#i dont ever remember thinking she was annoying or horrible anyway??
ratsbypaulzindel · 6 months
have you ever thought to yourself "hey wouldnt it be cool if there was an oc story made by two guys and it was about a haunted waterpark slash arcade in a fake town in a real state". you probably haven't. but if you have youre in luck! more under the cut ok.
rainforest floods is a terrible no good ocverse made by me and my good friend crawford @dykeseesgod. everyone in it sucks and is horrible except maybe one or two side characters. it's set in the podunk middle of nowhere town of timberline, new mexico, and more specifically a waterpark/arcade called rainforest floods (title drop).
also the waterpark SUUUCKS like its budget is nothing they are in debt. the managers havent paid taxes in 15 years. anyway these are the employees. theyre bad
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and these are the co-managers. theyre even worse (and also toxic old man yaoi. these refs were drawn by the aforementioned crawford)
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anyway yeah. they get up to wacky hijinks in what will ideally be a tv show coming out in one million years. they're also horrible and tragic. most of it is bruce's fault. some of its not though!
ok also here's some other side characters.
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^ running gag that nobody knows her name except kelsey who has a huge crush on her.
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^ unnamed girl's younger brother who is constantly faced with horrors and torment at the hands of the rainforest floods employees. dont get me wrong hes annoying as fuck but he didnt deserve to run on that hamster wheel. (ref also drawn by ford)
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^ jeff's girlfriend. also the coolest person in timberline new mexico. worlds most unimportant minor character but she is wonderful and loved by the producers (me and cosmo)
rainforest floods stupidity logic is a thing me and robbie came up with to explain why all the characters are idiots who dont find things out that are important to the plot too soon.
there's a chain gimmick restaurant that andy's whole family runs except him. its like italian food but its like also magicians. their tagline is "so good its practically magic". andy hates it.
kyle has a curse on him so that nobody remembers or recognizes him outside of like. his family. so the rff employees arent even targeting him for their shenanigans on purpose theyre all just weird freaks.
kelsey gives unnamed girl the company landline as her phone number because shes stupid and a ghost and doesnt have a phone.
the employees all get together on wednesdays in the breakroom and compare evidence on whether or not andy and bruce are together romantically. its the one thing that truly bonds them all together.
vincent: is a watchmojo fan, had his first kiss as beethoven in his 12th grade production of dog sees god confessions of a teenage blockhead (2004), gets really christian in some episode subplot, is not a swiftie but he is a gaylor, wishes he was jonathan sims sooooo bad, types like a toddler who was just given a keyboard.
vincent also ruined rainforest floods' lobby playlist
also there's a brand account that we run and post on whenever we feel like it. its more of a sounding board for ideas we may explore more in the future. its fun but it may be a bit difficult to get the full idea with the execution so :-( sorry you wont fully understand our wonderful and hilarious visions
annnd i think that's it. yay worlds silliest yet most tragic oc story. ok bye ^_^
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My thoughts about rings of power (cuz i love having an opinion yay enjoy)
1. It was kinda...boring? Look, it took me legit 5 months to finish it. ... (I do lord of the rings marathons extended every three months or so. I'm NOT easily bored.)
But the plot just kinda...wasnt really existent? The scenes seemed to take hours each. Still nothing really seemed to happen for the most part.
2. So dramatic
The conversation were so extra and for what? Like, obviously they talk different in middle earth than in my daily life. I have no problem with them talking in methaphors or anecdotes from time to time. But literally EVERY sentence had to be meaningful and deep. I remember Galadriel asking Elendil "where we going" and it took him five minutes to say "home" which stillll doesnt answer the questions.
also not only the dialoges. like there was one scene in which Arondir and Bronwyn were like fleeing from orcs, it was literally slow motion, most tragic music ever, almost identical to Boromirs death and then...nothing happened? They just escaped? Like for what, it was about 10 minutes?
3. I really didnt care about everyone
Sooo that doesnt mean I didnt like anyone. I did like Elrond (idk he was so pretty) and his dwarf besties, Nori was cute, Halbrand was hach alright i just had to give him pretty privilege I'm sorry.
However the other ones... I just didnt like. Like Arondir and Bronwyns storyline I just didnt care about (Sorry, no hate though) and I couldnt stand Isildurs little ass
4. Galadriel
Soo I have to admit I have just started the silmarillion, so I dont really know much about Galadriels depiction in it, but from what I've seen online it wasnt like here. I just...really didnt like her. I wanted to so badly though. But she was just...really annoying? Maybe if I didnt know her from lotr I wouldnt mind finding her so flawed and selfish and proud,( to which she got to feel the consequences after all). But I feel like they just depowerd her by trying to create a stereotypical young adult girlboss. Hey look, she can fight, she's arrogant and needlessly very mean yass girlpower. But Galadriel was already a strong female character. She was wise, powerful (swordfighting or not), she was Lady of Lothlorien, more important than her husband (sorry) and, importantly, respected. Now she just seemed like a brat that noone took seriously.
5. I hated the armour of Numeror knights. So ugly. Looked like an army of fish.
6. Sauron
Well. I'm weak. So, I don't really know anything about him in the silmarillion yet, so I cant rly judge on that (though I'm pretty sure the Haladriel thing was new). Still i kinda like him. Don't get me wrong, lord of the rings is absolutely perfect and I never really minded it, but in it Sauron really only is depicted as like the ultimate definition of evil. I do kinda like to see more of him, to make him more complex, feeling and ahh. Okay so charlie vickers? wow, just wow. Also really well acted I think. I actually still believed he was babygirl till the last minute despite like a thousand theories.
The Haladriel thing? I dont know about it. It is kinda clichee. But interesting. not sure about that.
7. The way the actors and crew were treated is actually horrible and disgusting
So, even though I said lots of negative stuff here it is still a project that many people were passionate about and worked hard on. Saying things like "complete trash" is just mean, and pointsless anyways. I also kinda wanted to like it because Elon Musk didnt.
The racism that the actors were faced with is just so disgusting and straight up dumb. People will buy immortal magical beings as long as theyre no poc. yeah that makes sense right. I'm so sorry for the actors for having to go though this and experience all that.
While it was to be honest somewhat of a disappointment I'm still looking forward to season 2 :)
Anyways everyone should have their own opinions, noone is a truer or better lotr fan because they like or dislike it, and hate against the cast and crew is unacceptable regardless of your opinion.
Sorry for the essay
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kusundei · 2 months
i dont know what the fuck is up with me today but god do i feel horrible. like i feel bad. not even just like a sad way just like i feel like shit and like. really. pessimistic if anything. like i never rlly get lkke this truly it usually foes away after a while and it probably will in a bit its just. i think my mom is just truly making it worse. its so annoying why are you here? if you werent home i wouldve done all of thjs ebfkre yoy guys came home anyway why are you bothering me over and over again. i hate when people tell me to do rhings which is a really like. bratty thing to say but it makes me so upset??? im so upset for no reason. god and she just wont fucking quit it with the money and the hours and the this and this and this. holding shit over my head like it matters like okay what if i kill myself. and acting over and kver again like im fucking useless and im an idiot and im dumb. you do realize if you want me to improve you have to tell me right? like in the moment? if youre still “teaching me” then tell me AS im driving. why the fuck would you sit there and wait last minute as i make the same mistakes (which are not. even. mistakes.) over and over. like okay im braking too late? tell me when it brake. because it works for me but if thats so awful dor you then let me know. why didnt you mention i didnt have both hands on the wheel? i just do it cuz im going straight. i do it normally anyway but like still if its such an issue then just say so??? but no theyll hold that over my head. “youre not ready yet” “you think you know everything” like okay fuck you. im sorry for trying. for trying to be ahead and to have plans and to take some initiative for once because all you complain about is that i dont ever do anything w my life. i have no plans and im a failure but nooo i cant . cant do anything. im trying?? how hard is that to see??? and they keep using it over me. everytime i see jonathan i just remember what he said about me that night and jts never rlly gone away. like what the fuck is wrong with you??? if it was coming from my mom then sure. fine. whatever. shes my mom but who the fuck are you to say that? you’re fucking awful. you two both make me sick and neither of you can see when youre in the wrong because NEITHER of you are ever in the wrong. youre always right. cause im a kid. i dont grt it i dpnt understand. my life isnt hard im not doing alot like god fucking forbid i am a teenager? im still trying to take initative despite that to place myself in a good place once i graduate but always. i will always get pushed back somehow and its so fucking annoying.
imxjusr sooo. tired. maybe this is what it is i got TOO much sleep. knew it when i went to bed at what??? 11???? thats so early. imcjsuf so annoyed i cant im sorry i dont get more hrs??? and im trying im trying im trying. its just so annoying when i get pestered and patronized and i cant do anyhting about it because ill just be lashed again. like god fucking whatever ill just kill myself. would that fit into yoyr schedule? make yoyr life easier? less bills? less to worry about? since all i do is take up space and waste resources. im wasting everything. im sorry for taking up space. i try so hard not to but nooo i cant completely disappear and it just weighs down soooo much on the two of you. im sorry you have another kid. im sorry liam wasnt your only child and you still have a family. im sorry you didnt jusr send me out to live with my dad or sent me with sam but yoy wouldnt have survived without me but im sorry you didnt find jonathan sooner. yoy two wouldve killed each other and im waiting for the day you two realize that what yoy have isnt normal and you get sick of him the same way you got sick of sam because that man tried everything to appease you. thats why irs so awful because hes so much better than i am. if he couldnt do it what makes me think i can? of course im your kid but still. same shit. i cant jusr flee. i cant go anywhere. im stuck here in the same situation ife been in for years. i jusr kept praying and wishing at some point theyd swap rheir attention towards something else and finally leave me alone. treat me like a roommate. why even bother trying to parent me when youre such an awful one?
i dont like cpndemning ever. especially jot towards my mom but god. god god god. im so exhausted just leave me alone. leave me and move on. focus on spmething else. you’ll realize how much happier yoyd be if you just let it go and let me go. it would benefit all of us why do we keep bothering? and i got it the first time? “do you have any questions?” like bitch? youre so fucking annoying. giggling about the fact youre just getting another bonus cause im working now. fuck yoy and your maternity leave. i would never condemn liam for justexisting that man hasnt done anything and hes not even here yet its just YOU. 16 years with you im sick of it and im tired and feel bad for wjatever is to come for that kid. ans shes just fucking malding over ajd over again i did wjat yoy asked already but no theres always more. more more more because you cant fucking do it yourself . yoyre pregnant whatever i dont fucking care im just so. upset? angry? annoyed? i just feel very negative. im sick of your voice and your face and everything about you. leave me alone. i’ll do it. just do your fucking work????? go bake your cookies like???? fuck off genuinely before i like actually kill myself
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cheswirls · 4 years
alright rewatching pp base thoughts time
s1- hm i dont know what the exact word to describe this is but its more like.. metaphorical and lyrical than i remember. like lots of speeches and old book quotes from makishima and flowery sentences. like lots. i coudl see myself liking this when i was younger but tbh it bored me to the point i would skip over his monologues.. besides that its still good, i rly didnt get any shinkane subtext at all this go around so that was interesting
s2- i actually didnt mind mika this go-around. she said a few off-handed things but i would chalk that up to her a) being a minor b) being inexperienced c) constantly having to worry over her psycho pass which. is sad. ik sibyl designates what jobs ppl are suited for but mika takes so many things roughly. granted things are insanely graphic in s2. not as much as i remember tbh like the worst 2-3 scenes i was vaguely bracing for werent that bad this time and i think its bc im six yrs older now so kinda like mika i have a stomach for it all better now. the only shinkane context ive picked up across the whole series was when it was revealed akane lights cigarettes jus for the smoke, for the familiarity, for the smell, not to ingest but to remember, that hit home a lil bit.
movie 1- when i watched it originally it was a raw with fansubs bc it was so new (im p sure it came out on my bday that year actually.. in jap theaters so obv i had to wait a couple months but! cool fact still) this go around i watched the dub-sub merged version that takes out all the inappropriate engrish and replaces it w the dub lines and i cant remember if that bothered me watching it subbed the first time but i rly liked this version!!! also the plot was a lot more standard than i remember. it was p much on the same level as the first ss movie i jus finished watching. i didnt remember at all that the leader was an android controlled by sibyl and it didnt quite hit me that it was sibyl w the 0 crime coefficient until the same thing was revealed at the end of the ss movie. akane said criminally asymptomatic and i was confused bc i took it as ‘machine’ instead of ‘the CA sibyl system’ so i was like yeah.. something that is not alive cant have a psycho pass tho so?? but anyway now i Get It
ive seen all of s3 while working through s1 so i know someone ginoza goes to work for foreign affairs and akane isolates herself but ig the latter 2 ss movies will reveal why. ill make another thoughts post maybe after finishing those
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
can i request a fic where sapnap takes the reader to his hometown? like the classic going to places he went to when he was younger. maybe playgrounds and ice cream shops idk
places i used to go
warnings: language of course, an allusion to virginap, my uneducated guess of what sapnap was like in highschool, tiny detail of long haired!sapnap, singular canon detail of underage drinking, jokish about marriage
tags: sapnap x gn!reader
words: 2191
A/N: you are a god, anon. i love comfy and nostalgic fics like these and it was so fun to write. if you hate it dont tell me but if you like it lemme know akskdjd
inbox/requests: open
The wind whips fast on your bare fingers, cool and quick and raising goosebumps in its wake. You blink in the haze of the early sunset, head lolled to the side of the headrest. It feels good.
“That’s where I went to high school.” Sapnap interrupts your thoughts and points a finger at a collection of tall brick buildings down a side street. The silver of the lettering is dull, but you can still feel the nostalgia.
“And you’re about to see the park that me and my friends used to hang out at after work and—actually, nevermind.” His arm drops to the middle console and he looks straight ahead with slightly pinker cheeks.
“Do what?” You ask, voice all sweet, and a grin grows on your face. You turn towards him and wiggle your eyebrows.
“Nothing. Homework.” He avoids your eye contact and hikes his hand up higher on the steering wheel. “Anyways— Do you want to get some food before we head out? I know a great place.”
You two were just coming to a close on your little trip to visit his family; it was his step-mom’s birthday and you decided to make a week of it. It was your first long-term trip with Sapnap, and also your first time meeting his dad’s side of the family. You were proud to say she loved you. His little sister took a little more effort to talk to you of her own volition, but soon enough she was on your side.
You have a couple hours to kill before making your flight back home, so Sapnap has taken it upon himself to give you a quick tour of his hometown.
“Yeah,” you decide, bottom lip popped out. “Can we get ice cream after?”
“Uh, duh.” The Neighbourhood’s Stargazing starts through the speakers and he reaches to turn it down. “I’m so ready to get home and sleep.” He stretches his neck in his seat, letting out an uncharacteristically inappropriate grunt when his bones pop. You make a disgusted face, nose wrinkling, but stretch your own back, slumping down in the seat. The day had been full of packing up and this horrible hike his dad liked to do early in the mornings, so you two were pretty beat.
“Okay, we’re here,” he announces three sleepy minutes later in his best attempt at a whisper. Lifting your head off of the corner of your seat, you blink in the setting sunlight as a yawn splits your face. “You’re so cute.”
“Shut up,” you mumble, and struggle to get your seatbelt off in that post-nap haze. You’d barely been asleep for thirty seconds, damn it. The air is a swampy heat when you step out of the car onto rocky gravel and nearly twist your ankle climbing over the curb. Sapnap catches you by the lower back, trying to hide his laugh but failing miserably. You slide him a dirty look, smacking his shoulder as hard as you can manage while limping towards the front entrance.
The door jingles when you two breach the doorway, alerting a bored-looking hostess that the circus has arrived. She looks at Sapnap a second longer than she should, eyebrows screwed together in silent confusion. But she leads the two of you to a booth near a large window, handing you sticky menus and promptly fucking right off to the host station. She nearly runs.
“Do you know her?” You ask, inconspicuously hiding your face in the search for their 24/7 breakfast menu. You feel his eyes on you.
“Don’t think so.” He leans on one elbow and slides his phone out of his jeans’ pocket. In the 25 seconds it takes for you to find their french toast and sides menu, he has browsed and closed his phone with an animatedly shocked look on his face.
“What?” You give him a weird look and put down the menu.
“I totally went to homecoming with that girl.” He eyes the hostess. You glance over at her again, meeting her gaze, and offer a polite smile. She turns away quickly, eyes wide.
“She’s cute,” you say, voice high and fake, and he drums his fingers on the tabletop as an amused look makes its way onto his face.
“Are you—?”
“What?” You reply right back.
Thank God the server comes up to your table then and starts asking for drink orders, or else you’d have to admit (sheepishly) you were a tiny eensy-weensy bit annoyed. Only a tad. But after requesting a Dr. Pepper and a water the conversation surrounding the nervous-looking hostess dies.
“I’m so hungry I think I feel my stomach shrinking.” You flop your head onto your arm on the table top and make a whiny noise into the stack of napkins your server left at the table. Sapnap rubs his thumb into the side of your forearm, touch warm and nearly dissolving the pangs of hunger and jealousy.
“You weren’t hungry an hour ago.” He lifts your hand to his face and plants a kiss on the back of it. Oh, pulling out the big guns, huh? “I would have made you something.”
You tilt onto your chin, pouting, and stare up at his cute face. His cute, scruffy, perfectly-kissable face.
“I think I got hungry staring at you for half an hour.” A mischievous grin grows on your previously-petulant face and he just shakes his head.
“I do have that effect,” he admits with cockiness in his tone, lifting his eyebrows and leaning back into the booth with his lips pursed.
The server returns with two glasses and takes your food orders onto their little yellow notepad. You chug the water down when they leave for the kitchen, getting your lap and chin thoroughly wet in the process. Sapnap just snorts at you and shoves the napkins your way.
“So,” you start, patting dry your jeans. “tell me what you were like in high school.” You cross your arms and settle into the booth, smirk on your lips.
“What I was like?” He parrots, sipping at his soda, looking thoughtful. “Firstly, a virgin.” You make a noise. Duh. Dude had a buzz cut his junior year. (You’ve seen the pictures. His step-mom particularly likes them.) “Secondly, I was actually— well, I wasn’t popular, but I had a lot of friends. We were all semi-athletic lonely band kids but we had fun. Had one girlfriend senior year but she went to Cal Tech in the fall and I didn’t. I, um, worked at a Dairy Queen in the summers and gained so much weight I had to lose all over again for Unified Track.”
“Relatable,” you comment, drinking noisily at your water. He fiddles with the paper straw wrapper and crunches it up into a ball. It goes soaring into your drink with a quiet “Kobe” and you just give him a look. He smiles toothily right back at you. “Stop being cute, I’m trying to listen to your story.”
“Oh, my bad,” he mocks. “Anyways. That’s what I was like in highschool.” You fish the paper ball out of your water and flick it wetly at his arm. It sticks and you choke on a laugh, cheeks puffed.
Two plates of warm food are set down loudly onto the table and you thank the server with a surprised smile, Sapnap mirroring you.
Two minutes of wordless chewing passes, minds occupied just by “food, me eat” instead of anything related to your previous conversation. You realize that Sapnap is one of the loudest chewers ever, and he realizes that you fail to notice the streak of maple syrup in your hair.
“C’mere,” he mumbles through a mouthful of omelet and hash browns and beckons you with his hand. You lean closer, chewing slowly, as he pats a napkin at the strands of hair trapped in syrup.
“Thanks, baby.” You take the napkin from him and pause your assault of the warm french toast before you to clean the sticky sugar out of your hair. He just watches you, half of a smile on his lips.
You two finish your food in record time. It’s borderline vacuum-like. There’s a short grace period where you just sit like two lazy cats, slumped down in the booth and holding your full stomachs. But the check comes soon after, and you both pay your way and are out of the restaurant without any mad dashes for the bathroom. A miracle, really, because of the American-like amount of butter you both consume.
“I’m a much more functional person now,” you mutter into the cotton of his shoulder, swinging your hand in his. He just hums in agreement.
“I guess we’re not getting ice cream, then,” he teases, and you just groan in response.
“I don’t feel like having diarrhea on a plane, unfortunately.” You sigh heavily when you have to split and get into your respective sides of the rental car.
The entire trip (somewhat roundabout because of the amount of side quests to show you things from his childhood) to the airport Sapnap is a chatterbox. He’s like this when he has sugar: either bouncing off the walls with energy or talking your ear off.
“That’s where my dad proposed to my step-mom. I was kinda young but I remember being surprised at how big the ring was— dude broke the bank for her.” It’s a little gazebo you catch a glimpse of through the trees in a park. It probably was an incredibly picturesque moment, and you can sense how much she must have loved it. With just meeting them this weekend, you can already see how much love those two have for each other.
You hope people can see how much you love Sapnap.
“Oh my God, it’s still there.” He points out the side of your window to what looks like a Dairy Queen that has been through World War 3. “My buddy Eric and I once spilled a gallon of that liquid ice-cream-shit all over the men’s bathroom.”
You shoot him a horrified look. “Why was it in the bathroom?”
He just smirks.
“—And that’s my Uncle Ron’s house. Had my first beer there.”
“And last, hopefully,” you add, pulling a disgusted face. The two story bungalow is cute, and one of your favorite colors: olive green. “That shit is nasty.”
He just shrugs and continues down the side street.
“Is this the park you were talking about?”
He pulls into the gravelly parking lot of a small clearing of tall trees, a picnic table and campfire sat squat in the middle. But he doesn’t respond, just turning the car off and climbing out. He reaches the passenger door without speaking, and opens it for you. You climb carefully out, confused.
“Come on.” He takes your hand and starts for a small path to the left of the picnic table. The mid-sunset shade envelopes the both of you.
“I hope this isn’t where you kill me.”
“No,” he snorts. “I just wanted to show you something.”
It’s just a few moments of stumbling through the damp underbrush before you’re coming face to face with a small, mossy pond that sits right underneath an incredibly old willow tree. He stops right on the edge of the rocky path and turns toward you.
“This your make out spot?” You ask between a grin as he snakes an arm around your waist and tugs you flush to him. Your innocent smile fades when you feel the press of his lips to the side of your neck, light and ticklish. Oh.
“No,” he murmurs, and just breathes you in. “I came here once—the night before I graduated highschool. And I told myself when I really really loved someone I’d take them here with me.” He sways with you in his grasp, a gentle and song-less dance.
You grip his shoulder tighter in your hand and lean into him.
“That’s— awfully romantic, huh?” Your voice is quiet. Almost nervous. He just makes a noise of agreement.
“So here we are.” His voice is the opposite of yours, all strong and confident.
You two just move together for a moment. The sun breaks through the tree canopy, shining bright orange down onto the glassy surface of the pond. Crickets and frogs chirp back and forth as the willow vines swing in a cool evening breeze. You watch nature come alive around you, suddenly grateful for the man in your arms.
“Don’t propose,” you whisper, breaking the gentle tension. A laugh breaks the silence and he’s pulling away to look at you. Maybe in disbelief. A strand of hair falls into his eyes and you brush it away, fingers stilling on his temple and sliding down onto his cheek. Stubble scrapes against the skin of your palm and he stares at you through those meadow eyes.
You realize in that moment that he is exactly himself. Of course he is. He’s Sapnap, and everything that encompasses that. Dark and light and fiery and cool. He always has been, and always will be.
You realize you wouldn’t mind if he proposed.
A/N: ask or send me some stuff!! requests, rants, anything. let me know what you think
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fictionalnation · 2 years
Okay so I love IPKKND and have loved Barun for a long time, though his social media absence makes it difficult to really “know” him. I think that watching him and Sanaya on Zoom has made me start disliking them a bit, and that might translate into my obsession with IPKKND which has been an annual rewatch for me for the past 10 years. Yet, they seem to know so little about the love people have for that show and their very own characters. It made me sad that Barun thought his “what the” line was strange, that actually makes the show so funny, because many times it’s what our reaction is too to what is happening, and he has said many strange things on IPKKND lol,they just went with whatever they remembered. Also, the number one reason I don’t watch Indian actors being interviewed is because I think the Indian mindset is still pretty backward. Case in point, Sanaya being praise for how “fair” she is. Or complaining about being called a monkey for it, I understand her but at the same time… it’s like girl you are stunning, you are quite literally the norm of what is considered beautiful in India whereas we still have shows that show the difficult lives of horrible looking dark skinned girls because apparently dark skin translates to ugliness. I also find the who “I was very old when I had my first time” and saying 22 and it being a thing weird. Since when is 22 considered old especially in the Indian society????! Bruh I am virgin asf and I am 23 and i don’t think it’s old. Lol. Idk the interview was entertaining ish but seemed problematic. And Sanaya not answering why she’d wanna punch Donald Trump… it seems like she just said a name for the sake of it. And saying that drinking cow piss is like the baptisms..? I respect all religions but what? Also what is a fake vegan? Do you care about the rabbits or not? They talk about not caring for validation throughout the interview but feels like they thought through every single answer. Except that one time when Barun was giving a beautiful answer about acting and connection and appreciation and Sanaya just cut him off and said “yea we are cool” all the love to Sanaya but darl, STOP CUTTING BARUN OFF??! also all the love to Barun but my man, how you saying girls dont use pick up lines? Also he hasn’t had a one night stand ever? Thats a lie fosho. Also their obliviousness with how they as actors were shipped is insane. Like I was what 12? And I remember them being the talk of the town. I had ZERO clue that Barun was married until recently lol. And tabloids are actually a huge part of the Indian cinema and always have been I am surprised they would think it’s more in hollywood because indian television is so invasive and has been, I mean saas bahu and saazish???? Anyway, i am a bit annoyed I thought Id like them more… also Baruns accent on IpKkND is so different- wish he’d kept it.
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
hi sorry, thought this be a better place to rant about TB because evidently the length of said rant doesnt accommodate the number of character available in the comments. anyway, sorry if this is rather lengthy and if this is ever a bother
nooo wtf. first of all, lokis back story in cairo, wtf sameera or whatever her name was. he was beaten to a pulp, darling im so sorry. Things like that make me want to be there and be the one to comfort and nurse him back to full health and it just brakes my heart that he was beaten up in the first place. That bitch didnt deserve him at all, im so sorry darling that you had to fall for that wretched girl only to be left broken and beaten, im so so sorry darling.
second of all, i understand why he's trying to sever the intimate and sacred contact they shared because, one he doesnt want to get hurt again, two he feels guilty that that bloody bastard steve laid a hand on her and hurt and left a mark on her and he wasnt there to help and save her, three he knows he has to give her up when she get married to steve and he cant be there to save her from the torture she going to endure from him and four he's afraid of the capability and power steve and her father have of hurting or killing him like with what happened with whats her name and the fact that she might do the same thing she did
third of all, I understand y/n as well. shes trusted him and he broke whatever that was they had and it hurt her. it made her think and believe in the things those horrible people said to her. Its also making her think that she like poison, that if she gets involved with someone else they'll leave her or they'll get hurt or taken away from her or they'll use her for their own evil scheme. (honestly this might be a terrible metaphor)
Honestly the internal conflict i have with myself will cause my untimely death, Im always like this, I understand or at least try to see both sides and this is great example of it
and lastly four, erik stevens sounded rather familiar to me and i looked it up and it turns out its actually killmonger (sorry i always call him that and might have forgotten his actual name)
Now wtf (it appears i have said this way to much i apologize) now their separated and they thought they still had that time even though they arent "friends" anymore, it still hurts them that their separated ( i dont think this paragraph makes sense sorry) Now lokis appointed to who im assuming is bitchannah or something (honestly i really dont care for the name of the characters that annoy me)
And steve you conniving asshole, thats it hes a bloody fucking bastards asshole. Honestly, everyone but y/n and loki is a narcissistic, self centered asshole that dont give a bloody fuck about anyone but themselves. (then i remembered her mother and that lady from the shelter, their good)
wow im sorry for the length and if this ever bothers you, im simply ranting of how i perceive these characters and this is a testament to your brilliant writing. You are a brilliant brilliant writer and dont let anyone think else, (even me if i ever do or did, which i hope not, if i ever did it wasnt my intention). The complexity in the stories that you muster up to conjure in your head is already brilliant but to share it to the world and to us or me personally is a privilege so thank you
again im sorry for the length of this and wish you a good day darling and hope you get better soon. sending all the love 😊❤️💜💙💚💛😊
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Never apologise for a long comment or ran or feedback as I like to call it. Trust me your comments are everything that keeps me going and makes me want to update faster. 😘😘💚
Yeah Sameera really fucked him up badly, he is broken too, just in a different way and they both need to love each other to fix each other. It's just a perfect fit, he's the safe harbor she wants and she's the validation he needs. But their attraction for each other isn't limited to what they need from each other , they both want to protect each other selflessly and that says alot
And yes the new bodyguard is in
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I just wanted to finally bring a side character I really like but never have written before
Whether he'd be a friend or foe? We will see 👀👀
You're making me cry with the last paragraph, lately I have been feeling even worse about my writing for some reason but this made me feel so validated. I try to give my characters a solid foundation and I'm just super happy that you feel so invested in them. Thank you for this ask my dear 😍💚
I'm sending all the love too 💓💓
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bibbawrites · 4 years
She - Carrie Wilson x Female Reader (SMUT 18+)
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Request: girl x girl with Carrie having a bad day cause of Julie and needs to let off the anger with giving the reader an/some orgasm(s)?
Word Count: 1770 words
Summary: after being upstaged by julie at the school spirit rally carrie needs a way to work her anger out, and you are more than happy to be of assistance 
Warnings: sex (obviously), oral sex (female receiving), fingering, use of sex toys, swearing, overstimulation, slight dom
A/N: i finally got the motivation to write this and i dont completely hate it which is good haha sorry for any mistakes in editing, i got a bit lazy and just skim read it while cuddling a kitten lol so if theres any mistakes thats why  also no hate to julie or flynn but obviously carrie’s girlfriend wouldn’t like them and neither does carrie so yeah thats why they get shit on   anyways, hope you enjoy!!!
Tag List: @happinessinthedarkesttimes​​​ @littlemissaddict​​​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic​​​ @headheartbellarke​​​ @lovesanimals​​​ @bartok-the-magnificent​​​ @juliefromaustralia @multi-universe21 @rangerelik @kaitieskidmore1 @katrina765​​​ @fandomxreaders​​​​ @ifilwtmfc
“I swear Molina does this shit on purpose, just to piss me off.” Carrie ranted as the two of you walked down the hallway after the spirit rally.
“Do you know how hard I worked on that routine? And she just has to go and upstage me with some stupid fucking hologram act? Which came out of nowhere, might I add.” She continued, and you nodded, not wanting to sat the wrong thing and make it worse. 
You stood back and watched as your girlfriend confronted Julie, rolling your eyes at Nick who decided to step in. He never truly knew how to deal with Carrie. He followed as Carrie walked away and you hurried to catch up, grabbing onto your girfriend’s hand as she repeated her rant from earlier. 
The bell rang as Carrie turned to walk away, pulling you along with her. 
“Where are we going? Science is the other way.” You questioned. Carrie shook her head. 
“We’re not going to science.” She replied, pulling you into a janitors closet and shutting the door behind you. 
“Oh.” You said, understanding the situation. 
Carrie pulled you towards her, your lips crashing against hers. She tasted like she always did, like her favourite peach lipgloss and mint. Kissing Carrie was like the perfect duet, her lips were made to intertwine with yours. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Carrie shoving you against the wall, her lips moving from yours to trail down your neck, sucking marks into your skin as she went. 
“Carrie.” You mumbled. “Are we really gonna do this here?” 
She took a step back, eyeing you carefully, before pulling out her phone and pressing it to her ear. 
“Dad? I need you to call the school and excuse me and Y/N for the rest of the day.” She spoke and your eyes widened. You could hear the muffled sound of Carrie’s dad talking on the other end. She bit her lip. 
“It’s a girl problem.” She said after a moment. Her dad replied and a smile appeared on your girlfriend’s face. 
“Yes that kind of girl problem. Poor Y/N is feeling horrible, the cramps are just so bad on the first day of her cycle.” Carrie put on a sympathetic voice and after a moment she gave you a thumbs up and said goodbye to her father before hanging up. 
“How good are you at acting?” She questioned. You shrugged. 
“Decent enough, why?” You replied.
“My dad is coming to pick us up and drop us home at my house. You’re having a really bad period and you need to get some rest.” 
You nodded in understanding, and together you made your way outside, waiting for Trevor to arrive, and once he did you made sure to clutch at your stomach and lean on your girlfriend as she helped you into the car. 
“Do you need anything Y/N?” Trevor asked, as he drove the two of you home. “I can get whatever pads or tampons you need, and I can heat up a heat pack or get medication for your cramps.” 
Your heart swelled at the caring gesture. 
“I should be okay with just a lie down.” You replied. “But I’ll let you know if I need anything. Thank you.” 
“Of course. Anything to make you more comfortable.” Trevor responded as he pulled the car into the driveway. 
“I’ll go get you girls some pizza. I know Carrie loves comfort foods on her period.” He offered. You and Carrie exchanged a look, but agreed, and before you knew it you were flopping down onto your girlfriend’s king sized bed. 
“I feel kinda guilty.” You admitted. Carrie sighed. 
“Me too. Why does he have to be such a good dad?” She groaned. 
“Too late now to backtrack.” You said. Carrie nodded, rolling closer to you and pulling you into her arms. 
“Guess we should just make the most of our time together then.”
An hour and several slices of pizza later and Carrie and you had her whole house to yourselves, with her dad leaving for some meeting that would take several hours. 
Carrie had been staring at the wall for the past 15 minutes and you were starting to get worried about your girlfriend. You moved slightly, placing a hand on her shoulder, and she turned to look at you. 
“Are you okay?” You questioned. 
“Just thinking about Julie again.” She explained, an annoyed look appearing on her face. 
“You need to forget about her babe. She’s not worth your time.” You stated, but Carrie ignored you, staring back at the wall again. 
“I just can’t believe she upstaged me after all the hard work we put into our performance.” She ranted. You took her hand. 
“If it makes you feel better, I thought that Dirty Candy was better by far.” You said, squeezing her hand. 
“You have to say that, you’re my girlfriend.” She rolled her eyes, but the light blush on her cheeks told you that she appreciated the compliment. You fell into silence for a moment, before an idea popped into your head. 
“Carrie.” You said. 
“What?” She replied, without even looking at you. 
“Remember that time that Flynn called me your bitch and I got so pissed off at her and you worked my anger out with some of the hottest sex we’ve ever had?” You asked. That got her attention, and she turned to look at you. 
“Yeah?” Her eyes lingered on your lips for a few seconds. 
“Use me.” You stated. She bit her lip. 
“You sure?” She checked. You nodded. 
“Positive. I’m all yours to do whatever you want to me.” You assured her. 
“In that case...” Carrie sat up, her look suddenly very serious. “Take off your clothes. Now.” 
You obeyed, pulling your Dirty Candy t-shirt and your denim shorts quickly, and after a quick glance at Carrie, stripped your underwear and bra off too. 
“Lie down.” Carrie instructed, and you did as she said. You watched as she moved down her bed and spread your legs, her eyes never once leaving yours. 
She lent down and licked a strip up your pussy and you moaned loudly, not holding back since you knew that Trevor was gone. 
Carrie smirked, before moving to eat you out, her tongue swirling against your clit as she inserted a finger into you. 
“Carrie.” You moaned out, and she grazed her teeth along your clit as a response. 
“Holy shit.” You muttered, tangling your fingers through her hair. 
She added a second finger and your head fell back in pleasure. She really wasn’t holding back. You could feel the familiar feeling of your orgasm pooling in your stomach. 
“I’m not going to last if you keep doing that.” You breathed out, and she ignored you, curling her fingers inside you to hit your g-spot. You gasped loudly. 
“Carrie, please.” You moaned. 
“Cum for me baby.” She said, her mouth never leaving your clit, and the vibrations sent you tumbling over the edge, cumming with a loud moan of her name. 
She worked you through your orgasm before moving away, and you shut your eyes to take a moment. The bed dipped as Carrie climbed back onto it, and before you could react she was pressing a vibrator to your already sensitive clit. 
“Carrie, what?” You asked, eyes opening quickly. 
“You didn’t think I’d stop at one, did you?” She teased, pressing the vibrator against you again, causing your already sensitive body to twitch. You bit your lip, unable to respond. She grinned at you. 
“How many orgasms have you had in one go before?” She questioned. 
“Three.” You answered. She paused, thinking. 
“You can do more than that.” She decided, and your eyes widened. You opened your mouth to reply but she pressed the vibrator to your clit again, this time turning the level on the vibrator up. You squirmed, not even having time to warn her before your second orgasm hit. 
Smirking, Carrie left the vibrator on your clit, holding your hips down with her spare hand to stop you from trying to move away. The intense vibration so soon after your second orgasm had you cumming again in what felt like no time. 
“Please no more. I can’t take it.” You begged. Carrie shook her head. 
“Yes you can baby, I know you can.” She assured you. 
“I can’t Carrie, please.” You whined. She paused. 
“One more.” She decided. You whimpered as her fingers entered you once again, stretching you slightly, before she slid them out and slid the vibrator into you. 
You cried out, hot tears spilling down your cheeks as Carrie put her mouth back onto your clit, every little movement sending shudders through your overly sensitive body. 
“Come on baby, one more, you can do it.” Carrie coaxed, her tongue swirling against your clit. She angled the vibrator to hit your g-spot and that was enough to bring you to your fourth orgasm. 
“Good girl.” Carrie praised, removing the vibrator from you. Your body was shaking and your face was wet with tears. You knew you looked like a wreck. 
“I think we should have a bath.” Carrie decided, helping you into the bathroom. 
She helped you to sit on the closed toilet, before starting the bath, adding in your favourite Lush bubble bar that she always kept for when you were over, and some soothing bath soak. Once she was done she turned back to you. 
“I’ll be right back, okay?” She whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You just nodded, too exhausted to speak. 
Carrie was back in no time, carrying two pairs of soft pyjamas, and some apple juice with ice. She placed them down on the cabinet before turning the water off on the bath and adding in a bath bomb. She lit the candles surrounding the bath before turning her attention to you. 
“Ready to get in?” She questioned. 
“Yeah, I might need some help though.” You replied, your voice shaky. Carrie grinned, walking over to you and wrapping her arm around your waist to help you over to the bath. She helped you climb in before stripping off her clothes and climbing in with you, sitting herself behind you so that you could lean back against her. 
“Feel better now?” You asked in a soft voice. Carrie pressed a kiss to your bare shoulder. 
“I do. Thank you, I love you.” She murmured. 
“I love you too. And anytime, I’ll always be here.” You responded, shutting your eyes as you snuggled against your girlfriend. 
And you meant it. 
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom 8-13 thoughts! again, under the cut bc I blew through 6 episodes in one go...
-LOVE THE WAY THE GHOST ZONE LOOKS. but theres fucking ghost cops??? ghost jail??? that SUCKS imagine dying and going to jail in your AFTERLIFE. danny going to JAIL WAS NOT something I expected. but seeing all the enemies together and work with danny to bust out. SO ICONIC I love that actually. and the thing about real world stuff acting as ghosts in the ghost zone is very cool.
-'there are some things more important that hunting ghosts!' mrs fenton says, about her husband forgetting their anaversary (FOR THE 18TH YEAR IN A ROW?? CHRIST) and not about, idk, their son clearly freaked out. she didnt even notice he was gone into the ghost zone!!! he might be a bad husband BUT shes not the best mom. they suck and I don't care about their relationship problems I care about these kids. danny doing his best to clean the house to keep his mom from getting mad at his dad?? hes such a good boy I want to cry, this is not his place, his dad should be cleaning his own shit up!!!
-maddie's butch lesbian sister is living my best life in her lil cabin. also being a snarky bitch to jack. queen. and her getting a 10th anniversary of her divorce. LOVE IT.
-mr. lancer being a cheerleader in his younger years makes perfect sense to me. king shit.
-dr. spectra's cat ears/mullet hairstyle?? sooo cute. I also just love the concept of a ghost just. sucking out people's positivity and feeding on emotions. a great villain. she put danny in a fucking diaper what the FUCK. and keeping it cold so no one would suspect shes a ghost??? INCREDIBLE. and her gay little blob sidekick. wlw mlm evil solidarity.
-JAZZ FOCUSED EP. YEAAAH!!! her first thought when she saw the ghosts was like 'omg i gotta tell danny :)' and her going to the teacher and also councilor trying to get help for him...shes just 16 but shes trying so hard to help him out :( watching this when youre younger I can imagine ppl are like omg annoying!! but watching this when im older im just like :( jazz baby im SO sorry </3 SHE BODIED THAT GHOST THOUGH. and the fact she didnt tell danny she knew surprised me. like, shes patient and waiting on him to tell her when hes ready!! thats so so sweet.
-christ the parents talking about 'PEELING IT LIKE AN ONION. AND EXAMINING REMAINS' of ghosts RIGHT INFRONT OF DANNY.
-'why am i so depressed and angry all the time!!' DANNY YOURE 14. i mean it IS a ghost this time, but...
-579$ top?? VALERIE NO ITS NOT EVEN CUTE IT DOESNT EVEN GO WITH THAT OUTFIT AAAA. tho this ep is called shades of gray..VALERIE FOCUSED EP FINALLY????! *THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE* I already knew about red huntress from my redesigns, but I didn't exactly know what that entails or how/why, so, it's fun to see the Origins.
-ghost pubby! ghost pubby!!!!! why is the dog a ghost?? the implication that the company had guard dogs and got rid of them...what did they DO. is it just the unfinished business?? of not having that toy it was looking for?? god I hope so.
I feel SOOO bad for valerie tho, my god. her friends are shunning her for what, because her dad lost her job and she had to move??? horrible. (and the fact the dog wrecked the moving van too...) I also love how 'from wisconsin' on the package was an IMMEDIATE RED FLAG FOR ME. WISCONSIN=EVIL NOW. vlads so petty.
-it took valerie like 5 mins to get the hang of hunting ghosts and shes already a much bigger threat than his parents tbh. who've been trying and studying this for years. and a more valid reason <3 love her shes so cute and cool. new daughter alert.
-'i should do SOMETHING to help valerie' no shit danny???
-'who is that, awesome outfit!' -top gay sam moments. i was going to say. before it immediately cuts to sam kissing danny LMFAOOO. don't think I like that, it puts tucker in a weird third wheel position... the next ep involves them holding hands and blushing when danny's cold...URGH No. not a fan ngl. the trope of 'if theres a girl in a trio she has to end up with one of the two guys!!'
-right as I say that they take it to extremes!! and ember shoots him with a love ray gun that makes him OBSESSIVE OVER SAM. AND SHE TAKES HIS HANDS AND SAYS 'YOU DONT FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT ME, I DONT FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT YOU' and her saying she doesnt want to be together like this. and tucker saying 'i always knew you two would get together!!' dont manifest it tucker please. the show pushing for it so hard makes me not want it KSHKJKJD I KNOW its probably canon. it sucks though. im a hater.
-EMBERRRRR YOU WILL REMEMBERRRRRR . this is the one thing I kinda remember from when I was a kid EMBERRRRR ilu. top 10 cartoon bops. sams being a hater. popular things are popular for a reason. mr. lancer also being a hater. also everyone wearing her color scheme ..its a really good look, the purple, black, and minty color...
-penguins exist in the ghost zone. confirmed.
-EMBER JUST SHOWING UP AT A RANDOM HIGHSCHOOL TO PLAY?? UNANNOUNCED, MID DAY??? girl get a tour schedule. make some money or smth damn. I know shes probably doing it for the power boost but. lord. anyway if your show doesnt have a concert scene/ep, is it even valid.
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-hey, she had an undercut at some point!! my redesign!!! was accurate!! in..a way
-I feel like danny has a lot of pent up aggression ngl, him being heartbroken about sam and immediately going IM GONNA GO TAKE IT OUT ON EMBER. I mean she needs to be stopped I guess But. jazz has the right idea he needs therapy and a HEALTHY outlet.
-tucker singing > my singing
-girls cant be gamers -tucker and danny sexist moments. her being chaos in the game OWNED.
-it was actually nice of lancer to let danny retake the test, and he go to play games again. smh. epic cringe gamer moments compilation. and driving him home!!! I actually like him as a character. anyway teachers like lancer are SO appreciated. I was failing middle school because of mental problems, and felt so dumb and got embarrassed by teachers who would just get onto me instead of bothering to ask what the real problem was, but when I was taking my ged classes I had a wonderful teacher who kept reassuring me that I was smart, and I got honors!! danny is SUCH a little shit to him (understandable, 14, but) but seeing them getting along better and danny putting in effort. SO CUTE. THATS MY SON, STUDYING HARD!!!! and being so PROUD OF HIMSELF!!! 91!!! BITCH!!! A- is STILL AN A!!!
-'why dont they ever realize thats me in a dress' mr lancer i am CRYING. i realized.
-technus being my ghost grandpa who cant game asking tucker for help. bless his heart. his out of date old ppl lingo circles back to being endearing <3 tucker not recognizing him despite the like, lack of any kind of serious disguise...I do love their lil in-game outfits....sam being the tank rules. I like technus' spider design also. more characters need to be giant freaky spiders, imo.
-finding your gf a new host because she cant maintain her ghost body outside the zone? amazing. using jazz as the host? ILL KILL YOU. jazz immediately accepting a ride home from a guy she just met and letting him know where she lives. letting him IN THE HOUSE??? nooo girl no lets use common sense </3
-sooo cringe the parents were like 'good job for spying on your sister' tho wtffff. doesnt matter if hes a bad guy, thats fucked. everytime these parents BREATHE im like. these are MY kids now <3
-BAD LUCK BEING A THEME OF THE 13TH EPISODE. thats super fun. johnny 13 being his name is so. iconic. your last name is a NUMBER? also goth tucker. I actually love the look. everyone looks good goth. 'the ladies love the eyeliner and onyx nail polish' sam you are sooo right every man needs to at least try those two things. im a lesbian and I agree. same, danny, your bff is gnc af
-LOVE kitty's design. and just, the concept of a ghost with a bike. couple goals, except yes stay away from jazz.
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Hey love ! How are you ?? ♥️♥️ i love the scene you wrote after Arthur kills Murray. If you want to do another, here’s my request 😉
How about a reader who is in the apartment when Arthur kills Randall. After Gary is gone, she’s scared but he reassure her and promise to never hurt her. And she tells him that she loves him no matter what. Of course there is no obligation 😁 I’m addicted to your writing !! ♥️
Hi. First of all thank you for your request and for your nice words. This makes me soooooo happy to hear and it means A LOT to me!!!! It means SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!
I had to change it a little bit, especially the reason why he kills Randall, because Arthurs situation would have been a whole different one if he had a girlfriend. Me personally I think he would have never killed someone while being loved and not alone anymore. The thought of him killing someone  while his loved one is wittnessing it, is even harder. BUT I still love the fact hat you asked for a request that shows that the reader / his girlfriend  is there for him no matter what. Even after a murder happened. And going off 7 meds at once can do a lot to a person. So I hope  the changes are okay with you and you still like the result.
"You`re so beautiful, Arthur. I could stare at your face forever". The hint of a smile was crossing his face while he took the brush to whiten his chin while a cigarette was burning in his left hand. He looked like a piece of art  doing his own make up. His reflection in the mirror stared back at him. The white paint gave his well structures face an even more intense look to it. Haunting. Tragic could be seen behind his eyes. The kinda tragedy that the greatest of all storms couldnt possibly wash away. It was there raging inside of him. Even in his calmest moments. Especially in his most quiet ones, there was this orchestra of chaos burning in his core. Still all he wanted was a moment of peace. Of silence. Love. You took the brush and helped him paint the rest of his face white. Arthur closed his eyes.  His dark eyelashed protecting them like a curtain. He wanted to feel it with all his senses. How your hand was leading the brush.  It was almost  like being touched by your  fingertips. Just as thoughtful and loving. He could  just tell that it was your hand leading it. No other hand would have been so good to him. "Whats wrong , darling?" you asked him, feeling that there was a heavy weight resting on his tiney shoulders. Arthur shrugged "Thinking about Randall and how all of this mess started with him giving me that fucking gun" he replied. His face twitched in an uncomfortable way. "I still think he gave me that gun, hoping I`d kill myself with it. Or...I dont know... maybe he just hoped for what happened in the end. The way I fucked up. The bad shit I did. " Arthur looked at you . His green eyes pierced you in a way that made it impossible for you to not feel your knees weaken. It hurt so much to hear that some people out there really wanted to see Arthur on the ground. Wanted to see him hurt. Suffering. Dead even. Your hand gently touched his cheek and got stained with white "Arthur, we both know that what you did on the subway was self defence.  It was three of them and they could have beaten you to death." He nodded. A stain of hair fell to his forehead as he took a deep drag of his cig "Yeah....you`re right...I guess it was. I hope it was. Sometimes I`m not sure I remember it right. Some nights I remember it this way, sometimes another. But in every single version of it, they were about to kill me first." You wiped the curl out of his face. His freshly dyed hair was soft to the touch. "And in every possible version you came home to me and I told you it was a good thing to save your own life" He once again nodded without looking very convinced. "I`m so glad they didnt  caught you. They still dont know who ended their lifes. There were so many guys in clown make up running around these days." Arthur smoked teh rest of his cig "I have a bad feeling about this. Its a gut feeling....like the cops will be here any minute. Ringing my door... and ...take me away from you...." You couldn have sworn to see a tear hiding behind the galaxy of his eyes. The thought of being taken away from you was Arthurs worst nightmare. Being locked away in Arkham state hospital wasnt so bad for him in the past. But now...now that he had you it was horrible to think of nights spent all by himself. With just a photo of you under his white , bleach smelling pillow. No loving arms around him, helping him sleep. Keeping him save from nightmares. Just staring at ceilings and more blacked out diary pages. He didnt cared so much about himself anyway. It was the both of you together he cared about most. And he wanted to protect you from anything that could do you any harm. Ever. Arthur was your protector. And if anyone would try to seperate the two of you from one another, he would not think twice about it to end this person. The doorbell. Arthurs muscles twitched. His shoulderbone was becoming more and more visible as he opened the drawer to get the scissor "I knew it" he whispered "Its the cops." Within seconds your whole world fell apart. What if they knew? What if they will take Arthur with them  now? You coudlnt even imagin a day or a night without him anymore. Arthur was your home. They couldnt just come in and take your home away from you. "Oh my god....Arthur" you whimpered "Please dont open the door..." He stood up "Dont worry, baby. I will take care of it." The scissors disappeared in his pockets. This was bad. Your whole boday started to hurt. Your mind was raging. This was a nigtmare. Is this how Arthur felt sometimes when he wasnt sure of reality anymore? Was this a taste of how he lived most of his life? Uncertain of what is happening . Arthur checked the door "Its okay. Its jus Gary and Randall". The weight of the world was falling off your shoulders. Thank god it was only his workmates. "Hey guys, come on in" Arthur opened the door while Randall was talking about what was going on outside. Arthur claimed that he didnt knew anything about that. Gary handed you a bottle of champain "I brought a little present" he smiled "I`m so gald that that Athur isnt alone anymore. He really needs someone on his side, you know? Its not good for him to be alone with his....thoughts I think. " You took the present and thanked him. Gary was the only one of his workmates that you wittnessed to be actually nice to him.  You looked over to Arthur and Randall. Arthur seemed annoyed by him. Or hurt. Probably both. "You`re too sweet Gary. And yes. I try my best to be there for him. In any situation, you know? He has been left alone since he came into this world. " Gary nodded sadly. He really felt for Arthur. "I stopped taking my medication" The tone in Arthurs voice sounded strange. You didnt knew about him not taking his medication anymore. Why wouldnt he tell you about something important like that? Was it something he wasnt telling you to make sure that you wouldnt start to worry about his condition? The way he told Randall about it, sounded more than concerning in your ears. "I feel a lot better now" he added. You knew that Arthur was always convinced that the doctor should increase his medication. But you would have never thought that he wanted to stop taking them. Maybe it wasnt even his desicion. Maybe something else happened. Was it possible that he didnt got his receipes anymore? "Good for you" Randall replied. Not a spark of honesty in his sarcastic voice. Arthur was standing in the doorway. His body language changed since he was talking to Randall. Randall was the representation of all the bullies that ever tortured him. Arthur looked even smaller than usual, now that Randall was standing in front of him.  You could tell that Athur was thinking about the gun. And why Randall handed it to him. Loaded. He could have killed himself with it. Arthur took his cigarette and drew a smiley on the wall, laughing. It wasnt his usual laugh. It was different. A laugh you had never heard before. Going of his meds must have changed something inside of him. "Arthur?" you walked up to the love of your life and tried to talk to him. But he seemed to be focused on Randalls hand, which slowly reached down his pocket while he talked about the cops showing up. "I just want to make sure that our stories line up, because you`re my boy and...." You`re my boy. Arthur had heard this sentence before. Right after he gave him the gun. "Artie?" you tried to get through to him but his eyes were still lingering on Randalls big hand. Convinced that Randall was about to pull a gun. He finally tured his head into your direction "Now close your eyes, baby." Arthur whispered softly before he rapidly grabbed the scissors and with one fast movement he sticked  them into Randalls neck. A flood of blood appeared. Arthur pulled the scissor out just to stick them into Randalls eye. A scream. Gary started crying. And you. You just stood there. Paralyzed. All of this seemed unreal. Like a nightmare you barely remembered after waking up but you still felt it in your subconsiousness. Waiting to be analyzed. Arthur grabbed Randalls heavy body and slammed his head against the wall. Another time. And another. Ten times. Until his scull cracked. Blood was dripping from the walls and from Arthurs angelic face. You wanted to scream his name, just like Gary did. But you couldnt.   "Arthur why would you do that?" Gary cried in the corner of the room, shocked by his actions. "I think h-he thought R-Randall was about to pull a gun....it triggered him w-when Randall called him his boy." you stuttered. Gary covered his face with his hands. He couldnt belive what your boyfriend just did eighter. Arthur was sitting on the floor next to Randalls body, breathing heavily , his eyes unfocused, with a feverish look to his face. Was he aware of what he just did? Was he aware that you were still in this room with him? Or was he elsewhere? Far away from you? Oh god, how much you wished he was still in there. Gary wanted to leave but was too afraid to pass Arthur. "Its okay Gary, you can go" Arthur smiled. Hearing his voice again felt good. He was at least able to talk. "I`m not gonna hurt you". Gary took a small step towards him. Arthur scared him for fun. His sense of humor could be kinda dark. Still. But only seconds later he helped Gary with the door  when he couldnt make it to the lock. Before Gary left the apartment, Arhur kissed his forehead saying "You and Y/N were the only ones who were ever nice to me." Gary ran as fast as he could. Arthur closed the door, checking his chest. realizing there was blood all over his body. He kneed down to land on the floor again. Trying to catch his breath. It seemed like he was having a panic attack. Arthur started to quietly sing to himself. Thats when you realized that he needed help. He needed you now. More than ever. You carefully walked towards him. "Arthur?" He barely turned his head, humming. Your gently took his face between your hands. Randalls blood staining your fingertips. "Arthur, darling. Are you here with me?" He nodded "Always". "You loooked into his eyes but his gaze was still unfocused. His mind all over the place. "Breathe, Arthur. I am here with you. Try to breathe with me." The mixture of grease paint and blood felt strange between your fingers. But somehwere underneath there was that face you loved the most. Arthur stopped humming "Dont.....dont be afraid of me, please. I feel you being afraid. Please dont. You know that I could never hurt you." Arthur leaned in to place a gentle kiss on the corner of your lips. And even though you knew that his face was stained with another persons blood you let it happen. Tasted it. You knew that you could trust him with your life. "I`m not....not afraid of you, Arthur. I´m just afraid of what is happening inside of you. What it does to you." "My sweet angel" he said, stroking your cheek with his red fingertips "Always worried about your man" he chuckled, closing his eyes. "I had to" he added "he was about to pull a gun!" You havent seen a gun on Randall but you would never tell him. He thought he just saved your life. this was the only way to cope with what he just did. "I know Artie, I know." you took him into your arms  to cradle him like a little boy. "It will be okay. Everything will be fine as long as we are together." A silent tear ran down Arthurs smeared cheek "You still love me? I told you to look away. But you didnt. You just didnt." He whimpered. "I never wanted you to see this. Can you still love me ?" Your hands shaked as you took his bloody hand in yours "I loved you before we even met and I will love you for as long as my soul exists" you whispered into the still of the room. "I love you too" his voice cracked. "Now stand up. We´re gonna wash the blood away, Okay? You really need to get this off you now". Arthur nodded as you lead him into the bathroom for him to take off the rest of his cothes and get into the bathtub. His blue pants and underwear was now lying on the floor. You turned on the water and waited for it to fill, as you thoughtfully grabbed a sponge to wash his face. Arthur closed his eyes and listened to the music inside of his head. It became calmer now that you touched him. It was hard not to shake while watching the water turn pink. But it felt good to get it off his face. With every cleaned part you were able to breathe again. To recognize him. "Thank you" Arthur mumbled "I dont deserve you". After his face was clean you couldnt stop staring at it. there he was again. Yor sweet,angelic Arthur. The man with the most gentle hands. The softest heart. He was right there with you and you were here to wash his sins away. You now focused on his chest, noticing that his heart was beating fast as you  let your hand slide over the skin above it. HIs fragile heart which had experienced so much torture and pain. To much pain to handle. Later you had to figure out what to do with Randalls body. But for now you just had one purpose. To take care of the man you loved the most. You continued by washing his hair. Washing the sweat away. Curl by curl.  Your hands turned green and Arthur looked more vulnerable than ever. "Why didnt you tell me that yo stopped taking your meds?" you asked him, afraid of his answer. "They cut the funding. I was afraid to tell you.... I´m sorry. I should have. " "Oh Arhur. we have to do something about this. You know that right?" "Yeah" he breathed, staring at his now clean hands. Knowing that you will figure this out together. All of this. "We gotta hurry a bit, Arthur. They will be here soon and try to get you back at Arkham. But dont worry about that okay? We´ll be running away. Somewhere far from Gotham. We`ll find a nice place to stay. Just the two of us. Together."
"I know we will find a way. We always do, right?" he whispered .And when his intense eyes met yours with such certainty  you leaned in to kiss him on the lips, telling him that everything is going to be okay, while you pulled the plug to rinse away the last traces of red.
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A Hand to Hold ☁️💫
▪︎pairing(s): Sugawara Koushi x Reader
▪︎warning(s): mentions of something bad from the past? Kinda like trauma
▪︎genre: kinda angst to fluff
As Y/n curled up into a ball all by herself, she just let everything out. Who is going to care anyways? It's not like anyone was going to look her way. Who would care? Crying just made her look a million times more pathetic and that's what she is. Right?
As she sobbed her eyes out, remembering that happened over the last few days. All the horrible things she was called. All of the things people pointed at her for. She was done. It was basically her final straw.
For days, she struggled to cry. As much as she wanted to let everything out. Not a single tear could escape. So why... why now?
Why did it have to be now? She wished she could just stand everything a little longer til she got home. But something in her just broke and she lost it.
The frustration of everything she had to witness. People leaving her one by one for something she didn't even do. No one believing the poor girl as she started to internalize everything to herself.
The past few days have been like hell to her. It's just something she doesn't want to talk or think about. Not even her parents know. She is so embarassed by the fact that she can't tell anyone because no one would believe her. Hell, she wouldn't believe herself if someone had gone through the same thing as her.
As she slid her fingers through her hair and tugged on it slightly, crying her eyes out. She hates everything! Gosh, she could do some ridiculous things to herself and no one would care. But who cares anyways, it's not like she was significant to begin with.
As she leaned against the tree behind her, she stared up into the sky. Gosh, she could just die and no one would notice. She could just perish and the world would be fine. She felt so selfish, how pathetic of her to pity herself like this.
A soft voice called out from the other side of the tree, "hey, don't cry..." The voice was gentle and calm. Y/n hiccuped a little as she tried her best to calm herself down. Ah, she must look like an idiot right now.
"Sorry, I must be annoying haha." The girl managed to sputter out despite the hiccups in between. The voice awkwardly stuttered, "i-it's fine! You aren't annoying in any way I was just a little concerned."
Y/n,a little confused, asked, "what for? You don't even know me. I'm just a selfish brat who pities herself."
"Don't say that! Everyone has been so horrible to you and yet you bottled up your feelings like this. No wonder we've never seen you cry... because you bottle up everything to yourself." The voice sounded oddly familiar. However, Y/n couldn't put her finger on it.
Y/n chuckled to herself bitterly, "thanks for caring, but I don't think you know me."
"You do..." the voice said as it seemed to be a little louder than before.
"Sugawara, what are you trying to do?" Y/n says as she physically moved away. Sugawara's heart sunk as he had a bitter taste linger in his mouth. "I'm not trying to do anything. I'm just worried..."
Y/n glared, "what is there to worry? Shouldn't you worry about your own life? What significance do I have to you?"
Sugawara inched closer, "that's not the point Y/n. I know what happened... you didn't do anything wrong yet you have all of this misfortune. It must really suck for you." The boy took a second to breathe in and process everything, "I don't expect you to tell me anything per say but I-I, I'm always here for you if you need me."
Y/n looked at him in confusion, someone cares? What for? All she's ever done is bring misfortune, why would anyone want to be around her?
Y/n's mouth was left agape, "I-I, but why? Why all of a sudden?"
Sugawara smiled softly at the girl, "because, it isn't fair if you have to suffer all by yourself. I can't just stand there and watch you cry." The boy stretched out his hand to her,
"please, let me be a hand to hold, I can help you."
Y/n was a little overwhelmed with everything. Is she crazy enough to believe him? She hesitantly reached out and asked, "are you sure about all of this?"
The boy nodded, "I am, I won't ditch you I promise."
Y/n was a little touched by his words. They seemed genuine and that's something she hasn't felt in a while. It felt... nice.
She placed her hand in his palm and he gently pulled her up.
"From now on, you don't have to cry alone. I'll be by your side Y/n." He says with a gentle smile.
As tears welled up in the girl's eyes. What was this feeling? Why was she crying? She isn't sad. So why?
The boy hugged her as she wailed like a baby. What was this feeling? She couldn't explain it at all. It felt warm but at the same time a little scary? Scary in the sense that she felt like she's insane for relying on a stranger.
Maybe she was crazy enough to trust him.
Y/n would never forget the words that he said to her that day.
"You'll never be alone from now on. I'll be your shoulder to cry on and I'll be the hand you hold when your in doubt."
It was genuine and sweet. It made her heart melt in pure awe. Someone out there in this insane world actually cares for her. And loves her despite what people say. Someone is crazy enough to stick by her side despite all the crazy things people say.
If people could be this crazy to her, then it wouldn't be weird if there was one boy out here in this small world to be crazy enough to be with her right?
Y/n looked up and smiled for the first time in a while. "Thank you," she says as her warm smile managed to captivate the heart of Sugawara Koushi.
This isn't some "shoujou manga" with extreme plot twist or extreme romance. Though it started off rough with the two, at least Y/n has a hand to hold through it all.
It wasn't easy in any way shape or form but Sugawara stayed by her side. The one crazy person that cared for her and that was enough for Y/n. That was more than enough for Y/n to have a reason to smile and be happy.
☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★ ☆ ★
A/n: ahahaha i got a little carried away writing this one. ACTUALLY I WANTED TO PUT OSAMU BUT THAT WOULD BE TOO OOC SO NOPE.
I WENT WITH SOFT BOY SUGAWARA! Which was a little surprising to me
I hope you liked this!!! Hahaha I dont think many can relate to this but to those who have a similar sotuation to Y/n, just know that you can do it. Really!
Stay strong because there is someone out there who cares about you even if you cant see it right now. I know its hard to imagine but trust me, many people fo care about you and love you.
Dont stop smiling okay? You're all beautiful!
Just know that I love you too!!! So dont ever be sad <3
I love you! See you in the next chapter you beautiful people!
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otterplusharchive · 4 years
its time for another one of my half awake rambles about love and the universe so sorry if any of this is worded weird or doesnt make sense but anyway something that ive struggled with a huge amount in the past has been feeling like people i love dont love me as much as i love them or that people always like other people around them more than they like me but honestly working thru that has made me realize that like.... for one.. no one is going around ranking their friends or ranking the people in their life literally the only person ive ever known who ever told me that she was ranking her friends was a horrible person who traumatized me like.. im not waking up in the morning and thinking "oh i like this person more than i like this person" like thats just not.. idk thats just not how i think most people go about human connections..
this morning i was honestly thinking about how i missed a friend who i havent been able to talk to for like all of this year and thinking about how he is and hoping that hes doing well and laughing to myself about things we used to joke about.
and what im getting at with that is like i havent talked to this friend for most of this year but he still has a special place in my heart and i still love him and care about him. there is no leader board ranking in my heart of whos number one and whos on the bottom, and whenever ive been feeling unloved or unwanted ive been trying to remind myself of that.
like jusy because im not talking to someone every second of every day doesnt mean i dont care about them or vice versa theres sooo many countless times where ill see something or do something and ill think of someone i know fondly because it reminds me of them and i might not message them to tell them that i thought of them with it (because im still working thru feeling annoying jdsj) but that love is still real and still there and its not a competition!!! its not a competition!
and yknow what even if someone did care about someone else more or did love someone else more those are their feelings and theyre allowed to feel them and i cant control that (& shouldnt want to control anyones feelings) and im not entitled to their feelings and it would be ok if someone liked someone else more than me because that doesnt negate or erase our friendship and doesnt negate or erase how we like each other because its different relationships between different people so of course the dynamic and feelings are going to be different!
anyway! your friends and loved ones are not ranking you love is not a competition and the people in your life do in fact care about you even when its hard to remember that but also if the people in ur life arent treating u well and are actively being hurtful to u then pls remember that u deserve better than that and you deserve to feel loved and appreciated. anyway if u read all of this ily go get some water
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mulderspice · 4 years
like god. sorry to keep talking about this but. there are so many episodes of the x files that are so so so objectively horribly racist so as a fan of color im gonna make jokes about scully (and mulder! wtf we literally make fun of him being a spoiled rich boy who hates poor ppl all the time) being a “terrible person” all i want lol.
like the white wlw girlies on this site need to examine how much racist shit they let slide bc its Their Fav ❤️ to thhe point where they are antagonizing REAL PEOPLE OF COLOR (u and us) defending some FICTIONAL white bitch like ..... going out of your way to stalk the poc section of the fandom to say mean things to poc who are FANS THEMSELVES (who have all experienced racism in their way. white ppl should know this) bc you couldnt handle joking about your favorite FICTIONAL white woman COP being a racist thats just ......
like whats the “im not a racist” explanation for that. what happened was that you care more about fictional dana scully than about actual real poc (who are just minding their fucking business having fun) and what they have to say abt racism. (ESPECIALLY WHEN THEYRE JUST JOKES LIKE NO ONE IS BEING SERIOUS AT ALL THE BLOG IS HALF FAST FOOD. WHY ARE U SO HEATED. NO ONE EVEN MEANS IT. THATS WHY WE STILL WATCH THE SHOW CUZ WERE OBVIOUSLY FANS TOO).
like whatevr that makes sense that shes attached to scully i dont fault her for having an emotional connection to scully (x files is my life im not one to judge) and for getting mad but. she really took that feeling and went “im gonna make it this poc’s problem”. and came into your inbox. like ..... thats gross u didnt deserve that.
they’ll actually probably reblog a post on their woke little blogs saying all that. but they wont do it. they wont change their behavior. i actually remember her calling us misogynists earnestly like she was woke for it like what a joke..... white ppl get more offended at being called a racist then actual racism. maybe im reading too much into it but i think im just mad because this is something you see everywhere and this is just one tiny example and like. u literally care about just hosting a fun rewatch during these lonely times like youre doing a kind and fun thing. just the idea of fun benign wholesome things exist and still somehow racism find its way in.....
ugh just wanted to say dont let these bitches get u down youre NOT being misogynist or whatever. claiming misogyny is white feminists favorite defense. thats literally these white girls cover for when they get caught being too heated over their fictional girlfriend.
ugh im so sorry for writing so much. this got away from me. thabks for reading it if u made it here lol. and thank you for hosting these rewatches theyve brought me a lot of joy in this sad joyless pandemic.
thanks for sharing babe. I know how u feel and it’s frustrating and annoying but it’s good to talk about it and I’m glad I’ve created a space here for you to literally do that. I know it’s easy to feel excluded from fandom especially as a poc unfortunately it feels kind of unavoidable 🙄 I hope it can change but I also hope we’re very much off tumblr by the time that ever happens LMAO. anyway we love u! Thanks for sharing
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edwardslostalchemy · 4 years
the thing that kills me about bakugou is when the plf go "having a powerful quirk means i'm better than you"and basically advocate for eugenics, it's horrible and corrupt, but when bakugou does it, it's lol funny and 'oh that gremlin.' in a recent chapter he made fun of the past OFA holders for having 'weak' quirks and dying and he said these things in front of Toshi, who has himself given so much. just...what was the point of him knowing about OFA if he was just going to be a disrespectful ass?
I have no idea why it was necessary for him to know, tbh. I think it was a waste of an opportunity to give him growth by NOT telling him. And honestly, I agree that k*tsuki and the plf have similar ideals because they’re elitists. :/ They think they’re better than others. Unironically, the lov wanting k*tsuki on their side would have been like, them all sharing this same thought. Idk, I just don’t like him. The things he says and does are played off as comedic relief now and it’s honestly so annoying. He needs to be brought down from his pedestal. 
(I have multiple messages so I am putting them all in one post under a read more, I hope it works, but if somehow it doesn’t, I’m really sorry. My computer says it works, but mobile doesn’t show it. This will be a long post.)
Anonymous said:
You know... I wouldn’t mind Bakugou winning vs Ochako so much if his blast had simply redirected enough rubble for him to make it though the pelting, and the fight had ended with an actual visible inflicted injury on his part, like a cut on his face, that stuck around for the rest of the tournament. Make the close call have more concrete, visible consequences for him then his arms aching a bit.
I agree with this completely. That thing about his arms aching doesn’t show much of the consequences at all. And he gets over it rather quickly. I hate that he has so much plot armor.
Anonymous said:
Ngl i dont ship Todo/deku (dont really ship Izuku with anyone lol) but its such a nice ship like?? People can ship what they want but why ship Baku/deku when Tododeku is RIGHT THERE. I would rather have todo/deku be the twin stars like.. Todoroki having to overcome his fathers legacy and be a better hero then his father ever could be while Izuku perpetuates all mights legacy and carries the legacy of One For All?? Poetic cinema
+ I SENT AN ASK ABOUT PREFERRING TODO/DEKU TO BAKU/DEKU AND I WANTED TO ADD SOMETHING SKSKS. we could totally have an "its your power" moment. Izuku getting Todo to accept his left side and Todo getting Izuku to remember that OFA is his power now.
Todo/deku is really the poetic cinema we need and deserve. Idk why people like b*kud*ku, that’s what they prefer, but the ship itself is not healthy in the slightest and I find it pretty disturbing. I agree with you, nony. Everything you said is correct.
Anonymous said:
If I'm gonna be honest the whole "he was raised in a household of screaming and abuse" isn't a good enough reason as to why Bakugo has no chill. Like we've seen people like Todoroki raised in a household much worst but he didn't come out as a jerk or bully. I'd like to see more of Bakugo's interactions with his parents but for the most part the dad seems like a pushover and his mom is just loud at times. But no where close to Endeavor. So yeah Bakugo shut up challenge
Yeah, idk how their dynamic works, it’s just mitsuki screaming at k*tsuki while his dad tries to intervene, but doesn’t do a good job about it. I don’t like that she smacked his head. But I think people really stretch it to give him a tragic backstory when in reality, he doesn’t have one. He is a spoiled brat. Shouto has proven how to be a better person. He’s just a better character in general.
Anonymous said:
This might be long but I want to get something off my chest and I love your blog so I used to like bk//dk. If you asked me why. It's because I was enamored by the fanon ver of this pair with a better bkg and the whole appeal of childhood 'friends'/reconciliation trope it had going on and some fans have convinced me that their relationship wasn't as bad as it's portrayed before UA and that bkg was only like that because of society and thinking Izuku was "looking down" at him. 1/3
Thinking about it. it's really stupid and the verge of victim blaming but anyways. What stopped me from liking it and instead hating the pair is that after dk vs kc 2 I was expecting the improvement in their relationship, for a moment I thought we got it. But in reality it's just bc we haven't seen them interact much after the overhaul arc and before the joint training arc.Then the joint arc came and the 2nd internship arc came and whoo boy, I feel like I was cheated on. 2/3
Rather than making bkg's behavior improve towards Izuku, He's still as much of an asshole who belittles him, mocks him ,acts like he can't stand him but less threats of killing him combined with Izuku who just takes it because he's a nice person. But the narrative acts like their good friends now and I have been feeling so frustrated with this, I wanted a mutual relationship with mutual respect on both sides and bk//dk hasn't reached that part and it shouldn't take this long for it to be. 3/3
Thank you for sharing this with me, nony!! I appreciate it. It’s really sad that their relationship hasn’t improved at all. It’s so long overdue and now things are played as comedic relief like him hurting Izuku with his spike and also being extremely disrespectful during the ofa meetings. Their relationship isn’t healthy and it isn’t friendly, no matter how canon wants to paint it that way.
Anonymous said:
the only reason bkg gets to know OFA is because he guilted Izu into telling him a half truth in S1 then guilted AM and Izu with his tantrum in S3 He also had the privilege to know Izu since childhood and saw AFO so he had the advantage Izuku would have never told him otherwise. Same time Izuku's friends don't "deserve" to know about OFA, rather, Izuku deciding to tell them himself will make the revelation to them more special since its Izu deciding to tell a piece of himself than being forced to
@havocsss said:
i just wanted to say i appreciate your opinion on bnha about bakugo (bc someone finally said it 👀) and you put into words for me how i feel abt that character - and that's partly why i just can't watch it. he's the bully that everyone idolises and gets let away with murder and naaaah mate that's not how it works
Thank you, I’m glad to hear it. I don’t like that he, a literal bully who has suicide baited Izuku and has hurt him with his explosion quirk, is the fandom’s favorite and the most popular character. Literally any other character would have been better to stan than him. He’s everywhere and I can’t enjoy part of the series because of him always being there. It’s so annoying. I will continue to yell about why he is not a good character until horikoshi gives us the development he desperately needs AND an apology to Izuku for being so abusive to him. And yes, bullying is abuse.
Anonymous said:
I know that feeling. I also greatly dislike Bakugou. He almost ruins the manga for me at times. I can't even think of a plot with Izuku where Hori won't try to include him in some way. I tried reading metas abt him, tried to look at him in a different light but I realised that I really hate his personality, combined with his overhyped popularity just makes me can't stand him. I wish I could even just be neutral for him but that's being a challenge.
Yeah, he’s not a good character. Very infuriating and annoying. We do not stan him in this house.
Anonymous said:
I feel like if Aizawa actually knew that Bakugou used to bully Izuku he'd probably whoop Bakugou's ass
OOF I’d like to see him expel him.
Anonymous said:
I like how it's framed like I'm supposed to feel sorry for Bakugou because he feels manpain for not being the strongest in the class. Like the dude went from a regular school to the best of the best and he still expected to be the strongest person there is with no challenge?
Awww, is the spoiled brat sad? Good. He can die mad about it.
Anonymous said:
If Aizawa did the combat training instead of All Might he would've stopped Bakugou the first time he used his gauntlets and automatically failed him and I really wish that would've been the outcome
Tbh he should have been expelled for trying to kill a classmate.
Anonymous said:
Oh yeah I remember that character entrance when he just basically I insults his partner for training. Look I love the kid but if I was a teacher I would've flamed him so hard like there could've been a hostage, that weapon could have went off, his partner could've been captured. That's how you ended up failing the license exam
OOF. When will he learn.
Anonymous said:
Um excuse the ever living fuck out of me but I just saw a fic that was bakugou/consequences where Izuku attempted suicide and you know what the ship was?? My pure green son who deserves the world and his literal bully/abuser are you SHITTING ME???? I try very hard not to hate ships I do really try but I just CAN'T with this ship it disgusts me
It's not a healthy ship. I am disturbed by this fic and I don’t even know what it’s called and I don’t want to know. Eww.
Anonymous said:
I see myself as Izuku cause I relate to him a lot and I just read something where Bakugou does what my abuser did to me to Izuku and now I'm having a very hard time stomaching the thought of him and like I really loved kiri/baku too but now I can't even think about it cause someone who shipped my notp thought it would be a good idea to make Bakugou an abuser and give Izuku Stockholm syndrome ☹
Oh nony…I’m so sorry to hear about that. That really sounds rough and I hope you’re feeling better. That sounds awful. I’m just…I’m appalled. Also giving Izuku Stockholm syndrome with this ship is just. Wow.
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kirythestitchwitch · 4 years
okay so like, bear with me im having some Thoughts. [child abuse cw] [physical abuse cw] [suicide mention cw] strap in.
I remember this one night in the late 90s when I was on the landline in the computer room talking to a friend from church. I was probably like 11-12 bc i was friends with this person after Titanic came out but before my parents stuffed me in private school. Anyways we having perfectly normal pre-teen conversations like "Jack Dawson is soooo hot," and "I love Dimitri's hair!" and like, somehow we got onto how annoying our parents were. normal kid shit right like idk they didn't let me read past my bedtime idk, and i didn't even have the vocabulary to say "fuck" at the time! and I kinda spun the chair I was in to face the doorway (open, rookie mistake) and fuckin there was my mother, looking pissed as hell. she made me hang up immediately and then proceeded to scream at and then ground me for being an ungrateful little shit or something. idk, I was eleven~, all I remember is that I was scared.
a few years down the line (middle school maybe) my dad was "helping" me with my math homework and like, belittling me when I did not understand it. and he got frustrated and started to walk out of the room. and i said "fuck you," under my breath. god, he came back in the room with thunder on his brow and pointed his finger in my face and whispered "Don't you ever say that to me again." I was certain he was about to hit me. he didn't, but I was terrified of it.
now, one of my coworkers (26) likes to complain about a teenager (17) that lives with her. she's her boyfriend's kid sister and her mom is dead and coworker's boyfriend didn't want to take her but she talked him into it. anyways she acts up and has threatened to commit suicide at least once while coworker has worked here. (her mother, our boss, made her come into work that day anyway but that is another fucking story) so but, coworker admitted tonight that she went "into a rage" when the teenager called her a c*nt during an argument and basically backhanded her over the couch.
so like, possibly calling cps aside, I was just kinda ruminating on the weirdly specific anger that adults get when confronted with a child that is not "appropriately grateful" and dares to insult them. I keep trying to put myself in their shoes, and like, I can see that the main reaction could be them feeling hurt. like if my child called me horrible names, that ofc would hurt. BUT. I completely disconnect at the idea of screaming at them, or fucking hitting them. I might cry, after all, it hurts when someone you love is lashing out at you. but like, can you imagine if more parents were just like, "I'm sorry you feel that way. It really hurts when you say something like that, could you talk to me about why you think I deserve to be treated like that? Because I dont."
and like yeah! that's not a magic cure all, kids aren't always gonna immediately calm down and be like, "you did this specific thing and I didn't like that," like you're gonna have to prompt them through that shit, maybe take a breather, and talk about a resolution BUT. BUT. god, if my parents had just done that instead of the way they chose to handle my ~rebellion~ like we might have actually gotten somewhere. coworker's teenager has had a shitty life and lives with someone she Knows wants to get rid of her but legally can't until she's 19. ofc she's not doing her chores and cleaning her room, and seeking validation from dudes on the internet. get her a goddamn therapist and stop having her committed! she is only fucking seventeen.
tl;dr anyways kids don't actually "owe" parents anything. try not to take their growing pains personally. be supportive. don't hit your kids, that fucking includes spanking, don't hit your kids.
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championrevali · 4 years
yellow crewmate starts following the red imposter - at first red wonders if theyre onto him but then yellow defends him in a group discussion. “red was with me,” yellow tells the crew, “and he didnt kill me. hes not the imposter.” and the crew believes them because this is the most innocent crewmate theyve ever met, and if red didnt kill em, well. that has to mean something, right? (eventually red admits to being imposter but instead of ejecting him the crewmates make him a part of their team)
I hope this is what you meant :)
Also oh my goshhhh I'm so sorry I cant figure out how to make the post "under the cut" and I wrote this on my phone
It was about halfway through the mission when yellow started to follow him around.
"Dont you have tasks to do?" Red asked, annoyed because he just killed someone, and would have to wait longer before he could get rid of the bright crewmate.
"I already finished my tasks, and I figured its be safer to stick in groups... what with half the crew gone. I havent seen you do tasks... you're done too?"
Red quickly nodded, blessing the fact that yellow was apparently a bit of a dunce. Perhaps he should take the 'dum' post it on blacks head and put it on his oblivious companion.
Yellow settled in, apparently content with sitting in the cafeteria with red.
Perhaps he could slip away.
As soon as he stood, yellow jumped to her feet.
"Where are you going?"
"I was just... gonna go check to see how everyone else was doing with their tasks, you don't need to come."
"I want to! Being alone makes me nervous, what with all the deaths that have happened"
Sighing, red resigned himself to having to listen to the chatty girl until he could kill her in... according to his watch, five minutes.
"You know... I still cant believe cyan is gone...he was so sweet."
Yellows small plant drooped sadly, and red resisted the urge to comfort her.
"Well... I'm sure we'll find the imposter in no time." Red said cheerily.
Glancing into electrical, he could see white trying to connect some broken wires. Quickly looking at yellow, and seeing her completely focused on staring out the windows, Red slipped away.
White was so focused on his task be didnt even see the sword coming until he was gone.
"Eugh..." Wiping the blood off his visor and blessing the fact that his spacesuit was red, he went back to join yellow, promising himself that she was next.
"Oh hey! I didnt notice you leave..."
Red smiled. "I was just checking to see if anyone was in electrical, doesn't seek like there is."
"Okay! Maybe we should-"
Whatever yellow was going to suggest was interrupted by blacks panicked voice over the speaker.
"Everyone to the cafeteria! We found Lime by the reactor."
Gasping, Yellow started to rush back to the cafeteria, Red quick on her heels, determined to keep up appearances.
"How long was Lime there?" Asked Red with fake worry.
"We cant really tell... its recent, we know that much." Black said angrily.
Green stared sadly at the sheet covering her brother's body.
Softly, Black put her hand on Greens shoulder. "Green... we've got to focus on finding out who did this, we can mourn everyone properly later."
Nodding, Green looked around at everyone else.
"Where's White and Pink?"
Everyone looked around.
Black sighed. "Let's go find their bodies before we discuss this."
"No need."
Everyone looked over to see Pink carrying White's mangled body to the table.
Yellow choked up, turning her head away.
"White can't have been dead more than ten minutes" Pink informed them, face blank.
Red saw an opportunity.
"Really? It's been about ten minutes since the rest of us got here.. what were you doing?"
Pink stood angrily.
"I was on the opposite side of the ship! And I saw White on the way here. I wasn't just gonna leave him!"
Black, ever the calm leader, stood as well.
"Red! Pink! Calm down... shouting at each other will get us nowhere... Red why do you think Pink is the imposter?"
Red shrugged. "I just think it's a little sus that he shows up ten minutes late to a meeting, carrying a body that died ten minutes ago."
"Oh really? What were you doing ten minutes ago?" Pink retorted.
Yellow stood quickly. "I was with Red for the last half hour... it wasn't him."
There was silence. Everyone staring at Pink. Then...
Green stared at Pink, betrayed." I though you loved Lime..."
Paling, Pink struggled to find an answer. "I did- I do love Lime! It's Red... It's gotta be!"
Black shook her head slowly. "Yellow... what do you think?"
Yellow looked back and forth between Pink and Red, before quietly whispering "I skip voting."
Nodding, Black turned to Pink. "Pink... you have three votes against you. I'm sorry."
"It's not me. Its not!" Pink backed away slowly.
Red held back a smirk of satisfaction, pleased that it was going so well for him. He couldn't he happier as he watched Green and Black escorting Pink towards the air lock.
He was happy... Until he saw Yellows devastated face. He remembered that Pink and Yellow were best friends, though he couldn't figure out why that bugged him so much.
Ignoring his brain telling him to shut up, and that his mission was almost complete, Red stood.
Everyone looked at Red, and he felt himself speaking before he could stop the words.
"I'm the imposter, not Pink... I snuck away while Yellow was looking out the window."
Black and Greem quickly let go of Pink's arms.
"You're the one that killed everyone?" Blacks voice had a dangerous edge.
Nodding weakly, Red stepped back. "W-well... technically Blue killed a few of them as well but... you tossed her out a few days ago."
"Let's throw Red out then!" Pink started towards Red, looking angry.
"Not yet." Black held up her hand. "I still want to know why you admitted it now... You and Blue killed four of our teammates without hesitation, and you were about to off a fifth... Why now?"
Floundering, Red glanced at Yellow. "I dont know exactly... I just... didn't like how upset Yellow was over Pink."
Yellow looked at him strangely, not seeming to know what to think.
Green looked at Red vengfully. "Now that we've heard the explanation, can we get rid of this murderer?"
Pink nodded in agreement, and Red raised his arms in surrender, preparing himself to the horrible fate that his friend Blue had suffered only a few days before.
The intercom beeped again, alerting them that they were approaching Polus.
Black sighed. "We need to prepare for landing. Once we arrive on Polus I'm sure we can find some way to deal with Red... but for now we'll just put him in the brig. Everyone else needs to finish their tasks."
Pink nodded, then grabbed Red by the arms roughly. "Just because you didnt let me get ejected doesn't mean you're suddenly a good person... doesn't mean you didnt murder half this crew."
Red didn't say anything, just let himself be marched off to the brig.
Thank you if you actually read all of this lol
I couldn't particularly see them just... letting him live, especially after killing people, so I decided to leave it to a bit of an open ending. If you want him to live he can live, if you want him to die he can die
I also like the idea of Red being soft on one (1) yellow cutie
So anyway yeah,,, might make these into actual ocs, who knows?
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