#i don't want life to get in the way of this little bubble i've fought so hard to make y'know
skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
household enemy to the yyh watchthrough number one is the olympics. it's taken us a week to get two episodes into the gamemaster fight
#out of three. please the third episode's what makes it okay im fighting for my life out here#it is NOT for lack of trying on my part but theres only a brief window of time when the olympics is not happening#and as it turns out the watchthrough is Not my mom's first priority (how dare she etc)#i do feel slightly bitter that we've gotten through two eps of band o brothers in the same time#we are fighting for the same timeslots yet somehow the hour long show's gotten a leg up??#you don't have time for a 23 min ep but DO for a 60 min one?? explain the math to me please#idk how to explain the vague feeling of betrayal bc it Does Not make sense Nor matter in the slightest#but cmonnnn we were doing so well. and my little bro's starting up school again soon and my dad's gotta go back to work#sometimes eventually (<- hes on medical leave) and my grandparents are coming over next week We're Losing Time Soon#ughhh if i'd known the olympics were happening (<- somehow completely oblivious to this) i'd have accounted for#my mom getting whisked away by the land of synchronized divers and shot putters and whatever the hell#happens in the summer olympics (<- only pays attention to winter olys)#bc that always happens. and *i* have to go back to school in Some Amount Of Time Im Too Scared To Check (p sure it's late aug though) and#when that happens i'll (hopefully) be stuck across town which means we won't be able to do it any time besides the weekends#and i don't wannaaaaa#i know this is the least important problem anyone's ever had like i get that i know but#it's important to me that they sit down and watch this with me. and watching it pull apart and being#the one who's easily the most invested it makes me look all desperate when i ask them for their time and they can't give it#we can only pull this off neatly in the summer and we were so close and now we're losing it right at the finish line#i don't want life to get in the way of this little bubble i've fought so hard to make y'know#and it's childish and embarrassing and whatever but i just want them to have fun with me with this thing i care about a lot#but i can't do that bc my mom needs to watch the judo matches at Every weight class#even though she's recording a lot of them? i don't understand but whatever i know it's her thing im just moping about it ig#i want it to be as perfect an experience for them as possible and it's slipping away from me#and i don't wanna leave this project unfinished when i start school y'know. sighh#i think they might feel like i only want them around when we're watching stuff. whcih is weird bc that's like#The Singular Way we family bonded literally my whole life so idk why they wouldn't get that when reversed#but either way that IS how i wanna spend time with them. i want them to understand this thing that's become a part of me#and i wanna talk With them about it. and so far it's been fun in a way it's never been before. my mom at least seems to really like it#and i want it to Keep going well bc if we lose momentum im worried they'll start finding it tedious. sighh
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stygianoaths · 2 years
There are times where I wonder if Luke asked Dionysus to cure his mother, you know, what with Dionysus being the god of madness.
I like to believe that Luke had offered to steal the best bottle of wine there is to be stolen in the world, a solemn promise from the son of Hermes.
"No one would know," he whispered earnestly.
Not even the gods.
And maybe Dionysus had laughed at the idea, no matter how intriguing it was, because of course a demigod of mere fifteen would be so bold yet naive to strike deals with gods so much bigger than he. He shut the child down on the spot. He wouldn't fall for such nonsense.
"And risk my father's wrath? You mock me," he drawled. He had made it a point to omit the fact he was not going to tamper with his uncle's curse either. It was off-limits after all, just like that troublesome nymph. He flicked the dirt from his nails, ignoring the way Luke shook on the spot.
"Well? If that's all you better get going, Lucius," he had said.
And Luke's wrath bubbled over in return.
"What good are you gods for, if you won't help us? You're so useless," he scoffed.
Dionysus's eyes lit up in purple at the jab and he got up from his chair. The ground shook as vines broke through the earth. Something felt off yet familiar with the way Luke did not cower at the display of power. Tch, heroes and their bravado.
"We gods do not owe you mortals anything."
"Yes, you do?" Luke retorted with incredulity, dragging a chair to the side as he inched on Dionysus, uncaring of the purple flames that had begun to circle them, the vines that were dangerously close to tugging him by the ankle.
"You owe your entire existence to humanity! We wrote your stories and remembered you! We fought your battles and we died for you!"
"And?" Dionysus laughed, though there was no humor behind it, "I don't care. You can come up with a thousand sob stories, Luis, and I still won't care. I've seen it all and it's all the same. You demigods are nothing but mayflies, destined to die early since the day you were born."
That seemed to silence the boy.
"Of course, I'll make sure to tell all of that to Castor and Pollux. I'll tell them Pops doesn't give a damn if they die now or later, because apparently it doesn't matter anyways. Tell them how he knew what demigod life would be like for them and still went ahead and brought them into this world anyways."
Or not.
"Take their names out of your mouth, boy," Dionysus warned, vines seizing at Luke's wrists and knees.
"Or what? You're gonna drive me insane just like Mom?"
Dionysus wanted to tell him that he was pretty much halfway there, with the way Luke wore that look of hysteria that bordered on madness. It was so faint yet tangible all the same. Dionysus wanted to push the kid to the limit, see him snap.
"Oh, but that would be too easy!" he sneers, "no, I was thinking more of that little sister of yours you so adore, Annie Bell, her name was? Yes, yes I think madness would look absolutely delicious on a daughter of Athena."
There was absolutely nothing to back up that threat, but it seemed to hit the mark.
Luke had crumpled completely, like something hit him hard in the stomach. Dionysus's lips twitched up in victory. If the boy wanted to play dirty and mention family, then it was only fair he would too.
"Fuck you," Luke whispered, tears cornering in his eyes.
Before the god could act on his threat, however, the sound of trotting hooves nearing towards the Big House made their way through the windows.
Dionysus sighed, raising a hand to release the vines' hold on Luke. He did not want to listen to Chiron's lecture on how threatening the lives of demigods isn't "Camp Director" like.
Luke, on the other hand, slammed the door behind him, scaring off the harpies perched on the roof of the Big House. Dionysus had half a mind to choke the kid with grapevines for the act of insolence.
Chiron came through that same door, placing a hand on the side of it while he looked backwards.
"With that anger, he will get himself killed too early," he murmured with concern. Dionysus snorted, letting the vines return to the soil, the flames around him dying down.
"They all do."
Oh, how he would eat those words, watching Castor's shroud burn.
He was too young. Too young.
A nagging voice reminds him that so was Luke. So was Thalia. So was Annabeth. So was Percy. So was Nico. So was nearly everyone that huddled around the pyres, holding each other and sobbing. Gods, they were crying. War was never kind.
Even that daughter of Ares, who would rather be caught dead than vulnerable, let slip a few tears, and her hissed out "are you happy now?" as she shoved herself past the god of wine will haunt him for millenias to come.
If only he had tried to save May Castellan, given her back to Hermes the way he was supposed to, maybe his son would be standing here with him and watching the pyres light up the night.
Instead, all he could do was listen to Pollux's hysterical screams while Hermes pulls Castor up by the hand, taking the newly deceased to a place where Dionysus can no longer follow.
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statementlou · 10 months
Louis might not be chucking bricks at No. 10, but people are responding like he’s never displayed leftist politics or challenged a government position on anything. He supported demands to the government about a fix for UK touring musician post Brexit and Marcus Rashford’s petition about food insecurity. He fought the police about their social media use in 2018 and criticised the UK government position/support for factory workers in the pandemic. The things he speaks about are usually UK issues and meaningful to him or his family and friends. He’s also most likely to speak when he isn’t working. Also that specific anarchy has a punk anti authoritarian message as well. That statement fits Louis pretty well. He has been a poster boy for not sitting down and shutting up and doing what you’re told since 2012. If he was he probably wouldn’t have a solo career and he definitely wouldn’t have sold out the O2.
I like this point about him speaking out more when he's not working, I think that's a really great and useful observation and makes so much sense. I feel like it makes sense in two ways right now: like first, I don't blame him for not wanting to do things that would jeopardize how beautifully everything is going for him right now after the number of setbacks and troubles he's had to get here, it must feel so precarious. And knowing for a fact that any political statement you make will spawn a dozen tabloid stories and all kinds of outrage is bad enough, but add to that the fact that it's simply impossible to predict which thing will turn into a huge viral mess- it's a lot. And second, he's not just working, he's been on TOUR! I've been around musicians my whole life and one constant is that tour is time outside of normal time and life, it's a bubble, it's only paying attention to right where you are and what's in front of you and the people there with you and everything else is put off and neglected, is for when you get home (and have massive post tour letdown depression and fatigue). I'm not saying he can disconnect with the outside world entirely... but putting everything on pause? I would be surprised if it were any other way, and I would be surprised if he's been following the news and counter news and so forth closely enough to feel comfortable speaking out publicly about anything when it will be so scrutinized and picked apart. I would add to your list supporting the rail strike (something we wouldn't even know about if it hadn't been tossed in as an aside by an interviewer in the print only version of a piece, he didn't post about it or anything) and attending and posting about the BLM protests (not to mention telling people to pirate his stuff come on how punk is that), and I agree he is much more likely to speak out about UK issues which makes sense: most people are most moved by issues that are close to their lives in some way, and it's his brand. And I agree that even though as an anarchist I love talking about what anarchism as a political ideology actually is, the symbol does also have a common meaning in the world as just basically standing for anti-authoritarianism, and Louis as a guy who rejects authority and the status quo is nothing new at all and one of the reasons we love him, and in the last few years I feel like he's been going further in that direction both aesthetically and politically, and we love to see it! Plus he has pretty much always sported this slightly punky aesthetic to some degree, even when he was being dressed up like a little ken doll he snuck in skater looks and indie band tees and so forth (something something it's part of why his fanbase was so primed to love his new sound and it wasn't the risk he feared it was because people were always drawn to him who were already into that aesthetic even when his sound wasn't that yet) it's not like it's just a brand new out of nowhere side of him or something.
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Get to know me
You know what guys? I've decided you're getting to know me (questions from this lovely post, please go give it some love), ready or not.
Tagging my moots (still thinking of Pingu going moot moot, sue me) if you'd like to exchange a few pieces of useless information :) No pressure. Also consider this a tag if you're not included, I love reading random info about you guys! @unclewaynemunson @steveshairychestychest @stevesbipanic @thelastwalkingsoul @skeliiix @strawberryspence @thefreakandthehair @henderdads @hoples
1. First celebrity crush *snorts* Um, okay. I will just say that Jerome Pradon's performance as Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar from 2000 made the young me weak in her knees. Also Toby Maguire as Spider-Man.
2. Do you work out/sport? Constantly trying. Starting a healthy regime, getting sick in 3-4 weeks because my immunity sucks and back to the round little old me. Do you know what happened during the last year I started frequently exercising? I broke my leg, then had a sinus infection, then had an inflammation in my heel and couldn't walk, now getting through another sinus infection. Heathy is my trademark. Not giving up though.
3. How popular were you in school? Ahahahahahahahahahahaha...let me say it this way: I fought well enough to earn respect. Had a few close friends. After primary school, I retained respect. And that's it.
4. Embarrassing moment My life before glasses was a constant embarrassing moment of waving back at people who waved at someone behind me.
5. Favorite actor and actress Apart from the obvious Stranger Things answers...I admire Keanu Reeves. Actress - Maggie Smith.
6. Little thing that makes you extremely happy Crazy pens. I have a massive collection of the craziest pens imaginable with bubble blowers, stamps, wobbly mermaid tails, boxing skeletons, you name it.
7. Song that made you cry because you related to it Remember Me from Coco. That one hit hard.
8. How often do you find yourself thinking about your life? A lot. Mostly to calm myself down. I'm in a better place than I've been for most of my life and I like to remind myself that things do get better. So let this be your reminder too.
9. Best toy you ever got as a kid This. I'd die for him. I still have him, although he's mostly fallen apart.
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10. Do you express your emotions well? According to my friends, I'm quite transparent. People that don't know me find me scary, apparently I look very strict. My friends find it hilarious.
11. Are you happy with your height? I used to be unhappy, I'm fairly small (165 cm, my mom is 166 cm and that single missing cm HURTS), but now I'm making up for my lack of height with glaring at people. In words of a t-shirt I recently got - "Don't flatter yourself. I only look up to you because I'm short".
12. Are you a bottom or a top? I'm lazy, that's what I am. But switch, I guess?
13. Who makes you the happiest? There isn't a single person. My mom, my cats, my boyfriend, my wonderful friends (and that includes you, moots of mine). I'm very lucky.
14. Your nickname(s) Here? Undreaming. Most of my social media, Arakanga. At work, I'm The Mother of Ducks or The Duck Lady (apparently the nickname survived during the 19 months I worked another job).
15. Who do you feel completely comfortable with to be yourself? My boyfriend. He's just absolutely resistant to my bad moods. I tend to be very snappy and sarcastic when I'm tired. I remember exactly the moment I realized I didn't have to walk on eggshells with him - we were walking outside and he was speaking, but away from me (he was smoking and didn't want to blow smoke in my face). Instead of telling him politely to turn towards me, I snapped "BLAHBLAHBLAH WHAT????". He just smiled at me and said "you know, one of the things I love about you is that you never make me feel like an idiot". So there.
16. Does the way you laugh depends on who you’re with? Oh yup. I normally control myself quite well, but my friends can make me laugh so hard it sounds like I'm crying. Also if they surprise me with jokes I don't expect, I tend to snort/make a sound like a chicken clucking.
17. Secrets you told strangers, because you knew you’d never see them again. None. Because with my luck, that stranger would become my new boss or something.
18. Do you like or dislike surprises? Hm. Difficult. Small surprises, yes. Big surprises, not really. I'm always terrified I'll disappoint the person surprising me with my reaction.
19. In the evening, would you rather play a game, visit a relative, watch a movie, or read? Oooh. Shit. Difficult. Reading is always lovely and I have such a backlog of books. Gaming is a huge hobby of mine, so always. Watching movies is great and I always love visiting my mom. So maybe I can connect all 4 together. Visiting my mom and watching a movie with her, then reading or gaming before I go to sleep.
20. Pet peeves? SO MANY. People bouncing their legs. Loud chewing noises. Smacking lips. People who don't listen but just wait for their turn to speak. Monologues instead of dialogues. People who sit on the public transport and block the window seat. I'm a ray of fucking sunshine apparently.
21. Who would you want to be stranded with on a deserted island? Well, all the people I love I don't want to strand with me on a deserted island. My boyfriend sounds like a great choice though. He's domestic, loves gardening and cooks well. And he hasn't killed me in 5 years. So him I think, he needs the time off anyway.
22. Breakfast, lunch or dinner? Midnight snack.
23. You’re stranded on a deserted island and there’s a box, what’s in it? I hope a guide on how to survive on a deserted island, otherwise I'd be a) dead soon, b) very bored while dying.
24. What’s the best gift you got? There are a lot of thoughtful gifts I've got from my family and friends, but one of my favorite ones was a Sagittarius mug my dad got me. Also my amazing boyfriend and equally amazing friends got me a new recording microphone for my singing efforts.
25. Who do you buy random gifts for? Everyone. My boyfriend, my mom, my friends, my boss (who is also my friend), my co-workers. Always something tiny and silly. It's one of my love languages.
26. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Pffft. Yep. Lots. There's less space for me in my bed than for stuffed animals. My newest additions are two large dinosaurs, Steve (a T-Rex) and Eddie (a triceratops)
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27. Have you had a secret admirer? No, thank god. It sounds nice, but I'm an anxious person and I like having clarity.
28. Are you a clean or messy person? On a range from 0 (clean) to 10 (messy), I'm about 28.
29. Shower or bath? Both, depending on the situation. Baths help my messed up back though, and one of my cats always stands guard so I don't drown. So...yup.
30. How would your friends describe you? Smart and the mom friend. Also dorky. Ask @hoples, she knows me IRL and the dorky part shows a lot. Oh, and also a menace. I'm the devil on your shoulder that says "buy it".
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alharringtonfan · 5 months
Wow, tumblr has become really extremist these last few years 🙃 I've never seen this much radical ideology in my life before. And I browse plenty of forums and imageboards. Legitimately insane.
I don't remember it being this way when I was a kid. Will probably start blocking more people from now on. Don't get me wrong, I love talking about politics... But this is just too much. I don't know how it can be fixed. I only wish the best for everyone in here but some people are just too far gone to rescue. I'm absolutely for freedom of speech and want to hear all sides of the political spectrum. But extremism is never good, especially when your whole identity revolves around it. Neither from the right nor from the left.
So yeah... Sorry if you've been blocked. I just want to stay in my own little bubble. I'm getting a bit tired of infighting and people falling for the billionaires/blackrock putting us against eachother. Men and women, white and black, right and left, they are not enemies. This is what the elite is pushing onto us and we're all falling for it like duckies. I wish people would think about that more. If we fought together we could stand against them, but most people are so caught in the culture war they're blind to the truth.
Sucks to suck, I guess. I love all humans and just wish they would get along for once. 🫠
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Anywho look at this. This is the first full rainbow I've ever seen in my entire life. I was so happy when I caught it. My camera is shit so it doesn't display the full extent of the splendor it was seeing it in real life but it was really beautiful. There was another one by its side and that was very cool as well. Reminded me of that double rainbow remix. Which also reminds me of my childhood. Good times. 🌈🌈
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evermoresversion · 1 year
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A/N In that scene I just wanted to hold him tight and not let go 'til my arms went numb. I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry over this. This is the only thing I've been able to write in days, I hate having writer's block.
PAIRING JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
TW/TAGS Established relationship, angsty, mentions of bruises, domestic violence, also mentions of murder.
SUMMARY Based on the hot tub scene from season 1 episode 7.
Kiara, Pope and you were on the way to the Chateau, both of them were talking about the plan to get all the gold that was left from the pit.
But you only thought about where JJ was, since you hadn't heard from him all day.
You got out of the truck with the two of them, who began with a small talk. Small talk that seemed somewhat intimate.
Deciding not to be the third wheel, you moved away from them a bit and searched your contacts for JJ, calling him for the thousandth time that day.
Just as you put your phone to your ear, some lights strung between the trees came on. Illuminating everything in its path.
"What the hell?" you heard Pope say as you approached them.
The three of you looked towards the garden of the Chateau.
"Who the hell is that?" Kiara said this time, she started to walk with you and Pope behind her.
As you got closer you realized that the person who was there was JJ opening a bottle of what appeared to be champagne.
You looked at it in disbelief at first.
Although you were still worried about not knowing his whereabouts all day.
"What did you do, JJ?" Pope asked in the same state as you. Contrary to the blond who seemed rather carefree and proud.
"I got a jet going straight in my butt right now." his voice sounded something like when he was drunk.
You were going to speak but he spoke before you.
"Y'all should get in immediately, you hear me? He served a couple of glasses that he had in his hands with the bubbly liquid from the bottle and then fixed his gaze on you. "C'mon babe."
"JJ, what-" he interrupted you once more.
"Salud!" After that he took a big swallow from the bottle.
You fought your instincts to jump right in there and take the bottle out of his hand.
"How much did this cost?" The three of you were still standing there not knowing what to do.
"Uh, well, with the generator, the petrol..." He pointed to everything with his hand, his glasses hanging loosely from the bridge of his nose. "and oh, hey, express delivery."
Kiara looked at everything horrified, Pope didn't even know what to think and you looked at him carefully. Something was wrong.
He giggled a little, a little white duck and a flamingo water inflatable floating with two of the cups in them.
"Pretty much all of it, yeah." He sounded so proud, Pope gaped at him.
"All of it?"
"Yeah, all of it."
"You spent all the money in one day?" Pope's face was priceless while JJ couldn't care less.
"Yeah, burned a hole right through my pocket."
"JJ, what the actually fuck?" he looked at you when you said that. "I don't like this." you muttered to Pope, he gave you a meaningful look. JJ didn't even notice your words.
"But, I mean, like, come on, guys, like, look at this!" He looked so happy with his new acquisition, he wanted to share that with you. But it didn't feel like the right thing to do, and it wasn't the right thing to do.
Kiara looked at him with what appeared to be disgust.
"Finest in jet-based massage therapy, that's what they told me." A huge smile was painted on his lips and he looked at you. "Babe, what?" You denied looking at the ground. "Can't a man have a little luxury in life?"
You returned your gaze to him, and he took off his glasses, his smile growing fainter.
"Come on, all this scrimpin' and scrapin'..." he was silent for a moment, not looking at your faces. "I mean, like... guys, we- you only live once, right?" At that point his smile was gone and his voice began to crack, causing you to frown.
He shook his head and gestured for you to enter the hot tub.
"Enough of this emotional shit. Get in the Cat's Ass. Come on."
"In the what?" Kiara asked even more confused and dumbfounded.
"The Cat's Ass. That's what I named her." His smile returned, but now fainter than before, more doubtful. "Oh hey, yo, I almost forgot."
He pressed some included button, causing a disco ball to light up and more jets of water to come out and the water to be illuminated by a blue light.
"Huh? Yeah, that's right, I know. Disco mode. That's right baby." You sighed tiredly and looked at Pope, who had lost his patience.
"Are you kidding me? You could have paid for restitution!" he exclaimed and you just looked at JJ.
"Or literally to give it to any charity."
"Or better yet you could have helped us buy supplies to get the rest of the gold out of the well!" The blond took the bridge of his nose between his fingers, closing his eyes.
"Love, what are you doing?" you asked a little calmer than your other two friends, looking at your boyfriend's status.
He shot up, the bottle still in his hand.
"Okay, well, you know what? I didn't do that!"
And everything stopped. Your eyes went straight to his bruised abdomen. You knew who it was.
You quickly thought of all the ways to kill Luke Maybank.
Your jaw tensed, along with your entire body and you were sure that your friends were the same.
"I got a hot tub! For my friends." Kiara looked at him in a combination of concern and surprise. "I got a hot tub for my friends." He quickly denied, making a couple of gestures with his hands. His voice faltered once more, and you could see that tears were slowly gathering at the corners of his eyes. If you were worried before, now you are even worse. "You know what? No, you know what? Screw friends, I got a hot tub for my family!"
"JJ, what the hell?" Kiara asked concerned, you would have asked the same thing, even more, but the words were stuck in your throat.
He looked at you, fixedly, he looked at you, sadness, despair, fear filling his baby blue eyes that looked at you with love and adoration all the time. He needed something, He needed you.
"I got this for you."
"Guys, look what I did for you! All right? Look at this!" He took a couple of steps into the water, you were sure you saw a tear run down his cheek. "Look at this..."
"No, you stop being emotional. It's fine, okay?" A sob escaped his lips, making your heart clench in your chest, causing your own tears to pool in your eyes. "I mean, it's sweet, right? Everything, just get in!"
Your first impulse was to go in there, regardless of anyone or anything.
You took him in your arms, hugging him tight as you both sobbed.
He clung to your waist and his head stayed on your chest. You murmured in his ear, while he continued to sob loudly.
"I just couldn't do it..." he murmured and you stroked his back.
"Everything's fine, love..."
"I can't take him anymore!" he said between sobs, and inside you wanted to kill his father for putting him through so much pain, when he had done nothing more than try to be a good person, a good son. "I was going kill him."
And in the blink of an eye Kiara and Pope joined in the hug, JJ still sobbing, along with you and Kie.
"I just wanna do the right thing."
"I know, baby, I know."
A couple more minutes passed and your friends decided to leave you and him alone.
"Do you want to go inside, hmm? Would you like that?" You took him by the cheeks as gently as you could so that he would look at you, he nodded hugging you once more.
At that moment you wanted nothing more than to put him in a little box so that no one or nothing could hurt him.
"Let's go inside."
Once in the room that was his at the Chateau, he was sitting on the bed staring into space as you searched for dry clothes for him.
When you gave it to him, he walked towards the bathroom without saying anything.
He came back and took you around the waist, sitting you on his lap while he was sitting on the bed.
He fell back, leaving you both lying down. Looking into each other's eyes.
His hand caressed your hair gently and you took that same hand to bring it to your lips and kiss each one of the knuckles.
Lying appropriately under the covers, he pulled you towards him around the waist.
You spent minutes like this, looking into each other's eyes. Letting your looks speak for you.
He leaned down to kiss your lips delicately. At first it was just soft touches, but it got deeper, making you pull away for air.
He put your foreheads together and sighed, closing his eyes.
"Everything will be fine." you murmured before he fell asleep in your arms.
disclaimer ── evermoresversion © 2023.
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komotionlessqueenmm · 3 years
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Imagine # 847
Gif NOT mine. (Tumblrs crediting me, but it isn't mine. Click my name at the bottom of the gif and you'll understand.)
If this gif is yours (or you know who's it is) please let me know, so I can give you/them credit.
Gif credit goes to - Unknown.
Year posted - 2021
"Get back here (Y/n)." Perseus huffed at his daughter, who was in the midst of storming out of their little house. "(Y/n)!" He shouted her name when she ignored him, sighing to himself when she mounted her horse and left. "That girl." He grumbled under his breath, rubbing his temples with frustration. "Father?" Helios approached his father, who smiled down at him. "Come on Helios, let's go back to dinner." Perseus rest his hand on his son's shoulder, unaware of (Y/n) watching him from a distance, a bitter scowl on her face. "He will always favor Helios." She hissed before ushering her horse on, journeying out into the world, to her sanctuary.
Upon arriving at her destination, (Y/n) dismounted her horse, leading him to a small nearby stream. "Stay here Ajax." She muttered as she pet his mane, knowing he'd stay regardless of if she commanded it or not. Afterwards she turned her attention to the narrow crevice in the cliff, the entrance to a complex system of tunnels and caves, one she knew all to well. She entered the system and began her journey to the central cave, the place she built into a second home for herself, and shrine to the Gods.
Shrugging off her bag she knelt before the next statue lining the far wall, praying to one God at a time for several years, hoping one day one of them would send her a sign that they were listening to her. "Great Ares God of war... Uncle." She bowed her head, in respect. "Show me a sign that you hear my prayers, and gift me with the strength to endure my father, and the neglect." (Y/n)'s eyes glossed over as she thought about her last encounter with her father, raising her head she looked to the statue of her uncle. "Help me quell the war within my heart." She begged before rising from her spot, she reached for her bag, and left an offering at Ares feet.
She froze upon the sound of wind whipping behind her, a new presence entering the cave, their curious eyes upon her. "You pray to me." Ares stated with a small tilt of his head, having been unaware of her existence as his niece, until she called out to him. "Yes." (Y/n) nodded her head, keeping her back to him. "Why?" He asked as he observed the room. "I have prayed to the Gods for many years, one at a time, and you were the next in line." She pointed to the statues before her, finally turning to face him, unable to look him in the eyes. "Why do you pray?" He asked with genuine curiosity. "I have no one else... The God's have been abandoned by humans, and I know what it's like to be abandoned, and so I looked for comfort with the Gods... But no one has ever answered until now." She spoke softly, though Ares could hear her plain and clear.
"Why don't you look me in the eyes?" Ares asked as he peered down at his niece, who kept her head bowed down, casting her eyes to the dirt covered floor. "I don't want you to see the damage inside them." She murmured softly, her words striking something within Ares's heart. "Look at me dear niece." He spoke softly as he tilted her head back, looking into her eyes finally, and seeing a familiar pain within them. "You are the daughter of Perseus." He stated. "I am." She muttered as her eyes glossed subtlety. "Tell me what you know of abandonment." Ares all but demanded, releasing his hold on her jaw, following her as she moved to sit at a small table. "When my brother was born, our mother died in childbirth... And ever since then, I have been forgotten by my father, in favor of Helios." She held her head up a bit higher, her anger bubbling back up again.
"It's been years and nothing has changed, well not for the better atleast. I've been neglected for so long, forgotten in favor of his precious son. When Helios turned two, I gave up on the prospect of earning my father's love back. I ran away for a short time, I found this place, and over the years built my shrine, and began praying to the Gods. Hoping that one day one of you would show me a sign that I'm not alone, that you're listening. It's all I've ever wanted." (Y/n) picked at a bit of the table that was splintering away. "I run away from home often, and I come here. I fought with my father again today, and I came here. He didn't even try coming after me, he never has..." She spoke quietly, unaware of how Ares's anger with Perseus only grew. "What is your name?" Ares asked gently. "(Y/n)." She smiled softly at him, chuckling at the curious look on his face. "It's a strange name I know, I was named after my wet nurse, and she was from a far way land." (Y/n) explained with a smile, her explanation making Ares smile as well.
"It's a lovely name." He complimented genuinely, grasping her smaller hand in his. "Come with me (Y/n), back to Olympus, where I will care for you as if you were my own." Ares offered with a smile, which widened a little at the sight of her excitement. "Really!?" She gasped as she sat up straighter. "Yes." He squeezed her hand softly, a laugh erupting from his chest when she practically dove into his chest, hugging him as if her life depended on it. "Please uncle please take me away from here." She pleaded with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Is there anything you want to take with you?" Ares asked as she released her hold on him, allowing him to stand to his full height. "Ajax." (Y/n) responded without hesitation. "Who is Ajax?" Ares asked as (Y/n) began leading him out of the cave system. "My horse, he was the last gift my mother gave me before she died." (Y/n) explained, pointing to the stallion in question when they exited the cave. "Very well." Ares smiled before transporting them all to Olympus.
---A month later---
Again his search was in vain, he could find no sign of (Y/n), or even Ajax. With a defeated sigh he cast his eyes to the horizon, unable to bring himself back home to Helios empty handed again. "Father I need your guidance." Perseus muttered plainly, afraid he'd never find her on his own. "What is it my son?" Zeus asked as he appeared behind Perseus. "It's (Y/n)... She's been missing for a month, and I cannot find any trace of her. I need your help." Perseus explained, frowning when Zeus smiled. "We will find her, come with me." Zeus offered Perseus his hand, transporting him to the Grey Sisters. Perseus scowled at the sight of them once more, though he stepped forward as Zeus encouraged. "Ah Perseus comes back to us." One of the sisters pointed out as she held the eye, shrinking back when she noticed Zeus behind him. "And he brought Zeus with him." She hissed, the other sisters shrinking back upon hearing her words.
"I need you to tell me where my daughter is." Perseus demanded, the sisters giggling simultaneously. "The daughter of Perseus wants nothing to due with him anymore, she has found a new father to take his place." The sister with the eye snickered sinisterly. "What is that supposed to mean?" Perseus growled in anger. "You neglected her for to long young Perseus, she turned her back on you the way you did to her. Your brother Ares took your place, and took her to Olympus to care for as his own." The sisters laughed again, only further angering Perseus, who turned that anger to his father. "You knew." He accused, despite the confusion in Zeus's eyes. "I knew nothing of this." Zeus argued, whisking himself and Perseus back to Olympus. When they reached Olympus they barged into Ares's hall, to find him laughing as he taught (Y/n) how to fight with a sword. "(Y/n)!" Perseus exclaimed as he rushed to her side, freezing in his tracks when Ares stepped between them, shielding (Y/n). "Get away from her." Perseus hissed at his brother, who only smiled at him. "I was going to say the same thing to you." Ares taunted only angering Perseus more.
"(Y/n) come here." Perseus demanded as he glared at his brother. "No." (Y/n) shook her head, sheathing the sword Ares had gifted her with, she moved to stand beside her Uncle. "What?" Perseus frowned at her. "I'm staying here with Ares, you can go back home. Be with your favorite child, and leave me here with my chosen father." (Y/n) hissed at Perseus who bowed his head in shame, knowing well how wrong he had treated her. "You are my daughter." Perseus muttered as he looked to her with sad eyes. "I haven't been your daughter in a long time." She turned her back on him, walking away. "She'll be safer here." Ares mused casually, glaring at his father before looking to Perseus. "She's already happier." He added making Perseus feel even worse. "If you're truly happy here (Y/n)." Perseus began, drawing (Y/n)'s attended to him. "Then I will leave you be, but know we'll always be waiting for you to return to us." He promised, though his words held no weight to her. "You'll be waiting in vain Perseus." She stated emotionlessly, the use of his name stinging to Perseus.
Perseus left the hall and waited for Zeus to join him, shameful tears welling in his eyes, for having pushed his only daughter away so much, that she turned her back on him. "How long were you planning on hiding her from me?" Zeus asked Ares who placed a comforting hand onto (Y/n)'s shoulder. "I wasn't hiding her, you just never noticed." Ares retorted before turning his attention solely to (Y/n), the daughter he never knew he wanted. "I am sorry Perseus." Zeus tried as he exited the hall, feeling sorry for his son. "Just take me back home, Helios needs me." Perseus wiped away the tears within his eyes, turning to Zeus with a hard face, trying to bury the pain he was feeling. "Very well." Zeus nodded before sending Perseus back with the wave of his hand. A sigh escaping the old Gods throat, while laughter and swords clashing together could be heard from within Ares's hall.
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fairydxll · 3 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐃𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 | 𝐚. 𝐬𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐞𝐫
➳ 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | Anakin returns home after a long mission.
➳ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | Anakin Skywalker x wife!reader
➳ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 | Fluff. Implied smut (barely)
➳ 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 | Star Wars
➳ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 1034
𝐚/𝐧 ~ I've never written for my baby before & I had to change that <3
Reblogs, feedback, etc are heavily appreciated!
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This was one of the longest missions Anakin had ever been on since your marriage, nine months ago, and it was taking a toll on you. You missed your beautiful space prince and all that came with him.
Of course, you knew that things of this sort were going to take over every once in a while when you married him. Him being a Jedi and all. And although you hate that he has to leave you for such long periods of time, you couldn't be more grateful for all that he has given you.
He was the best husband and in the galaxy; you were one-hundred percent of that. From the little things he did to show he caredーsuch as sneaking out of bed in the morning to make you breakfast or leaving little notes around the house for you to findーor from how he could read you like a book and knew exactly what to do to make you feel better. You could go on and on and on about how great Anakinhas been as a husband, and you would.
You were really ready for Anakin to be home already. You missed your husband, and he missed you more than you knew. There had not been a single day of this mission that the Jedi's thoughts had not been crowded with your image.
By this point, Anakin was ready to return home to Coruscant. Not only because he missed you dearly, but because his muscles were sore and he was bruised in places that he didn't think could be bruised. His brain hurt and he was tired of fighting and wanted nothing more than to hold you close to himself and never let you go.
It was thoughts like these that made him want to leave the order a little more each day. Nevertheless, Anakin still showed up, he still flew to these far planets and fought droids until his hands were covered in blisters and sores.
His thoughts once again filled with the idea of returning home to his wife and spending the next few days in nothing but the skin on your backs and the smiles on your faces as you held each other and talked about how maybe one day life will be normal and the war will be over.
So when Anakin received the news that he and his troops would be returning to Coruscant to regroup and figure out a better battle strategy, he couldn't have been happier.
You heard the door open from the bedroom and, without tearing your eyes away from the page of the book you were currently reading, you called, "who is it?" When you received no answer, you sighed and shut your book before standing up and making your way to the main room of your flat.
You walked in to see him standing there with a big, dopey smile spread across his face. He opened his arms in invitation, and you eagerly ran into them. He lifted you off the floor in an embrace and buried his nose into your neck. He took in your scent; savoring it so that he wouldn't ever forget it. You wrapped your legs around his waist and wrapped your arms around him tighter than you ever have before.
"I missed you so so much, my love," Anakin finally said after what felt like forever.
You pulled away to look into each other's eyes. "Don't ever leave me for that long again."
"You know I have no control over that," you missed hearing his laughter.
"I haven't seen you in two months, can't you at least lie to me?" You wrapped your arms around his neck as you spoke.
Anakin leaned in and kissed you. You could sense all the stress this mission had put him through, and you tried your best to ease his worries as you ran your hands through his long hair.
Anakin carried you over to the small couch and sat down next to you. He immediately wrapped his arm around your waist, refusing to lose contact for even a second.
"How was the mission?" You asked your husband as you relaxed into him.
"Difficult, tiring, and something I really don't want to talk about right now." Anakin looked fatigued. You noticed the bruises and small cuts that littered his face and wondered how many more were covered by his robes.
You hummed, "how 'bout I draw you a bath?"
"Only if you join me," he said.
You giggled at his cheekiness, "okay." You moved to get up but were stopped by your husband's quick hands pulling you in for another short, but sweet kiss. "I'll get the water running."
"I'll meet you in there," he said.
You entered the bathroom and immediately turned the faucet on and poured in some lavender-scented bubble bath. You then lit a candle and turned the lights off. You started to take your clothes off just as Anakin entered, as well. You noticed him but continued to undress as he did the same. Once you were finished, you slowly lowered yourself into the tub, muscles instantly relaxing and your eyes closing as soon as the warm water hit your skin.
You hummed as Anakin sat behind you in the tub, you're bare back resting against his bare chest. He reached down and took both of your hands in his large, rough ones. "I could get used to this," you sighed, eyes still closed and head resting on your husband's shoulder.
Anakin chuckled, "I love you so much, y/n. More than you'll ever know."
You squeezed his hands, gently, "I love you more."
He kissed the top of her head and allowed himself to fully relax for the first time in two months.
When you were finished with the bath, you wrapped yourselves in towels and followed each other into the bedroom.
You were so enveloped in each other, that you completely forgot about dinner. Neither of you cared much, however, as all you wanted to do was hold each other close all night and all day tomorrow; there was not a single thing in the galaxy that could keep you off of each other tonight.
🏷 ↴
Star Wars:
↪︎ @elizabethrosecresswell @bucky17
Anakin Skywalker:
↪︎ @doll-skin-n-teeth @weasley-main-lover @poguesvixen
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ray-ray-writings · 4 years
i don't really know how this thought came to me but consider a reader who's a pillager hybrid of their whole family are pillagers but the reader doesn't really... agree with their lifestyle so they run away and move to the Dream SMP and no one knows they're pillager origins until their family comes looking for them?? also i've been binging ur stuff, i love ur blog, this is my first time asking :)
I really really love this idea, I’m such a sucker for things like this hahahaha.
But yeah. So you’re born and raised in a Pillager tower, your mother was a human that your father fell in love with once he saw her being cruel to villagers. Growing up you were always taken on the raids when your parents would go on and you would watch as Villagers were slaughtered left and right with no mercy. It always made you feel sick to your stomach while many others were having the time of their lives. When the raid was over and won, you would go back to the tower and people would marvel in their victories, and you would pretend you were also excited, but those nights were always plagued with nightmares of the villagers’ screams and fire that destroyed the towns. As you grew up, you were able to make your own decisions. So you went on less raids, still going on some to please your parents, but the guilt grew more and more with each town destroyed. So when you finally turned 18, you decided to leave for good. You packed up everything that you could carry in your inventory and wrote a small note to your parents explaining that you had to leave, you couldn’t raid and pillage any longer. You left the note on your mother’s nightstand, pressing a small kiss to both of their foreheads before leaving the only place you’ve ever called home. 
You wander for the whole night, the mobs leaving you alone (after all, like kind recognizes like) and then for half the day once the sun comes up before you stumble into the SMP. From far off in the distance you can see multiple beacons of light coming from inside a really really big stone building. So like a moth, you’re drawn to the light and wander inside this castle. You stumble onto a wooden plank path that seems to go everywhere are the new town you have found. As you’re walking through the castle just looking around, you aren’t paying attention and you stumble, literally stumble, into someone. You catch yourself before you fall and you look to who you just ran into. You see a man with a green hoodie, a white smiley face mask with blonde tufts of hair poking out of the top. “Woah there… Who are you, I’ve never seen you before” he questions, his tone kind of harsh. You don’t blame him though, a complete stranger wandering into this new place uninvited, you’re honestly surprised you didn’t get an axe to the head. “Hi. Sorry, I’m Y/N. I’ve just… I’ve just left home and I saw this place. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude. I’ll leave now!” You rush out, attempting to turn around and run out of the castle, but a hand catches your wrist. “Hey wait a minute,” he commands softly, turning you back around. “It’s okay. You’re okay. I was just surprised… You said you just left home?” You give the man a shy nod, “Yeah, my people were… doing some things I didn’t approve of and so I left as soon as I was able to… I can leave now if you want” The man doesn’t let go of your wrist, “You said you just left home?” You nod in confirmation, “Well, if you want, you could live here. Well not here in the castle, but here in the SMP. I’m Dream and this is my SMP. There are a lot of people here that are actually very nice. You can build your house in the SMP and live here. But if you want to keep wandering, that’s okay too” the man called Dream offers. You think about it for a moment, “Do you think you could show me around before I make my decision?” Dream gives you a quick nod before letting go of your wrist, “Of course. Do you want to go now?” “Sure!” So Dream shows you around the SMP and introduces you to a few new people who all give you waves and friendly smiles and welcome you to the new land. All throughout the tour, Dream subtly asks you about where you're from, but you brush off his questions and for once in his life he doesn’t push it. “So what do you think? You want to stay here?” You give a quick look around and think about everyone you met, “Yeah, I would thank you!” 
And so you stay. You build your house, something with light wood that doesn’t resemble a tower at all. You also make friends with everyone else on the SMP. Somehow you reveal that you’re really good at combat with an axe and a crossbow, probably while sparring with someone, maybe Tommy because we all know he would definitely challenge a new person to duel him and then call you a coward so you would duel him and win and claim you cheated, but it makes everyone stare at you in wonder for a little bit and become just a little more afraid of you. You never tell anyone where you’re from or that you’re part pillager and that your family is made up of pillagers. You don’t think it’s important. That’s in your past and the SMP is your family now so now your family is made up of even more hybrids and more diverse people. Your past remains in your past… Until it comes knocking at your front door… 
You wake one morning to a pounding on your front door. You of course are very confused because you weren’t expecting anyone. But you get out of bed and answer the door and you find  a panicked Tommy and Tubbo standing there. “Boys, what can I-” “There are a bunch of pillagers here. They’re asking about you. They’re threatening to burn everything down if we don’t bring you.” Tubbo rambles. “We won’t let them take you and we were told to keep you here, but we just thought we should let you know.” Tommy chimes in. Your blood runs cold. Why? Why is this happening? You don’t answer the boys and you ignore their ‘keep you here bs’ before you reach over and grab your axe and crossbow and run out of the house. Tubbo and Tommy yell after you, share a look before, and run after you. You run up and find a few people, Dream, Techno, Wilbur, Philza, Sapnap, Punz, (Ya know, the best fighters… foreshadowing lol) and standing opposite of them your parents with a few other pillagers behind them. The sound of your footsteps caused all heads to snap to you. Everyone from the SMP seemed shocked to see you and stared past you and glared at the two boys. “You were supposed to keep them home” Dream hisses to the children. “They took off before we could stop them” Tubbo pants, trying to catch his breath. “Y/N go home” Techno demands, but you don’t listen. All of your attention is focused on those you used to call your family. “What are you doing?” You ask exasperated. Your father smirks at you, “Oh my dear child we’re here to bring you home of course.” And you can feel all eyes snap to you. A wave of disappointment flooded you, they all knew now. “They know” you’d think to yourself, “They know what a horrible person you are and what terrible past you come from.” You take a deep breath before speaking again, “I’m not coming home. This is my home now. Go away, leave us alone.” Laughter bubbles from the group in front of you, “Oh silly silly child. You are not home, home is back at the tower. Come now.” Your mother says, beckoning you forward. “No. I’m not going.” The smirks and smiles turn into angry stares, “No? Oh, I see how it is” your mother speaks up. “Too bad you are coming with us.” Your father barks before lunging forward for you and attempts to grab you. Before you can even react, you’re being pulled back and you’re now being protected. The two most powerful people on the server, Dream and Techno, have formed a wall in front of you with their weapons pointed at the pillagars. “Now,” Techno begins, his monotone voice two octaves deeper and threatening, “We can do this the easy way or the hard way.” Your father lunges forward once more, throwing his fist out, trying to punch Techno in the face. Techno simply caught your father’s wrist and smirked, “Alright, hard way it is” 
A full on brawl begins. 
Techno quickly takes your father while Dream takes your mother. Everyone else charges and begins fighting the rest of them. Fists are flying before arrows join the ranks in that as well. You begin fighting someone you barely recognize. Your whole energy and focus is on winning because you know if you lose it’s back to raiding and pillaging villages and you really don’t want to. You manage to down the person you’re fighting and you turn and see that all the other pillagers are either also downed or being fought by one of your friends. Your eyes catch Techno and Dream who were still fighting your father and mother respectively. You’re just about to approach when Techno gets your father in a chokehold and manages to completely debilitate him. “Call them off” Techno demands. Your father doesn’t say anything at first, his fingers desperately clawing at the arm around his throat. Techno squeezes tighter, “Did I hesitate? I said call them off” Finally your father comes to his senses, “Retreat!” He gasps out. Immediately all of the pillagers stop their fight and run back to where they were first gathered up. Techno lets go of your father and gives him a hard shove in the direction. Your father moves to stand next to your mother and all eyes fall on you again. “Leave. And never come back, or I won’t hesitate to let them kill you” your speak, your voice stone cold. You can tell your mother wants to protest, but your father catches her wrist and shakes his head no. Without another word, your father turns around and walks through the crowd and toward the direction of their tower. Confused and a little irritated all other pillagers turn too and follow your father back to where they came from. 
You and the rest stand there and watch them retreat until they are out of sight. And once again all eyes fall on you. You can’t help but look to the ground as tears form in your eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know they would come for me… I understand if you want me to leave forever… Now that you know what I truly am… A monster” you spit out the words as if their poison. It is quiet for a moment and you figure that they’re all silently agreeing. You’re about to speak again when a pair of arms wrap tightly around you, and then another, and another, and another, until you’re pretty sure everyone there, even Techno, is in the group hug. The tears that had welled up in your eyes were now freely falling down your cheeks. “Y/N,” Dream begins, “We never want you to leave. Why would you think that?” A pathetic sob escapes your lips, “Because I’m part pillager because I raided and destroyed villages. I’m a monster, Dream. I don’t deserve you guys.” Everyone seems about to jump in, but through blurry eyes you see Philza give them all a look. All of the arms let you go, except for one pair that holds you even tighter, “Y/N, you’re not a monster. What you did today and what you have done in the past proves it. Today you refused to go with them, you ran away from them, you didn’t want to be a part of their lifestyle. You’re not a monster hun, you never were and you never will be” Philza comforts. His words hit your heart. You’re not a monster, no one thinks you’re a monster. More sobs escape your lips, this time they’re sobs of relief. They don’t want you to leave. You’re safe here. Philza lets you cry in his arms, he holds you for as long as you need. After a few moments you compose yourself and slowly pull out of the blonde man’s arms. “Sorry about that” you apologize, clearing your throat. “Didn’t mean to lose my cool there” Everyone around you laughs. “It’s okay Y/N. You’ve just had a big emotional thing happen, and you were pulled right of bed to experience it. It’s okay that you’re a little emotional.” Wilbur comforts, taking a step forward and resting a warm hand on your back. You completely pull away from Phil and give the tall boy a quick hug. “Hey are we doing individual hugs, because I want a hug too!” Sapnap chimes, marching forward and flinging his arms open. You can’t help but giggle and pull away from Wilbur, “We can do individual hugs if you want too” You claim, falling into his open arms. He lets out a triumphant lap and swings you around in joy. “Alright hog, let them go we want hugs too” Sapnap, still holding on to you, looks over his shoulder before picking you up and running away with you. “Hey selfish! Get back here!” And soon everyone is chasing you and Sapnap around demanding hugs. This wasn’t how you planned to tell everyone about your past, you’re not sure if you ever were going to, but you wouldn’t change it for the world.
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Heyy!(You might see me a bit often because of random thoughts I have in the middle of the night, just a heads up)
So I've come to the conclusion that if you hate Sakura, it's either because
You don't like seeing yourself onscreen (like those people who say that she could've been written differently, or better as they intend).
2. You've had real life experience with someone like her, so seeing her selfish attitude reminds you of those moments, idk...
Or there might be more reasons, like generally you dislike selfish people.
To be fair, everyone can be selfish. But I think the reason I hate her so much is because of her attitude.. I mean, hitting your friends is kind of common. Since It's Shonen, it's more common to hit your friends, yes?????? But she does it so often that it's very irritating to watch. It's considered to be for comic relief or whatever, but I see it as a way of increasing your anger. No seriously.. Every time she hits Naruto, I get so angry. ESPECIALLY after Naruto fought off Pain. The guy was exhausted, but NOOoO! Sakura chan's gotta add that extra hit because YASSSsSs.
I hated her at the start of the series, through finish, but all I found myself doing is detest her even more as it continued. She supposedly cares for Naruto, but in order for her to wet over Sasuke, even for a little bit, "Let's get closer to the Akatsuki, you know, the group that recruits people like Naruto because it gives us a chance to see Sasuke kun!!!!!" - Sakura
There's nothing wrong with liking somebody, having an obsession is whatever I guess.. But even those who are crazy in real life don't go so far to break so many boundaries(well, I guess some do)... Sasuke doesn't like being touched, but this girl always tries to get close to him. And we all know how uncomfortable he is whenever she does that. SS stans finna be like "B-But Naruto also gets in his personal bubble!!!!", calm down. Sasuke himself voluntarily gets close to Naruto, and he isn't uncomfortable like he is when it's Sakura. That's just facts.
Wanting to know if you and your crush have something in common is completely understandable, you're tryna get close to them. What I learned from her is that, don't assume things.. If you wanna know if your crush has the same interests as you, it's preferred to just question the topic.. But nah, this girl's gotta hit real deep. "He acting like that 'cause ain't nobody gonna nag him" Like, girl are you okay?? Do you not even care to know more about your crush before talking about He AiN't GoT nO pArEnTs????? HER stans saying that she was stating facts. HUNNY, IF YOU HEARD SOMEONE TALK ABOUT YOU LIKE THAT, I'M SURE TO HELL THAT YOU'LL BE HURT.
Okay, so let's say that Sasuke likes, idk pineapple pizza but Sakura hates it right?? So like, she change herself to please him because, desperation for every girl to envy her. She'll say, "Oh! That's cool me too!". Even if in general they had some common interests, he still wouldn't like her because, she's manipulative, selfish, dishonest, and overall crazy.
One thing I hate a lot about her is how she uses people like a toothbrush like @captnjacksparrow said in one of her posts. I've somewhat had that type of friend. When she first came, obviously she didn't have any friends, so I decided to befriend her. It was cool. But then she got into that group. I didn't have a good feeling, but was still glad she made more friends.. Nah because right after that it was as if we never talked to each other. I tried communicating with her but nope.. In Naruto, Sakura and Ino Kind of represent that, just to a more extreme level. First of all Ino is way too forgiving, no.. Way too generous. Sakura ended their friendship over some boy who never once gave a single squat about her, tried everything in her power to make Ino jealous of her, idk, and brainwashed Salad talking about how Ino tried to woo Sasuke kun, like she didn't do that either. But Ino still accepted her as her friend.. If it was me, I'd laugh and walk off. Sorry not sorry, but then I'll feel guilty-
She cuts people off after she gets what she wants like
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Nobody cares about her or Salad's existence to visit. But wait, Naruto's always got her back, he cared! Oh, he has duties and does not even communicate with her anymore.. Yikes 😬😬😬 What about Sasuke, he's her "husband" surely he cares.. Oh, he also does not care.. Double yikes 😬😬😬 What about Lee! For sure he cares, he literally had a crush on her! Oh, Lee is living his best life with his son and training… Triple yikes 😬😬😬 What about Lady Tsunade and Kakashi! For sure they keep tabs on her!!!! Oh, Tsunade is retired and does not care enough to talk about her, and Kakashi is living his best life with Gai… Quadruple yikes 😬😬😬
And with all that, I believe Sakura is by far the worst female character I've ever encountered. My opinion will not change. Before getting into the anime, I saw fan arts of Sakura and I was like "She seems pretty strong! I think I'll like her." My opinion did a whole 360 after I got into Naruto.
Thanks for reading the most random rant ever.. Please correct me if I'm wrong about anything!!!
She said everything :D
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mrs-mikko-rantanen · 2 years
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1,105 words. Ewan and Avanda are dating, but hiding it. Ewan's badly written stutter god I'm sorry. Ewan being a little insecure? Worried? Vulnerable?? Soft times.
Ewan had always been known to have very strong emotions. As a kid, he had been one to cry when he got angry or frustrated; a trait that he fought with even as an adult. He was known to get fired up very easily in Renegade meetings. Adair made it a point to stand to one side of him in case things got heated and he needed to break up a fight. But it wasn't just his anger that he kept close to the surface. His laugh and smile were infectious, often spreading around the family's apartment like a blazing wildfire; and near impossible to stop once it started. He felt every emotion deeply and to it's full extent, so it was no surprise that he fell in love just as hard. 
Avanda had come out of nowhere. Like a rock thrown into the peaceful water of a silent lake, she had come into his life suddenly, changing everything. 
What had started as a one-sided crush had turned into silent pining. Pining had grown into dropping hints. And dropping hints had resulted in a sudden and desperate kiss after a mission had gone sideways. And that kiss...well the kiss had turned into more kisses. Hidden and stolen in the dark, tucked into the corner. Fingers barely brushing, even when they thought no one was looking. Worried promises whispered into each other's hair before one of them left on a mission. And tearful rendezvous after those missions; clinging to each other like lifelines. 
It was one of those reunions that they were in now. Ewan was back. He'd made it home, safe and sound save for a few scrapes and a broken rib. Avanda had shed a few tears, burying her face in his chest. Now she'd calmed down some. Ewan was hunched over slightly, making himself short enough that she could rest her chin on his shoulder as she stood on her toes, clinging to him. One hand traced up and down his spine, the other tangled in the curls at the base of his neck. 
A thought bubbled up in Ewan's chest, a cold dread that he'd been working hard to ignore ever since that first kiss. He straightened up slowly, tears choking him. 
Avanda pulled back as well, a small smile fading as she looked at the worry in his eyes. 
"What is it?"
"Av…" he swallowed hard, eyes sliding away from her's, "What are we doing?"
"What do you mean?" Her hand had moved from the back of his neck, resting now on his cheek. With a shaking hand, Ewan gently removed it from the side of his face.
"Wh-what are-are- Av, w-what are we?" He stuttered, hands shaking as he still refused to meet her gaze. "What are we- d-doing? What-what are...we?"
"I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you're getting at." Her tone was soft and he could tell that she was trying to understand, which only hurt him more. He drew back a little, blinking fast and trying to hide the tears. 
"Are-do you-? I--are we-?" He sighed. "Are we...official? Or is this- just a way to blow off steam...for--for you? I know-  I know how I feel. About you. About...us. But- is that…?" He sighed again, this time forcing back tears as he continued. "I don't want this to be...just some wartime fling. I can't--I can't survive that. So if you want out; if this isn't something you really want…"
His eyes flicked back to Her now, looking for a reaction. She nodded once, licking her lips a little as it all clicked into place. Ewan's heart pounded in his chest. Were these even answers that he wanted? After trying for so long, he finally was here with her; at least in some capacity. So why was he throwing stones at whatever frail form of perfection they shared?
"Ewan, this….this is complicated." She agreed, twisting her hand out of his grasp. She rested it on his chest and his heart froze as she played with the zipper on his jacket. "I don't know what it is, exactly. But I know it's not like anything I've ever had before. And it's definitely not just 'blowing off steam.'" She smiled up at him. "I know that I care very deeply about you. I know that you make me happy, and that I feel safe around you."
Ewan couldn't stop the corner of his mouth from twitching up in a small smile as she spoke. 
"I know that I would do anything to make you feel just as safe. I know how you take your coffee, and I know what kinds of music you like. I know that you smoke when you get too stressed; a habit, I hope you know, should fall to the wayside if you plan to keep me around much longer." Ewan chuckled a little, his own hands finding their way to Avanda's hair as she spoke still. "I may not know what label to use for you when I introduce you to people, or what the future holds for us. But I know that I love you. And for me, right now? That's enough." 
Ewan framed her face with his hands and pressed a kiss to her lips. It was soft and slow, and long. Her hand rested over the back of his his, a thumb tracing the edge of the tattoo on his wrist. Ewan broke the kiss, resting his forehead against her's as the two of them caught their breath. 
"I love you too. Maybe more than I should, but--but I do. I know that. I know that I will give my all for you. If you asked it of me, I know I would fly. I live and die by your words. I know that whatever it takes, I will be yours; if that's what you want." 
Avanda's hands rested on the back of his neck, tracing the wings tattooed there where they peeked out from the neck of his shirt. He felt her nod, their foreheads still pressed together as she pulled him closer. 
"It is. I do want that, I want you." She kissed him now, her lips still tasting of tears, "I want to be yours, and for you to be mine."
"Then I am yours, m'lady." He shifted the grip he held on her hand, pressing a kiss on the back of it as he drowned in the ocean of her eyes. "Tha mi leatsa cho fad 's a bhios tu agam." I am yours for as long as you will have me. 
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luvlyrv · 3 years
Our Songs | Extra | Wendy x F!Reader SM!AU
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Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: So happy to say this series is completely finished now!! Enjoy!! I'm moving onto more projects and hopefully can wrap up some one shots I've been working on. This is a different style from what I usually do since it is an extra, warning that the post looks really long because it's in bulleted style lol
Date: 9/1/21
Series Masterlist
after your confession with wendy you were stuck with an enormous burst of energy
you were on cloud nine, a seemingly never-ending high
you decided not to text wendy the day right after
you didn't want her to think you regretted anything but you also didn't want to seem too clingy
also it didn't help that just thinking about her was enough to throw you into cardiac arrest
you didn't receive any notifications from wendy either
it was a bit disappointing, but you assumed she was also trying to take in the shock of it all
trying to take your mind off of wendy you spend an entire day running around your house
you pick up your instruments and have the jam of your life
emotional highs are very good for your creativity it seems
you decide to record some things and save some drafts
who knows if it'll be useful in the future?
you worked till you felt dead tired and like you couldn't have another thought in your brain
even after you spent an entire day trying to exert your nervous and elated energy you were still hesitating on texting wendy when you woke up
but you missed her so much already
so you send a text asking her how she feels
she says she feels okay, and then asks about you
'yeah, i'm okay too'
your conversation was rocky
things weren't going as smooth as before
and it was evident that it was because the both of you had no idea how to behave
you took a deep breath before texting her your question
'so, can i take you on that first date?'
you see a bubble showing that she was texting
and then it disappeared
before showing up again
and disappearing
and- ugh! your heart was racing waiting for her answer
i mean, she liked you back right? so why would she say no?
'yeah, of course! :)'
whew, okay, looked like you almost made a big deal out of nothing
little did you know wendy was freaking out
she was a bit embarrassed at herself, acting as if she was a high school kid in love or something
it took wayyy too much concentration for her to type out something sensible
but she was excited for you to finally ask
you were also excited for her to say yes
your first date is at the downtown center
there was a festival and you were hoping to enjoy all the effort the artisans put into their work with wendy
you're walking with her through the numerous stalls set up
as the both of you admire the beautiful crafts set on display your hand reaches for hers
you feel the pressure of her hand squeezing back and you look at her
she looks at you and giggles
you didn't even realize what you were doing
'oh, i'm sorry. i didn't mean to do that suddenly.' you freak out and let go of her hand
you're worried that she was laughing at you and that she didn't want to hold hands
'it's okay! i thought it was cute'
she reaches out for you and you don't let go this time
instead you enjoy how happy she seems to be sharing this moment with you
and out in public too
later on you both go to the square where there were musicians
the sun was beginning to set, allowing for beautiful lighting and you appreciated songs you've never listened to before
wendy tugs at your arm while still staring at the performers
'i hope we can perform up there someday. together.'
you smile at her as she still looks on
'i think we will.' you assure her
finally night hits and you both call it a day
you walk her to her car and stop her
you kiss her forehead
'so, will there be a second?' you ask with a smile
you feel like you already know the answer
'i think that sounds great.'
life with wendy in it became easy
you guys seldom fought
and even when you did at least one of you would make something for the other
dropping it off at the doorstep and leaving an apology note
and after enough time of cooling down you would always come back to each other, talking out your problems from before
you personally felt like your work improved as well
wendy had become your muse
you sought to create tracks that would impress her
or that would be worthy of having her voice in it
and you felt like it was easier to write lyrics
because every experience with wendy created new feelings
feelings that you could hardly describe sometimes
when you guys decided to finally start working on your second collaboration you busted out the drafts you created long ago
wendy was impressed after sitting down and listening to your drafts
'woah, how many hidden gems do you have on your computer?'
'well, these ones in particular i made on the same day. the day after i confessed to you.'
you're both flustered
because it's easy to tell the kind of state you were in by the songs
wendy takes your hand and kisses it gently as your music continued to play
'you must think of me pretty highly, if the thought of me compelled you to make something so incredible'
you heat up at her cheesiness
'oh stop it.'
the two of you end up choosing a refreshing feeling/sound for the album
'cause you recharge me every time i see you!' she says
when you guys are almost done producing the album, that was when you went on the dinner date with wendy
the one where you guys would finally confess to the world
after recording and uploading the announcement video the both of you decided to turn off your notifications and avoid reading people's reactions
instead you guys opted to spend the rest of the day baking and then watching a movie together
the both of you decided that it would be stressful to engage with your audience right away, and that's why it took a full day for you both to check your phones again
both seulgi and yeri already knew about your relationship but they both flooded you guys with congratulations anyways
they just wanted you to know they were proud of your bravery!
besides them, both of your families already knew and didn't comment much
they'd already stated how they think you're good for each other when you guys had visited together
especially your younger cousin
cause apparently she's a big fan of wendy and is definitely not using you as a way to get close to her idol
and is definitely not bragging about her how cousin is 'super super cool and famous and is dating another famous person and i think they'll be rich someday!!! so get on my nice side!'
you're happy to see that a lot of fans are happy for your relationship
wendy just keeps telling you 'of course they are, who wouldn't for a cute ass couple like us?'
it was at that point that you guys had decided to save up and move into a nice place together
you guys had talked about future plans before
not only that, but you had been practically living together already
between all the dates that lead to seemingly indefinite sleepovers
and the recent collaboration that made you guys be stuck together
it was really you guys living at each other's place weeks at a time
when you guys move in you're grateful
because you get to experience all the little things from her even more
some nights when you're stressed she rubs circles on your back to help you sleep
when you guys shower together she takes her time to carefully wash your hair
it was those deeply intimate moments that made you the happiest
both of your careers were doing really well due to the reception of your second collab and all the media fuss that happened with your dating annoucement
you both still have solo careers and interact with other musicians
but along with moving in, you guys decided to become a duo and consistently create music together
in the morning when you share breakfast you always remind her how good life is and how thankful you are
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
I just read 3tan7 and I'm sobbing into my hello kitty blanket. I'll tell you why. I'm in a long distance relationship since 7+ years. It's not pretty, it takes away so much from my soul but it also gives me hope and makes me want to wake up everyday. We've only seen each other 6times in our entire relationship, don't ask why. I lie at my home and fly to see him. Sometimes he does the same. Everytime we see each other we forget that the world exists for a few days, it's just us in our happy bubble. And when the day where we have to leave arrives, we make love and we look into each other's eyes with a thousand emotions, most of them being how much our hearts are breaking that we don't even know when we'll be seeing each other in person next. We kiss goodbye with promises of love and tears of hurt. We haven't seen each other or hugged or kissed or made love or held hands since January 2020 after which covid hit us like a bitch. Believe me when I tell you it physically hurts me to even think about him now but we're keeping our shit together either way.
Reading the last part of 3tan7 just took me back 2.5 years to the day I saw and made love to him and I could feel so much in such little time reading it, it's insane. Its not quite same, I know. It's completely different but it's also not, you know? Both of them want to make the best of the little time they had left because no one really fucking knows when they would be close like that. It's true, every word you wrote describing everything they felt. It happens. Its not just fictional. Maybe it happened in a different way for me but it did.
Now that I've written you a thesis, imma go hydrate myself because I cried like 1.5 buckets. You could water your plants with all my tears and my therapist shall hear about this super soon. I will be sending the bill across, love you.
Just FYI, I fucking love the way you write, please NEVER stop. We need you to write. In case it wasn't apparent, I loved 3tan7 so fucking much. Including all the waterworks that followed because it's life and we are here to feel. I feel more than required sometimes, idk man, sue me.
oh.. oh my gosh. i just want to go to wherever you are and hug you and bring you right to your partner this INSTANT!! your story is so beautiful and i'm sitting here trying not to cry for the upteenth time today. wow.
i am so proud of you both for persevering through it all, and it's a testament to your love how long you've fought. love is a choice and if your story isn't proof then i dunno what the hell is. thank you for sharing your story and it means so much to me that this one spoke to you.
it does happen. i wanted that specific emotion, the one you get when you know something has to end and you don't know when it will start again. i tried my best to put that into words and your feedback is super encouraging.
yes, please hydrate!! i will go do the same after today and tonight. send the bill omg tell your therapist i just wrote my heart out😭
and thank you endlessly. i hope i never have to stop, but kind people like you and words like yours will certainly keep me going for as long as i can. and you're so right. it's life. we're all human.
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
💖 first time reader click here 💖
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Summary: Stephen Strange being a grown-up. Reader being a grown-up. Kind of. Revenge plot starts now - don't be like the mercenary, don't threaten reader's family. Avengers being good.. bros? Good found family idk. More smut + plot coming soon.
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The silence hung awkwardly over us. Stephen wasn't the one to wax poetics, usually, and I wasn't in the mood to do anything but curl up somewhere warm, chug a bottle of liquor and fall asleep. Sleep is like death without the committment and after my little outburst, I inwardly prayed and begged for the ground to open up and swallow me whole. Instead, I was directed to sit and drink my tea by the sorcerer, who, by the way, was beginning to look like a kicked puppy.
It was starting to become unbearable. "I'm listening," I finally croaked out, shocked at how raspy my voice sounded. As if someone had forced me to choke on some nails - and I felt like it, too. My hands were shaking, all but spilling the hot tea onto them.
"Princess..." His mouth did the thing when he was worried, lips pursed, their corners upturned. "What we did was not... Right, you were drugged without your consent. I am sure Tony feels the same way."
My eyebrows rose, words bubbling up to the surface as I fought the urge to simply start calling Stephen some strong names. Had he been blind the whole time I flirted with him, had he not seen both me and Tony ogling him when we thought nobody could see? Every time I joked about the sexual tension between them - you know what they say, every joke has a little bit of truth in it.
Or maybe the sorcerer had used the incident as a convenient excuse for our little fuck-fest to be a one-time thing? I expected more, I won't lie, but I wouldn't put it above him. I knew all too well that some men tended to simply... Avoid.
I was angry, probably rightfully so, but it was not the time for me to comfort an adult man. My own life was going to shit, I had no mental energy to unburden his baseless guilt. It was selfish and it made me feel even more like shit, but it was as if someone had flipped a switch inside of me. I just didn't care about someone's heartbreak. I needed to solve another problem, a much bigger than a man that couldn't make up his mind.
I had to find that damn mercenary. It was the only real threat hanging over our heads; unlike any mission that I've seen the team go on before, they had thrown all the forces into catching the man that had gotten into their safe space, their home. That threatened to take what they thought as theirs. Long gone were the days of comfortable domesticity.
"Okay," I replied, nodding curtly. "I wanted it, if it helps any. I thought you were attractive the first day I saw you." I spoke bluntly, beginning to feel like myself more and more with each word that I spoke. "And again, no strings have to be attached. I'm sure Tony will understand it too, it's not his first rodeo."
Stephen's head shot up from where he was examining his clasped hands, to study me with furrowed brows. Cloaky moved where it was wrapped around me, attracting the sorcerer's attention - I, unfortunately, did not understand the Cloak's sign language and what it told Stephen remained a mystery to me. I was just delighted to be out of the cold and and wet clothes.
"I think you misunderstood me," Stephen eyed me with surprise. "I want more, but..." He trailed off, unsure. "I don't know. I'm surprised Banner hasn't gone green on me yet. I'm a doctor, I should have known..."
So, he was pulling a me and wallowing in pity. Is this really how pathetic I looked when I used to mope around the house earlier? No wonder my mother thinks I'm a baby. "Stephen, I'm really not in the mood to listen to bullshit. I wanted it, you wanted it, great, we can move on. Because with everything that has happened to me, I really have no energy to convince you I like you even while sober when you're sabotaging yourself." Sure, I might have ripped off the motivational speech from a self-help book my mother used to have laying around. My patience was wearing thinner with each second. "There, I said it. I like you, my boyfriends like you, you're welcome to the club if you decide to believe the fact that I am telling the truth." And if he wouldn't, well, I could get over it. I was planning to never act upon my feelings for both Tony and Bruce, it hadn't been as hard as I thought it would be. Especially with me being busy enough to just ignore the feelings.
At some point, I had grown attached to Stephen. Perhaps, if I and Tony hadn't decided to mess around with the sorcerer at the party, my feelings wouldn't have bloomed into anything more than physical attraction. Murphy's law had a particularly strong affinity on me, I noticed, because over and over I found myself falling head over heels for emotionally unavailable men. It worked out with Tony, which wasn't as surprising as one might expect, considering we're two halves of a whole idiot, but then Bruce also decided to pucker up - Stephen was bound to be the rock that I trip on.
Or not? Soft lips pressed against my forehead, beard hair softly tickling the tip of my nose. I was pressed against a solid chest, surrounded by warmth and comfort. "I'm sorry, I'm an idiot," Steph whispered, voice quivering.
"Well, it's not like this... Relationship... I've got going on is something commonplace," My arms wrapped around him, a deep sigh relaxing my body into his. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. It wasn't right."
Stephen chuckled, all but pulling me bodily into his lap. "Don't worry, Princess. I deserved it." As he spoke, the Cloak carefully unwrapped itself from me, drifting away with a parting pat on my back. "Now what happened with your parents?" Large palms pushed the hair out of my face, stormy blue eyes looking at me with worry.
"I should probably assemble all my significant others for this conversation," There was little enthusiasm in discussing the incident. I was an adult and had enough money to get by for a few months, at least until I could patent one of my inventions. I had plenty of knick-knacks that should be able to interest buyers, that much I knew, and while the legal side of the process was a blank slate to me, I knew I could be charismatic enough to have someone work it out for me.
"I don't think I'll be able to take Steve seriously when he says 'assemble', now," My third boyfriend chuckled, which - wow, I didn't have boyfriends and now I had three? Should I be considering opening a factory or something? Stephen adjusted his hold on me. "Let's go, I'll portal us in."
"My car's out there with all my stuff. I'll have to drive," I protested but made no move to get out of his lap.
"Tony is a billionaire, he can pay someone to retrieve it," Shrugging carelessly, he produced a golden circle of magic, the common room couch in plain sight at the other side of it. I heard voices and then Clint's head peaked through, a curiously tilted eyebrow morphing into full fledged face of confusion upon seeing the two of us.
Yikes. I had forgotten about the state of my dress and the bruise on my cheek. "Hey, bird. I need a drink," I said the first thing that popped into my mind, causing both Clint and Steph to laugh as the sorcerer carried me into the tower through the portal.
"I'm starting to think you go out there and look for trouble on purpose," The archer sighed, pulling out his phone and texting rapidly. Mine vibrated, too, once he was done, which meant he'd called for a family meeting. Blergh.
In no time, Tony appeared, dark circles under his eyes and yesterday's shirt on, towing a worried Bruce behind him. One after the other, the Avengers tickled in, looking restless and exhausted. Loki's frown was well on its way to becoming a full sneer.
"Talk, please," He requested, eyeing me with concern.
"Good news is I got our rogue wizard back," I poked Stephen in the chest. He was blushing. "Bad news is my mother threw me out and my father didn't pick up the phone, so technically I'm homeless and parent-less," I decided that spitting out straight facts was the easiest way to go about it. I mean, there was no good way to tell what I just told them.
The storm that I anticipated didn't appear. Just a lot of disappointed sighs all around, especially from Tony, who looked twenty years older after I'd confessed to the current state of my affairs. "You're not homeless, you live here," He pointed out, rubbing his face and muttering some very strong words under his nose. Particularly, the expressions involved my mother and various methods of fornication.
"We got your back, doll," Bucky nodded, coming over to wrap me in a gentle hug. He was like a brother from another mother to me at this point, kind and goofy and sensible. "I would propose to teaching that harpy a lesson but I think she's beyond it."
"Perhaps it's for the best," Loki mused suddenly. "If I recall correctly, your mother was against your career of choice, which is idiotic. Science is a noble and prospective path." The Asgardian, too, gave me a hug.
I wasn't crying! There were ninjas, in the vents, cutting onions! "Stop it guys, I'm gonna cry. I already look like shit!" The protest was silenced by Bruce's lips on mine, his tiny smile briefly covering my mouth with tenderness. After that, everybody somehow decided it was their job to try and make me cry; like a bad bitch, I resisted, but eventually broke and started sniffling when Tony began rambling about building me my own lab and Wanda offered to help me decorate my new apartment.
No matter how much my mind screamed at me to refuse, I forced that noise down. Fighting against myself, accepting help despite feeling unworthy of it - it was probably the hardest thing I've done in my whole life.
Bruce volunteered to carry my prone body to Tony's bedroom which was quickly becoming the master bedroom for the three of us - ever since the incident, both of my scientists stuck close to me whenever possible, aggressively cuddling me whenever they decided it was time to get some sleep. Which wasn't much these days, if I was being honest. Persuading Bruce to stay with me was a novelty - usually he didn't resist, but that time, I had to repeat myself multiple times that the team could handle business even without him being present.
I had my ulterior motives, of course. Tony and Stephen needed to talk. I only hoped their egos wouldn't clash without me to mediate - having two boyfriends start a fight wasn't something I wanted to experience. I had zero experience in those matters and had no idea how to manage all that. Are there handbooks for polyamorous relationships? I stuck a mental post-it note inside my brain to check it out.
I fell asleep with Bruce wrapped around me and woke up in the same position, having been too exhausted to move even in my sleep. Voices, rough and quiet, were the first thing I heard upon syncing my brain into a resemblance of a working order, instantly recognizing Stephen's deep baritone and Tony's teasing drawl.
"Expect either Reindeer Games or Kim Possible to come and terrify you," My engineer didn't sound particularly ecstatic. His voice came from somewhere around my feet; the hand wrapped around my ankle, thumb gently stroking the skin, must've been his.
"Duly noted," Stephen's reply was equally sarcastic, sounding a little closer. The warmth coming from my side was him. I could smell the faint spices that surrounded him, smell that I'd come to associate with the Sanctum.
Bruce snored away, not a care in the world.
My body, on the other hand, felt rested for what felt the first time in years. A pleasant ache in my muscles had me begrudgingly squirm out of Banner'd grasp, shamelessly pushing up into Stephen as I stretched with a juicy yawn. "What's poppin'?" I rubbed my eyes, finding the men awake looking at me with fond amusement.
"Just watching," Tony smiled, causing me to giggle at his accidental meme-ing. Was it even accidental? I refused to believe that a man well versed in IT was oblivious to meme culture.
Stephen, on the other hand... "We've discussed some things, wanted to talk to you too." His hand stroked my hair, face expression soft unlike anything I'd ever seen him have. "But you were sleeping. So cute."
Me, cute? There was a puddle of drool the size of a dollar bill on my pillow, I was pretty sure some of it had even gotten in Bruce's hair. Banner's sleep was quiet except for every five minutes when he'd let out a snore with a force somewhere between a Mack truck and a whale in mating season.
Cute, sure.
Bruce groaned, a tell-tale sign of him waking up. I met his eyes, brown, shiny, a narrow edge of green around his irises. Huh. Do I have three boyfriends or four?
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THE TAG LIST IS NOW OPEN! @another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​@sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @romeo-the-cactus @jelly-fishy-babie @mikariell95 @gladiosamicitias
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hot-wiings · 4 years
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Leave An Ask Or Comment To Be Added To A Specific Characters Taglist.
Requested By: Wattpad User
Edited: 8-17-2020
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You laid on your stomach across Ochako Uraraka's bed. Spotify's 'Top One Hundred Pops' playlist could be heard in the background, but your best friend and you didn't care much for Timberlake's voice as you skimmed through magazines together. 
You stopped flipping pages and closed your magazine before tossing it next to you on the bed. Your attention was now turned to Ochako who simply stared down at her magazine. You noticed she hadn't really been flipping her pages or really participating in conversation like she usually would. 
“Is something bothering you Ochako?”
With a hefty groan, your best friend closed her magazine and tossed it next to her. She had a slight frown on her face as she turned to you. Her eyes were glossy and her smile was gone, she looked and acted nothing like the girl you'd grown to know and call your best friend. 
“[Y/N], have you ever been on love?"
A blush spread across your face as you thought of the boy who held your heart. The boy who held your heart, soul, and entire reason for being. Izuku Midoriya, your secret boyfriend, the man who held your affection. Not that you'd ever told him truly how deep your love for him ran.
"Yes, I have."
"There's this guy and I think... I think I'm in love with him.”
“Ochako... If you really think you feel this way about him, then you should tell him.” 
You had pulled yourself up from your lying position to a cross-legged sitting position next to Ochako. She sat in front of you with her arms crossed, hugging herself. She looked so troubled. So sad. 
“I... I want to, but lately, he's been spending less time with me, and more time with this other girl. I'm worried he might have caught feelings for her."
You reached out and pulled Ochako's hands into yours. You squeezed them as a way of comfort. 
“Ochako... If you really feel this way then you should tell him. You should tell him before it's too late.”
“You're right, [Y/N]. Thanks for the advice, you're like the big sister I never had.”
Ochako wrapped her arm around you tightly and pulled away with a smile on her face. A smile you hadn't seen in weeks. She looked more like the Ochako you knew. 
“I'm gonna tell Midoriya how I feel!”
Suddenly it was like a weight came down on your chest. Midoriya? Your Midoriya? Love of your life Midoriya? How could you have missed the signs? He was hanging out more with you, less with her. The way she tried so hard to get his attention. How could you have missed the obvious signs?
Suddenly you hated the fact you and Izuku kept your relationship secret. At first, it was so your classmates couldn't make a big deal about it, as time went on with your dad being All Might it just made more sense to help preserve Izuku's secret of being Toshinori's successor, but then the secrecy made it feel more romantic.
"You like Izuku?"
Your heart swelled as Ochako flopped back on the bed with an ever-growing smile.
"How couldn't I? He's sweet and nice. He's caring and he inspires me to be a better hero."
You bit your lip as you thought of what to say to your best friend. What could you say? 'I'm Sorry, I'm already dating him'? How could you hurt her like that when she's been nothing but a friend? How could you hurt her like that when she feels your like a sister to her? You couldn't.
The more you thought of Ochako and your boyfriend the worse your bad thoughts swirled. You'd never amount to great title your father left and the expectations people expected of you. Izuku would grow to fulfill your father's title, he would be a real hero. But what of you? You would grow to be an undercover hero like Eraserhead. But Ochako? She would look great at Izuku's side. She would be someone he could fight with side by side. She would be someone worth being with Izuku.
She would suit Izuku much better than you. They would be perfect together, better than you could be.
"Ochako, I have to go now. I hope it works out for you though!"
Quickly you got up off her bed and grabbed your bag before bolting out the door. Once you were away from your best friend and alone in the halls you slid your phone out of your pocket.
[Y/N]: Izuku... I think we should stop seeing each other. [Sent: 8:17 pm]
You don't even watch the little read sign pop-up. You don't watch Izuku's chat bubbles pop and go away. You just slide your phone back in your pocket and let the tears slide down your face.
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You couldn't help but watch them as they ate lunch together. You were tables away from them, Ochako took this as you giving her and Izuku time to be alone together, really you were giving each other distance from the breakup.
You couldn't help but watch them as they ate lunch together. It had only been a couple of months, but it appeared a lot could happen in three months. As Ochako sat close to Izuku it felt wrong. As Izuku laughed at her jokes you felt sick. As Ochako leaned her head against Izuku you felt utterly disgusted.
Breaking up with Izuku was the worst mistake you ever made, but how could you not? If you hadn't Ochako would've been hurt. It was the worst mistake, but they were so happy and perfect together. They were like two halves of a whole.
They were two halves of a whole yet you couldn't help but stare at them. You couldn't help this jealous feeling from taking over as you hung out with Ochako. You couldn't help this wanting urge that overcame you every time you and Izuku passed in the halls. You couldn't help that he always crossed your mind. You couldn't help that seeing them together crushed your soul.
You couldn't help these feelings, yet you were the one who pushed him away from you and into the arms of your best friend.
Abruptly the chair next to you was pulled out and Katsuki Bakugo plopped his butt down next to you. Compared to yours, his lunch looked like a five-course meal. Of course, watching Izuku with Ochako really took away any appetite you had in you.
You smiled over at the blonde boy. Ever since you stopped sitting with Izuku, Katsuki had been hanging about with you. Contrary to what most of your class would say, Katsuki could be nice. His generosity came in his own rough way, still, he was a true friend to you.
"Stare at that shit-munches any longer and you'll burn a hole on his head."
"I wasn't staring."
Your words tumbled out quickly and fast. You didn't want anybody thinking you were crushing on Ochako's new boyfriend, not when they weren't privy to the information that said new boyfriend was your ex.
"Do you even realize how fuckin' obvious you make it? You're crushing on the damn nerd!"
"Shut up Katsu! You don't understand."
You pushed your lunch away from you and crossed your arms. You felt sick just having this conversation. You felt repulsed, and you knew the food would have a hard time going down.
Katsuki pushed your food back in front of you and crossed his own arms.
"So eat and explain it to me."
'I'm not hungry."
"Don't be fucking stupid. Not eating just because you're upset is gonna make you feel sick."
The sight of Ochako out of the side of your eye all over Izuku hurt and disgusted you. It repulsed and aggravated you. You didn't want to eat, yet, the look on Katsuki's face as he insisted you ate made you feel indifferent.
He cared for you, he was trying to be a good friend. For the sake of Katsuki, you pick up your fork and scoop some food in your mouth.
"I can't really explain it- I and Izuku dated before he and Ochako got together."
"Did the fucker break your heart?"
Despite Katsuki's gruff voice and colorful language, he still spoke quiet and kind towards you. Although, you could detect some disdain for Izuku in his voice.
"No, I ended it... I thought... I thought he could do better."
Katsuki doesn't say anything and you were sure you either upset him by talking about his enemy, or bored him to death by talking about your feelings. That was what you thought until you felt his warm fingers snap against your forehead.
He flicked you right out of nowhere.
"You're a fucking Idiot. If anyone could do better it's you. Deku was lucky he even had you, he never shoulda' let you go."
As the school bell rang Katsuki put his lunch container in his bag and walked away. He didn't head in the direction of class like everyone else. No, he was making a beeline for that shitty nerd, Deku.
The hard truth is you and Katsuki were a lot alike. You were both willing to suffer if it meant the one you truly loved was happy and thriving.
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You sat on your bed, laptop, notebook, and homework books strewn across your lap. It looked messy, but not as messy as the rest of your room. You had dishes on the counter and clothes scattered in piles. It was messy like your life. You had kind of let it go to shit after you broke up with Izuku.
A quick, brisk knock on your door could be heard. You groaned as you pushed your work materials off of you to answer it. You hoped it wasn't your teachers, with such a messy room that would be embarrassing. Mostly you prayed it wasn't Ochako.
You unlatched the hook, twisted the knob and pulled the door open. You didn't know who you expected. Your teachers maybe, perhaps Katsuki. You didn't know who you expected, but you didn't expect to see him.
Izuku, with his messy green hair, looked like a mess. He was out of breath and it looked like his eye was purple and swelling. You wanted to pull him into a hug. You wanted to check out his eye and clean it up. You couldn't, that was Ochakos job.
He wasn't yours. Not anymore.
"Hey... What are you doing here?"
"I've been such an idiot."
You hugged yourself and leaned against the door frame as to not give away how nervous and timid you felt with him being here.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about us! I should've fought for us and I didn't. I thought you needed space. I tried giving you space but it didn't help. It just pushed us away from each other."
"Zu' it doesn't matter. We're just not right for each other."
Izuku walked closer to you and you hugged yourself tighter. You had to be strong, you had to push him away. You had to, but as he placed his hands on your shoulders you felt your distance fall.
"We are right for each other. We were perfect for each other."
"No, we're not!"
"Yes, we are! Kacchan told me everything. I thought you needed space, what you really needed was reassurance."
You turned around from him and walked further into your dorm. Why couldn't he let this go? He could be so much happier with her.
"You needed reassurance and I didn't give that to you. I didn't fight. I didn't try. I just need you to know that Ochako will never be it for me. She will never be the girl I want to tell all my secrets too. She will never be the girl I think about late at night. She will never be the girl I love. She will never be you."
"She's so pretty, nice, and thoughtful. Why don't you want her? My skills, my looks? Just mediocre. Mineta doesn't even look at me, and he would look at trash if it had a vagina. I'm just All Might's daughter. I'm not special in any other way-"
While Izuku could admit fault for not being there for you, for not noticing how insecure you'd become in your relationship, he would never admit to or apologize for threatening Mineta into never looking at you.
"Don't you dare say that! You have never been All Might's daughter to me. You have always been [Hero Name]. You prove every day that you are more of a hero than anyone here. Your special, brilliant, and beautiful. I'm in love with you."
Izuku pulled you into his arms for the first time in three months. The emotions inside you broke and you allowed yourself to let out everything that had been bothering you. Everything that had been making you insecure.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, but I'm here now, and I'm never leaving you."
As Izuku held you in his arms it felt right. It wasn't Izuku and Ochako. It was Izuku and you.
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its-me-jessi · 4 years
Love Finds Its Way PT1
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Pairing: Ivar X Reader
Summary: One day Y/N comes upon her first love she hasn’t seen in a long time since they went separate ways. She remembers how they came to meet each other for the first time. Back then he was a noble boy and she was the daughter of a pirate.
A/N: To be honest I had the idea to this story a long time ago but never really put it into writing until today. I really wanted to share it with you, and I hope you like it as well as I do. ☺🤗 I’d really appreciate any kind of feedback. Feel free to leave comments or reblog. 😊🧡
Part 2
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"My name is Ivar." Ivar.
Tonight, the pub was particularly well visited. Everyone was holding a jug of beer and at least one woman to sweeten up their evening and night with. It wasn’t rarely seen that one woman was desired simultaneously by several men and that this desire degenerated into a fight between eager men. Only one could sleep with her tonight and who was better suited than the one with the most stamina and the greater strength. So, for a woman they fought loudly in one corner of the run-down pub, while in the other corner one beer was emptied after the other. The men chatted and often broke out in loud laughter, which even drowned out the music of the minstrels. The whole pub was filled with screams, laughter and music. It was a miracle that despite all the noise I got to overhear the conversation between the captain and a young man. Ivar. It seemed like this name made me keen-eared, because all of a sudden, all the noise became silent around me and I focused my attention on nothing, but the man named Ivar.
I moved inconspicuously away from the crew to another place that offered me a better view, a better view of his face. I had to see his face, his moves, his eyes. However, I didn’t want him to see me, which is why I hid behind a pole. I moved a bit to the side to have a better view of him. Immediately, I recognized him. It was Ivar, my Ivar, my great love. In all these years he hasn’t changed at all. But he is stronger than before, at least as far as I could tell by looking at his upper arms and chest. Shortly after I looked back into his distinctive face. It’s been way too long since I last saw his face, saw his full lips and could look him straight in the eyes. Into these beautiful blue eyes that shine in the light. I've always been enchanted by them since the moment I first saw him. How he looked up to me when I grabbed his hand to keep him from drowning. We were both so little and young when we first met.
I was only twelve years old when I went on board of a huge pirate ship for the first time. Everything was so exciting, especially the fact that I was forbidden to enter the ship, especially when it’s supposed to run in the sea shortly afterwards. Although my dad, the captain of the crew, always forbid me to sail with them because in his eyes I was too young, I found a way to evade the prohibition.
As it was getting darker, I climbed out of my window, careful to not make a sound. I tiptoed along the road down to the port, here and there hiding from my dad’s crew members and especially him. Engulfed in darkness, I ran to the ship unnoticed. Now that I was right in front of it, it looked even bigger than before. The view of this huge ship didn’t scare me as much as it made me more curious than I already was. I imagined it to be a whole new world that I really wanted to explore, and nothing stopped me anymore, except maybe the men doing their laps on board. That was the last obstacle that had to be overcome. All I had to do was to get past them unnoticed and hide quickly, and then I would have officially made it.
I sighed, already imagining my plan popping like a soap bubble before my eyes as the entrance was suddenly left completely unguarded for a moment. After I took the chance and ran on board I realized why. Apparently, I wasn't the only one who snuck on board. The son of another crew member was on board as well. It seemed like he has been hiding on board all day long. Somebody must have discovered and exposed him, since he was now facing the team in need of explanation. The incident drew the attention of the entire crew to the boy and it helped me to sneak on board. I had to thank the boy later on, even if he hadn't knowingly helped me.
Now I was finally on board of a ship, not knowing what kind of ship it actually was. Until that day, I always thought my dad was doing legal work.
The ship sailed out further and further, there was no land in sight anymore. My home was now miles away, which scared me a bit, because it was the first time for me being so far away from home and my familiar surroundings. Everything on board was new to me. My father was the only one I knew. I sure had spoken to a few men from his crew before, but they were still strangers to me. The ship's command, the tasks that the crew had to do on board were all new to me and still difficult to understand. I just watched curiously as the men were doing their job. At that time, my father steered the boat, I assumed. I wasn't sure, because I couldn't see him. He was on the deck above me and I didn't dare leave my hiding place to see if I was right in my assumption. I preferred to stay hidden and hardly move at all not to draw anyone's attention to me. It was far too exciting to experience life on board close up without anyone stopping me. I just had to make sure that it stayed that way.
Loud euphoric roars awoke me from my deep sleep. After a few hours of curious observation and amazement, I fell asleep hidden under the stairs. Apparently, it seemed like I didn't have slept very long since it was still pitch-black outside. Before I fell asleep, the crew and the sea was very calm and reassuringly peaceful. To be honest, I was scared of being attacked by pirates. Often as a child, I picked up stories about pirates that scared me. At the time, of course, I had no idea that I would one day witness these stories up close.
I looked through the stairs and saw another ship approaching ours slowly and carefully causing an uproar among the crew. The waves carried it through the sea, drawing it closer and closer until it was within ultimate reach. I watched the approaching ship attentively as well as fearfully and the people who, thanks to the lighting on board, were easy to recognize in the dark. That's not how I imagined pirates to look like. They were well dressed, far more noble than my father's crew, himself included. As they sailed past us, there was pure fear reflecting on their faces. None of them moved from the spot and I didn't understand why? Confused, I looked at the crew of the ship on which I was hiding. Unlike the strangers, they didn't look even a little bit scared. Many of them even had a grin on their faces, a cheeky and sneaky one. This nasty facial expression exactly met my expectations of a pirate. Was I wrong about my father? Was he one of the pirates I have always feared?
Slowly the ship drifted past us and a certain relief rose up in me, but it didn’t last long, because suddenly my father's deep voice rang out and I was startled. On command, some of the crew disappeared below deck and the next thing I heard was a loud bang closely followed by the sound of a hard collision and the sound of broken wood. Loud cries filled with terror and pain were heard. Three more loud bangs followed, and the screaming grew louder and louder. When I dared to step out from under the stairs and looked at the foreign ship, I witnessed how the ropes of the ship broke and the masts tilted. The ship was quite a bit larger than ours, but slower, especially now due to the damage it had suffered, so our ship could catch up with it quickly.
I was in shock and I clawed fearfully on a stair step. I couldn't believe what was happening in front of my eyes and I felt helpless. There was nothing I could do but watch the situation in disbelief. People died under the weight of the collapsing masts. Their screams rang out in my ears and made me feel their pain. My eyes wandered along the falling mast and a boy dangling from the ceiling caught my eye. He only held on with one hand and looked fearfully down into the sea. I sincerely hoped the railing would hold him, but on the contrary, individual parts of the ship kept breaking off and with them the boy fell into the deep water, which tore me out of my shock. I have to help him somehow. Without thinking about it any longer, I stormed to the unoccupied side of the ship. The crew gathered on the opposite side facing the doomed ship and its workforce. I looked at the crew, who are busy with rejoicing over the strangers' suffering and did not notice how I jumped over the railing. I had learned to swim at a very young age. My mother insisted: "In deep waters it saves you and others from the painful death, so don't be frightened and swim, my child." As I looked around, above and below the surface of the sea for the boy, her words came to my mind. The painful death. I wanted and had to protect the boy from it. And there he was! He came back to the surface and fought for every little bit of oxygen he could get. I didn't have much time before he goes down again, so I looked around for parts of the ship big enough to carry us both. Fortunately, I quickly noticed a wooden panel that was just big enough for him and me.
I swam as fast as I could and grabbed the wooden board before it drifted away. From that time on every second counted. I swung myself onto the driftwood and paddled with my little hands to the place where I had just seen the boy. Pure panic arose in me and the thought of being late spread inside my body because for a moment he was nowhere to be found but suddenly, a hand had grabbed the driftwood and my feelings told me it was the boy. I grabbed his second hand, which came out from under the water, and helped him to the surface. At first, he just looked at me surprised before he pulled himself onto the wooden plate to join me. Totally exhausted and out of breath he knelt on all fours, coughing and panting. He must have swallowed a lot of water. I wanted to help him so bad, but I hardly knew how. Primitively, I just patted him lightly on the back, hoping it would do him good. In fact, he stopped coughing. Instead, he stared up in a trance at the ship he belonged to. He too heard the roar and the screams and had to watch how many, with whom he had traveled and were possibly very close to, had already died or were still dying. Including his father. He had saved his son's life before he was killed by the mast along with all the other brave men. The shock was still deeply felt in both of us as we watched the crew of my father and he himself boarding the ship and killing the rest of the survivors to get to the valuable treasure. That's exactly how I imagined pirates to be. Insidious bastards who care more for gold than for actual human beings. I would have never thought that my own father was a pirate.
Slowly the excruciating screams stopped and what remained was the victorious roar of the crew and that of my father. Only now did I notice the skull, bright in the moonlight, which adorned the pirates' flag.
I remember how cold and uncomfortable it was that night. The waves drove our wooden panel further and further away from the scene and further out to the sea. Far and wide there was no land in sight and the freezing cold air made us shudder again and again. Our clothes were soaked to the skin. We were cold, had nothing to warm us up with and there was still nothing to look forward to. We were so young and only had ourselves. My loneliness was self-inflicted, but this boy was unintentionally separated from his family from one second to the next. I felt terribly sorry for him, and instead of my father, I felt guilty. If my father hadn't come upon their ship, his father would still be alive, he would be on board of the ship and could return home all safe and sound. Now he was anything but happy. He sat next to me, completely withdrawn. We have been drifting through the sea for hours, which seems to have no end and we still haven't spoken a word to each other. I had often looked over at him, watched him sit quietly and stare into the darkness as if he could still watch what was happening in the distance. "I'm so sorry for what happened!", he had heard me, I could tell by looking at him, but there was no reaction. If only I could have helped him, I would have done it immediately, but I had no choice but to look at him for another eternity and wait for help, for land or a word from him.
“It's rude to stare at someone like that,” I heard him speak for the first time in hours and was immediately ashamed of my behavior. He was right, it was not appropriate, my mother had taught me this lesson once before. I immediately apologized and looked away from him. I had been looking at him for hours, looking in his blue eyes that shone even in the dark. I wasn't ashamed of that, but rather of that he had noticed. "My name is Ivar and what's your name?" He asked me and looked over at me. His first movement since we were on this puny wooden board. At first, I was a little bit surprised that he was talking to me, but then I enjoyed the conversation. I immediately felt less lonely and hoped he felt the same way. "My name is Y/N! I'm glad to meet you, Ivar!”, I smiled sincerely at him and to my surprise he returned the smile. "Thank you for saving my life", I just smiled and with that we fell silent again. Neither of us spoke a word, we were too preoccupied with our thoughts. When will we see land? Will we die out here?
Thank you so so much for reading! Stay safe! 😇🧡
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