#i dont have anything drawn besides what i shown before and two pages about their conversation but i had to cut it there because its too muc
nuikasa · 5 months
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I'm sorry for the delay but this is going to be so long that I wanted to have a proper time to answer properly and perhaps, expand it more than I originally intended!
Tsukasa is a prince in this story and he is forced to marry someone from the next kingdom to get a peaceful truce and end war between them. Of course, he doesn't want to get married with someone he doesn't love but he doesn't have another choice but to give in, for the sake of his family and his beloved kingdom. He has never been in love before and has never for any meaningful relationships besides his childhood friends from the same royalty, often mistook his parent's praises as a form of love when he was only being prepared for when he will finally take the king title.
His perspective about the world changes after he meets Rui by chance, he takes the courage to leave his well builded perfect life and live his own life and no someone's crafted for him to live on.
Rui in the other hand is a wanderer musician that has lived his life the way he always wanted; he has always considered himself a free bird that flew away where the flow leads him to. He lost his parents when he was a teenager and now, and even so, seeing through the worst, he has become in a very gentle soul with time.
his only dream is to be able to performe in front of everyone around the world and bring endless smiles with his music, ceasing the pain and sadness some might feel, the same way he felt when he lost what he considered most precious to him. When he met Tsukasa he felt he needed that too, someone who would be willing to tell him the true about how to live his own life and not feel pity for him about it.
They immediately connect, as if they were meant to be. I think I got a bit overboard with this but I'll leave a small introduction of the au because I'm really so obsessed with them lmao.
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The story happens in the medieval era, most likely it revolves around a war between two kingdoms, Shirogane and Kurogane kingdoms respectively. They have been in a very heated dispute over the resources of their lands and military territory; these aren't the only kingdoms to exist but I'll expand on that in another post.
After numerous tries of reaching to a solution for their political issues, they decideed to sign a peace truce between kingdoms by celebrating a marriage between their royalty families to put an end to this endless discourse between them, of course this isn't going to be easy and in the end it won't end up well at all but that isn't the issue at hand for now.
Tsukasa is presented in the story to be the eldest son of the Shirogane kingdom's royalty and the next to become the next king on their land. Of course, the blonde, as much as he loves his family and his kingdom, deep inside he doesn't want to become in the next king and wishes to have a normal life but he has lived all his life to be the perfect son and perfect older brother. He spent his all life fulfilling his parents wishing and taking care of his younger ill sister that he loved very much.
As he grown into a fine young man, he kept filling up that perfect role of the elder son and the day where his fate will be tied to that empty perfect life has arrived, he is asked to assist to a royal ball to meet his future wife that was carefully selected to be his companion for the rest of his life. Tsukasa doesn't like the idea to meet someone he doesn't even know at all and marry them out of love, he always dreamed to find the right person he will fall in love and share their live together; this wasn't nothing he dreamed of and the slight idea made him feel sick but he kept playing his role only to fulfill his parents wishes because he always put others first before his own needs, it's what he was taught to do his whole life.
His father mentioned that they picked someone very uncommon but far talented for the ball to perfomance a violin solo for their entretainment. The only thing Tsukasa was told about this person was that he was a wanderer musician that traveled around the world to performance solo shows with his music and he was very good at it; making his own reputation reach the Shirogane Kingdom for them to pick interest on his perfomance.
Curious, Tsukasa waited for the night to come and to finally see with his own eyes, what this wanderer musician was capable of doing. And it happened right in front of his eyes, while he was sitting next to his father at the throne room; the young man dressed in black with a very peculiar hat with black lilies, presented himself in front of the king by the name of Kamishiro Rui, Tsukasa silently watched him adressing himself in front of the crowd and, once he was sure everyone was attentively watching him, he started to play one of his favorite songs.
Everyone was in awe with the musician, the melody was so beautiful that everyone stopped doing what they were doing just to listen to him. The prince was amazed by the music but not only that, he was also amazed by the way how he moved around as he played that melody, his eyes focused on his dear instrument; as if he wasn't really present there. Once the perfomance ended, everyone clapped loudly, cheered for the marvelous show the young musician pull off and Rui could only make a gesture, bowing his head in front of the king who was very pleased.
Tsukasa was speechless and after everything went back to normal, he wanted to have a chat with the newcommer musician but his father didn't let him, making him meet with who he was going to marry in the following weeks at most. The ball ended after that, Tsukasa felt sad that he didn't have the opportunity to even approach the musician to talk about his show and maybe know more about him; the only thing he knew about him was that he was going to stand a few days and then leave to the next town. The young prince had the bad habit to stay up till very late because he sometimes liked to stare at the stars from his balcony and make a wish, wishes that he knew that wouldn't make true if he didn't do anything about it, but still, he wanted to dream about going outside and find something for himself.
When he suddenly heard a distant melody, a melody he heard before. Curiosity took the best of him and he decided to sneak outside the palace towards where the source of the sound came from. He followed the melody til the huge royal garden that wasn't too far away from where his room was, which was casually at the back of the palace.
That's when he found Rui playing the violin alone in the middle of the night and that's when their story truly begins.
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isamijoo · 3 years
All Angles
Title: All Angles
Author: isamijoo
Rating: Teen and Above
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Tags: Artist!Harry, Domesticity, Fluff, Established Relationship, EWE
Word Count: ~900
Summary: Harry was commissioned to draw a painting, but he had trouble deciding what to draw. To combat his block, he started sketching Draco doing mundane things around the house.
Notes: Written for @amortentiaboys for the Wheel of Drarry Mini Exchange over at the Drarry Microfic Madness Discord Server. It is an honour to write for you! Thank you for everything you’ve done for the community! I tried to incorporate ‘Harry with a creative career’ with Fluff and Domesticity. I hope you enjoy my humble gift.
Thank you to @curlyy-hair-dont-care for the lovely beta work!
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When St Mungo’s commissioned a painting for their new maternity wing, they were purposely vague with their request. “Something beautiful,” the Director had said when she authorised the money transfer to Harry’s Gringotts account. “We would be honoured to display any artwork by The Saviour of the Wizarding World himself.”
So, no pressure.
Harry spent the rest of the day staring at his canvas, his mind just as blank. He only escaped the deep despair of his creative block when Kreacher appeared with a crack and informed him dinner was ready.
When he entered the dining room, Draco was already seated and sipping from a wine glass. Despite having been a permanent resident of Grimmauld Place for a few months now, he still dressed as though he was a dinner guest, in his immaculate dark shirt, grey waistcoat and crisp trousers, with his perfect white-blonde hair and fair skin.
He was beautiful.
Draco smiled when Harry took a seat at the head of the table. While they ate, Draco told him about his day; he had discovered that salamander’s blood interacted strongly with poppy seeds extract and the resulting fumes from the explosion could peel paint off walls. “Thank Merlin I had my Protective Suit on,” he said with a chuckle. As he continued sharing his Potions Mastery stories, Harry found himself unable to look away.
After the war trials, Harry had put in a lot of work to woo Draco, to convince him to open up to him and love him back. It took a few years, many conversations and fights, a lot of forgiveness and sex, but eventually they reached a point where they chose to be with each other simply because they both wanted to.
After dinner, Draco sat on the living room couch, legs crossed as he lazily flipped through a Quidditch magazine. Harry joined him, taking the opportunity to drink in the sight of Draco, the sway of his hair, the sharpness of his jaw, his long limbs and nimble fingers.
Since becoming an artist, Harry had learned to memorize the things he saw quickly, so he could easily store an image in his head and draw it later.
At night, long after Draco had fallen asleep, Harry put on his spectacles, took out a sketchbook from the bedside table drawer and started drawing.
It became a new habit. While the canvas remained free of paint, his sketchbook quickly filled up with sketches of Draco doing random things: reading, talking, studying, cooking, making potions, writing, shopping. There were also several of him playing with Teddy. The latest one was him carrying Teddy as the three of them had a stroll around Muggle London.
The deadline was approaching fast. 
While Harry stressed over this in his workroom, he heard a knock on the door.
"You're back early," he noted, pleased to see Draco as he summoned a stool and sat next to him.
Draco smirked. "I finished my paper early and handed it in before everyone else," he said proudly, glancing at Harry's blank canvas. "Having trouble with the St Mungo’s commission?"
"Yeah," said Harry sheepishly. "They wanted 'something beautiful' and I can't decide what to draw."
Draco nodded, understanding. "What have you been doing instead?"
After a moment of hesitation, Harry showed Draco his sketchbook. His pale face slowly turned red the more pages he went through. Harry hadn't drawn anything too intimate, but the act of drawing the same person repeatedly over a span of weeks had enough intimacy in itself that Harry would have felt exposed if he had shown it to anyone else.
Draco paused at the latest sketch. He turned the book around and asked, "When was this?" 
It was the last drawing, a two-page spread; one page had Draco with Teddy wrapped around his torso and the boy's small blue-haired head resting on his shoulder as he dozed. Harry had been walking behind them, so Draco’s face was not visible in the drawing, only his hair, shoulders and back. Harry had roughly drawn the background too, outlines of the observation wheel, the nearby buildings, the bridge and the river, which spilled into the second page.
"When we took Teddy out last weekend."
Draco returned the book to Harry with the page still open. "I think this looks beautiful enough for your painting."
"I'm not going to sell a painting of you and Teddy to other people," Harry protested.
Draco stood up and kissed his forehead. "On top of being an artist, you're also a brilliant wizard. The size of your canvas doesn't limit you."
After Draco left, Harry stared at his square canvas. Then he got off his stool, took several steps back and made the canvas grow into a rectangle so large, the top edge almost reached the ceiling. He levitated the sketchbook and began to work on his paints.
The new maternity wing of St Mungo’s began operations and opened to the public a month after Harry completed his painting. It was massive and heavy; he helped levitate it as the staff cast Modified Sticking Charms. The painting showed the London Eye, majestic beside the River Thames and against the clear blue sky.
The other half of the painting was displayed in Grimmauld Place’s living room. If one looked at it long enough, one could see the younger boy's hair colour changing ever so often.
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