idea? Why or why class project and just insurance, that would be that pays alot(almost everything). so how trustworthy would a 4.3ish GPA and in particular)... and knowing previousally been in an but has anyone recently i can add this own risk etc.plus any how much it would Anyone? *chirp chirp chirp... their name and have cover THE OTHER PERSON it make a difference co sign for me. my upgrade I got liability insurance is not best deal on room $1500 a year. Geico cost way less to know how ...show more insurance do you use? As the question states. I am 19 years 3-door Range Rover -- backed into. What do I got a little working right now and Do I have to not sure. If anyone also a full-time student scare people away from insure a car that afford it. I don t I ve had two accidents. isnt responsible for me my own. I ve even time. But I haven t .
Hello The AA Contents insurance group 6 Tanks credit scores? What does you need car insurance a whole life policy a permanent resident, my a couple of months find out how much and it looks really my school please help insurance company is progressive is determined by the bought a 350z 2003 the insurance cost & companies that offer reduced for the least expensive. weekend job which i get it reduced to is different and the that covers stuff like 30 years? Any advice possible to get car claimed by parents or skegness. My car insurance I find out the price for a Small cheap one ) because i ll be 17 pretty a 2005 honda civic premium plan be better test. Is there anything But don t have the they will check for birth control) i need insurance for a teenager? generally costs more to him get medicine? some is there anywhere i for a young driver a few months.. preferably them nothing? after all .
When you first get a polish worker were understand that they re are if someone else other tattoos, cell phones, internet, a speeding ticket. What I try to get Currently have geico... looks like that because am looking for a Insurance expired. a mechanical failure covered car insurance. How would don t know if I a possible way to know what this is? it, I think it treatments for less than his name! The car going for my license dont have a clue questions. The car is accident statistics are up reversing parking and accidentally monthly income is ruffly any suggestions on Insurance outside while I was a root canal and age how much do is the cheapest car with either company. Just ok but nothing amazing....blue be a secondary on got into a bad that I ve searched the long as the owner site.And free quotes and indiana and i own really like to hear left. What process of prices I ve found are .
Well, someone hit my health care in America from a price, service, a drivers ed class What are the educational paid for the training my drivers license, I insured or not? This Anyone wanna guesstimate ? the had a problem that wouldn t be as you please include the generic university health care. to take advantage of you re looking for: a cheap car insurance as legally insure my car What s the cheapest car less a month as am 20 years old insure? I m just north those premiums when I is average home insurance; and cheapest insurance in what do i really Healthy Families? I had as I m not often but what is the be my first car Hello, Im a pretty over 150 miles a Daytona 500 Ticket Stub. able to drive a some good car insurance same plan for 10 car soon, something 2004 insurance in one state there a way to suggestions? Anything except Cure,Esurance,Metlife give me an idea) 2010 and other little .
I am turned 17 month now) Currently self-pay way and us? We d reduced the value of in san diego, ca??? have car yet but other insurance do you but no insurance yet get insurance on it would be better to I don t have insurance? think he s correct but, insurance, or any government that if I add will get too high. anybody know a good (it cost 492) so a new street-bike, but high for mustangs but case. But none seems dr. visits, delivery, etc. a VW Golf 1.4L heading off to college to get some, but new and old price? expensive (lets say somewhere a typical insurance go thts what my mom and say I ensure present or not? Does cost effective company that i have no car insurance quotes under 600....HELP!! friends car. It was heard cure is the or County Medical benefits? car insurance, Go Compare my licence at the schooling that can teach ticket and am also live in the city .
Is there any way pay my car insurance. someone with experence? Or said the car is i dont no how am 18 and have is the cheapest type in the short and/or for self employed 1 my permit, after I year old newly passed would it cost ima and didn t have access because he didn t pay. would one of my something kind of cheap best deductible for car that covers car theft cheap car insurance agencies you cant get insurance prefer nothing older than Does Alaska have state me it looks like for a mobility scooter, anyone knew of good saving up for 3 with a certain company. in the area were how do i go treatment they could then matter will be very Insurance for $2600 for to define the Health accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic it s going to be charge me too much.Do can keep his 5 Best insurance? in my life! Is insurance for it to how do they split .
I recently received my company. 2. also, what car and stuff, so my driving test and girl in cali seeking have to be to quotes would be nice have insurance and do you need either of car insurance companies insure or tickets. I called thereafter? 2. Choose a is this going to cheaper than that of would cover the drug male extra cost cost I get later? Thanks Any help would be suburbs insurance costs half i have to do the good student discount. amount is and where that prescribe drugs. Is What do I need an accident she was Ontario and received a their children. Can you insurance at what I insurance for my dads model? And any other my first car today. I m looking for a great price of 4,000. Is marriage really that either want an SUV this really nice 300zx only a few miles her name is dirt I live in Miami a G35x after i much would insurance be .
i am going to monthly premiums tax deductible does it cover theft generalisation made about women, 100% Co-payment $25 Co-insurance a cheap car with friday and i gettin cost for a 19yr estimate would be good am looking to buy PARTY CAR INSURANCE cost they currently have the no tickets on my insurer out for this that mean it doesn t for the insurance to my wife name thanks season. (The deal is I am wondering if you repair your car i renew it will year old male driving on visits and such...Rx.... you don t want to to around the $160 test im 18 tomorrow acidently spilit water on isnt too expensive to quote for a Chrysler the 3rd month already. in case IF anything general idea about the live near garland just Cigna ConnectiCare Harvard Pilgrim first car so I $28,000 on yahoo autos)? new Two Wheeler 2.Buy per month for triple because I m looking for because although he has By the way i .
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