#i dont CARE that its raining LOOK at that blue around the eye...... those are TEARS and that is MAXIMUS and he is THINKING OF BLACKAGAR.
maximusboltaqon · 2 years
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Closer, Blackagar. Let me whisper the secret.
Our. Little. Secret.
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pacifymebby · 2 years
Center of Gravity // Bonnie Gold
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Part 2
It wasnt that far back to the settlement but by the time Bonnie had carried you back your fringe was beginning to dry, your long dark hair still dripping water like rain onto the rest of you. But the whisps which hung over your brow were beginning to dry and catch the breeze.
"Hope youre gonna keep that promise little dove," breathed Bonnie the slight anxoety in his voice making you giggle as the two of you emerged from the edge of the woodlands close enough to the wagons and the fires to be seen.
And of course the moment the younger boys saw you they started shouting for you.
"Bonnie did ye catch her did ye?" "Did she give ye a kiss?" "Ewww Bonnie kissed y/n!"
And then of course all their commotion got the attention of your families, in particular your father's.
When Bonnie saw the look on your fathers face he swallowed a lump in his throat knowing full well that unless you turned out to be a better liar now than you were as a child, he was completely and utterly for it.
He placed you down on the ground gently, about to let go of you when to his surprise you grabbed his hand and put his arm back around your shoulder.
It was cold despite the sun being out and you were beginning to feel the chill. That and you were nervous. You had a feeling you were about to wind up the two of you in a fair bit of trouble, unless you could lie to your father.
Bonnie had always said you were a bad liar and you knew it was true.
"It looks like our Bonnie threw y/n in the river..." started your father, a frown on his brow that set the fear of god in Bonnie and, if you were being honest, your own heart skittering nervously.
"'s not how it happened Da, Bonnie saved me!" you said quickly, your voice escaping you with enough urgency but not enough strength for your father to believe you.
"Oh he saved ye did he?" chuckled Aberama waving one of Bonnies sisters over with towels to dry you off.
"Well not exactly da..."
"He did," you said a little more convincingly this time because technically you weren't actually telling a lie, "i fell in..."
"We were being stupid Harry, it was my fault I'm sorry..." saod Bonnie, one hand scratching the back of his neck a little sheepishly.
"Why am i not surprised eh? How many times do i have to tell ye eh? You be careful with my little girl..." you watched your father point his finger accusingly at Bonnie but you could see the light in his eyes and knew your friend didnt really have anything to worry about.
"Sorry Harry, wont happen again i.."
"Aye it will," your father dismissed the poor lad before he could finish his sentence, "it will lad but ah well, whats the harm, as long as ye bring her home safe to me, whats the harm.."
"Oh bloody hell y/n youre gonna catch your death!" cried your sister at the sight of you, her shriek making some of the younger kids riled up once again.
"Bonnie threw her in the river he did!" they giggled and shouted, "bet its cause she wouldn't kiss him!" "Bonnie threw y/n in the river cause she wouldny kiss him!"
With his arm around your waist still Bonnie felt you struggling to hold in your laughter, a grin acompamying his groan of frustration at the young lads chanting.
"Dont you bloody laugh an all!" he struggled not to laugh himself when he looked down at you and you turned to him with a bloody big mischievous grin on your pretty little face. But when he noticed the blue in your lips, your pale cheeks without colour to them, his smile dropped and a little frown knitted his brow.
Without thinking he brought his hand up to cup your cheek, thumb brushing over your bottom lip. You didn't move, just looked up at him blinking back with those doe eyes, frozen. He didnt notice that you were both of you still being watched. In that moment he'd forgotten that anyone else existed because you looked cold.
"Youre too cold Dove, your sisters right you'll catch your death, go inside and get dry..."
"Dont see you rushing to get dry..." you started about to argue back when he split a crooked grin and, with one hand to your shoulder, turned you round and pushed you gently towards your wagon.
"I said go get youself dry, go on..." he repeated watching as you wrapped your arms around yourself and finally did as you were told. He could tell the pout on your lips without you needing to turn round and show him, he recognised the huff of your shoulders when you hugged your arms like that.
He couldn't work out what had annoyed you though, or what exactly you had to sulk about just then.
"Youre quite capable of catchin cold too Bonnie Gold!" you called back to him over your shoulder, trying to pretend that you were just pissed off at him for womens equality reasons. But you weren't.
Actually you weren't pissed off at him at all. You were just disappointed. You loved his company so dearly that whenever you had to part even if only for a short ammount of time, you felt an aching dissapointment in you.
And that's what you felt now. What you were trying to hide with your jaggy remarks.
"Bonnie saved me da," your sister giggled the second youd closed the door behind you, "did he fuck.." she laughed at you when you hit her with a towel, splitting a grin and giggling too.
"Well I can't swim and he got me out of the river so you tell me if he saved me or not," you said unable to hold back laughing, the two of you didnt tend to keeo secrets because you could read eachother like a book.
"Aye but why were you in the river in the first place y/n"
"Did you no hear me or what?" you shot her a wink, grinning still as you began to undress and dry yourself.
You stepped out of your heavy skirt and let it fall in a sodden heap at your feet. You pulled your shirt over your head and dropped that too only to freeze amd snatch at a blanket when you heard scrambling and scratching outside your wagon.
"Oi! Get ye's gone away from there now! Go on whssht!"
You bit back a laugh when you recognised Bonnies voice shortly followed by little boys laughter and the pattering of feet.
As you dried yourself off and found some warmer clothes to wear you couldn't help but laugh thinking about the poor boys scarpering. As if Bonnie would actually ever hurt a single one of the kids. Still, it was nice he was so protective over you and it left a smile on your lips knowing that it was him out there protecting your dignity.
"Isnt he sweet," teased your sister, "so protective of his little dove," she giggled, biting down a real laugh when you kicked a shoe at her across the floor. "You're too cold dove, go inside," she carried on teasing until you were red in the face, worried that if youd been able to hear the boys outside, they could hear you. That bonnie might be able to hear you too.
"Whshht would ye!" you hushed her fighting with her to shut her up as you pulled on dry clothes.
You found an old sweater of your father's, one which had been knitted by your mother a long time ago, which had been handed down to you and treasured despite the holes which had been patched up terribly over the years by your sister.
Once you were warm and dressed you took your hairbrush and abandoned your sister in exchange for the fire. Of course she followed you anyway, still teasing you, half way through making another comment about Bonnie's devotional personality when you opened the vardo up to see none other than Bonnie sitting at the foot of your steps.
Your sister couldn't help herself, she burst out laughing, pleased to high heaven that he was proving her point without even realising.
He flushed a little, a slight pinkish hue to his pale features when he realised she was laughing at him.
"The lads were spyin on ye," he nodded to your wagon as if trying to explain yourself, "Reckon that Rye Palmers taken a fancy to ye y/n,"
"Aye hes not the only one," sniggered your sister taking you by the sleeve of your jumper and dragging you away to sit by the fire.
With you dressed and warming up Bonnie felt he could finally go and change himself. He was relieved to be able to disappear inside his vardo where he could finally be rid of his soaking wet clothes which had begun to catch him a chill whilst he was guarding you.
He did however feel a little jealous to be leaving you with your sister to brush your hair and put a blanket around your shoulders. That was something he wanted to be doing for you. Not just because it was his fault your hair was soaked and had bits of river weed in it, but also because it would give him another excuse to be near you, to touch you and sit closely with you. Hed be able to pay you his full attention and know that you were giving him yours too.
He knew he needed to get these thoughts out of his head, you didnt see him like that and one day you were going to be older, youd stop being his little dove and he'd have to distance himself from his best friend. Some other man would come along and steal you away from him. The thought made him bitter, made him feel all the more jealous and so when he finally did return to the fireside to warm himself up, his face was sullen.
His friends knew what the matter was and so did his father, but you had no idea and his frown painted a frown on your face too.
You didn't know what had gotten into him all of a sudden and you were about to call over to him, tell him to come and sit down with you so that you could ask, but when his eyes met yours across the fire, his frown fell away and smile broke out across his lips.
It was forced of course, you didnt know that but it was, Bonnie just couldnt stand to let you see him sulking like that. He wanted your whole world to be warm and full of happy things, never wanted his sweet dove to worry about anything, least of all him, so when hed seen you looking at him with a frown of your own hed pushed a smile from beneath his gloomy mood and shot you a wink to make you blush.
"Here Lina I'll finish that for ye," he said to your sister as he pushed himself up from his seat with his friends. As he left he heard one of them make a teasing comment. He turned quick as lighting and knocked the hat from their head with a cheeky laugh of his own. Your giggling ringing out behind him made him swell with pride and when he sat by your side and took the brush from your sister, he couldnt keep the pleased little smile off his lips.
"reckon this is my job tonight little dove, since its my fault like," he said quietly in your ear. His lips brushed your ear as he spoke and the feeling of his warm breath on your cold skin sent a warm current through your veins.
"Whsht Bonnie," you smiled "dont let me da hear ye say anythin like that... He'll swing for ye..."
At that Bonnie chuckled and settled down, concentrating on your hair, scooping it up away from your neck which he resisted the urge to bow to and kiss.
These little instinctive thoughts were growing stronger by the day and he was beginning to get nervous you could tell how he felt.
He sat with his knees up, horizontal to you so that you could lean back against him as he combed the brush through your long hair. Every now and then he'd wrap it all in a towel and squeeze the water out of it before going back to carefully brushing it again.
"Have you much work to do tomorrow?" he asked you absentmindedly running his fingers through your hair as he untangled it and picked out little pieces of twig and leaves.
"Depends if me da decides am to be punished for falling in that river doesnt it," you hummed with a cheeky smile knowing hed do nothing of the sort.
"Sorry dove, i shouldn't have done it, was stupid of me," he started apologising, falling into your trap so that you laughed twice as hard. "ey stop teasing me right i feel proper bad about it..."
"Don't," you said softer as your laugh died down and you settled back against his legs. You felt so comfortable there, so secure. He was being gentle with you, almost tender and his touch left you with a warm glow in your tummy and your cheeks you couldnt mistake for anythin but what it was... Love.
"Don't feel bad Bonnie, i wasn't lying when i said you saved me..."
"Shouldn't have needed saving," he said again letting you know you wouldnt be able to argue it with him anymore.
"Bonnie?" you asked as a yawn escaped you, his careful touch was relaxing you a little too much, you were exhausted and as the sun was setting and the air was cooling, you felt yourself growing weary and sleepy.
"yes dove?"
"Can you plait it?" you asked. You weren't sure hed know how but you seen him helping with some of the younger girls hair before when their mother's were busy with the babies so you were hopeful.
"Can't guarantee it will be as pretty as when you do it but I'll try my best," he smiled, his voice soft with sleep too.
He knew why you were asking; if he plaited it you wouldnt have to wait too long for it to be dry enough that you could go to bed and not catch cold in the night. But, he also wanted to believe it an excuse for him to stay with you longer, for you to get to share that close, almost intimate time together for just a little longer. And again, he knew he needed to stop thinking that way but it was difficult.
Not when he wanted it to be the truth as badly as he did.
By the time he was finished you were almost asleep. He could feel your body weight leaning back against him. The fires were ebbing out but in the remaining sparks your cheeks glowed a warm, sleepy shade of red. You felt so cosy and safe there with him, felt like you were exactly where you were supposed to be, and although you needed your bed, the last thing you wanted to do was part from your friend. It was like there was some mysterious force which dragged you towards him. The same force which kept you both rooted to the earth, pulling you into him too.
Bonnie thought looked adorable, your droopy eyelids struggling to stay open. He wanted nothing more than to stay there with you longer but he knew that what you needed then was your bed.
"c'mon little dove, off to bed with ye," he said helping you to your feet, letting you lean into his side as he put an arm around you and walked you the short distance to your vardo.
He dreamed of the day he didnt have to leave you at the door. Of the day he could close the door behind him and crawl into your shared bed beside you.
The thought came on so strong then that it physically hurt him to swallow down and ignore it. The yearning to be more than just a friend to you so overwhelming he didnt know what to do with himself.
All he did was all he could do. Say good night to you, give your hand a squeeze before letting you go.
Not even a kiss on the cheek to tide him over until the morrow. When you stepped away from him he felt the cold occupy the space youd been, his body feeling a little off balance as if his whole center of gravity had been shaken by you. In many ways he supposed, that was true.
Part 3
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writings-by-blondie · 4 years
~If The Stars Could Speak~
Soap Mactavish x F!Reader (teaspoon of Angst)
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She was way too good for him and he knew that yet he couldn't forget the way her (h/c) hair fell over her shoulders, her laugh and a bit cold, but glittery look of her (e/c) eyes when their gaze met for the first time..it was like he could see universe in them.
He was in cold, gloomy, Russia, on a mission that was to be last, scribbling down words on the peace of paper, counting down hours till he get to hold her forever...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
His most trusting man, and friend, Simon and him decided to lay back and enjoy some free time they were granted away from their ever noisy and ever busy camp.
They were at downtown, walking and talking about how tonight is their night - they will leave job at office and they will just enjoy strong alcohol and good music.
The night was a bit chilly, but nothing unusual for the late September.
That just meant that John will finally have chance to wear that nice black spitfire jacket he bought not long ago, and he looked well in it.
As the two men walked they spotted the bar they wanted to be in for the rest of the night, right outside of it, sticking out like a sore thumb was parked some expensive car that John didn't know how to indenify as. He wasn't a big car head like his friend.
"Look at this mate. Its Porsche, bet some meat heads are in this place",
said Simon chucking and eyeing the car and tilting his head slowly towards the bar.
Mactavish smirked and pushed his friend gently as he started walking in, "You have a problem with that or you're just scared of guys who drive expensive cars, eh?".
Inside of the bar you and small group of your friends were in VIP lounge. Infront of you, on small glass table was a bucket filled with ice that kept some red bulls and couple of Baltica beers cold.
You were drinking Jack Daniels, your glass half full. Being tipsy already, you fake-laughed at some perverse joke friend next to you finished telling.
Tonight, you really felt down. Truth to be told, you've been feeling under the weather last couple of months, nothing seemed to go the right way and nothing you did could change that feeling. On top of that your stupid poosh boyfriend broke up with you over text last week, and even though you understood that your friends cared for you and wanted you to forget about that fool and enjoy yourself, you still couldn't shake away the bitterness and just wanted to curl away in your bed, eat some strawberry ice cream and watch ‘Casablanca’.
But here you were, in a black dress that glittered under the light, your hair styled in lazy but not messy curls, and your over-expensive white heels. You looked like the IT girl that every man would want for them selves, to put you on pedestal and admire you.
(Y/n) leaned back in the black leather seat before she took a deep sigh that was followed by pouting and throwing down rest of the Jack that was in her glass down her throat. It burned for a bit, but the sweet flavour of alcohol made her want to drink more, so she opened the half empty bottle and poured more of the honey-coloured liquid into her glass.
She leaned in close to her friend on the left and whispered,
"I need to go and check my make up. Save a seat for me, and dont touch my bottle, I will know if you do.",
you almost groaned last words since you knew well that your friends loved to mess with you.
The (h/c) girl now stood up, taking her light coloured purse that matched with her heels, in her hands and started walking towards the washroom of the bar.
The floor was wooden, hard wood, after all the bar was made to accommodate high class people and to draw in tourists who had a lot of money to spend. Her heels making a little bit noise as her steps collided with the floor. It was a southing sound, like when rain hits the metal.
Her hips swayed as her dress didn't quite hug her whole neatly shaped figure, so it swayed with her movements, glittering under the dim light of the noisy bar.
She had to watch every step since she felt that the alcohol was indeed kicking in, but the song playing on stereos drew her attention and just for a tiny moment she forgot completely that she had heels on.
"Shit-", you muttered loudly as your purse left your hands and you could see the dark wooden floor getting close to you now, but you weren't colliding with it, instead you felt stern grip on your waist, feeling the coldness of someones hand that went straight to your skin, under the dress. You furrowed eyebrows before looking up, facing a, without any exaggeration, handsomest man you ever laid eyes upon.
His eyes, blue as the sea in mid July in the noon, almost glittering like a waves when they shine under the hot sun. His smell now invaded your nostrils touching your senses, stimulating them, wanting more of it. It was pine mixed with old brand of ‘denim’, manly but still subtle, just enough.
He smiled at you softly looking into your eyes, not breaking eye contact once.
"Careful now lass, we don’t want any broken bones yet, the night is still young eh?..", he spoke with thick and extremely attractive (for some reason) Scottish accent and she took deep breath in, as the man slowly placed the girl in front of him back on her legs, parting his hand with her waist. The girl licked her lover lip, realizing now that she was blushing way more than it was appropriate for this kind of situation and softly muttered, "Sorry.. The heels..", under her breath before she walked pass the man and disappeared into woman's washroom.
Mactavish however trailed her with his eyes, her long and subtly toned legs, and the way the subtle cutout on her dress reviled a bit of her thigh. She was clearly in distress and he couldn't help but chuckle a bit to himself as he picked up her purse from the floor and sat down in the nearby booth with Simon.
"What the hell was that?", Riley said as he took off his black leather jacket, placing it next to him.
"It was like some scene out of those old movies mate. Its like, in that one moment, universe existed to put us together.", John smiled to himself, also placing his jacket next to him, being a bit surprised at his own words, he wasn't cheesy, but romantic? He was that.
And he would never let any of his friends know that since well, it was an army and he didn't need Ghost going around the base telling everyone that their captain was softie.
"Since when are you that cheeky eh? Maybe Price doesn't make you do enough pushups at morning." Simon smirked at his friend and raised his hand to call the bartender,
"Its a quote, some of us are literate cinema vise mate", Mactavish smirked back at him leaning over the table, trying to reach for his cigars in his back pocket, "But she is bonnie, nonetheless.".
In washroom you tried to steady your breathing. You put your hand on your chest and closed eyes, but the only thing you could see was the man's eyes and his face. Girl quickly opened her eyes and looked at her reflection in big mirror that was placed on black and white tiles. (Y/n) looked at her face, noticing few spots where her make up was messed up, she pouted a bit and reached down on the sink for her purse, but her palm was met only with cold marble sink.
You quickly shot your gaze towards your hand, with your eyebrows furrowed. Eyes darting across the sink, around it and eventually around the whole washroom then the realisation hit you like a heavy boulder- you dropped your purse when you tripped, when he grabbed you.
"For fucks sake..", you muttered under the breath. It was enough humiliating that probably whole bar watched you stumble around like a new born deer and almost kiss the floor, but now you had to go retrieve your purse that was probably still on the ground and go back to washroom again looking like a lost highschool girl on the party.
You shook your head and realised that stupid anxiety attack got your judgment clouded- people fall every day, and they drop stuff everyday too.
The girl now straighten her posture, fixed her hair a bit and opened the door, exiting the cool room she was in before heading to the booth were she dropped her purse, but to her surprise the purse was not on the floor instead she heard familiar thick accent from the booth next to where she was standing,
"Looking for this lass?", the man waved with her purse smiling at her with one of his brows raised, his friend watching her, waiting for her next move.
You swallowed a big gulp, approaching the booth were the men were sitting slowly, taking your purse from the blue eyed man,
"Yes, thank you. Saving me from embarrassment.. Very noble of you.", you said with a now confident voice, not breaking eye contact with him. There was something about him, something unexplainable. It was like that with every second she looked at his face, at his slightly parted lips as a little smile formed on his face, you were losing grip on the time it was like a whole universe worked for you and him.
"Glad I could help ma'am. Those shoes do look dangerous, better watch your step.", the man spoke and she smiled at him, shyly nodding and turning around, breaking the eye contact with him, slowly walking towards her own booth where her friends were loud and drunk.
But every step you took was heavier than the last one, you didn't want to go there, you wanted to sit with him, smell that invading pine again, feel his touch again.. Was this alcohol that was in your bloodstream?
You stopped suddenly and took a deep breath, before turning on your heels and going back to the two man who were now smoking, their drinks were on their table as well.
"Oh screw it. Universe, dont make a fool out of me!", you thought internally as you approached back their booth, and both men looked up at you again.
"Do you need some help lassie? Are you feeling well?", the blue eyed man asked. You actually just now noticed that he had his hair styled as a mohawk and it suited him so nice, the scar over his eye stuck out as well.
You snapped out and shook your head in denial,
"Would you mind if I joined you for a drink?",
Ghost cleared his throat and looked away with a huge smirk over his face, avoiding John’s stern look. Mactavish moved himself to the left, leaving vacant place for the girl to sit and nodded his head down while putting out cigar that was already burned.
You sat next to him, smiling and biting inside of your cheek, leaving your purse on the edge of the table waving to the bartender to get his attention, you showed him universal sign for ‘another bottle’ and the man nod to you.
You returned your attention towards two men who were gazing at you the whole time.
"So, who wishes to start this AA meeting? How about you sir?", you pointed at men across from you. Both men cracked at your joke before the one you pointed at started talking,
"Name's Simon, that’s Soap- I mean John..", Simon barely held in his laugh looking away from the pair. You looked at men next to you and his jaw was clenched, he obviously didn't like that one.
"Y/N, nice to meet you fellas. This night needed some life in it. I was dying of boredom over at VIP's. Some fresh environment is nice..",
you smiled at John who was downing his beer, slowly he nod at the girl and the bartender finally came with your new bottle of Jack and three glasses for each of you.
"Put it on my bill, thanks.", you said and John eyed you as you opened the bottle of whiskey and poured everyone about a half of the glass, raising your own towards him as you finished. You smirked a bit, leaning towards him, unintentionally, your thigh subtly brushed against his light blue denim jeans.
"Cheers to not breaking bones and to concerned strangers.”, you said the words, slowly looking up at his eyes yet again.
John looked down at you, slowly colliding his glass with yours.
"Well, cheers to me I guess..", Simon muttered to himself and downed down the glass. You couldn't help but laugh sincerely, John joining you while rolling his eyes at Simon,
"Ghost getting ghosted, this will be the story to tell the mates back at camp for sure..".
You raised your eyebrow in confusion, leaving your glass on the table and crossing your legs, leaning back,
"Camp? What are you two like some secret agents or something?", you asked and John and Simon talked to you about their job deep into night. They explained their line or work as subtle as they could and shared some of the funniest moments from their missions with you.
John enjoyed your laugh, the way you blushed when you caught him looking at you, avoiding his gaze, how well your lips were glossed and your perfume that made him want to invade your neck and collarbone with small and soft kisses. He also noticed how soft your skin was when he "accidentally" touched your hand as you were reaching for the bottle, wanting to pour another drink.
It was about 3 in the morning when you turned around towards the bartender who was next to you, telling you and your new friends that the bar is closing in about five minutes. Your friends left long time ago, too drunk to even notice that you were gone or that you were now sitting elsewhere.
"Oh come on Gorge! Cant you see how much fun we are having here? Can’t you just lock us in or join us?", you blinked innocently at the bartender and it made man blush, ofcourse that didn't go unnoticed by Mactavish who cleared his throat subtly and put his hand around your shoulder. You turned your head, raising eyebrow at him and questioning what the hell he was doing.
"Come on lass, man has a job to do, a boss to answer to. We will get you to your hotel eh?", you chuckled at him, now relaxing into his touch, and he loved it. He softly rubbed exposed skin on your shoulder with his thumb and you inhaled sharply, smiling at him reaching for your purse and pulling out keys from your car,
"I drank a lot.. Who is driving lads?",
You closed the door of your Porsche and could hear Simon in the back seat whistle,
"It even has leather inside and tv in the back of the seat. Of course it does.. For gods sake (y/n), you could've just told us that you are rich. We would've distanced from you.", Riley made a joke and you laughed, turning around in your seat looking at Simon, as John started the car, slowly advancing towards the main street.
"I wouldn't trade time I had with you boys for nothing in this world. I haven't laughed like that in ages..",
Riley now looked at Mactavish on review mirror smirking,
"Soap, drop me off first and then take (y/n) back to her place. Base is just around the corner it will save her some gas.".
You eyed man who was driving now, waiting for his response, he groaned in response then he nodded slowly looking at you, before returning eyes to the road that was empty. The city was in deep sleep.
John parked infront of some old looking house and Simon chuckled, "Well this is my stop. I'll see ya in the morning mate, don't forget to freshen up, we will need you frosty eh?",
Simon said before he slammed the doors shut and swiftly disappeared into the house.
You looked at John and pouted a bit, he looked and you and wiggled his eyebrows playfully,
"Where to miss?", he put up his best British accent and you couldn't help but laugh at how silly he sounded.
"With you? To the stars.." you leaned on his shoulder and kicked down your heels, tucking your legs under your tights.
Mactavish took a deep breath, inhaling the sent of your perfume, before he started driving again, he reached for the radio and turned it on.
A soft tune of "Midnight" song was on it and you hummed in approval.
"You know, I feel like I should've met you long ago instead of wasting my time around, not knowing where am I going, what am I doing. I wish this night could last forever John, I wish I could be stuck in it forever.."
The man smiled and reached for one of your hands, locking his fingers with your smaller ones, his eyes never leaving the road.
"I want to show you one place, if you are not up for sleep yet lassie?"
You parted your head with his shoulder to look up at him, his face being illuminated by dim street lights, he looked so soft and like he didn't have any worry in the world.
"Aye sir, I am in your hands for the rest of this trip." you joked and he let out a huffed laugh, bringing your hand closer to his lips, kissing your knuckles, you watched him carefully, biting your lower lip as you felt the warmth spread throughout your entire body from just that tiny exchange of affection.
John parked the car, pulled the break and turned the machine off. He leaned back in the leather seat and looked at you, smile creeping around the corners of his mouth.
"Take my jacket, it can be windy up here."
He said and reached in the back seat for his jacket, handing it to you. You took it into your hands and looked around you, it was quiet and dark all around. Not single lamp post or anything was in the vicinity, only the headlights that John left on, and the soft tune of radio that still played.
"There is nothing here, and honestly it feels like a horror movie. Am I about to be murdured  and thrown from this cliff John?"
Mactavish just chuckled and opened the car doors on his side,
"Do you trust me lass?", he asked as he leaned on the car roof, peeking inside and looking at you.
"Do I trust man I just met in local bar to exit my car, my only way of escaping, and obey him to walk into my own funeral? Sure yeah, here I come.." you said with playful tone as you stepped out of your car, flinging his black jacket over your shoulders and sliding your arms into it. It smelled like him and you buried your nose into the collar of jacket, closing your eyes and getting lost in the man's perfume mixed with aftershave. You were about to close the doors of the car when John cut you off,
"Don't close the doors, we won't be able to hear the music".
He was now behind you, towering over your smaller frame and your heart skipped the beat as you turned around to face him.
He slowly reached for your hips and without any hesitation or struggle, swayed you off your bare feet and lifted you up. You instinctively warped your arms around his neck smiling at him.
"You need to stop watching that many horror movies, they will rot your pretty brain"
He smiled at you with his eyes, looking down at your parted lips. Your face being right infront of his, possibly few inches away since he could feel your breath on his skin, and you could feel his. Blush creeped around your cheeks and he put you down on the hood of the car that was still warm from the engine. Your hands left his neck, but he still remained between your legs, not letting your hips just yet. You could've swore that his eyes were shining that night, you knew it was not possible, that your brain was seeing tings the way it wanted to, but you still chose to believe that impossible was possible in that moment.
His shadow that was casted due to headlights now moved, and with deep inhale his grip left your hips and you bit your lip. You felt disappointed and empty, you wanted him to lean in closer, you wanted to taste him and to seal the deal, but he moved away, hopping on the hood with ease, next to you, and leaning down on the windshield, one hand behind his head and other stretched out across the hood. He wiggled his eyebrows at you and slowly nodded towards his hand.
You pouted but soon enough curled against him, resting your head on his arm and softly gliding your hand over his chest, feeling his heart beat under your palm.
In response he softly put his fingers in your hair, massaging your head in circular moves.
"Look up lass, the sky is beautiful tonight. No clouds, just stars blinking and shining somewhere out there, far, far away. Haven't seen this in a while."
You listened to his words and followed his gaze up towards the sky. He was right, it was indeed beautiful. Dark blue mixed with dozen blinking lights looking back at you and him. Moon was nowhere to be found however. And then it struck you, the whole moment was inscribed into your memory- his soft breathing, the glitter in his eyes, the soft music that was playing from inside the car, the murmur of water somewhere in the distance, the ruffle of the leaves and grass that were moved by soft breeze and your eyes watered a bit, you really wanted to live in this moment forever, to lie on his arm forever and to gaze at the same stars forever.
John noticed the hard breathing next to him and faced you with soft smile "Dont cry lass, I more like you smiling, it suits you better. Can't say the same for those shoes.. Those didn't work for you that well eh?" you chucked through the tears and felt his thumb on your cheek as he wiped one stray tear.
"I just want to be here forever.. Like this. With you next to me. If I had one chance to freeze the time it would be right now, right here with you so I could look at your eyes filled with thousand stars forever, counting them slowly one by one, never getting bored of you." the girl said softly pulling herself closer to him. John smiled and kissed her hair softly.
"Funny how you are telling me the words I should be telling you bonnie. Maybe this is just a dream eh? Maybe we will wake up from it feeling empty..I know that I will miss you when I am gone.. Now, tell me who broke your heart?"
John said with whisper, still gazing up at the stars, slowly closing his eyes.
"Life did. But its nothing you can't fix.." you said quietly, blushing and looking up at him. He opened the eyes and looked back at you, his eyes trailing every line of your face, trying to remember all the features of it as he leaned in and slowly kissed your forehead.
"Dance with me?" He asked and you smiled up at him.
"I dont have any shoes on." you replied as with one swift move he pulled you off the car .
"That is nothing I can't fix." he smirked a bit and lifted you up from the car, telling you to stand on his shoes.
"John no, I am heavy." you chuckled as his hands held you close to him, his hands under his jacket, one placed on small of your back and one firmly held your hip, your feet now on his shoes, and he started moving slowly in tune of "Gloria" by Midnight that was on radio station at the moment.
"Bollocks, you are light as a feather, I can't even feel you. Do you even eat something or you just drink every day?" He joked and you laughed, throwing your hands over his head, locking them behind his neck.
"Captain Mactavish, stop teasing me and kiss me. I demand that action." you ran your hand over back of his head, feeling the tingles on your palm from his fresh shaven hair cut.
He looked down at you, lingering his eyes on your lips that were smirking a bit, slowly closing distance between the two, teasingly.
He pressed his cold lips on yours and you closed your eyes, wanting to remember every single moment and every move he made.
He slowly moved his hand up and down your back, inviting you to deepen the kiss which you accepted. He kissed you slowly, with passion with every move. He was spilling all of his emotions right then and there, he held you like was afraid that you will disappear from his arms, like he wouldn't be able to touch you or feel you. Your heart feel heavy, and you swore he could hear it since it was crashing against your ribcage. 
John slowly parted with your lips, looking into your eyes, his forehead resting on yours,
"After I am done with next mission, I will steal you and take you away so we can count all of the starts together, alright?" He asked and you nodded in approval slowly.
"Promise you wont forget?" You blinked up at him and he softly leaned in and kissed your lips again, kiss that was assuring and warm.
"I will be back in two days, wait for me here and be ready for a trip.", he softly brushed his nose on yours and you smiled wide at him, the universe was on your side, fate was on your side. It gifted him to you, to keep him and to cherish him, that whole night was like a fever dream, it almost didn't feel real- but it was. He was there and you were with him, swaying to the music slowly, kissing and feeling each other praying that sun wont come up just yet..
In two days you were at the same spot, your truck filled with all your stuff you needed.
You paced around the car excited, wanting to have his arms around you again, wanting to kiss him again... But he never showed up.
You never saw him again. You visited the bar often, you went to the house where you left his friend that night but the house was not there, it was demolished not long ago.
John disappeared without the trace, just the way he came into your life, unnoticed.
You never heard from him again. It was like that whole night was just a distant dream you had, and you would believe it if it wasn't for his jacket that was in your closet, his smell still lingering on it.
Years have passed, you never quite moved on, settling for a man who was nothing like John, but he cared for you, he really did.
Treating you right, bringing you flowers for every 14th of February, never forgetting anniversary or your birthday.
He didn't have stars in his eyes, he never took you to that place, never made you fall in love with him in bare hours, but he was enough. You had a nice house in nice neighbourhood and you lived a nice life with him.
You were at kitchen, preparing a lunch for your husband and you, when you heard a bell ring of your doors. You swiftly cleaned your hands and rushed to open the door.
"Yes?" You said as handle turned and the door opened.
Man who you never met before stood before you. He had small blue eyes, his beard was a bit weird but it suited him nice. He had a brown hair, and looked like life never treated him with ease.
"Can I help you sir?" You questioned the stranger and he nodded affirmative
"You are a hard one to find (y/n). Took me long enough.. Name's John Price, I have something for you.", he said and pulled white small envelope from his pocket handing it to you
"What is this sir? How do you know my name?" He smiled sadly at you and turned around being ready to leave when he stopped in his tracks, not facing you still.
"I am sorry. Wish I did more." .
He said and you were more confused than ever, you watched as man left your property and you closed the door, looking at the envelope that was in your hand. It was a bit heavy, but only on one side of it.
You rushed to the living room, where you sat down and opened it.
Dog tags fell out from them, they were cleaned recently, but the rust on them was noticeable still.
"John Mactavish"
Some numbers and rest were scribbled from them.
Your heart dropped and your lips parted, eyes already filled with tears that slowly left your eye, falling down your cheek.
In the envelope was also a paper, it had blood stains on it. You tried wiping your eyes and reading it.
"I want to invite you for a walk,
To a quiet place; In the moor.
When the breeze sings midnight,
One if those nights- the moon is full.
A restless pounding invades in my heart,
When I think of my confidants-
The stars.
If they could only speak ,
What would they say?
If you could hear them talk.
For they know of my fondness for you,
And that in my thoughts
There is no other one.
If only the stars could speak
They will tell you that I love you,
They would ask you,
To love me back."
You hugged the peace of paper like it was John himself and let your tears fall freely whispering to yourself and to the paper like he could hear you, like he was the one in your arms instead of this bloody peace of paper.
“I do love you John.. I never stopped.”.
A soothing closure fell over you. Now he was the star somewhere up in the sky, looking over at you every night you faced the sky, waiting for you to join him one day.
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seancekitsch · 4 years
Out of the Rain: a Marko x Reader fic
Warnings: bloodplay goes without saying bc vamp, rough sex, dirty talk, semi public sex, telepathy?? me projecting my music taste on this fic again. drug use, fast and loose use of vampire lore bc when i write i am god and u cannot stop me. also can u tell i have like…. v clear descriptions of the setting like i used to work at the place im describing but its not in california
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No one had come in for hours. What's the point of staying open? You dim some of the lights in the store, which is one of three head shops in Santa Carla, but the only one open late. You're not really sure why this is the only store that stays open, why everyone else if worried about the three am walk back to their car on a weekend night. You've never seen anything of suspicion, just sometimes that biker gang watches people shuffle out. That was almost comforting, though. People didn't like those guys, so no one would make you use your switchblade if they were around.
The bright while fluorescent lights of your typical daytime ambiance faded away, and now green light bathes you in the “mood” lighting your boss thought was a good idea. The green lighting reflects off of the glass counters, shining it back at the ceiling and making everything that much more green. It fits, you think with the overall vibe of the store. The stale scent of weed, gently and miserably covered up by some nag champa incense, always burning in at least four different spots within the store. You'd long since gotten used to the smoke in your eyes. The music does everything to add to the ambiance. You always have full control of the music in the shop, usually because no one else is willing to take the night shift in Santa Carla. In fact, most of the boardwalk shops had a revolving door of night shift workers. You never got why, something clearly spooks them that does not spook you. Whether that makes you brave or stupid, you dont know. Jefferson Airplane’s Surrealistic Pillow pumps through the speakers in the store. But I suppose no one knows, you're my plastic fantastic lover.
The rain batters the boardwalk outside, a roar much different than the typical hustle and bustle of drunk teens, of the cliques and crews that come in and out; the few that sit and snicker in the doorway, never entering. Some too afraid to be associated with the implication of being spotted in the shop. We sell jewelry and vinyl too, you always say, when they balk at the idea of being in the same room as a bong or incense.
But then there's the other group that stands and idles in the threshold, also not entering. It's that biker gang. Four guys, a girl, a kid. Maybe he’s the brat of the girl and the one who takes himself too seriously, but maybe not. She looks too young for that. They'd been hovering around quite a bit lately, always after dark. You’d spoken to them, at least the ones that are talkative. The hair metal wannabe and the cute short one. Paul and Marko. You knew the dark haired one was Dwayne, but all he ever offered you was a curt nod and a tight lipped smile, respectful but indifferent. They're nice, not worth the spooky reputation they have. Any time it's not just you at the shop, your boss tries to spook them away. Good thing your boss isn't here tonight, because one of them is prowling around the storefront in the rain. That is, if it's not your spliff induced haze playing tricks on you.
No, one of them is out there. Without his little pack. The cute one. Marko.
You walk over to the door, which you haven't had propped open since the rain trickled in as a drizzle at the beginning of your shift. At least he had enough sense to be huddling under the awning. Fuck, he’s handsome even when he looks like a drowned rat.
“What are you doing out here?” You scrunch up your nose as you ask.
“Y’know, waiting for you to show up.” Wanted a look at that cute ass.
You blink at him. Did he really just say that?
“Okay… well, you know it's raining out there, right?”
“I might,” he offers noncommittally, eyeing the spliff still in the hand that's not holding the door. If it were anyone but him, you'd probably get fired for it.
Why is he just hanging around out here? That's hella weird. His curls are getting matted to his forehead, slick with rain, his jacket starting to look a little sad.
“C’mon in, Marko. It’s too wet out here. You’ll fuck up your jacket.” You nod towards the interior of the shop holding the door open as he passes you.
Wrong move, sweet cheeks.
“What did you say?” What did he mean, wrong move?
“I didn't say anything,” he offers nonchalantly as he thumbs at one of the tapestries on the wall. A garish mess that’s supposed to be the worm from Alice in Wonderland, but it’s distorted by a botched tie dye job of dark muddy colors. Every time you look at it, you assume one of the day workers did it.
“No, you said something.”
“Do you want me to say something?” there's both a threat and an innuendo in his tone. Maybe you do, but you just laugh, a sharp exhale through your nose, and bring the spliff to your lips again as he follows you deeper into the store.
You jump up onto the counter next to the ash tray, easy reach for each time you need to ash.
“So why are you really here?” your eyes narrow at him, kicking your sandal off on the floor where it lands a few inches from his boots. He looks uneasy in the space, like for all the wild shit you assume he’s into, he might not actually belong in it. He sways a little to the music, perfectly in tune with the rhythm. You sway along too, and suddenly he fills the space like he belongs. He just needed someone along for the ride with him.
“Do you ever come around during the day, or just at night because I’m so fun?” You’re teasing him, but it’s a nice easy feeling between you.
“Not really a sun guy,” bullshit, he would look beautiful with a tan, “but I do drag everyone here just to see you.”
“Awww, all for me? Do you have a crush, Marko?”
It’s more than that. You hear the words clearly, but his smile doesn’t move. You kick the other sandal off.
“I can hear you, I don’t know how, but I can. I bet you can hear me too.”
I can. You’re wrong about the tan thing.
You straighten up, mind clearing as you blurt out your next question. Something absolutely stupid.
“So what are you, a vampire or something?” he laughs at you, but his big toothy smile doesn't reach his eyes. No, there's something predatory, extremely dark in his eyes. Otherworldly.
How could you guess?  
“Well, that for one big fucking clue.” You ash the spliff for the final time, leaving the roach in the tray. You would think you’d be more surprised, more upset that you just found out vampires were real, and that you were in the same room as one. You have to say, weirder things are probably afoot in Santa Carla. Murder capital of the world can’t all be from some rowdy teens and a ten year old.
“You do those surf nazis?” is all that leaves your mouth. You kind of hope it was. They were the fucking worst. Racist, misogynistic, destructive. You’d had to threaten them a few times to leave your store on your shift.
“The—? Oh! Surf nazis. Yeah that was us. Ate a few of them.”
“Good for you. I mean— murder. bad. But they were nazis, and now they’re dead. so…” you trail off. Not really sure what to say next, but then you keep going. Remember everything you know about Marko.
“No, no I mean, it makes sense. Right? You and the guys only hang around at night. Aren’t vampires solitary hunters though? I don’t remember Dracula being in a frat.”
“They’re my pack. We take care of each other.” He says it with such fondness and devotion.
You feel a pang of jealousy run through you. You work alone for the most part, live alone, you’ve got friends but they’re all over the place. He belongs to something.
“And you're down with this?” he’s legitimately asking. You nod. You don't really have a choice, you're down or you get eaten, but like genuinely you are down with it. If he was going to eat you, he probably would have by now. There's probably a reason they've been hanging around the store, and in your sightline while you close up. You're putting things together.
“Like really?”
“Well, you haven't made me a kebab yet.”
He shrugs, frowns.
“Could still skewer you on something.”
Laughter erupts from your lips while you roll your eyes, music to Marko’s ears. This is why he took a shine to you, it's easy to get along with you, and you're not one of his brothers.
Something heavy falls in the room, and it's not the haze of the incense. He steps towards you, big blue eyes raking over your body, but always coming back to meet your gaze. He closes the space between you, easily fitting between your thighs; the rough patches of his jacket brushing against your bare skin where your shorts ride up. He leans in, like he's about to kiss you, and against all better judgement, you're going to let him.
You're going to let him.
The record skips. He holds out his hand, more like a gentleman than a biker gang killer, and helps you off the counter.
“Hold on, let me pick out a new record,” you turn without waiting for his confirmation, not at all surprised when Marko follows hot on your heels to the back room. Your boss’ office, the record room. Whatever you wanted to call it. His hands ghost over your arms as you push past the wooden bead curtain to enter the room. You can feel his presence close enough to touch. That's it, right where I want you. There’s his voice again.
He lets you actually pick out a new record. You slide it out of the sleeve and walk it over to the player. The static buzzes and pops as the needle finds the groove.
“Ocean Rain, you heard it?” No. He shakes his head, and you can feel it as he leans into your back.
“Echo and the Bunnymen. They've got a new album coming out this year.”
You turn to face him and his fingerless leather glove clad hands cover your cheeks.
He kisses you gently, tenderly. Not at all the way you’d expect. He’s eager, kissing like there’s something to prove. He licks his way into your mouth, tongue pushing your lips apart and you let him. His arms tighten around you as you kiss, tongues now greeting each other playfully. Your tongue explores his mouth, running along each and every tooth in his mouth. Huh, no fangs, you realize, and maybe he isn't actually a vampire. As if he reads your mind (maybe he does), he pulls away.
“They're, uh, hiding,’ he nods, almost to himself more than you. You nod as well, slow and uneasy, not quite believing him, but he pulls you back into a harsh kiss, more of what you expected. His hands roam your body as yours bury themselves in his curls. Still damp, but long and beautiful just as well. He shrugs the jacket off his shoulders, and his hands only briefly leave you to throw it and his gloves somewhere else, leaving him just in a thin white tank top. His mouth leaves yours to trail lower, kissing your neck. Your pulse point. Fucking irresistable. No, that's definitely his voice. Is this the end? Could be.
“I can smell you, hot stuff,” he moans into your ear, sending shivers down your spine. You find yourself gripping onto his shoulders a little tighter, but he lets you sink. He guides you, again more gently than you thought he would; bare knees brushing the threadbare carpet floor before you plant yourself. You look up at him through your lashes and he all but bites back a groan.
“You gonna join me down here?” You lick your lips, waiting for something.
“Nah, I’m gonna let you have a head start,” there's a joke in his tone. You're learning that’s normal for him. He’s silent, or playing jester. It’ll be interesting when you let him fuck you. Shit, did he hear that?
“Quit thinkin’ so loud!” he runs an affectionate hand through your hair. “But yes, I heard you. Glad you're as eager as I am.”
That's encouraging. You take your time undoing his belt, connected to faded and soft leather chaps, not bothering to push them down his thighs before you move to the top of his jeans, teasing your fingers at the skin just above the waistline. He shudders under your touch, extremely reactive. Does he get touched like this often? Or is it just quick fucks? You don't want to think about who else he might be doing this with, focusing again on his body, and all of the offending clothing covering it. You unbutton them slowly, teasing. For a member of the undead, he seems to be out of breath under your movements. The zipper is pulled down just as slowly. You run your palms flat along the bottom of his stomach, to his hips before pushing his jeans down to around his ankles, hooking his boxers on your finger along with them. He’s beautiful, and you can help but stare. Hard, eager, and thick, greeting you with a small trimmed patch of golden blonde curls. You wrap your hand around the base.
You never expected a vampire to whimper, but that's exactly what happens when your tongue darts out of your mouth to lick the head of his cock. Quick, tentative little lick, testing the waters. Your tongue swipes across the slit at the tip of his thick member and his hands animate like you flipped a switch, rising up, going to your hair, rising up again, slamming down against the desk. Your boss’ desk. You lick a long stripe to the underside of his cock, paying close attention to the prominent vein there.
“So good, so good, oh you feel so-” he pants out, hands white knuckling the edge of the desk. Heat pools in your core, loving that he’s so vocal. Fuck, if he could just keep speaking. Your other hand moves to your shorts, sloppily and hastily undoing them and wiggling them down to your knees. You wrap your lips around the head of his cock and sink down on it, taking him as far as you can, until you couch when he hits the back of your throat.
“You look fucking beautiful like that. Please move, Please move, you’re so fucking good at this.”
You do, starting to bob your head up and down on the length of him, hollowing out your cheeks and flattening your tongue against him, cupping and massaging his balls in your hand. Your free finds itself between your legs, rubbing gently at your clit, stirred and encouraged by his praise.
“Does sucking me off get you hot and bothered?” Yesitdoes.
You keep bobbing your head, rubbing your clit, eyes trained on his until his eyes squeeze shut. His cock twitches in your mouth.
“Don't wanna- don't wanna finish in your mouth,” he’s urgent, grabbing you by the chin and pulling your mouth off of his cock. He pushes you back by your shoulders, letting you guide yourself back to lay on the rug. He pulls your loose shorts easily off your legs and settles himself between your legs, too eager to bother with removing his boots and everything.
“I’ve been wanting to do this for so long. Do you know how bad I wanted this?”
“Fuck me, Marko, dont say it. Just do it,” youre breathless under him, wanting nothing more than for him to be fucking you. He pauses.
“I dunno…” his thumb swipes up along your clit, drawing a whine from your throat, “For some reason I think you like it when I say things.”
You nod, knowing words will fail you. And he gives you what you want, lining himself up and sinking into you, groaning as he buries his head into the crook of your neck.
“Oh I knew your pussy would feel like fucking heaven,” he pants against your neck, pressing a harsh kiss to the underside of your jaw. He sets the pace quickly, unmerciful and fast, fucking hard and deep into you. His hands push up your thin tee shirt, and you can feel his sigh of relief when he gets a handful of bare breast. He doesn't have to deal with a bra tonight. You hike your knees up, opening yourself as much as you can to him, wanting him to fill you to the brim. He looks into your eyes while he fucks you, which comes as a surprise to you. Maybe it shouldn't. You wonder what it would be like to be a victim of his. Does he treat them well? Have fun with them like this? Or is he vicious? You don't know if you could picture him like that… vamped out.
“What does it feel like?”
“What?” he thrusts sharply, snapping his hips into you, making you yelp.
“To be fed on, but not to die.”
Are you serious? You hear him in your head.
YesIam. He thrusts like that again, earning an identical yelp, now coupled with your thighs squeezing him around the middle. You're close already, and he can tell.
He nods, a question; You nod, confirmation.
He pulls at the neckline of your shirt, already scooping so it doesn’t ruin, and exposes your shoulder. Somewhere non lethal. His other hand comes up to grip your jaw, covering your neck but being careful not to squeeze it. You hope he bruises your jaw, you realize. A physical way to feel him when dawn comes. He slows his pace to a rocking, grinding into you, staying deep.
Then he bites. Stars erupt behind your eyes, and it feels like your blood has turned to seltzer. Every nerve in your body is in overdrive as you moan and shake and come undone around his cock. You're the kind of girl that comes from the bite of a vampire, apparently. He doesn’t let up. You can faintly hear him moaning against the open wound in your shoulder, and you hope you taste good to him. He licks the wound a few times more, softly, carefully, like he’s trying to soothe you when he finally lets you come down from your high.
When he pulls back to let you see him, his features are gruesome, full vampire with sharp brows and cheekbones, pointed nose even that much more so almost birdlike. Fangs and bottom half of his face covered in blood.Your blood.  He’s panting like an animal after the kill. But he doesn't scare you. Maybe he should, but he doesn't.  It's just Marko, no matter what, and if he wanted to eat you he would have. Several times now. His hand finally releases your jaw, to wipe the blood from his face. He wipes his hand then on your face, covering you in your own blood, hot on his fingers and palm.
“Fuckin sexy,” he pants, voice deeper and distorted. His thrusts speed up, trying to find his own release as your nails dig into his back, maybe making him bleed as well. You feel the rug burn forming on your back, you feel tears in your eyes. It's never felt this good with other guys.
When he comes, he comes with a howl, buried deep inside you as he shouts and shivers then stills above you. Your chest is heaving, trying to regain yourself as his face slowly fades to normal, and he slumps down on top of you. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, near the wound he tore open, now no longer bleeding. He mouths at any bare skin he can find, lazy half kisses as he spreads more mess and blood on you. Your fingers find his curls again, winding them around your digits as you stare up at the sickly green mood lighting bathing the walls of the room.
An hour later, Marko is helping you lock up early.
He makes sure to dump out all of the ashes from spliffs and incense, makes sure the vinyl is all in its right place while you make sure the register and inventory is all in its rightful place and order.
“You’re dangerous, you know.”
“Me?” you scoff, “That rich, coming from you.”
I’d do a lot of things I’m not supposed to for you. You kinda don't want to ask him what he means by that. For some reason that feels like a conversation you shouldn't have tonight. 
He leaves the store before you, holding the door open for you and letting you lock the doors. He slings an easy arm over your shoulder, not bothering to shield either of you from the rain as he steers you towards your car. You can feel the rain cleaning your face, the blood flowing away and saving you the shower you were going to take before collapsing into bed tonight.
“Where’s your bike?”
“I flew here,” he says with that devilish smile, and you're really not sure if he's joking or not. Your arm sneaks its way into his jacket and wraps around his waist, holding him close as he makes sure you get home same. Marko makes you feel calm, in a way you didn't feel before you moved to Santa Carla. How long had he been waiting to make his move? And does this mean he and his brothers would be coming around more often? Maybe being more friendly towards you. Each step towards your car feels heavy; You don't want to go home alone without him, but somehow you know he won't come with you. 
“Will I see you again?”
He grabs your car keys from your hand, and sticks them in the door handle. Of course you will.
Right. You just have to be near the beach at night. You know, where you work.
He kisses you full on the mouth, holding you close and tight, like you could slip away at any second. When he finally lets you go you pull away to be met with his face, full on grinning, his eyes still closed from the kiss. He doesn't look like a killer.
Marko watches you as you pull open the door to your car and more or less throw your ass into the seat.  He holds the door as he gives you one last smile, and says:
“You know, you should never invite a vampire into your life. Renders you powerless.”
And he winks. 
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bridgyrose · 3 years
“We cannot allow her to remain!” James Ironwood stepped up to a podium, looking around at the collection of gods and goddesses among the masses. “Its in our laws that only those who are naturally born as gods can serve as one. Never those who were created!” 
“She was dying and I had to do something!” Blake stood up, looking at the god of war and famine with a gaze that could pierce anyone. “Where’s the justice in letting her die like that?!” 
Ozma let out a heavy sigh as he looked around the room, listening to each of the gods argue amongst themselves. “Quiet down.” He looked over to Blake, shaking his head a bit. “You knew the rules to creating someone like us. I know that we have a vacancy with our original god of death having disappeared-” 
“I didnt have a choice! If I had let her die-” Blake felt her voice leave her as a pair of blue tendrils formed out from the ground and pulled her back to her seat. 
Glynda rolled her eyes, moving her fingers and letting a small, purple orb spin around them. “Blake, you know the rules. You’re lucky we’re not punishing you for this. Now, do you think you can behave?” 
Blake let out a silent sigh and nodded, looking away from the other gods and goddesses. 
“Good.” Glynda flicked the purple orb at Blake, watching as it went down her throat. “Now, Ozma and I know you had good intentions, but this is a serious matter. We have the rules set for a reason: we cannot allow for another uprising like before. We need to be unified.” 
“But we cant just kill her,” replied Blake. “She’s a tortured soul and would know only unrest if we end her life.” 
“Which is why we are only going to banish her from our realm.” Ozma stood up and created a small necklace. “She will be banished until she can assist ten generations of souls to the afterlife. As for your punishment Blake, you’ll be the one to tell her, and to give her this necklace.” 
Blake’s eyes went to the necklace, a red gem hanging off a golden chain. “I… understand.” 
Ozma nodded and moved the necklace to Blake’s hand. “Then this meeting is adjourned.” 
Ironwood glared at Ozma. “You cannot be serious! We cant let Ruby continue existing-” 
“And with Salem gone and collecting souls for her own reasons, we need another god to help save these souls. As much as I hate to admit it, we need Ruby. And this will be her chance to prove her usefulness to us.” 
Ironwood huffed, folding his arms and watching Blake leave through the corner of his eye. “Then she better be worth it.” 
Ruby fondled the necklace she wore as she waited for a bus in the pouring rain. The gem no longer shined brightly, dimming with every soul she moved from the mortal realm to the afterlife. She let out a sigh, keeping her eyes watching the street. “I thought I told you that you cant stay here with me.” 
“Maybe I want to see how you’ve been surviving down here.” Blake walked over to Ruby, keeping an umbrella over her. “Besides, they never said I wasnt allowed to visit.” 
“Visiting is one thing, but this…” Ruby shook her head. “If you’re going to stick around, then you’re going to have to follow some rules.” 
“And they are?” 
“First, don't use any of your powers. I still live with humans and they arent ready to understand that gods and what they call magic actually exist.” 
Blake gave a small nod. “I can do that.” 
“Second, I live with a few… troubled people. So I need you to understand that they may do or say things that normally would invoke your wrath and I need you to let it slide.” 
“I… cant make any promises on that.” 
Ruby let out another sigh. “And third, no matter what anyone says to me, I need you to let me deal with it myself.” 
Blake cocked her head to the side for a moment. “I’m not sure I understand what you mean.” 
“The owner of the place I’m living at isnt exactly… friendly. And I dont need your protection.” 
Blake let out a small sigh. “Fine. But if anyone hurts you-” 
“That includes if anyone hurts me,” interrupted Ruby as the bus finally arrived. “Just… stick close and follow my lead please.” 
Blake nodded and followed Ruby onto the, watching as she paid the driver. The bus started moving just as she found a place to sit, looking through the window and watching the buildings pass by. It wasnt often she made her way down to the mortal realm, usually observing through whatever means she could. Cats, crystal balls, pools of water… but none of it gave her the same experience as being here. 
Ruby quietly put her headphones on, tapping her foot to the music that played. A sad smile crept across her face as she listened to the voice of an old friend that had died many years before. It was still the one thing she hated about this life: all she could do was watch those that she cared about move on with their lives without her, and eventually, she would guide them all to the afterlife. 
Blake slowly tapped Ruby’s shoulder, starting to look concerned. “Is… everything alright?” 
Ruby slowly moved her headphones off and nodded. “Y-yeah, everything’s fine. Just… listening to an old friend.” She smiled a bit, wiping her tear away. “Its been… strange watching those I become friends with grow old and eventually helping them to the afterlife. This one was a woman who went by Tock. Strange woman, but I cant say I didnt like being around her.” 
“Why get close to anyone if you’re going to outlive them? That would make things easier, wouldnt it?” 
“Easier, but lonely.” Ruby looked out the window, grabbing her bag. “Alright, we’re almost back to my place.” 
Blake nodded and followed Ruby off the bus, pausing when she saw they were stopped at an old building that looked like it desperately needed repairs. “This… is where you live?” 
Ruby nodded. “For the last ten years now.” 
“But you’re a god. Shouldnt you be living somewhere a bit… better?” 
“Unfortunately, the mortal realm requires money for that. And unfortunately, if I dont want to draw attention to myself, having a bank account and leaving it isnt exactly the best option for me.” 
Blake dropped it as she followed Ruby inside the building, looking around. As far as she could tell, the inside looked better than the out: the walls didint look like they were going to crumble, the paint looked a couple years old, and the carpet seemed to be freshly replaced. “This… seems a bit better…” 
“It’s really not as bad as it seems, once you get used to it.” Ruby slowly unlocked the door and opened it, immediately getting hit with a couple pillows being tossed at her. 
“You’re late,” replied a redhead as she walked over to the door. “Which means you better avoid Emerald until she calms down.” 
Ruby rubbed the back of her head. “S-sorry about that, Nora. Work ran a bit late and I met up with an old friend for a bit.” She stepped inside, setting her bag down. “Besides, Emerald will get over me being late-”
“You know she’ll hold this over you until you can make it up to her.” Another girl walked downstairs, smirking at Ruby. Her gold eyes glistened in the light as she moved a few strands of hair out of her eyes. “Who’s that?” 
“Oh, right, I forgot to do that.” Ruby smiled and took Blake’s hand. “Nora, Cinder, I want you to meet Blake. Blake, meet Nora and Cinder.” 
The redhead, Nora, walked over to Blake and looked her over. “She’s not one of us, is she?” 
“One of… you?” Blake leaned over to Ruby and whispered into her ear. “What does she mean by that?” 
Ruby sighed as she watched Cinder grab an apple and start peeling with a knife she had never owned before. “Remember how I told you I lived with a few troubled people?” 
“Yes, I remember that.” 
“They’re… thieves.” 
Blake frowned, immediately engulfing the room in a flash of light and leaving a couple coins where Nora and Cinder were standing. 
Ruby pinched the bridge of her nose, groaning. “This… is going to be a rough night…” 
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sad-trash-hobo · 4 years
Deans Heaven
"He'll be along." Bobby finished, looking at Dean from the side.
Dean looked up, expecting to see him already, he'd be waiting if he was here....wouldn't he? Dean knew he would.
Bobby made to grab a beer from the ice bucket. "Have a beer with me while ya wait." He said.
Dean looked back at him, eyes still unfocused. "No, I uh, I think maybe I'd like to go for a drive, Bobby. Can I rain check you?" He asked, already standing, pulling the impala keys out of his pocket.
"Oh sure, Dean, no problem...ya gonna see your parents?" The abrupt greeting and farewell startling the old man.
Dean stopped and looked back. "Yeah, I will, I just. I dont know, I think I just need to clear my head for a minute ya know? This is all a shock I guess..." He dragged his boot in the dirt, not able to stand eye contact any longer. They weren't the eyes he wanted to see.
"Oh yeah, of course, Dean." Bobby smiled and raised his beer. "Have fun."
Dean made his way to baby, who definitely wasn't there 5 minutes ago. He traced his fingers to the door. Sitting inside, he took a breath and looked around. It was his car, his beloved Baby. All the dust and grime his real baby had. He knew he should be grateful, he made it to heaven. Bobby said Cas helped Jack build this. How Cas got out of the Emtpy, Dean didn't know, but he'd sure as hell ask. That is, if there was someone for him to ask.
He shook his head. Starting the car and driving down the only road. It was beautiful here. He turned on the radio, unable to stomach the oppressive quiet that came with the middle of no where. No name Rock n roll music played in the background as he cruised through the woods. It was alot of the same. Trees over here, trees over there. It was beautiful, it was heaven. But something wasn't right. It wasn't Deans heaven.
He rolled to a stop coming up on a bridge, white water passing underneath. Dean stepped out and walked over to look at the river.
He must've been there for 10 minutes, wondering how Jack could've done this. It was beautiful. It was heaven. Why wasn't he content? Its not that he wanted Sam there, no, he wanted Sam to go live a long, happy life with Aileen. He didn't want to see Sam anywhere near heaven for a good couple years at least. But if Cas was here...., Dean looked around, how come he wasn't here? With Dean? Just as he made to back from the bridge walls, he heard it. The flutter of wings he'd become so familiar with.
"Hello Dean."
He couldn't help it, a smile came to his face immediately. "Cas." Dean laughed, turning to his angel. Cas looked good. Smiling up at Dean, too close cause everyone knows Cas doesn't care about personal space. Maybe Dean didn't care either.
"Cas...." Looking into those crystal blue eyes took Deans breath away. His heart stuttered as he realized Cas seemed to be waiting for something. Dean knew what he wanted to say. Why wasn't it coming out? Why did it feel like he might die all over again with how fast his heart was beating?
Cas seemed to sense his hesitancy, the realization settling on his face. If you could put a shadow over the sun, thats what Dean thought it would look like, as the bright smile slowly faded off Castiels face.
"Dean, I, I hope...I hope you like this heaven. Although I must say, I thought I'd have a little more time to make sure it was perfect before you arrived." Cas slipped back into his usual squint, not making eye contact.
"Cas." No, no no. This wasn't going right. Dean had things he needed to say. Why couldn't he say it??
"Dean. Please, please don't feel like you need to, please understand," Cas stuttered, desperately looking anywhere but Deans face. "You don't have to say anything, Dean. I didnt mean to make you...uncomfortable."
Deans heart practically stopped. No. This was not how it was going down. After all this. After everything. He couldn't leave here without saying it. All the anger that he felt for their situation suddenly came back to him, full force.
"Uncomfortable? You think you made me uncomfortable? Cas, no. How could you ever think that?" Dean shook his head at Castiels confused squint. "Cas, im so sorry. I'm so so sorry, I made you feel like this. I didn't know how you...., I mean. I thought, but then, I don't know, I thought angels were different. Cas, you never made me uncomfortable. After everything we've been through. After everything you've done for me....." Dean huffed out a breath staring at Cas' damn near open mouthed adoration.
Dean stepped forward and gripped his shoulders, feeling him. Holding his Cas, back from the dead, again, somehow.
"Cas. I'm so sorry I made you feel like this was something you could never have." He whispered, not daring to let go of the trenchcoat in his hands.
Cas jerked in surprise, unable to fully comprehend what Dean was saying.
"Dean...." he muttered. Looking up into those green eyes. They stood out even more with the green foliage all around them.
"Cas...I love you." There. Dean said it. He finally said it. The world seemed to stop. Cas' face frozen in place as he looked at Dean. "I love you, Cas." Dean smiled gently, still holding onto his angel, with no intention of ever letting go.
The shadow moved from the sun as a smile broke out on Castiels face, lighting up for the world to see. He gripped Deans jacket in front of him. "Dean, I love you too." He said.
If Dean was handling this any better he might've said, yeah kinda figured, but he wasn't handling this well at all. His heart still thundering with anticipation. Cas' eyes roamed all over Deans face, taking in every wrinkle, every freckle he could see.
Dean leaned forward and rested his head on Cas', just breathing together. Finally together. The way they wanted to be.
"Dean.." Cas muttered again, but this time without a shred of unease. He looked into those eyes he'd come to love.
How Deans heart hadn't exploded, he'd never know. But the way his angel looked at him, the way his face tilted up to his, it felt like a miracle. It felt like a miracle as he leaned down to kiss those puffy lips on his angel. A miracle to feel Cas open up to him. A miracle to know, after all the years of saving people, and hunting things, this was his ending. This, was Deans heaven.
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escorble-writes · 3 years
🥀Teacups and Lavender 🥀
Part One- The Storm
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Lightning flashed and raced across the sky, playing tag with the wind and rain, tender rumbling like a low drum under it.
Through the howling wind were eerie notes of a world long forgotten, riddles with no answer, snatches of songs and laughter echoing through the black clouds.
It was, Lizzie thought to herself from her window, the perfect weather for reading next to the fire. It had been a long while since Lizzie had beheld a storm of this ferocity and she smiled as more lightning crackled from outside. The wind whistled through the gaps in the windowpane, stirring the flames merrily.
Through the lashing rain Lizzie Craven, Elizabeth to anyone who didnt know her better, could see the distant sparks of light from the new town nestled snugly in the trees, along with the Manor House her family was attending dinner at.
Lizzie had faked illness to get out of it. She didnt much care for her sisters fiance, Lord William Belfate, or the general stuffiness of a formal meal. Juliet, Mother, Father, they could keep the lot of it. Lizzie would stay in this folly of a castle, a good book in her hand and a little pot of mulled wine next to her..
She saw something pale dart out of the corner of her eye and snatch one of the little teacakes from her tray before darting back into the shadows of the library. Lizzie smiled.  
She had worried that the intensity of the storm would scare the creatures that occupied the library with her, but the teacakes were too tempting to hide from.
That was something Lizzie loved about the move to Avlonn two years previously. It was well worth the tumultuous two hour voyage to get here, along with the three day carrige ride, just to see the creatures she’d only ever read about.
The Fey.
The little imp who had taken her teacake had moved next to the fire, hiding in the shadows behing the coal scuttle. Lizzie watched as tenatively a long stick was extended towards the fire, the cake skewered at one end. She quietly poured some mulled wine into a teacup and set it on a saucer at the far end of the table, in case the imp wanted something to go with its cake.
At first Lizzie hadnt been sure of what she was seeing. Was that really an insect in the trees? She was certain it had pojked its tongue out at her, certain that those six limbs were humanoid, not buglike. Then there were the people who wandered the market under thick hoods, muttering odd snatches of verse under their breath, eyes glinting in all the colours of the world. 
Lizzie’s thoughts drifted as she watched the cake rotate in front of the fire, dozens of strange looking figures walking through the forest in her mind. What she wouldnt give to really talk with someone from the other world.
More lightning forked the sky and with it came a scream. Lizzie clamped her hands over her ears as the window next to her cracked, unable to cope with the pericing double-toned howl that surged through the air like lightning itself, careening and whirling on the winds back. Lizzie whimpered. whatever it was that was making that noise, she could feel it, inside her head like a hot needle.
Then silence.
Lizzy was dizzy. The silence rang in her ears and she closed her eyes to try make it stop.
 ‘That hurt.’ She heard the imp mutter mutionously ‘Silly sky-sailor should be sneaksier.’
 ‘W-what do you mean?’ Lizzie blurted out.
 The imp peered over at Lizzie from the coal scuttle with its odd yellow eyes. It rubbed its long ear irritably.
 ‘First time you speak to me.’ It said quietly ‘And it is to ask of another.’
Lizzie’s heart sank at the look of hurt in the poor imp’s eyes. She hadn’t realised it wanted to be friends.
 ‘My apologies. What’s your name?’
 ‘Can call me Spinks. Will call you Lizzie.’
Lizzie nodded, ignoring the pool of fear that was settling in her belly. She had three middle names that no-one said. Surely that would be enough to keep her out of thrall.
 ‘Would you like some mulled wine Spinks?’
Spinks tilted their round face at Lizzie, a smile too wide for their face stretching to either pointed ear.
 ‘Maybe later. But I answer now. It was a sky-sailor, they got hurt. Spinks see them fall down, down, and they must have hit the ground.’
The room felt colder at the description and Lizzie shuddered. Hesitantly she stood up, noting the look of amusement in Spinks’ eyes.
 ‘Should we go help? No-one should be out in weather like this.’
Spinks opened their mouth to speak, but before they could the door to the library was frantically knocked upon and opened before an answer was received.
 ‘Mistress Craven!’ panted the panicked scullery maid, Mary, ‘Theres a visitor at the door, asking for aid! Would you come and see him?’
Lizzie was at the door in a heartbeat.
 ‘I’ll be back in a minute, Spinks, I’ll bring you something tasty.’
She saw Spinks scuttle towards the mulled wine as she left the library.
Craven Castle was as dark as it was drafty, despite the tapestries that festooned the walls and tallow candles sputtering in their holders. 
 ‘Who was that in there?’ Mary asked as the two women rushed down the spiral staircase, skirts hitched up to as not to trip.
 ‘A friend. Who’s at the door? What do they need help with?’
Mary’s face was flushed a deep red, bold against her pale hair.
 ‘I dont know, he wouldnt give a name, but he looms like one of the um...’ her red hue deepened ‘...fair folk.’
Lizzie froze and took a deep breath. that scream earlier... 
 ‘Lets hurry.’
The sprint to the kitchen seemed to take no time at all, portraits speeding by as Lizzies heart pounded in her ears. Silently, she cursed her father for all the stairs and stopped to catch her breath and compose herself.
 ‘Come on mistress.’ Mary said as she swung the door open ‘He’s by the fire.’
She pushed open the polished oak door and Lizzie stepped into the narrow little kitchen, immidiately noticing the shaking figure huddled up by the fire.
He was tall, even sitting, and it seemed to Lizzie as though his wet black hair shone blue, like that of a raven. Two pointed ears stuck out from beneath, peirced with a series of rings and studs. The scent of him filled the room, like ozone and sharp pine. 
It was entrancing.
Slowly he turned around and even through the shadows Lizzie could see his eyes were a strange bright green, like that of a lime. He looked confused, scared almost, but had set his jaw in a determined jut.
 ‘You must be the lady of the house.’
It took a second for Lizzie to find her voice. When the fey next to the fire spoke he had flared his wings, and more of his delicious scent had rolled off him. and his voice... she could listen to it all day.
 ‘Y-Yes. You can call me...’ She looked around desperately, settling on a bundle of lavender drying out by the window. ‘Lavender. Yes, Lavender. What may I call you?’
He shot her a shy smile and pointed to the teacup still clutched in her hand.
 ‘Call me Teacup. May I rest here the night?’ The smile fell from his face ‘I... I got hit out in the storm.’
Slowly he extended his wing and Lizzie gasped. An arrow had peiced through the membrane that stretched batlike across the bones of his deep brown wing. The area around the arrow was stained a strange purply red from blood.
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marauders-venting · 3 years
pairing: wolfstar (remus x sirius), remadora (remus x tonks)
genre: fluff & angst
warnings: mentions of child ab*se
words: 1736
note: based on the song Heather by Conan Gray
a/n: originally, this was just a remadora fic but i don’t actually ship remadora (this song just reminded me of it and i was like well why not write something) and writing it made me so sad that i wrote a fluffy wolfstar ending for all the people who think wolfstar was endgame. so yeah, if you think wolfstar is endgame, I’m making a little fluffy epilogue bonus post tomorrow so dont be too sad
I still remember, third of December, me in your sweater, you said it looked better on me than it did you, only if you knew how much I liked you. 
Sirius was standing on the altar, the crowd chattering in front of him, the sunlight spilling in through the windows, the excitement in the air. And right beside was Remus, beaming. He glances back at Sirius, his eyes bright with joy. Sirius smiled warmly back but his smile had never felt more forced. Thankfully, though, Remus didn’t notice. Remus never seemed to notice how much Sirius liked him, although Sirius knew that there were times when he was terrible at hiding it.
Sirius still remembered the night he realised he was in love with Remus.
Earlier that day, a letter from his mum had come in the post. It was a needless reminder of how worthless and disgraceful he was as if he hadn’t heard it enough before he ran away.
It came as no surprise to Sirius that he had a nightmare about his family later that night. He woke up drenched in cold sweat, shaking, tears streaming down his face. Remus had taken him by the hand and led him to the common room, Sirius shivering the whole way. Even when they sat by the fire he couldn’t stop shaking. So Remus had given Sirius his sweater. And its effect on Sirius was immediate. It smelt like Remus. Like hot chocolate on a frosty winter night, like fresh air, the kind that you only get after it rains when beams of sunshine break through clouds.
“Thanks,” Sirius said, wiping his cheeks with the back of his hand.
“Of course,” Remus said. “Do you wanna talk about it?” Sirius shrugged. He didn’t really know what he wanted. No, that’s a lie. He wanted Remus. He still wants Remus.
Remus puts his arm around Sirius and Sirius doesn't hesitate to lean into Remus, letting the tears fall.
“Mum sent me a letter today,” he said, finally. “She said that I shouldn’t bother coming back and that they’ve already burned me off the family tapestry. As if I care about that. I chose to leave. They didn’t disown me, I ran away. There’s a difference. I never wanted to be on their stupid tapestry in the first place.” Remus nodded.
“Was that what the dream was about?” Remus asked. “Being burnt off the tapestry?” Sirius frowned.
“Not exactly. It was like she actually burnt me. Not the tapestry. I don’t know why it bothers me so much. It’s not like I want to go back. I really don’t. I hated it there. And I love being at the Potters’. It’s stupid that I feel like this.”
“It’s not stupid,” Remus said. “It’s not stupid at all, Sirius. It’s natural. They treated you horribly. Nobody should treat their kids like that. Hell, nobody should treat another human being like that. You have every right to hate them and not care about them but also be hurt by what they did to you.”
“It just doesn’t make sense though.”
“So what? Nothing makes sense. Literally all of my feelings contradict each other. It doesn’t make your feelings any less real or any less valid.” They sat in silence for a little while after that. Sirius let Remus’ words hang in the air, willing himself to believe they were true.
Remus yawned, his chest rising and falling.
“You don’t have to be here, you know,” Sirius said, pulling away from Remus and looking at his hands. “You can go back to bed. I’m sorry I woke you up. I’ll cast a silencing charm around my bed next time so I don’t bother you guys.”
“Sirius, you have nothing to be sorry about,” Remus said. “You do this for me all the time, every full moon. And don’t cast a silencing charm. You shouldn’t have to deal with this alone. This is what I’m here for. You’re my best friend, Sirius.” Sirius said nothing. He just kept staring at his hands.
“Sirius,” Remus said softly. “Look at me.” Sirius did. And when their eyes met, Sirius allowed himself to consider what he had always seen as an impossibility. That maybe Remus could love him. “I will always be here for you, okay? Whatever you need, whenever you need it. I don’t care if it’s in the dead of night or the middle of the day. I’ll be here. Okay?”
“Okay,” Sirius nodded, offering Remus a small smile. Remus smiled back and hugged him tightly. Suddenly, Sirius realised that this was all he’d ever wanted. Remus. Remus was all that he wanted and all that he needed. He’s in love with Remus Lupin. And at that moment Sirius really, genuinely believed that he had a chance. But if Remus had ever felt anything for Sirius, it was surely gone now.
But I watch your eyes as she walks by, what a sight for sore eyes, brighter than a blue sky. she’s got you mesmerised, while I die.
Now Sirius’ eyes skate over Remus in a stunning, black tux, wishing, wishing. Wishing for what? Remus is getting married today. And not to Sirius. And of course, Sirius is Remus’ best man because they’d been best friends forever. But that was all. Best friends. Nothing more. And Sirius wants so much more.
The music starts to play and the crowd rises to its feet as Tonks walks down the aisle. She’s beautiful, radiant, her white dress glimmering in the daylight, her pink hair standing out, bubbly and bright as ever but nothing is brighter than her smile.
Sirius glances over at Remus. He looks so happy. Happier than Sirius had seen him in years. His smile grew twice as wide when Tonks walked into the room. A smile that reaches his eyes. The kind of smile that he used to give Sirius when they were still at Hogwarts before everything went to hell. But this smile isn’t for Sirius. It’s for Tonks. And Sirius feels himself die inside as he hands Remus the ring to place on Tonks' finger.
Why would you ever kiss me? I’m not even half as pretty, you gave her your sweater, it’s just polyester, but you like her better. Wish I were Heather. Watch as she stands with her holding your hand, put an arm ‘round her shoulder, now I’m getting colder.
It’s been several weeks since the wedding. Remus and Tonks are back from their honeymoon and Remus’ gorgeous tan is not making anything easier for Sirius. Sirius swirls around the wine in his glass and tries not to look at Remus too much.
Remus and Tonks had invited a few friends over tonight, including Sirius. He hadn’t wanted to come but Remus had asked and Sirius just couldn’t refuse.
“Come on, Pads, please,” Remus had said. “It’ll be boring without you.”
“Who else is going?” Sirius asked.
“Some of Dora’s auror friends that I don’t know. Please come. You know I’m hopelessly awkward around people I don’t know. I need my emotional support dog. Please?” Remus said. Sirius rolled his eyes and turned into a dog. Remus laughed and crouched down, scratching behind Sirius’ ears as Sirius barked happily at him. “So will you come?” Sirius transformed back so he was sitting on the floor in front of Remus. He looked Remus in the eyes, those fiery-bright amber eyes flecked with brown that he knew so well, and Sirius knew that he couldn’t refuse.
“Fine,” he said.
They’re all around the table in Remus and Tonks’ house now, laughing, drinking. All except Sirius, who was sneaking envious glances over at Remus and Tonks, unable to pay attention to the conversation because, well… Remus.
Remus has an arm slung around Tonks. She’s wearing Remus’ sweater. Sirius watches them and wonders how he ever thought that he could hope for anything to happen with Remus. Tonks is far prettier than he is. At least, Remus certainly thinks so. And it was her that Remus gave his sweater to now. It's just a sweater, he reminds himself, trying to look away from the soft lines of Remus’ face, the curves of his lips, just a piece of clothing. But even without the sweater, it doesn’t change the fact that Remus is in love with Tonks. He likes her more than he likes Sirius.
Sirius sees the way that Remus looks at Tonks. He sees how happy Remus looks. And Sirius wants Remus to be happy. He really, really does. Remus deserves it. He deserves the whole fucking world. But despite this, Sirius still finds himself wishing that he was sitting there, the weight of Remus’ arm on his shoulders rather than Tonks’. It would be his lips that Remus turned to kiss, his waist that Remus tugged closer, his fingers that Remus held in his hand. He wishes. Sirius shivers slightly when Remus calls his name, snapping him back into reality. He turns and smiles at Remus, talking to Remus as though he hadn’t just been imagining the feeling of his lips on Sirius’ skin.
But how could I hate her? She’s such an angel, but then again, kinda wish she were dead.
Sirius might have found it easier to cope with his feelings for Remus if there had been someone to blame, preferably Tonks. But how could he hate Tonks? Even Sirius had to admit that she was incredible. She was pretty, smart, loyal, fierce and a badass. And she was kind too. She invited Sirius over to her and Remus’ house loads of times because she knew (Remus must have told her) that Sirius hated being alone. She was fun, she made good jokes. She seemed like a good friend. A good wife. But there was a part of Sirius, a part that he hated but couldn’t get rid of, that fantasized about her not existing. About Tonks being completely out of the picture. He couldn't help but wonder if things would have turned out differently for him and Remus if Tonks hadn’t been here? Sirius was glad he didn’t know the answer to that question. It might drive him insane not knowing what could’ve been between him and Remus had he only had the courage to ask sooner, but it would be worse, far worse if he knew that something could’ve happened if Tonks wasn’t an option.
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idjitlili · 4 years
Heat of the moment
Thorin x reader
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As requested on quotev , by a lovely reader, they wanted more thorin so here you are.
Summary: you end up in middle earth , only to fall for the dwarven king.
N/o/p= number of pillows Chips= fries , we British here, plus in lotr Sam calls them chips so that's how it's gonna be. Fries are skinny chips. Word count:2673
It was a day in July , well night you had fell asleep in your bed in your room on your n/o/p ,nice and toasty. You had been dreaming about eating a nice bunch of chips , golden thick potatoes. They tasted like keanu reeves love in a potato. oh how you wish to real live that, but you were roughly awoke by something prickly poking you. "Five more minutes ,mummy /mommy/mama." You groaned as the thing stopped poking you, you felt rough ground stabbing your back as you rolled over.
You felt under you with your left hand to only to feel your mattress sheet not your mattress , and just your fluffy blanket you used in the summer instead of the duvet somethings. You slowly opened your eyes , as the bright light hit your eyes , causing you to groan again rubbing your eyes to make them focus. When you opened them again you were faced with a bunch of short men and an old man and an even shorter man. You look at them wide eye, as hatted dwarf held a stick that poked you they look at you in confusion some held weapons.
"Why are you in my room?!" You had almost shouted , grabbing a pillow holding it up in defence,you looked pretty bad,what you gonna do braid eachothers hair and have a pillow fight. Its only lucky that you had put your new pair of shoes in their box on the other side of your bed ,with socks so you could cherish them. Well be ready for the next day,to wear them inside.Little did you know would be travelling with these short men,due to the wizards say so. "uh,lass this is the forest." the short man with the stick and hat had spoken up causing you to gasp when noticed you were in a forest,and so was your bed,you could ony come up with answer to this mess...
"HElp! I've been kidnapped." you had shouted,remove your blanket pulling on your socks and shoes ,standing up,before you can run the majestic hair dwarf shouts. "circle her lads," and with that a barrier of short men surround you. You stood on your bedding ,luckily in clean shoes ,and your night clothes aka a strappy top,with your favourite tv show characters on it,and the shorts that come with,and yeah they are short. You were exposed by strange men ,and you didnt like that,your bust on show and yours ass if you bent over. Thats what she said.
You picked up your blanket ,placing the pillow down,wrapping it around you ,to cover youself. "what do you want from me?" you had spoke anooyed by the sitution,though the majestic man was quite the looker,if you were honest."your the only that fell out of the sky,what do you want?" A short ginger one had growled ,pissed off."what Gloin is trying to say is that we never touched you ,Dwalin was on watch when you fell ,we do not know how you didnt wake up from the impact." the shoretest man that reminded you very much of John waston from sherlock.
You didnt know what to think of the sitution ,then the man that was apparently a wizard spoke to you and the majestic man privately,saying that he was going to try get you home ,after you admitted you never had heard of Rohan ,or erebor or middle earth,concluding you werent from this world. So basically the wizard you know as now Gandalf is forcing this other dude who is a dwarf , a dwarf! Can you believe it? on this journey to reclaim his home ,he wasnt impressed but soon enough he agreed.
Gandalf had forced the company to stop at a small village :so he could buy you clothes,a tooth brush,cleaning supplies and womanly products,you had thanked him dearly. You now wore ,your small trainers with these legging pants and a tunic plus a coat but it was too hot for that right now,during the day anyways. Then you all were back on the road ,and you would have to share a pony with one of the dwarves,which ended up with you sharing with Thorin's youngest nephew.
It didnt take much for you to lift yourself up on the pony,well actually you just swung your leg up and boom you sat upon it as kili mounts behind you struggling a bit. "damn ,miss y/n those are some long legs." he had smirked from behind ,you felt like he was going to be doing a lot of flirting. "uh yeah ,puberty does that sometimes." you spoke gripping the rains of the pony lightly,as the company began to move.your coat in your new bag on the side of the pony hanging,leaving you in your tunic and pants,kili pushed at against you back,one arm around your waist.
"I would sure love to get lost in them." his grip tightened a little,as fili laughed at his brothers remark,your face screwed up."..uh...how long do dwarves live generally?" you questioned,to anyone in ear range. "around 200-250 years ,lassie." Bofur spoke up behind you ,you hummed in response. "and how old are you kili?" Thorin was listening in on the conversation as the whole company had went silent to hear it too. "77." he was confused at what you were gettingat ,he was a little scared even.
"right so the average human lives for 80 years ,right. So if you was to date or court me ,i'll be dead before you mature." bilbo laughed at you ,with some of the others. "what are you getting at?" he stated his face like pink with embarrassment. "if i was to get with any dwarf ,they would be older."you had smirked thinking of someone in mind,Thorin smiled to himself only Dwalin was able to see,he smirked at him,for Thorin to give him a look which almost told him to drop it. Which he didnt later he would tease him.
Thorin had grew to like you more than a member of his company,in the past couple of weeks ,as did you he was very attractive how could you not. Now you were in Rivendell,in which Elrond had supplied the company with food as he talked to andalf about you.It concluded he had no idea how this could happen and then later they would talk to lady galadriel about it. she didnt have a clue,except galadriel thought there was a reason you were brought to this world and you should carry on with the company.
After that you had been led to your room,which had a bloody bath,oh my you were so glad about. Once you had finish you had wrapped a single towel around your body,going to get dressed ,at this point it was late at night everyone would have been asleep by now.However before you could even dress,your bag was gone,with all your clothes ,and an elf had taken your dirty ones when you had gotten in the bath. You had no clue what to do,you would not go to sleep naked in the elves guest bed,not that they werent clean,youjust never know whos been in there or done what.
You decided the best thing to do was go wondering around until you found someone,just in a towel and your shoes,wet hair sticking to your skin ,making you shiver. Opening the beautiful carved pine door,quietly ,before shutting it behind you walking down the hall. It was more than cold out in the hall,your room had a fire lit by the same elf that took your clothes. In honesty you knew you have to go ask onee of the dwarves if they had a spare tunic or something;but that was an incredibly awkward and emabarrassing.If you went fili he would tell kili and then they would tease you,kili would tell everyone how those legs looked in just his tunic,you didnt want it to happen and you didnt want them laughing at you.
You felt like you could trust him,but you felt like if he saw you like this he would never like you back,and you had developed big feelings for him. Even though you barely spoke,he would check on you regularly not when the others where around,when bathing in the rivers he would stand watch, Apparently just incase you drown ,or the others especially his nephews tried peeking or you got attacked. Some how he would know when you got your period he take your watch ,lay hot stones in your bed ,he even made you tea.Dwalin would grin,knowing his bestfriend deeply cared for the human from another world. Damn Thorin and those thic-
you were so deep in thought you didnt notices a figure walk out thier door as you walked down the hall,causing you crash into them. You had lost grip of the towel ,only for the figure to pull you against them holding the back of the towel up,pulling around your sides. You gasped,scared the figure had seen your breasts,but their actions were so sonic speed they hadnt and you were pressed against their muscular chest. You had looked up to see Thorin ,your eyes had widened,you had taken the sides of the towel wrapping around yourself again ,as Thorin looked away. "I-im so sorry." you had spoken stuttering slightly,looking at the floor,before going to walk away,but Thorin had gripped your arm stopping you. "what are doing out here,y/n,in just a towel." he had asked sternly,he thought you were to no good,if you get me,and he was not impressed.
"uh..well.um I had a bath went to get dressed but my bag was gone,so it turns out they had told me that they were going to gift me stuff..but they  must have used it for my measurements,okay so I dont know.All i do know is I am search of something to wear,Its freezing." you spoke still not sure on your own words,it didnt seem right that the elves would take all your clothes. "stupid bloody elves,just leave you naked to freeze to death.I have some spare clothes if you need them." he hated the elves more that they had taken your belonging ,yet didnt he liked the way your hair fell once wet and the shine on your skin from the now cold water.
You had nodded eagerly ,he hadled you into his room,guiding you to sit down in the chair next to the fire,whilst he got you cllothes.He had came back with only only his dark blue tunic,handing it to you."I'm sorry ,my spare trousers are currents drying since kili decided to jumped on me covering me in mud like a dog." he spoke turning around allowing you to dress quickly infront of the fire,you let out a small giggle. "its fine,you have helped me so much,i would be laughed at if i had ran into anyone else. Doesnt matter what anyone else says you are very nice dude. thank you so much,goodnight." you had hugged him,he stood there a little taken back at your words hugging you back wishing you goodnight as you went back to your room.
He had watched you leave ,he like seeing you in his tunic,which only reached barely your mid thigh. He knew he wouldnt be sleeping soon,he was glad you bumped into him and not anyone else,he already thought you were beautiful from your personality but now you were bodacious.
In the morning your clothes still hadnt turned up,and an elf had knocked informing you for breakfast ,so you had no choice but to try sort your hair and go to breakfast in just a tunic and shoes.You looked like you were really at home and sorta a whore. Not that it was your fault at all. You had walked there crossing your arms looking down ,mulitple gasps were heard as you arrived.You had quickly sat down to the closest open sit which turns out was next to Thorin. "lass where are your clothes?"
"yeah you are practially naked."
"damn those legs bend over for me." kili had smirked saying the second,only to be kicked hard under the table by thorin ,who you sent a smile to him thanking him.
"treat her with some respect,shes not some bloody toy." Thorin had spat angrily at his nephew ,who looked down in embarrassment. "BAHAHAH YOU MUST  BE SO EMBARRASSED." You were tempted to say,pointing at him while laughinghysterically at him,sound like someone? yeah i would show you a picture but he stands to still I cant see him."im sorry ,miss y/n," he spoken sincerely towards you. "itsfine,dont worry about it." you had stated you were embarrassed by the sitution too.
After a few minutes Dwalin decided to break the silence,"lass where are your clothes,seriously?" he asked,he knew that wasnt your shirt.Damn the elves appart from elrond ,and Lindir looked at you in disgust. "uh well,I actually dont know,i got of the bath and then asked couldnt find my bag anywhere." you spoke looking at the fruits that sat infront of you,eating a piece of mellon. "oh miss y/n,i had an extra bag in mine and kili's room,i didnt know where it was from. I'll go get it,it must be yours." and with that fili rushed off to get it fpr you,soon returning passing it to as you place it on the floor. "thank you,fili.2 he had sent you a smile that reminded you deeply of seth rogen ,you couldnt help but picture him as seth rogen if you thought of him,you didnt know why.
And with that everyone was back to eating breakfast;oh what until someone questioned you again. "wait is that uncles tunic?" kili had questioned you ,causing a small blush to apear on your face,you nod going back to eating.Fili and Kili snickered,you looked up glaring at them wanting to know what was so funny. "did you happen to stay with him last night.?" and with that they burst out laughing again ,now with bofur.  "are you still tight about me not wanting you to get lost in my legs?hm" you had spoke annoyed ,causing bilbo to luagh,gandalf smirking at you.kili and fili stopped laughing,kili just blushed again. "nothing did happen,but I would mostly definitly enjoy having him in my legs." and with that you got up ,crouching down to grab your bag before heading to your to your room.
Only for Thorin to run after you,you were about to walk into your room,only to be smashed into the wall,lips pressed roughly against yours,you knew who it was from his beard ,and his strength. Your legs wrapped tightly around his waist,as his hands cupped your bare bottom gently,before taking you into your room. In the end you did get a proper apology from kili and life was swell.
that was until,HEAT OF THE MOMENT 'rise and shine y/n' joking joking.
Turns out your purpose in middle earth was to save Thorin and his nephews,
idk what happened it went pretty shit.
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lu-undy · 4 years
Another sniperspy hc! Hope you lije this one too! (if u wanna write it ofc dont wanna pressure u!). Spy has anxiety, a little, but still has it; and it mostly shows when he is touchstarved. He gets nervous and a little overwhelmed but he hides it trying to play it cool. He stays in his room in the ceasefires all alone but that just makes things worse. He needs cuddles, but he'll neer admit it, never asks for them. And it gets worse. And Spy breaks, just a little, but Snipes notices and helps❤️🐑
Here we go! Sorry about the delay, I have to juggle with work and my long fic at the same time. I hope you’ll like it :)
"Oh, Scout, please, go fuck yourself." 
The young man insisted. 
"Spy, c'mon man, you-"
"I said: go fuck yourself."
"You can't just say that?!"
Spy was in his room. All the lights were off, only the dancing flames of the fireplace lit his smoking room. The Frenchman was sitting on his armchair, a glass of wine in his hand and an annoyed look on his face. 
"Scout if you stand behind my door one more second, I will push every single blade I have into you, in places where you couldn't possibly pull them out." 
He answered, his teeth gritted and his jaw clenched angrily. 
"Jeez, fine…!" 
The Frenchman was pissed off. He had played his part very poorly that day and even though his colleagues respected him enough to not mention it, he could see it in their eyes. He had disappointed them, and he could hardly look at himself in the mirror for it. 
There was one pair of eyes that was stuck in his mind. Those lagoon blue eyes had dwelled on him for the entire duration of his dinner, they had spoken louder thatn any voice.
What Spy needed was red wine, a strong, almost bitter château. Ah, some cheap Spanish one would do. There were very few occasions the Frenchman would betray his country: when he needed the alcohol to sting his soul from the inside was one of them. He just needed something to hurt him physically, something that transferred the pain from his soul to somewhere he could point at, on his body. 
Spy emptied the glass and poured more, grunting. The strong sourness hurt the back of his throat. Good. He threw his gloves away and undid his tie. It flew straight to the floor. He had removed his jacket and his vest and was now undoing the first couple of buttons on his shirt. 
The Frenchman was sitting on the edge of his armchair, his elbows planted on his thighs and his head hanging low. He wasn't proud of himself and he didn't have the energy to pretend that he was in front of his colleagues, so his isolation in the deafening silence and darkness of his lonely room was the best course of action. 
He put a hand on his face and let it sink from his brow down to his chin. A knock interrupted him. 
"Scout, no respawn will fix what I am about to do to you." He said angrily.
"It's not Scout." A muffled voice answered across the door. 
"Leave me alone." He answered, as if he didn't know who it was, as if he hadn't recognised that voice. 
"C'mon, open the door."
"Non, go away."
"I won't." 
Spy heard a thud and rolled his eyes. He knew the man behind that door could be awfully patient. He could picture him, sat down on the Frenchman's doormat, his back against the wall. That was the thud, he had dropped himself on the other side of the door with the knife symbol. And Spy knew he could wait there for hours.
"I am not up for games. Go back to your van." 
"Neither am I. I didn't come to play anythin' with you." 
Silence fell. Spy wondered while his visitor pulled his hat in front of his face to block the light from the corridor and rest his eyes more comfortably. He had all his time. He knew his own patience could match Spy's ego. So he waited, sat there, like a homeless man would find shelter under the front facade of a shop when it rains. He waited, his eyes closed and his hat on his eyes.
The man with the absurdly long legs let them flow in front of him. He didn't know how long he had been waiting but the base had gone totally silent. The light in the corridor had switched off a long time ago now. 
Inside the room, the Frenchman had stopped drinking since his visitor had sat there. 
Spy grumbled and stood up. He went to the door, making sure that his footsteps could be heard. The visitor opened his eyes and unstuck his back from the door. The footsteps stopped. There was a moment of hesitation before the doorknob twisted and the door opened. 
Spy looked down. 
"Come in. Don't stay sat there."
The man under the hat stood up and straightened his back before entering. Spy quickly shut the door after him. 
"What do you want?" The Frenchman asked. 
"To not let you get pissed alone. And on cheap wine at that…" 
Sniper had gone next to the sofa and took the bottle of wine in his hand to read the label. The Frenchman almost regretted the wine tasting lessons to his colleague.
"This is shite wine, Spy, what's your problem?"
Spy sat on the sofa. 
"None of your concern." 
Sniper sat down next to him.
"Yeah, it's none of anyone's business but yours, you're right. So what is it?"
The Frenchman put his fingers on his temples. Now that they were both facing the flames, Sniper could see him better. He looked disheveled, his shirt open, without a tie and a miserable look on his face. Had it not been for the taylor-made shirt and trousers, the Australian would have looked better dressed.
"I know you did shit today. And I also know it doesn't look like you. You're better than that, I know it and you do too. So what's special about today?"
The Frenchman sighed. 
"Again, none of your concern."
"Is it your birthday or somethin'?"
Spy shot him a murderous glance. He was nowhere near the point where he could appreciate any joke. His icy blue eyes split the dark room sharply, like the sheen of the short blades he liked so much. 
"You don't want to say, eh?"
"Non, I don't."
"So why did you let me in?"
"To not let you rot on my doormat."
"Pfff, even Scout could lie better than that." Sniper answered and it did strike a nerve. The Frenchman clenched his jaw. 
"If you didn't let me in to talk, it's cause you need somethin' else."
Sniper stood up and headed to the small kitchen area in his colleague's flat. 
"Now, I'm gonna make us some herbal tea. It won't make you talk but it'll help your nerves." 
The Australian kept the lights off. He filled a kettle with water and put in on the stove to heat up. When the water boiled, he poured it in 2 mugs and took 2 tea bags out of his pocket. Spy's eyebrows jumped. Those teabags showed that Sniper had prepared himself and hadn't come by chance or politeness. His mind was set to help the bitter Frenchman. 
A minute later, he brought the two mugs. He handed one to his colleague and that's when he realised that Spy wasn't wearing his gloves. Sniper's brow furrowed for a short instant. Observant as he was, Spy saw it. 
They both took a sip. 
"Something's the matter, Sniper?"
"Well that's cheeky. You're the one who has a problem obviously and you ask me if something's the matter?" 
"You frowned. I'm just curious." 
"I'll tell you what made me frown if you tell me what's pissin' you off like that."
Spy sighed. 
"Today is not a good day for personal reasons." He answered. 
"That doesn't tell me anythin', Spook." 
"Well, too bad, I will not disclose more of it." 
And silence fell again, that was only interrupted by their sips. But they soon finished their drink. Sniper leaned back on the sofa. 
"So that's what you do when you're pissed off? Get drunk on shit wine, alone, in the dark?" 
Spy didn't want to react but of course it affected him. He knew he looked miserable and hearing it being said aloud did not help. Sniper sat up and put his hand on Spy's thigh, right above his knee. 
"You're not wearin' yer gloves. That's why I frowned." 
The Frenchman double-checked and yes indeed. He didn't even think about his gloves when he opened the door. It hurt him even more. 
Sniper took Spy's hand in his and opened its palm. 
"Oh c'mon, it's only yer hand! I just want to see it better." 
He tilted it such that he could  see it well.
"Y'know I can read the lines there. Wanna know what they say?" 
The Frenchman didn't answer. 
"Well, they say that it doesn't matter if you don't tell me what your problem is." 
Sniper moved closer to his friend. 
"You need someone to help, because you're not making it out of this on yer own. And shit alcohol won't do either." 
Spy raised his eyes to finally look at his colleague with something else in his eyes than blind rage. The way that Sniper traced the lines on his hand, how he delicately handle his palm, it all surprised him. The man lived in a van, in the most rustic way, yet he was holding his hand like he would a delicate flower. The tickling of his index tracing the lines through Spy's palm was almost poetic.  
The Frenchman hid his face with his other hand. 
Sniper got even closer. Now their thighs were touching and Spy felt an arm wrap around his back, pulling him to his friend. Without a second thought, he bent on his side and leaned on Sniper's side, his head below the Australian's chin, closing his eyes. 
The marksman got surprised by the suddenness but didn't question it and hugged his friend, lacing his other arm on his left shoulder.
"I don't care why you're annoyed. I just want it to stop. No one wants to see you like that. I watched you during dinner. You were fumin' with rage and you didn't eat much. 's not good."
The vibrations of Sniper's voice travelled through the Frenchman and made his insides relax. There was something about his voice and the embrace. Spy needed more of it. He wrapped his arms around Sniper and buried his head deeper in his friend's chest. He wanted to say something, anything! But the words failed him. 
"So that's what you needed all along? A good hug?" 
Of course, Spy stayed mute. Was his clinging to his friend's polo shirt not enough of an answer? 
But suddenly Spy felt Sniper moving, pulling him. His eyes snapped open as he followed his friend's movements, not really understanding what he was doing. Sniper kept him close all along and soon stopped moving, when he was laying on his back, on the sofa, his feet dangling off of it. Spy was on top of him, his arms still around Sniper's sides and his head below his chin. That way, the Australian couldn't see how hard he was frowning… 
The Frenchman would never admit how much he loved the embrace. And Sniper's hand brushing his back and his other one behind his head... Non, Sniper had understood what Spy needed and wordlessly obliged, without the grumpy one even having to ask. 
There was a blanket on the nearby armchair. The Australian extended his arm and took it. The next thing Spy knew, he was sandwiched between the softness of the duvet and the warmth of Sniper's body.
He squeezed Sniper tighter for an instant. 
"You're welcome. Now, try and get some sleep, will ya?" 
Spy raised his head of his friend's chest and looked him in the eye. 
"Merci." [Thank you.] 
Sniper was looking at him with a smile. He cupped Spy's head and left a silent kiss on his forehead, on the fabric of the mask. Spy's eyes opened wide. With one hand he swiftly removed the mask and threw it away, and ignoring Sniper's total shock, he looked up at him and asked him with his eyes… 
The Australian took a second to process what had just happened and he devoured his friend's face with his eyes. He put his palms on the Frenchman's naked cheeks and slid his fingers up through his hair. Spy closed his eyes, focusing on the touch on his face. He was really just thanking that one man whose patience was infinite with him. 
Sniper pulled him and kissed, not his forehead.
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projecthalemaw · 4 years
As Alexis walked into Vannifar town, she got knocked over by a teenage boy not looking where he was going. "Oww! Watch it!" He spoke, grumbling a bit.
"I was watching it. You werent." Alexis muttered, as she stood up, and cleaned off her leggings. "...Where am I?" She asked.
"Vannifar town! My hometown. I uh. I assume you're lost?" The boy asked.
"Let's uh, go with that." Alexis spoke dismissively.
"My name is Lucius." He spoke, Introducing himself, as he stood up. "Who are you?"
"Alexis." She spoke, putting her hands in her pockets. "Can we get out of the rain?" She asked, shivering a little.
"Yeah, yeah. Let's get to the town hall. My mom is there, and I was just getting back from doing something for her. She had lent me a pokemon so I can go do said thing." Lucius spoke as he dusted off his own Jacket, and gestured for her to follow him.
"So, Alexis. Where are you from?" He asked as they walked.
She didnt answer, as she didn't have an answer for that.
"Ah, not the talkative type." Lucius noted as they walked, and he opened the door to the town hall.
"Wanna get out of your Jacket, Alexis?" He asked, taking his jacket off and hanging it on the coat rack near the door.
Alexis shook her head no. She'd rather have her Alakazam with her in case she runs into trouble here. At the moment, she had no idea if she could even trust this Boy.
"Lucius! Did you get the Items I ordered from the Mart in Nightvale City?" A woman called from the other end of the town hall.
"Yeah Mom!" Lucius called back, as he pulled a box from the backpack he had on under the jacket. "C'mon Alexis. Come meet my Mom. Shes the sweetest lady you'll ever meet."
Alexis nodded hesitantly, as she trailed behind lucius. She felt exposed, and every instinct in her body was screaming to go somewhere else.
"Honey, go mop up the mud for me, please." Lucius's Mom spoke as she noticed Alexis's footsteps trailing Mud.
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. My shoes suddenly tore while I was out earlier, just before the rain started!" Alexis apologized, hoping the lie had sounded convincing enough.
"Its fine darling, bad things happen at the worst of times. Lucius, go get her a blanket and some Hot chocolate. She looks like shes about to freeze to death." His mother spoke, as he handed her the package.
"Alright Mom." Lucius spoke.
His mom smiled. "Its nice to have a teenage son who's still willing to help clean up, and take care of people." She murmured a bit. "So, what's your name, dearie?" His Mother asked as she Was passed a wet black rag, and a dry one, and bucket from her husband. "Also, clean off your feet please. The Mud will start to cake after a few minutes. The halemaw regions sudden storms are always the result of fast acting mud." She spoke as she handed Alexis the rags and bucket.
"Thank you." Alexis spoke, trying to be polite. "My name is Alexis." She answered the question.
"Simply delightful name." His mother spoke. "You already met Lucius, I presume. That's my Husband Mark, and I'm Ava, the Mayor of this lovely little town. Despite our... professor, we do try to be welcoming to newcomers." Ava spoke as Lucius came back with a mug of Hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows, and a warm blanket.
"Here you go." He spoke, a small smile on his face as he set the items down on the table next to her.
Alexis finished cleaning her feet, and simply smiled. "Ah, that feels so much better." She spoke.
"Ah, I feel the same way about mud. I cant stand feeling it on my feet." Ava spoke. "Lucius, dear. Go check on the Professor. Make sure her little... experiment, hasn't gotten out of hand." Ava spoke to lucius.
Lucius simply nodded without another word, and ran off.
Alexis had a slightly curious look in her eyes. "What's up with the professor?" She asked.
"Professor Morgan? Shes um... a bit of a character. Rather... unstable, if you know what I mean." Ava explained.
"I dont know what you mean, but I'm just going to pretend like I do." Alexis spoke, unfolding the warm blanket, and wrapping it around her legs, as she took the cup of hot chocolate, and sipped at it.
"She has... psychotic episodes. She also mostly keeps to herself, only really making an appearance when she has to give out pokemon to new trainers. I hear this year is a special year, because she's giving out six pokemon, two each, to three trainers." Ava elaborated, keeping the discussion about the Professor's tendencies to a minimum.
"Note to self, don't upset the professor, I guess?" Alexis thought as she sipped in silence. "I assume Lucius is one of the three trainers?" She asked after a few minutes.
"Yep, he's finally old enough to take on the league challenge. Or at least try to, that is. We havent had an eighth gym leader since Minerva disappeared around the same time the Champion died." She explained. "The second was supposed to be some hotshot kid that ended up going missing. And the Third is this girl Hera, from Nightvale City. Who should be arriving any moment now." Ava spoke, and as though on Cue, a Blonde girl in a Sundress, Jacket, leggings, and black boots came bursting through the door.
"I'm not late, am i?" Hera asked as she kicked off her boots and hung up her jacket.
"No! Not at all Hera, in fact I was just talking about you to a guest that Lucius found just at the entrance to Town." Ava spoke. "Come sit, please."
Hera nodded, meekishly sitting down. She adjusted her ponytail as she sat.
All that was going through Alexis's brain was one sentence. "Pretty sunshine girl." She must have been staring, as the next thing she knew, Hera's hand was waving in front of her face.
"Earth to Alexis." Hera spoke, as the door burst open again.
"Oh good, everyone is here." The tall figure of Professor Morgan spoke, as she lumbered forward to the table at the front of the room. "So, it's that time of year. Three trainer's get to choose themselves a starter and begin their journey as pokemon trainer's." Professor Morgan spoke, leaning against the table. "Except this year, there's a twist. I'll be giving two pokemon to each trainer. A regional variant of the Johto region's starters, and a Random pokemon from three random regions." Professor Morgan spoke, a hazey look in her eyes.
"Now. Let's introduce the starters I'll be giving out." Morgan spoke, as she set six pokeballs out on the table.
Morgan hit the first button on the first row, and a Black Totodile with Pink eyes, Pink Frills on it's back as well. The Pokemon's Jaw had some Pink face markings on the side of their Jaw. "The Halemaw Region's Variant of Totodile. I know not everyone here is from Our... lovely region. But this Bad Boy's A Dark and Fairy type. He May look cute now, but his later forms are Fiercesome foes." Professor Morgan explained. She moved to the pokeball in behind the Totodile, and revealed a Gible. "Gible, Land shark pokemon. I'm sure most of you recognize this one because of the Sinnoh region's Former champion, Cynthia." She spoke. "Any questions so far?" She asked, pausing.
"Uh yes." Alexis spoke, raising her hand. "Hi, sorry. New to town. Uhm... What typing is it? Sorry.. I've never seen it before." She elaborated.
"It's a Ground Dragon type, if I remember my notes correctly." Professor morgan explained. "And don't worry about having not seen it before. Gible's rare in our region."
"Ah, okay." Alexis answered. She went quiet again, and started sipping the drink in her hands.
"Now. Onto the next regional variant, Cyndaquil." Professor Morgan spoke, as she hit the second pokeballs button. Out came a Light blue Cyndaquil with Spikes made of Ice sticking out of it's back. "Halemaw's Cyndaquil species live in the Heavy snow island of the Region. The Pokemon cannot see very well, and often uses its spikes to attack anything that bumps into it. Either that or its bites the the pokemon or object it runs into." She explained.
Professor Morgan walked behind the table again, and released the pokemon from the pokeball behind it. "Now this bad boy. It's a beldum, one of the sturdiest pokemon to ever exist. A trainer passed it onto me, before leaving the region, back when it was still an egg. So now I'm giving it to the trainer who chooses it." She explained. "It's a psychic and steel type, for those of you curious." She elaborated. "Now... onto the last regional pokemon." She spoke, as she walked to the right side of the table, and pressed the ball. A Piplup emerged from the ball.
The Piplup was Predominantly Grey and White, with an odd Black fur coat around its neck. Its beak was Silver, and appeared to be rather sharp. "Piplup. Wait... That's not right. Oh well. Chikorita can be found pretty much everywhere in the waters." Professor Morgan muttered to herself. "Now. As I was saying. Piplup. Halemaw's Variant of them and their later forms are often found in abandoned Theaters, acting out old Play's with the spirits of their former trainers. The pokemon originates from the Sinnoh Region, for those of you curious." Professor Morgan explained. "Halemaw piplup's are also incredibly protective of their trainers." She continued as she reached for the last closed pokeball.
She pressed the button, and with a mild thunk, a larvitar appeared on the table next to the Piplup. "The final pokemon I'll be giving away with these pokemon is larvitar. It's predominantly found in the mountain  at the center of the region. Small hordes of them are rumored to be able to eat enough dirt to form a new path inside the mountain. In recent years, it's part of the reason victory road is so treacherous to traverse." Professor Morgan spoke, then glanced to Ava. "Now. Who am I giving pokemon to this time, Ava?" She asked.
"Lucius, and Hera. Alexis, too, if she wants to take a couple." Ava spoke.
All eyes were on Alexis for a moment, waiting for an answer from her, as she tried to communicate with the Alakazam mentally. "Alakazam. You there?"
"Yes, I'm here. You should definitely take the offer. I won't always be able to protect you, little one."
Alexis nodded simply. "Took me a minute to decide, apologies. But yes, I'll uhm... take a couple of pokemon." She spoke after a moment.
"Good, Good. Since you're the one getting them instead of the last one, who left the region, would you like to pick first?" Professor Morgan asked.
"If they're okay with it, of course." Alexis answered.
"Yeah, you can go first." Hera and Lucius answered at the same time.
Alexis nodded, as she stood up, and walked toward the table. "Alakazam. Any suggestions as to which pair I should pick?"
No response from the pokemon.
"Alright then." She thought. She mustered up a memory from when she was walking out of the base, to see if she could best prepare for potentially fighting back against the organization that held her prisoner. She remembered seeing a lot of dark types asleep next to their trainers that had been passed out on the ground. "I'll choose..." Alexis trailed off, going with her gut. "Totodile and Gible." She spoke.
"Interesting choice. Hera, you're up Next." Professor Morgan spoke, gesturing to the taller girl to come pick her starters.
"I'll choose these two. Larvitar and Piplup, was it?" Hera asked.
"Yep. And that leaves Lucius with Cyndaquil and Beldum." Professor Morgan spoke as Lucius walked up to the table. "Meet me at the Lab, and I'll get you three hooked up with pokeballs, potions, and pokedexes. I'll give you three time to decide on Nicknames for your pokemon, if you're into that sort of thing. Meet me there after the storm let's up, that's all I ask of you." Professor Morgan spoke as she took her umbrella and walked out.
Hera Picked up her two pokeballs, and pressed the buttons to return them to their balls. Alexis did the same.
Lucius did the same, after deciding to call Cyndaquil, Frostbite. The three teens sat back down, and Hera let out a soft sigh. "Just Glad that's over with. How long do you guys think the storm will last?" She asked.
"Probably about another Five minutes or so." Lucius spoke. "The storms here may be sudden, but they go away within the hour, or so, most days." Lucius elaborated.
"Good point. I grew up over on Hyperius Island, which is predominantly desert. After my parents sent me here to live with my Gran, I had to get adjusted to spontaneous rain rather quickly." Hera spoke, looking at her pokeballs sat on her belt. "Do either of you know where the first gym is?"
"I have no idea where anything is." Alexis admitted. "I just arrived a few days earlier." She lied, hoping it was convincing.
"Ah." Hera spoke. "How about you, Lucius?" She asked.
"According to a book I read the other day, our first gym to challenge would be Jupiter, the Roaring thunder." Lucius spoke.
"Get going you three. The professor doesnt like being kept waiting." Ava spoke as she folded up one of the tables at the front of the room.
"Uh, question. And this will probably sound really weird. But. Is there somewhere here where I can get a pair of socks and shoes? I didnt exactly pack well." She spoke, as she stood up.
"Oh yeah! Lucius, dear. Run to the house, and in my room there should be two pairs of sneakers. One is for you, the other pair is for Alexis. And grab a pair of socks while you're at it." Ava spoke. "The other pair was originally for the trainer who was supposed to show up, but vanished. And Hera mentioned to me when I last talked to her that she didn't need a pair of sneakers." Ava explained as she started on another table.
Lucius nodded and ran out of the building, to do as was asked of him.
"Correct." Hera nodded. "So uh, Alexis." Hera spoke. "How are you enjoying the region so far?"
"I like it. The forest is nice, but I do not like the spontaneous Thunderstorms." Alexis answered honestly.
"Trust me, neither does anyone else. We still haven't really figured out why the thunderstorms happen. Jupiter, the Gym leader of Miranth City, works nonstop to figure out why they happen, but has mostly resorted to being the head of the team who alerts residents on the island to weather pattern changes, and such." Ava explained, as she poured herself a cup of tea from the nearby drink table.
Lucius returned, carrying a box. "Found the shoes. Took a little digging, but I found them." He spoke inbetween breaths. "Here ya go Alexis." Lucius spoke as he handed her the box.
Alexis opened the box, revealing a pair of sleek black sneakers, and a pair of pink socks sitting on top of them.
"I just grabbed a random pair. Sorry if they're not your type of socks." Lucius spoke sheepishly.
"They feel alright." Alexis spoke quietly, as she slipped them on, followed up with the shoes. "Also. On our way out of town, I think we should maybe stock up on supplies or something like that, just to be on the safe side." She stood up, and adjusted her belt.
"Good Idea, Alexis." Hera spoke as she walked over to the Coat rack, and grabbed her jacket and hat. She put on the hat, and slipped her pokeballs into her inner jacket pocket. "My gran gave me roughly 3,000 Halemaw Dollars, which translates to about 400,000 kantonian dollars? I forget the exact translation. Math never was my strong suit." She admitted, a small chuckle in her voice, as she waited by the door. "We can also stay in pokemon centers when it comes nightfall, if you guys would rather not stay in the middle of the woods at night." Hera spoke. "My older sister gave me a decent amount of Info, as she knew I was starting my journey soon." She explained, rubbing the back of her neck a bit.
Lucius nodded. "Umbrellas will also be good to invest in." He spoke, as he headed for the door.
Alexis nodded in agreement as she followed the two. "Agreed." She spoke as they walked to the lab.
Once the three got to the lab, Hera knocked on the door. "Professor Morgan?" She questioned.
"Just a moment. Gotta get something of mine under control!" Professor Morgan called from the inside of the lab. After a few moments, the door opened. "Come in, please." She spoke.
The three teens stepped into the building, making sure to not touch anything.
"Now. Let's make this quick. You won't only be traveling to attempt to take on the league. We all know that will be Impossible, after the disappearance of Minerva. While you're traveling, I want you all to fill pages of the pokemon index, or Pokedex for short. I tweaked it to specifications for The region. And if you happen upon an Infected pokemon, tread lightly. They're easily angered, and appear to have heightened abilities." Professor morgan spoke. "They also don't willingly approach people unless they're starving, from what we've managed to record. Any data you all can collect on these pokemon, will be grateful." She spoke, as she handed the teens each three small bags. The small bags contained identical contents. Thirty Pokéballs, ten Potions, and town maps for the three of them. "Stop at the Pokemon center on your way out of town. Theres three packages, one for each of you there. I explained in the time it took for the storm to stop, that Alexis would be taking the place of the previous trainer." Professor Morgan spoke. "Now, Skedaddle. I have my personal project to work on, you can call me from any pokemon center if you need advice on where to go next, or need to access the storage system that's linked back to my lab. I will look after the pokemon you catch on your adventure." She spoke, shooing them out.
Once the door shut behind the teens, Hera blinked slightly. "We didnt even get a chance to ask what "Infected Pokemon," looked like." She spoke as she headed for the pokemon center.
"According to some science articles my dad had been reading the other day, Infected pokemon look similar to their normal selves, except there is a color scheme change, and a typing change. The example the Article gave, was an Infected Ralts. According to the scan they had done, it was a Ghost/Fairy type. You know what a normal Ralts looks like, right?" Lucius questioned.
"No." Alexis thought as she walked alongside the two.
Hera nodded. "Yep. Little red spike coming out of its head, and it gives the impression that it can't see, because it has presumably hair covering its eyes, right?" She asked. "Oh and, a white body."
Lucius nodded. "Yeah. Take that idea, but make the spike white, and much sharper, almost like a sharpened bone. Its body is black, and it has a pink glow to it. The only thing still similar is the green almost hair-like thing that covers its eyes." Lucius explained as the three entered the pokemon center, and were greeted by a Shop attendant that had been sorting out boxes.
"Hi! Welcome to the pokemon center and mart. You three wouldn't happen to be the ones Professor morgan let us know had packages ship in for you, would you?" The girl asked, as she stepped out from behind the counter.
"Yep! That would be us." Hera nodded.
Alexis nodded as well. She walked, seemingly taking in the sight. The place was big.
"Alrighty! Give me a moment to get your packages from the back. Feel free to browse, or heal your new partners while you wait." The girl smiled as she walked to the back room.
"Alexis, everything good?" Lucius questioned, looking over at Alexis.
Alexis was in fact, not great. She had a major headache, as all of the sights and sounds were rather overwhelming. She had leaned against the counter. "I need to go Outside, for a moment. I'll be fine. Don't follow me out, Ill be back in, in a few minutes." Alexis spoke, as she stumbled toward the door, her hand reaching for her interior pocket.
"Okay..?" Lucius questioned as he and Hera watched her quietly. "We'll let the shop attendant know where she went." He spoke to Hera as the two waited inside.
Alexis leaned against the outer wall of the pokemon center, pulling her hood up, as she slipped to an area where she figured nobody would see her. She knew she shouldn't get Alakazam out right now, but she was experiencing similar feelings to when she first woke up. Eye pain, noise sensitivity, and an inability to focus.
"Alakazam, come on out, please." Alexis spoke as she leaned against the wall, and pushed the button on the Ultra ball in her hand.
The Alakazam appeared, and popped an eye open. "Everything okay?" It asked her.
"No, I'm... I went in there and suddenly was feeling like I was back where we first met. My eyes hurt, I'm hearing things that I dont think normal people can hear. Such as the Hum of the machinery in there. The lights were incredibly bright, and it was making it extremely difficult for me to focus. Any advice?" She asked.
"Keep your hood up, and your head down. If the other two ask, just tell them you'll explain once you're out of town, and on your way to Nightvale city. Buy a pair of sunglasses, when you go back in too. Your benefactor told me you would likely be experiencing more issues then normal. You've been in a dark room for a long time."
"Thanks." Alexis murmured, hitting the button to return Alakazam to its ball, and she walked back in.
Alexis walked into the pokemon center, again. She kept her hood up, and looked down to the ground.
"Everything Okay with your friend there?" The shop attendant asked Lucius as she scanned the items.
"Yeah. Alexis, do you want anything, while shes scanning items?" Lucius asked.
"Pair of sunglasses, that's it." Alexis answered.
"Alright. Does the style matter?" The attendant asked.
"No." Alexis spoke.
The attendant nodded, and stuck the extra supplies in each of their backpacks, and passed them to the teens after Hera paid for the items.
"Here ya go, have a nice day." The shop attendant spoke.
Hera picked up Alexis's backpack, and passed it to her. She then put on her own backpack, and then her own backpack.
Lucius grabbed his backpack and slipped it on, sticking his pokeballs in the left side pocket.
Alexis reached into the side pocket of her backpack, and pulled out the sunglasses. She tapped the edges of the frames against each other, and then slipped them on.
"Alright. Let's get going." Hera spoke, as she headed for the door.
Alexis and Lucius followed her out, and into the forest just outside of Vannifar Town.
A/N time!
Sorry about how long this chapter was. Would have been shorter, but hey. Alexis needed a moment after how intensely bright all of the noises and sounds in the pokemon center were. Now! Onto the Pokedex Entries for Regional Totodile, Cyndaquil, and Piplup. Which will be on the asks blog, for seamless reading from here on out! Same with other end of chapter stuff. There will also be an in-depth explanation of the "infected" pokemon over there. ( @project-halemaw-asks is the asks blog.)💖
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mrs-mikko-rantanen · 4 years
ocean asks all of them except for tropic. Not having that kind of negativity in this house.
Damn anon ok also thank you 💚💙💚
pearl: if you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
Honestly Canada. Specifically somewhere I can see the northern lights. Thats all ive ever wanted, ever since I was a little kid.
sails: describe your perfect partner.
Caring. Kind. Understanding. Funny. Gentle.
lighthouse: how much makeup do you wear?
On average none. But every once in a while I'll do some eyeshadow and I'm getting into eyeliner. I miss lipstick. (My mom got me a replica 1940's lipstick colorr for Christmas bc I love vintage makeup and im obsessed)
shells: would you prefer to be a vampire or a werewolf?
mermaid: most embarrassing moment?
Once when I was about 12 I got my arms stuck in one of those giant cardboard tubes people use to ship/store posters like a giant Chinese finger trap. Also I accidentally threw up on a cat once.
turquoise: weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
When I was 4? I had a dream my family was being chased across the country by Gollum and I had to defend us with a mop by using it like a lance/swatting at him.
waves: favourite season and why?
Fall bc cozy and crisp and I love the colors
breakers: would you ever consider getting married?
Yes I really want to get married and sometimes I get really stressed out that im not married yet
seafoam: describe your ideal summer vacation.
Lots of hiking, camping and spending tine on a lake. Maybe a classic California road trip where I get to see the sea again.
rain: if it were possible, what exotic animal would you keep as a pet?
Dalmatians but they aren't real. I've always really liked griffins, but I think really a bear maybe? Like one that I raised from a cub and could cuddle. :)
sunlight: least favourite song?
I fckn hate that song Pontune and I cannot express why. Also Fight Song.
marine: would you ever consider plastic surgery?
No not really. Just not my speed.
sea glass: what do you consider to be your best physical feature?
I really love my eyes. 💙💙💙
storm: do you like piercings and tattoos? Why or why not?
Yes!! I have my ears pierced (just a standard lobe piercing) but I kinda want another one. I have at least....3? tattoos I want but idk if I'll ever get them bc I'm horribly afraid of needles
boardwalk: who is your favourite fictional couple?
Jace and Nyar. And Bob and Linda from Bobs burgers.
coral: if you had to describe your personality as a food, what would you be and why?
A classic backyard barbeque hamburger. No I will not elaborate 😂
nymph: old-fashioned or modern decor? 
Both? Mostly old fashioned I guess.
seawater: scariest movie you’ve ever watched?
I really hated Signs so so much as a kid so ive kinda avoided scary movies since that. Funny since I willingly go ghost hunting 😂
siren: in a fantasy setting, would you be a warrior, rogue or mage?
I think probably a warrior.
tempest: your favourite Pokemon?
I dont know any of them except Bulbasour and hes the cutest :)
aquamarine: describe your dream date.
I used to think it was walking around a carnival/amusement park and enjoying things dressed up all cute and 1940s style and then listening to Etta James' At Last on the Ferris wheel to wrap up the night; but the last time I rode a ferris wheel with my cousins I was embarrassingly stressed out so like........my ideal day-dream date has been shattered and I don't know what to do 😂
brine: gold or silver?
Hm. Silver probably.
tidal: what is a colour that best describes your personality?
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Pale blue.
azure: what is something that you do that makes you happy?
Spending time with my family.
fog: describe where you think you’ll be in five years.
Oh god i don't even know. They asked me this at my job interview and I sorta panicked because I have no idea.
coastline: what is your favourite flower?
Poppies :)
shallows: what is your typical Starbucks order?
Starbucks specifically? Usually a London fog with almond milk. Any other coffee shop is a black coffee; or a black coffee with a scoop of honey.
voyage: what are your favourite names?
Wesley, Lauralie, and any flower name.
shipwreck: do you have an OC? If so, describe them.
cerulean: do you believe in true love?
shoreline: if you could become fluent in another language, which would you pick and why?
I've always really wanted to learn Chinese. I can't explain why exactly; I just really want to know how to speak it.
tsunami: describe a dream outfit of yours.
Right now anything that makes me look like a member of NCT that got lost and is trying to find his way back to the group. (Casually rocking a bit of a Ten inspired look right now and very happy about it) My like...dream outfit right now is cargo pants, oversized sweater, black bucket hat, and some of those Samsung ear buds that are wireless and metallic colored and look like the ones they wear on stage when they preform.
riptide: are you introverted or extroverted? Are you happy with this?
Introverted. Its got its ups and downs.
hurricane: describe a strange habit of yours.
Oh boy. If something makes a sound, I have to let it make that sound 3 times. (If the microwave doesnt beep 3 times then the food isn't hot)also if I think of something I want to remember while someone is talking but don't want to interrupt them I'll tap the tip of my nose. This one has bled onto my mom and sister.
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Taken (Early Years)
Summery- Curtis x Y/N, five years after being put on the train. Loss of will to live, Curtis insists on keeping you alive. Angst.
Word Count- 3879
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They had to make fun where they could, You would make up games with a die you still had, your younger brother, Matt sitting cross legged across from you on the bunk and a 4 year old Edgar in your lap, leaning over as much as possible without falling out of your lap. Matt just tossed the die, all three of you waiting to see where it would land.
"Okay Edgar, count the dots" you tickled him, the boy squealing before pushing your hands away. When he leaned over, his little lips counted softly, and his turned wide eyed towards you. "Three?" You nod and Matt cheers, putting up his hand to fist bump. "Boom man" Matt imitated a move you seen Curtis do a hundred times, imitating his hand blowing up on impact, Edgar falling over in a head half out of your lap giggling. 
"Alright, so when we roll a three, you got two choices." You said to the two of them. "You can either do 3 tumbles here in the bunk or 3 sprints to the gate and back."
While the boys discussed which to do, Curtis popped his head in. "3 sprints is the way to go, I mean…" he was hanging onto the bars to bring himself level to look in, hopping down and pretending to shade his eyes to see further down. "You guys will have the whole aisle to race" 
So it was decided, and you handed Edgar out to Curtis, who swung the boy down while Matt squirreled himself out right behind, jumping down. You shifted to sit on the edge, your legs dangling over the edge, enjoying watching the three of them. Curtis was squatted between the two boys, he was holding the back of there shirts to keep them from bolting. "Count of three, touch the gate and back to this spot. One…. Two…. Two and a half…" his hand had to tighten on Edgar who had anticipated three. "Okay three! Go go go!" 
Releasing them, they bolted and hands to his knees, he rose from the squat and leaned back against the bunk, tipping his head back to look up at you. "Running out of ideas of how to keep them entertained yet?" You crossed your eyes out at him and reached over to push his cap over his eyes. 
"Well you got some ideas Curtis feel free to share. Better then them trying to spy of the super secret Gilliam meetings y'all keep having." You teased him as he readjusted his cap, rolling his eyes at you. "Super secret? Anyone is free to join, I think McGregor might be onto something actually Y/N." He said with a hint of hopefulness you've haven't heard from your friend before. Twitching your nose, all this was a bit over your head. It worried you, and knowing Curtis like you did, he would be in the very front.
Your ankle started jittering nervously, picking at your shirt. "So…. Uh…. Like nothings happening right away right?" His hand lifted to still your ankle, turning to face you. "Dont worry, nothings happening right away, its all just talk." Letting out a whoosh of air, you nod and smile apologetically. "Sorry, its just we've all heard the stories and saw what happened to the seven." 
He turned to face you, shaking his head lightly. “It wont be like that, no one will be leaving the train. Not alive anyways. We already know we cant survive out of this, but we can get the perks. Getting to the engine. McGregor wants to end Wilfords reign.” His hand came up to straighten out his beanie from where you had messed with it earlier, tugging it off and about to refold it.
You take the beanie from his hands though and fold up the edges, tugging him closer so you didn't have to lean over to much and fix it on his head, crossing your eyes at him to tease. “Okay, okay. It doesn't sound like a bad idea. And it would be nice to see what else they got on here. I mean, do they have actual food in the front still? Cause I would love chocolate again.” turning your head, you squint. “boys still down there? they should have come back up by now.”
 Curtis glanced down and cupped his hand to call the boys "Hey! Thought we were racing?!" He watched a few moments to be sure they had heard him, and remarked his own desires. “Do you remember burgers? Like big juicy bacon burgers with lots of melted cheese? and fries?” He made a drooling face and you cuffed at his shoulder, groaning. “Stoooop! now I want fries with loads and loads of cheese and gravy.” He made a face of disgust. “What? You eat fries with Ketchup!”
Matt took Edgars hand and they started walking back, making you frown at the sight. Maybe the younger boy was tired out finally, when the familiar sound of the gate opened. Armed men came in, the guns sweeping over immediately towards the boys "stop right there" Matt went stiff as he stopped walking, Edgar pulled away though, racing back up the aisle with fear, and sprinting towards the two of you. "Edgar hide!" Curtis hissed as the boy clashed into his arms and Curtis swept him into the bunk. "Go Edgar, get out of here." The boy nodded as he climbed away into the other bunks making his way towards the back through peoples sleeping spaces. You slid down, and started to make your way up towards the front to reach Matt, his face twisting in fear as he was forced to sit. 
Claude stepped in, her heels clicking against the metal grate, whispering to the first guard. They stepped forward and motioned for the crowd to sit down, and the ones in front did. Your hands grasped Matts shoulders, he was shaking under your hands. Smiling you whispered to him "Hey, it's okay." And you sat down, looking over your shoulder, your parents were just coming up at the back of the crowd, your eyes also searched out Curtis, who was a few rows back, squatting as he had before. 
"Okay boys, come up. Wilford needs you." Claude crossed her arms and looked over the boys emerging from the crowd. Your hand tightened on Matt and didn't dare move should she look over the crowd. “put your head down” You whispered to your brother, hoping that he would blend in enough, she wouldnt notice him. What would Wilford want with kids? Claude grasped one boys chin and tilted his face back and forth, pushing others aside, tutting her disappointment. She looked over the crowd and then she locked eyes with you. And try as you might, you couldn't hold her gaze. It turned towards Matt and you knew she wanted him. 
Starting to scramble up, tugging on Matt's shirt, the guards pushed into the sitting people, grabbing the boy under the arms and snatching him out of your grasp. "NO, GIVE HIM BACK, MATT" Your following them through, pummeling your hands against the guards back. Claude back hands you viciously. "Teach her where she belongs." Claude snapped as she ripped Matt to her side, marching them out. Already you were pushing your way up to follow, and the guard smashed his heavy boot right into your chest, sprawling you back again. You didn't notice the air knocking out of you, just that Matt was getting further out of your reach and again you were scrambling across the floor, trying to pull yourself up. 
“Dumb bitch, they never learn back here” The man sneered as he lifted his gun to smash the butt of the rifle into your back, dropping you to flatten against the aisle floor, crying. “Now stay down or else” You were never one to listen, and you were trying to push yourself up, the guard lifting to hit you again. It was then a large pair of arms circled around your waist and yanked you back, much as you struggled against them. “Let me go!” You raged, your teeth coming down to bite whatever part was closest, getting a mouth full of dirty jacket, never would be able to sink into anything substantial. But fuck if you weren't going to try. Curtis spoke in your ear as he turned his back to the beating raining down. They were meant to hit against you, but his body now sheltered your struggling one as they beat into his back, and one clipped the back of his neck, bringing his weight down to smother you, arms tightening to keep you against him. He hissed against the back of your head, and further above you, muffled sounds and screams were issued. 
Tonya then started to rile up the crowd, knowing it was basically the only chance to draw off the mass of guards beating on the two of you, crowds of people following her lead to tackle them, and the confusion issued a few shots into the crowd, before dispersing. During this period, Curtis managed to pull you further back into the train and dump you into a bunk, pushing you back into the shadowed area. You moved to follow him back out, not caring any longer, but his hand roughly pushed you back and he growled out sharply. “Stay the fuck there Y/N” 
When he disappeared from sight, you covered your head in your arms, breaking out a sob as all of what just happened overtook your body. He was gone, they took Matt, and you had no idea why. It was just a known fact that people taken past those prison like gates, they were never returned. Would he be okay? He was 11 years old, why would they want him in the first place. Your mom came in, tears tracking down her face as her hands frantically searched you for injuries. You clung to her, sobbing into her jacket as she tried to calm you. There was no way to make it better, no way to take away that hollow sense of loss that overtook the two of you. Wilford shattered your life again. Her fingers brushed along the back of your skull, and came back sticky hot. “Y/N, your bleeding. Let me look” She crooned at you, lifting your hair and grabbing a rag to blot it.
The day passed and when it all went quiet again, people breaking off to retreat to there own little spots and groups, you moved from where you had curled up. Your parents were afraid to push you to speak, and Curtis came back, sporting bruises on his face, and haunches slightly. Quietly he let his hand trace your face, soft whispers “Y/N? Im so sorry... “ You pulled away from him, hiding your face. “Please dont Curtis” you whisper, and he pulls his hand back, his own eyes swimming, glazed blue. 
 Your eyes were red and burning, there was no more tears left, and after hours of staying still, you finally moved, it takes a bit till feeling really returns, but you work your way down out of the bunk. Clutching your tattered blanket around you, you made your way to the gate, your fingers tracing the seam. Maybe you could pry it open, maybe it wasn't properly sealed, maybe maybe maybe filled your head. Your hands scrambled, your nails breaking against the metal, and you thumped your body against it now in desperation. Again you got wrapped in a pair of arms, and away from the door to swing around, Curtis slid against the gate to sit on the floor, his chin on your shoulder and his thighs gripping around your waist, cocooning himself around you to keep your manic self from hurting yourself any further.
Words just wouldn't come, your throat closed, but inside you mentally threw questions to bounce around your skull. Why why why.... He rocked you slightly till your tension slowly started to seep from you. Blue eyes studied your profile before loosening, your body falling slack against his chest. A hiccup escaped you and he kept his arms loosely hugged around you. Giving another hiccup, you spoke barely above a whisper “What are we going to do Curtis, hes gone. And were trapped in here. Whats even the point in trying anymore?” Your voice was so full of defeat and despair, it hurt Curtis. He blinked back his own tears, still rocking the two of you slightly. “You cant give up Y/N, you never know what will happen.” You knew he was referring to the stirrings, plannings of the tail ends forces, how a riot was this close to happening. In exhaustion you didn't try to struggle anymore, your head falling back against his shoulder, and didn't say anymore. The riots right.... You didnt have faith in that the way he did. That night neither of you moved from the gate. 
Morning came and your parents insisted you return, which you didn't fight them, passively you followed your mother. Several times during the day Curtis would check on you, but you were just utterly hollow with grief. Food, water, the basic necessities were ignored, and every night Curtis would get up in the middle of the night, seeing you huddled against the door, listening for the other side and tracing the edges to find a weak spot. By morning you would be curled up between him and the gate, and he would again pick you up and carry you back to what was home for you. 
“Im worried about her Curtis” Your mother had pulled your best friend aside, her face stretched thin, and in the period of time since Matt had been taken, she aged immensely. Her lips were thin as they pressed together, the lines around them and her forehead now a permanent fixture. “I haven't been able to get her to eat, and we forced water down her the other day. But not enough. Were going to loose her if she doesn't snap out of it. Curtis, I cant loose another.” 
He had seen it to, the way you passed off your portion of protein bar to another, how your face was now pale, loosing its usual hue under the grime. And that scared him, loosing you scared the fuck out of him. You had seen him at his worst and didn't turn away, daily had made him remember what is was like to be human, to tease him, to remind him that he was here for a reason. Holding out his hand for the protein bar she had, his resolve absolute. 
“Give it to me, I will make sure she eats.” 
She didn't question what he was going to do, handing it over and going to help her husband in the wounded bay they had set up. She didn't want to see what Curtis was going to do to convince you, knowing full well how hard headed you would be, and the amount of depression you were battling, just wanting to fade away, die so you didn't have to live a life without your brother. Having already placed the blame on your shoulders for why he was taken. Why did I make them run away to the gate, so far away from where he could have hid and that bitch Claude never would have found him. 
Curtis approached cautiously, you were shivering, wrapped in your blanket. Hearing the thump of his boots you struggled to straighten up, knowing they were worrying about you. Curtis paused in front of you and moved to get level with you, you eyed the block in his hand "I know what your trying to do Curtis. And no. I dont want it." The thought of food made your stomach roll, looking away.
"Y/N, please. I promised your mother." He held the protein bar out for you, and you shake your head in refusal once again. What can't Curtis understand? You just wanted to fade into nothingness. "How about cause I'm Fucken worried Y/N? When was the last time you took care of yourself? You gonna leave me here alone?" He slammed questions, not beneath submitting you to guilt. 
Looking away, and your nostrils flared as you felt the bile rise in your chest, you swallow over and over to keep it down, taking deep breaths to control it. “Curtis go away, okay? Im fine.” His eyes darkened at your refusal, seeming to contemplate how to go about it next with you. He went to grasp your arm, make you take it when you slapped at him, not aiming but you got him right in the face. “I DONT WANT THAT GARBAGE, WHY CANT YOU JUST STOP!” He grabbed your wrists to stop your from clipping him again, you quit struggling soon, tired and weak in this state. “You will before the days over, thats a promise Y/N.” He snapped and released you, leaving you alone, for now. 
Heading straight for the wounded area, Curtis pulled Tonya aside, as she had once been a nurse and started explaining what was going on. Your mother was nearby, and wiping her hands on a rag, she paused nearby, listening. Curtis had been her last hope as your father just focused on the wounded bay to deal with grief and no amount of begging from her had brought you around. 
“What do you think Tonya, can it be done”
“Weve never tried to melt the protein bars down before, but we can try, mix them with water. You stuff any of this crap in her mouth like this, and shes gonna choke on it. You have to be careful though, cause you do not want this getting in her lungs.” Tonya said, washing her hands clear of grime in a pail. “Shes also gonna fight you, you cant loose your temper with her, not when shes like this.” Curtis arched a brow and shook his head. “Im not gonna hurt her, just tell me what to do.” 
That night, you did your trek to the gate, now you just chose to sleep there, no longer trying to pry the door open. It was fate, this was it, you accepted that you would die in this hell hole, and all the loss of those including Matt would no longer hurt your heart. Hearing Curtis footsteps echo against the metal grating lining the aisle, you chose to ignore him. In his hands he held a cup, but was sure to stay out of range of you for now. “Y/N, will you drink this without me having to force you to?” 
“No” Is all you state, tightening your blanket around you. 
“Okay then.... “ You peek and he looks like hes about to leave, but quick he grabs your coat and jerks you to fall back. Straddling your stomach, in shock you try wriggling out from underneath him. “What are you doing?! Curtis this isn't funny, get off!” He was careful to set the cup aside, and grabbing your arms, moving them to the sides of your body and wedging them under his knees to keep you from thrashing, the exertion leaving you panting and dizzy. You were in a worst state then you truly realized. 
“That should have been harder you know” He sighed as he leaned over you, worried lines creased his brow and his jaw ticked. “I told you today you would have food, please dont make me do this Y/N, you know I will” 
Remaining still for now, trying to conserve what strength you had left, you sigh “Curtis, im tired and I dont want to do this anymore, This life. Matts gone, were all just going to die on here.... Sick, wounded, hell killed cause one of us might have something valuable. I cant, dont make me.” Again his jaw clenched, and he reached for the cup. Clamping your mouth shut, you really weren't gonna budge. Pushing your face back when he went to reach for you, his fingers dug into your cheeks and jaws until the pressure became to much and you had to open for him. Tipping the cup, he attempt to pour in enough for a swallow, although it ran along the sides of your face. Releasing, his hand smothered your mouth to prevent you from spitting it out. Still struggling, you glare up at him, maybe even hated him at this moment. Finally you still, your nostrils flaring as you breathed, defying him once more. “God damn it Y/N, your really gonna make me do this arnt you.” He cussed out, clamping your nose shut. Your throat worked compulsive when your lungs burned, forcing you to swallow. 
After five tries of this, most of it had landed on the floor, but he wouldn't stop till he was sure you had something in your stomach, he released you, rolling away from each other. Trying not to cry and gagging, he rubbed your back although you hunched away from him Dont touch me! Your mind screamed as you gagged, the weight of the mixture he forced in you so heavy in your empty stomach, even his voice sounded desperate. “You cant, or I have to do that again” A wave of sickness passed, and you debate whether you should anyways. Your about to spit a venom amount of words at him when finally look at him, and you see him, for like the first time. It was like looking at that 17 year old kid you first met, scared as fuck at all of this, and doing whatever he could to stay alive. Only now he was doing that for you, even though he didnt speak it, his whole face said it. Please, I need you. 
You wipe at your mouth with the back of your hand, and crawl over to sit next to him, where he had dropped his head into his hands, giving a soft sob. “Your a real pain in my ass, you know that Y/N” He finally says as you lean your head on his shoulder. When he feels you sink in against his side, he wraps an arm around you and holds you close without saying anything more. You know no one else would have gone through all this, and sure enough he was the only one there, fighting to keep you alive. Were you fixed? Hell no, you still had that emptiness of loss that you suspected now never really would go away. But maybe you can try for him. 
“And yet you keep sticking around. I dont know what for, cause supposedly Im such a pain in the ass.” retorting back, That caused him to chuckle lightly, sniffling as he got himself under control.
“Do you promise to eat Y/N? Cause I will keep doing this if I have to.” 
Remaining silent as you let what he was asking, and simply stating as a fact, you can feel your resolve finally giving way completely. 
“For you I will. Curtis.... do you think Matt is still alive?” You feared his answer, if he said no, then it would really be true.”
“Yes Y/N, trust me. Hes alive” a man who still had faith. 
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georgeluzwarmhugs · 4 years
Some Tab comforting a stressed/sad reader pls! Imagine or headcanons 💘😘
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG VERED! but I hope you love it<3
Thunderstorms and Fireflies
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You woke to find yourself in a pool of sweat and short of breath. You tried calming yourself down, but you couldn’t stop the short bursts of air getting to your lungs. You turned over to the table beside your bed to see that it was 3:27 AM. You felt dizzy, but you wanted, no NEEDED, to get a glass of orange juice. You slowly dragged yourself to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Your eyes were droopy but you forced them open. You did not want to go back to sleep, you did not want to have the nightmares again. The blood, the death, the gore. Being a medic you saw too many of your friends die, you thought you could get over it, but it always comes back to haunt you. You missed Skip and Penkala the most, and you could never seem to forget the scene of them being blown up. The glimmer in their eyes from the snow on the ground, the fear in their faces of you and Luz being out in the open and not in a foxhole, and the words that last left their lips as the bomb came closer and closer to the ground... 
You must have zoned out in your thoughts because when you came out of it, it was 4:58 AM. Tears were streaming down your face and Floyd was sitting on the bar stool at the island next you, holding you and your head to his chest while stroking your hair. “What’s wrong baby what happened” there was so much worry and concern in his voice, it made you even sadder that you made him worry that much about you. You couldn’t answer him, you were out of breath from crying and you didn’t have enough air to get the words out that you wanted to say. You wanted to tell him you were fine and there was nothing for him to worry about and that he could go back to bed and... your thoughts were running wild. You just wanted it all to stop! It’s like he read your mind. “Hey hon get dressed in something comfy. I’m going to take you somewhere special” you just nodded and quickly went to the bedroom and changed into a sunflower shirt and some cute blue flowy pants. He looked at you in awe, like the first time he saw you all those years ago. You felt so loved from that moment from the look in his eyes, but the tears kept coming. They slowed, but they were still there. You didn’t know why tonight (or this morning) was so bad. You had thought about your friends’ deaths hundreds of times, but it had never made you this upset. “Baby come on, out of those thoughts ok?”
He grabbed you by the hand and dragged you outside into the rain. It had been pouring earlier, but now it was starting to ease up and just be drizzling. You had no idea what he was up to, but you were excited to see his idea. You ran up and down the streets, get soaking wet but not caring in the slightest, because as long as you were with him, it seemed like nothing could ever hurt you. You were spinning and dancing and laughing. It was still dark, and even though it was raining, there were still fireflies twinkling like the stars in the sky. He could feel you getting happier and smiling. He absolutely loves your smile, he adores it. You jumped and tried to catch fireflies until Tab caught one. He decided to name it sun, creative I know. He let it go and it flew back with the rest of its family. He was free. Seeing this one tiny firefly fly away into the vast of the sky made you feel free. Free from pain, free from war, free from those terrible memories. You knew it wan’t going to be that way forever, but right there in the rain in the middle of the road, you felt safe and like nothing would hurt you. He spun you around and pulled you in close. You pressed your lips together and leaned your foreheads together. “I love you, you don’t have to hide your pain from me, I can help you through everything you need. You don’t have to be brave for me, I was in the war too baby, I know better than anyone what you are going through. This is what I’m here for, this is what boyfriends do. I love you Y/N, you are my everything.” He hugged you tighter than he ever has before. “I love you too” you said muffled into his chest. You just melted and saw the sunrise behind his head. “Look” “It’s almost as pretty as you”
AHHHHHH ok i dont know if this is exactly what you wanted but ummm here🥺
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kashimos-hajime · 5 years
if i time it right, the thunder breaks
Summary: “And he hated himself and hated her, too, for the ruin they'd made of each other.” 
WARNINGS: swearing, it’s getting bad, mentions of (sexual, if you interpret it that way) child abuse, violence, angst, these idiots dont know how to take care of themselves but they know how to take care of each other Pairing: Detective Loki x Reader Word Count: 6.1k
A/N: thank you for the crazy response babes. truly thought this would flop and y’all proved me wrong. this is an important chapter and there’s a lot to say. i am open to tagging people so just lemme know if you want to be by sending an ask. GIF not mine
01 | ... | 03 | 04 | 05
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“Stop eating my shit.”
“Fuck off,” you snap, tossing the container of gummies onto the dash. It’s only half-empty and it’s not like you won’t buy him more. “God, I fucking hate this case.” You pinch the bridge of your nose as he slams the door, shaking rain off his coat. You swallow the gummy, feeling it all the way down to your stomach. The list of level-three sex offenders is like your death sentence as you cross out another name on the list with jagged black lines. “Nothing?”
“Just some German porn. Fuck.” His palm collides with the steering wheel as you try to sink into your chair. The air is stuffy in here but you don’t have the strength to open a window. “Fuck.” He sucks in a breath between his teeth, the cord of his throat pulsing. You lick your lips, turn away.
“You need some coffee?” You lean forward and pull out the giant thermos you have filled to the brim with coffee from your bag, and he snatches it from you, letting the black roast scorch his throat. You press your temple against the cold window before he nudges your shoulder. He offers the open thermos back to you and you down it, the bitterness waking up your mind as you twist the cap on shut again.
“Where next?” Your nose twitches again as you sniff, trying to see straight at the list. Reading out the address, you fold it back into your pocket and lean into the window as the Sedan rolls into motion.
It is raining now, a gentle pattering that you could fall asleep too if you were home instead of here.  David sends you a glance but otherwise focuses his gaze on the road. It’s a long night before you, and you can imagine the thermos would be empty before long.
David’s fingers tap the steering wheel when he drives. You know you’re not supposed to notice such a habit of his, but it’s a part of him, like how you know when he’s under stress, he blinks like someone squirted lemon juice in his eyes, or how he takes his coffee black because he nearly choked on watered down sugar for coffee once when he was fifteen. 
But, you do. You can’t help that he’s part of you and you can’t help but smile at his young face, spitting that awful coffee into the street, one of the brightest memories in your head, surrounded by so much smoke and shadow that pulls, claws, tugs you in and then you are spiraling.
“You’re thinking loudly,” he comments, banishing the smoke for mere moments, and you toss him a look from where it had drifted into the dark trees. Bundling your coat around yourself, you recline into your chair. 
“I’m just thinking about us,” you reply and he lets out a sharp breath, a gesture often paired with him shaking his head in irritation or disbelief or something. You don’t want to look at the ruins of what you’d done. “When we were younger.”
The fingers on the steering wheel pause, wrap tighter instead, and you close your eyes.
“Really?” He is stiff, every inch of him. You’re sure the cord of his neck is hard as a rock against his skin. The line of his reflection is just visible in the glass and you press your temple against the window, looking into your lap. 
“The years you were at Huntington,” you begin, and this time you must look at him. There are only some times you can bring such a time up and by the twitch of the muscles in his jaw, this isn’t the best, but it bottles up inside you that you might… you just don’t want to think about it anymore. “Those were the worst years of my life. I don’t think I’ve ever told you that.”
“You haven’t.”
“Well, I hated seeing you there. I hated seeing what they did to you.” 
You can see it play before your eyes, a mere spectator to some biopic film that you are forced to see.
Two figures under the shade of the church, one tall and thin and, another carrying a can and bags and stale bread that spilled over tiny arms, food that could’ve gone to those who didn’t have a home like he did. He’d insisted you take it back, but you simply dented a can against the rock until a tiny hole formed and told him to suck the juice from the mangoes before it leaked into the moist dirt. Moonlight bathed two figures even under the shade of the church as the taller one helped the tiny one over the fence.
“I’ll come back,” you promised in harsh breaths. He held the rest of the food in his arms, granola bars he could eat quietly, bread he could rip apart in small bits and chew on, and you grabbed the front of his ratty shirt desperately despite how much he must feel, a purple and blue plethora underneath his little church uniform that’d been torn in all the wrong places. “My uncle won’t notice. I’ll come back for you.”
You thoughts drift even further back. 
A hospital waiting room, reeking of antiseptic and too much bleach. This boy you met just an hour ago, sitting with his respective social worker in that antiseptic waiting room was the most interesting person you’d ever met. He had cards, and said he’d taught himself magic tricks if you wanted to see. You nodded but played goldfish instead. 
“They’re not my real parents,” he’d told you almost angrily, and you’d balked at the thought. “I’m only here because they have to do something before they bring me to a Huntington Boys Home. They think I have ‘problems’.”
“Oh.” You had frowned artfully and he asked if you had a seven. You shook your head and said goldfish. “Where are your real parents?”
“I think they died.”
“Oh.” You remember the disappointment, the utter sadness compelling you to watch the boy as he looks into his cards.
“Why are you here?”
“My mom can’t take care of me anymore and I don’t know my dad.” Your shoulders had risen, fallen indelicately and the boy smiled with the teeth he had. He was missing one of the lower ones and you had smiled back faintly, nervously. 
“That sucks.”
“I guess. I didn’t like her that much.”
You swallow and close your eyes as if that’ll help bat the image away but it only serves to show you the bloodied knuckles, the bruises on pale, milky thighs and the scars shown in the mist of hot showers and empty locker rooms.
“You, uh, you liked the canned fruit the best. I remembered.” Your voice is faint, barely heard over the rain and rumble of the engine that’s already just a whisper.
He swallows, too, eyes burning into the windshield. You know he’s trying his hardest not to swerve or stop the car, or even look at you, because his arms shake from the strength he holds the steering wheel. You’re quite sure it might detach if he goes any longer. 
“You told me there was life outside of priests and sick fucks like them.”
“Well, I didn’t know. It was just something I heard my uncle say, when he was sober at least. He said there was a life outside of your shitty circumstance,” you reply with that indelicate shrug. You haven’t thought of the man who’d offered a roof over your head and nothing else in a while. “It was one of the few things I learned from him, not because of him.”
“You shouldn’t fucking be here,” he says softly. Your eyes trace the arch of his neck, a feather-light gaze that flickers across his cheeks, the slick-back hair, the hands that loosen on the steering wheel as you travel over a bump on the road. “This town will never be good enough for you.”
“It has you in it.” You know it’s something you shouldn’t fucking say but you can’t help it. That boy in the hospital room with the gap-wide smile sits before you and you can’t do anything about it. You turn your body inwards, towards him, and his hand finds your knee on its own accord as you settle into your new position. “I fucking hated seeing you there.” “I know.”
“I’m glad you left when you could.”
“I know.” His hand, a heavy heat on your knee, squeezes before he lifts it and your eyes dart to the warmth he’s left on you, a warmth that spreads through your body like warm wine. “I’m glad you did too, either.”
Terrible, ugly, screaming and the smell of vodka spits in your mouth. You shake off the feeling and you know that David saw you shudder. He doesn’t say anything more. Neither do you.
Time does not heal all wounds, and you wonder if love could’ve ever built a palace on sand.
You can’t sleep. Even with the father in custody, you can’t sleep. David’s arm tightens around your waist as he sleeps, but you know he is uneasy in his slumber. 
“Sleepin’?” he mumbles suddenly and you close your eyes as if that’ll help you. “Me neither.”
“Get some sleep,” you murmur back, burrowing your face deeper into the pillow. You can still see the dead man’s body in the father’s basement and your nose twitches. You had held the father above the hole, made him look at the darkness of his basement, at the bones of his work. Made him look into David’s eyes, made him see.
Not his work, a voice in the back of your mind whispers. The devastation beside you is not this man’s work. The smell of dust and cobwebs still lingers. So does David’s voice. The boys home. Sweet fruit nectar and the taste of blood form a strange cocktail in your mouth.
That’s justice unserved, too. You suppress a shiver.
“Come on.” His voice warms your neck as he pulls himself closer, nose pressed against the back of your shoulder. You tug his arm tighter around you, fingers slipping to interlace with his. “Close your eyes.” “They’re closed,” you promise. His lips brush against the bare skin of your shoulder before a feather-soft kiss lands on the juncture between your neck and shoulder. His legs press underneath your thighs and the warmth his body radiates drowns you, melts you away until you’re nothing. He digs his fingers into your bare stomach and you can feel him blinking hard against your skin. “Sleep. Please. Don’t think about that anymore.” You utter the words so softly, so desperately you barely recognize your own voice.
“Fuck,” he whispers and something wet touches your skin. You open an eye to stare through the window, at the moon nearly blocked out by the branches outside your window as he holds onto you tighter. You feel the fire burning, an ice cold fire that makes you hurt so much. Makes you want to throw him off and rip those memories from his head. Anything to make it stop. “Fuck.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, but it is unheard over the sounds of his harsh, hot breaths. More wetness tracks down your bare shoulders as his arm goes taut around you. You twist around immediately, and pull him close to your chest. Your eyes are closed, your hands clutching into his hair, fingers digging into his skull, salt rain sliding over your cheeks. 
He tries to speak, puffs of air that could’ve been words had he not been so choked, and you merely let him try and break you, let his hands grip bruises into your skin and trace the scars people have left behind. You trace every crack in the porcelain of his back, every fissure that you know reaches from his neck to his legs.
Why couldn’t you have chosen something other than some broken little thing? Something that does not remind you of pain and sick and ache.
You don’t know whether you ask this of yourself or to him.
When you wake up, it is hard to even get your eyes to open. You don’t remember when you fell asleep and you wonder if you even had at all.
Three days. Has it really been three days already? You screw up your face to wake yourself up as David shuffles around the room. He’s already awake and you glance blearily at the clock. It’s only 4 AM, that means…
Shit. An hour or two of sleep if you can even call it sleep. Fuck.
Pushing yourself up, you drag yourself out of bed on unsteady legs and wade to the bathroom. 
You’re done in record time and when you leave, David is out of the room and in the kitchen preparing coffee. You begin to poke your head through one of his shrunken dress shirts. You’d stuff it into a pair of looser pants and tie it with a belt today. You just need something looser than one of your own tightfitting blouses. Maybe it’d help you breathe easier. 
He returns moments later to button up his own dress shirt. You can see his eyes rake over your figure, over the shirt you wear, but David doesn’t say anything as you dress. The shadows of the room playing tricks on you, you pull your hair out from underneath your collar and your nose twitches. Sniffing, you try to chase away the exhaustion pulling at your ankles, trying to chain you at your bed. Your hand rubs deep into your eyes as you gather your raincoat and stuff your feet into your boots in the living room.
When the two of you are ready to leave, you a cup of black coffee already in your system and David a piece of chewing gum in his mouth, you grab your bag.
“Here.” You look up. Your huge thermos is filled to the brim with coffee, twisted shut, and you slip it into the bag. 
Letting David press a lingering kiss to your temple before he opens the door, you dig through your bag to make sure you have everything. 
“Let’s head to the station,” he mutters. “I’m not fucking hungry.”
“Yeah, me neither.” Adjusting the straps on your shoulder, you follow after him, locking your apartment door behind you. Neither of you speak the ride to the police station, because there is nothing to say.
Last night is already forgotten.
Not really.
Fiddling with your phone, you run a hand through your hair. You can’t describe the uneasiness, the nausea that swirls in your stomach for the first time in years. Whilst David had left in search of the owner of the home where the RV was parked, you are stuck at homebase. You rewind the tapes, watching the interrogation of Alex Jones. It’s ten hours worth of tape, worth of footage that can mean absolutely nothing and a waste of time, or be a breakthrough in the case. You scroll back as the police officers work outside your dark room.
You can hear them talking, the little tap-tap-tap of their keyboards or the sounds of them laughing at some little joke made in the break room and fight the impulse to scream.
When did you get so fucking tired? When did invisible weights chain you to a desk, make the remote effort of rewinding a task as you watch the footage reverse?
You raise your head, turning only just enough to see Chemelinski standing at the door. That ugly artificial light streams in behind him and you squint at how bright it is outside the dark room. 
“We got something.”
“What?” You stand abruptly and black dots invade your vision as you blink, hand finding the back of the chair as casually as you can. Chemelinski keeps talking and you catch bits and pieces as you walk after him, knuckles brushing the wall just in case your legs decide to give out on you. “What’d the father say?”
“Something. I dunno if you got the sense to make it fit, but it’s something.” The older man opens the door to the interrogation room and you walk in, eyebrows knitting together. The father is sitting there in his grey cardigan, looking rather pathetic for himself, and you sit down.
“Good morning, father.” You lace your fingers on the table, sitting upright as Chemelinski closes the door. “Detective over here tells me you said something specific about the… the child abductor we found in your basement. Care to share it with me?”
“He was… waging a war against God.” One eyebrow rises as you send a glance to Chemelinski who clenches his jaw so visibly you wonder if his teeth are gonna crack. You return your gaze to the father who has yet to look at you. Leaning back into the chair, your hands roll into dragging fists over wood.
“Anything else? About how they were kidnapped or…”
“He said… he took them in daylight. Sometimes, more than one child at a time.”
“Great.” Your knuckles rapping against wood, you wait for anything else. Nothing. Prompting him will have to be the way to go. “Did he act alone? Did he ever mention any family, partners?”
“He said he had a family. He was suffering from a great loss.”
“That’s it?” A numb nod. You stand, the chair scraping against the scuffed floor and you send Chemelinski a foul glare. Blackness swarms your vision and you blink, trying to get rid of it before he notices. “Great. Thank you for your cooperation, father.” Opening the door, you adjust the handcuffs stuffed along the back of your belt and walk down the hall. Chemelinski follows after you but you ignore the detective in favour of jotting down what you’d learned and sending it in a text to David.
Child abductor — took them in daylight, more than one child at a time, had a family. Father decided to talk. 
Text me when you can. -xx
You pause, staring as the text goes through. XX. 
You hadn’t thought about it before you sent it. It was merely an instinct that took over you and hollows you out now as you stare at the letters. Two simple taps of the same little shape, but it means a world of things both of you buried. You pause in the hallway, staring at that tiny screen, the pixels forming the twenty-fourth letter of the alphabet. Chemelinski sends you a strange glance, passing by you, but you ignore him as you wait for his response.
I will. -D x
He replies in a manner that means he hasn’t forgotten either. You hold the phone tightly in your fist and lift your head to the ugly artificial light as if heaven has washed you in a golden glow. Leaning against the wall, you press the phone to your chest and suck in a breath, hoping that the wind will not whisk you away.
Heading to the candlelight vigil. Could be a lead. -D x
What makes you think that? -xx
I dont know. Just something I wish we had. Ill see you soon. -D x
Stay safe. -xx
You press the ice pack against the bruising on his shoulder, sniffing with a twitch of your nose as he let out a long, drawn out moan. The coloring isn’t bad; you assume the jacket got the brunt of the damage, but you are sure it’s gonna be worse tomorrow. 
“I should’ve been there for you,” you whisper, fingers brushing over the crisp gelled curls that fall into his eyes. He groans, leaning forward on his knees. The locker room is empty and you leave the ice pack on his shoulder for a second to get the elastic bandage and vitamin K cream. David lets out a huff as you return, moving the ice pack to unveil the red and purple.
“It’s fine. Shit.” Your fingers dipped in vitamin K cream, you smear it gently over the plane of his broad shoulder. “You couldn’t have known someone would’ve jumped onto me.”
“Yeah, but…” you trail off. You don’t know how to argue a point you are too tired to make. “How’s that feel?” you murmur, spreading a thin layer over his skin as he turns to watch your work. You wipe your hand of the excess and ask him to raise his arm a bit. Beginning to wrap his shoulder, you hum to yourself as you work.
“Too tight,” he occasionally says, or he’ll comment on the looseness of a certain round and you steadily make your progress. Forming a figure-eight pattern around his arm, shoulder, and chest, you murmur for him to take a deep breath before continuing. “Thank you,” he utters as you near the end of the elastic bandage. Your fingernails scratch against the fabric as you unfold a lip in the bandage.
“What for?” Grabbing elastic tape, you follow the same pattern to secure the bandage. The rip of the tape fills the silence David does not and you pause to look at him. “Loke.” The nickname feels fucking weird on your tongue. By David’s expression, he feels the same. He doesn’t even look at you as you smooth over the black tape.
“You don’t have to do this.”
“What do you mean?” You take hold of his arm, curling his hand into a fist to test bicep size. Sticking a finger beneath the bandage, you check for room and mobility. “Is it too tight?”
“Okay, try moving it for me.” With your support, he eases into full mobility and you suppress a small smile. “Good.” You cross your arms and move to stand before him. “You need to get some sleep before the Captain calls you in.” 
“You don’t have to do this for me.”
Uncrossing your arms, you step forward and run your hands through his crisp hair. He looks up and, with you between his legs, rests his chin on your stomach. His fingers interlock on your back, his arms swathing you in the heat of his shower.
Your hands run down to his cheeks as you stare into his porcelain blue eyes, all at once so dark and fragile. Purple half-moons threaten to swallow up his eyes whilst you trace the hollows in his cheeks.
There is so much you have to say. So much you need to say. But you can’t. Not now. Not in the middle of this case. You know it’ll utterly destroy the pillars of what you two are if you do and you know he’s thinking the same thing.
Your eyes search his, and you sink down to a crouch before him. He looks so much older in your arms and you wonders if that is your fault, too. Your fingers drag from his cheek to the robin on his ribs and he lifts your inked hand to his lips, kissing the knuckles where you are marked.
“Get some rest, Loke. Go home and eat.” The words taste like blood and wine in your mouth, all at once bitter and sweet and sour. You draw away and his arms fall around you as your lips find the spot between his eyes. His eyelids flutter shut, and you wonder about many things that you can’t put a name to. “I’ll see you in the morning.” 
“Come with me.” He grabs your arm, fingers snagging your wrist and your gaze, torn from the door, lands on him. The shadows are there again, and he pulls you towards him. Your boots brush against the tile as you let him pull you between his legs. “Don’t stay here alone.”
“Loke—” Your hands find purchase on his shoulders, and the rough scratch of the bandage on one palm, the silky skin of his other, topple you from within. You remember once, once some version of you would straddle him right here and now and make him yours. When you had room inside your heart for childish little tricks and David and your work. How had you ever done it in the first place? “Loki.”
“Stay with me.”
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Your heart stops in your chest at the wide eyes, the marble of his cheeks. You can’t. 
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“We don’t do that shit,” you let out in a breath, tearing yourself away. He stands and you close your eyes as if that’ll stop the heat of him from enveloping you. Even so, David Loki has the body temperature of a nuclear radiator and you can sense him from a mile away. “David, I—” Your words ghost against blazing lips as he presses a severe kiss against your mouth. Your eyes open and you gasp, trying to breathe. He suffocates you, eyes squeezed shut. Urgent and desperate and pleading, his arms hold onto you as if the world will swallow you, take you away.
You wish to tell him that’ll never happen, so you do. Your arms loop around his neck on their own accord, your lips pushing back against his in an agonizing battle of your desire and his as you tug at his skin, fingers raking red over his back. Your palms flatten and touch the scars, tiny little things, the bullet hole from the heist in ‘08, the stabbing from the breaking and entering on Holder Street, some much older than that.
But then he pulls away, and your eyes open, cold air conditioned wind breathing against your burning skin as he tries to stop himself from kissing your aching mouth again.
He only succeeds on the second try. 
His eyes are shadowed with fear and anguish, and you close your eyes, You don’t want to see that again. Not again. You hate the feeling in the very core of who you are. It feels like a personal attack, a graverobber digging up a coffin you want to remain hidden as his hands, on your neck, slide to your waist and he leans forward to kiss your cheek. His breath whispers over your chin. His thumb brushes away smeared lipstick from the corner of your mouth and you press your lips together, desperate to hold it in. Your eyes search his face, soak in every little blemish as his forehead knocks into yours. 
His other hand plays with your wrist, gently pulling until your fingers interlock and he swallows, looking down at the chasm between you two. Your chests barely brush and yet you feel he is at one end of the world and you are at the other. You are at a stepping off point, and he sits on the other end of the lake.
The smell of him is everywhere, stale coffee and gum and Bearglove deodorant he buys whenever it’s on sale. You inhale sharply, softly, and all too quickly when your gazes meet. It catches in your throat, and you don’t know when your eyes began to burn but they do. His hand holds your face like a fragile little thing, and you find yourself grabbing at his arms, his waist, inked skin that runs for miles and scars that once gave you comfort and now give you heartbreak. You hold him because you are desperate and he holds you because he knows.
You beg, you beg him because you can read his mind and know his tongue, his eyes, his taste. You know his heat and wishes and darkest desires. It is why you cannot hear this — it’ll make it too real.
Do not break a broken thing, you plead. Do not stir up dust in the ruins of the dead. We know, we know, we know. We can live in denial. Don’t do it. Don’t, don’t, don’t— 
“I still love you,” he mumbles forlornly, deliberately, at last, and your breath rattles in your chest. The weight that lifts is only momentary before it slams into you and you rip your hands away, fingers burning from lightning. The words barely sink in before your mouth opens, the response so automatic you nearly let it slip out. But he doesn’t let you. He merely kisses your forehead, and his lips press into some sort of smile written in the language of heartbreak and tragedy. It’s a language you wish you didn’t know so well. “You don’t have to say it back. I just wanted you to know.”
He grabs his black pullover and shrugs his injured shoulder. You’re left standing there, lips barely parted and still pulsing from the heat of his kiss despite how much you want to yell at him, scream for him to stay for just a moment more.
I want to say it back. I want to. I want you. I will.
I can’t.
Your legs are frozen to tile as he pauses at the door. Your head dips, eyes slipping closed as hot wet tears stream down your nose. He’s waiting. You know he is. He waits for a thing you cannot give him once again.
“I love you,” he whispers again, and this time the words bounce across walls and lockers, metal and ceramic before it reaches your hollow heart. The door swings open and shut.
You wonder how you can patch a broken heart with the very thing that broke it.
“Are you serious? Loki and I specifically said that we need surveillance on this guy.” It’s a bright 8 AM when you spit these words, collar twisted in your fist. “I know you’re stretched thin, but you gotta keep your word.” Your other hand grips a cup of steaming coffee you want to throw into the man’s face. Instead, you toss the dog collar onto his desk and hope the poison in your voice is enough.
“You said he was innocent.”
“And we also said we wanted surveillance on him. Look, you could’ve called either one of us. We’re a team for a reason. I could’ve went out and kept an eye on him. This was a stupid mistake, and I don’t want this to happen again.” You lean forward, fingers digging into the wood as you make sure the Captain is nearly shitting his pants.  “You fucking know how important this case is to the both of us. Don’t fuck it up again.”
“What do you want?”
“You think we can do something different, tell us.”
“Detective, when’s the last time you slept?”
“Unimportant. We need to know where everyone is.” You slam your hand hard against the desk and the pens clatter before you straighten up, taking a long pull of your coffee.
“Point made.”
“Good. Communication lines—” You gesture between yourself and the Captain— “need to be open. I’m gonna work on finding the guy. Communication. You have my number.” Whipping around, you brush past your… the man who had confessed feelings he shouldn’t have and you sigh, leaning against the wall farther down the hall. You suck down the rest of your coffee, the warmth of it chilling your stomach.
He’s in a foul mood, you know, and you’re sure it’s about the dead dog you found last night. Or it could be the fact that you slept in a motel last night. TBD. 
You hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep last night. You had sweated and tried sleeping naked, then got too cold and the covers hadn’t been enough. You tried to blame it on the shitty heater in the motel, but your body ached in a way you had only known to happen once before so you’d instead gone out for a late night stroll around the block to jog out the energy. 
In the break room, you find it empty and you sigh, opening the fridge to check for food that hasn’t been claimed. Nothing. There’s a stack of icecream, but you’ll eat that later. Slamming the door shut, you catch your warped reflection in the metal. Your eyes are sunken and red, purple smearing your skin like someone punched you right in the sockets and your skin is dull and weepy. You gently probe at the swollen eyebags, tossing your coffee into the trash.
“Morning.” Spinning around, you spot him leaning against the door, hands shoved in his pockets. Concern is etched onto his face, but so is every hour he didn’t have as sleep.
“Good morning.”
Your eyes drift back to the trash can. You’d rather get tossed into a dumpster then face him right now. “I have… work to do.” You fucking hate this. No matter how much you try, you know that if your eyes meet his for even a split second, you won’t be able to control what happens next.
“Yeah, so do I.”
And you walk past him as if he means nothing. As if he does not stare holes into your back. As if you will not seek him out later because the two of you are moths and flames, gold to a thief, the moon and ocean, an inexplicable pull that defies the laws of every science.
“You’re only three hours into the tape.” 
The man whips around in the office chair and you cross your arms, the corner of your mouth twitching. He turns around, pressing his face into his fingers as you walk into the dark room. You can see the tapes he’s watching, the ones you’ve obsessed over, and you blink, nose twitching at the sight of Alex Jones.
“You know this shit well,” he mutters. You place a hand on his injured shoulder, you don’t feel the foam padding but he stiffens and not from the pain. Cramps crawl up your arm and your fingers roll into a fist when you peel yourself off of him. “Fuck. I don’t… I don’t know if there’s something there that I’ve missed or—”
“You get any sleep last night?”
“Did you?”
Silence. He runs a hand over his face, leaning into his chair and you look down at him. All hard lines and soft edges, you want to touch him even though you know you’ll burn.
“Why’d you say it?” you ask softly. He doesn’t turn to look at you and you wrap yourself in your arms, squeezing hard enough as a reminder. “We agreed.”
“I know. I know, but— ”
“Detectives.” The two of you spring apart like you’re highschoolers caught fucking at prom and David digs a finger into his swollen eyes. He looks as fucking tired as you feel. “You’ve got a call.”
Sighing, he pauses the tape. “Right. Fuck, you… you don’t have to go.” You step back to give him room, and when he stands, you hate how much he towers over you. Hate how much you want to tell him he’s wrong. But instead, you nod.
“I’ll stay. You, go.” 
Your eyes meet for just the briefest of seconds and he blinks hard. Running a hand over his mouth and chin, he nods and turns to go.
He’s muzzling himself. You hate it when he fucking does this, but now, you can’t do shit about it. Words that threaten to spill out of your mouth slam against your lips as you watch him leave, and you sit down where he did mere minutes ago, the warmth of him still lingering like a mist, a cloak.
You pretend you can’t think about him anymore. Love is not for men and women like you.
He goes to Value Mall every week, buys different sizes for kids -D x
Pays with cash, messes with mannequins. Gave her both our numbers. -D x
Thought I should let you know. -D x
I know. Thanks. -xx
Alright. I can go to a motel or whatever. -D x
No it’s okay. I wouldn’t mind if you were there -xx
David crawls into bed with you for the first time in more than twenty-four hours. His back presses against yours tentatively and you turn, the sheets twisting around your legs. Your arm wraps around his waist, eyes closing. His heart thuds underneath your ear, an echo that fits into the hollow of your ribs.
Peace lasts for two hours before you’re done pretending trying to sleep. For lunch, you grab a coffee from the cart near the hospital on the way to the station.
You don’t talk about what he said, pretend it never happened in some unspoken agreement, but you can read it in his eyes every time he thinks you’re not looking. You wonder if things were different, would he have told you still? Or would he have doomed himself to silence forever instead?
The answer to your question is ashes in your mouth.
tags: @woah-jess @jenlrose @mytinybaguette @arcaneloki
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bridgyrose · 4 years
I’m in a Christmasy mood. How about a “it’s a wonderful life” inspired au?
This one is a bit longer, so its going to have a read more so Im not making a huge ass post on everyone's tumblr
Ruby sighed as she looked out to Atlas, the city burning as grimm flooded the streets, reminding her of what happened at Beacon. She got up and started walking back to her friends, their plan to take down the whale not going as planned. Everything had gone wrong. Her trying to use her eyes, Winter taking the bomb into the creature, Yang going off alone to find Oscar… the whole thing was a mess. She tended to the wounds of her friends, shaking slightly. “None of this would’ve happened if I wasnt a silver eyed warrior…”
“Is that what you really think?”
Ruby quickly drew her scythe, looking around. “Who said that?” 
A woman with brown hair appeared in front of her, smiling. “Do you really think your life would be better without your silver eyes?” 
“Who are you?” 
The woman walked closer. “My name is Amber. And I’m here to show you what would’ve happened had you not had your silver eyes.” 
Ruby put her scythe away. “And how, exactly, are you going to show that to me?” 
Amber approached Ruby and put a hand on her shoulder, using a gift of the gods to show Ruby what could’ve been. 
Ruby felt a bit disoriented as everything shifted around them, the city of Atlas changing to Vale, back to the dust robbery she stopped. She looked around, hesitating for a moment. “Why are we here? I stopped this from happening.” 
“You did, when you had silver eyes. Instead, now that you dont…”
Ruby watched as her own visage was tossed through a window, struggling to keep hold of her own weapon as a few thugs all jumped her. 
“Your uncle didnt teach you how to fight. Your father tried to keep you from being a huntress. But you still wanted to be one, teaching yourself and trying to prove yourself. You ended up here one night and once the robbery started, you tried to teach them a lesson, instead learning one yourself.” Amber waved her hand, forwarding to the aftermath of the fight. 
Ruby watched as her old home appeared, watching herself struggle to get inside, wheelchair bound with a broken leg and arm. “So I didnt get into Beacon. That still doesnt change much-”
“But it changed everything.” 
Ruby watched as clouds of mist swirled around them, bringing them to Beacon. She watched as Yang, Blake, and Weiss were still on a team together, along with Jaune. 
Amber sighed. “This team was never functional without you. Weiss ended up being the leader, mocking faunus for who they were. Blake will eventually get tired of it and run away. Jaune and Yang will try to get Weiss to go find her, but she’ll insist they’re better off without her.” She waved her hand again, forwarding through the events until they saw the docks. “When Blake ran to try to prove her own innocence, things took a turn for the worse. Without you meeting Penny and making friends with her, the White Fang outnumbered her and Sun.” 
Ruby watched helplessly as Blake and Sun were beat and left for dead by the sheer numbers of White Fang. As the cops arrived, they took Blake and Sun into custody, arresting them for trying to steal dust. “But they were innocent. Why dont they see that?” 
“Without you, Penny, Weiss and Yang showing up, many of the White Fang got away, helping those that couldnt and leaving Blake and Sun to take the blame for the gunfire and the missing dust.”
“But then… that means they would get expelled, right?”
“They’ll get lucky and Ozpin will vouch for them being hunters in training. But this breaks Blake. She will never learn to trust her team, going after the White Fang alone and ultimately putting herself in danger.” 
Ruby sighed and looked away. “O-okay, so things dont end up going well for Blake. What about Weiss? I’m sure she’s happier without me.” 
Amber moved them along to the Fall of Beacon. “Through the school year, Weiss stays bitter and angry, blaming Blake for everything that happened. Including when Beacon fell.”
Ruby watched her school burn again, but this time, things were different. More students laid dead from the grimm that started overwhelming them. More grimm poured through Vale, the Breach never happened, allowing grimm to pour in right into the heart of Vale, destroying everything and rushing up to the school. The wyvern grimm could be seen flying high above, raining more goo down and creating more grimm. 
Amber started walking forward, showing Ruby Weiss. “When the fall of Beacon happened, Weiss stayed for as long as she could to defend the school Right up until her father dragged her home.” She waved her hand again, showing Weiss in her bedroom at home, bottles of wine laying near her. “She did her best to try to keep her father from getting under her skin, doing what it took for her to be the best heiress she could be for her company. Unfortunately, it wasnt enough for her. Without anyone to lean on, without friends who cared about her that she could think about, the stress became too much. It didnt take long for her to start following in her mother’s footsteps.” 
Ruby slowly walked up to Weiss, watching her. “But.. she had her team-” 
“She never did.” 
Ruby hesitated for a moment. “But Yang and Jaune. They would’ve tried to help her, right? They could’ve kept her from going down this path.” 
Amber slowly shook her head. “They tried. And they failed.”
“She could’ve gone to Atlas Academy. That was always an option for her.” 
“And her father wouldnt hear it. Even Ironwood’s influence couldnt help her.” 
Ruby sighed. “O-okay, what about JNPR. T-they were better off, right?” 
Amber smirked a bit and showed Shade Academy to Ruby. 
Ruby hesitated for a moment, trying to put the pieces together. “I… I dont understand. Why would they come here?”
“Without you, they didnt have the conviction to go after Cinder. They stuck around Beacon for a while, trying to help with the clean up. Once it became clear what they were doing wasnt making a difference, they made their way to Shade with CFVY. Which reminds me…” The visage of Shade disappeared, showing the ruins of Haven. 
Ruby stood there, eyes wide at what she was seeing. “Haven… it’s all gone... “ 
“Since you never brought anyone to Haven, the White Fang succeeded in destroying it.” 
Ruby thought for a moment. “But Blake came around last time with other faunus from Menagerie. What happened to them?”
Amber sighed. “A-are you sure you really want to see this?” 
“I have to know what prevented Blake! That cant be my fault!” 
Amber waved her hand once more, showing Blake with Adam, donning the White Fang gear again. “As I said before, she learned not to trust humans. When she went off on her own to try to stop the white fang, things didnt go as they did before. Adam threatened her family and gave her a choice: join him again, or watch her family suffer because of her. With no one else to turn to, she chose to join up with Adam once more, being with the White Fang again. She led the White Fang’s assault on Haven, making sure nothing was left standing.” 
Ruby took a few deep breaths, taking everything. “So… without me… Weiss and Blake both fell back into their old lives? But… I couldn’t have made that much of a difference on them. What about Yang? Surely things ended up differently with her.”
Amber made one last gesture, taking Ruby to the Branwen tribe. 
Ruby walked around, looking for Yang, stopping when she found her. “No…” 
“I’m afraid so.” Amber walked up behind Ruby. “Raven told her about everything that was going to happen during the fall of Beacon. Yang didnt believe her at first. But after everything happened, after losing her team and believing Blake to be dead, she went off to find Raven to join her tribe.” 
Ruby sighed and sat down. “All of my friends, my team…”
Amber put a hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “And now for one last thing for you to see.” 
Ruby was about to ask until her vision went black. When she opened her eyes, she saw her own reflection staring back at her in the mirror. She hesitated for a moment once she saw blue eyes staring back at her. She took a moment to walk around the dark house, hearing her dad down stairs. She rushed down to him, stopping for a moment. “D-dad?”
Tai turned to look at her, clearly broken up about Yang leaving. “Oh, Ruby… it’s just you.” 
Ruby slowly walked to him and hugged him. “Are you okay?”
Tai hugged her back. “I’m fine sweetie. I was thinking about Yang and hoping she was okay.” 
“W-we could go after her-” 
“No. You’re going to stay right here. I’m not going to lose you too. I’ve already lost your mother, Yang, and Raven. I refuse to let you go.”
Ruby hesitated. “I… I can fight-”
“I said no. If anything, go take Zwei for a walk. But stay close. With the grimm crawling all around Vale, I cant risk you getting hurt too.” 
Ruby sighed and went to find Zwei, not believing what she was seeing. Everything just seemed… wrong. She went outside and looked up to the sky. “Okay Amber. I… I see your point. I… I want to go back now. Please.” 
Amber appeared before Ruby one last time. “Now do you see why you having silver eyes was never a bad thing? Ozpin may have only allowed you to join Beacon early because of them, but without that, you never would’ve made the impact on others as you have now.” 
“I’m… understanding that now.”
Amber smiled a bit as a flash of light appeared behind her. 
Ruby covered her eyes, feeling like she was blinded. Once the light died down, she looked around at her friends again, sighing in relief. She gently started changing Weiss’s bandages, thankful to have her team back. 
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