#i don't want to sound like I'm complaining about numbers but most followers i have on social media is 26 on Twitter
mangos-draws · 1 month
I want to start selling stuff like stickers, charms etc. unfortunately Germany is the land of bureaucracy so there's a fuckton to read and to find out so that the Finanzamt (Tax office) doesn't show up at my door one day to demand money because I sold three stickers last year.
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lifeless-discodancer · 2 months
You know how sometimes in DE fics when Kim transfers to precint 41 he and Harry don't get partnered together but instead Kim gets parnered with Judit and Harry stays with Jean?
Something i've never seen before is Judit becoming Harry's partner and Jean becoming Kim's wich like i get it, it sounds like the worst possible outcome but i think it would be so funny to read because on one hand we have Judit who has been working at C wing for only two months and who, based purely on the small amount of knowledge we have about her personality, is probably the epitome of the boring cop archetype, getting paired with Harry who will not leave her rest or leave her alone and will probably drag her into a bunch of weird shit and stereo investigations; and on the other, funnier hand we have Kim who above all appreciates a professional work relationship and who is also the number one champion of the holding grudges contest, and Jean who is honestly a huge asshole, incapable of forming any relationship that isn't codependent and who already left a weird (bad) impression on Kim by not doing his job for days and subjecting him and two other people to watch his public break up with Harry (also he came second in the holding grudges contest).
So this leaves us with:
Judit in the same position as the little girl who gets sat next to the loudest boy in class with the hope that she will be a good influence on him, except that she's not a little girl she's an adult cop with kids of her own that keeps getting asked to babysit other adult cops probably because she's the only woman in the unit. And i'm not saying this in a "Judit is the team mom" sense but in a "her workplace is so fucking misogynist" one. [Actually, now that i think about it this could be a good opportunity to explore the sexual harasment she experienced at the hands of her last partner, as well as her experience and the expectations her superiors and coworkers have of her, and the ones she has of herself, because she's the only woman in a male dominated workplace and (and a female cop on top of it (notice the emphasis on cop)) that she can't really fulfill because of the kind of person she is (a very normal, passive and tired kind of person). Also i think Harry would work nicely as parallel to her last partner. Where's the fic about it?]
Kim and Jean who already started on the wrong foot back in Martinaise even if none of them knew it at the moment. For them i can only imagine the most passive agresive partnership to ever exist but probably at the start of it they were doing their best to keep things civil. Jean was trying because, even if he thinks Kim is "bewitched by the shitkid", he's working with a decorated police lieutenant and, at least in his own mind, he's a very professional officer and he has to leave a good impression of himself and the C wing (he's definitely not doing that); Kim was trying because at first he didn't have much of an opinion on Jean (he swears) and, since he was complaining so much about Harry's work he thought Jean would at least have a good work ethic and be professional, also he too wanted to leave a good impression on his new coworkers. Of course the niceties went to shit the second one of them opened their mouth to say something that wasn't completely work related (it was like a game of chicken for days, weeks maybe, who will be the first to set fire to this perfectly normal, totally no filled with masked mutual annoyance, work partnership (it was Jean)). After that they argue like a couple of old ladies, and sometimes Kim thinks "maybe Jean is not that bad" but then Jean says something rude, or ableist, or homophobic or just something about Harry that Kim can't agree with, and then he dislikes him again, other times Jean thinks "maybe the lieutenant and i are finally understanding eachother" but then Kim will start lecturing him about something with the most condescending tone, or he'll drive his car like he's being followed by a missile, or give him a nasty side eye when he sees him taking drugs or even worst, he'll defend the shitkid when he's "rightfully" mad with him, and then he dislikes him again. This keeps for the entire duration of their partnership.
Harry is probably just a bit bummed out because he and Kim won't be partners anymore but he will try his best to not say that to Judit (he's a feminist after all), still he has to recover quickly from the disappointment since he has some real shit to worry about now (Shit like: I have to pay rent to my landlord?!!? How do i get into my bank account? Do i even have a bank account? Wait, who's my landlord? And other questions you would probably have too if you ever got amnesia that severe). He complains to Judit about not having Kim as a partner and Judit is rightfully offended but doesn't say anything (poor woman give her a break). He spends the entire duration of that partnership dragging Judit around Jamrock in side quests while she tries, unsuccessfully, to get him back on their current cases (he does not listen to her because he's a shit feminist), still he comes around to finish the original cases eventually (Harry apologizes a lot for not listening to her, Judit tells him it's fine because she's honestly so tired and it's so awkward(if she goes home to find even more work she's going to implode)). I think that with some time they would figure out how to work together, more or less, and they would have a pretty stable partnership.
Idk how to end this. I just thought it would be a fun idea and suddenly i blacked out and woke up with a small esay in front of me. I hope you enjoyed this.
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foone · 2 years
My current problem with mastodon is that it's full of nerds. Well, let me rephrase that, because everywhere is full of nerds: it's full of the most annoying kind of nerds. I'll explain under the readmore, because it got long.
Every time I've posted something on mastodon, I've gotten a bunch of replies that seem to be trying to explain things to me. And it's not like I'm posting "hey how do I install Ubuntu on a Samsung tablet?", I'm mainly going "here's some electronics I'm tearing down" or "I'm hacking this game and wow it does the font in a weird way!"
Neither of these is really an invitation to explain at me. And sure, when I did this on Twitter, I'd get these occasionally. There's always one person who thinks they know more than you and is like "I have to explain at this person!"
But on mastodon it's CONSTANT. I post a quick note about how someday I want to find ask the game developers why they encoded the font like this, and in like 12 hours I've gotten like 14 replies all trying to fontsplain at me.
And it would only be half as annoying if they were right! Cause that's the thing, too: THEY'RE NOT. Tons of people are assuming I am hacking a Pokémon game because I mentioned Game Freak, but nope! It's Drill Dozer. And others are explaining how the GameBoy hardware works when this is a GBA game... Jesus.
It's just... Some weird social thing. Maybe because mastodon co-existed with Twitter for so long as the open source Libre-Twitter, it attracted the kind of nerds who only use open source software, and they built networks of similar people. The kind of people that think they are and have to be the smartest guy in the room. And even now with a massive migration from Twitter to Mastodon, their early-adoption of this platform is influencing the culture of it. Maybe mastodon is just the kind of place where you explain tech at people.
Or maybe it's a cultural thing where it's more like 4chan's anonymous culture, where you don't assume or know things about people. There are no reputations, just interchangeable anonymous/pseudoanonymous people. Reddit often has that sort of thing going too, where if you are a Known Person, it's never a good thing. (just ask The Cylinder Guy).
Or maybe... It's just me. I wasn't the most well known weirdo on Twitter but I had a good number of followers. Maybe on Twitter it was more likely that people knew that I was "Foone, hacker of fonts and tearer downer of electronics!", but on mastodon I'm getting a lot of followers that haven't gotten to know me yet, and... Just assume I blundered into hacking a GBA game without knowing anything about how the GBA hardware and font encodings work?
Cause like, I've got about 20k followers on mastodon and I kinda assume those are just a subset of my Twitter followers who migrated over but maybe I have a bunch of new followers who were mastodon-only until now, and they're like "oh I've heard of that foone punk. Nothing specific but supposedly they're a big deal on Twitter, so now that they've joined mastodon I should follow them!"
Or maybe it is mostly a subset but only the most annoying explainy 20k of Twitter followers followed me over to mastodon? I don't know.
And it's the kind of thing where this happening occasionally would be fine. You get used to annoying replies when you have enough followers, no matter what social network you're on.
And God forbid you have something go viral! Fun fact: even if only one person in a thousand is a massive dick, if you have a post get seen by a million people, that's a lot of dicks.
I don't want to sound like "foone complains because they/their shit is popular", that's not really the problem. I've got a bunch of followers on here as well, but ya'll aren't coming into every post I make and trying to explain them at me.
Which is honestly odder? I would have thought it would be the other way around. Like, all my mastodon posts are like "I am hacking this video game: I am a reverse engineer" or "I am taking apart this electronic device: I'm a reverse engineer" or "I'm building this electronic device/software: I'm a forward engineer". So you'd think people would assume Mastodon!foone is the kind of person who Knows Things, as they're clearly highly technical in what they're doing.
But over here on Tumblr, while I may mention those kinds of things from time to time, I'm mostly doing shitposts, writing, fandom stuff, making jokes, being queer. You'd think it'd be much easier to assume Tumblr!foone doesn't know a huge amount about technical subjects and is therefore a great target for explaining at.
But it is a cultural thing, I guess. Mastodon is full of people who assume you don't really understand what you're talking about, and will explain at you. And Tumblr isn't.
Well, at least for technical stuff. You will get plenty of argumentative replies and reblogs, but less on a post about how GBA games encoding Latin text, and more on things like fandom and politics and queer identities. Although even then I would argue they're doing it on a different way, most of the time: they're not assuming you don't understand and explaining at you, they're more going "(I assume you understand), but I disagree" or "I explicitly think you don't understand: here is where you are wrong", vs the mastodon reply of "I'm assuming you don't understand, so let me explain at you what you're talking about".
I dunno. I don't really have a good solution here and this isn't going to be the reason I leave mastodon or anything, but it's odd, and annoying.
I'm not posting on mastodon as much as I posted on Twitter, and while part of that is that I split my online presence between Tumblr and mastodon instead of keeping it all mixed together on my Twitter, a big chunk of it is that mastodon is simply not as fun to post on as Twitter was, even accounting for my smaller follower count.
Because I'm not just getting a proportionally smaller number of interactions (which makes sense given how I have fewer mastodon followers than I had Twitter followers), I'm getting a larger proportion of really annoying interactions.
And I think what annoys me most is the assumption that I don't know what I'm talking about. Like, tearing stuff down and hacking games for their fonts? I am a professional! This is my job (mainly because I'm unemployed at the moment and my Patreon is my only source of cash), and it's not one I picked up recently. I have been hacking the fonts out of games for FIVE YEARS and as for tearing down electronics? I've been documenting that shit on Twitter/mastodon/etc for like eight years but I've been doing it since i was old enough to hold a screwdriver.
And yes, sure, explain things to me if I don't understand: those things will be clearly signposted. I'll be like "I'm not sure what this chip is, these silkscreens don't match anything on Google" and it's always useful if someone can pop in and go "oh that's a SMX8363 Network Biciever!" because they have some knowledge I don't, and I made it clear I don't know what it is.
But it's a whole different thing for me to post a picture of a PCB and day "okay here's the inside of the case", because I'm about to follow it up with closeups and details, and 5 people reply "chip U1 is a SMX8363, that transformates the network bananadines" because HEY I'M ABOUT TO POST THAT.
or worse, I already have, you just didn't scroll down enough to see it.
Anyway the reason I'm ranting about this here in Tumblr is because I'm not exactly trying to call these people out and get them to change their ways. At least one of the people on the most recent post is someone I've known for years and respect, and she has a lot of Pokémon knowledge, and was applying her specific technical background to help explain it. She's cool... But she just happened to reply along with a mob of random people I don't know, and she applied her highly specific Pokémon Knowledge onto a post that was never about Pokémon.
I'm just saying this here, because I'm musing about the differences I've experienced in different social networks. I can't really tell if it's about the networks themselves or just my particular bubble of followers and followed peoples. It could be either. Especially since Tumblr has some hugely different sub-communities (which is why Blaze can be so hilariously odd: it doesn't pay attention to those communities, and just randomly hits people across the site), and mastodon isn't even a single social network, it's a metanetwork of social networks which many (intentionally) broken links between subsets. (I had to move servers a few times because the first couple I picked had problems, like getting shut down, blocked by most of the western world, or getting put on a "probably bad to interact with" greylist)
I dunno. I'm slowly starting to lean towards posting more technical stuff here instead of mastodon, simply because I can post a neat old TV here and only get replies that are positive, whereas the same sort of thing on mastodon would get many more replies but most of them are trying to explain a TV at me.
Look, all I'm asking is that people don't assume my wonder at the complexities and weirdness of the world as ignorance and a request for education.
Because that's a big part of my social media persona! I don't know how "fake" it is (I'm autistic. I've been wearing masks so long I'm not sure there's anything under them), but it's a good way to interact with the world in my experience: the world is full of hidden wonders and it makes me happy to share them, and apparently people like learning about them when I'm talking about them in that way. It's like I'm putting on a Bill Nye mask so I can be amazed at everything, to some degree. It keeps me from getting bored and taking things for granted, it lets me discover hidden beauty, and people seem to enjoy that kind of attitude, especially on social networks increasingly full of negativity. I can be excited about this weird old computer, and hopefully I can talk about it in such a way that helps you share in some of that excited, and the world is a little brighter.
And it's just disheartening when you try to share in your excitement about the weird and the complex and unusual and get people going "um actually this is just a common design for systems that use the 430TX chipset, as it's a budget model that didn't implement AGP fully and instead used a PCI bridge chip to implement..." and it's like LET ME HAVE FUN AND SHARE THAT FUN EVEN IF YOU CAN'T.
It's not even that I'm getting less "wow that's cool!" replies, it's that I'm getting mostly "that's just some boring thing that makes sense if you've done five years of electrical engineering like I have" and I'm so tired of that kind of attitude. It just goes double when they're wrong and assumed something was boring because they understand it and I don't, when in reality I do understand it, and they missed the interesting bit because they came into the conversation already looking to rain on my parade and/or educate the fool that they assumed I was.
And don't get me wrong: I am very a fool. But I'm not every kind of fool. I know some things. And I'm not a fan of getting explained at as if I don't understand those things.
Terrible thought, that's probably not true: I got most of my Twitter followers before I was out as trans. I've been trans on mastodon since day one. Are these fuckers assuming I'm a woman and mansplaining at me? Like, they're not transphobic, they respect my identity (even if they have it wrong), but they're still sexist and by assuming I'm a woman, they also assume I don't know what I'm talking about?
God. I hope not.
Anyway. Tumblr and mastodon, won't you?
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capybaraonabicycle · 1 year
For the first kiss prompts - 12?
Thank you so much, hon! This was really fun!
Not a first kiss because I really felt like writing some wholesome, established relationship kiss. So they're already married here.
Ah, yes, btw, this is Osgate. I started with them because I gathered you would enjoy it more. But I will probably come back to Jace/Natalie tomorrow or smth. Let me know if you want me to tag you if I post it!
Until then, enjoy number 12:
12. A kiss to distract the other
Tumblr media
[ID: gif of Osgood using her inhaler. end ID]
For the past three weeks, Kate had advised Osgood to use her inhaler on the daily. Most days more than once. The reason was obvious: It had started when it had been announced that Dr. Martha Jones would soon be joining them on a mission. They would be dealing with a bunch of escaped Carrionites wreaking havoc in New Orleans.
Dr Jones had met the Carrionites before; in Shakespeare's England, right after getting to know the bard himself. Furthermore, she was an incredibly skilled former UNIT operative - so Kate had been told by no other than Osgood - three times in a row that first afternoon and a few more times since - and hence was the perfect woman for the job. Since then, every mention of Dr Jones' name had had Osgood on the verge of a panic attack.
At first it had delighted Kate, like it usually did whenever Osgood was passionate about something or someone. But during their flight to the US the attacks had grown closer and closer together and slowly but surely she was getting worried. It couldn't be healthy to have Osgood's pulse be this high all the time, plus Kate was rather sure there was a maximum dose of the inhaler that was safe per day - and by her own judgement, Osgood was scraping close to that limit.
While the others ran ahead to get their luggage from the conveyor belt, she placed a firm hand on Osgood's arm, holding her back.
"Will you be okay?" she asked earnestly. "It's not too late to sit this one out."
"Yeah, no, sure, it's fine." The hand grasping the inhaler was trembling. "I promise I won't make any problems. Please don't bench me, Ma'am."
"I'm not talking to you as your boss" Kate lowered her voice. "I am not worried about the job, I am worried about you."
Osgood did a double take, looking down at her arm and finally registering the physical contact. A small smile grew on her face and she covered Kate's hand with her own.
"Thanks, Love" she said just as softly. "But really, I am fine. Or well, I should be."
She was sounding annoyed at herself and Kate pressed her arm reassuringly.
"I never had issues around Clara" Osgood complained. "And I even managed working with the Doctor for a full day. Why am I losing it now?"
"Because the Doctor is brilliant but has nothing on the Dr. Martha Jones?" Kate repeated her own words back at her. "Because she was the first UNIT operative to inspire you to follow in her footsteps? And maybe because contrarily to the Doctor, who you've only met when male-presenting, she is a very beautiful woman?"
"Hush your mouth" Osgood pulled a face. "You know it's not about the last point."
Kate shrugged and smirked. "It would be for me."
"Fine around Clara, remember?" Osgood sighed and shook her trembling fingers in frustration. "Oh god, I will so not manage to stay cool."
"Yes, you will" Kate pushed a strand, that had become lose during the flight, behind Osgood's ear. "You're always 'cool'. - wow, it still feels absolutely wrong to use that word - but you are. And you won't lose it now, okay?"
Osgood nodded weakly.
"Good" Kate said. "Because this is an order. By your superior officer. Keep your calm, use your inhaler if necessary, quit when it gets too much and enjoy this! You'll get to meet another one of your heroes!"
"Yeah" Osgood agreed softly. Her breath was still coming a bit short but her eyes looked steadily into Kate's.
"Feeling better?"
Osgood managed to take one long, deeper breath. "A bit."
"Fancy a distraction?" Kate offered, unable to keep the cheek out of her voice and her gaze from dropping down to Osgood's lips for any longer.
Who could blame her? They'd been standing close for well over a minute now and emotions were running high. She was only human and very much fancying her wife.
Osgood's eyes grew wide and Kate thought now she would be having a panic attack for entirely different reasons. "We're on the job!"
Kate shrugged and offered: "Desperate times?"
Now Osgood laughed weakly.
"You're merely using my situation for an excuse to snog!" she understood correctly.
Kate grinned and let her finger trail from Osgood's ear down her cheek, tipping up her chin.
"I'll call it medical treatment" she whispered. "I am sure Dr Jones will understand."
"You are so corny" Osgood said but it sounded rather breathy and she was already leaning towards Kate.
And when their lips finally met, oh so gently, Kate remarked that for the first time in three weeks, the mention of Dr Jones' name seemed to have no noticeable influence on Osgood's nerves whatsoever.
Never let it be said that her distractions weren't effective.
Hope you like it! Some consensual distraction here because Jace/Natalie will be angsty enough :)
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thatwildnya · 1 year
Centaur AU centaur AU (Number 1 fav AU hehehe)
I'm kinda curious about Riddle, Trey, and Cater - what kinda centaurs are those three? ALso are any of the guys particularly cuddly - regardless of their cuddlability (so, like, even if they might have rough scales or spikes of some kind or something like that, they're still a cuddler lol)
chitters and nickers:
Wild: our first request! I’m really happy to get one so quick! I started writing it as soon as I saw it, sat on it for over half a day, was unable to continue due to wifi issues, then spent another 2 hours editing before Nya convinced me it was good. I hope you enjoy anon!
Nya: it’s going to be an uphill battle convincing this man to stop editing and adding more for every request wish me luck lovelies-
TW: Rook
Griffins are known to be very independent centaurs and it isn't uncommon for them to be hotheaded and somewhat controlling, especially towards strangers or those they see as lesser. So don't expect him to be all friendly at first, let alone cuddly. But once he's comfortable and trusts you he won't ever shy away from your touch.
I knew right away I wanted him to be a draft horse. These horses are known for their even temperament and being affectionate gentle giants. If you asked me to picture a baker or anthro draft horse I would imagine a buff man with a sweet smile. Trey has the same physique as I picture plus the same vibes so it fits perfectly.
He’s a bunny boy. A floppy ear bunny boy. That’s it.
When it comes to who’s the most cuddly in general it’s hands down Kalim, strangers or not. If Nya and I hadn’t decided to make the light magic users all foxes as a little easter egg he would have been a golden retriever. If you let him Kalim will cuddle with you every time you sit down. If he’s full animal he will try to snuggle under your shirt, in your sweatshirt pouch, or if there’s room right next to your face squished in your hoodie.
In his humanoid forms he likes to stretch across your lap or midriff. You can have him curl around you and use him as a giant pillow but neither of us would recommend it. He will wiggle a lot and you’ll most likely get a face full of tail wagging at the speed of sound.
Never go to the bathroom without locking the door. He does not knock half the time and won’t leave unless you yell at him. Personal space does not exist in Kalim world. Has so much love to give but not enough places to give it too.
If we’re talking about who’s the most cuddly with mc in story then it would be Silver (yes even more than Kalim). I touched upon this in another ask, Silver absolutely adores mc and would follow them to the end of time. He’s always near them if he can help it. Mc will sit at the table to do something and he’ll be doing a snooze at their feet. Then they decide not to do the thing there and move to the living room, Silver following behind groggily. He rarely even sleeps in his room (which is the attic) because of his desire to be close to them all the time. Nobody complains because he won’t sleep in the bed unless it’s his turn.
The big cuddle bugs to their masters (excluding the two above and Floyd cuz y’know it’s Floyd) are Ruggie, Rook, Malleus, Leona, Cheka, Che'nya, Jamil, and Azul.
Ruggie’s first few years of life were rough. He comes from the equivalent of a puppy mill in this scenario and he didn’t have anyone to rely on. The first time he felt unconditional love was when you rescued him from that awful place. He was barely alive and wouldn’t have lasted much longer if he’d been there longer. He gives back to you through acts of service and physical touch. He likes being able to curl up next to you for some scritches and the occasional rough housing in full animal form. Absolutely loves taking baths with you or getting a full pet spa treatment bath delivered specially by you. When he was little he would curl up under your shirt for a nap so please let him use your belly as a pillow while he takes a snooze under the blanket occasionally.
Azul and Jamil have similar back stories. Both were neglected in favor of other pets for being less appealing. They are both teenagers by the time you adopt them and to say your relationship started out rocky would be an understatement.
Jamil (black mamba) assumed you chose him to be your servant, as that is what he was trained and advertised as. The last thing he expected was to get his own room, the newest phone model, and a trip to the store so he could pick out his collar himself. He still keeps his distance and it takes awhile for him to let you past his walls. But I swear it’s worth it in the end. He only gets super cuddly when it’s cold out. You are a warm blooded mammal and he is a cold blooded reptile give him your body heat immediately. If allowed he will wrap as much of himself around you as possible for maximum warmth.
Puberty hit Azul like a truck. With that and him putting in the extra work to stay fit he went from being completely overlooked by anyone who walked by to being the one to make the most passersby stop for a look in the shop. And yet despite that, none decided to take him home. He tried everything, from showing off his superior intelligence to having the best voice. Nothing worked. Then in came you. You took one look, smushed your face against the glass, fogged it up whispering ‘I must have him’ when he looked at you, and ran off to find the nearest employee. It was very startling to him, especially because he was busy studying when you slammed your face into the glass right next to him. But he isn’t complaining. Now he gets to spend his days scamming making deals with customers to contribute to the household expenses. As a reward he expects all the hugs, all the snuggles, praise, kisses, etc. If you deprive him of his rightfully earned wages the crocodile tears will start so be ready.
Cheka is baby.
Leona is a lazy manticore that has decided you’re his favorite pillow. Be careful not to overheat.
Che’nya wants your attention 24/7 and will get it one way or another.
Rook’s love language is yes. You will not escape. Accept your fate.
You are Malleus’ first friend and the only one he considers worthy of being his master. He is touched starved and you are his meal. Bone apple teeth.
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crowblincray · 7 days
So I have at least 20 years of experience in the janitorial profession. (Work at a grocery store now) The number of stories I have from said time are kinda crazy.
I've cleaned for so many various businesses and have cleaned homes and apartments.
Most people don't think of the cleaning staff. It's a mostly thankless job, you're basically invisible until someone has something to complain about.
The pay usually sucks, at least with the companies I worked for. No benefits, no days off, no breaks.
You get to see a side of the world that most don't even think about.
I have a lot of ghost stories in particular. A lot of places I worked at had weird occurrences and paranormal things. Something about night time in various locations really changes things.
I grew up with an awareness of unexplainable things. My mom never told me ghosts didn't exist or anything like that. If anything, she had her own stories from her childhood.
I don't expect other people to believe my stories or beliefs about things. If you read my stories and want to think of it as just spooky stories, so be it. I'm not here to convince anyone.
That being said.
The most haunted place I ever cleaned for was a private school.
To my knowledge, it's no longer there and was torn down some years ago but I haven't bothered to confirm. I never want to go back to that place.
Now ghosts and weird stuff don't easily scare me. I cleaned for other buildings that had resident ghosts that I became familiar with and even kind of befriended, maybe?
Anyway this place in particular was bad. I don't know what it was about it.
During the day it was beautiful. Birds singing, squirrels running around. 8 acres, 10 buildings. Quiet area.
At night, the place changed. I once had a moment there that felt straight out of silent hill. I worked there with only one other person and sometimes completely alone.
One afternoon as the sun was going down we were outside of the performance building they had for plays and the science fair they did, etc. There was an airforce base within close proximity. The storm sirens at the base started up just as the last bit of light fell behind the horizon. Sounding just like the silent hill sirens. The area instantly felt different, malevolent. The woman I worked with felt it too. A large southern black lady who didn't scare easily. She shuddered at the same time I felt a chill and loudly declared, "Whelp, time to get in the building!" And left to go back inside. Me following right behind her.
The bugs that would infest that place were Massive. I usually don't mind most bugs but I'm talking centipedes that looked like living ostrich feathers that had no fear of humans. Various other bugs I'd never seen or heard of at the time.
It felt like it would rain every night there. Sometimes only on that property. One time I got so mad about it since I had to go outside and walk to each building carrying all my cleaning supplies and would get drenched in the process. One night I screamed at the sky in frustration, "Stop Fucking Raining!" At the top of my lungs at the sky. Oddly enough it did a few minutes later.
The place felt like it had a mind of its own. Like it was alive. I know it sounds crazy. Yes there were ghosts there but there was something about it that scared me more than the ghosts.
You know how at night big glass windows kind of turn into black mirrors and you can't see outside? Just a reflection of the inside?
I'd see kids in the windows all the time following me around. In one building there was a tall black figure I could see following behind me all the time.
The performance building I mentioned earlier had an old man I'd see there sometimes. Now to turn the lights off in that building you had to go All the way behind where the stage was and flip them off and walk back to the front door in pitch black. I didn't have a flashlight either. Now I'm not afraid of the dark, never really have been. I usually find it comforting. As soon as I would flip that light off I'd feel like I had to run out of there. Like I was being chased out by the old man. I don't think he liked people being around after dark.
I'd constantly hear my name being called or people talking though no one was there. I'd ask the other lady if she had called for me or anything. She never did. She was encountering the same kind of things that I was.
It got so bad and I started getting so paranoid and distracted that I started bringing music with me to drown it out. To try and ignore all the creepy crap just so I could get my work done. My coworker began to do the same.
Time would seem to warp some nights. Things that should have only been 20 or 30 minutes long would in actuality be over an hour.
Other times, nights that seemed to go on forever were relatively short. I usually have really good time management with that job so it was really weird.
There is one funny story about that place I'll never forget though.
The place had two huge gates that leads into the campus that were kept locked at night. One being right in front of the very first building.
It was around 2/3am, pouring rain outside. I had just finished bagging the trash in that building and was dragging it out the front door. We would leave the bags of garbage at the front of the buildings to collect at the end of our shift.
I was there alone that night. The road in front of the school was usually completely dead that time of night. I hadn't seen any cars go by at this point.
One lone car is going down the road and comes to a stop right by the gate as I'm putting the bags down. They roll their window down and turn their radio up.
It's blasting Set fire to the rain by Adele.
I stare at the car.
They drive off.
I shake my head and walked back into the building.
When we were given the news that we had been fired from that place I felt no panic or anxiety that I would usually feel at such news.
I was relieved.
I might try and post some other stories here sometime, but that place will always stick in my mind.
P.S. little funny fact. It was the exact same private school my mom had sent me for kindergarten/1st grade. Lol.
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too-much-tma-stuff · 1 year
For the fanfic requests—this isn't a ship, but if you don't mind kidfics, could you do Michael (pre-distorition) babysitting Jon as a kid? I got that scenario rooted in my brain because I apparently want sadness. The realization that someone else, someone Jon cared about got eaten by another DOOR would have probably wrecked him...and me. Feel free to ignore of this isn't your thing tho.
Michael liked kids, they were chaotic and unpredictable and normally he hated that! He himself was a bit timid and quiet, but he liked the chaos, they pushed him out of his comfort zone. They were funny about it too, and he could usually assume they meant no harm so the chaos could be a refreshing change from his usually rather ordered life. Not always, some kids could be cruel, but he could choose not to go back to those families when they weren't his own.
Baby-sitting had made the obvious choice as a job during university then. It wasn't the highest paying but it could be easily fit in around lectures and studying and it was really the brake he needed to keep him from going mad. He rather thought he found the release his peers found through partying through minding the good natured and frankly adorable chaos of children.
Of course his most common clients were parents looking for a date night away from the kids so he was rather surprised when he got a call from a frazzled sounding older woman. He had barely gotten out a greeting when she started to unload on him talking about her dead son and daughter-in-law and the son they had left behind. She took pains to clarify that he really was a good child, bright as anything! Before she exploded with how much trouble he was!
"He's curious about everything! He never listens about anything! Just the other day I told him not to touch the electrical outlet that broke and I way trying to keep an eye on him, but I only have two and there are other things in the world! I swear I only turned my back for a moment but when I turn back around he's standing there with a burned hand and that boy, he looked and me and said, he said "You're right. That did hurt.
"At least he didn't have the cheek to complain about it when he'd done it to himself! I just need another pair of eyes so I can close mine for a second! It feels like I haven't slept at all since he got here and I'm to old to be raising a child on my own!"
"Alright, that's no trouble at all ma'am. When would you like me to come in? We'll do a few trial nights and if we get along I wouldn't mind having a consistent schedule of nights I watch him so you can have some time off," Michael assured quickly while she was taking a breath.
"Oh thank goodness," She sighed, and Michael found himself helping the boy. This was clearly hard on the woman, but no doubt it was very hard on the child as well, he could use a friend. "Could you come tomorrow?"
"Yes, but lets talk about other things as well first. Does Jon have any allergies? What rate would you find acceptable?"
It took a little haggling to get to a hourly rate they could both agree on but it helped that she could admit Jon wasn't the easiest child. Some parents who thought too highly of their children seemed to think he should be paying them for the privilege of spending time with their children.
So on Wednesday he went to the address the woman provided where he was greeted by a well dressed woman. Some hair had come loose from her bun and there was a stain on her shirt which he got the feeling was as messy as she was willing to let anyone see her. Certainly more then she would have if it weren't for the grave-faced dark haired boy hovering behind her and staring at Michael.
"Hello. I'll give you a tour of the house and show you were everything is and then leave you to it. My number is on the fridge but do try not to call me unless something goes very wrong." She said seriously as she beckoned him in. The tour was brisk, and he just had to follow when he would have at least like to introduced himself to Jon first. He followed behind them, watching and not blinking as often as most children did, slightly unnerving but not unexpected.
"Alright, that's all you need to know I think. Jon try not to scare the nice young man away," She said with a thin smile to indicate it was supposed to be a joke. Inside Michael had to wince because he was rather sure Jon was too young to understand such subtleties of expression.
He watched her leave and then Jon looked back at him, solemn and wary, his eyes to old for his age. The poor kid had been through a lot. "Hello Jon, I'm Michael," he said, extending his hand with a friendly smile. Jon examined him again before reaching out and taking Michael's slim hand giving it a formal shake. Michael hoped that with time he would get to the point of being able to hug the boy and have him acting like a normal child. But not yet.
"Why don't you show me your favourite books?" Michael asked and watched as Jon's face light up even as he tried to suppress it. Michael didn't try to repress his answering smile.
When Mrs. Sims returned Michael was sitting on Jon's floor, long legs folded under him, surrounded by little piles of books as Jon babbled about the next book on the shelf. Michael couldn't possibly remember all of them, but what was important was the unrestrained joy on Jon's face. It hurt to see it shutter again when his grandmother made a comment about it being irritating.
"I don't mind," He promised immediately and firmly reviving a ghost of Jon's previous smile and making the grandmother look slightly chagrined. "I'll be happy to come back."
The grandmother being a non-nonsense sort of woman nodded, said they'd see him again same time next week, and shoved the money they'd agreed on into his hand. He saw himself out, and didn't notice that Jon was following him until he felt a small hand tug on his jacket, turning around obligingly to find a book being shoved into his stomach.
"I want to know what you think," Jon said before skittering back upstairs to get ready for bed. Michael promised himself that no matter how busy his course schedule was he would find time to read the book before he came back to see Jon again.
Part 2: here
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eulchu · 1 year
im gonna get the record straight and be completely transparent.
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i have never lurked critblr or leaktwt. i barely know who any of these people are. if you're critblr and i have you blocked it's because you interacted with dtblr and your url sounded weird, and people fact checked what kind of people were under your likes. or in your following list. you guys don't really know how to be subtle
many of us have been here for long enough to know urls of the people who post the most fucked up posts, because once in a while you'll pop up on the based on your likes tab.
implying im in critblr is fucking insane. i can genuinely tell all of you the exact number of leaked info i know. the truth is if you're in dtblr and you recieve more than 3 asks a day you ARE gonna get freak anons bomb dropping leaks in your askbox. there's unfortunately very little way of modding that. we try our best by blocking but every single day we get harassed with information we don't fucking want.
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i am not in charge of the fandom and i will never be. tumblr is the least fucking relevant site in the fandom hierarchy. i'm no god of the fandom i don't make the rules of the fandom and i am under any impression than im more important than any other blog in dtblr. my blog would be NOTHING without all the members of dtblr. i am not special i am not famous. it's not my fault people who don't like being active blogs come into my inbox to express themselves. i don't pretend to be any authority figure. i say shit and if you agree with me cool and if you don't, that's cool too.
i am so fucking sorry that some of you have a complex over blogs that get attention, but that's not my fault. i have been here for Years of course i'm gonna have a big number of followers. especially since october all dtblr has tried so hard to not become what it used to be, and if you have a complex that's on you. there's tens of blogs with very little followers who are amazing. because a following count means NOTHING.
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it's crazy to tell me im only finding reasons to shittalk dizzy and alison. i didn't know dizzy prior to their gross behavior regarding the shit they write about and the people they're friends with. if you know me well enough you'd know i have 0 problems with saying i hate x person for whatever personal grudge. i have done that plenty of times. i don't have to hide behind any excuse to shittalk someone.
calling me petty is ridiculous. petty over what girl? i'm just here to vibe idgaf what other people are up to if it's harmless shit.
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yet another clinically fucking insane statement to make. i very politely to invite you to scroll my blog and tell me where i have confirmed anything. the only things i have talked about are dream's ex and those "body issues". i have never verified any kind of leak and you're insane for thinking i have. i genuinely invite you to send me one of those instances you talk about.
in regards of "a bunch of blogs complaining" i'd love to know what kind of blogs you're talking about because as far as i know the only conversation that's happened before regarding this topic, was something extremely similar to what i'm saying right now and not at all close to verifying any kind of leak. if you get those blogs on your dash that's a you problem and you should curate your experience better, but don't drag me into it.
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yes. all of this. yes.
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i do apologize for the confusion. dizzy didn't write that fic but they did defend it and they've co-written together before.
i'm not a lurker and i don't know them, don't think i know all this information because i'm a stalker. i don't even know alison's tumblr. some of these people used to be friends. friends of a lot of people in the fandom. but you can only cover your behavior for so fucking long, and then people talk, and shit gets brought up.
both alison and dizzy have done more than morally incorrect things in the past for other fandoms. other than the choice of the kind of fics they write and bookmark, they both are 100% friends with people who discuss doxxes like it's top of the morning news. dizzy particularly was part of the phandom in the side of phannies who harassed and were weirdly invasive of their lives to the point where it affected their mental health.
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again, read what you want like what you like but be aware that these are the people you're reading fics of. hey if you're one of them, kudos to you. but genuinely. don't even try to say they're not the kind of people im describing right now. people across different fandoms who have had the displeasure of knowing them will tell you the same thing.
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aonoexpat · 1 year
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Yesterday, I spent the morning in Kaikōura, and joined a fellow Dutchie on a boat tour to spot albatross! These majestic birds hold the record for the largest wingspan of any flying bird on earth, even beating the condor. The ones we saw maxed out at about 3 meters, and they were a spectacular sight to see. They make a lot more sounds than I had expected, and boy are they fun :) The skipper had a batch of food that she could toss into the water to attract the birds, and they were clearly familiar with the process, because they were following us from the moment we left the harbour. This also meant they were not afraid of us at all, and were happy to get up close and personal!
My favourite one was the wandering albatross, which we saw the most individuals of. They are elegant flyers, slightly less elegant during landing and takeoff, and have the friendliest little faces...
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...as opposed to the black-browed albatross, who looked perpetually pissed off for being beaten to the food by its larger cousins:
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Other species we saw included the great northern petrel, a whole bunch of cape petrels (the smaller black and white birds in the photos above) who were masters at soaring along with the boat, Salvin's albatross, white-capped albatross, a couple of shags and plenty of seagulls. I did get seasick unfortunately as the sea conditions were labeled 'moderate', but luckily I had had maybe two bites of bread for breakfast so I didn't make a mess, and I had come prepared with ginger candy. The skipper gave me some nice warm ginger tea as well. Both she and the other passenger took good care of me ❤
After the tour I decided to give up my plans of hiking for the rest of the day, because a warning was issued for heavy snow in the evening. The skipper told me they might even close the state highway if it got really bad, so I didn't want to take my chances with that. As Kaikōura didn't make me feel very welcome in the first place due to their strict rules about self-contained camping, I packed up my things and left, heading down the East coast to Ōtautahi. It was another long drive, and I was really tired by the time I arrived. I was happy to find a parking spot for the night close to some takeaway junk food, and got settled for the bad weather to hit here as well.
And just as was forecast, today has been a hell of a rainy day in Ōtautahi, and, in all honesty, in my mind too. I know with a blog like this it can seem like everything on my trip is sunshine and rainbows, as you, as the readers, see the highlights. The highlights are what I take photos of, what I can passionately recount to you. But I won't omit the downsides. Sure, going on hikes and seeing spectacular sights is fun. But you know what's not fun? Waking up at 3 A.M. to a noise when you know you're all alone in a parking lot off an unsealed road in the middle of the woods. Getting told off by a town council member for not having the right type of toilet. Always being on the lookout for public facilities, all of which usually feel unsafe. Not knowing when or where you'll next be able to have a shower. A leaking faucet in the back of your van and constant worries about its status, hoping the cold weather isn't causing a mould infestation in places I can't see. Wearing gloves inside because it's literally freezing outside.
And the annoying thing is, I don't feel like I have a right to complain. I've got an extremely comfortable van with soft blankets, free electricity with my solar panel, drinking water, and enough resources to live from. But I'm all alone. All the time. The moments where the highs seem worth the struggle in between are starting to dwindle in numbers. The rest of the trip feels like a challenge I've set myself that I'll be happy to have overcome. I currently don't feel very excited about it at all. I know that will change, I know in a little while I'll look back on this and it'll seem silly that I ever thought about it, but today I really just want to go home.
I've spent some time today writing to Workaway hosts in the Ōtautahi area, hoping to maybe meet up and hang out with locals. I feel like I need to find some inspiration again, and making a more long-term plan will help. I would like to have a clearer picture of where I'm going, and when I'll get there. Maybe after this week I'll be able to form that picture. Because I don't want to give up just yet. There is still so much left to see and do. But I know in order to enjoy those things, I need to be in a better head space. How I'll get there, I'm not sure yet. But I am determined to.
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(^ credit to pastel-hazy-dreams)
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pherryt · 1 year
For the fic ask: carry, joy or glow?
Okay, i have SO many WIPS but i first narrowed it down to about 8 - ones I'm currently making progress on or are almost out. A good number of those didn't have ANY of the words. A lot had extended versions of Joy (enjoy/enjoyment) but I went hard mode and went looking for only exact words. Since I couldn't do all 3 words, without having one fic have more rep than the other, I did 2 from each :D
Wound up with one Witcher Fic and one One Piece fic - read behind the cut:
Incubus!Jaskier (Jaskier/nearly everyone. Finished and waiting Beta - title still pending vote from beta but I think I'm leaning towards "Matter of Convenience")
Vesemir shrugged, tapping at his medallion. “I’m a Witcher, lad. I can smell it on you, and feel your magic. Most incubi live among humans quite peacefully. I followed you out here simply to make sure you weren’t a danger. And you aren’t, at least not to anyone other than yourself.” The other man sighed. “Blessed Melitele, if I were, then you could have put me out of my misery.” Vesemir felt his eyebrows climb. “Are you that ready to give up?” He hadn’t gotten that impression from the way the man had comported himself inside the tavern. Even as unwell - hungry - as he’d been, he’d brought a little something special to that room, brightness and joy. “Only in my worst moments,” the bard admitted. “Some days weigh heavier than others.” Now that was a sentiment Vesemir knew all too well.
Vesemir - feeling more off balance than he had in decades - cast widely around for a change of subject and his eyes settled on the two Cat Witchers who had not yet spoken. They were both of a height, and dark haired, like Aiden. The one on the left was leaner and his hair was the darkest - a true black that went past his shoulders. The other had a deep brown that was lighter than Aiden’s, and looked like it wanted to glow when the light hit. Aiden almost looked like he could be their son. Vesemir pointed at the trio. “What about them? Why should I let them in?” The leaner one snorted, making a sound of disgust. “You think we’d be welcome after we stood up for our Aiden?” he snapped out. Huh. Maybe Vesemir’s thought of ‘son’ wasn’t too far off the mark.
I Don't Care (Sanji/Zoro - full title is that Fall Out Boy Song "I Don't Care what you think as long as it's about me"
Which Sanji really liked, actually. It was… fun. A challenge. Only Zeff could challenge him at the Baratie and Sanji's own guilt used to make him back off, and so he never was sure if he could best the old man or not. It had been a little stagnating, if truth were told. But here, he didn't have to carry that guilt anymore. And he could admit, that without their near daily fights, Sanji might have neglected his training, caught too much in the day to day of being a Strawhat cook. Zoro was a little right. Sanji never really took a break, but at the same time, he was doing what he loved so, how could he really complain?
It turned out to be another quiet day – no weird weather, no marines or other pirates anyway. The Sunny was never truly quiet with this bunch on board, but honestly, Sanji wouldn't have it any other way. Each day was a reminder of how different the crew was from his family. Their joys and dreams that had room for others, for kindness, for fun. Even Zoro, green haired and obsessed as he was with getting stronger, was nothing like Sanji's brothers. It may have initially thrown Sanji for a loop, but he'd realized pretty quickly that there was more to Zoro than first appeared.
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juleskelleybooks · 2 years
Hello, and Welcome!
"My main author presence is on Tumblr," I said boldly while announcing that my Twitter presence was likely to drop off severely now that certain people are in charge of it--all while ignoring that I'm currently in a crisis of confidence about my role as an author and therefore largely ignoring both short- and long-form blogging.
It did result in some Twitter friends following my Tumblr, though, so I wanted to at least say hello. I reblog some inspo here, talk about and promote my work as best as I can, sometimes I talk about the craft (also as best as I can).
(Non-writing stuff goes to my main blog, which is also the one I interact from. Edited to remove the name of it because certain people found my post on Twitter that I don't want having my main tumblr name.)
It also makes a good excuse for me to blargh out some of the thoughts that have been rolling in my head for a while. I try to maintain a largely positive presence on social media, and not talk about the emotional downsides of things, and part of that is because I've seen a lot of young writers fall into only complaining, and it's not fun to witness or be part of and doesn't do any good--and part of it is because I didn't want anyone to think that I was trying to spur anyone into action to alleviate my negative emotions, because that's a cultural thing where I'm from.
But I also wonder from time to time if I'm doing people a disfavor. I'm not particularly successful as an author, but I'm not unsuccessful. I have an agent, a contract, some published works, a backlist even if it is out of print and in process of being reworked. I've moved on to a step that a lot of people who are just starting out aren't on. I'm not on anyone's bestseller list, but I've witnessed people I don't personally know referencing my work casually, and that's a thrill, let me tell you. ("Anybody have anything like Jules Kelley's "Swelter"?" I saw on Twitter once, and I have that thing screencapped.)
And I do know there's a place where people are in their writing journey where all that seems like it will feel good, and feel successful. And in a way, it does. But also, it doesn't stop me from feeling like a failure as an author.
I know I'm a pretty good writer, but as an author? Oof. I'm bad at marketing, I'm bad at identifying trends, I'm bad at identifying comps, I don't read nearly as much as I should, I almost NEVER read in my "own" genre -- hell, I can't even neatly be fitted into a genre most of the time because what I really like is "weird character development wallowy stuff with heavy romantic and sexual elements, in various settings." So it's very hard to actually get my work in front of the audience that might best appreciate it (a very narrow category of people, most of whom were probably X-Files fanfic enthusiasts back in the day), and it doesn't help that I HAD an audience when I first started publishing, and then had to go on a mental health break for ten years and came back with a new penname, persona, and quirky tropes that are offputting to a lot of people in that audience. (Did you know how many romance reader type people hate bisexual men who have a female partner, and polyamorous romances? It's a lot.)
So I spend a lot of time feeling like a disappointment to my agent and editors (whether they feel that way or not is unknown) and wondering if I ought to just cut them loose and only self-publish, so the only person I have to disappoint is myself. I already write primarily what I would like to read, so there's some satisfaction in putting that out there. I'm also thrilled at literally anyone who reads, reviews, or talks about my work -- I don't want to sound like I'm ungrateful. I'm just well aware my sales numbers are disappointing to the people who are paid on commission for my work, and who invested time and money into my work.
So anyway. Uh, welcome to my tumblr, my crisis of faith, and my inspo and ramblings for weird stories that maybe not a lot of people will ever read but that I'm happy to write.
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laxyaklovesloz · 5 months
The Legend of Zelda: Real Courage | Chapter Fifteen: In the Secret Corridor
The path to Castle Town was pretty much straight through Hyrule Field, and therefore uninteresting. The town was split into six sections. An outer wall hugged an inner wall about ten feet across. Guards stood in various spots within the gap and upon the walls, but they looked bored and lazy. There hadn't been any conflict in Hyrule for decades; most of the soldiers probably haven't been in real combat.
Inside the inner wall, the town was divided into four quadrants and the center of the city. Each area buzzed with people, but it wasn't as crowded as Kakariko Village, for which Lila was grateful. Castle Town was small enough, it didn't need a bunch of people pressed together.
As far as she could tell, all of the soldiers who should have been patrolling inside the town chose to congregate in the taverns. The sheer number of bars surprised Lila the most. While Kakariko had maybe two, Castle Town boasted two taverns in each quadrant. The town was not protected in the least. That was something Lady Ganondra would like to know.
Then again, she had sent Lila to Castle Town to orient herself, not give him details of its weaknesses. With that in mind, she began seeking out various pathways from each gate to the castle, which she had not yet seen. She wanted to discover other ways to the castle other than the main gates. The main entrance to the castle was foreboding with guards and openness. It was maybe the only well-defended location in all of Castle Town.
Mori was the one who found the sewers.
"Really? Sewers?" Lila complained. They stood – or flew – outside the entrance.
"Really. Secret tunnels," Mori replied with snark. "Your mission."
"Alright, alright. Sheesh."
Once underground, Lila was immediately accosted by a miniblin, its tiny spear jabbed into her kneecap.
"Ow!" she shouted and kicked at the offender. Several others swarmed to take its place. "Get away, fiends!"
"Meenp meenp!" they shouted back.
She pulled out her sword and swiped at the miniblins, but they stepped back from her blade as easily as though she was moving through a thick liquid. Frustrated, she growled, "Go away! Mori!"
"What can I do?"
"I don't know! Something!"
Mori flew down in front of the miniblins and flapped his wings hard. That was enough to scatter the miniblins, hopefully for good.
"Thanks. I don't know why that worked, but thanks."
"You're welcome, I guess."
The two continued through the sewers. Most of the muck flowed along the bottom, and ledges allowed for clean travel. ("Thank the Goddesses.") The miniblins poked around but didn't approach again. ("Annoying little demons.")
When Lila and Mori exited the sewers, they were in a prison.
"Is this the castle prison?"
"Must be. I don't know of any others in or near Castle Town."
"Nice. Now we know how to get in."
"But how do we get into the actual castle?"
"Um..." Lila pointed down the one way they could go. "That way, of course."
"It's probably guarded."
"Probably not. Why would they defend empty cells?"
"They probably know about the entrance to the sewers."
"Oh. Good point." Lila stopped walking. "Wait, what's this?"
Where she had stopped, there was a small opening that was hardly visible. Mori flew into the space, and his wingspan fit perfectly. Then he disappeared.
"Where'd you go?"
"Come in and find out."
Lila stepped into the opening. She couldn't see a thing and placed her hand on the wall. With her fingers trailing, she followed the sound of Mori's wings. Her foot hit something.
"It goes up," Mori supplied.
Lila took the stairs. They went up about two stories and then there was an arrow hall, still pitch black. At the end of it, she bumped into the wall. She would have panicked if she didn't hear Mori on her left.
"Hurry up!" he muttered.
"We've been over this," Lila replied, going up even more stairs, "I don't have lechonotation like you."
"Whatever! I'm blind here."
"Poor humans."
"Poor armless keese."
Lila chuckled. This stair wound in a spiral and seemed to go on over twice as long as the first one. When they finally reached the top, Lila's foot fell hard on the floor. "Ooh, that was a jolt."
"Shh, I can hear voices."
Lila walked forward slowly, trying to calm her breathing. She kept one hand on the wall and the other outstretched. Slowly she began hearing what Mori was talking about. She gasped.
The talking stopped. Lila's breath caught in her throat. She couldn't believe Zale was within hearing distance. Her heart pounded, making her ears ring. She wanted so badly to see him again, but she didn't know why.
A girl's voice said, "I didn't hear anything. Zale, keep telling me the story! How did the Hero save the Zora?"
"Well, Zelda, he had to get eaten by a giant fish."
The girl gasped and squealed. She giggled, and Lila could imagine her rocking back and forth in laughter. "You're teasing me!"
"Nope, it actually happened. The Hero was swallowed by Jabun."
"Lila, let's go."
Lila knew this story. She didn't care to hear it. She just couldn't stop listening to Zale. She closed her eyes and felt tears. Maybe if she made a loud noise, she would at least have an excuse to talk to Zale, to see him.
She shook her head slowly. Such thoughts were foreign to her. She didn't know why she was thinking this way.
She turned around and left.
0 notes
Chapter 3
I look around, following the sound of baby voices. Me and the kids decided to play hide and seek for the last hour of daycare, but I don't know if it'll last that long. The kids are quickly getting bored. They complain that I find them too easily, and it's true since they can only hide in certain spots. I have to know where they are at all times, so this is the only way we can play. I try to act like I can't find them most of the time, to make it last longer, still, the kids all agree that playtime was much funner without the restrictions. There's nothing we can do about it though, with the kidnappings happening more frequently we have to take every precaution to keep the kids safe. The thought of one of these beautiful little toddlers being taken sends knots into my stomach. The 10-minute bell goes off, telling me play times are up. 
“Alright Littles, it's time to come out now. Pickup is about to begin.” The children clamber out of their hiding places, yelling and shouting, excited to go home. 1 or two of the children boo, wanting to stay here. We go through this most days, and though it warms my heart the love being here with me, they still have to go home to their parents. “Let's grab our things from the cubbies and pack up!” They all crowd around the small cubby area and I have to remind them to take turns. Most of the kids in my care are 4-5 years old, just shy of starting kindergarten, and can do a lot on their own. 
Once pack up is complete they all return to their cushion seats, waiting for their parents to come pick them up. Even before the kidnappings, we've always had the adults come in to sign out their kids. It's a security precaution, and this way we can keep records of who takes the kids, in case of an emergency. 
Soon the parents start trickling in and getting their kids. As usual, one little boy is still sitting on his cushion when all the others have left. His mother is almost always running behind. I don't mind staying with but I can tell he doesn't like always being the last one to be picked up. 
After the first 10 minutes with his mom still being a no-show, I bring out the building cubes and let him play with those.
I sit at my makeshift desk and finish up some of my schoolwork for the day. Since I have to work a job most weekdays to support myself I take my classes online. I prefer it this way, fewer distractions, and I can watch movies while doing my work. 
After 30 minutes, and still no mom, I get up from my desk and go kneel beside the little boy. 
“Daniel, do you have any idea why your mom is so late?” I ask him gently. I know this must be uncomfortable for him, waiting for a mom that refuses to show. He shakes his head, and I can see tears in his big brown eyes. 
I pull him into a hug, telling him it's okay, trying to comfort this precious boy. “It's Okay, I'm sure she'll be here soon.” 20 minutes later, and his mom is nowhere to be seen. 
I gently let go of him, walking over to my desk. I pick up the desk phone and dial my boss's number. It rings a few times. “Hello?” comes a woman's voice from the other side of the phone. 
“Hi, this is Lorelei.” I answer. 
“Lorelei, how can I help you?”
‘Well, I’m still at the daycare, and I-”
“Why are you still at the daycare, it is well past your hours?” 
“Yes ma’am, I know,” I say respectfully, even though I hate to be interrupted. “It's just that I have a little boy here, still waiting for his mom to pick him up. It's not exactly uncommon for her to be late, but it's usually only 10-15 minutes or so. I'm unsure what to do.”
I hear some shuffling on the other end. “Do you have her name?”
“Yes, it should be in the previous sign-in sheets. Give me a second.” I set the phone down on the desk and picked up the sign-up sheets. I have to flip a page or two back and search for his name. I pick the phone back up. “Her name is Danielle Roberts.” 
“Ok,” clacking, like someone typing on a really thick keyboard, “We have all parent numbers on file in case of emergency. I’m going to pull hers up and you can give her a call.” More typing. 
“Ok, that should work.” I say. The doorbell rings, startling me for a second. I hear a surprised shout and turn in time to see the little boy jumping into his mom's arms. She looks frazzled. Her dirty blonde hair is falling out of her bun, her makeup is smudged and there's a mysterious stain on the front of her shirt. And I thought I was having a rough day. 
“Hello Lorelei, I’m so sorry I’m late. My boss needed me to finish up some paperwork before I left, and then I had car troubles. It's been a tough evening.” I can tell, she does look like she’s been through hell and back.
“It’s no problem. “ I say even though it kind of was. I was always a people pleaser. “Can you sign him out please?” 
“Yes, yes, I’ll do that now.” She comes closer to get the chart and sign him out, giving me a good whiff of her. Tuna, the mysterious stain on her shirt is unmistakingly tuna. I wrinkle my nose but don’t say anything. There’s no point in pointing it out. 
I pick up the phone, suddenly remembering my boss is still on the line. 
“Lorelei, are you there?’ she says.
“Yes, sorry. I don’t need the number, she just showed up.” I respond.
“OK, good. Be careful getting home then.” There’s a little shuffling on her end.
“I will, goodnight.” 
“Goodnight Lorelei.” she says, then hangs up.
I turn around and face Danielle and her son. “Are we all good here, have everything you need?”
“Yes. Thank you again. Come on Daniel, it’s time to go home. Tell Ms. Lorelei goodbye.” She takes his hand and leads him to the door.
He waves, “Goodbye Ms. Lorelei.” The door rings shut, and I take a deep breath. I love working with kids, it might even be what I want to do when I graduate, but it can be tiring from time to time. 
I push my hair out of my face and begin collecting my things. I’m putting the last item into my bag when the door rings again. It’s probably the Roberts, Daniel must have left something. “Hello-” I stop short when I see the person standing in the doorway. He’s tall, around six foot, and dressed in all black. A hood covers most of his face, and gloves cover his hands. “Excuse me, can I help you.” I ask, my voice calm, even though he is, by all means, the scariest person I have ever seen. 
“You’re coming with me.” His voice is a low rumble, quiet. Not a question, a demand. I look around for something I could use to get away. But everything’s been neatly put up and baby-proofed. I can only talk my way out of this.
“Why would I do that?” My fingers are starting to slightly shake, and I hope he can’t see how scared I am. 
“If you’re refusing,” a pause, “I’ll force you.” I let the threat sink in. There was a slight lift at the end of his words like he might have been smiling. He is trying to take me. 
   “Why do you want me?” I ask, stalling for time. I need a plan.
“I don’t want you, they do.” They, as in, multiple. I take a step back. He takes a step forward; his boot hits the table. He didn’t fall, or tip, it was only a small tap. 
“Why?” I ask again. 
“You’re asking too many questions. Come with me.” He takes another step forward, this time having to step over a table, which isn’t too easy. I have my plan. 
I take a step back, goading him closer. My room in the daycare isn’t small, not really, but it sure would feel that way to a 6-foot man with a big build, especially with so many tables and chairs scattered around. My only hope is to get him to trip, or get him into a position where I can run and he wouldn’t have an easy time catching me. 
“I don’t want to.” 
“You’re stalling,” he growls. He takes another step forward. “Come with me, or I force you.” Another step. Just one more, he needs to take one more. 
I shuffle backward until my back is up against the wall. Come on, come on, come on. “Please.” My voice is shaky, and none of it is fake. I flatten myself as hard as I can against the wall, getting ready to spring forward. Finally, he takes the last step. I bolt.
He’s lunging after me, but I was right. I can hear the bangs as he trips over chairs and tables trying to get to me. I swiftly move through the room. It’s almost completely dark, but I know my way home. This could work for me. Once into the open air, I’ll have to run as fast as possible, hopefully, this would have slowed him down enough for me to slip into the cover of the darkness, past the street lights. 
I step past the final table, and the bookshelves, putting my hands on the door and pushing. It opens and I break into a run, I still hear him. A sharp pain shoots into my leg, and I think I must've twisted my ankle, but I look down and instead see a dart sticking out of my leg. My vision goes blurry, and my breath is ragged and uneven. I stop running, I can barely hold myself up straight. I’m not. I’m swaying, bracing myself for the impact that's sure to come when I can no longer support myself. And then I drop, blacking out on my fall down.
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 1 year
There's a giant giant number of things happening here In punta Gorda Florida they decided to get John remillard the hell out of there that one's complaining back had a terrible day. They're running around singing the song and it's horrible so we see that Garth is figuring stuff out he didn't want to play that I'm still standing and he heard what it sounds like coming from them so start playing it at these Trump rallies and they're horrified is him huge numbers of people go there and let me hear the music and it's piped in a little it goes off and then start singing it and they're horrible but right here in punta Gorda
-we have 50 million people lined up 10 miles outside Charlotte county and their enemy combatants and they announced it and they are dead and yeah we are announcing the death of higher ups or dying from the neighborhood it was like five houses total how about 20 houses have suffered glasses today there's probably five more houses involved but out of those 20 houses 10 of them are now defunct so that means 15 different houses and it's true they're actually going and my husband would know them by name from westborough and St John's Wentworth different names but he was running into them occasionally and it's only a few thousand of these people and they're 200 houses so really there's 185 houses left and they're being replaced by other warlock no their plans are disappearing and it's even if they see it before no. There's several more ways and rings and they're emptying themselves out I suspect an additional five houses might be leaving today and she's not to move out until their dead for the most part. Is a huge number of people wanted to move in. Including us and everyone's fighting over this houses and the remaining warlock from those clans getting whiped out.
-7 million idiots are trying to get into Charlotte county and they're getting wiped out and they come from all over the place mostly Florida these days it's saying half Florida and that's a lot
-200 million are getting hit to the west of where the wall will be in a big ring and 300 million in a second ring and on the other side of it about eight octillion are going to hit right now after that he's going to go home to eat something these people a bunch of rude f*** okay these people are f*****
-we see them riding around later cuz he's saying stuff and then get drunk and they really just are ready to check out I guess but there's other things happening in punta Gorda Florida they're at their 10% and they're reaching 50% and they woke up this morning and said I can't stand hearing me I can't stand listening to them I can't stand what they're saying I can't stand who they are and I definitely can't stand them bothering him or me and they decide to take out more they're up to 60% roughly or approaching it really and they will take out more and they're taking them out and following them around and grabbing them stopping them on the roadways call them all out it's quite a lot of people but that's what they're doing we're doing it too and foreigners and it's the law no terrorists Losers. I heard figures of expectations or even planned development of 85% today. We're moving forwards but that's a lot of people and if it's 85% the government they'll be firing Private industry too and probably even more and we'll see this afternoon that's a big chunk they're tired of trump and they don't want them flying around sticking in their face and December 7th is ridiculous and they're under the gun they don't have much time for these idiots
-15% of the population is evacuating today and maybe 5% more I hear two to three percent already because of what's going on with the government and these are people who are mostly additional to those getting laid off jobs a lot of private industries summer government but they want to leave people getting executed for doing stupid things and they went out 15% of the population but of the morlock that are here it's still a large number if you add that to the government employees and Private industry that are probably get killed today and people running around attacking walls I'm probably going to like 30% so only 70% will be left and they're not getting people in allegiant Air was stopped JetBlue was stopped Swiss Air was stopped and versions of Southwest Air and American airlines that they painted was stopped and they want to pretend they're Mexicans my husband says and misspelled American airlines. So naturally they get caught anyways but okay. I keep trying to get here and if they get on The airliner they're pointed out the whole time when they get off their pointed out and security grabs them and the max are questioned and then they're released every time.
-don't have a ton of time for these people and they're gross and they wanted to get bit by bugs so they get nailed with bugs lots of them a huge numbers go after them and they get really they get really sick quick and it's gross but we are attacking them and stuff because of what they're doing here two more minutes this area it's going to be quieter and people are coming in and pulling them out elsewhere switch over that's good it works
-there's a certain number of people that think we should get rid of assholes that are abusing him because it's not a good example to keep them around and we're actually trying to do that and we need assistance if you're of that opinion we would like you to join up forces with us and as soon as you can
-there's another thing happening they are trying to grab other people's belongings because they're finding it hard to get stuff even at Walmart they can't buy things because people won't let them they won't let the cards run so their eyeballing each other's stuff you keep going up to his bike and saying and that's what they're doing trying to threaten him to get stuff and we're pulling their card for it and a lot of people are for the threat and for trying to steal and people tell him to get out and every night people leave tonight the anticipate on top of today because they're leaving daytime they're leaving at 10 to 15% another 10 to 15% of the molar will exit making it about 40% of left today one way or the other and it might be more depending on private industries layoffs and people who quit
That's all I got he always ask me do you have anything more and their bother him and his stomaching it but he needs to get home and clean up and stuff it's itchy some bugs on him small ones. Couple bites so we're going to start up when I get there we have we're acquiring more companies today in pretty large industries hospitals and pharmaceuticals huge huge companies one of them when he said we acquired and would just be the about but we will acquire today
God bless all and thank you for listening
0 notes
adult-kinda · 3 years
More Than Enough
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From sharing crayons at daycare to sneaking out the house in middle school. You and Sunghoon had done it all together. He lived on the other side of your street's loop. When you first met it was at the daycare center most kids in your neighborhood went to. From there your parents sent you to the same schools "accidentally" because everyone else was going there.
Everytime someone asked how you two became friends you always said you were forced into it. Following daycare he was typically the only person you knew so you always fell back on him. Sunghoon was always happy to help you because he thought you were sweet. Then over the years his mom pressured him to date you, like really pressured him.
The pressure to date wasn't just from your parents but friends and other outsiders. It got to a point where instead of people wanting to date you guys they wanted you to date each other. It was obvious to the world that you should be, especially with the reciprocated feelings.
Yes, you and Sunghoon had feelings for each other. Your parents knew it, friends knew it, employees and coworkers knew it, hell even you guys knew it! Addressing the feelings was not apart of the plan so Sunghoon never bothered the topic and neither did you. The two of you just remained best friends. With benefits. And all strings attached.
"So Yeji's class is having a recital tonight..."
You nodded at the boy and drank your cola.
"And I don't really wanna go alone so..." Sunghoon continued.
Once again you nodded waiting for him to continue.
"So what?"
"So I want you to be my plus one!"
There it was. You saw it coming and in all honesty you really didn't want to go.
"Yeah no."
Sunghoon sighed. "But Yeji has a solo and she'll be crushed if I'm not there! Please?"
You rolled your eyes and pointed your compostable chopsticks at him.
"She wants you there, not me. You go watch your sissy and I'll watch Song Joongki's fine ass speak Italian!"
"You only like the show because of me anyway!"
Sunghoon huffed and watched the two other guys sit down.
"Uh oh, did the lovers get into a fight?" Jake teased.
"I pray they didn't, I don't feel like siding with one idiot over the other." Jay commented.
Sunghoon shook his head and motioned to you .
"Princess won't be my plus one to Yeji's recital!" He complained.
Jake shrugged not seeming to find the issue. "Why can't you go alone?"
You nodded with a smile. "See that's what I said!"
Sunghoon shook his head. "Me? Alone? In a sea of fifteen-year-old girls? Jay help me out here!"
Jay chuckles but agrees with the boy.
"He has a point, that sounds terrifying."
You looked at Sunghoon who was giving you the puppiest of puppy eyes.
Sunghoon was not letting up. He was going to pull every trick in the books if it meant you would accompany him to this forsaken recital.
"What if-"
"Just listen!" He interjected.
"No because you're gonna bribe me! Hoonie I wanna spend my Friday night sleeping before I have to spend another five days getting Jay's dad's schedule prepared!" You complained.
"I'll just tell my dad you want a day off, you have so many hours of sick leave and vacation days!" He reasoned.
Sunghoon narrowed his eyes and grabbed your hand.
You sighed. "I know what you're about to do."
Sunghoon smirked and nodded. "Don't break rule number two!"
Damn it he pulled that card. You had three rules in your friendship that you've stuck with since middle school;
Rule 1: Be completely honest with each other, no hiding things.
Rule 2. Always be available for each other, within reason and regardless of relationship status.
Rule 3. Don't fuck up rules 1 and 2.
Sunghoon liked to pull the "breaking rule 2" card when he wanted his way.
"Okay fine! I'll meet you at your place at six."
"Seven." Sunghoon corrected.
Jake scoffed at you guys.
"You're probably going to his house after work anyway."
He wasn't wrong, because after you all had clocked out from Mr. Park's building Sunghoon ended up driving you home.
"Okay find a nice dress or something and come back. We'll stay at mine for a bit." He instructed.
You nodded and huffed.
"What color are you wearing?" You asked.
Sunghoon shrugged and scrolled through TikTok.
"Hoonie I can't pick out a dress if it's gonna look off from what you're wearing!" You complained.
The boy set his phone down and looked at you with an irritated expression.
"Girl I don't figure these things out until I'm getting dressed! Maybe like black pants and a white top? I don't know!" He said exasperated.
You shook your head in disbelief.
"Ridiculous. I'll choose my outfit and you're just gonna have to go with my choice."
Sunghoon watched you go inside your house and chuckled. It was the spring recital so you'd probably pick a pastel color or something. Sunghoon knew you so well, perhaps better than you knew yourself.
"If I wear sage green...no I'll just do brown. But brown is too-"
Your though process was interrupted by Sunghoon honking his horn. You hadn't even been looking for ten minutes and this boy already had a problem? Unbelievable.
"Baby pink? Yeah let's do that."
You chose the silk dress with a pair of black heels. The items, along with some additional accessories, were put into your duffle bag and you made your way out the house. When you were back in the car Sunghoon chuckled.
"You chose the baby pink one."
You looked at him in shock. How did he know?
"Were you stalking me?" You accused (not that it really mattered to you).
Sunghoon shook his head and backed out of your driveway.
"It's spring time and you like the silk dresses I buy you. Of course you'd go with that one. I know you." He explained.
You chuckled at his words. Sunghoon was right, he knew you too well.
At Sunghoon's place you immediately went through his closet to find his outfit.
"Aha! Okay you're wearing this light pink button up with the black jeans I like and that one pair or boots you have. This is gonna look so hot!" You said excitedly.
Sunghoon chuckled and took the items from your hands.
"If I look like a bubblegum candy I'm never letting you dress me again!"
You waved off his comment and let him go change in his bathroom. You did the same in his bedroom and added the gold accessories. It wasn't super extravagant, just a chain bracelet, dainty necklace, and a pair of earrings.
Quickly you pulled out your makeup bag and set it on Sunghoon's dresser. The mirror above it functioned as a convenient vanity for you.
"So I'm not opposed to this..."
Sunghoon's voice wavered when he saw your figure at his dresser. That dress looked as heavenly as he thought it would on you.the silky pink made you look innocent but in a more "adult" way.
"You look stunning!" Sunghoon complimented with a smile.
You smiled back at him in the mirror. His hands were tugging at his cuffs. You were happy to see that he looked great in the outfit. The pink tone brought out his lip shade more.
"I see you cleaned up nicely! Now I'm gonna finish my eyes and then we can go."
Sunghoon nodded and looked at you again.
"We leave at 7:30."
You nodded and quickly finished your makeup. As you were finishing up your brows you noticed Sunghoon's lingering gaze on your body.
"You want something?" You asked with a smirk.
Sunghoon nodded shamelessly. "Yeah for all the guys in the world to never make eye contact with you." He mumbled
You chuckled and grabbed your mascara. "Now we both know that's far from realistic."
Sunghoon was going to respond when his phone rang. It happened to be Jake on FaceTime.
"Damn what a way to respond to your friend! I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to the company party Monday night." Jake said.
Sunghoon looked at you and you shrugged.
"If you wanna go you can."
You heard Jake scoff at your words.
"You know she's not your boss." He commented.
Sunghoon nodded from his bed. "Yeah but I value her opinion first. Say hi, Y/N!"
The camera turned to you and you chuckled.
"Hi Jake!"
"Damn! Girl you look great!" He complimented.
Sunghoon rolled his eyes and flipped the camera back.
"And that's enough!"
You added some lipstick and setting spray to finish off your look for the night.
"Hoonie it's just a compliment! Anyways I'm going with you to the company party." You said.
The boy hummed and laughed at something stupid Jake did.
"Bro why would you put the timer for twenty minutes? It's a frozen pizza you idiot!"
You turned around and hopped on the bed to see.
"Princess look at this! It's totally burnt!"
You laughed and Jake looked disappointed and lost.
"Well take out it is. It was for a date too!" He complained.
Your ears perked up at this. "Date? With who?"
"Bahiyyih, Kai's sister."
Sunghoon smiled at that. "I'm surprised he let you guys talk! You know how protective he can be."
Jake nodded. "Yeah but enough with me. When are you two gonna address your situation?"
Sunghoon glanced at you and smiled.
"Simple, she's my best friend and I'm her best friend!"
"So Jay can ask her out?"
"No!" Sunghoon said quickly.
"So I'll set Sunghoon up with-"
"Absolutely not!" You interrupted.
Jake sighed defeated.
"But you're not dating!" He argued.
Sunghoon nodded. "Correct."
Jake rolled his eyes and set his screen down.
"So you both are available?"
"Nope." You answered.
The boy made a sound of frustration and you frowned. What was so confusing to him.
"So what the hell is going on? Because the staff think you're dating!"
Sunghoon stood up and grabbed his keys of the dresser.
"Look we're not dating, just best friends. She's mine, I'm her's. Now c'mon princess we gotta get going."
You stood up and grabbed your shoes and clutch.
"Dude you literally just called her- you know what? Whatever! I'm gonna leave you guys to go to this recital and have your date night. Fucking married couples." Jake mumbled.
Sunghoon waved him bye before escorting you downstairs.
"You ready?" He asked.
You nodded. "Let's watch these teens sing!"
"Yeji is holding it together oh my gosh they're terrible." You whispered.
Sunghoon nodded. "Yeah they're not the greatest choir in Korea."
Okay, so the class choir wasn't absolutely horrible, they just weren't great. The difference between audible and something you want to listen to.
"On the bright side you look amazing in that dress." Sunghoon whispered.
You smiled and nodded. "Thank you but that's like the fourth time you said that."
The boy nodded. "I hope you're getting the idea?"
You looked at him for a second and noticed his hidden intentions in his eyes. You smirked and looked back at the choir.
"Considering where your hand was placed in the car yeah, I'm catching on pretty quickly."
Sunghoon briefly nodded and checked his phone. "There's like one more song and then refreshments or something. I say we book it ASAP and go to your place."
You chuckled quietly and shook your head.
"Cute plan, but no. We have to bring Yeji home and knowing her she's gonna ask for her friends to stay. My parents are gonna be home with the baby tonight so I'm on babysitting duty with Doyoung And Wooyoung."
Sunghoon sighed in frustration. He didn't always have sex with you but when he wanted to you were typically available. Now with your parents on their fourth kid they needed help from their oldest daughter to keep things running as they should.
"Damn, why do your parents love children? Aren't Do and Woo old enough to take care of themselves?" He complained.
You sighed and nodded to the stage. "Watch your sister perform for crying out loud!"
The performance was decent enough and the refreshments we're dry. You expected nothing less from a school recital but damn this sucked.
Sunghoon's night sucked for other reasons. Not only was he going to be left high and dry, but he had to witness guys checking you out left and right. None of them were bold enough to talk to you (thankfully) but Sunghoon noticed it all.
"Oppa! Can Sooyoung, Jiwoo, and Haseul spend the night please?" Yeji pleaded.
Sunghoon rolled his eyes and looked at you for an answer. He tended to need a second opinion on things like this.
"If course they can, Ji!" You answered.
Sunghoon glared at you and turned to his sister.
"Fine, but no pranks or anything." He warned. "Now let's go."
The girls happily followed you guys to the car. They gossiped about your relationship as Sunghoon held you by the waist as you walked.
"Why did you invite them to my house?" Your boy complained.
You shrugged with a smirk. "You and I both know that you would've caved in anyway! Besides, it's practically our house for how much time I spend there."
Sunghoon rolled his eyes and pulled out his phone to check the time.
"Just give me five minutes alone with you. That's all I'll need, yeah?"
You shook your head and got in the passenger seat. "You know that's not possible! I don't think you can finish the job in five minutes!"
Sunghoon scoffed and poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue.
"Oh really? Because last time I checked it didn't take much time at all for you!"
"Um you guys?" Haseul asked.
"What?" You both responded in sync.
"Are you guys dating?"
"No!" Once again, synchronized.
Sunghoon glanced at the girls and then at you.
"We'll finish this at home."
You nodded and unlocked your phone. "I'm sure we will."
His bathroom. Of course he'd take you to his bathroom. The one in his bedroom had a lock so no one would be able to get in. It was perfect.
"Fuck I know you're a screamer but right now I need you quiet!" Sunghoon groaned.
Current situation? You we're seated on the counter and he had two fingers inside of you within two minutes. It was his way of "rewarding you for looking so good."
"Hoonie- fuck!" You cried.
Sunghoon chuckled and brought his other hand to cover your mouth.
"Princess I'm not gonna tell you again. You either keep your pretty little noises to a minimum or I won't hesitate to edge you and leave your clit throbbing for the rest of the night."
You immediately opted to keep yourself quiet. Knowing Sunghoon his threats were never empty and he would hold up on his end.
"You're so tight around my fingers! Fuck imagine how my cock would feel inside you." He said in your ear.
You let out a quiet whine. Sunghoon already had you close to the edge.
"Yeah? You like that? I bet you'd like it more if I impaled you on my dick you little slut." He whispered.
That was all it took for you to squirt on his fingers that brushed your g-spot perfectly.
"That's fucking right. Cum for me like a good girl."
Sunghoon fucked you right through your orgasm and whispered praises into your ear.
"Would you look at that, it's only been five minutes since I got you in here!" He teased.
You chuckled and shook your head. "But I thought you wanted to get your dick wet. Should I kneel for you-"
"Don't worry about me, princess. We don't have enough time anyway. Now let's clean you up and get you home, yeah? Before your father kills me." He said.
You rolled your eyes at Sunghoon. Your father? Not liking him? Impossible! Sunghoon was loved by pretty much everyone in your family, sometimes a little too loved.
The boy washed his hands in the sink and grabbed a small hand towel to clean you with.
"Always so sweet with the aftercare!" You praised.
Sunghoon chuckled and wiped your legs down careful to avoid overstimulating you.
"Well I'm just that perfect I guess!" He commented with a cheeky smile.
You laughed and brought his face upward by the chin.
"The best best friend in the whole universe!" You announced playfully.
The boy smiled and leaned in to kiss you sweetly. His lips seemed to praise yours in the kiss. How that was possible? You weren't sure, but Sunghoon loved to adore you in every way possible.
"Oppa! Where's Y/N!" Yeji shouted from our side his bedroom door.
Sunghoon pulled away with a groan. Now was not the time for him to be disturbed. Nonetheless he picked you up and walked you over to the bed he'd lay you down on. It took him a lot of strength to ignore the thoughts inside his head and focus.
"What Yeji?" He asked opening his door a bit.
"I asked where's Y/N? I want her to hang out with me and the girls!" She said.
Sunghoon shook his head. "She's off limits right now."
Yeji wasn't buying it. "Yeah okay whatever. Where is she really?"
"On my bed." Sunghoon answered shortly.
"Oh so I can just-"
"You can just nothing! I'm gonna take her home and you're gonna mind your own business! If you wanna hang out with her then schedule it your damn self!" He whined.
Yeji gave an irritated expression before smirking. "You fucked her!"
"No no you had sex with her! Let me find out that you had sex with her! And you guys always claim to be best friends!" Yeji commented with a laugh.
You watched Sunghoon's back as he attempted to handle the situation. Part of you wanted to mess with him and the other part reasoned that it wouldn't be wise.
"Oh yeah! Harder daddy! I'm gonna cum!" You moaned mockingly.
You and Yeji laughed as Sunghoon closed his door.
"You." He pointed you out.
You smiled and he crawled above you on the bed.
"What? I was just having fun!"
The boy rolled his eyes and checked his phone that was on his nightstand. The time was getting closer to ten and he knew you'd have to be home to help your parents with the twins.
"Can't I just come over to yours and help you? I'm great with kids!" Sunghoon argued.
You sighed and ran your hands on his chest. There was too much sexual tension to be left alone.
"Fine. Text your mom-"
Before you could finish your sentence Sunghoon's lips were on yours. He wasn't wasting any time with you. His hands had a firm grip on your ass as he grinded onto you.
"Hoonie-" you interrupted.
Sunghoon attached his lips to the sweet spot on your neck. He sucked and bit hard enough to leave a hickey.
"Prince that's enough! You're getting carried away!" You warned playfully.
The boy finally detached himself from you and huffed.
"Now are you gonna take me to mine or sit here and raise suspicion?" You asked.
Sunghoon took a moment to compose himself before getting up and grabbing his keys from his dresser.
"Let's go before I lose my sanity."
"Noona! Do took my art project!" Wooyoung complained.
Doyoung ran after his brother with a frown. "Did not! He's just mad he lost scrabble!"
"I did not! Cryptosis isn't even a real word! Noona he's telling lies!"
Sunghoon sighed and kneeled down to remove your heels and his shoes.
"Sunghoon-hyung!" Doyoung cried.
The boys practically flocked to him.
"Hey you two! Can you both share please? Play nicely for me and your sister. I'll even play with you in the morning!" He reasoned.
Wooyoung was the first to nod. "Yeah we can!"
"You two have to be in bed in a few minutes so I don't think so! Now what did you eat?" You inquired.
Wooyoung shrugged. "Dad made frozen dumplings and cheese corn."
"Noona can we please just go play? Please?" Doyoung asked desperately.
Before you could answer Sunghoon spoke up.
"Princess they can play quietly in their room, yeah? And we'll play quietly in your's." He suggested.
You rolled your eyes at his choice of words.
"Okay quietly after you've showered. And stay in your room otherwise I'm putting you both to sleep."
"Thank you Noona!" They both said in sync.
The boys gave "secret" thumbs ups to Sunghoon who winked back at them.
You looked at Sunghoon obviously irritated by his actions.
"What? In my defense I was a reckless boy too once!" He reasoned.
You shook your head and scanned the living room to make sure things were in order.
"Well if they're tired and cranky in the morning that's on you!"
Sunghoon chuckled and wrapped his hands around your waist.
"Talk about it in the morning, right now I want you." He announced.
You looked up at him and smiled.
"If we're gonna do this we have to make it quick. People are gonna be over tomorrow to see the baby and I don't want them finding me half naked in my bedroom with you." You said quickly.
Sunghoon smirked and booked it to your room.
Chaelin, the newborn baby girl who just entered your life. She was so tiny and precious, and Sunghoon adored her.
It had been about 12 hours since "everything" and you were woken up by knocks at the door. You forgot you invited some "friends" over to see Chaelin for the first time.
"Bro I didn't know he was good with kids!" Jake shouted.
You and Jay shushed him.
You invited those two along with Heeseung, your senior co worker, and some employee kids; Sunoo, Jungwon, and Riki. They fit in your group because they spent so much time at the company and helped you all out. They were good kids and fun to hang out with.
"Princess she's getting a little fussy." Sunghoon said while passing her to you.
You held her and rocked her slowly, just as your mom taught you to.
"See if I were anyone else I'd think this was your child!" Heeseung commented.
You chuckled and kissed the baby's forehead.
"Yoo Chaelin, my sweet little girl!" You cooed.
Chaelin made a cute sound of joy.
Sunghoon watched the scene with the brightest smile. He loved seeing you with children. You were always a bit of a motherly figure to most, even him at times. Despite being younger by a few weeks you always made sure he had everything, never skipped his meals, made sure he drank water, all the little things.
"Here sweetie, I'll take her to your mother now. Thank you all for coming! And Sunghoon thanks for taking care of the boys last night!" Your father thanked everyone gratefully.
You all exited the room and went downstairs to the living area.
"So you guys gonna have kids?" Jake asked in a relaxed manner.
You and Sunghoon laughed at his words. It was a lie to say you both haven't romanticized the idea of having kids of your own.
"Not now, no!"
Riki grabbed the Playstation controller and turned on whatever game was loaded.
"You guys are always taking care of kids, why not?" He commented.
You grabbed some snacks from the kitchen and laid them out in the coffee table.
"Because having kids of your own is very different! Besides, prince and I are still young. There's no way we'd be able to provide for a family!" You reasoned.
Sunghoon shook his head. "Actually I'm gonna disagree with you."
You raised an eyebrow and looked at him. "Oh really?"
"Yeah! We both make enough and have it saved to buy a house, why not? You're gonna stay and help your parents but soon Chaelin will be in kindergarten. Then we buy a house, have some kids, and we're set!" Sunghoon explained.
You nodded sarcastically and grabbed a cracked off the table.
"You make it sound so easy for someone who's not doing the heavy lifting! I'd have to carry and deliver the child!!" You argued.
Sunoo laughed and nodded. "She's right! She has the final say!"
Jungwon shook his head and unlocked his phone.
"Mom and Dad are arguing again!" He complained sarcastically.
Heeseung smirked at the two before commenting. "And they say they aren't dating."
You both looked at him with confusion.
"Of course we're not!" You fired back.
"Sunghoon nodded in agreement. "We're just clingy!"
Jake rolled his eyes. "This is the same damn conversation I had with these two last night. Look guys, you're dating! Everything literally aligns with dating! You hangout. You kiss. You fu-"
"Minors in the room!" Jay reminded.
"You get the idea! Why not just label it?" He complained.
You shook your head and cuddled closer to Sunghoon.
"Because there's nothing to label! He's mine, I'm his, were best friends." You explained.
The guys gave up and watched Riki beat the game level.
"Back to kids..."
"Prince, no."
Jay sat next to Sunghoon as you played with your twin brothers. You decided to take them to the park and the guys followed you. Sunghoon was with Jay as the others ran around playing games they were too old to play, with the exception of Riki.
"I know you're tired of the label question but you know we're just trying to help, right?" Jay asked.
Sunghoon exhaled and nodded. "I know. I'm just happy with our understanding of each other. There isn't a label that suits us properly so best friends is the best we can do."
Jay chuckled and shook his head. "Not even dating?"
Sunghoon shook his head in denial. "It's more than that! A girlfriend is someone you get with and do happy little things together. Then when it goes wrong there's the option to leave, the ability to be available. Me and princess? That's permanent. That's something that could never match the definition of dating."
Jay took in his friend's words. From an outside perspective it took a minute to understand but he got it. There was an understood chemistry that any outsider could see but not recognize.
"You know people are still gonna ask." Jay pointed out.
Sunghoon nodded and smiled at you going down the slide with a little girl.
"I know, and all they need to know is that she's mine."
Fast forward to a week after everything. Sunghoon had been quite mentally distracted from you. He hadn't called or come over as often and you were concerned. One Friday night he texted you. Finally, an explanation.
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You pulled on a pair of converse and made your great escape out the backdoor of your house. You walked around the loop and hopped the fence to Sunghoon's backyard. He sat on the wooden bench he made in school. His face was lit up by the blue light coming from his phone. In his raw form he looked so beautiful in your eyes.
"Hey!" You greeted.
He smiled and pulled you closer next to him.
"Hey I wanna ask you something."
You nodded and looked at his eyes, trying to find a motive.
"Are you happy with us?" He asked.
That was a question you weren't ready for. In your opinion it was stupid.
"Of course I am!"
Sunghoon shook his head and grasped your hand. "Are you happy with our arrangement, persay?"
So that's what this was about. He was bothered by the questions and comments.
"Why are you asking me this?" You asked in total confusion.
Sunghoon looked down and exhaled shakily.
"I love what we have, I really do. But I want you to be happy. If you want a new label then let me know, we can define it if you want to."
You shook your head in denial. "I'm fine!"
"Are you though? It's like we're always playing pretend! Always together, sleeping together like mom and dad but never really sure what to call it." Sunghoon argued.
You scoffed and stood up in front of him. "We don't need to know what to call it! It's no one else's business but ours."
Sunghoon stood up and matched your energy. You two had argued before and things got heated, but it always came back down.
"Then what? We talk about being together all the time so why don't we just make it happen? You say you enjoy what we have but I'm scared that you don't! I'm actually terrified that you're just saying all this for my benefit!" He shouted.
You raised your eyebrows in shock. "So you don't trust me? Wow you really just broke rule one!"
Sunghoon shook his head in frustration. "The fuck was I supposed to do, come out and say hey everyone thinks we need a label and I'm scared that you want one too? How was I supposed to tell you I can't tell if you're truly happy with us? If anything you're the one breaking rule one with hiding your honest feelings!"
You chuckled dryly and grabbed your phone. "I'll text you when I'm home, this shit's for the birds."
When Sunghoon saw you take a step away from him he broke.
"Wait! Princess please, I just want this to be enough for you."
You turned around upon hearing his confession. There it was; he just wanted this to be enough. Yes he was in his head about it all but it was all for a good reason. Sunghoon just wanted to make sure you were happy and okay. He was always taking care of you, always.
When you say back down you brought your fingers delicately to his porcelain-like face. Slowly you caught his stray tears and removed them. Then you planted kisses on his cheeks.
"Listen to me, prince. I love what we have. Everytime I need you you're right there. You're always taking care of me and I'm so grateful. Everytime I'm with you I see my whole life. If it were anyone else yes, I'd want a label six years ago. But with you I love what we have because it's more than enough. You're more than enough."
Sunghoon's eyes gazed into yours with more love than he thought he had. In you he found that there was nothing to be scared, worried, or insecure about. He was yours, you were his, and that would always be more than enough.
"I'm starting to think bringing the guys on this family vacation was not a good idea." Sunghoon muttered as he looked at Riki throwing sand at Jake.
You chuckled and held your baby sister happily. He stood behind you in his shorts, his shirt long abandoned when you reached the Air BNB.
That July you and Sunghoon's families planned a group vacation and Sunghoon being Sunghoon, he invited all his friends with you guys. It was a nice island in Hawaii that your parents decided was perfect.
"Excuse me sir, but I just had to say your family is so precious!" An older lady said with a smile.
Sunghoon chuckled and thanked her before you could correct her.
"Thank you, miss! She's only about fourth months old but I'm sure she'll remember the compliments!" He said.
The lady laughed and continued walking. When she was far enough you slapped Sunghoon's bicep.
"Ow! What the hell!"
"You and I both know this is not our child! Now I think I see my mom!"
You took Sunghoon with you to pass your baby to your mother. She gladly took the now sleeping child and let you and Sunghoon hang out with your friends.
"Seeing you with the baby makes me really happy." Sunghoon said.
You smiled and walked closer to him. "Did it now? You want to be a father so bad!" You teased.
The older boy chuckled and brought his hands to your waist.
"Yeah, to your kids. Now can you stop? I might not be able to keep things calm." He warned.
You smirked as you got closer to the guys who were waving you over.
"What, thinking about breeding me?"
Sunghoon stopped and turned to you. He was clearly irritated by your antics.
"What? Don't wanna imagine your thick cock inside my creamy pussy? How pliant I'd be for you? Imagine me carrying your babies Hoonie." You whispered in his ear.
That was all it took for the boy to turn you around to the house.
"Hey where're you guys going?" Jay shouted.
"Taking care of something." Sunghoon responded quickly.
Once inside the house he rushed you to the closest bedroom on the first floor.
"On the bed. Strip and legs spread." He instructed.
You followed his orders as he worked his shirts and boxers off. He was already pretty hard and you were clearly turned on.
"So my princess wants to be a mommy, huh? You wanna have my babies?" He teased.
You nodded and ran your hands across his chest.
"I want your cum inside me." You moaned out.
Sunghoon nodded and kissed you passionately. "You do? You wanna fill your tight little hole with my cum? What else do you want me to do to you, darling?"
His hands ran down your body and squeezed your thighs.
"Fuck! I want you to take care of me." You cried.
Sunghoon bit his lip and nodded.
"I always take good care of you, princess. Gonna make you feel so good." He purred in your ear.
You moaned as his fingers got closer to your heat.
"Wa-want you inside!" You whined.
Sunghoon chuckled and shook his head.
"Inside? You're gonna have to be specific, princess."
You groaned in annoyance and grinded down onto his hand.
"Want your thick cock inside my princess parts!"
Sunghoon almost came from your admission alone. You were begging for him and who was he to tease? Well it didn't seem to matter who was was because he did continue to tease.
"You want it slow and deep? Wanna feel every vein of my thick cock? I don't know if your princess parts can take it."
You shook your head and moaned as Sunghoon continued to massage your inner thighs, an erogenous zone for you.
"N-no! I can take it! Your princess can take it! Wa-want your thick cock inside my tight pussy, Hoonie! I'll be s-so good for you!"
Sunghoon took his hand and guided his hard erection inside your tight walls.
"Fuck! Prince to-too big! Need help Hoonie" You squealed.
Sunghoon chuckled and watched you struggle to fully take his cock as he pushed it in.
"What did I say princess? I'm gonna take good care of you. Gonna have you cumming so hard."
You moaned as Sunghoon rocked his hips slowly into you. He kept you close and caged in around him. Everytime he fucked you he treated you like you were his prized possession.
"Fuck! Hoonie fuck! So big! So fucking big inside me!" You moaned.
Sunghoon groaned at how tight and warm you were.
"Fuck baby I'm not gonna last long!" He moaned.
You giggled and tightened around him playfully.
"Oh that's how you wanna play?"
Sunghoon gave a particularly hard thrust and hit your g-spot.
"Daddy!" You cried.
Sunghoon smirked and slapped your clit. "Call me that again and I'll really make you a mommy, princess."
You kept crying out "daddy" and it was pushing Sunghoon to the edge.
"Shit I'm gonna fucking cum!" You whined.
Sunghoon smiled and nodded. "Yeah? Cream my cock. Cum for me and I'll fuck you nice and full. You want that?"
You nodded and shut your eyes at the impact.
"Want it so bad!"
Sunghoon thrusted once more into your g-spot and you came all over his length. He watched your face contort and your body shake in pleasure. He held you the whole time and whisper sweet praises in your ear.
"My pretty princess. Such a good girl for me."
It took you a while to come down from the high. Once you did Sunghoon rutted into you desperate for his release.
"You gonna take my load, princess? Gonna let me fuck you full? I'll make you swollen with my babies. You're tits are gonna be so fucking full, let me cum inside!" He pleased.
You nodded tiredly. "Cum inside, daddy." You were on the pill so you were fine with it.
Sunghoon shot his load into you and it was a lot. It took him maybe three minutes to come down from it all.
"Fucking hell that was a lot." Sunghoon huffed.
You nodded and looked down at the scene between your legs. His cum was everywhere, inside and out.
"Fuck that is a lot! How long have you been holding back on me?" You asked in shock.
Sunghoon chuckled and got up to grab a warm towel.
"I just cum a lot I guess. You're on the pill, right?" He asked from the bathroom.
"Yeah." You said.
Sunghoon came back and began wiping your legs carefully.
"Good. Even though I was serious about you having my kids, not right now."
You chuckled and waited for him to finish up so he could cuddle with you.
"Kisses and cuddles?" You asked once he was seemingly finished.
He chuckled and shook his head. "Not yet."
You pouted at him and huffed.
"Princess I need to get you water and food! I'll be back quickly." He said as he pulled in some sweats.
As he made his way to the large kitchen he heard people clear their throats. He turned around to find Jay, Jake, and Heeseung sitting at the table with stupid smug smirks on their faces.
"Fuck daddy! Harder!" Jake mocked.
"Let me make you a mommy princess! Bro shut up!" Heeseung scolded.
The guys laughed and Sunghoon just ignored them. He grabbed strawberries, mango, and pineapple from the refrigerator and a water bottle.
"You're just jealous." He defended.
Jay rolled his eyes. "I promise you we're not. You just have a big breeding kink and need to calm down before you actually knock her up."
Sunghoon rolled his eyes and took the bowl in one hand and the water in the other.
"Uh huh, I'll calm down when you quit with your whole master bdsm fantasy." He commented before leaving for the bedroom.
"I have fruit for my pretty princess and water. Now we can cuddle." He announced.
You smiled and welcomed him in the bed with open arms.
"Here, I'll feed you. You did so well for me!" He praised.
You blushed and took the strawberry between your lips.
"You know, this really feels like a honeymoon! Minus everyone else I guess." You said out loud.
Sunghoon smiled and brought you in for a kiss. Your lips tasted sweet with strawberry essence.
"One day I'll marry you but for now, this is more than enough."
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weepinglevi · 3 years
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patience is a virtue
summary: college!au. all aged up. eren and reader continue with their sexual escapades. find part one here! warnings: 18+ minors dni. dirty text messages, dirty talk. dom!eren and bratty reader (i suppose?). throat fucking and semi-public sex. (no p in v tho) word count: around 3.5k A/N: i have a love/hate relationship with this eren ahaha, he's been ruling my brainrot ever since the last part so i hope you enjoy! there will be a part three eventually, so be on the lookout for that! enjoy your read and feedback is greatly appreciated! xx
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you awake to your phone vibrating somewhere next to you. the hope of it only being a one-time occurrence quickly proven to be false as it just wouldn't stop. brr-brr. a second of silence. brr-brr. pause. brr-brr.
taking a mental note to never go to sleep again without turning off your phone, you roll over to your other side and try to ignore it. you could simply answer the texts, but that meant you'd have to open your eyes. and that whoever was texting you would win this weird battle you've just come up with in your head.
"if you don't pick up your goddamn phone, i'll smack you over the head with it," sasha groans from the other side of your shared dorm, words coming slurry with her tiredness.
"i could also stick it up your ass, your decision," a pillow comes flying to your head, serving as enough of a warning for you to sit up in your bed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
"quit moaning, i'll turn it off now," you yawn, feeling around your bed for your phone, "you never hear me complaining about the shit you do in the middle of the night."
"that's because my shit is funny and not fucking annoying," she scoffs, followed by a muted thump as she is sinking back down into her pillows. sasha's way of ending the conversation.
you find your phone half-tucked underneath your pillow, the display already lighting up again. someone is desperate for attention, you think to yourself and unlock your phone with an annoyed sigh. the messages were coming from an unknown number.
thinking about your wet pussy. this is eren, btw. historia gave me your number. i told her you wouldn't mind you don't mind, do you?
in a matter of seconds, your heart is beating in your throat once more, just like this afternoon in that godforsaken computer lab. ears growing hot at his words, you could almost imagine the sound of him laughing at you again. with trembling fingers, you scroll down further.
anyway, let's do it again sometime i told you. i'll never let you forget about how you moaned my name i'm also not forgetting about how badly i want to fuck that pretty mouth of yours, so it's a win-win see ya, then
staring down at your phone, you don't know if you should answer him. and even if you would answer his texts, what the hell should you say? "fucking bastard," the words escaping your mouth before even realizing that you'd better keep quiet. the only thing that could make this situation any worse was if sasha were to wake up again.
scratch that, you think as you see eren's new messages.
how badly do you want to suck my cock? you looked really hot today, covered in my cum what, you're shy again?
there are two ways this could go: either you stand up, put on some clothes, and then go to eren's dorm to let hell rain upon him - or simply mute your phone and ignore him. deciding to go with the latter, you lie back down and save his number as "fuckhead", a small grin forming on your face. if he wants to be childish, then you can be, too.
the display still lighting up at a steady pace, you have to fight the urge to open his other messages. to physically prevent yourself from grabbing your phone again, you put your hands between your thighs and sigh. what the hell have i gotten myself into?
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"so, who am i gonna have to teach some manners today?", sasha asks in the morning, "because there are only two valid reasons for sending that many texts in the middle of the night," she sits up in her bed and bends over to reach for her phone, "either someone's dead or there's a food sale."
cringing at the thought of having to read the countless other messages eren has sent throughout the night, you try to laugh at her comment, "of course, when there's food involved, you're all for it."
"girl's gotta eat," she claims, thankfully being too distracted by something on her phone to notice your strange behavior, "i'm gonna be back later than usual today, connie wants me to be his wingman again."
starting to go off on a tangent about how connie should just get a dating app already, sasha's words become more of background noise to you. you want to know what he wrote. what he has in store for you. at the same time, you curse yourself out. you're turning into a headless chicken and all of it because of eren fucking yeager?
you nod here and there, offering her a "yes" at what you believe to be fitting moments, desperately hoping she doesn't catch up on your restlessness. all the while the two of you are getting ready for the day. this goes on for a few more minutes and you have no clue what she's talking about now, so you decide to grab your phone and stand up.
"i'm gonna go for a run around campus, you want coffee?" you blurt out, interrupting her monologue. the device in your hand feels as if it's burning through your skin. slipping into your trainers, you're already halfway out the room, her perplexed "uh- yes, please," being muffled by the door closing behind you.
it's still warm outside - not as hot as yesterday, but warm enough for you to be glad to have forgotten your cardigan earlier. you let out a deep breath, trying to clear your mind. even though you told sasha you'd be out for a run, you walk at a slow pace.
some people are already wandering around campus, most of them on their way to a lecture. at this time in the morning, everyone has their heads full with their own worries so no one notices you slowly making your way off-campus.
arriving at a little park surrounded by trees, you sit down on the bench farest off. you notice your heart fluttering like the wings of a hummingbird when pulling the phone out of your back pocket. fuck him, you think once again while typing in your code. fuck him for making me feel this way.
12 unread messages.
didn't seem all too shy when i had my hand wrapped around your throat no need to play hard to get when i already had you if that makes sense? haven't fucked you yet doesn't mean i won't get to fuck you
all you want is to feel appalled by these messages. to screenshot them and send them to the dean. maybe even to his mother. sickened with yourself though, you already feel the familiar warmth creeping up your body, curling up in your abdomen.
i know you want it, too how fucking needy you were for me getting yourself off in public to the thought of me maybe you can tell me what exactly you were thinking of? gonna make sure to let your dreams come true, princess
pet names? you clench your fist at the thought of eren leaning over you, breathing the word princess into your ear. you have an inkling that he'd say it mockingly; spitting it out whilst gathering your hair in a ponytail, arching your back forcefully, and slamming his length into you without mercy.
no. you hate pet names. at least, you've always hated them.
i'm gonna find out if you're ignoring me right now remember, you're not the best actress. fucking suck at it, actually wouldn't want to be punished now, would we?
his last message echoed in your head. still coming to terms with the fact of what happened yesterday, now you have to deal with a whole new revelation: eren yeager being a cocky motherfucker pushing all the right buttons for you. even though you want to blast his ass for this, the mere thought of him being near you again is too sweet of an imagination.
you want to play this game, too. for whatever reason keep on riding this high, and you just know that no one could do it quite as well as eren can. somehow you can only imagine taking him on this ride with you, no one else.
so, in that manner you decide to ignore his messages. if he's desperate enough to keep on sending them in the middle of the night, you're sure it won't be long until he sends another text. and it would give him enough reason to try and punish you, whatever that might entail – you're excited to find out. fucking nervous, too. but then again, who wouldn't be?
you stand up and put your phone in your back pocket, a sense of excitement surrounding your steps as you turn left to make your way to the nearest coffee shop.
"something tells me you're ignoring me," of course, the moment eren's voice comes up behind you, you fucking flinch like a little bird that's been scared away, "mostly because i've seen you reading the messages, but what do i know?"
you turn to see him clutching his heart dramatically, "don't play with my feelings like this," he swoons, bringing one hand to his forehead. he's laughing again, all white teeth and bright smiles – you realize this is the kind of eren you rarely get to see. not the cocky bastard he normally portrays; right now, he seems to be a happy-go-lucky kind of guy, just enjoying himself. still, you want to show him that you can play just as well as he can.
crossing your arms in front of your chest, you slightly raise a brow, trying your hardest to not look as nervous as you feel. it's a lost cause though because you can already feel the tips of your ears glowing with heat again. can't things go my way for once? just once? you think and chew the inside of your cheek. you felt so sure of yourself just moments ago. how the hell can he have this sort of effect on you?
suddenly, his whole demeanor changes. before, he seemed laid-back, entertained by the game he played with you. now he leans forward, hands in the pockets of his jacket and an almost cruel smile forming on his lips, "don't try to challenge me in this. you'll lose."
you know that you should feel frightened. terrified, even. he's looking like a lion preparing to jump the antelope, a sense of alarming calmness around him that's causing the small hairs on your neck to stand up. but alas, the way he's looking at you seems to have the same effect on you his scent has.
"i told you not to ignore me," eren says and takes a few steps closer to you, "yet here you are, doing it again." the chuckle leaving his lips a stark contrast to his stern gaze, still trained on you. somehow, you feel awfully small again - still not frightened, though. you stare right back at him, tilting your head slightly as if you wanted to say "so what?"
"are you seriously that desperate to be punished?"
better now than never, you think and once again place a courtly smile on your lips, "seems like it."
for a split second, you see eren's smug look turn into a genuine smile. realizing that you're up for his game, he lets out a smooth whistle, "you do surprise me."
"if you wouldn't always be so full of yourself, i'm sure you'd have recognized this sooner," you can feel the confidence growing in yourself again. clinging on to it, you take a step toward him, "i'm full of surprises."
"oh, yeah? i bet you are," from the corner of your eye, you can see him lifting his hand. before thinking twice about it, you bat it away, "i'm not one for public displays of affection."
oh, it is on– eren's smirk turns into a full-fledged grin as he takes a grip of your wrist, "you sure about that?" lifting your hand to his face, for a short moment you think he's going to suck on your fingers again. but all he does is place a faint kiss on the back of your hand, "didn't seem like it yesterday."
"you weren't supposed to see."
"but i'm so glad i did," he leans forward, the two of you standing so close you can feel his breath on your face, "or else we wouldn't have this kind of fun right now."
still having a hold of your hand, he lifts his other to your jaw, gently tracing his thumb across your lower lip, "you looked so pretty in your skirt yesterday."
taking a leap of faith, you grab his hand, holding it in place and letting your tongue run across the tip of his thumb before biting down playfully. there's a hiss and then eren pulls away and grabs your arm, "come with me."
finally, you think and let him guide you to wherever he wants, let's have some fun, then.
on your way out of the park, you pass jean and marco. even though they stand to greet eren, he just raises his hand whilst not breaking his pace, "gotta go, have an assignment to work on."
"never seen you that determined, but go off," jean laughs.
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before you know it, you're inside one of the countless maintenance sheds. pushing you against the wall, eren's movements seem to become more and more erratic by the second. pinning your arms over your head, he's looking down at you, breathing heavily. "you have no idea what you just got yourself into," licking his lips, he chuckles.
"oh, but i think i actually do," you smile innocently, fucking glad to have found your normal self again. admittedly, eren threw you off your game since yesterday – but it's just going to play into your hands now. he won't see it coming until it's hitting him straight in the face; that you're just as messed up as he seems to be.
"then prove it," he breathes against your ear, "tell me how badly you want it."
the stuffy air inside the dimly lit shed doesn't help with keeping eren's scent away from you. being so close to him, looking up into his shadowed face and right into his dilated eyes; you're like putty in his hands. you try to move forward, to touch him in some way because you just know that he'll feel so good under your skin.
"now now, princess," he moves even closer, wedging you between himself and the wall, "how about we learn some patience, first?"
you nod, but then grind up against his thigh, hissing through your teeth, "i worry i'll be a real handful." you know you could very well move your hands, too – eren seems to still be testing the waters as to how far he can go with you. but with him actually letting you grind on him; you decide to play into his hands.
your breaths grow quicker as you keep on, pace becoming erratic. all you want is to get rid of your track pants – come to think of it, what you actually want is eren under you whilst you continuously bounce on his cock. you want to hear him call you princess and immediately after call you his little whore because that's exactly what you are.
eren has a little smile on his lips and you know you should ask yourself why – because you're doing exactly what he has forbidden you to do – but you're too far gone. the heat growing, you feel your knees buckle but he's holding you up; one hand now resting on your waist for support. you're so close –
and then he pulls away from you, nearly causing you to topple over. chest heaving, you place your hands on your knees for balance, "what the fuck was – "
"patience is a virtue," interrupting you with a laugh, but his voice heavy with lust, "thought i might give you a lesson you're ought to remember."
you look up to see eren palming his erection through his pants, standing about an arm's length away from you, "but i have to admit, hearing you getting yourself off is fucking hot."
biting your teeth together, you straighten up and take a step toward him – only for him to click his tongue in disapproval, "you're gonna stay right there," tugging at his pants he raises his eyebrow, "i told you what i want, get on your knees for me."
"the fuck i will," you spit out and make a move again, grasping for his waistband. but eren is quick to take a hold of your hand and pushes you back to the wall, "come on, now, princess," he chuckles but his eyes are concentrated at you, "you want this, don't you?". he's asking for permission, the thought feeling very comforting to you. and also, very excited for what's about to come.
"of course, i do," you answer him earnestly, resting the back of your head against the wall, "or else i wouldn't be here."
"fantastic," he breathes, a little smile playing in the corners of his mouth, "then get down on your knees," placing his hands on your shoulders, weighing you down, "i won't ask again."
the change of tone in his voice has you nodding, slowly sinking onto your knees, you're bursting in anticipation. one hand finally pulling down his pants, he runs his other through your hair, then down your jaw until it comes to rest on your chin.
thumbing at your lower lip, he groans "do i have to be careful?"
you just shake your head no. then you break away from his gaze, fixing your eyes on the bobbing cock in front of you. it's tip leaking with precum already, you remember how badly you wanted to lick it away yesterday.
taking his cock at its base, you bend forward and slide your tongue around its head. the salty taste sending shudders down your spine, you make sure to lift your eyes again once you prepare to take it all down your throat. your other hand snakes up to his balls, slightly tugging them which earns you a moan from eren, and fuck, you're so wet at the sound alone, you let go of his cock and slide one hand down to your own center.
he gathers your hair in one hand, taking the base of his throbbing cock in the other, "bet this is what you thought of yesterday," he slowly but surely pulls your head in closer, "of how i fuck the words right out of you."
bucking your hips into your own hand, you can do nothing but whimper at his words. because yes, this is exactly what you imagined. he's only halfway in and you're already struggling to breathe, but not wanting him to stop you hold your breath and push down even further; trying desperately not to moan.
the tears in your eyes causing your vision to be blurry, you attempt to blink them away.
"shit – ", he's pumping into you now, rubbing the tears from your cheeks and then placing both his hands on your head, "you're doing so well – "
getting lost in his words, the fear of being caught is so far away; you finally moan around his cock. saliva soaking the hem of his shirt, you can't seem to take his whole length, no matter how hard you try. you're a fucking mess under him and the thought alone is nearly sending you over the edge.
he's trying to pull away now and you know he's close, so you snake your hand around his hip, hoping this is enough of a sign to him that if he dared to cum anywhere else than down your throat, you'd bite him.
"you really – " his voice is hoarse, "fuck – this is fucking perfect," he moans as he comes to the realization. leaning his arm against the wall behind you, he's fucking himself into your mouth, his panting and the sound of your choking filling the room.
you close your eyes to blink the tears away again, but eren pulls on your hair, "no – look at me."
with this the knot in your belly explodes, leaving you holding on to eren's hip as you ride the waves of electricity that are running through your body like lava.
"such a good little whore – " he's gone as well, holding your head in place as he's pumping his load down your throat, leaving you no other option than to swallow – which you eagerly do. you feel his legs shaking under your hands.
once again, eren hands you his shirt to clean your face. this time, you take it with a smile, noting that, "i still have your other one."
"don't worry, i'll come get it sometime when sasha's away," the two of you know exactly what this means – neither of you are planning on this to be over anytime soon.
"i'll let you know, then," you nod and stand up, hoping you don't look as well-fucked as you feel, and make your way to the door, "she's gone most of the time."
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