#i don't wanna see some byler shit either
thegetdownrebooter · 2 years
apparently noah schnapp came out ? good for him.
btw don't give him the "we been knew" treatment.
I know some y'all are chronically online losers who don't see entertainers as real human beings, but i'm begging y'all to just say "congrats" and move on.
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frenchgremlim1808 · 2 years
How to spot a toxic ship community in somes steps
I have been apart of many toxic ship community before and after a certain time of interacting with them I started seeing a pattern. It's not like a scientific research or something's, I'm just a bored idiot but I thought it could be helpful
Before i start i just wanna clarify some point, being a fan of a ship who is sadly in a toxic community doesn't make you toxic (ex: you can ship komahina without being a toxic person). Any ships that i used as a reference in the post is not meant to be Taken as an insult towards you okay, it's just my opinion. No hate
Let's start :
1.They act like their ship is the only one who's important and better than the others
For exemple: -They seems to only care for their ship. -They would be able to sacrifice any characters or any ships for theirs to thrive. - They commit slander against other ships fan for no particular reason except being mean and acting like their ship is either a joke or not as interesting as theirs
2.They harass/dox people with differing opinions to them about the ship/characters
It can come in different ways, like for example doxxing address, bullying shippers who ships the character with somebody else, forcing their own opinions on others about the character/ship, harrass the actor/ actress for shipping a different ship or not shipping the ship in general ( wow that make me think of something, but what...,🧐)
3.They tend to make make problematic content for their characters
Okay, when I talk about problematic content, I don't really talk about sex. If both characters are consenting adults then everything's fine. I'm mostly referencing sex with minors characters. A lot of fandom tend to forget that the characters are under the legal age of either consent or maturity. That means they are children, which means it child porn. An example .... Bakudeku I don't need to explain myself.
Then we can see other problematic things like for example shits like abuse, yandere,torture ,obssesion which aren't the characters real personality but are implented in fics for being "sexy". But I think you get my point
Also just because some people did problematic things doesn't mean that the whole community is filled with psycho p*do, it's mostly about the numbers of people who do it.
4. THE +
This are the things that don't really make the community toxic in itself but combined with the other point can show you that's it's pretty toxic, in itself it's just cringe or annoying or just normal. No community is perfect so it's normal to have some of the trait I have mentioned and some I'm gonna mention now. Let's start:
They sexualize a lot the characters,they use one off the characters as a self insert for themself cause they just want to ship themself with them,the idolise the characters and put them on a pedestal, they act like the characters are perfect and did nothing wrong, if the characters are m/m or w/w they fetishize the relationship just because they're gay ( like treating all the gay character like uwus boy in skirt who always talk about sex, the mostly feminize them)/ they don't seem to accept other interpretation of the characters, they always tryies to bend the story for their own enjoyment and don't seem to accept the reality of what happened in the show / They seem to like the characters only for the fanon interpretation and not the canon one , etc
They're is probably more things so comment what you think I missed.
If the ship in question check some af the dots doesn't mean that your ship community is toxic, I'm a byler and I know even tough my community is welcoming that were not perfect and we check some of these dots. But's that normal. Every community is kinda cringe. But like if the ship in question check all the dots I consider running. Don't interact to much with the community and stays with the sanes one.
Anyway I'm tired, for once I did an analysis, but the memes are coming back soon, I don't have my computer so you have to wait. ( You can use this in an argument just credit me)
-a french gremlim
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I am revealing my first and most forbidden willel au....the Jane Doe AU.........
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in which El Jane is immortal and always comes back to life after her body heals from whatever killed her. the night she escaped the lab, she got shot in the leg before encountering Will gotta have that s3 bite ref, who tied it up with his shirt before going to find help.....he found something but. it wasn't help (when she later died with the shirt wrapped around her leg, her body couldn't reject the bullet so she stayed dead until it was removed during her autopsy)
the next day the party goes out searching for Will and instead find......a fucking mystery dead girl with some of Will's bloody clothes. gotta start their trauma early. anyway skipping over the police shit, when she wakes up and goes wandering around Hawkins, still looking like the corpse she was, Mike does his Mike Thing and takes her in and Dustin gets a bit too concerned with labeling her and not enough concerned with uhhhh her being around at all. Lucas is the only one using just a little bit of the party's shared braincell to consider the idea that Maybe they're fucking haunted by her now. (they're not. but like. it's a Reasonable Explanation. more reasonable than "yeah we saw and disturbed her dead body but she's not a ghost or curse and isn't targetting us specifically, there is no purposeful haunting going on")
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anyway. even tho it seems to follow s1 at the start, it's a willel au because Will gets to make a lot more "on screen" contact than he did in canon. because willel can see/hear/touch each other when on different planes (living and dead) and byler can actually have a...."conversation". over the walkie talkie. but just like El didn't wanna lead the party to the gate in s1 because it was dangerous, Will also doesn't wanna tell Mike (or anyone else) where he is either. he doesn't want anyone to come risk permanent death to rescue him, not when he knows Jane found her way out, with no memories and nowhere to go (Will knows he won't have memories either but at least he'll have a place with people waiting for him)
....not to mention there's an alternative version of the au in which El's body was found by the lab people that night, and it focuses on willel working together to escape the lab and learn about their different abilities and how to unlock their memories
I wanna yell about willel's specific dynamics depending on who's alive and who's dead and what happened the night they met and their memory triggers but that's so fucking much so I'll just save that for a willel exclusive post and go off on the party more rn
the night the party finds El in the tree, naturally they're all freaking the fuck out but henclair do momentarily try to offer up "maybe she's Asleep" as an alternative....and then everyone proceeds to lose their shit when Mike touches her and immediately recoils because she's stiff and cold as ice and no one wants to go notify any adults that they were out here but also They Found A Fucking Body. That's Not Really The Kind Of Thing To Hide Rn. and with Will's fucking clothes!!! like if any adults didn't believe he was in danger before, they sure the fuck will Now.
but they don't wanna go talk to police alone, and they also don't think they should all just leave the crime scene (because what if no one listens to them? if they leave someone out here, the adults will have no choice but to send at least one person into the woods), and they also don't want to be the person left alone in the woods with a fucking corpse, but what the fuck are they supposed to do rn.
anyway. for angst reasons, Mike gets left behind and sorta "talks to himself" (she can hear him...but she won't remember anything in detail when she wakes up) and he doesn't understand what the fuck is going on but he's so fucking sorry that they didn't find her sooner. and he's so fucking sorry that...he's glad she wasn't Will. he feels disgusting and also relieved and still concerned about Will and....he just wants to ask her what happened. because she probably knows (knew) where Will is. not to mention what state he was in when they were separated. is any of that blood Will's? is it all hers? he doesn't know.
and somewhere in his muttering he'll mention a "next time", one of the few lines directed solely at her as herself and not just someone who isn't Will or must know something about Will. about her next life, wherever she ends up (not that Mike necessarily has all his beliefs solidified by age *checks notes* 4, but it's the words that matter rn). and that's what she'll say when she vaguely recognizes Mike. "next time". and Mike's like holy fucking shit next time sure came quick
all the people that have ever been particularly good to her have been smol (Kali and the party) so she doesn't really have any subconscious motivations to Not hide from Tols if she can help it. so with slightly odd wording, she gets that idea across to Mike.
but her being hidden from adults and only appearing to the party does not help Lucas feel less haunted. and seeing her not know how to eat various foods doesn't convince Dustin that she isn't going to go apeshit and try to go for a brain next. BUT. her recognizing Will and having only words like "hide" and "help" to say about him at least convinces Mike that Will must've purposely done that for her (given the vest and shirt, and covered her in leaves). he can't really think of Will saying that to her if she was just taking shit from him and going on her merry way to hide herself
but that doesn't tell him what she was hiding from in the first place. or what happened to Will afterward
if you know anything about the ajin IBM, Jane has something vaguely like Kei's early chapter IBM. it doesn't listen to her, basically has its own consciousness. also mortal people can't see it. her "IBM" in the au is just called a Void Body and looks like she does normally, and it doing random shit is why from most povs it'll seem like she has telekinesis. it knocks shit off Mike's shelves and locks doors and whatever. but like it couldn't lift a fucking train or van or anything. it's only capable of what Jane is physically capable of. the most useful thing it does in dangerous situations is stand at Jane's back and take bullets, making it look like she stopped them with her mind or has some kind of invisible shield. (naturally Will and Kali would also have their own "IBM" but with different uses and levels of conscious control)
if Dustin tries that floating toy thing again, Jane still won't really react but her void body might take it and run or try shaking it around and Dustin will get his sci-fi thrill. floating shit is once again not going to do wonders for Lucas feeling haunted as fuck but he will eventually come around when she like. does some cool self defense shit or just anything that comes from an action movie instead of horror. also even if she can't freeze Troy's body or make him piss himself, her void body can still shove him around to copy Mike, or trip him/make him miss his punches/whatever. because physical fighting is what Jane's trained in, and the void body is just like an invisible sidekick with the same training....and no consequences of being caught
.......also. even tho I was trying to refrain from going off on willel. just. please understand that while they are both smol and physically capable, Will still has 0 formal training and Jane could throw him across the training room like a frisbee. However. Will can see both Jane and her void body in perfect clarity (unlike her previous mortal partners), and his own void body responds significantly more to his conscious control and can get him things he needs and consistently protecc and attacc, being exactly where he wants to be. it makes for interesting training matches
okay that was a lot of words I'll shut the fuck up and. maybe try to Actually post more on the au.....eventually........
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beepboop358 · 3 years
How I think the characters will react to Byler when it is officially officially confirmed in the show:
El: once El realizes she doesn't romantically love Mike, she will become an avid byler protector.
El is a badass independent woman with a pure heart of gold. She cares deeply for Mike because he was the first person to show her any sort of compassion, so she will want him to be happy, and after she grows closer to Will, she will want Will to be happy too. El won't understand the societal stigmas around Mike and Will liking each other, since she was raised in a lab away from society and then lived isolated in Hopper's cabin, she has no knowledge of what society deems right from wrong surrounding sexuality and love. She will think other people thinking Mike and Will's relationship is 'wrong' or 'unnatural' is utter bullshit and completely stupid, as she should!
Jonathan: he will be 100% supportive. He knows how Lonnie tormented Will and made homophobic remarks about Will being gay when he was younger. He has always encouraged Will to be himself and ignore what others say, especially what Lonnie says. Jonathan will also be a byler protector.
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Jonathan knows Will isn't "normal", he even said Will was "good at hiding" in s1 which has several meanings, and he probably already knows Will likes Mike because of how he immediately turns to look at Will after Mike blurts out he loves El in s3 in Hopper's cabin.
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s1 ep. 2: "He's trying to force you to like normal things, and you shouldn't like things because people tell you you're supposed too."
s2 ep. 1: "No I'm serious. You're a freak. But what? Do you want to be normal? Do you wanna be just like everybody else? Being a freak is the best. I'm a freak. Who would you rather be friends with? Bowie or Kenny Rogers? Exactly. It's no contest. The thing is, nobody normal ever accomplished anything meaningful in this world. You got it?"
------(Some subtle queer coding there with the Bowie reference; David Bowie was a bisexual musician, and he also sings the original version of the song "Heroes" that plays after Will's fake body is found in s1, and the lines that play while Mike cries and hugs his Mom are extremely queer coded: "And we kiss as though nothing could fall. And the shame.")
Nancy: It's implied Nancy and Mike are pretty close, and honestly I think she has always suspected that Mike has a little thing for Will. From the look on Nancy’s face when he blurts out he loves El, it kind of reads as like she doesn’t believe him, because she knows something.
s1 ep.7: "I knew you were acting weird, I just, I thought it was beause of Will"
Joyce: will be 100% supportive, and a protective mama bear of Will as always, but also for Mike. Joyce will join the club of avid byler protectors along with Jonathan and El.
Dustin: avid byler supporter. I think he's picked up on how much Mike cares for Will, how Will cares for Mike, and has probably suspected at least something this whole time. Dustin doesn't care about being considered cool he cares about doing what he likes and being true to himself, and that belief for sure translates into how he views his friends as well. He will absolutely support Mike and Will and treat them normally.
s3 ep.3: "Instead of dating somebody because you think it's gonna make you cooler, why not date somebody you actually enjoy being around?" s1 ep.6: "Sometimes your total obliviousness just blows my mind"
Max: She seems pretty perceptive, so she's probably picked up on Mike and Will's 'special dynamics' by now, and we know she's definitely sick of how Mike treated El. She will be supportive of Will and Mike, but mostly she will just be glad Mike isn't with El anymore LOL.
Lucas: I think he definitely notices Mike seems to reallllyyyy care for Will, and that Mike doesn't act the same about El, although he claims too. I think Lucas sees through Mike's bullshit. Look at his smirking face and crossed arms when Mike frantically asks where Will is in s2:
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and how he reacts the same way to Mike blurting out he loves El and "can't lose her again" in s3:
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Hopper: he will probably want to kill Mike again.
"wait what?! so.. let me get this straight...all that time you were making out with my daughter, you were just...pretending to love her? You lied to her the whole time you two 'dated' yeah? And now you're dating your best friend. Oh god wait, I watched you tell him that asking him to be your friend was the best thing you ever did that night in the shed... Oh you little asshole!"
I can't imagine Hopper being homophobic towards Will and Mike, but I don't see him jumping up and down for them either. He will mainly be upset that Mike dated El when he was actually in love with Will, and not care so much that Mike is in love with another boy, just another person. But once he processes that El is actually okay, he will be fine with it.
Lonnie: is the literal scum of the earth! Obviously Lonnie will hate that Will is gay and dating another man. He will probably make some comments about how he "always knew it" and call Will and Mike homophobic slurs, probably at Will's birthday.
s1 ep.1: "He used to say he was queer, called him a f*g"
Steve: "Oh you two little shits are dating now? But I thought he was into the psionic chick? No? Okay, alright cool. Uh hey have you guys met Robin yet? I think you would get along, you know what I'll introduce you." Steve was so accepting of Robin coming out to him, there's no way he won't have the same kind of reaction for Mike and Will.
Robin: once she gets to actually know them and spend time with them, she will adopt Mike and Will as her gay sons and inspire them to be themselves and help them out whenever they need it. She will also pick up on the fact that they like each other immediately. If we don't get this pairing in s4 because of location logistics, I really hope we get it in s5!!!
Erica: she won't be homophobic, but she just won't care too much.
Karen: will encourage Mike to follow his heart, and like whoever he likes, because a relationship needs real love to survive, and she knows all too well what it is like to be stuck in a relationship with no love, and she doesn't want that for her kids, she wants better for them. She wants Mike to be truly happy no matter what, and she doesn't want to see him repeat her mistakes. Karen will be very supportive of Mike, and probably defend him to Ted.
s1 ep.2: "All this that’s been going on with Will, I can’t imagine what it’s been like for you. I just…I want you to feel like you can talk to me. I never want you to feel like you have to hide anything from me. I’m here for you okay?”
Ted: he won't be as much of an asshole as Lonnie will be about it, but he will probably make some snarky comments.
s1 ep.7: “our son with a girl? *scoffing*”
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Holy fuck thank you for saying it!! I come to the Byler tag to see cool analysis or funny posts about Byler, not people constantly answering homophobic asks or screenshotting Melvin/anti Byler posts to argue with them or talking about crappy ignorant GA takes. I DON'T CARE.
I do understand the urge to respond to criticism, and if people want to argue against antis then that's their choice, but frankly I don't give a shit what Byler antis think and I really wish these fans would at least stop putting that kind of negativity in the Byler tag!!! They can tag it as anti Milkvan or whatever as long as they don't force Bylers to see their discourse.
no yeah exactly 😭 in my personal opinion i just think these antis are either trolling, or too prideful to change their opinion so theres honestly no use to counterargue. the block button is so easy to use, guys. and its even easier to scroll down. theres even a filter system to adjust your algorithm
i know its difficult for some people bc a lot of people care about ships and the value of characters, and i get it! i feel that way too, and even responded to certain anon hate earlier when i joined.
but the hard truth is so do they; they think their opinion is superior, just like we do with ours. so theres literally no point in trying to counterargue and waste time because they WONT. LISTEN TO US.
and when their clear intention is to spread negativity, i think we’re capable of being bigger and smarter enough to ignore it and be confident in our own depictions.
theyre not worth the time of day. they have their own opinions? they wanna start shit? let them try and disregard them. agree to disagree, simple
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