#i dont get it. also i ate ice and snow with my brother
sleep-nurse · 5 months
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ze mountains
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ghostlysenses · 3 years
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The Grave in the Shack.
Hi how are you? I just had an idea for an sbi fanfic so imagine like the reader is dying and they say “the last time you held me like this was when I was a kid” while they laugh it off. I know it doesn’t make much sense but I tried- hope you are having a good day/afternoon/night make sure to drink water and eat something :) 🏃‍♀️
Im good!!! how r u? and also i love this!
Mmmm might make this sadder c: but with a happy kind of ending
cried while making this
TW: cussing, death, blood, long
SBI x younger! reader!
Requested by @imkindalostrn
You always ate breakfast with your family.
Wilbur would sit on your left, Techno on your right, and Tommy and dad in front of you.
You were the youngest in the family
so naturally they were all very protective of you and would kill anyone who literally breathed wrong near you.
After breakfast you and Tommy went outside to play in the snowy tundra
You and tommy built snow castles
made snow angles
and had amazing snowball fights
Wilbur watched from the window
Techno watched from the porch
and Philza was relaxing in the living room
“Y/N! come look!”
you raced to tommy as he pointed at the ice, you could see some fish swimming around
you looked in awe
you and Tommy spent so much time together, you two were inseparable
If only he didn’t allow you separate from him that day...
After looking at the fishes, Tommy wanted to play a game of ball, you guys like to play soccer, even when its cold.
You and Tommy had a fun few rounds, him barely beating you.
At some point though
Tommy kicked the ball in the forest on accident
“Ill go get it y/-“
“Ive got it!”
you started running before he could even finish.
he laughed a bit and let you go get the ball
but when you didn’t come back after 2 minutes he.. he got kinda scared
He walked into the forest, and after about 5 minutes he found you
claw marks on your stomach
laying on the ground
but slowly
he immediately got out his communicator
he messaged
“hlp y/n hurtget here ASAP” (yes just like that)
with the cords
As soon as everyone looked at their communicator they were up.
Techno stood up and RAN like he was the flash
dodging everything that was in his way like it was nothing
mans used his trident to VOULT himself over things
the voices were screaming “Help them! Kill whomever hurt them, we need them, we love them to much to let them die” and over his voices were his own thoughts
“They can’t die, they dont know how much they mean to me, if they dont live, i dont know what ill do with myself”
As soon as techno got up Wilbur did too.
(its safe dw its not to high up)
he was crying
“please be okay, please be okay” was all that we was thinking
Wilbur knows how much you must be panicking right now... and he wants nothing more than to be there and tell you its okay
Once Techno started running was when Philza stood up, mans ran so hard out the front door he TRIPPED.
He got up and opened his wings to fly to you
every memory of you flashing in his head
from you laying on his chest as baby, sleeping blissfully as he watched you with adoration
to yesterday when you were hitting Wilbur with a spoon
“My baby...” was all that he was thinking
When they finally arrived they saw Tommy trying to stop the bleeding but it was to much.
Techno used a healing potion but you had already lost so much blood
Wilbur could see you were crying, that there was still some fear in your eyes no matter how calm you looked, he grabbed your hand right away... trying to comfort you.
Then there was philza, he was cradling you like someone would a baby.
He was crying
everyone knew at that moment
there was no saving you.
You looked at your brothers and smiled, then stared up at your dad.
“the last time you held me like this I was a baby!” you laughed a bit, blood spitting up.
You smiled at him
“I love you...all of you... my family...”
You closed your eyes, a smile on your face...
that was the last time they heard your voice.
Philza held your corpse closer to him, sobbing harshly... “My baby....my little angel...please..”
His world came crashing down on him, the worst thing that can ever happen to a parent is the loss of their child.
Techno’s breathing hitched.
He remembers when you were just a baby.
You were a small fragile thing and he swore to be there for you.
The small little runt that sat as his feet while he braided their hair
was now gone...
Wilbur was in complete shock.
His mind couldn’t comprehend anything that just happened.
His baby sibling who he would make lullaby’s for was suddenly gone.
This is a reason why he would go insane in pogtopia later.
Tommy blamed himself for ages
Maybe if he didnt kick that ball
maybe if he went to grab it
He misses you
You were the only person who understood him and was on his side.
He doesnt know what to do without you.
You were buried near the house.
Philza made a small clearing near the house
He built a small shack around it with a fire place and lanterns, it was homely.
“To keep their spirit warm forever” thats what he said when he was questioned why it was there.
Nobody in the family ever provided context of how you died.
They only said cryptic things like
“they’re in the shack, like always”
“We/I love them”
“We/I visit them a lot”
“We/I bring them gifts on holidays”
“They liked the snow”
they actually did spend holidays in that small shack, when asked why theyd always say
“Holidays are for the family”
they would still get you gifts too
before wilbur blew up l’manberg he visited you
“I love you very much... ill see you soon”
After that
ghostbur would ask around for you
once he figured out, he remembered what happened and would once again return to being cryptic abt it.
he visited a lot and would also join in during hoildays
Philza left for L’manburg at some point
he still visited you as much as he could though
even after killing wilbur
He still went to holiday gatherings
but when he was on house arrest he was pissed
he wanted to see you
and everytime he begged to be out and asked why he would just say “please! they need me! they need me..”
They wouldn’t let him out
but when he would sneak out he visited you
Fundy knew why he wanted to leave, hell he’s been to the shack himself when he was younger
he heard many stories about you...
and he felt bad for not letting philza visit you.
When the butcher army came to techno and saw the shack
they all walked in, thinking it was a storage area
but when the were met with a grave with unopened gifts around it from many years and even ones to this year... they were...
they didnt know what happened to you but your grave brought them to tears
‘Y/N M/N Minecraft
An amazing family member,
Singer and piano player
Dueling fighter and story listener
Sibling and explorer
Child and angel
We love you and miss you
never stop brighting the world up
with your smile’
they wiped their tears though and went to techno.
but before they brought him to l’manburg
Quackity looked at tubbo and the shack
he nodded
Tubbo lead Techno to the shack and said
“For one last goodbye..”
Techno walked in...
“I promise you ill be safe..for you, i love you”
he kept his promise and returned safely to show you.
When Tommy was exiled and ran away to techno he visited you and would even sleep in the shack sometimes.
He missed you a lot.
he played chirp for you and he promised he would one day play mellohi and cat for you again one day
he knew how much you loved them.
He would always visit for holidays but never regularly
but after he got his discs back
he kept his promise and played them for you.
They loved you
and promised they would do anything it takes to get you back.
You mean a lot to this world and them
and when Tommy came to them (Philza, techno, Ghostbur) telling them that dream has a revive book and they need to get you back.
they were ecstatic and couldn’t agree more
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I think where I have a hard time with Arya and Sansa’s relationship is that Martin gives Sansa a defense mechanism where she doesn’t look back at things. And I’m not saying Arya is terribly self-reflective, but he allows her to have more than he does with Sansa. 
Your little sister was hiding in the woods for three days? Don’t think about it. 
Your little sister is missing after the brutal purging of your household? Don’t think about it. In fact, forget to ask about her.  
The last thing (that the readers know) you said to your little sister was how much you disliked her and how you thought she should be dead? Don’t think about it. 
That lack of reflection can make it hard, especially when you compare the two. Arya thinks about her sister. Arya misses her sister. Arya gets:
“Arya sipped at her tankard cautiously, between spoonfuls of pie still warm from the oven. Her father sometimes let them have a cup of beer, she remembered. Sansa used to make a face at the taste and say that wine was ever so much finer, but Arya had liked it well enough. It made her sad to think of Sansa and her father.” - Arya II, ACoK
“When she thought of seeing Robb's face again Arya had to bite her lip. And I want to see Jon too, and Bran and Rickon, and Mother. Even Sansa . . . I'll kiss her and beg her pardons like a proper lady, she'll like that.” - Arya VII, ACoK (she shows she’s willing to change her behavior if only for a little while to make her sister happy)
“So the singer played for her, so soft and sad that Arya only heard snatches of the words, though the tune was half-familiar. Sansa would know it, I bet. Her sister had known all the songs, and she could even play a little, and sing so sweetly. All I could ever do was shout the words.” - Arya IV, ASoS
“Needle was Robb and Bran and Rickon, her mother and her father, even Sansa. Needle was Winterfell's grey walls, and the laughter of its people. Needle was the summer snows, Old Nan's stories, the heart tree with its red leaves and scary face, the warm earthy smell of the glass gardens, the sound of the north wind rattling the shutters of her room. Needle was Jon Snow's smile. He used to mess my hair and call me "little sister," she remembered, and suddenly there were tears in her eyes.” - Arya II, AFfC
And I’m not pretending that Arya doesn’t have some not nice things to say about her sister. She does. But Martin balances it better with her than with Sansa. And part of that is the defense mechanism and part of that is that Arya insults Sansa’s interests which is not okay, but she never actually calls Sansa herself stupid. Martin, however, does have Sansa insult Arya herself. Not just her interests or friends (which she does but in fairness Arya does that to her too so it kind of evens out), just Arya herself. 
“She treasured every chance to spend time with him, few as they were. The only thing that scared her about today was Arya. Arya had a way of ruining everything. You never knew what she would do.” - Sansa I, AGoT
“What could you want to see?" Sansa said, annoyed. She had been thrilled by the invitation, and her stupid sister was going to ruin everything, just as she'd feared. "It's all just fields and farms and holdfasts.” - Sansa I, AGoT
“The kitchen yielded no lemon cakes, but they did find half of a cold strawberry pie, and that was almost as good. They ate it on the tower steps, giggling and gossiping and sharing secrets, and Sansa went to bed that night feeling almost as wicked as Arya.” - Sansa III, AGoT
“Hodor!" Sansa yelled. "You ought to marry Hodor, you're just like him, stupid and hairy and ugly!" She wrenched away from her sister's hand, stormed into her bedchamber, and barred the door behind her.” - Sansa III, AGoT
“It was for love," Sansa said in a rush. "Father wouldn't even give me leave to say farewell." She was the good girl, the obedient girl, but she had felt as wicked as Arya that morning, sneaking away from Septa Mordane, defying her lord father. She had never done anything so willful before, and she would never have done it then if she hadn't loved Joffrey as much as she did.” - Sansa IV, AGoT
Arya ruins everything , Arya is wicked, Arya is stupid. 
And do we have good points that come from Sansa? Sure. But there are still moments where Martin will kind of take away from the moment which is a problem when you have only a few moments. 
For example in ASoS we get:
“Lady Leonette gave her lessons on the high harp, and Lady Janna shared all the choice gossip. Merry Crane always had an amusing story, and little Lady Bulwer reminded her of Arya, though not so fierce.” - Sansa II, ASoS 
which is followed by 
“Sister. Sansa had once dreamt of having a sister like Margaery; beautiful and gentle, with all the world's graces at her command. Arya had been entirely unsatisfactory as sisters went. How can I let my sister marry Joffrey? she thought, and suddenly her eyes were full of tears.” - Sansa II, ASoS
That’s kind of rough. Yet after this we do get a nice moment between the girls. 
“She scooped up a handful of snow and squeezed it between her fingers. Heavy and wet, the snow packed easily. Sansa began to make snowballs, shaping and smoothing them until they were round and white and perfect. She remembered a summer's snow in Winterfell when Arya and Bran had ambushed her as she emerged from the keep one morning. They'd each had a dozen snowballs to hand, and she'd had none. Bran had been perched on the roof of the covered bridge, out of reach, but Sansa had chased Arya through the stables and around the kitchen until both of them were breathless. She might even have caught her, but she'd slipped on some ice. Her sister came back to see if she was hurt. When she said she wasn't, Arya hit her in the face with another snowball, but Sansa grabbed her leg and pulled her down and was rubbing snow in her hair when Jory came along and pulled them apart, laughing.” - Sansa VII, ASoS
And we know from Arya (and that Alyane chapter in TWoW should it ever come out) that there were nice moments between the girls, even after the Trident. I mean Sansa does confide in Arya. 
“Suddenly Arya knew where she had seen those dogs before. The night of the tourney at King's Landing, all the knights had hung their shields outside their pavilions. "That one belongs to the Hound's brother," Sansa had confided when they passed the black dogs on the yellow field. "He's even bigger than Hodor, you'll see. They call him the Mountain That Rides.” - Arya V, ACok 
And Sansa even tells Arya about Jeyne Poole’s crush on Beric Donderrion or at least it is implied. 
“Dondarrion? Beric Dondarrion had been handsome; Sansa's friend Jeyne had fallen in love with him. Even Jeyne Poole was not so blind as to think this man was fair.” - Arya VI, ASoS
“She told me." It all seemed so long ago. "Her friend Jeyne Poole fell in love with your Lord Beric.” - Arya VII, ASoS
So they obviously talked. We just don’t really get to see it. And its important to note that we get it from Arya. Sansa doesn’t usually think about it or mention it. Because that is her whole deal. In order to protect herself, she just doesn’t deal with things. 
Does that mean she is unsympathetic? No. The poor girl deserves sympathy. What it does mean is that is difficult to show what she feels about her sister because she doesn’t think about her sister. Arya thinks about Sansa more because Martin gave her a different defense mechanism. We can point to places where Arya thinks positively of Sansa and it is harder to do that with Sansa. Is it because Sansa is awful? No. It’s because Martin decided that her defense mechanism was to just not think about upsetting things and so she doesn’t think about Arya the way Arya thinks about her.
I would also point out that I think part of the problem is Martin is iffy at writing female familial relations in general. It gets better as the books go on, but still. Your  telling me we couldn’t get one scene with Cat and one of her daughters? Really? Martin doesn’t really show us female familial relations in general, you have a few instances of it, but its rare. We dont even get a scene where Cersei is alone with Myrcella. We know for a fact that Sansa and Arya have good moments, but Martin doesn’t show it in real time and that is kind of annoying. 
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
’m very sleepy and will not get out my laptop 
Woke up to my shoulder hurting more than yesterday, probably from going ham on the arm circles and sleeping on my arm. Did jack shit for a while, took a shower at noon, waited around and played harvest moon until 4 to get moms groceries, dropped them off at home, and went to work. They had me move plants out of the open to under an awning so they wouldn’t get covered in snow and ice from the SNOWSTORM were having in the MIDDLE OF APRIL?? Whatever. After all the plants were moved my gloves were soaked and I couldn’t see anything from my goofy glasses so I went inside and spent the rest of my shift very slowly stocking shelves until 8. I thought I was going until 9, so stopping at 8 was a nice surprise. I had to pull out the snow brush ice scraper and brush off my car before heading home. I took some pictures of the snow covered trees which were very pretty. When I pulled into the driveway I thought a branch had already fallen, but it was just a small tree flopped over entirely because of all of the snow. My sister came home so I made noodles and we ate together and I went to hang out in my room. A while later the power went out, came back for a second, then went again. Dad knocked on my door telling me to use blankets and have candles at the ready. I looked around and found some triple a batteries for my cat lamp so I could still have fun lights during the power outage. Dad mentioned there was already a branch in the street and I wanted to see it. I followed him outside and wouldn’t you know it 70% of my neighbors tree was in the street. Dad and I looked around the garage for chain or something to move it so my mom could pull into the driveway after her night shift, but when we went out to try it, a tree removal crew was already at the end of the street taking care of a smaller fallen branch. Dad waved them down with his flashlight and soon enough 4 different vehicles were on our street and about 5 bald, burly, bearded white men were chopping up and pulling aside the tree. I watched as the bulldozer ran over the branches to break them up and shove them aside, and it was all really fun to watch as they made a huge racket. They finished pretty quickly, about half an hour. It’s a little sad that like 80% of that tree was now gone and the neighbors are probably going to have to chop down the rest of it. Then again I’d rather they chop it down than leave just that awkward one remaining branch and big cracked trunk. I bet the tree guys were busy tonight with all the trees holding so much snow and ice on their leaves. Dad and I went back inside and the power came back on quickly after that, and I promptly turned off most of the lights lol. Now I’m sleepy in bed good night. Oh wat my drawfee mug arrived!! And I love him!!! I walked into the kitchen and saw him sitting there and it made me so happy :)
Ho hum I really didn’t do much today. Ate a bagel and cream cheese in my room, played harvest moon, took a shower, started laundry but never finished, played more harvest moon, went to dollar tree and Arby’s, stubbed 2 of my toes really bad, FaceTimed my eldest brother to talk about what we’ve all been up to and scheduale flights out to Seattle Washington where he lives, and now I’m in bed ready to go to sleep but my cat is on my hip and au can’t turn off my lamp. my brother is planning on flying us all out to Seattle mid July, so I gotta research some stuff that we might want to do together. My only suggestion so far is eating a hotpot together lmao. It was super fuckin cold in the house today because of the snow and later hail and my mom usually having the heat off. It got down to about 60 before I finally turned the heat on. On my way to/from my dollar tree run, I had to weave around people and cars all around the block because there was a gathering for someone on my street. She has cancer and is apparently VERY popular because there were cars all around the block and approximately a billion people at the end of the cul-de-sac. I thought about going over there, but I have no idea who she is and didn’t know anyone visiting her so instead I just brought my groceries inside. I was in the middle of making myself some ramen noodles when my groupchat was talking about someone’s oc which is just a dude with a fish head and big tiddies, so I made fanart and it was spicy enough to be embarrassed about it but I ended up sharing it anyway aarrjfasfsf
today was pretty productive, I'd say. I texted my boss last night and this morning, asking if she would need my help at work today, and she responded that yes she wanted my help this afternoon. before then I made a roast upon my mom’s request/instructions, played some harvest moon, ate the roast when it was done, and left for work. I moved plants around outside for 4 hours until I was hungry and my back hurt. it was actually kind of fun, and I could tell I was comfortable and having a good time because I was able to joke around with my boss and later the high school girl who came in to hep move plants around. I felt MUCH more comfortable sorting plants outside than I did trying to stock hardware inside on my last shift, even if I don't know all that much about flowers. a ton of blooms fell off during my shift, so whatever I found on the ground I placed on the concrete base of one of he pillars around the garden center so I could take them home at the end of my shift to press in a book. I finished my shift part way through organizing the hydrangeas. I dont feel too bad about leaving when I did, since a couple other people clocked in to help right before then. my boss is out on vacation for the week so the head of the garden center who I was working with all day brought me into her office and handed me some paperwork to let me legally work there and get on the payroll. I still have to fill that out. il do it in the morning. when I got home I brought my sister half of a Twix twin pack, ate some leftovers, did some dishes, and waited for my dad to get home from mcallisters with food. normally I get a pick 2 with a teaser salad wrap and a soup, but the last 2 times I got the wrap they’ve been SO dissapeointng :( not enough fillings at all. it was great the first few times I got it, maybe they just hate me now >:( lmao. next time maybe I'll just get the normal salad or sandwich instead of the wrap. damn talking about food is making me hungry agaiinnnnnnnn. anyway I also tried getting a new security card, so I made an account and gave them the info, but when I placed the order and tried to give my address, it didn't work 3 times and logged my out until tomorrow :/ bleh. I guess ill have to try again later. I drew more titty fish. 
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